Words Whispered in Water: Why the Levees Broke in Hurricane Katrina (Natural Disaster, New Orleans Flood, Government Corruption)

Kindle Edition
10 Aug

The New Orleans Flood, U.S. Corruption, and Disasters

 “Anyone who is interested in Hurricane Katrina, and in America’s failing infrastructure, will want to read this book told in a fast-paced narrative.” —Scott G. Knowles, Drexel University professor and author

#1 New Release in Civil Engineering & Environmental, Urban & City Planning, Development, and Disaster Relief

In the aftermath of one of the worst disasters in U.S. history, Words Whispered in Water tells the story of one woman’s fight—against all odds—to expose a mammoth federal agency—and win.

It’s a horror story, a mystery, and David and Goliath story all in one. In 2005, the entire world watched as a major U.S. city was nearly wiped off the map. The levees ruptured and New Orleans drowned. But while newscasters attributed the New Orleans flood to “natural catastrophes” and other types of disasters, citizen investigator Sandy Rosenthal set out to expose the true culprit and compel the media and government to tell the truth. This is her story.

When the protective steel flood-walls broke, the Army Corps of Engineers—with cooperation from big media—turned the blame on natural types of disasters. In the chaotic aftermath, Rosenthal uncovers the U.S. corruption, and big media at root. Follow this New Orleans hero as she exposes the federal agency’s egregious design errors and eventually changes the narrative surrounding the New Orleans flood. In this engaging and revealing tale of man versus nature and man versus man, Words Whispered in Water proves that the power of a single individual is alive and well.

If you enjoyed books like The Johnstown FloodBreach of Faith, or The Great Deluge, then Words Whispered in Water is your next read!

Reviews (93)

Astonishing revelations about the biggest story of 2005

Do you think you know what happened in New Orleans in 2005? If you depended on CNN's Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt or the New York Times for your news you were gravely misled. The catastrophic flooding which resulted in the death of hundreds and the destruction of $100 billion in property was the fault of the US Army Corps of Engineers which knowingly cut corners in their job of designing, building and maintaining the levee system them. While millions were being misled, the author systematically and relentlessly uncovered the truth. Meanwhile, the local paper of record "The Times Picayune" worked to keep citizens in the dark on behalf of the Corps which spent millions on PR to "sell" their version of reality. In the end, even the New York Times was finally compelled to admit their error and tell the truth - a very rare thing indeed.

Unmovable power is often only waiting for someone with the courage and persistence to move it.

This is an extraordinary book – at once an elegantly written thriller, a deeply personal memoir, and a practical guide to citizen action – that appears at the precise moment when so many of us have come to doubt our ability to fight against powerful governmental institutions that seem to act with impunity. I had heard that a powerful grass roots organization had been organized in the aftermath of the Katrina tragedy to fight the attempt by the US Army Corps of Engineers to hide known design flaws in the flood walls and – using an all too typical bureaucratic trick -- define the rupture of the levees as a “natural” disaster. Defining something as natural, of course, is a sly way of hinting that it is inevitable and caused by forces beyond anyone’s ability to prevent. Of course, powerful institutions do whatever they can to make sure those “forces” continue to be seen as natural. Sandy Rosenthal’s vivid account of how she and other activists organized to uncover these design flaws – fatal flaws by people and anything but natural -- reveals just how far a powerful institution will go to hide its own failures and just how much relentless tenacity is required for citizens to discover the truth. What I wasn’t prepared for, and what I now see we need today more than ever, is a saga in which citizens, held together by an inspired and unstoppable leader like Rosenthal, actually prevail. And while the sinister bureaucratic labyrinth with which these citizen heroes dealt was a mind boggling challenge, the book really transcends these specifics and stands as eloquent testimony to the fact that citizen engagement, with the right amount of passion and willingness to acquire serious expertise, can succeed in what might seem like an absolutely hopeless situation. This might be the place to slip in that I found it impossible to read “Words Whispered in Water” without imagining it as a riveting screenplay and film, both a political thriller in the tradition of Erin Brockovich and a celebration to the courage of those whose love for a city fueled such successful citizen action. The simple lesson of the book, that seemingly unmovable power is often only waiting for someone with the courage and persistence to move it, is probably more important today than at any time I can remember.

An indictment of over-sized and clumsy bureaucracy.

Mrs. Rosenthal's dogged determination has resulted in a work that every engineer should read. It details how an organization uses publicity and past reputation to hide the truth concerning their incompetency. The new flood protection system is rife with flaws and design blunders that will remain hidden until the right storm strikes at the right time from the right direction. Perhaps, in that distant future, will forensic engineers finally correct a process that allows the designer, reviewer, and contract administrator to be the same agency?

An investigative journalist takes on The Army Corps of Rngineers

Sandy Rosenthal uncovered the truth about Hurricane Katrina and the flooding of New Orleans. The Army Corps of Engineers cut corners knowingly and later spent millions covering it up. She took on politicians, the Army Corps of Engineers and mainstream corporate media to get the truth behind why the levees really broke. A great investigative work of journalism And a heartbreaking tale - because the disaster did not have to be as bad as it was. Incompetence, corner cutting and coverups - the story is shameful because many thousands of people were displaced and lost everything and it did not have to play out this way. A compelling , engaging, heartbreaking page turner. You will not be able to put it down.

The truth on why the levees failed.

The author has devoted a good part of her life to understanding the root causes of why over 1,500 people died and the city of New Orleans suffered billions of dollars of damage. Getting this information meant dismantling road blocks placed in her path by one of the most powerful federal agencies in the US Government - United States Army Corps of Engineers. In spite of this "still she persisted" to write a most readable narrative of the tragedy of 2005 and how it was almost preordained to occur. Highly recommend this work as part of the reading list of classes in environmental justice.

A great pandemic read - much more fun and less academic than I expected.

Sandy Rosenthal’s “Words Whispered in the Water” is a surprising book. It is well researched and incisive, which I expected as I have followed her work with Levees.org closely, but it is also accessible, funny, and fun to read. This is a great book for anyone interested in New Orleans or the way government institutions work (and fail to work) in America.

