The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President

Kindle Edition
17 Aug
Lee Smith
From the phony Russia collusion narrative to the coordinated riots laying waste to US cities, it's the same ongoing operation orchestrated by the left and targeting not just President Trump but hundreds of millions of Americans who revere their country and what it stands for. For the first time, crusading investigative journalist Lee Smith reveals who was responsible and the never before known involvement of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and senior military officials who engineered a coup against a sitting president.
Beginning in late 2015, political operatives, intelligence officials, and the press pushed a conspiracy theory about Trump-he was a Russian asset and spied on his campaign and his presidency in order to undo an election.
Because the ultimate goal of the anti-Trump operation is not simply to topple the president but rather to change the character and constitution of the country, the Deep State's machinations didn't stop even after Trump was cleared of charges of "colluding" with Moscow. Their efforts became even more fierce, more desperate, and more divisive, threatening to scar America permanently.
In their zeal to bring down President Trump, Deep State conspirators had unwittingly revealed the origins of the anti-Trump operation and exposed corruption at the very highest levels of the Democratic party-including former Vice President Biden and his boss, Barack Obama.
Lee Smith brings to this story the same incisive reporting and commentary that distinguished his runaway bestseller, The Plot Against the President. His investigation, identifying crimes and abuses committed by senior US officials, was later confirmed by a major Department of Justice report.
For The Permanent Coup, Smith again enjoys unrivaled and exclusive access to the main players defending America and uncovering Deep State crimes-including Congressman Devin Nunes and the president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

Reviews (40)

If You Care About America You Need To Read This Book

This is the second book of Lee Smith's that I have read and it didn't disappoint. There is so much that has happened in America, especially in the past 4 years. If you only watch/listen to the Mainstream Media you have done yourself a disservice. Lee Smith takes us way back to the beginning (probably not what you think) and does a masterful job of explaining how America, its politics, and its politicians have become so divisive. He succinctly yet in depth explains the sinister people and their agenda to fundamentally change America and not for good. Even before Donald J Trump was the nominee for President "they" were after him to destroy him. And when he was elected as 45th President to the United States "they did all they could to undermine him, spy on him, lie about him, and get rid of him. It hasn't worked but they still try. These people won't stop I just hope they can be stopped. Everyone needs to read this book!!!!

Great book that you must read to see current events clearly

This book is a page turner, well written, and revelatory. What is reported in the news comes in bits and pieces. For me, working and living life, putting it all together is a challenge. So in this book Lee Smith enabled me, for the first time, to see and understand the web of lies and corruption that has been spun by a large cast of bureaucrats, elected officials, and media figures. The reality is much worse than I had thought, both in terms of on ongoing constitutional crisis and the human suffering inflicted on American citizens by its own government. I remember Watergate, and Nixon resigning. Relatively speaking, the scope of Watergate is greatly overshadowed by the saga that Lee Smith lays out. And, to make it worse, we haven’t even reached the end of the story because it’s being played out even now by the same people that Smith names (and perhaps others we do not yet even know about with the Covid event and the upcoming election). So while we don’t yet know the end of this story, this great book does enable one to see patterns, to understand methods, and to get a sense of the scope of this great American tragedy. I only hope that the story ends with the heads of this medusa sentenced to long sentences behind bars. Buy the book and read it. For me, reading it was like having the proverbial scales fall from my eyes.

The puppeteer’s fundamental transformation will never end unless we stop it.

