A Vigil in the Mourning (Soulbound Book 4)

Kindle Edition
05 Apr
The devil you know is never the one you should trust.

Special Agent Patrick Collins is dispatched to Chicago, chasing a lead on the Morrígan’s staff for the joint task force. Needing a cover for his presence in the Windy City, Patrick is ordered to investigate a politician running for mayor. In the lead up to election day, not everything is what it seems in a city where playing to win means appeasing the gods first and the electorate second.

But Chicago brings its own set of problems outside the case: a stand-offish local god pack, a missing immortal, and Patrick’s twin sister. Fighting Hannah and the Dominion Sect provides Patrick with a sinister reminder that some blood ties can never be cut.

Left behind in New York City, Jonothon de Vere finds himself targeted by hunters who will go through anyone to kill him—including the packs under his protection. With a bounty on his head, Jono is forced to make a choice that Patrick would never approve of. Doing so risks breaking the trust he’s built with the man he loves, but not acting will give the rival New York City god pack leverage Jono can’t afford to give up.

When Patrick and Jono reunite in Chicago, Patrick must confront the fraying of a relationship he’s come to rely on for his own sanity. But fixing their personal problems will have to wait—because Niflheim is clawing at the shores of Lake Michigan and the dead are hungry.

Reviews (166)

Action, humor, and a main couple with charisma and chemistry - comfort food for the soul!!!

I'm a BIG fan of Urban Fantasy, and finding this series was Christmas and birthday wrapped in one. Now, after reading the fourth book of the Soulbound Series, I can say with no uncertainty that I love this series even more than at the beginning. The characters grow on me with each book. And it very much reminds me of Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews, because the series really gets better with each installment. And although the action is in the foreground in this series, the relationship between the couple and the supporting cast is a wonderful balance to it all. Honestly, this book has everything I like in a UF series: meddling and fickle gods, mages, were-creatures, a dragon fledgling, vampires, fae, mythology, magic, smart writing, and dry witted humor. Besides all of the above, the relationship between Patrick and Jono is getting stronger with each book. The story doesn’t waste time on relationship drama, instead Patrick and Jono get things done by working through situations and move on. After appropriate groveling, of course. The addition of Wade, the fledgling dragon, is just the icing on the cake. He brings the comedic relief in certain situations. And he is still very much a bottomless pit and needs to be fed every minute of the day (ok that’s an exaggeration) but still, he eats constantly and I love him for it. Wade is definitely my favorite supporting character, and the best thing that could have happened to Patrick and Jono. One growing family. Furthermore Jono’s pack is growing as well. It’s very much something that makes me happy. Because in the end, this is the one thing that an Alpha needs more than anything, a growing pack. And honestly I can’t wait until they kick someone’s behind. Overall, this fourth book might be my favorite book so far in this series. Although Patrick and Jono have some issues to work through, as can be seen in the blurb, they manage to find a way to get it done. And I really loved that Jono joined Patrick in Chicago, because honestly, these two are the happiest when together, and I feel the same. It’s really no exaggeration when I say that I devoured this book in one sitting. At this point, this series is on the very top of my tbr. I’ll be dropping everything just to read more about Patrick, Jono and now Wade too.

So good. So good. Buy it.

First, let me say, I love this series. The first two are still my favorites, but this one is right up there. The writing is top notch. Second, take note HBO. These novels, when they’re done, would make a kick ass show. Please and thank you. Third, and maybe least importantly, there are a few grammatical errors that are a little annoying. They shouldn’t be there in a book this well-polished. Lastly, a few quibbles (and some spoilers people, look away now if you don’t want spoilers). This is the third time Ethan has pulled his let me try to use a god to make myself a god thing. And over all that time, there hasn’t been a single lead as to his machinations or location? The SOA hasn’t turned one Dominion Sect member? How does the SOA suck at its job this much? Not everyone in that agency is a traitor. Idk, that situation felt like there should be more progression in the overall storyline than there was. Also, the situation with Hannah, that was horrifying. Absolutely horrifying. I’m glad that whatever Ethan forced on her, none of that was on page. It actually felt like that was the closest that part of the story arc got to progressing and yet, it was all off page. But don’t let me taking umbrage at a few typos or lack of Patrick actually injuring Ethan stop you from buying this book. It’s a damn good book. You should buy it. And HBO should buy the rights to it.


This book is amazing! I love the Soulbond series and this book, while stressful, shows how brilliant the author is. Jono and Patrick have been through a lot in this series so far, now they're halfway across the country from each other and their relationship is tested like no other. Even though Jono and Patrick have their issues they prove they are stronger than anything, even the gods who are using them. This book has all the action of the previous ones and it's amazing to see how these characters have grown. They've always worked well together but the closer they get the more they trust one another, the faster and more easier it is to work together and it means they have a deeper understanding of what the other needs when their out in the field. I cannot wait to see what happens next in this series though I'm scared of what else the author is going to throw at them.

So very good.

***Possible Spoilers*** A Vigil in the Mourning is another winner for the Soulbound series. I have read many series over the years, and it takes an exceptional author to keep the content fresh and exciting. It is doubly impressive when they do so with one couple throughout. This author does just that. Now this one isn’t as balls-to-the-wall as the previous books. There is still plenty of action, but that breathless, “OMG, what’s happening now” and “Can I please take a break before everything all falls apart” and “I can’t look, I can’t look” feelings weren’t there. I like those feelings, but I also enjoyed being able to spend time with these guys and relax into their relationship with each other and the members of the pack. I felt a little closer to them this go round and enjoyed the ease with which they deal with each other. The tension building as their enemies continue to push boundaries made me appreciate more the devotion that they have to each other and the pack. The author has a good feel for creating dedicated groups that go above and beyond the call of duty. I appreciated seeing the strain the separation places on Jono and Patrick’s soulbond. It gives me a gauge to use in understanding how strong it normally is and the stress it places them under when it is weakened by distance. Theirs is a strong, yet still evolving connection that surpasses the soulbond and reaches into the depths of their emotional reserves. I wonder if, in the end, the reserves will overflow and forge them into one soul with two bodies. Could that happen? I can’t wait to find out. Jono’s experience while Patrick was in Chicago reminded me of how hard it was for Patrick to learn to let go and trust him when they first got together. I had forgotten the extent to which Patrick had cut himself off from intimacy. These guys are brutalized by this author regularly and come back stronger than ever. The sexy times are very well done, (despite what Wade thinks) and their physical connection, whether sexual or not, enriches their ever-deepening feelings for each other. The author introduces more Gods and creatures into this world. The more the merrier, I say. These books would be tame and bland without Patrick and Jono being tormented so viciously by these beings. (And the author would probably go into DT’s if no torture was implemented) I love it. The cases in Chicago are interesting and seeing Wade in that situation is both funny and exciting. He provides a lot of comic relief, but the author will not allow us to forget his past. He has so much potential and I can’t wait to see some of that actualized. I am curious about the ongoing storyline of Ethan. The creepy little glimpse we get from that faction just made me want more. When this blows up there will be hell to pay and Jono and Patrick will be right there taking what is their due and I will be there, popcorn and pop tarts at hand, rooting them on. I look forward to book five in the Soulbound series, but please, dear author, give Patrick a day off.

I was scared

If you have read books from this author then you know she likes to give you an idea of what will happen with her title. I was scared of what the outcome might be. I am very happy with the how things played out; while also wanting to be able to smack both Patrick and Jono upside the head. You know things aren't great when groups have to split up and our guys get a reminder of that in this book. The darn gods keep trying to tear everything apart in their own unique ways which is always detrimental to everyone else. I love these characters and their unique world. The time that the author takes to build each one is amazing. I enjoy the new challenges while still aiming for the ultimate goal. Patrick, Jono and the rest of their pack have a lot to do, but they are smart enough to know their weaknesses and to fill the gaps. Jono learns some lessons and some of his secrets come out to his friends. I think it was good, but he definitely had some groveling to do. Read this book, but make sure to read the whole series in order.


I am continuing to absolutely adore this series. There is so much going on in the stories, but the emotion is felt so strongly alongside the mystery, action, and intrigue. Patrick is sent to Chicago to look for the staff from the last book, and of course, there are a lot more gods involved. Jono stayed in NYC to continue to stabilize the pack and secure borders. It was interesting seeing Jono and Patrick separated, but it also showed how connected they are beyond just the soulbond. There is true love between the two and it is beautiful. I can't wait for the moment that Patrick truly accepts that Jono is not leaving him and that it is OK to be happy and in love. Then again, the rollercoaster ride that Ms. Turner takes us on is sure to throw much more in their way before finding (what better be) their HEA. I've listened to the previous books on audio, so this was the first one that I read. I found that I missed Jono and Patrick's voices and the proper pronunciations of many characters, but I enjoyed seeing how things were spelled. Audio or ebook, either way, is magic. Loved it.

The amazing story continues!

This series continuously blows my mind. This time Patrick and Jono are dealing with Norse gods, and as always with gods, things go fubar fast. This one felt more nonstop action to me, and I was thrilled to be along for the ride. Turner is a master at adding new twists and turns, while also crafting a riveting underlying story. I think this installment did an absolutely wonderful job of showing us Pat and Jono’s love, and they are quickly moving to one of my favorite couples ever, as I swear I can feel all their love for each other. However, for me, Wade always steals the show and I loved him dearly in this one. Funny at times, at others heart-stopping and intense, this is definitely a book you don’t want to miss.

Asgard is my favorite pantheon so far.

I really love the series. I love the characters, the world building, the story. I love the romance. This was another good addition to the overall plot. It only gets better and better with each book. It do have some tiny complaints: I feel the story somewhat repetitive: Dominion sect tries to steal yet another god’s godhead, gods demand Patrick to take care of the matter. Patrick fights and saves the day, Dominion sect escapes. Also the god pack issue takes too long to be sorted. And with all that said, each story is quite exiting, action packed and well intriguing to keep reading. In addition, I wish Patrick’s distrust of gods were a little bit less blind, but I can understand where it comes from.

Norse gods...

Another AMAZING book to continue this awesome series. The amount of research that goes into each of the mythologies is truly awe-inspiring. Once again we see Patrick and Jono's relationship grow in new ways as their bond is tested again and again. Wade's personality continues to grow (even if it is into an obnoxious teenager! lol) Fenrir becomes a little... more.... This series is not to be missed! Can't wait for book 5...and 6 ...and...

So much fun

Once again, the Dominion Sect doesn't seem too plan well enough ahead for the resistance that comes from both magical and mundane sides. We didn't see much of Ethan this time, which sort of makes me think that this was just a diversion. Was Yggdrasil just there to keep folks from messing with whatever was going on with Hannah and the rite with Freyr? Also, if Ethan needs a godhead, why are so many gods willing to work with him? He's shown that he has no issue with taking it from wherever he can get away with...

Action, humor, and a main couple with charisma and chemistry - comfort food for the soul!!!

I'm a BIG fan of Urban Fantasy, and finding this series was Christmas and birthday wrapped in one. Now, after reading the fourth book of the Soulbound Series, I can say with no uncertainty that I love this series even more than at the beginning. The characters grow on me with each book. And it very much reminds me of Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews, because the series really gets better with each installment. And although the action is in the foreground in this series, the relationship between the couple and the supporting cast is a wonderful balance to it all. Honestly, this book has everything I like in a UF series: meddling and fickle gods, mages, were-creatures, a dragon fledgling, vampires, fae, mythology, magic, smart writing, and dry witted humor. Besides all of the above, the relationship between Patrick and Jono is getting stronger with each book. The story doesn’t waste time on relationship drama, instead Patrick and Jono get things done by working through situations and move on. After appropriate groveling, of course. The addition of Wade, the fledgling dragon, is just the icing on the cake. He brings the comedic relief in certain situations. And he is still very much a bottomless pit and needs to be fed every minute of the day (ok that’s an exaggeration) but still, he eats constantly and I love him for it. Wade is definitely my favorite supporting character, and the best thing that could have happened to Patrick and Jono. One growing family. Furthermore Jono’s pack is growing as well. It’s very much something that makes me happy. Because in the end, this is the one thing that an Alpha needs more than anything, a growing pack. And honestly I can’t wait until they kick someone’s behind. Overall, this fourth book might be my favorite book so far in this series. Although Patrick and Jono have some issues to work through, as can be seen in the blurb, they manage to find a way to get it done. And I really loved that Jono joined Patrick in Chicago, because honestly, these two are the happiest when together, and I feel the same. It’s really no exaggeration when I say that I devoured this book in one sitting. At this point, this series is on the very top of my tbr. I’ll be dropping everything just to read more about Patrick, Jono and now Wade too.

