The Stopover (The Miles High Club, 1)

Kindle Edition
25 Sep
T L Swan

A memorable night of passion refuses to stay just a memory in this sizzling and scandalous romance from bestselling author T L Swan.

I was upgraded to first class on a flight from London to New York.

The food, champagne, and service were impeccable.

The blue-eyed man sitting next to me, even better.

He was suave and intelligent.

We talked and laughed, and something clicked.

Fate took over and the plane was grounded, and we had an unexpected stopover for the night.

With no plans, we made our own.

We danced and laughed our way around Boston and had a night of crazy passion that no woman would ever forget.

That was twelve months ago, and I haven’t heard from him—until today.

I started a new job and met the CEO. You can imagine my surprise to see those naughty blue eyes dance with delight when he saw me across the mahogany desk.

But I’m not that carefree girl anymore. My life has changed, I have responsibilities.

I just got an email.

He wants to see me in his office for a private meeting at 8:00 a.m.

Naughty blue eyes have no place in the workplace.

What kind of private meeting does he have in mind?

Reviews (212)

What was this mess?

I wanted so much to like this book. The premise was so good and it had all these five star reviews. But it was unbelievably awful! I ploughed and ploughed but could not get past 30%, before I returned for a refund. I refuse to pay good money to read about a toxic relationship where the main characters verbally abuse each other. When the heroine started slut shaming a woman she had never met I was done. Both of the main characters were childish, spoiled and like two different people from one moment to the next - loving each other one minute and hurling abuse at each other the next. And at their jobs too! In the world of metoo there should be no books where the guy stalks a woman by means of cameras. I am only giving it one star because there is no option to give 0 stars and still write a review.

Jim, Jay, Jamison - What a Character!

lucked out and got an ARC on this one and I'm totally calling this one - the rest of the year be damned. I know there's still 3 months in 2019 but I'm totally putting this down as my personal favorite read of the year. Yes, I've read some other great books, but T.L. Swan gave me everything I always wanted and never knew I did in The Stopover. Maybe that's because I'm usually the Dark Reads girl and this was definitely not that but Jim, Jay, Jamison Miles - I am here to tell the world I am completely in love with you, no matter how delusional that makes me sound! The Stopover starts with just that - a flight that is going from London to NYC but gets way laid and ends up having to fly into Boston for the night due to weather. Emily Foster, a young and feisty thing is flying back from London in coach but after an incident in the airport, she's bumped up to first class. And it's there that she meets the slightly older, incredibly hot guy that's seated next to her. From the very get go, these two are funny as hell. If they aren't bantering or arguing, they're flirting up a storm. The internal monologues from Emily's side since she occupies the first chapters had me cracking up and 'Jim', her travel companion for the flight had me cracking up with half his dialogue. Between the two of them, you literally get sucked in from the very first chapter and from there, there's not a place in the book that you find yourself slipping out. When they get deferred to Boston, they end up spending the night together and to say that it's mind-blowing, off the walls sex for them with a one of a kind chemistry would be an entirely accurate statement. However, morning comes and they go their own ways - Jim to NYC and Emily, having missed her job interview in NYC back to LA. No numbers exchanged, just a crazy transatlantic flight and a night to remember. 12 months later, Emily lands her dream job in NYC as a journalist at Miles Media and what would you know? Jim just happens to be Jamison Miles, the CEO of the biggest media conglomerate in the nation and Emily's boss's boss's boss. When she's taken to the upper floors to get the tour and meet management, Jamison is in and he recognizes her on the spot. Jamison has never forgotten that night a year ago and he let's Emily know that he hasn't and that he's more than interested in her. So Jamison starts his rather bossy and brusque pursuit of Emily and that's another thing that I loved about these two. Just as on the plane when he was just 'Jim', they're both bossy, both headstrong and as Jamison refers to Emily at times, she can be a snarky bitch which she readily admits. Jamison is used to having anyone he wants without even trying and Emily is just not that girl. She gives as good as she gets and the back and forth between them is entertaining as hell. I'm so used to the billionaire books where the billionaire has all the control and some dark back secret that makes him put the heroine through a ton of angst and she let's him walk all over her while secretly hoping he'll let her in. This book refreshingly skips the usual power dynamic and unnecessary angst and puts two people together where they both stand their ground. Jamison was a delightful alpha but when it came to Emily he was also secretly mushy as hell. He runs the gamut from scotch guzzling, uptight, bossy CEO Jamison, to slightly more relaxed and at home billionaire Jay to Emily's 'Jim' when he let's all the stress and position go and just is - that's when he's his lightest and most fun. Emily is completely unimpressed by the money, the power or anything that comes along with it - she fell for her Jim on the plane - and for Jamison this is an absolute first and makes Emily his one of a kind. Of course, there's a side drama and a huge conflict that comes along. But the B plot was well set up and there was nothing overdone or gratuitously added. Going back and looking over my highlights, it was all there for the taking and it definitely wasn't there to pad the story. And I dug how Emily, even with where the story was at, kept herself together and took on more than most could bite off. I could quote this book to the high heavens and God knows I have enough of them. There are some classics in here. But I'm not going to add a single one because I don't want to ruin a single line or scene in this book for anybody that decides to read it. Where's the fun in already having somebody giving you some of the all time best exchanges in the book? I will say that anyone that knows me knows that I don't go in for laughter much but even with the flu I found myself laughing so hard I was literally hacking up my lungs and massively alarming the dog. One final note: I remember reading Mr. Masters and really loving it and I skimmed a couple of her other books also but I have to say this author has evolved with this book. Massively evolved! It has two wonderful MC's who take an organic journey filled with humor, bickering, flat out arguing, great make up sex, flirtation, lust, compromise, misunderstanding and love. I also really enjoyed some of the side characters - my God, her friend Molly has some funny moments to add in and Tristan Miles is a lovely, lovely sidepiece. So here's to camping in New Jersey, Bessie, Manhattan public transportation with some good old fashioned groveling and a side of Viagra Mike! Long live flight delays and really hot, bossy men! **********10 Stars and to hell with the rating system. This is my idea of perfection. (And yes, this is a totally honest review!)

Such a good premise, until it wasn’t....

Ew. Just. Ew. Hidden cameras to spy on our heroine at work? Telling her what to wear? Suggesting the “way to get to the executive floor” was to listen up and listen good? I feel like I was reading the transcript of a sexual harassment case! How about this: after the steamy airplane encounter, our hero and heroine go their separate ways only to be reunited at work a year later. They are shocked to see one another again. The chemistry is still there. HOWEVER there is a slow burn. They circle one another cautiously, always being professional, keeping one another at arm’s length. They are thrown together on different assignments and the tension builds. They both recognize how tricky the situation is and they are careful to no cross any lines—until the just can’t...

An amazing story

Passion ♥️ Drama ♥️ Mystery ♥️ Terrific Characters ♥️ Amazing descriptions ♥️ Romance ♥️ Angst ♥️ Emotional RollerCoaster♥️ All of these can be found in this fabulous new story by this author. Jameson Miles and Emily Foster meet on a plane and find themselves instantly attracted to each other. They have such fantastic chemistry, so super charged, but both having fiery tempers they also find themselves fighting just as passionately. Jameson is a workaholic CEO with exceptionally high stress levels, thus the quick temper. He is fit, good looking and intelligent but not interested in relationships due to his work hours. This author can create arrogant alpha males like no other I’ve read and boy did she succeed with Jameson. I truly wanted to give him a swift kick a few times and that’s me being polite! Emily is a sassy, stylish, beautiful and intelligent journalist who isn’t into casual one-night flings but considers a ‘booty bunny’ arrangement with Jameson. I enjoyed her sense of fair play as well as honesty but at times wanted to hand her a jug full of ‘top shelf’ margarita with everything she went through. Sprinkled throughout the story is some fantastic humour especially when Emily decides to help Jay out. She has a smart mouth and her comebacks are priceless. Jameson has a very dry wit too. This balances the mystery and drama in the story. As things become more tangled the web of deceit grows bigger and bigger making it decidedly more interesting and exciting. I love how one minute you can feel excited and even turned on then the next a totally different emotion. You certainly go through an extensive range of emotions. I’m already looking forward to reading about the next Mikes brother. Above everything else this is a love story, pure and simple but true love doesn’t always follow a simple plan!

This Book Flies High in the Miles High Club

I became a big fan of T. L. Swan's writing after reading her book MR. MASTERS. That remained my very favorite, but I think after reading, THE STOPOVER, it is right up there with that book. There is a camping scene in this book that is just hilarious. I was laughing so much, that I had to stop and read the entire camping part to my husband. He was laughing, too. He didn't have to know anything else about the characters. It was that good! It was my favorite part of the book. There are other parts of the book that were good, and a good deal of angst. But the book was worth reading for just that camping part alone. Emily Foster was on a flight to New York, City. Due to an ugly incident in the airport, Emily is moved up to first class. This was a real treat for her. Also it was a treat to be sitting next to the best looking man, she ever had the pleasure to meet. Each glass of champagne only seemed to make him even more attractive. The flight to N.Y. City was rerouted due to bad weather. That is how Emily and “Jim” ended up sleeping together in Boston. Thus the title: THE STOPOVER. Emily knew she would always remember this magical night. Then “Jim” ups and leaves for a flight back to N.Y. City first thing in the morning. She was certain that he had felt the insane chemistry and attraction that she had experienced. It was the best mind-blowing sex of her life. And by the way he couldn't get enough, she knew he had enjoyed it, too. But then why did he leave without even getting her phone number?? Since she had missed her job interview in New York, it was a perplexed and disappointed young woman who boarded a plane to return home to L.A. A year passes, when Emily is finally in N.Y. She now has the opportunity of all opportunities. A job with Miles Media. It is the biggest conglomerate media empire in the United States and one of the largest in the world. The biggest surprise is when she meets her new boss. Jameson Miles has inherited control of the family empire: Miles Media Holdings. He walks around his desk and holds his hand out to shake hers, and introduces himself as “Jameson Miles.” Emily suddenly realizes, It's him! He is the layover guy who never asked for her number. She would have been more shocked if she knew what he considered the stupidest thing he had ever done. It was never asking for her number!

When One Night Changes Everything.

They had me at TL Swan! Seriously ever since Finding TL Swan with her Stanton series I have devoured every book that she has written. I love that her books are long and have plenty of time for Character and Story development. The Stopover did not disappoint.. TL Swan just keeps getting better with ever book that she puts out. This story actually may have produced my favorite Heroine of hers yet. Emily is a go- getter that is full of sass and spunk. She takes nothing for anyone.. including Jameson .. an arrogant, sexy billionaire alpha! When these two come together the fireworks can most likely be seen in outer space. It has been a long time since I have read such chemistry that it could almost melt the page. That is not all there is either. There are several places that I was almost crying from laughing so hard. Emily learns exactly how to bring Jameson to heal so to speak while still letting him be the Alpha that he is. i am looking forward to the next installment of this New series by TL Swan!

