The Mermaid Next Door: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel (Midlife Mermaid Book 1)

Kindle Edition
03 Feb
J.R. Rain
From #1 Amazon Bestselling author, J.R. Rain, and New York Times Bestselling author, H.P. Mallory, comes the “Midlife Mermaid” Series! A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel!

Being a mermaid isn’t all it’s cracked up to be...

In the underwater kingdom of Corsica, mermaids are the property of mermen. We’re considered valuable as breeders until we reach our mid-thirties, at which time we’re deemed no longer useful.

Good thing for me I’m forty, never had any children and I’m a widow. So, I can basically live my life as I see fit.

Until my husband’s younger brother, Cullen, decides to make me his wife… one of seven.

Cullen has a mean streak a mile wide and he’s always been obsessed with me—ever since we were young. Now that his older brother is out of the way, he recognizes his chance to finally possess me.

Only I’m the type of woman who won’t accept my fate so easily. No, I’m a fighter by nature so when it’s decreed that I should marry Cullen, I do the only thing I can do.

I escape. To the land.

Once I reach the shore, I’m facing a whole new and terrifyingly unfamiliar world. Luckily I’ve got the Siren’s Song which encourages humans to do whatever I want them to.

Except my song doesn’t work on one human male in particular, Sawyer Ray.

And Sawyer just happens to be the one man I need, because I’m fairly certain someone has come after me…

Reviews (94)

Loved it!

It starts out by throwing you into a anxiety filled situation. Then makes you cross your fingers that she gets through the next problem. I didn't want to stop reading till I knew she was ok. Gets the blood pumping!

New spin on a mermaid tale

I enjoy both H.P. Mallory and J.R. Rain books, but was a little skeptical going into this one because of the premise. You've read one mermaid book, you've read them all right? Wrong! This mermaid is older, she's been widowed, and is challenged by a patriarchal and misogynistic society, and an arranged marriage. I was immediately pulled into the story and actually read this in one sitting. The authors are very creative in bringing Eva to life, especially her first time land experiences, and her humor. I appreciate the new spin on the mermaid concept, and I'm very much looking forward to the next books in this series!

Just okay

A quick read if you have time to waste. Didn't care for the writing no matter how hard I tried. Found it to be somewhat juvenile. Truly disappointed. Expected better from J.R. Rain.

Great mermaid stories are hard to find!

Eva is middle aged and widowed. That in and if itself isn’t very unusual until you add in that she’s a mermaid. A mermaid whose husband, the king, has died and now his tyrannical brother that coveted her is king. Eva does the only thing she can - escapes to the surface. I can’t wait to read the next installment. Well done!

Promising idea, but...

I can see how this could have been the start of a good series. However, it seems rushed and some parts are underdeveloped. Like someone else pointed out, the ending is quite abrupt. Cliffhangers are to be expected in a series, but the way this book ends makes it seem like this is really just half a book. What really bugged me was the number of sentences starting with “But, ...” I’m not a native English speaker, so maybe it’s just me, but I think the book needs some editing. Based on the other reviews, it probably *is* me, though, so maybe this book is just not for the punctuation freaks.

Mermaid next door

This was a good little story. The characters were well written, and the story line moved right along, then it ended. It just leaves you hanging


Very cute, creative, fun read. Lots of world building and back story development so I’m really looking forward to book 2!


Sweet book but too short. Ends on a cliffhanger and not in a good place in my opinion. I would be interested in the next book if it was priced very low.


Fun ideas in the book. Warning: Triggers in the book for victims of domestic abuse.

Land Ahoy

If you are all about adventure and passion from the normal HP Mallory books then this one will seem a bit on the tame side. But it is a freshman series and there is a lot of time for character development in this one. Imagine you were having to live in a foreign country and didn't speak the language. It would take awhile to figure everything out. So our Mermaid is enjoying her independence and about to be forced into a bad arranged marriage. Every independent woman's worst nightmare, add to that you are wife #7. You choose to flee to the only safe place you think exists, land. This story follows a timeline you could relate to any woman in midlife who is striking out on her own, learning to take care of herself. It is a fun and simple story that flies by in the blink of an eye. By the end of the book you start to see things unfold which promises a great book 2. Eva is really excited to be starting a new life, but her old life and betrothed has other ideas. Is the Harbor going to provide refuge or a battle? Pick it up to find out.