Very informative

‘Words Whispered in Water’ follows the extraordinary true story of one New Orleanian and how she started a nonprofit organization to take on big government and ensure truth prevailed in Hurricane Katrina’s murky political aftermath. Sandy Rosenthal’s story is a compelling memoir detailing her rise to prominent civic activist and her struggle to improve the levees, to place blame where it belongs, and to spread the truth about how and why the levees of New Orleans failed during a hurricane that wasn’t as large as most of the country had believed. Through an easy-to-understand narrative Sandy shares many of her experiences fighting the Army Corps of Engineers and details the various methods they used to intimidate her. Much of this fascinating story covers her trials and tribulations putting together Levees.org, a nonprofit organization. I was blown away by how complex the political environment is on just a local level. I was really impressed with how Sandy was able to make sense of it all and bring it all together for readers to dissect and decide for themselves. The majority of this thought-provoking memoir reveals the lengths to which government organizations will go to cover something up. It’s surprising, but Sandy has a way of slowly unveiling all of the necessary details you need to connect all the of the same dots that she did. Between all of the meetings, interviews, speeches and endless research the author is able to weave in emotionally charged stories from the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. It was this balance of fact and personal accounts that kept my interest throughout the book. While Hurricane Katrina brought tragedy to New Orleans, ‘Words Whispered in Water’ sheds light on many of the things that the government would rather keep submerged in the aftermath. This is a concise and potent autopsy of one of the worst government blunders in American history. Sandy Rosenthal was in the trenches, tracking down every lead, reading reports, and all of that experience and research is brought together in one eloquent and emotional story that will leave you with a clear understanding of what happened during and after Hurricane Katrina.

The very definition of a page-turner!

Super sleuth author Sandy Rosenthal had one mission in mind by writing this book: to bust the myths about why the levees failed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. As she weaves her way through innuendo, deception, and outright lies by the federal government to expose the unquestionable truth, she takes the reader along for the ride. This is an emotional journey of one woman and her family who decided that the people of New Orleans would not be blamed or scape-goated. They were victims of the levee breaches and now they were being victimized again by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers whose lies would have the nation believe that it was their fault, and not the fault of the federal government. The book is also a very human story of survival, courage, and determination. If ever you doubted that one person can make a difference, you will doubt no longer after reading "Words Whispered in Water." Mission accomplished, Ms. Rosenthal!

Must read on Hurricane katrina

As a water resources engineer for over 40 years and counting including over 33 years in flood risk management and six and one-half years as a commissioner for the Southeast Louisiana Flood protection Authority East, I thoroughly enjoyed Sandy Rosenthal's book on Hurricane Katrina. I have read multiple reports on the failure of the levees in Hurricane Katrina including the reports by IPET, ASCE, the NAE-NRC and Team Louisiana. Also "the Great Deluge" by Douglas Brinkley, and "Zeitoun" by Dave Eggers. Sandy Rosenthal's book is a "must read" if you are interested in learning why the levees failed and why happened during the response and recovery. Sandy's book tells her courageous story of seeking information and truth on why the levees failed, who was responsible, and her efforts to get the word out to the national media and the state government, federal government, and professional organizations. Her story is one of a David versus Goliath since many of the professional entities did not like her conclusions and actively worked to keep her from telling them. Sandy's book should be required reading for any professional involved in "Risk Communications" including engineers involved in public communications after a disaster. Congratulations Sandy on an excellent book, telling your own story, demonstrating your grit, perseverance and determination of your difficult journey to make your position and facts that support it available to the public.

Excellent book even if not from NOLA.

I am a NOLA resident and have read several books on the flood from the levee failures during Katrina. While I quit reading books about it years ago, I saw this and decided to read it. It was the best book on the subject I have read and very easy to read. With lots of information explaining what really happened, it was like a David and Goliath story as it shows how the Army Corp, covered up everything and blamed the New Orleans Levee Board for being corrupt and responsible for the breech. That was easy to believe and appeared to be low hanging fruit, considering all the corruption in politics. Most locals did not question the Army Corp, but the author did. She spent countless hours and over 10 years to prove otherwise. Without her work, New Orleans would not be what it is today and the people would have suffered much more. Thank you Sandy Rosenthal!!!!

Astonishing revelations about the biggest story of 2005

Do you think you know what happened in New Orleans in 2005? If you depended on CNN's Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt or the New York Times for your news you were gravely misled. The catastrophic flooding which resulted in the death of hundreds and the destruction of $100 billion in property was the fault of the US Army Corps of Engineers which knowingly cut corners in their job of designing, building and maintaining the levee system them. While millions were being misled, the author systematically and relentlessly uncovered the truth. Meanwhile, the local paper of record "The Times Picayune" worked to keep citizens in the dark on behalf of the Corps which spent millions on PR to "sell" their version of reality. In the end, even the New York Times was finally compelled to admit their error and tell the truth - a very rare thing indeed.

Unmovable power is often only waiting for someone with the courage and persistence to move it.

This is an extraordinary book – at once an elegantly written thriller, a deeply personal memoir, and a practical guide to citizen action – that appears at the precise moment when so many of us have come to doubt our ability to fight against powerful governmental institutions that seem to act with impunity. I had heard that a powerful grass roots organization had been organized in the aftermath of the Katrina tragedy to fight the attempt by the US Army Corps of Engineers to hide known design flaws in the flood walls and – using an all too typical bureaucratic trick -- define the rupture of the levees as a “natural” disaster. Defining something as natural, of course, is a sly way of hinting that it is inevitable and caused by forces beyond anyone’s ability to prevent. Of course, powerful institutions do whatever they can to make sure those “forces” continue to be seen as natural. Sandy Rosenthal’s vivid account of how she and other activists organized to uncover these design flaws – fatal flaws by people and anything but natural -- reveals just how far a powerful institution will go to hide its own failures and just how much relentless tenacity is required for citizens to discover the truth. What I wasn’t prepared for, and what I now see we need today more than ever, is a saga in which citizens, held together by an inspired and unstoppable leader like Rosenthal, actually prevail. And while the sinister bureaucratic labyrinth with which these citizen heroes dealt was a mind boggling challenge, the book really transcends these specifics and stands as eloquent testimony to the fact that citizen engagement, with the right amount of passion and willingness to acquire serious expertise, can succeed in what might seem like an absolutely hopeless situation. This might be the place to slip in that I found it impossible to read “Words Whispered in Water” without imagining it as a riveting screenplay and film, both a political thriller in the tradition of Erin Brockovich and a celebration to the courage of those whose love for a city fueled such successful citizen action. The simple lesson of the book, that seemingly unmovable power is often only waiting for someone with the courage and persistence to move it, is probably more important today than at any time I can remember.

An indictment of over-sized and clumsy bureaucracy.

Mrs. Rosenthal's dogged determination has resulted in a work that every engineer should read. It details how an organization uses publicity and past reputation to hide the truth concerning their incompetency. The new flood protection system is rife with flaws and design blunders that will remain hidden until the right storm strikes at the right time from the right direction. Perhaps, in that distant future, will forensic engineers finally correct a process that allows the designer, reviewer, and contract administrator to be the same agency?

An investigative journalist takes on The Army Corps of Rngineers

Sandy Rosenthal uncovered the truth about Hurricane Katrina and the flooding of New Orleans. The Army Corps of Engineers cut corners knowingly and later spent millions covering it up. She took on politicians, the Army Corps of Engineers and mainstream corporate media to get the truth behind why the levees really broke. A great investigative work of journalism And a heartbreaking tale - because the disaster did not have to be as bad as it was. Incompetence, corner cutting and coverups - the story is shameful because many thousands of people were displaced and lost everything and it did not have to play out this way. A compelling , engaging, heartbreaking page turner. You will not be able to put it down.