So good. So good. Buy it.

First, let me say, I love this series. The first two are still my favorites, but this one is right up there. The writing is top notch. Second, take note HBO. These novels, when they’re done, would make a kick ass show. Please and thank you. Third, and maybe least importantly, there are a few grammatical errors that are a little annoying. They shouldn’t be there in a book this well-polished. Lastly, a few quibbles (and some spoilers people, look away now if you don’t want spoilers). This is the third time Ethan has pulled his let me try to use a god to make myself a god thing. And over all that time, there hasn’t been a single lead as to his machinations or location? The SOA hasn’t turned one Dominion Sect member? How does the SOA suck at its job this much? Not everyone in that agency is a traitor. Idk, that situation felt like there should be more progression in the overall storyline than there was. Also, the situation with Hannah, that was horrifying. Absolutely horrifying. I’m glad that whatever Ethan forced on her, none of that was on page. It actually felt like that was the closest that part of the story arc got to progressing and yet, it was all off page. But don’t let me taking umbrage at a few typos or lack of Patrick actually injuring Ethan stop you from buying this book. It’s a damn good book. You should buy it. And HBO should buy the rights to it.


This book is amazing! I love the Soulbond series and this book, while stressful, shows how brilliant the author is. Jono and Patrick have been through a lot in this series so far, now they're halfway across the country from each other and their relationship is tested like no other. Even though Jono and Patrick have their issues they prove they are stronger than anything, even the gods who are using them. This book has all the action of the previous ones and it's amazing to see how these characters have grown. They've always worked well together but the closer they get the more they trust one another, the faster and more easier it is to work together and it means they have a deeper understanding of what the other needs when their out in the field. I cannot wait to see what happens next in this series though I'm scared of what else the author is going to throw at them.

So very good.

***Possible Spoilers*** A Vigil in the Mourning is another winner for the Soulbound series. I have read many series over the years, and it takes an exceptional author to keep the content fresh and exciting. It is doubly impressive when they do so with one couple throughout. This author does just that. Now this one isn’t as balls-to-the-wall as the previous books. There is still plenty of action, but that breathless, “OMG, what’s happening now” and “Can I please take a break before everything all falls apart” and “I can’t look, I can’t look” feelings weren’t there. I like those feelings, but I also enjoyed being able to spend time with these guys and relax into their relationship with each other and the members of the pack. I felt a little closer to them this go round and enjoyed the ease with which they deal with each other. The tension building as their enemies continue to push boundaries made me appreciate more the devotion that they have to each other and the pack. The author has a good feel for creating dedicated groups that go above and beyond the call of duty. I appreciated seeing the strain the separation places on Jono and Patrick’s soulbond. It gives me a gauge to use in understanding how strong it normally is and the stress it places them under when it is weakened by distance. Theirs is a strong, yet still evolving connection that surpasses the soulbond and reaches into the depths of their emotional reserves. I wonder if, in the end, the reserves will overflow and forge them into one soul with two bodies. Could that happen? I can’t wait to find out. Jono’s experience while Patrick was in Chicago reminded me of how hard it was for Patrick to learn to let go and trust him when they first got together. I had forgotten the extent to which Patrick had cut himself off from intimacy. These guys are brutalized by this author regularly and come back stronger than ever. The sexy times are very well done, (despite what Wade thinks) and their physical connection, whether sexual or not, enriches their ever-deepening feelings for each other. The author introduces more Gods and creatures into this world. The more the merrier, I say. These books would be tame and bland without Patrick and Jono being tormented so viciously by these beings. (And the author would probably go into DT’s if no torture was implemented) I love it. The cases in Chicago are interesting and seeing Wade in that situation is both funny and exciting. He provides a lot of comic relief, but the author will not allow us to forget his past. He has so much potential and I can’t wait to see some of that actualized. I am curious about the ongoing storyline of Ethan. The creepy little glimpse we get from that faction just made me want more. When this blows up there will be hell to pay and Jono and Patrick will be right there taking what is their due and I will be there, popcorn and pop tarts at hand, rooting them on. I look forward to book five in the Soulbound series, but please, dear author, give Patrick a day off.

I was scared

If you have read books from this author then you know she likes to give you an idea of what will happen with her title. I was scared of what the outcome might be. I am very happy with the how things played out; while also wanting to be able to smack both Patrick and Jono upside the head. You know things aren't great when groups have to split up and our guys get a reminder of that in this book. The darn gods keep trying to tear everything apart in their own unique ways which is always detrimental to everyone else. I love these characters and their unique world. The time that the author takes to build each one is amazing. I enjoy the new challenges while still aiming for the ultimate goal. Patrick, Jono and the rest of their pack have a lot to do, but they are smart enough to know their weaknesses and to fill the gaps. Jono learns some lessons and some of his secrets come out to his friends. I think it was good, but he definitely had some groveling to do. Read this book, but make sure to read the whole series in order.


I am continuing to absolutely adore this series. There is so much going on in the stories, but the emotion is felt so strongly alongside the mystery, action, and intrigue. Patrick is sent to Chicago to look for the staff from the last book, and of course, there are a lot more gods involved. Jono stayed in NYC to continue to stabilize the pack and secure borders. It was interesting seeing Jono and Patrick separated, but it also showed how connected they are beyond just the soulbond. There is true love between the two and it is beautiful. I can't wait for the moment that Patrick truly accepts that Jono is not leaving him and that it is OK to be happy and in love. Then again, the rollercoaster ride that Ms. Turner takes us on is sure to throw much more in their way before finding (what better be) their HEA. I've listened to the previous books on audio, so this was the first one that I read. I found that I missed Jono and Patrick's voices and the proper pronunciations of many characters, but I enjoyed seeing how things were spelled. Audio or ebook, either way, is magic. Loved it.

The amazing story continues!

This series continuously blows my mind. This time Patrick and Jono are dealing with Norse gods, and as always with gods, things go fubar fast. This one felt more nonstop action to me, and I was thrilled to be along for the ride. Turner is a master at adding new twists and turns, while also crafting a riveting underlying story. I think this installment did an absolutely wonderful job of showing us Pat and Jono’s love, and they are quickly moving to one of my favorite couples ever, as I swear I can feel all their love for each other. However, for me, Wade always steals the show and I loved him dearly in this one. Funny at times, at others heart-stopping and intense, this is definitely a book you don’t want to miss.

Asgard is my favorite pantheon so far.

I really love the series. I love the characters, the world building, the story. I love the romance. This was another good addition to the overall plot. It only gets better and better with each book. It do have some tiny complaints: I feel the story somewhat repetitive: Dominion sect tries to steal yet another god’s godhead, gods demand Patrick to take care of the matter. Patrick fights and saves the day, Dominion sect escapes. Also the god pack issue takes too long to be sorted. And with all that said, each story is quite exiting, action packed and well intriguing to keep reading. In addition, I wish Patrick’s distrust of gods were a little bit less blind, but I can understand where it comes from.

Norse gods...

Another AMAZING book to continue this awesome series. The amount of research that goes into each of the mythologies is truly awe-inspiring. Once again we see Patrick and Jono's relationship grow in new ways as their bond is tested again and again. Wade's personality continues to grow (even if it is into an obnoxious teenager! lol) Fenrir becomes a little... more.... This series is not to be missed! Can't wait for book 5...and 6 ...and...

So much fun

Once again, the Dominion Sect doesn't seem too plan well enough ahead for the resistance that comes from both magical and mundane sides. We didn't see much of Ethan this time, which sort of makes me think that this was just a diversion. Was Yggdrasil just there to keep folks from messing with whatever was going on with Hannah and the rite with Freyr? Also, if Ethan needs a godhead, why are so many gods willing to work with him? He's shown that he has no issue with taking it from wherever he can get away with...

Fantastic read

You can’t fail with Hailey Turner! This edition found Patrick in Chicago, in the winter, trying to protect Odin, along with the Valkyries and some new characters, from the Dominion Sect, Jono targeted by a hate squad hired by Estelle and then there’s teenage dragon Wade who is snarky as ever (we see him in action – yay)! Action, family drama and Norse gods, oh my! Can’t wait for book 5!

Another great one.

This is a great addition to the series, though I have a few complaints? Comments? Not really- just keeping it interesting! My only comment is it is too short! And I read-gulp it down so fast I have to reread ( NOT a hardship) right away. Get this one! Get the whole series! World(s) building, love and commitment and dragons. And pop-tarts. What more do ya need!?

The newest installment to Soulbound does not disappoint

Fantastic addition to a great series. I have to admit that the first part of the book was a bit confusing (like getting too far away from the main arch) but Hailey deftly got those parts to converge and blend themselves into a fast-paced narration, full of action and a bit of fun in some places. I really love how Hailey has been taking us through different pantheons in these series. My only regret is that I burned through the book way too quickly (I couldn’t put it down). Loved it!

Best Teenage Dragon

Between the chaos, mayhem, and near-world-ending events that have me on the edge of my seat I can always trust Wade to poke his head in and emphasis what's truly important: eating, maybe a bit of hording, and finding the perfect bed to call his. He is the loving sass-box everyone deserves, and I look forward to seeing all of the pack continue to grow as this series continues (but Wade will probably continue to be one of my favorites, because he is simply the best).


Wow! What a ride! This was another fantastic entry into this must-read series! Action-packed and full of heart, this book held quite the emotional punch. Love the deepening love between Patrick and Jono, and look forward to what is next for them and their pack. Highly recommend!

Can't wait for next book

Just adore the complexities of these characters and the great storyline that follows , I have not followed pantheon of God's but this brings some knowledge to me on New topics yet state true to the magical story . I can't wait for the follow-up love the series .

Five Stars!

This is the fourth book in this amazing series, loved how this book brought the story of Patrick and Jono and their pack further along in their journey, new gods, all the old favourites! Can’t wait for the next story. Highly recommended

Excellent addition to the series

Wow! I love this series. Incredibly well written with complex but relatable characters, with story telling that leaves you on the edge of your seat and begging for more. Can't wait for more Patrick & Jono.

4,5 :)

Rounded to 5 because I was glued to the book like there was no tomorrow. I would have liked more Patrick & Jono time but maaaaan the book rocked! I still have questions though, so I hope book 5 starts right where this one ends 🤩


This book was wonderfully action packed. The relationship between the two main characters is tested and they come out stronger as they build alliances and protect the world from crazy gods. I can't wait for the next book in the series.

Best Book Yet In The Series!!!

I absolutely loved this book from start to finish. I love the way the author delves into multiple mythologies and puts together a story that grabs your attention and keeps you enraptured. I cannot wait for book 5..

Love the book can't wait for it to go to audio

Love the whole book series. This book was as good as the first three. Can't wait until it becomes an audio. I recommend for anybody who loves Urban Fantasy and m/m books.

Loved this one!

The worst thing about reading a new Soulbound book is finishing it and having to wait for the next one! They keep getting better and better.

Another great book

Love this series. Mixture of human worlds, vampires, werecreatures, gods & magic. I highly recommend to anyone. Oh and we can’t forget the relationship between Jono & Patrick.

One of the Best Series

This is one of the best series ever. The characters, story are fascinating and complex. Do yourself a favor, read this series, read all of them.

Great book!

I loved this book just like I loved the first three. I absolutely devoured it as soon as I started reading. Can't wait for the next one!

Once again a joy to read!

Hailey Turner writes book after book that are simply too good to put down. A Vigil in the Mourning is action-packed in just the right way to keep me on the edge of my seat reading it. I love the characters and how they interact with each other. Wade is pretty awesome in all his teenaged rebellion, he's definitely my favourite besides Patrick and Jono. This was such an interesting book and I can't wait to read more.

Absolutely amazing!! Exceeded my expectations!

This is an amazing series and i love this book! Action, incredible story-line, terrific characters and amazing writing. Highly recommend!

Book Hango9

I waited before reading this because the 3 prior gave me a monster hangover. I love this series so, so much!

Wonderful Series

Gods, werewolves, vampires, and amazing homoerotica; what more could a girl ask for? This entire series has been thrilling and I can't wait for more!

Another great book in the series

Well written with tons of interaction between the main characters that makes you care about them. The plot is both event and character driven. I am anxiously awaiting the next installment.

