The Pilgrimage (Plus)

Kindle Edition
12 Oct

Here Paulo Coelho details his journey across Spain along the legendaryroad of San Tiago, which pilgrims have travelled since Middle Ages. On this contemporary quest, he encounters a Chaucerian variety of mysterious guides and devilish opponents and learns to understand the nature of truth through the simplicity of life. The Pilgrimage holds an important place in Paulo Coelho's literary canon. His first book, it not only paved the way for his phenomenal novel The Alchemist , but it also fully expresses his humanist philosophy and the depth of his unique search for meaning.

Reviews (177)

Fascinating and Intense, But Be Prepared to (Slightly) Suspend Your Belief in Reality

This book about the Camino de Santiago is slightly bizarre, a bit peculiar and actually quite curious. It is also intensely spiritual. Despite the subject matter—a pilgrimage hike of 500 miles (mostly) through Spain to the shrine of St. James the Great in Galicia—its focus is not so much on the physical walk but rather an existential examination of the meaning of life. Written by Paulo Coelho, the book greatly surprised me. After the first few pages, I had to confirm I was reading nonfiction and not a novel of magical realism. It is nonfiction, but the stories he tells feel like magic at times. Coelho participated in the pilgrimage in a quest to find his sword—the ultimate accomplishment—as part of the initiation into a religious group called the Order of the RAM. Along the way, he meets and fights with his personal devil in the guise of a dog, encounters mysterious guides, supernatural beings, and is taught a series of "exercises" to reach deep inside his soul. In one of those exercises he sees when he will die. He experiences the occult, miracles, physical and spiritual tests, personal battles, life lessons, and the all-consuming power of agape love. It's a fascinating book, albeit quite intense. Read it for spiritual insight and be prepared to (slightly) suspend your belief in reality.

Just like in the Alchemist

I started reading this last week, a month or so after I read the Alchemist. This story held the same mystical magic in it as the Alchemist, but the religious undertones were much more pronounced because of the actual journey. Just like in the Alchemist, I felt like Coelho was pausing the story from time to time to say something directly to me, the reader. He had such wonderful messages about how to experience agape love, let go of the things that tether us, and free ourselves from the things that are distracting us from our true destiny. I'm convinced that I must now try to read everything Coelho has written (which is a lot!). He's truly a wonderful writer and offers God given words.

Paul Coelho's journey

I have walked to Santiago twice, once west across the northern tier of Spain and once north from Porto near the Portuguese coast. I caught myself wishing I had read Coelho's book before starting on the Strange Road to Santiago. Now I'm relieved that I didn't because my experience of the pilgrimage was so similar to his in the most meaningful ways. I needed to discover it for myself. I plan to walk to Santiago again in a few weeks on the gentle route south from Spain's Atlantic coast, and I'll do it with the special joy of taking my friend Coelho's along.

If you love the Alchemist

If you love the Alchemist, and want to see not only the inspiration, but the real life practice of that book's lessons, this book is for you. I also highly recommend Paulo's other autobiographical novels (of which I've read all but one, his newest work, "Hippie") Aleph and The Valkryies. These books not only give you insight into Paulo's life, and the mystery/magical elements of the world, but they also provide a window into the evolution of his marriage to his wife Christina. As for the Pilgrimage, I have bought this book repeatedly for others because I believe it is THE book to show you the way to faith, as well as the way BACK to it, without the preachiness of relgious rhetoric. Check it out. You won't regret it.

This is a great book however it is missing the last chapter!

Below is what I had written in March 2017 but I found out in July 2017 that this book is not ended properly. It is missing the last chapter Santiago de Compostela. The previous chapter is not properly ended either. "...caused the blade of my sword to glisten" was not how Paulo Coelho finished the book. I think all purchaser of the book deserve an explanation from Amazon and HarperOne. I found this very bizarre. So I changed from an original 5-star rating to a 2-star. I read The Pilgrimage more than once. The first time I read it was when I was traveling in Spain and Morocco. This is the type of books that feeds our souls. Though Paulo has other books perhaps more popular The Pilgrimage remains my favorite. It is more for mature readers. I recommend it to everyone who wants to add a bit food to our spiritual journey and pursue life with enthusiasm, wisdom and courage.

Not what I expected!

I think my own expectations lessened my liking for this book. I was not expecting a how-to walk the Camino, but perhaps a more objective real-life account of one’s personal experience. This genre, which I can’t even name or describe, is unfamiliar to me, and I struggle with “this really happened?” Or “Is this just fantasy?” I’m not familiar with Coelho’s style of writing, and this just didn’t win me over. But...I stuck with it, wanting to see if there was resolution.

a bit disappointed

I knew this was an allegorical read from the start. I just finished the Camino and had hoped to find more of a connection with the physical aspects of the journey. But alas not. ANd after finishing I wished i could say I get the message he was trying to convey. Thought the plus edition might have some questions for readers to help one decipher the true meaning of this book. perhaps somethings were lost in the transaltion of this book from his native language to english.

Spiritual Fantasy Presented as Reality

I guess I am a little too grounded in actual reality to buy into the mythology Mr. Coelho sells as reality in this book. It was an interesting read of the authors spiritual adventure and awakening on the Camino de Santiago. As I am planning on making this walk later this year I was interested in both the mystical and historical perspectives presented in this book. If you are looking for a fantasy that is presented as fact this is the book for you. I did not understand this was an autobiographical account until after reading the book. Knowing it was suppose to be non-fiction made me like the book less in that it asks the reader to accept mythology as fact. I can do that with fantasies, but not in realities. If you don't have that hang-up with non-belief in mythology you may enjoy the book more than I did.

The Journey through the Pilgrimage

~Summary~ The Pilgrimage is about one mans journey to find himself through the excuse of finding his sword. At first, the main character had gone through a set of trails not specifically talked about in the book, to earn the right to have his sword. But because of his impatiance, he has to prove himself by taveling down the Road of Santiago. There, he meets his mentor who will teach him the practices that he has to use to find his sword. The main meat of the book is the main character on this journey. Whether he finds his sword or not will be up to you to find out. ~Impressions~ To be honest, there were parts of this book that made it hard to read. Some parts just made you loes intrest. But to conteract that, there were parts where the words flowed naturally off of the page to make not reading on to the next chapter hard. The book teaches a lot about the human mind and how most people think and I found that interesting. I loved how it emphsized the importance of having mental toughness in life as that is truth. ~Recommendations~ I would recommend this book to anyone having trouble finding themselves. This book has a lot to do with that and may provide some answers for said person. Coming from a teenage male perspective, I feel like it can relate a bit to my group. Would read again in a few years.

