Undeserving (Undeniable Book 5)

Kindle Edition
30 Jun
Warning: This isn’t a romance, but instead a tale of love between two despairing people, from two different worlds, both aching for something more.

Debbie Reynolds is a runaway, New York City-bound. Living on the road comes with many challenges—fighting for her next meal, seeking safe places to sleep, and dodging men with less than honorable intentions, all while searching for meaning in a life she finds painful and pointless.

Damon “Preacher” Fox, vice president of the Silver Demons Motorcycle Club, has been in prison for club-related crimes. As his release draws near, he begins to reevaluate his choices in life, realizing that if he stays with the club, this won’t be his last stint behind bars. Suddenly Preacher finds himself doubting everything he’s ever known, wishing for a life beyond the club.

When Preacher and Debbie’s paths cross, they find in each other a sense of peace they had been lacking. But life is about to catch up with Preacher, and Debbie, desperate to keep the one person who’s ever shown her any kindness, finds herself caught between forces far deadlier and more powerful than she could have ever imagined.

This is Debbie and Preacher’s story.

At the end, we should all go back to the beginning,
if only to remind ourselves that we once lived.

Reviews (210)

Babe, yeah...

Here's the thing about me as a reader. I blow thru books like a Tasmanian devil and can normally move on to the next book/series without a backwards glance. It took me 3.5 days to read UnDeverving. Why? There were these passages of beautifully written words that literally gave me pause. I had to stop and reread them a few times. I was whispering " babe, yeah" thru out the book. I will unashamedly state that the sexy scenes had me taking a double back as well. As a lot of reviewers are noting, this book was a long time coming. But never has a book lived up to the very high expectation, in my opinion. Ms.Sheehan is a perfectionist, and it shows in her work. Preacher's back story gave me so much clarity. It made me go "ahhhh" when I remember the man that was introduced in UnDeniable. And Debbie?! i hope you all love her as much as I do. I got sucked into this UnD world and it is by far one of my favorite series. While I am looking forward to the next book, I am going to savor UnDeserving a few more time.

Gritty, Raw and Beautiful

“Life happened, and then happened some more, and kept happening until you were so caught up in life itself that you forgot to actually live it.” What a raw, beautiful and unflinching look into the world of the one percenters! This is NOT a pretty story – it is filled with lust and mayhem and violence – but it perfectly tells the story of Eva’s parents, Preacher and Wheels (Debbie). This is one of my top favorite series EVER and I highly recommend reading the books in order. BUT you can read the first book right away to get a flavor for Madeline Sheehan’s writing. Preacher lived an entire lifetime before we ever met Eva as a young child in ‘Undeniable.’ His life was hard. But he was a survivor. “Prison had been a painful wake-up call for Preacher. It had taken the man he’d been, beaten the holy hell out of him, flushed him down the s***ter, and sputtered and spit him back out a ravaged and shameful shell.” Preacher met Debbie on the road. She, too, was a survivor and did what she had to do to get by on the streets. Madeline Sheehan took two very damaged and hardened souls and created something beautiful which is why I absolutely love her writing style. The book is told as a flashback as Preacher lays dying in the hospital. He is finally telling his story to his beloved daughter Eva. But everything I thought I knew about Preacher and Debbie was wrong! Preacher’s tale is heartbreaking but I could not put this book down. I had to see it thought to the end. Preacher was in the biker life no matter what. Loyal and true to his family and biker brothers no matter what, he was a Demon through and through. “According to the law and the state of New York, he was indeed a free man. But in reality, he wasn’t free at all. He belonged to the Silver Demons body and soul, for better or worse. And if he stayed on this path, this wasn’t going to be the last time he went to prison.” Heart-wrenching and gritty, ‘Undeserving’ is nonetheless an incredibly readable story. It must be experienced. Madeline Sheehan does not write hearts-and-flowers stories. But her biker romances are must-reads. While this wasn’t as raw as ‘Undeniable’, it is still one of the best examples of this genre. I can’t wait for more books from Ms. Sheehan. She is one of my auto-buy authors. Favorite quote: “I noticed you.” Debbie’s eyes darted back inside the cart, colliding with Preacher’s. I noticed you. Those three words took flight, finding and nudging awake long hidden places inside of her.

If you are like me, and you have read every book in ...

Y’all, I am not going to lie. I’ve been dreading this book as much as I’ve been anticipating it. If you are like me, and you have read every book in the Undeniable Series, then you know. Oh yea, you know there is not the potential for the ending that we all want. So, I knew I was going to hurt. I knew it was going to take us back and make me hopeful despite knowing what I know from the past books in this series. Still, I went in, all smiles, hopes raised, beyond invested in Preacher and Debbie’s story. And Gah it was as good as it was heartbreaking. There was so much that I positively adored about this story. Let me start with the first. That prologue. I tell everyone who listens that Madeline Sheehan is the dag gum queen of prologues. They always get me right in the darn feels. Always, and this one was no exception. Next! Eva! I was so freaking excited to see her and Deuce again. I missed them so much. They may be older, but nothing has changed with these two. Gah. Their love story is probably my most favorite ever biker romance so I felt at home with these guys! And I absolutely adored how Eva’s bit of the story was done in first POV and then Preacher telling his and Debbie’s story (which was so much more than just their love story) was done in third. It was seamlessly done and so freaking perfect. You guys this story just pulled at every dang heart string I have. It was sexy, sweet, funny at times, but beyond everything it was absolutely heart breaking. And still I’d pick it up and read it again and again. Undeserving was completely unforgettable.

Fan-freaking-tastic!!!!!!!! All the stars and all the feels!!

Madeline Sheehan has written an outstanding book with Undeserving, Book 5 in the Undeniable Series. Yes, we waited for this book. But it is clear Madeline delivered above and beyond and made it worth the wait. Whatever the reason we waited, who cares? It’s here, it’s phenomenal, and it’s a must read. Undeserving is Preacher’s story, which you probably know. Madeline takes us back to the beginning. In Undeserving, Preacher tells his story to Eva from his deathbed. The story of how he met her mother (Debbie), the story of his life, the story of his love for her and for Debbie. It’s a story full of love that is beautiful and touching, yet it is also tragic and shocking at times. From the very beginning, the prologue hits you in the heart. And the feels keep coming. Undeserving is so well written that feel you are there with the characters, experiencing life with them, feeling their love for each other, and also feeling their pain and heartbreak. If you want fluff, you won’t find it here. Madeline has proven time and time again that she can WRITE. Her words and thoughts flow and read effortlessly, the pace is perfect, and it is more than evident that the plot was well thought out. There is a big cast of characters here- some old, some new. But every single one adds to the story and will leave an impression on you. I smiled, I had my heart torn out, I gasped. And at one point I literally said Holy Sh*t. This is one book you will want to last. It is one you won’t forget. The writing is flawless, the story is epic. It just goes to show- you can’t rush perfection. All the stars, all the feels. A must read!

Preacher's backstory

4.5 stars. Damon Fox, or Preacher, of the Silver Demons MC and their President, is Eva's father and he's always been a solid character throughout the series. Eva only knew what little was fed to her about her mother through Preacher, but as time runs out, Preacher is ready to share his whole history with his daughter. It's definitely not the story that Eva or the readers were expecting. Seeing the younger version of Preacher falling for a runaway teenager, Debbie Reynolds, at a time when Preacher wasn't sure of who he was or what he wanted to do paints a very different picture from the guy who was always a strong and formidable figure in Eva's life. Debbie was ditching her life at home because it was that horrific for her and it's Preacher who sees her for exactly who she is and catches all of her truths and lies. Both of them are a little lost, changed by their recent pasts, and surviving day by day. There's a lot of tragedy and chaos and upheaval in addition to seeing all the guys in the MC who raised Eva as younger men in the prime of their life. Preacher is really put through the wringer and these experiences shape him into being the leader he becomes later on. Getting to know Debbie also helps to understand parts of Eva's personality, too, since this is her origin story. Most of all, it is a definite insight as to what kind of mother she was to baby Eva and how she truly felt about her for the short time they had together. And while there was no doubt about Preacher being a loving and doting father, this book gives a glimpse of him as a lover and partner and how perceptive he can be, and yet other times how he can easily be blinded, too. This feels very emotion laden simply because all of these events have already happened with the known outcome and so much more has occurred since then. Not to mention how tight lipped Preacher was about everything and it wasn't just a small amount of information that he kept from Eva. Literally, it was a whole book and lifetime of knowledge and it has her shook, rethinking everything she thought about both her mother and father as well as others. I had always assumed Preacher loved Eva's mom and this certainly solidifies how deep that sentiment went as well as the entire aftermath that lead him to not wanting to speak about any of it and other circumstances that affected Eva later on. A lot of questions that I didn't know that I had were answered in this one and certainly builds the momentum and anticipation towards the final book, which I can't wait to read. ZZ seemed so predictable when he was first introduced, and now he's anything but that.


Wow! What a wonderful book! It's really funny because initially I wasn't that interested in Preacher's story. He was kind of an elusive and to me somewhat sinister character in the first book and although I got that Eva loved him and she was a "Daddy's Girl", I wasn't curious about him. But I LOVE this series, and I have waited a LONG TIME for another book in the series to come out so I couldn't pass this up. SO GLAD I READ THIS BOOK! There's a lot to be said about Preacher's story and I don't want to give away any spoilers. So, let me just say this is the kind of story that is a saga and is one you'll never forget. Preacher is on his death bed and he guiltily decides to finally tell Eva the real story about what happened to her mother. The story is told primarily in flashbacks, with Preacher telling Eva about his relationship with her mother, his parents, particularly the mean and evil Judge, his father and about how he became President of the Demons. This story is a doozy! There is lots of intrigue, you get to see how Frankie, Eva's first husband, came to live with them, you get to learn a little more about why he was so crazy, and we also get to learn more about some of the other men in the Demons, particularly Tiny (he needs his own book and some love too!). I love all the couples in this series but Eva and Deuce are one of my favorite couples in all of MC Romance-land, so it was really nice to revisit with them. The next book will feature Ivy, Deuce and Eva's daughter, so I know it'll be a good story. Well done and well worth the wait!

MC Queen Title is Rightfully Owned by Sheehan

I am not good at reviews. Usually I just want to say "It is brilliant, start reading it now" and that's it. I'm definitely no Slitty... we all know she is a genius with her reviews. That being said, I will say: HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! This is my favorite book from the UnDeniable series! I know I have always said it was UnAttainable, those that know me will give me the side-eye now. But wait, let me explain why. Preacher's story was one that was never really on my mind as having to be told. I just didn't think much about him. I was a Hell's Horsemen girl, Deuce's babe, and Preacher was Eva's dad. That's that. I just placed him, in my mind, as a secondary character that was the president of the Silver Demons and did what he could so his little girl could have a good life. He loved his daughter more than anything, case closed. Yeah? No!!! Dude... I was so so wrong. First off, this book speaks to me in the sense that it takes place in an "era" that I obsess over. The music, the lifestyle, the fashion, that '69 chopper. Preacher and Debbie are meeting and and falling in love with each other in a time I love and long for so much, even if I didn't exist back then. But with UnDeserving, we learn why Preacher is the way he is. There is so much more to him than "being Eva's dad, being the club Prez". We get to meet his parents. We meet Joe, Sylvie and Max. Oh Max... We learn what made Preacher into the man and bad ass leader of such a notorious MC gang. His relationship with Eva's mom, Debbie, was so short but a huge part of why Damon "Preacher" Fox is who he is. I can't say much about Debbie right now, I still need to process. But I love that girl and I AM happy she met Preacher when she did. What a ride! As bittersweet as so many parts of the book were for me, there really was no other way to go. I see it now... even if I did cry for two hours during the middle of the night while finishing this book. Madeline, if you read this, forgive my review that does no justice to your brilliant storytelling. I never knew much about MC clubs, 1% patches, being an old lady, etc... and you have "led" me into a world I swear I know so well thanks to your writing and your vivid way you have with words.

Totally Amazing and Emotional!

Just....Wow! Undeserving was the fifth book in the Undeniable series by Madeline Sheehan. This was Preacher's story, the President of the Silver Demon's MC and the father to Eva (book one, Undeniable.) Sheehan did a great job setting the stage for the storyline. At first I thought it was going to be a current day setting featuring an older man with a younger woman storyline, but it wasn't. The author began Preacher's love story from his deathbed with Preacher telling the story - the truth he had kept all these years - to his daughter, Eva. The story was told in three parts starting at the beginning. At twenty four, Damon "Preacher" Fox was the VP of the MC and was just released after two years in prison. He was restless and on a long ride to determine what he wanted to do next when he crossed paths with Debbie Reynolds, a young runaway he named "Wheels" because she was Hell on Wheels and all kinds of trouble. The author took us back in time and told the story from three point of views, Preacher, Wheels, and another patched brother Frank aka "Ghost." Sheehan then took us back to the present for discussions between Deuce (Eva's husband and the President of the Hangman's MC), and Preacher's brother/Ava's uncle Joe, also a patched member of the Silver Demons MC. Then she began with part two, again taking us back in time, this time with a dual POV from Preacher and Wheels. She continued the story showing the challenges and tragedy that surrounded Preacher which began to shape the man he ultimately became. After another present day discussion, still with Preacher in the hospital on his deathbed, Sheehan began the final part of the story, part three, again told from the past with both Preacher and Wheels POV's. I was captivated from beginning to end. It was heartbreaking on many levels and truly emotional. It explained a lot from previous books that I didn't even realize needed explaining. The Undeniable series was a tough series because of the dark nature of the stories and the unpopular path that Sheehan has taken with many of the storylines; however, it's also one of my favorite series. Sheehan is truly gifted and talented with storytelling; providing depth, dimension, complexity, unpredictability and a dozen other adjectives that could easily describe her creativity. I've been looking forward to ZZ's story for a long time and thankfully, it's next up. I have come to expect the unexpected with Sheehan, so I have no clue what to expect for ZZ. I totally can't wait and hope Undying will be here soon.

Preacher story was thoroughly thought out. Well done Madeline Sheehan.