More gods, more of the same

As with all her soulbound books, I enjoy the exploration of a pantheon and weaving it into a contemporary story. The plot felt a bit recycled, and the personal story development is minimal. Nonetheless, the fun dialogue and exciting combat scenes made this an enjoyable read.

Great story. Can't wait for the next book!

Great character building. Love the story lines. Pick up this series as you will not be disappointed.Thanks to the author.

Excellent series

Excellent series

She did it again

Hailey Turner did it again! This book was just as good as the first 3. This series really takes you on a ride. Love it.


The books in this series just gets better and better.

Hoping for #5

I blasted through all 4 books.LOVE them. Enjoyed how the different pantheon are brought in , alternate universe with magic and tech, the love story is great.waiting one the next one!

So many feels!

I adore Jono and Patrick and this book made me love them more! Seeing how they bounce off each other and support one another as their love continues to grow makes me so happy!

What a gifted writer

Marek is seeing visions; the two birds are back and Patrick is once again being sent away to deal with the mess the gods have created—this time in Chicago. But if there’s a chance to find the relic, Morrigan’s staff, the key to Patrick’s father, Ethan, making himself a god, then the trip will be worth it even if the timing sucks. Things are coming to a head in New York and the showdown with the leaders of the other god pack is looking unavoidable. Ever since Jono and Patrick claimed Jono’s right to establish a second god pack it has been a nasty fight to keep them safe. Estelle and Youssef, the other god pack leaders, may be corrupt and downright evil, but that hasn’t stopped some of their smaller packs from breaking off and asking Jono for protection—something he takes very seriously. So Patrick is off to Chicago to meet and deal with the god, Odin, and try to discover where the staff may be and Jono is traveling into the burroughs of New York to strengthen pack border lines and assure one of his packs that he is determined to keep them safe. Both men are walking into trouble—Jono will be ambushed, Patrick will be unsuccessful in warning a god to take cover and all hell is about to break loose—literally. The fourth installment of Hailey Turner’s exciting Soulbound series, has been released and I couldn’t be happier. A Vigil in the Mourning continues the saga of Jono and Patrick and their fledgling god pack. Patrick is still reeling from the last encounter with his father, Ethan, and his twin sister, Hannah. He and Jono managed to stop them again but all signs lead to them returning once more—this time intent to not only to make Ethan a god in his own right but also to tear the curtain between hell and earth and subjugate those on earth who they don’t kill outright. Meanwhile poor Jono has demons after him, intent on killing him, and removing his bid to be the sole god pack in New York. Things are, to put it mildly, pretty intense and chaotic for our heroes. In this novel the author tests the bonds that tie Patrick and Jono together—not the soulbond but those reasons they stay in each other’s lives at all. While Jono freely declares his love for Patrick, Patrick still can’t bring himself to utter those three little words but always promises he will return to Jono no matter where his job leads him. Jono understands but when he’s attacked and mortally wounded he opts to keep it secret from Patrick and when the little white lie is discovered there is trouble in paradise for our intrepid duo. I really love how these two men stay true to themselves and their determination to see the evil that is Patrick’s father, Ethan, and his Dominion Sect followers put down once and for all. That doesn’t happen in this story—just so you know and while there are definitely loose ends to be addressed, this story gets us further down the road to discovering where the staff may be and just how the final showdown, whenever it may happen, is going to gut poor Patrick as it will mean killing his twin. Instead of a neat ending we are left with the idea that a war is brewing in New York and Jono has done everything he can to gain an uneasy alliance with the Night Court in order to take down Estelle once and for all. The confrontation between Patrick and his father is even more destructive than past fights and nearly one that Patrick loses despite all the help that arrives to surround him. The gods are just as frustrating and intractable as before—using Patrick and Jono as their weapon against Ethan and his penchant for capturing gods in order to sacrifice them to achieve his own god status. It all comes together and leaves you shaken and thankful that Patrick and Jono survive to see another day and, inevitably, another fight to come. As always, these novels must be read in order or you will be hopelessly lost in this amazing world author Hailey Turner has created. This fast-paced fantasy/action adventure story is a worthy addition to this stunning series. I love these guys and their adventures—I hope there are many more stories to come from this gifted writer.


I swear this series gets better and better with every book. I get so enraptured in these stories. I can’t put it down. But man, do I feel sympathy for Patrick and Jono. If I were them, I’d take a chance and try to run for it. Geez, they don’t get a break. One full night of sleep is all Patrick would want right now. He wonders why that seems so much to ask for. Every time he turns around, he’s being pulled into something else and this time, it’s a doozy. Not that the others haven’t been. But the threat from his father and his minions have now escalated into something no one was really expecting. Not exactly shocked, considering what his father was constantly trying to do, but still. But he doesn’t even realize how deep his father is involved and what is really at stake, until he has to go to Chicago to follow up on something his supervisor wants and because he’s been warned by the Fates to go. And what he finds as he’s unraveling everything, is a war trying to start between the gods and goddesses. And guess who’s trapped in between it all. Not being able to run like he wants to because of his soul debt, he’s forced to do things and plays these games the gods want to keep playing. All while trying to keep himself and those he loves safe. And when Jono is being attacked on the homefront, he knows it’s getting worse no matter where they turn. But they have no choice but to take a stand and fight for all they are. Because with all these idiots, backing down is not an option. NOT even remotely kidding. If I was Patrick and Jono, I really would try to figure out how to make a run for it, in spite of Patrick’s soul debt. Because what these morons are up to. Good grief. And it really isn’t surprising. The gods and goddesses, no matter who they are, are egotistical and greedy in everything they do. They only look out for themselves and screw whoever steps in their way. As long as they get what they want, who cares what the outcome or destruction would be. So yeah, I’d find a way to run. Because this crap Patrick and Jono get put through is so not worth it. But, I guess, then again it is. Because these two truly care about people under their care. And they will do all they can to make things safe for them. Even at the cost of themselves. Look at what Patrick has been through in this series. That should show what kind of a person he really is. He risks so much for so little in return, but to make sure everyone is ok, for him it’s worth it. And for Jono, it’s the same. Only in his case, Patrick comes first no matter what. Even if he is a little off on some things he does sometimes. But it’s only because he cares and wants to shoulder the burdens for Patrick. Even when he knows he can’t. This series is just amazing. It truly is. Each book just makes this series better and better. And for me, I love the Greek history and all the crap about the gods and goddesses and all the paranormals. Even if I want to shake the crap out of them most of the time. Lol. I still love seeing people’s interpretation of them all and this author has nailed them all very well. I can’t wait for the next one. And hope that maybe, Patrick and Jono can catch a bit of a break. Although, I don’t see it happening anytime soon.

Adulthood sucks sometimes, but somebody's gotta step up and get things done!

4.5 stars “A Vigil in the Mourning” by Hailey Turner is part of the ‘Soulbound’ series, and centers around Jonothon de Vere and his mate, Special Agent Patrick Collins, as they continue to deal with the conflicts stemming from establishing their own god pack, searching for the Morrigan’s staff, and the commitments they are bound by. Pressures and dangers mount, and their relationship may be stretched to the breaking point if they don’t have faith in what they have formed together. This adult gay paranormal romance continues to enthrall, with its cast of compelling characters and the complex problems that face them. I adore their care for Wade, the young dragon who is coming to terms with his freedom, even if that means allowing him to overindulge his junk food addiction. The multiple pantheons involved make the situation even more complicated, as each faction strives for power and their share of worship. More people are learning about the closely held secrets that the pair have been dealing with, which leads to both hurt feelings and entanglements that may become an issue at some point. One of the reasons I like this series so much is the intensity of the relationships. It’s obvious that both Patrick and Jon are determined to care for those around them AND each other, but neither is perfect and therefore mistakes will be made. I’ve always been intrigued by various mythological beings, and this mixture of Norse, Greek, and Haudenosaunee (Native American) not to mention vampire and shifter characters is such fun to explore. Of course, who can resist the Valkyries and their trusty rides, or the vision of Wade warming his feet IN the fireplace, or Thor as a bartender? And I agree, “Adulthood sucks. I want to return it.” (snicker) This is a fun series that combines adventure, magic, mystery, world-shaking struggles, territorialism and gods vying for worshipers, plus dysfunctional blood family relationships and made family dynamics. I’m caught by the spell every time I pick up one of the books in this series, and for me this was the best one yet. I can’t wait to experience more adventures with these folks, but I am quite happy to reread this one while I wait! A copy was provided for review

A 5-star thrill ride!

I’m running out of ways to express just how much I’m loving this series. In many ongoing series, you usually find that the first book is the best, then the quality starts to drop off after that. Not so with Hailey Turner’s Soulbond series…each book just keeps getting better and pulling me even more into this incredible world she’s created. This time? It’s time to bring the Norse pantheon into the mix…so yes, that means Odin, Thor, and a whole lot more. Poor Patrick…he and his growing pack keep winding up smack in the middle of this war amongst the gods, and the stakes keep getting higher. Ms. Turner has really done her research well, and it’s evident in every story. I was completely drawn in, and as cliché as it might be to say, I was on the edge of my seat through every page. I thought the setup of the Norse gods in Chicago was interesting, though I wasn’t expecting the twist to the political machinations. With the introduction of the new pantheon, there are plenty of new and exciting characters along with many returning favorites. I was particularly fond of the valkyries :-) There were not only new characters with Patrick’s new case, but also in the continuing—and escalating—issues between his and Jono’s pack and the other god pack in New York City. New vampires, new pack additions…and new baddies. Tension is high on just about every page, not just with the case and the pack issues, but with Patrick and Jono as well. Even so, their bond and relationship keep becoming deeper and stronger. The story keeps the excitement level high too, and you can’t help but fall down the rabbit hole while reading. Who needs sleep anyway, right? A Vigil in the Mourning absolutely get every star, and continues to keep the entire series as a Top Recommendation for me. I do strongly recommend you read this series in order as events do build upon each other, and you will want the background to fully understand all the aspects of the story. The adult language and sexual content do mean that this book is meant for readers 18+.

So a mage and a dragon walk into a bar...

So.... Patrick visit's the windy city. And it all falls apart, but it's Patrick, and that's kind of what happens wherever he goes. You would think he would just trap himself in a box so he wouldn't be in these situations anymore. If you are confused, this is book 4 in a series. While you don't have to read the others to understand this book, it would really be better. Turner does a really nice job of summary of what has happened in the past, and it is enough to get by, but you really should just start all this awesomeness at the beginning. Those pesky ravens are back, but this time it's because of Odin. And where there is Odin, the others are bound to show up. I want to tell you about the Valkyries, because they are totally awesome and kick ass, but I don't want to spoil the best part for you. Just know they are awesome and Wade is obsessed, but not how you think. Patrick and Jono are separated for most of this book, and it tests their relationship a bit. They have faced saving the world together a couple times now and its worked out okay. But a person's need to protect another often backfires, and Jono is going to learn his lesson the hard way it seems. Then there is Wade... the food inhaling, I don't think even Marek has enough money to keep this kid fed while growing, dragon we all love. He might be 20, but he is still very much a kid, and has so much to learn. But then his actions and character when in a bind remind you he was a fighter for a long time. It wasn't just his strength that kept him alive that whole time, but his brains, and he does know how to use them. We get to see a lot of growth in Wade in this book, and that is fantastic. And yes, Hermes is there.... and is awesome, and Patrick is going to learn away to physically hurt him one day. Poor Pattycakes. Okay, stop reading here and go get the book.

Norse Gods and Demon Hunters Galore

A Vigil in the Mourning is the fourth book in the Soulbound series and should not be read as a standalone. Read the first three books in the series before you start this book otherwise you’ll be confused. Patrick and Jono have dealt with Greek gods, cartels, vampire takeovers, the fae, and hostile werewolves. Now they find themselves embroiled in new danger with Norse gods and separate cities. Patrick ends up being sent to Chicago to help work a case while also searching for the Morrigan’s staff. Jono stays behind due to the responsibilities that come with being a werewolf pack alpha. Unfortunately, both Patrick and Jono end facing unexpected trouble that comes at them both full force. Patrick and Jono must fight alone until they can finally be reunited and work together to stop the forces of evil. I was on the edge of my seat for this book as both Jono and Patrick dealt with different and dangerous situations thousands of miles apart. The moment they were reunited warmed my heart, and lead to a seriously hot and romantic sex scene. I love the development of Patrick and Jono’s relationship—it’s romantic, sassy, and so deep with a level of devotion and loyalty that can only come from true love. The plot was intricate and dynamic with so many layers and twists that I could hardly stand take a break from the book. Once I finished this book I was at a lost of what to do. The fifth book isn’t supposed to be out for a few more months and I can hardly wait. Gary Furlong narrated the audiobook and does a wonderful job. He has to voice so many characters in so many different situations with all kinds of emotions and energies swirling around. It’s a challenge he takes on and does extremely well at. The audiobook production is well done and there are no glitches or mistakes that would distract from the very fantastic story. I highly recommend this book and all the other books in this series. I spent one week devouring all four of the books that are out in the series and I have no idea why it took me so long to pick them up.