The Pilgrimage

The Pilgrimage is the story of Paulo Coelho's journey on The Road to Santiago. During his journey he discovers the secrets of wisdom, love, and God who resides in all of us. It's very interesting and even entertaining to read. He describes all the excersices and practices to obtain the secrets of the world and describes some of the religious visions he has, that sometimes seem like he was having a trip off some psychedelic drugs. Very interesting read.

Fascinating and Intense, But Be Prepared to (Slightly) Suspend Your Belief in Reality

This book about the Camino de Santiago is slightly bizarre, a bit peculiar and actually quite curious. It is also intensely spiritual. Despite the subject matter—a pilgrimage hike of 500 miles (mostly) through Spain to the shrine of St. James the Great in Galicia—its focus is not so much on the physical walk but rather an existential examination of the meaning of life. Written by Paulo Coelho, the book greatly surprised me. After the first few pages, I had to confirm I was reading nonfiction and not a novel of magical realism. It is nonfiction, but the stories he tells feel like magic at times. Coelho participated in the pilgrimage in a quest to find his sword—the ultimate accomplishment—as part of the initiation into a religious group called the Order of the RAM. Along the way, he meets and fights with his personal devil in the guise of a dog, encounters mysterious guides, supernatural beings, and is taught a series of "exercises" to reach deep inside his soul. In one of those exercises he sees when he will die. He experiences the occult, miracles, physical and spiritual tests, personal battles, life lessons, and the all-consuming power of agape love. It's a fascinating book, albeit quite intense. Read it for spiritual insight and be prepared to (slightly) suspend your belief in reality.

Just like in the Alchemist

I started reading this last week, a month or so after I read the Alchemist. This story held the same mystical magic in it as the Alchemist, but the religious undertones were much more pronounced because of the actual journey. Just like in the Alchemist, I felt like Coelho was pausing the story from time to time to say something directly to me, the reader. He had such wonderful messages about how to experience agape love, let go of the things that tether us, and free ourselves from the things that are distracting us from our true destiny. I'm convinced that I must now try to read everything Coelho has written (which is a lot!). He's truly a wonderful writer and offers God given words.

Paul Coelho's journey

I have walked to Santiago twice, once west across the northern tier of Spain and once north from Porto near the Portuguese coast. I caught myself wishing I had read Coelho's book before starting on the Strange Road to Santiago. Now I'm relieved that I didn't because my experience of the pilgrimage was so similar to his in the most meaningful ways. I needed to discover it for myself. I plan to walk to Santiago again in a few weeks on the gentle route south from Spain's Atlantic coast, and I'll do it with the special joy of taking my friend Coelho's along.

If you love the Alchemist

If you love the Alchemist, and want to see not only the inspiration, but the real life practice of that book's lessons, this book is for you. I also highly recommend Paulo's other autobiographical novels (of which I've read all but one, his newest work, "Hippie") Aleph and The Valkryies. These books not only give you insight into Paulo's life, and the mystery/magical elements of the world, but they also provide a window into the evolution of his marriage to his wife Christina. As for the Pilgrimage, I have bought this book repeatedly for others because I believe it is THE book to show you the way to faith, as well as the way BACK to it, without the preachiness of relgious rhetoric. Check it out. You won't regret it.

This is a great book however it is missing the last chapter!

Below is what I had written in March 2017 but I found out in July 2017 that this book is not ended properly. It is missing the last chapter Santiago de Compostela. The previous chapter is not properly ended either. "...caused the blade of my sword to glisten" was not how Paulo Coelho finished the book. I think all purchaser of the book deserve an explanation from Amazon and HarperOne. I found this very bizarre. So I changed from an original 5-star rating to a 2-star. I read The Pilgrimage more than once. The first time I read it was when I was traveling in Spain and Morocco. This is the type of books that feeds our souls. Though Paulo has other books perhaps more popular The Pilgrimage remains my favorite. It is more for mature readers. I recommend it to everyone who wants to add a bit food to our spiritual journey and pursue life with enthusiasm, wisdom and courage.

Not what I expected!

I think my own expectations lessened my liking for this book. I was not expecting a how-to walk the Camino, but perhaps a more objective real-life account of one’s personal experience. This genre, which I can’t even name or describe, is unfamiliar to me, and I struggle with “this really happened?” Or “Is this just fantasy?” I’m not familiar with Coelho’s style of writing, and this just didn’t win me over. But...I stuck with it, wanting to see if there was resolution.

a bit disappointed

I knew this was an allegorical read from the start. I just finished the Camino and had hoped to find more of a connection with the physical aspects of the journey. But alas not. ANd after finishing I wished i could say I get the message he was trying to convey. Thought the plus edition might have some questions for readers to help one decipher the true meaning of this book. perhaps somethings were lost in the transaltion of this book from his native language to english.

Spiritual Fantasy Presented as Reality

I guess I am a little too grounded in actual reality to buy into the mythology Mr. Coelho sells as reality in this book. It was an interesting read of the authors spiritual adventure and awakening on the Camino de Santiago. As I am planning on making this walk later this year I was interested in both the mystical and historical perspectives presented in this book. If you are looking for a fantasy that is presented as fact this is the book for you. I did not understand this was an autobiographical account until after reading the book. Knowing it was suppose to be non-fiction made me like the book less in that it asks the reader to accept mythology as fact. I can do that with fantasies, but not in realities. If you don't have that hang-up with non-belief in mythology you may enjoy the book more than I did.

