The U.S. Constitution and Other Writings (Leather-bound Classics)

Leather Bound – October 1, 2017
30 Sep
“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union . . . ” — The U.S Constitution

The U.S. Constitution and Other Writings is part of the Leather-bound Classics series and is a collection of the crucial documents, speeches, and other writings that shaped the United States. In addition to the Constitution, readers can review the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Federalist Papers, important presidential speeches, and many others. Both famous and lesser-known, but equally important, Americans are represented, including Benjamin Franklin, Victoria Woodhull, Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, and even the creators of the rules of baseball. The founders' inspirational and revolutionary ideals are all here, and this is a perfect volume for anyone who finds the history of America to be a fascinating and enlightening journey.

Reviews (153)

Donald Trump is OUR President!

I wish I would have read the reviews before buying this book. While it has some important writings I can't believe it left out part of the Constitution, Donald Trump's Acceptance or his First Inaugural Address BUT including Hillary Clinton's Acceptance of the Presidential Nomination for the Democrats. PLUS it is printed in CHINA! I was going to send it back but I really think when History is written, this book will speak for itself. Sad

There must be better options.

While beautifully bound, I cannot in good conscience recommend this edition of the Constitution and Other Writings. While many of the “other writings” are interesting, the Silence Dogood Letters, for example, there is one element that, quite frankly, I cannot believe is missing from a book about the Constitution: Amendments 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 20 through 27. It would seem that any book about the U.S. Constitution should include all of it! Do yourself a favor; find an edition that actually has the complete constitution in it.

Do not buy !!!

Good book but too many modern writing why is Hilary Clinton’s speech in this , plus not made in America and missing amendments !!!

Doesn't contain the full Constitution

Excellent collection of writings relevant to US history, but I'm disappointed that it only contains amendments 1-10, 13, 16, and 19. I incorrectly assumed that it would contain the full Constitution based on the title.


The documents seem to be there but the intro chapter seems to be left leaning. Also, There are speeches in it by Obama and Hillary Clinton and none by recent republican candidates or elected officials. Including no mention of our current president. The old documents alone would have been just fine for a book like this to fairly represent ALL Americans and teach the origins of our great nation.

U S Constitution printing

VERY< VERY< VERY disappointed that that copies of OUR Constitution was printed in foreign country, if you going to be selling copies of the U S Constitution; can at least make sure its printed it in the U S of A !!!! not in canada and china. Whats up with that !!!? Also very nice looking book...BUT on the Constitution part of this book 24 Amendments was left out entirely I did not buy The American Constitution to read about hillary's acception of Dems presidential nomanation!

Good collection in a rather apppealing package but...

Good but not good enough... I could easily replace “Hillary Clinton’s Acceptance of the Presidential Nomination (2016)” with “Common Sense by Thomas Paine” which is inexplicably missing.

Love it

Love this book. Could have done without Hillary's speech.

Contents reveal a plot

DISCLAIMER: IM JUST A REGULAR DUDE PUBLISHED IN 2017 This book ends with Hillary Clinton's acceptance of the Democratic candidacy in 2016... WHY THE f*** did you think it was a good idea to add that to the pages filled with lines and lines of our countries GREATEST penned works? This book tarnishes the greatness of the USA by bringing petty political slander from political campaigns into historical equity (via a leather-bound book of collected works) with the works of actual greatness.... You are telling me that it made more sense to the author to include that over a speech from the 45th president of the United States of America? BIAS AT WORK.

Deploarable piece of Propaganda Disguised as collection of historical documents

First of all, the Full Constitution, though advertised in the title, is not contained in these pages. What is, however, is left-wing propaganda and political slander from the 2016 Candidate who LOST the election. It should come as No surprise that a book printed in China would desecrate US History with this drabble.

Donald Trump is OUR President!

I wish I would have read the reviews before buying this book. While it has some important writings I can't believe it left out part of the Constitution, Donald Trump's Acceptance or his First Inaugural Address BUT including Hillary Clinton's Acceptance of the Presidential Nomination for the Democrats. PLUS it is printed in CHINA! I was going to send it back but I really think when History is written, this book will speak for itself. Sad

There must be better options.

