Truth Bombs: Confronting the Lies Conservatives Believe (To Our Own Demise)

Kindle Edition
14 Jan
Why do conservatives always seem to lose, even when Republicans win? With considerable firsthand experience in politics and an engaging analytical perspective, Steve Deace provides the answer.

Why does the Republican Party always seem to betray conservatives in the end? How come Leftists never worry some “squishy” moderate will win Democrat primaries, even though conservatives in the GOP are constantly fighting that battle? Why do GOP leaders typically fight the conservative base harder than they fight the Democrats? How did the Left gain control of every major cultural institution in the country? Why does the Republican Party continue to fund (alleged) political enemies, such as Planned Parenthood? Is the GOP really the “the stupid party” or something much worse?

Deace answers these questions and more in Truth Bombs, a definitive expose on why conservativism has no future—if it remains hostage to the unibrow-party duopoly.

Reviews (160)

Fantastic and a Must Read!

Steve Deace holds nothing back in his latest book and says all the things that Conservatives need, but don't necessarily want, to hear. The first step to healing is admitting you have a problem and Steve provides all the evidence Conservatives need to wake up from their fog and admit there is a huge problem that has harmed the movement for decades. I listened to the entire book the day I downloaded it on Audible and I'm looking forward to getting my hard copy so I can read it slowly with pen and highlighter in hand. I can't recommend this book enough. Get a copy for yourself and for a loved one, today!

WOW!!! Word to your Moms...Deace came to DROP BOMBS!!!

I received my copy yesterday, and I'm halfway through the book...and I had to force myself to put it down and get some sleep! Steve Deace is conducting an honest, introspective look at his OWN side of the aisle, from the perspective of a political insider! He gives context, and then backs up his facts with citation in a scholarly fashion! Deace doesn't just give his own opinion without providing copious end-notes!! You want to UNDERSTAND the cancer that has infected the Republican party, and the Conservative "non-movement", this book will shake you to your core, and make you look introspectively at some of the myths you believed and were fed over the years. This book is more of an intervention...than it is an opinion. Everyone who values liberty and this nation, needs to read this. If you are a left leaning individual, you need to understand the mistakes republicans, and conservatives have made, and try not to replicate them yourself...for the good of the country and the cause in which you believe. Again...WOW!

Maybe Steve's a MOABite

The joke here is MOAB is "mother of all bombs." I'm thinking truth bombs are meant to be so disruptive to the senses and conventional wisdom within us that we reconsider our current courses of action as individuals. A four course meal of veracity with an entree of heavy cognitive dissonance, as it were. At any rate, full disclosure, I'm a regular listener to Steve, who is on the air with Todd and Aaron every day on the New BlazeTV (hope you guys like the plug, I'm not even being paid). Part of the show can also be accessed in podcast form using IHeartRadio or some other software which allows podcasts. When I listen to Steve, Todd, and Aaron speak, I feel like my voice is represented most fully. I'm an ordained minister who is a full time IT guy. I spent 7 years of my life with some of the most aggressively and unrelentingly liberal/progressive/leftist people in the country while in school, but am conservative. I found the book to present a compelling scenario. In a nutshell, here's the problem Steve Deace lays out: Exhibit A: The conservative movement. Deace's case is that a conservative is: "Authentic conservatism comes from being an honest student of history. And then, from there, seeking to conserve for this and future generations that which has been revealed by history to be best for humans." (xvi, Truth Bombs) Exhibit B: Postmodernism, the predominant, if not exclusive, epistemology of today's Left. This view holds that truth is created rather than learned. It is inevitable that exhibit a and exhibit b are at odds with one another. (paraphrased xvi) Exhibit C: The Republican party. A party that presents itself as aligned with Exhibit A yet seems to repeatedly further the interests and causes associated with Exhibit B with their actions. The dilemma of these three exhibits is the primary focus of "Truth Bombs," and a common theme in the "Steve Deace Show." So Steve gets an A for consistency on message. If you're a Republican, think how many times our elected officials have promised something only to falter or cave later. This includes repealing the ACA (Obamacare), setting balanced budgets, reigning in the bureaucracy of DC, promising religious liberty, curbing illegal immigration, defunding Planned Parenthood, and these are just off the top of my head in 2 minutes. Yet the alternative, the Democrat Party, is so demonstrably radical that they aren't a viable alternative to any informed citizen that isn't a determined bolshevik (which is ironic given the progressive suspicion of Russians nowadays). That is only moderate hyperbole. Nonetheless, the moral relativism of the Left is palpable, yet simultaneously exculpated and unexamined by those that share their power. This would be fine if it weren't for the almost undeniable fact that the governing class, as well as almost all academia and media, are far more sympathetic to the goals of the latter. True conservatives are seeking a refuge from the deluge of intellectual dishonesty and laziness sweeping the country and hoping to keep some semblance of their own spiritual integrity in that process. That is the heart of Deace's message. It sort of coalesces when he explains the difference between big tent and big tarp (128-129). Another message that resonates with me and that is mentioned about daily in the show also is that the first fix to our problems as a country is a return to Judaeo-Christian truths. My response to this thesis will be the opposite of page 113 in the book: Yes. I am writing a book now on that very subject. It's a philosophical treatise called "Return." It's not nearly as fun as Steve's snark, but it will be the closest thing I have to a legacy. Steve has good "name ID," (40 people know who I am) so I hope he writes a book focused on this premise. In fact, I encourage all writers who believe to call our nation from its secular slumber. It's long overdue and the only definitive cure for the existential lostness that so many in our country feel now.

Beware, all who fear the truth!

I suspect that most people will have a hard time reading "Truth Bombs" because it is the actual truth. That is why most won’t read the Bible because they prefer to stay ignorant. Sometimes the truth is just too hard to take. Remember the quote from Harry Truman, “I never did give them hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.”

Don't read this book... Unless you want the truth..

I first heard Deace on a Des Moines radio station on a 15 minute time slot at noon. I thought he was completely nuts. He talked about what the Republicans were doing wrong. Admittedly, I was one of those who he was talking about on pg 119. It took me, what seems like now a long time, to finally see what he was actually saying and opened my eyes to things I was absolutely blinded by before. Once that happened, I started listening/watching less and less of "conservative" media. I found news in other more reliable places. It allowed me to learn more about what Deace was seeing on the inside and trying desperately to warn other about. It also opened my eyes to the fact that he was a John the Baptist in the wilderness trying to reach others to warn them about what was happening right before their eyes. Not many people have had the opportunity to see the inside workings of the political system like he has AND dare to tell the truth about it. You can ignore him and his book, its your right, but I'm telling you, you will regret it later. And as he says in the end we don't have much time left - It's time for a Hail Mary. We have become good friends and even worked on the same presidential campaign and I believe I know him pretty well when I say he loves this country and is only writing this book because he cares what happens to her. And he is concerned, as am I, that if we don't change, the America we once knew will no longer be there.

Truth lovers, welcome home!

Just got my three copies last night so I cannot wait to read one and share the rest with others. Why has it taken so long for someone like Deace to fill us in with historical truth within the framework of the Truth Giver? This is why our Republic has problems.