Testing the Soul Bond (an audio review)

When Patrick is sent to Chicago on business, Jono is left in New York to defend his god pack. Being apart doesn’t work well for these two as they both get into some serious trouble. I watched that and counted down the minutes until they could be together – and then watched the metaphorical fireworks when each found out what the other had been up to without them. Hurt feelings and anger, anyone? Then the mother of all reunions. Poor Wade. And how is our friendly fledgling dragon doing? Well, he’s still eating continuously, getting into mischief, and then shifting when his help is really needed. So basically being Wade. Oh, and Hermes is up to his old tricks. The trickster indeed. This book is fast-paced and full of gods, vampires, wolves, and everything else I’ve come to expect from Ms. Turner’s Soulbound series. At times I would almost get lost then I’d be anchored by some point of reference. Also, I had high hopes something good might come from Hannah’s reappearance. Patrick’s twin sister isn’t faring well these days. So, yeah, action, adventure, the mother of all showdowns in the windy city, and a satisfactory ending. Everything I was expecting. I will say that fortunately I’ve read the three previous books as I think this is a series you need to read in order. Could someone with an agile mind and an ability to absorb many characters do okay? Sure. But it’s so much more fun to follow these two and their merry band from the beginning. As always, I have to give a shout out to Gary Furlong. As a narrator he’s everything you would wish for when you’ve got dozens of characters with a myriad of accents. He delivers another tour de force performance. I’m glad I listened and I can’t wait to see what these guys get up to next.

Broome's Books Review

This was full of action, adventure, Wade’s snack shenanigans, Jono and the pack, and ultimately Patrick and Jono finding home with each other. Patrick and Jono were separated from each other for a bit of time. Patrick was in Chicago while Jono remained in New York. That was one thing I missed, Patrick and Jono’s intimacy that we got in the previous books. He had no moment of quiet with Jono and after everything they went through, I desperately wanted that for them. That’s my only complaint. We did get a better insight into Jono, which I loved. He has such strength as an individual but when he is with his pack. He’s unstoppable. I feel like we were teased a bit with this aspect of the storyline. There’s more what happened in New York while Patrick was in Chicago. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for more to happen. If you are a fan of Norse mythology, you will thoroughly enjoy this. I loved the portrayal of the Valkyrie with a modern day twist. Thor, Odin, and a plethora of other Gods worm their way into Patrick’s life and case, and they make his life even more complicated. Each of these gods were portrayed as warriors, harsh, cunning, and willing to push the boundaries. It was a good addition to the series. I do feel like this book set up so many different avenues for the plot to continue on. I wonder what the next book in the series will bring. At this time of this posting, Hailey Turner mentioned being 50K into the next book, so hopefully we won’t be waiting too long for answers.

Jono is so swoony!

5 Stars! I have happily been thrown into this supernatural world and have enjoyed every second of it. The characters, the myth's, the romance, the cases, and the strong sense of pact and family this author has created is completely enthralling. If you can believe it, this book had more action in it then any of the previous books. It was non-stop and it kept my fingers swiping the pages as fast I could read them. Patrick is swept off to Chicago on a case for the SOA and another one for the Norn's. But on his arrival he realizes he will facing more trouble than he signed on to handle. He's brought with him, Wade, who brings some slight comic relief from all the chaos happening around them. Jono is back in New York facing his own troubles. He's been targeted by Knight Hunter's who only stop when their target has been terminated. But our boy Jono has no plans of being taken out and does some things Patrick will not be too happy about. Only he doesn't tell Patrick any of what is happening in New York. Sage is extremely angry about this because she knows it won't bode well for Jono when Patrick finds he has been left of the loop. Chicago brings another monumental fight that involves another God's head with Ethan and Hannah at the forefront of the fight. It was the edge of your seat, blood pumping, action packed thrill I have come to expect from this series. I can't recommend this book/series more. Happy reading dolls! xx

Great Characters, Cute Found Family, & Action-Packed Plot

This was another great book in the series! These are great characters, and their relationships are super sweet. All the relationships—the romantic one between Patrick and Jono, and the found family they’ve created with their friends and their pack, especially Wade, the sometimes petulant but lovable teenage dragon. I also really enjoy getting to see an established romantic relationship that grows over the course of a series with ups and downs, rather than just the beginning of a romance. This book also had the usual action-packed plot. This time it was about Norse gods. I feel like these books are becoming kind of similar, like there’s not much difference between them (a bit of relationship stuff but no big changes, a sex scene or two, some battles with gods and the Dominion Sect) and the overall plot about the staff isn’t being pushed forward much, but I still enjoy them. The audiobook narration by Gary Furlong was good. I still feel like it’s a bit flat, but I can’t tell if that’s a stylistic choice or if maybe English just isn’t his original accent. It still sounds natural though, and dialogue sounds good with the right emotion when necessary. Overall I enjoyed this, I like these characters and their little found family, and I’m looking forward to more of their story. Rating: 4 Stars Original Review @ Metaphors and Moonlight (link in profile)

Absolutely Loved This Latest Book!

This was a fun story. Not in a comedic sense, but in terms of new characters, higher stakes, the mystery of the cases, and laying the groundwork for a god pack show down. What I love about this book is that you know that Patrick and Jono are good. They're a unit as two alphas in a god pack and they love each other a lot. Jono says this is words, and Patrick says this with his actions. In this story, they're split up with Patrick being sent to Chicago to help with a case (and handling an undercover one on the side) and Jono helping out packs that are turning to their side while fending off Estelle and Youssef. Trigger warnings for violence, murders, blackmail, death of a beloved beast. trading of souls, graphic depictions of a murder by hanging, and mentions of a fertility rite. What I loved about this book is that there's a bigger mystery at play in this story than in the previous books that's not too different from a regular murder mystery. Except in this one, there's a shady politician and, unsurprisingly, the gods are involved. There's a lot of mythical beings in these books from all sorts of cultures, and this one introduces some recognizable gods like Odom, Frigg, Thor, and the Valkyries, while also introducing Hinon - a Haudenosaunee thunder god. The Valkyries were a nice addition to this book. I loved their modern day depictions. I found the vampires to be a very interesting bunch and how they have vampires in charge of their own New York City boroughs. The plot twist really got to me because I wasn’t expecting it and I gasped out loud at that one. That was excellently done. This book was packed with a lot of action as well, in between the two cases Patrick was juggling in Chicago. And I thought everything happened a lot earlier in this book than in the previous ones (which was great). Sorry to the Bean in Chicago. I think it's pretty much done for at this point. Jono had his own troubles to deal with in terms of the dispute over which god pack is THE New York City god pack. It's been building up throughout the books, and Jono and Patrick have really been picking up a lot of packs as their own. So, we know something is going to go down at some point in this series, but it's just a matter of WHEN. I think whatever needs to happen with the god packs will happen before we see a final showdown with Ethan, but I could be wrong. Ethan is sneaky, but eventually he's going to run out of godheads to steal. Maybe. I loved Patrick and Jono in this book, of course. There is a little spat but doesn't drag out too long. Wade is still a DELIGHT as he tries to eat Patrick and Jono out of all Marek’s tithes. He's a much needed comedic break from the story that does tend to get dark at times. Poor Patrick is having a bit of a time in this book and it breaks my heart how much he loves his twin sister he'll never see again because she's been completely consumed by Macaria's godhead. Best of luck to Gary Furlong who is narrating the audiobook and going to have to pronounce all the names and places from various mythologies yet again. It's quite a feat what he does with the audiobooks in this series, so if you haven't checked them out yet, I definitely recommend them! I can’t wait to see what comes next in the Soulbound series!! Thanks to A Novel Take PR for providing me an ARC for review!

Get ready for a godly throwdown...

If you ever wanted to read about a fight between gods some of them from different pantheons, and throw humans mages and shifters in the mix, then these are the books for you. A Vigil in the Mourning is the fourth book in the Soulbound series and probably the most action packed. Just when you think everything is going smoothly as Patrick and Jono go about their day, the you know what hits the fan. I found the Norse gods more endearing than any of the others we’d been introduced to throughout the series thus far, I especially liked the Valkyries. Fenrir appears to be a mixed bag, and what plans he has for Jono and his pack are still unclear. This was the first story where I wondered if Fenrir's presence may not be 100% a good thing for Jono. The strain on Patrick and Jono’s relationship about midway through this book I expected to last longer than half a chapter. But the fact that they made up so quickly I’m not sure is a testament to their tight-knit bond or the fact that they have a crap ton of enemies and staying strong together quite literally keeps them alive. I’ve criticized past books in this series for pushing stuff off to be dealt with in future books. But In the Vigil did not do that. It was a well rounded story with a happy for now ending that would make anyone smile.

Great world building

If you want the urban fantasy, m/m romance version of the myths where the gods continually meddle in society to the betterment of basically no one, this is the series for you. Poor Jono and Patrick keep working on their relationship both long distance and together while trying to deal with all the problems of meddling gods and the misbehavior of all types of creatures. This book has everything from political machinations and family drama to traitors and betrayals and a great dragon. Thank goodness the two MCs are a pair that are able to overcome any reluctance to be honest and direct with each other or they could never survive as a couple. You want them to get their HEA, but the world is just too messed up and complicated right now so one has to settle for another HFN. It definitely would be helpful to have read past volumes in the series but if you are a frequent reader of paranormal romance and urban fantasy it definitely is not necessary. I did not read the series in order and still fell in love with it. There will just be a few places you have to go with the flow as you read. You will, however, be hooked and have to go back and read the previous volumes, so be forewarned.

4 stars

I’m a huge Hailey Turner fan and I say this will all the love. As much as I love the characters in this series, the Dominion Sect angle is getting pretty old. And it frustrates me a little because it’s almost rinse and repeat in each book with slight variations and a different location this time. We have different gods involved as well but the overarching storyline is getting a little old in my very humble opinion. I want to see where it could go because the potential is there and I know Hailey Turner is an awesome author. It’s not even near misses with Hannah and Ethan. Its like Patrick isn’t even trying to fix it. And perhaps that’s what it is? I don’t know... I want something different next time. I want an obvious step forward in resolving this thing with the Dominion Sect instead of it just constantly being something to hold over Patrick’s head and a way to extend the series. That said, I’m happy there’s some advancement in the Estelle and Yousef front. Now... as much as I griped about it, it’s a good book. Just...I want more, you know? Looking forward to the next one!


These books never disappoint. I have a huge love for all things magical, vampiric, and god based so these stories feed my soul. This instalment is centred around the Norse pantheon and it was great to delve into. The story encompasses myths ranging from life to death. There were new characters introduced that laid the groundwork for future reads; I look forward to learning where those breadcrumbs lead. It was great to see Jono and Patrick as they grow and settle into their relationship as well as their god pack. Jono gets himself into some Patrick type trouble, and it was good to see him be the one to mess up. It evened up the relationship some. The characters are as always well written, carry a depth to them, and a good dose of humour to lighten up what can get to be a darker read. The book is definitely action packed as the Dominion Sect carries on with their zealous mission; as always the battles are thrilling. I look forward to whatever pantheon - old or new the next book brings and seeing where it leads Patrick and Jono. Voluntary ARC Review.

Another thrilling chapter

To the surprise of no one, Jono and Patrick don't do well when Patrick is sent halfway across the country on the whims of the Norns and a case. Patrick runs up against the Chicago god pack as well as gods from two different pantheon - the Norse and a couple Iroquois. Wade tags along to Chicago to provide pack support for Patrick and to decimate the hot dog and snack supplies of the Windy City. Left behind in New York at first, Jono makes some questionable decisions (that Patrick rightly calls him in when he finally finds out). Ethan and the Dominion Sect are up to old tricks, but with a chilling twist. And the parts involving Hannah? Yeah, just read it. Despite the tension and action, there are still plenty of sexy times and humor to keep things from getting too dark. There are also, maybe, some hints of what may come next and I think at least some of the Norse will be part of the recurring cast of immortals. Allow plenty of uninterrupted time to read, because you won't want to put this down! I voluntarily received an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.