The Journey through the Pilgrimage

~Summary~ The Pilgrimage is about one mans journey to find himself through the excuse of finding his sword. At first, the main character had gone through a set of trails not specifically talked about in the book, to earn the right to have his sword. But because of his impatiance, he has to prove himself by taveling down the Road of Santiago. There, he meets his mentor who will teach him the practices that he has to use to find his sword. The main meat of the book is the main character on this journey. Whether he finds his sword or not will be up to you to find out. ~Impressions~ To be honest, there were parts of this book that made it hard to read. Some parts just made you loes intrest. But to conteract that, there were parts where the words flowed naturally off of the page to make not reading on to the next chapter hard. The book teaches a lot about the human mind and how most people think and I found that interesting. I loved how it emphsized the importance of having mental toughness in life as that is truth. ~Recommendations~ I would recommend this book to anyone having trouble finding themselves. This book has a lot to do with that and may provide some answers for said person. Coming from a teenage male perspective, I feel like it can relate a bit to my group. Would read again in a few years.

The Pilgrimage

The Pilgrimage is the story of Paulo Coelho's journey on The Road to Santiago. During his journey he discovers the secrets of wisdom, love, and God who resides in all of us. It's very interesting and even entertaining to read. He describes all the excersices and practices to obtain the secrets of the world and describes some of the religious visions he has, that sometimes seem like he was having a trip off some psychedelic drugs. Very interesting read.

Spiritual insight into the Camino

I hope to one day walk the Camino to Santiago de Compostela so read this book looking for insight. At times the spiritual visions were moving, other times long. This is a book that could carry different insights and meaning at different times, through multiple readings.


A very boring book. It’s written as if the author never decided whether he was writing a novel or memoir. As a novel, the characters are mere devices, without development, the story-line trite and nebulous, and the writing itself lacking in detail or nuance. As a memoir, if that’s what it is, it is most likely dishonest, if not in facts then in the lack of facts—all of it is as generalized as a self-delusion. The only reason to read it is if you’re a fan of The Alchemist and want to study the failures that can lead to success. We all fail, but the failures aren’t always worth reading.

Powerful, Entertaining, Transforming

An autobiographical account of Coelho's own initiation and discovery along the road to Santiago. The book itself is an interesting read for the storyline alone - and the discussion of the perils of the journey, the experience and the lessons learned are worth the read. As always Paulo Coelho's writings are entertaining, easy to absorb at that level, and flow well. At the next level, the book is a manual of initiation - a roadmap - though incomplete - for making a pilgrimage to self discovery, to entering a path where the destination is far less important than the lessons learned along the way, and where the astute observer will recognize the parallels between a short pilgrimage and a lifelong one. Coelho gose so far as to provide exercises and morsels of lessons for those interested in testing the treading of the path. As in all of Coelho's work, the concept of true love - here discussed in terms of philos, eros and agape - pervades the book and provides extremely powerful insights and meditative points. A good read on a basic level, a very powerful one on a deeper level

Great story of the Camino

I have walked the French way so this story held a lot of personal meaning. I liked this book better than the Alchemist, and both are wonderful.

Can't wait to do my own pilgrimage.

So far so good. Haven't finished it yet, but so far it's a great mix of spiritual teachings I've come to expect from this author and a cool story about this trip. I'm totally wanting to do the Camino de Santiago now.

All I can say is WOW!!!

This is the second book of Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist was the first), that I have read. My initial reason for reading this was the subject matter. Last year, I had attempted to walk the Camino, but didn't get to far. I still have the calling, so the book was a way to get back in the frame of mind. But this book blew me away. His words come alive and you just want to absorb everyone. He makes you think and reflect on your own life. I will definitely have to read this again. When I go on my next Camino, it''ll be part of my Kindle library.

An inspiring Pilgrimage for both Coelho and the reader

I've read a lot of Paulo Coelho over the years, but I had never read "The Pilgrimage" in its entirety. Last week, after watching a special about the Portuguese road to Santiago, I decided to read this book and was both pleasantly surprised and slightly disappointed (if that's even possible). I was surprised by how much this book made me want to travel the road and learn about myself and the history of those who have traveled it. (I'm going to look into the Portuguese road and all that it has to offer. I have been to Santiago de Compostela, but walking the road is really what I find most intriguing.) I was disappointed in the "supernatural" aspect of the book, all the things I consider impossible to the majority of the population. We cannot all have these magical powers that Coelho claims to have. We do not all have the sage knight Petrus to guide us on the road. This is perhaps why I find the story of "The Alchemist" so much more appealing to the population at large. The shepherd Santiago can be anyone, while the pilgrim Paulo Coelho is always Paulo Coelho. This being said, I loved the way this experience clearly inspired Coelho's many books. The shepherd Santiago is obviously named after the Saint, of course, but he is also inspired by the shepherd who appears here to Coelho during his pilgrimage. The ruined castle is a scene that comes up again and again in Coelho's stories--not just in "The Alchemist" but also in "Veronika Decides to Die" and other books. Reading Paulo Coelho is always rewarding in some way because by reading his books you learn about yourself. This, Coelho's first book, is no exception. Reading Paulo Coelho is more rewarding, of course, the more you read Paulo Coelho. I am glad I did not read "The Pilgrimage" before "The Alchemist" or before "Veronika" because I do not know that I would have kept reading and seeking. I had been in a Coelho slump recently, but this has motivated me to pull another of his novels off the shelf.

A road of many strange things

A man starts on a pilgrimage to San Tiago. He experiences many fantasy like things along the way. I know them to be occult experiences. I found I was uncomfortable as he had these experiences. He is looking for something specific and if he is ahead of you you just get accustomed to his strange ways. I enjoyed reading this book even though I found it strange. I know a Pastor of a church that I attend made this same pilgrimage and I've never spoken in depth with him about his trip. I may change that circumstance and do that. bc Dijon bc c.f.vCard

A "must read" for all who walk the journey of life.

This is a well written novel about the quest that lies deep within all of us. We all seek to be rewarded in life, to receive our own sword, but Paulo Coelho's protagonist discovers that the real secret is how we use the sword in our life and not the reward of having achieved the sword. This book is an artful blend of faith and human nature that is intertwined with an underlying mysticism. Buen Camino!

epic, enlightening read

enlightening, uplifting, and written with such poetic simplicity and believability, it is quite easy to imagine the story as a real account of real, spiritual encounter. everyone can take away all kinds of life lessons, hidden in plain sight in each and every chapter.

