The Low of Love (Wayward Love) (Volume 2)

Kindle Edition
30 Jan
Things went left when they met, and while they were able to form a bond of sorts, it wasn’t what either of them hoped for. Before this wayward love settles for the straight path, there has to be a low. Right?

The wayward connection of Isaak and Kennedi is now under new terms. This new playing field has them both caught in a whirlwind. They’re outside the classroom and in unfamiliar territory; the semester assignment seems a lifetime ago, and now those cultural differences that separated them aren’t enough to keep them from exploring more with each other and about each other.

But to what expense? What’s sacrificed? What will be revealed? How low can love go before it ceases to exist?

Note: This is the second installment of a three book series. It contains expletive language, sexual content, and ends on a cliffhanger. If you do not wish to have these elements in your reads, this is not the venture for you.

Reviews (195)

Chasing Sunset

When I read this book, I left reality. Unfortunately for me I still have been able to snap back. Love has a way of capturing your mind, heart, and soul with her characters.I can't even find the words to describe how I feel about this book. If it's one thing I need from a's details..and she delivered. From the children's own little unique personalities, to what Kenny ate, to life inside of the music industry . She created a WHOLE artist, a tour, hit songs, and etc. I really feel like I've missed out on something not being to attend one of Issy's shows or listen to his voice. How appropriate was the name of the tour since he has been chasing her throughout the entire 2nd part. Unfortunately she has been too busy being corny to recognize it. I can't even fathom how he is feeling right about now. He loves that girl...more than his own children. He loves her more because of her love for them. And she loves them simply because they're HIS. Hopefully the two stubborn mules will get it "RIGHT" in the next book or I'm going to need a seat on the couch.

I'll never love another...

I'll never love another author's work as much as I do this author. This second installment explicitly describes what happens when closed mouths don't get fed. Throughout this entire series both Issy and Kenny didn't believe that they were good enough for each other. However, their "friendship" entered a new realm once they started tasting each other. Towards the end of this book, everything comes to a head when Issy is surrounded by black smoke and his world is off its axis. Kennedi makes an adult decision that negatively affects everyone - herself included. This is definitely a tear jerker and will have you cheering for Kenny during one chapter and flipping your vote to Issy during the next. Very will written story.....definitely this author's second best work to date - in my opinion. The only drawback for me was the mention of too many characters. I didn't care about Kenny's co-worker/friend Anne, Bryant's family members/ex-girlfriend, and several other mentions that I had to pause and think about while reading. Every few chapters or so someone new was being mentioned and I had to stop and think whether or not that person had been mentioned before and if so, why? OAN, the brilliancy of kicking of sex between Issy and Kenny using the movie adaptation of L.I.P. (first series writhed by Belvin. Check it out if you haven't) was flawless.


For the first time, I actualiy finished a LB book in one day. I know Love is known for her lengthy stories. And it's one of the traits I appreciate most about her writing abilities. I never feel like she's left anything unsaid or not covered. But because of this. I didn't even think it was possible to finish any of her books in a day....for me at least! Although I know others have done it without breaking a sweat! And while I'm not a slow reader, I definitely read for comprehension. So at times I tend to read a scene more than once to process it. Which slows down my pacing regardless of how fast my reading speed is. This is actually my 2nd time reading this series. And this time around, I just couldn't put this book down! This may be the best installment of the series. But until I finish it entirely, I'll have to reserve my final opinion until the end. This installment took me through the gambit of emotions, and I just didn't recall it putting me through the wringer as much the first time around. I thought that honor belonged to StentRo and Zoey, or in other words the WTB series. But now after starting from the beginning of Love's catalog, and making it up to this point, I can now recall why I put off revisiting LIP, WTB and Wayward for as long as I did...angst anyone? But believe me Love, that's a testament to your talent as a compelling storyteller. And one again I'm blown away by your writing skills! I now feel like both StentRo and Isaak needed a hug, but Azmir not so much!

Love is pain!

The Low of Love (Wayward Love Book 2) by Love Belvin is interesting story. Love Belvin does a good job. I’m happy that I give her chance to read her works. I’ve learned lot from reading this book. Isaak is struggling with his happiness and forgiveness. He needs to understand how Kennedi feels. He needs to get rid of his distraction. Kennedi is a good woman to him. Shameeka and Kelli are ungrateful and disrespectful to Kennedi. They should spend more time with their kids. I can’t wait to read the final series of Wayward Love. I’ll continue to support and read more from this author. Good Read: Book Nerd Love is pain!!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💙💙💙💙💙💙💙✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I've read all of Love Blevins book but this is by far my favorite. Usually if I purchase a book I don't leave a review but I have to tell everyone. How great this book is. I am in love!! I really felt like I was missing Issack as if he's a real life person when I finished this book . I had to go back and read 1 and 2 two times. I love Issack and Kenny together I hope that they are able to work it out. It's still some immaturity on her part but I feel like Issack has grown up a lot. I think him and Kenny separating was a must for him to be there how he needs to for his children. This book was a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I was happy in love and I cried for this couple by far my favorite Love Belvin series. Can't wait to read part 3!!! Don't put that pen down Ms. Belvin just awesome

Waiting on my joy to come in the morning... because love can be low

For the new comers, you don't have to search any further, Love Belvin's work is beyond five stars so if you haven't been introduced to her, get book 1, the Left of Love, and join our group of Love Belvin stans. Now on to my review... Can we start a campaign to appeal to Amazon so high quality reviews count for 1.5 or 2 reviews instead of 1? Of course the request would likely fail but I'm suggesting it because reviews for Love's work are usually remarkably detailed and/or highly passionate. I'm sure some of us are often in our feelings causing us to stray away from doing a review and when we actually decide to do the review, quality takes time. There aren't enough words to describe the emotional state a Love Belvin book (or entire series) puts us in because her work is all consuming. Our collective heart is ripped out of our chest and then slowly stitched back together. Instead of using sewing or medical instruments she uses her powerful God given imagination and the stroke of a pen (or keyboard). In my review of book 1, the Left of Love, I mentioned that I would love the Low of Love more. Book 1 was essential, laid the necessary ground work for book 2 and caused less emotional stress (concerning the main characters' love life) but THIS book punctured me in a different way. I was drawn closer to Isaak and Kennedi and saw their psyche from different vanish points than was exposed in book 1. Isaak presented his vulnerable side while Kenny loved out loud. They made magic when together but outsiders could see their love for each other much clearer than they could or would acknowledge. My inner romance warrior is still weeping for the state of their relationship at the end of book 2 but I'm trusting LB in this journey. Like the Good Book says, weeping may endure for a night but joy will come in the morning. Their love requires grace and mercy and I believe the end will eventually justify the means.

