After Burn (Lost Kings MC #10)

Kindle Edition
15 Oct

The lure of the open road never fades.

Bumpy, cracked, and full of obstacles.

In the end, it’s the cure for life's complications.

My brothers behind me and our future in front of us.

Loyalty above all else.

A vow made to my brothers.’

’Til death do us part.

A vow made to my wife.

Together we'll race the rain, chase the sun, and ride the wind.

Leave no road untaken.

An unexpected truth no one ever saw coming.

Are we strong enough to survive it, or will it incinerate everything we’ve built?

Reviews (188)

The President and First lady of the Lost Kings MC have returned....

After Burn (Pt1 of 2) and book #10 in this fabulous MC series, somewhat comes full circle and takes the reader back to the couple who started it all in Slow Burn which seems soooo long ago now! Rock is still the President of the Lost Kings MC and Hope, the first lady, is starting to finally fit in with the biker lifestyle. As with most of AJL's books, she definitely doesn't short-change her readers and hasn't skimped on the details so much so this is a two book catch up. Although I absolutely love this series, it is on the light side with no violence or major action, it's more just a general run down of day to day life. Saying that, we do see the club head to Florida for the annual get together with all the other Lost Kings chapters and then on to a biker rally where we see a little action when Rock plays caveman and knocks another club's member on their ass for talking to Hope. Things got a little tense for a minute there, but unfortunately nothing eventuates. This would have been a good opportunity for some much needed drama... the other club could have come after the Kings for revenge or something? We also get closer to the mystery of Grace and Chance... the two mystery kids mentioned way back in the series (book 4 or 5 I think?) Although we have to wait until the next book for the mystery to be revealed, I'm 99% sure I know who they belong to now? Inga, Rock's first wife, pops back into the picture with some interesting news... it was like a scene from the Maurie Povich show... "are you the father, or is it you, or maybe it's such and such" lol what a whore! I'm pretty sure the answer is going to cause some major waves and I can't friggin wait! I thought we might get some new members to the club since Rock was given a bit of a talking to about growing the gang, but alas it wasn't to be. Sadly, Hope really got on my nerves and I didn't realise how much until now. Her self- doubt, whiny attitude and body image issues got downright annoying... ffs, your married to a god of a man who constantly idolises your body and the ground you walk on! Surely she can't be that needy of attention? Considering she's a lawyer I would think she would have bigger balls and confidence? Rock and Hope have always been my favorite couple but unfortunately and this pains me to say, but this book kinda lowered my expectations of them, especially the scene in the "playroom". That was a little cringy... please don't do that again! I love this author and think she is totally brilliant but I don't know if this book had that special something that is usually a given in this series. Moving forward, it would be nice to see a little more drama. Perhaps some new members and Hope starts to be the woman she is in her professional life move into her MC life... maybe she could even kick someone's butt, Inga, Rock...? Generally I have always loved this series and given 5 stars but I'm not fully feeling this one and also the editing was a little lapse with quite a few typos. I would still willingly recommend this series to anyone who likes sexy but respectful alphas, MC and a different to norm storyline. Im impatiently now waiting for the next installment to find out who the baby daddy is. I think we are in for a shocker somehow?

This series never gets old!

I just love and adore this series. These characters feel like my friends and family because Autumn has allowed us to be a part of the journey of her characters. As they grow and change through the years we get to a part of it and as a reader, I feel more connected to this series than any other. Most romance books never go beyond the traditional HEA ending. It's all about meeting that one and what it takes to be together, but I often find life more fascinating in the after. People don't stop changing or evolving just because they found their person. Life is not less troublesome just because you found love and I applaud the author for taking the risk and exploring all facets of a relationship. I loved getting more of Rock and Hope and to get to see how much they have changed since the very beginning. Hope was so very insecure and unsure of herself in the very beginning, but now she is truly a queen. Not perfect (but who is) she is someone that loves her LOKI family and no one better get in the way. She is fiercely protective and loyal to her husband and will do anything to protect him and their relationship. In this book, you really understand why this club loves her and will do anything to protect their first lady. Rock is really everything in this book. He can make any women swoon. His love and devotion to not only Hope but to his LOKI family are awe-inspiring. He has built something real and special with his club and all members take their directive from him and as he changes and grows so does the rest of the LOKI members. Autumn sure gives you a great ride in this book. Most of it is quiet and unassuming. Which is perfect for everything these two, plus the club have gone through. You get to see them just be a family and get to really see how they interact within the motorcycle world and it was fun to see. Plus I just loved all the family dinner scenes. Made my heart all happy and giddy. As much as it is unassuming there are some big surprises in this book and ones that will forever change Rock, Hope, and the entire LOKI family. It is a great reminder that their world is real and raw and sometimes past actions will come back to haunt you. **********Author provided a review copy******** (less)

A Joyous & Suspense Filled Return to the King & Queen!

"After Burn" is Autumn Jones Lake's 13th installment and 10th full-length novel of her Lost Kings MC series. It is also the 4th full book devoted to my favorite, Lost Kings (LOKI) couple, Rock and Hope. Who, in this edition, find themselves on yet another series of crazy adventures of both the MC and personal variety. Broken into two parts, this new visit to Rock and Hope is both giggle inducing and "holy crap!" level gasp producing! It showcases both Hope's growing entrenchment with the club, as well as, Rock and Hope's still growing love and need for each other two years into their marriage. And it is truly beautiful... You would think after thirteen books things would be getting stale, or that I would be getting bored (as is often the case with long, multi-book series), but I am honestly more invested than ever! I love the easy banter, sarcasm, and quick humor Lake displays here between Rock and Hope. She shows their growth, the trust and security they have with each other and the club. Displaying a level of care and loyalty of a couple married for fifty years instead of just two! And like a literary super wizard, Lake's continued linear layering of emotionally rich and intelligent storylines, filled with complex, yet relatable characters, all laid upon a bravely honest, reality based, vibrantly vivid literary landscape, explodes in your mind. It's as if you are physically present within the LOKI universe, existing as a shadow, witnessing the events unfold before you firsthand. Additionally, Lake's ability to keep each series addition fresh, interesting, emotionally brave, and honest shows just how much SHE loves these characters as well. Something that shows clearly on each page, with each heavenly word she writes. Something clearly evident in this book. Furthermore, as if Lake was inspired to see how many times she could make her readers gasp, she included something in "After Burn" that left me speechless! She truly stunned me with this installment as she goes in a direction I wasn't expecting after the events of "Strength from Loyalty". Which in turn has me wondering if this path was intentional from the start, or whether something pretty significant changed along the way within the realm of her own relationship to these characters? Either way I respect the path she takes Hope and Rock down. It's lovingly written, brave, realistically fear-filled and trepidatious, and "hitch-in-your-breath" level tumultuous. I love Hope, Rock, even more after finishing this one. It will move you unexpectedly and give you butterflies deep in your belly. You will both cheer with them, and be afraid for them as the events unfold. And privately you will silently pray for the happy ending Hope and Rock so richly deserve. Yes, it is similar to Teller and Charlotte's story in that it's spread out over two books, with this one concluding with a cliffhanger-ish type ending. But honestly, it isn't a true suspenseful end so the cliffhanger sycophants need to calm down because here it's appropriate and completely realistic with the overall story being told. Nor does it endanger the love between Hope and Rock. It ends as it should and makes you excited for what's to come in "After Glow".

My favorite MC series

The Lost Kings MC series is my favorite MC series, with each book I get more hooked, I love all of the LOKI brothers and their ladies. Each book flows nicely into the next one and they each focus on one main couple but don't worry you still get to hear a lot about the other characters in the series. After Burn focus on the President Rock and the First Lady Hope, so far they have to be my favorite couple. They have grown so much since the first book Slow Burn and overcome everything that gets thrown their way. Slow Burn starts off with the club heading out on a long road trip to a motorcycle rally. I really enjoyed seeing how Hope fell right into her spot as First Lady and interacts with not only the other ladies in their group but the old ladies of other clubs. She watches out for everyone. And all of the guys watch out for her and help take care of her. Rock and Hope get a huge surprise and finally get to learn a little bit more about the character Grace and how she fits into the club in future. I also really like how Hope knows Rock has a past and sometimes it rears it's ugly head and she takes in stride. She knows it is exactly that his past and she is future. They way he cares for and is so sweet and gentle melts my heart. Unfortunately someone from his past decides to pop back up cause some drama not just for Hope and Rock but several of the men from the club. Slow Burn ends with a cliffhanger that will have you wanting to jump right into the next book.

This series keeps getting better with every book. Amazing!