The Camino from a mystical perspective

Paulc Coelho is an amazing writer, and this book is just as amazing as he is - especially for those on the mystical path. In this book he brings a different perspective to the 500 mile El Camino de Santiago which almost turns it into an adventure novel, wherein he faces many of his internal blockages and demons as well. At the end of the book he calls it a work of fiction - but it is truly evident that he wandered between worlds to creat this beautiful work.

for anyone who has walked the Camino on foot or in their heart

Really, a beautiful, powerful example of a spiritual journey. They are never what we expect and so much more.

Love Coelho's Books and this is best Starter!

I have handed this book(s) out to a lot of people. And i keep ordering them cause i dont get them back. This was the first Coelho book i was given to read and i lived it so much that i immediately bought my own. It will make you yearn to take a Pilgrimage like he did. If you watch the movie "The Way" with Martin Sheen it shows you part of this journey of Santiago because he takes it.

Not what you might expect

A disappointment after 'The Alchemist' Sort of Carlos Castaneda without the drugs.

Back cover was bent and the back is printed crooked/off

I love this book, so the two-star review is in no way related to the story. However, upon receiving the book today, I noticed that the back is printed weird/slightly crooked. It also is very apparent that it was bent at some point. I wanted to give this as a gift :-/ Very disappointed in its condition (I bought it as New).

All must find one,'s self

It's all about the journey not the destination. Keep moving my boy! With God all things are possible with Love

Interesting account of a pilgrimage

After reading 'The Alchemist' and my interest in the Camino, I thought this was the perfect match. It didn't read as nicely as The Alchemist and didn't give me the feeling of walking the pilgrimage (what I had hoped for). It did have an interesting way of stitching pilgrimage, occult and religion together and keep me reading it.


Yes i would recommend the book which was very enlightening. I don't know how to explain it but there was a few areas in the chapters that were overstated or lengthy.

The adventure of finding self

I enjoyed this book and was so impressed with the ease in Which it was written. It was very hard to pace myself and just slow down and enjoy .

A little weird

I started reading this book as I plan to walk the Camino but found it to be a little too weird. I’ve read other Coelho books but this one turned me off.

The Pilgrimage

Having walked the first 100 miles of the Camino not really knowing what drew me to it and with hopes of returning to complete it some day, the Pilgrimage offers moments of reflection and self analysis. Reading his books is like a soul retreat in the midst of our hectic lives.

Should be required reading...

For anyone who considers himself to be a seeker, I think The Pilgrimage should be required reading. If not for the hue and cry about the "magical" practices in this book, I would recommend giving it to 7th and 8th graders. Focusing as this book does on the path of self discovery and deeply looking within, I see it as a necessary and proper balance to that which has us focusing on the "mote" or "speck" in the eyes of others. Yes, some of the criticism of this book points out that some people living/working along the road to Santiago, where much of the story unfolded, were critical of this and that which occured along the way; yet, without intending to be disrespectful of such criticisms, I ask: what is there in all of creation which hasn't been criticized for something by someone, somewhere? Probably nothing. For me, the journey of this book is challenging, frightening, enlightening and probably central to our, and each of us, "reason" for being.

Too occult!

A mixture of New Age and Catolisism. Too occult for me. ‘The Alchemist’ is way better.

Highly recommend

Highly recommend

An internal life

After doing two Caminos (Le Chemin de St. Jacques and the Camino del Norte), I decided to read "The Pilgrimage (Plus)". I didn't realize that it was a novel, an allegory, though I knew it was "spiritual". So the protagonist decides to walk the Camino Frances (the popular Camino). He has a guide that sets him challenges that the author (protagonist) thinks is impossible but of course, isn't. He lives a very internal life. Nothing about other pilgrims, walkers and little about the townspeople. But the Camino brings you face to face with people from all over the world. He could have woven this into his allegory.

A Very Different Pilgrimage

This is the first book by this author I have read. I bought two others at the same time. While I am very familiar with some of the terrain and locations that the book covers, I was, admittedly, surprised by the story. If you are in to symbols and mysterious rituals, this is a fine book and a good experience. If you want the "Santiago Experience," you might want to think again. Overall, I enjoyed the story and the characters.


Good book!

Great for fans of spiritual adventures!

I really enjoyed The Pilgrimage. Paulo Coelho is one of my favorite authors and I was not disappointed by this story. As someone who has been fascinated by the Road to Santiago - I really enjoyed the novel and it made me even more excited to take the Pilgrimage myself one day. It is an easy read and has a lot of depth for people who enjoy a book with a deeper message.

A Must Read

A really profound story for those of any faith or creed. If you are open to unique ideas about the purpose of life and our search for happiness, this is a great alegory for you to read.

Weird end

Good book but a bit strange at the end. I like the insight of the first part of the book and will read again.

A Classic! Great Lessons Throughout

A Classic!! This book will teach you all about "The Way"! Great lessons throughout. Easy Read. Awesome Author!

The Pilgrimage

This is a great book. While reading through its pages, i was able to apply all the lessons that Coelho learned through his pilgrimage to my own daily life. It is interesting how we are all pilgrims in our daily lives, looking to fight the good fight. I highly recommended to people going through transitions in their lives. It is helping me through my transition from undergraduate school to graduate and in deciding where i want to work. I always feared change but change is a must sometimes to discover ourselves, as i learned from this book.

very engaging

This book is considered a companion to The Alchemist yet, for me, was more interesting, with incredible experiences and a "must" for somebody in search of himself. The Way of Santiago is not for the faint of heart. Many years ago was probably common for the spiritual seeker of inward discoveries, but doing it from the beginning to the end, today, is simply extraordinary. Great book!

A mystical and personal journey

I chose this book because the Alchemist is such a well told story and because I am interested in walking the pilgrims path to Santiago de Campostella. what I discovered was a very personal and often strange experience that seems very Brazilian because it is so often tied to mystical or some might say superstitious explanations. because the story recounts a very personal experience of the author, I didn't learn a lot about the journey I hope to take someday.

I am now officially a fan of...

Paulo Coelho, the stories he writes with the underlying messages just takes hold. I literally didn't want to put the book down. Then I realized I needed to take a break to digest and relive what I had experienced, Excellent writing that reaches into many areas of the readers psyche. Amazing, I look forward to experiencing many of his other works.

It’s a book.

Great book

It's the journey that matters most

I learned so many lessons from reading this book: Stay present, enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. Trust your intuition, you are smarter than you think Meet your fears head on, you may discover just how brave you truly are. Stay open to change, you never know what surprises God has in store for you.