How Liberty Can Succeed...

Steve Deace is one of the smartest political minds today. A savant, Steve has first hand experience through the last three presidential elections that makes his writings not only theoretical but practical. Must read!!

Calls it as it is!

Hadn't realized Steve was also a fellow Iowan. I, too, for a decade stumped with the Republican Party in our state & have become disillusioned with the hypocrisy of the politicians in the parties. Sadly the Democratic & Republican parties are not what they used to be. I like the leveling charges presented. "Conservative" is wanting the good & proven truths of history to be preserved & too many of the politicians are caught up in maintaining a status quo & popularity so I scoff in scorn when a Republican funds peddler calls & tries to prey on my conservative sentiments, I just say I'm not your idea of "conservative" as so much hypocrisy is played out under that heading. I strongly encourage you to read this insight that Steve has in the process.

The Ideas Spoke to Me...Until the End

As a sincere conservative, the author made a great deal of sense until he reached the solution stage. His exposition on the fecklessness and betrayals of the Republican Party to its base and the principles of conservatism were spot on. As the author states, the only real difference between Republicans and Democrats is speed, not the end goal. Republicans are moving in the same direction as the left, just more slowly. This was evident in how quickly many of them lined up with the Democrats to knife Donald Trump in the back and kick him when the election was clearly stolen. Along the way to clarifying how useless some of the strategies are for correcting our unibrow (one) party system is such as getting the incumbents out in the primaries etc., there are many gems of clarity that have become accepted as truths, but are little more than false hopes. I was with the author all the way including the need for a revival of the moral ground which is the primary source of all of our current ills IMHO. As the author notes, a society without God (and that would be the God of the KJV Bible, not necessarily of the Christian church buildings or pagan Catholicism) is easily led to the elevation of man and the State as God. Hence, a revival of the Christian values this nation was framed within is critical. However, the author went completely off of the rails with his recommendation of a Convention of the States, his last proposed solution. (Glad he saved the worst for last or I may have missed the good ideas by skipping this book altogether.). After describing how corrupted our political culture is to propose a solution like this is to me...preposterous. Does the author think that a corrupted political body will suddenly “get religion” and correct our ills with such a move as this? He is either being a starry eyed fool or is part of the problem hidden behind a carefully crafted veneer of conservatism. At any rate, I would recommend this book with reservation and a dose of skepticism. There are a lot of sound, conservative thoughts, but a very foolish end game solution. Read it for the good ideas but don’t buy into the Rule 5 solution- a trap door to tyranny and can of worms we dare not open with all of the quite apparent corruption present at all levels of our political cesspool today. A convention like that will only lead to more power for government and the installation of tyranny at a level even greater than the false results of the present Neo-Communists grafted into office in the stolen 2020 election. For more clarity on the Rule 5 folly, search for the John Birch website. Read or watch their presentations on the issue. This is as dangerous a solution as petting a rattlesnake crawling up your arm rather than brushing it off and bolting away as quickly as possible.(Mark Levine btw is another proponent of this insanity as well which explains why the sinister shills of Fox News embrace his messages so wholeheartedly.)

A voice in the wilderness !!!

Could write a book about this book. It is a thoroughly insightful and honest look at Conservatism, the Republican Party and an oh so needed rebuke of us as individuals within modern conservatism. It's readable, well written, funny, inspirational, depressing and a small glimmer of light in a virtually barren landscape of conservative media. This is not an anti-Trump polemic by a Never has little to do with him. It's about "us" and is badly needed. My only complaint was while blunt and not pulling punches he is more gentle than we deserve. I also wish he had done more explicit naming of names within conservative media......but these are minor faults. This is a rare book.....because it is a truthful needed book. Deace seeks no favor from his audience......his care and concern only show through the rigorous discipline of his very tough love. This is an important book.

Fantastic and a Must Read!

Steve Deace holds nothing back in his latest book and says all the things that Conservatives need, but don't necessarily want, to hear. The first step to healing is admitting you have a problem and Steve provides all the evidence Conservatives need to wake up from their fog and admit there is a huge problem that has harmed the movement for decades. I listened to the entire book the day I downloaded it on Audible and I'm looking forward to getting my hard copy so I can read it slowly with pen and highlighter in hand. I can't recommend this book enough. Get a copy for yourself and for a loved one, today!

WOW!!! Word to your Moms...Deace came to DROP BOMBS!!!

I received my copy yesterday, and I'm halfway through the book...and I had to force myself to put it down and get some sleep! Steve Deace is conducting an honest, introspective look at his OWN side of the aisle, from the perspective of a political insider! He gives context, and then backs up his facts with citation in a scholarly fashion! Deace doesn't just give his own opinion without providing copious end-notes!! You want to UNDERSTAND the cancer that has infected the Republican party, and the Conservative "non-movement", this book will shake you to your core, and make you look introspectively at some of the myths you believed and were fed over the years. This book is more of an intervention...than it is an opinion. Everyone who values liberty and this nation, needs to read this. If you are a left leaning individual, you need to understand the mistakes republicans, and conservatives have made, and try not to replicate them yourself...for the good of the country and the cause in which you believe. Again...WOW!

Maybe Steve's a MOABite

The joke here is MOAB is "mother of all bombs." I'm thinking truth bombs are meant to be so disruptive to the senses and conventional wisdom within us that we reconsider our current courses of action as individuals. A four course meal of veracity with an entree of heavy cognitive dissonance, as it were. At any rate, full disclosure, I'm a regular listener to Steve, who is on the air with Todd and Aaron every day on the New BlazeTV (hope you guys like the plug, I'm not even being paid). Part of the show can also be accessed in podcast form using IHeartRadio or some other software which allows podcasts. When I listen to Steve, Todd, and Aaron speak, I feel like my voice is represented most fully. I'm an ordained minister who is a full time IT guy. I spent 7 years of my life with some of the most aggressively and unrelentingly liberal/progressive/leftist people in the country while in school, but am conservative. I found the book to present a compelling scenario. In a nutshell, here's the problem Steve Deace lays out: Exhibit A: The conservative movement. Deace's case is that a conservative is: "Authentic conservatism comes from being an honest student of history. And then, from there, seeking to conserve for this and future generations that which has been revealed by history to be best for humans." (xvi, Truth Bombs) Exhibit B: Postmodernism, the predominant, if not exclusive, epistemology of today's Left. This view holds that truth is created rather than learned. It is inevitable that exhibit a and exhibit b are at odds with one another. (paraphrased xvi) Exhibit C: The Republican party. A party that presents itself as aligned with Exhibit A yet seems to repeatedly further the interests and causes associated with Exhibit B with their actions. The dilemma of these three exhibits is the primary focus of "Truth Bombs," and a common theme in the "Steve Deace Show." So Steve gets an A for consistency on message. If you're a Republican, think how many times our elected officials have promised something only to falter or cave later. This includes repealing the ACA (Obamacare), setting balanced budgets, reigning in the bureaucracy of DC, promising religious liberty, curbing illegal immigration, defunding Planned Parenthood, and these are just off the top of my head in 2 minutes. Yet the alternative, the Democrat Party, is so demonstrably radical that they aren't a viable alternative to any informed citizen that isn't a determined bolshevik (which is ironic given the progressive suspicion of Russians nowadays). That is only moderate hyperbole. Nonetheless, the moral relativism of the Left is palpable, yet simultaneously exculpated and unexamined by those that share their power. This would be fine if it weren't for the almost undeniable fact that the governing class, as well as almost all academia and media, are far more sympathetic to the goals of the latter. True conservatives are seeking a refuge from the deluge of intellectual dishonesty and laziness sweeping the country and hoping to keep some semblance of their own spiritual integrity in that process. That is the heart of Deace's message. It sort of coalesces when he explains the difference between big tent and big tarp (128-129). Another message that resonates with me and that is mentioned about daily in the show also is that the first fix to our problems as a country is a return to Judaeo-Christian truths. My response to this thesis will be the opposite of page 113 in the book: Yes. I am writing a book now on that very subject. It's a philosophical treatise called "Return." It's not nearly as fun as Steve's snark, but it will be the closest thing I have to a legacy. Steve has good "name ID," (40 people know who I am) so I hope he writes a book focused on this premise. In fact, I encourage all writers who believe to call our nation from its secular slumber. It's long overdue and the only definitive cure for the existential lostness that so many in our country feel now.