My favorite series right now!

I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH!!!! I don’t even know how each book seems better than the last. First to get my one--teeny tiny almost not worth mentioning--issue out of the way, there is starting to be a pattern, almost formulaic, to these books. Patrick gets a supposedly unrelated case, turns out it’s (you know who), trying to steal a power or weapon, cue big battle, etc. But honestly, I don’t even care, these are so amazingly written, the plots, the characters, just everything is so engaging and entertaining. Patrick is my precious, so snarky and too reckless for his own good. Jono is the perfect growly virtuous counterpoint to him. Finally Patrick is rubbing off on him, and Jono is finally doing what needs to be done to take back their city. I am so ridiculously anxious to see that happen. We finally got to see them handle conflict the other way around. Everything about this series just gives me all the feels. I’m salivating for the next book. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy.

Gods, demons, witches,and weres...it's on!

This is yet another action packed installment in The Soulbond series. The characters are strong and fierce individuals, but retain their softer sides for pack and love. The writing flows nicely and continues the overall story arc of the series. This should not be read as a standalone. At first, circumstances force Patrick and Jono to be separated by half a continent. Patrick is on a case in Chicago for the SOA, and Jono has remained in New York to strengthen borders and alliances for his and Patrick's God Pack. Unfortunately, the rival God Pack has made a deal with demon assassins who interfere with pack business. Due to this, a necessary, but not happy, alliance is formed. Due to the distance between the two, Patrick is not able to draw through the soulbond. The case becomes complicated very quickly, and personal. So personal, that Patrick asks Jono to come to Chicago. It seems like gods are coming out of the woodwork at every turn in this book. One god in particular is a target, and hell itself is coming for him. From reactionary storms over Lake Michigan, to Zeus' bar being attacked with hellfire, the action rarely lets up. Valkyries and their "motorcycles" come to aid in the battle against hellhounds and Hades. We see more of Fenrir in this book, and Wade gets some page time, too. Feelings are hurt and trust is damaged, but not broken, between our Jono and Patrick. On top of that, Patrick learns a bond he thought severed years ago still has a tenuous connection. Ethan is still on his mission to become a god, and he is willing to do anything, including to his daughter and Patrick's twin, to get what he wants. A war is coming, and it is coming soon. New alliances have been made, and their God Pack grows continuously, but there is still more to do. There is also still that little matter of the Hunters... Overall, an exciting read and I look forward to seeing what happens next. Happy reading! * I received an ARC of this book and I am leaving my honest review. *

Amazing Thrillride!

As soon as I got my hands on this book, I immediately put it at the top of my TBR pile. I LOVE Patrick and Jono, and Hailey Turner has not put out a single book that I found less than entirely enthralling. Her plots are intricate, surprising, exciting, sweet, suspenseful, intense, funny…I could go on and on, but really you just need to get and read this book (but read the rest in the series, first.) I have so much enjoyed watching the relationship between Patrick and Jono grow, although this book shows they still have a few lessons to learn. The way they love and protect each other goes straight to the heart. I love these characters! That said, I also really love the always hungry *baby* dragon that is Wade. He always adds much needed comic relief that keeps the story from getting too intense (we all need a little fun break sometimes.) I am so so eager for more of the story. Ms. Turner can not write fast enough. I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving this honest review.

Fantastic addition to the series! Love Jono and Patrick!

Gosh, I love Soulbond series so much! Every book rediscovers long forgotten deities, introduces new characters and is such a roller coaster. I love how Ms Turner cleverly combines mythology and modern times showcasing Gods in new light, how she creates such quirky relatable characters and weaves fast paced engrossing stories. This time around Norse mythology was at the forefront combined with magical beings and god pack rivalries. I practically inhaled it. There were some things that I finally figured out in regards to Patrick's soul debt and what it entailed. Wow, I can't wait to read how the author untangles that! This time Patrick combines his magic abilities with that of investigator to tackle several cases having single connection that of the Morrigan's staff. I like how Ms Turner throws a hint here, then another there and slowly builds up to the intense finale that is always full of struggle, overwhelming emotions and deathly fighting. All those Gods are running amok like naughty children, and in the epicenter is Patrick who despite being a mortal finds a way to live another day. I loved Jono and Patrick's relationship woes, Wade's shenanigans and Jono being the god pack alpha he was meant to be. He is such a good and fair leader. I can't wait to see Estelle get her a$$ handed to her by Jono. The intricacies of paranormal politics, the magic and the sheer amount of Gods living in the modern world were beautifully written. Wouldn't that be something if that were true? Anyway, another amazing chapter in Patrick and Jono's quest to stay alive and be happy. I enjoyed it so much. Copy received for my honest and unbiased review

The story continues ... and it's awesome!

So far my favorite book of this series is the third book, but A Vigil in the Mourning is a very closed second. I absolutely loved reading this book. The story, the pacing, the character development, the relationships, the tension, the action, the world building, the lore, Wade and his poptarts - it's all fantastic. My favorite thing about Hailey's books is the romantic relationship between her main characters. There might be some initial resistance to the attraction, but the romance is always built on a solid base and the trials the characters go through only strengthen their connection. Patrick and Jono fit together perfectly and make each other better in every way. It's crazy to read Patrick in the first book and then in this book; Jono has made that much of a positive difference in his life in such a short amount of time. Jono's changes are more subtle, but definitely there. Also, Jono doesn't try to change everything about Patrick; he is understanding and supportive of who Patrick is, and freely offers up his unconditional love. This series isn't as high heat as the Metahuman Files series, but you have no complaints from me. Hailey is excellent at writing intimacy that fits her characters, and intimacy that furthers the main characters' love for each other. Oh, and Wade. He makes every book better and more hilarious. He's a major part of the reason that I loved the third book so much; we get even more scenes with him in this one, and lots of one-on-one time with Patrick. My one pet peeve - there are so many complex names. But it's all part of the lore and I certainly don't fault Hailey for it. It just makes me laugh while I'm reading because I know I'm butchering the pronunciations in my head. I need to listen to the audios for this series! I highly, highly, highly recommend this series, especially if you're looking for well written and interesting MM fantasy. And make sure to check out Hailey's Metahuman Files series. It's just as good.

Clever and complicated; Patrick and Jono save the world again

Hailey is an amazing author, able to create an entire world that is as complicated or as simple as the reader cares to make it. It’s possible to read this, and all the Soulbound books, as a simple allegory of grumpy good guy versus evil, but it’s also possible to lose yourself in the mythology and politics of the various pantheons and mythic creatures battling for survival and dominance. This is an action story, very obviously, but it’s also the first entry in the series where I felt like Jono showed some real personal growth, as he finally realizes the difference between being an alpha and being a leader. The world-building is amazing, the characters are shockingly real (considering they are mythical), and the story is riveting. We haven’t quite gotten to the final showdown, but it’s coming. Good thing Patrick and Jono are learning so much about themselves and each other. And Wade – ah Wade. He is priceless, easily one of the most fun characters ever written, and a perfect foil for the other two. I received an advance copy in return for my honest review.

Loved it - great addition to the series!

Another fantastic read by this author! I have loved this series to date, and this book was no exception. I can't help but love Jono and Patrick - the blurb made me think there was going to be bigger issues between them than what there actually was, so rest assured there isn't a big betrayal or fight between them (just some things kept secret with the best intentions while Patrick is away for a job). Each book in the series has focused on a different group of mythological gods, with this book showcasing the Norse Gods (I loved that aside from the usual major players we also got to see the Valkyries). What is particularly good is that even if you don't know the myths, you can still follow the story as it's written in a way that the characters hold their own. Can't wait to read more in the series and to hopefully see Jono take his place as the only God pack in NY. Surely that showdown has to happen soon!

4.5 stars

The only problem that I have with this series is trying to remember who is who since all of the gods / immortals have weird names -- and sometimes more than one. Otherwise, the author, as usual, brings everything together quite nicely with a lot of action and magic. Because of all the characters with (multiple) weird names, once in a while I have to stop and reread scenes because I think it is one immortal at first, but then I reread it and realize it was a different one. Overall, this was another really nice story from Ms. Turner, as the multiple story-lines move along, and the relationships and pack continue to grow. I would recommend this series, just don't let a lot of time pass between each book and keep a cheat sheet of character names handy. If the ARC had any proofreading issues, they were so minimal that I don't recall any.

Holy Norse Gods!

Could this be my favorite of the series this far?? Maybe!! 4.75 Stars! Welcome to the Windy City as Patrick investigates the whereabouts of a missing relic and soul payments. See Wade eat his weight in hot dogs. Meanwhile, back in the Big Apple, Jono wheels and deals for recognition of his god pack while avoiding deadly threats. Distance does make the heart grow fonder, but also makes for keeping secrets. Ahhh, not your best moments, Jono. Patrick is right to be pissed with you. Worry not, Jono does not end up sleeping on the couch & the make-up sex is divine! Lots of Norse gods and immortals about, so brush up on these wintry deities. My favorite? The Valkyries—wait ‘till you get a load of their rides!! Sublime narration by Gary Furlong! My rec? Hel yessssssss

Another Home Run for Hailey!

This is the fourth book in the series, and is may favorite one to date. The amount of research Hailey does for this series must be staggering, as the mythology for widely known and lesser known gods, beasts, and creatures is always woven so skillfully together. It's impressive to say the least. In the fourth installment, we find Patrick and Jono separated for the first time since book 1, and it shows. Hailey's portrayal of that dynamic and how the two of them deal with situations in their own way without the other shows her skill as a builder of characters. This book contains far more action than some of the previous have, and I'm here for it. Altogether, the plot, character dynamic, actions, and Wade's antics blend effortlessly to make a fantastic story I'm positive I will pick up again. *An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Patrick & Jono plus Wade are at it again!

Holy wow! Yet another action-filled addition to this amazing series. Patrick is yet again in another “task” given by the gods. This time, it’s the Norse gods. But where gods are concerned, there’s always a hundred percent chance of things going FUBAR and properly destruction is a strong probability. Things don’t always go as anticipated or planned. Most of the action with the gods take place in Chicago this time. Poor Chicago & the Navy Pier. I love how Hailey takes a different mythology in every book of this series. It’s fun learning about the different gods & goddesses and quite interesting how she writes them with various personalities and quirks. Pat & Jono’s relationship in this book has gone deeper, I can feel their relationship growing stronger. Maybe Hailey will have mercy on our romantic hearts and Pat will say those words back to Jono in the next book? And Wade, my dear wonderful dragon not-a-child. He steals the show and holds his own. And I love that he’s protective of Patrick. I can’t wait for the Soulbound 5.

Urban Fantasy at it's Most Spectacular Best!

Oh, my freaking stars, this was so good! Each book in the Soulbound series is better than the previous one. And that says a lot as the previous 3 books were better than stupendous. Ms. Turner has a deft hand when it comes to world building, intriguing characters & most particularly writing about love in it's various forms. Love of pack, the protection that love engenders, love of a fledgling dragon & best of all, the compelling love of Soulbound mates. Please start with the first book in this series, A Ferry of Bones and Gold so you can truly appreciate Jono's and Patrick's love story so you can revel in this stunning world of Norse Gods, magic, werecreature packs, vampires, multiple gods pantheons, dragons(I love Wade!) and pegasi!

Another home run for Turner!

Every time Turner releases the next book in this series, I think to myself - okay, THIS is the best. Well, THIS IS the best (I'll probably be eating those words after I read book 5 when it comes out)! I flew through this book - sucking it up as fast as my eyes could flow over the page. Gotta pee - too bad. Feeling parched - get over it. Getting a bit peckish because you should've made dinner three hours ago - meh, eat tomorrow. Alright, in all seriousness now, the writing was sharp, inventive, and on point throughout. As always, Patrick & Jono (along with old & new friends) were bright & full of life. I have to mention Wade here - we hit to see more of him this go around and while I had to laugh at the bottomless pit his stomach appears to be, there's a clear strength and a good bit of steel shining through. Turner also continues to add layers onto the world she started in book one. Every installment adds more depth and enrichment - book four was no exception. Wow, just WOW!

