Unhackable: The Elixir for Creating Flawless Ideas, Leveraging Superhuman Focus, and Achieving Optimal Human Performance

Kindle Edition
17 Dec

Human knowledge once doubled every thousand years.

Today, it’s every twelve hours. No wonder we can’t keep up!

Welcome to the Attention Economy—where you are the product. In this digital landscape, they keep score with eyeballs and eardrums. Your attention—even for a few seconds—translates into cold, hard cash they’re willing to manipulate and even hack you for.

The truth is, you’re getting hacked every day, and you don’t even realize it. A hack is when someone or something gains unauthorized access to a computer or a system. Want to know something scary? People can be hacked. It happens millions of times a day. Your focus is the prize—and they’ll hack you to get it.

Does this sound familiar? You cleared your schedule, woke up early, and informed your family and friends you’re unreachable. An entire day dedicated to finally working on your dream. 

Buzz. Ring. Beep. Five minutes in, another disruption. Notifications flash across your screen. Focus. Where were you? Your phone vibrates. Now you crave a distraction and the dopamine fix. Scroll. Scroll. Who are you kidding? Productivity plummets. Morale declines. Your dream gets sidelined and sabotaged—yet again. Unless you’re Unhackable. 

Better than money, power, or connections—Unhackable is the new secret weapon of super achievers—the ones who live their dreams. 

Kary Oberbrunner made it his mission to discover if humans could become Unhackable. After a six-year exploration of neurobiology, art, science, technology, education, athletics, the military, and business, he emerged with an answer—the unmistakable elixir behind all idea achievement and productivity. 

This book reveals that answer in 30 daily missions. Discover how to

  • create a life you love defined by freedom, finances, and fulfillment
  • tap into your hidden ability for superhuman focus to get more done in far less time
  • organize your life around “flow”—where you feel your best and perform your best
  • wake up every day thrilled to live your dream

Ditch the hype. Tap into hope. Science fiction has blurred into science fact. Time to become Unhackable. 

Award-winning author and international entrepreneur Kary Oberbrunner makes high performance, productivity, and goal achievement a breeze for busy professionals struggling to maintain laser focus in a world riddled with distraction.

Reviews (226)

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

Take control of your life and business NOW!

UnHackable has stepped onto the stage at the perfect moment! This year has been harder to focus, accomplish and produce than any other I have ever experienced! Human knowledge once doubled every 1000 years, but today it's every twelve hours with our latest technology. It is hard to keep up, It is easy to get distracted Or HACKED! The information in Unhackable combines a multidisciplinary approach to closing the gap between dreaming and doing.....I've learned techniques for leveraging focus and my productivity has soared as a result! Not only am I producing more in less time, but the ideas are flowing freely and easily. My work is not as difficult and much more enjoyable. I learned that I was living in a constant state of distraction and knew that my friends were too. I love to help Moms and thought this was the perfect book to help them move forward with their parenting in a focused and practical way. So by applying these principles to parenting young adults, we are paving the way for the next generation to produce emotionally competent world-changers! What our world needs is thought leaders and with the constant distraction of technology (hack attack), people are not thinking about their thinking. They are not creating space to focus and produce things that will make a difference in the world. Unhackable helps you train your mind to create the space to create! I highly recommend this book for any professional who wants to excel and be set apart in their business, for any student who feels stuck, for Parents who want to connect with their families and train their kids to become world-changers, or any medical professionals who love their profession but feel like they are in a rut! This book is for you!

Accomplish Your Dreams

This book isn’t for your reading enjoyment. it is for your pleasure in accomplishment. Kary Oberbrunner has researched and put into practice the mindset, the vision, and the determination to crush the resistance of a busy life. We can do the same through this book. His outcomes serve as an inspiration and a guide for myself and countless others to pursue real dreams with real results. I encourage you to read this book and pursue each chapter for the 30 days when it arrives. Your life will be dramatically altered for the better. The course, with a link in the back of the book, can be your encouraging companion for your 30 day journey. I’ve been through the course and highly recommend it. Order it, read it carefully, work the chapters, and experience what is possible in your life. Rick


With everyone vying for our attention virtually every second of the day, it is easy to lose focus and fail to accomplish what we intend to do. Between pings on your cell phone, announcements from your social media groups, blogs, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, children, spouses, and friends needing your attention, it is amazing we get anything done at all. Kary Oberbrunner's book, Unhackable, gives us practical steps to stop getting hacked, keep our focus no matter what is demanding our attention, and accomplish our dreams. With this book, you will be more productive than you thought possible, and keep your attention where YOU want it. In our current world, EVERYONE who wants to accomplish their dreams needs this book. Highly recommended.

