Angels: God's Secret Agents

Kindle Edition
20 Nov

Dr. Graham lifts the veil between the visible and the invisible world to give us an eye-opening account of these behind-the-scenes agents. This best-selling classic records the experiences of Dr. Graham and others who are convinced that at moments of special need they have been attended by angels. 

Yes, angels are real. They are not the product of your imagination. 

Dr. Graham lifts the veil between the visible and the invisible world to give us an eye-opening account of these behind-the-scenes agents. This best-selling classic (with more than 750k copies in print) records the experiences of Dr. Graham and others who are convinced that at moments of special need they have been attended by angels. With keen insight and conviction, Dr. Graham affirms that:

  • God's invisible hosts are better organized than any of the armies of man—or Satan.
  • Angels "think, feel, will, and display emotions."
  • Angels guide, comfort, and provide for people in the midst of suffering and persecution.
  • At death, the faithful will be ushered by angels into the presence of God.

 “If we had open spiritual eyes we would see not only a world filled with evil spirits and powers—but also powerful angels with drawn swords, set for our defense.” —Billy Graham



Reviews (196)

Phenomenal book

This book allowed me to find my way back to God. My interest and fascination with theology and specifically angels, brought me to this book. This book is an excellent reference of the most pertinent Scripture that allowed me to come back to my Christian faith and ask God for forgiveness of my sins against Him. A posthumous thank you to Reverend Graham for his dedication to our Lord and to helping those like me, find their way back to Him.

interesting and accurate

His is a thorough accurate , interesting over all reference book on Angels . It included some experiences of folks who have seen an angel or have been ministered to by Angel or angels . Having seen an angel myself , I can assure readers this is a real experience. The angel I saw did not have wings , was at least 7 feet tall , what's closed in white , and displayed a brilliance that appeared to me as bright light and a very penetrating facial expression. Awe-inspiring.

Comforting and Well-Documented

When I had questions about the nature and role of angels, my search led me to this book, written by none other than Billy Graham. The book covers many of the angels in the Bible. Originally written and published in the 1970s, when interest in demons and exorcisms and occult practices seemed to proliferate as never before, Dr. Graham wrote in response to his own need. Finding few books on the subject or angels both good and bad, he undertook the task of writing one. He delves thoroughly enough in this short work. Yes, each chapter is like a mini-sermon with an altar call at the end, and some may find this off-putting. However, this is the ministry of Billy Graham, unwilling that any should perish . What a wonderful, uplifting way to start my New Year's reading!

There is No Doubt About this Being a Wonderful, Informative and God-Inspired Book.

Except for the Bible, I love this book better than any one I've ever read. It has Bible verses throughout it, so you can read the scriptures for yourself , to show what the Bible says about angels. You will feel the presence of God and his protective angels, as you ready it. You will be overtaken with joy and thankfulness to God for His amazing love and grace. After a couple of friends read my book, it is going into my collection of books to leave to one of our heirs. If you have never thought about or believed in angels, I encourage you to buy this book. I promise you that you will not be sorry. When I first got it, I read 48 pages before I could lay it down. I truly believe you will love it.


This is the clearest picture of Angels I have ever read. It is clear and concise and full of Bible stories I can relate to in my everyday life. I am 80 years old and I thank God I am continuing to learn through the Bible and Bible study. I hope I am able to continue to learn and work for Jesus until I leave this world to be with my Lord and Savior.

A Fascinating and Comforting Message of Hope about Ministering Spirits

Do you wish for supernatural help in your time of need? Who doesn't? The subject of angels is a very comforting one and yet for a long time, books on angels were very rare. This books has some stories of angels that were sent to protect and help humans and I must admit these stories are riveting. People are increasingly aware that there are supernatural beings who are active in their lives. Seeing angels is however very rare unless you have a near-death experience or God grants you the vision to see the unseen realm. It was interesting to learn that angels are mentioned almost 300 times in the Bible. Angels seem to have feelings, war against evil unseen forces and take the faithful to heaven when they die. This book also mentions how angels operated in Jesus' life during his earthly ministry. I have my own angel story as I almost drowned while living in Africa and on vacation. I believe an angel reached down into a wave and pulled me out when the power of the wave was too strong for me to get out of the wave myself. The angel looked like a human but I don't remember him speaking to me or staying too long. Once I was older I figured out that sometimes angels help us in bodily form. The reason I think it was an angel was because no one else was around to see me in the wave. So if you are looking for a book that discusses mostly biblical angels, you may enjoy this. This is not about angel numbers or your personal guardian angels, etc. I still think when I see the number 11:11 or 5:55 on my clocks, the angels in my life are saying hello. ~The Rebecca Review

Not enough biblical info on angels to bother

This is my first Billy Graham book and I'm disappointed. It's filled with more biblical speculation than answers. I understand that he wrote it at a time when Americans were really getting into the occult, but i feel like he greated more questions than provided solid biblically based answers. Perhaps it was rushed or perhaps the bible's lack of real detail on angels was on purpose. Perhaps God really wanted us to focus on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as well as oir relationship to them/Him and to one another. I hear a lot of good things about Billy Graham as a Bible teacher, so I'm going to give him a do-over with a different book. I suggest skipping this one. It's not worth the money nor your time reading it.

A trusted source of information

This book is a no- nonsense look at angels in everyday life, in the past , and in the present , and it comes from a trusted source of information an evangelical preacher and teacher Billy Graham . He backs up his beliefs with biblical verses so that the reader can trust in his descriptions of angels as they help us through everyday life and will help us at the end of times.

This is a Must-Read for All Christians and Non-Christians.

Every Christian and Non-Christian should read this book. What God shares through Billy Graham's message can be life-changing if you read with an open heart and a clear focus on Him. This book as well as David Jeremiah's book on Angels are must reads if you're ready to grow in your relationship with the Lord God.