While beautifully bound, I cannot in good conscience recommend this edition of the Constitution and Other Writings. While many of the “other writings” are interesting, the Silence Dogood Letters, for example, there is one element that, quite frankly, I cannot believe is missing from a book about the Constitution: Amendments 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 20 through 27. It would seem that any book about the U.S. Constitution should include all of it! Do yourself a favor; find an edition that actually has the complete constitution in it.

Do not buy !!!

Good book but too many modern writing why is Hilary Clinton’s speech in this , plus not made in America and missing amendments !!!

Doesn't contain the full Constitution

Excellent collection of writings relevant to US history, but I'm disappointed that it only contains amendments 1-10, 13, 16, and 19. I incorrectly assumed that it would contain the full Constitution based on the title.


The documents seem to be there but the intro chapter seems to be left leaning. Also, There are speeches in it by Obama and Hillary Clinton and none by recent republican candidates or elected officials. Including no mention of our current president. The old documents alone would have been just fine for a book like this to fairly represent ALL Americans and teach the origins of our great nation.

U S Constitution printing

VERY< VERY< VERY disappointed that that copies of OUR Constitution was printed in foreign country, if you going to be selling copies of the U S Constitution; can at least make sure its printed it in the U S of A !!!! not in canada and china. Whats up with that !!!? Also very nice looking book...BUT on the Constitution part of this book 24 Amendments was left out entirely I did not buy The American Constitution to read about hillary's acception of Dems presidential nomanation!

Good collection in a rather apppealing package but...

Good but not good enough... I could easily replace “Hillary Clinton’s Acceptance of the Presidential Nomination (2016)” with “Common Sense by Thomas Paine” which is inexplicably missing.

Love it

Love this book. Could have done without Hillary's speech.

Contents reveal a plot

DISCLAIMER: IM JUST A REGULAR DUDE PUBLISHED IN 2017 This book ends with Hillary Clinton's acceptance of the Democratic candidacy in 2016... WHY THE f*** did you think it was a good idea to add that to the pages filled with lines and lines of our countries GREATEST penned works? This book tarnishes the greatness of the USA by bringing petty political slander from political campaigns into historical equity (via a leather-bound book of collected works) with the works of actual greatness.... You are telling me that it made more sense to the author to include that over a speech from the 45th president of the United States of America? BIAS AT WORK.

Deploarable piece of Propaganda Disguised as collection of historical documents

First of all, the Full Constitution, though advertised in the title, is not contained in these pages. What is, however, is left-wing propaganda and political slander from the 2016 Candidate who LOST the election. It should come as No surprise that a book printed in China would desecrate US History with this drabble.

Politicizing the constitution revolts me. Hillary's speech does not belong in this collection.

I cannot believe that the publisher managed to make this book politically biased. This is the freaking constitution! I am torn between sending it back or keeping it and cutting out the pages filled with deception and lies, but I do not feel comfortable censoring any speech. So annoying. Maybe I should keep those pages as a reminder of how immature and petty the left has become. Revolting.

Not the whole Constitution - what a waste!

This book is inadequate! It purports to be The Constitution of the United States but only includes the Bill of Rights and 3 of the remaining 17 Amendments that have been ratified that make up The U.S. Constitution.

Do not buy this “Book”.

Where are the Amendments, and why were they listed (all 10,13, 16, & 19) apart from the Constitution. Wish I had read the other reviews before buying this pitiful thing. Fay Thiebaud

Everyone should have a copy at home

Lots of information to read and study. However if you are going to include someone's nomination acceptance speech than you need to include the inarguable speech of the person who wins the election.

DO NOT BUY!!! Inaccurate and Leftist!

For starters, i should have read reviews. This book says right in the intro that through American Democracy the constitution can be changed using the Second Amendment as their example! They leave out parts of the Constitution as well. The book was from 2017 and not only did they leave out anything to do with Trump taking office but included Clintons acceptance speech? PROPAGANDA!!!!!! DO NOT BUY!!!!

