Who Was Kobe Bryant? (Who HQ Now)

Kindle Edition
29 Jun
Told in a new Who HQ NOW format for trending topics, this Who Was? biography details NBA superstar Kobe Bryant's legendary career and the impact of his legacy on the sports world and beyond.

Kobe Bryant was just an eighteen-year-old high-school basketball player when he decided to enter the National Basketball Association's draft. Though he was the thirteenth overall pick by the Charlotte Hornets, he would never play a single game for them. Instead, Kobe was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers, where he would spend his entire twenty-season career, winning five championships and numerous awards. Author Ellen Labreque takes readers through each exciting moment, from his iconic dunks to his 81-point game--all the milestones that span Kobe Bryant's legendary career and legacy.

Reviews (42)

Not appropriate for Elementary Students!!!

I have purchased nearly all of these books and I donate them to the school library where I am a substitute teacher. I am extremely disappointed at the content of this book. It was one of the shortest books I think that has been published of this series and the quickest release of when Kobe passed to when it was sold. If they could not find any additional material to put in there, while leaving out the entire part about the sexual assault information...then it should NOT have been published! Our kids at school LOVE these books as do I but this is one book I will be throwing away. I DO NOT even want it in my personal library. Shame on you the Author's of this travesty and for putting that information in the book that would cause 8 to 10 yrs old kids to ask questions that at their age they should not has to ask!!

This book is not suitable for young children

Most reviews on this book occurred before the book was released. I received my copy today for my classroom. I have most of The Who Was collection, and this book is not appropriate for students. On pages 22 and 23 the book talks about the alleged sexual assault. If this book was for adults, talk about it. But it is written for 8-10 year old CHILDREN. I will never put this in my classroom and encourage you to not put it in your classroom or home library either. I am VERY disappointed in the the authors of this series. I


The shortest of the “Who Is” book series and should NOT be talking about the sexual assault case. Yes its a part of Kobe’s past but should not be added to a children’s book. If you are ready to explain to young kids, then go for it but I would not recommend at all.

Teaches young kids about Kobes sexual assault!!!!!

Kind of disappointed bought this for my 3rd grade son and nephew. It talks about the sexually assault issue Kobe had. I don't think this was an important thing to talk about to young children. My son was confused and asked me what sexually assault means.....

Half baked attempt rushed to market

At 49 pages, this book is much shorter than than any other in the series. Most of the others we have are at about 108 pages. The writing feels rushed and really shallow. I’m no Kobe Bryant aficionado, but even *I* know they could have done a bit deeper dive on aspects of his career and post-basketball life. Would have been better to do a proper “Who was” treatment than this disappointing rush to market treatment.

So disappointed - Kobe was a GREAT person, and the content of this book did not reflect that

I am a huge Kobe Bryant fan. I bought this book for my 9 year old (who loves who is/was books) after he passed away. I wanted to take it away and throw it in the trash part way through (she wanted to read it together as she knows I am a big fan). So disappointed. Kobe Bryant was an incredible athlete, a wonderful father, and a great human being all around. This book was much shorter than the average who is/was book (total of a meager 49 pages from the prologue to the end of the bibliography) Instead of talking about many of his notable achievements that the author chose to leave out, they devoted WAY TOO MUCH OF THIS BOOK, with a target audience of CHILDREN to the cheating scandal Kobe was involved in so many years ago. In general I thought the amount of content around the scandal. Was not thrilled to talk to my daughter, wanting to know what sexual assault meant and why that’s such a big part of Kobe’s life. Of the 5 total chapters, an entire chapter of this book revolves around the sexual assault, and Kobe being a ‘ball hog’. I have read other who is/was books with my daughter about people who had done things, PROVEN, far more questionable than what Kobe is being accused/opinionated to have done/be, but written as fact, that are sugar coated and represented by only their achievements, which, due to it being a children's book is more acceptable than the content presented in this particular who was book. Very disappointed and the author should be ashamed.

Excellent book with some unnecessary info

This product was purchased for an elementary school library. For the most part the book was excellent. Unfortunately it contained a few pages that stated that Kobe was accused of sexual assault and although he denied the allegations he paid the accuser a sum of money. This book was written for 2nd - 4th graders. Due to these statements on a couple of pages the book was not placed in our library. The author needed to consider the age of his audience before placing this information in the book. For this reason I cannot give this book 5 stars.


The smallest “Who was” book ever. Mostly pictures. A full page picture of Lebron. Two pages about his sexual assault. I don’t like this book at all. Will be returning. Not for elementary students.

Less than 50 pages. Should’ve added more content in the book

This is the thinnest book among the Who was series. If they didn’t have anything to add in the book, they could’ve talked about nba or the history of the basket ball as a bonus section.


