Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn's New Age)

Kindle Edition
07 Dec

As portals between the physical and spiritual planes, the chakras offer unparalleled opportunities for growth, healing, and transformation. Anodea Judith's classic introduction to the chakra system, which has sold over 200,000 copies, has been completely updated and expanded. It includes revised chapters on relationships, evolution, and healing, and a new section on raising children with healthy chakras.

Wheels of Life takes you on a powerful journey through progressively transcendent levels of consciousness. View this ancient metaphysical system through the light of new metaphors, ranging from quantum physics to child development. Learn how to explore and balance your own chakras using poetic meditations and simple yoga movements—along with gaining spiritual wisdom, you'll experience better health, more energy, enhanced creativity, and the ability to manifest your dreams.

"Wheels of Life is the most significant and influential book on the chakras ever written."— John Friend, founder of Anusara Yoga

Reviews (205)

Beware of inaccurate scientific information

Like other readers have mentioned... it is hard to read this one through. It is very thought provoking and I have enjoyed it so far... but.... I have an issue with trusting this author.... in the book I have found multiple inaccuracies. (She makes a claim in chapter 2 that electrons and are about the same size of viruses. Definitely not true)... when I see errors such as this one I have had trouble trusting that the other facts stated are accurate.

A Must Buy! - love the style of writing, way the information is portrayed, and everything about it.

I cannot Rave enough about this book. This is coming from a person who hasn't actually enjoyed a book since middle school. I seriously have not picked up a book and read it from cover to cover since middle school which was over 13 years ago. I used to be the type of person that would fall asleep reading. Prime example I never made it past the first chapter of the first Harry Potter book even after trying three separate times to read it because I would always fall asleep. This book however has kept my interest the entire time to where any free moment I had and I ended up reading it. The way the author writes and goes about telling me information is amazing. In the last few years I began to become more spiritual and in tune with myself. I wanted to learn more about chakras and their meanings and their purpose. This book was so powerful for me that in points while reading I would actually get very emotional and cry, in a good way. I almost felt like the reader was in my head and I finally had someone who understood. While most of the book I kind of gathered in my own thoughts in recent years it was reassuring and amazing to read it in written words that I felt I never could truly explain. Then there was a few bits of information that I hadn't ever considered or truly thought about and it was eye, and spirit, opening to say the least. If you're considering this book just buy it you will not be disappointed!!

Awesome concepts! A fresh, new take on an old topic.

This is a must have book if you want to learn about the chakras. The reason why I love this book is how Anodea explains that most people dwell on only the higher chakras, since they think they are the "most important" or "most exciting". And actually the lower chakras are JUST as important to study and work with. It is the foundation that your spiritual house is upon, and if they aren't stable, it will fall down -- you will feel really spacey & it actually could cause mental health issues! She explains that the working down the chakras (grounding yourself), rather than always up (ascension) because is all part of the system. Just like a ping pong ball -- if you are not playing with another person you can only send your ball in one direction, but the game is to hit it back and forth. You need up and down consecutively for the system to work properly. I hope I'm explaining this that you guys understand. I just found this take on chakras a great concept and actually it is overdue for the masses to understand. So, if that If you are interested in learning about chakras, how they work, how to heal them, meditations, and even some kabbalah knowledge, buy this book!

The Author uses Aleister Crowley's work as a good reference! YUCK! CREEP!

Twice the author mention's of Aleister Crowley and his work page's 121 &134. I am not interested in occult magick! He is not a person I would want any information from. This book is not what I was looking for. I was seeking positive wholesome information and understanding of our body's electrical & energy systems.

This book is amazing. I've always studied chakra systems but she really ...

This book is amazing. I've always studied chakra systems but she really brings all of the information together in a tight form that is easy to understand and interesting. I especially love the opening meditations that introduce the energy of each chakra. Chakra 5's opening meditation just melted my heart and I felt so much awe over the sound of OM. :) I highly recommend this book. Mine is highlighted all over, written in, post-it marked as well because I use it that much. :)

Good, but must be really wanting to learn to get through it.

I really like this book. But it's a pretty hard read like some have stated. I have been reading it off and on for over a year and I'm still not halfway through it. It does bring really good insight to chakras, but it's so thought provoking that you can't just read it quickly. If you do, you'll lose half of what you read.

Love it!

It is really great ... so full of fantastic information and exercises. It has already helped me so much and i'm only through the second chakra part of the book! Learning so much. Some language is complex but overall not too over my head.

Let go of emotional blocks and unleash your primal power

This is one of the best books I've read this year. I knew about chakras before diving in to this text, but Judith opened my eyes to a whole new reality. This is a complete how to manual on letting go of the emotional blocks that keep us struggling and unhappy in order to move towards living happier and healthier lives. The more we can learn to let go of the blocks that hold us back, the more we can elevate our consciousness, and the more we can move towards creating a world of wholeness and abundance. Highly recommend this for anyone that is serious about expressing their greatest gifts in greatest service to the world.