Don’t waste your time.

Liberal biased book. Author omits fact based information from both sides of the aisle and chooses to only push their liberal viewpoint. Very disappointing when buying a book on the Constitution, not the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton lost the election, get over it!

A Flawed Treasure

Other reviewers have pointed out, the book only contains 13 of the 27 amendments to our constitution. In a book of this scope, I understand that some editorializing is necessary. One can not put every important document in our history in a one volume work. That said, leaving out 14 of the amendments takes editorializing too far. This is a serious flaw. That said, I would still recommend this book to anyone. This is a treasure trove of writings which helped shape America. To his credit, Dr. Mondschein includes both good and bad in his choices. No matter what the readers politics, he will find things to agree with and things to disagree with. If I had the power to change the book, I would not leave anything out that has been included. I'd simply make the book longer. It wouldn't take too many more pages to include the aforementioned 14 amendments. If I could choose to include anything else, perhaps one of Martin Luther King's speeches. He was one of the great speakers of all time, and his speeches had a positive influence on the civil rights movement, that is underappreciated today.


Here is my review after Amazon critiqued my 1st attempt at a review. I ordered this book because it was a nice looking book that was advertised by Amazon as being a book that you could find the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and other historical writings. On page 1 of the whole book in the forward is a multi page introduction by a leftist professor who is painting our nations founding documents into some “necessary historical context.” He talks about how our 1st and 2nd amendments were written at a time where slavery and racism were meant to oppress black people and how the 2nd amendment was written at a time when the greatest available weaponry were muskets and how the founders never dreamed we’d have “assault rifles.” Half of the constitution is missing. Presumably to make room for Barack Obama’s writings and Hillary Clinton’s inaugural acceptance speech, a failed democratic candidate. Brown vs. board of education. Roe v. Wade. Etc. I was surprised to see a couple Reagan speeches in there. I looked this guy up who wrote the forward and he has some extremist leftists views on the country. And it’s all top of google searching. You don’t have to look deep to see how he hates this country. Then to top it all off, The book is made in China. If the book was titled and advertised as, “US Constitution and other important writings from a communists point of view,” I’d have known to not contribute any money to this loser. Apparently they let him write in his narrative to color other classic books as well. If I could’ve given zero stars I would have. That’s okay. I’ll be taking an exacto knife to this book and making into a custom collection of actually descent writings. Be accurate with your product descriptions, Amazon.


If I could give a fraction of a star, I would. Not even the whole constitution keep your money

Made in CHINA

The book seems to be high quality. The pages are tea colored and feels really good in your hands. What I don’t like is that it’s made in China, and has speeches In the back from Hillary Clinton and others Like her that just doesn’t Belong in this book. I cut them out and read this book like the Bible. Over all it’s good. But the negatives would have me searching for another USA product if I knew then what I know now.

Great for collecting

I like the one on the right better

A good read

This book is a compilation of texts and speeches that are historically important to the people of the United States. It stands just over 9 inches tall, 6 inches wide and 1 inch thick, has a leather cover, a bookmark ribbon, and the pages are painted with gold foil at the edges. Although one could find any of the texts within published on the internet, sometimes I just want to read something in bed without the hum of a computer fan nearby. The articles in this book are reprinted in chronological order according to the date they were originally published. It starts with The Mayflower Compact which was written in 1620 and ends with Hillary Clinton's Acceptance of the Presidential Nomination in 2016. Despite this, the book is presented in a neutral way and the editors push neither "originalist" or "non-originalist" ideology on the reader. Half way though the book I started to get a sense of what the founders wanted for America. There seems to be a theme of respect for human rights and dignity. Brute force is used only to keep the peace and defend the rights of the public, never to decide who the leader is or what the laws are. The Federalist Papers warn about the folly of law abiding citizens trying to oppress each other through might of government and the Constitution lays out rules to discourage this behavior as much as possible via separation of powers. I'm fully aware that many people, even some founding fathers didn't always uphold these ideals in their personal lives, but the idea was good nonetheless. If I could change one thing about this book I wish it would have contained more of the Federalist Papers, but either way I like it as it is.

