The Montessori Toddler: Raising children from the start with Positive discipline parenting and practical life activities

Kindle Edition
05 Nov

Are confusion and lack of knowledge stopping you from bringing Montessori into your home?
Let me guess...
- You don't know where to start.
- You're finding it all a bit hard to understand.
- And your just way too busy to learn everything you need to know to start implementing Montessori at home.

This book is for parents, grandparents, babysitting aunts and uncles and simply everybody looking for the answers about how to be the best guides for the children in their environment
- 90 % of the capacity of the human brain is developed during the first five years
- 6 years During the first six years of life the child‘s personality is formed. It is the personality that the child carries until his adulthood
- 2 x The brain of a four-year old is twice as active as the brain of an adult
- But how to develop this enormous potential, which is hidden in the pre-school years?
- How to support his curiosity and love for learning and discovering life around us?
- And how can we, adults, grow together with our children too?

Montessori doesn't have to be so complicated. Once you understand the method you can help your child achieve:
- Independence and confidence that will last a lifetime.
- An "out of the box" way of thinking.
- And a lifelong love of learning.
This book will help you to better understand Montessori at your own pace. Giving you the chance to grow independence, confidence and a lifelong love of learning in your child.
Why Montessori?
“Children in Montessori follow their interests, wherever that passion leads; giving them strong academics, leadership, self discipline, responsibility, independence, initiative and a lifelong love of learning.”
Basically... it meets kids where they are. By following the child's lead it makes Montessori completely individualized, unique to every child.

This is NOT a homeschooling curriculum.  This book teaches a Montessori lifestyle — every moment thereafter will be a natural “homeschooling” process in your child’s daily life. So join me in this adventure and enroll in my book today!

Reviews (12)

Make a Montessori toddler genius

Are you interested in learning away to build your child's confidence and Independence? Do you want to find ways to develop the enormous potential that is hidden in the preschool years? If you want to establish your child to think out of the box and establish a lifelong love of learning this is the guide for you. The children of Montessori follow the interest wherever that passion leads giving them strong academics, leadership, self discipline, responsibility, Independence, initiative and a lifelong love of learning. It meets kids where they are following the child's lead making it completely individualized and you need to every child. Just a reminder this is not homeschooling curriculum. It teaches the Montessori lifestyle. The use of this book I hope to strengthen my four year old son's Independence and grow his confidence and love of learning. If you are a parent that doesn't know where to start this is a great guide.

Good explanation of Montessori method

This book does a good job of explaining the Montessori method, explaining the benefits of Montessori teaching, and provides exercises in many different subjects that are toddler friendly. It lets you know what materials are needed as well as describing the purpose behind each exercise and gives advice on how to use the Montessori method in rearing a toddler. This uses very creative and educational ideas and is helpful in its suggestions for anyone considering the Montessori method for their child.


I have never heard of the Montessori method of raising a child. I found this book to be quite interesting. It starts with who Maria Montessori is and defines the Montessori method and how it differs from traditional education. Parenting is a very difficult so I’m glad there is some options for parents on choosing how to raise their children.

positive discipline ,right or wrong ?

This book gives a lot of information about the toddlers early years , for example ,90%mofthe human brain is developed in the first five years and during the first six years the child's personality is formed .This book explains what the Montessori is and has some great tips for parents . I really enjoyed reading this book .

A good method for anyone involved with toddlers.

Dr. Maria Montessori does an exceptional job of explaining the Montessori Method. I have never before heard of this method, but, I wish I had. I found this book to be very explanatory and a wonderful guide to helping your toddler become more independent and able to grow and be healthy in this community.

helpful for first time parents

this is highly recommended to those parents who are uncertain on how it works to have a toddler child that will go to school. this is a guide for you, you don’t necessarily have to follow it word for word because each kid is different but you can use this as a basis for what to do.

Good book

This is a good teaching concept for young children. This covers the basic fundamentals of the concept, give tips, and suggestions. It is a good book forr parents with young children.

The Montessori Toddler. Enjoyable if you can get past the grammatical errors.

I just started reading the book and I am finding several grammatical errors, which is confusing to me at times. I also don’t like the use of some informal words used like “stuff” and “kid.” It also seems to jump around sometimes. However, I like that the book used direct quotes from Maria Montessori to support most of the topics. I also like the analogies in the book, whether from the author or Montessori herself. For example, the book says something like “a sponge can soak up dirty water as readily as it can soak up clean water.” Overall, I enjoy reading it I just feel like some more thorough editing could have been done.

Interesting theory of child rearing

The best part taught by this book is that you can help your child achieve independence at an early age so that they may be able to take care of themselves. It teaches of helping them gain more independence, and quicker. Interesting and thought provoking to me.

Always room to grow

Like this book says there is so much room to grow. Many different aspects for educating a child. Being able to do so in a multitude of ways. This book is certainly a interesting read. Offers different methods and teachings for all spectrums of the field.

Make a Montessori toddler genius

Are you interested in learning away to build your child's confidence and Independence? Do you want to find ways to develop the enormous potential that is hidden in the preschool years? If you want to establish your child to think out of the box and establish a lifelong love of learning this is the guide for you. The children of Montessori follow the interest wherever that passion leads giving them strong academics, leadership, self discipline, responsibility, Independence, initiative and a lifelong love of learning. It meets kids where they are following the child's lead making it completely individualized and you need to every child. Just a reminder this is not homeschooling curriculum. It teaches the Montessori lifestyle. The use of this book I hope to strengthen my four year old son's Independence and grow his confidence and love of learning. If you are a parent that doesn't know where to start this is a great guide.

Good explanation of Montessori method

This book does a good job of explaining the Montessori method, explaining the benefits of Montessori teaching, and provides exercises in many different subjects that are toddler friendly. It lets you know what materials are needed as well as describing the purpose behind each exercise and gives advice on how to use the Montessori method in rearing a toddler. This uses very creative and educational ideas and is helpful in its suggestions for anyone considering the Montessori method for their child.

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