I’ve read nearly all the books published related to this coups, studied the Epoch Times articles and charts, etc. Lee Smith is hands down THE best at disseminating and organizing an extremely complicated plot. Now he takes it to a new level by connecting Russiagate, Impeachment, the pandemic and the riots to further pull back the curtain on the puppet master, Barack Obama. For anything like this to ring true, it has to jive with the reality we are living each and everyday. My favorite line in this tome is something like, “It was a classic psychological case of denial and projection,” referring to the collusion allegations the Obama team made against Trump. (That could be the title of your next book, Mr Smith- “Denial and Projection - How the Left’s Accusations Accuse Themselves” I look forward to his continued research exposing the role Republicans have had both overtly (never Trumpers) and covertly (Sen Lindsay Graham.). I also hope some patriotIc forensic auditors will follow the money trail in the permanent coups. We know no matter who wins, it’s not going to end & if Trump loses, it will become a whole lot harder to stop much less uncover. I also appreciate how Mr Smith highlights the human cost of this dastardly plot. If you haven’t yet, please watch his interview on American Thought Leaders. Lee Smith is a decent human being and clearly a good man. He is definitely on my list of ten people I’d like to talk personally with. Sir, if you’re reading this, I thank you for your work, and your humanity. Please also extend my thanks to your wife and family- being the wife of a retired AF Vet, I know how taxing standing up for good can be. They are a vital part of this mission, and I, for one, deeply appreciate the great sacrifice you all have made.

The Greatest Coup in this Country's History

Mr. Smith's book starts where many of the other books documenting Obama's attempted coup finished. It documents how these Deep State forces used the system to perpetuate additional lies regarding the Ukraine. Because of Objective Medusa through Rick Grenell and Kash Patel missing gaps were filled in despite obstruction by Adam Schiff, the DOJ, the FBI, and CIA. Seeing the numerous crimes committed by those who sought to destroy Trump and his allies, it is not a far leap to see these same forces will use the ballot box to complete the coup. As it was never about the rule of law but power and control of those who hate our Constitution.

A page turner

I couldn't put the book down. It's very, very sad to learn the details about the corruption that's been going on in our government, not to mention the false and vicious attacks on the President of the United States, General Flynn, and others. Lee Smith makes the twists and turns of the coup easy to understand.

Tremendous book that pulls all of the resistance against President Trump together

This author has been able to pull all of the documents released on all of the efforts to destroy our president together to coherently show what he has been up against, who has been pulling the strings and their purpose in doing this.

A must read

A must read if you want to know the facts about the coup attempt against the President.

Must READ! You will find yourself intensely eager for the next page! Brilliant, oracular, writer!

Lee Smith, author of "The Plot Against the President", and now "The Permanent Coup" is a marvelously and prodigiously accomplished investigative journalist and author. A truly amazing writer! In this wonderfully insightful, and surgically precise book, author Lee Smith writes in crystal clear, mellifluously flowing, elegant prose about the most corrupt, immoral, criminal, abusive misconduct of our allegedly incorruptible intelligence community. OUR intelligence community - the American intelligence community - who should be serving, protecting, and defending us - but, who - instead - attempt to delegitimize and unseat a duly elected US President - elected by the American people - a bona fide attempted coup d'état - right under the noses of the American - THE AMERICAN - people. It is an astounding account Lee Smith gives us - and one that every citizen should read. It is honorable, righteous, and noble work that Mr. Lee Smith has done for all Americans by bringing into the clear light of day this dark, devious, grievous, and nefarious MALFEASANCE of our alleged US Intelligence Agencies. If you read only one book this year - it should be Lee Smith's "The Permanent Coup". Even though it is a poignant feeling, finishing this fine book leaves the reader with the sense of having lost a great friend. You will not want it to end. Not to worry though. Lee Smith will be back with another fine book - of that I am certain! There is so much more to this sordid tale of - what a CAST of Characters - Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Mueller, Weissmann, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Sullivan, Holder, Obama, Clinton, Biden (Joe,Hunter, brother, et al.) Strozk, Vindman, Atkinson, Schiff, Steele, Ohr (Nellie and Bruce), Simpson, Mifsud, Downer, Dibble, Ciaramella, Halper, Gaeta, Podesta ,et al. Finally, don't miss the upcoming MOVIE in October 2020, of Lee Smith's earlier book, "The Plot Against the President" - directed by the talented, audacious daughter, Amanda Milius, of the great John Milius- the award winning American screenwriter, director, and producer of motion pictures. Don't miss this superb read! Buy it now, and start reading - you will find it insatiable reading!! Waller, M.D. (Emory University 1975, B.A. Chemistry; Emory University School of Medicine 1979, M.D; Emory University Hospitals 1979 - 1983 Radiology Residency, Chief Resident 1982-1983; Emory University, 1983-1984 Fellowship, Interventional Radiology)

The Truth about Russiagate! A sinister fable? Cabal!