Jim, Jay or is it Jameson No Matter...Welcome to the Miles High Club Emily Foster

This is an amazing story. Jameson meets Emily on a trip to New York from London where she is coming from a wedding of one of her friends and having to witness her ex-boyfriend with another woman. Jameson is coming back from one of his offices in London where he visits regularly, but he doesn't tell Emily that. Suffice it to say that they get to talking he being gorgeous and her a beautiful young naive young girl and they get to sit next to each other in first class this being her first time. She got put in first-class because of this drunk man was bothering her before they boarded but they airline to make up to her put her in first class. She gets to sit next to Jim and they talk because he is attracted to her and she really is attracted to him but was in denial. Their flight has to make a Stopover In Boston because of the snow. She had an interview in New York and his office was in New York. They ended up having this night of unbridled passion and she gives him a hickey. She gives him her scarf to cover the hickey and he never forgets her and she never forgets him. A year later she is working at Miles Media her not knowing exactly what his name is and her being new to the company and not knowing that she was going to meet this man she had a one night stand with and he was going to be her boss. Suffice it to say they have this wild and out of control relationship. She is afraid of giving her heart and being broken again and he has to break up with this friend of his that he once was engaged to and said they would give each other 5 years time to get back together, Claudia, and English woman who worked for Vogue London. He falls in love with Emily and has to tell Claudia it won't work with them and then he goes back to Emily and gives her his heart, because all along he had fell in love with her. The plot is is that this other media company was trying to take Miles Media down and used ruthless measures to do so. Then there was inside employees trying to embezzle money and blame it on Miles. It was just all kinds of chaos so you have all kinds of situations happening and here Emily and Jameson were trying to watch out for the other and feelings and lies and secrets happen and especially lies and of course lies is hard thing on relationships even if it is to try to protect the other person. This story is a wild ride and it will probably one of those books I will read again probably before I read Tristan's story since it won't come out until next year. Jim, Jay, Jamison Miles - I am here to tell the world I am completely in love with you, no matter how delusional that makes me sound! I love their story because it is in the end about their love story.....It may seem like I said a lot but I didn't really because it really is a wonderful story. I wouldn't mind her giving us an extended epilogue to catch up on their story now...those who have read it know what I am talking about.

Welcome To The Miles High Club....(Can I join The Miles High Club?).

My author soulmate has done it again. No one writes my type of man- Unhinged, possessive, all-in, wild, passionate, sexy AF- as perfectly as TL Swan. As always, you will be on a mad roller coaster ride from the FIRST chapter. Delicious is our Jameson. Darling is our Emily. I could not put this work of art down, I wanted it all- just as I do with all of her books. You will be sucked in and gasping for more as if it is the air you breathe! Smiling one moment, blubbering the next, her characters are so hilarious and relatable- you'll feel as if you're best friends with them...long after the story is over and your heart is aching as if you miss them. I simply cannot wait to read the next book in this SERIES...what a gift TL is to us with her extraordinary, undeniable talent.

I couldn’t put it down

This is a great book that I couldn’t put it down. I pre-ordered it and read it overnight after it uploaded at midnight. TL Swan is my favorite author and this tale was a great way to begin the Miles High series! E and J are so volatile and that equals hot hot hot!

TL Swan is truly AMAZING!!!

I cannot stress to you enough how AMAZING TL Swan is. This author is in a league very few will ever be. I have read all her books and never once was there an ounce of regret. I do not care what the books are about anymore I just see TL Swan and I am all in and purchasing. No other way to describe her writing than “captivating”. This story is no exclusion. You felt a real connection to the characters. I absolutely loved the smartass banter between Jay and Emily. The camping excursion with “Bitchy” had me laughing until I cried. I cannot wait to read about Tristen in the next book in this series. I just want to say how thankful I am to have stumbled across TL Swan and purchased one of her books. The rest became history as I fell in love with her writing and since have purchased and read every single one of her books. She has brought a lot of pleasure in my life by letting me get out of my own head and relax and just get lost in her stories. Thank you so much TL for sharing you gifted talent with all of us. Just please keep them books coming…….

What was this mess?

I wanted so much to like this book. The premise was so good and it had all these five star reviews. But it was unbelievably awful! I ploughed and ploughed but could not get past 30%, before I returned for a refund. I refuse to pay good money to read about a toxic relationship where the main characters verbally abuse each other. When the heroine started slut shaming a woman she had never met I was done. Both of the main characters were childish, spoiled and like two different people from one moment to the next - loving each other one minute and hurling abuse at each other the next. And at their jobs too! In the world of metoo there should be no books where the guy stalks a woman by means of cameras. I am only giving it one star because there is no option to give 0 stars and still write a review.

Jim, Jay, Jamison - What a Character!

lucked out and got an ARC on this one and I'm totally calling this one - the rest of the year be damned. I know there's still 3 months in 2019 but I'm totally putting this down as my personal favorite read of the year. Yes, I've read some other great books, but T.L. Swan gave me everything I always wanted and never knew I did in The Stopover. Maybe that's because I'm usually the Dark Reads girl and this was definitely not that but Jim, Jay, Jamison Miles - I am here to tell the world I am completely in love with you, no matter how delusional that makes me sound! The Stopover starts with just that - a flight that is going from London to NYC but gets way laid and ends up having to fly into Boston for the night due to weather. Emily Foster, a young and feisty thing is flying back from London in coach but after an incident in the airport, she's bumped up to first class. And it's there that she meets the slightly older, incredibly hot guy that's seated next to her. From the very get go, these two are funny as hell. If they aren't bantering or arguing, they're flirting up a storm. The internal monologues from Emily's side since she occupies the first chapters had me cracking up and 'Jim', her travel companion for the flight had me cracking up with half his dialogue. Between the two of them, you literally get sucked in from the very first chapter and from there, there's not a place in the book that you find yourself slipping out. When they get deferred to Boston, they end up spending the night together and to say that it's mind-blowing, off the walls sex for them with a one of a kind chemistry would be an entirely accurate statement. However, morning comes and they go their own ways - Jim to NYC and Emily, having missed her job interview in NYC back to LA. No numbers exchanged, just a crazy transatlantic flight and a night to remember. 12 months later, Emily lands her dream job in NYC as a journalist at Miles Media and what would you know? Jim just happens to be Jamison Miles, the CEO of the biggest media conglomerate in the nation and Emily's boss's boss's boss. When she's taken to the upper floors to get the tour and meet management, Jamison is in and he recognizes her on the spot. Jamison has never forgotten that night a year ago and he let's Emily know that he hasn't and that he's more than interested in her. So Jamison starts his rather bossy and brusque pursuit of Emily and that's another thing that I loved about these two. Just as on the plane when he was just 'Jim', they're both bossy, both headstrong and as Jamison refers to Emily at times, she can be a snarky bitch which she readily admits. Jamison is used to having anyone he wants without even trying and Emily is just not that girl. She gives as good as she gets and the back and forth between them is entertaining as hell. I'm so used to the billionaire books where the billionaire has all the control and some dark back secret that makes him put the heroine through a ton of angst and she let's him walk all over her while secretly hoping he'll let her in. This book refreshingly skips the usual power dynamic and unnecessary angst and puts two people together where they both stand their ground. Jamison was a delightful alpha but when it came to Emily he was also secretly mushy as hell. He runs the gamut from scotch guzzling, uptight, bossy CEO Jamison, to slightly more relaxed and at home billionaire Jay to Emily's 'Jim' when he let's all the stress and position go and just is - that's when he's his lightest and most fun. Emily is completely unimpressed by the money, the power or anything that comes along with it - she fell for her Jim on the plane - and for Jamison this is an absolute first and makes Emily his one of a kind. Of course, there's a side drama and a huge conflict that comes along. But the B plot was well set up and there was nothing overdone or gratuitously added. Going back and looking over my highlights, it was all there for the taking and it definitely wasn't there to pad the story. And I dug how Emily, even with where the story was at, kept herself together and took on more than most could bite off. I could quote this book to the high heavens and God knows I have enough of them. There are some classics in here. But I'm not going to add a single one because I don't want to ruin a single line or scene in this book for anybody that decides to read it. Where's the fun in already having somebody giving you some of the all time best exchanges in the book? I will say that anyone that knows me knows that I don't go in for laughter much but even with the flu I found myself laughing so hard I was literally hacking up my lungs and massively alarming the dog. One final note: I remember reading Mr. Masters and really loving it and I skimmed a couple of her other books also but I have to say this author has evolved with this book. Massively evolved! It has two wonderful MC's who take an organic journey filled with humor, bickering, flat out arguing, great make up sex, flirtation, lust, compromise, misunderstanding and love. I also really enjoyed some of the side characters - my God, her friend Molly has some funny moments to add in and Tristan Miles is a lovely, lovely sidepiece. So here's to camping in New Jersey, Bessie, Manhattan public transportation with some good old fashioned groveling and a side of Viagra Mike! Long live flight delays and really hot, bossy men! **********10 Stars and to hell with the rating system. This is my idea of perfection. (And yes, this is a totally honest review!)

Such a good premise, until it wasn’t....

Ew. Just. Ew. Hidden cameras to spy on our heroine at work? Telling her what to wear? Suggesting the “way to get to the executive floor” was to listen up and listen good? I feel like I was reading the transcript of a sexual harassment case! How about this: after the steamy airplane encounter, our hero and heroine go their separate ways only to be reunited at work a year later. They are shocked to see one another again. The chemistry is still there. HOWEVER there is a slow burn. They circle one another cautiously, always being professional, keeping one another at arm’s length. They are thrown together on different assignments and the tension builds. They both recognize how tricky the situation is and they are careful to no cross any lines—until the just can’t...

An amazing story

Passion ♥️ Drama ♥️ Mystery ♥️ Terrific Characters ♥️ Amazing descriptions ♥️ Romance ♥️ Angst ♥️ Emotional RollerCoaster♥️ All of these can be found in this fabulous new story by this author. Jameson Miles and Emily Foster meet on a plane and find themselves instantly attracted to each other. They have such fantastic chemistry, so super charged, but both having fiery tempers they also find themselves fighting just as passionately. Jameson is a workaholic CEO with exceptionally high stress levels, thus the quick temper. He is fit, good looking and intelligent but not interested in relationships due to his work hours. This author can create arrogant alpha males like no other I’ve read and boy did she succeed with Jameson. I truly wanted to give him a swift kick a few times and that’s me being polite! Emily is a sassy, stylish, beautiful and intelligent journalist who isn’t into casual one-night flings but considers a ‘booty bunny’ arrangement with Jameson. I enjoyed her sense of fair play as well as honesty but at times wanted to hand her a jug full of ‘top shelf’ margarita with everything she went through. Sprinkled throughout the story is some fantastic humour especially when Emily decides to help Jay out. She has a smart mouth and her comebacks are priceless. Jameson has a very dry wit too. This balances the mystery and drama in the story. As things become more tangled the web of deceit grows bigger and bigger making it decidedly more interesting and exciting. I love how one minute you can feel excited and even turned on then the next a totally different emotion. You certainly go through an extensive range of emotions. I’m already looking forward to reading about the next Mikes brother. Above everything else this is a love story, pure and simple but true love doesn’t always follow a simple plan!