Enjoyable Series

I got all 4 books to date on Kindle Unlimited which I appreciate because indie authors are not usually offered on Overdrive (free ebooks offered through local public library). I liked all 4 books, plenty of action and smart characters. There were a few too many interested parties, some times it was hard to keep straight. You had weres, vampires, fae, mages and other humans with varying magics, Norse gods, Celtic gods, Aztec gods, etc. There was also more graphic sex than usual in an urban fantasy. Usually two scenes per book, but 6-7 pages long. Quite frankly, I started skipping them after the first one. If I want graphic sex, I'll read an erotic romance. I read urban fantasy for the suspense and non-sexual action.

Love it-amazing series and awesome book!

I absolute love this series. It's impossible to say which book is my favorite-each new one, I read it and say "that's it!" but then I re-read the series, and can't decide again. I guess I just can't decide because they are all so good. Of course, this contains all the things I enjoy about the series. Detailed, interesting, and exciting world-building, well-developed characters, great dialogue, intriguing and unique story line and action, plus plenty of emotional, sexy, and funny moments. I loved several aspects in particular about this book. Jono & Patrick's continually developing relationship, Wade growing up a bit-and not at all in others, plenty of interesting paranormal players, and developments with Jono and Patrick's pack. I was drawn right into the story and captivated the entire time. I highly recommend this book-but start with the first if you haven't read the series!

Poor Patrick and Jono

Oh, when will those gods leave poor Patrick and Jono alone? It seems like every single god that exists wants to put poke and prod at them. Do they even know how to handle things without Patrick and Jono there? It was interesting to see the Norse pantheon, especially when it comes to Jono and his patron. Odin is a real jerk off though, Thor was a lot of interesting, and I thought that he was much truer to the myths than some other representations that we have seen. It was also nice to see pantheons more native to the US, as well as the ones that have come to the US. I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm pretty sure the war with the god pack is going to be great.

Action Packed Adventure you will not want to miss!!

Patrick is off to the Windy City to help out with a case there while Jono deals with the corrupt Godpack in New York City. Jono is still leery of starting a war with the local Godpack but something has to be done while Patrick is in Chicago with Sage and Wade (the baby dragon...have I said how adorable he is) to take on a politician running for Mayor. Of course the Gods are going to interfere. I love the blend of the different Gods lore as Hailey does it so seamlessly. Hermes, the Ravens of Odin, the Fates (Norns), et al. Soon Jono joins Patrick in Chicago and working on their frayed relationship, but a little work, a bit of mad, happy fun and Gods putting their lives in danger put their relationship into perspective and come out stronger for it. You want a well written Novel length Urban Fantasy, this is the book!! It draws you in and does not let you go until the last page.


I am still hooked on Patrick and Jono and their, thankfully, continuing story. This is a couple that continues, even with some hiccups in their relationship, to stay solid and to engage in this precarious life and adventure on their way to trying to make the world a little safer from whatever comes their way. I have enjoyed and been drawn into each of the stories and have come away from each one looking forward to the next. These books are well written and engaging and although you want them to find what they are looking for - no spoilers from me - I kinda don't because I want one more story. I received an ARC from A Novel Take PR for an honest review.

An amazing fantasy series continues

Vigil in the Mourning is the fourth book in Hailey Turner's urban fantasy series following Special Agent Patrick Collins and his partner Jonothon de Vere. This story continues to build towards the fight to be the only god pack in New York City as well as the battle against Ethan and his Dominion Sect. Patrick and Jono continue to struggle with balancing taking over New York City from Estelle and Youseff with Patrick's job. Interfering gods continue to complicate everything but as Patrick and Jono learn it sometimes helps to have them on your side. As always Wade, Sage and the Tempest Pack provide Patrick and Jono the support they need. 5 stars for another great addition to the Soulbound series that had you laughing, swooning and gasping so the story unfolded.

best of the series

This series gets better with each book. Truly. “Patrick would never get used to the way all the gods seemed to love f*cking with his life.” Poor Patrick is just like every other mortal that the gods want to use for their own needs and wants. Except I’m pretty sure he’s going to kick their butts in the end (not that they’ll learn). We get some new gods to play with too. Jono is left behind when Patrick and Wade go to Chicago, and he has his own messes to deal with. The moral there? They’re better off together. Oh and lastly but not least importantly....Wade is expanding his ability to steal I mean hoard. Plz give him a motorcycle before he steals an entire mythical being...or their weapons.

Action-packed, as usual.

Patrick and Jono continue to face down the baddies, this time from a different pantheon of gods, as they work to find the Morrigan's staff and keep human beings safe from the gods and other beings who use them as fodder for their power games. Wade is, as ever, a bottomless pit, but happily, he continues to come into his own as Jono and Patrick help him ease into adulthood, both as a human and as a shifter. The challenges that our two heroes face continue to be life-threatening as well as relationship-strengthening. I still love how they love each other, and how they unwaveringly support each other. Their pack demonstrates that same level of loyalty in the face of every threat and that's a beautiful thing, as well.

Jono & Patrick

Another great addition to this series. Patrick work leads him to a case in Chicago leaving behind Jono and their pack. The case turns into a huge mess that involves Gods and the dominion sect. There are also things that Jono has to tend to in New York to keep his pack safe. The two are reunited when Patrick calls him to Chicago. These two are still great together and Patrick's father is still a pr*ck. Overall, I enjoyed it. I do wish we got more on Jono and pack business. How many more books will there be?

More adventure, myths and sexiness ❤️

The adventures of Special Agent Patrick continue....and keep sinking its claws into you. These books continue to be full of action, suspense, twists, and magic that are so addictive. And love that we continue to see how Patrick and Jono continue to grow as a couple, overcoming roadblocks and becoming stronger together. They are so sweet, especially Jono, and sexy hot together. And thank you Ms Turner for not sticking to just one myth but teaching me of the many mythological gods/stories from all over the world.

A big fan

I really like this Soulbound series and this book just solidified that feeling. This book continue with the advantures of Patrick and Jono and all the other characters like, Wade the kelpto dragon from previous books and whole bunch of new immortals, some good and some bad but all who have a very selfish attitude about their importance in life. This book is exciting and humorous with a HFN ending and it is so worth your time to read, truly you won't be disappointed. I can't for the next installment.

I need the next book!

These books can’t come fast enough! I gobble them in one day and then sulk till the next one! Turner has a way of describing the magic that makes me feel like it would be destructive on the big screen!!! To see all this power come to life! The staff needs to be found and Macaria returned, but what happens to Patrick after that? I would like to see the Tempest pack play more of a role. Wade seems to get all the fun while Emma and Leon play babysitters!!! But this series is an excellent read!

Waiting to see what happens next.

I love this series. Jono and Patrick are so good together. I also love the pack dynamic with the others. Wade is still probably my favorite. Lol. There is amazing world building in these books. The only thing is, there was really no progression of them finding/stopping Ethan. They have not caught any more Dominion Sect members? How is that possible? However, I think we are closer to Jono taking over the god pack from Estelle and Youssef. Which I can’t wait for! Still a good book. Most definitely read the entire series.

Finally a GOOD urban fantasy with gay protagonists.

I have read a lot of sci-fi fantasy books and I have been hunting everywhere for really good gay protagonists. Hailey Turner gets gay guys. The perfect blend of humor adventure sex intrigued plot twists and just really good storytelling. I think even people who are not looking for gay characters, do not forget that there are non-binary, straight, at all kinds of other genders sexes whatever else there is out there, will enjoy these books and maybe come to understand they're non-heteto friends and neighbors better!

To repetitious to rate higher

The 5 star reviews are just showing loyalty to the series, as far as I can tell. It's not terrible, but I did end up skimming it. Jono's plot line from the first half is dropped when he goes to Chicago. Patrick's story line is just a repeat. Every author lately that starts to write a trilogy just starts adding more books the the middle to stretch it out. I'm going to be stopping with this one.

Great Continuation!

Great new continuation to the series! A Vigil in Mourning is full of smart writing, unexpected twists, and continues to portray wonderful developing relationships. While the plot and action are certainly an important part of this book, what really drives this series are the complex characters and dynamic relationships that Turner creates and builds upon. 4.5 Stars

Wonderful complex story

Patrick definitely does not have an easy life! I enjoyed part 4 of his story very much again. At times, I found it a bit hard to catch up with who was who but I still loved the book a lot. I definitely love the connection between Patrick and Jono. And between them and the pack. Especially the way they treat Wade gets me every time. I'm so glad he gets to be part of their pack.

DNF - 59%

Okay,hear me out. I loved the first two books in the series. But I was struggling to get through this book. It was in my KU library for months and then I started it. By this point in book 4 the story has gotten too convoluted and wrapped up in so many different myths and rivalries that it was hard for me to track and stay invested.

Another great addition to the series

Hard not to give this one five stars, with its tense and exciting plot, introduction of characters I hope to see again, and Wade’s endless snacking (which could double as a drinking game, if you’re so inclined). Things are coming to a head in New York, and I can’t wait to find out what happens next

This series is fantastic!

The heroes are complex, the story moves at a brisk pace, and it's just so overall well-done. I have Kindle Unlimited, and I have found the books to be hit-or-miss when it comes to content, but I am so very fortunate to have found this author. I will be reading more (if not all) of her books in the near-future!

one of my favorite series

Oh my gosh, this book was fantastic! Jono and Patrick are growing even closer and their pack getting stronger. Wade won't stop eating. More and more gods and immortals. So much action! I could not put this book down. Each book in this series gets better and better. 5 stars!

Fantastic Story

I love the world Hailey Turner has created in these series of books. Each book adds clarity to who Patrick and Jono are. Plus the humorous comments from Wade who deserves his own backstory by the way describing his life before he got to New York. Can’t wait for book 5.

There's less intimacy

Still a good story but told with a little less urgency and the stakes not feeling as high. The gods we encountered in this book were more familiar and easier to digest than the complex courts of the fae, though I am always partial to their stories. As always, having more of Jono's point of view is great.

Things are hearing up!

Two different storylines happening at the same time. Fascinating use of mythology from multiple cultures crossbred into a great adventure. Getting tired of the bad guys still not being shut down permanently, so we will just have to wait and see what happens.

Each book continues to be amazing

This series is one of my absolute favorite, and this book was a great addition. Patrick and Jono's love for each other and the strength they give each other is incredible. The action is constant and engaging, Wade is super loveable, and overall I loved it.

Fight for the world continues

Fourth book in the series and still going strong. Each book makes me fall in love with the characters a little more. Lots of action, ton of paranormal craziness, mythology and magic. Recommend readinn the series in order. Definitely worth it.

Myth made man, man made myth

And then together, they made gods. Conflicting ideas become wars between good and evil, though we aren’t sure who represents which. A very active story with characters from many ages and places interacting as though that’s perfectly normal.


5* Another Favorite. It seemed before it was mostly Patrick leaving a trail of destruction behind him, now with Jono and Wade there's more. And it's great, they are family, they are pack. I somehow don't think I'm the only one that read Thor and Loki in the actors voices😍

More mayhem surrounding Jono and Patrick

Jono and Patrick just can’t seam to avoid mayhem. Jono’s stand-off to claim New York is intensifying. Patrick finds more trouble with a new group of gods. Wade just keeps snacking! Great continuation of the series!

Another win for an outstanding fantasy series

Another chapter in Patrick and Jono adventures is a great addition to the series. Fast-paced, captivating and emotional. I love Jono and Patrick connection and their relationships with Wade and the pack. Wade is absolutely amazing and quickly becomes one of my favorite supporting characters ever. Looking forward to the next installment!

Read in one Sitting

I had my calendar marked for this release. I appreciate that she doesn't gloss over the difficulty of a relationship with someone who has baggage . I hope this isn't the last book for Jono, Patrick, and their pack.

Another awesome adventure for Patrick and Jono!!!

Love this series. The gods are always up to mischief and Patrick’s job and family put them right smack dab in the middle of it. Love these two together and their dragon Wade. That boy can eat!!!

Great story and series must read

Great story and series must read great author worth the read especially the whole series .. Give the series a chance. It's worth it. Enjoy!! ✌💞🥂


I’ve read all four books and I’m already impatiently waiting for the next one! I loved them wade reminds me of my son! Please let there be another book!!!


Hailey always delivers. This is a shining example of her work. The characters get better and better, and I love watching their bonds grow stronger and their family grow. Wade is a particular favorite. An absolute must read.

