They Must Be Stopped

First Edition, Kindle Edition
31 Aug

They Must Be Stopped is New York Times bestselling author Brigitte Gabriel's warning to the world: We can no longer ignore the growth of radical Islam--we must act soon, and powerfully. Gabriel challenges our western and politically-correct notions about Islam, demonstrating why radical Islam is so deadly and how we can halt its progress.

Brigitte Gabriel speaks her mind:

*Fundamentalist Islam is a religion rooted in 7th century teachings that are fundamentally opposed to democracy and equality.

*Radical Islamists are utterly contemptuous of all "infidels" (non-Muslims) and regard them as enemies worthy of death.

*Madrassas in America are increasing in number, and they are just one part of a growing radical Islamic army on US soil.

*Radical Islam exploits the US legal system and America's protection of religion to spread its hatred for western values.

*America must organize a unified voice that says "enough" to political correctness, and demands that government officials and elected representatives do whatever is necessary to protect us.

Brigitte Gabriel has fearlessly faced down critics, death threats, and political correctness, and is one of the most sought after terrorism experts in the world. They Must Be Stopped is her clarion call to action. Gabriel thoroughly addresses the historical and religious basis of radical Islam, its frightening encroachment into societies around the world, and its abuses of democracy in the name of religion.

Reviews (174)


I read this book in hard copy form after borrowing it from a friend some years back. Today I purchased the Kindle version and the accompanying Audible version. I have listed to half an hour of Brigitte reading a book that I am very familiar with. It is good to listen to her read her own book and it comes alive for me. Brigitte you say that the target of fundamentalist Islam are Jews and Christians. My one criticism of your book is that you have forgotten the atrocities on Hindus over the past 900 years. I grew up in India in 60s and 70s and have seen Islamic fanaticism first hand. Fortunately the city of my birth Bombay also had a powerful Hindu party that did not let matters get too far out of hand. After I left Bombay in 1980 to pursue my grad studies in the US, there were two incidents. The first one involved multiple bombs in December 1992 that I missed by flying out two days before during a business trip. The second was 11/26/2008 where ten men from Pakistan terrorized the city and killed over 160 innocent civilians. I want to point out to readers that the Jewish Rabbi, and his wife and four other Jews were tortured for over 24 hours at the Chabbad synagogue. Not one of my relatives long time Bombayites had any idea where it was located but these brutes had it programmed in their GPS units. The bodies of the Jews were mutilated beyond belief. I have tears in my eyes as I write this. What did those beautiful people do to suffer this fate? Yes, I know what it is: in the eyes of this fanatical religion every Jew deserves this. If you are Jewish and read this, please know that the country of my birth, India, welcomes all of you and respects your faith. I am also very angry at the Indian response. The headquarters of India's western Naval command was 1 mile away from Chabbad and the other sites of terror. Yet it took over 36 hours for Indian commandos to reach Bombay from Chandigarh via New Delhi. More details are in my comment below. The US would have had Navy Seals in a few hours. With the grace of Providence my wife and I live in a beautiful home in one of the four largest cities in thee US. To preserve the anonymity of my two neighbors I will not name it. Both are Hindu secular physicians and the gentlest couple you could meet. In 1988, the ladies father who was a Professor at Srinagar university, had Kashmiri separatists walk into their home late evening. They gave them till 8 AM the next morning to pack their cars and go. The family left for Jammu and then New Delhi the next day. They lost their house and everything that would not fit in the cars. Till today Dr and Dr Mrs ..... eyes tear and their anger comes when recounting this. Brigitte, I am with you. I am unable to feel sympathy for the Palestinians. The Muslims have destroyed our Hindu temples in India for hundreds of years and churches elsewhere. I am not saying all of them are bad. In fact I have had a few say they are secular atheists like Ali Rizvi. Amazon please publish this review. Everything I have written is true. Readers can google Chabbad house.

Are We Willing to Fight for our Way of Life?

Brigitte Gabriel’s first book “Because they hate” should be read by anyone who has doubts or mixed up feelings about Muslims and Islam. Since I read the first book first, I’m not sure if it would not have been a better idea to read “They Must be Stopped” first. Either way, these books are so full of excellent and first hand experience of the problems that developed in Lebanon after it was run over by Islam. This is not a trash Muslim review. I know many Muslims – so many of them are really peace-loving people. They just want peace and security in their lives – the same as we do. However, pure Islam is a very different way of life and we are seeing that through Islamic Terrorism. Gabriel’s book shows the dangers behind the lack of knowledge of the difference between Islam and Radical Islam. It’s a lesson well worth knowing. I am very very grateful to have had the opportunity to read both of these books. It’s so hard to bring out all the feelings that went through me as I read. Am I glad to know these things? Of course I am as it stops me from pointing fingers in the wrong direction. Read for yourself and you’ll know exactly what I mean. These radicals “hate us” – there will never be ANY peace between us! Our Christian way of life may very well be in great danger very near into the future. Are we willing to fight for it??

This is a must read

Brigitte Gabriel has laid out in full and well researched detail what the world is facing and what we must do to stand up. It is not just America, it is the world who must become aware and take action. I live in Australia and the political correctness here is sickening. I hark back to the ideals upon which our country is based and wonder what our leaders are up to and what their end goal is. Our forebears have fought for freedom and our people continue to fight for freedom “Under the Southern Cross” which stands proud on our flag. If we do not stop the insanity of the politically correct and call Islam for what it is then all the sacrifices of the past and the hard won freedom we enjoy will be steamrolled by the political onslaught of the Islamic machine. It is happening, Christians are not allowed to make complaints but Muslins raise bigotry complaints against all and get away with it. Time to stand up and draw the battle lines once more “Under the Southern Cross”.

All of America needs to get a better understanding of a Religious/Political Enemy.

A dedicated American citizen that has seen the major threat to the United States of America. Both books that I have read authored by this woman are compelling. Compare them with others from different parts of the Middle East that have come to the United States of America and there is excellent continuity. A very worthwhile read for anyone trying to understand the threat of a "Theocracy" (a political and theologic based enemy) needs to be understood to be appreciated. She explains the difference between the threat of the Nazi's and the politician that heads North Korea, for example. We should be VERY afraid!

A sobering book

The author puts together a well resourced book explaining the approach being implemented to subvert our culture. And it isn’t even to make us a better culture- just compliant converts. Your will or my will is of no importance or interest to them. And yet our politicians, educators, and self-anointed arbiters of political correctness are aiding, whether knowingly or unknowingly, in the accomplishment of that objective. It is for us to understand that we are at war, not proclaimed by us, but declared on us. We need to understand the tactics and our options. This is an eye-opening look into the future unless we choose to save it.


I read this book years ago, but I remember being so very impressed by it. I later bought it as gifts for others because I was so enthused. The author is a good writer, with real experience in what she's talking about. She speaks from the heart, and she speaks strongly. Her book is a warning against Islamic terrorism, which obviously we've been fighting for sometime. She has seen things first-hand, and knows the importance of this issue. Although this book is dated, I'd still recommend it today for anyone interested in this subject.