This Book Flies High in the Miles High Club

I became a big fan of T. L. Swan's writing after reading her book MR. MASTERS. That remained my very favorite, but I think after reading, THE STOPOVER, it is right up there with that book. There is a camping scene in this book that is just hilarious. I was laughing so much, that I had to stop and read the entire camping part to my husband. He was laughing, too. He didn't have to know anything else about the characters. It was that good! It was my favorite part of the book. There are other parts of the book that were good, and a good deal of angst. But the book was worth reading for just that camping part alone. Emily Foster was on a flight to New York, City. Due to an ugly incident in the airport, Emily is moved up to first class. This was a real treat for her. Also it was a treat to be sitting next to the best looking man, she ever had the pleasure to meet. Each glass of champagne only seemed to make him even more attractive. The flight to N.Y. City was rerouted due to bad weather. That is how Emily and “Jim” ended up sleeping together in Boston. Thus the title: THE STOPOVER. Emily knew she would always remember this magical night. Then “Jim” ups and leaves for a flight back to N.Y. City first thing in the morning. She was certain that he had felt the insane chemistry and attraction that she had experienced. It was the best mind-blowing sex of her life. And by the way he couldn't get enough, she knew he had enjoyed it, too. But then why did he leave without even getting her phone number?? Since she had missed her job interview in New York, it was a perplexed and disappointed young woman who boarded a plane to return home to L.A. A year passes, when Emily is finally in N.Y. She now has the opportunity of all opportunities. A job with Miles Media. It is the biggest conglomerate media empire in the United States and one of the largest in the world. The biggest surprise is when she meets her new boss. Jameson Miles has inherited control of the family empire: Miles Media Holdings. He walks around his desk and holds his hand out to shake hers, and introduces himself as “Jameson Miles.” Emily suddenly realizes, It's him! He is the layover guy who never asked for her number. She would have been more shocked if she knew what he considered the stupidest thing he had ever done. It was never asking for her number!

When One Night Changes Everything.

They had me at TL Swan! Seriously ever since Finding TL Swan with her Stanton series I have devoured every book that she has written. I love that her books are long and have plenty of time for Character and Story development. The Stopover did not disappoint.. TL Swan just keeps getting better with ever book that she puts out. This story actually may have produced my favorite Heroine of hers yet. Emily is a go- getter that is full of sass and spunk. She takes nothing for anyone.. including Jameson .. an arrogant, sexy billionaire alpha! When these two come together the fireworks can most likely be seen in outer space. It has been a long time since I have read such chemistry that it could almost melt the page. That is not all there is either. There are several places that I was almost crying from laughing so hard. Emily learns exactly how to bring Jameson to heal so to speak while still letting him be the Alpha that he is. i am looking forward to the next installment of this New series by TL Swan!

Jim, Jay or is it Jameson No Matter...Welcome to the Miles High Club Emily Foster

This is an amazing story. Jameson meets Emily on a trip to New York from London where she is coming from a wedding of one of her friends and having to witness her ex-boyfriend with another woman. Jameson is coming back from one of his offices in London where he visits regularly, but he doesn't tell Emily that. Suffice it to say that they get to talking he being gorgeous and her a beautiful young naive young girl and they get to sit next to each other in first class this being her first time. She got put in first-class because of this drunk man was bothering her before they boarded but they airline to make up to her put her in first class. She gets to sit next to Jim and they talk because he is attracted to her and she really is attracted to him but was in denial. Their flight has to make a Stopover In Boston because of the snow. She had an interview in New York and his office was in New York. They ended up having this night of unbridled passion and she gives him a hickey. She gives him her scarf to cover the hickey and he never forgets her and she never forgets him. A year later she is working at Miles Media her not knowing exactly what his name is and her being new to the company and not knowing that she was going to meet this man she had a one night stand with and he was going to be her boss. Suffice it to say they have this wild and out of control relationship. She is afraid of giving her heart and being broken again and he has to break up with this friend of his that he once was engaged to and said they would give each other 5 years time to get back together, Claudia, and English woman who worked for Vogue London. He falls in love with Emily and has to tell Claudia it won't work with them and then he goes back to Emily and gives her his heart, because all along he had fell in love with her. The plot is is that this other media company was trying to take Miles Media down and used ruthless measures to do so. Then there was inside employees trying to embezzle money and blame it on Miles. It was just all kinds of chaos so you have all kinds of situations happening and here Emily and Jameson were trying to watch out for the other and feelings and lies and secrets happen and especially lies and of course lies is hard thing on relationships even if it is to try to protect the other person. This story is a wild ride and it will probably one of those books I will read again probably before I read Tristan's story since it won't come out until next year. Jim, Jay, Jamison Miles - I am here to tell the world I am completely in love with you, no matter how delusional that makes me sound! I love their story because it is in the end about their love story.....It may seem like I said a lot but I didn't really because it really is a wonderful story. I wouldn't mind her giving us an extended epilogue to catch up on their story now...those who have read it know what I am talking about.

Welcome To The Miles High Club....(Can I join The Miles High Club?).

My author soulmate has done it again. No one writes my type of man- Unhinged, possessive, all-in, wild, passionate, sexy AF- as perfectly as TL Swan. As always, you will be on a mad roller coaster ride from the FIRST chapter. Delicious is our Jameson. Darling is our Emily. I could not put this work of art down, I wanted it all- just as I do with all of her books. You will be sucked in and gasping for more as if it is the air you breathe! Smiling one moment, blubbering the next, her characters are so hilarious and relatable- you'll feel as if you're best friends with them...long after the story is over and your heart is aching as if you miss them. I simply cannot wait to read the next book in this SERIES...what a gift TL is to us with her extraordinary, undeniable talent.

I couldn’t put it down

This is a great book that I couldn’t put it down. I pre-ordered it and read it overnight after it uploaded at midnight. TL Swan is my favorite author and this tale was a great way to begin the Miles High series! E and J are so volatile and that equals hot hot hot!

TL Swan is truly AMAZING!!!

I cannot stress to you enough how AMAZING TL Swan is. This author is in a league very few will ever be. I have read all her books and never once was there an ounce of regret. I do not care what the books are about anymore I just see TL Swan and I am all in and purchasing. No other way to describe her writing than “captivating”. This story is no exclusion. You felt a real connection to the characters. I absolutely loved the smartass banter between Jay and Emily. The camping excursion with “Bitchy” had me laughing until I cried. I cannot wait to read about Tristen in the next book in this series. I just want to say how thankful I am to have stumbled across TL Swan and purchased one of her books. The rest became history as I fell in love with her writing and since have purchased and read every single one of her books. She has brought a lot of pleasure in my life by letting me get out of my own head and relax and just get lost in her stories. Thank you so much TL for sharing you gifted talent with all of us. Just please keep them books coming…….

Love, love, love it. ❤❤❤

A day and a half. That's all it took to read this book. I couldn't put it down. Jameson is a workaholic with no time for a relationship, and a fiance on the backburner until life slows down a bit. Emily just wants to obtain her dream job. One night, two strangers. Twelve months later their paths cross again. Two strong personalities, one being an alpha with more money power and stress on his plate than any man should have. The other determined to show him there is life outside work. But life and another media company is trying to pull them apart. There will be laughter, but be prepared with the tissues because you will need them too.

More emotional than I expected

I’m not sure why, but I was expecting more of a light, fun, but quick read...instead, this book was an in depth look at two people who really did seem to be made for one another falling in love and learning to forgive, amidst some rom-com moments, hot sex; and some suspense. Jameson and Emma both had hot tempers, and though they seemed to be either having sex or fighting in the beginning, it didn’t feel overly contrived. I loved that Emma stood up for herself even though Jameson seemed like an intimidating guy, with his looks, his position, and his temperament. The most moving part of this book was after Jameson messed up. He really, really, messed up. I’m not sure if I could get past what he did, but Emma’s reactions felt real and true. If the author handled it differently, I’m not sure I’d have been rooting for them at the end, but I was. I was really drawn in and invested in their relationship, and I have to give T L Swan props for that, her writing really sucked me in to her world. Also,I appreciate that I was surprised quite a lot reading this book; there weren’t a lot of cliched plot devices. In many books, the reader can pretty much guess what’s about to happen, but that wasn’t the case with this story and I found it really refreshing. This is the first book I’ve read by this author, but I’ll be coming back for more, starting with the next book in this series.


I have read a couple of books from this author and I have found them entertaining and a decent read...but this book was extremely juvenile. I could not finish it although I really tried. Please skip this one...both the H/h was irritating. I enjoy reading smart and creative banter but this was more like first graders fighting about an imaginary toy. Just freakin stupid. This book is in my opinion was an epic fail. SMDH wasted .99 cent.

Loved This book!!!!

Wow! After becoming a fan if TL SWAN when Doctor Stanton released, i couldn't wait to read the beginning of The Miles High Club series. It didn't disappoint!!!! Great characters, great places and the camping scenes are freaking hilarious!!! Great book!

Love, money and laughs!

Oh I laughed out loud quite a few times. Emily gets upgraded to first class, her seat mate handsome, rich and sexy. They have a one night layover of sex, hot wild sex! No last names given. One year later she ends up working at his company. One of the best books I've ever read! I had to keep reading till I finished, in the wee hours of the morning!

Flying High in the Miles High Club

This author is a personal favorite because all of her books grab your attention and don’t let go until you’ve read the final page. Just can’t sleep, can’t focus on anything else until you find out what happens next. As always, her alpha male is just what you’re looking for, and Jameson definitely doesn’t disappoint. You’ll be glad you made this Stopover with him and when it’s over, will wish there could be more Jameson in your life. Love this book and TL Swan. Can’t wait for more.

Holy crap!

This book was smoking hot. Jameson was sexy as heck with his arrogant, brooding smirks he gave. Made me wish he was after me lol. Dang the sex was off the charts! These miles men are very exciting. I loved this book so ready to see how Tristan handles the hot headed claire. It’s gonna be funny watching him chase her. I’m so glad there will be more of the brothers. I loved jay and Emily. There arguing made me laugh a lot in book. They make a great couple once they got back together.

T L Swan has done it again!!!

I have never been disappointed in a T L Swan book...and I still haven’t! Jameson’s Story has twists and turns, lots of humor, and a steamy romance. I loved every bit of it and look forward to the next installment of the Miles brother saga.

Where do I sign up for The Miles High Club???

I always eagerly await new releases from TL Swan. The characters are like family and I can’t wait to get the news and find out what has been going on in their world. The Stopover has introduced us to a new family, just as exciting as the Stanton’s. I can’t wait to read and immerse myself in the World of the Miles brothers. In The Stopover we meet Jameson Miles, a Media Mogul and Emily, an aspirant reporter. Their chemistry is off the charts from the start and their snarky back and forth banter has me hooked and giggling like a schoolgirl. As always TL Swan delivers the steamiest, sexiest, hotter than hot moments (I read most of them twice😁) and I fell head over heels for both characters. Jameson Miles is seriously giving Dr Cam A run for my affections ❤️

Could not put this book down!

There is not a single book from TL Swan that I have not absolutely loved. This is no exception! Sexy-as -sin alpha males, feisty female characters, off-the-scale sexual tension and some hilarious work colleagues for a bit of extra fun. The Stopover won't disappoint!