How does a book like this have so much disdain for America!?

Do not buy this book if you love America. It appears to be assembled by people with disdain for America. It may look pretty but it's ruined with selection bias (includes Hillary's nomination acceptance speech, but nothing of President Trump. Also, it mentions Howard Zinn as one of the most influential authors and much more.. I've heard that the following book is much more patriotic...: The Constitution of the United States and selected writings of the Founding Fathers

More than I expected!

This is a beautifully bound edition. I purchased it as a gift, but once it arrived and I had the opportunity to actually view it, I had to order one for myself. The cost is good ($10 less than sticker price) but the value exceeds even that. This is a compilation of some of the most important primary sources of our nation’s history - from the Constitution to Obama’s first inaugural speech. It includes George W. Bush’s speech to the nation following the 9/11 attack in 2001. One can read the Federalist papers, often overlooked as contributing to our nation’s party system rooted in deep disagreement. I highly recommend this beautiful edition for anyone wishing to understand how we came to be who we are. Thank goodness Amazon has them in stock, or my friend would be out of luck, and I would have to find another gift!

Never judge a book by its cover

Whelp folks as they say never judge a book by its cover and that most certainly applies here because the leatherbound cover and golden gilded pages make this LOOK like a great book. It is not, most small pocket pamphlets i have seen are better. This book is heavilly far left leaning, is opinionated and most absurd of all does not even contain half of the constitution yet is bogged down with garbage like hillary clinton speeches or the author ranting about the now long defunct "dont ask dont tell" policy in the military. I purchased the book to have a complete set of the writings of the founders, not a bunch of modern partisan drivel. The fact it is made in china is the icing on top, what a joke. No, let me rephrase that. What an insult, to the entire country.

Don’t waste your money on this book

People beware!!! This is not a non bias book. It is pro-Clinton and Pro-Obama and anti- Trump. I’m so disappointed and would never recommend this book!!! Complete waste of money! Packaging is pretty but the contents are a waste. It doesn’t even deserve one star

Leftist version lol don't buy

I wish i would've read the reviews before buying this book. Very biased book. The constitution is incomplete, Hilary's speech is on here but Trump's is not. Lol save your money.

We are being fu---ed by the Democrats now and it will go bad for them in 22.

This book is the backbone of our nation. If the Democrats are successful, this will be but a memory of what was and should have been and should continue to be. Our own nation is being dismantled by a president who is being controled by a group of subversives. The Trojan Horse has dumped its defiling contents on the fruited plains of our nation. We the people will not go easiley into the night. We love our nation and will follow others to our graves in its defense. This conundrum of conflict will not be settled in debate. The intrusion has and is to insulting to our conscience. Challenge us in exercise of your misguided pleasue and expect confrontation. Mr. Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweintraub

Clinton Acceptance Speech Included

Most of book has great written speeches of Founding Fathers and American foundational documents. But at the very end..H. Clinton presidential acceptance speech included. Not a piece of work I would have bought on a bad day. Didn’t vote for her nor agree with anything the corrupt politician stands(?) for. And I still stand for the National Anthem.

A bit biased, but thats to be expected it's from California.

While the book is beautifully designed and crafted its sad to see that they included the speech that Hillary Clinton made when she recieved the nomination for president from the DNC (who lost the race in 2016), yet the include absolutely nothing from our current President, not his Inauguarl address, nothing. yet the author included 2 different speeches for Obama. After typing all this I realized that the book was published by a book company in California.....take that as you will.

The bias is disgusting!

Made in China, damn I wished I would have read these reviews. I never would have bought it. The bias in this book is sickening! Who the hell cares about Hillary Clinton? John Kerry's acceptance speech isn't in there, nor John McCain or any other looser. Im sick to death of the left wing agenda being shoved down our throats!

Great Book! Could use more though...

