The Strength of His Hand (Chronicles of the Kings #3)

Kindle Edition
31 Aug
Chronicles of the Kings Book 3- God has rewarded Hezekiah's faithfulness with great wealth and power, but the godly king has no heir. In desperation, his beloved wife takes forbidden measures to ensure fertility.With all that is going on in his kingdom-- and with the Assyrians approaching-- Hezekiah does not discover his wife's idolatry until it's almost too late. Her betrayal cuts to the very core of his being and belief in God. Will his faith sustain him in the face of this deceit, and against an overwhelming enemy?

Reviews (199)

Five Stars

Love this series!

A truly gifted writer.

This series of books by Lynn Austin is putting flesh on the characters I have read about for years in my bible. They give me the feel for what life was really like back then. I have been devouring her books since I found her recently. Then I go back and reread the bible in these time periods. Her books are a work of art. I cannot seem to get enough of them and I have been reading Christian books for years (I am 83). Being on limited income I enjoy them on my Kindle at reduced prices. Lynn Austin is a truly gifted writer and it is very hard to put her books down.


This is why I love Biblical fiction! You see the Biblical stories come to life in a very real way. Lynn Austin has come an amazing job of research and put in Biblical verses where they're stories to be in the story line. She has done an amazing job and this story, the entire series, will suck you into the story from the 1st page! Well done!

I like these books very much

I like these books very much. Lynn Austin is Dickensian in her writing, leading us on and on in her fictionalized accounts of Judah's King Hezekiah. [...]. This third book in her Chronicles of the Kings series explores the Assyrian assault on ancient nations including Israel and Judah, as well as the struggles and tragedies in the lives of Hezekiah and his top aides and their families. The Strength of His Hand draws on the Hebrew Scriptures of 2 Kings18 and 19, 2 Chronicles 32, 1 Samuel 4-6, and Isaiah 22, 31-32, 36-39, and 53-54. In this series, in the lives of her fictionalized characters, she brings alive the ideas of human redemption and movement from believe in many gods to One God. Read the books in order. Occasionally the contemporary language is a bit jarring but it is effective 95% of the time. This e-edition has problems with dropped and repeated text.

What a storyteller!

I love Lynn Austin’s books. Currently I’m going through my second read of “𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴" series. Enjoyed them the first time; am enjoying them even more the second time. On this turn of reading, I’m reading along with the scriptures. Ms. Austin does a great job of staying with the Bible’s storylines. Too many contemporary biblical fiction writers drift too far from the stories of the Bible. Thanks Ms. Austin for staying true to the original. I have already recommended this series to several friends and will continue recommending it to others. An excellent job.

Another "great" read!

Austin's writing makes the bible come alive! The book places the reader right in Jerusalem during turbulent times and illuminates the evil Assyrian warriors who terrorized countless kingdoms, using fear and torture to kill hundreds of thousands or force them into submission. King Hezekiah becomes the ruler of God's chosen people and must come to terms with how helpless he really is in the face of unspeakable evil. Austin's careful adherence to Scripture creates a powerful narrative! What a great read, you will come away from this book with a clearer understanding of what happened over 2000 years ago, as well as a deeper conviction of God's immeasurable power and deep love for us. Pastor David McGee

Learn the bible through Austin's books

Austin's vivid writing makes the bible come alive! The book places the reader right in Jerusalem during turbulent times and illuminates the evil Assyrian warriors who terrorized countless kingdoms, using fear and torture to kill hundreds of thousands or force them into submission. King Hezekiah becomes the ruler of God's chosen people and must come to terms with how helpless he really is in the face of unspeakable evil. Experience King Hezekiah's journey as he moves from self-sufficiency and doubt into a deep faith and love for God. Austin's careful adherence to Scripture creates a powerful narrative. What a great way to learn history! The struggles of those in the Old Testament are essentially the same we face today--foolishness, pride, selfishness, hardness of heart, denial of our flaws and weaknesses, and a belief that we don't need God. Come away from this book with a clearer understanding of what happened over 2000 years ago, as well as a deeper conviction of God's immeasurable power and deep love for us.


I absolutely loved these books, all five of them. I had to get the other four books after reading her first on Chronicles of the Kings. Intrigue, historical, right on the mark, scriptural referencing, and enlightening. Lynn Austin has a way of putting you into the story, you are alive and experience what she is writing about. I love the Old Testament stories, but this series has brought the OT to a new level for me. I read the scriptures quoted in the books and you can see the story more fully. I actually got to where I wanted to go back and read Isaiah again. I am saving up so I can get her other books of this genre. Lynn Austin is a winner. Her books, Chronicles of the Kings, are outstanding. I added them to my favorites so I will be sure and read them again and again.


Lynn Austin does it again! She’s such a wonderful story teller. I love the Old Testament, it’s such a great thing to see it come alive in her books. She’s following the lineage of Moses to Jesus with all the wonderful people of the Bible. I love how she weaves God’s abundant love for us. How when we turn away from Him, He will always welcome us back with open arms. I recommend this book to those who love suspense, romance and a love that runs deep from our Lord to us.


This series just keeps getting better! The way the author uses the Bible and this story to show God’s great love, mercy and power is so overwhelming, you can’t help but to praise Him for His goodness and mercy!

Five Stars

Love this series!

A truly gifted writer.

This series of books by Lynn Austin is putting flesh on the characters I have read about for years in my bible. They give me the feel for what life was really like back then. I have been devouring her books since I found her recently. Then I go back and reread the bible in these time periods. Her books are a work of art. I cannot seem to get enough of them and I have been reading Christian books for years (I am 83). Being on limited income I enjoy them on my Kindle at reduced prices. Lynn Austin is a truly gifted writer and it is very hard to put her books down.


This is why I love Biblical fiction! You see the Biblical stories come to life in a very real way. Lynn Austin has come an amazing job of research and put in Biblical verses where they're stories to be in the story line. She has done an amazing job and this story, the entire series, will suck you into the story from the 1st page! Well done!