Beware, all who fear the truth!

I suspect that most people will have a hard time reading "Truth Bombs" because it is the actual truth. That is why most won’t read the Bible because they prefer to stay ignorant. Sometimes the truth is just too hard to take. Remember the quote from Harry Truman, “I never did give them hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.”

Don't read this book... Unless you want the truth..

I first heard Deace on a Des Moines radio station on a 15 minute time slot at noon. I thought he was completely nuts. He talked about what the Republicans were doing wrong. Admittedly, I was one of those who he was talking about on pg 119. It took me, what seems like now a long time, to finally see what he was actually saying and opened my eyes to things I was absolutely blinded by before. Once that happened, I started listening/watching less and less of "conservative" media. I found news in other more reliable places. It allowed me to learn more about what Deace was seeing on the inside and trying desperately to warn other about. It also opened my eyes to the fact that he was a John the Baptist in the wilderness trying to reach others to warn them about what was happening right before their eyes. Not many people have had the opportunity to see the inside workings of the political system like he has AND dare to tell the truth about it. You can ignore him and his book, its your right, but I'm telling you, you will regret it later. And as he says in the end we don't have much time left - It's time for a Hail Mary. We have become good friends and even worked on the same presidential campaign and I believe I know him pretty well when I say he loves this country and is only writing this book because he cares what happens to her. And he is concerned, as am I, that if we don't change, the America we once knew will no longer be there.

Truth lovers, welcome home!

Just got my three copies last night so I cannot wait to read one and share the rest with others. Why has it taken so long for someone like Deace to fill us in with historical truth within the framework of the Truth Giver? This is why our Republic has problems.

How Liberty Can Succeed...

Steve Deace is one of the smartest political minds today. A savant, Steve has first hand experience through the last three presidential elections that makes his writings not only theoretical but practical. Must read!!

Calls it as it is!

Hadn't realized Steve was also a fellow Iowan. I, too, for a decade stumped with the Republican Party in our state & have become disillusioned with the hypocrisy of the politicians in the parties. Sadly the Democratic & Republican parties are not what they used to be. I like the leveling charges presented. "Conservative" is wanting the good & proven truths of history to be preserved & too many of the politicians are caught up in maintaining a status quo & popularity so I scoff in scorn when a Republican funds peddler calls & tries to prey on my conservative sentiments, I just say I'm not your idea of "conservative" as so much hypocrisy is played out under that heading. I strongly encourage you to read this insight that Steve has in the process.

The Ideas Spoke to Me...Until the End

As a sincere conservative, the author made a great deal of sense until he reached the solution stage. His exposition on the fecklessness and betrayals of the Republican Party to its base and the principles of conservatism were spot on. As the author states, the only real difference between Republicans and Democrats is speed, not the end goal. Republicans are moving in the same direction as the left, just more slowly. This was evident in how quickly many of them lined up with the Democrats to knife Donald Trump in the back and kick him when the election was clearly stolen. Along the way to clarifying how useless some of the strategies are for correcting our unibrow (one) party system is such as getting the incumbents out in the primaries etc., there are many gems of clarity that have become accepted as truths, but are little more than false hopes. I was with the author all the way including the need for a revival of the moral ground which is the primary source of all of our current ills IMHO. As the author notes, a society without God (and that would be the God of the KJV Bible, not necessarily of the Christian church buildings or pagan Catholicism) is easily led to the elevation of man and the State as God. Hence, a revival of the Christian values this nation was framed within is critical. However, the author went completely off of the rails with his recommendation of a Convention of the States, his last proposed solution. (Glad he saved the worst for last or I may have missed the good ideas by skipping this book altogether.). After describing how corrupted our political culture is to propose a solution like this is to me...preposterous. Does the author think that a corrupted political body will suddenly “get religion” and correct our ills with such a move as this? He is either being a starry eyed fool or is part of the problem hidden behind a carefully crafted veneer of conservatism. At any rate, I would recommend this book with reservation and a dose of skepticism. There are a lot of sound, conservative thoughts, but a very foolish end game solution. Read it for the good ideas but don’t buy into the Rule 5 solution- a trap door to tyranny and can of worms we dare not open with all of the quite apparent corruption present at all levels of our political cesspool today. A convention like that will only lead to more power for government and the installation of tyranny at a level even greater than the false results of the present Neo-Communists grafted into office in the stolen 2020 election. For more clarity on the Rule 5 folly, search for the John Birch website. Read or watch their presentations on the issue. This is as dangerous a solution as petting a rattlesnake crawling up your arm rather than brushing it off and bolting away as quickly as possible.(Mark Levine btw is another proponent of this insanity as well which explains why the sinister shills of Fox News embrace his messages so wholeheartedly.)

A voice in the wilderness !!!

Could write a book about this book. It is a thoroughly insightful and honest look at Conservatism, the Republican Party and an oh so needed rebuke of us as individuals within modern conservatism. It's readable, well written, funny, inspirational, depressing and a small glimmer of light in a virtually barren landscape of conservative media. This is not an anti-Trump polemic by a Never has little to do with him. It's about "us" and is badly needed. My only complaint was while blunt and not pulling punches he is more gentle than we deserve. I also wish he had done more explicit naming of names within conservative media......but these are minor faults. This is a rare book.....because it is a truthful needed book. Deace seeks no favor from his audience......his care and concern only show through the rigorous discipline of his very tough love. This is an important book.