Nice pigrim

Nice pilgrim

He Didn't Bother Finishing the Pilgrimage

The author took a bus the last leg to Santiago de Compostelo (too busy to walk). About a sentence allowed to his time in that city--his real goal was only to get his sword back, not really to complete the ancient pilgrimage trek. Filled with esoteric and unlikely events regular people would never experience. Disappointing.

The magical parts of the story were not to my ...

The magical parts of the story were not to my liking. I was hoping for more realistic experiences on the pilgrimage.

Didn't grab me

I've walked the Camino and I couldn't get into this. Not as immersive as the Alchemist

Five Stars

As promised and quick delivery.

The journey begins or continues

as a reader you will make a pilgrimage spiritually as you read this book. definitely an awakening adventure. awesome compliment to the alchemist


As with many other people Coelho's account has inspired us to plan our own pilgrimage next year to Santiago de Compostela. Not completely a memoir, but based on his own experience and communicates much needed wisdom.

An awesome spiritual journey

This is not a travel book, but a spiritual journey. Coelho presented the Tradition which shares many common practices with other spiritual growth choices. It's fascinating to experience the journey with him.

Lots of Meditation and Religious Undertones

I read this after the Alchemist. I liked the Alchemist better. This one is more religious in tone and there are lots of meditation techniques.

If you are new to Paulo Coelho this is a good place to start

I love this book. It has been a dream of mine for many years (ever since the movie, The Way) to walk the Camino, and this book not only covers the walk, but the writer's mystical experiences, as well. I bought two copies one for me, and one for a friend. (I had borrowed the copy I read).

The Pilgrimage

Coelho always writes with imagination and creativity. The novel came as a recommendation for the walk to St. James in Spain. Coelho supposedly captures the imagination and glory of the walk and couples it with a story. His writings always lift me both creativity and spiritually. He has a gift.


Great book. Fun to read after returning from the Camino.

I love all of his books

I love all of Coelho’s books. They make you analyze your life and your purpose

Three Stars

Not as good as his other work


I very much enjoyed Paulo's account of his pilgrimage along the road to Santiago. I could feel his frustration and his hopefulness as he met each new challenge. I couldn't put it down--I wanted to know what new challenge would meet him each day!

Interesting Perspective on a Camino Pilgrimage

Written in the "magical realism" style, Paulo Coelho's "The Pilgrimage" focuses on one man's quest for enlightenment in the (mostly unexplained) "Tradition" via a journey to Santiago de Compostela. If you are looking for a conventional account of a pilgrimage to Santiago, this is NOT it, but it does highlight the diversity of motivations that prompt one to undertake this journey.

One of the top 3 books i've ever read (over the Alchemist!)

Fantastic book

Another gem!

This is the second book I've read by Paulo Coelho, the first being The Alchemist. I'm hooked! Excellent author that includes life lessons in his interesting stories. His books make me stop and reflect on my life.

I wish he would write The Alchemist part two or at least another book halfway as good.

Could not finish the book. The story was not that interesting and the knowledge I was hoping to find was way too far between pages and very lacking. I wish he would write The Alchemist part two or at least another book halfway as good.

A thought provoking spiritual journey

I began reading this book in Spanish as I am a teacher. I was interested in the road to Santiago de Compostela, but I got more than I expected in this story. First it was so well written that I believed to be a true account and was surprised to find it to be a work of fiction. It was profoundly moving throughout and kept me reading to find out what would happen next.

The geography you will be traveling through.

I will be doing the Camino in 2019 with a friend and found the read fascinating.

I liked it very much

I liked it very much. I had read the Alchemist previously. It was better. This was more autobiographical and shed some light on Coelho.

Religion or thoughts of God isn't everybody's favorite read, but it's mine

Can't put it down. A novel's tale of spirtitual quest. Religion or thoughts of God isn't everybody's favorite read, but it's mine.

A must read

Absolutely brilliant writing, I was kept on my toes every step of the way. I am left inspired by this beautiful journey:)

The road less traveled

After reading the Alchemist I was drawn to The Pilgrimage next; and it truly was the road I wanted to travel on with the Coelho next. It was a journey of enlightenment for me, and will pull me to read another by this soul searching author.

The book choose me...

Awesome and inspiring... thankful for the teachings in it! Might the Lord of the Universe continue inspiring Paulo to write more books like this.


I have been on this path in recent months to discover things about myself. This is my third Paulo Coehlo book. I have enjoyed each in a different way. I look forward to my next title by him as well. Each person has a personal journey and mission, not sure we all know that yet, or how to approach it if we do.

I love this book

I am still in the process of reading this book. I think the religious and historic aspect is what resonates with me.

Personal interior

I loved this book and will re-read it many times. This "diary" and the mystical exercises seem to have an effect just from reading them. I look forward to my own pilgrimage, which of course will be different.

Always good

I like the mystic aspect, and the fact that the journey was on a real road with real history. I love the idea of our journey in life. Whether it's on an ancient road, or in our regular lives. Be open, pay attention

We are all on a pilgrimage

Takes the reader on a personal journey. More about the inner life of the seeker than the path to Santiago. Together with A Million Steps, this opens the heart to the miracles of pilgrimage.

Patient but Interesting

It is indeed challenging to get going. But if you through with initial 40-50 pages, then this indeed is very good read.

one of the best books

I have read this book dozens of times because wherever I am in life this book reminds me that I am where I should be. Life is a journey, and we will get where we should get, in our own time.

Buyer Beware: This great book is incomplete.

I enjoyed this book but the edition I received seems to be incomplete. It ends before he gets to Santiago de Compostela and the back seems to have room for insights, interviews and more. I don't understand how Amazon (and Harper) can sell an incomplete book??? Separately from the above issue, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and am planning to do the Camino next year. It is well written, the English translation is virtually flawless and the "surreal" nature of the various chapters, mysticism and biblical references make it a captivating read in an awe inspiring setting.

The ability of the Camino to modify the whole person

No matter how one approaches the Camino walk, a change (s) takes place. At some time either during or after walking the Camino one sees the world differently. You can get by on a lot less baggage. You don't need to rush ahead to see what's coming. Your daily goal becomes more flexible. When you get home, wherever, you are a new person! You will always be happy that you "made" a Camino. The Camino has changed my life

Five Stars


Thought provoking for those on a spiritual journey in their life.