Thoughts: After the teaser readers got of ZZ from Unbeloved (Undeniable #4) I was really hoping book 5 was going to be his story. But since the story had taken a different direction I understood the need to tell Preacher story first. Wow what a story he had to share. I was not prepared to have my heart broken. The feels were all over the place as I shed a few tears, wanted to strangle a few characters and had a few smiles. Never really new a whole lot about Preacher. Only that he is the hard a** President of Silver Demons MC and loving father to Eva. Loved how Preacher story was told from him with present and past. I was right there with him experiencing his life. Loved meeting new characters. Really not new characters but more characters that have been connected to Preacher and this series. I now have an understanding why Frankie Jr. turned out the way he did. I know this is Preacher story but Deuce and Eva started the Undeniable series with Undeniable and have been a big part of the series and big part of his book. Loved this couple then and loved them more through out. Deuce might be rough around the edges especially in earlier books and made some mistakes. They have had their ups and downs like real life couples do. Loved seeing him stand by his wife and the support he gives her had me swooning. Undeserving was unpredictable and had me on the edge of my seat. One thing I love about this series is I never know what I am in for. Preacher story was thoroughly thought out and as reader I am thankful for that. Well done Madeline Sheehan. The twisted, raw and gritty feel I got from Underserving brought back memories from the earlier books in the series. Strong secondary characters play a good roll through out the series. I find them best to be read in order. ZZ sneak peak has me nervous and more excited for his story. Nervous for ZZ as he already has caused crazy chaos. Excited for when a certain character(s) finds out what ZZ has done. Lets just say it is not going to go well. Yes I am twisted as I want the raw, gritty feel with ZZ story.


A book worth savoring. Can I just say how very sad I am to come to the end of Damon "Preacher" Fox' story. Right now I am feeling overwhelmed with nostalgia and that really satisfying type of sadness that only comes from a full life of love, loss and everything in between. I feel really blessed to have gotten a glimpse into the backstory of Preacher and Eva as a child and the "what-ever-happened-to" Eva's mom. Oh, this book has me tied up right now. Some authors really have the ability to transport you to a space in time where you can almost smell the smells and taste the tastes. I LOVE that and that is this book. There is nothing about this book that I didn't like. Nothing about this book would I have changed. It has officially been placed on my 2019 Favorite Books list. Sigh, I'm feeling very satisfied right now. Thank you, Ms. Sheehan, thank you!

Babe, yeah...

Here's the thing about me as a reader. I blow thru books like a Tasmanian devil and can normally move on to the next book/series without a backwards glance. It took me 3.5 days to read UnDeverving. Why? There were these passages of beautifully written words that literally gave me pause. I had to stop and reread them a few times. I was whispering " babe, yeah" thru out the book. I will unashamedly state that the sexy scenes had me taking a double back as well. As a lot of reviewers are noting, this book was a long time coming. But never has a book lived up to the very high expectation, in my opinion. Ms.Sheehan is a perfectionist, and it shows in her work. Preacher's back story gave me so much clarity. It made me go "ahhhh" when I remember the man that was introduced in UnDeniable. And Debbie?! i hope you all love her as much as I do. I got sucked into this UnD world and it is by far one of my favorite series. While I am looking forward to the next book, I am going to savor UnDeserving a few more time.

Gritty, Raw and Beautiful

“Life happened, and then happened some more, and kept happening until you were so caught up in life itself that you forgot to actually live it.” What a raw, beautiful and unflinching look into the world of the one percenters! This is NOT a pretty story – it is filled with lust and mayhem and violence – but it perfectly tells the story of Eva’s parents, Preacher and Wheels (Debbie). This is one of my top favorite series EVER and I highly recommend reading the books in order. BUT you can read the first book right away to get a flavor for Madeline Sheehan’s writing. Preacher lived an entire lifetime before we ever met Eva as a young child in ‘Undeniable.’ His life was hard. But he was a survivor. “Prison had been a painful wake-up call for Preacher. It had taken the man he’d been, beaten the holy hell out of him, flushed him down the s***ter, and sputtered and spit him back out a ravaged and shameful shell.” Preacher met Debbie on the road. She, too, was a survivor and did what she had to do to get by on the streets. Madeline Sheehan took two very damaged and hardened souls and created something beautiful which is why I absolutely love her writing style. The book is told as a flashback as Preacher lays dying in the hospital. He is finally telling his story to his beloved daughter Eva. But everything I thought I knew about Preacher and Debbie was wrong! Preacher’s tale is heartbreaking but I could not put this book down. I had to see it thought to the end. Preacher was in the biker life no matter what. Loyal and true to his family and biker brothers no matter what, he was a Demon through and through. “According to the law and the state of New York, he was indeed a free man. But in reality, he wasn’t free at all. He belonged to the Silver Demons body and soul, for better or worse. And if he stayed on this path, this wasn’t going to be the last time he went to prison.” Heart-wrenching and gritty, ‘Undeserving’ is nonetheless an incredibly readable story. It must be experienced. Madeline Sheehan does not write hearts-and-flowers stories. But her biker romances are must-reads. While this wasn’t as raw as ‘Undeniable’, it is still one of the best examples of this genre. I can’t wait for more books from Ms. Sheehan. She is one of my auto-buy authors. Favorite quote: “I noticed you.” Debbie’s eyes darted back inside the cart, colliding with Preacher’s. I noticed you. Those three words took flight, finding and nudging awake long hidden places inside of her.

If you are like me, and you have read every book in ...

Y’all, I am not going to lie. I’ve been dreading this book as much as I’ve been anticipating it. If you are like me, and you have read every book in the Undeniable Series, then you know. Oh yea, you know there is not the potential for the ending that we all want. So, I knew I was going to hurt. I knew it was going to take us back and make me hopeful despite knowing what I know from the past books in this series. Still, I went in, all smiles, hopes raised, beyond invested in Preacher and Debbie’s story. And Gah it was as good as it was heartbreaking. There was so much that I positively adored about this story. Let me start with the first. That prologue. I tell everyone who listens that Madeline Sheehan is the dag gum queen of prologues. They always get me right in the darn feels. Always, and this one was no exception. Next! Eva! I was so freaking excited to see her and Deuce again. I missed them so much. They may be older, but nothing has changed with these two. Gah. Their love story is probably my most favorite ever biker romance so I felt at home with these guys! And I absolutely adored how Eva’s bit of the story was done in first POV and then Preacher telling his and Debbie’s story (which was so much more than just their love story) was done in third. It was seamlessly done and so freaking perfect. You guys this story just pulled at every dang heart string I have. It was sexy, sweet, funny at times, but beyond everything it was absolutely heart breaking. And still I’d pick it up and read it again and again. Undeserving was completely unforgettable.

Fan-freaking-tastic!!!!!!!! All the stars and all the feels!!

Madeline Sheehan has written an outstanding book with Undeserving, Book 5 in the Undeniable Series. Yes, we waited for this book. But it is clear Madeline delivered above and beyond and made it worth the wait. Whatever the reason we waited, who cares? It’s here, it’s phenomenal, and it’s a must read. Undeserving is Preacher’s story, which you probably know. Madeline takes us back to the beginning. In Undeserving, Preacher tells his story to Eva from his deathbed. The story of how he met her mother (Debbie), the story of his life, the story of his love for her and for Debbie. It’s a story full of love that is beautiful and touching, yet it is also tragic and shocking at times. From the very beginning, the prologue hits you in the heart. And the feels keep coming. Undeserving is so well written that feel you are there with the characters, experiencing life with them, feeling their love for each other, and also feeling their pain and heartbreak. If you want fluff, you won’t find it here. Madeline has proven time and time again that she can WRITE. Her words and thoughts flow and read effortlessly, the pace is perfect, and it is more than evident that the plot was well thought out. There is a big cast of characters here- some old, some new. But every single one adds to the story and will leave an impression on you. I smiled, I had my heart torn out, I gasped. And at one point I literally said Holy Sh*t. This is one book you will want to last. It is one you won’t forget. The writing is flawless, the story is epic. It just goes to show- you can’t rush perfection. All the stars, all the feels. A must read!

Preacher's backstory

4.5 stars. Damon Fox, or Preacher, of the Silver Demons MC and their President, is Eva's father and he's always been a solid character throughout the series. Eva only knew what little was fed to her about her mother through Preacher, but as time runs out, Preacher is ready to share his whole history with his daughter. It's definitely not the story that Eva or the readers were expecting. Seeing the younger version of Preacher falling for a runaway teenager, Debbie Reynolds, at a time when Preacher wasn't sure of who he was or what he wanted to do paints a very different picture from the guy who was always a strong and formidable figure in Eva's life. Debbie was ditching her life at home because it was that horrific for her and it's Preacher who sees her for exactly who she is and catches all of her truths and lies. Both of them are a little lost, changed by their recent pasts, and surviving day by day. There's a lot of tragedy and chaos and upheaval in addition to seeing all the guys in the MC who raised Eva as younger men in the prime of their life. Preacher is really put through the wringer and these experiences shape him into being the leader he becomes later on. Getting to know Debbie also helps to understand parts of Eva's personality, too, since this is her origin story. Most of all, it is a definite insight as to what kind of mother she was to baby Eva and how she truly felt about her for the short time they had together. And while there was no doubt about Preacher being a loving and doting father, this book gives a glimpse of him as a lover and partner and how perceptive he can be, and yet other times how he can easily be blinded, too. This feels very emotion laden simply because all of these events have already happened with the known outcome and so much more has occurred since then. Not to mention how tight lipped Preacher was about everything and it wasn't just a small amount of information that he kept from Eva. Literally, it was a whole book and lifetime of knowledge and it has her shook, rethinking everything she thought about both her mother and father as well as others. I had always assumed Preacher loved Eva's mom and this certainly solidifies how deep that sentiment went as well as the entire aftermath that lead him to not wanting to speak about any of it and other circumstances that affected Eva later on. A lot of questions that I didn't know that I had were answered in this one and certainly builds the momentum and anticipation towards the final book, which I can't wait to read. ZZ seemed so predictable when he was first introduced, and now he's anything but that.


Wow! What a wonderful book! It's really funny because initially I wasn't that interested in Preacher's story. He was kind of an elusive and to me somewhat sinister character in the first book and although I got that Eva loved him and she was a "Daddy's Girl", I wasn't curious about him. But I LOVE this series, and I have waited a LONG TIME for another book in the series to come out so I couldn't pass this up. SO GLAD I READ THIS BOOK! There's a lot to be said about Preacher's story and I don't want to give away any spoilers. So, let me just say this is the kind of story that is a saga and is one you'll never forget. Preacher is on his death bed and he guiltily decides to finally tell Eva the real story about what happened to her mother. The story is told primarily in flashbacks, with Preacher telling Eva about his relationship with her mother, his parents, particularly the mean and evil Judge, his father and about how he became President of the Demons. This story is a doozy! There is lots of intrigue, you get to see how Frankie, Eva's first husband, came to live with them, you get to learn a little more about why he was so crazy, and we also get to learn more about some of the other men in the Demons, particularly Tiny (he needs his own book and some love too!). I love all the couples in this series but Eva and Deuce are one of my favorite couples in all of MC Romance-land, so it was really nice to revisit with them. The next book will feature Ivy, Deuce and Eva's daughter, so I know it'll be a good story. Well done and well worth the wait!

MC Queen Title is Rightfully Owned by Sheehan

I am not good at reviews. Usually I just want to say "It is brilliant, start reading it now" and that's it. I'm definitely no Slitty... we all know she is a genius with her reviews. That being said, I will say: HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! This is my favorite book from the UnDeniable series! I know I have always said it was UnAttainable, those that know me will give me the side-eye now. But wait, let me explain why. Preacher's story was one that was never really on my mind as having to be told. I just didn't think much about him. I was a Hell's Horsemen girl, Deuce's babe, and Preacher was Eva's dad. That's that. I just placed him, in my mind, as a secondary character that was the president of the Silver Demons and did what he could so his little girl could have a good life. He loved his daughter more than anything, case closed. Yeah? No!!! Dude... I was so so wrong. First off, this book speaks to me in the sense that it takes place in an "era" that I obsess over. The music, the lifestyle, the fashion, that '69 chopper. Preacher and Debbie are meeting and and falling in love with each other in a time I love and long for so much, even if I didn't exist back then. But with UnDeserving, we learn why Preacher is the way he is. There is so much more to him than "being Eva's dad, being the club Prez". We get to meet his parents. We meet Joe, Sylvie and Max. Oh Max... We learn what made Preacher into the man and bad ass leader of such a notorious MC gang. His relationship with Eva's mom, Debbie, was so short but a huge part of why Damon "Preacher" Fox is who he is. I can't say much about Debbie right now, I still need to process. But I love that girl and I AM happy she met Preacher when she did. What a ride! As bittersweet as so many parts of the book were for me, there really was no other way to go. I see it now... even if I did cry for two hours during the middle of the night while finishing this book. Madeline, if you read this, forgive my review that does no justice to your brilliant storytelling. I never knew much about MC clubs, 1% patches, being an old lady, etc... and you have "led" me into a world I swear I know so well thanks to your writing and your vivid way you have with words.

Totally Amazing and Emotional!

