Worth It

Kindle Edition
01 Jan
S.M. Shade
What's the recipe to the ultimate disaster week?

Three unruly friends.
A wedding we shouldn't have been invited to.
Two unexpected romances.
A scoop of sexy.
And a double scoop of chaos.

Lydia is a good girl who is above revenge. Good thing she has us. No one cheats on our best friend and rides off into the sunset with his new bride.

What was supposed to happen? Unleash hell like two badasses. It was a simple plan, but we failed to anticipate a few things. A rogue prosthetic, an accidental exorcism, and dominatrix strippers willing to take things way too far, just to name a few.

What actually happened? As usual, nothing went as planned, especially when two sexy distractions popped into the mix. We were there to avenge our friend, not to get entangled with two cocky, arrogant men, who don’t like to hear the word no. I was sure we could resist.

I mean, it was only a week, right? What could happen in a week?

Not intrigued enough? There's totally a duck in this story.

Ah yeah. Now we have your undivided attention. Enjoy our chaos.

Reviews (195)

Girls trip. No means yes. The end.

The description of this book sounded right up my alley, but this book didn't do it for me. Here's my synopsis; Girls trip over nothing over and over again, boys laugh at them. Then boys manhandle girls, and poor weak girls can't control their bodies. Their minds say no, but they're humping the boys before they know what's going on. Repeat again and again. I guess books that show women as weak willed and where no means yes are just not what I'm in to.

Funniest book I have ever read. And super hot too!

No cliffhanger Standalone Told from 2 POVs. (2 side-by-side stories in one book) No major editing issues First off I love CM Owens. She is one of my favorite authors. This is the first book I have read by SM Shade. This was HANDS DOWN the funniest book I have ever read in my entire life. I literally had to put the book down multiple times because I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe or see because I was crying. And to top that off it was super hot too! The book is about a group of friends who are attending the wedding of one of the girls step brother. Did I mention he also dated one of the girls and cheated on her with his soon to be wife. That alone makes for a great storyline but when you throw in strippers, ducks, fake arms and a blow up doll things get really interesting. Did I mention their goal is to cause massive mayhem before the wedding? There are actually two stories taking place at once. One is of Henley and Davis and the other is of Kasha and Roman. Henley and Davis have known each other most of their lives but after Henley gave up her V card to him he split town without a word. To say Henley was heartbroken is an understatement. She never expects to see him again but when she does she desires to give him a taste of his own medicine. Too bad Davis is like a can of Pringles. Once you pop you can't stop...and he isn't giving her up again. Kasha and Roman are their own brand of crazy. They meet accidentally and sparks fly. Hilarity also ensues with these two. The problem is, you aren't supposed to fall for your fling. It was just supposed to be a week of fun. Kasha wants more but isn't willing to put herself out there to be rejected. The question is, will Roman? I am telling you this book is hysterical and super hot. The only part I hated was that I finished reading it too soon. I literally want to read it again right now it was so good. I hope these two collaborate again. Perhaps Lainey's story or Anderson's??? This book is a MUST READ!!!

The best romcom of my LIFE!!

Wedding Crashers meets The Hangover! This was by far the most hilarious book I have ever read! I swear my husband thought I had lost my mind, hysterically laughing to myself for hours. Three best friends Henley, Kasha, and Lydia decide to go to Lydia’s cheating ex’s wedding and cause some mayhem. The accident prone Kasha, and prankster Henley revel in turning a high society wedding into what can only be compared to as a frat party. Henley hasn’t seen her first love Davis, for eight years, when he left without a word. Kasha and her “terminator” arm has always had a hard time finding love. The wedding from hell might just be where they both find the love they have lived so long without. I knew this book was going to be funny, but it blew away any other book I’ve ever read on the lol-o-meter! I absolutely loved the friendship between the three friends. I loved Davis and Roman as well. Both outrageously handsome and charming, they were also genuine about their feelings, and how they treated their women. Kasha was definitely my favorite. She was unapologetically accident prone, and had the craziest sense of humor to go along with all of the crazy sh*t that seemed to happen around her. The interaction between her and Roman was hilarious, sweet, and did I mention HILARIOUS! The sex scenes for both couples were sexy, descriptive, and frequent. This book is a multi-perspective read. Most of the chapters are in the perspective of Henley and Kasha, though, you get a few chapters from the guys too. HEA, multi-POV, no triggers, and lots of laughs. A freaking phenomenal book to start the new year with! Thank you S.M. Shade, and C.M. Owens for the romcom of epic proportions! Check out more of my reviews on my blog romance2review.com

I've been in a slight book slump lately and wanted something light and funny to break the slump and get me back into ...

Although I've never read any books by S.M. Shade before, I am a huge fan of C.M. Owens, so reading this book was a no-brainer! I've been in a slight book slump lately and wanted something light and funny to break the slump and get me back into my reading groove. This book was definitely fit for the job! Three best friends; Lydia, Kasha and Henley, go to Lydia's ex-boyfriends wedding, which also happens to be Kasha's step-brother. He cheated on Lydia and is now marrying the girl he cheated on her with. Lydia has to go to the wedding for her personal reasons and even though Kasha and Henley don't understand those reasons, they are determined to make it a week to be remembered. Pranks are their specialties, mixed in with their clumsy ways and two sexy men from the past, things end up getting a bit more crazy than expected. "You can put sugar on sh*t, but that don’t make it a brownie. You’re better than her in too many ways to count.” --> This quote is being saved in case I need it for the future! <3 Henley and Kasha are ridiculously hilarious and Lydia is the innocent one who just stands back and lets everything all play out. The POV's switch between Kasha and Henley, but I do wish that we would've gotten a bit more from Lydia's POV. Aside from that, I think Kasha is my all-time fave; the prosthetic arm gone rogue had me literally laughing out loud and her clumsiness was something I can totally relate to. From inflatable penises and rotten eggs to robotic arms going crazy and attacks from ducks and seagulls, this collaboration between S.M. and C.M. was a gem. This book was just straight up silly, most of the time situations were overly dramatic, but it fit the lightness of the book and let's be honest, sometimes life can just be EXTRA! If you're looking for an easy fun read, this is the perfect go-to book! Happy reading! :-) check out my review at loveatfirstreadcom.wordpress.com

This Book is EXACTLY what I needed during Quarantine, I laughed my Booty off!!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

I have never read a book in one sitting. I don't normally don't have the time and can only read an hour or two at bedtime. But since we are in Quarantine I am enjoying the free time to read all the books on my tbr list. My daughter was with her Dad for the day and once I started reading, I literally couldn't put this book down!!!! The scene at the Wedding reception almost made me pee my pants LITERALLY!!!! Omgosh I haven't had a laugh like that in a long time! I do wish more time was put into poor... Shoot, what's her name...? SEE!! I've already forgotten her! JK It's Lydia, I think Jill got more attention though haha! Would have been nice to hear more of her story, but I'll say this if I could have drinks with fictional characters it would be these girls! Kasha being my favorite!! I don't normally read books a second time either but I actually miss these characters! They were written so well I feel as though I know them, and I honestly miss them! This much a book hangover that I've heard so much about in my reading groups haha! I might just have to read this one again it was so so good! Bravo to two very talented Authors!! If you want to laugh so hard you'll wake the neighbors, read this book! It was SO WORTH IT! 😉

My review totally from Belgium 😁

I am from Belgium en here is my opinion for this book. I am very happy to read books in English because they translate here in Belgium Some books but not So good. somtimes there are words missing or something like that. i like to read them from here and here i go try to give my opinion about it. Wow, just wow I laugh my ass of. My husband was asking every few minutes why I was laughing so much. I never ever have read a book from this author so I don't know if they are really good. But this is now totally my favourite book.😘😘 There was action,romance,a lot of humour, and yes there was sex in it and a robot arm that does what the person was thinking even when she was thinking to get herself off,hahaha (what was a misunderstanding), Alfa boys (men) , 3 bests friends how they are going to mess up a wedding end it was a very very good book. Maybe this author will read this (I hope she will) It you have an other one of those books ,please let me know so I can buy them also To al the other readers let me know if there are other books with a romance but also a lot end more things to laugh in it. I definitely recommend this book to everyone 😍😍😍

HLB Reviews Worth It

I have a couple of recommendations about reading this book. First, if you are depressed and want to cheer up, this is your book. Second, if you just like to laugh this is your book. Third, if it's midnight and you want a book to read, this is not your book unless its the weekend or you can call into work the next day because you aren't going to want to stop reading this book. I can't even explain how much I love this book, it was hilarious, and honestly I wish I could see it in movie form because it would be the best train wreck ever. One of the fun things about this book is that it is not centered on two people, it is more like four main characters and a couple other secondary characters that are pretty big players in the book. Normally when books have this many people I feel like things get to crowded and inevitably the characters stories suffer, this is so not the case in this book. The book is short in terms of time, but not much else, in everything else it's BIG. So three friends are going to the wedding of one of their exes, oh and did I mention that one of the girls is the stepsister of the ex of the other girl. So it's all kinds of family and ex drama. But these three girls are thick and thieves and want to be supportive and also kind of want to get even on the jerk of an ex. Of course at the wedding everything changes for the two girls who are there for emotional support, they both stumble upon sexy guys to enjoy their time at the several day long wedding event. So first off Kasha meets Roman, a guy she went to school with but really didn't have a lot of interaction with. There is a lot of chemistry coming off these two, I mean they have it in droves. But it's hard to tell at first if these two are going to end up hating each other or loving each other, I mean it's obvious a hook up is in their future, but is it going to be a hate hookup. They are hilarious together, they have great banter. A lot of the humor in this couple comes from Kasha's robot arm, her dad is an inventor and made her a robot arm that has AI and learns what to do over time based on what Kasha is thinking, this of course ends up with her arm going rogue more than once. The rogue arm is hilarious on more than one occasion. But one thing I loved is how comfortable Kasha is with herself, and how completely great it is that Roman is not at all phased by the arm. Henley runs into her first love, Davis, the guy who after having her first time with basically disappeared. These two have a bit more of an emotional journey than Kasha and Roman, because of this history, and this is where I get my emotional fulfillment. Henley of course is struggling with getting over her hurt from before, but at the same time she still have a lot of the same feelings for Davis that she did before. And like every other girl in the world she decides that she can build a wall around her feelings and just go for the wedding hookup. Also Henley has awesome revenge plans. I love this book so much, it is so funny. I want to talk about all the things that make me laugh, but I think if I did I would ruin the fun of the book. So I'm just going to list things I think you should look out for: rogue birds, eggs, rogue arms, strippers, dominatrixes, llamas, the best most inappropriate party hijacking, and so much more. I can't even explain to you how much I think you should read this book.

Dreaded wedding event

Kasha must attend her stepbrother Anderson's dreaded wedding. Dreaded because her best friend Lydia was cheated on by Anderson with his now fiance Jane. Dreaded because Kasha and her mom don't get along for more reasons than her mom not being able to deal with her imperfect daughter who has a prosthetic arm and is a major klutz to top things off. Dreaded because from day one she has not got some by with us stepbrother. Dreaded because it is not just the wedding but a carnival of events the whole week reading up to the wedding. How does one make it through all these dreaded events? By accompanying Lydia, the jilted former girlfriend of Anderson, and Henley her two best friends. The mischief these gals get into through the week is comical. Not to mention throwing in two hunks, Davis and Roman that previously graced the lives of Henley and Kasha but were left the n the past for good reasons. Will the wedding be memorable? Of that there is no question; just how memorable to all the participants remains to be seen. This was is one book I would have gladly paid to read, but I am so thankful to have gotten a free copy in a promotion. I will be seeking other books by these two writers for future reads.

