What Was The Boston Tea Party? (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition)

Kindle Edition
06 Feb
"No Taxation without Representation!" The Boston Tea Party stands as an iconic event of the American Revolution—outraged by the tax on tea, American colonists chose to destroy the tea by dumping it into the water! Learn all about the famed colonialists who fought against the British Monarchy, and read about this act of rebellion from our history! With black-and-white illustrations throughout and sixteen pages of photos, the Boston Tea party is brought to life!

Reviews (67)

Big Idea

Affectionately referred to by Pam, our town librarian, as the "Big Head Books," this series profiles both people "Who Was ...?" and events "What Was ...?" in a 100-page, illustrated, pocket-sized paperback. Each cover features a character with an enormous head upon a little body - basically a caricature-style drawing that makes the book approachable to the target age range of 8-12 years. The tales of biography and events spring to life in these distinctive, clever, yet historical tomes which are a cross between chapter books and graphic novels. They are expertly written and feature sidebar pages of maps and "did you know" blurbs. Each page has an easily digestible 100 words with an average of 10 chapters per book and includes a timeline and a bibliography at the back. Confident readers will enjoy the easy-to-read format and interesting range of personalities - from

This book is not 112 pages - it is 97 pages, that's all.

For a school project, I needed a book on the Boston Tea Party that was at least 110 pages long. I thought this book would meet the requirement because the advertisement on Amazon says it is 112 pages, but it isn't, it is only 97 pages.

Great for Reports

I was doing a report for class on the Boston Tea Party, and being a strait A student, I tend to look for books with the most information neatly organized. It is a great book full of tons of facts. It is good for reports and has WWWWHW (who, what, where, when, how, why). It is also good if you are someone who enjoys reading history.

Good history

Another great history book for kids (and adults). Puts the facts out there in an easy read format. I love these books.

Want to love it, but it is poorly organized.

We loves this series of books - we actually use them for homeschooling (this one was for our 2nd grader). This book, however, really disappointed me. It was so disorganized, jumping around, not pulling topics together well for a first time student on this subject. Perhaps the error is mine, in that I selected something too advanced for a novice on this subject. Regardless of knowledge level, however, I do feel a book should be well organized and this one dropped the ball, in my opinion. I couldn't recommend it and will try to return it.

Good reading for all ages

As I said about the Statue of Liberty book, they are wonderful books for all ages. My 11 and 8 year old grandsons enjoy them and read them immediately upon receiving them. I too found them interesting.

Five Stars

my kids all love the who/what was series.

Five Stars

My son started this series last year when he was in third grade, he still loves it.


Perfect reading level for my 9yr old for her school project.

Great series

Educational and easy to understand

Big Idea

Affectionately referred to by Pam, our town librarian, as the "Big Head Books," this series profiles both people "Who Was ...?" and events "What Was ...?" in a 100-page, illustrated, pocket-sized paperback. Each cover features a character with an enormous head upon a little body - basically a caricature-style drawing that makes the book approachable to the target age range of 8-12 years. The tales of biography and events spring to life in these distinctive, clever, yet historical tomes which are a cross between chapter books and graphic novels. They are expertly written and feature sidebar pages of maps and "did you know" blurbs. Each page has an easily digestible 100 words with an average of 10 chapters per book and includes a timeline and a bibliography at the back. Confident readers will enjoy the easy-to-read format and interesting range of personalities - from

This book is not 112 pages - it is 97 pages, that's all.

For a school project, I needed a book on the Boston Tea Party that was at least 110 pages long. I thought this book would meet the requirement because the advertisement on Amazon says it is 112 pages, but it isn't, it is only 97 pages.

Great for Reports

I was doing a report for class on the Boston Tea Party, and being a strait A student, I tend to look for books with the most information neatly organized. It is a great book full of tons of facts. It is good for reports and has WWWWHW (who, what, where, when, how, why). It is also good if you are someone who enjoys reading history.

Good history

Another great history book for kids (and adults). Puts the facts out there in an easy read format. I love these books.

Want to love it, but it is poorly organized.