Hot as Hell new release from TL Swan

Every single book i have read from TL Swan has sucked me in and I have struggled to do anything else except read. The Stopover is no different it consumes you until you are finished and then you just want to do it all over again anyway. I loved the characters so much, Jameson is just next level alpha male and he has everything you could possibly want. Emily is fierce determined and doesn’t put up with any of his sh8t. Together they are off the charts, loved this book so much and would 100% recommend.

5+++++ fabulous stars

I absolutely loved this book, it had everything, drama, laughter, and most importantly love. The characters were incredible & I was hooked from the start & would recommend this book in a heartbeat. 5 whopping stars from me. A must read. T L Swan a favourite author of mine & an automatic 1-click as she never disappoints.

Dream Stopover!!

TL Swan has written a real page turner with The Stopover. I am completely blown away by her writing, her ability to pull in a reader (me) and keep us (me) wanting MORE, MORE, MORE!! This will be the first book, I NEED to re-read in a long time. The story has captivated me. There was a huge uh oh raggie in there and I thought for sure I'd throw my tablet but again, Swan knocked it outta the park!! Bring on the next book!!

Very good

Promising start to a series. I loved the beginning of the book and the characters in and of themselves were great. They complimented each other nicely and their love story was beautiful. She was all sassy and he was an egomaniac with impossible charm. The story gets a little confusing towards the end because all things are not quite explained. I know it is a series and I’m hoping to get more information in the upcoming books.

Read this book and you will want to read them all.

T still remains my favorite author. I am held captive from the first page, and my life is put on hold til I reach the end. She continues to take me on a journey as I roller coaster through every range of emotion. I laugh out loud. I cry anguished tears. I cry tears of joy. I look forward to several more books from this amazing lady.

Join the Miles High club

The Stopover is another fabulous read from the queen of romance, T L Swan. As always, the book contains a hot alpha male who likes to get his own way. Emily however, is a ballsy lady who isn’t impressed by all his wealth and power. The chemistry between them is off the charts and the banter between them makes for a great read.

Dreams do come true!

TL Swan is one of those authors that from the heading and cover of the book you want to devour it. It does not matter what she writes about, you will be drawn in from the first sentence. The Stopover is about finding love or lust in the most unexpected places. Jameson is a rich media mogul and Emily a normal girl with a dream of making it in the big world. She is the silent girl next door and he the alpha male with a string of girls in the Miles high club. Without giving any spoilers this book is a must read, you will not be disappointed and will love it!

I loved this book.

I rarely write a review but I really loved this book. It was well written and the characters were so believable and I had a big crush on Jim. I recommend it for those who love men who have trouble in showing their softer side to the one they love.

Another Fabulous TL Swan Story!

TL Swan is one of my favorite authors and for each book I think it can't be better than the last one but I was so wrong. This is truly one of her best and I've loved them all. Every emotion is in this story and her words let you feel them all. I had a serious book hangover and a reread is definitely in the very near future!

Let me join the Miles High Club!

An amazing book! I laughed, I cried, I smiled inside. It has some great one liners mixed with a sensational story! It’s a must read for all!

Such a boss read!!

So so so freakn loved this book! Emily was boss! Snarky and beautiful. A take no shit kinda boss woman and everything Jay never knew he needed. Totes a awesome must read!


I never write reviews but this I must! I have to admit I didn’t like the first part because the writing was in a rut, but I laughed out loud when she took him camping that is really funny

I liked it.

Not sure why some readers didn't like the book or charachters, but I did. I was amused at the funny parts and cried at the sad parts.

Perfect read as always

Her books never disappoint! I love her Male lead and I'm so happy this is a series! I found her a year ago and have swallowed up all her books in one sitting. Definitely recommend.

I know hate is a strong word....

But, I hate Emily. She is immature, bratty, annoying, 25 going on 13, rude, obnoxious. You name it. I can't stand her. The idea of this story was great! Flying first class by chance and lucky enough to sit next to a gorgeous man who's interested in you, yes, please! Instead, Emily is a brat from the get go. Why doesn't she respond the way a normal adult would, without slinging insults and making childish remarks? It just got worse from there. After only a day or two of working for a new company, she's revealing a lot of info to her new coworkers who she doesn't even know. She never grows up, it is a constant battle between Emily and Jameson and I couldn't handle the whiplash. He's a grown man who she tries to control by telling him when he can or cannot drink, who he will get a massage from, etc. Yes, Jameson was jealous and a bit controlling, but it didn't come off nearly as annoying as Emily. I tried and tried to finish this book but only made it to about 60% before I had to give up. Wish it had been better.

First class all the way!

I waited with bated breathe for this book and it didn't disappoint! Feisty characters, page turning plot, hot as hell and laugh out loud moments. Can't wait for the next one!

Fantastic story

I loved everything about this book .. Jameson and Emily story was amazing from start to finish it's a book you don't want to put down ..once again it was amazing..

Loved it!

This story took me high and low! I yelled to the leading lady, "don't do it!" . These characters made me feel the feelings! I always love my T. L. Swan books.

Off The Charts Chemistry

If I could give this book 100 stars it still wouldn’t be enough! I couldn’t put it down and was ready to start all over as soon as I finished the last page. TL continues to amaze with another masterpiece. The chemistry between these two characters is off the charts and this is one book boyfriend you won’t soon forget.

I love everything T writes

I love everything T writes. She has a way of getting me so wrapped up in her books and characters. As always another great book.

The Stopover

I absolutely loved this book. Once I started to read the book I was hooked. I am a huge fan of T. She never disappoints and have read all het books. I would recommend this book to all my friends who loves to read.

Boring. Meh!

Who wrote this? A fourteen year old? Do not waste your money. This a boring story and I could not get past a couple of chapters. Sex scene are boring and robotic. A needy and immature main female character.

Loved this book!!!

I absolutely loved this story! It's funny and sad in all the right ways! You really don't want to miss reading this wonderful book. I can't wait for the next one!

Best one yet

T.l. Swan is one of my favourite writers and im continuously looking for what's new. This is one of her best yet!


TL Swan has done it again!! This is a great read. You will be unable to put this book down. While I have loved everything TL he written this is one of my favorites. Emily is one of the strongest female characters I have read. Very well written you will laugh, cry, get angry, get happy and do it all again. A rollercoaster of a read in the best possible way.

A must read.

Yet another great book from TL Swan. I could not put it down! I love Jay and Emily’s chemistry. A roller coaster of emotions. A definite must read, I can’t wait for the next instalment of The Miles High Club.


Loved it! Another winner from TL Swan! Must read! I'm on to re-read now ❤

A very good book.

I really liked this book and will re-read it. I liked how the book ended. I liked that the h made the H work for her forgiveness and that she didn't immediately take him back just because he said he still loves her.

Conflict Habituated Relationships are a Turn OFF

This couple swung wildly between hot sex and angry scenes, with some bad "50 Shades of Grey" vibe on the side. I literally could not finish it.

Meet your new book boyfriend...Jameson!!!

If I could give this more than 5 stars I would. TL Swan never disappoints...and The Stopover is no exception. I was unable to put this book down and read it start to finish in a couple hours. This book had me laughing and crying and biting my nails. Nobody can write sexier men. Now if you’ll excuse me...I need to go reread this new book boyfriend, Jameson, awaits!!!

I agree with every ONE star review

The main characters were both childish and going back and forth like teenagers. Emily kept calling Jamieson an a..hole but she was horrid, immature,moody and just a plain ans simply awful character. What makes it worse for me is that I paid for audio..........mainly because I just love Sebastian York as a narrator .....but as I am at 33%.......where I will stop listening.......I have only heard him speak about 100 word. Most of the narration is for Emily's character and that is just plain awful as well.............I hated the breathy, whispery talking...... The who;e book is just EWE

I want a stopover!

another 5 star book by T L Swan. can't wait for her next book.

Love it.

Another great book! All her books are awesome! Can’t wait for more of her books to come out, always anxious

Sorry I ordered

The story recap lead me to believe that a chance meeting on an airplane would lead to a high powered corporate thriller. Instead, it was just a tawdry sex novel, which I didn't even finish!

Full disclosure: only made it to 63% read.

This is my first TL Swan book and based on this book I am going to read more of her books. The premise and first half of the book were great and it is on that basis that I will try more of her books. My issue and why I didn't finish the book, however, is because as soon as they committed to a relationship the woman got really annoying and the writing became over the top describing everything in hyperbole. The woman was independent and hilarious in the first part of the book but changed into someone far less interesting once she got her man. The man becomes a dictator and controls too much once they become an official couple and even with his looks, it seems like the only thing this dude has going for him is his money. Will try more TL Swan, however, based on the first half of the book. The author has definite potential so going to check out more of her work.

Good and Bad

I bought this book based on the blurb and reviews. I had a few problems with it, though. I am by no means a prude, but some of this was a bit much. I don't like gratuitous sex or language. Less is definitely more. The F-bomb, in particular, has a time and a place, just not every place. It lost it's impact. My favorite part was the camping trip. I have never LOL'd so hard reading a book as I did here. Jay was priceless. The author did a great job here, IMO. I don't know why romance authors have to make the H so domineering and, frankly, an a-hole; and the h a stupid doormat. It wasn't as extreme in this book as with some of her others, i.e. Dr. Stanton (which is an entirely different review), but still frustrated me. I like finding new authors, one of which is Tess O'Connor's Heart of S.T.O.N.E. series where the H & h are equals. Having said that, I will get the second book in this series, Takeover, but wish it weren't so far away. I'll have forgotten this one by then.

Awesome Red Hot Book!

TL Swann has done it again!! Add this one to the Bestsellers list!!

Emotionally drained by this sexy novel

Wow. I cried through the last fifty pages. Swan knows how to rip the emotion out of a story and demand you submit to the angst. Magnificent story. Loved how she delineated Jay/Jim/Jameson, and showed how he struggled to be more than the CEO. The fights between Jameson and Emily were magic as she stood up for herself. Now there were some minor formatting issues, where the scene changed without any line or warning, like the chapters had or when point of view changed. And some of the language used was not indicative of a person who grew up in the USA, such as "diary" instead of schedule, "runners" instead of sneakers and "sorted" instead of working it out. I know the author is Australian, but I wish that her editing team caught these. It briefly takes you out of the story 's authenticity. But I loved everything about the story anyway. This was another one of Swan's wonderful books with delightfully complex characters. She's one of my favorite authors for a reason. I stayed up all night to read this book and I loved it hard. Swan has written another strong female character that made me cheer. I don't care that I'm now bleary eyed and exhausted. Reading this was totally worth it.

"Ask him if he feels like he might die if he doesn't get to touch you again..."

