The Real Estate Roadmap: The complete guide to financial freedom through the purchase, leasing, and sale of USA real estate

Paperback – April 27, 2020
26 Apr

LOCATING MOTIVATED SELLERS: Find the leads you need to create deals that other investors will envy by locating property owners with a strong need to sell. Learn how to structure marketing campaigns by finding lead sources and writing good ad copy, and how to close the deals with modern sales and negotiation techniques.

WHOLESALING HOUSES: Flip Contracts, instead of houses, to other investors, so that you can learn with no risk before you start buying.

BUYING, SELLING, & MANAGING RENTAL PROPERTY: Use the five consistent formulas, and other people’s money, to buy rental properties that produce strong passive income. Use seller financing to create payment plans with owners of free and clear houses, or to take over existing mortgages whose owners can’t afford to pay. Learn to manage rental property efficiently, determine rent rates, screen tenants, keep vacancy low, and how to handle an eviction when necessary. (It’s not that bad!)

REHAB & FLIP HOUSES: Work with contractors to renovate run down homes and turn them into valuable properties with a big pay day, using other people’s money of course!

PRIVATE MONEY LENDERS: Learn to connect with private lenders and hard-money lenders to fund deals (with no down payment) when a cash purchase is needed, or when a bank won’t finance a property due to the condition.

BE THE BANK: Lend your own money the way a bank would, but with double digit returns, if you choose a more passive role in the business. Learn how to easily protect yourself from risk and keep your money secured by great collateral property.

PROTECT YOUR ASSETS: Protect what you have earned through good relationships, quality insurance, and corporate entities and trusts.

PLUS dozens of other unique strategies to create profitable deals where other people can’t see one. Clean up messy title, work with judgments, help estates, find profitable auctions, create options, lease-options, notes, life estates, contracts for deed, wraparound mortgages, substitute collateral, and more.

This is the complete and organized instruction manual and textbook that takes you from A to Z in real estate investing using the proven formulas that reliably create results, and the results are all the matter. I’ve purchased over 100 houses using these formulas and I am sharing the techniques of my REAL DEALS that are the most consistent and reliable so that you can get started faster, with less risk, and often with no credit or bank mortgages and little or no cash out of pocket.

"I like Dan's "get rich slow and predictably plan", and he addresses the psychology of the business well by tackling fears and anxieties, by telling the reader when fear is good and when it's not necessary. I am on my 3rd read of the book"
-Harold Gragg, former NFL Defensive End, Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants, Jacksonville Jaguars

"As a seasoned investor it’s a real privilege to have such a wonderful guide. I don’t think I’ve found a more detailed and complete book on real estate investing. Having coached 1000’s of real estate investors of highly recommend this book to new and seasoned investors alike."
-Anthony Moore, National Coach for Fortune Builders, the premier real estate education company.

"Hey guys, my Early Mentor, Daniel Hart, published a book. He had a vision that he would once retire on rentals and was able to accomplish that in a few short years."
-Nasar El-Arabi, National Real Estate Educator and Author

Warning: This is not motivational fluff. This is the textbook of real estate investing.

Reviews (28)

This is the Real Deal. Lots of golden nuggets here

I love the book! I'm a real estate investor in the same market as Daniel- i never met him in person but he helped over the phone on a deal, and many local investors speak highly of him. I've been active in real estate investing for 10 years now and reading just the first couple of chapters- it reinforced a lot of my values and it doesn't read like your standard "fluff" real estate investing books. I know through association and my own conversations with him that Daniel Hart is the real deal and this book is too. Highly recommend for anyone in real estate or wanting to get into real estate investing in the US.

Alot of good knowledge made easy to understand!

Very well written and makes what I thought were complicated concepts easy to understand! I'm about halfway through it and have learned much. I already feel ready to start undertaking this endeavor. Thanks daniel hart for writing this great guide.