Cool author · Great book

Mr. Kary is honest and approachable. I can hear his voice in his writing. It's authentic. Real. Human. Honest. This line early in the book is a pure gem and resonates wildly. It gives me the chills: "Because we’re all connected—look no further than the current global crisis—the way you live your life shapes the way other people live theirs." In short, when the author refers to our life being hacked he is saying: "We fail to implement our ideas." (Page 11.) We have so much influence on those around us. I think it's much more than many of us can ever imagine. The question for myself: Do I give others reason to entertain excuses or live wildly—fully alive? A fully lived life! Yes! This guy is talking to me: "If you’re at a difficult place devoid of belief, then borrow mine. When you get to the end of this book, you’ll see why." This fellow writes so approachable! "Ideas and implement. Dream and then do." These may sound like cliches, but they're coming from Mr. Kary, a communicator I'm ready and wiling to learn from. Mr. Kary even implies action by instead of calling the "chapters" chapters, they're called "days". "Do it", he's saying. On Day One, the encouragement: "Live the story you want to tell." Good advice. On Page 4: "Sure, we have ideas, but up until now, we’ve been unable to implement most of them. Our unfulfilled dreams weigh heavy, like a thick coat drenched by an uninvited downpour." He's speaking clearly. Day One ends on hope (Page 17): "Now, write your new story. Rather than focusing on what you don’t have, write out what you want instead. Don’t write in the future tense—I will have or I will be. Instead, write in the present tense—I have or I am." Thanks for inspiring me, Mr. Kary. Thanks for your faithfulness in writing what's been burning within. I'm looking forward to walking with you over the next five days through your mini-course into the "Land of Unhackability". High salute, sir!

Truly a life changer

I LOVE this book! Unhackable helped my change my entire mindset and outlook on life. I was getting hacked in so many areas of my life and I didn't even realize it. The best thing was this book helped me recognize that life can change for the better. The daily missions helped me gain so much clarity and reframe how I see myself and the world. I learned that just because I believed a certain way (up until now) I can flip how I believe. I always told myself I was a night owl and not a morning person...up until now. Now I tell myself I can go to sleep earlier and get up earlier and I do. It is my new routine, my new story and my new life. Books do change lives and this one will if you allow it. Enjoy your unhackable journey.

Simple, day by day action steps

First of all, I love the concept of this book- we're all getting hacked in so many ways, and it's really easy to default to that being an excuse for why we're not successful or moving forward on things we care about. Step one? Recognized you are being hacked- as a successful business owner, I was sure I had a tight grip on my schedule, life, and interruptions. But this book made me realize otherwise. What I loved about it was that it's broken down into days. I'm certainly guilty of reading books and implementing NONE of the stuff inside. I love that I can pick this up and work continuously on something each day for a month- and then if I fall behind or find out I've been hacked I can start again. This book is well written and well organized.

Closing the Gap, Love This Book!

This book is awesome. I love the applicable way of 'doing it' and not just reading another how to book. Also, I did it once with my mind focused on being unhackable in my work life, then I did it again with my focus being on my personal life. Anyone who reads this will benefit, because it's all about stopping the distractions that can and do hold you back. Thanks Kary, I'm 'unhackable' and going to pass my book on. Niccie

What or Who Is In Control Of Your Mind?

We are inundated with so much information and media, our brains are on overload and overwhelm. Unhackable gives practical steps for you to create awareness and take control. Although this was written before the movie "The Social Dilemma" came out, this book gives you tools to keep from being manipulated. Get ready to start 30 days to creating a life you love, tap into massive focus, thrive in the areas where you feel and perform your best, and wake up every day ready to crush the day.

Thirty Days to Life-Changing Results

We live in a world filled with distractions and diversions which can easily hack us and keep us from fulfilling our potential and achieving our greatest yearning or "boon." Kary Oberbrunner's book, Unhackable, provides the "elixir" for closing the gap between dreaming and doing. Through the daily journey and series of exercises, Unhackable will help the reader to become more productive, fulfilled, and focused. As the author says, "If we want a big win, we need to have a big why." Daily reflection and small steps will enable the reader to experience more clarity, confidence, and commitment to achieving their boon. Unhackable people eliminate self-limiting beliefs to embrace their divine DNA, becoming the person God created them to be. Follow along on this 30 day journey with author Kary Oberbrunner and you too can experience life-changing results.

Getting hacked kills your dreams- Unhackable will ignite them!

I never realized how badly I was getting hacked before, until experiencing Unhackable. This book spells it out in a clear, easy to understand way. All those unfinished projects, unrealized dreams, the fear of failing causing me to not even try - it was my mind being hacked. After reading Unhackable I get it. The news, politics, unrest, social media, even my smartphone - it's all a giant hack distracting me from my dreams and goals. If you are anything like me, frustrated about lack of productivity or feelings of not being all you were meant to be, Unhackability is your cure. With 30 days of actionable content to help you get laser focused, every day you don't read this book is another day lost. I highly recommend starting it today!