Required reading for all freedom-loving individuals concerned, or who should be, about Islamofascism's goal of world domination.

Absolutely required reading for all freedom-loving individuals, the world over. I am late to this publication, now several years old, but the vital information contained herein regarding Islamofascism and its threat to our way of life is even more revealing and prescient in retrospect. Many reading it at the time of publication may have been inclined to discount Gabriel's predictions. Now they can be viewed as to their astounding historical accuracy. There is no time too late to read this essential source.

Well researched and informative

A fascinating but scary read. In the first chapter, the author states, "Westerners do not understand Middle Eastern culture, it's religion, Islam, and how Islam as a political and religious ideology drives and impacts every aspect of the culture and it's people." It's so true. Middle Eastern culture and Western culture are so different, and what makes Brigitte's book so insightful is that she explains why Muslims think and act the way they do. She clarifies they many versions of Islam and even why Muslims fight against each other. Overall the book is very well researched and highly informative.

America Wake Up!

Another piece of jewel containing the facts and wisdom needed by every American to know what is at stake. If Americans don’t wake up soon to the reality and truth of what Islam teaches, we will soon be history. I know 100% that what Gabriel is writing in this book is accurate and trustable information. She is telling it like it is without any bias and with a heart of concern and love. A must read for every American who loves freedom!


Ms Gabriel presents her views of extremist Muslim theology in a clear and concise manner. She speaks with authority having lived through the horrors in Lebanon brought on by extremism. She explains why Western thought is at a disadvantage with the teachings of Muslim extremism and how Muslim extremism is infiltrating western society not only in America but in any other society not ruled by Muslim law. This book will open anyone's eyes to the dangers that exist in the world where devout, extreme Muslims want to literally take over the world at any cost to make Islam the only religion and will lie to and kill anyone or any society that gets in their way. A must read for all who value freedom and liberty.


I read this book in hard copy form after borrowing it from a friend some years back. Today I purchased the Kindle version and the accompanying Audible version. I have listed to half an hour of Brigitte reading a book that I am very familiar with. It is good to listen to her read her own book and it comes alive for me. Brigitte you say that the target of fundamentalist Islam are Jews and Christians. My one criticism of your book is that you have forgotten the atrocities on Hindus over the past 900 years. I grew up in India in 60s and 70s and have seen Islamic fanaticism first hand. Fortunately the city of my birth Bombay also had a powerful Hindu party that did not let matters get too far out of hand. After I left Bombay in 1980 to pursue my grad studies in the US, there were two incidents. The first one involved multiple bombs in December 1992 that I missed by flying out two days before during a business trip. The second was 11/26/2008 where ten men from Pakistan terrorized the city and killed over 160 innocent civilians. I want to point out to readers that the Jewish Rabbi, and his wife and four other Jews were tortured for over 24 hours at the Chabbad synagogue. Not one of my relatives long time Bombayites had any idea where it was located but these brutes had it programmed in their GPS units. The bodies of the Jews were mutilated beyond belief. I have tears in my eyes as I write this. What did those beautiful people do to suffer this fate? Yes, I know what it is: in the eyes of this fanatical religion every Jew deserves this. If you are Jewish and read this, please know that the country of my birth, India, welcomes all of you and respects your faith. I am also very angry at the Indian response. The headquarters of India's western Naval command was 1 mile away from Chabbad and the other sites of terror. Yet it took over 36 hours for Indian commandos to reach Bombay from Chandigarh via New Delhi. More details are in my comment below. The US would have had Navy Seals in a few hours. With the grace of Providence my wife and I live in a beautiful home in one of the four largest cities in thee US. To preserve the anonymity of my two neighbors I will not name it. Both are Hindu secular physicians and the gentlest couple you could meet. In 1988, the ladies father who was a Professor at Srinagar university, had Kashmiri separatists walk into their home late evening. They gave them till 8 AM the next morning to pack their cars and go. The family left for Jammu and then New Delhi the next day. They lost their house and everything that would not fit in the cars. Till today Dr and Dr Mrs ..... eyes tear and their anger comes when recounting this. Brigitte, I am with you. I am unable to feel sympathy for the Palestinians. The Muslims have destroyed our Hindu temples in India for hundreds of years and churches elsewhere. I am not saying all of them are bad. In fact I have had a few say they are secular atheists like Ali Rizvi. Amazon please publish this review. Everything I have written is true. Readers can google Chabbad house.

Are We Willing to Fight for our Way of Life?

Brigitte Gabriel’s first book “Because they hate” should be read by anyone who has doubts or mixed up feelings about Muslims and Islam. Since I read the first book first, I’m not sure if it would not have been a better idea to read “They Must be Stopped” first. Either way, these books are so full of excellent and first hand experience of the problems that developed in Lebanon after it was run over by Islam. This is not a trash Muslim review. I know many Muslims – so many of them are really peace-loving people. They just want peace and security in their lives – the same as we do. However, pure Islam is a very different way of life and we are seeing that through Islamic Terrorism. Gabriel’s book shows the dangers behind the lack of knowledge of the difference between Islam and Radical Islam. It’s a lesson well worth knowing. I am very very grateful to have had the opportunity to read both of these books. It’s so hard to bring out all the feelings that went through me as I read. Am I glad to know these things? Of course I am as it stops me from pointing fingers in the wrong direction. Read for yourself and you’ll know exactly what I mean. These radicals “hate us” – there will never be ANY peace between us! Our Christian way of life may very well be in great danger very near into the future. Are we willing to fight for it??

This is a must read

Brigitte Gabriel has laid out in full and well researched detail what the world is facing and what we must do to stand up. It is not just America, it is the world who must become aware and take action. I live in Australia and the political correctness here is sickening. I hark back to the ideals upon which our country is based and wonder what our leaders are up to and what their end goal is. Our forebears have fought for freedom and our people continue to fight for freedom “Under the Southern Cross” which stands proud on our flag. If we do not stop the insanity of the politically correct and call Islam for what it is then all the sacrifices of the past and the hard won freedom we enjoy will be steamrolled by the political onslaught of the Islamic machine. It is happening, Christians are not allowed to make complaints but Muslins raise bigotry complaints against all and get away with it. Time to stand up and draw the battle lines once more “Under the Southern Cross”.

All of America needs to get a better understanding of a Religious/Political Enemy.

A dedicated American citizen that has seen the major threat to the United States of America. Both books that I have read authored by this woman are compelling. Compare them with others from different parts of the Middle East that have come to the United States of America and there is excellent continuity. A very worthwhile read for anyone trying to understand the threat of a "Theocracy" (a political and theologic based enemy) needs to be understood to be appreciated. She explains the difference between the threat of the Nazi's and the politician that heads North Korea, for example. We should be VERY afraid!