Whether it’s book 5 or book 10 of the Lost Kings it’s always so easy to get back into this series and these wonderful characters. One might think that 10 books of a series is enough but in this case it’s far from it. The author Autumn Jones Lake knows how to switch it up from book to book and there’s the core of characters to keep me enthralled and interested. Lost Kings keeps getting better with every book. The characters keep showing new sides and shedding layers of themselves for me to come back for more. After Burn is primarily about Rock and his ol’ lady and wife Hope but the other members of the MC play a role too. As they should cause it’s a brotherhood. They’re a family. Rock and Hope’s story has been told and explored in the first three book in the series and in White Heat. I can’t get enough of this power couple. They complement each other and are perfect as the MC’ s King and Queen. Their love and dedication to one another, the club and brothers never waver. I didn’t think it was possible to enjoy them more but I did. What they go through was something the author had teased in her previous books and I was giddy as hell. Rock and Hope lean on another and the brothers are there as well. With support and jokes as usual. I laughed my ass off numerous times when Z or Wrath bust Murphy and Teller’s asses. It was so good to be back with this gang. Like coming home. After Burn is book 10 and I’m beyond ready for book 11 - After Glow. With that ending I’m just as excited for more Rock, Hope and the gang. I need it! Autumn Jones Lake has created a series about a MC but it’s so much more. Lost Kings is all about family, love and brotherhood. I’ll never get enough of that and these people. I’m a LOKI fan forever. 5 Family Stars

Hope's an anchor

After Burn was amazing!! I was counting down the days until this hit my kindle and it did not disappoint! I've never read another author like Autumn who is so utterly astonishing with weaving characters and story lines so seamlessly book after book. She pulls you into each one and attaches it directly to your heart. As much as I love reading about each of the LOKI men in their own books, I love that Rock and Hope never fade away. They are the perfect yin and yang, matching each other perfectly. Their love never wavers or ends. I cannot friggin' wait for the ending to this duet and although I have my own theories, I can't wait to jump in and see where this crazy group takes us. Job well done, Autumn! Always go with your gut. I know I'm glad you did. ;) BTW... #dibsonmurphy

Team Rock and Hope, always & forever

I’m gonna talk a little about the Lost Kings MC first before I tell you about After Burn. This family of brothers AND ‘sisters’ are an inspiring and enriching group of people. They stand with each other no matter the consequences. They are an amazing brotherhood full of love and warmth and growth and friendship and family and a huge heart for one another. The word family seems inadequate as a description. They are so much more than that. They are soulmates. They are kismet. Their bond is untouchable and unwavering and although it is constantly tested, these guys AND ladies always pass the test with flying colors! A club with ups and downs, misfortunes and blessings, winding life paths they each take together for each other and for their club. After Burn is one of those winding paths. Well, it’s the beginning of one of those winding paths. There’s not much I can tell you plot-wise except you will have questions when you finish reading and I have no doubt they will be answered in After Glow, the second part of this journey. I say I have no doubt because Autumn Jones Lake is always thorough and never unwavering in her story-telling. Every detail necessary for a story to make sense is always presented to the reader. There's never a guessing game with her. And I admire the heck out of that. No stone is EVER left un-turned and yet she always keeps you on your toes. If it’s one thing I know about Autumn, is that she doesn't make it easy :) but in the end, everything is always worth the ride! #TRUST So, let’s chat about After Burn a bit. If you’re new to the Lost Kings, I strongly suggest you at least read Slow Burn before you read this book. THIS particular journey focuses a lot on Rock and Hope, President and First Lady of the MC. You should know how they met. Slow Burn will introduce you to not only Rock and Hope, but also help you understand the impact of things revealed. *sigh* I don’t know if that makes any sense, all I know is that the Lost Kings are about to have their strength and loyalty tested. I have no doubt they will come out on the other side of this circumstance stronger but it’s gonna be a ride for sure. I wouldn’t expect anything less from this author! One last thing …. I’ve always said this series is not one you can read without starting from the beginning. I say that because in almost every book, there are two journeys going on. The MC has a journey and whomever the leads are at the time have their own personal journey. However, technically, you can start with any one of the books and read the romance journey within that book with no issue. You will get an incredibly well written story of growth and love and heart. BUT, you will miss out on the Lost Kings family growth and this family is part of who they are. It is their blood. It is their life. They are one. So my advice still stand, start at the beginning, you won’t regret it. #TRUST

After Burn , Lost Kings MC Book 10

I must admit that I love this series & nicely stalk Autumn for the next book in this series. I love how Autumn has woven an MC club into a forever family. Every new book just reenforces my choice to take a gamble on an unknown to me author. Best choice EVER! Do yourself a favor and buy the entire series. You will never regret it. Rock, Hope, Wrath, Trinity, Zero, Teller, Murphy, Heidi, and a teeny tiny princess plus the rest of the club will light up your world. Now I just have to survive 45 more days till the next book After Glow...

Well worth the wait

I couldn’t resist the temptation to stay up and read it after I got the download at midnight and do not regret a minute of lost sleep. The book did an awesome job progressing Hope and Rock’s story as well as the LOKI’s and even included other chapters/clubs and some backstory as well. Hope and Rock continue to be my favorite characters of all time (and I’ve been reading for decades and read multiple books weekly - so yeah - that’s a LOT of H/h’s for comparison). I understand why it’s two books, but after the build-up and wait for this one, I have to admit I’m sincerely disappointed to have to wait for part two, even though it will be here next month. Yes, there’s a cliff hanger, but I knew that going into the book (thanks to the author’s newsletter) and it makes it so much more bearable than just suddenly reaching the end of a book with no real resolution. This clifffhanger is stressful, but seeing how the characters are dealing with it gives me confidence that all will be well in After Glow. Once again Ms. Lake delivers a well crafted, well written, engaging book that brings you fully into her world and makes you feel like the characters are your family and friends.

More Rock & Hope? Yes Please!

I have been counting down the weeks for this book to release and it did not disappoint! I love this couple so much! It's so enjoyable to be immersed in this world again and as always I thoroughly enjoyed both the sexy flirty conversations between Rock & Hope and the dirty funny banter between the guys as a group and with their old ladies around. I also enjoyed the chats between the girls on their own. These books are always FILLED with dialogue which is one of the major reasons I love them so much. I loved catching up with all the characters through Rock and Hope - it's like catching up with people I feel like I know haha. And I always enjoy reading from Rock's perspective weather it be about Hope, his brothers and their relationship or club business. It's like we get a little more of a glimpse inside his head each time and the inner workings of an MC. I felt like this book was really building up to some big things which will I assume will come out in After Glow and I'm so glad we don't have to wait long for it to be released. The author really need not worry about this story becoming 2 books (or even 3!!) as her stories are so fantastic the more the better! This book has made me more excited to read future books about Z (as with every book!!), Swan, Dex, Teller & Charlotte and Carter and also more about the club and their day to day dealings. This continues to be the most enthralling, sexy, funny and enjoyable series I have ever read, they are my favourite books to read by far. I genuinely hope I am reading about the Lost Kings for many years to come.

The President and First lady of the Lost Kings MC have returned....

After Burn (Pt1 of 2) and book #10 in this fabulous MC series, somewhat comes full circle and takes the reader back to the couple who started it all in Slow Burn which seems soooo long ago now! Rock is still the President of the Lost Kings MC and Hope, the first lady, is starting to finally fit in with the biker lifestyle. As with most of AJL's books, she definitely doesn't short-change her readers and hasn't skimped on the details so much so this is a two book catch up. Although I absolutely love this series, it is on the light side with no violence or major action, it's more just a general run down of day to day life. Saying that, we do see the club head to Florida for the annual get together with all the other Lost Kings chapters and then on to a biker rally where we see a little action when Rock plays caveman and knocks another club's member on their ass for talking to Hope. Things got a little tense for a minute there, but unfortunately nothing eventuates. This would have been a good opportunity for some much needed drama... the other club could have come after the Kings for revenge or something? We also get closer to the mystery of Grace and Chance... the two mystery kids mentioned way back in the series (book 4 or 5 I think?) Although we have to wait until the next book for the mystery to be revealed, I'm 99% sure I know who they belong to now? Inga, Rock's first wife, pops back into the picture with some interesting news... it was like a scene from the Maurie Povich show... "are you the father, or is it you, or maybe it's such and such" lol what a whore! I'm pretty sure the answer is going to cause some major waves and I can't friggin wait! I thought we might get some new members to the club since Rock was given a bit of a talking to about growing the gang, but alas it wasn't to be. Sadly, Hope really got on my nerves and I didn't realise how much until now. Her self- doubt, whiny attitude and body image issues got downright annoying... ffs, your married to a god of a man who constantly idolises your body and the ground you walk on! Surely she can't be that needy of attention? Considering she's a lawyer I would think she would have bigger balls and confidence? Rock and Hope have always been my favorite couple but unfortunately and this pains me to say, but this book kinda lowered my expectations of them, especially the scene in the "playroom". That was a little cringy... please don't do that again! I love this author and think she is totally brilliant but I don't know if this book had that special something that is usually a given in this series. Moving forward, it would be nice to see a little more drama. Perhaps some new members and Hope starts to be the woman she is in her professional life move into her MC life... maybe she could even kick someone's butt, Inga, Rock...? Generally I have always loved this series and given 5 stars but I'm not fully feeling this one and also the editing was a little lapse with quite a few typos. I would still willingly recommend this series to anyone who likes sexy but respectful alphas, MC and a different to norm storyline. Im impatiently now waiting for the next installment to find out who the baby daddy is. I think we are in for a shocker somehow?

This series never gets old!