I very much enjoy this book. Most books like this simply cover the founding era, but this book takes a look at the entire history of American Politics. I knocked off a star because it could use a little more material, specifically the rest of the Constitution (it leaves out Amendments 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 20-27). I also thought it could use a few more things like the rest of the Federalist and maybe some speeches from the Civil Rights movement. I also wanted to note that I wouldn’t listen to people who are saying it’s biased because it includes Clinton’s speech but not of Trump’s. The editor does seem fairly liberal in the introduction but he still includes speeches by Reagan and Bush and other more conservative figures in our nation’s history. The book tracks major developments in American political culture and He included Clinton’s speech because she was the first woman to run for President on a major party ticket (notice he also included Geraldine Ferraro’s speech accepting the nomination for VP for the same reason). Overall, great book!

Author commentary filled with left-wing ideology. Do not buy this book

The introduction to this book is used by the author to denigrate our country and push a revisionist stance. It's also used to advertise anti-American literature. Many amendments are left out of the constitution. The final text is Hillary Clinton's 2016 nomination acceptance speech, while President Donald Trump's Inaugural Address is excluded. This is the work of an activist, not a historical scholar. I'll be returning it.



Not a good source of material

I too should have read the reviews amendment 11, and 12. Not included in bill of rights.


This book is beautiful. The quality of the leather cover is amazing, it's so soft! And the pages are gorgeous with that gold edging! I'm so glad I ended up ordering this for my husband, he absolutely loves it

Must have for every home!

Gorgeous book, full of speeches, information and official documents that made our country. Extra plus, font large enough to read!

Excellent content, mediocre material quality

The first copy I received of this book had the book seams braking down. The second copy I have seems alright, but the quality of the book is sadly a bit lacking. For the price though, this is steal a good deal and I’d recommend the book, however, you may need to return a copy or two for quality reasons.

One of the most comprehensive collections

I’m a poli-sci major with an absolute love of constitutional law and early American history. This is, by far, the most comprehensive collection of all writings pertaining to America’s foundation. The only fault I have with the book is that it doesn’t contain the federalist papers, just a 2 page mention of them. However, the collection is AMAZING and wonderfully presented. I loved it so much I bought this for a friend on the day she became a US citizen. I HIGHLY recommend this book, and will gift it many times more in the coming years.

wonderful addition

i purchased this book to find answers to basic constitutional questions that i've long forgotten...high school civics was 40 yrs ago) i'm very please with the book & I highly recommend to anyone with questions about our beginning & history!

Love it so far

Love this, got it for myself but I can’t wait to teach my boys with it. Perfect if you’re sick of the America bad rhetoric that’s ‘cool’ lately. They’re teaching in colleges now that the constitution is wayyyycist so it’s best you familiarize yourself with it sooner rather than later especially if you have small children.

Federalist Papers are included...

The Federalist Papers are some of the most important documents pertaining to the formation of the United States. Federalist No.10 in particular is extremely relevant to the political environment of the past 5 decades, if not longer. Every American should read and understand the contents of this book. A great compilation.

Crap product.

This comes from China. Hard to know if it is real documents or modified by printer.


Arrived quickly. I’m home schooling twins during Covid-19 and they better be careful with this Beautiful & leather bound volume worthy of the dignity of our Constitution. .

Leather bound book on US Constitution

An absolutely wonderful book (of course) incredibly leather bound with the US flag on the cover and it was a gift to our son as he became a US citizen recently. Amazing value

Good Product.

The leather bound books are nice. The are made of good quality and are enjoyable to read. A great addition to any library and wonderful to read to children or old folks like me. This is a good buy.

Every American Should Be Required to read this Book

Great Quality at a really affordable price, Great Reading For "EVERY" American. Especially our Socialist Wannabes. Make everyone Proud to be an American. Our Rights as Americans are 2nd To None.

Perfect gift for History Buffs

This is a great gift to buy for someone (or yourself) if one is interested in American History. The book itself is well-made and looks good on the book shelf, especially next to other Canterbury Classic books.

Beautiful document, being dumped on..

Beautifully bound book , the plot twist in the 21st century , in regards to the main document, the Constitution of the United of States, has this reader reeling 🥺

Great Compilation

This is a great compilation of many famous writings of our past. Hilariously, it also has Hillary Clinton's Presidential Nomination acceptance speech as the last entry. Ha!