This is a fine book and yet does not read like Rev. Graham’s normal books. I’m not sure if his wife, also a great writer, collaborated, but insight is much deeper than I expected. I thought I bought hardcover, but accidentally bought a paper book. I don’t like the small, compact size. The hardcover is more relaxing to read as you hold in your hand, than the tightness of the binding, smaller paperwork. Great book!

Phenomenal book

This book allowed me to find my way back to God. My interest and fascination with theology and specifically angels, brought me to this book. This book is an excellent reference of the most pertinent Scripture that allowed me to come back to my Christian faith and ask God for forgiveness of my sins against Him. A posthumous thank you to Reverend Graham for his dedication to our Lord and to helping those like me, find their way back to Him.

interesting and accurate

His is a thorough accurate , interesting over all reference book on Angels . It included some experiences of folks who have seen an angel or have been ministered to by Angel or angels . Having seen an angel myself , I can assure readers this is a real experience. The angel I saw did not have wings , was at least 7 feet tall , what's closed in white , and displayed a brilliance that appeared to me as bright light and a very penetrating facial expression. Awe-inspiring.

Comforting and Well-Documented

When I had questions about the nature and role of angels, my search led me to this book, written by none other than Billy Graham. The book covers many of the angels in the Bible. Originally written and published in the 1970s, when interest in demons and exorcisms and occult practices seemed to proliferate as never before, Dr. Graham wrote in response to his own need. Finding few books on the subject or angels both good and bad, he undertook the task of writing one. He delves thoroughly enough in this short work. Yes, each chapter is like a mini-sermon with an altar call at the end, and some may find this off-putting. However, this is the ministry of Billy Graham, unwilling that any should perish . What a wonderful, uplifting way to start my New Year's reading!

There is No Doubt About this Being a Wonderful, Informative and God-Inspired Book.

Except for the Bible, I love this book better than any one I've ever read. It has Bible verses throughout it, so you can read the scriptures for yourself , to show what the Bible says about angels. You will feel the presence of God and his protective angels, as you ready it. You will be overtaken with joy and thankfulness to God for His amazing love and grace. After a couple of friends read my book, it is going into my collection of books to leave to one of our heirs. If you have never thought about or believed in angels, I encourage you to buy this book. I promise you that you will not be sorry. When I first got it, I read 48 pages before I could lay it down. I truly believe you will love it.


This is the clearest picture of Angels I have ever read. It is clear and concise and full of Bible stories I can relate to in my everyday life. I am 80 years old and I thank God I am continuing to learn through the Bible and Bible study. I hope I am able to continue to learn and work for Jesus until I leave this world to be with my Lord and Savior.

A Fascinating and Comforting Message of Hope about Ministering Spirits

Do you wish for supernatural help in your time of need? Who doesn't? The subject of angels is a very comforting one and yet for a long time, books on angels were very rare. This books has some stories of angels that were sent to protect and help humans and I must admit these stories are riveting. People are increasingly aware that there are supernatural beings who are active in their lives. Seeing angels is however very rare unless you have a near-death experience or God grants you the vision to see the unseen realm. It was interesting to learn that angels are mentioned almost 300 times in the Bible. Angels seem to have feelings, war against evil unseen forces and take the faithful to heaven when they die. This book also mentions how angels operated in Jesus' life during his earthly ministry. I have my own angel story as I almost drowned while living in Africa and on vacation. I believe an angel reached down into a wave and pulled me out when the power of the wave was too strong for me to get out of the wave myself. The angel looked like a human but I don't remember him speaking to me or staying too long. Once I was older I figured out that sometimes angels help us in bodily form. The reason I think it was an angel was because no one else was around to see me in the wave. So if you are looking for a book that discusses mostly biblical angels, you may enjoy this. This is not about angel numbers or your personal guardian angels, etc. I still think when I see the number 11:11 or 5:55 on my clocks, the angels in my life are saying hello. ~The Rebecca Review

Not enough biblical info on angels to bother

This is my first Billy Graham book and I'm disappointed. It's filled with more biblical speculation than answers. I understand that he wrote it at a time when Americans were really getting into the occult, but i feel like he greated more questions than provided solid biblically based answers. Perhaps it was rushed or perhaps the bible's lack of real detail on angels was on purpose. Perhaps God really wanted us to focus on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as well as oir relationship to them/Him and to one another. I hear a lot of good things about Billy Graham as a Bible teacher, so I'm going to give him a do-over with a different book. I suggest skipping this one. It's not worth the money nor your time reading it.

A trusted source of information

This book is a no- nonsense look at angels in everyday life, in the past , and in the present , and it comes from a trusted source of information an evangelical preacher and teacher Billy Graham . He backs up his beliefs with biblical verses so that the reader can trust in his descriptions of angels as they help us through everyday life and will help us at the end of times.

This is a Must-Read for All Christians and Non-Christians.

Every Christian and Non-Christian should read this book. What God shares through Billy Graham's message can be life-changing if you read with an open heart and a clear focus on Him. This book as well as David Jeremiah's book on Angels are must reads if you're ready to grow in your relationship with the Lord God.


This is a fine book and yet does not read like Rev. Graham’s normal books. I’m not sure if his wife, also a great writer, collaborated, but insight is much deeper than I expected. I thought I bought hardcover, but accidentally bought a paper book. I don’t like the small, compact size. The hardcover is more relaxing to read as you hold in your hand, than the tightness of the binding, smaller paperwork. Great book!