Honest, intelligent and takes no prisoners

Proceed with caution. Brutal honesty lies ahead. The only way to fix (or replace) the Republican Party is to first admit (and put a face on/delineate) our problems. Steve Deace does an impeccable job defining all of the issues we all knew were there, but just couldn’t verbalize it or find the evidence. A must read for anyone who is ready to stand up and speak truth, no matter what party you support. Thank you, Steve, for not giving up and running away from your calling, even though it would be logical to do so given the level of debauchery we now face. Ready to now get Rules for Patriots. P.S. Go Blue! My brothers and I played basketball and football for Michigan.

Deace Won Me Over

I went into this book expecting to disagree with its central thrust. Happily, I discovered that Steve Deace and I agree more than I thought we did, and that, where we disagreed, Steve was in the right. For the last several years, I've been like a man hovering between two opinions. On the one hand, I see the corruption of the Republican Party. I see that the leadership mostly despises Christian conservatives like me and wishes we would go away. I see that the judiciary is broken beyond repair, our law schools are hopelessly corrupt, and depending on the courts to deliver social conservative victories is a pipe dream. On the other hand, the fundamentals of American politics are that we have a first past the post system which constrains us to having a two party system. One party is out to end me, and the other one doesn't like me but at least wants to tolerate me. I feel like I have little choice to but to support the Republican Party. After all, if politics is downstream of culture anyway, I can't expect political salvation. I have to work within what Bill Buckley called the rational limits of politics. Steve Deace appreciates this tension, and he made it clear from the beginning of his book that he feels this same tug of war. I was not expecting him to say that, but he did. Moving on, it is very clear to me, based on what Steve has written, that conservatives don't have a future in the GOP. We can choose to vote for them to delay the advance of those whohate us and want to end us, but we cannot expect real and lasting political victories from them. It is time to move on. I would not have expected to write those two sentences befor reading this book, but as a conservative I believe in truth and reason. If someone makes a compelling argument I can't answer, I have to admit they are right and I am wrong. You win Steve, you win. Buy this book and read it, even if you think you will disagree. Who knows? You might change your mind.

The cake is a lie. So is the GOP. You deserve to know why. (About the GOP at least)

Truth Bombs is necessary reading for anyone who wants to understand the current political situation, especially if you still believe the GOP is on your side. Like discovering a girlfriends love letters to another man, i couldnt stop reading until i took in the totality of the grand betrayal i have been living through in ignorance. The need to understand "why" and "how" fueled my fingers as i turned each page. When realized how naive I had been to believe the catch phrases, and distracting click bait -- I had to go back and start Truth Bombs from the beginning with clearer eyes. You may experience all 5 stages of grief as you learn how much of what you have been fed by people supposedly "on your side", is not only false but made untrue them. Almost everything you thought about the GOP is a con and Deace uses his years as an insider to throw the cover off many of the ugliest lies used to keep conservatives chasing the carrot and ignoring the stick. They say the truth will set you free..... Truth Bombs is essential to realizing the political prison we have fashioned for ourselves.....The book is a necessary first step in escape. Deace's book is a must read.

Truth has impact

I've been a Deace fan since 2012 for the Godly sense Steve and Co. have made of seemingly nonsensical events, political and cultural. Steve wrote 'We Won't Get Fooled Again', a book whose hope sadly fell short; then 'Rules for Patriots', a manual for understanding and defeating Alinskyites that too few read and heeded. His book 'A Nefarious Plot' struck at the spiritual rot of America and We, the Voters who kept electing the liars and con artists to "save" us. 'Truth Bombs' is the logical and unflinching culmination of dismay and frustration from a man who's seen the inside of the sausage factory. It is unsettling and convicting; and to paraphrase another reviewer, its only disappointment is that Steve didn't leave more blood on the floor when he finished writing. Heed the alarm, true Patriots.

Steve Deace uses his "little gray cells" against the "Conservative Republicans"

Mr Deace very clearly and logically demolishes the sham "Conservative Republican Party". Going through the thirteen lies he enumerates against the red, white, and blue elephant, I find little to disagree with. Everything from being the pro life party (they fund Planned Parenthood) to the official party platform (looks good on paper), all a fraud. As an ex Republican Committeeman in Pennsylvania, I know a bit about these "Truth Bombs" he writes about. I commend him for this expose. Faithful Republicans should read this book as a "mind cleaner". My next book will be Rules for Patriots.

Deace uncensored.

Easy read but it hurts my heart. Deace has spoken the brutal truth but I fear too few will hear.

Out-Fricking-Standing, Brass Balls Exposé.

An out-fricking-standing dissertation echoing what I've been saying for decades, i.e. the RepugnantGoon party is dominated and controlled by constitution-detesting, bigger-government, birthed-supremacist, genocidal leftists. Leftists whose dual objectives are to maintain their power sharing, binary choice paradigm with their golf buddies in the equally corrupt and amoral DemonCrap party while keeping "Useful Idiot" Christians & other conservatives fooled into habitually voting them back into power election-after-election.

I prayed about this review and I feel really good about it, soo...

Steve Deace may be the brightest mind in all of Conservative media, but he is without question the boldest and most truthful mind in the Conservative media. Truth Bombs hits GOP "conservatism" where it hurts and pulls no punches. This Magnum Opus is practical and well reasoned, seasoned with the Truth (big T truth, not "my truth" or "your truth"). If this book offends you, it's likely because you are more entrenched in the GOP than Conservative political philosophy. For those of you whom this book doesn't offend, it is more likely that a good cry or righteous indignation will be the feeling that is aroused. Truth Bombs is an expose of "clickservatism," but the underlying message of the book is hopeful because, as a person who fears God, we know that the good guys win in the end even if the country ends up on the ash heap of history. Truth Bombs is a must read for anyone who has felt disenfranchised by the Republicans in Washington or State politics. Great Job Steve.

Multiple gut-check moments in this book (You might get your feelings hurt)

This book is jam-packed with well-researched historical information, thought-provoking insight, and LOL humor. If you are a fan of The Steve Deace Show, some of it will be familiar but I promise there is stuff in this book you either never knew or never considered. If you aren’t familiar with the show, you will probably want to check it out after reading this book. Steve leaves it “all on the field” with this one. An absolute must-read for anyone who loves our country, wants to know how we got here, and what we should do to restore her back to her conservative glory.

One of the most important reads for anyone interested in the lies that have eroded conservatism

What I liked most about this book is the exposition of the lies that many conservatives still to this day believe about the Republicans, the state of the culture, our society, our country, the folks who have eroded this movement, and even some of the flaws in our foundation as conservatives. Deace specifically defines conservatism so we ca separate what it is and what it is not. Hint: it cannot be merely political. The book breaks down in great detail; especially since it is what we need to be successful going forward. Thankfully this informative book was written to bust the lies that many of us believe about conservatism, and how to combat the seige all around us with truth and facts. Take this book to heart and what is said will grant clarity to the confusion of our times. My hope is we as conservatives can unite around the truth of who and what we are, as well as what we should be and can be, so we can move forward in victory while keeping our country in tact and safe from tyranny and erosion our founding principles.

Bombs not napalm

I'm a huge fan and listen to him daily but I wished this book had more napalm and less bombs. Take no prisoners and scorched earth. I do like his Hail Mary idea however.