The truth on why the levees failed.

The author has devoted a good part of her life to understanding the root causes of why over 1,500 people died and the city of New Orleans suffered billions of dollars of damage. Getting this information meant dismantling road blocks placed in her path by one of the most powerful federal agencies in the US Government - United States Army Corps of Engineers. In spite of this "still she persisted" to write a most readable narrative of the tragedy of 2005 and how it was almost preordained to occur. Highly recommend this work as part of the reading list of classes in environmental justice.

A great pandemic read - much more fun and less academic than I expected.

Sandy Rosenthal’s “Words Whispered in the Water” is a surprising book. It is well researched and incisive, which I expected as I have followed her work with Levees.org closely, but it is also accessible, funny, and fun to read. This is a great book for anyone interested in New Orleans or the way government institutions work (and fail to work) in America.

Very informative

‘Words Whispered in Water’ follows the extraordinary true story of one New Orleanian and how she started a nonprofit organization to take on big government and ensure truth prevailed in Hurricane Katrina’s murky political aftermath. Sandy Rosenthal’s story is a compelling memoir detailing her rise to prominent civic activist and her struggle to improve the levees, to place blame where it belongs, and to spread the truth about how and why the levees of New Orleans failed during a hurricane that wasn’t as large as most of the country had believed. Through an easy-to-understand narrative Sandy shares many of her experiences fighting the Army Corps of Engineers and details the various methods they used to intimidate her. Much of this fascinating story covers her trials and tribulations putting together Levees.org, a nonprofit organization. I was blown away by how complex the political environment is on just a local level. I was really impressed with how Sandy was able to make sense of it all and bring it all together for readers to dissect and decide for themselves. The majority of this thought-provoking memoir reveals the lengths to which government organizations will go to cover something up. It’s surprising, but Sandy has a way of slowly unveiling all of the necessary details you need to connect all the of the same dots that she did. Between all of the meetings, interviews, speeches and endless research the author is able to weave in emotionally charged stories from the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. It was this balance of fact and personal accounts that kept my interest throughout the book. While Hurricane Katrina brought tragedy to New Orleans, ‘Words Whispered in Water’ sheds light on many of the things that the government would rather keep submerged in the aftermath. This is a concise and potent autopsy of one of the worst government blunders in American history. Sandy Rosenthal was in the trenches, tracking down every lead, reading reports, and all of that experience and research is brought together in one eloquent and emotional story that will leave you with a clear understanding of what happened during and after Hurricane Katrina.

The very definition of a page-turner!

Super sleuth author Sandy Rosenthal had one mission in mind by writing this book: to bust the myths about why the levees failed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. As she weaves her way through innuendo, deception, and outright lies by the federal government to expose the unquestionable truth, she takes the reader along for the ride. This is an emotional journey of one woman and her family who decided that the people of New Orleans would not be blamed or scape-goated. They were victims of the levee breaches and now they were being victimized again by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers whose lies would have the nation believe that it was their fault, and not the fault of the federal government. The book is also a very human story of survival, courage, and determination. If ever you doubted that one person can make a difference, you will doubt no longer after reading "Words Whispered in Water." Mission accomplished, Ms. Rosenthal!

Must read on Hurricane katrina

As a water resources engineer for over 40 years and counting including over 33 years in flood risk management and six and one-half years as a commissioner for the Southeast Louisiana Flood protection Authority East, I thoroughly enjoyed Sandy Rosenthal's book on Hurricane Katrina. I have read multiple reports on the failure of the levees in Hurricane Katrina including the reports by IPET, ASCE, the NAE-NRC and Team Louisiana. Also "the Great Deluge" by Douglas Brinkley, and "Zeitoun" by Dave Eggers. Sandy Rosenthal's book is a "must read" if you are interested in learning why the levees failed and why happened during the response and recovery. Sandy's book tells her courageous story of seeking information and truth on why the levees failed, who was responsible, and her efforts to get the word out to the national media and the state government, federal government, and professional organizations. Her story is one of a David versus Goliath since many of the professional entities did not like her conclusions and actively worked to keep her from telling them. Sandy's book should be required reading for any professional involved in "Risk Communications" including engineers involved in public communications after a disaster. Congratulations Sandy on an excellent book, telling your own story, demonstrating your grit, perseverance and determination of your difficult journey to make your position and facts that support it available to the public.

Excellent book even if not from NOLA.

I am a NOLA resident and have read several books on the flood from the levee failures during Katrina. While I quit reading books about it years ago, I saw this and decided to read it. It was the best book on the subject I have read and very easy to read. With lots of information explaining what really happened, it was like a David and Goliath story as it shows how the Army Corp, covered up everything and blamed the New Orleans Levee Board for being corrupt and responsible for the breech. That was easy to believe and appeared to be low hanging fruit, considering all the corruption in politics. Most locals did not question the Army Corp, but the author did. She spent countless hours and over 10 years to prove otherwise. Without her work, New Orleans would not be what it is today and the people would have suffered much more. Thank you Sandy Rosenthal!!!!

If you love New Orleans--past, present, and future--this is a must-read!

I've read plenty about New Orleans, including Hurricane Katrina-related books, and what this detailed volume by Sandy Rosenthal drives home is that the storm *was not* a natural disaster but a man-made one. Words Whispered in Water is demonstrative of how Rosenthal, a long-time resident of the city, created the grassroots organization levees.org to hold the Army Corps of Engineers accountable. A detailed account of her tireless efforts to research and publicize her findings has been a real labor of love as she has fought for over 15 years to bring light to the actual truth of what has been going on for decades with the city's levee systems. Rosenthal has definitely made an impact not only locally but globally to ensure that the lack of care doesn't happen again and that New Orleans, its residents, and those who visit the city can feel safe there.

Reviuew of Words Whispered in Water

This is a wonderful read, like a true life spy novel. Sandy exposes the obstacles she had to overcome by our Federal and Louisiana governmental agencies and elected officials to shine a light on the Corps of Engineers' failures and how these failures put the City of New Orleans in peril of a flood disaster, and then denied everything putting the blame on the Orleans Parish Levee Board. If you think politics is "dirty" wait until you read what Sandy has penned and you can see what a disaster DC is and how it protects itself from outsiders. I totally recommend this book for everyone to read and enjoy and get educated on what could happen to any person if they take on the Federal and State governments. Outstanding writing and story telling. Enjoy the book!

Great read, hard to put down!

Full disclosure, I bought this book as I grew up with the author and was curious to read it. Sandy has done an amazing job writing this fantastic story. It reads like a (Dateline) story and drags you in you quickly. It is a story of perseverance and determination to expose cover up and negligence but it is made very interesting with a family and personal touch that leads you through the read. I loved it and, am not a big reader. I highly recommend it not because I know Sandy but because it is so damn good and worth reading.

A Must Read!