Information about everything about the chakras

Great book. The yoga part is what I like the most. Also includes food list for each chakra. Describes a lot of the things related to each chakra like grounding, survival, clairsentience, will, healing, telepathy, clairvoyance, consciousness and many more. Simply not able to put this book down

It's a fascinating book on chakras and a great first 'manual' for me to start delving into the ...

My cover is different from the one in the preview picture because I ordered a used copy from the eighties. It's a fascinating book on chakras and a great first 'manual' for me to start delving into the subject. Lengthy but so in-depth and the author involves science, pictures, old art and diagrams as well as her own explaination of chakras, energy and the meaning each one has. Very approachable, worldly, spiritual writing style, and this is a book for those that love reading! Many pages, much valuable info.

Beware of inaccurate scientific information

Like other readers have mentioned... it is hard to read this one through. It is very thought provoking and I have enjoyed it so far... but.... I have an issue with trusting this author.... in the book I have found multiple inaccuracies. (She makes a claim in chapter 2 that electrons and are about the same size of viruses. Definitely not true)... when I see errors such as this one I have had trouble trusting that the other facts stated are accurate.

A Must Buy! - love the style of writing, way the information is portrayed, and everything about it.

I cannot Rave enough about this book. This is coming from a person who hasn't actually enjoyed a book since middle school. I seriously have not picked up a book and read it from cover to cover since middle school which was over 13 years ago. I used to be the type of person that would fall asleep reading. Prime example I never made it past the first chapter of the first Harry Potter book even after trying three separate times to read it because I would always fall asleep. This book however has kept my interest the entire time to where any free moment I had and I ended up reading it. The way the author writes and goes about telling me information is amazing. In the last few years I began to become more spiritual and in tune with myself. I wanted to learn more about chakras and their meanings and their purpose. This book was so powerful for me that in points while reading I would actually get very emotional and cry, in a good way. I almost felt like the reader was in my head and I finally had someone who understood. While most of the book I kind of gathered in my own thoughts in recent years it was reassuring and amazing to read it in written words that I felt I never could truly explain. Then there was a few bits of information that I hadn't ever considered or truly thought about and it was eye, and spirit, opening to say the least. If you're considering this book just buy it you will not be disappointed!!

Awesome concepts! A fresh, new take on an old topic.

This is a must have book if you want to learn about the chakras. The reason why I love this book is how Anodea explains that most people dwell on only the higher chakras, since they think they are the "most important" or "most exciting". And actually the lower chakras are JUST as important to study and work with. It is the foundation that your spiritual house is upon, and if they aren't stable, it will fall down -- you will feel really spacey & it actually could cause mental health issues! She explains that the working down the chakras (grounding yourself), rather than always up (ascension) because is all part of the system. Just like a ping pong ball -- if you are not playing with another person you can only send your ball in one direction, but the game is to hit it back and forth. You need up and down consecutively for the system to work properly. I hope I'm explaining this that you guys understand. I just found this take on chakras a great concept and actually it is overdue for the masses to understand. So, if that If you are interested in learning about chakras, how they work, how to heal them, meditations, and even some kabbalah knowledge, buy this book!

The Author uses Aleister Crowley's work as a good reference! YUCK! CREEP!

Twice the author mention's of Aleister Crowley and his work page's 121 &134. I am not interested in occult magick! He is not a person I would want any information from. This book is not what I was looking for. I was seeking positive wholesome information and understanding of our body's electrical & energy systems.

This book is amazing. I've always studied chakra systems but she really ...

This book is amazing. I've always studied chakra systems but she really brings all of the information together in a tight form that is easy to understand and interesting. I especially love the opening meditations that introduce the energy of each chakra. Chakra 5's opening meditation just melted my heart and I felt so much awe over the sound of OM. :) I highly recommend this book. Mine is highlighted all over, written in, post-it marked as well because I use it that much. :)

Good, but must be really wanting to learn to get through it.

I really like this book. But it's a pretty hard read like some have stated. I have been reading it off and on for over a year and I'm still not halfway through it. It does bring really good insight to chakras, but it's so thought provoking that you can't just read it quickly. If you do, you'll lose half of what you read.

Love it!

It is really great ... so full of fantastic information and exercises. It has already helped me so much and i'm only through the second chakra part of the book! Learning so much. Some language is complex but overall not too over my head.

Let go of emotional blocks and unleash your primal power

This is one of the best books I've read this year. I knew about chakras before diving in to this text, but Judith opened my eyes to a whole new reality. This is a complete how to manual on letting go of the emotional blocks that keep us struggling and unhappy in order to move towards living happier and healthier lives. The more we can learn to let go of the blocks that hold us back, the more we can elevate our consciousness, and the more we can move towards creating a world of wholeness and abundance. Highly recommend this for anyone that is serious about expressing their greatest gifts in greatest service to the world.

Information about everything about the chakras

Great book. The yoga part is what I like the most. Also includes food list for each chakra. Describes a lot of the things related to each chakra like grounding, survival, clairsentience, will, healing, telepathy, clairvoyance, consciousness and many more. Simply not able to put this book down

It's a fascinating book on chakras and a great first 'manual' for me to start delving into the ...