I just love and adore this series. These characters feel like my friends and family because Autumn has allowed us to be a part of the journey of her characters. As they grow and change through the years we get to a part of it and as a reader, I feel more connected to this series than any other. Most romance books never go beyond the traditional HEA ending. It's all about meeting that one and what it takes to be together, but I often find life more fascinating in the after. People don't stop changing or evolving just because they found their person. Life is not less troublesome just because you found love and I applaud the author for taking the risk and exploring all facets of a relationship. I loved getting more of Rock and Hope and to get to see how much they have changed since the very beginning. Hope was so very insecure and unsure of herself in the very beginning, but now she is truly a queen. Not perfect (but who is) she is someone that loves her LOKI family and no one better get in the way. She is fiercely protective and loyal to her husband and will do anything to protect him and their relationship. In this book, you really understand why this club loves her and will do anything to protect their first lady. Rock is really everything in this book. He can make any women swoon. His love and devotion to not only Hope but to his LOKI family are awe-inspiring. He has built something real and special with his club and all members take their directive from him and as he changes and grows so does the rest of the LOKI members. Autumn sure gives you a great ride in this book. Most of it is quiet and unassuming. Which is perfect for everything these two, plus the club have gone through. You get to see them just be a family and get to really see how they interact within the motorcycle world and it was fun to see. Plus I just loved all the family dinner scenes. Made my heart all happy and giddy. As much as it is unassuming there are some big surprises in this book and ones that will forever change Rock, Hope, and the entire LOKI family. It is a great reminder that their world is real and raw and sometimes past actions will come back to haunt you. **********Author provided a review copy******** (less)

A Joyous & Suspense Filled Return to the King & Queen!

"After Burn" is Autumn Jones Lake's 13th installment and 10th full-length novel of her Lost Kings MC series. It is also the 4th full book devoted to my favorite, Lost Kings (LOKI) couple, Rock and Hope. Who, in this edition, find themselves on yet another series of crazy adventures of both the MC and personal variety. Broken into two parts, this new visit to Rock and Hope is both giggle inducing and "holy crap!" level gasp producing! It showcases both Hope's growing entrenchment with the club, as well as, Rock and Hope's still growing love and need for each other two years into their marriage. And it is truly beautiful... You would think after thirteen books things would be getting stale, or that I would be getting bored (as is often the case with long, multi-book series), but I am honestly more invested than ever! I love the easy banter, sarcasm, and quick humor Lake displays here between Rock and Hope. She shows their growth, the trust and security they have with each other and the club. Displaying a level of care and loyalty of a couple married for fifty years instead of just two! And like a literary super wizard, Lake's continued linear layering of emotionally rich and intelligent storylines, filled with complex, yet relatable characters, all laid upon a bravely honest, reality based, vibrantly vivid literary landscape, explodes in your mind. It's as if you are physically present within the LOKI universe, existing as a shadow, witnessing the events unfold before you firsthand. Additionally, Lake's ability to keep each series addition fresh, interesting, emotionally brave, and honest shows just how much SHE loves these characters as well. Something that shows clearly on each page, with each heavenly word she writes. Something clearly evident in this book. Furthermore, as if Lake was inspired to see how many times she could make her readers gasp, she included something in "After Burn" that left me speechless! She truly stunned me with this installment as she goes in a direction I wasn't expecting after the events of "Strength from Loyalty". Which in turn has me wondering if this path was intentional from the start, or whether something pretty significant changed along the way within the realm of her own relationship to these characters? Either way I respect the path she takes Hope and Rock down. It's lovingly written, brave, realistically fear-filled and trepidatious, and "hitch-in-your-breath" level tumultuous. I love Hope, Rock, even more after finishing this one. It will move you unexpectedly and give you butterflies deep in your belly. You will both cheer with them, and be afraid for them as the events unfold. And privately you will silently pray for the happy ending Hope and Rock so richly deserve. Yes, it is similar to Teller and Charlotte's story in that it's spread out over two books, with this one concluding with a cliffhanger-ish type ending. But honestly, it isn't a true suspenseful end so the cliffhanger sycophants need to calm down because here it's appropriate and completely realistic with the overall story being told. Nor does it endanger the love between Hope and Rock. It ends as it should and makes you excited for what's to come in "After Glow".

My favorite MC series

The Lost Kings MC series is my favorite MC series, with each book I get more hooked, I love all of the LOKI brothers and their ladies. Each book flows nicely into the next one and they each focus on one main couple but don't worry you still get to hear a lot about the other characters in the series. After Burn focus on the President Rock and the First Lady Hope, so far they have to be my favorite couple. They have grown so much since the first book Slow Burn and overcome everything that gets thrown their way. Slow Burn starts off with the club heading out on a long road trip to a motorcycle rally. I really enjoyed seeing how Hope fell right into her spot as First Lady and interacts with not only the other ladies in their group but the old ladies of other clubs. She watches out for everyone. And all of the guys watch out for her and help take care of her. Rock and Hope get a huge surprise and finally get to learn a little bit more about the character Grace and how she fits into the club in future. I also really like how Hope knows Rock has a past and sometimes it rears it's ugly head and she takes in stride. She knows it is exactly that his past and she is future. They way he cares for and is so sweet and gentle melts my heart. Unfortunately someone from his past decides to pop back up cause some drama not just for Hope and Rock but several of the men from the club. Slow Burn ends with a cliffhanger that will have you wanting to jump right into the next book.

This series keeps getting better with every book. Amazing!

Whether it’s book 5 or book 10 of the Lost Kings it’s always so easy to get back into this series and these wonderful characters. One might think that 10 books of a series is enough but in this case it’s far from it. The author Autumn Jones Lake knows how to switch it up from book to book and there’s the core of characters to keep me enthralled and interested. Lost Kings keeps getting better with every book. The characters keep showing new sides and shedding layers of themselves for me to come back for more. After Burn is primarily about Rock and his ol’ lady and wife Hope but the other members of the MC play a role too. As they should cause it’s a brotherhood. They’re a family. Rock and Hope’s story has been told and explored in the first three book in the series and in White Heat. I can’t get enough of this power couple. They complement each other and are perfect as the MC’ s King and Queen. Their love and dedication to one another, the club and brothers never waver. I didn’t think it was possible to enjoy them more but I did. What they go through was something the author had teased in her previous books and I was giddy as hell. Rock and Hope lean on another and the brothers are there as well. With support and jokes as usual. I laughed my ass off numerous times when Z or Wrath bust Murphy and Teller’s asses. It was so good to be back with this gang. Like coming home. After Burn is book 10 and I’m beyond ready for book 11 - After Glow. With that ending I’m just as excited for more Rock, Hope and the gang. I need it! Autumn Jones Lake has created a series about a MC but it’s so much more. Lost Kings is all about family, love and brotherhood. I’ll never get enough of that and these people. I’m a LOKI fan forever. 5 Family Stars

Hope's an anchor

After Burn was amazing!! I was counting down the days until this hit my kindle and it did not disappoint! I've never read another author like Autumn who is so utterly astonishing with weaving characters and story lines so seamlessly book after book. She pulls you into each one and attaches it directly to your heart. As much as I love reading about each of the LOKI men in their own books, I love that Rock and Hope never fade away. They are the perfect yin and yang, matching each other perfectly. Their love never wavers or ends. I cannot friggin' wait for the ending to this duet and although I have my own theories, I can't wait to jump in and see where this crazy group takes us. Job well done, Autumn! Always go with your gut. I know I'm glad you did. ;) BTW... #dibsonmurphy

Team Rock and Hope, always & forever

I’m gonna talk a little about the Lost Kings MC first before I tell you about After Burn. This family of brothers AND ‘sisters’ are an inspiring and enriching group of people. They stand with each other no matter the consequences. They are an amazing brotherhood full of love and warmth and growth and friendship and family and a huge heart for one another. The word family seems inadequate as a description. They are so much more than that. They are soulmates. They are kismet. Their bond is untouchable and unwavering and although it is constantly tested, these guys AND ladies always pass the test with flying colors! A club with ups and downs, misfortunes and blessings, winding life paths they each take together for each other and for their club. After Burn is one of those winding paths. Well, it’s the beginning of one of those winding paths. There’s not much I can tell you plot-wise except you will have questions when you finish reading and I have no doubt they will be answered in After Glow, the second part of this journey. I say I have no doubt because Autumn Jones Lake is always thorough and never unwavering in her story-telling. Every detail necessary for a story to make sense is always presented to the reader. There's never a guessing game with her. And I admire the heck out of that. No stone is EVER left un-turned and yet she always keeps you on your toes. If it’s one thing I know about Autumn, is that she doesn't make it easy :) but in the end, everything is always worth the ride! #TRUST So, let’s chat about After Burn a bit. If you’re new to the Lost Kings, I strongly suggest you at least read Slow Burn before you read this book. THIS particular journey focuses a lot on Rock and Hope, President and First Lady of the MC. You should know how they met. Slow Burn will introduce you to not only Rock and Hope, but also help you understand the impact of things revealed. *sigh* I don’t know if that makes any sense, all I know is that the Lost Kings are about to have their strength and loyalty tested. I have no doubt they will come out on the other side of this circumstance stronger but it’s gonna be a ride for sure. I wouldn’t expect anything less from this author! One last thing …. I’ve always said this series is not one you can read without starting from the beginning. I say that because in almost every book, there are two journeys going on. The MC has a journey and whomever the leads are at the time have their own personal journey. However, technically, you can start with any one of the books and read the romance journey within that book with no issue. You will get an incredibly well written story of growth and love and heart. BUT, you will miss out on the Lost Kings family growth and this family is part of who they are. It is their blood. It is their life. They are one. So my advice still stand, start at the beginning, you won’t regret it. #TRUST

After Burn , Lost Kings MC Book 10

I must admit that I love this series & nicely stalk Autumn for the next book in this series. I love how Autumn has woven an MC club into a forever family. Every new book just reenforces my choice to take a gamble on an unknown to me author. Best choice EVER! Do yourself a favor and buy the entire series. You will never regret it. Rock, Hope, Wrath, Trinity, Zero, Teller, Murphy, Heidi, and a teeny tiny princess plus the rest of the club will light up your world. Now I just have to survive 45 more days till the next book After Glow...