Daniel Harts book is a comprehensive review of almost every effective element of a successful Real Estate Business. He reviews Wholesaling, Flipping, Rentals, Creative Financing and even private lending. All of these subjects backed up with actual deals that he has completed. He provides pictures and complete financial break-downs of most of these deals. This book should be considered almost the Text Book on this subject. Very appropriate to title his book "The Real Estate Roadmap"

If you are lost or don't know where to being, The Real Estate Roadmap is for you

I have ordered tons of real estate books on here and this is the first one where I felt compelled to leave a review. This isn't some gimmicky "secret" way to make millions this is practical, real world, I have been here, learn from my mistakes and success guide to real estate investing. Also this author is thorough -- close to 500 pages!! He goes almost 100 pages deep on creative strategies that I've never heard of before, really great stuff. You have to invest in yourself before you can invest in real estate and this book is what you need.

Phenomenal Book!

As a seasoned investor it’s a real privilege to have such a wonderful guide. I don’t think I’ve found a more detailed and complete book on real estate investing. Having coached 1000’s of real estate investors of highly recommend this book to new and seasoned investors alike.


Incredibly well-written and detailed. From beginner to professional, this is a no-nonsense, step-by-step guide to finding and executing profitable real estate deals. Highly recommended.

Great book!

Finally found a real estate investing book that goes from A to Z. I have been looking for a blueprint of real estate investing for awhile and this is it. If you are looking to get started in real estate investing I highly recommend this book! This book will give you motivation and confidence to take that first step, but ultimately it is up to you to take action!


Awesome book! Gives lots of great advise on making it in an industry that is extremely competitive. It really is The Real Estate Roadmap!

Amazing book that everyone should read

This book was great. There are a ton of Real Estate books out there but Dan's is real and practical. He delivers on content while we get first hand knowledge on his Real Estate Journey. I would suggest anyone even considering Real Estate Investing to get this book. Seasoned investors need this as well. It helps you think in practical terms how to improve your business.

Great explanation and overview of the complex world of real estate in the US

This book was very in-depth and provided an end-to-end overview of the complex real estate market and what it takes to get in the door and make it a success...on your own terms.

This is the Real Deal. Lots of golden nuggets here

I love the book! I'm a real estate investor in the same market as Daniel- i never met him in person but he helped over the phone on a deal, and many local investors speak highly of him. I've been active in real estate investing for 10 years now and reading just the first couple of chapters- it reinforced a lot of my values and it doesn't read like your standard "fluff" real estate investing books. I know through association and my own conversations with him that Daniel Hart is the real deal and this book is too. Highly recommend for anyone in real estate or wanting to get into real estate investing in the US.

Alot of good knowledge made easy to understand!

Very well written and makes what I thought were complicated concepts easy to understand! I'm about halfway through it and have learned much. I already feel ready to start undertaking this endeavor. Thanks daniel hart for writing this great guide.


Daniel Harts book is a comprehensive review of almost every effective element of a successful Real Estate Business. He reviews Wholesaling, Flipping, Rentals, Creative Financing and even private lending. All of these subjects backed up with actual deals that he has completed. He provides pictures and complete financial break-downs of most of these deals. This book should be considered almost the Text Book on this subject. Very appropriate to title his book "The Real Estate Roadmap"

If you are lost or don't know where to being, The Real Estate Roadmap is for you

I have ordered tons of real estate books on here and this is the first one where I felt compelled to leave a review. This isn't some gimmicky "secret" way to make millions this is practical, real world, I have been here, learn from my mistakes and success guide to real estate investing. Also this author is thorough -- close to 500 pages!! He goes almost 100 pages deep on creative strategies that I've never heard of before, really great stuff. You have to invest in yourself before you can invest in real estate and this book is what you need.

Phenomenal Book!

As a seasoned investor it’s a real privilege to have such a wonderful guide. I don’t think I’ve found a more detailed and complete book on real estate investing. Having coached 1000’s of real estate investors of highly recommend this book to new and seasoned investors alike.


Incredibly well-written and detailed. From beginner to professional, this is a no-nonsense, step-by-step guide to finding and executing profitable real estate deals. Highly recommended.

Great book!

Finally found a real estate investing book that goes from A to Z. I have been looking for a blueprint of real estate investing for awhile and this is it. If you are looking to get started in real estate investing I highly recommend this book! This book will give you motivation and confidence to take that first step, but ultimately it is up to you to take action!


Awesome book! Gives lots of great advise on making it in an industry that is extremely competitive. It really is The Real Estate Roadmap!