An extraordinary account of the 2005 flood of New Orleans written by an extraordinary woman. The meticulously documented story of how the real truth of the flood was uncovered and revealed to the nation. My admiration of Sandy Rosenthal grew with each paragraph I read. A very smart, engrossing and captivating book.

A Very Powerful Book!

Sandy Rosenthal is a local hero & expert regarding Hurricane Katrina & why the levees broke. This amazing book is not only a fascinating read, it is also important reading material (as we all deserve an answer to what really happened in New Orleans). This book is a keeper!

Front row seat to one of America’s largest engineering disasters

Sandy Rosenthal, the book’s author, takes the reader through her journey in seeking the truth about the failure of New Orlean’s levees in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Most importantly, it details the specify steps she took to get to the answers that not only she wanted but what the American public needed to know. Her advocacy has made the millions of Americans who live near levees safer. A real “you are there” page-turner. I highly recommend her book.

Whispers in Water

I have been associated with Levees.org and Sandy Rosenthal since the early years. I am a CAT member and the 2017 recipient of the John Goodman award. During my time with the organization I have found Sandi to be determined and persevering about enlightening to the public about the causes of the 2005 levee failures in New Orleans. Sandi worked diligently to expose the wrongdoing of the Army Corps of Engineers. “Whispers un Water” is extremely well written; a compelling page turner.

Journalism failure exposed

Too many media outlets relied on biased sources and the Army Corps of engineer. Then they stuck to erroneous stories long after better info became available. Thanks to Mrs. Rosenthal for her courage and persistence in exposing the truth.

Reads Like a Mystery

This is a well-written and extensively researched book. Sandy writes it as the events of Hurricane Katrina occurred, including facts that she uncovered later that are woven into the story. It kept me always wanting to read the next chapter. Her follow through on bringing the Army Corps of Engineers to task on taking responsibility for poorly built levees is admirable, especially considering the many challenges she faced along the way. I highly recommend reading this!

What a gift!

Wow! Wow! And easy to read but highly documented (over 500 references) account of a single person’s determination to get the truth out. Against huge odds, and in spite of hugely entrenched and immensely self-serving (and probably corrupt) bureaucracies, Sandy Rosenthal shares her determination and extreme focus, her humility and her learning for us all to enjoy. What a gift.

INSPIRING! This lady has GRIT!!!

Sandy Rosenthal took on Goliath to expose the truth about what really happened in Katrina. Her strength and tenacity is amazing, even in the face of intimidation by a powerful federal organization. Sandy is a testament to the difference one person can make and she inspires all to do more.

A Fearless Recitation of the Events and Causes of the 2005 Tragic Flood

Sandy Rosenthal is a real-life heroine whose voice still resonates more than 15 years after the devastating flood caused by the break in the levees surrounding New Orleans. This tiny woman with nerves of steel has courage that leaves most of us in awe. This is an important book to add to your library and its lessons for future leaders are invaluable.

A very informative read for me.

A very informative read for me. I was 25 and not paying close attention to anything outside of my family’s immediate and direct recovery. I remember hearing about the work the author was doing at the time, but it wasn’t anything that I wanted to understand then. It was good to go back and process what that work meant for New Orleans.

Invaluable History and Case Study

An invaluable documentation of the levee breach impact on New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, and the author’s steadfast courage in making certain that this important piece of history is truthfully told. This book also serves as a major case study for helping communities plan and recover from our nation’s increasing infrastructure disasters.

Words Whispered in Water:

Sandy Rosenthal has produced a well documented account of corruption and lies by the Army Corp of Engineers. This insightful and concise narrative of the "largest man-made made disaster" in the history of the United States, is a compelling read. One can not but admire Sandy’s relentless tenacity!

Katrina Truths

My son and I signed up to work with Sandy in the very beginning because my father passed away during the confusion of the failed levees and flood walls. Sandy documented her experience of speaking truth to power. This book is so well done that it should be the basis of a movie.

Gritty and Tenacious Investigator

Sandy's incredibly insightful investigative work on the levee breaks after Katrina uncovered the hidden truths that refuted the conventional wisdom of what went wrong. Her incredible passion for New Orleans, strong belief in its people, and lived experience make her the perfect front line champion to set the record straight. Alvertha Penny

Definitive and personal

From the woman who started levees.org to hold the Army Corp of Engineers accountable for the breaching of the levees in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Page turner!

Couldn't put this book down, such a wonderfully engaging David & Goliath tale. New Orleans is lucky to have this warrior.

So good you just cannot put it down!

Everyone needs to read this book!

2005, with lessons for 2020

Sandy Rosenthal gives perspective on the lengths that a Federal agency will go to in lying to the American public. This book should be on your shelf alongside John Barry's Rising Tide and The Great Influenza, Game Change, and the myriad detailed accountings of Donald Trump. For this New Orleanian whose September 2005 displacement trajectory was nearly identical to the Rosenthals', Words Whispered in Water brought back a flood (excuse the pun) of memories from 2005. What is old is new again; as this review is written in October 2020, reading Rosenthal's book serves to further dampen the already soggy credibility (sorry, last pun, I promise) of the current Administration. If the Corps of Engineers could be so blithe and blatant with falsehoods, why not the CDC? Or in the story unfolding right now, medical staff at Walter Reed? At the same time, Words Whispered reminds us of the quaintness of 2005, a time before birtherism and alternate facts became a reality for so many and before social networks could so effectively spread it. Despite engineering failures at over 50 separate locations in New Orleans—and as Rosenthal meticulously documents, none came from the Corps of Engineers alleged “overwhelming” or “overtopping”—in 2005 there were no smartphones or doorbell cameras able to capture it on video. Rosenthal recounts how it was still possible to try and pin the lethal collapse of floodwalls on "corrupt and lazy" local levee boards who actually (by Federal law!) were there only to mow the grass and report problems to the Corps. If not for Rosenthal, her persistent research, and this capstone summary of it all, “corrupt and lazy locals” would have been the historical narrative forever more. This retelling of this Katrina flooding chronology foreshadows the broad dysfunction that has marked the United States’ response to pandemic. As with COVID19, government response was a mixture of brilliance and top-level incompetence: the US Coast Guard rescued 10,000 people from near-certain death as FEMA officials were going to bed early, searching for good restaurant choices in a region that was stricken and desperate while people just a few miles away were dehydrated and dying at the Superdome and Convention Center, or setting up their high-tech communications base not in New Orleans but a six -hour drive away in northern Louisiana. But in 2005, public officials had not yet learned quite how to lie to the camera: George W. Bush appears early, clearly pained by the plight of people stranded on rooftops; Michael Chertoff, Karl Rove, and Michael Brown were all deer-in-the-headlights when stranded people and floating bodies appeared on split-screens next to them. As one trying to get through a pandemic with depressingly familiar dynamics, I was reluctant to revisit this traumatic time in my life. What I found to my surprise are the stories—and there are many—of what I missed. I had heard about how the business community met with like-minded Administration officials on how to remake New Orleans, but I did not realize how early, how organized, and how clear their plans were to transform New Orleans into a place that would fit cleanly into an Ayn Rand novel. The book is personal. Many readers will be able to see themselves in Sandy Rosenthal’s shoes as the floodwaters recede and she peels back the layers comprising the Corps of Engineers' response. Ronald Reagan once said, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " Many of us once believed that, but one year after Reagan died, the best intentions of private enterprise, local businesses, and national healthcare corporations could not help people stuck for days without water or sanitation, waiting for rescue from an abandoned downtown or a concrete exit ramp. Fifteen years before the CDC was neutered and a lack of care in governing struck a President directly, New Orleans learned the absence of government can be more terrifying than being “here to help.”