This is the funniest book I have ever read! I was literally lol-ing.

This is the funniest book I have ever read! I was literally lol-ing. Lydia was invited to her ex's wedding- yes, the one where he is marrying the girl he cheated on her with. Her bffs Kasha, who happens to be her ex's step-sister, and Henley come with her to the week long event. Kasha's mother has everything planned out perfectly for her rich, sophisticated guests. Kasha is angry at her mother because she cheated on her dad and left him, plus she despises Anderson, her step-brother, so her plan is to ruin as much of the wedding as she can. Oh and Kasha is totally accident prone, which is why she only has one arm, a prosthetic arm who loves to attack her, and everyone has seen all of the crazy underwear that she owns. After taking a shower she leaves the bathroom and there is a very sexy man in her room, but wait this is not her room. Henley also reconnects with a guy from her past and they plan to make the most of their week together. From the moment the girls arrive, to the wedding olympics, bachelorette/bachelor parties, wedding rehearsal, and the actual wedding you will be laughing and pulling for the girls. This is a must read for great laughs and fun along with some real life-changing moments for the characters.

Never have I ever laughed so much while reading a book!

This book was straight up hilarious and I enjoyed it tremendously from beginning to end. In ‘Worth it’ we follow the lives of Henley and Kasha who along with their other best friend Lydia decided to attend the wedding of Lydia’s ex-boyfriend. I know, pretty weird huh? The wedding festivities are planned for an entire week, which turns out to be a week that’s filled with tons of craziness, pleasant surprises and sweet revelations. The main purpose for attending the wedding festivities was in support of Lydia, who went through a horrible breakup with the groom. However, both Kasha and Henley were sidetracked while doing so, which came in the form of two delectable men, Roman and Davis. I don’t want to give too much away, but both guys are amazing and smoking hot. With the wedding festivities being just one week, one wouldn’t expect the level of craziness that went down during this week. Henley and Kasha individually bring their craziness everywhere they go, and when together wreak havoc wherever they go. The stuff that they came up with, to either spice things up or sabotage plans, were HILARIOUS! Certain things that they did, didn't always sit well with me, but in general they made me laugh so much and so loud. If you’re looking for romantic comedy that will make you laugh out loud and swoon over the smoking hot men, then look no further and dive into the world of Henley, Kasha and Lydia. It’ll definitely be worth it.

Girls trip. No means yes. The end.

The description of this book sounded right up my alley, but this book didn't do it for me. Here's my synopsis; Girls trip over nothing over and over again, boys laugh at them. Then boys manhandle girls, and poor weak girls can't control their bodies. Their minds say no, but they're humping the boys before they know what's going on. Repeat again and again. I guess books that show women as weak willed and where no means yes are just not what I'm in to.

Funniest book I have ever read. And super hot too!

No cliffhanger Standalone Told from 2 POVs. (2 side-by-side stories in one book) No major editing issues First off I love CM Owens. She is one of my favorite authors. This is the first book I have read by SM Shade. This was HANDS DOWN the funniest book I have ever read in my entire life. I literally had to put the book down multiple times because I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe or see because I was crying. And to top that off it was super hot too! The book is about a group of friends who are attending the wedding of one of the girls step brother. Did I mention he also dated one of the girls and cheated on her with his soon to be wife. That alone makes for a great storyline but when you throw in strippers, ducks, fake arms and a blow up doll things get really interesting. Did I mention their goal is to cause massive mayhem before the wedding? There are actually two stories taking place at once. One is of Henley and Davis and the other is of Kasha and Roman. Henley and Davis have known each other most of their lives but after Henley gave up her V card to him he split town without a word. To say Henley was heartbroken is an understatement. She never expects to see him again but when she does she desires to give him a taste of his own medicine. Too bad Davis is like a can of Pringles. Once you pop you can't stop...and he isn't giving her up again. Kasha and Roman are their own brand of crazy. They meet accidentally and sparks fly. Hilarity also ensues with these two. The problem is, you aren't supposed to fall for your fling. It was just supposed to be a week of fun. Kasha wants more but isn't willing to put herself out there to be rejected. The question is, will Roman? I am telling you this book is hysterical and super hot. The only part I hated was that I finished reading it too soon. I literally want to read it again right now it was so good. I hope these two collaborate again. Perhaps Lainey's story or Anderson's??? This book is a MUST READ!!!

The best romcom of my LIFE!!

Wedding Crashers meets The Hangover! This was by far the most hilarious book I have ever read! I swear my husband thought I had lost my mind, hysterically laughing to myself for hours. Three best friends Henley, Kasha, and Lydia decide to go to Lydia’s cheating ex’s wedding and cause some mayhem. The accident prone Kasha, and prankster Henley revel in turning a high society wedding into what can only be compared to as a frat party. Henley hasn’t seen her first love Davis, for eight years, when he left without a word. Kasha and her “terminator” arm has always had a hard time finding love. The wedding from hell might just be where they both find the love they have lived so long without. I knew this book was going to be funny, but it blew away any other book I’ve ever read on the lol-o-meter! I absolutely loved the friendship between the three friends. I loved Davis and Roman as well. Both outrageously handsome and charming, they were also genuine about their feelings, and how they treated their women. Kasha was definitely my favorite. She was unapologetically accident prone, and had the craziest sense of humor to go along with all of the crazy sh*t that seemed to happen around her. The interaction between her and Roman was hilarious, sweet, and did I mention HILARIOUS! The sex scenes for both couples were sexy, descriptive, and frequent. This book is a multi-perspective read. Most of the chapters are in the perspective of Henley and Kasha, though, you get a few chapters from the guys too. HEA, multi-POV, no triggers, and lots of laughs. A freaking phenomenal book to start the new year with! Thank you S.M. Shade, and C.M. Owens for the romcom of epic proportions! Check out more of my reviews on my blog romance2review.com

I've been in a slight book slump lately and wanted something light and funny to break the slump and get me back into ...

Although I've never read any books by S.M. Shade before, I am a huge fan of C.M. Owens, so reading this book was a no-brainer! I've been in a slight book slump lately and wanted something light and funny to break the slump and get me back into my reading groove. This book was definitely fit for the job! Three best friends; Lydia, Kasha and Henley, go to Lydia's ex-boyfriends wedding, which also happens to be Kasha's step-brother. He cheated on Lydia and is now marrying the girl he cheated on her with. Lydia has to go to the wedding for her personal reasons and even though Kasha and Henley don't understand those reasons, they are determined to make it a week to be remembered. Pranks are their specialties, mixed in with their clumsy ways and two sexy men from the past, things end up getting a bit more crazy than expected. "You can put sugar on sh*t, but that don’t make it a brownie. You’re better than her in too many ways to count.” --> This quote is being saved in case I need it for the future! <3 Henley and Kasha are ridiculously hilarious and Lydia is the innocent one who just stands back and lets everything all play out. The POV's switch between Kasha and Henley, but I do wish that we would've gotten a bit more from Lydia's POV. Aside from that, I think Kasha is my all-time fave; the prosthetic arm gone rogue had me literally laughing out loud and her clumsiness was something I can totally relate to. From inflatable penises and rotten eggs to robotic arms going crazy and attacks from ducks and seagulls, this collaboration between S.M. and C.M. was a gem. This book was just straight up silly, most of the time situations were overly dramatic, but it fit the lightness of the book and let's be honest, sometimes life can just be EXTRA! If you're looking for an easy fun read, this is the perfect go-to book! Happy reading! :-) check out my review at loveatfirstreadcom.wordpress.com

This Book is EXACTLY what I needed during Quarantine, I laughed my Booty off!!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

I have never read a book in one sitting. I don't normally don't have the time and can only read an hour or two at bedtime. But since we are in Quarantine I am enjoying the free time to read all the books on my tbr list. My daughter was with her Dad for the day and once I started reading, I literally couldn't put this book down!!!! The scene at the Wedding reception almost made me pee my pants LITERALLY!!!! Omgosh I haven't had a laugh like that in a long time! I do wish more time was put into poor... Shoot, what's her name...? SEE!! I've already forgotten her! JK It's Lydia, I think Jill got more attention though haha! Would have been nice to hear more of her story, but I'll say this if I could have drinks with fictional characters it would be these girls! Kasha being my favorite!! I don't normally read books a second time either but I actually miss these characters! They were written so well I feel as though I know them, and I honestly miss them! This much a book hangover that I've heard so much about in my reading groups haha! I might just have to read this one again it was so so good! Bravo to two very talented Authors!! If you want to laugh so hard you'll wake the neighbors, read this book! It was SO WORTH IT! 😉

My review totally from Belgium 😁

I am from Belgium en here is my opinion for this book. I am very happy to read books in English because they translate here in Belgium Some books but not So good. somtimes there are words missing or something like that. i like to read them from here and here i go try to give my opinion about it. Wow, just wow I laugh my ass of. My husband was asking every few minutes why I was laughing so much. I never ever have read a book from this author so I don't know if they are really good. But this is now totally my favourite book.😘😘 There was action,romance,a lot of humour, and yes there was sex in it and a robot arm that does what the person was thinking even when she was thinking to get herself off,hahaha (what was a misunderstanding), Alfa boys (men) , 3 bests friends how they are going to mess up a wedding end it was a very very good book. Maybe this author will read this (I hope she will) It you have an other one of those books ,please let me know so I can buy them also To al the other readers let me know if there are other books with a romance but also a lot end more things to laugh in it. I definitely recommend this book to everyone 😍😍😍

HLB Reviews Worth It

I have a couple of recommendations about reading this book. First, if you are depressed and want to cheer up, this is your book. Second, if you just like to laugh this is your book. Third, if it's midnight and you want a book to read, this is not your book unless its the weekend or you can call into work the next day because you aren't going to want to stop reading this book. I can't even explain how much I love this book, it was hilarious, and honestly I wish I could see it in movie form because it would be the best train wreck ever. One of the fun things about this book is that it is not centered on two people, it is more like four main characters and a couple other secondary characters that are pretty big players in the book. Normally when books have this many people I feel like things get to crowded and inevitably the characters stories suffer, this is so not the case in this book. The book is short in terms of time, but not much else, in everything else it's BIG. So three friends are going to the wedding of one of their exes, oh and did I mention that one of the girls is the stepsister of the ex of the other girl. So it's all kinds of family and ex drama. But these three girls are thick and thieves and want to be supportive and also kind of want to get even on the jerk of an ex. Of course at the wedding everything changes for the two girls who are there for emotional support, they both stumble upon sexy guys to enjoy their time at the several day long wedding event. So first off Kasha meets Roman, a guy she went to school with but really didn't have a lot of interaction with. There is a lot of chemistry coming off these two, I mean they have it in droves. But it's hard to tell at first if these two are going to end up hating each other or loving each other, I mean it's obvious a hook up is in their future, but is it going to be a hate hookup. They are hilarious together, they have great banter. A lot of the humor in this couple comes from Kasha's robot arm, her dad is an inventor and made her a robot arm that has AI and learns what to do over time based on what Kasha is thinking, this of course ends up with her arm going rogue more than once. The rogue arm is hilarious on more than one occasion. But one thing I loved is how comfortable Kasha is with herself, and how completely great it is that Roman is not at all phased by the arm. Henley runs into her first love, Davis, the guy who after having her first time with basically disappeared. These two have a bit more of an emotional journey than Kasha and Roman, because of this history, and this is where I get my emotional fulfillment. Henley of course is struggling with getting over her hurt from before, but at the same time she still have a lot of the same feelings for Davis that she did before. And like every other girl in the world she decides that she can build a wall around her feelings and just go for the wedding hookup. Also Henley has awesome revenge plans. I love this book so much, it is so funny. I want to talk about all the things that make me laugh, but I think if I did I would ruin the fun of the book. So I'm just going to list things I think you should look out for: rogue birds, eggs, rogue arms, strippers, dominatrixes, llamas, the best most inappropriate party hijacking, and so much more. I can't even explain to you how much I think you should read this book.