Love love love it!

This book was just as good as the previous ones in the series! It didnt seem as long as the others but maybe that was just because I was sucked in like before! Cant wait for more!

I am really digging this story

I love a multilayered story. This series is working it. Couldn’t really get into the meta books but you have caught me with this. Please say there are more books!

Just love this series!

I hope Patrick and Jono's story never ends! They are super hot and sweet together! I love all the characters in their world.


Amazing as always. These books are some of my very favorites. I am excited for the series to continue.

Another excellent addition to the series

The Soulbound series has quickly become one of my favorites. Each book is as captivating as the last. Highly recommend and can't wait to see what Patrick and Jono will face next.


Love the series, enjoy the characters and the world building is awesome


The author continues to amuse us with the adventures of Patrick and Jono. I really appreciate the character growth Patrick continues to show and how resilient he keeps on being regardless of the constant dilemmas he has to face. I can’t wait for the next book to come out.


I love the way Turner melds mythologies. I was a little wary about this book from the description, but it was as good as all the others. I can’t wait for the next book in the series!


Another great book in this series.

Amazing series that keeps getting better!

If you like M/M romance without a lot of useless angst but great storyline, look no further then this series! Patrick and Jono are amazing, and the supporting characters are equally lovable! I can’t wait to read the next in the series!

Amazing as usual!

Absolutely amazing. Hailey Turner does it once again! Had me on the edge of my seat. Laughing, crying, heart racing from the battles. Loved every second of this book and will read it again and again.

Another Great Read

The series just gets better. More new characters to root for, refreshing interactions with mythology and realistic stumbling blocks for the main characters to deal with on their way to a HSN moment. And of course, Chicago.

Great Read!!!

A great addition to the series. Patrick and Jono have their relationship tested. Gods continue to meddle. And evil plots thicken. Excellent writing as always.

Great read!

If you’re into, even remotely, myths then you’ll enjoy this series. Sure there is sexy times but it does not out way the store.

Totally addicting!!!!

Goodness i love all the characters especially wade he’s my fave. Not to mention the entire series is a page turner cannot wait for the next installment

Great Installment

Another great book in the series. But I always feel the need to read these with an encyclopedia of mythology next to me!


Will someone (ahem) intervene and let Patrick have his vacation? I think he definitely deserves it after this adventure. All I can say is when it snows, it blizzards in this series. “We’re in this together, and I’m always going to trust you.” Patrick and Jono make the very best team. Though I was a bit angry with Jono in this one, stubborn wolf, I can’t picture one without the other. I am so in love with them and they’re my all-time favorite couple. “What if I eat them?” Oh Wade how I adore you, your insatiable appetite, your hoarding and your Wade-isms. I vote for him getting his own motorcycle and his food humor never fails to make me laugh. This series including this book is amazing, phenomenal, extraordinary and I can’t get enough of it. Each time I start reading I never want it to end and when I finish I want to reread it all over again. Another fantastic addition to a magical world that feels so real you’ll think you’ve crossed over the veil.

walking to book 5 through Nordic mythology

To bring these particular Gods made the reading appealing (Avengers and all that), but I'm worry about how many more mythologies we need to go through to get some development in the MCs stories. They go so very slow. And I still don't get what makes Patrick so especial. I know he is son/brother of the "villains" (if poor Hannah even qualifies as so), a trained mage, but he doesn't do anything that a God can't do too, faster and better according to the book, or even a demiGod. Book 3 was better because it was about a city problem some Gods created for personal benefits, a terrenal mess, but this about a Ragnarok was too big to explain the inevitable need of a "Patrick". Nevertheless, I enjoy a lot reading these characters, their personalities and chemistry, and will wait patiently for the next book.

Jono and Patrick are in the thick of it again

Patrick is a mage, his partner Jono is a God pack werewolf. They are soulbound, which allows Patrick to access external magic again. Something they have to keep secret. They both strive to take care of their pack. Doing what ever they need to do to keep everyone safe. Another fine addition to the series. Surprises, twists, assassins, gods of the good and bad variety, a very hungry dragon (probably my favorite character in the books), and two men who just shouldn’t keep secrets. By now the world building is fairly established but there were some revelations I wasn’t expecting. I liked the Valkyrie’s and their steeds. I couldn’t help but fit a movie stars face to one of the characters. Great story.

Can’t wait to see what’s in store!

This was an awesome book in an awesome series, this time featuring the Norse pantheon. Given Jono and Marek’s affiliations, it was only a matter of time, but this book definitely ramps up the tensions. This is one of my favorite authors, and she just keeps getting better as she hones her craft. Jono and Patrick’s relationship is tested, as is their pack’s ability to protect those under their care. Turner kept the action moving at a fast pace and the sex didn’t overshadow the story. I’m already impatient for the next one!

Excellent world building

I am enjoying this series with each new installment. There is well written characters, exciting action, loving sexy times, and bad ass characters that we love to hate. I can officially say I love Jon and Patrick!

Another great read!

I love the Soulbond novels, and their blend of romance, mythology, and fantasy. Read this in two days! Can’t wait till the next outing!

Love love love the series

I love this series wholeheartedly - the world is well developed and the plot never misses a beat. I love the realness of the characters as well - they bitch and fight and love with a depth to them that sometimes lacks in these sorts of plot-heavy books. I can't recommend the series enough!

Patrick Saves The Day, Again!

Once more Patrick is on the job and stays there. He's over worked, beyond exhausted, cold, and annoyed. This thankless job pushes his limits in so many ways. Why he stays on is anyone's guess, the pay can't be that good. In this one it's like he's at war all over again. Those flashbacks scattered throughout the series shows how bad it was with the Thirty-Day War and now it's all back. Once more he's the expert visitor and isn't wanted by the locals. No one shadows him, the agency lets him work alone and I doubt he even reports in. They know Patrick will get the job done but with considerable cost. He has no work friends, doesn't trust his boss, yet he keeps plugging at it. This job is aging him. This is what he signed up for and I can't say he really enjoys it. While situations in this book are God based, somehow Patrick comes through again. He follows clues but most times the Gods or their henchmen come calling, picking him up, and carrying him off. He's disrespectful, talks back to them, and they allow it. Obviously he doesn't want to be there. He has back up in Jono. Wade is there to make sure he eats. So when all is said and done and Patrick lands with plenty of bruises, destruction abounds, and he has to step up and prove what he did was right. Save the world? Check. But more personal threats are lining up. Persephone wants her pound of flesh. His twin Hannah has her own agenda. Hermes is hovering. Loki? Don't get me started. Patrick and Jono had some strains on their relationship and talking it out is piecemeal. Jono wasn't with the pack through most of the story, so we're never told if the pack's praying. Lucien threatened if Jono forfeited. Well? Jono came across as a babysitter and second seat to Fenrir. He's an add in tag along that's Patrick's back up and that's about it. Wade's about the same, not much new here. He may go to school but doesn't talk about friends or a social life. For him it's all about food. He's portrayed as this blank yes man that complains and grumbles but still obeys. I'm shocked no one teaches him to cook and bake -- He's the type that needs those skills. I wonder when a dragon shifter is an adult and not a fledging. When will he be able to speak up. Chicago. Well, it's always been lead by corrupt politicians. It makes sense the story's based here. No, this one didn't work for me. The characters were rather flat, the action and events took the bulk of the book, which was fine, but the events should've reflected on these characters. So what did we learn. We're still at the place where we began: Patrick hates being dragged into the God's business, hates being apart from Jono, wants to sleep instead of going to work, does his job alone, hasn't solved the case, and still has to prove himself to his boss and higher ups. Did I miss anything? The main character reflection I noticed is Wade has more respect for Patrick and his job as alpha mate. Even the growing pack and pack bonds took a distant third. Yes Jono's pack is getting those alliances but did Patrick need to go through all this to get there? - Dan's Wife

I couldn't put it down

So much happened in this one. This one scared me as things could have gone so horribly wrong. Patrick heads to Chicago on the hung for the Morrigan staff. Also, while he is away, Jono is being hunted by Knight Hunter's, guess who sent them after Jono. I can't wait for them to be killed off. Jono is trying so hard to keep his pack safe as well as those that are coming to him for protection. And he makes a deal with the devil (no not the actual devil) to help keep his people safe. While that is going on, Patrick is in Chicago dealing with a case and looking for the staff. Odin let me tell you how much I would have liked to have beaten the crap out of him & his cavalier attitude. OMG, we got Valkyries and the Pegasus are hidden by an illusion of Harley Davidson motorcycles. I loved it. So, did Wade, he now wants one, of course he does. So anyway, turns out that Odin gets kidnapped by, yes you got it, daddy dearest. We also have Thor & Loki. Loki was just plain evil & did all kinds of nasty things. Anyway, there is a big battle in Chicago and the good guys barely saved the day. These battles are getting harder and scarier. Wade was awesome! When the chips are done, he doesn’t hesitate and dives right on in where he is needed. At times like that you can forget that he is just a kid whose childhood was ripped away from him and made to do horrible things. I so can’t wait for the next book in the series as I can’t get enough of these characters . ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Wade is everything!

I'd wanted to read this series, and when I got the opportunity to read an advance copy of this installment, I rushed to read the others. I'm so glad that I did, because the level of world-building blew me away from the first chapter of A Ferry of Bones and Gold to the last chapter of A Vigil in the Mourning. I'm choosy about fantasy reads, urban or otherwise, and Hailey Turner's Soulbound world ranks among the top I've read. The character development across the series makes my heart happy. There's just enough of a love story and sex to make it a romance, but not enough that it interferes with the storyline, which is truly epic. These books are going on my re-read list and I'll almost certainly go through them all again when the next book is ready for release. Patrick and Jono are near the top of my favorite couples list, and I am just dying for more from Wade! Highly recommend!

An interesting turn in the series as we learn more about the MCs

This fourth book in the Soulbound series takes Patrick to Chicago to deal with a case for the SOA as well as continue his search for Morrigan’s staff. And of course, it again going to bring him into conflict with his father, his sister and the Dominion Sect. It also introduces us to some new gods and for those of you who are fans of the Avengers superhero movies you will recognize and share a sense of familiarity with some of the gods Patrick needs to deal with. My overwhelming reaction to this book is “how the hell does Patrick do it?!” First of all, the poor guy needs to sleep for about a month straight. And while he is sarcastic, impatient and looks before he leaps, it still seems to be he is much more restrained than I might be under his circumstances. I’m still not sure, even after four books, that I completely understand the whole soul debt thing but it sure is apparent that Patrick got a raw deal. Some of the key elements of his character…the soul debt, the magic injury as a result of war, the soul bond…are still a bit vague to me. I’m sure that is my fault and not any weakness on the part of the author’s storytelling. Maybe I’m a bit too black and white and need things spelled right out for me. It doesn’t interfere with my understanding or enjoyment of the stories really. I just want to understand Patrick on a deeper level. Once again, I love Jono. He really is one of my favorite characters in all the series that I read. He has the patience of a saint. We get to see him be a bit more human and reckless here in some of the decisions he makes while Patrick is gone, knowing full well that Patrick is going to be insanely angry with him. I like the way he understood the situation and explained his reasons (which made perfect sense to him) but was able to process why they were so hurtful to Patrick. The author does a great job of allowing us to watch a god pack alpha develop and grow right before our eyes. The story specific to this book is an intriguing one, especially with players that many of us will recognize from another format. The battle scene is intense and I couldn’t look away from the page and found myself holding my breath in so many spots. The ending is a bit unsatisfying as Patrick makes clear and we can feel his frustration down to our own souls. Once again Turner has crafted a spellbinding story that will leave you emotionally drained and looking forward anxiously to the next book. And the best part of this book? By far, it’s Wade! Man do I love that dragon!! We see so much more of him and his personality and we are also seeing him mature. We get a nice glimpse of the integral member of the pack he is already turning into and how important he is going to be in the future. Highly recommend. **I voluntarily read an ARC and this is my objective review.**


Patrick has a new investigation; he needs to go to Chicago. The Norms think something bad will happen to Odin, the god Norse. Jono must deal with territory problem. Estelle and Youssef made so alliance with some hunters to kill Jono. A Vigil in the Mourning by Hailey Turner is book 4 in the Soulbound series. It can’t be read as a standalone. Patrick has to save Odin and our world against the dominion sect. He’s still searching the staff for the General Reed. He’s in Chicago with Wade and while investigating, he also has to deal with the god pack of Chicago. Jono has to stay in NY, some pack who ask for his protection have borders issues, and Jono needs to protect them. He didn’t expect Estelle and Youssef new allies and he will also have to make some decisions and alliances that can put at risk his life and his relationship with Patrick. I adored this book. Of course, I adored it. I want to open Hailey Turner brain and see how her brain function. Ok, I admit it’s creepy says like that, but this woman is one of the most brilliant authors of her generation. After, Greek, Inca and Irish mythologies, this time it’s the North mythology. The story and the plot were well written and captivating. I was completely hooked in the book from page 1. I was funny, interesting with good actions that make my heart beat faster. The details about the north mythology, and all other legends impress me. The authors did a lot of search. I don’t know how this series will finish, each book is a surprise, a new revelation and each time he puts all my idea in jeopardy. I can’t wait for the next book… If you haven’t read it yet, you missed something in your life... This series is a must read and a must have.