This book in its purpose statement on page 12 indicates it identifies the various instruments used to attempt to remove from office the President of the United States now in its 3rd year. I have reviewed many of the books that deal with this topic for Amazon and this is the most complete, comprehensive, and easy to understand. However, the story is complicated! As a student of this cabal I found the book concise, accurate, understandable and an easy read, except chapter nine (you may have to read this twice). The approach Lee Smith pursues allows the average American a view into the corruption of the former United States administration to oust the present. I have witnessed his appearances on CNN and Fox Networks and have found him very credible as a reporter. As idealistic Democrats we ushered in Obama’s “Hope and Change.” We ended up with the most corrupt administration undermining the United States taxpayer. It appears Russiagate was a purposeful extension of the Obama Administration’s Iran deal media campaign. This coupled with the secret espionage operation targeting those opposed to these efforts to realign American interests with a terrorist state which displayed corrosive anti-Semitism. After digesting chapter twelve the reader fully understands The White House of Kalorama is the culprit fueling this continued national descent. The purposefully interference of the peaceful transition of power continues to this day. Thus turning The Democrat Party into “The Party of Make Believe.” It appears at the head of the party is Barak H. Obama as the conductor leading this anarchic orchestra. Although references appear very impressive and functional, the product has no index. Most of the book appears constructed on in-person interviews and much of congressional investigative materials. Although minimal, I do not enjoy unnamed source quotes found in the front of the book. To the torpid 50% of Americans that still feel Donald Trump is a Russian agent, read this objective account! This is an organized permanent coup to destabilize a government similar to what took place in the Euromaidan Ukraine Coup from 2006-2015. To the same 50% the chronology in the front of the book is easy to navigate and understand, if you do not have the time to read the work. This is the greatest coup in American history and all Americans need to understand what has happened and where it continues! Look for an October Surprise in 2020 for it is the Hunter Biden emails. Get this book!

First Non-Peaceful Transfer of Power in U.S. History

Lee Smith perfectly summarizes the coup that has been in place, from the very top of the Obama Administration and from the very beginning of President Trump’s Campaign, through his Transition and ultimately into his Administration; in other words, permanently.

If You Care About America You Need To Read This Book

This is the second book of Lee Smith's that I have read and it didn't disappoint. There is so much that has happened in America, especially in the past 4 years. If you only watch/listen to the Mainstream Media you have done yourself a disservice. Lee Smith takes us way back to the beginning (probably not what you think) and does a masterful job of explaining how America, its politics, and its politicians have become so divisive. He succinctly yet in depth explains the sinister people and their agenda to fundamentally change America and not for good. Even before Donald J Trump was the nominee for President "they" were after him to destroy him. And when he was elected as 45th President to the United States "they did all they could to undermine him, spy on him, lie about him, and get rid of him. It hasn't worked but they still try. These people won't stop I just hope they can be stopped. Everyone needs to read this book!!!!

Great book that you must read to see current events clearly

This book is a page turner, well written, and revelatory. What is reported in the news comes in bits and pieces. For me, working and living life, putting it all together is a challenge. So in this book Lee Smith enabled me, for the first time, to see and understand the web of lies and corruption that has been spun by a large cast of bureaucrats, elected officials, and media figures. The reality is much worse than I had thought, both in terms of on ongoing constitutional crisis and the human suffering inflicted on American citizens by its own government. I remember Watergate, and Nixon resigning. Relatively speaking, the scope of Watergate is greatly overshadowed by the saga that Lee Smith lays out. And, to make it worse, we haven’t even reached the end of the story because it’s being played out even now by the same people that Smith names (and perhaps others we do not yet even know about with the Covid event and the upcoming election). So while we don’t yet know the end of this story, this great book does enable one to see patterns, to understand methods, and to get a sense of the scope of this great American tragedy. I only hope that the story ends with the heads of this medusa sentenced to long sentences behind bars. Buy the book and read it. For me, reading it was like having the proverbial scales fall from my eyes.