I like these books very much

I like these books very much. Lynn Austin is Dickensian in her writing, leading us on and on in her fictionalized accounts of Judah's King Hezekiah. [...]. This third book in her Chronicles of the Kings series explores the Assyrian assault on ancient nations including Israel and Judah, as well as the struggles and tragedies in the lives of Hezekiah and his top aides and their families. The Strength of His Hand draws on the Hebrew Scriptures of 2 Kings18 and 19, 2 Chronicles 32, 1 Samuel 4-6, and Isaiah 22, 31-32, 36-39, and 53-54. In this series, in the lives of her fictionalized characters, she brings alive the ideas of human redemption and movement from believe in many gods to One God. Read the books in order. Occasionally the contemporary language is a bit jarring but it is effective 95% of the time. This e-edition has problems with dropped and repeated text.

What a storyteller!

I love Lynn Austin’s books. Currently I’m going through my second read of “𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴" series. Enjoyed them the first time; am enjoying them even more the second time. On this turn of reading, I’m reading along with the scriptures. Ms. Austin does a great job of staying with the Bible’s storylines. Too many contemporary biblical fiction writers drift too far from the stories of the Bible. Thanks Ms. Austin for staying true to the original. I have already recommended this series to several friends and will continue recommending it to others. An excellent job.

Another "great" read!

Austin's writing makes the bible come alive! The book places the reader right in Jerusalem during turbulent times and illuminates the evil Assyrian warriors who terrorized countless kingdoms, using fear and torture to kill hundreds of thousands or force them into submission. King Hezekiah becomes the ruler of God's chosen people and must come to terms with how helpless he really is in the face of unspeakable evil. Austin's careful adherence to Scripture creates a powerful narrative! What a great read, you will come away from this book with a clearer understanding of what happened over 2000 years ago, as well as a deeper conviction of God's immeasurable power and deep love for us. Pastor David McGee

Learn the bible through Austin's books

Austin's vivid writing makes the bible come alive! The book places the reader right in Jerusalem during turbulent times and illuminates the evil Assyrian warriors who terrorized countless kingdoms, using fear and torture to kill hundreds of thousands or force them into submission. King Hezekiah becomes the ruler of God's chosen people and must come to terms with how helpless he really is in the face of unspeakable evil. Experience King Hezekiah's journey as he moves from self-sufficiency and doubt into a deep faith and love for God. Austin's careful adherence to Scripture creates a powerful narrative. What a great way to learn history! The struggles of those in the Old Testament are essentially the same we face today--foolishness, pride, selfishness, hardness of heart, denial of our flaws and weaknesses, and a belief that we don't need God. Come away from this book with a clearer understanding of what happened over 2000 years ago, as well as a deeper conviction of God's immeasurable power and deep love for us.


I absolutely loved these books, all five of them. I had to get the other four books after reading her first on Chronicles of the Kings. Intrigue, historical, right on the mark, scriptural referencing, and enlightening. Lynn Austin has a way of putting you into the story, you are alive and experience what she is writing about. I love the Old Testament stories, but this series has brought the OT to a new level for me. I read the scriptures quoted in the books and you can see the story more fully. I actually got to where I wanted to go back and read Isaiah again. I am saving up so I can get her other books of this genre. Lynn Austin is a winner. Her books, Chronicles of the Kings, are outstanding. I added them to my favorites so I will be sure and read them again and again.


Lynn Austin does it again! She’s such a wonderful story teller. I love the Old Testament, it’s such a great thing to see it come alive in her books. She’s following the lineage of Moses to Jesus with all the wonderful people of the Bible. I love how she weaves God’s abundant love for us. How when we turn away from Him, He will always welcome us back with open arms. I recommend this book to those who love suspense, romance and a love that runs deep from our Lord to us.


This series just keeps getting better! The way the author uses the Bible and this story to show God’s great love, mercy and power is so overwhelming, you can’t help but to praise Him for His goodness and mercy!

Awesome series

Fantastic read. Lynn Austin writes historical fiction that is based on truth and biblical context with so much information written beautifully and it makes you feel like your there with the characters.

Fiction, maybe. Filled with the Spirit, Definitely

This book has brought the word of God alive! I’ve heard sermons on King Hezekiah turning his face to the wall, and the shadow going backwards many times, but this book helps me see and feel the fear and anxiety the people of God Faced in their world and the battle to be in the world, but not of the world. I’m happy that there’s another book in this series.


Yet another remarkable entry in Lynn Austin’s Chronicles of the Kings series. King Hezekiah of Judah falls prey to pride. In so doing, he faces consequences as he relies on his own strength, and the alliances he makes with pagan nations, rather than placing his trust in God. A wonderful look at a small portion of the Old Testament and the people who populated it. This book is filled with trials and tribulations, miracles and tests of faith. It is about forgiveness and belief. I experienced some strange formatting glitches with the Kindle version, but it didn’t detract from the story. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys historical or Biblical fiction!


The author brings to life the Old Testament history of Hezekiah, shedding light on the lives they may have led between the lines of the Word of God. She masterfully weaves the prophesies of Isaiah and the Psalms of David and Hezekiah (and others) into the lives and struggles of both the children of Judah and their bloodthirsty enemies. She brings to light our Father's divine purpose, His plan of redemption, His righteous judgement, and His mercy and love toward both His chosen people and us. Thank you for the gift of this series! What a blessing it has been!


This book is absolutely captivating, encouraging and edifying. I love the extent to which the word of God was incorporated and the direct references that were made to the scriptures. Not only does the reader enjoys a delightful story but it educates him or her of many of the kingdom principles which God expects/commands us to obey, for example FORGIVENESS. I love that Hezekiah responded in obedience to God in forgiving Hephzibah, his wife, despite of her perceived unpardonable sin. It reminds me of how much God loves us with an everlasting love - no matter what we have done He is still there waiting with open arms to receive and forgive us. I also love that it points out the detriments of unforgiveness. Unforgiveness leaves us vulnerable to the enemy and all his abuse which I address at length in my book "Breaking Silence: A Close Look at Divorce, Remarriage and Abuse". The bottom line is God and His Word is exalted throughout this book and that's a great achievement.


This book is the story of the reign of King Hezekiah. He was raised with the faith of his father, but got off track for a while. He began to be swayed by his next in command, Shebna. He allowed himself to be talked into alliances with pagan nations who turned on Jerusalem. When things got bad enough he finally remembered to rely on God for help. The Lord brought plagues on the enemies and saved Judah.