Dreaded wedding event

Kasha must attend her stepbrother Anderson's dreaded wedding. Dreaded because her best friend Lydia was cheated on by Anderson with his now fiance Jane. Dreaded because Kasha and her mom don't get along for more reasons than her mom not being able to deal with her imperfect daughter who has a prosthetic arm and is a major klutz to top things off. Dreaded because from day one she has not got some by with us stepbrother. Dreaded because it is not just the wedding but a carnival of events the whole week reading up to the wedding. How does one make it through all these dreaded events? By accompanying Lydia, the jilted former girlfriend of Anderson, and Henley her two best friends. The mischief these gals get into through the week is comical. Not to mention throwing in two hunks, Davis and Roman that previously graced the lives of Henley and Kasha but were left the n the past for good reasons. Will the wedding be memorable? Of that there is no question; just how memorable to all the participants remains to be seen. This was is one book I would have gladly paid to read, but I am so thankful to have gotten a free copy in a promotion. I will be seeking other books by these two writers for future reads.

This is the funniest book I have ever read! I was literally lol-ing.

This is the funniest book I have ever read! I was literally lol-ing. Lydia was invited to her ex's wedding- yes, the one where he is marrying the girl he cheated on her with. Her bffs Kasha, who happens to be her ex's step-sister, and Henley come with her to the week long event. Kasha's mother has everything planned out perfectly for her rich, sophisticated guests. Kasha is angry at her mother because she cheated on her dad and left him, plus she despises Anderson, her step-brother, so her plan is to ruin as much of the wedding as she can. Oh and Kasha is totally accident prone, which is why she only has one arm, a prosthetic arm who loves to attack her, and everyone has seen all of the crazy underwear that she owns. After taking a shower she leaves the bathroom and there is a very sexy man in her room, but wait this is not her room. Henley also reconnects with a guy from her past and they plan to make the most of their week together. From the moment the girls arrive, to the wedding olympics, bachelorette/bachelor parties, wedding rehearsal, and the actual wedding you will be laughing and pulling for the girls. This is a must read for great laughs and fun along with some real life-changing moments for the characters.

Never have I ever laughed so much while reading a book!

This book was straight up hilarious and I enjoyed it tremendously from beginning to end. In ‘Worth it’ we follow the lives of Henley and Kasha who along with their other best friend Lydia decided to attend the wedding of Lydia’s ex-boyfriend. I know, pretty weird huh? The wedding festivities are planned for an entire week, which turns out to be a week that’s filled with tons of craziness, pleasant surprises and sweet revelations. The main purpose for attending the wedding festivities was in support of Lydia, who went through a horrible breakup with the groom. However, both Kasha and Henley were sidetracked while doing so, which came in the form of two delectable men, Roman and Davis. I don’t want to give too much away, but both guys are amazing and smoking hot. With the wedding festivities being just one week, one wouldn’t expect the level of craziness that went down during this week. Henley and Kasha individually bring their craziness everywhere they go, and when together wreak havoc wherever they go. The stuff that they came up with, to either spice things up or sabotage plans, were HILARIOUS! Certain things that they did, didn't always sit well with me, but in general they made me laugh so much and so loud. If you’re looking for romantic comedy that will make you laugh out loud and swoon over the smoking hot men, then look no further and dive into the world of Henley, Kasha and Lydia. It’ll definitely be worth it.

LOL funny!!

I hadn’t ever heard of this book but my blog partner told me I needed to read it. So I picked it up on sale. I had no idea what I was going to get into, but I’m so glad I read it. This book had me literally laughing out loud and sometimes hysterically (mainly at Kasha’s choice of underwear. LOL). Three friends (Kasha, Henley & Lydia) go to attend a week long wedding event for Kasha’s step-brother/Lydia’s cheating ex. Kasha is clutzy & the mishaps that go on during this event were insanely crazy and so so funny. I can’t even imagine how some of the scenarios were thought of. Henley runs into her long lost love, Kasha meets a hot man who she thinks she can pass the time away with during the week & Lydia is there to see the craptastic events unfold before the nuptials. There were a couple parts that didn’t seem to roll smoothly together but this book is totally worth reading. It will definitely be put aside for a reread later on, especially when I need a laugh. If any of this has you curious, go ahead & read this one & you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Hands down the funniest book I have ever read!!

Everything from the characters to the story line were amazing and kept me laughing throughout the whole book. Kasha and Henley attend a wedding with Lydia - the ex of the groom. After the groom breaks Lydia's heart, Kasha and Henley decided to sabotage the wedding in the funniest ways. Kasha is accident prone and at every turn is the talk of the wedding. While during one of those moments she meets Roman. They hit it off right away and their chemistry and conversations had me laughing out loud so many times! During the wedding week, Henley runs into her childhood first love Davis who had broken her heart. She decides to show him what he missed by leaving her and they start a wedding fling. Only he has no intentions of letting her go again and she is desperately trying to stave off her feelings for him. Their relationship is funny, romantic and so entertaining! I love that in this book the author makes the characters so relatable and realistic. The drama and funny is definitely exaggerated but I think everyone can relate to these characters in some way. You dread the idea of any of these situations happening to you but can't stop laughing reading about it. The women in this story definitely made the book but what seals it are the men. When most would be put off by these openly crazy girls, the men love it and at times join them in there wild pranks. The lead men in this story are romantic, equally as witty as the women and love them BECAUSE of their crazy. The author also gives them sensible careers that make everything just so relatable and realistic. It's so much easier, in my opinion, to enjoy a book when you believe you could 'fall in love' with the physical therapist rather than the CEO of a billion dollar company. I cannot recommend this book enough!! A 5 star read but I'd give it more if I could!

funniest book of the summer!

I lied... It is more like the funniest book of the year! I have never laughed so much from one book. The scenarios are so crazy yet so extremely real that it is hard not to picture them. The characters made me want to escape my life and join their party of 3 for a weekend! The characters and the story were so well written that I truly felt like I was right there participating in all of the crazy activities. S.M. Shade and C.M. Owens are brilliant writers on their own but the two of them writing together? Pure genius!! It takes a special kind of person to write the way they do! The narration was great! Amelie Griffin and Rudy Sanda are both new to me but I am excited to hear more from them. I would have preferred a little more distinction between the different characters' chapters but that is a personal preference and did not take away from the story in anyway.

Unexpectedly funny!

I didn't read any of the reviews before I snagged this book. I just knew CM Owens was involved and I liked the synopsis. I think I've been a bit jaded from lackluster authors who seem to miss key elements for writing a book, throw in sex scenes and publish it here. I knew CM wrote well, so this definitely was not that kind of book! This book is told primarily from Kasha and Henley's point of view with a splash from Davis and Roman at the end. The girls are attending a wedding with their third bff, Lydia, who needed their support. The wedding is for Kasha's step-brother who dated Lydia until he cheated with the girl who is now the bride. Kasha meets Roman in humorous fashion. Henley runs into her high school love unexpectedly. Hijinks ensue, some by design of the girls and some not. The plot, flow, characters and writing are fantastic! Because I was jaded starting this, it took until about a third of the way in before I was literally laughing out loud at scenes written. I daresay everyone else would have been laughing sooner. There wasn't a dull moment and I couldn't put the book down! Kudos to Shade and Owens! Will love to read more of their collaborations!

Laugh Out Loud Funny

This book was ridiculously funny and sweet at the same time. Seriously, it made me laugh out loud so many times and is now top of my list for favourite, humorous romance books. Written mostly from a dual pov – that of Kasha and Henley – it is about 3 female friends (Kasha, Henley and Lydia) who are on a week-long trip for a wedding. Of the 3 friends, Lydia is the ex-girlfriend of the groom, Kasha is the stepsister of the groom and the Henley is just part of the trio of best friends. The pranks they pull and even some they didn’t, had me in stitches throughout this book. So much so that I wouldn’t mind being part of their group. But it is not all fun and games as there is romance too with some hot scenes. It gets a little emotional close to the end as truths are revealed and decisions need to be made but does end in a hea. Recommended for anyone needing a good laugh. Totally worth the 5 stars I am rating this book.

Kasha, Lydia, Henley and then Jill

This book was good and I did like lots of parts of it. I wish it explained more about what Lydia was going through since it was her ex getting married. There were funny parts throughout, like Jill-the robotic arm copping feels and smacking people, the way the two girls met their guys, and even the rehearsal was great. Now that I think about it it kinda played out like a Mary Kate and Ashley movie from back in the day where they go on vacation and meet boyfriends and there's no consequences for a bit. I wish there was more drama right away in the relationships and not just that they got together then had to figure out how they were going to be together in the past chapters.

Loved the book

I wasn't sure if I wanted to give it 4 or 5 stars. I almost took one off because there were so many POVs that I sometimes had to go check the chapter heading to remember who was talking. That being said, that wasn't enough to make me think less of this book. It's about several young people with a zest for life and crazy senses of humor. Was it occasionally over the top? Yes. But it was literally Laugh-Out-Loud Funny so many times that I could forgive the authors almost anything else they did. If you need a pick me up because you're feeling down, buy this book. Or if you just want to laugh the day away, buy this book. I laughed until I could barely breathe and my sides hurt by the time I was done. My advice? Read it and enjoy!

Laugh out loud fun

I don't even know where to start with this review! I've read it twice since purchasing it, and it gets funnier every time. The girls are smart and hysterical, and the guys are hot, cocky and a bit arrogant, but it works for them. I don't want to go into details, because it really is worth it to read it for yourself and experience the shenanigans (#yama, LOL) . But it was and is a laugh out loud funny book that will keep you entertained in a lighthearted, cover-your-face-because-you're-embarrassed-FOR-them kind of way. I wish more had happened with Lydia, but I can live in hope that there will be another book or novella to give her a little more closure. Highly enjoyable read!

DO NOT READ IN PUBLIC. Super funny must have book.

OMG this book was so hilarious I couldn’t stop laughing. One thing is for sure when reading this I recommend that you are alone because you will burst out laughing and people will think you have lost your mind. I loved the characters all of them even Anderson. Ok so not by much but towards the end I wanted to find out what happens to him. But I need to know for sure what happens with Lydia that one is for sure does she get her happy ever after? You must read this book it has it all drugs robot arms bird attacks vomit 🤢 poop 💩 and so much more. But the best is an awesome friendship between three women who any one would like to have as friends. Oh and let’s not forget two romances and lots and lots of sex. Oh and there is a dominatrix and a blow up doll. Yeah it’s all here so go buy it and read it.