WARNING: Don't Read This Book Before Going to Bed

The anger will keep you up at night-- anger at what not just leftists are doing to out country, but what those on the "Right" are doing to it, too. Steve Deace really does hold nothing back and fires both barrels at the Republican Party-- from the right. You'll be furious at how even right-wing news sources and pundits have lied to you or covered for politicians with an "R" after their name all these years, simply because "we have to win" to the point where the Republicans of today are the Democrats of 20 years ago. This book is the very definition of "Read it and weep". It's a crying shame Steve Deace doesn't have the influence of someone like Rush Limbaugh, as he's 10 times the conservative Rush will ever be.

The man who shot Liberty Valance

Steve Deace isn’t the man who gets the girl and he isn’t going to be getting the senator elected, cheap joke yet I don’t regret it. What is he then? He’s the man you call when Liberty Valance comes to town. Right now our culture is facing Liberty Valance and Steve is just the man you need when facing an uncivilized opponent. His message won’t win him friends, but it is one you need to hear if you at all care about our country. God bless him.

Truth in every sense of the word!

First book from Steve Deace that I've read. Glad I did. He presents the TRUTH of where we are, who we're up against and how the truth is completely ignored and/or mischaracterized by those with both parties. A recommended read for all who love freedom and are willing to preserve it. Conservativism begets and preserves liberty!

Read this book in 3 days! Truth-filled

Excellent book filled with truths that every conservative & Republican needs to hear. Well researched and points made where truth needs to be told! I have only been listening to Steve on radio for about 2 months but already enjoy his commentary on what is going on in the world. I can tell he has integrity in the words he shares both on the radio and in this book! The whole book felt like a conversation with a friend, he tells it like it is and that’s what friends do. I read this book in 3 days, could not put it down. Looking forward to reading his other books.

Steve Deace is todays John Adams

Revised (my deleted review was to doomsday, but it is looking pretty bleak) After stumbling upon the Steve Deace show on CRTV, listening to his daily podcast, and now this book, John 8:32 applies "The truth will set you free", knowing the truth gives you peace. Now that I know what's really happening I feel a fog of confusion lifting. And if the left's opinion (republicans included) is that I am being duped my Mr. Deace, I say "I hold these truths to be self evident". His insight and the ability to see through all the insanity is spot on, much like Mr. Adams in his day. The left now calls for doing away with the electoral college and going with full on democracy, mob rule. Read John Adams to John Taylor, 17 December 1814. What was true then is true today and this book calls "them" out", now we know who "them" is, its "us"! And them. " is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation"

Lifts up the covers on our Grand Ole Party

I first heard Steve Deace I believe being interviewed for another book he wrote called A Nefarious Plot. Great read by the way. Then started listening to his replays of his radio show and was blown away at the amount of intelligence he had about the inside of the political machine in Washington. I knew this book was going to be good when I started quoting lines on FB right from the Introduction. It very quickly lifts the covers up on our Grand Ole Party and shows how sick it really is. If you’ve ever wondered like me why we keep going in the same direction no matter if there is a D or R before our elected officials name then this is a Must Read. I will be getting Rules For Patriots next to get the game plan on how to make a conservative difference.

Know the truth!

All conservatives should read this book. Don't live in a fantasy world!

Truth Bombs Is Wonderful Reading

First of all you got to read this great book more than once! Steve Deace is right on the mark about America being taken by the left. Don’t believe me, read this book.

let the truth bombs fly

Thank you Steve for this truth book - as hard as it is to read it is truth and that is the first step in the process of changing direction. The truth is cool!

Just as brutal and bloodthirsty as advertised.

I’m a new fan and listener, and many of these brutal truths I had come to realize on my own, but Deace truly delivers the harsh realities that Conservatives have to accept in order to grow and become stronger. I wait for the day to be able to vote for a true Conservative party candidate and not just hang my head in shame while voting for a Republican. I hope Steve Deace continues to drop bombs like these from his platform for many years to come.

WOW!!!! A must read!

I just finished reading this book, WOW! This book affirmed what I’ve been thinking for years. The Republican Leaders are not “that stupid” and have been using and betraying voters for years. I can’t recommend this book more. It’s a necessary read and a wake up call for any Conservative.

Excellent book. Incredibly important solution.

Finished this book a couple days ago. Very impressed and thrilled that Steve and other prominent voices in Conservative Media are not only endorsing but becoming more vocal about the Convention of States movement. We need an answer to the cynicism that the deteriorating culture has relegated us to, and this seems to be the best option we have available. Thank you, Steve, for writing another great book, and I look forward to today's podcast!

Never did a gut punch feel so good

Some books are hard to read, and occasionally that's a good thing. Truth Bombs made me cringe, scoff, growl, and scream at the sky, and all the while I knew it was all true. And not just true, but vital. Everyone who wants to save America needs to ingest this book intravenously while listening to Steve's podcast on double speed and pounding carbs so you can be ready for this fight. The truth hurts, but it hurts good.

A Must Read

Regardless of whether or not you like Deace, this book gives you a lot of information. It forces you to think, sometimes in ways that are contrary to what you believed to be true. It’s a must read. I’ve just ordered Rules for Patriots and look forward to reading it.

A must read for anyone who is interested in the current culture

Steve is an outstanding writer. This book is very readable, yet is it is profound also. He does an excellent job laying out the reasons conservatives have not been able to make a significant difference in the past 40 years. He is firm, yet gracious in his critique. Steve is one of my go-to guys to help me keep my pulse on the culture. I don't always agree with him, but I appreciate the fact that he makes me think.

Eye Opener

Found Steve when he started on Blaze. Ordered the book after he was on with Glen and spoke about Republicans 'real' agenda. I am on board for throwing all the Truth Bombs and getting it all out in the open. Until reading this book, I could say I was Conservative, but couldn't explain why I am not Republican or Independent. I now know it's because I am a Conservative not a Cheerleader for a party that continually votes against my values and has done very little in the 25 years I have voted for them.

Last Call

An excellent capture of what being labelled a conservative means today and the confusion it creates among various segments of the populace.

Excellent Informative Book

Backs up what Ive known for a while, with additional information that can only come from an insiders view. "There is NO left or right, only tyranny or Freedom".

Steve helps us see the light in more ways than one!!!

Steve Deace takes no prisoners! I watch and listen to his shows but still “learned a thing or two”. If you want a viewpoint filtered through a savvy, experienced, conservative, Christian perspective AND you aren’t afraid to face the truth about what you have believed, you must read Truth Bombs.

Must read for Conservatives and skeptics alike

Deace can be honest and brutal while simultaneously humble and uplifting. He believes in the causes of our founding and wants to help get us back to the roots of them. He lays it all out there for you to comb through the muck but you may end up believing all is not lost - not just yet. I pray he’s right.

Picture a B-52 unleashing hell or Samson swinging a jawbone of an ass.

A must buy. If you have believed the Republicans Halos and the Democrats have horns, you will find out neither of them cares for We the People. They just want Power. Also please like the SteveDeace show on your Facebook.

