The People's Victory: Stories from the Front Lines in the Fight for Marriage Equality

Kindle Edition
14 Aug
"“The People’s Victory is a mirror for each of us to see our own power to fight for justice and create the change we want to see in our world.” – Gavin Newsom, Lieutenant Governor of California

In 1996, a small group of Americans from all walks of life banded together to create one of the most miraculous political victories in modern American history. Opponents attacked the issue of marriage equality as amoral and a direct threat to families. Allies warned that it was a generation away from being practicable and a selfish drain of precious political capital.

A stirring oral history told by those who almost inexplicably found themselves fighting on the front lines, The People's Victory recounts the successes – and the setbacks – that only served to strengthen everyone’s resolve to resist, fight, and bring equal marriage rights to an entire nation. Through it all, these love warriors found their voice and home in Marriage Equality USA, the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization of its kind. While high profile books, articles and documentaries have covered the judicial and legislative machinations, this book puts a human face on the people who made the everyday personal sacrifices to keep the movement alive.

The People’s Victory shares deeply moving personal testimonies of over sixty people, from Marvin Burrows, who was forced out of his home and lost many treasured possessions after losing his lost his partner of fifty years; to Kate Burns, who risked arrest for the first time when she stood up for her relationship; to Mike Goettemoeller, who pushed his mother in a wheelchair with Marriage Equality USA to fulfill her dream of marching in a Pride parade.

Edie Windsor, the triumphant lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court case United States vs. Windsor recounts shouting down a major LGBTQ organization with “I’m 77 years old and I can’t wait!!” when they attempted to belittle marriage as a critical issue. Writer and producer Del Shores shares the touching moment his young teenage daughter used tears and laughter to console him after the passage of Proposition 8 in California dealt a blow to the cause.

The People’s Victory is an inspirational roadmap for anyone who has felt passionately about an issue, but has questioned whether one person’s contribution can make a difference. These candid accounts once again prove that every movement for important social change must be built on the acts of everyday. In fact, that is the only way the people have ever been victorious.

In his introduction, California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom writes: “I hope these stories inspire you to resist, to fight, to win and in the end write the next stories in our continuing push for a more just and perfect union.”

Reviews (11)

Co-creating transformational societal change is possible!

These times in which we live call upon each of us to figure out how we might help to bring healing to ourself, to each other, and to our broken world. Nurturing our connections, sharing and bearing witness to each other’s stories and lives is central to our healing and our co-creating transformational societal change. The personal stories shared in The People’s Victory are inspirational and motivational. Transformational healing and societal change are not easy obtainable goals, and at the same time, completely possible as the grassroots people’s marriage equality movement demonstrates. One heart and one mind transformed at a time was often the way in which The People’s Victory was achieved. Never underestimate the power of story telling, the transformational healing of listening and the courage of reaching out to others, to both allies and even to those who oppose you.

Excellent collection of real-life stories from America's Love Warriors!

Easy reading. Enjoyable and inspiring stories from folks who were the actual on-the-front-lines grass-roots marriage equality activists working for marriage equality decades before the big names and orgs would even consider the issue! Don't just rely on history as rewritten by the big wigs - get to know the regular people who were fighting for this important civil right.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed ...

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does” Margaret Mead. Margaret's quote is one of the reasons why this book is necessary. It shows us that a lot of individuals, their work and their stories, help move the conversation forward. So proud of all those who shared their stories and many others who work silently in the background, one step at a time. Change can happen and will happen when people act.

Amazing Read!

These collective stories are an amazing testament to all those that fought for and continue to fight for our equal rights. I think what I liked the most was hearing true stories that differ but yet the goal is the same. It's well written, easy to read and I feel like I have to read it a few times just to absorb all the stories. Well done! And it's a free download so why not give it a try. I highly recommend it, you will not be disappointed.

Lots learned

I am impressed with the history of the LGBTQI movement in the United States. I never knew the fight for equality and justice was going on for so long.

Moving Stories from many individuals

A very moving book of stories by many individuals. A must read for everyone.

Five Stars

Love it. Amazing read. Nice to put a name and face to our LGBT warriors.

Jamila Tharp's chapter is particularly wonderful. The power of ghr personal experience is great

Jamila Tharp's chapter is particularly wonderful. The power of ghr personal experience is great. Ghr daughter Abigail is, of course, an amazing heroine! Ghr honest telling of the internal struggles between GLBTQ advocacy groups and their finally working through their differences is hopeful. Ghr clear demonstration that all oppression is interconnected is very useful. Ghe show us very clearly that all of us who hope the world will come together really need to come together. I thank Jamila for the careful thoughtful work ghe did in Utah and for the careful, thoughtful work ghe did in writing this chapter.

The People's Victory is about love. Through everyday and not so everyday acts

The People's Victory is about love. Through everyday and not so everyday acts, the countless volunteers of Marriage Equality USA worked tirelessly for years to change hearts and minds, one person at a time. Through telling their stories, rallying in the streets, and meeting with elected officials, they put a "face" on marriage equality that helped contribute to the momentous Supreme Court victory in 2015 declaring the freedom to marry for all Americans. This book is a testament to all of the "Love Warriors" and to everyone who fights for civil rights and justice. Take the time to read it. You'll be glad you did.

These are personal stories of joy, of pain

These are personal stories of joy, of pain, and of challenge told by everyday people who gave all they had to gain equality in the United States. These are the truths of people who fought not simply for themselves, but for so many others who were treated as Second Class Citizens by the United States Government. This is a compelling read as well as excellent an lesson on grassroots activism.

Co-creating transformational societal change is possible!

These times in which we live call upon each of us to figure out how we might help to bring healing to ourself, to each other, and to our broken world. Nurturing our connections, sharing and bearing witness to each other’s stories and lives is central to our healing and our co-creating transformational societal change. The personal stories shared in The People’s Victory are inspirational and motivational. Transformational healing and societal change are not easy obtainable goals, and at the same time, completely possible as the grassroots people’s marriage equality movement demonstrates. One heart and one mind transformed at a time was often the way in which The People’s Victory was achieved. Never underestimate the power of story telling, the transformational healing of listening and the courage of reaching out to others, to both allies and even to those who oppose you.

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