Well worth the wait

I couldn’t resist the temptation to stay up and read it after I got the download at midnight and do not regret a minute of lost sleep. The book did an awesome job progressing Hope and Rock’s story as well as the LOKI’s and even included other chapters/clubs and some backstory as well. Hope and Rock continue to be my favorite characters of all time (and I’ve been reading for decades and read multiple books weekly - so yeah - that’s a LOT of H/h’s for comparison). I understand why it’s two books, but after the build-up and wait for this one, I have to admit I’m sincerely disappointed to have to wait for part two, even though it will be here next month. Yes, there’s a cliff hanger, but I knew that going into the book (thanks to the author’s newsletter) and it makes it so much more bearable than just suddenly reaching the end of a book with no real resolution. This clifffhanger is stressful, but seeing how the characters are dealing with it gives me confidence that all will be well in After Glow. Once again Ms. Lake delivers a well crafted, well written, engaging book that brings you fully into her world and makes you feel like the characters are your family and friends.

More Rock & Hope? Yes Please!

I have been counting down the weeks for this book to release and it did not disappoint! I love this couple so much! It's so enjoyable to be immersed in this world again and as always I thoroughly enjoyed both the sexy flirty conversations between Rock & Hope and the dirty funny banter between the guys as a group and with their old ladies around. I also enjoyed the chats between the girls on their own. These books are always FILLED with dialogue which is one of the major reasons I love them so much. I loved catching up with all the characters through Rock and Hope - it's like catching up with people I feel like I know haha. And I always enjoy reading from Rock's perspective weather it be about Hope, his brothers and their relationship or club business. It's like we get a little more of a glimpse inside his head each time and the inner workings of an MC. I felt like this book was really building up to some big things which will I assume will come out in After Glow and I'm so glad we don't have to wait long for it to be released. The author really need not worry about this story becoming 2 books (or even 3!!) as her stories are so fantastic the more the better! This book has made me more excited to read future books about Z (as with every book!!), Swan, Dex, Teller & Charlotte and Carter and also more about the club and their day to day dealings. This continues to be the most enthralling, sexy, funny and enjoyable series I have ever read, they are my favourite books to read by far. I genuinely hope I am reading about the Lost Kings for many years to come.

Love this series!!

You could write 30 books about Rock and Hope and I swear I'd buy every single one! I love this series, and this book was amazing! Loved catching up with everyone. Read it in one day. Can't wait for the next book. And I am patiently waiting for Z's book. I'd love to read about Dex, Brick, Sparky, Rav and the rest of the guys. As long as you do the writing on this series I'll do the reading. It's my favorite! Even named my puppy LOKI!! They just keep getting better and better!! Thank You for your amazing mind and creativity!!! You have a loyal fan for life!

Best series ever

I love this series. Each book is like spending time with family. Autumn is an amazing writer that pulls you in from the first chapter. These characters are so deep, and I love every single one of them...tho Rock and Hope have a special place in my heart 😋 This book is no different..we see glimpses of some old friends, old enemies, get a little more insight into others, and get to enjoy Rock flipping out a little. Everyone's lives are moving along...waiting for the other shoe to drop...and BOOM there it is. I wouldn't say it ends with a cliffhanger as much as getting ready to conquer the next challenge. I can't WAIT for the next one, and hope she writes about these characters FOREVER!

Another Great Book by Autumn

Where do you even start? This is book #10 in the Lost Kings MC series. This book does have a cliffhanger, but the second book is to be coming out next month so not to much of a wait. I will say the cliffhanger is not that horrible in my opinion. It is told in two POV's Rock and Hope. The couple that started the whole series. I have been waiting 10 books for what finally is gonna be happening. 10 books, and I am so glad I have waited 10 books. Everything fits perfectly together. All the MC family make appearances. I will say that you cant start reading this book and fully understand what is going on. You really need to read the books in order to get a good understanding just what kind of family this group of bikers really are. Will absolutely continue reading this series as long as Autumn keeps writing.

Love The Lost Kings

No one spins an MC action/ romance like Autumn Jones Lake, and After Burn pulls us deeper into the perfect love and loyalty of Hope and Rock, and the Lost Kings Motor Cycle Club. Hope is at a cross road (or two) in life, but we know Rock is always her anchor and the MC will surround them with support. I had a strong suspicion this book is leading to something really big and Autumn never disappoints. Any lover of the MC romance genre that hasn't gotten into this series is missing something special and should start reading it now. I guarantee you'll become a fan and find your perfect Biker man among the Lost Kings.

Great story

So many things went through my mind reading this book. First was yay finally I get to read it. Then all the banter between these guys, they’re truly a family through and through. The love Rock has for Hope blows me away with each book. And her love for him in return, heartmelting! I really connected with this story more so than most of the others, and it was wrote beautifully!!!! I loved it!!!! How it ends on....sets up for the conclusion....left me with all sorts of theories!!!! Bring on book 2!!!!!


I swear EVERYTIME I read anything involving Rochlan North....that man...I need to invest in new panties. He is like a fine wine, he gets better with age. He is so tender and gentle with Hope. He is so sweet with Heidi’s daughter. Hope is a strong woman that will take on the world if it means taking care of her man or her “children” in the club. I loved catching up with the other guys and their families. I love how Ms Lake make the gears in your brain turn. There are questions left to be answered but the possibilities are endless on the outcome. I love that. Bring on After Glow!!!!

Autumn does it again! This story is 🔥

Autumn continues to blow our minds with her creativity and depth her stories continue to make. You think you know what may be going on but there is always a surprise waiting for you. Just when the clubhouse thinks their past is behind them and they can move on, it bites them in the rear. I need more!! I am truly hoping that there will be more to this story.

Autumn, I was wrong and I should have known better....❤❤❤

Autumn, I should have known better. My apologies Ms Lady! Rock and Hope ......GOALS! I loved seeing all the Kings together, standing by their President. Protective of their first lady. Love how Hope gets fired up when it comes to Rock, her temper and her fire, ready to take on any and all who come after her husband. Zee.....😍😍, cant wait for his story. Wrath as always protective of Cinderella, Murphy and Teller, swoon worthy...... they're the Lost Kings, no more needs to be said. Rock is a great leader, Hope gives them all hope, his men, reflective of his leadership, strong, alphas, loving husbands. I loved seeing the Iron Bulls interact with the Kings, Dante and Karina, Romeo and Althena , love Phoenyx Slaughter too. The cliff hanger....... OMG, Hope❤❤I'm anxiously looking forward to Hope handing out get own kind of justice.

So Awesome

I love Rock and Hope. I love how this author writes about Rock and Hope but also still brings in the rest of the MC. How they banter back and forth. It really make you laugh and wish all relationships were like there's. Always there for each can give each other a hard time but still love each with all their faults. This is such a great series and I can read about the Lost Kings MC forever. I can't wait for the next book. Thank you so much for such a great series.

Never Enough Lost Kings!

The loyalty and dedication that goes into the MC and their families is beautiful. This series has been amazing for me from the start and only keeps getting better with each and every book.

After Burn - still burning with fire!

I found love through 'After Burn' and Autumn, you had me smiling so big.. my cheeks were hurt! LOST KINGS MC had never let me down.. The guys had my heart since the beginning.. Rock and Hope were my first love. I am very happy to read more stories from each couples.. their antics.. the jokes and teasing.. this was all about family and brotherhood.. Nothing is short.. 'After Burn' was written with deeper was flirty and sensual. The romance was off the chart ❤❤! This is the reflection of people who are falling in love, their care and selfless.. gosh.. the ladies are so lucky to have any Kings men.. please keep the story going Autumn! The boys never get old.. They always cracked me up!

I laughed, I cried, and I fell in love with Rock and Hope all over again.

As always, Autumn blew me away with this book; I got sucked in, like all of her books, after the first page. I've never read another author that can so easily make you feel like you're living right in the middle of the story (and boy do I wish I could actually live in this world). I'm a big fan of things never ending, so I loved that even though Rock and Hope have four books and their own "happy for now ending" Autumn still isn't done with them. I enjoyed getting to check in with Rock and Hope AND hearing from everyone else, including some of the brothers we haven't heard too much from yet. The story itself was so much better than I ever imagined it was going to be, and I can't wait for the second part.

Great Book / Great Series

Another great book from Autumn Jones Lake. I love the way she writes about these characters and the love and loyalty they have for each other. The Lost Kings are by far my favorite MC series to read. I cannot wait unit the next one comes out and glad to read at the end of this book that they will continue for a long time. If you haven’t read this series yet find time to do so you’ll love Autumn’s writing and her beloved characters. ♥️🏍

I love the continuing story!

For those of us who have been reading Autumn Lake Jones's Lost Kings series, we have come to know and love these characters. Once again, she has drawn us into the Lost Kings world, a place that is vivid with the risks and dangers that come along with MC life as well as the love, support and fun of a family that always has your back. I was very excited to hear more from President Rock and his wife Hope. I won't give anything away, but I could go on reading about them forever.


