What Was the Berlin Wall?

Kindle Edition
23 Sep
The Berlin Wall finally came down in 1989. Now readers can find out why it was built in the first place; and what it meant for Berliners living on either side of it. Here's the fascinating story of a city divided.

In 1961, overnight a concrete border went up, dividing the city of Berlin into two parts - East and West. . The story of the Berlin Wall holds up a mirror to post-WWII politics and the Cold War Era when the United States and the USSR were enemies, always on the verge of war. The wall meant that no one from Communist East Berlin could travel to West Berlin, a free, democratic area. Of course that didn't stop thousands from trying to breech the wall - more than one hundred of them dying in the attempt. (One East Berliner actually ziplined to freedom!) Author Nico Medina explains the spy-vs-spy politics of the time as well as what has happened since the removal of one of the most divisive landmarks in modern history.

Reviews (27)

No room for personal beliefs if presenting nonfiction

My 6-yr-old grandson enjoys books on history. I purchased this one to read with him. It seemed accurate, interesting enough, then Nico Medina finds it necessary to state that a vibrant gay and lesbian social scene emerged in Germany decades before it would in the US. I am not homophobic and have a beloved gay family member. I do not see how this statement is relevant to the information presented in the narrative. Medina doesn’t say Czar Nicholas was heterosexual. Why does he feel he needs to mention sexuality in a nonfiction book about the Berlin Wall written for elementary children? Now instead of discussing the importance of the Berlin Wall with my 6-yr-old grandson, he asks questions about gay and lesbian. This is not normal conversation to have with children during a history lesson. I will not read any nor buy any of Medina’s books for my grandchildren now. Medina ruined an informational book for the purpose of promoting his cause/beliefs. Stick to relevant facts of what you are writing.

Great series of books

Bought this for my son and we read it together. He learned a lot and even I found out some things I hadn’t already known. Have not been disappointed with any of the books in this series.

Great book

Very interesting story about how it started off as just communist V.S capitalism and they keep building fences while many people escaped. It also mentions about the Airlift and how they would drop about 16 million supplies a day. And also when they took the wall down and it was like a party.

I love this series

I love this series of books. Great for homeschooling. Great for young students. But also great as a starting point for people or things they want to learn more about.

Highly Recommend

These books are great! I read them and my kids read them. Accurate information and easy to read and comprehend.

Educational and interesting books on wide variety of subjects

The Who Was, Who Is series of books are great. Well written and easy enough for children and interesting for adults.


Lo utilice para hacer un reporte, tiene mucha información y fotografias del evento.

Great overview for middle schoolers

Great resource for my daughter’s history project.


I love the photo pages in the book!

Great book

Good book

No room for personal beliefs if presenting nonfiction

My 6-yr-old grandson enjoys books on history. I purchased this one to read with him. It seemed accurate, interesting enough, then Nico Medina finds it necessary to state that a vibrant gay and lesbian social scene emerged in Germany decades before it would in the US. I am not homophobic and have a beloved gay family member. I do not see how this statement is relevant to the information presented in the narrative. Medina doesn’t say Czar Nicholas was heterosexual. Why does he feel he needs to mention sexuality in a nonfiction book about the Berlin Wall written for elementary children? Now instead of discussing the importance of the Berlin Wall with my 6-yr-old grandson, he asks questions about gay and lesbian. This is not normal conversation to have with children during a history lesson. I will not read any nor buy any of Medina’s books for my grandchildren now. Medina ruined an informational book for the purpose of promoting his cause/beliefs. Stick to relevant facts of what you are writing.

Great series of books

Bought this for my son and we read it together. He learned a lot and even I found out some things I hadn’t already known. Have not been disappointed with any of the books in this series.

Great book

Very interesting story about how it started off as just communist V.S capitalism and they keep building fences while many people escaped. It also mentions about the Airlift and how they would drop about 16 million supplies a day. And also when they took the wall down and it was like a party.

I love this series

I love this series of books. Great for homeschooling. Great for young students. But also great as a starting point for people or things they want to learn more about.

Highly Recommend

These books are great! I read them and my kids read them. Accurate information and easy to read and comprehend.

Educational and interesting books on wide variety of subjects

The Who Was, Who Is series of books are great. Well written and easy enough for children and interesting for adults.


Lo utilice para hacer un reporte, tiene mucha información y fotografias del evento.

Great overview for middle schoolers

Great resource for my daughter’s history project.


I love the photo pages in the book!

Great book

Good book



Good read

The author claims at the end of this book that Russia interfered with the American 2016 election, yet he gives no proof or sources for his claim. For that alone, the book gets 4 stars instead of 5

Well written

Written so it's engaging yet factual. Keeps kids in the book and yet tells the facts. My daughter loves this series.

My 13 year old loved it!!!

My 13 year old loved it!!!

Good for the kids.

Love these series of books. Kids learn a lot from them. Good purchase

Good book to supplement learning

Perfect book for background reading for my sons school project on the wall

Super colección de libros

La mejor colección de libros. Hasta yo me los leo. A mis hijos se los he ido comprando desde que eran chicos y mi hija de 12 todavía se los lee. Son cortos y escritos muy fácil así que los acaban rápido. Buena lectura para el camión de la escuela.

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