THe US Constitution and Other Writings (Leather -Bound Classics)

I am happy with my purchase. The book has a nice appearance and I am looking forward to reading it.

Five Stars

Excellent resource for history and general knowledge!!

Great wealth of knowledge

Beautifully designed book! Information seems accurate by far, and it is a wealth of knowledge.

Great Book - Every US Citizen Should Own

Very accurate and detailed congressional documents of the US. Highly recommended reading for everyone.

good price

nice book for the price Just needed a newer edition.....didn't have all the ammendments

Beautiful and Inspiring

Beautifully bound! Everything from the constitution and the Declaration of Independence, to notable speeches by Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Susan B. Anthony. As an ‘accidental American’ who lived most of her 47 years in Canada and recently moved to the US, I’m so happy to have found this volume of important and inspiring words. I’m finally home.

Great gift idea.

Was a gift for relative. They enjoyed and loved the quality.

High quality, exceeded expectations

I couldn't believe this book is only $12. It's a beautiful leather bound book, quality is substantial and exceeded expectations.

Five Stars

Excellent constitutional reading. Amendments at the finger tip. A must have at home for all Americans.

Only ten amendments but still good

Overall a good quality. It's not a complete Constitution with all amendments. Stops at ten. Was hoping to get all amendments. Other writings are complete. Solid quality.

A lot of information

Nice book , i got the first one and wind up ordering two more.. Well worth the money..

This books is ok!

But unfortunally the entire US Constitution is NOT included!

Know your Constitution

Excellent to have at Home and a great Gift

love it

I just received this book and love it

Lovely Tome

Wow!! Great book. Perfect gift for grandchild. I will purchase mire. For me and as gifts. Perfect for a history nerd such as I


It's a beautiful copy.

Beautifully made

One of my favorite books. Its beautifully made and contains some of our most important history and documents.

It was as expected

It was as expected

Five Stars

Nicely done, leather bound book. I'm going to order more for my friends.

Beautiful Book

It is exactly what the description says that it is. When it came and I opened the box up it was absolutely beautiful.

Great read

Well put together.

5 star




Must Have Book

A must-have book. A copy of this book should be in every household. Read it and learn it!

A true keepsake

Important collection of Americans history. Everyone should own this. The book is beautifully crafted, the pages are crisp and it smells like freedom.

Caution: does not include amendments

Fully expected all amendments to constutution to be included. Not the case.


Great conversation piece on coffee table. And, oh yeah, the contents in the book are even better to read.

Great reference book. Many historical letters and writings.

I gave it to 3 of my college age grandchildren for Christmas with it bookmarked for the Constitution. Which everyone should read at this time in our history.

Great addition for legal research

Very easy to use. Appropriate reference.

Important to own

Every American should have this in their book collection. Easy read, great index to assist in finding exactly what you are looking for. Great way to settle debates. Important information.


Arrived in perfect condition as advertised.

Worth the read

Certain parts Weren’t needed; however, it’s a great addition to the library.

Wish I would have Red the Reviews

They put Hillary Clinton's speech in this book... for no reason at all. I wish I would have read the reviews before buying because I wouldn't have bought this.

Best gift I have given.

I bought this for my step dad. He has a little tattered paperback. I thought this would be something nice to get. He loved it. Very beautiful.

wonderfully made

wonderfully made, great book

Incredible quality

Very nice to have on the bookshelf.

A book every American needs!

This book became a great gift for a friend just becoming a citizen. Simple documentation of important papers of what we are and who we want to be.

Five Stars

My daughter was thrilled!

Cheaper price!

Cheaper than Costco! Great gift.

Perfect! Just what we wanted!

With the impeachment process going on, my husband wanted to read our entire Constitytion with amendments and the extra writings from other important people from that era are just great!

Biased. Do not recommend.

Disappointing amount of bias. Book is aesthetically pleasing but I don’t recommend the book. Look elsewhere for an unbiased, accounting of US historical documents.