The Stopover by T.L. Swan is Book #1 of the Miles High club Series. Narrated by CJ Bloom & Sebastian York. Emily- California girl with dreams of working in New York, She is Snarky, feisty with no filter. She is not the type of girl to have a one night stand. So she is thrown for a loop when she meets Jim on a plane and they have such strong Chemistry. The plane had to make a stopover in Boston. She let her attraction of him take over and had a One night stand with a stranger. Jim/Jameson- Typical Romance novel CEO Alpha. Broody, Arrogant bossy billionaire CEO of a company that he and his brothers run in New York. Jameson is not for relationship so hes only a no strings attached kind of guy. Didnt even get Emily number after the stopover fling on Boston. 12 months later Emily is excited and starting her dream job that she has been trying to get on for the last 3 years. On her first day she is given a tour and along the way she hears about the broody CEO that she probably wont even meet on her first day. Going up to his floor the CEO is there so she gets to be introduced to none other than Jameson CEO Mile Media / Jim from Boston Stopover. The Stopover is my first Book from T.L. Swan. There is everything you are looking for in this type of romance. It is full of Banter, jealousy, snarky comments, fighting for control, possessiveness and funny parts where i was Laughing out loud. Jameson was played by Sebastian York and his voice for this character was very well played, He is one of my favorite voices for a broody jealous alpha that gets frustrated when not getting his way. Emily was played by CJ Bloom. She was perfect for this Snarky feisty woman with no filter.

Not even good

What woman would go back for more. Once burned leave and do t look back It started out as a maybe but Am needed go get a pair a little earlier

Not what I expected

I must say I had high hopes for this book and it didn't meet them. The h was annoying. She couldn't make up her mind whether to be with the H or not and her constant references to him as different people Jim, Jay, Jameson was extremely annoying. People are not one dimensional. Also, the word arousal was so over used!!!! The H was ok but not my fav. Personally Tristan stole the show. The dialogue was lackluster and the whole "crime" was drawn out. For a journalist and the head of a news media company you would think they could've wrapped it up faster. Fingers crossed Tristan's book is better.

Don't stopover

This was an audible for me. Positives: Great characters and fantastic banter/dialogue. Not so great: The endless angst, the mystery that left a lot of loose threads and WTFs. I almost quit the story several times, but powered through because I enjoyed several humorous parts. Overall I took away stars because the cycle of love/hate became too repetitive and made the heroine a little too much in the cranky pants department. Also, several parts of the intrigue were just left out there and never explained. I'm going to pass on the second book. to hate to love him!

OMG...TL Swan hits another one into the stratosphere! This book gives the reader such a range of emotions. My body physically hurt about how I was feeling and no amout of housework or whiney hubby could make me put it down! She is a one-click author every day of the week and twice on Sundays, but if you have never read a book by TL Swan, this one is a great place to start!

Was expecting less but got more! (so many exclamations in this review and not apologizing lol)

True rating: 99.5 out of 100-Yep that GOOD!! What I dislike about The Stopover? NOTHING!! What I liked about The Stopover? EVERYTHING!! Jameson, Jim or Jay whatever your damn names is, you have ruined me for other fictional boyfriends You are on my top10 hot list and thats saying something, cause yeah Your not real and Im kinda sad and yes I say "If only" and "I wish" Jameson was real and that sounds bad because that will never ever happen in real life So great I can turn to my un-real fictional world and un-real fictional hero and expect HEA SCORE :) Emily, well formed character, loved that she doesnt take shit. Is able to keep it together and solve the mystery Have an amazing chemsitry and connection with Jameson My kind of not back down and say it as you see personality type One of my all time top 10 novels Good flow, lots of emotional roller coasting and heart breaking moments There is not enough I can say about this book Only congratulations TL Swan you made me believe in these characters (and they were believeable and relatable) and I thank you for it

So disappointed in this book

I have read so many of her books and really enjoyed them however this one was not great. This book was very similar to a book that I have read by another author - the same concept. It was very boring and lacked great content.

Somebody hand me a box of tissues please!!!

Wow! This book started off with a one-night stand with wild and steamy sex between Jim and Emily who meet on a plane. When they go their separate ways, it's with the thought they will never see one another again. A year later, Emily starts her dream job only to discover the CEO of Miles Media is none other than Jim from that magical layover a year ago. They are still very much attracted to each other but they fight it which leads to many fights between them. While the verbal sparring was crude at times and funny at others, they did finally manage to come to an understanding while at the same time giving in to their attraction to each other. As a couple, their connection was wild and passionate especially after Jameson finally broke off everything with his ex Claudia. In the middle of all this something sinister was also going on bringing Jameson and Emily front and center in the spotlight. While investigating the sinister happenings, Emily is setup and made to look like she has been cheating on Jameson. Everything comes to a head and comes crashing down on both Jameson and Emily. How Jameson treated Emily from then on was deplorable and cruel. What Jameson didn't expect was the impact that pushing Emily away had on himself. Their connection and love taught Jameson humility and humbled him. This was a page-turner with lots of passion, love, laughter and brought tears to my eyes for the last 1/3 of the book. Jameson's words to Emily "to love is to be brave" were definitely words of wisdom and totally unexpected especially coming from him. I really enjoyed the way all the characters were written as well as their connections. Even though Jameson was written as a a dominant, pushy and rich alpha male, he learned a true life experience at the end. Emily was no pushover, she definitely stood her ground and stood up for herself. Definitely looking forward to reading Tristan's story.

This book is EVERYTHING!

I’m still stuck in complete swoonville when it comes to this book. TL Swan knows how to write a possessive, jealous alpha in the best possible way. Jameson Miles is straight up book HUSBAND material, not boyfriend but husband! I would ditch my whole life for his multiple personality havin’ self! The writing in The Stopover is top notch. Not at one point in this book did I ever question what was going on. There were no plot holes. Zilch. It superbly combines humor, heat and heart. I went from cackling one minute to saying “PHEW” out loud because of how hot it got and then before I knew it I was all in my feels! Jameson has many sides, CEO, loyal older brother, sex god, sweet lover. I mean he literally HAS IT ALL. Emily is a character I immediately felt a kinship to. She’s hard working, sarcastic, knows her worth but most of all she knows when to stand firm and when to show softness. She holds him accountable and he snaps her right back into place when she starts to let doubt over run her mind. And the banter between these two is fan-freaking-tastic. I couldn’t get enough of it. There’s a camping scene... omg, I couldn’t breathe I was laughing so hard. Now the groveling in this story! BOTH of these two had to grovel but Jameson had a lot more work to do and he DID THE WORK! Quite possibly some of the best dialogue and acts of love out there. Le sigh. Emily and Jim love and they love hard. These two will stay with me forever. I could talk about this book all day but instead I’m going to jump right in to The Takeover and watch Tristan find the one he’d move Heaven and Hell for

Welcome to the Miles High Club and a camping trip of a lifetime

Emily gets bumped up to first-class and lands up sitting next to Jim, who is flirty and not too bad on the eye. She is no pushover and gives as good as she gets, but their banter and physical connection make them both want more. The plane gets detoured overnight due to snow. They land up having that one magical night. The next morning, they part ways for different states, without phone numbers or personal details. Months later, Emily lands her dream job, and you can imagine her surprise when she looks at Jim, her one-night stand, who also happens to be the one and only Jameson Miles, CEO of Miles Enterprise. Jim was fun, but workaholic Jameson is focused, demanding, powerful, controlled, and used to getting his way, and he wants Emily on his terms, with added benefits. Emily is not so keen on Jameson but happy to accommodate Jim, but can she separates the two men, or is she biting off more than she can chew? Jameson has a lot going on, his company is under threat, and there seems to be more at play, but who can he trust, and is the source closer to home than he thinks? Can you believe that this is my first read from this very talented author (yes, I know, where have I been?). I loved her writing style, and the connection between the characters was great. I felt the emotions. At times I did think the bickering was a tad too much, however, on the whole, I enjoyed this engaging story and the plot. A bit of “who did it?” As for the camping scene, well, I can so relate to Jameson, and this particular part had me doubled over with laughter. Overall, this was very entertaining.

Forced into a stopover never looked better

As Emily Foster is leaving London to fly back to the states after a wedding, an altercation happens that results in her ticket being upgraded to 1st class. Imagine her surprise when she is seated next to a gorgeous man with perfect, blue eyes, named Jim. All during the flight Emily is having fun flirting with Jim and when their flight is diverted to Boston instead of New York because of weather, they continue the fun up until the next morning. After a night of fun Emily will never forget, they part ways. One year later, Emily has moved from Los Angeles, CA to New York, NY to start a new job at her dream company, Miles Media. Imagine Emily's surprise when she is introduced to the company's CEO, Jameson Miles, and staring back at her are the same perfect, blue eyes she met one year ago! Jameson hasn't forgotten about Emily and wants to see her. She turns him down wanting to stay professional. Of course this begins their little game of cat and mouse.....and Jameson always ends up getting what he wants. Just when it looks like Emily and Jameson are headed for a happy ending, things from his past come crashing back in to cause all kinds of problems. It will take a huge leap of faith for Emily and Jameson to get past this big hurdle but it will all be worth it for their perfect happy ending. I just adored Emily and Jameson. I imagine it would be hard to be a CEO of a huge media company and especially being the oldest son, it adds even more pressure. I think it was refreshing to be just "jim" when he was with Emily. I really liked Emily. She was smart and didn't take any crap from Jameson. Together they balanced each other out well. This was a great start to what looks like a fun series.

I'm not even done yet and my head is spinning!!!!!---UPDATED!!

I literally stopped working so I could finish this book. Every emotion pulled, tugged, tore me apart, slowly gave me hope and ripped it away. There is a HEA thank God cause I couldn't take much more but it's a long haul getting there. I LOVED this book too much. This will be my one book I can reread over and over and still never get tired of it. Do yourself a favor--it's $1.99 as of right now-buy it. Read it. Get lost in it. Let it consume you. You won't regret it!! I'm about 65% in this book--I read until 2 am got up at 6am and snuck away to read more. I'm hooked and I have so many feelings!!! It's crazy good!! I saw one review about verbal abuse and I'm pretty sure they didn't read this book. The 2 main characters go toe-to-toe with one another and give verbal jabs but not abusive in the least. I had nowhere to vent on the book but it's driving me crazy!! Crazy=GOOD!! The feels, the emotions, the ups and downs, the sadness, the joy!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE when an author puts pen to paper (Sorry-I'm old school!) and the words become magic. This is the 2nd book I've read and I'm so looking forward to reading her entire collection of books!! I'll be back to update my review once I'm done but I can honestly say, this book tugged at my heart so many times. I've only cheered for one other couple like this before and Jameson may dethrone my ever loving book boyfriend of 7 years. It's close!!!! freaking GOOD

I don't do reviews as a rule...only for the super awesome books... This book is awesome...I love books with hardships angst and realistic swan always delivers exactly what I need to read If only she wrote books so that I had a new book weekly... This couple touched my heart..I honestly felt their emotion thru the pages...I will read this book at least 3 more times as I have all her other ones Thank you for the beautiful're my very own book star 5 beautiful wonderfully made stars Read this book!!!! READ IT

Excellent Alpha Boss Employee Romance

✈Billionaire ✈One-Night Stand ✈Alpha ✈Boss-Employee . "When his eyes meet mine again, they’re blazing with desire. An undercurrent of darkness and tenderness runs between us. Perhaps I’ve forgotten how a man looks at a woman when every ounce of his being wants her. Because I swear, I’ve never seen this look before in my life." . Review: This was my 2nd book by TL Swan and I absolutely love her writing! I am hooked and I will definitely be reading all of her books! I decided to reread this book for my review as I began craving it again! . The Stopover is about Emily Foster and Jameson Miles. This book is a perfect romance book and everything I love about romance novels. I love a light, fun read that still has all the angst and sexieness. Especially when the man is a complete Alpha...they are my weakness! . Emily is strong, fiesty, independent and "snarky". She acts out of character and has a One-Night stand with a man she met on the plane. They didn't exchange information and she has always regretted it. She has finally landed her dream job and won't let anything get in the way. . Jameson/Jim is the moody and brooding CEO of Miles Media. He is everything you expect from a sexy controlling Alpha! He is used to getting what he wants, when he wants it. Jameson knows he's a stressed workaholic and has no time for relationships. . When Jameson sees Emily again he wants a repeat, but Emily has no interest in getting involved with the demanding CEO. Emily challenges him and pushes back. She doesn't cave to his every wish and fights for what she wants. The banter between these two and their chemistry is off the charts. . The Stopover is full of angst, steam, dirty talk, so much banter, jealousy and possessiveness (my favorites), strong female heroine and Alpha hero with intriguing secondary characters! I loved everything about it and couldn't put it down. I laughed out loud, cried and swooned like crazy. I also listened to the audiobook by Sebastian York (a favorite and he is know as #kingofauralsex 😂) and CJ Bloom. They both do such a great job bringing these characters to life.