I would recommend this book for those on such a journey. A reminder of the importance of spirituality and love in our life and the commitment to this is why we are here. To share this with others is our purpose in life. How this is done, that is the book.

The Pilgrimage is a most delightfully written work which shares ...

The Pilgrimage is a most delightfully written work which shares the challenges which we encounter as we walk our path to wholeness. The WAY is not always smooth going but each experience is there for a purpose. Each one teaches us a lesson, if we are wise enough to ponder it. Once I began to read it - I couldn't stop! It so parallels "My Walk". At age 82 I'm still walking and learning and hopefully growing in wisdom.

Really enjoyed the exploration of character and journey

I wanted to explore this pilgrimage and this book took me on a reading journey. Really very good story. Read it after the movie on the same topic with Martin Sheen.

The road less traveled.

Like all of Paulo's books, this one inspires, rivets, and uplifts. It also made me want to go walk the same path he did!

Five Stars

Thank you!

a good book well worth the read

a good book well worth the read

Must read

A classic


I chose to read The Pilgrimage before reading the Alchemist thinking I should read in the order written. I was so glad I did. Although the Alchemist is a great book and I highly recommend it, The Pilgimage is beyond incredible. It's definately a book that should be read more than once in order to absorb all it has to say. If you're looking for depth and insight, look no's here.

He does it again!

Another beautiful book by Paulo Coelho. Thoroughly enjoyed the trip and all the great inspiration it provides. It makes one think of possibilities and situations that are meaningful and should not be ignored.

Five Stars

A must read book!

The Pilgrimage shows us the way and the lesson, but we must walk it for ourselves

Terrific book. Paulo Coelho brings to life his personal journey on the Road to Santiago. His master guided him as he faced many tests. In the end, Paulo had to discover for himself the secret of the sword. You need to walk your own road in order to discover your secret.

Five Stars

A meaningful journey

Five Stars

Love this story!

it is excellent and Paulo Coelho is a great writer

If you keep up with the Santiago culture, it is excellent and Paulo Coelho is a great writer. This is as good as The Alchemist

What a Trip!

Taking the journey with Paulo is enlightening in the spiritual sense and is a blessing to the soul of the reader - A master story from a master storyteller Do not read it all at once Savor each chapter and apply it to your own life

I would like to take the same pilgrimage myself -- very interesting tale !

As I read this book, I occasionally wondered if the author was writing about an experience he actually had or if he was writing fiction. The book is fascinating. Great read !


Absolutely loved this book. Highly recommend reading!

Couldn't finish it

Couldn't finish it. A book about a religious pilgrimage turned into a weird journey about sword and conjuring the devil.


This book helps one realize the lessons meant to learn throughout the everyday pilgrimage that we call life. What a tremendously enlightening read. Thank you Paulo Cuelho.

The Pilgrimage

I liked the simplicity of his words that carry so much depth and insight into life. His journey is one we should all make, whether on the Camino de Santiago or out our back door. It is one of discovery and revelation of what can be for all people.

walk the camino

I have always wanted to walk the camino and this book made me want to go even more.The scenery explained, you could almost see. Also the lessons learned during the story anyone could take up and weave into their life very good

Great Story

Amazing tale of a journey that we all take in living our lives. It is inspiring and very, very spiritual.

I thought this was an excellent book from Paulo Coelho

I thought this was an excellent book from Paulo Coelho. I read The Alchemist first and then read this one after. After reading this one, it's turned me on to reading more of his books. I would definitely recommend this.

Five Stars

Great book..great price..Rudy Rios


Lots of good reviews and a famous author's name on it prompted me to get this book. However, as I'm preparing for the Camino, I'm looking for books that are about the trek, and this is too mystical for me.

A wonderful book! Simply wonderful

A wonderful book! Simply wonderful! I wish I could say more, but I don't want to spoil it for those who want to read it. Pure Magic of the most essential type!

Five Stars

Another thoroughly enchanting work by Paulo Coelho.

Four Stars

A little on the dreamy side for me. But well written.


A book from one of my favorite authors. This book pulls you in and has you relate to the characters experiences, a wonderful journey. A must read with great little exercises for daily life.

Five Stars


Loved it!

I felt like I was on the adventure with him and it changed me in some ways. I can't recommend this highly enough.


Very important info in this book.

No magical revelations

I'm not sure what I expected this book to be, but I was hoping to find some inspiration that would make me want to take my own pilgrimage. I didnt find any mystical answers or a sudden inspiration to follow in the footsteps of the author. However, to be fair, I did find some thought provoking gems buried within its pages.

Great spiritual thinking exercise.

Excellent book. Unexpected ending. Great depth of spiritual meaning. Enjoyed it because it made me think. Did not tell me what to do.

Provocative. This book opened my eyes to the possibility ...

Provocative. This book opened my eyes to the possibility of making a pilgrimage which I did last fall.

Five Stars


Great to plan a trip

Good reading experience

Another Great One!

Yes, Yes, Yes! I will always read anything Paulo Coelho writes! This man is enlightened and brilliant! So enthralling as always!

great story, great autjor

--continually impreseed with paulo coelho and his literary breadth. His stories never disappoint. They are moralwithout expressly meaning to be and delightful without any air of contrivance.

Another hit

Paulo takes you on a journey in a way that only he can easily do. He has you right along side of him every step of the way. Very enjoyable read.

Good but not my favorite Paulo Coelho

I love Paulo Coelho and I've read all of his books. Typically I can't put them down. I like this one, but I haven't been as spellbound as when reading his others.

Paulo Coelho

A most beautiful book. I have read all the books by Paulo Coelho and find this one of the most interesting and insightful wirting. Just talking on this pilgrmage is a feat upon itself but writing about it is another story. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is intereted in taking on a different task.


Great story, well done.

Five Stars

Paulo lets you take a journey through his words. A master.

A Surreal Book

Decided to read this book when I discovered it is a companion to The Alchemist that I read a few years ago. It's about the El Camino de Santiago that I will travel soon. Coelho's experiences on the pilgrimage are wrapped up in a mysterious religious group to which he belongs and to which I could not relate. Still he had a few strange encounters that pilgrims today may not find.