Historical story telling at its best

I am beginning book 4of the Chronicles of the Kings....that says it all. Wonderful transports one back in time

Wonderfully written!

If you are someone that has read any of the bible and felt you were missing something then this series will be enlightening to you. Lynn Austin has a talent for bringing an understanding to the way of life in biblical times and shares God's Word at the same time!

An interesting read

This is the 3rd series in the chronicles of the kings and it is as interesting as the 1st and 2nd series. Therefore, i gave it a 5 stars rating. The bible does not include the story of Eliakim and Lynn Austin obviously did her research very well in order to obtain so much information that helped to give a personality to him. I felt happy, sad, frustrated and excited whenever Eliakim experienced these feelings because the stories that led to them were properly told. Every parent can learn alot from the way Eliakim loved his family and God as told in this book. Therefore, i recommend it to every parent.

Powerful Series Highly Recommended

This whole series brought me to a better understanding of the character of God. He reaches us on His terms not ours however fair and just our arguments seem to be. I cannot recommend this series highly enough. Explanations on why people behaved towards other nations the way they did is fully explained in their long history with them. Kings is now a living book in the bible for me whereas it formerly was one of the, "not so interesting books" "Recorded in the book of Kings" did not mean much before. I now understand Kings and am reading it with a new and knowledgeable understanding

More amazing adventure with Hezekiah

The third book in the Chronicle of the Kings series again grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. How often can I sneak to the book on my iPhone while on breaks at work to get just one more chapter in? How long can I keep my eyes open at night and still comprehend what I'm reading? Adventure, romance, heart break and joy - it's all here. I really appreciate how Lynn provides the scripture she based the story on at the front of the book, because after reading the story, I want to jump in and read my bible. I'm sure Lynn would be happy to know that. I just had to download books 4 and 5 - can't wait to get started on them!

Lynn Austin makes the Bible come alive!

This series that spans the years of Kings Ahaz, Hezekiah, and Mannasseh helped me to understand Bible history in a personal way. Austin makes you fall in love with her characters, all the while teaching us Bible truths in a powerful way. I was totally engrossed and read the series on my Kindle whenever I had the time: waiting at the doctor's office, standing in line, while riding my recumbent bike, and all through the day! I also enjoyed checking it with my Bible for accuracy and she never failed to do that. I was sorry for it to end and look forward to reading more of Austin's Historical Biblical Fiction.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Fast service good product

He is a God of miracles.

When I read the Bible and the book, and I see how they are so correlated, I just want more and more stories to read. God is so Good. I waited so long for the miracles that brought so many tears to my soul. This is my third book, I can't just keep reading with out taking time to thank God for being so good in my life and to keep believing for miracles. These books are wonderful written.

Lots of conjecture, but a pretty good read.

I read this whole series, trying to get a better feel for the timeline and interaction of which kings with which prophets of the Old Testament. There are a lot of invented conversations and actions, but it follows what we do know from Scripture to be true. As long as you don't have a problem separating the two, these books are a good way to get a feel for what life was like during that time and get a better handle on biblical history. If more books are added to the series, I will definitely keep reading them.

Five Stars

Very good

An inspiration to read the O.T for the first time 'again'.

At first I was a little skeptical as to the soundness of the technique in the telling of the story because it took me by surprise to have an ancient Jewish story told in the modern vernacular. But Ms. Austin pulled it off, and I was intrigued. Her method of storytelling was an inspiration to go back and re-read the various books of the Old Testament. To be honest I did read all 5 of Lynn's books. I was engrossed with the first one and it was free. Amazon's marketing technique is a wonderful thing!

Again, amazing!

Another amazing and well written story! I love the character develop but more importantly the incredibly applicable lessons. Pride surely does come before the fall, every single time. I love how the idea of idolatry is shown to be more than just worshipping another god but also a heart of pride and self reliance. Anything that comes before our trust in God is idolatry! This is a series that all should read and internalize!

I read the remaining series and was happy to have the story line

I read all of these books very quickly. When I was finished with the first I got the second and read it unable to put it down I finished and got the third reading it with as much as the second, I read the remaining series and was happy to have the story line. I then turned to the Bible to read this area to see the similarity and creativity of the author. I would recommend this book with others and then check out for what is written in the Bible. Very good author.

Old Testament Lives Revealed

I am so blessed by this series of novels that take the historical stories in the Old Testament and let's me understand the context, customs, and day to day decisions these real people had to deal with. Sometimes we don't recognize the many ways God has stepped into human history to provide us with His word, grace, mercy, love and salvation. This series is building back my faith in an amazing way. Excellent read.

After buying 3 books of a 5 book series now they say book for is not available but is says it came out in Feb 2006 so now what ?

What is going on ? where is book # 4 I have already read 1 and 2 and 3 now you tell me book # 4 is not available ? but it says it came out Feb 6 2006... So you have had me spend this money on the other one and now I can not finish the series...???? some is very wrong about this... Please let me know what you are going to do about this ? I will not buy anymore of Lynn Austin's books if this is the way she does business...

Six stars if I could...

Lynn Austin hit another one out of the ball park with this series. Sometimes the Old Testament books of the Bible are dry and lifeless to us today, but she brings flesh and impact to the stories of these kings and those who surrounded them. The characters of these kings are brought to life and help us examine our own motives and our faith. A great read for anyone interested in Biblical fiction based on Scripture. Bravo to Lynn Austin !


great read enjoyable

The next generation of characters

Hezekiah is dead, and his son Mannasah is king. But the evil which was given a foot-hold in book two now steps into the new king's heart--and all the kingdom pays the price. Even the story's hero must battle the sin in his heart before he can share in God's victory or find true happiness in his life. So sensitively "human" are the characters, that one can hardly detest the villain nor fully stand behind the hero. Complex without being confusing...richly layered and satisfying on numerous levels.

I could hardly wait to finish Song of redemption so ...

I could hardly wait to finish Song of redemption so I could get started on The strength of his Hand. This book was as exciting to read as Song of Redemption As suggested by the Author, I read the Bible scriptures that pertained to this story. I also read some history accounts pertaining to this time period. I was mainly interested in what history had to say about the mighty Assyrian Nation

Excellent - Powerful

What a way to be enthralled in the history of one of the great Biblical kings. LynnAustin makes its feel as if you really are there!