Speaking truth to power

Conspiracy theories run rampant these days (2020), but this book, a memoir by Sandy Rosenthal, describes a real conspiracy theory - the efforts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deny their role in the destruction and flooding of New Orleans as Hurricane Katrina passed by. Rosenthal, who had evacuated New Orleans with her family, knew right away that something wasn't right. Yes, Hurricane Katrina was a powerful storm, but it didn't land a direct hit at New Orleans. Waves did not inundate the levees causing them to weaken, they failed outright, and Rosenthal began her quest to find out what happened mere days after the city was flooded. At many points, she describes the luck she had. Her home didn't flood. Her husband's company was able to relocate quickly to Baton Rouge. They were able to find a temporary home as well as a high school for her son. So while she was affected by Katrina, she didn't have to face fighting insurance companies, trying to get compensation from the Road Home program, and rebuilding her house. Instead, she used her time to investigate the real causes of the flooding and mount a campaign to demand the truth the people of New Orleans deserved. Rosenthal's story is both personal - you hear how her family reacted in the days, weeks, and months after the flood - and a Woodward and Bernstein style investigation to get to the bottom of why a powerful federal organization would not only lie but mount a campaign of intimidation against her and anyone who dared to cross them. Sandy Rosenthal is indefatigable, and she shares how, in the 15 years since the storm, she's learned how to stand tall, surround herself with knowledgeable people, and use her own strength to speak truth to power.

The truth about the Corps of Engineers and the Federal Flood in new Orleans

What a story Sandy Rosenthal has given us! It begins with a horrific disaster in 2005. It ends, satisfylingly, ten years later when a plaque that tells the truth about that disaster was installed in New Orleans’ iconic Lower Ninth Ward neighborhood. The flood water that brought a famous city to its knees when the levees failed wasn’t a natural disaster, nor was it the fault of anyone in New Orleans. The levee failure and flood were the result of mistakes made by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The book is chock full of documentation, but it’s never a dry read. The aftermath of the Federal Flood is struggles and loss, but also hope and people helping each other. The human side of the disaster is always present in the story. What happened between 2005 and 2010 is a story of perseverance in the face of incredible odds and intimidation. The Corps, a government agency, did its best to cover up the truth and shut Ms. Rosenthal down. She and her supporters did persevere, though, and their odyssey is part love letter to New Orleans and part whodunit mystery. And the truth was finally told.

Engaging perspective + informative about the cause of the levee breach

Sandy Rosenthal has made a personally difficult story incredibly engaging. It was a page turner from beginning to end. Peppering the start of the book with stories and perspectives from a couple of storm survivors really serves to invest the reader. The book then turns into a tale of discovery and blossoming for both mother and son co-founders of levees.org as the organization forms and pursues answers about the New Orleans levee breach. The dead pigeon story was chilling in the author’s quest to pin the blame for the levee breach on the Army Corps of Engineers — where it belonged. Sandy fixated on finding a celebrity spokesperson, and ultimately did in John Goodman and others, but it definitely wasn’t needed. Sandy was a perfect messenger.

The Truth About Hurricane Katrina (and why it matters)

Most Americans remain tragically unaware that the flooding in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina was a man-made disaster -- tragically because similar infrastructure failures threaten many American cities and lives. In Words Whispered in Water, Sandy Rosenthal weaves personal experience, thorough investigation and a clear understanding of government machinations into a compelling narrative. This is both an epic disaster tale, with good guys and bad guys, heroes and charlatans; and an examination of how 21st century America is threatened by greed, incompetence, self-interest, and relentless attempts to cover it all up. Well-written and accessible, it is a must-read not just for people who live in or love New Orleans, but anyone who appreciates the magnitude of the potential crises that threaten us and wants to prepare as best as possible to defend against them.

Story of extreme tenacity!

After just having completed Sandy’s book, and reading several of the reviews, I agree with all of them. “WW on W” is not only brilliantly articulated, but also an interesting, personal journey of incredible perseverance to correct a major wrongdoing. I lost my home in Katrina and was hesitant to begin the read...difficult to revisit, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to. But Sandy is a friend, and I was curious to see her story! Her writing is clear and engaging and she added a very personal touch to what could have been a very “dry”, ironic here, documentary. She is tiny but tenacious!! And the detail she includes, now 15 years hence the storm, is staggering! It was a most enjoyable and interesting book. She was a dog with a bone from beginning to end! Sandy truly does show what a difference one citizen can make. Thank you, Sandy, for placing blame for this horrendous tragedy, squarely where it belongs. Congratulations!

An Inspiring David vs Goliath Chronicle of Grass Roots Activism in the Aftermath of Disaster

Author Sandy Rosenthal is a force of nature and her debut book, Words Whispered in Water, is a page turning chronicle of the power unleashed when an ordinary citizen harnesses personal rage into history making grass roots activism. Much of what did and did not transpire in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will be studied for years to come; if I were ever to teach a course on this chapter of history, Words Whispered in Water will be at the top of my syllabus. Thanks to Sandy and her Levees.org organization, history now accurately attributes the cause of the destructive flooding as the failure of federally designed and constructed levee structures rather than a "natural disaster." More important even than the correct history being written, was getting the Army Corp to admit their mistakes, which was essential if the levee issues were going to be rebuilt adequately to avert future disasters and if the federal government were to provide the immense financial support required to rebuild a city which had been 80% destroyed. This David vs Goliath nonfiction engagingly chronicles the unexpected journey of Sandy and her son as they battle the Army Corp of Engineers and establishment press to tell the truth about the cause of the flooding in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. With their passion, determination and creativity as newfound activists, their Levees.org organization was able to shift the lies of victim blaming into the truth of a failure of federally designed and constructed levee structures. To paraphrase, the janitors shouldn't be blamed for architectural and contractor failures when a building collapses, and the levee boards and victims of the flooding shouldn't be blamed for levees that weren't designed nor constructed correctly in the first place. In addition to the main theme of the speaking truth to power, I was also taken by the contrast Words Whispered revealed between the haves and the have nots, especially in a disaster situation. Like many urban centers, New Orleans is a city with large populations living in poverty. Many impoverished citizens had neither the means to evacuate in the first place, as that required transportation, gas and hotel money, nor the financial means to rebuild their flood destroyed homes. The author honestly relates her family's own wealth and privilege, in which they simply bought another house in Lafayette while waiting to be able to return to New Orleans. Fortunately, and to the benefit of all of New Orleans, the Rosenthals utilized their advantages to lead the charge in this epic battle for truth. Without them and the struggle they led, I don't think it is an exaggeration to imagine a current New Orleans substantially less rebuilt and still as as vulnerable to shoddily built levees as it was in 2005. Words Whispered in Water is a must read for all who care about New Orleans and/or want a great how-to manual on start-up grass roots activism.