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

Real Help that Leads to Real Change

I love the book Unhackability: Close The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing. I needed this book. You see, I got hacked in my emotions. My emotions had affected my dream. I used to be a people-pleaser. This book spoke to where I was. Just like Unhackability pointed out, I went around thinking and saying, I am not enough, and I don't have enough. I am no longer in that place. Part of my healing came through the 30-Day Elixir experience. Just working through Part 1: Unveiling, the first five days alone of this experience will immediately change your life forever. I moved from my old story of fear of man, unloved, and rejection to my new story of fear of God, loved and accepted. This book is truly a blessing already and just in the beginning chapters. You do not have to get to the end to experience change. You will experience it right away and continue to change as you work through each day. I am a living witness that you can close the gap between dreaming and doing. I am no longer getting hacked in my dream of becoming an author. My book releases next summer. Unhackable has helped me to become laser-focused and to minimize distractions that keep many from advancing in life. I recommend that you get this book for you and all those you love and begin your journey of becoming unhackable in work and life!

It’s an Unhackable Movement

From reading this book, I learned that just like computers, people get hacked. If you had ideas you’ve never implemented, you’ve been hacked. Through proven neuroscience research, Kary Oberbrunner helps the reader get unhacked up providing 30 daily missions that help you create a life you love defined by freedom, finances, and fulfillment. From applying what I learned, I am more focused and productive in life and work and get into longer flow states. This is a timely message for this year 2020 where we have encountered a new norm. It’s time to be Unhackable.

Urgent Message for All of Us

The message of being unhackable definitely resonated with me as I have experienced having to fight against distractions to achieving my most important goals. This book sheds a spotlight to help us become aware of where we are unknowingly having our attention hacked and very practical steps for becoming unhackable. In other words, being able to block out distractions and focus on the most important projects we were created to achieve. I love that it is scripturally based and aligns with how God created us. Outstanding read for anyone who wants to achieve great things in life!

One of the most important books I've read (and I read a lot)

I read the entire book right thru as soon as I got it and now plan to go back and take it a day at a time. It is laid out in days instead of chapters, with action steps. This book is designed to help you get past the distractions of life, focus on your goals and actually be able to move from dreaming about something to doing it. The idea that our brains are being hacked is a powerful one whose time has come. I would encourage everyone to read this book.

Purpose to Dream to Legacy: Positioned to Make a Difference

What if that feeling of not being enough or being stuck could be overcome in a way that truly took you to a higher fulfilled purpose? That's the journey to becoming Unhackable. You're called and chosen for this season of time when everything looks impossible and unstable. Kary provides the ultimate clarity on a path to overcoming those limited beliefs that hold us back from being the ultimate value-adder for others. This message is beyond timely and you'll want to go through it several times as a playbook to the next level of realizing your fulfilled purpose and legacy in making a difference.

Think you can't get hacked? You might already be, and this is the answer!

We are all faced with numerous distractions every waking hour. Whether it's an alert from your phone, a news flash on TV, or your own thoughts, we lose focus. That prevents us from living a life of purpose and meaning. This book will guide you through 30 days of actions to identify your ideas, achieve laser focus, and reach your goals in your career and personal life. Do not miss out on the valuable information in this book that has started a movement!

If you think you don't have time to go after what you want in life, you need this book.

I was absolutely floored as I was reading Unhackable because it pretty much described my exact experience with what's held me back in the past from reaching my big goals... and I noticed that as I'm trying to move to the next level those barriers have crept back in but in a totally new way... my time, attention + energy being slowly siphoned away without me even realizing it. No one is talking about what's happening to us right now in the way that Kary talks about it in Unhackable. But what I love about this book is that Kary doesn't just present the problem and critique it and leave it up to us to fix it - the book gives us actionable steps to begin to unhack ourselves and become unhackable. I highly, highly recommend this book to anyone that says they don't have time for their dreams.

What a timeless CLASSIC!

There are times in your life when you journey through a book and benefit from its content for a season. Then there are time when you experience truth from a book that you know in your gut is for so many more people than just yourself. Friend, UNHACKABLE is one of those books. When I started reading it I knew that I was holding a classic work of art in my hands. Seriously. I believe this book is relevant for all people at all times-especially those desiring to go to a new level of thinking and living. Do yourself a favor and order one for a friend while you get your own copy. I think you'll be extremely glad you did!

This book is life changing.

It is perfect timing for this book to come out. Now more than ever people are being hacked by news, and especially social media. Social media is fighting for your attention. They are purposely trying to distract you from getting your dream done, so you can live the life you were ment to have. In Kary Oberbrunner's book Unhackable, he teaches you how to become Unhackable in 30 days. Based on extensive research he did, he broke down each easy step into 30 days. Since reading Kary's new book, I am well on my way to achieving the life I was ment to have. Thanks Kary for bringing this topic to the forefront. You are amazing!