Really enjoyed it

I really enjoyed this one. Like the others in the series, this does a good job of making Biblical history seem a bit more alive, and helps me understand what might have motivated people. The downside is that there is a lot of interpretation and filling in the gaps, and it can be hard to keep track of what is Biblical truth and what is the author's view. Still, I really enjoyed it and it is definitely worth reading.

Captivating Reading!!!

If you know the scriptures from which Lynn Austin pulls her story, then some of the plot is predictable...however...the way she pulls in her imagination to create the known scenarios gleaned form scripture, is just fantastic! This series is being passed all over church. We all LOVE her creativity in bringing the Old Testament to life! We all can't wait to travel to Israel to see this land for ourselves! What great reading and great historical fiction writing from Lynn Austin. Thank you Lynn!

I wish there where 5 more One of the best series of all time

All 5 books are written in sequence , just as it was written in the Bible... Fascinating , how Lynn is able to relate Biblical stories into a journey where you are so involved and can't wait for the next page.. I was sorry I had to finish all 5 books in one week.. I wish there where 5 more One of the best series of all time...

read it in a day... couldn't put it down

This is the third book of the chronicles of the kings and all three have renewed my love for The Lord . I have followed up with reading scripture after the book and I don't think I will ever forget or have trouble implementing the impact in my walk that these scriptures were written to produce. Lynn Austin you are an amazing author and God bless you for your ability to make scripture come alive in hearts. I'm looking forward to the last two I'm not looking forward to the last two books.... Then what? Maybe you should write the story of the bible in an novel historical format chronologically.

Definitely 5 Stars!

What an awesome read. This is the third Biblical, historical Christian Romance novel by Lynn Austin in the series of Chronicles of the Kings. This story is about Faith, ove, despair and redemption. This is a page Turner and a keeper. Again , Lynn Austin has out done herself.

Makes learning about GOD's plan fun.

I have been a student of GOD's Word for many years and like reading good Biblical fiction that gives me a pretty good understanding of what life was like for our "forefathers" in the faith. Lynn Austin does a wonderful job building interesting stories based on research and scripture. Her books bring these individuals to life for me as she shows how GOD brings about HIS plan through flawed people.

Lynn Austin is fabulous

I got the first book of this series free for my Kindle. It was worth purchasing the rest of them as well. Lynn Austin has become one of my favorite authors. This series opens up the story of Hezekiah, his father and his son so well. Much research was done to do these stories. I checked a lot of it against the Word and it checks out. This series is a fantastic read!

Excellent book !!!!

The account of Hezekiah and his life is inspiring. I was deeply moved by great story lines and the characters. It's was so real I found myself a little in every one of them. Great writing. This series is a MUST read. I promise u will not be disappointed!!!!

Uplifting and true to Scripture

If you're looking for an entertaining read that relies heavily on Biblical accounts, the series is excellent. There is, of course, fictionalization but only to make it an interesting read. The biblical accounts are kept true. Well worth the money and time!

Review of Strength of His Hand

This book has brought I & II Kings and I & II Chronicles to life, adding emotions, character and vivid detail not available in the Old Testament. We've all been told the Assyrians were a vicious army, but now I truly understand the terror they created throughout the Middle East. However, I also understand better why the people of Israel and Judah turned from God to gods when they were terrified and how they were brought back to Him. Lynn Austin is an excellent writer, making the reign of King Hezekiah accessible to a wide audience. Be sure you read #1 and 2 before reading this book.

great series

I loved this series. Found myself immersed in biblical times. The series really brought the bible alive. I loved her portrayal of the characters and found myself going back to the bible to reread the passages in which she bases her books. Wish more biblical fiction was available. Really really enjoyed these books. Highly recommend them

Often I find that the first volume in a series is the best and then the middle is OK

I can't say enough about this series. Often I find that the first volume in a series is the best and then the middle is OK, usually picking up speed with the last book. This series just gets better and better with each book. They have brought the Old Testament historical records of the Kings of Israel to life filling in between the lines the cultural information that transforms the impact of the Biblical record. I was often encouraged in my own faith and highly recommend this series. I love it, and order the next book as soon as I finish the last page of the current one.


The whole Chronicles of the Kings series is so good, I read all 5 books a second time, enjoying them as much as the first. Who knows...maybe I'll even read them again! Lynn Austin is an extremely talented author. Often I read far into the night -- they were all real page-turners. Highly recommended reading!

Five Stars

The series i highly recommend!

Lynn Austin Series

This book is a part of a series and every book in this series has been excellent. I have a hard time putting them down. The series is called Chronicles of the Kings and this is book three of this five book series. I happened upon it as I was looking for something to read on my tablet. I'm not good! Probably more for women than men, but who knows the guys might like it too. If your looking for something like I was I would highly recommend these books. Good price also.

Wow! The Best Christian Fiction Book Ever Read

Amen, amen, and amen! I mean this book got me emotional from being saddened to jumping for joy. What a King! I wish Lynn Austin would write on other old testament bible adventures like Mosses, Joshua, Jeremiah, Elijah and other prophets, and other outstanding kings. This was a great read with imagination beyond my expectations.


This is one in a series of 5 books. I have always found reading the bible to be difficult and hard to comprehend. This series of books has changed that completely. While these books are historical fiction they are based on much research from the bible and historical documents. I absolutely could not put these books down. They are as good if not better than any best seller book I have ever read. If you know anyone who thinks the old testament is boring and out of date, have them read these books. The characters bring these stories to life in a way I never would have dreamed possible. Outstanding !!!

Excellent narrative! Page turner

The book was a terrific read. It made so many references back to the scriptures. I loved the fictional parts of what it might have been like. Excellent read and a page turner!

Reading the Chronicles of the Kings has been helpful in ...

Reading the Chronicles of the Kings has been helpful in understanding the background surrounding the Kings of Israel and Judah. Reading in the Old Testament, along with the novels, is a positive. Lynne Austin pulls the reader into the time and story so it was difficult to put the book down.

well done

The story of Hezekiah came to life for me. Many times I have read about the 185,000 elite Assryian soldiers that died in one night, but the book brought to life Hezekiah's weaknesses, and the internal turmoil of the decisions he made for Judah and Jeruselum, and that obeying God, Yahweh, though it seemed impossible to survive, it was the only way to see how God had full control for those who put their faith in him.