What a journey!

I went through every emotion reading this book and alternated between wanting to ring both their necks and to hug them. I had forgotten how young these two are, but this book kept reminding me. Young Lord has to have picked the worse two chicks in the neighborhood to have babies with. We didn't see much of Kelly in this one, but Shameeka showed out enough for both of them. I'm not a fighter,but I wanted to snatch her up myself. Just nasty. And the threats to expose Isaak. Curious to see what she knows and if she follow through, but I also want someone to loudly and crudely ask her to think about how that might affect her. Still waiting to hear the story about Isaak, Tracee and Lisa and to see how things play out. Tracee does way too much with her attitude towards Kennedi and I'm waiting for Isaak to really handle it He can be too laid back about some things, and this is the perfect example. My heart broke for Kennedi when she was in the hospital. I was glad she (and shocked) when she came cleAn about her feelings, and also about her breaking things off with the whole Beckwith crew, but it was very necessary, both for her and Isaak. The kids revealed so much in the course of conversation, that the adults missed. For example, when Isaak tells Martin that he loves him, Martin is surprised and then thanks his dad for 'buying' them a family to love them (meaning Kennedi's family. I really wanted isaak to ask him why he said that, but it flew over Isaak's head. The same way the fact that most of the songs isaak wrote were about Kennedi. So much good in this book. Lots of highs and lows. About to dig in to Book 3!

Another Hit Series

Ms Love has yet another hit series to add to her list of some the best series that I've had the pleasure of reading. Every series that this author has written today has some amazing book. She is a beast with her pen game. The Low of Love book 2 in the Wayward Love series was executed so effortlessly that is a addicting. Issak and Kenndi story will leave with so many raw emotions that make you reAlly feel their emotions through out the book. The bond that had with each was so heart felt, and real that I got emotional. I know Issak need to check Tracee with her hating self. I hope Kenndi and Issak move completely out of the friend zone and make relationship work. I hope the next book Kenndi will be more mature and Issak realizes that she the one and only for him. I can't wait for book 3. As always great job Ms Belvin.

I Love this book!!!

This is the first author that has NEVER disappointed me. This storyline is brilliant.. I loved evolution of her characters. She shows you that you have to work hard for Love and it ain't always pretty. This book had so much emotion in it and she has a easy of making you feel her written words. I am now confused about who my favorite characters are. I loved these two. I love Kennedy's loyalty and her nurturing spirit. I love Issaks humble swag. Can't wait until book three..

In My Feelings...

First, let me say this book is everything!!! However, I knew I should have waited to read this book, but you just can't resist reading a Love Belvin book. Love has me all in my feelings waiting for book 3 "The Right of Love" like a kid waiting on Christmas morning. This book is an emotional rollercoaster that you can't help but ride with Kennedi and Isaak. I laughed, cried, and almost threw my tablet against a wall while reading all the ups and downs, ins and outs, and twists and turns. The chemistry and loyalty they have for one another is clear, but watching how they allowed immaturiy, outside influences and circumstances control their direction was hard as hell. The character development in "The Left of Love" is awesome but not overdone. It gives you a chance to understand and appreciate the author's path for the character's relationship development. The fact that the heat between them had me turning on a fan whie it's 35 degrees outside was definitely a plus. Love Belvin is bad with the pen and this book and series is on fiyah. I can't wait for part 3 to see what she does with Kennedi and Isaak. I know I will be in my feelings again, but you just can't resist a Love Belvin book. She could write the ABC's and I would read it. #penningwithoutparameters

Chasing Sunset

When I read this book, I left reality. Unfortunately for me I still have been able to snap back. Love has a way of capturing your mind, heart, and soul with her characters.I can't even find the words to describe how I feel about this book. If it's one thing I need from a's details..and she delivered. From the children's own little unique personalities, to what Kenny ate, to life inside of the music industry . She created a WHOLE artist, a tour, hit songs, and etc. I really feel like I've missed out on something not being to attend one of Issy's shows or listen to his voice. How appropriate was the name of the tour since he has been chasing her throughout the entire 2nd part. Unfortunately she has been too busy being corny to recognize it. I can't even fathom how he is feeling right about now. He loves that girl...more than his own children. He loves her more because of her love for them. And she loves them simply because they're HIS. Hopefully the two stubborn mules will get it "RIGHT" in the next book or I'm going to need a seat on the couch.

I'll never love another...

I'll never love another author's work as much as I do this author. This second installment explicitly describes what happens when closed mouths don't get fed. Throughout this entire series both Issy and Kenny didn't believe that they were good enough for each other. However, their "friendship" entered a new realm once they started tasting each other. Towards the end of this book, everything comes to a head when Issy is surrounded by black smoke and his world is off its axis. Kennedi makes an adult decision that negatively affects everyone - herself included. This is definitely a tear jerker and will have you cheering for Kenny during one chapter and flipping your vote to Issy during the next. Very will written story.....definitely this author's second best work to date - in my opinion. The only drawback for me was the mention of too many characters. I didn't care about Kenny's co-worker/friend Anne, Bryant's family members/ex-girlfriend, and several other mentions that I had to pause and think about while reading. Every few chapters or so someone new was being mentioned and I had to stop and think whether or not that person had been mentioned before and if so, why? OAN, the brilliancy of kicking of sex between Issy and Kenny using the movie adaptation of L.I.P. (first series writhed by Belvin. Check it out if you haven't) was flawless.