Finally, well-documented proof that Army Corp negligence flooded New Orleans

As Ms. Rosenthal writes, the US Army Corps of Engineers failed in building the levees to specifications which resulted in flooding 80% of New Orleans. If anyone is familiar with the San Francisco Bay Area, the failure of any of the bridges there due to a level 6 earthquake would not have been blamed on the earthquake. It would have been an engineering failure because the bridges should have withstood that level of earthquake. This is similar to the failure of the levees during Katrina. Built to specifications, levees would’ve held and the city would not have flooded even as the hurricane passed through. Ms. Rosenthal has thoroughly researched and investigated this tragedy and thankfully has published a book that correctly puts the blame where it belongs: the US Army Corp and not on local government entities.

“Nevertheless, She Persisted”

“Words Whispered on Water” is an impressive account of Sandy Rosenthal's family’s experience in Hurricane Katrina (evacuating from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, then Lafayette) and how she and her son started Levees.org to bring public attention to the culpability of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the catastrophic failure of the federally built walls of New Orleans’s outflow canals. What impressed me was that she was an ordinary person, not trained in engineering and not familiar with dealing with politicians and government agencies, and by sheer force of will made herself into a formidable activist and an expert on types of construction techniques, etc. Ms. Rosenthal is imaginative and persistent in devising publicity events and in persuading such talents as Harry Shearer and John Goodman to record public service announcements to win support for a strengthened flood protection system around New Orleans *and* nationwide, and for accountability by the Corps of Engineers. An inspiring account that shows how, given interest and passion for a cause, anyone can grow into a strong activist for the public good, a force the authorities cannot ignore. —Mark LaFlaur, founder of Levees Not War and author of “What Fresh Hell? The Best of Levees Not War: Blogging on Post-Katrina New Orleans and America, 2005–2015”

Enjoyable and Educational

I thoroughly enjoyed this important, one of a kind work. It reads like a novel, but informs like a documentary. This fast moving, factual, first hand account of a great American tragedy in a great American city shines a light on the greed and deception individuals, companies, and the government will go through to save their reputations and muddy the truth. Really excellent!

Understanding The Facts!

Over the past 15 years, I’ve transitioned to not reading/engaging in conversations surrounding Hurricanes Katrina & Rita. Clearly, the majority of those conversations were built on options and assumptions. Alas!! Sandy has released “Whispers” of the facts surrounding what truly lead to such a disaster! This book is a concise, easy read - one you will not want to put down until you reach the final page! No one wants to bad-mouth government, but the truth must be told, and has been in this book. Americans, no matter what their socio or economic backgrounds are do not deserve to be affected. The World watched the devastation affecting New Orleans and should understand this could happen anywhere if substandard shortcuts are allowed to cut costs. You must read this book to be truly enlightened. Thanks so much to Sandy - you are New Orleans’ hero as you tell our story, sharing the facts of the hard core truth! Demetric M Mercadel 2020

A compelling, fascinating read

In Words Whispered In Water, Sandy Rosenthal tells a remarkable story: how the people of New Orleans were nearly duped into believing that Katrina's storm surge overtopped the levees, resulting in the catastrophic flood that nearly destroyed the city, and that the Levee Board, a group of citizens appointed to maintain and preserve the levees, were also to blame, due to their incompetence and corruption. Why did the news media, the government, and the Army Corps of Engineers promote these falsehoods? What was the real reason the city almost drowned? And how did one persistent woman manage to uncover the truth? In this inspiring, heartbreaking, and imminently readable book, Sandy Rosenthal weaves the compelling tale of her struggle to make sure the world knew the real reasons the levees failed, and proves that a "regular person", through determination, relentless research, and a need for justice, can actually change how a tragedy is perceived.

An incredible true story of perseverance and discovery.

I read this book as one who lived Katrina. However, after reading it I realized I only live part of it. The part I experienced was the flooding and devastation and the rebuilding of a great city. The part I didn’t live was what caused the misery, the cover up and the incredible dedication and persistence of one person to get to the truth— Sandy Rosenthal. The book combines a story well told along with the ability to show true human emotion and loss on a personal level. Sandy’s research and almost diary like style brings home to the reader what it sometimes takes to expose the truth. In this case the utter failures of various arms of the federal government—from design failures to disaster response to disaster recovery. At the end perhaps the moral is to prevent history from repeating itself.

saga of a lone crusader building a movement to alter national perception

no...80% of new orleans didn't flood in 2005 from Hurricane Katrina. it was due to the faulty construction of the city's levees, built by the army corps of engineers. in the aftermath of the storm, much of the national press and political establishment blamed the residents of new orleans and its levee boards for the disaster. Sandy Rosenthal's book demonstrates how the perseverance and determination of one person to change that narrative was effective....not quickly, but over years of hard work deciphering engineering reports and technical data. that effort build a movement that shifted blame from local officials who had been scorned for lax maintenance of the levees, onto the corps. it'a a classic david and goliath battle, with the little guys....armed with intelligence, persistence and energy...being heard, despite well funded and organized public relations campaigns. An inspiring story, well told.

An important history but also a template for activism

Sandy Rosenthal's indefatigable myth-busting is well-known in New Orleans. Her book details the hard-won victories of her organization's efforts, and explains why residents of New Orleans like myself call it The Federal Flood rather than simply Hurricane Katrina. The chapters describing the coordinated opposition she faced, and exposed, deserve special attention. As the copious citations throughout her book attest, Rosenthal provides all the 'receipts,' as my daughters would say. The corrections to the false narratives about the disaster in New Orleans, alone, make this book well worth reading. However, the story of Sandy's passionate commitment— her attention to detail, her ingenuity, her lessons learned— make Words Whispered in Water an invaluable handbook for anyone desiring to practice truth-seeking activism.

Speaking Truth to Power

Sandy Rosenthal brings us along on her 10 year odyssey... an uncompromising mission to bring accountability to a huge federal bureaucracy, the US Corps of Engineers, in their shameless attempt to dodge their legal responsibility to have protected the City of New Orleans from flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Sandy has documented the truth in a compelling account that reads like a whodunit with an amazing blend of her family story and the devastating impacts on New Orleans and its people, winding through the maze of engineering experts and local government officials in disarray, and ultimately demonstrating the foiled cover-up by the Corps to admit their failures. Our great city and its residents owe Sandy a debt of gratitude for speaking truth to power. An amazing read !!! Dan Silverman New Orleans, LA

Amazing Exposé that is Hard to Put Down - I'm Sure a Movie will Come from This!