Reverend Graham speaks to the matter of Angels and their role in God's plan. Current, common notions of angels as cute little fat cheeked babies or delicate robed, winged figures are dispelled as the true nature of angels as fierce yet benevolent warriors for God, protectors of our "world", and reveal that Satan is not God's equal in evil form, but an angel who rebelled against God. As such, he stands no chance to in direct conflict with God, but focuses on preying on the weaknesses of humanity than in a cowardly effort to force men to serve him, instead of him serving man as God intended.

Billy Graham's Angels

"ANGELS" by Billy Graham (God's Secret Agents) GOD'S ANGELS: God's special creation, His angels, have very special purposes. They guide, comfort, protect and provide for the people of God, especially in the midst of suffering and persecution. They give strength when needed. Angels minister to God's servants in time of hardship and danger. Through them God performs miracles, "delivering them from disease, calamity, accidents, and even death." Angels have "worked to carry out God's judgment," directing the destinies of disobedient men and nations. Angels do not spend all their time in heaven. They are "busy around the world carrying out God's orders." Angels are mighty! And, angels do sing. Angels do not deviate from God's plan or dilute His messages. They glorify only God. Angels have a rank among them. Graham thinks this might be the order: Archangels, angels, seraphim, cherubim, principalities, authorities, powers, thrones, might and dominion. See Rom. 8:38. DEMONIC SPIRITS: Lucifer/Satan is that great angel who fell. Graham thinks he took 1/3 of the angels with him before God placed Adam and Eve in the garden. This fall is recorded in Isaiah 14:12-15. (Hear the "I this" and "I that".) Look around the evil work in our world. See the occult. See the saturation in the media, especially in movies, in video games, and books. (Extreme violence, coarse language, explicit sex) SUMMARY: See 2 Cor. 2:11 for encouragement: Be on guard, calm and alert, "lest Satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices." Satan controls "one of the most powerful and well-oiled war machines in the universe." His mighty force is "capable of wreaking havoc among individuals, families and nations." They are dedicated to discord and destruction. This includes corruption of moral standards and waste of human resources. But in the end, Satan will be defeated by Jesus and His angels. Angels do have a role in our future. Graham says: They will help God to change a world of sin and disorder to one of righteousness and perfect peace. What an awesome prophecy! Reviewed by M. Lezark, April 2013

We Are Not Alone

Dr. Graham fills his book with Scripture stories and the witness of many believers to emphasize that the Lord sends His angels to watch over us, protect and strengthen us and finally carry us in the end to the throne of God. Believers will find great comfort and strength in his book.


I think Billy was a great man and evangelist however, I am extremely disappointed in his complete refusal to believe the bible in Genesis where the Watchers are mentioned. He categorically denies these angels fathered any children or were capable of fathering children with human women. The bible clearly states that this was the very reason the Watchers were punished by being chained in the abyss. The offspring of these unholy unions were clearly mentioned in the bible as being giants, men of renown of old. So....I just don't understand his complete dismissal of this biblical account. Other than that I am ok with the book if a bit preachy....not that that is bad either.

What a blessing this book is !!!

We have just started studying via this book and it has already been such a blessing. Highly recommend you read this book by Billy Graham and learn about the angels who are there to assist Gods people. You will be blessed by it too!

Angels On Board!

This book presents the identity and tasks of God’s angels in an organized and simple format easy to comprehend. It is written by a great man of God who spent his life worshipping and preaching the gospel to the world. The book is delightful to read and will be a blessing to the reader!


I just finished this book last nite. I love Billy Graham as he is not a "smiling preacher " nor false prophet like Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer. He preaches fire and brimstone. This book does not reflect his opinions but is scripturally based and he cites scripture throughout. I learned a lot about angels, especially that our deceased loved ones are not our guardian angels but that angels are created beings. It's so awesome! Totally recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn the truth about angels and an in your face call for salvation.

Angels are part of our earthly realm

I enjoyed learning more about the biblical basis for angels presence in our daily lives. Billy Graham writes in a manner that inspires hope, joy and purpose in the fact that angels do exist in our lives.

Loved this book as it gives such a healthy perspective ...

I’ve read many books on angels and this is definitely one of the most accurate and realistic books written on the subject. Angels are a mystery and a subject God has given us some insight to but not complete understanding. Graham is not afraid to say that’s all the information we have been given vs those who make assumptions and build their own definitions of what angels are. However he doesn’t leave you wanting- complete and thorough study. Loved this book as it gives such a healthy perspective as well.

What do you know about the mission of Angels?

This is my second time to read Angels and both times I learned something. Billy Graham uses scripture as his references. He tells what the Bible says and explains it. If something is his personal idea, thought, or belief on the interpretation he tells you. You find out that Angels are messengers between the throne room of God and man. He explains the classes of angels and even gets into Lucifer and the fallen angels. He also explains what angels are not and what they cannot do or understand. I placed bookmarks at many places in the book to use as a reference. Read it and find out the mission of Angels according to what the Bible states.


I love Billy Graham, and I love angels, so this book was right up my alley. Billy uses plenty of scripture to back up his theories. and I loved the book, although it became a little repetitive towards the end. This is not a book of angel stories, there are a few, it is mostly about the bible's messages to us about the angels. I would recommend it

Angels are real!

I love this book! I couldn't stop reading this book because Billy Graham teaches about the ministry of Angels 👼 from the Old Testament to the New Testament to the present! We forget about the fact that Angel 👼 are observing us!



Not a part of the Harry Potter series~Angels are REAL.

I purchased one of these books for my Grandtr and for myself, as well. People are getting reality and fantasy more and more confused. I wanted to send her a book by a reputable, Christian man, who's not hesitant to stand up for God's teachings. We need more, who will do the same, w/o apology. I am hoping that Billy Graham and his team can get together, at least once more to have a big tent revival; like the one's they did, in the 1950's. We need to stand up and "let the Redeemed of the Lord, SAY SO". As Joyce Meyers, might say, "AMEN?" Either good or evil is going to win the souls of our kids. Franklin Graham is staging his Rock the River tours and needs support, to win the lost to the Lord. Buy their them..encourage others to, also. Support Good, not evil things. Read the's ALL in there. This book takes scriptures pertaining to Angelic beings and puts them in one volume, to show that reality is every bit as exciting as fantasy...& even more so, because It's TRUE!