For the first time, I actualiy finished a LB book in one day. I know Love is known for her lengthy stories. And it's one of the traits I appreciate most about her writing abilities. I never feel like she's left anything unsaid or not covered. But because of this. I didn't even think it was possible to finish any of her books in a day....for me at least! Although I know others have done it without breaking a sweat! And while I'm not a slow reader, I definitely read for comprehension. So at times I tend to read a scene more than once to process it. Which slows down my pacing regardless of how fast my reading speed is. This is actually my 2nd time reading this series. And this time around, I just couldn't put this book down! This may be the best installment of the series. But until I finish it entirely, I'll have to reserve my final opinion until the end. This installment took me through the gambit of emotions, and I just didn't recall it putting me through the wringer as much the first time around. I thought that honor belonged to StentRo and Zoey, or in other words the WTB series. But now after starting from the beginning of Love's catalog, and making it up to this point, I can now recall why I put off revisiting LIP, WTB and Wayward for as long as I did...angst anyone? But believe me Love, that's a testament to your talent as a compelling storyteller. And one again I'm blown away by your writing skills! I now feel like both StentRo and Isaak needed a hug, but Azmir not so much!

Love is pain!

The Low of Love (Wayward Love Book 2) by Love Belvin is interesting story. Love Belvin does a good job. I’m happy that I give her chance to read her works. I’ve learned lot from reading this book. Isaak is struggling with his happiness and forgiveness. He needs to understand how Kennedi feels. He needs to get rid of his distraction. Kennedi is a good woman to him. Shameeka and Kelli are ungrateful and disrespectful to Kennedi. They should spend more time with their kids. I can’t wait to read the final series of Wayward Love. I’ll continue to support and read more from this author. Good Read: Book Nerd Love is pain!!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💙💙💙💙💙💙💙✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I've read all of Love Blevins book but this is by far my favorite. Usually if I purchase a book I don't leave a review but I have to tell everyone. How great this book is. I am in love!! I really felt like I was missing Issack as if he's a real life person when I finished this book . I had to go back and read 1 and 2 two times. I love Issack and Kenny together I hope that they are able to work it out. It's still some immaturity on her part but I feel like Issack has grown up a lot. I think him and Kenny separating was a must for him to be there how he needs to for his children. This book was a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I was happy in love and I cried for this couple by far my favorite Love Belvin series. Can't wait to read part 3!!! Don't put that pen down Ms. Belvin just awesome

Waiting on my joy to come in the morning... because love can be low

For the new comers, you don't have to search any further, Love Belvin's work is beyond five stars so if you haven't been introduced to her, get book 1, the Left of Love, and join our group of Love Belvin stans. Now on to my review... Can we start a campaign to appeal to Amazon so high quality reviews count for 1.5 or 2 reviews instead of 1? Of course the request would likely fail but I'm suggesting it because reviews for Love's work are usually remarkably detailed and/or highly passionate. I'm sure some of us are often in our feelings causing us to stray away from doing a review and when we actually decide to do the review, quality takes time. There aren't enough words to describe the emotional state a Love Belvin book (or entire series) puts us in because her work is all consuming. Our collective heart is ripped out of our chest and then slowly stitched back together. Instead of using sewing or medical instruments she uses her powerful God given imagination and the stroke of a pen (or keyboard). In my review of book 1, the Left of Love, I mentioned that I would love the Low of Love more. Book 1 was essential, laid the necessary ground work for book 2 and caused less emotional stress (concerning the main characters' love life) but THIS book punctured me in a different way. I was drawn closer to Isaak and Kennedi and saw their psyche from different vanish points than was exposed in book 1. Isaak presented his vulnerable side while Kenny loved out loud. They made magic when together but outsiders could see their love for each other much clearer than they could or would acknowledge. My inner romance warrior is still weeping for the state of their relationship at the end of book 2 but I'm trusting LB in this journey. Like the Good Book says, weeping may endure for a night but joy will come in the morning. Their love requires grace and mercy and I believe the end will eventually justify the means.

What a journey!

I went through every emotion reading this book and alternated between wanting to ring both their necks and to hug them. I had forgotten how young these two are, but this book kept reminding me. Young Lord has to have picked the worse two chicks in the neighborhood to have babies with. We didn't see much of Kelly in this one, but Shameeka showed out enough for both of them. I'm not a fighter,but I wanted to snatch her up myself. Just nasty. And the threats to expose Isaak. Curious to see what she knows and if she follow through, but I also want someone to loudly and crudely ask her to think about how that might affect her. Still waiting to hear the story about Isaak, Tracee and Lisa and to see how things play out. Tracee does way too much with her attitude towards Kennedi and I'm waiting for Isaak to really handle it He can be too laid back about some things, and this is the perfect example. My heart broke for Kennedi when she was in the hospital. I was glad she (and shocked) when she came cleAn about her feelings, and also about her breaking things off with the whole Beckwith crew, but it was very necessary, both for her and Isaak. The kids revealed so much in the course of conversation, that the adults missed. For example, when Isaak tells Martin that he loves him, Martin is surprised and then thanks his dad for 'buying' them a family to love them (meaning Kennedi's family. I really wanted isaak to ask him why he said that, but it flew over Isaak's head. The same way the fact that most of the songs isaak wrote were about Kennedi. So much good in this book. Lots of highs and lows. About to dig in to Book 3!

Another Hit Series

Ms Love has yet another hit series to add to her list of some the best series that I've had the pleasure of reading. Every series that this author has written today has some amazing book. She is a beast with her pen game. The Low of Love book 2 in the Wayward Love series was executed so effortlessly that is a addicting. Issak and Kenndi story will leave with so many raw emotions that make you reAlly feel their emotions through out the book. The bond that had with each was so heart felt, and real that I got emotional. I know Issak need to check Tracee with her hating self. I hope Kenndi and Issak move completely out of the friend zone and make relationship work. I hope the next book Kenndi will be more mature and Issak realizes that she the one and only for him. I can't wait for book 3. As always great job Ms Belvin.

I Love this book!!!

This is the first author that has NEVER disappointed me. This storyline is brilliant.. I loved evolution of her characters. She shows you that you have to work hard for Love and it ain't always pretty. This book had so much emotion in it and she has a easy of making you feel her written words. I am now confused about who my favorite characters are. I loved these two. I love Kennedy's loyalty and her nurturing spirit. I love Issaks humble swag. Can't wait until book three..

In My Feelings...