Amazing book that everyone should read

This book was great. There are a ton of Real Estate books out there but Dan's is real and practical. He delivers on content while we get first hand knowledge on his Real Estate Journey. I would suggest anyone even considering Real Estate Investing to get this book. Seasoned investors need this as well. It helps you think in practical terms how to improve your business.

Great explanation and overview of the complex world of real estate in the US

This book was very in-depth and provided an end-to-end overview of the complex real estate market and what it takes to get in the door and make it a success...on your own terms.

Based on real-life experience, not theory

Best thing about it? These are proven strategies that the author use. He hasn't earned money selling a dream to anyone. He learned his skills, used it, reaped the benefits, and know decided to help others improve their life as well.

Dan is the Real Deal.

As Executive Director for the Metrolina Real Estate Investors Association in Charlotte from 07-18, I saw a lot of Investors come and go. Including Dan. The difference being, when the others "went", they usually went towards greener pastures, tails firmly between legs. When Dan "went", he went around the world and stayed there. Anyone can write a book about theory, with little to no real world experience. Many do. Dan's "Roadmap" is a successfully-navigated trail from corporate America, to being one of the "heavy-hitters" in the Charlotte real estate market, to financial freedom and a life dedicated to the pursuit of passions without the monetary constraints so many of us face. From time to time I'll see pictures of Dan's latest adventures posted on Facebook and ask myself "Is this guy ever coming back??" He may or may not, but the key takeaway is that, because of the principles laid forth in his book, he does not have to.

The Roadmap to Freedom

If you are looking for a complete, in-depth road map to financial freedom through real estate you have found it. I have appreciated the author's detail in going into specifics in deals he has done and providing the reader with the tools and knowhow to create a comfortable income from real estate. I have recommended this book a number of times since I started reading it. Whether you are an experienced real estate investor or just getting started in the game this book will help push you forward. One of the best financial decisions of my life was buying a four-unit apartment building after college. I was inspired again by reading The Real Estate Roadmap to take control of my financial future and I hope you will be too.

The Business Bible right now

At some point, we should all think about investing, whether we want to do it full-time, use it to prepare for retirement, or just earn a little extra. Having decided not to risk unstable markets, I concluded that real estate was the best bet, and this book came recommended to me. Prepare yourself for the real dope. Hart isn’t trying to oversimplify it and reduce a complex topic to bullet points; . this is a comprehensive look at real estate investing today. I’ve read it once already, but it’s so thorough that I know I’ll need to keep it on my desk and use it as a reference as I continue my investing journey. He holds nothing back; this could have been three books. He approaches the topic holistically, examining all facets of investing, and explaining it in a clear and organized way. It gets my highest recommendation.

Not just another real estate book, but a true roadmap to success.

I have read through this very detailed roadmap to real estate and I have a few things I’d like to share. This book isn’t your “seminar to get rich quick”. This book sets you up for long term strategic growth that is backed by factual data. This book is an amazing jumpstart on acquiring assets that will produce passive income. By no means does reading this book mean you will strike it big Withings the first year, or even few years. But what this book will do is give you an amazing jumpstart on a set of rules to invest by and it will minimize your exposure to risk while maximizing your value on the assets. Give the book a read thoroughly, read for comprehension, not just to say you’ve read another book. Take notes in a separate notepad so you will be able to have quick references. And with the economy the way it is today, now is a prime example of a time to make creative deals that can be lucrative for all parties. *edit* I have already read the book because I ordered it directly through the author during its review phases*

Facts, not hype

Such a helpful book for those wanting to jump into the investing world! I’m a licensed real estate agent and own my own home, but hope to get into investing in the near future. This book is chocked full of actual real life examples of how to invest, and invest WELL, from someone who has done it themselves. No bro marketing, no hype, just facts to get you started with building wealth through real estate. Def worth a read!

Strategies to details. This is a great book for any level.

As a full-time real estate investor for over a decade, I’ve read countless books on a great deal of topics. What sets this book apart is it can help anyone, from novice to advanced investor. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to become a professional investor, this book has the tools you need. Great book.

Fantastic Info!

Great breakdown of his process and a well organized road map from beginning to end. A fantastic resource for those just starting, or even for more experienced people who are interested in expanding their knowledge base.

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