Loved it!

It starts out by throwing you into a anxiety filled situation. Then makes you cross your fingers that she gets through the next problem. I didn't want to stop reading till I knew she was ok. Gets the blood pumping!

New spin on a mermaid tale

I enjoy both H.P. Mallory and J.R. Rain books, but was a little skeptical going into this one because of the premise. You've read one mermaid book, you've read them all right? Wrong! This mermaid is older, she's been widowed, and is challenged by a patriarchal and misogynistic society, and an arranged marriage. I was immediately pulled into the story and actually read this in one sitting. The authors are very creative in bringing Eva to life, especially her first time land experiences, and her humor. I appreciate the new spin on the mermaid concept, and I'm very much looking forward to the next books in this series!

Just okay

A quick read if you have time to waste. Didn't care for the writing no matter how hard I tried. Found it to be somewhat juvenile. Truly disappointed. Expected better from J.R. Rain.

Great mermaid stories are hard to find!

Eva is middle aged and widowed. That in and if itself isn’t very unusual until you add in that she’s a mermaid. A mermaid whose husband, the king, has died and now his tyrannical brother that coveted her is king. Eva does the only thing she can - escapes to the surface. I can’t wait to read the next installment. Well done!

Promising idea, but...

I can see how this could have been the start of a good series. However, it seems rushed and some parts are underdeveloped. Like someone else pointed out, the ending is quite abrupt. Cliffhangers are to be expected in a series, but the way this book ends makes it seem like this is really just half a book. What really bugged me was the number of sentences starting with “But, ...” I’m not a native English speaker, so maybe it’s just me, but I think the book needs some editing. Based on the other reviews, it probably *is* me, though, so maybe this book is just not for the punctuation freaks.

Mermaid next door

This was a good little story. The characters were well written, and the story line moved right along, then it ended. It just leaves you hanging


Very cute, creative, fun read. Lots of world building and back story development so I’m really looking forward to book 2!


Sweet book but too short. Ends on a cliffhanger and not in a good place in my opinion. I would be interested in the next book if it was priced very low.


Fun ideas in the book. Warning: Triggers in the book for victims of domestic abuse.

Land Ahoy

If you are all about adventure and passion from the normal HP Mallory books then this one will seem a bit on the tame side. But it is a freshman series and there is a lot of time for character development in this one. Imagine you were having to live in a foreign country and didn't speak the language. It would take awhile to figure everything out. So our Mermaid is enjoying her independence and about to be forced into a bad arranged marriage. Every independent woman's worst nightmare, add to that you are wife #7. You choose to flee to the only safe place you think exists, land. This story follows a timeline you could relate to any woman in midlife who is striking out on her own, learning to take care of herself. It is a fun and simple story that flies by in the blink of an eye. By the end of the book you start to see things unfold which promises a great book 2. Eva is really excited to be starting a new life, but her old life and betrothed has other ideas. Is the Harbor going to provide refuge or a battle? Pick it up to find out.

a good start

Eva just wants to do what she wants after being widowed this mermaid just wants to do her own thing . Until the day her dead husbands brother decides that she will be his seventh wife . Eva wants nothing to do with Cullen's proposal so she must do some thing drastic and head to land . Where she meets a man who isn't affected by her siren song . Who might be the hero that she needs when Cullen comes to get her and try and take her back . Ok, ok i know what you are thinking its another mermaid book , what can you do that hasn't been done before . Well lets say this is a mermaid that I think most of us can relate to. She is over forty , childless and a widow . Eva is stronger then she seems at the beginning of the book . She just wants to have her own life and doesn't want to be married again. Sawyer is a sweet guy who is funny and the type of guy you want as a friend and maybe more . Wendy is the best friend any girl or mermaid could want . She is funny and sweet and just wants to help Eva out and get her happy again. Cullen well he is such an arrogant man who just wants to have what his brother had . He is the type of man you want to slap over and over . This is a well what can I say out of all the books I have read from these two authors . This one is really on the tame side . This is the first book in the series so there is a lot of set up . The characters are well written and I really want to see where they take them and make them more complex . The story is fun , fast read that will have you giggling all the way through . It will also have you thinking cause there are some underlying themes of being property to someone else and some issues of abuse. The authors really do a good job crafting the story to have you getting sucked in by the end of chapter one . So if you want a fun fast read in this cold snap . Check it out you won't be disappointed .