Mayhem from NYC to Chicago

4.5* I love Urban Fantasy and this series has got to be my favorite so far. The world and characters Hailey Turner has created blows me away every single time. It's complex as hell and you know you are in for a wild ride. Ok! Back to A Vigil in the Mourning! Patrick is back on a case but it takes him away to Chicago, and as always, never a dull moment with Patrick. Back home, Jono has to deal with pack business and some other problems that pops up. Even though they are apart for some time I the book, there is still that connection between Patrick and Jono. Their relationship isn't easy, and it's still new. There are bound to be problems to crop up, and adding in the responsibility they have co-leading their pack. The usual characters make an appearance as well as some new ones. Some Norse gods who I adore. Wade, as always, is love and didn't dissapoint. Expect the usual mayhem, just his time it all happens in Chicago. I sometimes want to just smack some of these gods because they think they're untouchable. If I had to nitpick, it's that sometimes the names were a bit difficult to remember because the cast of characters gets bigger and bigger with every book. But it was a great installment to the series.

A Vigil in the Mourning!

This series keeps getting better with each book that continues to expand, explore and enrich the world of Soulbound! Total Rating: 4.8 Stars out of 5 Rating Review Rollout: (1) Blurb vs Story matchup: 4 🌟🌟🌟🌟 (2) Character Development: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (3) Danger/Drama/Thrills/Chills: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (4) Editing/Proofreading: 4 🌟🌟🌟🌟 (5) Entertainment Value: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (6) Feeling the Words: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (7) Flow of the Story: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (8) Keeps my Attention: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (9) MC Appeal: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (10) MC Backstory: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (11) MC Chemistry: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (12) MC Love Connection: 4 🌟🌟🌟🌟 (13) Plot Worthiness: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (14) Sexy Sex Scenes: N/A (15) Wrap Up of Loose Ends: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Even though there are ongoing story threads that continue in each book thus far the current storyline in this book was brought to full resolution.

A Vigil in the Mourning by Hailey Turner

Rating: 3.5 stars I am having a hard time writing this review. While I didn’t hate it, it definitely isn’t my favorite in the series. I think it’s because I didn’t really care about what was happening in Chicago. I found myself getting impatient and wanting to go back to New York. I was way more interested in the brewing war between the god-packs than I was with what was going on with the Norse gods in Chicago. All in all, parts were really good and others not so much.

Amazingly action packed

This is my favorite urban fantasy series at the moment! There's magic, were creatures, gods, intrigues, vampires, fae, several fights and a big war and in the middle of all is Patrick and Jono with their growing pack. The book is action packed, funny and you can't help to connect and root for the MCs and their friends. And the Dragon fledgling Wade is just my favorite with his constant snacking and pick pocketing. 5+ stars and I can't wait to see what happens next!


I don't often give 5 stars...you have have a truly impactful and phenomenal for a 5 star review...Hailey Turner has done that and much more with this continuation of Patrick and Jono's story! Words cannot express how much I love this series and these characters and I am both excited and nervous to see what happens next! If you are looking for edge of your seat action with a bit of romance, these are the books for you! I can't wait for the next one!

So good

As always an fantastic book, for a awesome series, by a great author.... Patrick and Jono are separated for most of the book, but they each have trials they must overcome. Patrick has Gods, Goddesses, his crazy father to deal with. While Jono has the rival God pack, demon/hunters, and the nightcourts to deal with. With new and old, enemies and friends alike this is as action packed as all her books.

Love Love Love

The sheer amount of time and research that must go into these books to bring out the underlying mythology then mix that information with personalities relevant to the story line is just magnificent. It is like a peek into history or a world that could be without being too far away from things we know. I adore this series. It is a new favorite.

Excellent adventure

This book was action packed! The romance was secondary, and heaven help males who keep secrets, but I loved the connection even when they were apart. The overall story progressed even as we see their pack strengthen and forage new alliances. I could totally see this series as a movie or tv series. I loved it!

A great read

Turner's newest Soulbound Book is absolutely engaging! I found myself completely wrapped up in Patrick and Jono's dynamics. The story line uses my favorite mythology this time, and I found it to be fantastically written. So well worth the read, I cannot wait to see what is next in this series!

Another great Jono and Patrick book!

This is a little different from the other books, but certainly not in a bad way. Jono and Patrick's relationship is tested as they are separated for most of the book. We are sucked into a wonderfully crafted storyline. I loved this book and highly recommend it!

Loved it!!!

Another great book! Loved the characters and the plot. The story was amazing! Cannot wait for the next book to come out!!!



Sequel is great

I enjoyed the 4th book in this series and all ate novels and have the mist intriguing storylines it's like HP and Percy had a gay baby.


This book 4 in the series is simply brilliant! The plot as the series continues is full of twists and turns, action, danger and misunderstandings, but as always Patrick and Jono's bond and their love for each other set everything alright again. All the situations they needed to confront and the obstacles they overcame in this story will lead to more adventures in the future. I strongly recommend read this book in order in the series, to fully understand and enjoy the complex plot and the wonderful characters and how they kept evolving. A fantastic reading!!

Absolutely love it!

I am always so happy to be back with Patrick, Jono and with all these characters. The reason is because you know something is going to happen and it isn't all good. I am pull right into this story from page one. I love that mixed with the mystery, mythology, paranormal and adventure. Then as just the love with all the characters. Whether it's family love or romance love. I just can't get enough of this series and I can't wait for more. Also I am just falling even more in love with Wade. He just makes me laugh and want to hug him so much.


How can this series just keep on getting better with each new addition? A Vigil In The Mourning is everything I wanted it to be and more. This story is full of action, humor, snark and so much more. It will take you on the ride of your life and you will not want to get off the ride until you reach the very last page. The world-building is amazing, the characters are compelling and the story is riveting. More Patrick and Jono is always a good thing and when you add in Wade it's a winner! I'm looking forward to whatever comes next!


Every time I think Hailey Turner has written her best book, she produces another which knocks the socks off me. This one is just the same and is fighting with book one in this series as my favourite yet. I love how she constantly surprises me with her mix of well-known mythologies – here it’s the Norse Æsir getting an airing – and lesser known but equally as interesting Gods and legends. We meet Hinon, (also known as Hé-no, an Haudenosaunee/Iroquois thunder god) and his arch enemy the water serpent Oniare, hiding beneath the waters of Lake Michigan 😁 It’s also the first book to venture out of New York to another American location (rather than the jaunt through Ireland in A Crown of Iron & Silver and sees Patrick hunting for the Morrigan’s missing staff in Chicago. I loved the whole premise of this book. The separation tension grows between Patrick and Jono, as he’s left behind in New York to deal with the treacheries of the other God Pack’s alphas, build alliances with unlikely allies and avoid ancient hunters sent to end his life. But, even when they’re angry with each other, the love and connection between them is still powerfully emotive. These books are paranormal suspense and mystery first, but the heart and soul of them is the relationship between the mage and the wolf shifter. A complex plot weaves its way into Norse legends but it never feels overwhelming and as the drive towards the ending grew closer, I couldn’t put my Kindle down! While each book in this series follows a similar pattern, I never feel like I’m reading the same story over again, there are always subtle differences and each book brings a new level of depth to the relationship between the two men. Bring on the rest of the series because I cannot wait to see where Hailey’s going to take me next, especially given the revelations of what occurs in this book’s narrative.

Patrick and Jono Return In Another Epic Adventure!

A Vigil In The Mourning is everything I wanted it to be and more. The fourth installment in the Soulbound series is absolutely packed with action (in two states), intrigue and mythology. And, of course, there is the ever growing relationships between Patrick and Jono, and their pack/those under their protection. The book starts with Partick being sent out of town on a case, leaving Jono to face a new threat and make some crucial pack decisions on his own. He's between a rock and a hard place because there are consequences for whichever way he decides. Ultimately, his course of action leaves him having to make things right with more than one pack member. Meanwhile, Patrick's in Chicago: officially, he's there on an SOA case investigating a prominent political figure and unofficially he's there on the trail of the Morrigan's staff. Apart from the light relief of Wade's bottomless stomach and light fingers, it's all action and Patrick is forced to call Jono to the Windy City as another godhead is at risk. It is *not* all plain sailing when he arrives, however... This is such a strong cast of characters and they just keep getting more lovable with each book. They're not perfect, no-one is, but they grow as their relationships develop. Patrick is the dedicated investigator and saviour (again), whilst getting ever closer to telling Jono what's really in his heart. Jono navigates the tricky waters of pack politics, growing into his leadership role and being the protective partner Patrick needs. Then there's Wade. With seemingly little effort Wade manages to be a typical teenager, a badass shifter and he delivers some of the simplest, yet most fundamental messages about what pack means...love him! The mythology in A Vigil In The Mourning takes in the Norse pantheon - my favourite. I love the way this group of gods, goddesses and their supporters are inserted into Chicago society in this novel and you know they're always good to leap into battle. Honestly, if I could give more than 5* I would. This is absolutely my book of the year so far and I cannot wait for the next installment. An ARC was provided by GRR in exchange for an honest review.

Brilliant. Just brilliant....

Fantastic!! This series just gets better and better. Norse Gods, Greek Gods, Gods of the Underworld, Valkyries on pretend motorbikes [really winged horses], Vampires, Aztec Gods, Indigenous Red Indian Gods...Uncle Tom Cobleigh and all 😀😀😀. And through it all, Wade keeps making me laugh [much needed in these times of trouble and strife], and Patrick and Jono keep fighting the good fight against those bl**dy bad guys. Are they any nearer to discovering the whereabouts of Morrigan's staff?? Possibly, maybe, who the hell knows...next story needed stat!! Brilliant Hailey, just brilliant. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Chicago chicanery with the Norse Pantheon

I love the evolution of Jono's God Pack, but it's interesting to see the effect on P &J as a couple with the distance separating them from NYC to the Windy City. Things get interesting for Jono as head of the new NYC God Pack and Fenrir comes out to play a lot more in this adventure. It's also interesting to see the twin dynamic between P & H, and how it affects our favourite mage. I highly recommend that you read the series in the correct order to fully appreciate the continuity of events from the previous books in Hailey's Soulbound series.

Brilliant storyline

I just wanted to add my praise to the author for such a brilliant series. Thoroughly enjoyable. I didn't want to leave Patrick and Jono's world and for me it will be very difficult to move on to my next read, a total change of pace and theme is needed I think. Needless to say, very much looking forward to the next in the series (and for Ethan and Estelle in particular to get their comeuppance!) Highly recommended.

Everything I wanted it to be.

Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews This is one of my favourite series and I couldn't believe my much when I got an ARC. This book is a direct sequel so don't read it out of order. I loved everything about this book. The story was so engaging and the complexity kept me on the edge of my seat. I love Patrick and Jono and the while God pack. I can't wait for the next one.

A stellar instalment in a brilliant series

It's really not surprise that I love A Vigil in the Mourning; it is a stellar instalment in the Soulbound series. The stakes continue to get higher, the gods won't cease to their meddling, and Patrick and Jono continue to build their relationship and pack. Wade is absolutely my favourite character, he's hilarious and his snacking habits brilliant.

Throughly enjoyed

Yet another look into this amazing story. I absolutely love myths and legends of all sorts and you get one hell of a dose with this book. Good to see Wade get some action, roll on book 5

I have read this a few times

I needed to because I wasnt as sure the first time I liked it. I've read it four or five times and will again. I love this especially on Audio.

Great series

A very well constructed Urban Fantasy. Cleverly written and well researched. A very enjoyable read.

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