A sobering book

The author puts together a well resourced book explaining the approach being implemented to subvert our culture. And it isn’t even to make us a better culture- just compliant converts. Your will or my will is of no importance or interest to them. And yet our politicians, educators, and self-anointed arbiters of political correctness are aiding, whether knowingly or unknowingly, in the accomplishment of that objective. It is for us to understand that we are at war, not proclaimed by us, but declared on us. We need to understand the tactics and our options. This is an eye-opening look into the future unless we choose to save it.


I read this book years ago, but I remember being so very impressed by it. I later bought it as gifts for others because I was so enthused. The author is a good writer, with real experience in what she's talking about. She speaks from the heart, and she speaks strongly. Her book is a warning against Islamic terrorism, which obviously we've been fighting for sometime. She has seen things first-hand, and knows the importance of this issue. Although this book is dated, I'd still recommend it today for anyone interested in this subject.

Required reading for all freedom-loving individuals concerned, or who should be, about Islamofascism's goal of world domination.

Absolutely required reading for all freedom-loving individuals, the world over. I am late to this publication, now several years old, but the vital information contained herein regarding Islamofascism and its threat to our way of life is even more revealing and prescient in retrospect. Many reading it at the time of publication may have been inclined to discount Gabriel's predictions. Now they can be viewed as to their astounding historical accuracy. There is no time too late to read this essential source.

Well researched and informative

A fascinating but scary read. In the first chapter, the author states, "Westerners do not understand Middle Eastern culture, it's religion, Islam, and how Islam as a political and religious ideology drives and impacts every aspect of the culture and it's people." It's so true. Middle Eastern culture and Western culture are so different, and what makes Brigitte's book so insightful is that she explains why Muslims think and act the way they do. She clarifies they many versions of Islam and even why Muslims fight against each other. Overall the book is very well researched and highly informative.

America Wake Up!

Another piece of jewel containing the facts and wisdom needed by every American to know what is at stake. If Americans don’t wake up soon to the reality and truth of what Islam teaches, we will soon be history. I know 100% that what Gabriel is writing in this book is accurate and trustable information. She is telling it like it is without any bias and with a heart of concern and love. A must read for every American who loves freedom!


Ms Gabriel presents her views of extremist Muslim theology in a clear and concise manner. She speaks with authority having lived through the horrors in Lebanon brought on by extremism. She explains why Western thought is at a disadvantage with the teachings of Muslim extremism and how Muslim extremism is infiltrating western society not only in America but in any other society not ruled by Muslim law. This book will open anyone's eyes to the dangers that exist in the world where devout, extreme Muslims want to literally take over the world at any cost to make Islam the only religion and will lie to and kill anyone or any society that gets in their way. A must read for all who value freedom and liberty.

Lebanese Civil War 101

First hand view of someone that was displaced by Islamic Radicalism creeping violence. In her case she had to leave her idyllic country home in what was once a very peaceful and multicultural Lebanon because of the civil war that was stoked by the intolerant. These kinds of eye witness accounts are required to understand what really occurred. Must reading for anyone that is interested in understanding root causes of chaos in the middle east.

A MUST read for ALL Americans

I already knew that Islam is NOT a religion, but IS an Ideology of Evil. This book just CONFIRMED it. "They Must Be Stopped" is Brigitte Gabriel's' second book alerting America to the Very Real Threat of Radical Islam. I've shared it with two neighbors who had their heads deep in the sand. To say they are WIDE AWAKE now, would be an understatement.

and every person who loves life and liberty and shares in the rich heritage of American Citizenship and a world love of peoples

A tremendous amount of research is evident in the book. It is instructional in leading the reader to a place that encourages the reader to take action. The awareness of history and the hopes and actions of the true Islam terrorist is frightening. We are seeing in action their plans taking shape, and every person who loves life and liberty and shares in the rich heritage of American Citizenship and a world love of peoples and culture needs to be exposed to this book.

Authoritative and from the Heart

Brigitte Gabriel speaks from experience and a lifetime of experiences and research. In this book she outlines why America should be afraid, very afraid of what is taking place within its borders. She authoritatively describes Islam's plans for America and outlines how they are operating right under our noses, using our laws against us. She also discusses the organization she started called Act for America and her plans of how we can make a difference and fight back the right and smart way. A must read if you want to save America.

Do you know why?

A great book in that the acquiescence to Islam is real. Do Wahhabis (Saudis) own mosques in your neighborhood? Why would the left support the denigration of women to support Islam?

Outstanding book, in every way on this extremely important topic.

Outstanding work, well worth the time, and as always in my view with this author she backs up her points with factual supporting information including her own personal experience. Outstanding work in every way, highly recommend this work as all the work by this author.

Excellent CD book

Excellent CD book, Brigette has direct knowledge & experience with this death cult. Lies & deception are part of the Quran as it tells believers lying to infidels is not only tolerated but encouraged. Just watch Europe fall from Islamist immigration with no attempt at integrating with host country.

We need to wake up

This is a book every American should read. I am utterly surprised and dismayed as to far behind the curve we are in recognizing the menace of Islam is to the entire Western World and our way of civilized living. They intend to destroy our way of life and our liberal laws and political correctness that they are using against us are allowing it to happen. WAKE UP AMERICA..


An ABSOLUTE BLISTERING examination of the faith with portions of their scripture that for the samples make it read like a murder book. Politicians who have been cowed into submission are called out as rubes. Insightful!

Chance favors the prepared mind..

Better understanding for future discussions and informed legislation proposals. Provides a comprehensive INSIDER look at what is really going on in the secretive world of islam.

Damn Scary!

Facts and in startling clarity regarding direction and impact of Muslims- all of them! Make no mistake the “good” will obey the “hyena” brethren!

Please Read

It's an easy read. It is to the point,,,got me fired up. A MUST READ FOR EVERYONE!!!! Ms Gabriel is an intelligent, patriotic survivor. Her point of view is valid. I'm happy with the purchase and would recommend.

Great book! I highly recommend it

Great book! I highly recommend it. I love this woman, she is genuine and a great writer. I recommend her other books too. You won't be disappointed.

very well documented

A must read for anyone who is thinking about where we are headed as a nation. She backs her statements with citations and documentation. This is a warning that should not be ignored.

Brigette Gabrielle, they can be stopped

I do love the message, and it's a difficult topic in our politically correct punishing environment.

Lego of Periculosus!

This is one of the best books on Islam available, either as an introduction to a complicated topic, or as an antidote to much of the biased pro-Islam propaganda in circulation. The Islamist attack on the West occurs on all fronts, and Ms. Gabriel does a wonderful job of highlighting many different types of these attacks, from the obvious, to the more insidious, such as the tax payer funding of such schools as Islamic Academy of Florida, which had ties to Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Since the publication of this book, we see that it is still happening. One need only look at the controversy involving Lowe's pulling out of TLCs "All American Muslim." One of the main characters is shown getting advice from an Imam who by most accounts supports the terrorist organization Hezbollah, yet we non-Muslim Americans are being asked to blind ourselves to the support of terrorism, and see Ozzie and Harriet instead. After reading many books on the subject, I came back to "They Must Be Stopped" again, and was impressed with how well she chose some of the most relevant topics rather than getting sidetracked by other issues, how well she organized the topics, and provided the reader with valid, directed, fairly comprehensive information. One book cannot do all things, but she found a good balance between the amount of relevant information and thoroughness. I fault the book for giving relatively little information on the second part of the title, "How We Can Do It," except for going to her website, which is helpful, but does not otherwise offer solutions to the difficulties in stopping the spread of an ideology that uses our own freedoms against us.