We loves this series of books - we actually use them for homeschooling (this one was for our 2nd grader). This book, however, really disappointed me. It was so disorganized, jumping around, not pulling topics together well for a first time student on this subject. Perhaps the error is mine, in that I selected something too advanced for a novice on this subject. Regardless of knowledge level, however, I do feel a book should be well organized and this one dropped the ball, in my opinion. I couldn't recommend it and will try to return it.

Good reading for all ages

As I said about the Statue of Liberty book, they are wonderful books for all ages. My 11 and 8 year old grandsons enjoy them and read them immediately upon receiving them. I too found them interesting.

Five Stars

my kids all love the who/what was series.

Five Stars

My son started this series last year when he was in third grade, he still loves it.


Perfect reading level for my 9yr old for her school project.

Great series

Educational and easy to understand

Five Stars

These are great books for all ages to read when trip planning.

GREAT Non-fiction for kids

My students LOVE these books... everyone one of the Who was/What was/Who is/What is series are devoured by my students. Thank you for making this series. My students have a serious passion for history and social studies.


Good book. Kids love it

Perfect for a 7th Grade Book Report

My son needed a book for a 7th grade assignment where he needed to create a newspaper during the time of the American Revolution. This book was an easy read and it was a nice option instead of going to Google for all other research.

Good book

Great price for this book.

Our favorite books

There are some of our favorite books that we add to our history lessons in homeschool. I love all the details these books offer.

Kids learn history

Great book!! This is a wonderful way to teach kids about history




Great for our homeschooling library! So informative!

What Was The Boston Tea Party?

I learned about the Boston Tea Party in elementary school many years ago. Now I only remember that a bunch of people in Boston got mad at the British and dumped a lot of tea in the Boston harbor. In "What Was the Boston Tea Party?" one can almost hear the drumbeat of events starting at the end of the French and Indian War and leading to the Boston Tea Party. To begin with, the British, who had never levied direct taxes against the colonists, demanded the colonists pay for the French and Indian war and levied the Stamp Tax to collect payment. As soon as the Stamp Tax ended, due to universal protest among the colonists, the Townshend Acts passed. In order to keep the colonists in line, British troops were sent to Boston. However, this only enraged the colonists further. British troops had previously only been used to protect the colonists, not police them. One event like this followed another. Kathleen Krull makes clear, by marching through each of these events, that the Boston Tea Party was inevitable. And the Boston Tea Party was, she says "one of the most powerful protests ever, rocking the world and in time leading to the birth of a whole new country." I thought the Boston Tea Party was a chaotic event. Not so! It was very well planned and well-orchestrated and it was quiet. It was also a nonviolent event and is thus significant to the nonviolent political movements that followed. The book spends a bit of time after the Boston Tea Party explaining the events between the tea party, in 1773, and the beginning of the Revolutionary War in 1775. In the middle of the book there are 16 pages of photographs and photos of paintings including portraits of leaders of the Revolutionary War and pictures that record well known events such as an engraving by Paul Revere of the Boston Massacre. The illustrations are pen and ink with details that add to the story. In the back of the book there is a timeline of the Boston Tea Party as well as a timeline of the world. There is a bibliography which includes both books and websites. Unfortunately, there is no index. I am so glad to know the context of the Boston Tea Party. It enhances my appreciation of the generation of Americans that included our founding fathers.

Boston Yea Party

This book is full of knowledge and understanding and fun to make kids want to read. My daughter loved this book and I liked it to. Thank you for helping my daughter see what reading is all about.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Great books!


Love it ! No taxation without representation ! I want you to get this. I love the facts in it !

Five Stars

Great Product!

Boston tea party

I thought it was great I didn't know that what we think the boston tea party isn't really true it was very good

Buy it!

I bought tis for elementary library I work at. Students love it, it is constantly checked out.

Easy and fun to read, learned lots

Read this book with my 8- and 10-year-old daughters on our way to Boston. Helped us get more out of our 2-day visit.

Five Stars


Great item

Very very happy with my purchase.

Great reading for young minds.

Our Grandson loves this series

Five Stars

Great for our young reader. We all learn a lot from these books when they are read out loud.

Good Series

My kids really like this series and we have purchased a number of these. Well written and the children have really enjoyed. I like that they are learning a lot and keep on asking for more. They have reallie one a lot from this series. They also like the Pompeii book.