Fun, New Start to A Paranormal Women's Fiction Series

The Mermaid Next Door is part of the Paranormal Women’s Fiction world, meaning the heroine is over 40. Eva is a mermaid, a widow, over 40, and doomed to wed her husband’s younger brother. Eva’s happy being on her own, living her own life, and doing her own thing. Marrying Cullen will be oppressive, she’ll lose her freedom, and be wife number seven to a lunatic. Her only option involves land and human legs, things Eva is not familiar with since all mermaids are told horror stories about going topside. She knows she needs to chance the human world because marrying Cullen is not an option. Upon reaching the shore, Eva discovers a new and scary world. Sure, she’s read books about the land dwellers, but nothing prepares her for just how different things are here. Fortunately, she encounters a dog who leads Eva to her very first friend, Wendy. Eva is also able to use her Siren’s Song to influence humans to assist her. After a short time of acclimation, Eva also meets Sawyer Ray who, mysteriously, isn’t affected by her Song, which is too bad, because she needs his help. Except, she doesn’t know who Sawyer needs to help her avoid but she’s pretty sure someone is after her. The Mermaid Next Door is a fun start to a new Paranormal Women’s Fiction story involving a mermaid who comes to shore. Eva is somewhat educated from the books she’s managed to scrounge in the ocean, but not worldly-smart. She plays it off but those she meets know there is something different about her. Blending into human society is difficult but she’s managing the best she can. The authors did a wonderful job building up a world where mermaids walk among us. Eva doesn’t just pop out of the ocean and acclimate to her surroundings flawlessly. There are bumps along the way. Fortunately, Eva meets Wendy and Sawyer, who help make her transition a bit easier. I’m excited to see Eva evolve in her new world with Wendy and Sawyer by her side. I was provided a copy of this book to read.

Pulls You in, Recommend Reading

Eva is being forced to marry another merman after the death of her husband. Eva doesn't want to marry such a cruel man. Eva is able to escape to land with the help of her friend. Eva has made a friend Wendy that helps her get adjusted to her land life. Eva meets Sawyer, he has quite the effect on her. Eva is starting to make a life for her self, but will Cullen come to get her. This was a really interesting first book in series. The stuff the Eva goes through just pulls you. The authors created a world with wonderful characters that will just pull you in. I really enjoyed this book, can't wait for book 2

Great start to a new series

In this new series Eva a forty year old mermaid is being forced into a marriage with a merman who she absolutely can’t stand. He wants to make her his seventh wife. He feels that she is his property because he's her deceased husbands brother. Ultimately Eva decides to take the risk of going on land and becoming human. What she experiences and discovers in her new world can be quite overwhelming to her. But in the end her old world arrives and the adventure is just beginning. I really enjoyed the book it was a fast read and can hardly wait to read what happens next.

One of the best books ever

So I started this book thinking I would read it through the weekend well I blew threw it an few hours, it was fantastic. I hope book 2 is not far behind . This is about a 40 something widowed mermaid named Eva who escapes impending marriage to a mer king who already has 6 other wives. She swims to land and gets legs, but will Evil Cullen track her down? You are going to have buy the book to see. It is a really fun read.I can not wait to hear what happens in the 2nd book. I am eagerly waiting.

Mermaid in a Mid-Life Crisis—Oh My!