My cover is different from the one in the preview picture because I ordered a used copy from the eighties. It's a fascinating book on chakras and a great first 'manual' for me to start delving into the subject. Lengthy but so in-depth and the author involves science, pictures, old art and diagrams as well as her own explaination of chakras, energy and the meaning each one has. Very approachable, worldly, spiritual writing style, and this is a book for those that love reading! Many pages, much valuable info.

A deep dive into the Chakra system

If you are interested in learning about Chakras.....I mean REALLY learning about them, then this is the book. Not light reading by any stretch, but I have found it a valuable resource. I teach Yoga and the subject of Chakras often come up. This book has provided me with a deeper, fuller understanding of the Chakra system so I can explain and answer questions. However, if you don't want such a deep understanding, I would recommend her other book "Chakra Yoga". A quicker explanation of Chakras and some yoga poses/breathwork to go with.

Very comprehensive!

This is one of the best resources for learning about the chakra system. My yoga teacher recommended it, and then I became a yoga teacher and I knew I had to include this resource in my yoga teacher's tool kit. It is very comprehensive and provides a great deal of information that you need to know about the chakra system in an enjoyable and easy to understand way.

LOOK NO FURTHER- This is ALL you need to learn about Chakras

I bought this years ago and use it all of the time-- I have also purchased for friends. In my opinion it is the BEST book out there on studying Chakras. I highly recommend it.

Interesting and Useful

What are the wheels of life? They're the seven primary energy centers in the body that influence how we think, feel and interact with the world around us. These centers are more commonly called chakras. While the book contains a multitude of fascinating details on the history and traditions associated with the belief in the chakra system, some of the most fascinating reading is contained in the seven sections that cover each chakra in amazing detail. With the 400-plus pages, the reader will learn about the crown chakra which governs spirituality, the brow chakra which offers inspiration, the throat chakra which promotes communication, the heart chakra which teaches us to give, the solar plexus chakra which brings analytical ability, the spleen chakra which governs emotions, and the root chakra which promotes survival. This book also will help the reader explore their own chakras using poetic, meditation, physical expression and visionary art. Another nice feature of the book is a brief series of questions to help the reader analyze their own chakra activity. This book has sold over 100,00 copies, and it's easy to see why.

Amazing read

Learn a lot from this book. I enjoyed reading it and would recommend it to anyone who want to learn more about chakras.

open your heart and mind 💕

perfection! enjoy this slowly, like a perfect cup of coffee or tea, and feel your soul blossom as you come to greater understanding of yourself and this beautiful world we share together 💕

Way too drawn out

It’s hard to get through. If it wasn’t so cheap I would’ve returned this. Not to the point at all. A whole chapter could’ve been taken down to a couple of sentences.

Go with a reputable supplier

Was looking forward to this book. Unfortunately I don’t recommend this supplier as the binding was off and there is at least one photo missing. I am hoping that nothing else is missing from the edition.

Very good explanation of the chakra system

I enjoyed this book; it goes into quite a bit of detail about the chakra system. It's not at all hard to read, as some reviewers have noted. If you're interested in learning more in-depth knowledge about chakras, this is a great instructional book.

Absolutely Amazing!!

This book is the best book I've found on chakras...and I have A LOT. It's just brilliant. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting in-depth knowledge on the chakra system.

The GO-TO book for chakras

This book may be 20 years old but this author is clearly a well educated and forward thinker. This book gives great, grounded and clear descriptions and insights of the chakra system. It is well researched and organized in a very useful way for the layperson. I have always been intrigued by chakras but this book shed so much light and information on really understanding each chakra, how they work together and how to apply healing. Just by using some of the concepts she presents in this book brought my practice to greater heights. If you are interested in chakras, THIS is the book to read!

Must Have

I'm still working my way through it, but this book is a must have if you are serious about changing your life and your world for the better

Love this book

This my third copy. I originally got it 25 years ago when I did yoga daily and studied Buddhism. I wore first two book out ( used abused, spilled coffee, etc, I’m afraid). Still want to read from gnostic Christian, Kabbalah point of view

Get to know the basics and Grow

Such gratitude for the information, and blessing in this book. I have been studying, embodying, and growing in healing so when I say thank you for this jewel, it took life to another level.


This book really opened my eyes to how connected everything is. I loved the way biology, psychology, religion, and scientific principles were used to explain and examine this believe system. I never though of myself as religious, but now I have found something that uses logic, science, and faith that I find absolutely crucial and worthy to practice.

I finally have a better understanding about Chakras

I have always been interested in knowing how I can combine my "western" background with "eastern" teachings. I finally have a better understanding about Chakras! It has been very helpful information, and well-written.

Informative and well written

Read this book after I read her "Easter Body, Western Mind". And it is still such an eye opening one. I recommended it to many of my friends who are on the path of yoga.