A blessed assurance

In this time of great turmoil and evil around the world, it is a blessing to be reminded that God is in control and as believers we have the Holy Spirit living in us to teach and guide us and God's holy angels watching over us and protecting us from the spiritual forces of evil on the heavenly realms. And all God's people said Amen! Come Lord Jesus!

Insightful, gospel centered book on angels

Although this book is old, it's relevant to any time period. He shares incredible stories about angels and how they play an integral part in our daily lives. Graham biblically weaves in how angels play an important part in the protection of God's children and in their role in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

Another Side of Billy Graham

Good to see that even a hard core evangelist like Dr. Graham believes wholheartefly in the supernatural. A lilltle tedious at times for believers as Graham true to his ministry never misses an opportunity to preach salvation.

I belive!

My mother gave me Billy Graham's book in the 1970s, but being a 20-something at the time I didn't read it. The deaths of my husband and only child within a couple of years not long ago has awakened a desire in me to learn more about spiritual beings...such as angels. References to angels in the Bible have increased my interest. Do they exist in my world, are they visible, and other such questions caused me to seek out this book by a man whom I respect and whose perspective I trust. I am so glad that I read Angels at last! Now, as I reflect on my life and some dangerous situations I was in through the years, I can see that intervention by God, quite possibly in the form of angels, saved me. This knowledge reassures me going forward that I am in God's hands and that he looks after me in many, many ways...sometimes using His angels!

Well Researched

Billy Graham described himself in this book as an optimist. And this book is just that, an optimistic book. It is also well researched and with many corroborating scriptures from the Bible. This is a book worth rereading.


The truth is hard sometimes. Therefore, hard to rate. Dr. Graham truly believed his understanding of Angels. No question! He certainly did his research both by reading the Bible and secondly pulling on his own experience and belief. It was a page turner. Angels are special to us from the time we heard they existed. We want to believe they are special since children. But, Satan and his followers are not.


Billy Graham has always been my ultimate go-to source when I have spiritual questions. For the questions, I trust his answers. He answers the many questions I have had about God's Angels...the good angels and the fallen angels. I am grateful he wrote this book to give insight to a much misunderstood yet very serious topic. I highly recommend this book.

Angels? Yes

I have always believed in angels. Psalm 34:7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them. Rev Graham makes an excellent case for angels active in the world and our personal life. Using scripture he expanded my understanding of angels and how God used them to minister. I really enjoyed his writing on angels escorting believers to heaven.


Amazing and enlightening on a subject that been shrouded in mystery. Eye opening! Reminded me of how great God is that He sends angels to protect us.

A Biblical View of Angels

This is a solid examination of the topic of angels by the renowned Billy Graham. In this day and age, many have extreme views about angels. Some practically worship them, viewing them like they are God rather than created beings. Others virtually ignore their place in the scheme of things while focusing more energy on Satan, demons, etc. Both of these approaches are erroneous. Fortunately, the author does a great job of bringing perspective to this issue. The points made in this book are based upon Scripture. Mr. Graham also uses testimonial accounts of some who believe that they have had encounters with angels. Some of the topics explored include the following: Whether or not angels are real, how they differ from humans, whether they are visible or not, and many others. It is very well done. I recommend it.

A good book by a great author

I love this book. Billy Graham was such a good writer as well as the worlds best Evangelist. It is simple and to the point. Tells all you Want to know about God's angels. I need to read more of his books.

I loved rereading this book

I loved rereading this book. I originally bought a copy back in the late 70's. I remembered some great examples of how God works even when we can't see Him. I bought a copy so wife and I could read it together. We have thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is a blessing. What makes it so special is the book's content is timeless. Unlike other books from the 70's and 80's, which have lost their relevance, this book has not. If you would like to be encouraged about how God works this is a must read.

We are not alone

It is a good book to reenforce on us the security that our Lord had promised when he said, "I will not leave you and nor forsake you", it will be either by him or by his angels, we always will have his protection. Thanks Jesus for his wonderful love.

I loved this book

One could hear Mr Graham's voice as you read the book. He writes just the same way as he would preach. I loved this book. It taught me so much about what is going on in the spiritual world that surrounds us. Made me appreciate all the dimensions of our lives both seen and unseen so much more.

Olivia Matsuyama

I really enjoyed reading this book. It is in simple words, any one can understand. Mr pastor Billy Graham loves the Lord so truly & expresses the truth. I’m convinced that ANGELS are God’s super helpers. I have been protected by them, all my life

As described and quick delivery

I've wanted this book for a loooong time. So glad to find it. It is as described, in good condition, and shipped for a quick arrival. Getting ready to get reacquainted with it right now!

Angels by Billy Graham

Any book by Billy Graham rates 5 stars in my book. However, this one is exceptionally good. I have had a copy of this book for many years, but I ordered this one for a granddaughter. We have accepted that there are demons (Satan's workers) in the world, but have not always realized and accepted that God also has workers, angels. This books includes some of the stories about them and also Rev. Graham's thoughts on the matter. I cannot recommend this book too highly.

I have typically enjoyed reading Billy Graham books and know He has been ...

I've read a wide variety of authors and genera related to angels / demons / paranormal / anthropological in nature and this book was a very well-written read in the sense of being encouraging and backed with Biblical references. I have typically enjoyed reading Billy Graham books and know He has been guided by highly educated editors and contributors. It is assuring he relies on others outside of his own impression to relay information in books such as this Angels book.