A mermaid story about a woman of the sea mourning the death of her husband and having a mid-life crisis? It sounded a bit out there to me too, but The Mermaid Next Door is a fun, quick read that allows the reader to escape the craziness going on in the world right now and instead immerse themselves in the life of Eva. As the protagonist, Eva’s grief and joy becomes our own; the plot moves at a fast pace, as in the opening pages we learn that despite her strong feelings for her deceased beloved, she is expected to marry his younger brother who is the antithesis of her husband. She escapes to land and ends up falling for another man she meets named Sawyer, but conflict ignites within her as she works to come to terms with her life and determine her destiny. It could easily become campy, but Rain and Mallory ensure that Eva’s story is treated with care. An easy read with intriguing characters, this unconventional story stands out among other books in its genre. 4/5!

Good quick read .

This is a good quick read. This is not your typical mermaid story and Eva is not your typical mermaid . Eva is not a starry eyed romantic wanting to be part of another world .She is forty and a widow and her late husband’s brother now wants to make her his 7th wife . In world were women have no say in their lives she has no choice but to leave the ocean and start a new life on land . This is a good read . Reading about Eva having the courage to start over at the age of forty and meeting new friends to start a new life with the old life nipping at her Finns . Eva and her new friends are enjoyable characters and play well off each other the only complaint is that it ends too soon . It is a quick read that can be done in one sitting. It leaves you wanting to know what happens in book two .

A new mermaid's tail that has a long way to go

I've really enjoyed other books by HP Mallory and JR Rain, but I just found this book a bit blah. While I'm sure it will lay the groundwork for other stories in the series, I didn't find the characters all that interesting or the storyline very exciting. I was also super frustrated that the main character's home is the underwater kingdom of "Corsica" When she escape to dry land and tells people she is from Corsica the Americans in the town assume she is from Greece. The island of Corsica sits in the Mediterranean between France and Italy and currently belongs to France. I found it offensive that the dry land characters are meant to be so geographically ignorant. A fictitious name for the mermaid kingdom would have made much more sense.......or at least assume her accent was Italian or French instead of Greek. I'm hoping other books in the series give the character's more depth and dimension and also the storyline becomes more complex and engaging. There is great potential here.

Learning how to be human is tough!

Eva goes to Shell Harbor, a small town by the ocean, to escape a marriage to the king of the merfolk. While she shifts to human legs when she's dry and has read a lot of found books from humans, she has much to learn about being human. It's fun to see it all through her eyes. My only complaint about this book is it's pretty short. I'm looking forward to the sequel!

Out of the Water

This book is so different than the other books in this sub-genre “Paranormal Women’s Fiction” and so refreshing. Mermaids and Mermen are real with a very antiquated/ repressed view on how to live with their mermaids. Eva has to use her inner strength and make a place for herself as a mermaid “Out of the Water”. I highly recommend this book and look forward to the next book.

Starting over on land

This is not a Disney tale of fun adventures under the sea. Women are seen as property and given no say in their lives. When fate drives her from her home, Eva takes charge and starts over on land. With new friends, she is starting to settle and look forward to her future. Unfortunately, her past isn't over and readers are left wanting to know more.

I've never read a mermaid book before....

I really like this author's other books but I struggled with this one. Maybe because I kept envisioning the old Tom Hank's mermaid movie (couldn't stand that actress) and I just kept seeing her face. Maybe because I kept thinking,,, hmm how do merpeople have sex? I'm not sure why really, but this book just didn't compare to her other books. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the story though it seemed a little thrown together in comparison. An afternoon of reading is never a waste. I will definitely be reading more books by HP Mallory....

O M G! Love Eva!

This was an awesome story. It was well written and the characters were well thought out. Eva, a mermaid who was put in a crazy situation, and desperately trying to get out of it- a friend of hers helped Eva leave the sea. What she found on land was amazing to her, and she was enjoying her new life until.... Sawyer was a great character, I am still wondering what is up with him, I feel like there is an underlying something going on... and I can't wait to see what that is. This is a real fun read! I am so excited for the next one!!!

SOOO good but sooo short

I am in Texas in the middle of the power crisis... and devoured this book as fast as I could before my battery was drained.... guys it is SOOOO good but it just ends. I mean you are reading page after page... and then it ends on a cliffhanger. Why oh why did you do that too me??? I loved all the characters. It was so much fun to read and I just loved the way mermaids are portrayed in this story. Another fantastic collab by these two. I just cannot get enough right now!