Excellent introduction to the Chakras

For those of us interested in learning more about the energy body and internal arts, this book is a wonderful introduction. The author is very knowledgeable and she has an approachable style even though writing about a complex and esoteric subject. I'm really enjoying the book because it's also a great balance of theory and application. At the end of each section, she includes very helpful exercises to build/balance the chakras. The book would be especially illuminating for those of us that have a background in yoga, because much of what she's saying is based on yogic philosophy, tradition and practice.

Great informative book to add to collection

A great book for beginners and seasoned spirituals. There is an in-depth chapter for each chakra with exercises to go with each one. I found it informative and helpful, if you'd like to learn about chakras or further your understanding this book is definitely one to add to your collection.

Perfect Book to get one started in chakra studies

I borrowed this book from a friend and read it cover to cover before buying a copy for myself. As a newer introductee to chakras and working with them this book provided invaluable information to support me in expanding my knowledge in this area. The breathing exercises in the heart chakra chapter really hit a cord with me and have provided excellent results in my overall health and mental focus. Thank you to Anodea for a fabulous guide. As others have noted, the yoga positions are not well described for proper technique. I would recommend another book or course to learn to execute those correctly.

Half way through and very pleased. Very thorough and will keep as a reference ...

Half way through and very pleased. Very thorough and will keep as a reference book. Author gives wonderful examples to help you understand.

Great book!

Granted, I cannot compare this chakra book to other books on the chakras, but I was really impressed with the thoroughness of this book as well as all of the practicality of it. Highly recommend!

Wonderful Book

Very informative. There are a lot of really neat pieces of information to use and pictures to help you along the way.

It's like using a new Car Manual

This book is marvelous! It's like using a new Car Manual.....but for your body ....your body's own manual of how your body's energy flows.....the energy that people that use "acupuncture" for pain relief......this book goes into the nitty-gritty of the energy flow to explain "kundalini"......etc

Highly Recommend

We started a yoga book club at the studio I teach at and this was a fantastic book! We all learned so much while receiving so much inspiration for our classes. Its relatable and easy to read from for both the beginner and the "novice". I appreciate how the author gives you information from both a scientific and spiritual aspect. You can take and use as little or as much of the information as you want to. Highly recommend this book

Excellent for learning about Chakras

Another great guide for learning about chakras. This is my second book by Anodea Judith. I highly recommend this book as well as "Eastern Body/Western Mind"

Never read, but heard good things.

Heard this book is amazing. Going to read it soon! (again)


Great book, educational, yet easy to read. Helped my anxiety, and gave me insight to the energy around my body and me. Really like this book.

Poor quality

I am trying to currently read this, so my review isn’t based on content. I’m 25 pages in and the book is falling apart!!! I had to binder clip the book back together. So by page 412, I’m sure I will no longer have an actual book, just pages. Ugh

Blank page

I'd love to book somebody I know recommended it unfortunately page 129 is blank other than that I love to book.

Life changing

This book changed my life. It is full of wisdom and has helped me discover more about myself than I ever thought possible.

One Star



Love this book. Good descriptions and understanding of the Chakra System. Contains useful meditations and education to help you to understand yourself and get to know yourself. Ms. Judith has a firm grasp on the subject and this book is a wonderful teacher.

Well written

Well written and great information about chakra system

great book

A little long winded, but a lot of great info.

Ayeeee 👍👍(in my fonzy voice)

I am very happy with this book so far, it is very helpful and even has pictures so you can innerstand better. I'd recommend this to many people who are interested in spirituality, it covers the basics and offers advanced teachings.

Great Book,

Really enjoyed this book. Filled with lots of useful information on Chakras, learning what they are, where they are and if you have one that is blocked exercises on how to help. If you look on the back the author has her own website, and she has free classes sometimes on chakras and well being worth looking into!

Interesting and informative

Very informative. Great book to learn about chakras.

Very interesting so far! It's hard for me to ...

Very interesting so far! It's hard for me to stay intrigued with a book, but this one keeps me on the edge of my seat.

Wonderful Charka reference guide

Excellent book. Am reading it cover to cover. Purchased it for a class who is using this book as a base reference. Full of great info an details

Truly a Guide

This book started slow for me however picked up and I wasn't able to put it down. Try to not get caught up in the verbiage and definitions as it can be overwhelming. This book guides you through so much helpful information. I feel much more knowledgable and informed

Great information

Great information

Good Guide

Learned a lot of useful information about myself.

A very thorough examination of the chakra system.

A very thorough examination of the chakra system. I had to read this book as part of a yoga teacher training program and I learned a great deal from it, as well as enjoyed it. It is well written and researched, plus interesting to read.

A must read

Everything you need to know about the chakras right here! I have been reading this book for 4 years now I can never seem to let go of it. Her poetry at the beginning of each chakra is beautiful

stellar customer service!!

nice selection of books to choose from and customer service is very quick to respond!


Misprint. Missing reference photos in the book. Just great.

Five Stars

Love it!!!!