Excellent insight into the motivations

Excellent insight into the motivations, drive and beliefs of PURE Islamic fundamentalism. A MUST read to understand the power of the force trying to take over the world...if you have the courage to read it.

Get a copy

All good

Non-politicized facts: a must for everyone!

Ms. Gabriel really knows her stuff. Everyone should listen to her tapes/read her books to get the non-politicized facts!

A Passionate, Animated Speaker.

This woman knows of which she speaks. She's lived in the shadow of jihad. Everything I questioned when I first heard her speak, has proven to be true.

Who’d a thunk it

Liked the book. Bought for reading.

A must-read

After reading this, you'll understand urgent current events, and their sources, so much better. A quick, easy read. Buy it!

Terrific book; A book that needs to be read ...

Terrific book; A book that needs to be read to understand these sick people

stereotyping Muslims

Ms. Gabriel provides a well written, well documented, and very biased view of Muslims. Her position is that Islam is not only a religion, but also a political culture. She says the goal of all Muslims is to eventually take over the entire Earth. Muslims migrating to non-Muslim countries are invading by peaceful means, and doing so are taking advantage of democratic society's freedoms. Their intention is to eventually overthrow the very government that provided them freedom of religion. She claims that peaceful appearing Muslims are just as dedicated to this cause as are the extremest Sharia Muslims and terrorists. One of her reasoning points is that the Muslims who practice their religion in democratic countries do not voice any objections to what the activist and terrorist Muslims are doing. Their passive stance is an indication of support of extreme Islamic views. It seems that, Ms. Gabriel's ultimate goal is to organize a movement to stop what she considers a Muslim invasion.

A must read

A must read for all Americans. Brigitte tells it like it is and how Muslims want to impose Islam on all and take over the US and world


Love it

The threat of Islam

Very interesting and important.

What an eye opener.

Very good book A must read for everyone we need Millions of people to read her books And to understand what is coming? I can't belive we have let it happen.

Five Stars

Ms. Gabriel speaks from knowledge and personal experience.

Very satisfied


The Truth !

One of the most intelligent and courageous women in the world ! Great book about the truth about the islamic world and how it operates ! God be praised we have such people !!!

A must read to understand the battle against our way ...

A must read to understand the battle against our way of life and freedom. Knowledge is power and Brigitte Gabriel spells it out with no holds barred! Very informative and enlightening. Hopefully Americans will awaken and understand the enemy at the gates!

we are being invaded by people who hate us. That is not ok

America needs to wise up; we are being invaded by people who hate us. That is not ok.

Excellent read!

Excellent read. Interesting and informative.

Five Stars

This book is great and really true. She has it well written'

A great introduction to Islam

If you don't know much about Islam and are interested in a crash course, then this is the book you need to read. "They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It" by Brigitte Gabriel is a brief, informative introduction into what Islam is all about. Ms. Gabriel takes the position that the main goal of Islam is to spread to other countries, infiltrate their ranks from within, and achieve influence in the respective country in order to establish Sharia Law. This book provides a wealth of evidence to support this claim, as well as multiple examples from the Koran that appear to preach a medieval ideology. Here are some excerpts from the book: "The Koran sura 9:29 commands Muslims to "fight against those who do not believe in God or the judgment day, who permit what God and his messenger have forbidden, and who refuse allegiance to the true faith."" "The Prophet Mohammed, whom Muslims consider the perfect man, married a six-year-old girl and consummated the marriage when she was nine. While in the eyes of the West he is a criminal, in the eyes of Islam he is not only a good person but is following in the footsteps of the Prophet." "Women in Islam are considered unclean, deemed inferior to dirt: "Believers, approach not prayers with a mind befogged or intoxicated until you understand what you utter. Nor when you are polluted, until after you have bathed. If you are ill, or on a journey, or come from answering the call of nature, or you have touched a woman, and you find no water, then take for yourselves clean dirt, and rub your faces and hands. Lo! Allah is Benign, Forgiving." (Koran: 4:43)" "Today Islam is seen through a Western prism, which reflects a Western worldview as well as a lack of knowledge in Islam as a religious and political identity. The West identifies leaders as belonging to the left or the right. They perceive Yasser Arafat as a moderate, the king of Saudi Arabia as a conservative, and Khomeini or Osama bin Laden as radicals. The West fails to understand that all these leaders will stand together as one on the Islamic side of the fence against the infidels when the call of Allah Akbar (Allah is the greatest) is made." Ms. Gabriel's book will open your eyes to the realities of Islam, and realize the global implications that will result from the spread of Islam to western countries from within. This book concludes with steps you can take to help stop this Islamization of the West (hence the title) before it's too late.


ABSOLUTELY! Ms. Gabriel was victimized by radical Islam and emerges a strong, confident, honest messenger. She speaks to the history and the reality of an islamic state. I work and am friends with several Muslims who feel as strongly as Ms. Gabriel about the possibility of how much damage can be done to the lifestyle and values of the US. It is clear to any observer of world reality to see that radical islam is neither tolerant, flexible or interested in assimilation. (Reference no go zones in France) quite the opposite. It was chilling to see the roadmap promulgated by the Muslim Brotherhood--readily available on the internet once you know to look for it--and how well it has been executed. Thank you Ms. Gabriel for opening my eyes. If you have an open mind, read her book!

A viewpoint of Islam that may cause awareness of the underlying motives of people of this religion.

Not saying all muslims are addressed in the revelation of the motives of the radicals. Informative and eye opening information written in a style that is easy to follow and make one aware.

Four Stars

this was bought as a gift but i'm hoping i get it back to read

Five Stars

This is what to read if you want first-hand knowledge of Islam and Jihad.


Very educational with a lot of sad parts.

Five Stars

An absolute must read. Inform yourself with first hand information.

Telling it the way it is

Vary informative and using their our books to expose them for what going on NOW!! Without the political correctness that destroys the truth. American needs to wake up and smell the coffee and get informed

We are at war.

Gabriel is an American hero.

Three Stars

I bought it to read later.

A must read for every American!

Bridgitte is a strategic thinker and tells a profound story that must be read by every Democracy loving American and needs to be a mandetory read at the college level for all students. This author understands the Arab mind because she is an Arab and is a well read student of the Koran. Her detailing of the camendments in the Koran is eye opening, scary to me and hopefully eye opening to to national leadership. We must create pragmatic foreign policy that actually recognizes the Arab threat to us so that we can deal with it. Presently our executive leadership is ignoring and misleading us with the hope that it goes away. Her prognosis for our country, Europe and the world is very bleak, if we continue to mislead and misrepresent the reality that is going on in the world. After having read this book I am concerned and feel empowered to demand better from our president! Can't wait to read more by this author!