Truth will set you free...reasons why Republican Party does not advance conservatism

Steve Deace shares his experience of years trying to advance conservative, Judeo-Christian principles and values from within the electoral political system. Truth Bombs exposes how the sausage is made and the realities conservatives need to understand going forward: first and foremost, both major political parties love big government progressivism and not you. Another hint - most Republicans, particularly those in leadership, are not conservative and don't even like us.

Insight from an experienced source; someone with personal knowledge of the political arena!

“Truth Bombs” flipped the switch on my light bulb. The frustration, disgust, and disappointment I’ve been feeling with self described conservative candidates/politicians/activists is brought into clear focus. An added bonus, in addition to Mr. Deace’s straightforward style, is the numerous pages of footnotes.

A wake up call

If you think the Republican Party (or any political party for that matter) is your savior, this book will help set you straight. Ideas and principles are the foundation. More importantly, people in power willing to defend our rights and freedoms are essential. This book will help your get a clear understanding of the fecklessness of our politicians, and make you start thinking for yourself.

Bare knuckle haymakers.

Buy it...Read it. Ruthlessly reveals the RINO swamp rats and why and how both parties undermine the Constitution, our republic, and us. Steve’s fact-filled, sarcastic, conversational writing style makes it fun to read how we are being used by both political parties.

The GOP is no friend of conservatives.

If you're familiar with Deace's show, this book (and his previous ones) will come as no surprise. I got the print version, but I can hear his voice when I read it. Deace is consistently honest, humble, and good at communicating with his audience. I appreciate the five-person panel's various opinions. I recommend this book to those who already share Deace's (and my) worldview; but even more, to those who need it most: those who still believe the lies.

What you need to know before you get involved in politics.

This is the best book on confronting the lies of the "so-called conservative movement". If you want to know the truth and the inside baseball on what happens in D.C. you need to buy this book.

right in the gop tater hole..

Great book. Concise with the right amount of snark and elaboration when needed. Fast read. Worth every penny. Not one of those books you put down half way through and never touch again. Definitely a conversation starter (still think the wedge idea is the best). Book is a call to action - can't plead ignorance/victim hood afterwards. Check out his radio show/podcast if you want Steve to bust more truth bombs all up in your ears.

Great read. Meticulously researched!

Great read. Concise & well researched.

Must Read

Truth from start to finish . Our hope lies in our faith .spread the word to family members and friends

Loved the Book - I couldn't stop reading

This is a grown up attempt to be honest of where we are as conservatives. If you can't handle grown up food, this book isn't for you.

Oh this is GOOD Y'all!!

Steve goes through in great detail just how sorry our Legislature has become. Including the courts! They are not serving the conservative base of America, and Steve shows you both what and where the problems lie. Do not miss the opportunity to read this book by Steve Deace!! You will not regret it!!

It is time

We keep saying this next election is the most important one in our lifetimes. We are way beyond that. Only we the people with with God’s help will save this great nation. This book will help you enter the battle and maybe catch that Hail Mary pass.

A man who has pulled the curtain back.

A sincere thank you to Mr. Deace for having the courage to tell us what is really going on.

Steve Deace dropping truth bombs

Steve Deace dropping truth bombs, If you follow his podcast then you already know and if you don't, you should.

WARNING: Brutally Honest

This book spells out the truth about Republicans and politics in general. Everyone who considers themselves a conservative needs to read this book. It will open your eyes!

Conservative feeling betrayed by Republican Party?

This book is for you as it was for me. It clarified some things I already was thinking, gave many more to think about, and after all left me with hope for the future. And all of that in a really enjoyable way. I loved every page.

Authentic principled conservatism and why the GOP is not our home

Steve Deace has had an inside look at the bowels and highest levels of the GOP for years and when he says the GOP is not the home for conservatives he says so from a unique vantage point. It's way past time to stop putting our faith in the national GOP and this books make the best case possible. A must read if you are deeply invested in the future of America and refuse to just sit on the sidelines this book is for you.

Don't be scared to face the truth.

A very good and easy read. The book makes sense of the pathetic reality that surrounds us. If you consider yourself a patriot and are not too afraid to face reality, read the book.

Great book

I highly recommend this book . It needs to be required reading by all

If we want things to change, we've got to open our eyes to the truth.

In this tome, Deace clarifies and solidifies what has been wrong with the way we approach political games. This book presents a starkly honest and truthful portrayal of why political parties are the most corrosive force in the ultimate destruction of the culture and nation.

This is truth - as much as it hurts we have to know it!

Steve Deace holds no punches when he tells it like it is! The average Republican believes that his or her representative is serving them in Washington but they are really not. Read this if you are a Conservative and you want to hold your Congress People to accountability.

TRUTH is all that matters; then appropriate actions!

Steve is always completely honest and tells just what is needed; the unvarnished TRUTH! I admire and ONLY want TRUTH. Thanks Steve. Another fantastic book!

Great book

Excellent and to the point.

Not for the faint of heart

Steve Deace has no fear. He risks alienating many so called conservatives by writing this book, by showing the many failings of the Republican Party. Their enemies are not our enemies.


Steve Deace is so refreshing. Thank you sir for telling the truth even when it seems most don't want to hear it.

The title says it all

Steve and company, hold fast to their values and are not afraid to speak the truth. I watch his show on Blaze TV every day, and every day I am enlightened! And I thank you guys for that....keep up the good work!

Game Changer for those who lost score of the game!

I read Truth Bombs the day I received it, I couldn’t put it down! This book is what I have Been missing to help clear up the confusion I have about my party and president. Steve has opened up my mind to what is going wrong with America and as painful as it is to read about, the truth is refreshing.

Truth Matters

Truth matters & this book doesn't shy away from it. We have a need to be aware of who we've become & this book reveals just how lost we are. The truth hurts, but unless light is shed on it, we will continue down the same path. Thank you for your willingness & courage to be honest with us, Steve. I highly recommend "Truth Bombs"!

Good book that doesn’t “bomb”.

Interesting read, full of Steve Deace’s trademark snarky ness and conviction. Brings issues out that the average republican voter might not think about.

Honest and thought provoking

Amazing book! It gives you a good, honest look at our political process and how the conservatives should react to the Republican Party. Please read with an open mind.

Thank you and Keep it up

I'm happy someone is still being honest of the world and the political climate, it would just make me happier if it was for once someone campaigning for president. One day the crusader of truth and morality will come.

How politicians think.

Steve Deace writes about what is truly wrong with the GOP today. Meaning, it is no longer conservative. He offers facts that are both surprising yet undeniable. He offers critical analysis that will keep you thinking long after you finish the book and place it on the shelf. It is a must read.

Great book!!!


Excellent read

This is a book every true Christian conservative should read, amazing insight.

Finally a book with answers!

Awesome and intense probe into current misconceptions that influence our decisions

Steve Deace’s best

Absolute truth and very well done. Would highly recommend all Republicans read it.

Absolute Truth!

Great book! Absolute truth. Steve Deace is a gifted writer with a biting wit and clearly understands the deeper meanings in life.