First, let me say this book is everything!!! However, I knew I should have waited to read this book, but you just can't resist reading a Love Belvin book. Love has me all in my feelings waiting for book 3 "The Right of Love" like a kid waiting on Christmas morning. This book is an emotional rollercoaster that you can't help but ride with Kennedi and Isaak. I laughed, cried, and almost threw my tablet against a wall while reading all the ups and downs, ins and outs, and twists and turns. The chemistry and loyalty they have for one another is clear, but watching how they allowed immaturiy, outside influences and circumstances control their direction was hard as hell. The character development in "The Left of Love" is awesome but not overdone. It gives you a chance to understand and appreciate the author's path for the character's relationship development. The fact that the heat between them had me turning on a fan whie it's 35 degrees outside was definitely a plus. Love Belvin is bad with the pen and this book and series is on fiyah. I can't wait for part 3 to see what she does with Kennedi and Isaak. I know I will be in my feelings again, but you just can't resist a Love Belvin book. She could write the ABC's and I would read it. #penningwithoutparameters

... usually don't give out reviews but to this Author Love Belvin I have to pay homage

All though I'm a avid reader I usually don't give out reviews but to this Author Love Belvin I have to pay homage. This was the most well written and developed book that I have read in a long time. I instantly feel in Love with both Kenndi and Isaak. This book had my emotions all over the place I laughed some and cried a lot and though I loved Kenndi she had me frustrated a great deal of the time because she is so native.I must say that Love Belvin has moved to the top of my must read list. This Series rocked the hell out of my reading experience.

Chasing Sunset 🌅

Love Belvin is an author that will have you in your feelings...Literally! I've laughed, cried, cried some more, and even became upset and angry with characters to the point I wanted to write myself in the book and slap 👋🏾 a few characters myself lol ...Love never...I repeat...NEVER DISAPPOINT! Isaak and Kennedi's chemistry is so strong you can't help but fall in love with them. At one time I forgot that Young Lord 🎧 was a fictional celebrity and almost caught myself on iTunes searching for his music #LBVS (Character Development is on point) I could visualize every scene from scene. Hurry up March I need Book 3 to see if Issy is still chasing Sunset.


Its hard for me to write a comment about a Love Belvin book because it leave me with so much thought and insight to process. But here is my attempt. Book 2 is so thought provoking because it address so many versions of love and lost. Parental, friendship, relationships etc. And the pain of lost whether its death, betrayal, or a boken heart. Both Isaak and Kenny experience all these in a different manner while trying to find and navigate their own version of love. BASICALLY...... This is another winner by Love as all of hers are.

Dragon Slayer

Love Belvin’s writing skills are like her taking on a dragon with her pen, and slaying it. With The Low of Love, Ms. Belvin takes her time with the development of the friendship/lover relationship between Isaac and Kennedi. The story line is not rushed, but it’s caressed into the evolution of these two characters. This author has NEVER disappointed me. I can’t wait to see how the story ends with these two characters who started on opposite sides of the spectrum. I think this will be the greatest love story told by her. I’m sitting on pins and needles waiting for the closing act. Lord give me strength!

Great Story

When I first read the synopsis of the book I had preconceived notion saying same old ghetto story. I bypass the story for also a month when amazon put it on my recommended list. Don't get me wrong I love Ms. Belvin books especially L.I.P and Love unaccounted series therefore I was expecting something similar Let me say "OH MY GOD" this is one of the best books I ever read. Isaak and Kenendi are amazing characters and the author discuss real issues that we face everyday. i won't spoil it so i recommend everyone reads this book.!!!!

I like The Low of Love the best

Wow...I haven't read two books within a week in a long time. As soon as I read book one, I downloaded book two. I like The Low of Love the best. Okay, now I am about to purchase book three. The only downfall is that I will be sad when I am finished with this series. Belvin has written a book which makes me feel as if I know the main characters on a personal level. It is with great skill that Belvin has been able to, authentically and seamlessly, tell the story of Kennedi and Isaak. I feel that I can relate to the quirky, responsible, overthinking Kennedi. Belvin's offering of the seductively alluring Isaak...Well, that is a whole other story. This book will send you on an emotional roller coster ride, for sure. It will have you blushing and wanting more as you anticipate what is going to happen, next, with Kenny and Issy. Job well done!

Love And War At Its Finest

Dare I say, that THEE Love Belvin has pinned another masterpiece, but this time, with an urban twist? I say! I've read my share of both urban and classic stories. However, I've never experienced a novel where the two genres meet perfectly in the middle. This story and the characters in it were so powerful and raw, that I believe the only way for me to safely read the final installment, is by hovering in a corner, holding an umbrella above me. Kenny and Issy.......these two individuals take one another on an emotional roller coaster, that I wanted to ride over and over again. They force one another to experience so many levels of love, life, family and sexuality without any force. There are also children involved in this story......for much of the story actually. Adding children to juicy love stories doesn't alway blend in well, but Love Belvin nailed it! When I started Part 2 of The Wayward Love series, I read at stop lights, before bed, the gym and during meetings at work. However, as I neared 75%, 85% and the 95% points of the book, I became more and more resistant to flip the page, because I was afraid of the book ending. I was terrified of what Love Belvin was going to end this story with. If you are looking for a novel that you can't put down, something to make you feel good or something to enjoy with your favorite red wine, this is for you! Download it, order it, whatever you have to not miss out on this delicious read!

I’m just going to keep it 100%

I love reading Love Belvin’s (LB) work because she’s not afraid to take risk. Her writing is never rushed or unfinished, basically she’s not a lazy author/writer. And she’s not afraid to tackle the complexities of human emotions (I like complex storyline’s). But baby…. the way she got Kennedi together this season was everything, I mean Sunset, Kenny, Kennedi (all of her) got piped down unapologetically (still clapping my hands). Throughout the whole book LB was getting Isaak together (pause), I know I’m supposed to be mad at Isaak for all his BS in book 1 but I can’t build up anger toward him (I feel for him smh). This book was just so emotional for me, and that last 20% of the book was everything. I’m still replaying the car scene with Kennedi and Shameeka in my head (omgoodness) lol. It’s gotten to the point where LB’s work leaves me speechless, she’s just freaking dope (period).

Love Belvin has blessed us again!