Tremendous and spiritually reading

I was totally captivated with the first three books. I feel as though I lost a friend with Hezikiah,s death. I look forward to the next two books but actually felt a need to compare the bible and historical facts to the authors writings. So far it is right on. I have been telling anyone and everyone who stands still long enough that they must read the series. Thanks for the work you put into lining this up with the word of God,

God's Mighty Hand

Third book of the series. Amazing story of King Hezekiah and his struggles as king. Also the words of Isaiah which would pierce rhe heart of Hezekiah.

Strength of His Hand.

I love this series, as well as every Lynn Austin book I have ever read. The funny thing is, that I usually don't care for Historical fiction. I think that when it is biblical though, it makes a difference for me. Whenever I double check the bible to see if Lynn is accurate, she is right on target..I love that about her books. Keep writing Lynn, please! I LOVE YOUR WORK!

Great series!!

Ms. Austin keeps you interested as you learn about times and customs involved in the OT books of the Kings and Chronicles giving life to characters we 'know are in the bible', but their walk or lack there of are often lumped into the phrase ' one of those OT characters, I think he was a king somewhere'. Enjoy!!

The Book belongs in the list of Great Books

This is a great book as is all of the others in this series. They are Biblically sound. Lynn Austin is one of the finest story tellers I have every read. If this book, along with the others in the series, doesn't grab you and hold you I for one would be terribly surprised.

Reordered in error, please help.

I found this to be an exceptional book however I apparently ordered the book twice on my kindle. Does Amazon alert the customer that the book has already been purchased? I would like t return one copy and be refunded. Thank you for your kind consideration and understanding of the situation. Mimi Harnon

King Hezekiah life

Excellent rendition of one of the good guys from Old Testament Bible. The story line and characters draw you in until you can’t put the book down, yet everything lines up perfectly with the Bible.

chronicles of the kings

Have loved all of these books. Reading these has helped me remember the story and the Kings of Israel that before never registered very well with me. Lynn Austin is a wonderful Christian writer. She sticks with the true historical and Biblical facts but weaves the culture and emotions of the story seamlessly. So excited i have found this new author.

One of the best christian series ever

Oh my goodness. This series it so good. Lynn Austin is seriously one of the best christian authors out there. I can be very picky with books... but this one... it definitely hits the spot. There is just enough adventure, mystery, faith and romance to satisfy all readers. Most importantly, however, the author takes a great biblical story and sticks to the word which creating a whole world full of unique characters and experiences that are appropriate and believable for the time. The author also really builds on the characters and story... You can tell she did her research. Also... It definitely never has a dull moment. I'd pay for this series all over again. I have loaned the book out to any friend that would just take the minute to read the first chapter.... You won't put it down after that.

Intriguing and historical

Lynn Austin is a talented author who is able to capture the reader in the events portrayed in he novels. Blending scripture and historical interpretation created 5 very readable books in this series. #3 is very good, but I recommend starting with #1 to get the full story.

God's amazing love.

Engaging, inspiring & a wonderful reminder of God's love for us. Really well written; could not put the book down.

Gripping Bible Truth in story-format

Brilliant! Awesome! Gripping and only the Truth! Why did I wait so long before I read the books in this Chronicles of the Kings? It changed by life. Lynn Austin is a brilliant author with the ability to captivate the essence of the Bible-story into a most amazing reality. These books are a must read!

Well written! Fun read.

Fun read & very well written. Loved hearing the Bible Stories come to life. Easy to relate our world today to the times of the Bible... sad that we keep on following the same paths they did..... away from God ... back to God... why can't we learn & just stay with Him!

Best book of the Hezekiah series

The first two books were good - enough to keep me interested and hold on til the third book.... but this one - brilliant. Took me on a beautiful ride of faith forgiveness and redemption. It increased my faith to see how mightily the Lord came through for His children. I particularly enjoyed the Passover scene and Isaiahs "first hand" telling of Isaiah 53.


God's promises are made real. God can and will rescue His children, if we let Him. I praise God for the stories that He gave Lynn Austin. Praise Him for working through others to show His children the way. These stories makes the old tests come alive.

Old Testament made real

This book was a fantastic read. It is just wonderful how the author brings the Old Testament to life. For many of us, we have read these verses over and over without assigning much vaule to the words. Painting a broader picture of the story really made it real for me.

A Must Read

ANYTHING Lynn Austin writes is worth reading!

Surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this series!

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the series. It's not something I would normally read and was surprised how much I enjoyed the books knowing that it is based on historical events. It was a book club pick and I'm glad that I read the books. The events of the day are interesting and very disturbing at the same time. It's a great way to study parts of the Old Testament.

Excellent Series

This is so good I can hardly put the books down!! !!Brings life to the scriptures! Love her style of writing

Amazing series!!

Amazing series! This series tell the amazing story of Gods faithful love and redemption towards mankind, our struggle with sin and idolatry and the awesome power of faith in our amazing God. Highly recommended!!

Excellent Read!

It was spell binding. I couldn't put it down. It follows biblical history and expounds on it in a totally plausible way. I have already recommended it to all my friends. I am quite impressed with Lynn Austins writing ability. I am now into book #4 and it is just as riveting.Enjoy!!!

The Bible made interesting

I found this book to be extremely interesting. It followed scripture exactly and yet gave depth two Biblical characters that I've never really thought about before. Recommend this book highly.

Great read

I hope I have a book this good every day of my life my bible is always my source book read and re-read day after day I never tire of its subject matter. If you love the bible you will enjoy these books

One of the best series!

This series will not disappoint you! I have immensely enjoyed reading all of the books in the series so far. I will be very sad to finish the series because I just love how the author makes you feel as if you are right there with the ancient Kings who served God so diligently and were greatly rewarded and those who opposed God and lost everything. Our government leaders and our entire nation could learn something from this series if they would just open up their hearts to the truth of the word of God and reject the sinfulness that they have been promoting.

Great Book

Loved this book along with the others in this series. Lynn Austin writes history of what took place in the Bible in the books of I & II Kings. She makes the people come alive while relying on the Bible to tell the story. Great Books!!!

Great series!!