I could read about this club forever. Rock and Hope are my favorite and it was really great to see the progression of their life story. The Kings are one family and together they handle whatever comes their way. Factions are always trying to disrupt what they have and reading how they deal with these things is what keeps me reading these stories. I love the relationships between the alphas and their women, I just love this series!! I'm waiting, impatiently, for part two! I can't wait to read Z's story too, he's such a mystery and he's smoking hot. I just know his story is going to be fantastic when he meets the woman he's destined to be with!

love hope and rock

What a love story between these 2 people and love the way he show her how he feels. They have been thru so much and its nice to see how much they love one another and , his mc. biker brothers have so much respect for her and Rock. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book After Glow, I had forgotten that this book was a cliffhanger so I was upset but then its ok. for I love her books and all her characters are like friends of mine and love to hear on what they are up to.

It gets better and better!!

It feels so good to be back in the Lost Kings world! After Burn did not disappoint. You get all the feels while reading through another epic story. My #1 book boyfriend Rochlan North is as badass as ever and gets my heart pumping. I LOVE HIM! Autumn's creativity and writing is enthralling. She definitely knows how to tell a story. I am so grateful for her and her books which have brought me so much joy and entertainment over the last few years. I look forward to After Glow and all of Autumn's future books. If you haven't read the Lost Kings yet, GET ON IT!!! #RockisMYfox

Too be honest..

TBH I did not want to read this book. I had planned on skipping it on the series. In my head I was happy with how Rock and Hope's relationship was. I decided to read it for two reasons. 1. I always say when a book is finished, man I wish we could see their life in the future. Why stop when their story is just beginning. 2. After Glow was released. I am apart of the Fb group and I keep hearing what a shocker #11 is. So you drug me into reading them both. After Burn is great. I love seeing Hope's relationships with the boys grow. It's interesting how they see her as hot, sexy, classy but respect her as Mrs. PRESIDENT. So now on to #11. This is my first book review ever BTW. *I think*

After Burn (Lost Kings MC#10) Wahooo! Here we go!

OMG! Here we sit out on the cliff, but that's okay because After Glow, book #11 is available at all the usual retailers. Thank you Autumn for taking us all on the Lost Kings road trip. Fun was had all except for Sway and Shadow. Don't know what happens to them but I'm sure we'll find out later. So much happens to Rock and Hope in Part Two of After Burn and for that matter many of their Lost Kings family. No spoilers here. One word though, reading the books in the order written is highly recommended. Thanks agai., Autumn for sharing your alpha bikers and their kickass ladies with us.

My heart

It's amazing how major events of Hope's life tends to mirror my own. Not to the letter but close enough where I feel like we are growing together. What a special thing that is to find in your favorite books. Just when I was getting restless Autumn hits me with the gift of another LOKI book. If you have a heart you will love the series and this installment is no different!! Granted I'm now more eager than ever for the next book!!

Oh, Goodness Me... What A Incredible Book!!

Autumn Jones Lake Has Did It... Yet Again With Another Incredible Book In The Hit Series "The Lost Kings MC" I Absolutely Love & Enjoyed Everything About This Book!! From Hope & Rock, To Murphy, Teller, & Heidi. To Wrath & Trinity, Even Sparky! And That Sweet Baby Alexa Who Is Adorable!! Alot... And I Do Mean Alot Happens In This Book & It Just Blew Me Away!! At The End Of It I Said "Holy Shenanigans Autumn, What A Book Woman!" LOL I Still Can't Believe What I Read, It's Awesome People... Totally Awesomeness!! And That Book Cover... Isn't That Cover Gorgeous Or What Y'all!! Absolutely Loved It & I Told Autumn This... Each Time She Writes A Book, They Simply Blow. Me Away With How Fantastically Well Written They Are. If The Option Was Available I Would Give This Book 20 Gold Stars. Definitely Recommend Reading This!!

She does it again

Autumn you knocked this out of the park. I could not have thought of a better ending to this book. The one thing I was really hoping for ended up happening in this book. I cannot wait to see how that ends up. Hope is going to kick some lawyer ass! It kind of irked me that it ended in the way it did but that just makes me that more excited for the next one.

I love Rock and Hope

This book is what I have been waiting for. I think it's what Autumn's readers and Rock & Hope fans have been waiting for. There is just so many emotions and I wish I could give away all the huge highlights of this amazing book buuuuuut if I do it will ruin it for you. Know this its addictive and amazing. You won't regret it and you will fall in love with the Lost Kings even a little more! Great job Autumn!

Sizzle sizzle hot?

Truly, if you haven’t read this series about the Lost Kings have missed the boat! It starts with the love story that develops with Hope, an attorney, and Rochlan, LOKI’s Prez. Each book tells different stories that is about different LOKI members. After Burn is a return to Hope and Rock’s story. Mrs. Lake does a phenomenal job of keeping your interest in ALL the characters. Simply put, it just doesn’t get boring! I could read about Hope and Rock till there old and grey riding a trike conversion Harley All the characters are weaved in and out in such way you are left thinking about them, worrying about them, and wondering what will the next outcome be? I guarantee you are gonna fall in love with this book!

Another amazing book!

Wow! I have read the Loki series several times now and I love how well Autumn plants clues to things that happen several books later, and this one was no exception!! Reading about Rock and Hope is like reading a story about my own friends. The characters are so real and relatable.

The best series

I just love this series. I wait impatiently for the next one to be on my Kindle. Hope and Rock are my favorite. This book gives us more of them and a look at what the other club members are doing. This book had some very funny,steamy and mysterious parts. Read this series. You won’t be disappointed. I read at least 100 books or more a year. Several being series. This one is the best. Try it out. You will fall in love with the men and women of LOKI

Hope & Rock

I was so happy to see Hope and Rock getting another book or two. I love this couple so much, they are the backbone of this MC family and strong role models for the members and their women. The banter between the members always keep me laughing and I love their interactions with Hope and how much they love and protect her as their First Lady. Can’t wait for After Glow I’m sure it’s going to be epic. And Z’s book has been building for years I can’t wait to get my hands on that one. Great read as always from Ms Lake and happily will wait for more.

I can't get enough Hope and Rock

I love this book and the continuing story of Hope and Rock and everyone in the Lost Kings world. These books have strong, deep characters that have amazing chemistry and I'm a voyeur invited in to watch their lives. I do wish we had found out why Sway and Shadow we're being held in FL and what was going on with all the law enforcement setups, maybe in After Glow.

You did it again!

I waited and waited for this book. You didn't disappoint. Your way with storytelling just pulls me in deeper and craving more of the LOKI men. I hope their stories never end. I'm now waiting "semi patiently for After Glow.

Loki 4 Ever

Ok so I have read the whole series (twice) - need I say more ? After reading After Burn and Autumn's notes, all I can say is that you can write as many books about Rock and Hope along with all of the rest of the club as you want and I will be sure to read every single one of them. You have created an awesome group of characters that I want to continue to what they are up to. So continue to follow your instincts and if you have any cliffhangers and anyone bitches about them, then they are not a true fan. Definitely one of my favorite series. Looking forward to #11 👍🏻👑

This not your typical MC book - in a really good way

It doesn't matter that this is the 10th book in the series, there is always a plot twist (without "jumping the shark") to hold your interest. Autumn writes so well and keeps adding layers to her characters and this time we find out more about some of the supporting players. I love the dialogue, lots of things to make you laugh or sigh, and Rock and Hope are such a great couple. It always feels like catching up with old friends when Autumn gives us a new installment of the Lost Kings. Thank you and keep writing, please.


Addicted. That's what I am. When I'm 80 and in a nursing home my grandchildren will be telling me I can't read anymore LK books because they've heard too much about Hope and Rock and the rest of the Loki's. I'll beat the little jerks with my cane until they buy me more lol Seriously, I'll never tire of this series. It's well written and the story only gets better with the characters and their growth.

So many emotions

As I finish After Burn for the 3rd time, j cant believe I haven't left a review! I absolutely love this book (and the next) and the stories they contain. I believe there are 3 or 4 big plots in these 2 books keeping you totally engaged in the story. This book does have a cliffhanger (boohoo you'll be fine since the next book is already available) but it's worth it. I'm so glad Autumn didnt try to shorten these 2 books into 1. It would have been seriously lacking!

After Burn...

Lost Kings MC book 10. Brilliantly written and a totally Fanfreakingtastic read. Rock and Hope get a well deserved surprise. The club is in for an angsty path. The drama in this book is kicked up several notches. It's freaking sexy as hell with intense WTF moments. The ending is a head banger. I can't wait for the next book. This series should be a movie.

LOKI (Lost Kings MC) is an amazing series & After Burn is just icing on the cake ;)

After Burn is Book 10 in the Lost Kings MC Series by Autumn Jones Lake. I love the way she writes using multiple characters point of views. In the cause of After Burn, it's Rock and Hope. They go through a lot of hills and valleys throughout the series (1-9.5) but it great to see them dealing with issues together (for the most part) in this book. Also, loved the back and forth banter between the club brothers. The meal tables scenes are hilarious There are so many one liners I laughed way to hard at (Z and Ravage, especially). Sometimes when multiple characters are speaking it readers can get lost, but not the way Autumn's writes. I can't wait of the next book in November.