Laughing Loudly

The absurdity in the description alone caught my attention and I decided to give it a go. I'm glad I did. I don't think I've laughed so hard at a book before. The characters were charming and it's not heavy full of drama or anything it's just a feel good escape read. Chaos is hilarious. I almost wished I knew someone I could pull hilarious pranks on to sabotage their life. One hilarious dumpster fire after the next, but seriously. I'm going to need Kasha to check her backside every once in a while to not show her creative underwear to whoever's looking

One click this one, you won't regret it!!!!

I absolutely LOVED this book. I read an average of 5 - 6 books a week so I usually just click the stars on my kindle and keep moving but OMG I loved this book SO MUCH that I decided "what the heck, I'll write a review." This book is laugh out loud funny (as the people sitting near my on a recent flight can attest)! The characters are both funny and engaging while keeping you on the edge of your seat with a "what's next?" Without giving too much away..... in this book you'll find hilarious hijinx (is that how you spell it??) love, friendship and, lots and lots of weirdness! The heroines in this book totally kick ass and the guys are no slouches either. Trust me, just one click, you won't regret it. I'm sure I'm going to be reading this one again (and again and again!) I even offered to let one of my family members read over my shoulder so they could appreciate the hilarity. Said family member looked at me like I had lost it seeing as though I was laughing so hard on a full flight that people kept looking at me funny.

Funniest book I have ever read! Probably shouldn't read in public!

I seriously cannot remember ever reading a book that had me laughing this much, so much so that my husband kicked me out of bed and I had tears streaming down my face. Kasha, Henley and Lydia are girls I definitely want as friends because every moment with them was perfectly humorous chaos. Yes, there seems to be some klutziness on Kasha's part, but as someone who often suffers from the same issue, I could totally relate. She had a confidence and wasn't afraid to own it when things got messy. I really loved all the characters, there was a lot of depth I wasn't expecting, including Roman and Davis. To be honest, as much as I laughed, there was a serious note in there I wasn't expecting but it rounded out the whole story. I absolutely loved it.

Hilarious 10*** stars of I could

I am so glad I saw this book recommended. Especially with all this Covid stuff going on I needed to laugh, and laughing is exactly what I did A LOT of while reading this book. Henley, Kasha, and Lydia set out on vacation while attending a wedding of Kasha's step brother Anderson who is the ex of Lydia's that cheated on her. Let me tell you I laughed so hard at all the shenanigans that went on and the Rogue prosthetic arm Kill that had a mind of it's own. This book is a MUST read!

Yama! Yama! Yama! 😹

If you want to read a book that has you HYSTERICALLY laughing in every chapter, then this is your book!! These 3 girls go to Sabotage a wedding - which they end up doing in the most hilarious ways - and end up in embarrassing situations! However, these strong girls recover quickly and own the embarrassment! They love life and refuse to let others bring them down. They also find amazing sex and sexy men that challenge them. A true must read that will keep you up all night laughing and just wanting more!!! I’ve read most of CMs books and absolutely love her writing - but this book is, by far, the funniest book I’ve read!!

Love, love, love it

This is one of the funniest books I've ever read. I am talking snort laughing coffee out your nose funny. Granted there are some inconsistencies and continuity issues but overall the characters and plot more than made up for it. The women are funny and loveable and the guys are uber hot. If you are looking for a lighthearted escape I couldn't recommend this book more highly. Even months after first reading this I just have to think of a couple of scenes in the book to break into laughter. I hardly ever rate a book as a five because after reading thousands of books I just don't find many that I like enough to consider buying much less reading more than once. But I pull this book up every time I feel the need to just lose myself in a happy place.


This book is funny and crazy. Literally these girls are nutballs. Totally crazy and don't do much to not be crazy! The whole week of wedding games and stuff is silly but it LEAVE both girls, Kasha and Henley with a week to have a second chance at love. Now, the reason they go to the wedding - Lydia (their 3rd) is the ex of Anderson the groom - who is also Kasha Stepbrother. It is very confusing at first. Oh, and Kasha has a robot arm bc she is an amputee. This arm has its own storyline. The whole book is OVER THE TOP. But it is funny. It wraps up with HEA that don't seem possible. My really only gripe with this is I felt Lydia was sort of cast to the side! Does she get a book!!? Because she should!

Hilarious read.

You are missing out if you haven't read a S.M. Shade novel. I loved her Violent Circle Serious, but Worth It has gone to the top my a favorite read by this author. Definitely be careful where you decide to read this because you may find people eyeing you strangely when you can't control your laughter. This book had me laughing tears throughout. The craziness of this book is hilarious. An author that can make me laugh deserves praise. Not only is the book funny, but the story is swoon worthy. The book follows 3 friends who have a great bond, while delving into two relationships with different storylines that provide a story with depth. This book is going to my top reads of the year.

Outrageously funny and crazy hot.

Who would imagine all the trouble 3 friends could get into in one week. Lydia, Henley, and Kasha go to Kasha's mom's house for her step-brother/Lydia's ex-boyfriend's wedding. What could possibly go wrong? These characters are amazing. Kasha is clumsy, but she does her best to own it. The amount of crazy things that happen to Kasha is just unbelievable. However, it works for her. Henley runs into an ex (a.k.a. her first love) and tries to convince herself to avoid him. There is so much else I want to say about this book, but I don't want to give any of it away. So I will close with this, this read is totally WORTH IT!!!

The many undies

This book is absolutely hilarious! I laughed out loud so many times. Lydia goes to her ex's wedding to get closure/hoping karma bites him in the ass which it does. Her best friends Henley and Kasha go for support. But they end up having one wild crazy ride during the week long wedding festivities. Guys from their past come back and they are sizzling hot and the sex is off the charts. Henley and Kasha try real hard to keep the guys at a sex only basis since a long distance relationship is no go but its hard when they keep doing everything right making it hard not to fall for them. You will not regret reading this. There is so shenanigans it will keep you hooked!

If only life could be so much fun...!

This is my first time to read this author. I decided to read it simply based on the reviews. Many said it was "laugh out loud" funny. And, as it turns out, it is! There are events that are so unexpected and unique that I literally couldn't do anything but laugh. What a fun book! The story is about 3 besties that go to a wedding to exact some revenge on a former boyfriend (and one of the besties stepbrother) who cheated on one of the girls. Then there is an old childhood flame and a brand new "hottie" that make an appearance at the wedding. Let the chaos and fun times commence!


OMG! Henley and Kasha are hilarious. Like Lydia is the innocent friend that balances them out. But those two... I don’t know how Kasha is still alive she is so accident proned The pranks I was literally trying to smother my laughing while laying in bed reading this book. Making sure I didn’t wake my husband or my 5month old daughter from my hysterical laughter. I mean tears and all. I was so happy to read about all the sabotage to the wedding and the events leading up to it. I mean really Kasha so makes these girls lives Worth It. I absolutely loved it.


What can I say that hasn't already been said! If you haven't read CM Owens yet, what is wrong with you? And if you're an SM Shade newbie kind of like me... then this book is an excellent place to start! It's a story about 3 girls and 2 boys. Ok, get your head out of the gutter... but don't go far. Henley and Kasha go with their friend Lydia to her ex boyfriend's wedding and I don't even think the authors could have guessed how far they were going to go to wreak havoc! Enter two hot guys looking for second chances and some steamy sex scenes between laugh out loud, piss your pants, can't breathe, call the coroner to come get your dead ass, riotous moments and you have Worth It! Although I have some very good suspicions, I don't know which author wrote for which girl. Doesn't even matter! I loved them both! I even started out on team Roman and ended up on team Davis! Can there even be teams when they aren't going for the same girl?? Oh well. Whatever. Still don't know if you should read it? - Demon ducks that come with Supernatural references. - An Achmed tribute. #JeffDunham - A Terminator prosthetic. #JillTakesOverTheWorld - Moms on ecstasy and Dads with blow up dolls! - Strap-on Battles and **** Yama **** Mic drop.

I have a cramp from laughing...

Seriously I have freaking cramps from laughing so hard at this book. CM and SM are unbelievably hilarious together! We are in trouble if they ever get together in person with the Ladybug group on Facebook. I don't know if it was the inappropriate sex references, comedic underwear, Jill, or just the randomness in general that made this book spectacular. Or if it was everything! I can't wait to read another book written by these two together, and I'm really hoping this won't be the last co write for them. Because they made this book WORTH IT!!


I used to say this a lot ..... this is the funniest book I've read. Well now I know I have been lying because this is literally the funniest book out there! I recently read a really heartbreaking book and was looking for something funny to get out of my depressed mood. I went to my facebook book group and looked for suggestions. I had over 100 comments and the majority of them recommended this book. Wow am I glad I listened! This book is one of those books that's so ridiculously hilarious that I laughed out loud for about 90% of this book. I loved how this book went between two women who were different but in some ways similar to each other. I mean the stuff that happened to these women and their men went beyond what I could ever imagine. I can't even decide what my favorite part was. Between the robotic arm attacking people to the bachelorette and bachelor parties I can't decide! YAMA!!!!

Lots of laughs

This is another great story by CM Owens. You will laugh nonstop. The three friends have a great bond that anyone could connect too. I plan to read this story over and over just like the other books by her. Overview. Kasha decides to take her 2 friends home with her for her stepbrothers wedding to the queen Bi**h. The three girls (Kasha, Henley, Lydia) decide to sabotage the wedding. But as soon as they get there things start happening all around them. Kasha walks out of the bathroom and into the wrong room in just a towel. She is greeted by Roman a hot guy who is flirting with her. It takes a while for them to realize they already know each other. Henley is saved by Davis her childhood crush and fights the attraction but decides to give him a chance again. Lydia is depressed since Anderson was her ex whom cheated on her with the bride to be. The three get into a lot of trouble every time they turn around something crazy is going down and you will be laughing.

The hidden messages were not easily exposed when reading

One of the funnier books I have read in a long time and the laughter was sure welcomed. I stopped reading the book for a day on the 15th Chapter so I can prolong reading 'The End'. I'm wrecking my brain trying to figure out how the Authors were able to sync each others minds and develop such a high octane storyline. The 3 female characters are beyond imaginative in their pursuit of 'female revenge'...No juvenile hissy fits for Lydia, Henley & Kasha, they used their minds and brains they were given. The hidden messages were not easily exposed when reading,until they were brought to light by others. Spend the money and purchase 'Worth It' as its very 'Worth It'.. Well done C.M. Owens and S.M. Shade, tks for the laughter new characters to fall in love with. Jill ROCKS and deserves an Oscar....LMBO

Epic must read.

This book TOTALLY needs to be a movie. It is hilarious. No only is it a great book about friends who have your back through think and then, but combine it with the girl gets the guy and bonus the cheating ex almost gets a giant dildo named "Little Bow Beep" from dominatrix stripper. The a laughs all around with this group of girls who cause chaos when them crash her ex's wedding party. Causes what can be more fun than robo arm named Jill with a mind of its own, a possible future stepmom called Dolly Dearest whose a blow-up doll, or male vibrating that go haywire. This book had me laughing so hard I had peeps looking at me sideways at Starbucks. (I guess they've never seen someone laugh out loud at an election device) I had to buy this book after reading for free on KU

I laughed so hard I cried.