Short but a great start to a new series

This first book is on the short side but it is a great start to a new series. I love that Eva is 40 and has had real life experiences. She's tough and she is fiesty despite her culture given women zero rights. Did I mention she is a mermaid? I love it! Eva's existed in a place where a women is considered property of a man and on the eve of her wedding to her deceased husband's brother she runs away to the one place that won't her to return, land. It is fun exploring this new world with Eva. I'm really interested to see where this series goes.

1st in a new series, not a stand-alone

I've never read about merpeople other than the little mermaid. Not crazy about the story ending do you have to read book 2 in order to see what happens. The concept of the story is interesting and quite different from paranormal stories and is a quick read. Most ages can read it. It does mention cruel behavior of men to women by the mermen to the women.

Definitely Hooked Here!!!!

I absolutely loved loved this mermaid Eva and her stepping into land story. Cullen is a jerk that's obsessed with Eva his late brother's wife and did I mention he's king of the merpeople. Wendy is her best human friend but let's not forget her landlord Sawyer he has woken weird feelings in Eva that she is so unfamiliar with. I can't wait for more of Eva and her dog Tom and what will happen next. HP Mallory you and JR Rain are a writing pair made in heaven. Loved it!!!!!

❤️ Eva’s Tale

Loved The Mermaid Next Door!! I’ll be honest, I had ideas in my head about what I was going to read before I started. I was pleasantly surprised with this tale. Eva is a 40, yes 40, not young girl, lead this. Trapped in a male run society and an upcoming arranged marriage, Eva has almost given up hope. Her only friend under the sea gives her the chance she needs to escape the future she dreads. Dive right into this quick read. You will not be disappointed.

Way to end a book!

I can’t rate this as a 5 star as more time is spent on the back story and building characters however I think this is setting up to be a good series and I’m not sure how you could do it differently. The ending was awesome and hated to see it end so hopefully we get to see what happens next soon. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Cullen. He seems too arrogant to let it end there but I’m hoping that Sawyer doesn’t give up on Eva. There’s some serious chemistry there.

New twist on Mermaids

I like this new spin on a mermaid story. I’m very interested to see where this goes. Eva is considered a middle aged mermaid and without the ability to have children, not worth much in her society as far as property goes. She escapes an arranged marriage to her cruel ex brother-in-law by taking her chances with humans on land. Armed with treasure and her Siren Song, she creates a new life for herself. But how long until her past catches up with her?


The story line/plot is interesting if a bit over worked. The book is incredibly short. The formula for these books is getting increasingly stale. Also, it’s very apparent there are 2 authors. Repeated dialogue , descriptions and terms. I’m really hoping the next book is better. I hate giving up on a series but the next book had better be much more engaging and with something fresh to keep the readers interest.

NOT your typical Mermaid Tale !!

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I'm a sucker for a good mermaid story and this one did not disappoint. Its a fast paced beginning crazy ending with some good old fashioned make you feel good in between. I loved it more than I thought I would and was shocked when it ended as I read it so quickly. I need to have the next book so this story can continue !!

A fresh take on the standard mermaid tale (tail haha)

When you read as much paranormal stuff as I do, the typical characters (vampires, witches, demons, etc) start to get pretty old. So I was really excited when this story showed up in my list. It’s a refreshing new take on the classic mermaid story and luckily mermaids aren’t as overdone as the other character types. It was a good solid kickoff to a new series. I am really looking forward to seeing how the story progresses.


Could not finish. I felt like I was being bludgeoned with the fish-out-of-water trope. Yes, clearly, there is no shampoo in the undersea kingdoms (just take a look at Aquaman who has CLEARLY never met a bottle of shampoo!), but still it dragged. I'm sure there was some sort of happy ending, but I didn't care enough to get there.

Fun new series!

I really enjoyed reading the debut book in this new series by HP Mallory and JR Rain. Ava escapes her suffocating live beneath the sea to seek brighter horizons on land. She luckily meets some very friendly humans willing to help her get on her feet. But just when she thinks she is getting her bearings, the storm drags in some bad news....