I am a big Kobe fan and so is my husband. I bought this book to read and then get a class set. The book was great and well written. I definitely will be buying a class set. I was just disappointed at the condition of the book. It was bent, discolored, and appeared as though it was a second hand book. Other than that, awesome book. Too bad it wasn't titles "Who is...."

Not appropriate for Elementary Students!!!

I have purchased nearly all of these books and I donate them to the school library where I am a substitute teacher. I am extremely disappointed at the content of this book. It was one of the shortest books I think that has been published of this series and the quickest release of when Kobe passed to when it was sold. If they could not find any additional material to put in there, while leaving out the entire part about the sexual assault information...then it should NOT have been published! Our kids at school LOVE these books as do I but this is one book I will be throwing away. I DO NOT even want it in my personal library. Shame on you the Author's of this travesty and for putting that information in the book that would cause 8 to 10 yrs old kids to ask questions that at their age they should not has to ask!!

This book is not suitable for young children

Most reviews on this book occurred before the book was released. I received my copy today for my classroom. I have most of The Who Was collection, and this book is not appropriate for students. On pages 22 and 23 the book talks about the alleged sexual assault. If this book was for adults, talk about it. But it is written for 8-10 year old CHILDREN. I will never put this in my classroom and encourage you to not put it in your classroom or home library either. I am VERY disappointed in the the authors of this series. I


The shortest of the “Who Is” book series and should NOT be talking about the sexual assault case. Yes its a part of Kobe’s past but should not be added to a children’s book. If you are ready to explain to young kids, then go for it but I would not recommend at all.

Teaches young kids about Kobes sexual assault!!!!!

Kind of disappointed bought this for my 3rd grade son and nephew. It talks about the sexually assault issue Kobe had. I don't think this was an important thing to talk about to young children. My son was confused and asked me what sexually assault means.....

Half baked attempt rushed to market

At 49 pages, this book is much shorter than than any other in the series. Most of the others we have are at about 108 pages. The writing feels rushed and really shallow. I’m no Kobe Bryant aficionado, but even *I* know they could have done a bit deeper dive on aspects of his career and post-basketball life. Would have been better to do a proper “Who was” treatment than this disappointing rush to market treatment.

So disappointed - Kobe was a GREAT person, and the content of this book did not reflect that

I am a huge Kobe Bryant fan. I bought this book for my 9 year old (who loves who is/was books) after he passed away. I wanted to take it away and throw it in the trash part way through (she wanted to read it together as she knows I am a big fan). So disappointed. Kobe Bryant was an incredible athlete, a wonderful father, and a great human being all around. This book was much shorter than the average who is/was book (total of a meager 49 pages from the prologue to the end of the bibliography) Instead of talking about many of his notable achievements that the author chose to leave out, they devoted WAY TOO MUCH OF THIS BOOK, with a target audience of CHILDREN to the cheating scandal Kobe was involved in so many years ago. In general I thought the amount of content around the scandal. Was not thrilled to talk to my daughter, wanting to know what sexual assault meant and why that’s such a big part of Kobe’s life. Of the 5 total chapters, an entire chapter of this book revolves around the sexual assault, and Kobe being a ‘ball hog’. I have read other who is/was books with my daughter about people who had done things, PROVEN, far more questionable than what Kobe is being accused/opinionated to have done/be, but written as fact, that are sugar coated and represented by only their achievements, which, due to it being a children's book is more acceptable than the content presented in this particular who was book. Very disappointed and the author should be ashamed.

Excellent book with some unnecessary info

This product was purchased for an elementary school library. For the most part the book was excellent. Unfortunately it contained a few pages that stated that Kobe was accused of sexual assault and although he denied the allegations he paid the accuser a sum of money. This book was written for 2nd - 4th graders. Due to these statements on a couple of pages the book was not placed in our library. The author needed to consider the age of his audience before placing this information in the book. For this reason I cannot give this book 5 stars.


The smallest “Who was” book ever. Mostly pictures. A full page picture of Lebron. Two pages about his sexual assault. I don’t like this book at all. Will be returning. Not for elementary students.

Less than 50 pages. Should’ve added more content in the book

This is the thinnest book among the Who was series. If they didn’t have anything to add in the book, they could’ve talked about nba or the history of the basket ball as a bonus section.


I am a big Kobe fan and so is my husband. I bought this book to read and then get a class set. The book was great and well written. I definitely will be buying a class set. I was just disappointed at the condition of the book. It was bent, discolored, and appeared as though it was a second hand book. Other than that, awesome book. Too bad it wasn't titles "Who is...."