Holy funniness!! While over the top in some scenarios, okay most scenarios, I still laughed my butt off at the ridiculous notions these characters got to! There were some deep moments and of course some very smexy moments too. But man the comedy was gold!! Now I wonder if Lydia gets her HEA because having these two crazies plan her bachelorette would be beyond epic!!

and just flat out fun to turn the page

I haven't even finished reading the book. I had to come and write a review. Buy this book. I have laughed right out loud so hard and for so long that tears are rolling, I can't catch my breath and little squeaking sounds are emitting between the roars of laughter. The plot is so entertaining and the characters are well defined and complete as personalities. I have to say, I want to be the author's friend. Anyone who has a mind that conjures this up, I want to spend time with. I am laughing as I write. Though not too sure I'd want to invite you to a party of mine, I would be quick to go to one with you. It is entertaining, romantic, and just flat out fun to turn the page.

Just buy it!

I'm a huge fan of CM Owens, yet this collaboration with SM Shade blew my mind. One of the most entertaining books I read in a very long time. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone. It is original, funny, sweet, racy. I finish it last week, and i still randomly burst out laughing when some of the scenes pops out in my mind. Give the high comedy content, if you want to avoid people looking at you like you are a lunatic, make sure you read it in the privacy of your home; also avoid drinks or food, or make sure you have some cleaning items close by to wipe out your kindle. Kudos to the authors.

Laugh out loud funny!

Jill. Ducks (oh my gosh the ducks had me rolling!!!). "YAMA". Strippers. Wardrobe malfunction. Helicopter. "I kiiiiill you!" Just a few words/phrases that I will forever laugh at when I hear. This book had me in tears at certain points. I wasn't sure how it would be since it's only one story told from Henley and Kashas point of views. Somehow it worked! Maybe took a few chapters to get into that style but it flowed together nicely and didn't feel choppy. The only thing I'm curious about is Lydia. Glad she had karma on her side but dang, let the girl get some action after having to deal with that ;)

LOL Romance!

This book had so many funny parts to go along with the steamy romances that Kasha and Henley find themselves smack in the middle of. Kasha really was a riot, and her crazy robot arm "Jill" just added to it all. This is the first time I've read anything by these authors but it won't be the last. If you're looking for some steamy romances along with some hilarious hijinks, this is the book! Get it. Read it. Laugh Out Loud to it.

Absolutely hysterical...one click this now!

I don't normally post reviews, but I feel like this book deserves one. I've been in a reading rut for about a month now and have had trouble finding a book to keep my attention. I found this book recommended on a Facebook group. I have never read any books by these authors, but after reading other reviews, decided to give it a shot. I devoured this book quickly. Not only did it keep my attention, but I honestly found myself laughing out loud multiple times throughout the book! (While my husband looks over like I'm a crazy person...) It was full of crazy and outlandish moments that I highly enjoyed getting lost in. I really feel like the authors did an excellent job in creating these characters...real people you could relate to, but also enjoy their quirks. I found myself loving all aspects of this book. Do yourself a favor and one click this now...totally worth it!

Stop putting you political hate in a romance!

I am so tired of reading a fantasy book out of nowhere the author puts "white as a republican convention". I read these books to escape all the madness and have a few hours without the drama. The book is funny and is totally non-reality based. I only marked it down because I am fed up with authors doing this. Even though I liked the book overall, I wont waste any more of my money on this author's work.

Definitely worth it to read this book

Flipping hilarious book from start to finish! My husband was looking at me like I was crazy while I was reading this book cause I was literally laughing out loud so often. These characters are a lot of fun and this is a super fun story. I recommend this book for anyone who wants to have a good time while reading. I bought this book after reading it on KU because it was so good I had to own it. Just read it you definitely won't regret it.

Romantic-Comedy At Its Best!

Before starting this book I had heard from other readers how funny it was. I thought there was not way it could be that hilarious but then I started reading. OMG! I have never laughed so hard reading a book. This was by far the most entertaining book I've read. I loved that there was more than just a guy and girl falling for each other. There were several friendships in this, two budding relationships, and some family ties that had their own set of issues. If you are looking for a great romantic-comedy take a chance on this one. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

NSFW....cause they'll think you're nuts!

OMFG! This book! The shenanigans! This books must be read alone at home where you can laugh your a** off! Wonderful collaboration. I definitely would recommend this book and look forward to reading any future collaborations by these two authors, especially if they continue to be this hilarious. Not only calamitous, this book illustrates the stellar strength of female friendships. It also addresses the challenges of divorce and loss, learning to forgive and moving on.

:: 5 Pretty Little Stars ::

This is one of the best romantic comedies I have ever read so I am now kicking myself for waiting so long to read it! GAH! The hilarity is PRICELESS. I had to stop reading at some points because I was laughing so hard and making a fool out of myself! If you are a fan of laugh out loud romantic comedies you are going to want to read this one! If you are a fan of Tara Sivec's Chocolate Lovers series then you are going to want to read this. AND, if you are a fan of the Virgin Romance Novelist series by Meghan Quinn then this is a must have for you! Those are my favorite romantic comedy series and this one stands really well with them!!!


This book was so over the top that it was hard to get onto at first, but then suddenly crazy feels normal and you just learn to enjoy the ride. Silly, hilarious, sexy, ridiculous, and so much fun, this is a book I'd recommend if you're looking for something light and to take your mind off this crazy year we're in right now.


This book is a perfect respite from a stressful day. The storyline is well crafted and you an’t help but fall in love with the characters, Lydia, Kasha, Henley, Davis and Roman as you laugh through their crazy times and cry through their pain. In between there is plenty of steamy, hawt sex! I haven’t been entertained and mesmerized by a book like I was this one by S. M. Shade and C. M. Owens for quite sometime!

Laughed so hard I woke up my husband at 4am

I needed a funny, friends have your back, book. This is it! Don't start, if you have to get up early, for something important, the next day. I started it at bedtime. At 4am I was still reading. I couldn't stop. I was trying so hard , not to wake up my husband. Well the bed was shaking so hard, form my laughing; and trying to hide my giggles; he thought we were having an earthquake. Then he thought our Lab was choking. He heard my muffled snorts and laughs. I just said the pollen was rough on everyone. I really really needed this, laugh out loud adventure! IF YOU NEED A STRESS BREAK; READ THIS BOOK!


This was refreshing to read! I hate to admit I would re-read sentences because I couldn't believe it was making me laugh out loud! I loved this book!!!!! I was also waiting to JanuAry 2nd for a few months now so I was very excited to see this in my kindle this morning! This was very funny and you can't help but fall in love with these characters! Given, the stuff that happens is over dramatic and can't possibly happen in real life, but it was entertaining to read and I really do hope no one is as clumsy as kasha lol I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I did! My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much!

My Thoughts on Worth It

This book was one of a kind hilarious. It's about friendship and family and love. And it's hold your sides laughing out loud funny. I listened as well as read this fantastic book which I loved getting to do. The only thing I didn't love was the male narrator at the end reading those last points of view. He just wasn't working for me. Otherwise this story is one I would highly recommend.

Worth it! 100% worth it!!!!!!

This has to be the best and most hilarious book I have ever read! I absolutely love this book and had a super hard time even putting it down. Most of the time even when I was exhausted from work during the day, id stll want to stay up all night reading. An absolute must if you love having fun, being goofy and good fun dirty humor ;)

So so funny!

Oh my gosh! I laughed until I couldn't breathe! I read parts of this book out loud to the hubs. He, predictably, rolled his eyes, patted my leg and went back to his oh so serious murder mystery. Meh. Some things you just have to be a chick to get. I love the strong, sexy, capable weird women that populate this story. I love their fierce loyalty to one another. The weird stuff that happens to and around them makes a bizarre sort of sense and invites the reader to take a closer look.

A great laugh

I read this book after a string of heavy material and it was exactly what I needed. The comedy was on point, but so was the romance and other relationships. Think the revenge of the bridesmaid's on crack (or ecstacy 😉). I'm so glad to have found this book and of you need a giggle I recommend you picking it up too!

This book was awesome! Do not try to read if you are ...

This book was awesome! Do not try to read if you are eating or if you are taking a drink, it is that funny. I already love C.M. Owens' work, and this is the first of anything I have read by S.M. Shade....but it won't be the last. These ladies take you on a trip through pranks, sex, love and what happens when you piss off women before a wedding. I could not put this book down. I had to find out what was going to happen next, and when I got to the bachelor party.....let's just say taking a drink was a bad idea. I would love to read more collaborations between these two authors.


Laughed so much that I had to stop reading several times, no joke some of these conversations between the characters was like talk with my own friends, LMFAO. CAUTION: When reading this book just make sure you don't have food or drink in your mouth, I spat on my ipad so many times I don`t know how its still working. And my nasal passages hurt, wine hurts when its shoots out of your nose. The pain is real people, I sh*t you not. Congratulations C.m Owens and S.m Shade, this book was so WORTH the wait.

This book is hilarious!

I have been told by my grown children that I am inappropriate, so maybe that is why this book had me laughing so hard I had tears running down my face! It's well written, fun, laugh out loud funny with some sexy. Three best friends go to a wedding and proceed to do some over the top practical jokes, fall in love, heal some relationships, have each other's back's and get in some hilarious situations. I have not enjoyed reading so much in a long time. Highly recommend!

Hilarious rom com with a little hotness throughout

What a fun ride with an HEA ending! The story involves three besties (Kasha, Henley, and Lydia), one of which decides to go to her ex's (and best friend's bother's) wedding and the other two decide to support her on the journey. The antics begin when the girls arrive and the week-long wedding flings don't disappoint! I don't want to give away any of the laugh-out-loud moments, you just have to read it yourself - it is so worth it!

Very funny

This is by far the funniest book I've read in a while, it's freaking hilarious, the story is good to, these ladies are gonna have you laughing out loud, might make your significant other look at you strange ( mine did ) all in all this is a great book I'll be reading again I'm sure!

I may write a review if I don’t die from hyperventilating.

“Worth It” is heart warming, sexy and hilariously, laugh out loud, hope you don’t fart funny. Between Hen and Kasha I was choking on my own spit while inhaling to laugh so hard. One of my favorite things about Owens is she is so uninhibited with things like social acceptance and taboo subjects. It leaves all her books split your sides funny. Worth it got 4 stars because I wish it would have gone into Lydia more but everything else was so hilarious I kind of barely noticed her.


It's been a very long time since I've laughed so much. Thank you Shade and Owens, for lifting my mood. I needed this so much. If you are in need of a humorous romance, I highly recommend this book. It is sweet, crazy, funny, and hawt as a wicked summer's day in Texas!

Beautifully Decadent

On the surface this is a romance like many others. Three friends go to an ex's wedding and mayhem ensues. However, the story is clever, the dialogue funny and refreshing, with at least a dozen scenes of romantic disaster that are hilarious. It even has a very non-traditional character who works out well in to the story. A good read.

My first book of 2017 and I know is going to be my Favorite

When two of my favorite authors announced they were writing a book together I was over the moon. I love their writing and books so much I couldn't wait to read Worth It. It seemed like I waited for ever for the book when It was only a couple of months. I couldn't put it down I was adulting but still reading throughout the day. At the line in the grocery store, while cooking and so on. I really really recommend this book y'all NEED to read it.