The puppeteer’s fundamental transformation will never end unless we stop it.

I’ve read nearly all the books published related to this coups, studied the Epoch Times articles and charts, etc. Lee Smith is hands down THE best at disseminating and organizing an extremely complicated plot. Now he takes it to a new level by connecting Russiagate, Impeachment, the pandemic and the riots to further pull back the curtain on the puppet master, Barack Obama. For anything like this to ring true, it has to jive with the reality we are living each and everyday. My favorite line in this tome is something like, “It was a classic psychological case of denial and projection,” referring to the collusion allegations the Obama team made against Trump. (That could be the title of your next book, Mr Smith- “Denial and Projection - How the Left’s Accusations Accuse Themselves” I look forward to his continued research exposing the role Republicans have had both overtly (never Trumpers) and covertly (Sen Lindsay Graham.). I also hope some patriotIc forensic auditors will follow the money trail in the permanent coups. We know no matter who wins, it’s not going to end & if Trump loses, it will become a whole lot harder to stop much less uncover. I also appreciate how Mr Smith highlights the human cost of this dastardly plot. If you haven’t yet, please watch his interview on American Thought Leaders. Lee Smith is a decent human being and clearly a good man. He is definitely on my list of ten people I’d like to talk personally with. Sir, if you’re reading this, I thank you for your work, and your humanity. Please also extend my thanks to your wife and family- being the wife of a retired AF Vet, I know how taxing standing up for good can be. They are a vital part of this mission, and I, for one, deeply appreciate the great sacrifice you all have made.

The Greatest Coup in this Country's History

Mr. Smith's book starts where many of the other books documenting Obama's attempted coup finished. It documents how these Deep State forces used the system to perpetuate additional lies regarding the Ukraine. Because of Objective Medusa through Rick Grenell and Kash Patel missing gaps were filled in despite obstruction by Adam Schiff, the DOJ, the FBI, and CIA. Seeing the numerous crimes committed by those who sought to destroy Trump and his allies, it is not a far leap to see these same forces will use the ballot box to complete the coup. As it was never about the rule of law but power and control of those who hate our Constitution.

A page turner

I couldn't put the book down. It's very, very sad to learn the details about the corruption that's been going on in our government, not to mention the false and vicious attacks on the President of the United States, General Flynn, and others. Lee Smith makes the twists and turns of the coup easy to understand.

Tremendous book that pulls all of the resistance against President Trump together

This author has been able to pull all of the documents released on all of the efforts to destroy our president together to coherently show what he has been up against, who has been pulling the strings and their purpose in doing this.

A must read

A must read if you want to know the facts about the coup attempt against the President.

Must READ! You will find yourself intensely eager for the next page! Brilliant, oracular, writer!

Lee Smith, author of "The Plot Against the President", and now "The Permanent Coup" is a marvelously and prodigiously accomplished investigative journalist and author. A truly amazing writer! In this wonderfully insightful, and surgically precise book, author Lee Smith writes in crystal clear, mellifluously flowing, elegant prose about the most corrupt, immoral, criminal, abusive misconduct of our allegedly incorruptible intelligence community. OUR intelligence community - the American intelligence community - who should be serving, protecting, and defending us - but, who - instead - attempt to delegitimize and unseat a duly elected US President - elected by the American people - a bona fide attempted coup d'état - right under the noses of the American - THE AMERICAN - people. It is an astounding account Lee Smith gives us - and one that every citizen should read. It is honorable, righteous, and noble work that Mr. Lee Smith has done for all Americans by bringing into the clear light of day this dark, devious, grievous, and nefarious MALFEASANCE of our alleged US Intelligence Agencies. If you read only one book this year - it should be Lee Smith's "The Permanent Coup". Even though it is a poignant feeling, finishing this fine book leaves the reader with the sense of having lost a great friend. You will not want it to end. Not to worry though. Lee Smith will be back with another fine book - of that I am certain! There is so much more to this sordid tale of - what a CAST of Characters - Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Mueller, Weissmann, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Sullivan, Holder, Obama, Clinton, Biden (Joe,Hunter, brother, et al.) Strozk, Vindman, Atkinson, Schiff, Steele, Ohr (Nellie and Bruce), Simpson, Mifsud, Downer, Dibble, Ciaramella, Halper, Gaeta, Podesta ,et al. Finally, don't miss the upcoming MOVIE in October 2020, of Lee Smith's earlier book, "The Plot Against the President" - directed by the talented, audacious daughter, Amanda Milius, of the great John Milius- the award winning American screenwriter, director, and producer of motion pictures. Don't miss this superb read! Buy it now, and start reading - you will find it insatiable reading!! Waller, M.D. (Emory University 1975, B.A. Chemistry; Emory University School of Medicine 1979, M.D; Emory University Hospitals 1979 - 1983 Radiology Residency, Chief Resident 1982-1983; Emory University, 1983-1984 Fellowship, Interventional Radiology)