Just....Wow! Undeserving was the fifth book in the Undeniable series by Madeline Sheehan. This was Preacher's story, the President of the Silver Demon's MC and the father to Eva (book one, Undeniable.) Sheehan did a great job setting the stage for the storyline. At first I thought it was going to be a current day setting featuring an older man with a younger woman storyline, but it wasn't. The author began Preacher's love story from his deathbed with Preacher telling the story - the truth he had kept all these years - to his daughter, Eva. The story was told in three parts starting at the beginning. At twenty four, Damon "Preacher" Fox was the VP of the MC and was just released after two years in prison. He was restless and on a long ride to determine what he wanted to do next when he crossed paths with Debbie Reynolds, a young runaway he named "Wheels" because she was Hell on Wheels and all kinds of trouble. The author took us back in time and told the story from three point of views, Preacher, Wheels, and another patched brother Frank aka "Ghost." Sheehan then took us back to the present for discussions between Deuce (Eva's husband and the President of the Hangman's MC), and Preacher's brother/Ava's uncle Joe, also a patched member of the Silver Demons MC. Then she began with part two, again taking us back in time, this time with a dual POV from Preacher and Wheels. She continued the story showing the challenges and tragedy that surrounded Preacher which began to shape the man he ultimately became. After another present day discussion, still with Preacher in the hospital on his deathbed, Sheehan began the final part of the story, part three, again told from the past with both Preacher and Wheels POV's. I was captivated from beginning to end. It was heartbreaking on many levels and truly emotional. It explained a lot from previous books that I didn't even realize needed explaining. The Undeniable series was a tough series because of the dark nature of the stories and the unpopular path that Sheehan has taken with many of the storylines; however, it's also one of my favorite series. Sheehan is truly gifted and talented with storytelling; providing depth, dimension, complexity, unpredictability and a dozen other adjectives that could easily describe her creativity. I've been looking forward to ZZ's story for a long time and thankfully, it's next up. I have come to expect the unexpected with Sheehan, so I have no clue what to expect for ZZ. I totally can't wait and hope Undying will be here soon.

Preacher story was thoroughly thought out. Well done Madeline Sheehan.

Thoughts: After the teaser readers got of ZZ from Unbeloved (Undeniable #4) I was really hoping book 5 was going to be his story. But since the story had taken a different direction I understood the need to tell Preacher story first. Wow what a story he had to share. I was not prepared to have my heart broken. The feels were all over the place as I shed a few tears, wanted to strangle a few characters and had a few smiles. Never really new a whole lot about Preacher. Only that he is the hard a** President of Silver Demons MC and loving father to Eva. Loved how Preacher story was told from him with present and past. I was right there with him experiencing his life. Loved meeting new characters. Really not new characters but more characters that have been connected to Preacher and this series. I now have an understanding why Frankie Jr. turned out the way he did. I know this is Preacher story but Deuce and Eva started the Undeniable series with Undeniable and have been a big part of the series and big part of his book. Loved this couple then and loved them more through out. Deuce might be rough around the edges especially in earlier books and made some mistakes. They have had their ups and downs like real life couples do. Loved seeing him stand by his wife and the support he gives her had me swooning. Undeserving was unpredictable and had me on the edge of my seat. One thing I love about this series is I never know what I am in for. Preacher story was thoroughly thought out and as reader I am thankful for that. Well done Madeline Sheehan. The twisted, raw and gritty feel I got from Underserving brought back memories from the earlier books in the series. Strong secondary characters play a good roll through out the series. I find them best to be read in order. ZZ sneak peak has me nervous and more excited for his story. Nervous for ZZ as he already has caused crazy chaos. Excited for when a certain character(s) finds out what ZZ has done. Lets just say it is not going to go well. Yes I am twisted as I want the raw, gritty feel with ZZ story.


A book worth savoring. Can I just say how very sad I am to come to the end of Damon "Preacher" Fox' story. Right now I am feeling overwhelmed with nostalgia and that really satisfying type of sadness that only comes from a full life of love, loss and everything in between. I feel really blessed to have gotten a glimpse into the backstory of Preacher and Eva as a child and the "what-ever-happened-to" Eva's mom. Oh, this book has me tied up right now. Some authors really have the ability to transport you to a space in time where you can almost smell the smells and taste the tastes. I LOVE that and that is this book. There is nothing about this book that I didn't like. Nothing about this book would I have changed. It has officially been placed on my 2019 Favorite Books list. Sigh, I'm feeling very satisfied right now. Thank you, Ms. Sheehan, thank you!

The wait was most certainly worth it. Undeserving is PERFECTION!

Madeline Sheehan is indeed back and there is no doubt that this is her best work to date. Undeserving is THE book that truly encapsulates what we fans of this series have been longing for these past 5 years: Wanting to know more about Preacher, the dutiful father to Eva Fox, the man who ran the Silver Demons with an iron fist yet maintained a soft spot for his darling daughter. The author gives so much more that I could have ever expected with this book. Getting to go back in time and witness as Preacher, who is feeling lost and restless after his first stint in prison, meets the mysterious Debbie, the sexy little pick pocket who will ultimately steal his heart, was told oh so perfectly. It's basically the story of his life and all the hows and whys as to his reasons for never really talking about her to Eva nor to anyone else close to him. And I did not want to fall for this man but the way the author portrays his inner torment for not wanting to take over for his father as Prez of the MC is simply mesmerizing. I found myself riveted with every turn of the page, lost in Preacher's memories and wanting that HEA that he so desperately sought even without his 'Wheels' by his side. Secrets are laid bare. Holes in this continued storyline through 4 prior books are suddenly filled with plenty of a-ha moments and gasps I didn't even realize I had uttered. There is the usual grit and rawness that is a persistent dynamic of this series and yet it is so gloriously juxtaposed with the love that is deep within every single member of this unconventional family, known as the Silver Demons. Preacher not only surprised me but had me in awe of his strength and his vulnerability that wasn't always evident in prior books. His quiet nature was downright sexy and the hidden boyishness made him irresistible to a fault. And yes, Deuce West makes more than one appearance, his life almost on par with Preacher's. And as he utters, 'you feel me' to Eva at one pivotal moment, I responded in my own head: 'yes, I feel you Deuce and have since I met you all those years ago'. Undeserving is to me the penultimate chapter in this wonderful group of books. I feel a certain sense of calm, finally knowing all the reasons for all the decisions that affected Eva and her family during every tumultuous year prior to her birth and after. A book NOT to be missed, I am thrilled Madeline Sheehan decided to write the book she has always wanted to give her fans. The woman did not disappoint and I am simply in love with her words. 5++++ stars all the way!

At the end, we should all go back to the beginning...

As most of the reviewers, I have read the entire series by Madeline Sheehan plus I have reread them at least 5 times. I have a love/hate relationship with Deuce, the President of Hell’s Horsemen Motorcycle Club; that being said, his character is true to what I think is a bad ass biker. All the characters in the world that Sheehan has created are so realistic that it is hard to at times to remember I am reading fiction. This story is about Damon "Preacher" Fox, the President of the Silver Demons MC and the love of his life Debbie who are the parents of Deuce's wife Eva Fox Deluva West. Honestly, I never connected with Preacher in the first 4 books as he seemed to be such a grumpy old man who loved Eva so much but was clueless about who she really was as a woman..in fact, it seems to me that when it comes to their womenfolk, these bikers want them to remain little girls forever. Anyway, back to Preacher's story. I bought this book a year ago and only finished half of it as I just couldn't connect to it. Recently, I decided to give it a try and all I can say is wowsers. The words came alive and the pages just about turned themselves as I rode the emotional roller coaster to the end. Be sure to have a box of tissues close by as I promise the tears will flow. I have always had a soft spot for Frankie Deluva and this book offers deep insight into his background.

Slow burn of secrets revealed.....

Madeline Sheehan is a genius. Her fans waited quite some time for this story....and it was so worth the wait. She didn't settle, she wrote the story on her terms and took her time doing it right! Thank You Madeline! Only she can turn hated characters into a beloved character. I'm just going along, reading these stories, not liking him or her because of what I've read and bam just like that, the character has some secrets and the family has secrets and it all comes out and damn, what the hell. I am now in love with the character and their story--- Debbie's spirit resonated with me and with what Eva finds out about all the lies....It f%$#king blows my ever loving demented mine. Loose ends are tied together with barbed wire. Everything, all of it, makes sense. And the fact that Eva killed Frankie....well, ya know. Preacher & Eva are the toughest, bravest peeps I've ever read. Buckle up -- it is an emotional roller coaster & so worth it all!

Ride forever free, Preacher!

I have been waiting for this book forever and it did NOT disappoint! In fact, why did I wait over a month to finally dive into this book?! This story hits you with feels right from the start and does not let go. This is Preacher's story from Eva's POV and Preacher takes us back to the beginning. "At the end, we should all go back to the beginning, if only to remind ourselves that we once lived." When we go to the past to get Preacher's story and how he became who he is and his story of how Eva came to be, it is told in third person. When we come back to the current time, it is told in first person from Eva's voice. This made so much sense and had the chance to really get into the feelings of the characters and the way things progressed. I don't want to give anything away, but I have to say I respect Madeline's artistic vision for going for Preacher's story before diving into a story that her readers were begging for. I feel like it's all for a reason and things will explode in a way that we won't see coming. Preacher had to have a story and I loved it. I loved his past and I hurt for his present and what he had to do as Prez when perhaps he never really even wanted it in the first place. His story and how it shaped the MC and Eva and Deuce and the whole gang....just wow. I wish things turned out differently, but if it did, it wouldn't be the ugly beautiful hard life we've come accustomed to with this series. --We fought just as much as we loved, and to this day the hard times still occasionally outshined the good times. But despite it all, I was unable to recall a time when I wasn't either fascinated by him, turned on by him, or in love with him.--- This is Madeline's series and this is exactly what she gives us. A darn good story with the feels, the history and surprises that will connect so many loose ends for Eva. Can't wait to see what's next!

Another unforgettable and emotional story from this author!

The Undeniable series is one of my favorites I've ever come across and Undeserving met the high expectations the previous books created. The characters are gritty, the situations get ugly, but with all the bad there is always good as well. Although, its heartbreaking and gut-wrenching, not all stories can have its happy ending. These books have the ability to cause you to cringe, smile, get angry, and sometimes you'll find parts that are disturbing and devastating and others will lead you to be hopeful. Each of the stories have a full and deep plotline and are well-rounded, leading readers to become fully immersed into the chaotic and violent world of these 1 percenter Motorcycle Clubs and hopelessly invested in the characters. Undeserving is the story of what happened to Eva's mother and Preacher. While on his death bed Preacher reveals to Eva the complete story of how they met and why her mother left him and Eva when she was a baby. Eva has to come to terms with the inevitable loss of her dying beloved father Preacher as well as dealing with learning shocking revelations about her family. I read so many books each week and even though I enjoy almost all books I read they don't often have long-term lasting effects on me and most eventually begin to blend together in my memory, however there are a few that stand out and leave a lasting impression on me, which sets the standard I compare with my future book reads from the same genre. This whole series, to me, sets the bar extremely high and is well worth my time and money. I waited 2 years without losing interest in the continuating plotline for Undeserving's installment and it was worth it. If you like dark MC romances that contain mature 18 and up material then I MUST DEFINITELY RECOMMEND ! If violence, drug use, sexual abuse, etc is too much for you to read about then I'd skip the series. I can hardly wait for the 6th book in the series to be published!


OMGOODNESS!!! love this story. Had me in tears majority of the time. I wish things could have been way hotter with Preacher & Debbie(Eva's Mom), it just seemed way too tamed for Madeline within this series. Considering with what we've been given with the other stories in this series. So that left me wanting BIG TIME. But the execution of all other things here, and the way certain things were brought to light, I had to still give this one 5*. Although, and this is an after thought, THE REVELATION of the the unexpected truth that Preacher found out, I wish somehow, the details of that could have been given to us, the reader, in real time. Like a truth only we actually get to see but the characters will never know. Other than that, this was an awesome read. I would HIGHLY recommend this one. I recommend this entire series. Please read in order.

Never want this series to end!

There are series which I enjoy and look forward to receiving the next installment of, and then there is Madeline Sheehan's books of which I Jones for! I savor every chapter, constantly checking how much is left to read, fearful it will end soon, wishing for more pages to magically appear! Unfortunately, the never do, but no worries, there is plenty of magic in each book and Undeserving is loaded with it!!! I was pulled back in time with Preacher, Debbie and the club. I could hear the music, feel the vibe and even smell Ginny's clove cigarettes, Amazing!!! Every book has my emotions on overload but Preacher's story hit me hard and I loved it! Eva and Duece are like a newer version of Preacher and Debbie except for...well my momma never raised a spoiler so you'll need to read it to see.lol With every new Undeniable book, I love to go back and reread the prior ones before I indulge in the newest and this was no exception, I highly recommend reading all of the series first so you can truly enjoy the kick ass ride!! One last thing, you'll need your tissues and and perhaps some batteries 😉...lol, but I promise it will so freakin' worth it!!! (Keep em coming Madeline.... I needmy fix!!!)

By far my favorite in the series thus far.

I couldn't put this book down. It was amazing. I LOVED getting the back story of Preacher and in doing that Eva's as well. There were so many hints to things in the other books of the series, but never any conclusions. It was hinted that Preacher's parents were murdered but never any explanation. It was also hinted that Eva's mother ran off without her but no explanation or hints. I just really enjoyed this. I loved Preacher telling Eva the true stories of her life as a baby and on. I loved how the Horsemen were so loyal to Preacher that they kept secrets from Eva as well, in their eyes doing right by her and Preacher. My heart broke for Eva and Preacher. I cried ugly ugly ugly tears. The ending just broke me. Absolutely devastating even though you know it's coming. Highly highly highly recommend this book and the entire series. They all play off of each other and it's wonderful to be a part of their world and gang. Just really really really wonderful writing. Off to start the next in the series.

I See You...

The Undeniable series is far and away one of my most favorite series and hands down my most reread books ever. Undeserving just made it that much better. There was quite a wait for Preacher's story but I'm beyond glad Madeline took her time with him and let his journey unfold the way it was meant to be. I have loved The Horsemen from page one but Preacher and his Silver Demons have solidified a spot in my heart right next to those others nuts. Preacher was so much more than I had anticipated with a mindful soul and a calm chaos that made every page feel like magic. I have always found Madeline Sheehan to be an exceptional writer but she has progressed to another level of talent with Underserving. I look forward to ZZ's tale but I'll patiently wait as long as it takes because clearly the time pays off. Well done, Madeline!

Not everyone gets their happily ever after...after all.