I have found this series to be great reading. I just wish the next book was available. I love to read and then compare to the scripture. She makes the Bible stories come alive and while she adds....I am surprised at how much can be drawn right out of the scriptures-things I have never seen before.

So convicting, so redemptive.

Each book in this series seems to be even better than the previous one. Written true to scripture with obviously well researched descriptions of the life, Times and customs. This series is made even better when read along with the Bible passages it's based on.

This author has such an awesome insight and character building for these historical figures

This author has such an awesome insight and character building for these historical figures. From just a few verses and probably a ton of research she develops an excellent story line that hold very true to deeper biblical values.


This series of books has enlightened me dramatically on the story of the Kings in the Old Testament. I am finally gaining a glimpse of the big picture! I highly recommend reading them all!

the strength of His Hand

This book tells of Hezikiah's turn from God after God has forgiven him and provided for him. It is easy to see the modern parallels of the idols we choose to place our faith in instead of God. A fitting read for today's people.


Sometimtes each book in a series gets a little worse than the previous, even in the best series, but this is not true for this amazing series! I loved this book as much or more than the first 2 in the series. I highly recommend reading this book - the whole series!


This series has strengthened my walk with God!!!! Thank you Great books Live the Biblical basis for the books Thank you

The great saga continues.

Another great book by Lynn Austin-it made the scriptures come alive. It is more than evident that the author did her homework historically and scripturally. Warning-this may ruin you for other Biblical historical fiction! It is absolutely excellent-well written and accurate.

Not to be proud but trust God

One of the Christiaan writers who did deep study of the Old Testament background and give you an story taking you al the way in an story and leaf you with a deep sense of trusting our living God and not to get proud in your own strength. A story with everything to keep you reading.

Great series!

I have read 3 of the 5 books in this series and have not been disappointed. Ms. Austin is a wonderful author by weaving a wonderful story from bible verses. I love christian fiction reads, most especially, intelligent and thoughtful stories. Well done.

Highly Recommended

An excellent wrap-up of Hezekiah's reign as king. Ms. Austin again put a lot of research into this book and it really gets you into the Bible searching for more. I loved the detail she provided. Highly recommended, but read the other 2 "Chronicles of the Kings" books first!

Love ChristiAn Fictiom

I am loving this series. I love that it follows the bible and makes me recognize these Old Testament characters as real people, with real struggles with their faIth. Can't wait to read the next one.

O.T. comes alive and applicable to our times!

Tremendous book in this series! I used to find parts of the Old Testament boring, but this series of books makes it come alive.

Five Stars


Incredible characters!

Even if this book were not so personally convicting from a Christian standpoint, the characters are so well done that you fall into their intense world and stay there! Fabulous read; could not put it down! And, this is my 2nd favorite book in the series! :)

Loved it!

The very best kind of historical fiction. It fleshes out biblical characters while remaining true to the historical facts, as revealed in Scripture. Above all, it inspires personal faith in the God of the Bible and His Son Jesus Christ.

An excellent true story, well-written-- from the pages of Isaiah, Kings and Chronicles

These Chronicles of the Kings are some of the best historical fiction I have read. They are true to the Biblical account and also historical records; well-written and riveting. An excellent read from start to finish!

Can't wait to read the next volume! This series ...

Can't wait to read the next volume! This series keeps me referring to my Bible authenticating the characters and incidents. Makes the stories I've known for years far more dimensional than I every knew !

The Strength of His Hand

I read the paperback first novel, and loved. I really have enjoyed the E-Book format also. I still the the printed version better, but I know I'm in the minority on that issue. Call me "old schooled".

Great book of faith

This book shows the power of faith. Not one of earning rewards through good works but of simply knowing we are not worthy of God's love but He loves us inspite of our failings and pays the price for our disobedience so we can be together as He created us to be.

Again another great book

This series is wonderful. I have been moved with everyone of them. I'm hooked and will be reading all of them. This kindle addition though had some mistakes, a couple paragraphs repeated or miss spellings. But the book is good.

The Strength of His Hand (Chronicles of the Kings #3)

I have read all three in the series now and have enjoyed every one. The author has a great knowledge of the old testament and a wonderfully creative way of filling in all the details of the old testament stories with genuine, ordinary human beings! She also does a great job of keeping the story rolling with action and suspense.


Great book -#3 in a series of 3- historically accurate, the fictional characters filled out nicely to mesh with the accuracy of recorded history....fine stories! Really stuck in my mind long after I finished the books. HIGHLY recommend.

Strength of his hand a good book to read you won't be disappointed

Strength of his hand it is written well being based on the bible of course the author is using her imaginations as to how people look....good read you won't be disappointed

Great book

2nd book is series. Very good.

Best of the 1st 3. Don't miss reading!

Possibly the best series I have ever read, and this English teacher has read many! About to begin the 4th one. Can't wait.


Every book in this series is outstanding. I really like how Lynn Austin knows her history and draw the reader into the characters.

Review of Strength of His Hand #3

I am a fan of Lynn Austin's writing. I have loved this series. Even though it is fiction, it is in context with the Biblical account. She has done her research. And being fiction, she has developed the characters to make a wonderful story that is relevant for today. It is a fun way to learn and remember history.

The Strength of His Hand

This was another outstanding book by Lynn Austin. It brings the Old Testament events alive during King Hezekiah's reign. It has been difficult to put down each book in this series as I just wanted to keep reading. An awesome book about God Yahweh.

Had me hooked!!

I have been looking for a good series that was similar to Francine River's Mark of the Lion series and this is it! Lynn Austin has really done her research in this book. I love how she tells the story of God's redemption in Hezikiah's life. Wonderful story!

Amazingly done

I have never been so riveted to a Bible story. The characters jump to life and demand attention. The Word of God... especially the old testament is full of crazy names and places and can be hard to follow, but this made me want to read it anew. Well done madam!

The Strength of His Hand

Awesome series and awesome subjects! This series really opened up the old testament for me and helped me to see the kings of the biblical era in a better way. It brings them to life and makes them so much more familiar.

I love all the books in this series

It made me want to read again the Old Testament books. I love all the books in this series. I can understand better the Old Testament learning about the history of Israel..... I recomand and these books

Keeps my Attention

This series of books by Lynn Austin have really brought the Bible to life for me. I have been going through some difficult times and God has used Ms. Austin's books to speak His word into my life at just the right times.