A promising start to this new series.

Here is a new series with lots of ground work to cover. There’s a bad guy; a best friend; a new friend, a lady in distress, then a new “love”interest. There are a lot of holes to be filled in, so I’m definitely looking forward to seeing where the main character goes. I’m thinking Sawyer has a secret of his own, so that also intrigues me.

Then it ended

In all honesty, it took me awhile to get into the story. The authors repeated the backstory a couple of times before moving into the actual story, repeated the backstory Again, and then it was the end of the first book. I see such potential in the characters and the story, the authors are amazing, only goes up from here!!

Good, fun read

I loved that the protagonist is a fierce, mature woman. I loved how she "faked" her way through several sticky situations, just like many of us do. It was a little bothersome that she used several huge words that did not seem to fit her personality or culture. I did not like the complete cliff hanger at the end, but I will read the next one!


This has a lot of potential. I've not read any books before by this author but it felt a bit stilted. I realize it probably might be the difference between two worlds but I don't understand the paranormal part of things. I will read the next book when it's out to see if the background is better.

What a cliffhanger!

I really enjoyed this book! I got so caught up with Eva's journey. I can't believe it ended the way it did. I need the next book immediately!

Good start

Not a huge fan of Mermaids and the like. This was a good book though. It moved along pretty good and gave just enough details without over doing it. It was short, so a good afternoon read. I’m interested to see where this leads. I keep thinking the male character will have a “special” power as well, waiting to be discovered.


I really enjoyed this book! H.P Mallory and JR Rain are 2 of my favorites. This seemed to be a shorter story, but this is more enveloping to me because, the particular mermaid is not young....she’s in her 40’s! I enjoyed Thisbe abuse she’s lived a life and is moving on! Can’t wait for the next book!

an OK read

If you're a fan of Samantha Moon and expecting that greatness here - you'll be disappointed. It's an interesting story and the characters aren't that bad, but overall, the book is *meh.* Nothing really grabs me and makes me want to read the next book. There is potential.

Sawyer, Eva, Cullens Oh my!

The start of the book was a bit slow but quickly picmexd up speed! Eva is a likable character and Cullen is definitely a bad guy...while Sawyer is a dreamy lead man. this book idid a good job laying the ground work for the series. I'm excited for the next book in the series!!

Good book

I liked the book and enjoyed the characters but the story line was a little lacking. The cliffhanger at the end was frustrating, not because of writing or story line, just the frustration of having to wait for the next book in the series. It was a pretty quick read and I would recommend it.

Loved this!

Really enjoyed having mermaids take center stage in this story. There's fun, suspense, and looks like a romance in the next book. Enjoy.

Fun little book

I received an ARC for an honest review. This book was very cute & a very quick read. It gave enough information to suck you in & keep you hooked! 😉 The ending was interesting & I’m eager to see how the next book plays out.

Love This New Series!

This book was so compelling, I couldn't put it down. I finished it in less than 2 days.. There is just something so enchanting (and comical) about a mermaid learning how to make a life for herself on land. I can't wait for the next book!

A good story

A good little story, characters are likeable and easy to follow. The story drags a bit with repetitive info but all in all a good story.. It ends a bit abruptly for me, but still leaves me wanting to know what happens.


Rather Childish. Not much story here. Obviously Eva settles in to life as a human. I'm not sure I want to hang around to see what happens next. Not nearly as sophisticated as J. R. Rain's other mermaid stories.


Good story but only two hundred plus pages long. Interesting take on merpeople. Eva has to marry Cullen though he already has six wives. Cullen is a right bastard. Eva runs away to the world of land.

Wasn't sure but...

I loved it. I don't typically read mermaid books but this one was definitely worth it. It's a great story, the characters are well fleshed out and they grow as the story progresses. Excellent!

4 stars.

This is a great quick read. I'm seriously hoping for more Eva. Nice story of a mermaid experiencing the human world for the first time. Definitely seems like the beginning of something more

Nice we little Start of a book

But unfortunately that's all it 2as a beginning and soon after the struggle becomes evident and then it was over. Like the writer forgot to finish the story. Very disappointing.