Another perfectly imperfect story by Madeline Sheehan. Sometimes to understand the end you have to go back to the beginning. Damon 'Preacher' Fox is dying but before he goes he has one hell of a story to share with his daughter Eva. Damon, newly free from prison, is feeling disenfranchised with his club lifestyle and searching for something more when he meets Debbie Reynolds, a runaway with nothing but secrets. Both struggling to figure out the meaning of life for themselves, together make a new life. But secrets can't stay secret forever and those secrets can lead to destruction or redemption. For me, this story filled in so much about so many different characters from the previous books. It just added so much more depth to the other stories and I immediately reread all the previous books in this series. I am so itching to read ZZ's story though. He started out as such a kind, sweet guy. He just wants his happily ever after so badly and twice it's bit him in the nuts. Can't wait for Undying to come out.

5++ Stars!!

Oh man, Oh man, Oh man! I am so blown away! This book was so worth the wait!! The Undeniable series is my first and still my favorite biker romance series. This is the gut wrenching, soul quenching love story of Damon "Preacher" Fox and Eva's mom Debbie. I fell in love with this man and their story breaks my heart! The first half of this book actually felt very different from the previous books. The Undeniable books are known to be raw, gritty and unapologetic. This book actually started out kind of tame. It reads like a nice romance novel of boy meets girl. I really liked seeing this sweet, loving side of Preacher and I loved seeing him and Debbie fall in love. However as a series of events unfold we understand how Preacher became the cold hearted President of the Silver Demons MC and watch as revenge drives him to turn the MC into a national criminal empire. We then get to see Madeline Sheehan's typical dark and disturbing romance unfold. This was just plain awesome. You need to read the series in order. This is not a standalone. There is no HEA but you get closure. Madeline Sheehan please don't let me wait 3 years to read ZZ's story!!! 5++ Stars Contemporary Biker Romance Series- Undeniable, #5

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Did I mention I LOVE this series?

If it's possible to be in love with a book series, then I'm head over heels 😍 I cannot get enough of the Undeniable books. I have not had any complaints about any story from this series except the wait. I hate waiting for new books to come out. I completely understand it takes time to write a book and it doesn't happen over night. But that doesn't mean I have to like it! I will usually wait until a series is complete and then binge read all of the books (I do the same thing with shows on Netflix 😁) But with Undeniable, I just can't do it. As soon as I hear another book has been or will be available soon I just have to get my hands on it. Undeserving was an amazing story. It has everything from crazy nights, wild adventures, true love and heartbreak all mixed in to complete the perfect story. I feel that even if you're not a big fan of MC club books that you'll still love this set. I don't like giving reviews because I don't want to accidently give too much away (even though I love reading other's reviews to decide on a book...Crazy, I know 🙄) I just had to write something for this AMAZING story. So in the meantime I'll read a ton of other books to help get me through while I not so patiently wait for Undying to hit bookstores!

Everything is a mess

My kitchen is a mess. Both bathrooms are a mess. My emotions are a mess and all because I couldn't put this book down. Let me start with preacher. Oh preacher how I thought I could love a fictitious blind a##hole as much as deuce but I was wrong. You just like deuce made life changing mistakes and yet I love you both anyway. Now for Deborah. I fell like I miss you already. We didn't get enough time with her. This is more of letter then a review but I don't care. It's how these thoughts and feelings came pooring out so that's what you get when reading this! Now for Madeline. You nailed it once again. Preacher was great. Deborah was great. It was even better we were able to get to know the silver demons. Well done Madeline Sheehan! My only piece of advice is make sure you will be interruption free for me that was the only way I could have enjoyed this book more.

An amazing, heartbreakingly beautiful story!

I first read Undeniable in 2012. I immediately fell in love with the characters and was ecstatic to learn that it was a series. I was so excited to see Undeserving released. This book is heartbreakingly beautiful. Although I love all of the books in the series, there is something about how this story was told that is quite moving. Preacher's story takes the audience back in time while also telling us so much more about our favorite characters. When you read it, make sure to have your tissues close. You will need them. Madeline Sheehan is a brilliant author. She has a unique ability to shift through time while telling very compelling stories. I also love how she switches from first person to third person. Each character has such a unique voice. Undeserving is absolutely amazing. I went through every emotion while reading it. I also love this series because it is the type of series that you can read multiple times and learn something new each read through. I love the characters as they are not perfect. You learn to love the good and the bad side of humanity. When you read this series, you are reminded that there is ugliness and beauty in everything. Sheehan has created a world that I have truly enjoyed escaping to. I cannot recommend this book or the series enough.

The emotions are real!

Undeserving has stolen my heart from all the others. I followed this series from the beginning. I started this book with not knowing how I would feel because I was wanting to read "ZZ's" story and I was expecting ZZ's story before this one. But as I read each page, my heart softened and by the end Preacher stole my heart for the taking. I have to admit, I don't think any other character in this series can every take my heart the way Preacher's story stole my heart. In this story, you see a completely different side of Preacher but it made me appreciate the character he was throughout the series. If you are okay with having your emotions toyed with, you can handle this book, because Undeserving will have you happy one minute, pissed off the next, in awe, and straight heartbroken. If you can handle all that you will enjoy this book. My emotions were as real as it was in the book. I really have to say I LOVED it and didn't want it to end. I still wanted more because I did not want to let Preacher go, but all great things come to an end. Trust, this book is worth reading.

Close, But No Cigar

It seems to me the main purpose of this book was to give Preacher's backstory, which included Eva's mother. There was tremendous opportunity to flesh out these two characters, but I was left feeling as if the two of them and their relationship hadn't been fully explored. The little we got seemed too simplistic. What killed the story for me was the way Preacher identified the villain. Without giving anything away, I accept that serial murderers collect trophies. Carry dozens of the victims' posessions on your person around people to whom these objects would be identifiable??? Yikes.

Great Addition to the Series

I really enjoyed Preacher and Debbie's story sad though it was. It explained some things that I remember wondering about when I initially started reading the series years ago. I didn't really want it to end where it ended though and wish the author would have given us a little bit more of Preacher's life after Debbie. I wanted a happy life for him, and I don't know if he had it. And I'm left wondering what the heck was up with Frank and the things he did. This is the best MC series I've read by far, and I loved this addition to it - can't wait for the next one.

I am in awe

I'll start by being completely honest. I don't normally post as many reviews as I should. Not because I don't feel that the author is worthy or that the books I read aren't worthy - it's simply because I usually feel I can't put my thoughts together enough to write a decent enough review; however, I HAD to review this book. This book was one of the first in a very long time to put me to tears and make me think about life and how truly special it is. I know that seems like an odd thing to take away from this book but it's truly how I feel. Madeline, you have done an outstanding job with this book. I will admit I was a little apprehensive about reading Preacher's book but I can now say that this may be one of my favorites of the series. If you have any reservations at all about reading this book don't. This whole entire series are some of the best books I've ever read in my life and probably ever will.

Beautiful tradegy

I’m at work with tears streaming down my face as the end of Undeserving is playing in my ear. I needed to re-read all of them before I could take on Preacher’s story. My heart is so broken for him. The only way to describe this book is a BEAUTIFUL TRAGEDY. I found my self so mad at Preacher and yet loving him with all my heart. Madeline Sheehan your talent never ceases to amaze me. My heart goes out to you for having to write this story. I can’t even imagine the roller coaster of emotions this book took you on. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS AMAZING BOOK.

I can't stop the tears

I just finished this book and I can't stop crying. I have put off reading Preachers story long enough, but I can't wait to read it again and again and again. This is by far the best book by Madeline Sheehan. Knowing Preacher on a deeper level was incredible. Reading his story was perfect. His love for Debbie ... I honestly can't stop crying as I think about how much he loved her. How much he cherished Eva. This story was absolutely perfect, yet, so sad. Bravo to Madeline Sheehan for making me cry harder than any other book I've read. I have a deep, deep love for Preacher. Always.

Oh.... my.... heart !

This book was amazing ! Madeline you slay me ! I went into this thinking I didn't want to read Preachers story but because it was Miss Sheehan I dove right in..... and ALMOST drowned! Oh the feels and the ups and the downs and surprises and heartache!!! You took me through such a broad spectrum of feelings. Something about your writing in this particular series is such a gift ! I have read and re-read Undeniable and the others so many times and never fail to enjoy Them each time !! Thank you for taking my heart out , stomping on it, and putting it back in place. I cannot wait for ZZs story!!!

The best yet in this series!

Too much to say in a short area and short time. It's been a while since I've read a Sheehan book and I was just reminded that she is by far, one of the best writers. I just read, I believe, the best love story I have read in ... a very. Long. Time. I didn't expect this book to hit me like this. I knew I would love it, but not to this extent. Sometimes a good writer must tear our hearts up and go beyond "fluff" in order to be talked about, AND remembered. If you are a fan of this series, how could you not think this the best. We. Needed this.


I have to say, this is one of my favorite series of all times. One i could re-read anytime. With that being said, this book was amazing! Finally getting to read Preacher's story was awesome! The characters feel so real and I felt like I was right there in the book the entire story. The emotions of each character were so palpable. This story is one of love and tragedy with so many amazing parts inbetween. Madeline is a genius! Each book is so unique yet also so connected and intertwined with one another. I highly recommend this book and the series it belongs too.

I LOVE this series

I was so excited to see the Undeserving released. I LOVE this series! It had been a while so I went back and re-read the series before I started on # 5. So glad I did. I loved learning about Preachers background and Eva's mom. I cried and my emotions were all over the place. See Preacher as a lover and knowing that he had a good heart.....If I could I would give this 10 STARS. So looking forward to Undying. Please hurry!!

Worth the wait!

Waited SO SO long for this one! Read all the other "Un" books more than once. Hope Undying comes out a lot sooner than this one did. Sheehan's books are outstanding in every aspect. Characters flow together perfectly yet have their own story to tell. Eva's dad, what this book was about, involved his life story blending in with Deuce and his family and club life. I can only excitedly anticipate Undying, ZZ's story to be equally terrific. Madeline Sheehan, do not keep me waiting too long! And thank you, for hours of enjoyable reading.

all the feels

This book was so much more than I was expecting. Even though I've loved the series, and it's one of my most favorites, I didn't know if I would be that interested in Preacher's tale compared to the others. It was amazing. I love when a story makes me feel, and this book had all the feels. My eyes were pretty watery for some of it. This series has great world building. I know the characters, and I love them (or hate, or pity, etc). It's easy to get caught up. The emotions are not simple either. The characters are flawed people that don't always have HEA, just like real life. My eyes are trying to tear up now just thinking about it. I definitely recommend Underserving and all the Undeniable Series books.

If you are in need of a good cry read this!

I feel like I have waited for this book for forever and like all of the other Undeniable books it was worth the wait. Debbie and Preacher's story was heartbreaking, but needed. Preacher has been Eva's rock, outside of Deuce, and it was time for her to know her mother's true story. It was like driving past a bad car wreck or reading an obituary. You knew going in the ending was bad, but Madeline wrote this in such a way that you are praying the whole time for a miracle and are somehow still surprised when it doesn't come true.

Been waiting for years for this book; not disappointed

I had been waiting for a few years now for the next book in this series and the author didn't disappoint. It's sad as hell, but beautiful. Can't wait for the next one, ZZ's story and Ivy. That book is gonna be one heck of a ride, I just hope Ms. Sheehan publishes it sooner rather than later. Less I sound ungrateful, thank you Ms. Sheehan for your work are giving us a front row seat to an amazing world!


This long awaited book was nothing short of amazing! I have been dying for Preacher's story! I was so happy to be back in the world of the Hells Horsemen MC and Deuce! This story absolutely broke my heart, it was gut wrenching but so beautiful. I'm not sure how to move on from this one. One of my favorites from this series! Absolutely great story of love, loss, heart break and the results of some of life choices.

Best MC Series I've Read

Okay, this book was a long time coming and frankly I had my doubts that it was ever going to be released. But as usual, Ms. Sheehan did not disappoint. This is by far the best MC series I've read. Gritty and sometimes disturbing, you won't want to put it down. Her ability to tell a story and hook you within the first few pages is impressive. To be honest, I wasn't really looking all that forward to Preacher and Debbie's story but I have to say I was far from disappointed. Getting to know Preacher's past and how it had turned him into the man he had become was just another piece of the puzzle that I have been waiting for. By the end of the book I was in tears and that is a rare occurrence for me. Now, the book I've really been waiting for is out next. ZZ is the one character I've been intrigued with since he went rogue. I'm just hoping we won't have to wait as long for his story as we did for Preachers. Regardless, it was worth the wait. If you love MC books, read this.

Worth all the pain and tears

This book was worth the wait. Before I read this book, I re-read the whole series and I forgot how beautiful the writing and storytelling are. I was invested heart and soul. I didn't want to read Underserving because I knew it would be sad and I didn't want that for Preacher and Eva. I couldn't imagine a way that Madeline Sheehan could make me forget that I wasn't getting the ending I wanted, but she did. I fell in love with Preacher and Debbie. Their love was short but it was strong and I wish they could have had the time to grow that love (I'm crying while I'm writing this) but that wasn't their path. Madeline Sheehan did an amazing job.

I couldn't put it down!!!

Madeline Sheehan has such a way of drawing you into her world and swallowing you whole. After each and every book I read, I'm left grieving a personal loss of these characters until another book comes out. You know you've found an amazing series when you can physically feel emotional turmoil due to the story line. This author is so amazingly talented. Can't wait for the next installment.

Wow....just wow

This book...i don't even know where to begin. I waited a while to review this book because i wanted my emotions to settle. The end had me crying. I don't normally leave reviews for books, but this one touched me. I waited so long for this book to come out, and believe me it was worth it. To be honest, when i heard this book was Preacher's story, i was not at all excited. But i loved the series so i wanted to read it. Boy am i glad i did. Undeserving was not what i expected. The book takes place both in the present and in the past. I honestly had no idea where the story would go, i was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I find this incredibly amazing since we already know Preacher's future. I finished this book in a day. I won't give anything away, but definitely read it.

Unexpected excellence

This book ... oh my word ... this f'ing book! Madeline Sheehan writes with such eloquence, there were times I forgot I was reading a fictional story. The atmosphere, the feelings, the true depth of her words ... amazing. When I originally learned that Preacher's story was next in the series I wasn't sure if I wanted it. Wow, was I wrong. This book took me on an unexpected journey -- a journey of love, loss, and intense beauty. I loved this story -- it was more than worth the wait.