The Hacking Antidote

As a society, we have more opportunities, information, choices, and connections than at any time in history. These also come with their counterpart antitheses: overwhelming reponsibilities, information overload, decision fatigue, and an ironic societal disconnect. The speed of the world is outpacing the speed of humans to a point where the technology humans have mastered is fast becoming the master, a place where science fiction is becoming science fact. This book is a practical guidebook to help you be your best self and live your purpose, even when everything and everyone is seeking to hack your mind, health, time, finances, relationships, and values on a daily basis. If you have been hacked by 2020, this is the antidote.

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

Gives readers something to run with, if they take it.

The book delivers. As most books have a limit to how deep they can dive. This book clarifies a focus, helps me define some objectives and work through them. I would not know how it could be written better, I do think it is lacking deep deep depth but it does give me something to model and work with. Unlike many books in this genre, it gives the reader something if they take it.

This book is a game-changer!

Unhackable captivated my attention and came at the perfect time in my life. This book is a game-changer and desperately needed in the world today, especially amidst the global pandemic. Let’s face it; we all get hacked. These days staying home and mindlessly streaming hours upon hours of programming is no longer considered lazy but instead is considered understandable and responsible; running on autopilot is deemed acceptable and normal. If you’re like me and you have to believe you were made for more. If you're tired of reliving the same year, regurgitating the same old tired self-sabotaging excuses and narrative, then GET THIS BOOK! Dive in and learn from Kary’s proven method how you can go from hacked to unhackable, from a life unlived to a life lived fully. Don't let your self-limiting beliefs and fear stop you; tell them to back off. Then, borrow Kary’s belief in you until you believe in yourself. You’ve got this!

Incredibly Relevant for Today

All of us get hacked in life. We wonder why. Kary started this book 6 years ago and just couldn't get it to completion. Now those of us that know Kary realize this book is being birthed at "just the right time". If you have seen the Netflix documentary, it makes us painfully aware of how our society is being hacked and so many lives turned upside down and inside out. Unhackable presents solutions to dealing with and solving real life, everyday issues. If all who read this book will apply it principles to their own sphere of influence they will become agents of change who transform their world for good. Jim Henry, D.Min.

Helping us cope with current realities!

Kary's book had me hooked right from the beginning. Decision fatigue, constant bombardment of information and requests, extremely rapid social changes... I think we can all relate. Kary shares how technology isn't making "coping" any easier, in fact, as information doubles every twelve hours, we will only get Hacked more - unless we adopt a system for getting order back to our lives. We must evolve and this book teaches us how!

Game Changer - Wake up and get your life back.

Serious wake up call, Kary has shown us how to successfully navigate the noisy world around us. We are surrounded with distractions of many types which not only take us off track but sometimes completely derail us. You can become unhackable and regain control of your life and reach those goals and successes you have wanted for so long. Thank you Kary for this amazing road map.

This book is Iife changing!!

I struggled with a high degree of frustration in business and life due to all the distractions that competed for and attacked my attention. I knew something wasn't right and I wanted to stop paying attention to the information overload (social media, advertisements, commercials, internal thoughts, etc. etc) although I couldn't put my finger on it and I didn't know how to protect myself from it. Up Until Now! Kary Oberbrunner's new book, Unhackable, is an eye opener that provided a life changing process for taking back control of my attention and my life. After diligently reading the book and completing the 30 day course, I've been able to become laser focused and readily move into a state of "flow" that has allowed my productivity to soar! If you desire to write a new story for yourself and become a super achiever in business and life, the Unhackable book is the answer.

Get the focus you need to make a difference

If you want to be more intentional about living a life of purpose and meaning, Unhackable is is a must read. We're in an unprecedented time where our devices, the news, and social media are clamoring for our attention 24/7 and our ability to focus. Unhackable will help you get back control and help you beat back the distractions that are keeping you from achieving your goals. Read Unhackable to untap what's possible, get focused, and make a difference.

Just one more email...

Are we the just one more generation? It never seems like it is enough. Maybe that is what we are lead to believe, and Kary Oberbrunner has put into the book "unhackable" a 30 day action plan for how to start living a fulfilling life. You do not need to be ruled by e-mail, or anything else that you are not making an active choice to do. Do not let 2020, or any other year pass you by. Start living YOUR life, not the one that you think you should live. We need to close the gap between dreaming and doing!