Not for Children

My students love basketball, so I was so excited to add this to my Who Was collection. I always look carefully through these books because I’ve found inappropriate words and content in a couple of books in this series. Sadly, this one talks all about the sexual assault. I understand it was a part of his life, but it is far from appropriate for an elementary school classroom so back it went!

Not worth it

I found this book to be a disappointment in the “Who was” series. First of all, it lacks a lot of substance. Very short book and I understand the author probably capitalized on kids admiring Kobe and wanting to get the book out after his death. But still. And, the book references the sexual assault case brought against him. It doesn’t go into detail, but when your book is geared toward 4th and 5th graders, why mention sexual assault? Dumb. Would not buy this book again and I would say spend your money on a better piece of literature.

Shorter than usual

Great book with a lot of interesting information. My 10 year old son loves to read these books. He read this one very quickly before bed one night. It made me sad that it was so short because it's sad that he had to die at such a young age when he had so much living left to do. So great book but just short.

Heads up about mature subject matter

I should have read the book information listed before purchasing because I was surprised when I pulled the book out of the box, and it was less than 50 pages. This is much shorter than the usual length of books in this series, and it seems like surely there would be more to include in a book about Kobe Bryant’s life and basketball career. I am returning the book because my nephew would read it cover to cover in 20 minutes so unfortunately it is not worth the $5. One thing to note, when I was flipping through the book, it does mention that he was accused of sexual assault. Parents or guardians of younger readers may not feel that this particular topic is appropriate for their children.

The phrase “Sexual Assault “ probably doesn’t belong in this book

I’m probably pretty lax when it comes to censoring content or language in my children’s media consumption but even I was a little put off by this book. The term “sexual assault” probably has no place in a book intended for young children. The book should for sure note that he was accused of a crime. Children shouldn’t think that sports hero’s are infallible, but describing the nature of the crime should be more age appropriate. In future additions (if there are any) the author/editor should consider making modifications to that chapter.

Great book

The book was very interesting I really liked it and I would recommend it to anyone. Very good book to read

Not for kids; under 50 pages

Not appropriate for young kids at all!!! Under 50 pages and mentions Kobe’s sexual assault court case and how he handled it. My son collected this series, but I will be shredding this purchase. It’s a good lesson for me to read reviews first before buying anything else in this series.

Dumbfoundingly horrible!

Two pages about the sexual assault case, but one sentence about winning an academy award. This is the worst who was/who is book we’ve ever read (my kids and I). I’ll summarize it for you.... Kobe was a douchebag. Also, Alicia Keys and Beyoncé sang at his memorial. So bad, so bad, so bad. This book takes about 20 minutes to read cuz it says so little. Uggghh I hated it so much I’m angry about it. I’m puzzled that this has so many 5 star reviews.

Excellent Book for Children

Excellent read for children. My son is 9 and enjoyed reading this book; he understood the words used and understood the story of Kobe. Very smooth read for my son.

Chapter about his Sexual Assault Case

Was disappointed to find that an entire chapter was dedicated to his sexual assault case. Not something I would like to have a conversation about with my 7 year old. Returning the book.

Easy - quick - read!

I read the book before I gave it to my 8 year old nephew. It’s an easy read. I liked the story/information provided. Written for children. He liked the book too!

Kobe fans must get!

Our all time favorite book as a family. My son enjoys this book and has read it twice. He received it at 6 and is still reading it at 7. Big Kobe Fans


My daughter was gonna make a book report for this book. 30 pages long! I think that this book should be free on kindle for the quality. If there was 000 stars i would have a different rating. - unhappy customer

Nice read but needs more pages

We absolutely love Kobe and my son does as well. The book is good but it is more like a pamphlet than a book.

Inappropriate subject manner for children

Very disappointed in this book. My son was excited to receive it and read about a basketball great. I was not prepared to have to answer my ten year old’s questions about sexual assault. Shame on me for not proof reading the book first, but I never expected a children’s book to delve into that aspect of Kobe’s life!


I choose this rating because the book was excellent. It really captured Kobe's life in a nutshell. He was very special to me, even though I never met. May be rest in peace, along with the others onboard the helicopter.

Great book for sports loving kid

Our 8 year old read this in a couple days

Students Love!!!

My students love all of The Who Was, What Was, & Where Is books. Of course they love this one! The only negative is not with the book itself, but our school still does Accelerated Reader. Since the book is so new, there is no test for it at the moment.

Kobe Forever

My son and I read it. Love Kobe. Sad that his life ended so abruptly. The book was short because of it. Read in 20 minutes.

Easy to read

Helpful for students

Mentions sexual assault case - not for children

Disappointed they would ruin their publishing brand by adding the sexual assault case in a children book series. They did the same with Michael Jackson book, seems racial.

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