Amazing Book

This book has revealed so much to me about how angels are an intricate part of Gods plan for man and the world. When Billy Graham writes it’s as though he is sitting talking to the reader - he makes complex issues simple. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand what God’s word has to say about angels. This book contains it all - from the history, to their relevance in life today and the role they will play in the end times.

Billy Graham knows how to teach about angels

This is an old book but like the Bible it’s the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. I actually learned about angels and how they fit into God’s Kingdom.

Follows Scripture point by point.

Mr. Graham takes the Biblical mention of angels and explains or illustrates their existence in daily lives of prophets and characters an on into our day. Expands on Revelation, Daniel and other Scriptures in quite some depth. This is easy reading but a most worthwhile exercise. I recommend it highly!

Extra reading good for beginners

Most like basic information at once already read in the Bible and the fact that Billy Graham says he's never seen an angel kind of loses its Authority

Reliable seller

Very much like this book for currently doing a Sunday school class on and thought beneficial. As enjoy anything written from Billy Graham . Pleasantly very surprised when packaged arrived upon opening discovered the seller had given free two other books on Angels and another by Billy Graham and all three books brand new !!! Wow! And even came earlier than had thought. Much Thanks !!!

BILLY what a saint,

Any purchase that furthers Billy is worth while/ ANGELS are REAL and usually invisible...I saw 2 in my life in emergency situations. helped me lift a car off a boy, he was dirty but fine... another man was at a wedding and he glowed...just slightly but I saw him....never got to talk to him...but a man that glows in the dark, impossible..i was afraid to aproach him Buy the book,,,,HEBREWS 1.14 tells us the duty of ANGELS to humans.....simple will LOVE some for friends..


Written by a simply man touched by God!!! The gift of teaching others, among the many gifts given to this godly and holy man.

With all of the "stuff" out there on angels it ...

With all of the "stuff" out there on angels it is hard to know the truth. This is by someone I trust and it answered all of my questions with scripture to back it up.

Dr Graham writes so simply & beautifully and I have great respect for this man who ...

Dr Graham writes so simply & beautifully and I have great respect for this man who lives clase to the Master. wonderful it!! Dwight


I recommend this book to everyone, no matter how far you are in your wonderful spiritual journey toward the Lord.

Excellent Book

Excellent book. The late Rev. Billy Graham put well recorded testimonies and truths together. Great read.

One of the best books ever

Never read any of his other books but this one gives me a new appreciation for angels and what they do. Fantastic book. Definitely a keeper!!! I will read this book again and again.

Beautifully & Simply Written

I was doing research for a book of fiction I am writing and needed some basic information regarding the concept of angels. There were hundreds of books available, however, when I saw one written by Billy Graham, I knew it was the one I needed. I was not disappointed. He touched on everything I needed to know and explained everything in such a way that it did not require additional research to understand what he was saying. I ordered the book on my Kindle and had it finished within 2 days. I would highly recommend this book for anyone wanting basic information on the existence of angels.

Angels on my Kindle - Amazon experience

Our pastor was doing a series of sermons based on this book. We were not required to purchase the book. I am so glad I did. The book contained more information about angels than I had ever expected. The content was based on Holy Scripture (The Bible) and cited references. Reading this book inspired me to read more books on angels. This was the first book I had read written by Billy Graham. I had no idea what a great author he was. I have since ordered other books by Billy Graham and am pleased with them all.




So many years has passed since this book was written yet it feels as though it was yesterday!! Amazing to see and realize just how close we are to the end. It appears that some believers have forgotten that and no longer look forward to the second coming of Christ.. wake up church...

Did you know that Angels don't sing?

I read it years ago and then ordered it again when Rev. Graham died. I remember being surprised that he thought angels didn't sing. I got sick and had to be hospitalized, so I haven't finished it this time yet, but it is a great book and every Christian should have a copy in their book shelf. Lynne Byrd


As always all of Grahams books are to the point and inspiring. I am looking forward to further works by him.

Well laid out. Inspired!

I always enjoy Graham’s work. The strength of his conviction and logic in the presentation are shown throughout. The invitation is great.

Everyone should read this. Awesome

I liked it so much I bought my daughter one. Really makes you think

Bible Based and Reassuring

Read Mr. Graham's Bible references as you go through this book. Pray for enlightenment and truth every time you open this book. It will help you get to know your angels. It will help you recognize when God has sent his angels to guide you and show you His love. There is no self promotion from Mr. Graham. Stay away from authors such as Doreen Virtue. Stay away from mysticism. There is no place in the Bible regarding mediums or contacting the dead. Mediums seek spiritual power. They seek the glory that belongs to God. They often seek to profit.

This is a great and fascinating book

This is a great and fascinating book. It is very informative about angels and filled with Bible verses. It is just another Billy Graham wonderful books. Thank you for a great read!

Believe it...

A beautiful book that just affirms what I've always believed. At times, I know my guardian angel is by my side, watching over me and at times, saving me from some pretty awful things that could have happened and didn't.


We are studying this book in my church group. Been a good read.

A classic to own

Lost or gave away original copy so had to replace it. Gives a look into the unseen spiritual world and its interaction with us.


I've way to much previous information on this subject to appreciate this well written book but would recommend it someone else who is new to the subject

we are using this book for our weekly Bible Study ...

we are using this book for our weekly Bible Study on Angels reading 2 chapters for each week. It has been read and used by the group. Very helpful.

This is our all time favorite book!

I have had this book for decades and I wanted to gift copies of the original to my children. Perfect message from God about everything the Bible says regarding angels! Invaluable lifetime personal library item!

Billy Graham is one of my Christian heroes. I ...