Worth the read

Omg first let me say this book was hilarious. I've binged read it in one day and laughed so hard. Along with humor there is Romance amazing sex scenes and three friends you can identify with. This book is a home run and I'm sure you will be just as entertained as we were. We wouldn't be disappointed if there was a follow-up book from the 3 women. Great job and congrats on the Fantastic book.

The 2 authors did an amazing job meshing together and bringing an amazing book

OMG!!!!!!! This book is freaking hysterical! I almost peed my pants laughing out loud. Definitely not a book to read while in public. People might call for the police to come pick up the crazy lady. This is a standalone book. Told in alternating POV's between 2 different couples. So 4 different POV's. The 2 authors did an amazing job meshing together and bringing an amazing book. Definitely would recommend to fellow readers, friends and strangers in the book store!!!! Would give it more than 5* if I could!!!


What a crazy story it was! And I loved every page of it. I laughed so much with each chapter. You will love Henley & Kasha. Those beasties were so crazily fabulous. They got themselves in all kind of crazy situations, that made me lol. Loved theirs naughtiness. This story is a must on the top of TBR list. I can garuantee a good time with this book. Just a little warning, maybe you shouldn't read it in public. Because you will look like a loon laughing on your own. Lol

So Worth It

This was worth the money, worth the time, and worth every gasping laugh I expended to read it. Solid five stars here. I don't know if there is a way to fully explain the utterly ridiculous and unbelievably funny things that happen here. And I'm not just talking about the slapstick-y things these girls get up to. No, there are gems of understated humour scattered throughout as well, along with moments of melancholy reflection... No, sorry there really isn't much melancholy here. But there is a pretty awesome bionic arm! Please read this, you will not regret it.

Totally worth it

Oh I needed all this laughter! Seriously one of the funniest books I’ve read yet. Going to have to get some more soon and binge. Also I need the third friends book, like yesterday because I’m loving these three friends! Where can I find me a Roman? Anyone know?!

Worth it is so Worth it

Strap on your strap on and prepare yourself for an amazing read of 3 girls that do their best to ensure that the wedding week they attend becomes the biggest prank fest of the century. This is a gut busting, laugh out loud book with "hawt" guys and steamy romance. There is no way you can sneak read this book because the hilarious scenes will have you shooting spit out as you laugh out loud. Btw, I want some of those panties that Kasha is famous for. You will love this book!

LMAO - Couldn't Stop Laughing

This is probably the funniest book I've ever read. I loved the story with the characters and each character's personality. It wasn't super deep, like some books I've read and I loved that. I wanted something light, sexy, fun and romantic, and that's exactly what this book was.

Love this book

This is my favorite book. I have it in kindle,audio,and 2 paperbacks. I am considering buying a third paperback so I’ll be able to loan it out so more people can enjoy. I laughed so freaking hard reading this I had to get out of bed so my husband could sleep. I was shaking the bed from laughing so hard.


Omg...I have never laughed so hard in my life! This book is literally a laugh a minute! Epic is the best word I can come up with to describe it and that actually doesn't even come close to doing it justice. These girls and their shenanigans are priceless...the story is amazing...humorous, sexy, entertaining, and heartwarming all at the same time. I've learned a few things reading this book, like how dull my underwear collection truly is for example and how I need crazier friends because living life is an amazing adventure and we all need those crazy people in it to make it more memorable and fun. I highly recommend this book and actually anything either of these authors put their name on, their words are magic!

Silence.....I kill you!!

3 Friends go to the wedding of an ex and craziness ensues. I have never laughed more in any other book, this story is filled to the brim with all kinds of crazy but it is done so well you just can't put it down. Kasha and Henley are the main characters and each author wrote a character which is quite brilliant because each one has a uniqueness to her personality that is very refreshing. This is truly a book I would recommend to anyone looking for a light, laugh out loud funny book. Well done to both authors.

Guaranteed to make you laugh & swoon

I have read this book 3 times and still laugh so hard I cry. Great characters, all well developed. The back stories were well thought out and brought together nicely. I'm not gonna say a lot about the plot because spoilers would really ruin your enjoyment. All I will say is if you need a good laugh with your romance & kink, this is the book for you. This is by far the funniest book I've ever read. Highly recommended!


OMG i have never laughed so hard at just one book before, but damn did i. I literally almost gave myself a asthma attack just from laughing so much from what whas going on in this book. If there is any more being written about any of these characters im definitely reading them. Im definitely going to re read this and thats saying something for me.

Yama! YAMA!!

Two amazing authors come together to make this one wild ride. This book will have your sides splitting from all the laughing you won't be able to contain. This wedding is nothing but one disaster after another. You'll cringe at the situations that you can relate to (if you're a clutz like me), while still trying not to laugh. I wish S.M. Shade and C.M. Owens would do another collab, as soon as my sides stop hurting from laughing so much.

Totally worth it!!!

I heard lots of good things about this book...decided to try it on KU. Halfway through the book, still laughing, I went back and bought it! I admit, my humor tends to run the way of a kid with a dirty mind! Lol...but this book was so fun, so funny and so hot!

Worth it

I absolutely love romcoms and this one didn’t fail me at all. You know those books you just have to put down for a bit because you are that embarrassed for the characters? Yup, that was me! We meet Henley, Kasha and Lydia bff’s all at a wedding and being support for Lydia. I don’t want to give too much away but seriously just nab this dirty and crazy panties book up!!


This book was total hilarity! I will definitely come back to it time and time again. It was so funny that I was literally crying while reading it. I loved the girl's friendship and all the shenanigans they got into. Roman and Davis were extremely swoony and complimented the girls perfectly. All I have to say is #Yama!

Five Stars

#Wothit #YAMA I read this book everywhere!!!! while I was at work I was laughing so hard I was crying people were coming in and asking me if I was okay because they thought I was upset, which just caused me to laugh!!! Pretty sure i walked around work with mascara smeared down my face most of the day! I probably looked like i crawled right out of a horror book to my customers but i was too busy laughing to care!!!! I would be walking around the grocery store reading just dying of laughter, and while i was at home the kids would be staring at me while I was busting up wondering if ive lost my damn mind!! This is the funniest most greatest but I think I've ever read!! It was that freaking funny I'm pretty sure you guys have ruined all other rom coms for me EVERRRRR!!!! There is no comparison!!! Ive laughed hard during many rom coms but never from the very first page to the very last page! I had so many favorites during this books i couldnt even describe them without telling the whole damn book to someone!! I have recommended it to everyone i know and then some!!! It was totally WOTH IT. (punn intended) Owens and Shade thank you for making such an AMAZING, HILARIOUS, CRAZY, and CAPTIVATING BOOK for all of us to Enjoy!

DEFINITELY worth it!!!

Yeah, I am a guy hooked on female erotic comedy. Got a problem with that? I am as male as they come, if you doubt me, read my DD214. These two ladies brought a LOT of grins to my life and I greatly appreciate that. Their humor is wacky and zany, but completely believable. Can't wait for the next book

Laughed Through The Entire Book!

Oh my gosh, this book was the best! It had me laughing throughout the entire thing! I actually had to stop reading it so my husband could go to sleep, I was laughing so loud! This is one of the funniest RomCom's I have ever read. Don't worry, there is plenty of heat in this book too! Hot guys, killer ducks, and a prosthetic with a mind of its own! I highly recommend this book!

Yes to Worth It!!

Thank You Jamie for recommending Worth It!! I absolutely love Kasha/Roman and Henley/Davis and Lydia. This story is Hilarious...I want so much more from these characters. I would love to see these characters married and with children!! I highly recommend Worth it but please refrain from drinking while reading you might have an accident. Like Laughing your pants off. Happy Reading!!!


If you're looking for light hearted smut with a big dose of humor and a happily ever after, you've come to the right place. I read this on a rec after getting burnt out with all the dark romance and it was well worth my time.

Soo funny

I absolutely loved this book. I couldn't stop laughing I mean who doesn't love a rouge arm, wild bachelorette party where all the stuck up rich girls get a little more than they bargained for, and the safeword Llama? This book was everything i could of asked for and more! It had me laughing to the point I was crying!

Llama and Dolphins whoever knew.......

This book will make you laugh out loud all the time. It was unbelievably funny and completely random. The word “llama” and the noises dolphins make will never be the same. You will giggle every time you see either animal. This book follows three best friends to a wedding and hilarity ensues. This book was one of the funniest I’ve read in a while.

So worth it!!!!!

This book is so worth it !!! Thank goodness my husband was out of town when I read this book ! Otherwise he would have thought I was crazy ! I haven't laughed out loud like this book made me in the longest time ! Hilarious!!!

Hilarious read!

I was hesitant to buy this book. I have read every single one of C.M. Owens' books because she is brilliant and hilarious. After she announced she writing a book along with S.M. Shade I figured I would try reading one of S.M. Shade's books because surely she would be just as hilarious. Unfortunately, I trudged through her book Landon and almost left it unfinished. However, I'm glad I bought this book because I laughed almost the entire way through. Great collaboration!!

So WORTH the read

Honestly one of the best books I’ve read in awhile. It’s hilarious and hot which makes it an awesome book. Couldn’t put it down and laughed til my stomach hurt. Definitely a 5 star read and can’t recommend it enough.


This book was SO GOOD! At first, until about 6% in I was like meh am I gonna continue. I am telling you now, I read it until four in the morning. I Laughed until I cried and my throat is sore today!! The confidence and exuberance of these women (and their guys) is just delightful. Can’t wait to read more from the authors!!! LOVED

Hilarious and ridiculous

The only thing missing would be a glimpse into a HEA for Lydia. Especially when the epilogue mentions her but no significant other. Maybe a peek at Anderson. Wouldn’t even be super opposed to them together.

It was okay for me

Heard how funny this book was but just didn't do it for me. To over the top in all the antics that just kept going on and on. Reminded me of Tara Sivec chocolate lovers series but not as good.

Hands down 100% hilarious!

This book is an absolute, utter riot! Omg! I have never laughed so hard through an entire book. Just maybe don't read this in public or in the middle of the night. I was laughing so hard I was CRYING! 😂😂 It is a fantastic book.

Hilarious, lol, lmao

bachelor is so hated he is in a porta potty and the spoiled kids pull the tractor hooked up to the porta potty; causing it to flip over 3-4 times & said bachelor flips out the door covered. Someone replaces the boiled eggs with spoiled eggs for the egg toss & bachelor/bachelorette get hit and puke. It's hilarious.

It's a great love story

This book made me go back and read SM Shade. I'm an avid CM Owens reader, but had not read anything by SM Shade... I laughed out loud at this in so many places. It's a great love story, with a high dose of what it's like to be Girl friends (more like sisters) and at the same time, the comedy is all over, in a good way. I would definitely recommend (and have loaned and purchased as a gift to others) this book. I hope they team up again for a 2nd book..

Excuse me while I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes

I love a good drama but to me nothing is better than laughter. And this book has it in spades. I laughed throughout the entire book, literal tears of laughter so often I had to hunt down tissues. Not only is it hilarious but it is very well written and has a great story line and tangible characters. This is definitely one of my favorites for the year.

Funny but

It was funny at times but I think the authors exaggerated a little bit some of the parts and it make the story forced and not credible at some episodes. The intention was to be funny but I’ve read other works from CM Owens that were hilarious and more credible that the ones pictured here.