What I’ve been missing all along

Over the last 2 decades, my mind has generated literally hundreds of brilliant ideas. The problem, is that none of them came to bear any real fruit! After reading Unhackable, I was able to identify the biggest issue that prevented my ideas from coming to fruition. I was getting hacked! I had a problem with a lack of focus, and always being stuck in my head. In the book, Kary Oberbrunner breaks down each of the components to stop being hacked, achieve your dreams, and live your fullest life. If you are like me, and feel like something’s in the way of even your most brilliant ideas, I’d recommend this book.

Don't Get Hacked by Life!

How many times have you said, "This is the year; this time I will do it." only to fail to achieve your goals because life got in the way? In his book Unhackable, Kary Oberbrunner takes the reader from victim to victor. In this book are the keys to opening the door to success by educating the reader on how to make themselves unhackable. We all have goals, we all want to be successful, but too often we get off track and allow life's distractions to hack us. Unhackable will give you the tools you need to keep that from happening.

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

You are being hacked everyday!

This book is an eye opener to the continuous distractions we face everyday. It's important to be aware of the profound effects technology has on our brains and our bodies. We have become addicted to our devices. Read Kary's book to find out how to overcome it and obtain optimal performance. An important book for all ages.

Timely and Relevant. Want to springboard out of complacency? This is the book for you!

I had just watched "The Social Dilemma" when this book landed in my lap. Having specific tools and strategies to move beyond the thoughts of, "I have to do something to get out of my head and into living my life and achieving my dreams" is a gift from the universe—and Kary Oberbrunner. This book has motivated me and pushed me to take back my time and energy from all the people and things clamoring for my limited attention and keep it for myself. This book has already started changing my life; let it change yours!

Right book at the right time...

The world can be a challenging place and we’re undoubtedly under attack every day. Our attention is a hot commodity and we need to protect it at all costs. I think Kary does a great job showing us how to win in this environment. It’s a daily battle. The strategies laid out in this book are something we all can benefit from. Really well done and a must-read for those that want to take back control of their attention.

You-Yes YOU have been hacked!!

The world has changed, and if you want to protect your future you must change also. This new world we live in targets your attention and mind with relentless attacks. Attaining your goal, your most treasured dream, requires that you focus on it. This fantastic book teaches you in 30 days how too do just that. Don't let others determine your future. Read this book and share it with someone you love, it is life changing!

Timely and Relevant to Today

The author tackles the challenge many, if not all, of us, are facing today. We leave ourselves vulnerable to being hacked! Our deeply important goals and endeavors are thwarted by the darts that are thrown into our paths daily. Darts we never expected, that we never saw coming—-ones we may yet be unaware of often hit their target. I highly recommend you read Unhackable to learn how to avoid the darts before they become even bigger, the daggers that derail your purpose.

Message needed now more than ever.

Message needed now more than ever. The use of technology to manipulate the masses needs to stop and awareness is the first step. We are waking up and this helps us become focused on our personal and professional dreams and stop all the noise and distractions. Amen.

How to Stop How We're Being Hacked

Just the first chapter will astound the reader. The information Kary Oberbrunner supplies lines up with what I heard back in the 1970's. Information is doubling so fast in the world now that we are being inundated with it. How do we keep from getting our lives side-tracked from our goals into the waste land of cute kitties and etc etc? Oberbrunner offers some answers. Don't let your life and valuable dreams get hacked into oblivion. Read this book.

A Truth That Can’t Be Ignored

Ever so often, there is a message that is so timely, so relevant that everyone, every industry, every organization needs to hear it.....Unhackable is one of those messages. The longer you wait before you get this message - the more likely that life is going to hack you and rob you of the life you are intended to have. As the author says, “everything can be hacked, even the truth.”

I've Been Hacked - Big Time!

Well, I suspected as much, but am appalled at how much more pervasive it is than I knew. This book couldn't be more important if you are struggling to keep focused on your dream and to avoid the many sneaky attempts to distract you. Here is what to do to become unhackable!


Distractions and negativity are everywhere! Kary Oberbrunner delivers the right message at the right time! 2020 has been the year where everyone was "hacked." Pandemic. Unemployment. Racial unrest. So what's the solution? Become "Unhackable!" This book is the blueprint for you to change from a wishful thinker to an active participant in achieving your dreams. The first step is to find out where you have been hacked, and "Unhackable" will show you how to free your mind from distractions! If you are ready to achieve your boon, this book is your step-by-step blueprint!

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

Defy distraction.

The world can often feel chaotic, and distractions are everywhere. Social media is a huge personal culprit for me. Unhackable teaches us how to avoid distraction and focus on achieving goals. This book is timely and amazing.

Invaluable resource for all

Invaluable resource for refocusing on what matters, realigning with your core, and rebuilding your life when life tries to hack you. I continue to learn again and again from the wisdom and power of this book.

Well, dang, hit the nail on the head, why doncha?