Billy Graham is one of my Christian heroes. I was a certified American Sign Language interpreter. When the Billy Graham Crusade was in Knoxville I interpreted His messages for as many as 250 deaf people each service. I use this book as a gift.

Wonderful Read!

Thank you Billy Graham for your selfless service to God! This book was an easy and enjoyable read for the established Christian or seeker not yet committed to Christ. I highly recommend this book!

good read.

even though it is an old book,Billy Graham wrote as good as he preached.

Required reading for all Christians

Billy Graham writes an excellent book about God's Angels, reminding readers of God's love for each one of us citing scripture, getting to the nitty gritty biblical truths about the continuous spiritual war going on in the world. I found this book very comforting especially being told "fear not" was mentioned 365 times in the bible. Peace and love on earth❤️


Very easy read. Love this book. Definitely a great buy. So understandable. My first of many Billy Graham books. Love this book.

Enjoyable Read

I am still reading this book! I am enjoying it very much. Miss G

What do you know about angels?

I didn’t know much, but after reading this book I’m excited to know that they are all around us doing God’s work. They protect us from Satan and his legion of angels. They will also carry us to our heavenly home. How exciting is that?!!!

I love angels so this was perfect for me

I love angels so this was perfect for me

Excelent book

I have NEVER read a book by this man that was not completely truthful. I wish he was still with us.


Wanted to add to my library collection

Inspiring book

Billy Graham put this book together in such a way that it really gives you hope and confidence that angels are there to protect you and guide you. You would not be disappointed in reading this book about angels.


It's a great book! I've read it twice and will probably read it again because it builds me up in the faith and helps me focus more on the spirit world and less on the physical world. I would recommend it to anyone who feels alone because it describes the many ways angels minister to God's children.

Some key information

Angels are not to be worshipped.

What a blessing!

A great study on Angels...but on other things as well. Well rounded and scripturally sound. Covers many aspects of the Christian life.

A fine retelling of God's Word

I chose this 5 star rating because it is worthy! Wonderful. encouragement to Christians that they are loved and watched over by God's heavenly forces always. Written in plain English, supported by chapter and verse. This book is for anyone who loves God and wants a better understanding of His Love for His people.


You simply cannot go wrong with Billy Graham. This is the second time I purchased this book, once when it was originally published and now once again. Dr. Graham knows his business when it comes to his religious faith. One does not have to agree with his denomination, but you will not find any of that in this book. It is straightforward, easy to read and very informative.


I loved this much fascination and enticing rumours about the grace of angels. It's a mysterious and grand tale Blessed be thy name!

I love this book.

Dr. Graham very simply tells all about the angels according to the scriptures. This easy to understand work is not only enjoyable to read, it is so informative. I recommend this book to anyone who has ever been interested in angels.

Last page of book with notes about the author. Note its on wrong side of page & upside down.

I received this today. The cover of this paperback was upside down. This book is excellent as I read it years ago, and I wanted a copy to read it again. Just would have preferred to not have the cover upside down. I give the content 5 stars but the printing a zero.




A great blessing to read, Answers many questions. Billy graham was the best. It's so easy....just believe, God will fight your battles for you, You need only to be still.

Angels by Billy Graham

Excellent book.

Wonderful Book - An Inspiration

This book refers to many angels. The angels are also in the bible so one can reference each name as they read Billy's book. His spirituality really shines in this book. It is a fast read, but you will read it several times. When? After an angel visits you, or perhaps takes care of you and you know it. I purchased this book for a friend whose husband of 40 years just passed away. It was a great comfort to her. Of course, I wound up reading it myself.

Angels everywhere

Billy Graham brings out all the hidden places in the Bible angels are present. I was so surprised there were so many.

I do believe in Angle Know.

This book takes you through every detail about the Angles of the Bible. There duties, purpose and responsibilities to God. It's a good but short read.

a good clear book about angels

good reading for the average inquirer - good Graham stuff!

What an up lifting book!

I did not consider just how much help we have from the living God. There really is a Heavenly host always ready to help us.




Full of answers I never knew .



Love this Book!!!!!

Best book ever!!!!!!!!

Graham sticks to the basics

Billy Graham wrote an excellent book about angels and their duties. He doesn't speculate on this subject, but keeps to what is presented in the Bible I'm glad Mr. Graham wrote a book on angels because they don't get the attention today, as they did in the bible. Their role in God's plan is a natural fit, and this book brings that out. Gordon Gerick, author of The Bungling Angel


To be perfectly honest, I didn't know much about Billy Graham before reading this book. I didn't know how well I'd like what he had to say nor how Biblically sound his teaching would be. That said, I have been wonderfully blessed by this book. I have learned much and would definitely recommend it! It isn't a book that kept me on the edge of my seat, but it explains so much that I find myself going back to it time and again.

2nd time reading and still touches my heart.

Powerful insight into the heavenly realm through stories of a saint which bring divine insights into the Word of God!

Good insight on angels

Interesting book

Love it!

Love it!

wonderful book

We do pay too much attention towards the Enemy and don't consider the good ministering Angels sent by God to help us. I encourage other Christ followers to read this book and rejoice!! Thank you Rev Billy Graham for your service and sacrifices. You have an amazing homecoming soon and I wouldn't be surprised is Gabriel himself escorted you to Jesus. Kelly Clifton (MI)


I am currently reading this book and am just loving it. It fills in so much information about angels that are not readily understood in the Bible. Dr. Graham has studied the subject of angels and pulled together Biblical information that gives Believers knowledge that would otherwise take decades to discover. Everything in this book is Bible truth, and well-trusted from this well-known author.

Answers many questions

First released in 1975 there are a few dated references. But when it comes to Angels the understanding provided by Dr. Graham is timeless. Angels are real and you will understand how they play such important roles in your life after reading Dr. Graham's book.