There is so much amazing information in this book

There is so much amazing information in this book. I would recommend it to ANYONE who is new to learning about chakras. It was fascinating.

Good book

I enjoyed reading this book and it gave me a lot of new information as well as a reference

Simply Amazing

Chakras simplified. Amazing journey through the chakras. Practical as well, can’t wait to read it again, with the exercises this time.

Great book

Another great book for spiritual path

Always learning

I found this a really informative book. Judith gave wonderful examples and the explanations were mostly clear. It opened my mind to understand the chakras and hungry to know more. The children chapter is useful, I will definitely apply it a I teach in class.

A reference guide for the soul

Thus book shines a light on the interconnected realities of our inner and outer being. Like a good typographical map for how energy manifests for humans on a subtle plane.

Loved this read

Loved this read, got really engulfed in it. Well written and easy to follow. A must read for learning the chakras.

Great buy

Fantastic condition, thank you!

Four Stars

Interesting for knowledge of chakras

Informative and would highly recommend.

Easy read. I bought this based on reviews and am so happy I did. I bought a couple other books that weren't nearly as informative and an easy read.

Everything You Always ys Wanted to Know About the Chakras

Great book concerning Chakras. Very well- written!! 👍👍👍👍👍

Five Stars

A seemingly complex concept made easy to understand.

Incredible read.

This books teaches so much, it’s a long read, but I’m always referring back to it.

It’s not a bad book but definitely observe and analyze each content in the book

The book isn’t too bad. I don’t agree with everything the author said. However, I did notice some contradictions and I feel that the scientific information may be too much and I can tell that the author relies on scientific information a lot.

Happy to have this book

A fellow yoga instructor show me this book at her workshop. It was a required reading for her up coming 200 hours. I am happy I got this book. It has good information on the history of yoga if you care to get detailed. You can also skip that part & move on to other information the way the author wrote & formatted the boo. Great add to a yogi library.

Best book ever

Best book ever If you are looking for your spiritual side and want to know better your chakra this is the book

Useful guide

As a beginner studying chakra theory, and a bit of a skeptic, I really appreciate this book. I bought this to complement my studies in a Classical Yoga teacher training program, and find it invaluable. The chapters on each chakra really helped me understand the depth at which these energies manifest in our bodies, relationships, mental states, and lives overall. The chapters at the end which discuss chakras on a global scale kind of blew my mind. As a skeptic, I have to say that everything in here made sense to me on an intellectual level (though I have yet to develop much sensitivity to these energies in my own being). I took off one star because the author seems to arbitrarily bring in tarot, astrology, and some other ideas which seem superfluous and unnecessary (and doesn't cite the basis for the connection, leaving the reader to wonder). Overall, I find this a useful reference, and along with Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, it has greatly supported my understanding of chakra theory.




This book is my "go to" book on chakras and how to integrate this knowledge into the whole body and life. I would highly recommend it!

A classic contempo metaphysical read

I'm really enjoying this book. I've been reading it really slowly so as to savor its meaning because I think if you go too fast, you can miss a lot. Provides an interesting framework to look at energy, life, connection,....

A nice read

Very inspiring


My wife loves this book and has completely begun living a better life

Love this book

Love this book

Great to be on Kindle

I bought this book many years ago and keep going back to it. It's definitely a classic. One of my favorites. So when I saw the Kindle edition I bought it. If you have an interest in the Chakra system this book is for you. It also has information on many other sciences. I would highly recommend this book. Thank you Anodea!

An excellent handbook, a must-read.

This timeless classic of New Age philosophy has been used by multiple teachers over the years, and for good reasons. It is very thorough, and offers much to the reader who wishes to learn more about chakras. No matter what kind of previous knowledge you have of chakras, you will learn something new from this book.



Kinda disappointed ☹️

Not the updated version the photo depicts.... also I would call poor condition in my opinion I am sad to receive this book and I hope to return this and get my money back or get the right version of this book

Get the book, skip the audio.

I love this book. My only recommendation would be to skip the audible version if you're getting the kindle book. The narrator sounds like a robot and doesn't recognize the first paragraph of text in the meditations, which is the entire reason I got the audible portion portion!

Wheels of Life

Good book. Still reading it.

A go to book on the chakra system

I initially borrowed this book from the library. I liked it so much I ended up ordering it. It's very well written. I am a Reiki Master and teach foundational information on the chakras. This book gave me some excellent ideas to teach how the chakras function.

Great book

A truely amazing book i highly recommend to anyone that's interested in learning about the chakra system might just change your life

Great book! Great information!

I love this book! It has so much info on chakra healing! I plan on doing a podcast on this book and each specific chakra. When I was in school, we used Anodea Judith's books as text books so this is a great book!

Great product!

Great product!

A great guide as to learning how to open and releasing ...

A great guide as to learning how to open and releasing energy from your chakra points. I give this book 5 out of 5.

Excellent resource book.

This is an excellent resource for understanding the chakras and their relationship with colors, sounds and words. The background information provides an excellent context to the material and let's novices, experts and those in between use the as they see fit. I use it as a reference book and have recommeded it to many others who have found it very useful.