Many have already undertaken the job of commenting on this book and you should make time to read some of these, if you're interested in the subject of this book. When I was young man Yul Brynner, famous Broadway actor (The King and I) and movie star (The Magnificent Seven), just before he died of lung cancer, made an anti-smoking advertisement that I believe he paid to have broadcast around the world. The message was stark and the image of Yul Brynner, head and shoulders shot, staring directly into the camera, gave the effect of Yul Brynner, staring directly into the back of your brain. The message was delivered just after news agencies around the world had broadcast his death and was very simple. For a man who had now died of lung cancer, he said with his low serious voice, "Don't Smoke, whatever you do?, Don't Smoke." It was absolutely haunting. Of course, the fact that I'm writing this down in 2011 when the advertisement was delivered around 1985 is an indication of the impact of this advertisement. I'm sure millions of people can still remember it. I'd like to create the same impact but unlike Yul Brynner I don't have that much money, however, through AMAZON.COM book comments I'd like to say, "READ THIS BOOK, Whatever you do?, READ THIS BOOK".

Excellent review of Muslims in America

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand the Muslim faith. It is heavy, frightening, and forthright.

Five Stars

Great book, A must read.

A must read for all college students who won't be hearing this in their classrooms.

I am giving this book out to 19 students this weekend, hoping they'll read it and gain some insight into this generation's "Nazi" regime known as radical Islam.

Brigitte Gabriel explains in great detail about the facts and dangers of radicals

Brigitte Gabriel explains in great detail about the facts and dangers of radicals, she shares her own personal experience and did an excellent job, very professional.


This is a book that everyone in these United States should read.

Must read!

Every American needs to read this book! Learn what the American press is not telling you about the imminent threat of radical Islam and what we can do about it.


Excellent book, it may change your world view about Islam.

A Must-Have Book - Buy One For You And Loved Ones

...And no, I'm not paid to endorse Ms. Gabriel. Every United States citizen should have a copy of this book. Ms. Gabriel states fact after fact regarding the evil that is Islam, and what is in store for this country if people do not put "political correctness" aside. In the name of being "multi-cultural," and out of fear of (God forbid) anyone being offended, U.S. citizens are turning a blind eye to eventually (and surely) more death and destruction on our soil. We are allowing these people in in droves to gain a stronger foothold in this country. I'm so glad this strong, educated, and determined woman is here to spread the truth.

Islamic threat to the world is real

So beautifully, eloquently and clearly written, I am better informed and aware of what it means to face Islamic threat. Why should Islam hate me just because i believe differently?

Five Stars

very informative read

A Must Read for every American!

Brigitte is an excellent writer and stays true to form. As a Christian, I know she loves Muslims, but hates the religion (or the political ideology as it really is) of Islam. She is right. Islam is a political ideological force that produces fear in its followers and doesn't allow them to choose or to love. It is the antithesis of the values of Christianity. Americans are naive and respond too late to threats. We need to stay unified in the love of freedom and personal choices and values to combat the spread of Islam. Our Muslim friends and neighbors need to know Christ as much as anyone, and it is our job as the Christian church to spread the Good News! Islam is our enemy, not the Muslim. I appreciate Ms. Gabriel's work. I know it is not only challenging, but life threatening. This is a wake up call to all Christians.

Very good book. I have listened to her many a ...

Very good book. I have listened to her many a time. I believe, people who read this book will get in depth knowledge on what islam and radical islam is all about.

They must be stopped

Great great book this is her second book I have read first is why they hate us is the first book it is great information to she live there and knows the facts of the Muslim she's on tv. She is telling us the truth We need to read all her books and understand what is going on hope every one reads her books

Thanks for your review

Thanks for your review

A clear and present danger

Educational and inspirational book. It gives you a good summary of Islamic thought and vision. Most importantly I am now equipped to discuss the threat of islamofascism and America's response after finishing this book.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Very well written time to wake up people

Five Stars

I love Brigitte Gabriel! She knows her stuff!

Religious War

"It is not yet politically correct to talk about a religious war. But this is exactly what we are facing; a religious war declared by devout Muslims." pp 70-71 Brigitte Gabriel's second book, "They Must Be Stopped", is a powerful critique of the West's historic foe, Islam. It expands upon and further defines issues raised in her first work, "Because They Hate." In that unforgettable autobiography she related in detail her horrible experiences growing up in the very heart of Islamic terror and war in 1970s Lebanon. This new work, "They Must Be Stopped" is a non-stop blazing polemic against Muslim ideology. It stands alone as a self-contained and convincing argument, but is better appreciated if the more personal "Because They Hate," is read first. Ms. Gabriel devotes the first 70 pages of "They Must Be Stopped" to the most controversial issue surrounding the identification of Islamic "terrorists." The official U.S. position, enunciated by both President Bush and Barack Obama, is that Islam is a peaceful religion that has been "perverted" (Obama's term) by a relatively few radicals. This view is what might be described as the "received wisdom" in the Western world. In these first 70 pages Ms. Gabriel argues that Islam itself is a terrorist religion, and the "peaceful" Muslims are not really Muslims at all, but people who do not understand the basic tenets of their own belief system. Her argument about this central point is incontrovertible. She quotes not only chapter and verse from the Islamic canon, but recounts the history of the Islamic expansion. As Samuel Huntington has said and Ms. Gabriel describes, the borders of Islam are bloody. The author is not just an armchair pundit. She has founded two organizations which now have hundreds of chapters in the U.S. and internationally. The "nuts and bolts" of how to do this organizing are detailed in the final part of the book. Her goals are to educate and to lobby against the insidious Islamic threat. Her organizations are growing exponentially. This growth is due not only to her clear thinking and writing, but to her presence as a leader and speaker.. She is an exotically beautiful Lebanese woman. I say this without fear of being politically incorrect. A liberal critic accused her of putting a glamorous photo of herself on the cover of her book as a cheap sales gimmick. She laughed at the statement, replying , "In Lebanon we were raised to be glamorous, feminine and sensual...." Ms. Gabriel knows who she is and what she stands for; she is using all of her attributes and abilities to further her cause. For those of us who consider the current worldwide resurgence of "real" Islam an existential threat to Western civilization, Brigitte Gabriel is a religious warrior of the highest order. Using ideas and words as her weapons she is a crusader in the best sense of the word; opposing a religion that would, if it could, take us back to the dark ages of barbarism.

Five Stars

Every concerned and patriotic american should read this book!

Must read

Well written, facts investigated and a must read for all!

Five Stars

Good book.

Should be required reading for every man, woman and child in the USA!