Love this series!

Autumn Jones Lake once again draws the reader into the heart of the Lost Kings MC world. The story focuses on Rock and Hope, but we are given deep glimpses of all our favorite couples and the other single members. Ends in a cliffhanger, but that doesn’t take away from the story. If you have been reading this series, this is not one to miss! If you haven’t read any of the Lost King series, start with book 1 - you’ll never regret it! I love this book, love this series, love this author!

Best Yet!

I’m in love with this series and the books keep getting better and better. Rock and Hope are amazing together and the writing is so wonderful that I feel like they are real people in a relationship. I know that sounds nuts, but it’s true. This book made me laugh out loud so many times and tear up in other parts. I cannot wait to read the next one!

Any book with our LOKI men is a hit!!!!

Autumn does it again. Can never seem too get enough of Rock, Hope, Wrath and everyone else!!!! Good story that makes you feel lime you are living life right along with them all. Never a dull moment with this group and I cant wait for more stories on them all!!! Keep writing Autumn!! Love the ride the Kings take us on!!!

Enjoy it every time you read it

Good writing supports the story and characters; it doesn't get in the way. And that, that is what Autumn gives her readers: a good story, with characters you give a damn about, in situations where you want them to succeed. Oh sure, they're are trials and tribulations, it is a novel afterall and the plot is entertaining, but it doesn't feel manufactured. It mirrors real life emotionally with its ups, downs, idiocy from coworkers, intimate moments, self doubt, self confidence, support from hidden corners and other good surprises from friends. in short, it's a fabulous read, and every time you read it you'll dig yourself into it a little more, until suddenly these characters, these people, are as real to you as they surely must be to Autumn.

Love this series! I can’t get enough.

Really I can’t get enough of Rock and Hope and the rest of the “family”. I love seeing how their relationship evolves and how the group as a whole interacts with each other. The banter as well as how they have each other’s backs. Back to basics a bit with this book as they travel a bit for more MC business. But a few surprises along the way as well.

Another Stunner!

Autumn has done it again with this book. Rock & Hope are the glue of the Lost Kings family so it's nice reading another story from them, seeing where they are at. Look forward to reading book 2!!

The burn is eternal!

The eternal burn to read more of Hope and Rock still burns brightly. Their story continues to evolve with each book. It never seems to be enough when you get to the end, you need more. These characters are amazingly depicted as well as real as can be. Still captivated with this bikers club and book series! Kudos to Autumn Jones Lake once again.

Outstanding exciting read

“Just so you know, I’m a fantastic divorce attorney—in case your husband ends up being the father.” You will want to read this story, oh my, I couldn’t put the book down at all, it was so engaging, exciting, hanging onto every written word. Love this series.

More Rock and Hope please

Autumn Jones Lake you did it again. I could read about Hope and Rock till there old and gray. This book had everything in it. Made me laugh, cry and get a little mad. You truly bring these characters to life. There were a lot of questions. Loved the parts about the long run besides other things. Don’t want to give anything a way.

Rock and Hope forever

Totally committed to Rock and Hope and their story, so first if you haven’t read Slow Burn please please please do that before starting this book, it will just make a lot more sense. That being said I am in love with After Burn! I love how we see more of Rock struggling with himself and Hope being the strong one. I also absolutely love how Hope defends her decisions to others who don’t necessarily think she is on the right path. The line in the book where she talks about feminism being a woman’s right to make the choices that are right for her I thought was perfect. Can’t wait to read After Glow!!!

Jesus I love this series:)

Thank you AJL, for another amazing story from the LOKI world- I know you have said in the past you worry the readers won't want more, but I personally hope Rock NEVER shuts up :) Since I joined Kindle Unlimited, this is literally the only series of books I pay full price for, and I am thrilled to do it, every time- please keep writing!!

love this series

I fell in love with this book and the characters. I usually do not read books more than once, I have read this series twice!!! I have never been in love with characters of book like I am with this series. Autumn has a way with words that will make you want to find these characters and make them your best friends. Autumn is an amazing writer, I have read every single book that she has written. The only thing I am sad about is that I have down loaded the books on my kindle instead of buying the actual book.

Hope & Rock

This book is a club book, but mostly starring Hope & Rock and told from their view points. I like seeing how the club has grown & some men have settled down and some families have started. It’s nice to see this through an established couple, the original 2, the mom & dad of the group. Everyone’s lives have progressed, when a blast from the past hits them. Though it’s not a large stumbling block, yet, it is a stutter step.

Lost kings forever!

This series never disappoints! I really hope autumn keeps writing forever and ever! Each book I read I go wow best ever! And then she releases the next and I’m in love with that book! You can write about rock, hope, and all the lost kings and I will read them forever! One of my fave series by far! If you haven’t read them, do yourself a favor and pick them up! You will not be disappointed!

LOKI is Family

The way Autumn Lake writes, you get sucked right in and become a part of the story from the very beginning! I’ve been in love with Rock and Hope from the minute I picked up her books. You’ll love them, too! Take a chance on this MC won’t regret it!

Another awesome LOKI book

Once again Autumn outdid herself again. Every book in this series is amazing. I have read it at least 2 or 3 times and this book will be no different. We are given amazing love scenes that are super hot. You also get unbelievable heartfelt moments that make you wish you had a love like Rock and Hope. This book does not disappoint and I say if you haven't read it your crazy because it's absolutely amazing. Love Autumn

It's way past my bed time but I couldn't put the book down!

Another impressive story! Hope is finally realizing exactly what being involved with Rock & the Kings mean. As far as she's concerned, nothing can tear her away from Rock. But there is a threat headed their way. I can't wait to find out. Personally, after reading the series, I think there is no power on earth, besides death, that can tear them apart!

Left hanging for book 2!

Rock and Hope are my all time favorite couple. Their love is intense and all consuming. The flu. And brother have the best friendship and camaraderie. They keep me laughing! Highly recommend and plan to reorder the next book.

My Review

I absolutely loved part one of this book. Although Wrath and Trinity are my number one couple, Teller and Charlotte are my 2nd, and Rock and Hope I freaking love them as well. I like how everyone refers to them as mom and dad that is freaking hilarious!! I love all these guys and Miss Autumn has done it again!! I can't wait to dive into the 2nd book 💛💜

Love this series

So happy Autumn is writing about Hope and Rock again in this book and the follow up, After Glow. I mean, who doesn’t LOVE them!? So many emotions and things going on in their MC world... Hopes pregnancy, Sways porn star nonsense, Inga, Rrrggghhhh.......Can’t wait to read next book :)

Hope and Rock

Autumn Jones Lake did it again! Another fabulous book in the Lost Kings MC series. I love that we get another story featuring the King and Queen and their amazingly adorable journey together. Rock and Hope are beautiful together. It was also nice to see the dynamic of these men and women is still family oriented. They’re still behaving silly, having fun, protecting one another, and standing up for one another no matter what. Most of the time I felt like I was sitting right in the room with them. I highly enjoyed this book.

New York Steel Magnolia

Hope continues to prove you can be soft, venerable, and still as strong as steel. I think that is one of the things that makes me so loyal to her character. That and the fact that she and Rock love with a fierceness and steadiness that anyone would want. Autumn Jones Lake delivers every time! You open her book and you are immediately drawn in. You can not go wrong reading this series!

Another great installment

I could read about this group of characters forever! I will always love Rock and Hope's story. I really enjoyed getting to see more of the secondary characters in After Burn. It gets me fired up to see more of their journeys in future books.

Great characters..Autumn makes you feel like your part of their family.

Another wonderful story in the lives of the Lost Kings MC. If you haven't started this series or read anything by Autumn Jones Lake....your missing out. She truly knows how to interact characters and makes us the readers, want to continue to follow their journey...had a smile on my face the entire read. 😁 Looking forward to the release of After Glow!! 😍


This is another great one about Hope and Rock. The whole MC is an amazing family and their individual storylines are just as amazing


This series is one of my favorite mc series I have ever read. Iove all the characters. This author is amazing and I can't wait to read the rest of this series. I would be okay if it never ended. Maybe after this series ends she could do one about the next generation of Lost Kings.

Just keeps getting better

Autumn has done it once again! The latest installment of LOKI life is the best yet! It is the perfect mix of MC life (we see all the guys and ladies) and romance for these characters. I honestly will read as many books with Hope and Rock as the main characters as Autumn will bless us with! The story was amazing, well developed, and it had great energy throughout. Part One was great as we found our favorites in a new setting. And Part Two seemed like classic Rock and Hope. So happy that Autumn has created these characters for us and the “fun” continues. Well done!

Love It

Autumn I can not express the joy I get from reading your books. Your characters are so alive in my head. I would not mind if all of your stories are more than 1 book long. The more I can read about the Kings the better as far as I am concerned! I appreciate you adding in other author's MC characters. It is nice to have other books to read while waiting for your next masterpiece. Keep up the great work and say hello to Mr Lake for me! I love the little stories you tell about him too.

So Worth The Wait!!

Autumn Jones Lake has become my favorite author and this series is my all-time favorite read! I excitedly waited for After Burn and it was worth every agonizing minute. I loved learning where Rock and Hope's story is going, and catching up with Wrath, Trinity, and the rest of the Lost Kings club. I CANNOT wait for After Glow!!


Rock and Hope love story continues and it just gets better with every book. The love he has for her is swoon worthy. This book makes you laugh and sigh. The banter is funny to read. A must read.