I've come across some great authors, whose work leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside for the first few books and then they drop the ball! Not with Love Belvin...she has had nothing but 5 star (20 in my opinion) reads with every book. All of her series are most reads and leaves you wanting more from her. This series is no different! In Low of Love Isaak and Kenndi friendship turns heavy! They are taking me on a emotional Rollercoaster and I am loving it! Their love for one another is so intense and I am here for it! Great from start to finish. Patiently waiting for the 3rd installment.

Those darks clouds

Supreme’s words started to come true in this installment. I don’t think Isaak really believed him but eventually he started to recall his words, that a minister spoke to him, and saw the dark clouds. I love the evolution that Kennedi made in this installment. Her sheltered upbringing stunted her growth but she is starting to hit her stride.

An Emotional Rollercoaster

Lawd have mercy!!!! I'm at a loss for words concerning this second installment. This one was filled with so much!!! Talk about an emotional Rollercoaster, this was it. I didn't want to love Isaak and Kennedi, but I looked beyond their immaturity and fear of the unknown and known, and fell in love with them. Love Belvin has the ability to make her characters so real and relatable to the reader that it's easy to forget that these are fictional characters. Her ability to make you drown out everything (real🙄) and focus solely on her characters is scary (but in a very good way😏) I love that she's giving us 3 installments, but Jesus help us through the wait! Now back to reality, at least until book 3😁

Love is complicated

This book gave us a deeper look into Young Lord's world. He really does have a heart under that tough guy facade he portrays. Kennedi is also learning about life and love while trying to become an independent grown-up. I just hate the learning process that she is going through. I'm sure it will all work out in the end for these two. I see the good in Isaak and I can't wait for Kennedi to realize that he's worth all of the drama and long-suffering. This was an awesome read and I'm ready for the conclusion of Issy and Sunset's story. Love Belvin will not disappoint.

the few times I have commented have been because of the Love. Her name is an emotion and that is ...

I am a big reader and not so big commentator. However, the few times I have commented have been because of the Love. Her name is an emotion and that is how I feel after reading each and every one of her books. And how I feel when I re read each and everyone of her books. The emotions I felt after reading this book can not be described. However, if I have to use one word it would be numb. I had to put my kindle down and just lay and process. If you love books with that will leave you with thoughts as well as prompt self change within yourself, Love is the author for you. I absolutely LOVED LOVED this book and I am once again not so patiently waiting for the conclusion. Love, you have done it again.

An Emotional Rollercoaster!!

Book 2 of this Wayward Love Series was even more riveting than the first!! I was rooting for Issak and Kennedi and hoped they could find their way to each other. They were both so flawed and unwilling to be honest with themselves and each other. I loved them, then hated them and then loved them again. I purposely waited for the 3rd and final book to release before I read The Low of Love now I can decompress and jump right into the next and final installment. Excellent Read. Excellent series.

Mixed feelings

I'm so mixed up right now. At first I couldn't get into this couple. I thought Kennedy was totally naive and still is in a way. Aren't kids supposed to want to make their own mistakes and live life to the fullest. It seems every chance she got it was under her parents shadow. Aren't parents supposed to advocate for their kids? Kennedi 's parent didnt. Now I find myself fighting for Kennedi and Issac . I will definitely buy the last installment . Love you just never disappoint .

From Left to Low...just trying to get it Right

As usual Love Belvin brought her A game...and the characters aren't even in school together anymore. As the story of Isaak Beckwith and Kennedi Armstrong continues from The Left of Love, we learn more about both characters and become even more entrenched in their friendship/love story. In this second installment, the characters mature in ways both anticipated and unexpected. Kennedi and Isaak grow a little more, open themselves up a little more and learn more about themselves and each other.


Ms. Love Belvin has done it again. She continues drawing you in and capturing you in her characters web. I love how she has brought the children in the storyline. You get a clear picture of their little personalities. I'm truly enjoying watching them bond as siblings. The love between Isaak and Kennedi is riveting. If you haven't read the Left of Love yet you must. Love also gave us cameos of her other stars from her previous work. Excellent!!!!!! My finger will be on " buy" at midnight 2-28-17 for book 3 in Wayward Love series. Chasing Sunsets.. Thanks Love for another awesome series. #writingwithoutparameters. #makeyouLoveher.


Let me start by saying Love Belvin you put me in a state of mind I didn't know I had you tapped into every emotion I had and for that thank you.. Now Kenndi and Issy is the couple that you want them to fall in love and have a h.e.a. But they are the issue they both view themselves not good enough for the other. They are sabotaging there own selves and are blind to the fact also they have yet to get to know each other outside of there time at Willy P and I think the two major events that changed their life needs to be addressed and until than they will never move towards a brighter future.

The left of love, the low of love. Art and magnificence...

You know your book is greatness when another author suggests it. NRG led me here. I finished the left of love Friday night and here it is Monday and I just finished the love of love! A emotional love story between two best friends. Issy & Sunset left me feeling like I've never experienced true love. I couldn't put this book down once I started and now I'm done and can't wait to start the next book. Love Belvin you are amazing and this is my 1st time reading your work and I'm in love! Pure greatness!

Everything you NEED it to be....

Wow is all I can say. Love Belvin did such an amazing job with the details written in this book. The emotions that were captured was so raw, that you had to feel it right along with the characters. I read the last chapter SIX TIMES..... I just wanted to relive the moment over and over again. This series is turning out to be another literary classic and definitely a must read. I look forward to the third installment.

Awesome read!

I was anticipating this novel and it did not disappoint! From start to finish I was enthralled by this emotionally riveting work of art. In this second installment , I got a better understanding of the characters and their whole thought process . I cried because it was so easy to become emotionally involved with the characters and their stories. Kudos to Love Belvin for a well written and captivating read! I eagerly await the third installment.

Chasing sunset

what a roller coaster ride. This book was amazing from beginning to end it was raw and real and consuming. I felt every emotion Isaac and Kennedy was going through they love each other with deep and desperate. Both characters had their own baggage an obstacle to overcome. In so many ways they were cheated because they were blind by what was really important. Can't wait for the Nextbook I know it will be epic

The depth of Emotions

Love always brings you such a vivid perception of her characters and it makes you so entertwined with them that it feels like reality. I felt like I was the invisible person on this journey overseeing Isaak and Kenny. It became so real for me. So much so that I hated and loved Love Belvin for her amazing ability to draw me in. I laughed out loud, in real life. I could hear the music and feel the energy in the atmospheres. I even cried and had mini heart attacks. This was such an amazing ride. I tried to slow down my reading because I didn't want it to end, yet I couldn't because its a constant page turner. Oh, the sorcery. Lol


Be still my HEART! Book 2 is my favorite in this 3 part series. LOVE!!!!! You just keep doing it and doing it well! This book was so good, I read it back to back. It was hard to pick sides with these characters. Sometimes, it's hard to believe Kennedi and Isaak are fictional. Love's writing is just that good. It was hard to come down from the high of this book. Thank God, there's a Facebook Fan Club where you can connect with other readers that feel the same way.

