Tom Brown's Guide to Healing the Earth

Paperback – Illustrated, November 26, 2019
25 Nov
Tom Brown
As a child he was taught to respect nature by an Apache elder he called Grandfather, now as a bestselling author and master tracker Tom Brown, Jr., shares his secrets for nurturing and saving our planet.

Tom Brown, Jr., is America's most acclaimed outdoorsman, tracker, and teacher. When he was eight he met Stalking Wolf, an Apache elder who taught the young man how to survive in the wild, and more importantly, how to value our place in the natural order.

For more than three decades, Tom Brown, Jr., has shared these insights with the world through teaching, writing, and film. Now, for the first time, he has detailed actions that each of us can take to help heal our ailing planet.

Reviews (4)

Now IS the time

If Earth Mother came with a manual, this book would be just that. You will find “original instructions” on how to live on earth, care take her and each other. There is profound knowledge in this book about the sacred order of Shelter, Water, Fire and Food. The release of this book at Christmas time is perfect, for it is a gift on so many levels. Among these pages you will find practical things you can do to establish a care taking or healing routine. Additionally you will encounter ideas on how to connect to the Way of the Spirit, Sacred Silence and the Spirit-That-Moves-In-and-Through-All-Things. You will hear rich stories of deep contact with nature. For full disclosure, I am a long time student of Tom Brown, Jr., so I know how fully packed this small book is with what many of us have been studying for years. In a way the reader gets the Cliff Notes of many classes! Perhaps most precious is discovering the words of our venerable Grandfather: “From where the sun stands in the sky, I commit my life to protecting and healing our Earth Mother and saving all her children from the seeds of mankind’s destruction.” I hope you will be curious about the feelings you get from reading this book to take what you find here and turn it into wisdom! Join us, grow this movement around the globe to create a community of protectors and healers of the earth, ourselves and each other!

A Must Read! Tom has written a classic

This is the book so desperately needed in these times. Offering hope and and a vision for the future that can inspire and motivate us all...right here, right now. Tom helps us re-connect to the Earth and not give up hope; he is definitely the one who can show us the path... and does so brilliantly in this, his latest offering. This book is a gift that will be read and re-read many, many times. Highly recommended!!

Good info but quite wordy.

The book has good information and the philosophy is completely relevant for our (mankind's) survival - learning to live with nature by understanding it, rather than trying to control it. Mostly it is the story of the author's "grandfather", who taught him to read and understand the natural world. My reason for the 3-star rating is that the book is very wordy, with much repetition. It was difficult to get to the point of the writing. I'm sorry to say I did not finish the book, so it might have gotten better, but it did not hold my attention well enough to wade through it. I do believe the author had a worthwhile point and purpose for writing, and will probably try some of his other works.

Excelent Read

I would highly reccommend reading this book. Tom and Randy do an excellent job of painting a picture of a planet in trouble, that although is at the brink, is still capable of healing. Topics are discussed at both a large and individual scale on how healing the planet can happen. At a certain point healing the planet on a merely physical level passed us by. The authors talk about how healing the planet now on a spiritual level will be necessary going forward. Having read all of Tom's other books and attending a number of his classes it was great to hear some new stories and new information.

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