When you feel like you don't control your life, who does? Want to be more than a target demographic? This book will show you how your mind, energy, and even your life are tricked out of your hands by video streaming, internet, multitasking, and a variety of other things. But, more importantly, it will give you strategies to fight back. Fight? Nah, it's not a fight. You'll replace someone else's claim on your time with your own claim. Need to retake your life? Start here.

Practical, Relevant and Inspiring!

Wow! From the introduction to the first mission, Unhackable engages the reader with golden nuggets of truth and empowers them to live the life they’ve dreamed with practical actions to achieve it. A must read! Can’t wait to finish it!

We are unhackable!

This book has some really great insights that allow us to guard our mind and lives. Kary has outdone himself with this! Reading it will make you view how you use technology and how you allow it to control your world.

The Secret Steps to Reaching Your Goals, Living Your Dreams and Enjoying an Extraordinary Life

In every generation a book is written that changes the world. This is that book! It gives us the tools, in 30 daily steps, to stop being hacked on a daily basis. I have read this book several times and have found it to be the secret to: Reaching Your Goals, Living Your Dream and Enjoying An Extraordinary Life.

What is going on?

What is going on? You ever asked yourself that? especially in 2020? Well if you have or know people who have then THIS book is what you need! From the very first page into the first chapter and beyond, Kary teaches and empowers you, us, this entire world on becoming unhackable. Have you been feeling lost? distracted? Get this book! Whether you are a single mom being hacked by virtual school for the kids or a business who COVID hacked this year, GET THIS BOOK! I promise, you wont regret it!

Unhackable = Unstoppable

The human heart is hard-wired to live a life of significance, purpose, and meaning. The real issue is how to turn our heart's innate longing into meaningful action and results. Oberbrunner, through Unhackable, provides a practical step-by-step guide that will help anyone transform their life's deepest desires into "done so" actions. A must-read!

Ready to Achieve Your Dreams?

Wow! This book is a game changer! We are hacked in so many ways, all day long. I experience this myself and so do my family, friends and my clients. I love the way Kary Oberbrunner leads us in this book through stories, science, and action steps to become Unhackable....in 30 Days!!! If you've got a Dream you'd love to fulfill and you've been stuck, stopped or sidetracked along the way - You'll want to read this book!


In this age of distractions and negativity wherever we turn, how timely it is to have a guide to help not only overcome them, but to triumph over them with clarity and purpose! Such a helpful book!

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

Practical, timeless, transformational!

This. Is. It. There are so many recipes, formulas, frameworks and blueprints to life success, but this practical guide with simple steps is the ONE! The Unhackable process is timeless and timely. If your improvement focus is business, career, family, education, faith or any area of your life that has barriers and obstacles to overcome, this book transforms your habits and enhances outcomes. A message to be read again and again.

Take the Lid off Your Productivity!

We are surrounded by distractions. Focus is a rare commodity. As the author simply puts it—we’ve been hacked. This is a must read for anyone who is ready to take the lid off their productivity. Kary Oberbrunner lays out a clear 30-day plan to get cut through the noise and get on with what you were born to do!

Crystal clear game plan to prevent getting hacked!

Unhackable provides a game plan for your personal growth everyday! It shows you how to recognize the areas in life that try to hack you and hijack you from your purpose! Excellent perspective on positioning ourselves for amazing growth!

The most a actual and factual book of my reading year

This the most actual and factual book I have ever read. If you are after something that can provide you with tangible growth, then this is for you.

Take back control of your attention in order to discover and fulfill your destiny.

This book is for our young, the middles, and those of us more mature that often blown over and HACKED by the new normal. This is a movement towards discovering true purpose then ACTING upon the mission. The daily formula for direction is invaluable. It is a MUST read if you are ready to gain control of your attention, and stand up for your destiny.

Get ready for clarity and action!!!

This book takes you 1 day at a time to create new habits to reach your goals. To often we get sidetracked and creating daily habits is the only thing that keeps you on track. This is one of the best books that also gives you science to back it up. it’s not just do this or do that. It’s here’s some science behind why things happen and how to shift. Awesome book!


"Unhackable" should be required reading for all humans! An empowering guide to help us attain crystal clear focus, achieve our dreams, and stop getting hacked. Well written, inspiring, and motivational. Life changing!

Gain Clarity to know your Next Best Step!

I loved how this book is designed by days and not chapters. It is literally a step by step plan on how to become Unhackable! Kary brings in tons of research to back this concept of being "hacked" and what we can do about it. This book will benefit anyone who has a dream or a passion to live their best life!

I want to become Unhackable!

This book is amazing, but freightening at the same time. How did we get in the situation where our lives are being tracked and traced to our detriment? I am thankful for the plan to become unhackable and live a fulfilled life!

If you have a dream, pick up this book!