Good not Great

I"m a big fan of Coelho. This however is not among my favorites, good but not great.

Complex read but if you want tons of details on ...

Complex read but if you want tons of details on Portugal by all means dive in. Every church in the nation!

bizarre, strange and yet beneficial

This is an interesting read. It gives you meditation practices and allows you to heal yourself while following his journey. It is a bit strange and bizarre, but I found it relaxing and beneficial.

Five Stars

Finding ourselves doesn't require any further journey than through your own soul.


This was book was mainly about a man named Paulo who was becoming a master and receiving a sword in an ancient religion but was too eager to move forward. As a result of not understanding this lesson, Paulo must undertake one final journey. If he does not succeed, he will not receive his sword and the title of Master. Paulo is told by his Master to take a pilgrimage of seven hundred kilometers from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France to Santiago in Spain. He is then guided by a man named Petrus. He encounters many challenges and learns many lessons throughout his journey. This book is a very teaching book. It gives the reader many lessons that can relate to many situations. The author wrote this book like a flashback, giving readers conversations he had and explaining experiences. I liked that about the book, because ultimately you can how much Paulo matured and changed from the beginning to the end of the book. The book was pretty easy to understand, especially if you payed attention and actually read. There were many messages you could leave this book with. It was a pretty good, teaching book. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who feels as though they need to go on a spiritual journey. To anyone that feels they are okay with where he or she is, it really is no point in reading this. Honestly it was a great book and taught me a lot but it isnt a must read for everyone. This book did teach many life lessons that could help, but I would't say everyone would enjoy reading it or get anything out of it. All in all, I felt this was a great book and taught me a lot.

Beautiful complement to my thoughts as I walked my path

read it on the plane on my way to do the Camino. Beautiful complement to my thoughts as I walked my path.

Damaged item

My book was damaged in the side.

I thought the pilgrimage was actually a really good book. One thing that made the book good ...

The pilgrimage is a story about a man named Paulo who went on the journey to Santiago. On this journey Paulo was trying to find his sword. During the journey Paulo was with a man name Petrus who was going to guide him through the road to Santiago. When Paulo first started the journey all he thought about was finding a sword but during the journey the sword got less and less important to him. In this book a man named Paulo truly finds who he really is. I thought the pilgrimage was actually a really good book. One thing that made the book good was that it wasn't hard to read at all and that it wasn't a long book. It was a book for many ages to read it wasn't to difficult to understand. I thought the book was partially a true story but also had some lies in it to make it more exciting to read. I think the message of the book was to show people how there is so much to you that you don't even know everything about yourself. It shows by staying away from large populations you become one with yourself and you have nothing to worry about. We take Mother Nature and its beauty for granted. I think everyone should read this book. I don't read books that often but I thought it was a great book. It made me think a lot when I was reading it and even when I wasn't. When I was reading I thought a lot about what would happen if I was on the road to Santiago would that change me how it changed Paulo. If you read this book I think you'll like it as much as me. It is boring at times but reading is never really exciting anyways.

Paulo takes you to a far off land...

As with the Alchemist, Paulo Coelho takes you to a far away land in this incredible account of his journey on the actual Camino de Santiago which i had the pleasure of venturing on while actually reading the book. I felt so much more connected to the journey having read his account and through his eyes i really saw a whole different side of what could be merely a nature hike but is really so much more. SO GOOD.

Good book I recommend it to readers who enjoyed the alchemist.

Wasn't as good as alchemist but it was good and taught good messages. Its about a guy on a pilgrimage and he learns lessons along the way.

Stunning Review

I thought the book was a great book. The book is about a man who is a journey to Santiago. But on his journey he encounters a lot of paths that he needs to over come. He has to dig deep down and find the true him and over come many things. The purpose of this trip is so he can become a new person and do many new things that he has not done before. This will bring out a new him and this will help him as he goes on in life after this journey. The thing in the book that got me noteworthy was how he had the drive and how focused he was to make it to the end of his task. The strength of the book was it was very detailed and this was a very good thing. The weakness of the book to me was I thought the ending was just a little dry, I felt as tho they could have added just a little more to it. I like the authors writing style this was very good on how he wrote it. It was well written the words all followed very well and his was a great thing. I think the message of the book is to show you that no matter how hard things may get never give up. There is always a road of something to come at the end of everything. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a book about a journey or a path in someones life. I think it is good to read as a class because you really get to see what others think of the book together. I also think if you like a book about a person that is going thro something in life that this is a good book. The book just expresses so many trails and then he some how over comes everything. So if you like to read go head and buy the book.

The Pilgrimage- a journey for life- Amazon Purchase

The Pilgrimage was a most thought-provoking read.I read it after walking a stretch of the Camino de Santiago and would highly recommend it as a spiritual preparation for the journey. Its mystical message was beyond me at times but it stretched and opened up possibilities for debate and aspiration. It captured the tranquility and peace of the walk itself and was a lesson in how to live for the moment and the value of doing just that.Am going to re-read it immediately!!


Looks like this is the beginning of a new journey for myself. I've read 2 other Paulo books and now it's time for me to take the journey of all his books. I love the style, the lessons,the possibilities in his writing. It lays feeds my soul

To be read along with watching the movie "The Way" before embarking on trip!

I loved this book! I was already on The Camino, almost finishing up the trip, before reading it. I had wished I read it earlier on, or before going.

Hope You Enjoy. I believe the main point of the book ...

The Pilgrimage starts with a man named Paulo. Paulo is quest to earn his sword after failing when it is given to him by his master. He is sent on a quest on the road to Santiago. He then meets Petrus, His guide, who also becomes his teacher of the road. As you read this, you and Paulo will learn the true meaning of the road and sword. Hope You Enjoy. I believe the main point of the book is to do everything with a purpose. In the beginning Paulo didn't really have a valid motive to retrieving his sword. As time went on he realized there was more to it than just a sword. This impacted me and made me think of my everyday life. Why am I here? What has God put me on this earth to do? I think the books main purpose is to tell us we need to find our true purposes for the things we do and only then we will be closer to ourselves, others, and God mentally and spiritually. The book was a pretty good read, though times I believe some chapters had a lot of un needed information which would sometimes make the reading boring. Other than that, a really good book. Me personally would recommend this book to others. This book can help a person when thinking about themselves and there relationships around them. Might even make you change the way you view or do things. It showed me that sometimes little things can have an even bigger meaning than you think. Who ever decides to read this book, will get a lot of it. I promise you.