Very good book. ☺

Easy read and very good 👍

I Now Believe In Angels

I had given little thought to the role of angels in my life. However when I learned they escorted my husband’s sprit to heaven at his death , I wanted to learn as much as I could about their role in our lives. This book provided me with a good start .

angels are for real

It was more worn than expected but I was able to tape the binding. It was the excellent content I was most interested in.

very good book about angels

bought 8 of them and gave them out to my friends

Good reference for angel scriptures

I like Billy's writings, but this one is pretty ho-hum for me. If one uses it as a reference book for topic/scripture, it's not too bad.

Book Angels by Billy graham

Smells of mold and has water damage on pages.

Four Stars

Very good explanation of angels and their different roles and their presence in the life of a believer.


I love Billy Graham. He will be missed but I know the angels are rejoicing with him in heaven. I would recommend this book to everyone.

A very good read

I really enjoyed this book it gave me new insight into Mr Graham. We need more preachers like him. I highly recommend this book.

Its very important to accept Jesus as your personal Saviour, as this detyermines what happens after death.

I have just finished reading thisbook. Billy Graham explains everything very well and I am looking forward to reading his other books, Hope for the Troubled Heart, and Where I( am and Just as I am. I really admired him when he led his crusades in New Zealand. I did not know he had written so many books.


As always, a blessing of hope from Reverend Graham. A wonderful way to strengthen our faith! Praise God, Almighty for his mercy and grace...Amen!

Loved it!

Great book!

Best Ever

This is the best description of angels I have ever read. It reaffirms everything I had always believed and added more. Billy Graham relates well to his readers and explains in simple language with backup scripture. I would recommend that all Christian Believers read this book for a clearer understanding of who angels are and their purpose.

Still relevant; more now than ever

In reading this book, may every reader be helped and ministered to by Reverend Billy Grahams' testimony, especially now at his passing.


Very interesting book.

Best book I have read in a long time

Best book I have read in a long time. I am a Christian and found much comfort in this book by Dr. Graham. To me the book in comforting and full of truths. I am sure to reread this book many more times.

Outstanding book on the subject of angels in Scripture

Billy Graham writes an engaging and informative review of the subject of angels from a Biblical perspective. Filled with supporting Scripture references.

review Angles

I have read the bible several times and questioned the purpose of angles and Mr. Graham has given insightful message of our Lord and his army. I don't believe I have a booK I very much enjoyed very very much. I praise our Lord for his love of use and for his son Jesus Christ (John 3.16) 5 stars C

Love this book

Love this book

Great Book

Wonderful book on Angels by Rev. Billy Graham. Enjoyed reading it.

The topic of angels is treated by Billy Graham with ...

The topic of angels is treated by Billy Graham with his usual rigor for scriptural accuracy. As always, there is clarity in his writing style. Finally, true to his life work, Graham persistently makes the case for salvation.

Billy Graham angels book

Expecting new book got very used , disappointed

A great book!

I was introduced to Billy Graham only a couple of years ago and was blessed instantly. This book although a bit older, was wonderful. I really enjoyed reading about a subject that you don't hear too much of. Billy is a great author and I would recommend this book to anyone looking to get to know a little more about angels and what roles they play in our lives.

Great book


Very good book at good price

Very helpful and clear book on the various types of angels and what they do. Supported with Biblical scriptures and some stories. Is almost like a handbook on Angels. Book came quickly, new, and well packaged. Would buy from this seller again.

As advertised

As advertised

Bible study of angels

I never took the opportunity to read about angels until recently. I thought that Billy Graham's book would give me the information about them that I was seeking. It is an excellent book and I would recommend it.

A must read for ther serious Biblical scholar

As always, anything written by Billy Graham is well worth reading. In this book, Dr. Graham discusses the roles of angels found throughout the Bible and how Christians should apply their significance to their lives. Angelology is a fascinating study--one that every Bible student should pursue and this book is a great starting point.

Good Book - Not much new if you have already read Angel Books before

I enjoyed this book; however I've read several books on Angels; so not much was new to me. Billy Graham is always a reliable and interesting author.

A Great Read

I enjoy books about Angels this book does not disappoint. Mr. Graham was very in-depth on explaining on how angels work, what is there exact purpose.

Billy Graham's great book about angels.

Great book to read about angels. Billy Graham was a Great Christian preacher. Thank you for the fast delivery and good seller.

Great Book

I read the paperback version many years ago and really enjoyed it. Rereading it a second time has brought double blessings! This is a powerful book!

Pages keep falling out

This is a really good book but the pages keep falling out!

Delighted to find that you had these

I've had one of these that I purchased in a bookstore years ago. When I saw it on your site I ordered copies for all my kids and grandkid for Chrismas. I've read mine several times. I hope they enjoy theirs as much as I did mine.

Five Stars

Beautiful book easy to read

Angels God's Secret Agents by Billy Graham

I found Billy Graham's book on Angels to be very factual and informative. He backs up his statements with scripture. He also shares personal stories of personal encounters people have had with angels in their time of need. Mr. Graham states that angels are mentioned over "300 times in the Bible and New Testement, more than Satan or demons." Unlike the "New Age" sentimental, stuff you often see on TV, Mr. Graham gives a true perspective on what angels are and how God uses them, both for blessings and punishments and their place in the realm of heavenly hosts.

Easy to read

Easy to read. Conclusions are based on passages from the Bible. Well worth the effort to read this short book.

Introspective views are interesting and thought worthy.

This book by Billy Graham was well written and very introspect.He opened up some very interesting views about angels that stimulated my thinking. The book definately kept my attention.