The Truth about Russiagate! A sinister fable? Cabal!

This book in its purpose statement on page 12 indicates it identifies the various instruments used to attempt to remove from office the President of the United States now in its 3rd year. I have reviewed many of the books that deal with this topic for Amazon and this is the most complete, comprehensive, and easy to understand. However, the story is complicated! As a student of this cabal I found the book concise, accurate, understandable and an easy read, except chapter nine (you may have to read this twice). The approach Lee Smith pursues allows the average American a view into the corruption of the former United States administration to oust the present. I have witnessed his appearances on CNN and Fox Networks and have found him very credible as a reporter. As idealistic Democrats we ushered in Obama’s “Hope and Change.” We ended up with the most corrupt administration undermining the United States taxpayer. It appears Russiagate was a purposeful extension of the Obama Administration’s Iran deal media campaign. This coupled with the secret espionage operation targeting those opposed to these efforts to realign American interests with a terrorist state which displayed corrosive anti-Semitism. After digesting chapter twelve the reader fully understands The White House of Kalorama is the culprit fueling this continued national descent. The purposefully interference of the peaceful transition of power continues to this day. Thus turning The Democrat Party into “The Party of Make Believe.” It appears at the head of the party is Barak H. Obama as the conductor leading this anarchic orchestra. Although references appear very impressive and functional, the product has no index. Most of the book appears constructed on in-person interviews and much of congressional investigative materials. Although minimal, I do not enjoy unnamed source quotes found in the front of the book. To the torpid 50% of Americans that still feel Donald Trump is a Russian agent, read this objective account! This is an organized permanent coup to destabilize a government similar to what took place in the Euromaidan Ukraine Coup from 2006-2015. To the same 50% the chronology in the front of the book is easy to navigate and understand, if you do not have the time to read the work. This is the greatest coup in American history and all Americans need to understand what has happened and where it continues! Look for an October Surprise in 2020 for it is the Hunter Biden emails. Get this book!

First Non-Peaceful Transfer of Power in U.S. History

Lee Smith perfectly summarizes the coup that has been in place, from the very top of the Obama Administration and from the very beginning of President Trump’s Campaign, through his Transition and ultimately into his Administration; in other words, permanently.

Solves 5 Years of Clues, to Identify the underlying Culprit.

Over the last 5 years, there have been almost countless media reports, mostly breathless, frequently negative, about the course of the progressive manipulations and corruption by multiple actors and many complex relations between them, aimed at the goal of discrediting and destroying the Trump Presidency. For one reader like me, who has followed doggedly, reading countless "news" reports as well as several books about it, Lee Smith has ultimately assembled the entire structure of the conspiracy, as if he took a pile of many rocks, and built an entire logical and coherent castle. He systematically assembles the complex and numerous news factoids into a single cohesive narrative that relates the earliest incidents 5 years ago with the national riots of the last few months, and identifies the one basic cause.