Great read

Full of facts you need to know.

As described

Bought for hubby. Great book per him

Great read

Solid book here. If you find it hard to read then its probably doing what it is intended to do.

Lots of truth!!

Great book but hard to read without either feeling very sad or very angry. I will say I feel somewhat vindicated in many of my beliefs and reasons for leaving the Republican Party, in spite of the blowback I received from family and friends.

americas consrv. watchdog!

the best book on how we conservatives have been used buy the gop and our leaders for decades.steve does not leave any stone unturned.he is one of my favorite Christian/consrv in America by far.i dvr all his tv shows on the blaze and look foword reading more of his books!

Finally someone willing to tell the truth about conservative politics

Steve finally puts in print what I have been observing just as an outsider looking in. If you think the Republican politicians are with you, well... Just read this book.

Must Read For Conservatives

If you consider yourself a Republican or a Conservative this book is a MUST READ. It makes you think critically about your preconceived notions about the GOP. The truth in this book helps prepare you against the tendency to flock to group think. Great Book.

S Learning experience

A real '"truth" learning book.lotus of big. Words but we'll worth the time .helped me understand why .com people think like they do. Overall,we need God.

Hard to read but good to know!!

Great book with lots of valuable information and solid points! Bought two copies so I could give one away.


Truly enjoyed reading this book. The book is a great summary of all the reasons I left the Republican Party. Steve fleshed out many of the problems conservatives find in dealing with a party that promises a lot and delivers little.


So this is what fact-based reasoning feels like!!!! Keep up the great work Mr. Deace!

Excellent book

Excellent book

Great book

When you read this you will understand why the republicans in Congress do what they do.


Mr. Deace’s latest offering is a hard hitting reminder that “there's none so blind as those who will not see”. His well timed truth bombs call on myopic Republican sheeple to refocus complacent eyes to evident truths hidden in plain sight.

Great Book

A must read.

I love this book

Great read. I love Steve’s take on a way forward for conservatism


Most points I knew or had the feeling. Good to know from an insider that my hunches weren't off much. Lacked a high body count.

Steve Lays it DOWN

Steve deace lays it all down in front of you, in the truth of our broken political system. He leaves no room to straddle the fence, and I love it!!


Great book. Sucks to hear but its necessary.

A kick in the pants!

If you like to think for yourself and want a glimpse of the picture of past decisions that have gotten our country to this point. Then read this book, and get your merit badge. I warn you, all truth and no chaser.

Great Book At the Right Time

Love Steve's Thought Process

Very enlightening. I highly recommend it

Very enlightening. I highly recommend it. It's written informally, pretty much exactly how he speaks on his radio show.

Way to go, Steve!

Truth is Truth...


Amazing book. Things we all need to hear and act upon. Thank God that Steve had the courage and wisdom to write this book.


Steve Deace has the required mind for our times. Actually, all times would benefit from his divinely inspired wisdom.

Truth bombs indeed!

Sad but true. Steve Deace doesn’t hold back.


Well-written and I enjoyed it!

Because the TRUTH matters!

Great book! I don't believe there are many "conservatives" who want to face the truth, though.

Footnotes for everything!

Did I mention the footnotes?

A worthwhile read

Good read. Great perspective.

Great book!

This book has really helped me to understand how politics really work! Thank you, Steve for sharing these Truth Bombs!

Great book!

It is sad that there are so few that are willing to be honest with the public.


This is a book for everyone that loves America.

Very thought provoking

What a fantastic and thought provoking book! I loved it!

Eye opener.

Definitely thought provoking. Wish everyone would read and critically think all of this through. It was a learning process for me.

great information

well written and very factual

The truth about the people who say they represent us.


Worth. Every. Penny!!!

Incredible read! You can tell anyone who didnt read it, because they will simply write this off as right-wing propaganda. This is literally the opposite of that, taking the “right-wing” to task for their completely dishonorable record over the past generation. Although not entitled “Cuck Yeah: Confronting the Lies Conservatives Tell Themselves,” which I was totally rooting for, this book is a magnum opus of political honesty. A must, MUST read!!!!

Great Stuff

Deace is a non-hack in a world of click-servative hacks. Bashing the parties equally where its deserved. He's one of the few pundits I can stand these days. Beats Hush Bimbo and Pawn Vanity with a stick.

This book opens a can of wop-ass on everyone!!!

I listen to Steve Deace on CRTV because he doesn't have an R tribe letter after his name. This book is like his show. Take no prisoners. Steve answers to 1 person. Jesus! If you what to read something from a not typical conservative, if you want to take a look behind the Republican curtain. steve is the guy, and this is the book. I did not get paid to write this. I'm just a lusting groupie :)

Almost brutal enough

I love this book, but I wish it were a little more brutal. I was hoping that I would be curled up on the floor, crying by the time I got to the end. I was close, but not quite there. I know there are more bombs that need to be dropped, and more lies that need to be exposed. I can’t wait. Give me more bloodshed!

You aren’t a conservative if Fox News, drudge and Rush are your precious!

If you think you are a conservative because you watch Fox news, listen to Rush Limbaugh or retweet everything that comes across the drudge report timeline, then I dare you to read this book. Prove to the real conservatives out there that you aren’t as much of a snowflake as all of those millennials you label this way. Understand why the republican party that you hold you in such high esteem gives two craps about you and your beliefs. I dare you to pick this book up. It is spot on and it is exactly why we are losing on almost every policy battle. The fight does not even start with what we call “the other side“… It is with our own side. Bought the book on audio so that I could listen to it driving in between appointments. Finished the first listen yesterday and look forward to the second listen today.

Things that make you go "hmmm".

Thought provoking information. Great book. I learned some things.

An affirmation of what we know in our hearts to be true!

I enjoyed listening to this book as it was read by Deace so some personality came through otherwise political audio books can be dry. This particular book was engaging even though the subject matter is a bummer, or an affirmation of what we know to be true. Still, it is nice to know we are not alone. Laced in with the subject matter are some fantastic pop culture and biblical references and some humor to make it all palatable. Six words: Article 5 Convention of States, Baby!

Should you read this book?

Great book! If you're a conservative who enjoys being used as a "booty call" by the Republican Party, don't read this book. If you're a Christian who revels in being lied to by the GOP and still thinks the Republican establishment has your interests at heart, don't even take a look. If you enjoy comfortable illusions about the politicos who lie to you and use you, this book is NOT for you. But if you're sick and tired of allowing yourself to believe the lies of the party you've given your allegiance to...if you've had enough of being a tool of the political party that makes a mockery of your values...if you're interested in seeing the evidence of just how broad and how deep goes the betrayal from the people you trusted...then maybe you want to read "Truth Bombs." Since the "great sellout" of conservatism by many of its most reliable voices some three years ago, Steve Deace and his show are one of the few sources of honesty I've been able to turn to in order to stay sane. You won't see this kind of level-headed, brutally-honest information and analysis virtually anywhere else--not on conservative talk radio, not in the blogosphere, not in social media, not on Fox News, very seldom in church--and NEVER from the GOP establishment. If you're going to buy one book this year, let "Truth Bombs" by Steve Deace be it!