As always...

Autumn killed it once again. I cannot get enough of this story, I hope I’m reading it until I’m fifty. Rock and Hope are #couplegoals, the club is the best big happy family ever. The scenes were SO fun to read, all the guys messing with each other the whole time. I don’t know a better MC story out there. And that’s saying something because #soaforlife... 😉

Awesome author awesome series

I cannot say enough about this series and Autumn Jones Lake!! I fell in love with her books from the first one and haven’t looked back ( unless you count rereading them over and over) Love how the series continues and you get to see how everyone is doing , one big LOKI Family!! Definitely worth reading, I have bought all of them

King forever/keep doing you cause it only gets better for this series

When they speak they speak. This series is so good May it never end. Love everything about this series and looking so forward to the next book. So well written. Keep it coming sister.

Did it again!!

By far my favorite series! This book was so good but Autumn, you killed me with the cliffhanger!!! Ah.....I have to wait for next book and it's killing me. Love Rock and Hope!

It Burns Hot!

Another must read MC page turner by AJL! You've done it again Autumn and I can't wait for After Glow!


Autumn did it again! I LOVE the LOKI books! I’ve re read the series 4 times and they never tire on me. Honestly, I was hoping for Z’s book or even Damen or Mara. I thought “another Rock and Hope book?” But hot damn was I wrong! I guess I really can’t get enough of Hope and Rock. I can’t wait for Afrer Glow!!

The love and compassion that the people in this MC show for each other is a thing of beauty.

This book mostly centers around Hope and Rock but you do get a little check in with most of the guys, which is one of the things that I love so much about Autumn's stories. This book has a beautiful story that is evolving and will finish in the second book. Heartwarming and panty melting.

Autumn you have done it again!

Wow, wow, holy smokes wow! I can not recommend this author enough! I like be her Lost Kings MC series so much. I tell everyone to read her series. After Burn does not disappoint at all! Rock and Hope are the cutest biker couple ever, and I just love the family she has created with the Lost Kings MC! Looking forward to many more books in the series (fingers crossed!)

Love this series!!!

Best series i have read. Love rock and hope!! Autumn Jones Lake books are amazing. I really loved the books she wrote when rock and hope first met. So happy they got married and are having a baby!!!

Another Great addition to the series

Not one of my favorite books of the series but still amazingly great. Especially the end...even if it is a cliffhanger. I love drama filled books and I think the next one in the series is gonna be a doozy! Can’t wait!


You have an amazing mind! This storyline at times makes me laugh with the bantering between the men then surprise by the twists and turns they face. I can't wait to see where this goes!

Love me some Rock and Hope !

I absolutely loved this series ,Rock,Hope and all the members of the Lost Kings are all such great characters, you cannot help but fall in love with them.They are a tight knit family that loves hard ,throughout all the events that happen in anyone of these books you feel such a strong brotherhood, respect, support of one another.As for Rock and Hope , I don't think I could ever get enough of them !I feel in love with them in book 1 and they always make me smile and warm my heart .Ms.Lake I'm thrilled there's going to be a second book !


I have loved reading this series from the start. Rick and Hope see so good together. All the members of LOKI are close knit and look out for each other. Was not expecting the cliff hanger but I will be "patiently" waiting on the next one.

Edge of my seat

As a!ways in on the edge of my seat!!! I love all these characters. One things for certain I'm never disappointed when reading these books. I feel like I know the characters personally. Autumn is a fabulous author.

Autumn has once again written a book that sucks the reader into the LOKI world.

This book was well worth the wait. I feel it has a different tone than the other LOKI books, but it is still a book that I fell in love with. All of the favorite characters are there, and you get to learn a bit more about other characters. I’m anxiously waiting for the second part of the book to see what happens. Autumn once again wrote an amazing book.

Great story continuing with favorite characters.

Autumn Jones Lake continues to write characters that we care about. Like old friends who reveal new parts of their lives to us, After Burn leaves us wanting to know more.

The story continues

the story line just keeps getting better and better. The characters are real, likeable and the couples re awesome. I highly recommend this series.

Love it.

Love it, can't wait for next book. Cliff hanger but not really. The only thing I disagree with is the sex of the baby. Unless that changes with the next book. Every MC i read seems like they are always girl babies. Rock needed a son to carry on his name and the MC

So good....

So good...Hope and Rock are right at the edge of having everything that they want and with that the drama ensues. Without giving away too much I'll just say if you are a LOKI fan this is a must read. Autumn you can write about this family forever and I will continue reading.


I can't wait to read what will happen with Inca and if one of the brothers is involved. Hope and Rock having a baby is wonderful. I can't wait to read about Rock as a Daddy. Keep writing about the Loki and I will purchase every single book.

Best series ever!

This author. These characters. The continuing story lines. The new plot twists. Rock and Hope continue to be enchanting to readers and enchanted by each other. Can’t wait for After Glow. And all the books on all the characters.

Autumn Jones Lake does it again!!

Another home run by AJL. I've totally become obsessed with The Lost Kings MC! I can't get enough! This installment of LOKI had the perfect amount of sass, sexiness, & jaw dropping scenes. After Burn has quickly become my favorite! I loved that we were able to see what each character has been up to. It's like catching up with old friends!! I can't wait for part 2, in After Glow!!

Best one yet!

Absolutely fantastic and Autumn NEVER disappoints!

I love this series! A must read.

What a ride! Absolutely love this series and adore Rock and Hope’s love and commitment to each other. I’m enjoying this new journey and as usual it’s not without obstacles. What a twist this ending has! Diving into After Glow.

After burn

Brilliant writing. Love the drama of the continued series. Love rock and hope

An Intoxicating Series!

OMG! I am totally in love with this entire series. The way Autumn Jones Lake writes is intoxicating! I am hooked, I just can’t read through this series fast enough! On one hand I want to jump around cause there are some many books left to read and I have so many questions and ideas of what’s to come. I also want to take things slow and savor every moment. So glad to have found this series! It does not disappoint!

Loved it and the series!

Can't wait for more! I love these characters and their stories. It doesn't bother me so much that stories are sometimes told in multiple books,I just a do not like waiting months and months for the next book.

Good story but so many typos is distracting

The continuation of Rock and Hopes story is great. It could use a proof reader. There are a bunch of typos and errors that would be a simple fix. This is a common problem with the author. But I enjoyed the story.

True Biker Love 💘💘💘

OMG!!! I want love the List Kings MC. And love Hope And Rock to the moon and back. Especially since these two aren't your ordinary 20 something biker couple. When you read this book you feel their love and spontaneity. Autumn has such a way with all her characters. As I always say This Is A Must-read Series. 💖👑💖👑💖👑

I never buy books except for this series

I am a BookBub person, love my free books. That's how I found this series and I love it so much that I've bought every book after the first free one, and I Never do that. The dialogue is laugh out loud funny sometimes and very realistic. Autumn takes her time with the characters, you really get to know them. So easy to get lost in the world she creates. I'll keep reading as long as she keeps writing.

Love Love Love This Series

The MC series is one of the best series I’ve ever read. I am so in love with the each and every one in this series. I’m at the point where I’ve read myself to the waiting on the next book to release. November 30th. The day after my birthday. I’ve already preordered it and I can’t wait to see what happens next......

Omg this series gets better and better!

I so love Rock and Hope! My favorite couple! This book does not disappoint at all! I love the funny one liners. Autumn knows what she’s doing with this series! Cannot wait for After Burn!


I am addicted to Hope and Rocks Love. I've been hooked from the first word I read. These two share an everlasting one in a million love. Thier strength and the love they share between them is mind blowing. I have never been so into a romance as I am there's. When Hope cry's I cry. Its as if I'm living the story as I read it. Can't wait to continue the book. I'm so excited to get started on After Glow. I know it will leave me as breathless as the previous books have.

Great book

I just love this series....We get to see all the guys and ol ladies and what there up to if it good or bad you won't know unless u read the story but make sure you read all the book in this series in order

AJL does it again!

The only time that I am disappointed with a book in this is when it’s over! After reading the entire series last year I have patiently waited for the next book to come, and it was worth it! This is probably my favorite book series of all time!

Loved loved loved this book

I have loved every single one of Autumn's books and this is no exception! I loved being back with Rock and Hope. It was like coming home again. This is a two part story so be sure to pick up After Glow as well. Trust me if you have not read the Lost King books be sure to get them all. You will not be disappointed.


Loved this book and can't wait till follow it up with After Glow...another great addition to the series Love the LOKI crew

Love, love, love!!!!

As always I was not disappointed with Autumn's work. She made me fall in love with Rock and Hope I'm Slow Burn, and I fell in love with them all over again in this book. I love all of the Lost Kings family. Can't wait to see what she has in store for us next!

Yes! I missed my LOKI boys!

I fall deeper in love with each character that Autumn writes! I love getting my hands on the next book and am so distraught when I finish it! If you haven't started with this series, don't wait any longer!

Fantastic MC Series

I found this series by accident and thought I would just read the first one then move on to the other unread books on my Kindle. Wellllll, those books are still unread and I am happily moving on to book 11! Those unread books can wait! I have loved all of these books. The character building is exceptional. Excellent reads....all of them!