Awesome. A MUST READ

this book is soooooooo funny everyone should read it. I have read alot of books but this 1 is funny all the way through. where do I find more stories like this.im a huge fan of c.m. owens I love way writes. if Shade is anything like her then I'm sure I would like her books too. is there going to be anymore to this? I wouldn't mind knowing more about Lydia and Anderson, some more of Henley and Kasha would be awesome too. Kasha is crazy, she makes me laugh .

I couldn't stop laughing!!

I really needed to put the book down and go to bed. But there was no stopping me from reading this book after I started reading, I had to finish the book. I couldn't stop laughing and I love the characters! At 2am I was laughing so hard my husband told me to put the book down or leave the bedroom because he needed his sleep. C.M. Owens did again and I know I can always count on her to make me smile. I will be looking up more books by SM Slade because if this is a preview of her work, I am in love. I will be rereading this again tonight.

Worth the read!

I'm not sure why I waited so long to read this book, it was amazing! The characters and their antics had me in tears, I was laughing so hard. If you are looking for something light, with tons or raunchy comedy, this is the book for you, don't question it, just read it.

100 Platinum Stars 'Yama Yama'!!!

100 Stars if I could give it! Every page has something, EVERY PAGE! The term "WAIT FOR IT" doesn't work because it's like every paragraph is 'Worth It'! This is the craziest romantic book and the characters are so real and if this comes from 2 crazy authors then I would consider myself lucky to be in the same room with them. Book should come with warning label: Do not read in public. Do not eat or drink while reading. (Liked to have strangled myself a few times).

So worth it!

I can’t tell you how many times I laughed while reading this book. The story was hilarious, the characters were crazy fun and I can’t believe all of the insanity that went down at that wedding! Definitely recommend!

Very witty!

Initially I thought the book may have been slower than the reviews lead me to believe.... until I hit the midway point. Once Lydia, Kasha, and Henley hit Anderson and Jane's wedding the comedy really comes into it's own. It really was a 'laugh out loud' giggle fest.


I laughed out loud so many times! These girls were adorable to read about and their guys were just along for the ride. I couldn't put the book down when I started because it was that addicting to get to the next page. I enjoyed the flip-flop between each girl, as that kept the story going. It was almost like two stories in one, but yet they were linked.

Soooo funny!

I thought the book maybe started a little slow but overall this book was hilarious. There were parts where I legitimately couldn’t breathe I was laughing so hard. I don’t know if that’s ever happened to me from reading a book before! 😂❤️ Definitely recommend!!!


I had to put this book down multiple times! I was laughing so hard I couldn't read let alone see. I have never read such a romance book, well two romances and a revenge. Does things like that really happen, I can see how that the pranks I pulled, not everyone appreciated. You can't miss this!!!!


I really enjoyed this book. It was so different from other books having the story told with both of the girls points of view. Both Henley and Kasha were great! Between the bionic arm and the ducks the book was so hilarious! I felt bad for Lydia she needs her own funny story with a happy ending. I also wouldn't mind reading from the men's point of view I would live to know what they were thinking half of the time especially with Kashas crazy!

5 LOL stars

If you are looking for a hilarious read with lots of fun and steam, this is it. This story kept me rolling in laughter. The blurb was enough to have me one-click right away. And this story delivered. It was exactly what I needed at that moment in time. Something to take me far away from what was going on. This was the funniest book I read all year.

Seriously... flipping hilarious!

You have to read this. You NEED to read this. I laughed through each chapter, wishing I knew these girls, especially Kasha. This book ranks in the top three for me and I read A LOT.

Laughing so freaking hard!!!

This has to be one of the funniest books I have ever read! The hijinks and shenanigans this group of ladies and male cohorts get into was worth every single new cup of coffee I had to pour myself (after laughing so hard previous cups were spilled all over the place)! Hilarious is too minimal to describe this book😂😂😂

The most awesome , hysterically funny and heart warming book ever

If you like to laugh, read this book. If you love a good romance, read this book. If you are crazy, you will love reading this book. This is the best collaboration between two of my favorite authors . So empty your bladder , grab some tissue and free up your day because once you start you won't put it down until it's done. Oh.....and smile on your face will stay awhile. Well done ladies, well done. Thank you for always giving your readers your very best. You are AWESOME! I highly recommend this book.


I loved this book because it was a real love story❤️❤️❤️ I loved everything about these couples kasha was my FAVORITE she was funny as hell they all were this book kept me very interested and I hope I can read more like this, I would definitely recommend this book to a friend.

This book tells the story of Henley and Kasha with they're best friend Lydia

Hands down the most hilarious book of 2017 so far. For entire book I was in stitches. I haven't laughed so hard while reading any book and it was just the change in needed to get out of my book funk. This book tells the story of Henley and Kasha with they're best friend Lydia. #roboarm #dolphins #yama

I fell in love with Henley

Oh my I don't even know where to begin with this book! I was laughing so hard I was in tears and I couldn't breathe! I literally had to stop reading to compose myself at certain times throughout the book! I fell in love with Henley, Kasha, & Lydia....those girls are the best! I know the word Llama is forever changed for me!! Hands down one of my favorite books ever! This is a must read! I voluntarily received this ARC & I'm giving an honest review 5 Stars #AbFabJenee Ab Fab Book Blog

Imperfectly perfect !

With romance novels nowadays painting a perfect picture of who one's true love should be, this book revels and shines in the absurdity, that is, being human and being imperfect. That's what makes us who we are, and being loved for it is just a bonus because all these girls in here owned their imperfections and their very alpha males appreciated them all the more for it. So touching... my cheeks (pun intended) hurt from all the smiles and laughter this book tore out from me. I really tried to restrain myself. .. it did not work. Totally, irrevocably, definitely...WORTH IT!

Laughed until I couldn't breathe!

This is probably the funniest book I've ever read! If these characters were real people I'd be trying to find them just so I could bear witness to their shenanigans! Disclaimer: probably shouldn't read this at work or your laughter will get you looked at and possibly frowned upon!

Hilarious Book!

I don't think I have ever laughed out loud so hard while reading a book as I did with this book. I LOVED IT. The book is told from two different views which makes you feel like you are reading two books at the same time. It was a cute, hilarious and entertaining to read. The girls in the book say what every person always thinks and it was refreshing to read something that wasn't so fake and fairy tale.


I’ve never laughed so much reading a book before! From the first page to the last you will be hysterically laughing at this book! Read it! #llama

I cried so hard!

Well done, S.M Shade and C.M. Owens! This book had me laughing so hard, I cried! The banter between the characters was funny but what did it for me were the truly laugh-so-hard-that-I-will-pee-on-myself scenes in this book. There are sex scenes but the characters have a view on life that give the scenes a comedic twist, sometimes its their internal conversation other times with the male love interest. If you are looking for a romance with comedy in it, look no further.

Yama yama yama!!!!!

Where to even start...seriously dont take our reviews for you reading this book. Worth is absolutely worth every penny. Your laughter and just shock of events will make it WORTH IT.... Who doesnt need a little Yama in their life...or Jill she's got a serious personality of her own....you'll laugh, you say OMG....YOU'LL NEVER REGRET THE PURCHASE OF THIS ONE. Romcom winner of the year havy emphasis on comedy. Way to slay it ladies


I could not put this book down. It was the best read I've had in a long time. Warning: You will not want to put this book down and if you're anything like me ..... laughing so hard you can't breathe while your husband is laying next to you at 2 am getting upset because you woke him up. Highly recommend this book! To the authors: Thank you for this!

Not one of those "sophisticated/intellectual" books but SO HILARIOUS

Honestly the funniest book I've ever read! I saw that many reviews critisize the girls in the book for letting the men "patronize" them. I don't agree really agree with that but for someone that calls herself a strict "feminist" this might not be the right book for her to read then... I really enjoyed reading this, it's one of those stories that actually make you laugh out loud!

Absolutely hilarious

This book was so flipping funny!! I’m a little upset with myself for not reading it sooner. It is the most funny book I have ever read. Kasha and Hen had me laughing from start to finish. I’m sad I finished it so fast but I just couldn’t put it down.

Absolutely the funniest book I have ever read

Right from the start I was hooked into this book. It is without a doubt my favorite book so far this year. Laugh out loud funny to the point I think my husband might read it too just to find out what was keeping him up at night when I couldn't hold my laughter in. By far, this book is worth it.

Yes it IS worth it!

This is the most perfect romantic comedy I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I made the mistake of reading this at night, which isn't a big deal.... usually. Everything was fine until I couldn't stop laughing hysterically. .. starting around 3 am. Bouts of uncontrolled laughter continued throughout the night leaving me ostracized by my sleep deprived family. But It was still worth it.


I laughed so hard thru the entire book I almost p##d myself. I wish I'd been invited to the wedding. One hilarious situation after another. I want best friends like Kasha, Henley, and Lydia. I'd definitely take a Roman and/or Davis too. Hawt!!! You have to read this book. I could not put it down anticipating what would happen next. It's better than The Hangover and Bridesmaids together.

Worth it!

This is one of the funniest books I've ever read! So many laugh out loud moments. My family thought I was crazy with the belly laughs and crying!! Get this book if you haven't read it yet!!!

Wonderful book

This book is literally the funniest one I've ever read. Get it. However, I got the paperback and while reading the pages just kept coming out which made me really upset.


I found this book to be funny and worth the read. I could actually picture some of this happening. I loved how the girls lived life to the fullest no matter anyone's opinions. Only reason it's not a five star is that I think there was some time line mix up but then again could just be me missing something. I will re-read and amend my rating of i am incorrect.

Will have you laughing so hard !!

This book will have you laughing so hard! Such a good read and loved the couples ... defiantly a 1 click ! It’s totally worth it ! Loved it so hard 💕💕💕

Light and Easy Read

Not at all believable. But pretty fun. Some good comedic scenes. Liked that one of the characters was an amputee. Having three friends as the center of the story defiantly upped the romance and entertainment.

Wedding like u have never seen before!

I honestly do not think I have ever laughed this much and this hard at a book! Absolutely great book ! The wedding disasters were great but that arm and the HOT men were even better. I would definitely recommend this book to others! I hope there will be more like this in the future.

Hilarious! 😂😂😂

So the book started a little slow, but it didn’t take long before I was hysterical with laughter. Omg, I can’t even explain how funny this is. Nothing can compare. I want to be bffs with the authors. I can only imagine the trouble those two get into. Lol

Be prepared to laugh your ass off

C.M Owens and S.M Shade, seriously out did themselves with this book!!! OMG this book has everything you need in a book. Three best friends who would do anything for each other and who are a little crazy but in a hilarious way. Add hot guys, a bitch of a bride, inflatable penises, and a robo arm that has a mind of its own and you have the most epic book of the New Year!! Yama Yama!! If you don't read it your either a prude or no sense of humor. Oh and the sex scenes are Awesome!!Duh lol 🎆🙈🙊🐬🐬


I started reading this and I guess I wasn't in a great mood at the time because I immediately thought it was cheesy and was ready to return it. Something told me to push on and I'm so glad I did! These ladies had me cracking up so much it made my stomach hurt. Everyone around me hated me because I absolutely could not stop laughing. The imagery and descriptive writing was spot on! I don't want to give anything away but know that this was great! I'll definitely read again!

So funny!

This might have been one of the funniest books I have ever read. Wow, I would love for this to be a movie, and I usually don't like movies based off books. I laughed so much reading Worth It! I hope Lydia gets a story some time.