My Favorite In The Series!

This book just blew me away. It is so worth the wait. Thank you Madeline Sheehan for another amazing story. The tale of Preacher and Debbie is so much more than I imagined. The story is full of ups and downs, highs and lows. I did not want to put this book down and did not want it to end. The feels this books brings out are strong. I shed a few tears and had a few smiles. This book is one of my favorites in the Undeniable Series, hands down! I highly recommend it.


Ok I love this series so I bought this without even reading the blurb. So I didn't know it was going to be about young Preacher, and I gotta say WOW! Considering we already know about Preacher's love life, I was a little skeptical at first reading about an old flame from the 70s, but holy crap it was worth reading! I just went through an emotional meat grinder reading this book! I was happy & sad & everything else all at once.

Captivating and beautiful

This is a heartbreaking, beautiful story. I wasn't sure that I could fall in love with Preacher, but I did. Completely. It tells the story of Preacher, who's kind of rambling around trying to find his way, meeting and slowly falling for Debbie, a runaway who's dreams hinge on pick-pocketing her way to New York City to escape a painful life. I love how the story was told with flashes of the present, with the majority of it taking place in the past. Watching it all come full circle was emotional, I don't remember the last time I cried this much while finishing such a great book. Excellent read, it was well worth the wait. (Should not be read as a stand-alone.)

An Emotional ride....

Such an emotional read...although this one wasn't even near my favorite reads of the series ... it was still a good one ...we learn so much and blanks are filled in ...and if you don't know it yet (spoiler coming)....we get to bid a proper goodbye to Preacher ...I for one am not crazy about going "backwards" in a series or a book ...but I certainly wouldn't have missed this one ...that being said ...I'm ready for what's gonna happen next....for sure ...recommended reads!!!


This book deserves to win some big awards. This book had me hooked from the moment I started it, I devoured every word and every emotion that these characters felt. I felt like this is a story that needed to be written for these characters. Really an emotional journey, I at one point had to stop reading and just take a breath to stop myself from crying. I also really loved seeing how Eva was in this book and how she got the truth she needed. Really a breathtaking series. Can't wait for the next one.

Undeniably epic story!!!

“At the end we should all go back to the beginning, if only to remind ourselves that we’d once lived.” -Damon “Preacher” Fox There are so many things that I love about this story!! It is a story that builds slowly and stealthily seeps into your mind until you suddenly realize that it has taken over your brain and you can think of nothing but the characters and the storyline and you hope your kids don't mind eating pizza because that is the only way that they are going to get fed. So many things happen in this book, and this review is going to be more than a little vague, but I don't to give anything away Although he was never a main character, Preacher has always been an important part of the Undeniable series. He's the father of Eva, runs the East Coast with an iron fist and is the only person on the planet who truly scares the crap out of Deuce. This is the story of how Preacher became Preacher. **Minor spoiler** It never even occurred to me to think of what men like Preacher, Tiny and One-Eyed Joe had been like in their 20's. While reading such a dark story, seeing these guys as the young, pain in the ass club members was freaking hilarious. I didn't expect to laugh so much! Picture the big, scary Preacher that we've known for years. Now picture him getting smacked in the head by his momma.

Ready to ride

Where do I start with this one? Omg this book is amazing. Just when you think you know preacher and the whole story trust me be ready to take this ride on the back of preacherS 69 chopper! I absolutely loved him and Deborah's story. Madeline surely outdid herself with this one. I laughed,cried,cussed,and screamed and still was baffled at this awesome story. We get to see some of the characters we love but also got the real story behind Deborah and preacher. I hope others buy this book and love it as much as I did!

Five stard

Madeline Sheehan can do no wrong. How can her books be so gritty but beautiful at the same time?! Her words always pull so many emotions from me. I go through so many! Every single time. Sadness, joy, hate, love, and don't forget the tears. Preacher. His story broke my heart. Plain and simple. So much love balanced by so much loss. If you haven't read this series then do yourself a favor. Start at the beginning and sit back and enjoy the ride.

There are no words

I have always liked Preacher but after reading this book I absolutely love him. This story made me laugh and cry a lot but I wouldn't have not wanted to read it. This is a definite must read. I hate for this series to end at any point in time but I want it to end before Deuce dies because I don't think I can take it. It will be like a family member died. Oh my God, I'm starting to cry just thinking about it.

My favorite!!

This had angst, and so much feelings I wanted more. I loved this so much I wish Preacher and Wheels had more. Thank you Madeline Sheehan for taking your time in writing these stories. If you rushed I wouldn't love them so much. Excellent work well done!.

This one's gonna hurt a bit....

I'm addicted to this series, thanks to Heather Maven's recommendation for the 1st book. I've blazed through them all and enjoyed every word. I've laughed, I've cried. This book probably hurt the worst. Between the massacre and the truth behind Eva's mom's disappearance and then the ending....wow. My heart. I really don't know how she knocks it out of the park, each and every time!

Deserving of 5 Stars!

This book is absolutely deserving of the 5 star rating. Emotional - you know that things don't end well for Preacher and Debbie from the info in Chapter 1 and from the previous books, but getting the full story was incredible. Debbie's tale tore my heart out. This made me go back to the beginning and read Undeniable again and I devoured it! I'm reading the rest of the series a second time. Worth the wait!

All The Feels!!!

I thought I didn't want or need Preacher's story. Thank god Madeline Sheehan knew Preacher's story needed to be told because I fell hard for Preacher. He's only second to Deuce. Undeserving made me smile, laugh, cry and sigh. Preacher was downright swoon worthy at times. As cliche and overused as it is there really is only one word to describe the whole Undeniable Series, unforgettable.

Gutted but very much loved !!!!!

WOW !!!!!!! What can I say ?!?!?!? This book gutted me in the best and saddest way possible. I loved it ! I cried like it was happening to me ! I laughed, I cried, I lusted, I melted, I wanted, I screamed, I loved, I hated, and I cried some more !!!!! I have loved every book in this series but none of them had sucked me in like Undeniable until Undeserving !!! Thank you Madeline Sheehan for these beautiful stories.

What a ride!

What can I say here? I knew Preacher was going to gut me and boy did he! You know how there are books you don't want to read because you know you're not going to want then got end? This is one of those! I flove this series so hard! Preacher and Debbie might be my favorite couple now. I knew it was going to make me crazy and want to throw my kindle and it did. But it also made me laugh and I could feel the love just vibrating off the page! Thanks Madeline for bringing these incredible people into my life! Bring on ZZ!


I think this is probably the most emotional of the series. We didn't really know Preacher and this has basically wrapped up Eva's past and have us some insight. I was very emotional with Debbie because of everything she had dealt with in her young life. In a sense we see some similarities with Eva and I thought that was tragic. We always want more for our children and sometimes it's just good to leave it alone. This was very impressive and I didn't expect anything less from this author

Pretty damned awesome

Unpredictable. Hits all the right places. The Preacher story is part crazy, part warm-hearted, and much too short. I feel sad for his character, who in a way suffered from unrequited love.

Preacher & Wheels

I couldn't put this book down until I finished Preacher's story. It was completely worth my broken heart & book hangover. I am emotionally attached to this series in a way that I have never been before. Madeline has a way of pulling you in & never letting you go. However, I don't mind at all because she's a fantastic writer. I refuse to spoil anything about this book. Read this book but only if you've been reading the series. If not, start at book one because I promise you will not be disappointed.

Best series ever!

What can I say, this series has me hooked! This was one of the very first motorcycle club books I read and I fell completely in love. There is no better motorcycle club series better than this one! I completed recommend this book, it is best to start with first book in series "Undeniable" ❤️❤️❤️🤓

Love - love - love this story

Well, what can I say about this story? I don't know if a book that I have read has made me tear up so quickly right at the beginning of the story before. Such a great story with so much heart and so much pain but I am so glad that I read it. This book is a great addition to the series. An absolute must read if you love this crazy biker family.

Loved Preacher's story!

I always enjoy being back in this crazy MC life. Finally getting Preacher's story was a wild ride. It was full of the drama, violence and mayhem that we're used to with these characters, but it also had a lot of heart and emotion. I really loved it all. There was a lot of complexity to the whole story line, from how Preacher met Debbie, his parent's dying, and what happened to Debbie after Eva was born. It's the type of story that is bittersweet. It kept me hooked until the end.

Can't express what I felt...

Wow...words fail me as tears run down my cheeks. Powerful gripping heartbreaking yet beautiful. When a book can grab hold of you and make you feel as if you have personally lost someone you have grown to love, you know you have a winner! This book brings this family full circle and leaves you feeling a wide range of emotions. Love Preacher love Wheels- thank you Madeline for writing this unbelievable series! Best Ever....

It was ok

After the long wait and wondering about this book, I expected it to be great. It didn't really sound like the authors old books and I am sad about that.

The Beginning

Madeline Sheehan, you never cease to amaze me. Undeserving, has far exceeded all my expectations and was so well worth the wait. Preacher and Deborah's story gives us the beginning of this awesome series. How two lost souls found comfort in each other and their short time together turned to love. This book brought me to tears many times, but it was so worth it.. it's a story that will stay with you long after you're finished.

Another hit from Madeline Sheehan

Let's just start by saying I have loved this series. I was surprised by the choice of doing Preacher's backstory but I think that the author did a great job. I also loved the insight you get into more of Eva's and Deuce's story. So if you have read the others in this series this is on par with the rest. That being said it can also be read as a stand alone novel.


Another great book by Madeline Sheehan. I have loved everyone in this series. This book answered the questions we all had about Eva's mom. I hated that some of the truth was so brutal but just like in real life; life isn't fair. I can't wait to read book #6. Madeline, please don't make me wait as long as I waited on this one.


Omg....awesome story. Kind of disappointed in the ending but understandable. I love this series. The men and their women perfectly paired. Can't wait for the next book. Madeline Sheehan is the best MC author. Highly recommend this series.

A beautiful truth

Having just finished Undeserving I am covered in tears and snot and feeling emotional. A beautiful story of love and loss it will stick with me as one of those books you can't escape from. The love of a Husband, a Father. The sacrifices of a Mother. The suffering that comes with living a hard life. This book is truth.

A must read!!

Madeline Sheehan shares her brilliance again!! Preacher's story is more than I could have hoped for and as always leaves us wanting and anticipating the next story and book. I can never get enough of the Hell's Horsemen and Silver Demons!


I dragged this book on as long as I could. I cried A LOT. I was up and down. I felt like I was there. Preacher was a lover. It was worth the wait. Can't wait to find love like that. Now, the waiting game begins. Next book please


I throughly enjoyed this book! To see the young Preacher so different from what he grew into. Wheels stole my heart..loved her character & loved how Preacher loved her! Lots of twists and turns but oh what a ride!


I love this series. This is a re read for me. I've read the whole series a few times. But I just have forgot to review this one. Can't wait for ZZ's book


I'm a huge fan of this author, as she really provides quality work. Her stories pull you in so just plan on your laundry and dishes not getting done until you're done with the book. There are quite a few characters in this biker world and I really thought this was going to be the story I was least interested in, but boy was I wrong.


I love this story, but I love it for different reasons than the other books in the series. For me it was watching as one of the pivotal characters in the Undeniable series comes full circle. It is a story filled with beginnings and endings, and not just Preacher’s story, but the ushering in of different epochs of his journey. As one door opens, another door is blown to smithereens, and there’s so much dust and debris, that you can’t clearly see the aftereffects until it’s too late, and by then another explosion occurs. This story, although there is romance, it’s more about love. Love between a girl and boy, between a son and his mother, between a father and daughter, between Preacher and the club, and between Preacher and Deuce. It wrecked me at times, and haunted me for days afterwards. Once again, I want to mention that this series contains violence, and illegal activities, but it also is filled with love and tenderness. And a reminder that this ain't our world, it's their world, their love story, and their rules. Undeserving is the prequel in Madeline Sheehan’s Undeniable series, the fifth book in the series. Sheehan swings off course in this installment, instead of writing the continuing saga of the Horsemen, she takes us back to a time before there was a Cox or Ripper, heck, this story is pre-Deuce, but if you keep your eyes sharp, you may catch a glance of a young Cole West. I’m going to warn you that this is the darkest book in the series, if you are only wanting hot biker sex scenes or to read about a bad boy saved by the power of love, then save your money, this isn’t THAT book. This is Preacher’s story, the only man who could on occasion strike fear into Deuce, so you must know by now that Preacher doesn’t do fluff. However, if you ever wanted to see what the Silver Demons MC was like before Damon “Preacher” Fox turned it into one of the most notorious crime syndicates, his rise to power, or how Eva come to exist, then this is the book for you So if you’re ready, jump on the back of Preacher’s ’69 Chopper and prepare for the most emotional, scariest, gut-wrenching ride. P.S. This story is not mascara proof, so be prepared. One of the true joys of reading Sheehan’s books is the assortment of eclectic characters, and she writes them in a way that you can identify someone that you know with each one. Never has Sheehan showcased her talent for multi-dimensional characters as with Undeserving; from the vulnerable street rat Debbie, hippie Ginnie, Jersey girl Sylvia, to the despicable Rocky. Sheehan also has a talent for throwing in some humor when the reader least expects it, “Females, give’em an inch, and they take your xxxxxx wallet”. Once again Sheehan tackles the subject of an outlaw biker and an underage girl, and once again she does it in a manner that she is only telling a story, not advocating it. Sheehan lays it out bare, she doesn’t attempt to dress it up, she doesn’t try to gloss it over, and she doesn’t apologize. Sheehan is also fearless in allowing her characters to age, die, and dealing with life events. Deuce and Eva exemplifies Sheehan’s talent, their story is still endearing and fresh, never appearing stodgy or limp. Did I just write Deuce and limp in the same sentence …bwahahahahahahahaha. I want to thank Madeline for the opportunity to say goodbye to Preacher. I was floored and upset in UnBeloved when his death occurred; I wasn't prepared, and I felt cheated of getting to mourn for him. I didn't know at the time that she was already working on Undeserving. Not everyone gets the opportunity to say goodbye, especially in Preacher's world. So goodbye Preacher, thank you for all the angst, for the surprises (he did shoot Deuce), for making me embrace your den of outlaws, for being the imperfect father who tried to do his best, for giving advice such as fornicating w a club bunny was the solution for many a problem, for forcing Deuce to become a better husband and president, for also giving Deuce heck and getting on his nerves, for making that Jersey girl Sylvia to shut her trap, for giving a home to bumbling bikers and club hookers, for the many laughs although inside you were longing for that special girl, for all that you sacrificed (and you sacrificed plenty), and lastly, thank you for the memory of that one day when you made a girl who had a crappy life light up like the 4th of July by telling her “I noticed you.” May you be reunited in the afterworld with all the people whom you didn't get the opportunity to tell goodbye, surrounded with the smell of clove cigarettes and Summertime playing in the background. Goodbye my friend, you'll be sorely missed. And to my new favorite side character Tiny, thank you for making me laugh through the tears. Beautiful things often come in ugly packages; I love you….with extra sugar.