Very helpful

I was very surprised by this book. I enjoyed reading it. If you are looking for something that teaches about the origin of angels, the work they perform and how they perform their jobs, as well as an explanation about their creation and their reason for being, I think this might be the book you are looking for. This book was written from the Protestant perspective rather than the Catholic Church perspective. I find it difficult to find study materials/ information that does not come from the Catholic belief system. If you hold Protestant Christian beliefs I would highly recommend.

Five Stars

This book teaches you about angels. I never realized that they are always there. I will read it again.

I knew they were there

This book helped me understand, what I always thought was there. It just made me feel like we have a fighting chance down here on earth with the help of the angels.


Got the book! I’ve been looking for this book forever and finally got it! Looks good as described Thanks

Best Angel Book Written

Billy Graham's book he wrote on Angels goes along with the Bible perfectly. I took a class on this book. Many learned much about GOD's angels. This book was written in the 70's.

Five Stars

These books will be used in a Sunday School Class!

The reality of angels

A must read for those who need to know ALL about our heavenly companions!

Are angels real

Be sure of yourself when confronted by this question. Be prepared to answer the question that causes many to hesitate and lack understanding. This book was written by a man who was endowed with knowledge from our Creaztor

More than knowledge, Godly Wisdom

How many times have you read the Bible and could not grasp the meaning or the language of that time? Through the teaching of Billy Graham the Holy Spirit revealed things that I never knew. I have developed a hunger for God's Word for my life. This book has given me a small piece of what Dr. Graham already has, not just human knowledge but Godly Wisdom. Thank you Billy Graham for your dedication to Christ. I pray His Angels keep charge over you and me.

Four Stars

Very insightful and interesting.

Helpful, yet easy to follow

Starts with a few interesting accounts of people being visited by angels, Billy Graham breaks the topic down into an easy to read discussion, rather than a theological soup.

Great Read

It was wrapped to keep it in good condition. Love this book so much. Gives the reader a glimpse into the spiritual beings fighting our battles. Leaves you feeling peaceful.

Great book.

His legacy lives on beyond the grave. Great book. Thank you Billy Graham.

Love it!!!

Love it!!!

Wonderful Book

If you want to know about angels, this is the book to read. This is not the fluff of traditional angels but how they really are.

I really like this book

I really like this book. Billy Graham takes his information from the only source that can be trusted, the Bible, and puts it together in a way that is very comforting to the reader. He does relay some true examples of miraculous stories that could have been angelic intervention, but he doesn't fill the book up with tear jerker accounts of unprovable personal experiences. It left me feeling blessed to know that God loves us so much that He puts His powerful angels in charge of protecting us.

great informational book on Angels

nice spiritual book about Angels and their purpose. I really like it and wish it was in audio because I hate reading. I lack the patience. It is well worth the money and if you are a Child of God or in the ministry as a child of God, it would help you with your angelic knowledge. It will give you understanding how things work in the spiritualrim. Great book!

Five Stars

One of my favorite books of all time by Billy Graham. A must read in these times.

It has so many wonderful things about Angels

It has so many wonderful things about Angels, and reding. I call my youngest granddaughter, my little angle. I highly recommend this book.

Sound teaching

Though this was written years age, it's content is ageless and unchanging. Terry Laws and Jim Goll are also excellent resources on the subject.

Great book

Love the book

This book is one of the most powerful and informative books that I have ever read, I could hardly put it down. I encourage every

Ful book Billy Graham captures the heart of God and his angels and their love for all humanity desiring all would live a life worthy of eternal life with god.

A Wonderful Book!

This book really lifts you up and answers many questions you may have about angels. Billy Graham has always been a blessing for me. I feel that God has blessed him with his ministry and he is able to deliver God's word to us in a way that we can easily understand.

great angel book

This is a great read on angels, and may not be what you expect if you think you know it all. The bible speaks a lot on angels so we should know what it says, and Billy Graham does a great job in an easy read to enlighten us on this subject. We will see them later so lets understand a little about them now shall we. You will very much enjoy this book.

Billy Graham Legacy

Spiritual support

Five Stars

I like Billy Graham books. It is comforting.

Great respect for Billy Graham

written by a great man of God

Re-read after 40 years!

I read this book many years ago. It has held up quite well over the years as a great source of encouragement.

Angels.Ringing Assurance that We Are Not Alone

I love and respect angels because God has sent them to help us. Pastor Graham describes them beautifully in a personal way. It was very enlightening.

Great book about Angels.

Given as a gift to my sister and !she loves this book


Billy Graham's books are always down-to-earth and clearly understandable, with a completely Biblical viewpoint. If you've wondered about angels, this book will help you.

Billy Graham knows the Bible

Angels are not the women & babies with wings that most people think of at Christmas. They are WARRIORS with swords of fire! They can be visible or invisible (to us), 20 feet tall, watching & ready to fight, or actively fighting demons....our prayers activate them! If we saw into the spiritual realm, we would be comforted to know how much support God the Father gives us to fight our daily battles! Rev Graham's book has been around for decades...I had read it 30 years ago and found it to be Biblically correct and very comforting! Rereading it has been a joy and a blessing! I recommend ANYTHING Rev Graham wrote for the seriously spiritual reader. He will not lead you astray.

Based on the Word of God


Five Stars

Wonderful book. I love the Biblical references.

Interesting and inspirational

Book that I had wanted to read

... this for her and so i did and she loved and has been reading it ever since

My mother wanted me to order this for her and so i did and she loved and has been reading it ever since, several times.

I know this is an old book, but I ...

I know this is an old book, but I just heard about it and ordered it to read. Really went in depth about Angels and made me think about them a lot more.

Good read

Used in our bible study group

Enjoyed reading it and then going to the bible for ...

Very enlightening. We sometimes miss the Angel presence in the bible. Here, Billy points out there presence and there purpose. Enjoyed reading it and then going to the bible for a cross referency.

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