I created this video for family/friends and figured I might as well include it here as well. I thought this book was fantastic and often found myself angry and shocked as to what was being done to stop Sandy from telling the truth. Well...my eyes have been opened and now I feel I understand what really happened in Katrina! This is also a book of inspiration! I am in awe of how this one woman who cared about the people of New Orleans took on the Goliath to expose the truth at great hardship to herself. Her tenacity is astounding and goes to show what a difference one person can make when they stand in the truth!!! I highly recommend this book to everyone!

Five Star Book

I remember a local news quote, soon after the storm, an observation that our newly built 14’ flood walls were unable to hold back 12’ of water. In New Orleans, there was always an understanding that what happened here was not a natural event. For many years after the storm, the Army Corps of Engineers controlled the dialogue and poisoned the narrative with false assertions. Sandy outlines the extent to which this Federal entity peddled its inaccuracies and flaunted intimidation in an effort to protect its reputation. In the end, the truth is confirmed once the initial chaotic and confusing reports are corrected with learned facts thanks to Sandy’s focus, tenacity, and ability to share them with honest stakeholders. Thanks, Sandy, for never giving up, and giving me a book I couldn’t put down.

Truth vs Levee Failures in New Orleans

We lost everything in our home, everything! As a New Orleanian, I wanted to know what happened. Words Whispered in Water, grounded in research by a citizen who vetted the facts and provided those through Levees.org is giving all of us clarity on the levee failure in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. These levees were supposed to protect us but they didn’t. Once I started reading, I couldn’t put this book down until I finished it. The truth has been exposed and we owe a debt of gratitude to the author for that. The loss of life, property and so much of our city’s infrastructure has affected most, for years to come. Part memoir and the aspects of science and engineering provide a compelling appeal for truth! The largest natural disaster to ever hit the US, was actually a cover up by the Corps of Engineers. Who knew?

A Must Read No Matter Where You Live

The book read like a Grisham novel at Pensacola Beach in the summer. I bought the book on Thursday and finished it Saturday night. I just couldn't put it down. Sandy is the perfect example of the fact that one person can indeed make a difference. She rights many myths that people not only in New Orleans, but around the country, still have about Hurricane Katrina. Many mistakes were made and Sandy reminds us who made them: The New Orleans Business Council, The Times Picayune newspaper, national newspapers, politicians, and lets not forget the US Corps of Engineers. Levees aren't just important in New Orleans. 62% of us living in the United States lives in a county or parish protected by levees. If you buy this book you will learn much and likely be inspired to do more in your community.

Excellent investigation by tenacious dynamo who left no stone unturned.

This was an excellent and persistent investigation into the flooding of New Orleans because of Katrina. The USACOE did its best to shift blame from its own inept levee construction and make it appear a corrupt levee board and foolish New Orleanians were to blame. This blame-shifting remained in place nationally and in Congress until the tenacious sleuthing of Ms. Rosenthal and others inside and outside of New Orleans brought the truth to the forefront. It took a long time and lots of work, reading, research and interviews. The book presents the diligent search for truth and shows the culpability of USACOE that did not want that truth to be known. The media failed for the most part until the author delved into and researched this for more than a decade. Excellent job!

How to Hold the Corps Accountable

This is the post-Katrina chronicle the city has needed for a long time: the citizen activist and her grassroots organization, Levees.org, confronting the federal government on its role in the flooding of the city. You see Sandy Rosenthal, step by step, putting together a coalition of experts and residents to "hold the Corps accountable" for the levee failures in 2005. But to you also see her personal journey--how she learns to navigate the media landscape (deeply skewed at times by political pressure from the Corps), the halls of Congress, the pitfalls of academic publishing, and brand new avenues for online activism. It's a story that should inspire more citizens to challenge political narratives that not only obscure the truth, but also endanger the future of communities across the country.


As a 40 year New Orleans native, this book brought back many memories of my own experiences during Katrina. Growing up as a child, I heard many stories from people who lived through or lost family during Betsy, Camille, and Juan. Never would I have imagined that the levees would break! This is our story. When the levees broke, words were whispered.

Laugh, cry and LEARN why Hurricane Katrina was an engineering disaster, not a natural disaster

Words Whispered in Water was one of the most riveting books I have ever read. As Katrina survivor I am biased but this book is really an American story of failure, deception, a lack of planning and - most importantly - the US government's complete unwillingness to accept the responsibility of protecting its citizens. The engineering disaster that caused the flooding in New Orleans should not be forgotten and the 15th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is the perfect time to read this book. Rosenthal masterfully weaves her personal story with her life work as founder of levees.org and the voluminous research she and her team put into this exposé. You will not be able to put the book down once you start it!

Get the true story

Sandy Rosenthal tells it like it is. As an organization that has been working in recovery from the levee breaches for fifteen years now, we truly appreciate anyone who shines a light on what happened here with Hurricane Katrina - the true story. This woman has been a tireless advocate for accountability, a shining example of advocacy, and now her story is even more widely spread - it can only serve all Americans to read this story, and learn from it.

Interesting and informative

I lived in New Orleans during Katrina but never heard this story before! This book is well researched and explains the failures that lead to the destruction of the city in 2005. It's fascinating, personal and eye-opening. I consider it a must read for anyone interested in the evolution of the city of New Orleans. There are a million books out there about New Orleans, please add this one to your list!

Deep, understandable and fascinating book.

I loved this book and couldn’t put it down! Not only is this book, Words Whispered in Water” an amazing account by a strong and fearless woman to get the truth out about who was mostly at fault for the damage and life lost by Hurricane Katrina, it is fascinating journey the author Sandy Rosenthal takes you on. Being a lay person and not a local resident of New Orleans I was surprised how this book kept me engaged with her personal stories intertwined with the facts that occurred. Thank you to the author for her tenacity and determination for bringing the truth to light.

Exposes the Truth from the Inside

This is a great book The story is told by someone on the inside who lived through the nightmare of Katrina but decided to stand up and fight against a corrupt government machine - is this happening with COVID now? It is written in an easy to read style despite all the details. I particularly enjoyed the personal touch, bringing in a several local people with their own personal characters, all affected by the aftermath of the storm. At the time everyone thought the disaster was just natural.. Thanks to Sandy for exposing the role of a federal agency in making it all much worse.

Sandy alerts you to protection you think you have, but don’t.

I am a victim of the Corps of Engineers, in the neglient flooding of Lakeview. As a collector, art dealer, and my husband is one of Louisiana's premier artist, we lost so much: painting, drawings, and sculpture. My house had 9 feet of water for three weeks. Lakeviee was sitting in a bowl that did not drain, all because of of the corps. We are lucky to have Sandy Rosenthal as a tireless leader in bringing this event to the world. Her book is beautifully written and I highly recommend it to every person depending on the Corps of Engineers for the safety of their property and lives.