It is very learning and I'm sher it will help the kids in history. I was an awesome book. Awsome job.


This book help my friend's daughter on a test !! She got an A+ . We are all very proud!!


The book was really short and interesting:) la la la la la la la la la la la la la.


Tells you slot of good history facts in the book. Th hat is why I think I t is good.

These books are amazing for young readers

These books are amazing for young readers, and very well written to hold interest in a very educational way! My grandson reads to me and amazing how much I didn't learn or need refreshing on !

Great for boys at tea party

My daughter had some boys invited to her tea party birthday and some were a little older (2nd grade) so this was the perfect book for them as a takeaway.

Good book for some history

Great book! Makes you want to learn more.

it was good

It was good book because it was painful when children got killed. It was sad but I love it, really.

Why did I chose this rating?

I chose this rating because it was a really cool book but did not have enough information about The Boston Tea Party, it was mostly about the Revolutionary War.


Sent to my grandkids 10 and 8 years old. 8 year old had problems reading it. 10 year old thought it was "okay".

Boston Tea Party

I recommend this book to kids just getting into history. I liked the detail in this book. I rated this book four stars because youngsters will enjoy this book!

Best Boston Tea Party book I've seen.

In studying children's books on the Boston Tea Party, I've been collecting them for several months, and looking at just how understandable, educational, and enjoyable they can be. I loved this one, which is not something I can say about many. Krull's accuracy, pace, and language are informative without overloading young readers, and the illustrations are icing on the cake. This is simply a great book for intelligent young readers.

What was the Boston Tea Party?

I have read a lot of these books. When you read this book you learn a lot about Samuel Adams, and other people like Paul Revere. It tells how this fueled the colonies toward the Revolutionary War.

The best chapter [according to me] is “Party Time”

The book is about a city named Boston whose people wants tea but the the king says no, so he raises the tax so no one would want tea because he wanted more money because so many people wanted tea. The people, angered, attack tax collectors and refuse to buy tea, until coffee became the preferred American drink. The best chapter [according to me] is “Party Time”. First, the protesters look funny when the fail to dress up like Indians. They got many flaws in their costumes and didn’t talk like them. Second, I like how they brought weapons. They looked tough and thought about if they encountered officers who might attack them. Last, I like how they were peaceful and didn’t cause any deaths. In summary, the chapter “Party Time” is my favorite. I would recommend the book “What Was The Boston Tea Party?” First, it is very informational. People can learn about the party and what happens. Second, it shows a timeline to help the reader. The timeline compares what was happening in the world and in Boston. Last, it gives pictures. The pictures help see what what things looked like and people. In summary the book “What Was The Boston Tea Party?” should be recommended to all. -M.


I'm wondering what the people who participated in this protest would think about all of the ridiculous taxes we have today! Rather inspiring.

Very good way to present history.

This is a very good way to teach history to young people. The book is easy to read and explains the Boston Tea Party in terms that are understandable. I can see this book being very appealing to readers and especially for reluctant readers. The pictures are nice and fun, I think. I am glad to see history presented in this manner.

It was awesome

Gave lots of info about the Boston Tea Party. Great book, and gives history of what kids need to know about the tea party.

Fascinating book

I believe that this book is perfect for children because it is not just factual, but it explains the Boston tea party very well as a kid after reading this book I understand the Boston tea party so well I could have been in it. I also love it because It many details of the tea party, and it has many biographies of the people who attended the party, so you get to hear there point of view of how great it was. This book is great for reports or even as enjoyable book cause believe me it is enjoyable, defiantly two thumbs up!!!!

This is a great easy to read book

This is a great easy to read book , that explains the historical event of the Boston Tea Party in a way that young readers can understand . Great addition to the What Was ...series !

Great series!

My 8-year-old son loves this series! We homeschool, and these books are a great supplement to our history curriculum.


I'm giving this book 5 stars because it showed it more than what I learned in 4th grade and it shows a lot of the history, timeline and photographs. The pictures were clear, concise and they were easy to make a inference from the photos. I am a 10 year old 4th grade boy and I loved this book.

Five Stars

My nieces will love it

fun informative reads!

my daughter LOVES these books!

Five Stars

It exceeded all my expectations.

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