Sheehan Created A Saga

I'm still sobbing. I sobbed through Unbeloved and now Undeserving. I don't know how she did it, but there you have it. I've got a crushed tissue in my hand, probably my tenth, and I'm exhausted. Debbie Reynolds aka Wheels. Preacher. Eva. Deuce. Tiny. Sylvia. Ginny. Lost souls. Family.

A long wait for this book but so worth it!

This book absolutely slayed me! Crying my eyes out as I finish this. I think this may be the best of this series yet! I know it took Ms. Sheehan awhile to write this book but it was worth every moment of waiting! Preacher and Eva. A beautiful horrible love story so complete. I don't think we could have wanted anything more with this book! Amazing!


Loved, Loved this book! It was a wait but I don't care!! Your writing is amazing and I can't wait for Undying!! This whole series has been one of my very favorites and I know we have so much more to get ready for!!!

Love this series!

Madeline is one of my favourite authors. I have loved this series from the beginning. I always thought I loved Deuce but after reading this one I fell in love with Preacher. I actually cried reading this book and I very rarely do that. Can't wait for the next one!


I have been dreading reading this book knowing what happens, I’m so happy I did. I’ve always love Preacher and Eva’s relationship, and now I know how it became. This was such a great book. Looking forward to the next!!!!

This book... this book... THIS BOOK!!

I don't know how Madeline does it but Undeserving has a whole different feel from the other books in the series but still fits so well within it. When Madeline first mentioned she was writing Preacher's and Debbie's story I was a little thrown off but I'll read anything by her so I was still excited but after reading their story I can't imagine the series without it. I totally understand why their story had to be told. Be prepared for a roller coaster of emotions. Even days later just thinking about Preacher and Debbie gets my tear ducts going! Uhhh It's so hard to put my feelings into words. Just experience the ride on your own. And then let me know what you think lol.

Worth the Wait!!!!

At first I was unsure about Preacher's story and if I even wanted to read it but I am so glad that I did. Preacher and Debbie's story was a beautiful tragic love story that needed to be told. It completely broke my heart!!! It was definitely worth the wait!!!!!!

Good, hard book

I didn't think I'd be that interested in Preacher. In fact I didn't think this series was actually ever going to have new books so it was kind of fun to rediscover the series. I found I cared more about him than I thought and then I got to the end and it was ugly cry mode. Good book.

Worth the Wait

I have been not-so-patiently waiting for this book to come out. I am beyond thrilled to say, it was everything I hoped. Wonderfully written,I couldn't put it down. Eva's parents story is exciting, sexy, emotional, just like the rest of the series.

The story continues...

I was so excited to continue reading about this motorcycle club family. The author didn't disappoint the readers as we laughed and cried as the president of the club tells his daughter his life story.

Always leave me wanting more!!

I wasn't sure how Preachers story was gonna work or hold my attention but OMG what a heartwreanching story! This was so beautifully written, and one of the best in the series I think. I just love this book! Great job!! Now give me some ZZ please!!!!


F***. That’s it. That’s all I’ve got. Just. F***. So many ****s and feels Or feels and $%$%s Whatever…… So, pretty much those were my only thoughts when I finished Undeserving. Or lack of them. Because I had no coherent ones. Just feels. And tears. A whole bunch of feels and emotions whose only outlet was an ugly cry fest of epic proportions while F*** was flashing like a neon sign in my head surrounded by a pool of blood. Undeserving has taken its time getting here however every single minute of soul searching, doubt and pain the author went through doing the complex Preacher justice was worth it because his story is in a masterclass of its own. The Undeniable series is addictive – raw, gritty, a family saga spanning generations with so much depth to both the characters and the world they inhabit that the ride you go on is rich in colour, real and alive. Like every family there are those we love, those we hate, those who annoy the ever-loving-$%$% out of us and those we want and need to protect and save from this sometimes-cruel harsh world but each one, the good, the bad, the ugly, the crazy and the broken is a part of the whole, the fabric that ties us all together. These family bonds of both blood and choice are showcased beautifully, the functional and dysfunctional perspective captured with effortless ease, all whilst twisting everything we thought we knew about Preacher and turning it all on its head. Do the circumstances make the man? Yet the man made the circumstances so………………????? I love how this story has given me questions and answers I didn’t expect, how I felt every single ounce of the regret, pain, guilt and love, how it changed everything and nothing between father and daughter. This is a story of birth and death, endings and beginnings, life in all its ugly beauty and pain told so flawlessly that you’re sucked in and spat out, ugly crying with no thoughts left, just spinning and spinning. Psychotic urges fought warm fuzzy feelings within me all while ugly crying and silently screaming, congratulations Ms Sheehan in the last 5/6 years only two books have made me cry, Undeserving is the third but did it in epic style, an outstanding emotional journey.


How can an author draw you in to a story line that you thought you wanted to skip? Well, I can honestly say that this book was captivating and hard to put down.. had me hooked from the beginning.. so ready for the next work, Ms Madeline


I was very skeptical about reading this book but it was good. My only complaint was it took forever... lol to finally reveal the answer to the big question of what really happened to Eva's mother.


Where do I begin?? This book was a game changer in the story of the hells horsemen and the silver demons.. how life changed and shaped these characters.. Madeline you have out done yourself ... what an amazing and heartbreaking story.. you are truly the master..

Worth the wait

If you have enjoyed every book in this series so far and then undeserving is well worth the wait. From start to finish it will have you turning the pages. Don't let this book go unread.

Good with a capital G!!

One of my top favorite, the Undeniable series continues to pull me in with each new book. This latest book was Preacher's story and I loved it. It answered a lot of questions for me and was just GOOD! I was lost in the story each time I picked it up to read and I had that feeling of never wanting it to end.

Not the best

I have read the series and just got this one. Started skim reading towards end just to see how it finished. While I appreciate getting Preacher’s story, I sadly did not enjoy it as much as the others.

Amazingly beautiful

I've always wondered what Preacher's story was. Now I know. It's sweet, and sad, and utterly heartbreakingly beautiful. Madeline, you gutted me on this one. But I am so glad you did. It was worth every tear I shed. What an amazing story about an amazing couple. Preacher and Debbie are in my heart forever.

Gloriously Guttwrenching

I always wanted to know Preacher's story and for that reason, I waited a while to actually read it once it bought it. It took me a day and a half to finish it. I loved every second of it. Even when Madeline broke my heart. Amazing love and loss. I am speechless and can not wait to see what happens next.

Gut wrenching

Preacher and Debbie's story will break your heart. I can't even find the words to describe how sad it made me and how much it made me love the man.

Adore this book!

Omg I love this series! It’s just so so good! I love Madeline's writing! She has definitely wrote a masterpiece in this story! A very highly recommended 5 stars!

Heartbreakingly Beautiful!

I've always wondered about Preacher's story and even though my heart broke for him it was still nice to see where he and Debbie came from!

Amazing love Preacher

Preacher is one complicated loyal man. Debbie is one strong complicated loving woman. They meet when they need each other the most. Preacher has a past. Debbie has a past she won't talk about. They make for one complicated loving couple. Could not put this book down. Love this series. Can't wait to read the next book.

Loved it

Sometimes to go forward you have to go backwards an epic story of preacher and is lost love will the answers finally come out will the truth finally be told a must-read series loved it and can't wait for the next

This book, like the whole series is absolutely amazing.

This book, like the whole series is absolutely amazing. The characters are just strong incredible characters that leave you thinking about them well after the final page in turned. I love how Madeline Sheehan makes me feel so invested in this whole series. Loved everything about this book.


Five plus stars!!!! Amazing story telling..... Amazing characters....worth the read and worth the wait..... thank you Madeline Sheehan for your imigination and ability to write a great story...

Everyone deserves to experience this series.

Undeserving is exactly how I feel. What a wonderful telling of a family love that isn't quite what most people would expect. I have always loved this fictional family and I suddenly feel do mich closer to them. Thanks Madeline, it was truly worth the wait!

a devastating story, a story of tragedy, a story that left me feeling both empty and full all at once.

Whenever Madeline Sheehan puts that warning on her books that it "isn't a romance" I always get hit with a momentary pang of disappointment. I'm a romance reader. I love a good love story. What's a girl to do with a biker book that doesn't have a love story? Well, I've come to understand a bit about Madeline Sheehan's warnings. A romance by definition fits into a box. And just because this book isn't your typical romance doesn't mean the love story within it's pages won't reach out and squeeze your heart in all the ways you hope it does and a few ways you wish it wouldn't. Fortunately for me, I'm a reader that won't fit into a box either. I don't expect happy endings. I'm okay with unconventional, raw, messy, ugly, complicated relationships. I enter these books eagerly, anxious for the ugly, for the broken pieces to fit together in ways a cliche romance doesn't allow. I was prepared for that much. I was ready for the ugly, complicated story I knew was coming. But I certainly never expected this book to claw its way under my skin and cut me so deeply. Eva's father, Preacher, has played a significant but secondary role throughout this series. If you've read any of these books, you probably already know how his story will end. What we never knew was where it began. Undeserving is the story of Eva's parents. Before Eva became the wild woman we've come to know, before Deuce and the Hell's Horsemen came into her life, before the lies and the heartbreak and the complicated love stories that have peppered this club through the years, a baby girl was born to parents whose story has been locked up tight for decades. Undeserving is their story and from beginning to end, I was transfixed, spellbound by a biker I didn't know and a story I never knew I even wanted. Undeserving is the beginning, the middle, and the end, an epic story that transcends decades, holding a lifetime of secrets that have long remained hidden by time. Madeline Sheehan beautifully and intricately weaves life with death, moments of clarity with finality, the juxtaposing of beginnings with endings in this novel. This was such a tragically beautiful story of life coming full circle, a hauntingly profound story of going back to the beginning so we can understand the end. This book will haunt me. It infuriated me. It filled me with as much hope as it did with heartbreak. I've always been a fan of books that hurt because I believe all the good in a story doesn't feel quite as satisfying without some bad, some struggle, some strife that makes a happily ever after so worth it in the end. Well in this story, the bad, the loss, the profound devastation wouldn't hurt quite as badly if it weren't for the good, the sweet, the happy times that came first. This story kills, it's full of injustice and loss and harsh truths and pages and pages of heartbreak. It's not always easy to find the silver linings in a book like this, but they're there. As with every Madeline Sheehan story, you truly have to take the good with the bad because that's what life is. Life is a messy, complicated roller coaster of good times and bad moments and you can't have one without the other. The truth of Eva's parents is a bittersweet one, a harrowing love story that was never simple, never easy, but where their love was undeniable. Sometimes that's the only consolation, the knowledge that despite how it ended, their love was real, their sacrifices were worth it. Madeline Sheehan's stunning writing shines in this book, masterfully illustrating a devastating story, a story of tragedy, a story that left me feeling both empty and full all at once. Her writing is so smart, her crafting of this story, and in hindsight this entire series, is meticulous and brilliant and perfect. My heart was heavy as I turned the last page, closing the book on characters that I came to love so deeply. Preacher was never a character I gave much thought to, honestly. He was Eva's dad, a club president that loved his daughter. That's all I cared to know. Now, after having read this book, he's a character that will stand out in my mind every time I look back on this series. He made me laugh, he made me angry, he broke my heart with his life story and I will never, ever forget it.

Most Deserving!

5 star read Highly rec must read story, however entire series requires reading for perspective/ timeline. You won't regret it. Author delivers a heartfelt account reader didn't know previously, blanks filled in...loops closed. Tragically beautiful.

Beautiful addition to this series

This is the beginning. Of what you ask? The beginning of it all, the very essence of the Undeniable Series. Why now you ask? Simply, because it was time. Once again Madeline Sheehan gives us a story like no other. How do you go back in time to explain a whole life? Exactly how Ms. Sheehan has done it. She brings life to the Silver Demons, in a way we haven't seen before. I found the depth of the storyline critical, to knowing Preacher as not only a man, but the President of his club. The man, who is truly a delight. He is sweet, funny, yet very much a man of the times. His relationship with Debbie is all you could ask for & more. Understand, you only think you know their story. As President of his club, you see how a young Preacher becomes who he is and the course his life takes, and how it affects Eva. The story is beautifully written, the storyline smooth and the characters are full of depth & life.

Just A+mazing

I LOVED this book. I am a tough critic and this book was just amazing. I couldn't put it down. I love Madeline Sheehan's writing and I can't wait to read Undying - the 6th book in the series.

This is preachers story

Preacher’s story is so beautiful yet heartbreaking. You can help but fall in love with the Debbie and Preacher. FYI This book will gut you and leave you feeling raw.

I'm an emotional wreck

Wow. Just wow. I don't know what to say. This book was amazing. If you have not read this book or series, do yourself a favor and start now. This is another amazing read by in the Undeniable series!

5 Stars

Preacher and Debbie's story is way more than imagined it to be. It was well worth the wait. Madeline put her heart and soul into this book. The love I have for these characters is something I will carry for a lifetime.