Warning!: This book will make you ANGRY! However it should be mandatory reading. It is extremely well written and brings up points that we all recognize that have gone on for way too long. ENOUGH! Be aware you will start getting angry before you even complete the introduction. The book is painful to read. Painful to realize what we have allowed our elected officials to do which is weaken and emasculate our country and our military. Stop the nonsense and criminality exposed by this book. Get out and VOTE....Republican. Trump in 2016. I wish Brigitte could run as his Vice President! Reject the SJW Lib-Tard minority of yapping little dogs. Let us make America Great again. I do NOT think it is great presently. Not by a long shot. Vote for Trump now before the Dems lead us down a path of total destruction. READ THIS BOOK! Get angry! Vote!

I admire the author very much She is a fine example of bravery

I admire the author very much She is a fine example of bravery. I enjoyed hear from her what I believe is true.

A Witness Who Has Courage

Brigitte Gabriel was a young Lebanese arab girl who was brutally and wickedly persecuted, along with her family and so many others in Lebanon, because of being the wrong kind of arab. She has lived the hell that is everyday under the opressive lie of radical islam. Brigitte Gabriel is couragous enough to speak out and tell the truth about the brutality that she and so many others who dare stand up for what is right have endured. She is one tough, smart woman whose story jumps out of the pages as you read. The truth may not be convenient or even welcome to some, but her facts, numbers, dates and names are irrefutable. If you want first hand been there, lived that, truth, without any sugar coated feel good filters, then Brigitte Gabriel is a must read.

Good reading. Tells it like it should be told

Good reading. Tells it like it should be told.

Five Stars

Makes you think about some issues.

Please read this book & listen to what she says!!!

If you love our country & the American dream, you need to heed her words!!

Gabriel is a powerful and extremely informed writer who never ...

Gabriel is a powerful and extremely informed writer who never fails to engage me, make me think, and answers all my questions and issues.

I have purchased many copies of this book and would like to purchase more in volume if the opprtunity presents itself.

I would recommend this book to everyone especially anyone who is not familiar with Radical Islam. This lady has been there and is one to listen to in person if you have a chance. I have purchased many and I give them away and tell everyone that they need to read and keep the book going. I don't want to see the book again keep it moving on to the next person.

Five Stars

This is one of those must read books, buy it, read it and reread it !!

Five Stars

highly recommend!!

Five Stars

I agree with Brigitte 100%

Please read this book

I recommend this book because it so well explains the most fearsome and difficult to discuss issue threatening our freedom.

Five Stars

Very informative !

Listen to the best of the experts

What do you think of Islam? Is it a religion of peace and tolerance? These days so many writers are blasting us with their opinions, based on biased news reports and snippets from the Koran. If you want to read what an expert has to say, this is the book you need. This lady was born and raised in one of the most tolerant Muslim countries and knows first hand both the good and the bad. She knows how Muslims deceive and betray, what they can and will do to America if they succeed in their goals. When she says they must be stopped we had better listen.

Awesome presentation

Awesome presentation of facts by someone who lived in the fear of paying the price for believing in Yeshuah (Jesus).

Five Stars

brigitte gabriel points out the history and the facts without worrying about political correctness

Four Stars

good bk!

Islam Explained

Few people can explain Islam as succinctly as Gabriel. Our media and Islam apologists try to muddy the waters by minimizing, making excuses for and often lying about Islam. Gabriel cuts through all that to give a concise history and understanding of what Islam really is, what its goals are, what we need to be concerned about, and how to fight back. A must read for anyone who lives in a free society and wants to maintain those freedoms. Gabriel's own childhood in Lebanon is a cautionary tale about what happens to a free Christian country when Islam gets a foothold: it gets destroyed.

Wake Up Call

Great book....How do we get this book into every non muslim household throughout the world.......

Five Stars

This is a must read for EVERY American citizen!

Brave girl!

I love this woman's courage! The insane muslims will kill anyone who tells the truth about them. John.


One third of this book is comprised of footnotes. Just about every other sentence is footnoted, so when I see someone saying this is Islamophobia, I can only assume that individual suffers from FACT-ophobia. The book is chock full of history and is so fact-laden, at times, it can be boring. That is a COMPLIMENT. The author went to great lengths to provide the reader with facts and references so that the "Islamophobia" criticism becomes moot. Fact is fact. I believe Gabriel knows what she's talking about. She speaks with an urgency...because she has seen Sharia and Islamofascism overrun her home country during her own lifetime. People in America dismiss her urgency, and that may cost us. She is trying to warn us. Wake up, America.

... through but it is extremely well written by an Intelligent woman with a great deal of knowledge on the ...

Only half way through but it is extremely well written by an Intelligent woman with a great deal of knowledge on the subject. I recommend it to all. Opens your eye's to the dangers of islam.

poem lover

This book is the truth about Islam. The writer, a Christian from Lebanon, came to the USA to escape Islam and all it's horrible pressures it puts on people. If you want to truly know that Islam is not a religion of peace, and want to be fully informed about the evil, satanic, terroristic beliefs and practices of Islam, then read this book. Gabriel gives the history of Islam. She is fluent in Arabic and has read the Koran and has many quotes from it. None of the quotes from the Koran show a loving, peaceful, religion. She shows how people have been duped and totally misinformed about Islam from the media, and politicians who just don't know and chose ignorance about Islam. We must be informed so that Sheria Law doesn't take over our schools, and our government. Gabriel shows how Islam is treated with such kindness and consideration, so that it is practically against the law to say anything against it. But you can say and do anything against any other religion and it's quite okay with the media and our government. That's why Islam must be stopped.

A Must Read

A must read for every American!

Islamic future?

If you love political correctness, don't buy this book. Brigitte Gabriel paints a dark picture of the future. She has lived what she writes. Her logic and exposition are chilling. This no-nonsense book (I read the book then bought the CD) is a must if you want to understand what is going on in the middle east. The author doesn't mince words. She's down-to-earth, and documents all of her conclusions. Her writing style is somewhat pedantic. I had to pay attention to what she was saying, but it was worth the effort. Others have made the terrorist problem seem like an anomaly we just have to wait out for a few years. She makes the case for a much more protracted time of trials. Before I read her book, I thought Shariah law dealt mostly with interest on loans,and how to treat thieves. I've since verified what she says about the depth of Sharaiah's reach and its incompatibility to Constitutional law. You should read other authors for perspective. However, pay attention to Ms. Gabrielle's arguments. She may change your mind on the efficacy of middle eastern negotiations.

Five Stars

Too paranoid. M

Four Stars


Arm yourself!

A lot of well documented facts, that together should scare us all. Not as well writer as her first book

Five Stars


Five Stars

A must read

Five Stars

Great book. Much information I did not know.

Americans should be outraged, instead were asleep

Without question EVERYBODY in this country should read or listen to this.. some of this stuff i allready knew about but this goes way,way above and beyond what i knew , or what i thought i knew even though i was in the military and oversea's for years. Vary scary what's been and is happening in this country..for years. Americans should be OUTRAGED.. This Woman should be on the White House team because she's the only one who knows what the hell she's talking about. Not these other idiot's on CNN or MSNBC who have never been there and are clueless fools... The teachers and administrators in your school system should be ashamed of themselves.. but of course i know, there not. Keep up the outstanding work Gabriel.. love your books.