Love Belvin is (Y)our Pusherman

Curtis Mayfield penned a tune entitled Pusherman. Well for those of us along this wild and bumpy ride known as the "Wayward Love" series, Love Belvin is our pusherman or rather pusherwoman. I can't believe how she has managed to turn us out to the point that we are strung out, hanging on to every word she pens, battling a range of emotions, feeling the aftershocks of this reading hangover for days at a time, all while trying to leave her alone so she can supply the next fix. Now that may all sound dramatic but I'll be darn if it is not the absolute doggone truth! I had a favorite series by Love and that was hands down it for me--it resonated and captivated my thoughts and emotions in a way that I did not think it could be topped but this series had dethroned the others. This series is so raw, so prolific, so life like that it renders you truly stuck between the realms of real life and fiction. Love Belvin put her heart into this book. I know that she does with all of her works but it's something next level with this book--maybe her heart and soul because that's where it keeps reaching me. Isaak stepped up in this book. He made me proud. I know some of my sisters in reading gave him a hard time for being less than he should in certain situations but I think he showed hella growth and maturity. He had a few missteps namely not nipping Tray in the bud sooner, being selfish i.e. when Ms. Vi was having her emotional breakdown, and not being able to fully articulate his need and love for Kenny. However, he did show her more love and affection. Isaak knows her better than anyone--he knows that she is a person that's in her head, so he has to go about it differently to make sure that she gets it--the assuming is aggravating but that's my boy and I rocks with Isaak. Now Kenny was aggravating. She had taken on a lot and given herself wholly to Issy but then she got dense, unsure, insecure and started acting out. I could easily forgive everything she did EXCEPT how she bailed on the kids. I wanted her to at least reach out on their birthdays and she did not. At least she redeemed herself later on with his birthday dinner. I also didn't like how she fronted Isaak during the reunion dinner. I was so glad when he put her in her judgmental place. I am so happy that he was the first for Kenny. Like Kennedi said "it wouldn't be anyone else but you"--Damn Right and it played out exactly as it should have. I loved Isaak's vulnerability in this book. He laid some things out there, he was bare, raw in his feelings and emotions--it was everything! There were some surprises that I did not see coming e.g. Willy's seemingly disapproval with Issy being with Kenny, Willy having another child, Malcolm--and once again, Isaak begging. That boy was begging more than a 90s Jodeci song and I was there for it! Phew! I need to detox and attempt to rid my head space of these characters but it's just a matter of time until I'm back on the trail of my pusherman, Love Belvin, waiting for my next fix!


I'm at a lost for words. I'm once again lost in the literary journey created by Love Belvin. She has a talent for bringing the characters of her books to life. Her descriptive and emotional writing style makes you feel like you are watching the big screen. I can't wait to see the ending to this incredible story. I knew she would make us love Isaak.

Love love love

This book is so intense I had to pause to write this I am breathing like I am in Lamaze class. Just started to hallucinate about the third book, Ms Belvin bodied it again,, she reach into my heart pulling me into the lives of Isaak and Kennedie again, you will love this book spicy and warm and sensual. Just the anticipation is getting me breathing hard.

As Always a GREAT Read!

I never get tired of learning and getting to know these characters. Love has a way of making you feel like you have known these characters from the beginning. She develops each character so that they are real to the reader. Things are never predictable there is always twists and turns surprises. I've enjoyed getting to know Isaak and Kennedy and cannot wait to see how all the discovery heart ache and love turns out.

" I will never love another"

Love, your second of this series have me feeling every emotion that this couple went thru in this book. I don't know where you have to go in your head to bring these two characters to life where the reader gets what the are going thru to eventually be with the one you love. You are an amazing author! Can't wait for the next book!

Impatiently anticipating the last installment

I absolutely fell in love with this installment! I laughed, cried, rejoiced, and cried some more in this book. It is a very emotional read, but oh so worth it. My one complaint is the highly improbable possibility that two people so obviously in love could be that oblivious to it, that doesn't seem to likely to happen. Despite that, this is still an amazing story.

Kennedi, Kennedi, Kennedi

I went into this book with an extreme dislike of Isaak. I get him now. I understand his motivations and how he processes things. Though this has a similar feel to Waiting To Breathe, I also feel that it's different. We see more of the characters and where they came from. Isaak is way more complex than I imagined. At the end of book 1 it was evident (to me at least) that he has 'mommy issues'. It has been my experience that men like him are the most challenging. Something significant happens to a man emotionally when he doesn't get that nurturing from his parent. This is why he clings to Kennedi. I won't give much more away but have to say that coming away from this, I don't understand Kennedi. Not as a woman, I realize that she's immature and not fully grown but she messed up. I don't like how she handled the kids and especially the way that she handled Isaak. I'm sure that Love will redeem her in my eyes, because that's what she does, but Kennedi is now my least favorite heroine.

The Low of Love

Book 2 took me on an emotional rollercoaster. The love that these two share even though they don't want to let the other one know is definitely evident. This story still has the poetry feel I love so much even in the sex scenes. It really is a day in the life of best friends turned lovers. And I think that aspect is my favorite part.

Izzy and Sunset

I love their love. I'm crying and dying to continue their journey. I have no clue how but know their love is strong enough to bring them together. Love Belvin is a master story teller. She pulls you into the lives of her characters. We feel their pain and suffering, and rejoice and celebrate when they finally get it right.