After Burn is a Hit

Autumn Jones Lake is a phenomenal job with After Burn!!!! Book 10 in the series and the words just flow!!! Amazing job a must read for sure!! A series to read over and over again.

Loved it!

I loved visiting Rock & Hope again and can't wait for After Glow. This book was definitely worth the wait. I love this series, I can read it over and over and never get tired of the Lost Kings!

Great continuation of the series! Bravo Autumn!

One of my favorites! I love when all the characters are together and interacting I loved the journey to National I feel like we get to know a little more about each one of them as the series progresses. I was glad I did a re-read of the rest of the series before hand to refresh myself on everyone’s background. And the ending .... can’t wait for November. I’m loving Hope and Rock’s story. Thank you Autumn!

Keep writing

Autumn, keep writing and we'll keep reading. Don't change a thing about how you write. I love all the LOKI characters, how they interact and seeing what they're up too. This is by far the best series I have ever read. Keep them coming!

So worth the wait.

This book is amazing. I will never get tired reading these books. (Well I am a little tired from reading non stop). I was always pro Rock but now I have a soft spot for Z. If you haven’t read all the books start now. The next book will be out in November. Plenty of time to catch up. Autumn, you rock.😄

Love me another Hope and Rock book!

I enjoy the character development and the author not rushing the story. So many times I leave a book or series with to many questions due to brief storytelling. Great job Autumn Jones Lake

Never enough!

Seriously in love with this series. Cannot get enough! Rock and Hope are a most amazing king and his queen. Love, love, love these LOKI men!

Left me hanging

Love the book but left me hanging in the end downloading the next one NOW lol loved it easy to follow and really getting to know the characters


Loved it so much I can not wait to see 😍 what happens next. 8 love this world so much


If you’ve never read an Autumn Jones Lake book, stop and get one today!! She pours her heart and soul into her books. She has a way of pulling you into the family, like you been around these book characters/people forever. She gets your emotions flowing!! I LOVE her books and I totally recommend, not just this book, which was superb, but any AJL books!! Can’t wait for the next book!!!

Love it!

Love hearing more about Rock and Hope. Can't wait to hear how it turns out in the next book. I would rather have more then one book to finish the couples story then run out of books to read. Loving this series!

I love love Rock & Hope

Seriously love these books so much!! You can feel the emotions, the chemistry, the love between everyone. I can't wait for what's next! Definitely my favorite mc books!

Strong woman who stands by her family.

Autumn has done it again. I loved how she had all of the characters appear in this book. I loves how Rav had the funny lines. I can't wait until book 11.

MC life..whew!

A real man. A tender heart for his "family". Beautiful.

A must read

I love love loved it just like every single book in this series! I can’t wait for the next one. This lady knows how to write a love scene like nobodies business. A plus!!!!

Love rock and hope

I havee read all the lost kings and read that if i would like to read more about hope and rock to leave a review. Well here it is . I love this series and would love to see more about them i also would like to read more about wrath and trin.

Love this author Autumn Jones Lake, love this series the LoKi Family

This is a book that brought as much humor as love LoKi is the best family the fight, love, respect and have each other’s backs no matter what. Love them all waiting for the next book😊

Loved this book

Two, four, six, matter how many books are about Rock and Hope, I'll read every one. They just keep getting better the more we learn about the characters. Keep them coming.

So very good

Miracles come true for Hope and Rock. Biker rally is experienced and conquered. This is an exciting, funny and drama filled story. Don’t miss it. So very good


Once again, Autumn Jones Lake knocks it out of the park with her trademark blend of gruff and still sweet heroes. The Lost Kings are a family and reading one of their books feels like a visit with old friends. Lake has an immense talent for making the reader feel like they are sitting on the characters' shoulders, spying on a day in their lives.


Another fantastic Lost Kings book. Can’t wait to for the next one to see how it all ends!!!

This is a MUST READ SERIES!!! You won’t be disappointed.

As always this author never disappoints. I love this whole series. The way she winds all characters in. I am so looking forward to After Glow in Nov. I highly recommend reading this entire series.

Wow!! I’ve been power reading through...

I love Rock and Hope and this book took one heck of a turn. I can’t wait to read After Glow! I need to see how this cliffhanger ends!!


This book was long awaited, and lived up to expectations. I love this Lost Kings family, and adore Rock and Hope. So glad they are finally having a baby. Can't wait to read the next book. You totally rock Autumn!!

Book 10 and I still want more!

Do yourself a favor and start with book 1. This is the most intense MC series I have read. I can't get enough of loki.

Awesome book!

The Lost Kings MC series is the absolute best! I would recommend reading all of the books! They are so hard to put down!

Loved it!

Another great book from Autumn Jones Lake that I could not put down. I cannot wait to read the next one

Loved it

I loved this series and this book is amazing. I loved Rock and Hope and the way they interact with the club and how they are with each other.

Rock and Hope are back!!!!!

The entire LOKI series is one of my favorites and this book didn’t disappoint!! This book brings back Rock and Hope. It’s filled with of love and devotion. Another fantastic read from Autumn!!! I can’t wait for more!!!

Should be a tv show!

I cannot get enough of these characters and their lives! As another reviewer said this series never gets old and this latest book did not disappoint! Can’t wait for the next installment!!!!!


Love love love these books from a great writer! Bought just for my collection. I’ve read many times in iBooks!


love this series, each book gets better and better, full of excitement, suspense and love, oh and cant forgey the sexy territorial dominant men!

Ended too quick.

The characters in After Burn are very realistic. I like the comradery between them. The story line draws you in from the beginning. Reading it is time well spent.

Keeps getting better!

So in love with this series, can not get enough of the whole LOKI family! Every book keeps me guessing, but with just enough "whew ok, good!"moments to keep me settled;)


Love this series! Filled with action, loving & sass! Definitely worth your time!

So good!

I loved this book. I can hardly wait for the next book. Autumn Jones Lake you are the best! Keep writing and we will keep reading.

never get tired of these guys

Once again Autumn takes us into the lives of the LOKI men where loyalty and family are the bonds that tie. Love the continuing story of Hope and Rock.

Love this book

Must read! Autumn takes you on an amazing adventure with this series. It’s a serious must read! Sexy steamy amazing!


I think this is gonna be one of my favorites so far!! I absolutely love the Lost King!! Keep them coming and I WILL read them!!

Good book

I have loved reading this series of books. I have enjoyed getting to know the characters and lean their stories. I am looking forwad to continuing the series.i hope to keep reading about the Lost Kings and their Ladies.

Love Rock!

I love this series so much I think I’ll go back and reread them all. I never get enough of Rock and Hope and can’t wait for the next!


I was NOT expecting that! Love this series. Now onto the next one. I can't wait to dive dive right in

LOVE this book madly!

The newest installment of my favorite fictional MC is here and the story just keeps getting better and better! LOVE the new characters and the ingenious plot twist at the end that has me eagerly awaiting After Glow in November. Five stars for a magnificent book!!!

Love the series

Although Wrath and Trinity are my favorites, I love the entire series. There was a little of all the characters and some new ones. Can’t wait for the second book!

I love all LOKI!

I love LOKI❤ I can never get enough of Rock and Hope. Another awesome addition to one of the best MC series out there! I highly recommend tbis series

Autumn never disappoints!!

Love revisiting with the crew! I love Hope's confidence in Rock and the loyalty, family and brotherhood of LOKI! Eagerly awaiting the next book!

Loved it!

I love the Lost Kings! The characters feel like family. I'm so happy for Rock and Hope!

Great MC story

Another great story in the Lost King series!! Love these characters & can't wait till the next book & hope the adventure continues for a long time💗💗💗

Loved it

Autumn has done an amazing job with this series loved after burn didn’t expect the ending at all can’t wait for after glow

My favorite motorcycle club series

Love the series. Can't wait for After Glow. Have all LOKI books. Wish more were on audible too. Very well written.

Questions answered & pleasantly surprised! Love this series!

I love this series and this book didn’t disappoint. With every book I love these characters even more!

Cannot wait for book 2

Autumn, you little devil you! There are a lot of plot points in this book that make a person very anxious for the release of book 2. As always, love the LOKI men, and their ole ladies. Keep writing. Your books are very descriptive so I can picture everything while I am reading.


Another awesome book in this great series! I can’t wait for the next book. I love LOKI!

Must read!!

I loved this book. If you are a fan of the series, you must read this book!

Great Book

Great Book


Love the Lost Kings. Counting down the days until #11 is released!!!

Read the whole series... very worth the read!

Love this whole series!— All characters really draw you into their world—

Won’t be able to put it down!!

I absolutely LOVE this series!! The second I finish the last page in the book I immediately buy the next one!!! I hope it never ends!!!


Have read all the books so far and can't wait for the next few books. Keep up the good work.

Danger: you will get sucked into a world of hot bikers!

I originally started to read this series bc book 1 was offered for free on Amazon! I’m so glad I did! Autumn makes it seem like you are a part of the story! Plus she has a wonderful FB group for all of the Lost King addicts! Try her books out! You will not be disappointed!

Another awesome book. A must have book by Autumn Jones Lake

I love it. It is a must have book. Autumn you have out do e yourself again with this book. It is a great addition to the The Lost Kings MC series.

Soooooo Goooood

I just love this MC series. All of the characters are so captivating and easy to love. Super sexy and leaves you wanting MORE!


Just when you think you have it all figured out, BOOM!! I really did not see that one coming!

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