Highly recommended for someone with a goal (a book to write, business to start, gig to get, etc.) that you’ve been putting off for a long time. If you have a burning passion and know that you could do something great but that dream keeps getting sidelined, “Unhackable” is chock full of practical steps to get you where you want to be.

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

It’s time to stop the hack attacks!

There has never been a better time than now for this book. Author Kary Oberbrunner helps you understand how to become u hack able and begin living your best life. This is a must read for anyone who desires to maximize their potential by becoming Unhackable!

An important read

It's incredible just how vulnerable all of us are to being hacked. In his book, Kary Oberbrunner takes you through a 30 day routine to help you unbind the shackles that are holding you back from what you dream for your life and what you're living. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to create a new existence for themselves starting today.

Unhackable is Awesome

Unhackable is a book for everyone. We all get hacked everyday by so many things. In order to live a productive and fulfilling life we really need to learn how to be unhackable. Kary show the way!

You will be changed!

I did the original 30 day challenge that helped launch this book. It opened my eyes to all the ways my life has been hacked. This book is the companion and extension of that training, and so much more. Give yourself 30 days with this book and you will be changed!

Game Changer

Kary Oberbrunner is a wonderful author with amazing insight. This book is eye opening and offers doable solutions to living a meaningful and fulfilled life. It's time to stop dreaming and instead make our dreams come true by being Unhackable. It's an easy read. Highly recommend.

A Must-Read If You're Easily Distracted

Wow. Unhackable made me conscious of the distractions that are keeping me from doing what I want most. If you get easily distracted like me, this book is a secret recipe to stop getting distracted and become unstoppable. Definitely recommend this book.

If you have a dream, you need this book!

This is a great book to help you identify a dream that has been lost, identify what is stopping you, and gives practical solutions to achieve it!

A Very Timely Book!

In this day of out of control social media, I would hazard a guess that everyone is getting hacked daily to some degree. This book will help you eliminate distractions that is probably affecting your productivity. Check it out. You will not be sorry!

Can't put it down

This is a topic I have been thinking about for a long time and have become increasingly concerned with how hard it is to pay attention to the world we live in. The right book at the right time!

Impeccable Timing and mind blowing info

Have been reading this book, took the assessment, I am learning so much. I know this will be a valuable tool for years to come. What an eye opener!!!

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

Guide for living and thriving in today's crazy world!

Looking for a guide to help you figure out how to stay the course or simply find a path? Kary Oberbrunner is an amazing teacher and mentor with a message that is relevant for everyone living in today's crazy world. You won't be disappointed!

The formula for achieving your dreams...

I loved the strategy of this book for finding focus, flow, and ideation. In today’s busy environment, it is too easy to be derailed by distractions. Discover the secret to achieving your dreams and become unhackable in your own goals!

Turning the tide of 2020

I feel like 2020 has been a crazy year! What the heck happened? I think we all feel hacked on some level. This book offers great guidance on how we can get moving with intention and work in productive flow in a practical way - Belinda Banger

Unhackable is a book that we need to read more than once!

This book is relevant and inspired. I am now sure that I've been Hacked. I've worked with computers but to think of myself as a system that can be hacked makes sense especially in 2020. Love it!

Great book, great timing

A book like this is needed now more than ever. Great read. Be prepared to have your eyes opened and your minds "unhacked".

Great Christmas Gift!

I have read excerpts of the book, I cant wait to read the whole book! Information comes at us like a firehose everyday! Kary Oberbrunner is a great author and motivator! I plan to buy copies for my entire family!


Kary's passion leaks out onto every page! This book is timely and gives the reader resources to make themselves Unhackable!

Hooked right away!

I was hooked as soon as I read the intro. I know I've been hacked many times in my life. What an eye opener!

Timely for 2020

Amazing and insightful! My new playbook for success. Four words — Buy It, Read It.

From one Author to another! I recommend it!

Looking forward to reading this book because I know the character of the Author.

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

Organized, Clear, and Relatable

This books takes several pages to really get into it, especially with the strangeness of the opening pages, but it eventually maps out a clear and organized thoughts to achieving great things. I can't say that I totally believe in the mentality of the world is out to get me, as the author hammers in with the concepts of "hacking", but he does focus on the right things - taking ownership of one's life and making changes as needed. Overall, a good self-help book.

A life changer.

This book can be suitable to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Just started and it is amazing

This book is amazing. I read his fictional book (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Elixir-Project-Kary-Oberbrunner-ebook/dp/B01MYLLMIA/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=kary+oberbrunner+elixir&qid=1604581892&sr=8-2) and it was amazing it makes you think figuratively about your own life. For this book though i have already started it with the Book Club on FB and it has been eye opening. I will add more as i read but it shows how much we think we don't have control due to what we think of ourselves and the environment around us

Food for thought

Only half way through but so far so good. Lots of food for thought. I'm in the Unhackable book club on line so i do all the activities on a daily basis..I'm enjoying it very much👍😀

Its a 30 day guide to getting life on track.