Amazing read

After an incident at the airport Emily gets moved to first class, she never expected to be sitting next to the incredibly hot Jim. The flirt the whole flight and then the chemistry flies when they have to have a stopover. Emily never forgot Jim or the night they have together, finally landing the job she always dreamed of she never expected that the CEO would be Jim, only that he was Jamison Miles of Miles Media. Jamison works to much and can’t commit to a relationship, Emily isn’t into casual one-night stands, after a few miscommunications they agree to be friends and can’t deny their chemistry and agree that they will only sleep with each other exclusively, seeing each other a few times a week. Can they both keep to the agreement or will they both realise they want more than a few nights a week with each other. Can Jamieson stop being the workaholic to make it work, and can Emily accept his life as Jameson or will she only love Jim.

Smart, witty and delicious!

This was such a great read. The story line was great, and I was glad to read a book where the main female character was actually smart and funny and was not melting away at the mere look of her love interest. This was so refreshing and I could not put the book down till I was done! The way the author is describing feelings of the main characters makes you feel everything is weird but when Emily was experiencing a heartache I really felt what she was going through...the story line told with so much heart and detail that the reader is basically experiencing the feelings that Emily and Jameson are going through....Great story! Must read! You will not regret buying it. This was the first book by T L Swan that I read and I already purchased bunch of other ones because how well written they are and how engaged I was reading it. Can't wait for the "The Takeover" to come out!!!

Reviews don't do this book justice!

If you're like me, you look at reviews and wonder if you should take the time to read a book based on how other people feel. Honestly I was on the fence about The Stopover...but I'm SO GLAD I bought it. I loved it. Emily and Jameson (aka Jim or Jay) are a match made in heaven. Yes, they are both headstrong and that can get them into trouble, but it's also nice to see a woman stand up to a powerful man who is used to getting what he wants. In this case, Jameson is used to getting what he wants because he's rich and powerful, but Emily isn't impressed by his money and doesn't really want anything to do with it. She's a hard worker and he appreciates that she's not interested in him for his money. Emily and Jay share a propensity for snarky diatribe, and she wants to be successful in her job based on her work, not because of the chance encounter she'd had with the CEO a year prior. Seeing them sort out their feelings for each other is a lot of fun. Despite being close to 500 pages, The Stopover is the kind of book you start and you can't stop. The characters are engaging and TL Swan manages to draw the reader into their lives effortlessly. The ending is satisfying, and it feels right. It's not rushed, and as with all great stories Emily and Jay have to go through their ups and downs to understand that they're meant to be together.

Started off great then broke down quickly

This book was hard to read at times but I finished it. People commented on the immaturity of the heroine. FYI she is 25 with plenty of time grow. Pros: * First few chapters were great. Really sucks you in. * Decent character development. * The banter was great! Hilarious dialogue. * I loved the Tristan (brother) & will check out book 2. * There was a lot of cursing but it fit the characters. Cons: Story drags on with poor plotlines and faulty resolution. An investigation dominates over half of the book and is resolved in 1 page & not fully explained. Most of the book takes place in 3 months. Even the epilogue is "one month later". Chapter transitions could have EASILY skipped months instead of days. Abstract descriptions of the sex but vulgar cursing was an odd combination. You can say the F word but can't name body parts? The author is CLEARLY not American. She consistently used many phrases, coloquialisms, slang, etc that we don't use in America. The characters are in New York and California.


Sometimes you literally fall into a story that grips you. The passion, the characters, the writing that just evokes the mood and sets the scene with such presicion that it encompasses you, as though you’re there. Don’t miss this passionate story of love!!! Wonderful banter, intelligent characters, amazing chemistry!!! Even the sex scenes were original because she incorporated feelings and touch. There was a lot of heart all throughout this book which is why it will be memorable and worthy of rereading which is very rare!!!

This book is great

Loved this book. The story is well written, you are immediately engaged with the characters and stayed engaged throughout the story. Very well edited. I also bought the audible and the voices were perfect for the Emily and James (Jay, Jim, J). The intrigue is there but one of the storylines did not have closure which bothered me and one that wasn’t talked about until they break up is solved - so that was a little off putting. Or the writer could of closed the loop better that the two crimes were related instead of leaving it dangling out there. So wondering if that story goes on in the next Miles’ brothers story. The story has steam without being over the top or too much and taking away from the plot. Liked the brothers, especially Tristen so the next book is probably about him. So can’t wait to read and listen to that one. Read this book, it’s a great one.

This book was okay. Very hard for me to read..Here is a highlight for the book maybe you will enjoy ! !!!

Jameson pulls into the driveway of Arndell, and I bounce in my seat. “We are going to our house?” I shriek in excitement. “Yes, I booked it for the weekend.” I unclip my seat belt and slide over and begin to smother his face in kisses as we drive up the driveway while he chuckles at my childlike behavior. We arrive at the old house, and I bounce out of the car before the car even stops and run up to the front door. I turn and stare out over the view of the beautiful grounds. “Oh, Jameson, I just love this place.” I smile dreamily as he walks up behind me. “I know.” He hands me a key ring with a red ribbon bow tied to it. I frown as I stare down at it in my hand. “That’s why I bought it for you.” My eyes meet his. “What?” “Uh-huh. I thought we could live here on the weekends and on holidays.” “You want to be a swamp person with me?” I whisper in surprise. He stands and takes me in his arms. “I could be anything, Emily Foster . . . as long as I’m with you.”

Loved the story line

This is the first time I've read anything by this Author. I was intrigued by the synopsis & was in the mood for something new. I loved the story line but that's about it. There were certain parts of the story that felt lack luster, the love making scenes were almost the same each time, & while I'm all about hard to get, I didn't like the cruel way Emily was treated. At times Jameson came across as dominant, others it was more frustrating and aggravating. Despite not giving it 5 stars, it may be someone's 5. This book is a standalone & there is an HEA. The rest of the books seem to be about each brother. I may read the next book as I did enjoy the one of the brothers introduced in this book (Tristan).

My First Epic Read Of The Year!

I have been reading a lot lately and have liked a lot of these books. This book was my epic read of the year. I have read many of TL Swan's books. You go into them thinking there is going to be a certain formula for them and then she knocks you upside the head and it's off to the races. This book had a little bit of everything. I loved the primary characters. I adored the quirky cast of friends and family who served as secondary characters. I can assume we will hear from them again in the books to come. I am humbled that this author respects all of her readers making this book available in paperback. I will be in line when the next one is published. Keep them coming please. denise bailey

This book was so good!

This was an unexpected book. When I read the blurb, I thought this sounds interesting, but it was not what I was expecting. This couple meets on an airplane. Both not looking for anyone, but finding each other anyway. Unexpected circumstances cause them to spend a night together. And then it's over, they both go on to their lives. But meet again 12 months later, again unexpectedly. And it's awkward, and unforgiving, but they try to get past the attraction and magnetism to each other. This story was really good. But the excellent part of the book was that camping scene!! I have never laughed so hard reading a book as I did throughout the whole scene. It was hilarious!

3.5 stars

This book was very well written and the drama wasn’t too out of box. So relatively it was a good read. My hesitation? I just really didn’t like the characters. The female lead was neurotic and the male lead.... well, he was wishy-washy and to me, in the beginning, lead her on since he is still in a “gonna get back together deal” with his “not a real” ex. The. HEA was great. I especially liked that he epilogue.

Great read

Loved this book . Jameson , Jameson , Jameson, loved you as Jim, and felt all your insecurities . You were in arrested development and Emily came into your life and showed you how much more there was to life . I highly recommend this book to all romance readers. This was so hard to stop reading . There was humor, laughter,tears, and raw emotions . Congratulations to the author Ms T. L. Swan for describing real life emotions and responses to truly hurtful actions from those who claim to love you. Two things I found unrealistic was the condensed time frame in which the story took place and secondly the constant profanity . The inappropriate use of God's name and the fact that not once by either one did they consider prayer during their times of deep hurt, loss, and anger. Just a thought . .. Get this book ASÀP ! !!


T L Swan you have done it again. What a book. I was having all sorts of emotions reading this book. Jameson and Emily were such a fun couple to read. Had me wanting more and not wanting to put the book down. TL Swan is amazing with each book she brings out it just gets better and i LOVE every single book she has done. I advise everyone to read her books. Jameson is a HOT Alpha with a temper when things dont go his way. He defantly found his maker with the hot fire Emily. I Love the way they both were with eachother from the time they met on the first flight to when they hadnt seen eachother for over 12months and she saw him at her new job,Finding out he was her boss. My favourite part of the book would defantly have to be the camping chapter. That had me in tears laughing the whole time. Jamesons reaction was priceless and Alan and Emily trying not to lose there shit laughing had me laughing even more.

Office/Boss-Employee Billionaire Romance

I fell for this series HARD, Jameson/Jim is the alpha billionaire to own the media. He meets Emily during a stopover/layover during there flight. Said flight gets delayed and they have the most amazing one night stand. A year later and she finally gets her dream job but finds out He’s the one of the owners with his four brothers. This office/boss-employee romance was UUGGGHHH. T.L Swan knows how to plot and the sexual scenes OH MY LANTA. Every read I’ve read from TL Swan has been amazing, the writing with the characters and the surroundings were and are always written beautifully and neat. Each character is never the same. Each story is always more emotional then the previous. 5/5⭐️ 4/5🔥

Repetitive writing and phrases

This writing was done at an incredibly juvenile level and does not sound like an adult wrote it at all. There are SO many repetitive words and phrases, some within the same paragraph. Everyone "snaps" and "stammers" and the same exact descriptions are used to describe the characters over and over again. I was so annoyed with the repetition and had to force myself to get to the ending. The characters were annoying and immature. I deleted the book immediately after reading it and I don't even want it on my Kindle. Not worth the time reading it.