A Woman and Islam

The author has also written a book about her childhood as a Christian in Lebanon. She has very good reasons for her position and expresses them clearly and in a very readable fashion. Now I need to read book one, somehow I always do things backwards. Most of the book deals with Radical Islam, which there is no doubt in my mind, needs to be stopped. What is not clear is what about the rest of Islam. They don't seem to be too concerned about the murderers in their midst. The other thing I don't understand--many people associate stopping radical Islam with having a Republican president---so does this author--in a way. This makes no sense when you realize we won WWII and WWI with Democrats in office. On the contrary, we don't need a radical right religious agenda of our own grabbing for power if we need to be involved in stopping Islams'. This book should leave you thanking God for our Constitution and seperation of church and state. This is something I am afraid no active Muslim, radical or not, understands. I am not sure how, but we must make very sure any Muslim immigrants to the US understand this fundamental part of our country. Islam thinks the community is more important than the individual---in this country the balance tips the other way. There is no room for Sharia law here.

Five Stars

Powerful we Americans need to wake up !

Four Stars

not finished reading

Very glad I bought this book. Now I get it: Islam is the threat, not Muslims.

If the Islamic invasion and the trouble that comes with it concerns you, this book is a good investment. The author knows what she's talking and writing about. It's not Muslims who pose the greatest problem, it's the followers of strict Islam, undiluted from the Quran. A good read and very educational.

A Real Eye-Opener

Wow! This book is a real eye opener about the real reason why Radical Islamists hate Americans so much. Brigitte Gabriel really tells it like it is. And she knows about it first-hand. Everyone should be aware and alert to what is really going on in this world today. I am very glad I purchased this book, and share it with all my friends and family. I think it is a must-read for everyone. I highly recommend it to every concerned American to educate yourself on this very important issue.

I highly recommend this CD to every American

I highly recommend this CD to every American. Coming from an author who lived as a Christian in a country with radical Islam and knowing that her expertise have been used by our country's government agencies, one has every reason to trust in the information she presents. Brigette tells us how America has reacted to radical Islam in the past, and what it must do in the future to preserve our liberties.

Telling Us Like It Is

We, as Americans need to stop all of the P.C. protocols if we are to do something about the spread of Islamic Terrorism. One government reports says that there are about 2,000 mosques in our country. 10% of these mosques are actively teaching the overthrow of our way of life. One of our cities in Michigan has even allowed the practice of sharia law over our American law and Constitution. This author, in her own way, is trying to sound the alarm. We must listen to her because of her experiences, her understanding and her concern that we are NOT paying attention to history. These radical Islamists are like nothing we have ever encountered in the history of our country. Common logic, law, respect, and treatment are NOT applicable to their beliefs and way of life. We (non-Muslims) are the absolute ENEMY and they will NOT be appeased until we all follow MUSLIM sharia law. Nothing less than the total overthrow of our country, religions and way of life will do for these enemies of America. Unless we WAKE UP and DO SOMETHING about this growing threat we will lose. May God Bless and Help our country and our way of life.

America ?

I heard about the things happening right under the noses of sleeping neighbors and friends. Had to read for myself. This is a clarion call. Do something and we are shown what to do. Let's do it.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Love it


A must read for anyone concerned with the direction our country is headed. Buy it and support her cause now!

Five Stars

This is a must read!


The author I believe is the reader , her voice wears on you after a while , informative interesting , needs a better voice

Five Stars



Exactly what I had expected.


Great read!

The Truth About Islam

Brigitte is awesome. Finally someone who can tell it like it is. Not scared to speak the truth about Islam. You rock Brigitte!!!

Five Stars

Glad you're there.

Very good book, well written and timely

Note the author is not against all Islamic people. Just the radical element. She uses her life experience living in Lebanon and fleeing from it finally after the Islamic terrorists forced half of Lebanon to leave or live under dhimmitude. The historically Christian Lebanese were made to leave or live in terror as the radical element terrorized both Christian and moderate Muslim alike. This is happening around the globe anywhere that Extreme Islam gets the upper hand in a political system, anywhere their numbers grow large enough to assure a majority that can then turn around and follow the teachings of the Koran to oppress anyone who believes differently. She watched it happen in Lebanon and is issuing a warning to the West, that it is happening here too. And as the author points out, it hurts Muslims who want to live and let live in peace, as they are terrorized along with everyone else. Instead of just leaving a fearful warning this author gives a quiet gentle game plan to follow in combating those whose religious goals include the oppression of everyone else. Good book, glad I got it. Highly recommend it.

One may not like reading this book

One may not like reading this book, but every single American who loves this country, SHOULD read this book. It is frightening, but not written with that in mind, I am sure. It is written to warn people what is going to happen if our current actions continue. I am going to buy copies for my children and grandchildren to read... it is important !!!

Five Stars

Must read

Serious answers, for serious questions

They say, life is suppose to be fun and enjoyable. The problem is we are being mostly influanced by political correctness and not the truth. Then we ask, why is life so hard for some, and easy for others? This author tells the truth, from cover to cover. No need to read between the lines in this book. I recommend this book to all peoples throughout the world.

Five Stars

Every one in United States should read.

Five Stars

Great book

2nd Brigitte Gabriel Book

This book was purchased as a gift. So don't know what their rating would be. I do know that I liked her first book better as it was easier to read. I found this book harder to get into. The author is a survivor of radical Islam and is very passionate about this topic.

How About A Reality Check.

A MUST read toward truly understanding the issue of American culture genocide & fascism.Brigittes' FACTS and first hand knowledge are truly eye-opening to what has,happened around the world and is happening now in America.

A Real Eye Opener!

This is an excellent book outlining the basics of the Islam faith with full references to specific Quran passages. This book exposes the liberal spin placed on Islam and relays the truth to the reader. I strongly recommend this book!

Happy reader!

Great book in wonderful condition.

The Truth, we find it so seldom

Ms. Gabriel gives a tremendous amout of great data in one source on what Jihadists are doing in the world and America. A must read for anyone who wants to understand how the Jihadists use our own democracy against us and recruit followers. If you want to know about those who want to destroy the west and the way they are trying to do it, read this book! Retired SF Colonel

You have to read it!

This is a fantastic book! Mrs. Gabriel clearly demonstrates why Islam is THE danger for our and future generations, unless we do something now. It is a wake-up call on everyone to be aware of what this religion is about. No political correctness in this book, something that is lacking in our society nowadays. Certainly, one of the best books I've ever read.

Insiders view of the Middle East Conflict

Mrs Gabriel has first had experience living in Lebanon during all the bloodshed. She has a thought provoking, well written book expressing her perceptions. A must read for all interested in Middle Eastern politics.