A fantastic love story!

My breath came to a halt when Undeserving first appeared on my Kindle. It wasn’t as if it was a surprise, I had 1-clicked it seconds prior. My high expectations evoked a momentary hesitation but my love for the Undeniable series took over. I let it be known to the family I would be Unavailable for the rest of the day! I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve read or listened to the first four books in the Undeniable series, while waiting for an explanation to what was happening with ZZ. Of course, this isn’t ZZ’s book, it’s Preacher’s story. I embraced every moment I spent getting to know him and Debbie (Eva’s mother). Their story is effortlessly recounted through Preacher stepping back into the past, reliving the precious time he had spent with the love of his life. I had no trouble adjusting to listening to a youthful Preacher or the old man making every hour count. Eva’s frustration, anger and love resonated each and every time the story was relayed from her perspective. Deuce dutifully stood by her side, held her tight and loved her as much love as humanly possible. Learning the truth in the way Preacher chose to share it with her made it hard to understand why there was a need to withhold the details for so long. While we will all have an opinion on what the best way was, at the end of the day every decision he made was out of love. Wow, when Preacher drops a bombshell, he does it well! I have to say a lot of people abided by his order not to divulge any details about Eva’s mother! Once he began his story it was obvious a lot of skeletons had been hidden and buried over time. His revelations opened up the book on so many of the characters we have feared and fallen for over the years. The sneak preview of ZZ’s book Undying was a daunting temptation. After reading an epilogue through tear filled eyes (brought on by admiration more than sorrow), I didn’t know if I had it in me to absorb anything more. After a breather, I built up enough bravado to continue reading. Glad I did, because sometimes the unknown is by far worse than knowing. While some aspects to the story were predictable, there were other plot twists I didn’t see coming. The storytelling of the how’s and why’s sustained my intrigue. Like Eva, I wanted to rush through in search of the facts. My thirst for knowledge was quickly pushed aside as I became lost in the tale, not wanting our time together to end. The true beauty in Undeserving was the poignant conversations shared between father and daughter as well as the humour interlaced during the brief time sunshine filled Preacher’s world. It transcended Eva’s initial hurt and frustration leaving her with an overwhelming validation she was surrounded by unconditional love.

I am a Full-Fledged Preacher LOVER!!!

There are writers and then there are GREAT Writers. A few years back, I picked up a book called Undeniable, on a whim, a recommendation from my friend. She said to me, "Hey, girl, you gotta read this book, Undeniable! It's an MC book and it is so good! You will cringe, you will laugh, cry, love, all of it." I did pick up that book and read it. That was one of the best Book decisions of my life! Since that day, Madeline Sheehan has captured my attention with her depth of words, her sorcery of engaging a reader so completely, there is no turning back. I continued reading the series, UnBeautifully, Unattainable, Unbeloved. I loved all of them. The characters, the plot, the story, the words!! EVERYTHING!!! The wait for the next book was excruciating, and horribly long. I'll be the first to admit, when i first found out that Undeserving was going to be Preacher's story, I was a little dismayed. I remember thinking to myself, "Preacher!! He's old, how can we get his story now, after all this time?" Boy oh boy did I have a great difference in mindset after finishing Undeserving. It is just EVERYTHING a book should be. The way Sheehan pieced together the dialogue, the descriptions, the twists and turns, the emotions of Preacher and 'Debbie's' story just pulled at my heart strings. I LOVE PREACHER!! I am a full-fledged Preacher-Lover now. I could shout it from the rooftops, that how invested I am in this story and this series. Jesus, the feels in this one! Preacher being the one to recount his story to his daughter...the hardship he faced, his budding friendship with this crazy girl he met, which turned into something more, so much more that he never ever forgot her. A writer that has that power to make a reader laugh, to cry, to create that massive aching void in your chest; you just want to shout and at times rip out the characters eyes, then by the next page, you just want to make sweet love to that same character...That is a true gift. Undeserving is such an honest tail of Preacher as a young man, and how he became the brutally tough, but still loving father to Eva, and President of the Demons MC. Underserving is easily, a Top 5 Read of 2017. **At the end of the book, we get a sneak peak into ZZ's book, Undying (Epilogue and Chapter One)


A great read, getting to know preacher was a beautiful thing, I loved how emotional it was, it kept you on the edge that you don't even notice the book has officially ended.


Wow! I loved every heart-breaking, funny, crazy moment in this book! All the waiting was definitely worth it for every word written in this story. I can't wait for more in this series.

Loved it

An amazing look back on my favorite series. Loved that I was able to get Preachers story, get to know Debbie, and see where the crazy came from... definitely a must read. I can't wait for Z Z's story.


She has the best series around. Love all the MC. I have read about Duece and Ava at lest 5 times. Never ending love

Wowww!!! Preachers story was beautiful 💜

I've read hundreds of books & still the undeniable series is my all time favourite 💜💜 Preachers story was amazing! I totally loved it... Now I'm eagerly waiting for ZZ 's story You're the best Madeline 😊😘🤘

Worth the wait

I've waited years for another book from this series. Preacher and Debbie's story was worth the wait! It was heartfelt but still a true biker story.

Just when you think these series can't get any better, it does

Just when you think this series can't get any better, it does! This book was raw and heartbreaking, the first of the series to not have a HEA. My heart broke multiple times during this book and made me love and understand Preacher even more.


This book was a disappointment to me...started off great, I really enjoyed the hero and heroine in their struggles and self doubts, their paths crossed, but then the story went nowhere. A huge horrible event happens and then another and yet we don't really get to see how that changes our hero for the rest of his life, really see it and feel it....I thought that was the whole point of this story. And he finds out who did these horrible deeds, but we never find out why. So I'm left feeling empty and wondering, why did I read this story? It ends with bows and ribbons and tears and hugs and as another reviewer pointed out, like a Hallmark movie. Yes. And I was left shocked by this. I expected mega revelations and heart rending emotional experience, instead I felt the author didn't want to go there, not really. Just like in Unbeloved, this was an unsatisfying read, where I was expecting a full UN experience getting into these intriguing characters' hearts and minds, but that was not offered here.

I was never a fan of Preacher but when I finished this book I actually not only liked him but kinda felt love for him and his ...

I LUV Madeline Sheehan. This book was definitely worth the wait. It made me laugh, cry, scream and then ugly cry. Madeline's way of writing draws you in until all you know is the story. You become part of it. I was never a fan of Preacher but when I finished this book I actually not only liked him but kinda felt love for him and his story. To be able to hear his side of the story the good bad and ugly and how he told it to Eva was heartbreaking. Debbie's story is just as strong as Preacher's. No other words other than I loved this book. If I could give it more than 5 stars I would. Thanks Madeline for never letting us down. Now I am waiting patiently or inpatiently for ZZ's story.

Omg!!!! Loved it!!!!!

Wow!! That was soo worth the wait!!! More than i even expected!!! Cannot wait for the next one!!!! Great job as always !!! Love love your books and never disappoint!!!!!

Five Stars

Worth the wait! Thank you, Madeline for penning yet another "unforgettable" story in this series. Looking forward to more.

Waited so long but it was worth it

Loved it thought Madeline Sheehan did a great job with telling the past as if it was the present can't wait for #6 still my favorite will always be Deuce and Eva story

So worth the wait

I have been in love with Deuce for-fucking-ever... I think my love for Preacher may top it... may. Such a heart wrenching story. Thank you Ms. Sheehan.


Madeline Sheehan you rip my heart out every time!!!!! So amazing, I don't even know how to put it in words. I'm only gonna say three things: 1) Preacher did not deserve what happened to him. 2) Eva deserves the truth from the beginning 3) I need more of ZZ's fine ass ASAP


So glad we got Preacher's story though sad makes you realize we were all young once. Not all of us are lucky enough to find their one true love.

True love

Loved hearing Preacher's side of the story. Wheels story is heartbreaking. They where truly aove story with a tragic ending. Can't wait to read the next book.


Undeserving is one of the best books I've read in years. Madeline Sheehan's tale of life, love, loss, and regret is a powerfully bittersweet masterpiece. Her riveting storytelling skill weaves seamlessly between Preacher's memories of the past, and Eva's heartbreak learning the truth about her parent's relationship as she copes with losing her beloved father in the present. Sheehan's story is layered with subtext. Her capacity to convey the unique nuance's and complexity of interpersonal relationships is an intuitive skill that is rare. I was immersed in the richness of her writing from the first page. Preacher is larger than life, jumping off the page to win my heart as only a well-written anti-hero can. Debbie, a lovable tragic character broke my heart. This book hit me hard emotionally, and I'm already looking forward to many re-reads in the future. Thank you, Madeline Sheehan for devoting the time to deliver perfection.

So worth the wait!

Preacher, Preacher, Preacher. This book was worth the wait. It will take you through the emotions, but it's a clear understanding of why Preacher was the way he was & explains some of his actions. Can't wait for the next.

but I loved this book

I don't write reviews, but I loved this book! It made me cry. I loved the entire series!


Damon "Preacher" Fox was everything I thought he would be and so much more. This story was so good and the entire time I was reading it I wanted Preach and Debbie to get their HEA. Madeline Sheehan you are wicked awesome and I can't wait to read more of this series.

Enjoy the ride

It just keeps getting better. One of the best biker series there is.

Slow start, then full speed ahead

Took me a few tries to get it started, but once I realized that the dual storyline went back and forth through time, I was hooked. Read the whole thing in 2 days 😊


What an ending! I don't think I've ever cried so much. This book makes you feel so many emotions. Really loved reading about Preacher and Debbie. One of my favorites now of this series.

A solid 10 stars!

I have been waiting for this book for what seems forever and what a ride. A rollercoaster ride for sure. ❤️❤️❤️

My heart broke a little...(spoiler alert)

I had read some reviews prior to ordering this book and almost didn't order it because it didn't sound like the typical HEA that I enjoy and it wasn't but it was so worth reading it.

The story that was never told

Finally we get to see what Preacher lived his life remembering. Ava gets. glimpse of her mother and New lights presumably Preacher's parent's death. This isn't a happily ever after, but a view of whTwS.

So worth the wait

For those of you who read Eva and Deuce's story years ago.... And have been waiting just as long for Preacher's story. Let me tell you. SO WORTH THE WAIT. That's all I'm gonna say. 5+++++ stars

I love this series so much.

I love this series so much. I can re-read them over and over and it's like the first time. I can't wait for the next one!!

This book ruined me

So very worth the wait! Such an emotional roller coaster! Love her writing, her style! I could have just kept reading, did not want it to end!

Best read of the year so far ....

A compelling read...I was hooked from the first page. It was full of suspense, gritty sexiness and emotions! So good that I have reread the series so far....things make more sense and it just clarifies lots of details. My read of the year thus far!!

Preacher stole my heart!!!❤️❤️❤️

I love all of Madeline's books but this book by far is her best work yet! Debbie and Preacher's story is so unbelievably heartbreaking. This is definitely an epic story and one of her best!

Loved it!

Great story,not a dull Moment. Characters that I already liked. Realistic story line. I love the way she tells the story

Oh, this book!!

Usually I do not ever read prequels. I just don't like books that go back in time. But because Madeline Sheehan writes MC books like no other and I love the Undeniable series so much, I decided to read this one. And omg! This book blew me away! It gutted me! I fell in love with Preacher and Debbie and the love between them. I knew from the beginning this was not going to have a happy ending but I could not stop hoping and wishing throughout the whole story that some miracle would happen and these characters could somehow get their HEA. I am so glad I decided to buy this book. This author is an amazing writer and I now have a deeper love and understanding for these imperfect characters who seem to be able to love and hate in equal measures. I urge everyone to read this book!

A beautifully tragic story that has brought Preacher's tale full circle.

I cannot even begin to describe the genius that is Madeline Sheehan and this complex biker world that she has created. Fans of the series have been curious about Preacher for so long, only knowing what he's told Eva all her life, that her mom was a teenage junkie who got pregnant and took off after she was born. Preacher has been an enigma to me through this whole series. I was dying to know how this one man had built up this huge empire that is the Silver Demons motorcycle club. How this one man was so revered by almost everyone in the biker community, how he had managed to command so much respect from so many. And also how he was obviously feared by so many as well. Reading Preacher and Debbie's story was both beautiful and heartbreaking. Seeing a younger Preacher and what his life was like before he became the Prez of the club, it filled in a lot of blanks for me and answered a lot of questions I've been stewing on for several years. And seeing the backstory of Debbie and learning who she was? That was eye opening. And not at all what I was expecting. Madeline crafted such an intense, multi-layered story. We get the past told to us, but we also get all of the thoughts and feelings and emotions that Preacher and Debbie felt in the time they were together. And in present day, it was so emotional to see how Preacher STILL feels. I cried a river during this book!! But ironically, that's the beauty of the story. Not every story has a textbook happy ending, and hearts and flowers and all that stuff that makes you feel fluffy when you finish. This MC world that Preacher and Eva and Deuce live in is anything but hearts and flowers and fluffy. But's it's their world, the only one they know, and they've learned how to see the beauty in the simple things. Now that I've finished Underserving, I feel like I want to start the whole series over again. And I just might do that, once we get a little closer to ZZ's book release.