Beautiful book

Gave this book to my spouse for Christmas and he cried saying it was one of the most thoughtful books he’s ever received along with being surprised with the scriptures that are in the book

Valuable information.

Nicely done. Like the subjects and contents.

As described

It’s a very nice book

A book every American should own

Love that quality hardcover feel. Great information. Looks like a book you could pass down through generations



American treasure

I like this book since my kid is 7th grade. This book guide her to study social class.

The cover

They are very important writings and the cover is very good in order to make it more atractive and for collectionists.

Great Gift

It's a great gift for history lovers however its last document is the presidential nomination acceptance speech of Hillary Clinton so yikes :/

What a great find!

This is such a great addition to any home library. Content - absolutely wonderful. The cover is beautiful and the pages are easily readable. Great buy!!

US Constitution and other writings

Needed for my reference library

Five Stars

Great reference for every American. Well made traditional hard back book.

Second most important book ever wrote!

Second most important book ever wrote. It has all the old important documents in it.


Incredible collection! Only drawback, my cover is slightly flawed. Real bummer for such a nice book.

I am glad I have it

I am glad I have it

Beautiful book

Some of the most important pieces of literature in the world, beautifully presented in one pleasing leather bound book. We keep ours on display.

Five Stars

Beautiful book.

a must own

Love it

Beautifully bound book!

Beautiful cover and so week made.

Beautiful book!

Love this book so much we ordered another one after seeing the first copy! Great quality!

Every home in America should have a copy of this book.

This tells you everything you need to know about our Constitution.

Bound cheaply.

Very nice looking book. Only issue I have is that the binding separated from the pages.

Well made

Great looking book easy reading



Gran edición

Excelent quality

Nice book but sort of disappointed it was printed in China!

Great book should be a read for every youth and liberal in America


The book looks very nice, it has very clean print and is great overall.

Everything you need to know!

Everything you need to know.

Perfect gift

Great quality read

Good book and put together well

Nicely made book with great content

America 🇺🇸

It is perfect!

Beautiful book

Loved lt .. great gift.

Five Stars

As intended, and quick delivery.

Awesome quality !!!

Great Quality and well balanced selections.

Great buy!!

Very good in all areas. Every citizen should have a copy of this.

Follows American history through presidential writings and speeches.

This book exceeded my expectations!

Wrong President

Hillary Clinton speeches do not belong in the same book as the United States Constitution.

Deliberately made to be incomplete and disingenuous!

**See below comment for link for a complete copy of the U.S. Constitution! This is NOT the U.S. Constitution when the frame work is deliberately removed (amendmets 11-27 are removed), absolutely disingenuous when the speech from the presidential candidate that LOST the election FAIR AND SQUARE has her nomination speech added but the President, Donald J. Trump, inauguration speech is purposely left out (as though by doing so would some how not make him U.S. President?). Disgusting. Finally, for Amazon to deliberately push THIS publication of the U.S. Constitution when a far better publication has been written AND for sale WITH 1,847 ratings averaging 4.7 out of 5 stars! Are you kidding me Amazon?! Anyway, for those persons who would like to have a leather-bound COMPLETE copy of the U.S. Constitution, here's the link: The Constitution of the United States of America: And Selected Writings of the Founding Fathers Just open a new tab or window and copy and paste this link. Then press enter. You'll be AMAZED at this publication and be just as disgusted as I am that this BETTER publication isn't showing up in your suggestions but this DEGENERATE green copy is. How "deplorable" right?

Don't monkey around.

Thanks to those who reviewed this book before I bought it. 👍

Missing KEY information! Skewing actual history?

What is this liberal agenda over here? Why is Killary’s speech included and Donald Trump’s, our actual president’s, not??? He IS our president. You can’t change it or not include it in history, no matter how much you whine and pout. I got excited to read this with my kids and teach them our history, but will be doing so with another book. Not this one!!

don't understand how people buy into nonsense.

Nope. Published in 2017! They never thought Hillary Clinton would loose. Well she lost and they published it anyway with her 2016 nomination speech anyway tucked in the back. What has she contributed to the well being of the Nation or the US constitution to merit being in this book? Nope, will return the book ASAP. Not a fan of the publisher!