Five Stars

Wonderful book. Tons of info. I love it way worth the price

New perspective

This book was very enlightening. It definitely points out a lot of interesting perspectives, at the same time aligning with all common sense and common knowledge of life and beliefs. I also feel a lot better knowing I'm not the only one who thinks this way! This was my first purchase on Chakras and alignment.

The "Inside & Out" of the Chakra System

When reading this book you get the overwhelming feeling that not only does the author have extensive knowledge of the Chakra system, but has a deep passion for the subject matter as well. Random illustrations, contextualized theories ("traditionally this is believed...this group believes this...I believe this" [it all jives together well]) and all in an easy to read format. Love it - what more can I say?!

Five Stars

This is the Chakra Bible as far as I'm concerned

Great book

Everything you need to know about the chakras. Great notes and bibliography. If you're interested in this topic get this book.

Excellent book that is so easy to read

Excellent book that is so easy to read. I have trouble putting it down once I start reading. Great exercises at the end of each chapter for the chakras to help open them up. After I finish it will be a great reference tool to use for always.

Five Stars

A great book and a great guide for those looking to explore the chakras

Great buy!

Love this book

well written

I don't know much about chakras and want to know what everyone's talking about. This is well written with a brief history which provides logical understanding of why this has been believed for so long. The author is a good teacher.

Great Read!

It is very insightful and has helped me in my understanding of my goal of reaching enlightenment. A great research tool, I recommend it, among other books to learn as much as you can. Not to mention it is an easy read, so if you are new to the Chakra System, this book puts it in easy to understand way so that readers of all stages in their learning process can wrap their heads around.

Five Stars

Good stuff written here

Love it

Great book for learning btge chakras.

Great basic guide to chakras

A terrific basic guide to the chakra system. I will use this as a reference and return to it again and again!

Good buy

Book was is really good condition. Didnt give it a five only because there was a significant amount of writing inside the whole book.

Five Stars

good read

If you want to learn about the chakra this is the book you need.

The most comprehensive book about the chakras ever written.

Love it! Love! Great Reference Book!

Love this book! It had been so helpful as I explore how the chakras function throughout my body. I love it so much that I just ordered a second one for our niece for her college graduation. Others posted about the taking of dugs, but it was taken out of text..completely out of text. I don't drink or use recreational drugs but what she wrote was so mild and not an issue. It was more of an explanation how certain drugs affect us. She also explained that drugs aren't the only way to reach that level. Actually it maybe me proud to know I can do the same thing drug free. It may be more difficult but I understood that part of the process is the journey and I preferr to obtain that level as pure as I can and without the aid of drugs :)

Five Stars

Perfect! Fast Shipping! ^_^

Amazing 5 star rating

I never write reviews on amazon but this book is exceptional. She is truly gifted. Amazing 5 star rating.


Love the detailed work in the book. It's very complete & descriptive. Highly recommend to anyone wanting to learn about chakra's.


Great read

Everything there is to know about chakras an

Great book. Will deff recommend.

Good read

Great book

Four Stars

Can be boring at times but this book can provide some unique and interesting insights.

Five Stars

Love this book. I'm new to learning about the Chakra system. Easy to read and informative. Highly recommend.

Fantastic book with just the right amount of detail.

Fantastic book with just the right amount of detail.

will change your life

I purchased this book and didn't know much about chakras. this book brought me to tears and helped me get in touch with my soul, my goodness! this woman is a genius. she explains each chakra and goes in depth with opening meditations for each chapter. also writes a couple of stones that corresponds with each chakra so you can buy some of the stones. must read.

Five Stars

My favorite book for the Chakra. Very readable.

Nice shape

This book is in good shape. Haven’t started reading yet but can’t wait.

must have for beginners!

I bought it used. By far the most amazing introduction book to Chakras!! Love it!

Amazingly written with great imagery and connections to the wheels as found in ...

Amazingly written with great imagery and connections to the wheels as found in our modern-day. Absolutely beautiful, could not recommend enough -- haven't even tried the yoga poses at the back of each Chakra chapter and I love it. This book gives you a lot to work on!

Great Condition, Amazing Book

Amazing book. Information as well as movement and meditations. Great for beginners who know nothing about energy/spiritual healing. It was clear and direct. Book was in great condition.

Five Stars

Very nice.

Five Stars

Maybe more information that I want but very interesting and I am enjoying learning.

Five Stars

beautiful, large book, very informative, a gift for my niece


i enjoy reading the chakra,,,, going through the pages really gives me insite on just everything around me,, im still reading the book and at times i go back to pages and read to make sure i understand,, i love this book:-)

Five Stars

Must buy if new to this. Well written.


Anothea Judith has written a classic with this extensive study of the chakras. It is brilliantly researched and written from both a scientific and metaphysical perspective. If you want to learn about the chakra system and chakra healing, you won't be disappointed with this great book!