I found this book an excellent guide, over 30 days, you find out how you can take back control and avoid the hacks that stop us becoming who we want to be. And deal with them so you can still move forward with success.

Great read with practical outcome

Love the short sections leading to activities and action that change your world view a generate impetus for transformation!

This book will change you, if you do the work

"Unhackable" is going to be on everyone's reading list very, very soon. Kary Oberbrunner's concept and integration of information combined with what's happening on a global scale is not only timely, it's a game-changer. Within the first few lessons (organized by days) in the book, I was already implementing changes to make better choices regarding my time, my energy and my productivity. These are real-life solutions to become "unhackable" in every aspect of life. I've found I'm assessing things differently now: I look at obstacles and distractions from a completely new point of view. I approach each day with more purpose and clarity. I've had breakthroughs on things I've been mulling over for months. I feel more in charge, more accountable, and truly feel I have ownership of my thoughts and my time. For anyone needing assistance on regaining control of your time, your energy, and your purpose, this book is an absolute must-read. It's already changing my life. Literally.

Tap into your hidden abilities and unique strengths.

This book has stretched my thinking. I’m better able to find out the answers to the questions “How far can I go?” and “Is this where I stop?” in an attempt to close the ever-widening gap between dreaming and doing. I especially like the approach of working through the obstacles holding most people back from realizing their dreams. The book helped me discover areas where my dreams were getting stifled.

Engaging and fast-paced

A compelling read to achieve optimal performance and attain the bigger goals we have set out for ourselves. This book can be applied to any area of our lives - personal and professional to create a meaningful life, kick the distraction, and awaken our truest potential. Unhackable gives you the pragmatic process of achieving your dreams without getting distracted. Highly recommended.

Great book!

I loved it. Written in a clear, and engaging style, this book walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and growth. Very well done. Take the time to do the exercises and applications, which greatly increase the value of the knowledge.

Motivates and engages

I am halfway through participating in Unhackable. I say participating in rather than reading because this book is created to get you to engage and to specifically apply to your goal. The exercises are motivating and inspiring. They provide tangible steps to break through. I’m really glad to have gotten this book in my life.

Game Changer! Take Back Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Unique Purpose!

I have so many ideas, projects, commitments and Zoom meetings that I started to feel that I wasn't giving everything the attention it deserved. It felt like I was "calling it in" at times, which isn't me. At least, it didn't used to be. This book makes it clear that my brain was overloaded with input from the internet, juggling career and family business, and that my sagging productivity and failing memory aren't sign of age, but proof that I was hacked! There is so much in this book for every part of your life that systematically helps you to see where you are, identify where you want to go, and then set the action steps to get you there. As soon as I started taking control, tapping into FLOW (this is an amazing concept!), and eliminating distractions, my productivity soared. I'm still processing the possibilities. "Unhackable" is a total game-changer.

Couldn't be more timely!

This book is a movement. It's a mindset. A lifestyle. The author equips you from Day 1 (it's in days not chapters) to beginning taking back what is yours. He alerts you to many of the things hacking us and gives practical direction and inspiration for staying in your sweet spot—your flow as he calls it. People are tired of being run over by life and Unhackable provides a way to not only stand tall, but to stay productive, focused, and to actually live the life you were created for. I wasn't kidding about the movement, there is a huge list in the back of the book of Unhackable Coaches and the title is showing up everywhere as a hashtag. So the question is which direction will you move? Thanks for another great book, Kary Oberbrunner!

What distraction is costing you

In today's attention economy, distractions are costing you your dreams. We are getting hacked at every turn. If you're ready to take your time and attention back, Unhackable will equip you to do so.

WOW!!! This book is so timely!!

This book came at just the right time!! I highly recommend everyone read it, then give it to someone you love and have them read it (I know my teenagers are getting a copy!!) Our family just watched Social Dilemma and it's like this book is the handbook to go along with the movie on how to NOT get sucked in to this crazy world of distractions. It teaches us all how to live life and be UNHACKABLE!!

In 2020 the world GOT HACKED - We NEED this book now!

Kary Oberbrunner has tapped into the current state of our world with uncanny timing! He outlines the problem of our "everything is urgent" culture and offers incredibly helpful and practical solutions to reclaiming our time and our sense of power to create and choose for ourselves. As a mental health professional, I am particularly interested in the wealth of neuroscience research he provides in the book to give context to how our brain processes - or doesn't - the overwhelming amount of information we take in and the cost to people and relationships. This book is incredible and if you want to be UNHACKABLE even in the year 2020, run - don't walk - get your copy now!

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