Entertaining book

This was an entertaining, well-written book. It held my interest and I didn't want to put it down. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the next book in the series.

The mermaid next door

This is a interesting take on mermaids but i feel like they could have fleshed out the story more. Many parts felt hurried thru. Its an okay start to a series just very short.

Different take on mermaids.

I thought this was a fun, quick read with a very different take on mermaids. Enjoyable main character and fun side characters. My only regret was that it ended so abruptly with a bit of a cliffhanger.

Good read

This book was a very enjoyable read. I enjoyed learning about the characters and I am looking forward to seeing them develop more in the next book. The story was great and thr ending leaves you wanting more.

This book was so amazing!!

Took a chance with this story as I was looking for some romance that feeds my fantasies. It was just what I was looking for. Will not disappoint!! Please make a part 2.

I liked this one!

I was skeptical about the whole mermaid plot but ended up really enjoying it. I finished it in one go, flowed so well and kept me interested. Had kind of an abrupt ending but hopefully it will pick up in the next one.

never know what happens next

I enjoyed this book, I always was wanting to know what happened next. Lots of anxiety and twisy and turns. Not my favorite book but still a good read!

great read

I am so used to all of H.P's book that involve witches werewolf's and other paranormal characters so this one was different but I was not disappointed.

Not amazing, not terrible....something un between

I have read mermaid stories before and I dont love them. Usually they feel short after being tainted by the movie Splash. This one was ok. Nothing memorable but an easy read if you don't have anything going on.


This book really gets you biting your nails! It gets you on the edge of your seat but leaves you waiting for more! Hurry up with the next one!

Good read

This was a good book with a new twist to mermaid tales (pun intended lol). It was a quick read and enjoyable. Looking forward to number two!

Not your average little mermaid

A coming of middle age story, with mermaids. A fun, fast read. Mostly introducing characters and establishing the story setting. Looking forward to where the story goes from here.

I enjoyed it

Might be a little to revealing but: It reminds me of the movie Splash with Daryl Hannah. Can’t wait to find out what happens next!!!

Interesting but the end was too quick

I loved the premise and the characters. Honestly, the whole thing until it just ended. Boom. Done. I definitely wanted more.


A little slow to start but great read. It was a refreshing take on midlife and I really enjoyed the mermaid storyline.


Was good enough for a first in series. I will be reading the next in the series to see how it fleshes out.

Great Read

I love the paranormal and learning about these creatures. Their world is so interesting- couldn’t put it down!

Mermaid tails

Very quick read. A little simple but it does make you want to know what is going to happen with Eva.

Good story

I really liked this book. It left me wanting to know the rest of the story. I hope the rest is on it's way. Looking forward to reading it.

I didn't think I would enjoy this and

I didn't think this premise would appeal to me but I figured since it was a JR. Rain and H.P. Mallory and I love their previous seiries, why not? Like all of their other cast of characters, I love these as well. It's a slow swell that's not always bearing the sea. Funny quips and cute connections. Can't wait to read the next book.

A new awesome world to explore with Eva.

This book promises to be an amazing series. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Eva with her new life, home, and friends.

Nice quick read

Book was a nice quick read. Liked that the story was about a mature widowed mermaid then a young juvenile.

Love it

For the child in all of us who wanted to be a mermaid Who knew it had problems

Loved it!!!

Great start to a new series. I can't wait to see what happens next.

More please ❣️

I loved the story so much. I really hate that there is a cliffhanger. I need to know what happens with Eva and Sawyer !!!

Fun and quick read!

A fun quick read! Eva is a bright and modern mermaid stuck in a very crappy situation and has no other choice but to escape to land! Her journey is a joy to be on and I look forward to the next chapter of her life on land!

Short read...

This was a good short read if that is what you are looking for.

A bit predictable

Solid short story. Enjoyed reading it, really looking forward to book 2.

Fun, quick read

This was a fun start to a new series. Very quick read. Looking forward to seeing where the story takes us.

I loved this book!

Great start to a new series! Can’t wait for the next book!

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