Addicting series!

By the third book, I was completely addicted. This series ranks up there with the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers! The faith of some of the characters in the books is so convicting! I am so thankful that I read these books, and will read them again! Start with book 1 though, for the full story!

A must read

Read the first book in this series and was hooked! Finished the entire series in a week. Couldn't put them down and was sorry to see it end. So glad they are on my Kindle because I will probably reread in the future

Great Book

Those who say that the sequels are not as good as the original have never read this series. Lynn Austin writes in such away that you feel like the characters are family/friends. Strongly recommend this book and the series to all. Keep your Bible nearby so that you can read the original text.

Wonderfiul book.

Once I started the book, I could not put it down. Wonderly written and full of historical facts. A must read.

Wonderful series, poor Kindle edition.

There are quite a few editorial or type mistakes in this edition, some of which make it difficult to follow the story; all of which are annoying. I overlook it on the freebies, but don't expect it on the ones I pay for.

I just love these books!!!

These books are very well written and help give a visual of how things could really have been. I have read three of these in the series so far and can't wait to read the rest. Absolutely LOVE these!!!!

I would recommend them to everyone

I am reading the series of the Chronicles of the Kings by Lynn Austin and I am enjoying them completely. I would recommend them to everyone. This series is based on the Bible.

Our Favorite Series!

We are a homeschool family and read the whole series for our Bible, History, and Reading Subjects. Her series has hooked my girls into reading! Thank You Lynn Austin! Looking forward to your next series, The Restoration Chronicles

Enlightening Series

Reading The Strength of His Hand and the first 2 concerning Judah and its king, Hezekiah, has really opened my eyes to the prophesies and consequences of not putting God first given in the Old Testament. The Chronicles of the Kings is a wonderful series & hits close to home!

I love getting used books to read at good prices.

The book arrived quickly and in good condition. The price was right.

Enjoyed reading this book

Enjoyed reading this book. Although it had many fictionalized details (not at all a part of the Bible), it was still nice to read about Hezekiah from a more 'personal' perspective.

Worthwile and enjoyable story--thought provoking yet entertaining

Excellent read. You do not need to read the earlier books in the series for understanding, but reading the first two books would make some of the situations in book 3 more meaningful.

Well written and captivating story of King Hezekiah

Kept my attention. Taught me Old Testament in a entertaining way. I was able to reference the bible as I read. Excellent historical fiction.

loving this series of books! Lynn Austin is an amazing writer.

With all that is going on in this world today, this book and this series has really helped me understand the issues with Israel and hie much God lives it. God is in control. Praise Him!

Great story but the typos are bad

The storyline is excellent, but the typos were really bad in this book. Transitions between characters perspectives were hardly marked and difficult to follow. Also, page 119 is written 3 times and page 120 is written twice. Very confusing and a bit unprofessional. Page 233 is missing part of the story. A paragraph just ends abruptly in the middle of a thought. Interesting. But the story itself is excellent!

It makes scripture come to life.

this book makes the old testement come to life. I wonder how accurate the details are in her boks. great boo. I can not wait till I start on her next book

Five Stars

Your books brought my mother great joy for her last few months on this earth Thanks!!!

Just gets better

After reading the first two books I couldn't wait to start this one. I had a hard time putting it down. I am concurrently doing a Bible study of the book of Amos and Isaiah. This series really adds a lot.


God has surely blessed this author. Her books are inspirational and uplifting. I love, love, love her books. Do yourself a favor and read just one. It will have you hooked on her books.

They are excellent. Have passed them on to other family members ...

I have read all of the Redemption series and the Kings and their gods series. They are excellent. Have passed them on to other family members for their enjoyment. Lynn Austin is one of the best authors ever!! She is brilliant and has a way of making you feel like you are part of the story. Couldn't put them down.

Loved This Series

Couldn't put it down! I love the insight Lynn gives you into the lives of the Kings and how she tells it in such an intriguing story format! I totally recommend reading this whole series. Awesome!!!


I know that each novel book stands alone, but I'm ready them all together. I will certainly be ready other books written by Lynn Austin. I like her style and in this case, I love her subject.

Awesome Read

God has graced this author with the gift to synthesize the history of the bible and place realistic story lines around it which supports the word of God with stunning accuracy. This book was entertaining, emotionally charged and will bring you right to the feet of Yahweh.

Back to the Bible for engaging historical fiction

Lynn Austin's way with words keeps me coming back for more of her Biblical historical fiction. She weaves scriptures into her story lines flawlessly and I am engaged with the characters throughout the story.

I love this book!

Sometimes series books get long but this one was as good as the others in the series. Another scripture based book that helps the stories come to life. A good read that is worth your time.

Five Stars

loved it.


I could barely put this book down! What an astounding reminder of Yahwehs love, grace, forgiveness and mercy for His children...on to the next book..


I never thought I would read a scripture based novel that could be so exciting like this series of "Chronicles of the Kings Books" once I had read the 1st book I could not put them down until the last of the series. Reading them also made me open my Bible to check the and see if the flow of the story had any factual evidence. To me it was the best set of books that I have read in all my years of reading.I shall carry on reading any other books I can get of Lynn Austin Jos Parnaby

Must Read

Wonderful series of what it might have been like.

Great Historical Fiction

Really enjoy the writings of Lynn Austin. This historical fiction is such a great look into the Kings of the bible. Loved comparing this writing to scripture. Accuracy is wonderful and a story that is so enjoyable.


The book was excellent. It was very interesting. I liked it because it followed the Bible and helped explain things I may have not understood by just reading the Bible.

The Strength of His Hand

This was a great sequel to the second book of the series. The story of Elikam and Jersua and Hezekiah and Hezibah was loving and touching. The moral of the story was forgiveness.

Nice read!

I love the Old Testament and I love how this story though fiction fleshed out what we find there. Great picture of Israel's struggle to love God in the face of great opposition. Fiction not the Word of God but a nice addition to Bible reading. I would recommend to anyone who likes more of a picture of the time and place of these events.


Very much enjoyed how she told this old testament story of King Hezekiah-makes you feel as if you really understand the times and what they were thinking. Makes a Bible story come alive.

Love this series!

Love this series of books - it it well written and I will be sad when this series is over.