I've not finished it ... YET.... but recommended reading...

I will update this if it has a bad ending. I'm about half way to 75% through the book. I'm enjoying the concept and story line. It is full of surprises which is fun. And the sex is well written and H O T hot. Not for everyone but a fun frolic -- what happens when a one night stand -- turns into real life and something else?? That is what this book is -- what happens when LIFE becomes very complicated but you WANT the relationship to work out?? I like the thought processes of the Male lead. He didn't expect to fall in love or pursue a new woman. He has an engagement on hold-- then he meets woman #2 -- and fireworks and sparks fly. Then its Over.... until a year later.... Well developed, but often NOT light reading.


Finished the book but didn't really like it. Kept reading to see if it will get better. Not for me. That girl is such a pushover, while J is such a bully.

I think this was made for teenagers

At first I was hoping it would lead to something good, but there was this silly hot and cold relationship that always ended in sex scenes chapter after chapter; describing their long sexual meetings ,,,it got so repetitive I skipped several chapters of it , as it got boring , I wanted a real story not just childish descriptions of sex scenes, over and over again. I liked 50 shades of gray because it was sexy in a moderate n more tender and believable way. Am disappointed ; no wonder it's 90cents.!

Excellent read, sure to be one of your favs

This book was awesome, one of the best I've read in quite awhile. Emily is so hilarious, out loud and in her own inner dialogue! I haven't laughed so much while reading a book since an Evanovich "Plum" novel. One of my favorite scenes is the camping fiasco, OMG, so funny. All the characters have great personalities, Emily's co-workers are equally as funny as she is. Jameson is kind of a jerk, but it seems to work over all. Sure do hope the author decides to write more about this couple :)

An Erotic Harlequin

I remember reading Harlequin Presents ions ago - you knew from just reading the first five pages who was going to end up with whom. Rich older bachelor - sassy young beautiful and sexy female. The Stopover was very similar except it has heat. Hot/erotic/borderline porn heat. Just as entertaining as the Harlequins were, so is The Stopover. A thoroughly good way to spend a rainy afternoon if you prefer reads that do not challenge you.

Love this book, hard to put down

I love all TL Swans books but she outdid herself with this one, it was so hard to put down, loved the characters and the chemistry, just hope we do not have to wait a year for Tristan's story, I want it now.

Wonderful love story with hot love

One of the gratifying things about this book is you will not have to wait long for the undeniable chemistry to begin. There is still plenty of suspense without the frustration. What I loved most about this book is the love. I began to re-read it as soon as I finished it. I started out with the free kindle unlimited and then bought it. Combine it with the audible version; well worth the few additional bucks. The narrator is absolutely awesome. I will definitely read this one several more times. Cannot wait for part 2.

An Upgrade, Bad Weather: Equals a Hot Stopover🔥💋🔥

Jameson Miles and Emily Foster had one night of amazing sex after meeting each other on a flight back from London to New York... Stopover! A year later the two meet again at Miles Media where Emily begins her dream job. Shortly after Jameson and Emily begin a tumultuous relationship surrounded by new friendship's, corporate intrigue, self-doubt and question's of trust? Emily and Jameson must get out of out of their own way in order to find their true love for one another!

A little of everything

Maybe one or two people didn't care for this book but some of us did. There really is love like this, somewhere....... He was spoiled rich and got what he wanted until he bumped up against someone who told him to take his money and stuff it!! Shock number 1!! Each had to adjust to each other and give a little. I think the author did a very good job in this writing. It ran smoothly and most certainly was not boring !!

Enjoyable book.

My first book by this author and she doesn’t disappoint me. I laugh, I cry and I swooned over Miles Jameson. I enjoy the story of two people from completely different backgrounds falling in love. The heroine, Emily Foster is my kind of heroine. She’s brilliant, fierce, funny and determined. This book won’t be my last book by the author, I already one clicked the second book in the series.

A little lack luster

The book lacked substance and it felt a little flat in comparison to some of T L Swans books. I expected more. The characters felt one dimensional.

Great. Book

So very surprised with this book. The storyline took several turns and twists. Kept a couple storylines going and kept them interesting. Hooked and onto the other Miles brothers book, a must read series.

Pulls you in -& you can’t stop reading!!!

Loved this intense, fast moving & very sexy story of Emily & Jameson! Their initial meeting was great- perfect fantasy!! Then as the story unfolds there are ups and downs- drama, mystery, misunderstandings & a (required ) happy ending! Jameson has 3 brothers- I know their stories will be awesome as well and I can’t wait!!

Fantastic!! My New Favorite Author.

This is the first book I’ve read that she’s written. Let’s just say that “I’m smitten,” (with her talent as an author) I’m already buying more of her books. She just has a fresh approach to writing and I appreciate the detail and character development that she showcases so well in this book. I’d highly recommend reading this!!


I love a book with lots of angst and drama. Jameson and Emily meet on a flight. The two have chemistry and their banter was funny at times. Now a year later she has the job she has dreamed of working at Miles Median. She wasn’t expecting to see Jameson and for him to be the CEO of the company. Things heat up in the office.

I Wanted to Like This Book

Unfortunately, the storyline got side-barred by the number of times the words smirk and sneer were used to describe the main characters' feelings/tone of voice. For me, their continued usage distracted me from the story and my desire to like them. It made them both sound petulant and not very interesting to get to know.

Great Story

Great story line. A little different than most but very enjoyable. Hard to put it down until finished. Today I am rereading this book. It is so good. So glad I have it so I can read it the second time. So Good. July 2020 I read this book for the third time and finished today, This is one of my favorite books but I had hard time with the breakup. So glad I was able to get through it to a very happy ending. Can't wait for "The Takeover" which I preordered today.

So look good!

This is one book I loved cover to cover. -- bet you will too! As soon as I got close to completion of this one I ordered the sequel! I feel sure I will be ordering the final book as well. Great presentation and excellent story line with seamless transitions. I do not want to spoil this one for you, so that is all I am saying!

Funny, sexy, heartbreaking, love, happiness

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well written. Loved the nicknames - FB. :) There was love, sex, laughter, heartbreak, happiness. All the feels. I laughed out loud at Emily taking Jameson on their get away trip she planned. My goodness that was hilarious. I plan to read all TL Swan’s books. I’m a fan!!!

Disappointing. I was excited to read a new book from this author. Then I read it and it was very disappointing. I'm sorry but that's my honest opinion. The story didn't really stick like how I was first introduced to her books like Dr. S

I wasn't happy with the story. I read all the time and this book disappointed me because I expected more from her. Author is brilliant but this book, no.

Delightful, delicious, funny.....

I simply loved this story! Engaging characters, Emily was funny and determined and Jameson sexy CEO. I really enjoyed it and look forward to the next "Tristan"

This book Introduced me to this author

This book introduced me to T L Swan and I'm so glad I picked it to read. I enjoyed everything about this book! The authors writing skills and her character and word building holds a reader from start to end. I will for sure be reading T. L. Swan again!

An amazing roller coaster of love story—LOVED IT!!!

This book was such an incredible roller coaster to read—especially the second half. So hard to put down. I laughed, I cried, I was angry. The ending was amazingly satisfying. I can’t wait to read the next one (about Tristen) which comes out next August.

Love this author

TL Swan is a new author to me after seeing an ad on Facebook. I had the opportunity to borrow that book, but loved it so much that I purchased it. The same with The Stopover. It was so emotional I fell in love with that feeling in my chest. So good.

I Am In Love

Jameson & Emily are two of the most physically beautiful people. They are intelligent, driven, sexy, & very intense. I loved the banter between the characters. They are hilarious! Their was heartbreak, forgiveness eventually & then happiness. I really wish it would have gone on a little further.

The Miles High Club!

What a fun fast based read! I enjoyed this book from the very beginning! I laughed so much during this book! The camping trip I reread twice so I could laugh all over again. Lol. This was my first book by this author and I can't wait to read The Takeover!

This book gave me all kinds of feels

I loved the Stopover. Such an emotional roller-coaster. I've laughed, I've cried, I've felt sad and then laughed and cried some more. The characters draw you in and they are so loveable. TL Swan did it again. Well done!

Stopover with lingering effects

Strong characters, both of them ! I really liked that she was not a pushover , him being in a higher position and more experienced. Their love story has a few ups and downs and it’s making it for a very fast reading. The camping chapter might be one of my favorite. 😊 The scarf is a nice touch and a bit unexpected.

Great author

I am new to T.L Swan the author. First time I have bothered to leave a review on a book. Refreshing to find humour (tears literally rolling down my face) in a sexy book. Refreshing to find a book where the characters can actually like each other and offer tenderness but still have the angst and the 'raunch' I was after. 2 great books in this set, you do not feel like you are reading, no waffle about buildings and the weather, you just get caught up in the raunchy story. I will buy more from this author, thanks for letting me switch off from my busy over the top week :)


I’d give more stars if they were available. This book was awesome! I have had trouble finding a new book to read since. I’d love to read more with this couple and the future for them. Thank you for this wonderful book.

Aghgh now I want my own meeting the love of my life in an airplane love story!!!

I have to be honest I wanted to punch Emily and Jameson more than a few times. I also feel Emily was a little judgy with others so she won't make it to my favorite female main character. But I did love how she showed to have her own defined self-love and knew that she was indeed better than being treated poorly. With all of this said I have to admit I adored the book and laughed way more than I thought I would. This is my first book of this author and I am definetly going to be looking for more.

Another great read by T. L. Swan

Loved this book from start to finish. Great story that had lots of humor too. Characters were someone you could relate to especially Emily, Molly and Aaron. They were hilarious. T. L. Swan never disappoints.

Emotional Rollercoaster

Wow I really enjoyed this book Found my self laughing one moment and crying the next. Thinking don’t go back to him and then screaming go back to him! It’s about fighting and not giving up on the one you love and forgiveness


This is a beautiful love story. Difficult to put down. I read it through in part of one day with few interruptions. Couldn’t put it down to even warm leftovers. It is +18 ; But really sweet! I could almost re read it again now simply to enjoy that heartwarming glow wishing it were real.

It keeps you glued

I finished this book in 2 days. I just couldn't stop reading. What I like the most is the sarcasm. It is very funny but also touching I went from laughing out loud to tearing up. I can't wait for the next book!

Best book I have read in a very long time.

This standalone is a good mix of passion, romance, drama and laugh out loud moments throughout the book. How they meet and the chemistry between them is hot. Their journey throughout the book is filled with mysterious plots and colorful characters who cause harm and mayhem. Both main characters are strong, smart and independent. Excellent writing, clever and witty. I highly recommend this book.


Was an interesting book considering that it was your typical romance novel but I actually looked up the song that he referred himself to which was “bad liar” by imagine Dragons in the book. He was such a tool through the whole book.

Pretty good read

This book is a pretty good romance novel. It's an easy read. I liked the characters. Steamy love scenes. Sometimes the main characters irritated me with their decisions, acted more like teenagers than adults. Other than that it was good.