Again a great book

Again, Brigitte does a great job exposing the truth behind Radical Islam and Islam itself. If you read the Quran, you'll see that those who say that it is the religion of Peace either have not read the Quran, don't understand it (many don't) or choose to lie because Quran teaches that it is ok to lie to further the spread of Islam. If the world teaches that lying is bad, why is it ok to lie to deceive people into believing that something is peaceful when in reality it is not? (I've read some of the Quran so I know) THANK you Lord for Brigitte.

The truth is scary

Ms. Gabriel stays objective in her presentation, but pulls no punches. She points out that "moderate" Muslims are not the ones in charge, nor are they willing to speak up within their own communities for fear of retaliation. She shows clearly that "radical" Islam is based on the plain sense of the Quran, not on something being imposed on it. She brings out equally clearly what non-Muslims need to do if we are not to have our grandchildren bowing to Mecca. A scary read, but sometimes the truth is just that--very frightening.

Five Stars


Wake up call

I'm not sure I believe EVERYTHING she went through. It kind of feels like an "Uncle Tom's Cabin." However, history favors the truth behind the events she went through. (I have friends currently living through the horror known as ISIS.) Some have reviewed the book as "extreme" but the events she describes pale in comparison to current events. The main point she tries to get across is that there is no such thing as a "fundamental" or "radical" Muslim. For a cross reference, I'm reading Mark Gabriel (Ph.D in Islamic history and culture) "Journey into the Mind of an Islamic Terrorist." (Which is much better telling the story that needs to be heard.) My main problem with the book is that I disagree mostly with the solution. It seems counter-productive to argue America give up it's civil liberties and rights. Seems like the cure is pretty much the same as the curse.... just with a different tag. I give this book 5-stars because in some sense it is prophetic (yup the play on the name "Gabriel.")... brace yourself because here it comes... unless America wakes up.

Great book

Brigitte Gabriel is a good author..I support her n her cause

Five Stars

The best unclassified source for understanding the Jihadists and there beliefs.

educate yourself

Another book that should be required reading for anyone who votes.

Awesome Woman

Awesome book. You will know that this women is awake and aware of the problem. I think Gabriel was one of Gods best soldiers. (Her last name) This person is a true woman of God. The God of the Nazarenes. I admire her courage. For evil to triumph, good does nothing. This woman is all Good

Five Stars

Right on. Important info

Can't recommend enough! Inform yourself!

So informative, so educational. I'm so glad I read this book. I feel so much more knowledgeable about world events now and I am appalled at how little I knew and also at how little countries are doing to stop the spread of radical Islam. I couldn't recommend this more!

Everyone who is the least bit aware of what is ...

Everyone who is the least bit aware of what is happening in the Middle East and the world should make this a must read. Brigette Gabriel writes in a clear precise style that logically sets forth her positions and backs up his points with compelling evidence and persuasive arguments. Each day that goes by establishes her creditability and insights into the Muslem culture and history.

Insightful look at a force committed to destroying the USA

Basic value systems and ideologies are reviewed with great detail in this must read book. Ms. Gabriel's experience, insight and analysis is worthy of your time if you care about the future of the USA. We have been blessed to live in a country where many have sacrificed their lives for democracy, freedom of speech and religion. We live in the most tolerant country in the world. It would be ashamed to naively loose our fought for freedoms and rights. We are definitely in the battle for our country and knowledge of our opponents is critical. Recent legislation regarding hate crime in thought and action needs to be taken seriously, especially when responding to any movement that indoctrinates followers to militant means to force their agenda on others. Ms. Gabriel asks us to consider the facts and prepare to stand up for a heritage that is unmatched anywhere on this globe. I would encourage you to read, think and act upon Ms. Gabriel's observations.

Historical Perspective

Many Americans and Europeans believe that current homeland and worldwide terrorist activities are related to our actions or activities in the Middle East. "They Must Be Stopped" offers a more global view of Islam beginning at 600 A.D. and documents its worldwide activities and goals. Because each of us only lives approximately 80 years, as a modern society, we lose sight of the historical perspective of Islam. If you think you understand geo-politics, this is a must read.

Scary but a real good read !

If you want to become enlightened regarding the issues with radical Muslims this is a must read ! Easy to read with some honest first hand information. I have recommended it to friends.

Why They Must be Stopped

After you finish this book please join ACT (American Congress for Truth). You can read all day but, if you don't put actions to your thinking than what good does it do for anyone else. The islamists are putting their thinking to use against us. I love AMERICA. I hate people who come here and want to destroy OUR COUNTRY !

Carol's Review

This is a wonderful book of truth but it may scare you when you find our exactly who we are fighting and how these people think and how they want to rule the world at any cost. I think every adult should read this in order to find out what is happening in our world and why Radical Islam will win this war unless we do something about it.

Understand Islam Terrorism in Order to Defeat It!

Great book, a must read to understand the threat of Islam and how to stop them from their violent dream of world conquest and domination. I paid a little extra so I could hear her words read to me like she was in the room teaching me. She speaks fluent Arabic and is a Christian and experienced first hand the brutality and evil of Islam ideology that poses as a "peaceful" religion. Peaceful, though, means enslavement and is the opposite of a free democratic country like America. Her family had to flee to the United States. Isis is evil, and I thank this author for her brilliant insight and advice on how to stop these terrorists. I want to thank her for her courage for speaking the truth about a ruthless militant cult with 7th century thinking. Brigitte Gabriel speaks eloquently and with passion of her love for America, her love for freedom and human rights, and of the growing threat of Islamic barbarism. To defeat your enemy, you must first understand them and their game plan. I wish every Congressman and every person in the United States and in other countries would read this book.

Reminding how valuable freedom is

A must read , for anyone who values freedom above all. To just actually speak your mind is a moral obligation , even if it is dangerous to do so. Because of this truthfull act , the values of western civilisation defended by millions of people will live on . A warning to everyone that remains apathic, silent, overtolerant, to the hatemongering found in the Koran and all it's derivative ideology. The true nature of Islam is hidden behind it's veil, and it's not the peacefull religion the majority in the west thinks it to be. As we are about to discover, if we do not ACT!

Everyone should read

I would wish everyone could read this book from someone who has been there. Her dire warnings are not being heeded because of political correctness but she fearlessly names names and places the focus on the true teachings of islam in the koran. Would that we could be allowed an open forum on which to speak the truth without being labeled a hater, having Islamaphobia, intolerant, etc. For those who wish to be informed, this is the book for you.

They've must be stopped...

This is a no holds, clear, concise and complete book on the threat to the West and steps that can be taken to stop or at least impede the onslaught of Islamo-Fascism. Ms Gabriel is a voice worth listening to on this subject. Every American should read this book.

They Must Be Stopped:Why We Must Defeat Radical Isam and How We Can...

A must read ...Very Truthful and informative! Please You Really Must Read!! Brigitte Gabriel should be highly commended for this very honest, truthful, educationial book. This is the real deal and let's or should let people understand- Islam is a religion that totally teaches hate for anything that is against their beliefs. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!

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