This book is amazing

This book is amazing I’ve never left a review in my life but this book is really that great.

Great connections and wonderful read!

I just love this book. It's not only an easy read but you unknowingly get sucked in and can't put it down. I don't always find that with books that aren't fiction and are more informational. The way she connects everything and speaks about everything is exactly the way that I see and feel things, it's incredible and gives you goosebumps! She speaks very naturally and isn't patronizing or lecturing; it just is how it is. I definitely recommend this book for anybody, whether you're a highly spiritual and in-tune individual or just someone looking for some introductory, enlightening reading.

Wheels of life

This book is very in depth. She thoroughly has done her homework to learn everything about the chakras. Some is so in depth I got confused at times, but this book is full of great information.

Very handy

You won't regret buying this if you're a new timer or old timer in new age philosophy.


This book is perfect. It gives you all the information you could possibly want about the chakra system. I'm thinking of reading it again.

Too Advanced for Me (A Beginner)

I would recommend this book to someone who is familiar with chakra work and not a novice. I found it hard to follow and too detailed because I lacked knowledge of the basics. It came highly recommended by several of my more advanced friends. I hear it is one of the best resources around on the subject.

Glad to have read it.....and glad to not read again.

Though I appreciate a lot of this book's content, finishing the last page felt much like graduating from college. Felt like work.

This is a fantastic book. I am on my third time reading ...

This is a fantastic book. I am on my third time reading it and I am loving it all over again

Good book!

I read some of the meditations out to a yoga class. Went very well. Good book!

Great Book

I really enjoyed the layout and detail of this book. I plan to read it many times until I can really understand the chakra system and it's effects on our lives. I highly recommend this book.

Five Stars

Probably the best book you will find on the subject!

Five Stars

Love this book too... Great information to balance my Chakras.

Excellent Tool

I own this in paper form but I have gone to digital so I repurchased it. If you don't understand Chakras or our energy system or want more insight - this is a great book.

Five Stars

The best chakra book yet

Five Stars

This book is very detailed and over my head on the subject

Five Stars

I am building a library and I couldn't resist adding this book to my collection of books.

Four Stars

Excellent read for anyone interested in chakras.

Five Stars

One of the" Best" books i have read in a long time.The audio is also very professional.

Very informative

Love this book!

On the list: Deserted island books

Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or have practiced for some time, this book is an invaluable reference for all. It simply deserves a spot in your library. It goes well beyond the metaphysical punch list that I have encountered in other worthy works. The thorough history, yoga tips, psychological perspectives and writer's style add up to more than a "how to" and has helped me immensely on my journey. Blessed be, Anodea Judith!

Great book

One of the best on chakras. I used this to help teach a workshop on yoga & chakras. Xoxo xo

Great book for beginners!

This book is amazing! It breaks everything down so I understood it all! Also contains exercises for each chakra! I love it & I would recommend buying it!

Essential Wisdom

This extensive work reveals the hidden workings of this ancient, mystical system in ways both accessible and with profound meaning.

Rating condition

Said "very good" condition. Was in ok condition to say the least.


Well written and easy to use. Informative and helped me really understand chakra's and how to open them. Easy to read.

Five Stars

Good book.

For the first timer or pro!

This book breaks down with much detail all the Chakras. This is great for the beginners and it's a nice refresher/reference book for those that have been in it for a while. It's like a dictionary of Chakras.

The Chakra Reference Book

I have owned this book for several years, but decided to review it, as I continue to consult it frequently. It is the best reference guide to the chakra system that I have ever found - which is why I go back to it, again and again. As a Reiki Master, I teach others about chakras, present workshops and experience chakra energies while doing Reiki sessions with clients. The book gives so much information, I always learn something new. A must-have for anyone interested in energy healing.

Chakra Book

Very informative book. It covers so much on the Chakra system. Very easy and in depth easy to understand information.

The recipient loved it.

Bought it as a gift, The recipient loved it.

informative and thought provoking

I understand the chakra system and how to use a pendulum in conjuction a whole better now, thanks to this book! Thank you

Lots of good info

This book is very insightful and very useful if you are new to studying the chakra system. Easy read. Try it!

Not quite brand new

Bent cover. Didn’t seem brand new.

The absolute best book on chakras ever written

The best. Buy this book above all others if you are learning about chakras for meditation, healing, or reiki purposes.

A must read

This book is a must read for anyone interested in understanding the Chakras. The book was very comprehensive and very well written.

awesome read! Will be placing this in my reading ...

awesome read! Will be placing this in my reading room for my reiki practice


Book arrived in what I would say is Perfect Condition!

Five Stars

Love it!

Great read

Amazing book to reflect on

Five Stars

Comprehensive guide. Well explained.

Learned a lot.

Worth a read if you're just starting your spiritual journey.


Excellent condition! Cannot wait to read.

Five Stars


Most comprehensive chakra book ever

This has long been my favorite chakra book ever. So happy to see it in e-book form. Everything you need to know about chakras is here.

Four Stars

read several times

Love this book!