Loved it!!

I hadn't read much by this author, but since reading The Stopover, I have downloaded quite a few by her. If you love angsty, hot, HEAs then this is a good one. It put TL on my author watch list for sure. Can't wait to read the next book in the series!


Enjoyed this book very much-ordered the follow-up almost immediately after I finished The Stopover. This was my first read by T.L.Swan but it won’t be my last! I HIGHLY recommend this funny, steamy, clever and addicting book. 5stars!!!!!

Oh what a read

If you are looking for a good read with a bit of everything, thank you have to read this book. Romance, love, laughter, sexiness, all mixed into one. That is why TL Swan is one of my favorites!!

Read this book !!!

OMG this book was so freaking good !! This was my first book by this author which I will surely fix very soon. I LOVED the lol moments and the chemistry between these 2 was off the wall hot.

A Great Read

This book held my interest from the first page to the last one. Jameson and Emily are bigger than life as their story unfolds. The author packs a lot of mystery and suspense into the plot that kept me turning the pages. Great ending!


Some stopover! It should have been more on both their parts. So compatible with each other it was scary. That is a rollercoaster ride I would take without all of the insecurity.

Great book

First of this author that I've read, it was a page turner, high on emotion! Liked both the main characters and of course Tristan! Jameson brought in a lot of baggage to this story, but the heroine was full of spunk!

Best book ever

T.L Swan is amazing. The stopover is amazing as well. I could put the book down.

So so good.

I’ve been in a reading funk for the past year and a half. Nothing has held my interest. I have loved TL from the beginning and knew I needed to get back into the swing of reading from an author I adore. TL did not disappoint either. The Stopover was amazing and now I’m ready for the Takeover.

Loved it!

This was so so enjoyable to read I'm going to read another book by this author quick! I liked the way the main characters interacted with each other. They funny, witty, intelligent, and then heartbreakingly beautiful.

Enjoyed it!

Very good writing, I loved the characters and I was happy when she finally decided to leave the firm and got herself together before she getting back together with him .

Intriguing romance

Wow this book is definitly the wow factor of books i loved it,it had it all,romance ,comedy,suspence,and charactors that were interesting, great writing cant wait to read book 2.

The Stopover- Fantastic Read

Jameson Miles, just his name makes you cream. This was a really good read, sexy, fun & sometimes crazy. I swear I’ll never look at another male passenger without thinking about this book. A girl can fantasize!!

another author who is going to be a favorite

This is a great book. I still think the ex girlfriend had to do with the scandal. She was the only one that knew he was going to marry Emmy . How did this happen?

Loved it!!

Oh gosh! I LOVED, LOVED this soooooo much! I didn’t want this book to end! I loved the drama and the banter between Jameson and Emily. It was just absolutely perfect!

Just Read it

I normally don’t read romance novels, but this book was good. I read it in 2 days on the kindle app. I haven’t really read much since my twilight days as a teen, but this book made me want to start reading again.

Predictable but enjoyed

Familiar story line, but I still enjoyed reading this. I would rate it in the "guilty pleasure" category. Steamy and fun. You like the characters.

Great read

This was a great read. Kept me turning the pages and interested which hasn’t happened often lately. The others in the series sound just as good.

Loved it!!! I laughed, cried, and loved right along with the characters!

I want more of Jameson and Emily! These two characters were funny, loving, and everything you could imagine in an intense love affair. Please continue their story, there is so much more to their story,

Typical romance

I love 💘romance and this filled the void. Sex scenes were repetitive, but okay. I might buy book two. Read in half o day so kept my attention.

Loved it

Kept me laughing and angry. More laughing and my heart hurt for Emily. So glad for the Happy Ending. Can’t wait to read more from this author.

Best book ever

Really enjoyed, loved each character and how they interacted. Love the mystery and suspense, hard to put down. Love the hot sex scenes.

A poor excuse for a good book

Would not recommend. The main character is a sad excuse of a man that anyone would want to be with.

Absolutely a great read.. Emily was strong willed and extremely funny!! She had Jameson wrapped around her fingers.

Jameson aka Jim met his match with Emily. Love at first site. Emily was found her dream job as well as her man!!! Excellent read!!!

Gut wrenching romance

What a gut wrenching romance. These characters are full of fire but such strong love that you just pray they have a happy ending.

The perfect combination between sexy and romantic, loved this book!

I’ll admit I’m not much of a reader but I couldn’t put this book down! I literally read it in 3 days. I absolutely loved the story, it was hot and sexy but also super romantic creating a perfect balance. My only complaint was the characters created a lot of fights over the dumbest stuff which got annoying sometimes but honestly you get over it really fast. Overall, I loved this book and I’d definitely recommend this book to other people.

Please write more.

I hope she writes the other Miles brothers stories. Would love to follow Jameson and Tristan's future in part 3 & 4. Perfect mix of erotic and romance.


I thought it was a well thought out book. Some may think so parts unrealistic but probably more real than you would think.

Love this book!

The second one I have now read from this author. Love the characters, love the bits of humor. Highly recommend this series.

Great read

Wow. Seriously addicted to this author and her stories! I loved Jay and Em! Their attraction to each other was incredible!

The stopover

I really enjoyed getting to read this book! I stumbled upon it brought amazon and it really caught my eye! I didn’t want it to end!

50 Shades on crack! Amazing read!

Omg....this was the 1st book I have read by Swan...I finished it in 2 days and just bought another. Amazing storyline, and humor...and best sex scenes ever! Can't put her books down!

The BEST Book Of Fiction I’ve Ever Read

& I’ve read a lot of them! I think TL, the author, should look into turning it into an Amazon Original movie because it’s THAT GOOD. 💃🏽

Sooo good!!!!

I can’t wait for the second book. Please do not have us waiting long. This is a must read. Get it today.

Love, Heartbreak, A Woman Scorned - fun times

The one time you can fight for with fire and win. Emily’s fire is just as hot as Jameson’s. Light the fuse and the fireworks are beautiful.

The Stopover

I really enjoyed this book. I liked the characters and I liked the story. It was sexy but not over done. I’m looking forward to reading more from this author!

Stopover - A real High

Loved the book. I wanted more and more. Always a pleasure reading Tees books. But then I love alpha males that know exactly what they want and how to get it. Lovely stuff

Different plot, fast read, enjoyable.

Like her writing style.

Love this book

This book was a fun read humor and funny I laugh out so many time I could not put this book down next please


Oh soooooo SEXY MILES!!! I LOVED this story!! Cannot wait to see the rest of the brothers take the Fall!!


I think this The Stopover deserves more than a five star review. Just AMAZING!!!!!

Thank you, Mr. Miles!

This was a well written story of people I could meet! Well drawn characters made of flesh and bone. Not a fantasy, realistic situations. I want more!

This book is addicting

One of the best books I’ve ever read. Completely addictive page turner, I was not able to put it down!

Page turner, intensive, tender.

This book was a page Turner. I loved the tension between Jameson and Emily and also the tenderness between Jay and Em. I can't wait to read Tristan's story.

Worth Reading

Enjoyed this book and the ratings from others lived up to it. Now reading The Takeover.

Saucey butt great read

It was well written. Very naughty but I found it hard to take my eyes off the book

Power, Lust & Love

I loved this story of power & love. Emily & Jameson were as endearing as a couple as they were passionate.

Love this story

You say things I'd love to say out loud. I like a female who speaks her mind. I've read this story over and over - I love romances - thank you!

This is going to be a great series

Great book this couple was meant to be together. I can't wait for the next one.

Great Story

I love this series of books. I highly recommend if you like the rich man alpha Male types.

Jameson and Emily

Good story, not only did it have drama but. also, some hilarious moments. I liked how it was printed where a reader knew who was "thinking" out loud. Enjoyable love story

Absolutely fantastic!

I loved the story! It was witty, sexy and soooo funny! I won't say anything else other than YOU MUST READ IT!!! It is so worth it! This one to read over and over and over and over again (lol)


Such a feel good, funny, steamy, edge of my seat love story. I started this based off a recommendation and couldn't put it down and finished it in a 24 hour time frame. And that's with a 2 year old, working 9 hours and sleeping 7. Best book I've read in quite a while. I'm so sad that it's over and will be dreaming of Jim, Jay, Jameson and his Emily tonight.


A great read. Well planned and fun to read. Humorous in parts.

Amazing book!

Loved every second... You did it again TL Swan. Xxx

Book review

Not a romance novel reader,but the mystery got me interested

Laughing & Lust!

As usual, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TL Swan! Didn’t let me down with The Stopover!

This story will have you laughing

I really liked reading this book. Their camping trip had me laughing out loud. I only wished there weren't so many swear words in the story.

Ready for the next book !

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE , LOVE!!!!! Oh my goodness my favorite author , her writing is amazing, the characters are always strong, funny, beautiful and I can’t get enough of her writing .

Awesome read!

Loved the chaos and love with the twists and turns. This book was one that I had A hard time putting down. Kept me wanting to continue! Can not wait for Tristans story!! Looking forward to reading more books by T L Swan! ❤

Good read!

First time reader of this author. Very good read!

Must read!

My first book by this author- read this book in a day! It was great!

A good bodice ripper

I enjoyed it, want to read more by this author.

Awesome read

I enjoyed this book so much and looking forward to the next book she writes. I would give this book a chance.

Definitely the Books to read!!

I have over 400 books and this 2 books have been THE BEST BOOKS I'VE HAVE READ!!!! THERE REAL STORIES THAT PULL YOU IN!! AND I HATE OVER 300 HUNDRED PAIGE BOOKS they cam repetitive just to make the story longer but I did not find that in these books!! Again I LOVE THIS BOOK AND I HOPE YOU DO TOO!!

Just what I was looking for.

I like these types of books they are all somewhat the same. Some good some bad, this was one of the better ones in my opinion. I liked all the characters and wish the second book was about Emily and Jay, loved them both.

Best read in a long time

This held my interest, there were points where I outright laughed out loud. Always good when it has a story line with a little sex included.

Pleasantly Surprised!

I took a chance on this one. Some of the reviews were mixed so I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. I really enjoyed this! There were times I laughed out loud and I haven't done that in a while to a book.

Oh my word!

Tee blew my mind again, her books get better and better, I am serious in a book hangover and nothing else will do, I will propably be grieving till the next book in this series, please read it, there's a reason she is a best seller. Swan squad fan forever.

couldn't stop reading

was great reading. Well written.

great read!!

Character description was good, actually felt like you personally knew the characters or someone like them. Story was interesting from start to finish. Cannot wait for Book 2

5 star read.

The story is different and unexpected. Perfection. You wont be dissappointed.

Loved it!



I’m actually kinda bad at all the people who gave this book so many stars. Such a waste of time. It’s horrible writing, like.. really, really bad writing! The storyline could have been so good, instead it was just a toxic relationship between shallow and indecisive characters..

A Favorite Book

One of TL Swan's best! I have read it twice and no doubt will read it again.

Good book

Fun and entertaining!


I loved the book! The story was awesome, I couldn’t put it down. The characters kept me enthralled entire time. I highly recommend!! I have a new favorite author!

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