There are so many things I understand better because of her giving us this book

Very few books reach out and touch something with in you. Almost rarer then that are series that get deep down inside you, hold on and never let go. For me that series is the UnDeniable series by Madeline Sheehan. These characters and their lives have become something that I will never forget. Preacher, the beloved President of the Silver Demon MC, has gotten the book that he deserved. This story is one that had to be told and Madeline did it justice. While this book shows the story before UnDeniable, this is the 5th book in the series. So many pieces to so many puzzles have been answered. There are so many things I understand better because of her giving us this book. Some things I knew where coming and man those were some hard pages to read through the tears and the heartache. UnDeserving was full of feeling and intensity, some parts where grueling and some parts were down right brutal but this book was worth the wait and then some. I love you Preacher.....RIP Deuce- It was nice seeing you again.....XOXO

4 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was just as heartbreaking as I thought it would be! I ending a blubbering mess, BUT it was just what I wanted too!! Every once in a while I'm in the mood for a good cry, and this fit the bill just right. It definitely isn't rainbows and unicorns with a sweet HEA in the end, so don't take the author's warning lightly. It is about two lost people finding love in each other. It shows that sometimes our heroes and heroines don't get a HEA when the odds are stacked against them. It was tragically real ~ I appreciated that! **See goodreads.com/NMmomof4 for my full review with spoilers** Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Debbie and Preacher's story. The story starts when Preacher is in the hospital dying of cancer, and he is finally telling his daughter the truth about her mother, Debbie. Debbie is on the run from her past, and she ends up with Preacher after a theft gone wrong. Preacher is freshly out of prison and is heavily debating his future in his father's mc, and kind of on the run as well. They both find kindred spirits in each other, and the more time they spend together the stronger their connection becomes. They eventually cross the line from friendship to something more and fall in love. POV: This alternated between Debbie, Preacher's and Eva's POV (and a few small parts in Duece's POV). Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed, and I thought it flowed well. Instalove: No, they take a while to develop stronger feelings. H rating: 4.5 stars. Preacher. I really liked him! I was surprised I liked him as much as I did tbh, because he was always kind of iffy in the other books. He was so loyal and I liked how much he cared for his family. h rating: 3.5 stars. Debbie. I liked her, but I wanted her to be more honest/up front with Preacher at times. Sadness level: Moderate/high. I cried, and I did need tissues for this one. Push/Pull: Yes Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story. Descriptive sex: Yes OW/OM drama: No Sex scene with OW or OM: No Cheating: Not IMO Separation: Not technically Closure: This definitely had closure, but I wouldn't call it a HEA ending. Sorry I'm being vague, but don't want to ruin it! How I got it: I paid the $3.99 on Amazon for it.


Huge fan of the Madeline Sheehan undesirable series. Reading the story of Preacher and Debbie, how they met, fell in love and the lost of losing. Very emotional.

Omg no words

I'm left bereft and heartbroken. What an amazingly story of undying, everlasting love and all of life's regrets when our end is near. One thousand stars!!!!

I love this entire series

I love this entire series. I have waited patiently and it did not disappoint. While Undeserving was still gritty and raw, the characters had a vulnerability about them. I loved it!!!

One of my all time favorite books in this series and that is saying a ...

One of my all time favorite books in this series and that is saying a lot. Madeline Sheehan has written so many beautiful stories, but this one was somehow was so different then the rest of the series. I can't wait for ZZ's story next!

It's ok

Long and little boring. Love story flawed which was cool but drawn out. Not what I expected but ties up some background.

This is my first review ever! Not a lot ...

This is my first review ever! Not a lot of books hold my full attention from start to finish and I can not praise enough about the author and this series! This series has given me one hell of a ride. Undeserving had me wanting more! I've never had a book make me feel so much! It's a must read!!!!

A journey of love, lovelessness, lust, solidarity, hopelessness, sadness, rage, tenderness, despair, anguish

An unforgettable trip with Debbie and Preacher. Madeline did it again and more. She outdid herself again. My expectations were very high after reading the previous installment, but really far exceeded what I expected. With Madeline's writing style, she takes us on a journey of two people who meet and by life circumstances, end up traveling together. Preacher has his demons, and in the history we see glimpses of them, Debbie has an extremely heavy luggage, with a past full of monsters and nightmares. But despite everything is a sweet, innocent and brave girl, a characteristic feature in all the female characters of this series. Due to the circumstances both travel together but also with the passage of time are getting closer and developing feelings for each other, it is a couple that complements and helps to heal. But in addition to the love story, we see the solidarity, dedication, fidelity, and connection of all the members of the club, the way of telling makes you want them and identify with them in different descriptions of feelings. Ginny, I loved her completely, Max, Joe, Silvye, Tiny, they all earned a little bit of my heart. A journey of love, lovelessness, lust, solidarity, hopelessness, sadness, rage, tenderness, despair, anguish, which still forms a knot in my throat. The mastery of the author in this type of stories is incomparable, with twists and surprises that had my soul in a thread. I cried, I laughed, I felt next to all of them. And what about the look at the ZZ story, I can not wait to get my hands on this new book.

Heartbreaking and Beautiful are the only words I can use to describe ...

4.5 star read for me. Heartbreaking and Beautiful are the only words I can use to describe this book.

Madeline has done it again

I find myself falling in love with the club more than before, these tough men who fight so fiercely but love with even more intensity. I loved finally getting a deeper look into Preacher and getting to know Wheels. Love love loved it

4 & 1\2 ☆'s

This series gets more in depth, more twisted, more darker the more you turn pages that can't be put down. Has to be read in order. Love everything about these books.

Emotional wreck!

First off I love this series. Is love perfect heck no but it shows that if it's true u work it out.. u sacrifice. I always wondered about Preacher he never took a woman again. I mean u know he had his fun but never nothing more. The chance meeting. The connection between them two the heartbreak anguish of not knowing. How he stepped up and took care of things not only for him but looked out for everyone. Debbie broke my heart. Her history is terrible the book made u hurt for her and yet many things remains a mystery. I can only imagine the future they woulda had had her past not came to bite her. So young and yet old thru her experiences and naive enough to be scared to be a mother. It also helped me understand why all those boys were wrapped around Eva's pinky. The history between them and her mother so touching specially Tiny lol. Can't wait for them one Zz needs closure it hurts my heart what happened to him he deserves a good ending as well as least some redemption.

with Each book in this series it keeps getting better and better.

This series is so good. You love each character with all their evil and deep love for each other. I can't wait for undying to come out.

Raw and Powerful

Such a powerful story about love,loss and family. Their story is one you won't soon forget. Family is all we have so maybe we shouldn't forget.

No words do it justice

This masterpiece of pure, raw, gut-wrenching emotion should not be missed. It is about family, and even if your family is not ideal, family is family. Not to be missed!

Oh Preacher

I can't even put into words what this book has put me through. I loved it. I loved getting that back story of what happened, however tragic. And I can't wait for more to come.

Great story great read

Waited a long time for this book but it didn't disappoint love this author

Redemption in it finest & truest form!!

O-M-G....I knew from the get-go that Preacher's read was going to be EPIC but this book really blew my mind. This review is going to short and spoiler free. This read ran the whole spectrum of feelings. It made me laugh, swear & cry and everything in between. Preacher's story is one of a simple man seeking redemption, in his last days, for leading a very complex life and protecting and taking care of his family the best he knew how. This read may be #5 in the series but it is like a prequel to UnDeniable. It is the history of the Silver Demons & the back story of the beginning (& end) of Preacher's reign as their Prez. You will come to find out how some of your fav (& not so fav) characters in the series came about and how some of their stories ended. This read will stay with you long after you have finished. I found you can really relate to the dynamics to the characters and can draw similarities from your own story. I fell in love reading MC reads one day when taking a book rec for UnDeniable and I found out that day Madeline Sheehan is truly the Queen of the MC and she has NEVER disappointed me with each installment of this series. RIP Damon "Preacher" Fox, Prez Silver Demons...."Ride forever free"

Five Stars

Loved this!!!

A surprise favorite

Of all the books in the series, this was the one I didn't care much about - until I read it. Whoa! It just may be my favorite story in the whole series (aside from that of Dirty-wich that were a full novel).

Preacher Perfect

Damon (Preacher) Fox, for those of us who know the Undeniable series by Madeline Sheehan, he is the one character that is straightforward and steadfast. We know his backstory and we know what to expect from him. I really thought I knew what to expect going in, figured I'd get another great story from my favorite author and get up to date on the rest of the crew while we wait for ZZ's story. Boy was I wrong, I'm so sorry Madeline!!!! I really should have known better, you have never taken the easy road before and I know this. Preacher's story was perfect, I laughed, I cried, I wanted to hit something or someone really hard. It broke my heart but I did get closure and right alongside Eva I had a hard time leaving that grave site. Thanks again Madeline, Preacher will always be my ultimate MC daddy.

Preachers story was undeniably deserving!

Wow! What a ride. I couldn't put it down. I love the story of young Preachers life and how he met Eva's mother. It made me miss all the characters so much that I am going to start the entire series again from the beginning!

Worth the wait

I have always been in love with the undeniable series but this book put the series on a whole new level. I can't wait to see how undying comes out

Worth the Wait

Once again Ms Sheehan has proved that she is an amazing writer with this beautiful story about Preacher and Wheels. Thanks again for rocking my world.

lots and lots of inner dialogue.

I know we all waited a long time for this and there were parts of it I loved. But I found myself putting it down a whole lot after pages and pages of inner dialogue. I got a little bored with the pace and sometimes for me less is more. I wish she had shown through dialogue rather than told through inner thoughts more of the story. too much head space stuff here for me. But still a good read. It was much better than her last two but still not as good as the first ones.


I wasn't sure i was going to read this when it first came out but i am glad i did. I cried at the end. So heartbreaking.


Another unforgettable novel in the Undeniable series. Answers questions, gives you the backstory. A fantastic book. Don't miss this one.

Must read

Madeline Sheehan takes you on a journey. Every word, chapter and book of this series makes you want to wrap your legs around a man on a Harley and be carried off into another world. She is a master story teller of epic proportions.


Let me start off by saying that I love this series. Love it! And like so many other fans of this series I have been stalking the author waiting ever so impatiently for Preacher's story. Was it worth the wait? Oh my god, was it ever! I put off reading it for two days after it released because I knew that I wouldn't want to put it down once I started and I was right. I read it in one sitting. The book may have ended but the emotions that this story has evoked in my heart will no doubt linger for a while. I loved Preacher and Debbie's story even knowing that this book could not end in a happily ever after. But even though I went into the story thinking I knew the basic background, this author managed to turn everything that I thought I knew into a complete surprise. One thing that was always true was how much Preacher loved Eva and how much she loved her daddy in return. Thank you for going back to the beginning and giving us the poignant truth about what really happened.


So ready and eager for the next one to come out! This series has my emotions all over the place, at one point I was laughing. then crying, then anger, then happy. This really is an awesome series and I'm impatiently waiting for the next book (or books) to come over


I love this whole series and can not wait for the next one.

Love this series!

Amazing! If you like MC series then this series is a must read. Madeline writes in a way that you come to love the characters and cannot wait to read their life stories. I have been hooked since book 1 and look forward to reading more. This book is the story of Preacher, Eva's dad. It will pull at your heart strings and have you hoping that the outcome could of been different. Of course you know from previous books the way this one has to end but it is worth all the tears to get the back story of such a strong, amazing character.

Five Stars

this book was great i cannot wait for the next, i have been waiting ever for zzz story

Beautiful Tragedy

One of the most honest books about a love abruptly ended. Filled with heartache and regret Preacher is an example of an alpha male forced to live without his anchor.

Five Stars

This book made me so happy and broke my heart at the same time. WOW AMAZING! Simply amazing!!!!

Excellent read... Highly recommend, worth the buy.

Excellent read... Highly recommend, worth the buy.


Wow. That was incredible. This is Preacher's story. His deathbed confession to Eva. A story about Preacher and his short-lived, tragic time with Eva's mother, Debbie. A story he nor his MC ever talked about. Sheehan changed a few facts from what we previously knew but she made it fit. That's really my only criticism. The story was beautiful and sad and even knowing there's no HEA it still didn't prepare me for the tears that came at the end. I was so heartbroken for Preacher and Debbie and for the happiness they never got to have. I hope Sheehan has got her groove back and finishes the series soon. The Holy Trinity series too. Bravo.

Five Stars

Loved the book, somewhat sad but tied it all together from book one.

One of the great ones

What can I say about this book. It was worth the wait. Madeline Sheehan is a great author. This book made me laugh and cry. It is a great read

Awesome story!!

It was definitely worth the wait.. thank you for writing Preacher and Debbie's story. I enjoyed every word. Patiently waiting on Undying...

This one will stay with you...

I'm absolutely gutted. It's going to take me a while to get over this book. Thank you, Madeline Sheehan, for an incredible story.


The best book of the series! Emotional rollercoaster! LOVED IT!

Preacher, you totally stole my heart.

I love Madeline Sheehan. Her books are raw, real and full of emotion. Sheehan's Undeniable Series ranks as my favourite and each book seems to hit me in a way that I never seem to forget. Undeserving was no different. I don't cry in books, but I finished Undeserving with tears streaming down my face, feeling like my heart had been ripped from my chest. Even now, it still hurts. I LOVED this book. Even that word doesn't feel strong enough. It's a story that will stay with me. Likely forever. Preacher stole my heart from the very first page, truth, he stole it when I first meet him in Undeniable, but he dug his way deep down in Undeserving. His character was so chaotically real and addictive, I craved more and more of him as the story unfolded. I was inserted into this story and I never wanted to leave, even when I felt my heart cracking wide open. Sheehan's writing was once again, flawless. This woman is a magician. If you haven't yet read these books, do yourself a favour. Download them all. Like yesterday. You won't regret it. You may never recover, but in truth, you won't want to. Ripper will always hold my heart, but Preacher, Preacher, Preacher, you might just own my soul.

Five Stars

My favorite in the series!

Such heartache...

Got answers to so many questions!!! Wow!! Just wow!!! Who knew the details would be so heartbreaking. I wish it could have ended differently...

Emotional rollercoaater

I laughed and cried reading this book. Madeline outdone herself yet again.. this book will have you turning the page and wanting more.. this was well worth the wait!!

Loved it

Thank you, Madeline for another great story to treasure. You have Preacher his long awaited story it was perfect. I loved it.

Loved it

Each book gets better. I just wish they would stop making me cry.

A perfect story, from cover to cover

I don't know where to begin, because I have loved this series so much and I had been looking forward to Preacher's story for years. Madeline Sheehan took her time crafting and publishing Undeserving, and many of her readers grew frustrated and impatient. The final product is a testament to why readers need to be patient and give authors the time needed to fully craft and create the epic stories that are so loved. Undeserving is Madeline Sheehan's best book to date., one that will stay with me for a long time.

Five Stars

I wish this series could go on and on.

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