Wow! Great series!

I blew through this entire series in a few weeks because it was so good. I loved this entire series and I will definitely be reading more books by Lynn Austin!

Reminders throughout

This book has constant reminder of the beauty of the fear of God and the pitfalls of fear of man. It is a good read and its Biblical basis is its strength.


I love historical fiction on the Bible. It brings light to the story and deeper understanding in my heart about the culture and reveals possible scenarios of why things happened.

great read!!

This a wonderful book that brings the people and stories alive from the bible helping understand what life was really like at that time. And what true faith in God is like.

An Insightful book on the Kings of the Old Testament

The book brought life to the Old Testament Chronicles of King Hezekiah, I felt like I got to know him. I especially liked that the author used many passages word for word from the Old Testament, especially his prayers. Also the progresssion of his life and the way the characters surrounding his life influenced him. I will now go gack and read the actual scripture passages that the author wrote her book from.

Great Bible History in this book

I read all 3 in the series and loved them. The story of Hezekiah in the Bible has always been a favorite of mine and this was a wonderful series.

The story continues

Lynn Austin has done an incredible job bringing the story of Hezekiah to life by adding the details of daily life in Jerusalem so many centuries ago. Her attention to detail and her accuracy to the Biblical accounts is amazing. Looking forward to continuing the series.

Awesome book

A very good book. I will be reading this again later. Loved this series.

Bible history comes alive!

This book deserves 5 stars for its riveting and often tense account of King Hezekiah's successful reign in Biblical history.

Strength of His Hand.

I enjoyed this book, because it reinforces biblical principals. It reminds me that no matter how bad things can be God will see you through if you are trusting and obeying him.

chronicles of the king 3

I love the whole series of chrolicles of the king. Lynn Austin has done a great job in writing this book and the whole series.Has lots of scripture in it, and follow the bible.

Hezekiah - A King Who Loved the LORD God...

It was a great follow-up to Gods & Kings in the continuing story of Hezekiah (one of the greatest kings in Israel's history). I enjoyed the development of the characters and the author's descriptive narration throughout the book. She certainly has a gift for writing.

This book gave me a better understanding and insight in the life of a King ...

This book gave me a better understanding and insight in the life of a King and the pressures that instigated their decisions. How GOD in His faithfulness restores the humble when we turn back to Him. This story also made me think and ask questions and repent of attitude and decisions I've made when putting myself in certain situations. We are human and we need HIM.

Was delivered on time. In excellent shape love this book. The whole series is phenomenal.

Was delivered on time. In excellent shape love this book. The whole series is phenomenal.

You won't be disappointed

Lynn Austin has continued this series, Chronicles of the Kings, in gripping fashion. In fact, it may be the best of the first three...I could hardly wait to start reading again.

Awesome Series

This whole series was a real surprise. I think the first three books were quicker reads, but all were very good. And follow scriptural depiction relatively well.

love it

I loved this whole series. Wonderfully written. Gave a real look into life in bible times and gave a humanity to the stories that seem so far away from now and hard to understand. Thanks

Very interesting "take" on this part of Bible history.

Very interesting "take" on this part of Bible history--made me read the portions of scripture which inspired the book, and I plan to read her whole series!


Love the way author adds depth to Biblical accounts of historical events. Helps us relate to the feelings, temptations and struggles of those who have gone before us. Viktoriarain

Another great book by Lynn Austin

The books are so detailed. you can actually see and feel the characters. I love the fact that it correlates with the books found in the Bible. She has certainly done her homework.


By the time one gets into this 3rd book of the Chronicles of the Kings - you are hooked! I cannot imagine anyone not finishing all the books in these Chronicles.

Whole Section of Book Missing!!!!!

I was really enjoying this book and nearing the climax of it when all of a sudden at page 257, it changed to a completely different book called Mandie and the Unwanted Gift! It then picks up with the same book again at 287....but it doesn't pick up where it left off, its obvious that an entire chunk of the story was cut out! It was obviously a publishing error but its upsetting that the seller would take my money when the book had that issue!

Wonderful books

This is the third in this series that I have finished, and all have had me rapt while reading. Love Lynn Austin's writing, these books are great.

couldn't put it down!

brilliantly written with biblical references to help Chronicals come alive through the story of Hezekiah. Anxious to read book #4 next.

The Strength of His Hand

Another great story of the kings of Israel, filled with suspense , this kept me engrossed till the last page!

God is one God alive and in control of all His creation.

This taught me the role of the prophet Isaiah in the history of Isreal. The Bible is all the more understandable after reading this novel.

Great read!

This whole series is terrific. The author brings Biblical stories and characters to life. Highly recommend all five books in Chronicles of the Kings.

Excellent dramatic Biblical/historical story telling!

Excellent dramatic story telling of real Bibilical/historical events. The Chronicles of The Kings has made a real difference in my understanding Of G-d and his promises that he has made and has kept. Purchased all Five books. Just added newly published "Return To Me" about the Return from Babylon.

Amazing Book

This book was an amazing read. I have bought the next one in the series and I cannot wait to read it also. I would highly recommend this book.

Good Book

Good read

Brings the Bible to life

I recommend this book to anyone who wants more story behind what is mentioned in the scriptures. I flew through this series and told everyone I know to start it.

A great truth in story.

I loved this 3rd book. The whole series is an intriguing story. It can renew your faith as you learn a biblical account of trusting in God.

Amazing cross references to the bible scriptures

Very inspiring intriguing I read all 5 books in two weeks void not put down. Amazing cross references to the bible scriptures. It made the bible come alive to me. I felt for the true charaterd

Another great read.........

Once again Austin proves how a series works. The whole series so far is very well written and keeps the reader wanting more. Recommended reading

A good book in the Kings series

Well written. A good book in the Kings series.

I believe she did a very nice job of doing that and then filling in the ...

When authoring a Biblical novel one needs to stay true to the scriptures. I believe she did a very nice job of doing that and then filling in the blanks with fictional material. I thought her timeline was a little off in spots, but maybe I am wrong.

Five Stars

the book is wonderful and arrived ahead of the estimated date.

Excellent and Accurate

Lynn Austin's books are so interesting to read that it is hard to put them down. And they appear to be accurate as well. Wonderful!!!

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