Deace lays it bare, the activists are betraying you.

Fantastic! We are losing because the people we trust to hold the politicians accountable.... are betraying you. It's all about the money folks! From click bate headlines to your donations to "family & pro-life" organizations. Think about it, what happens if babies are no longer murdered by abortion? The funding dries up for the "pro-life" organizations that appose it and thus the people, who's salaries depend on the income to those organization, are out of cushy high paying jobs. Deace lays it out for everyone to see, where we are at, and how we (or rather God) can get ourselves out of this. If you want to evil to lose, you have to be willing to see where it is...and sometimes it is hard to do.

As much hard truth for Republicans as Democrats

I just got it on Audible and listened to the first chapter. Greatly looking forward to this break from all the fake media types and speak truth. You have become my favorite CRTV/BlazeTV host!

A Necessary Reality Check

Truth Bombs is the wake-up call that you need to hear. If you’re looking for self-fulfilling platitudes or the same worn out talking points that you’re fed by “conservative” media and radio, this isn’t for you. But if you’re someone who identifies as conservative and are tired of being disappointed day in and day out by the Republican Party and the conservative movement at large, you need to take the time to read this book. In his signature snarky fashion, Steve Deace lays down some serious intellectual challenges and supports his positions with evidence and facts. This is a must-read for those who are caught in the vicious cycle of supporting politicians who campaign on one agenda, only to govern like those against whom they’re voting in the first place. Many are looking for answers as to why “conservatives” in government are so feckless, and want to know what to do about it. Are you tired of handing power to people who vehemently promise to do one thing, then do the complete opposite? You’re not alone. Truth Bombs highlights some harsh realities about the state of our nation, culture, politics, and the conservative movement, and lends practical advice to those who are frustrated with where we’re headed as a nation. Disclaimer: if you’re easily offended or have no interest in intellectual honesty or self-assessment, this isn’t for you. But if you want the truth, regardless of how badly it may sting, check out Truth Bombs. Our Republic is at stake. The status quo is driving us ever more quickly towards tyranny and statism, driven in part by a compliant citizenry. Steve Deace helps us to recognize this and calls us to change it while we can.

Essential reading for those not yet familiar with Steve's work

For those who aren't familiar with Steve and his show, or have read his previous books, this is essential reading. For those who consider themselves "conservative" and still believe there is some faint vestige of hope or promise in the Republican party, they need to read this book. On the other hand, for those who watch/listen to Steve daily, a lot of this will be familiar. I'd rate this five stars for someone new to Steve, and three stars for those who are already fans.

Brilliant and a Train Wreck at the Same Time!

Steve demands you see the forest for the trees, i.e. the “elephants” in the elephants’ rooms. He lays bare the reality that before the pagan progressives can be effectively countered, those of us on the conservative side need to fully understand how derelict, how COMPLICIT in fact, those politicians who claim to be on our side have been in destroying everything that matters to us. Demanding the truth as is found in God’s word is the only remedy for this. Steve eloquently illustrates this chapter by chapter as no one else can. A MUST read!!

Important read for liberals or "conservatives"...but especially "conservatives".

I would recommend this book to Any American who would like a description of the status of American politics today. Steve very deftly describes how our country was meant to be governed and sadly how it is governed today. He spares neither Democrat nor Republican, liberal nor "conservative" in attributing the responsibility of each culprit guilty of bringing American politics to the state it's in today.

Read this book!

Steve brings to bare the knowledge we have all considered but always shrugged off as perhaps exaggeration. He gives us insight into the Republican party that frankly concerned me enough to look into it myself and came away gobsmacked. This book is a must read for anyone that is concerned about our current political state.

Read this before voting!

One of the very best political books I have read. Every thinking conservative....or voter should read this. Explains so much about the state of politics today and the hair pulling frustration with the GOP. Steve has the background and experience to give this credibility and the gifts to make it very readable. I also appreciate Steve’s Christian perspective, if you are a Christian Conservative read this.

Wonder no more about what happened to our Republic! Read this book!

Steve gives us the inside story from a perspective few of us possess, the absolute Truth. If you've ever heard someone say; "he'll smile in your face while stabbing you in the back" it should come as no surprise this is the MO of our "esteemed" politicians and the big money that owns them. Steve puts it out there for all to see based on personal experience and his ability to see through the BS they continue to shove down our throats.

Lie #11 is worth the price of the book

This is the third Steve Deace book I have read - all worth reading, by the way. In truth bombs, Steve doesn't sugar-coat it for the reader. You get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But I have to say, buy the book for Lie #11. His description of the cult of progressivism in that chapter knocked me out.


Nothing but right wing affirmation propaganda.

The truth hurts....a lot.

I would liked to have seen more earth scorched as there are a few areas Steve missed but good lord is this book a breath of fresh air for constitutional conservatives. You want to talk about taxation without representation? Steve lays out the case expertly. This book should have Dantes warning on the cover though. "Abandon all hope, ye who" read this book.

Masterful unraveling of the lies Republicans have believed for years.

This is a really important book for any republican to read. We have been lied to for way too long. We need to confront the truth.

The Republican party and Democrat party are one in the same.

I've read and listened to his book. I thought the book was very educational especially for those who keep voting Republican no matter what. After reading this book I went ahead and bought and read Rules for Patriots. Now I'm reading Nefarious Plot. Honestly I don't read books much but Steve Deace makes it so simple that I can understand where he's coming from and now I want to come back and read some more of his books. This book is so good that I'm going to be reading it again after I read all his other books.

Mad Props

A fast read, and an important read. Many conservatives will find Deace's brutally honest revelations hard to stomach, but they are truths that experience has demonstrated. This is a call to effectively destroy the false idols, chase the moneychangers out of the temple, and slaughter the sacred cows. Best of all, Deace concludes with a constitutional path toward an American awakening, and for that he deserves all the mad props that can be propped.

Truth sometimes hurts!

I love Steve’s show. Can’t wait to read his new book.

Honest Real and Self Aware

A very honest report of one man's lessons learned as a conservative activist and pundit. If you want to get real insights that go far beyond the usual tribal blather read this book. Deace is incredibly perceptive, intelligent and brutally honest. His desire to impart something true and meaningful is compelling. A great book.

Excellent read !

Hard truths that were suspected of our overlords. It is a very worthwhile read.

republican voters NEED to read this and be spurred to action!!!!!!!

Steve is as smart and informed as they come. This is a honest, brutal assessment of the current state of the "two party" political environment and it isn't pretty. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Bombs Is Correct

Great book

Worth the Read

Excellent book!

Truth in a atmosphere of lies!

A must read!!

Wow. A lot to digest here but this book is worth every cent and more.

This book is exactly what its title claims to be and is a book I am going to have to read over and over again.


Listened to the audio book best 5 1/2 hrs of my day. Just more justification for leaving the republican party.


Steve Deade holds no punches. TRUTH being exposed!

Steve's the man!

Love this guy! Spot on!

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