Love this. I went on a Pilgrimage in 2000. Super fun.

Paulo Coelho

I always enjoy Coelho's books. After reading this one I wanted to go on my own pilgrimage to San Diego. Oh, well. I did, however, find info I can use on my own spiritual path. It was also just a good read.

Five Stars

I consider myself a "seeker" and so I greatly enjoyed reading about Paulo Coelho`s spiritual journey.

Another wonderful book by this man!

Everything by this man is 5 stars. His writing is wonderful and inspiring, and this was no exception. Very happy with my purchase.

I have never encountered an author's work that was written as beautifully as this one!

Absolutely excellent!

The book is in a great condition for a great price

Thanks a lot! The book is in a great condition for a great price!!! Love it!

Awesome and Incredible!

This was an amazing read, Spiritually and Emotionally Enchanting! Also very inspirational!! This will surely stir you up. "I will realize my dreams if I first discovered what I wanted to do with them!" - Paulo Coelho

I'm glad I did

This is a book I had read back in the 70's. Decided to read it again. I'm glad I did.

a good journey

I felt that I was on the road to Santiago. The experiences and discoveries helped me understand something of the transforming experience El Camino can have on pilgrim who seeks in spite of doubts

Five Stars

Great product!

Four Stars

A beautiful piece of work. I loved this book, and i would definitely recommend this book to other readers.

one of my favorite books

One of my favorite books, I find myself buying more copies to give as gifts to friends and family. Paulo Coelho is one of my favorite authors! Wonderful book to feed the heart and soul.... spiritually uplifting!

Good, not great

Intermittent spots of brilliant prose but leads basically nowhere.

Good Read

Very different from other pilgrimages to Compostela that I have read. He came across as forthright but I do wonder how much was fictional.

The pilgramage

The pilgrimage was an easy read. There are a lot of exercises that anyone could do. In order to do the exercises you would have to have an open mind. It is a good book to read in school. I read it in my theology class. We were able to have a lot of deep discussions about the book in class. In our class we had made PowerPoints about each chapter and a different person went every day. The most interesting one was the last one. That is because he has developed so much since the beginning of the story. Another reason was that he finally get what he was searching for. Another interesting chapter was a he chapter on death. That is because it is talking about what parts of him have died in the book so far. That chapter is in the middle of the book. I would recommend that someone reads this book. That is because most of the things that you think will happen, happen in a different way that you thought that it would. Another reason was that it wasn't that difficult so read so anyone can read it. If you do decide to read it and have questions one one chapter it will be answered in the next one.


Awesome read! Bought one for my hubby as well! Thought provoking great book! Would recommend this book to other like minded individuals.

Three Stars

good read, but not as strong as his other books.


Outstanding story, riveting. I couldn't put this book down. It is inspirational with many quotable phrases. I highly recommend it.

Five Stars

item as expected

it doesn't really catch people's attention because there is nothing really funny or exciting about it

Timmy Guarascio The pilgrimage In the beginning of the Pilgrimage it starts off with Paulo at a ceremony where he is going to get his sword. This sword means a lot to Paulo because he thinks it will help him later In life and answer all his questions. He fails his test during the ceremony and has to go walk the road to Santiago and at some point in the journey he will find it. Before Paulo starts his journey he meets his master Petrus, and Petrus shows him the deeper meaning of everything that happens to Paulo on the trip. Such as meeting his devil and being attacked by the dog and meeting the women and he started talking in different tongues. But at the end he gets his sword but doesn't have any interest in him and Petrus tells him he will be asked to be a master one day and lead someone on this important trip. There are a lot of strengths to this books that can help you in life and I would no because I have tried these exercises. The strength in this book is showing how Paulo thinks and over comes his issues and his fears and gets through everything. The writing style of this books is plane, it doesn't really catch people's attention because there is nothing really funny or exciting about it. The one exciting part about this books is when Paulo has to fight the dog and he ends up nearing the dog and winning the fight. The author wants the readers to think about everything that has ever happened to them and just forget it. Such as what Paulo said about how he forgot about all the worries back home and his job and paying the bills and just focusing on what matter to him in life. I can recommend and not recommend this book to people because of the positive and negatives in this book. I would recommend this book because it makes you think about life and what Paulo went through can be relative to what everyone els goes through today. The other good thing about this book is seeing everything Paulo has to go through to get to his sword, what task he has to face and what he has to go through to make it to the end. The reason I wouldn't recommend it is because a lot of things that happen in the book don't seem to be real at all. Such as him being attacked by a dog or him having to climb a big waterfall, it doesn't seem like someone can go through all that and still walk all that distance.

good book

This is a good book to read. It is not too long or too short. It is easy to understand, even thou it mixes many concepts that not necessarily mix together. But it proposes some lessons and morals that are good to remember.

Five Stars

Very good! thank you...

Love Paulo Coelho

This book is full of wisdom! I loved all the feelings he poured into it. If i could recommend someone to read this itd be a person who likes culture and religion. By far, one of his best books!

I really enjoyed this book

I really enjoyed this book.During the course of the book petrus guides Paulo on his journey on the road to Santiago. They both meet very new people on this journey and travel to new towns. They must overcome new obstacles and take different paths.They learn the many ram practices and must overcome there demons.paulo is in search for his sword. some things I found very interesting were when Paulo had to complete impossible tasks such as the waterfall and the cross, I think this made Paulo stronger physically and mentally. Petrus talks about fighting the good fight which is the battle between good and evil and I think Paulo did this in the book by defeating the dog. I believe that the author used a very challenging and serious writing style and some of the events in the story were to get you to look at the deeper meaning.when petrus left Paulo by himself in the last chapter he grew personally stronger and deeply started to understand the ram practices and the meaning of the sword.The secret of the sword is finding the purpose of what to do with your sword.I think that the actual sword was symbolic I would highly recommend this book for others to read it has a good plot and is easy to read. I enjoyed all the challenges and tasks they overcame. Although some words i did not understand the text was very clear. The author shared his own experience during his journey to Santiago and that is why I think this such a good story to read. It talks about finding yourself overcoming obstacles and defeating your personal demons

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