My all time favorite

Love Belvin is the truth, this series was the 1st set of books of hers I read and when I say it had me from hello. I actually lost 6 lbs reading this series because I wouldnt put the books down to even eat, it consumed my days until I finished them

Definitely a High Low

See, I love Ms. Belvin because of where she can transport me. Her characters aren't just some flat interesting folks. Mannnn, they breathe their flawed, full bodied asses all over my imagination. There are very few contemporary women authors who know how to make the chemistry and essence of urban alpha males and versatile Black girls so rich and palpable. I was moved close to tears in the opening chapter of this second title of Belvin's Wayward Series. It strongly me reminded about the opening chapter of the first title in the series. Intense, fortelling, reeling....nicely tying the two parts together without such an obvious recap. I did become a tad exasperated as Kenny and Issy belabored the shedding of her lingering condition. Still, the build up of said transition was absolutely paramount to their entrancing evolution. Love is a master at highlighting the complexity of multidimensional characters. Rarely will she expose the whackness of strong empathetic protagonists without gracefully or shockingly revealing their beauty as well. This one has me caught up. I can't wait for the final title in March.

Great read

Love Belvin never disappoints. The depth of the characters is amazing. They are real you see their highs and lows, watch them grow, learn and pick themselves up after mistakes. It takes talent for an author to make a person feel every emotion that the character is feeling. This is a must read.

oh my God!

This installment was awesome. So powerful,the characters Issay and Kennedi wow. i love their evolution. The story was so well developed and builded ... I've read all of Love's books this series is one of my favorates. i can wait for the third installment. well worth the mobey and time. Bravo

One Word..

This review will be short and will convey my true feelings upon finishing the second book of this three book series... F*****************************************************K!!!!!!! Buy it, read it and enjoy!,👍🏾🔥👍🏾🔥👍🏾🔥👍🏾🔥👍🏾🔥


Love why did you let her leave him in that vulnerable state like that? Please let her come back to him. Please. I feel their pain. She loves him from the bottom of her soul. One thing that I am glad of is Kennedy isn't needy, clingy nor desperate. I thank you for that. Please let her come back to her love.

Love Belvin is EVERYTHING!!!

OMG this book has me speechless! Love brought it all with this book, I cannot wait to read book 3. This book was just everything, so lit that I can't really form my thoughts to leave an insightful review all I'm going to say is if you're not familiar with her work shame on you.

Issy and Sunset : Love brings the heat and the low of love

This installation is so hot and raw and risqué. This is a very involved and emotional ride. Love Belvin ups her game from the first installation and takes us on a whirlwind of complex, vivid, and soul stirring moments from beginning to bittersweet end.

Love does it again

Love does it again! She write a story that you can not put down. The kind that makes you want to stay home from work just to read. I was not very excited about this story because the characters are the same age as my daughter ( and who wants to relate to their children like that). very soon on it became a very compelling story about two people from very different worlds. I love everything this woman writes!

I didn't want it to end

If I could have given this book more stars I would have. The flow of the story was perfect. I fell in love with Kennedi and Isaak. I loved her naivety and her courage. I loved his patience and strength. I did find myself screaming to the book for him to tell her his feelings but I know the author intended to evoke those emotions. I can't wait to read book 3

Loved It

As always, Love never disappoints. I think I'm in love with Isaak. I cannot wait for them to get this love right! They are so beautiful together and I cannot wait to see how Love does it. it 3/1 yet??)


LOVE!!!! U doing the most with these cliff endings. This book was AWESOME, loved it. It was time for Kenny to do a Rayna, take the earrings off & box meeka a$$. Loved it. MARCH 1st right, next release???!!!!

This is an AMAZING series. What character development

This is an AMAZING series. What character development, twists, turns, and heavy drama. I am sooo in love with Isaac. # WishHeWasReal. Love Belvin is an excellent story teller. I have read the entire series 3 times already. That Kennedy is a lucky woman.

Could not put this book down!!!!

Chapter two was better than expected. More surprised, and so many secrets. Real love and romance from everyday people. This is why they say not to have sex with your best friend. Or, this book can prove everyone wrong.

Yet again!

I always expect greatness from Ms Belvin and as usual she exceeds my expectation! Every time I think she has outdone herself she proves she has only scratched the surface. Once again Ms Belvin you have given us all more characters to fall in love with! And I TRULY hope that loves impossible probabilities will be coming to a theater near me soon!

Issy & his Sunset

I don't care how many of Love's books I read, she will continue to blow me away in amazement of her gift. This book was absolutely everything. It was straight RAW and leaves you feeling an array of emotions in the end. In book one, I felt for Kennedy and I was frustrated with Isaak and his inability to recognize his own emotions. In this book, I was taken on such an emotional rollercoaster with these two and I felt like we were finally able to get into the mind and heart of Issy. I felt his pain, his internal struggle and I was rooting for him. These two have such a strong, powerful, potent connection that I would love to see taken to new heights - if only they could just stop being their own worst enemies. Kudos to Ms. Belvin on mastering the art of telling the stories of her characters and not only giving them voices, but also giving them depth and meaning.

Hands down Love Belvin is my FAVORITE author

Hands down Love Belvin is my FAVORITE author. I recommend her to everyone and they all get mad at me because they are now addicted like myself. LOL! This book was AMAZING and I cannot wait until the third book is released. Awesome read and phenomenal author! Love Belvin, I truly hope you have another series that will be coming out this year......I'm already thinking about what I am going to read after the third book. LOL

The Low of 2

This continued book in the Wayward Love saga did not disappoint me. Ms. Belvin continued to let the main characters grow and develop. I could really appreciate the realism....the good, the bad and sometimes the ugly.

The Low of Love

The emotional rollercoaster of this story has me spent. I'm so anxious to see how it will be resolved. Kenny and Isaak had many unexpected journeys in this second installment. The baby momma beat was great. But I hated to see what it cost. Racing on to book 3.......

Emotional roller-coaster

Another great book by LOVE. I must say this book had me on an emotional roller coaster, as soon as you start to settle in at the top of the hill she takes you on one of those steep drops. So by the time I was done reading this book I was ready to jump back on the ride can't wait till the next book. GREAT READ BY A GREAT AUTHOR. LOVED IT!!!!!


You did it once again. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, it did!!! This book was AWESOME. Today is 2/6/17 and I am have an anxiety attach (LOL) at the thought of having to wait until 3/1/17 for the last book. But I guess I will have to :) Again AWESOME WORK!!!!!!!!!!