Anodea is the go-to-gal when it comes to chakras. This book is very consise and gives in-depth information about each chakra.

Came just as described

No problems at all

My favorite book about Chakras

I bought this book because I wanted to understand more about chakras and how the aura works. It not only explained that it perfect clarity but also describes how they work on the basis of liberating and manifesting creative energy, which I found to be very enlightening. This is the book to have about chakras!

Read this if you’re interested in Chakras

So insightful and well written. A delight to be enjoyed in small bites.

It’s great vast philosophy

Spiritual purposes

Five Stars


Five Stars

Easier to read then the old edition.

Good Choice

This guide is a good guide to have. I feel comfortable with the design of the materials and flow of the book..

Love this book

A must have reference book for those learning about the chakra system. Exceeded my expectations!

Worth the Read to Recognize This Is A Two Way Ride We're On

This is a fairly good book on Chakras. It is certainly well known. I have been studying and working with chakras, trying to get them, since the seventies with Arthur Avalon's "Serpent Power". I can understand why the author might think her idea of a descending current, in addition to an ascending current, is novel at the time she wrote this book. The emphasis on what I read under yogic systems was concerned almost exclusively with raising Kundalini through the chakras in an ascending direction. Yes, there was some vague mumbo-jumbo about reaching and piercing the seventh chakra and some kind of vague, wonderful, iridescent colors shooting out and raining down. But, there was no detail about what was going on in this rain. It reminded me of the strong man carnival attraction. If you remember it, it was the one a guy used to impress his girl friend back in the fifties when I was a kid. You's take a huge mallet and hit a lever at the bottom of a tall pole sending a weight up the pole. If you were strong enough, your weight went up all the way to the top, rang a bell, your girlfriend swooned at your manly manness, and she got a prize. Maybe you got laid. No one paid attention to the weight when it descended. All eyes were on its upward journey and whether it rose high enough to ring the bell. I always wondered about the one way nature of this. I was unclear how it could be self-sustainable. I didn't feel like whacking a spiritual mallet all of my life in order to achieve a permanent state. When I read about the Taoist Chinese view of the cosmic or universe orbit, the microcosmic or small universe, orbit, I understood the rising current up the spine and the descending current down the front of the body (sometimes equated with an energetic path that the alimentary canal follows, an elimination path down and along the front). Here, at least, I saw what could be sustainable as the orbit naturally goes around and around, up and down. Two ways, not just one way. The ascending current is often called an earthly flow from Mother Earth and the descending current a heavenly flow from Father Sky. I experience the earthly, upward flow as golden yellow; it is creative, powerful, and generative. Sexual energy is a notable example of it. I experience the downward flow as violet, higher in wave length, higher frequency, and more refined than raw, as a kind of loving, blessing energy. The level of understanding of chakras in this book seems to me to be a little light and conventional. I do not know if it appears conventional to me now because of works that follow this book; perhaps it was cutting edge at the time. If you are new to chakras and beginning to comprehend them, this is likely to be a good choice for you. If you are further along the path, you can profit from this book by consolidating what you know. For this reader, I would not expect many revelations. On a scale of one to seven, I give it a two. That's mainly because most of us are at a two, or a three. With all of the violence in the world, especially as it saturates our entertainment, I often see us as a group engaged in power plays of one sort or another. All argument and conflict seems to call for violence and death. Sad, really, to still be on this level. Perhaps we will ascend to the next level, the heart level, where we see others as ourselves, rather than the third level, where we seem to be now, where we see others as adversaries. This beats the second level where we see others as ways to gratify us, what we can get from another that we believe we need, or the first where we can see others at odds with our own survival, based on primitive fear. So as to end on a more positive note, these changes are state changes, similar to changes on the quantum level where material bodies act more energetically than physically and are either are in one state or another, or both, without transitioning through intermediate states. For us, all it takes to change state, from one chakra to another, is a shift in our minds. This shift occurs instantly. It does not require time, a long time, or any time. It does not involve the effort of changing external things; it is an internal shift. The exterior remains as it is; what shifts is what we make of the external. To me, rising to the seventh chakra is less than half the story. Now, after raising the Earth to the heavens, we need to bring down the heavens to the Earth. This improves our state so that the next orbit is deeper, and so on. We can go from a one sot peak experience to a sustained and repetitive, permanent state.

I like it very much

This is a very detail system for the chakras. I like it very much


Extremely useful for reference or for reading

Very heady...

If you're not ready to get swallowed up in the heavy and sometimes overwhelming dialogue, then it's the book for you. I wish it were just a little simpler to read and digest.

Five Stars

I was looking for a good book on Chakra's and I found it.

Doesn't hold my interest

Reads like a textbook - hard to keep my concentration on content. Would use for reference material more than for leisure reading.

favorite yoga book

this book is a must for any serious yogini. it covers all the chakras and has poses and the meanings behind them. love it

Amazing Book.

Amazing book. Wish I had found it before. Helpful from start to finish.

Five Stars

Great reference guide.

Five Stars


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