Gloriously hilarious

WARNING! Be prepared to laugh. No. I really mean laugh so hard that your voice is hoarse and your belly hurts. Oh and if you're like me and you tinkle when you laugh, cough and jump; ya put a pantyliner on. I promise take the advice. Oh and one last word of laughter caution... Don't read this at work!

TOTALLY WORTH IT! New favorite!!!

I absolutely loved this book! I'm sure I will beat it many times over. The book has a great story line. There are numerous steamy parts!! My favorite part of the book though was the antics of the girls. They were hysterical! I'm still laughing still, I've been making a bunch of people so that I can laugh with them!!! The only part I was bummed about was Lydia's ending.

Best book ever

This is the one book that I keep reading over and over again. The outrageous pranks during the bachelor and bachelorette party are unfreakingforgettable!!!!! Love every bit of this book

This pairing is too good!

Laughed out loud a number of times at the crazy situations and characters who weren't afraid to laugh at themselves. Related to the vulnerability of those looking for love... again. ...and the caliente sex!!!... Great read, can't wait for the next one!

Most amazing book ever!!

This is one of the best books I have ever read. You will not be sorry if you buy this book. You will laugh so hard you will have tears running down your face. You will not put this book down too you finish it. So quit reading what people think and read it for your self and leave your option in how awesome you tinnitus too. Enjoy.


I couldn’t stop laughing. The hijinks and pranks these girls get into is cry out loud funny. It doesn’t hurt that the romances were hot either.

Peed my pants

I don’t know why it took me so long to read this book! Oh my God. It’s just what I needed. I couldn’t put it down and I couldn’t stop laughing. Loved it would be an understatement.

Lol fun

There was one point in this book I was laughing so hard I had to sit on the edge of the bed doubled over, holding my mouth, so I didn't wake up the hub's. This book was so refreshing after some of the heavy reads I have been reading. I whole heartedly recommend this book, especially if you love to laugh.

Totally Worth It (Pun Intended)

C.M. Owens and S.M. Shade made the most hilarious book I've read in a long time. Couldn't stop laughing!! Weirdly comical but written in a way that it worked. These two definitely need to write more together. They get each other's quirky and witty humor which is why the book was so great. Can't wait to read their next book!! Because lets be honest (they won't leave us hanging!!)

This was a blast!

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. My daughter thought something was wrong me, because I was laughing so hard. This book was perfect! Just what I needed. I hope there is going to more from these 2 authors together. They both were already 1 click authors for me anyway. Loved it!

Stress free funny read

Worth It is the story of three friends who travel to a wedding for a week full of crazy antics and funny adventures. There are some laugh out loud moments and cute scenes. A few things happen that borderline juvenile, but for the most part it's entertaining. If you're looking for a stress free easy read, this book will work for you.

Loved every word

I am horrible and rarely leave reviews, but I am compelled to tell the reading world how hysterically funny this book it! Sometimes the humor is a little immature and sometimes the jokes are a little salty, but it's not an exaggeration when I tell you that I laughed so hard I had to use my inhaler. If you want a good, light-hearted read, then this is the book you must read. Yama!

This was a fun, light romance

This was a fun, light romance, as chaotically fun as the blurb promised. Not as sophisticated as some but it had a unique twist with unique characters. It's also not often you find a romance with an amputee as one of the leads, and a great heroine at that; she really shines. The cover art bugs me however, as I feel like showing the men with their hands on the girl's asses gives the guys a negative connotation they don't deserve. That said, overall this was a fun read.

So good!

I loved this book!! I laughed out so many times and just couldn't put it down until I read the last word! So many crazy things happened and really great love stories!!

Funny RH

This was a cute, funny read with some serious thrown in and a whole lot of steam. Loved all the characters and the ending was perfect.


This is the funniest book I've ever read, and I've read a lot of books. I was starting to worry that I'd lost my sense of humor since I wasn't finding any of these so called comedy shows or books that funny. "Worth It me in stitches the whole way through. Guess I'd say this totally worth it!


I've read some fantastic books, but I can honestly say I have never enjoyed a book more. This book is THE most hilarious book I've ever read. My tummy hurts from laughing so much. I feel like I did an intense ab workout. These three chicks are the " ride or die " kind of friends, that everyone should have. The guys are swoon worthy. This is a MUST READ !!! 😉

Laughter is the best medicine

The writing threw me a little- it switches characters each chapter and is written in first person, and two of the women are similar enough to make it hard to follow, but oh damn laugh out loud funny. So. Hilarious. Will definitely reread often.

I really did lol

And I never lol. A beach read, a rainy day, relaxing with a cup of water... Because anything with color will be dangerous if you spit it out. This book was a great escape. I'm sure I'll read it again sometime when I need a reminder that a book can be can be so fun.


Just when you'd think the jokes couldn't be topped here came another one! Laughed through the whole book. This would be a wonderful movie!

Seriously, hilarious!

This book is without a doubt one of the funniest books I have ever read. I literally laughed out loud numerous times. I loves each character. I loved how real they are and how weird they each were. As someone who knows all about having a messed up arm, I loved the humor about it. This is my favorite book of the year. Heck of the last 3 years. Everyone should read this book. Seriously, everyone.

Tears! Never laughed so hard while reading...

This book was amazing! I laughed so hard I cried and had an ab workout. I was driving and would remember the demonic duck scene and bust out laughing again so hard I had to pull over til I stopped crying and could see the road. This story wasn't just funny, it took you on an emotional roller coaster also, the hurt, anger, giddiness and love. My only issue is Lydia's story was incomplete, just left in limbo. She was the one I rooted for the most, but we didn't get any follow up after the wedding. I'm hoping the door is open for her story, she deserves a HEA and I would love to read more of Henley and Kasha's antics. Definite must read


Ok, I really needed a light-hearted fun read and this book is that and more... immaturely funny and made me lol so many times that my kids asked what was wrong with me. Seriously, so enjoyable! If you are not a fan of immature humor, this book is probably not for you...

Some many genres mixed in a big ball of funny!

I kept laughing even when it was hard to breath and I made no sound! There were plenty of Awww moments. Relationships were repaired all around, women empowered, laughs, 2 HEAs with more set up, and sexy times!!!


This book was the funniest book I've ever read I laughed so hard I cried and and when I was done reading it I was just happy this book has everything in it humor sexy scenes and a great love story


I really like this. It had me in stitches and it was also a great romance. So if you like to laugh read this

Hysterical laughter will ensue

I have not laughed so hard at all of the stupid things that can go wrong and somebody's life before in a book. Between the mechanical hand to the vortexes that put them in the wrong room to The Domes and to everything else in between this book was one of the best I have read in a long time.

This needs to be a movie. Great read!!

Absolutely hilarious! Loved it. Easy to read. Wish there was more!!!! Needs to be a movie. I don't want to spoil even a second.

Not a good book

I was almost unable to finish this book, because it was extremely annoying how pathetically stupid all the characters were.

Very funny read

This was such a fun read. My first book by these authors and I fell in love with these characters immediately. I liked each girl more that the last. Definitely 5 stars. Can’t wait to check out there other books

My family thought I was out of my mind. ...

My family thought I was out of my mind. I laughed out loud so many times reading this book. I had to bury my head in my pillow to stifle the laughter, so I didn't wake my husband up...totally worth the read.

Super fun read

I LOVED this book. It's the best kind of fun and silly romance. I would love to see it turned into a movie!!! Have not stopped telling friends who are now telling their friends. Seriously wacky but so entertaining!!! Yama yama!!!

L.O.L. literally

I'm usually skeptical about romantic comadies mostly because I only get a few chuckles and everything else is just SEX SEX SEX. Well first off, yes there are some great sex scenes in this but there is also no shortage of comedy. I laughed from the beginning till the end. This was a great read and I honestly hope this two authors collab. again. 5+ Stars.

Definitely LOL funny, even while in public

Definitely LOL funny, even while in public! Got off to a slow start for me, (I'm a big fan of CM Owens, but this is my first SM Shade), once I picked it back up, I couldn't put it down!! There are a few NYC subway riders and nail parlor patrons that this 's I have a screw lose bc I was laughing so hard.

Funniest damn book I’ve ever read!!! Definitely...Worth It!

I loved this book! The characters are all so well written you easily feel what they are feeling and love them because they’re relatable. I laughed so hard that I cried and then really wanted to cry when it was over. I want more Kasha & Roman and Henley & Davis!

So funny I almost wet myself

This book was amazingly funny. It's the perfect lighthearted book you need when you are in a funk. The characters are easy to like and root for, they are the crazy girls you want to be friends with. The men are swoon worthy and it all gives me relationship goals.


Ok I seriously love both these authors and have read everything they have put on amazon. But both of them writing the same book? So freaking awesome! This book had me laughing till I cried and couldn't catch my breath. Had to actually set it down for a minute here and there because my cheeks started hurting! Definitely recommend!


This book was so funny. I laughed out loud several times. The story was entertaining and original. I can't wait to read more from these two authors.

SILENCE!!! ... Read this book ...

I laughed so hard while reading this book. The story line was great but the humor, omg the humor... I'm so glad I ran across this story and even happier that I one clicked it. If you're looking for a feel good story that will make you laugh with a little bit of sexy in it... this is the book for you. ... At the risk of sounding cheesy this book is so..... worth it!! =)

Funny and sweet

I chose 5 stars because I couldn't give more. This book was so beyond hilarious and the love stories were sweet and fit so perfectly for each character. I usually get sick of constant embarrassing things happening to a main character but this was handled so well with so much humor. Thank you for the wonderful entertainment!

Absolutely loved this book

Absolutely loved this book. S.M. Shade and C.M. Owens did a great job with this book. I couldn't stop laughing. My co-worker started reading before me and kept asking, "did you get to this part" and told me I would be laughing like crazy when I got to the part in question. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone in need of a good laugh with love, romance, and a bit of getting even.

Flipping Fantastic

If you love romcom then this book is for you. This was the most funniest and enjoyable book I've read. C.m. Owens is hilarious on her own but together with S.M. Shade they make an absolutely lethal combination. I don't know where they come up with the funny stories but I wouldn't want to cross them. Ever! Loved loved loved this book. Great story. Loved the comedy and the pranks. This book should have been longer. I think Lydia needs a book and a HEA.


I had to read this book in one setting and it definitely made my 15 hour car ride more enjoyable. It is laugh out loud funny while still being romantic and a great story. You should read this book!


Enjoyed this book very much. I was rolling with laughter in every chapters. Can't concentrate on my job because I kept on sneaking a peek or read a full chapter. My colleague thought I've gone bunkers when I could suddenly laughed out loud. Would indeed highly recommend this book.

Damn good read!

I have read & reread this book multiple times & laugh my a$$ off each time. This book is so much fun & is my go to book for a mood pick me up. Love both authors & this book is the main reason why.

Just read it!!!

Seriously, just read the book! I read late at night and some my husband up so many nights laughing out loud because I couldn't help myself, he refused to sleep with me (only in our bed!) Until I was done! Seriously some great antics, but heartwarming characters to boot! Poor Lydia though...

Perfectly Worth It

The concept of this book is so different and refreshing than your typical friends and romance. I love the tale of 3 girlfriends who will do anything for each other without question. Add in some gorgeous men to aid in the craziness and you have a book that is not only laugh out loud funny but heartwarming. This book was so Worth It!

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