Forget the Politics ! Contains a lot of historical information

A long time ago , a wise man suggested to me that one should pay attention to the Table of Contents of a Book. To my chagrin , I picked up this book , flipped through it and saw many writings that are interesting. I neither had no prior knowledge of this book nor had I read any reviews. I give it 4 to 4 5 stars. Why not the entire US Constitution ! I mean , it's even in the book's title. I liked Hillary Clinton but I doubt her nomination acceptance speech should have been included. The entire US Constitution could have been included and Hillary ( God Bless her) omitted. Also , as eloquent a speaker as MLK , to me, he should have been included... Loved the "Rules and Regulations of the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club". Despite your or my political views , this book contains a number of important writings regarding the American experience. I still give it high ratings.

Forward by a progressive ideologe

Don't waste your time. Learn your American history and historical writings from other sources. Get the meat without having to pick for it through the trash. The book as a whole is not that bad (although they do leave some important things out), but the forward is complete trash. It's written by a progressive ideologe and he wants you to know how bad you must feel about being an American. At first, it seems like he's just informing you about differing views of the constitution: originalist and non-originalist. But he just starts arguing for the non-originalist - in BOTH sections. Full transparency: I'm in the originalist camp because you don't INTERPRET something if you're making it say whatever you want it to say, but I would've been fine with just an objective view of both sides. But what do I know? I'm just a stupid American. Thanks for enlightening me Ken Mondschein.

Worthless as Constitutional reference

If I could give this a minus rating I would Worthless! Good only to start a fire in my fireplace Constituion is half MISSING I receivedit as a gift from a family member who obviously doesn’t read very much and has no appreaciation of subject matter I will display it as a courtesy for an appropriate amount of time and then “lend” it to someone Amazon, you do your customers a disservice by offering such product A long time customer

Printed in China.

Printed in China.

Garbage quality. DON’T BUY!

I purchased this is a Christmas present for my freedom loving father. I opened to leaf through it before wrapping it for a small family gathering this weekend. Unfortunately, the first 15 pages just fell out as soon as I opened it. It’s pathetic that Amazon would sell this item. Frankly, I’m infuriated that I have to waste the time to return this item and now need to rush to find another Christmas present. Looking more closely it’s printed in China... I’m embarrassed that the publisher would print book like this printed in communist China. I would happily pay more for an American made book like this.


This is an extraordinary compilation of writings. You really need to see the table of contents to understand its depth. Should be in every household and a textbook in every high school.

Flawed from the start. Read the real documents elsewhere, this isn't a recommended read

Once the author started adding acceptance speeches from recent politicians he turned from the history some our greatest documents into misguiding the reader into politics of today. Your money and most importantly your learning is better spent elsewhere.

Biased, incomplete, opinion

Leftist OPINION and tone A great tool for left ideology to continue the inaccurate/biased teaching so they may ignorantly lead tomorrow’s American to doom. Definitely not accurate nor educational. As a history major this book is a slap in the face to accurate American History. Especially the introduction, which is a jab at the founding fathers, conservative justices, and originalism.

Disappointed 😞 with this book

I bought this book thinking it was going to be a great book. The cover is very nice! They finished with Hillary and Trump was our president. So why wasn't his speech put on this book? Why is there many articles and other stuff missing? Just makes me thinks that the person and/or company are very BIAS! Unpatriotic!

Not the complete constitution!!!

After being advised by other reviews that this book is not the complete constitution and is bias. I decided to purchase the Barnes & noble edition hopefully that one is complete & isn’t anti American and bias

Don't waste your money - Half the Constitution is Missing!

This book should be renamed "Some Pages out of the US Constitution, other Writings, and Several Historically Insignificant Speeches." I didn't buy this book from Amazon but found it at a retailer. Frankly, I wish I had checked Amazon's reviews so I could have avoided it. It doesn't have the complete Constitution in it! How worthless is that! It leaves me wondering if this was put together by the same writers who designed the Common Core where only three Amendments are taught. Avoid. It's a waste of money.

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