An excellent read!

Words Whispered in Water is a wonderful combination of memoir and well researched history of the New Orleans Levee system and the faults that caused the catastrophic breaches after Hurricane Katrina. As someone who also lived through these events, and was asked by more than a few family and friends who were not from New Orleans “why would you return,” this book explains the cover-up and scheming of the Army Corps of Engineers better than I ever could. Rosenthal’s love of the City and the culture that draws us back is also apparent. An excellent read!

Important, well-written, and illuminating.

This book is for anyone who cares deeply about the state of America's infrastructure and the very real effect that it can have on our lives. Americans deserve to know the truth behind why one of their most beloved cities flooded. Rather than a "big bad storm" Katrina was an engineering disaster that killed over 1,000 and Sandy Rosenthal shows us the receipts. We must do better as a country. This book gives us a chance to do better by telling us the truth. If I could give it ten stars, I would.

Inspirational reading, especially during these times.

What a fantastic read! If you are interested in what really happened after Katrina hit New Orleans, and why, Words Whispered in Water will give you the hard won facts. Were it not for Sandy Rosenthal’s determination, perseverance, courage and brilliance, it’s doubtful that this important truth would have been discovered, not to mention, reported. This is proof that one person can make a difference, while, also, compassionately highlighting the stories of those who struggled and suffered.

An in-depth journey

It's easier to expose government failure than it is to get the media and broader public to actually understand and rewrite the narrative of that failure. This book details both the journey the author took as well as the tenacity needed to accomplish it as a citizen activist with no formal standing. As an engineer, I have always been disappointed the Katrina story wasn't always about a major system failing within its design criteria. This book sets the record straight.

Great work! Incredible story!

I'm not finding the words to adequately express my admiration for Sandy Rosenthal's accomplishment, her personal investment, devotion, determination, ability to get up after being knocked flat, skill and good luck at meeting with and influencing important people, fearlessness in the face of USACE, and engaging writing! Solid accomplishment in the face of fake news!

Unbelievable tenacity in seeking the truth as to why the levees broke

I knew reading Sandy’s book would bring back very painful memories. Once I got into it and saw the dedication and tenacity that Sandy displayed In getting to the truth, finishing it was a MUST! Imagine the courage it took for Ms Rosenthal to go against the Corps of Engineers and New Orleans politicans and win! Easy read and pure facts! From someone who lost their home in Katrina, YOU NAILED IT, LADY and I thank you!

A fascinating read. You will cheer and be inspired as I was.

This book held my attention like a good detective story. I read with fascination and admiration as one strong and committed citizen exposed the secret campaign of a powerful federal government agency to hide its own culpability in building defective levees in New Orleans and blaming its transgressions on the local victims of Hurricane Katrina. Like the Erin Brockovich story, you will cheer and be inspired.

An Eyeopener!

Thank you Sandy Rosenthal for opening our eyes to the truth behind the Hurricane Katrina levee disaster. Readers will thoroughly enjoy this personal yet highly educational and documented account about how the author courageously took on powerful government agencies and won a victory for the people of New Orleans and the nation. You won’t be able to put it down!

An inspiring story of one woman’s fight for truth

I loved this book! I was truly inspired by Sandy’s work and determination to reveal the truth behind why the New Orleans levees failed during Hurricane Katrina causing unprecedented death and destruction. It was informative and easy to follow and understand. I would recommend this to anyone interested in this subject and anyone looking for something to inspire them during our uncertain times.

Citizen activism

As a New Orleanian who has lived through a dozen hurricane assaults, I am glad to read a book that goes beyond the surface to examine how what happened here happened, and to learn the details of the great screw up that was Katrina. This book documents the author's citizen activism in a way that should inspire others who refuse to accept the easy answers.

Facts About the Levee Breaks in Katrina

Having evacuated for Katrina, I totally related to Sandy’s recounting of the evacuation and aftermath. Her pursuit of the truth through Levees.org is very detailed and impressive! A very good read!

Rosenthal Makes Her Case

Ms. Rosenthal not only present her case about what led to the levee failures of Hurricane Katrina, but she proves it with numerous solid references. It is an easy read, the points are clear and concise. Once I picked it up I couldn't put it down. This should be the definitive book about the 2005 levee failures.

Words Whispered in Water

Sandy Rosenthal's book was an awesome pandenic read. She wrote beautifully about the storm, the levy breaks and her fearless battle for the truth. I am a New Orleanean and lived through experience so I knew the ending, however, she detailed events and circumstances that were new to be. Hats off to Sandy for a fabulous fight and a wonderful book.

Reveals the true story about Katherina

Sandy Rosenthal’s book reads like a diary/novel of the most dramatic catastrophe of New Orleans and who is factually responsible for that disaster. It has a very personal touch and describes in a very detailed manner how she started her movement to educate Americans about the whole TRUTH and her own learning experience along the way.

Rosenthal's Brillance Shines Through in Words Whispered in Water

The author's ability to take a complex issue and present it in a way a layman can understand makes this a wonderful read for everyone. Sandy does just that without sacrificing the emotional and devastating toll experienced by those who lived through this manmade disaster. Without her efforts, the truth may never have been exposed.

A must-read unfettered account behind the federally exacerbated aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

I was there and so was Sandy, telling the story of a horrible failure by FEMA exacerbated by a systemic cover-up. Truth is that Sandy got to the meat of the story -- then fearlessly told it -- without corporate constraints or a secondary agenda. This is an absolute must read and page turner from cover to cover.

Truth Telling to the Core

Ms Rosenthal’s book, more a memoir than another category is terse and to the point. It is also a breath of fresh air at a time both following Katrina and now when government reports were or are so suspect. She should get a prize. Joe Friend Retired lawyer New Orleans

Commitment to New Orleans beautifully documented

Sandy Rosenthal’s commitment to truth, transparency, accountability, and the city of New Orleans and her people is inspiring and invaluable. It’s a gift that she put her years of hard work into this book for all to experience and understand.

Excellent book that was a page turner!

As a native I enjoyed reading the authors personal journey durin Katrina. I then learned so much about the politics that followed. Sandy’s quest for the truth is inspirational and a lesson to carry forward!

Reads like a crime novel

I have just finished reading the book and thought Sandy Rosenthal did a terrific job. She captured the essence of the city at that time. Reads like a crime novel.

Powerful, personal and honest!

Having lived through this personally, it is so powerful and refreshing to read this wonderful book!

Excellent book

Dramatic story, persuasively told!

Great Book!

Sandy did a great job in clearing the fog that the Corps of Engineers tried to raise.

This book tells the real story of why and how Katrina decimated New Orleans

A great book, I had to stop myself from finishing to quickly so I could absorb each word fully.

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