The Ultimate Guide to DC Corruption

If you can only choose one book to understand the corruption, illegality and deception unleashed by the Obama CIA, FBI, Congress and other deep state operatives against the Trump administration, choose a Lee Smith book. Read this book now and keep track of history as it unfolds in the Durham and Barr investigations and you'll see there's no one closer to the real sources and victims of this corruption than Lee Smith. This book reads like a good spy novel, unfolding each villain and hero's true character page by page. The only thing missing is the ending...I will happily await the prologue.

Must read

This book details the story of what could be the beginning of the end for the American republic. If people are not brought to justice for this coup attempt, then it will entrench the permanent ruling class, who are now above the law. The destruction of General Flynn's reputation in order to cover up the malfeasance of the intelligence leadership is one of the most heinous crimes in American political history. President Trump was under attack by the entire elitist deep state from before he even started to campaign for the Presidency. This is a story that must be told, or, as President Reagan said, we will be condemned to a thousand years of dark tyranny.

POTUS Trump the president for the people, & how they hated him.

It came within two days it's a very nice hard covered book with a beautiful dust cover 218 pages 18 pages of notes in the back Very well-researched easy read . If you want to know how corrupt the Democrats are this is the book for you

Impressive documentation of the coup cabal

Lee Smith has presented a compelling & condemning record of most of the resistance Trump has had to overcome in his administration. The information he presents here is cited so that the reader can seek more information about each fact or claim. With that said, I couldn’t give it a fifth star because it was a difficult read due to the volume of information contained therein, as if a reference text!


Must read. If you choose to be ignorant of what happened from the Obama administration to the present, you will loose your freedoms and what we know as the greatest country. It’s sickens me to see how so many are used as pawns by one man, one party’s quest for power. We can’t stop it if we aren’t aware of it. This book helps you to become aware. Riveting!

Must Read

To realize how close we’ve come, to losing the greatest country in the world is tragic. I’m baffled at the constant hunger for power, the need for such vast sums of wealth it can’t possibly be spent in a person’s lifetime. The discontent and hatred in their rotten political communist souls is terrifying. A necessary read for every American, to realize just how deep the swamp’s become, and the stench is unbearable.

Plenty of facts

Great book, lots of facts I wasn’t aware of. I don’t like Trump but thought he was mostly doing the right thing. Tells how the permanents government obstructed progress voters had approved. Hard times coming folks. Get your facts before it’s all censored

Democracy is in trouble

I not a fan of Trump but what has been done to him from all sides is really frightening.

The Ugly Truth

You end up having to ask yourself, “how in the world did we get here and how are we ever going to dig ourselves out of this hole?” Tyranny is a strange bedfellow. I expect that there will be a lot of democrats and RINOs who learn that first hand. Be prepared.

An In-Depth Accounting of America's 1st Successful Coup

This book outlines the coup against President Trump and the planned destruction of our Constitutional government. Eye-opening! One can only address problems when one is willing to see what problems exist.

Doesn't say more than we have seen on Fox News and Business.

Doesn't say more than we have seen on Fox News and Business.

Truth right in front of your eyes

Do you want to read what really happened regarding this horrible coup? Buy this book. I just wish no other President has to go through the same awful treacherous attacks our President Trump went through. I don’t think no other President would have tolerated it nor be as strong and truthful as President Trump has always been.

A must-read detailed synopsis of the plot to bring down our President

Lee Smith does a great job pointing out what happened behind the scenes in the coordinated conspiracy to bring down President Trump and ruin our great country.

Democratic Lies Exposed

Well researched. Well written. This is the reason you should never vote democrat. The lies and deception of this political party is beyond belief. Trump 2020 MAGA


Scary what the world is coming to. But God said it was coming. I just hope I don't have to live through the takeover

Great read

Well written with clear and concise facts, recommend to anyone who doesn't believe our government is as corrupt as it is

Excellent book.

Lee pulls no punches; it's a great read. Already donated so others can read.

Lee Smith, just the facts man.

A great read. Loaded with facts. Thanks to Lee Smith I know what really happened.

Very good book

If you could only get the cattle to read it.

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