The Liw of Love

Love taught Sunset that nothing that is real will be easy. There are always obstacles but if one can hold on .... Love taught Izzy that real love is worth fighting for (even on breaks)

What more can i say...

I love Love B. She is more than a writer -she is an emotional intelligence that forces one to reflect. Everything i hope to be as a writer myself one day! Loving this series!

Great read

I love this story. I have created pictures of Issak and Kenndi in my head like watching a movie instead reading a book. Now on to next book


This book was so damn awesome! I can't wait until March. Please for the love of Pete, release book 3 early. Love, what am I to do for 4 Loooong weeks. Lol

Love Belvin Rocks!!!💩

I enjoyed as always a read by Love. In this series, I applauded the maturity of both Kennedi and Issy .. This s


Wow! This book was one of the best I've ever read. I know I say that after most Love Belvin books, but I'm serious this time! Lol! The emotions and authenticity was overwhelming. I love me some Isaak. I know he's not the perfect parent or the most forthcoming with his feelings, but I get him. I understand him. I can relate to him so much. He is easily becoming one of my favorite characters by far. The growth we saw in this book was astonishing. I cannot wait until book 3 drops. I have to see Isaak and Sunset get their Happily Ever After. They deserve it!!!

Love, Love, Love!!!

This book caught me up from the first page. Still in love with Issak and kennedi's story!

Another good read!!

Love Blevins you've done it again!! Love the story lines, the love and how you keep it "Jerzee"! I'm getting ready for the Right side story, I know it won't let me down!


I fell in love all over again

scoll up the one click button is above!!!!

Ok give me a minute to go into fan girl mode for a bit. What can I really say that I have not said about Love Belvin... oh yeah, she’s a writing Queen who is lyrical gifted with the pen. Who has now become my favorite author hands down. This second installment in the Wayward love series was everything. When you dislike a character and then after you find yourself in love with them. The emotional rollercoaster, grab a tissue or when your try to grab something to fan yourself moments because a scene is so hot or emotionally charge. She gives you that, she gives you more that you thought you ever wanted and then ends the book having you wanting more and more. That is what you want in a book, that is what you crave from authors that you blow your monthly book budget for. You want more from her and you pray that nothing ever happens to her gift because it is extraordinary. Just imagine yourself trying to hold on to a little piece of heaven. That something that no matter what the world throws at you or how much weight is upon your shoulders. That essence of something that makes you whole or completes you because nothing else matters... nothing. Imagine trying to hold onto that something by any means necessary whether it is using different tactics to be with that one thing or change the course of your life to snatch a little piece of heaven because you don't know if or when it will leave you. The journey and the second guessing you do because you know that some of the choices you make are wrong but you don't care because when you’re with that one thing, everything else fades to black. Yep just imagine…. and once you’re done go pick up this book and imagine no more. I love Isaack and Kennedi, I love the journey, I love the heartbreak and convoluted way of thinking, the declaration of love and fight to hold onto it while slowly losing it at the same time. I love it all. I am on pins and needles waiting for the next and last installment and I know that it will be all and more than I could ever hope for. You did that and so much more so… Bravo Ms. Belvin bravo…

Love Belvin does it again, better than ever before...

This is by far my favorite novel by LB. I've read every one of her books; and while they've all been excellent in my opinion, this is the first couple I could completely relate to. I'm in the same age bracket as Isaak and Kennedi, so I completely understand the unsettled millennial mindset. The evolution of these very flawed characters is painfully beautiful. LB has a way of making you feel every emotion the characters are feeling as if you're the one living it. This book will take you on an emotional rollercoaster and fray every single nerve that you have, but it is SO worth it. This series has easily worked it's way into my Top 5 Reads of all time and the last installment doesn't even have a release date. It's THAT good. You will not be disappointed.

It just can't get any better!

Book 1 is a must read, and so is Book 2. My heart is in knots and I eagerly look forward to the conclusion of this story! Ms. Belvin is just GIFTED!


Love gets better with each series! I couldn't put this book down!!!

Love did it again

I have read every book that Love Belvin has written and I hate for all of them to end and this book was no different. I can't wait for March!

And she does it again!

I am on this whirlwind of emotions with Issy and Ken. In each free moment whether it's at home or at work i had my nose in this book. I can't wait to start pt 3 because I need to know how it ends...I hope happily ever after!

My heart is hurting

This is worse than Stenton and Zoey story I have cried and I have laughed but I never expected for her to lose the baby but I did expect her to get pregnant I cried so hard you would have thought that this was my daughter I love Isaac and kennedi and I just can't understand why they are making this so hard please fix them I love your writing style I can see it I can feel it I can hear it. I feel like I am watching a movie. You make me stay up all night knowing I have to go to work. You made Stenton work for Zoey I sure hope you can make Isaac work for Kennedi cause she will love him for life. Oh Rajee is from Jackson and Elle story I could be wrong but I don't think I am I will go back and read it. I read the left of love 3 times and now I am going to read the low of love again thank you please keep doing what you do and can we get another book about Trent story I promise to buy


All I can say in Love your are a master at this art of writing books you keeping everybody in suspense. Every book that I have had the honor of reading that you have written is extraordinary. Keep up the good work


Reckless, uncontrollable, tumultuous, disruptive...BUT I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!! The title says it all. This part of Isaak and Kennedi's journey will have you on the edge of you seat. Revelations come to light, both characters do some soul searching, things are exposed, discoveries are made, and strength is found. The question for both of them now is, "What are you going to do?" I absolutely cannot wait until part 3 to see how it all unfolds. Love Belvin continues to do what she does best in this series. She is an absolute beast when it comes to dealing with flawed characters. Like always, in this series, she takes you on a trip using characters that we can relate to and situations that we've been through. I already know part 3 will be just as phenomenal as parts 1 and 2. March needs to hurry up and get here!

Another great ride

Excellent read. These characters are so beautifully flawed. This is a series you can sink your teeth into.


She did it again. Loved this story more than I thought possible. I'm vested in these characters. You will be too. Can't wait for book 3.

... 1 had me in my feelings this one here like wow. Wow is all I could come up ...

When I thought book 1 had me in my feelings this one here like wow. Wow is all I could come up with the entire time I read it. Finally Kenny takes it there with Issac (Lord) and you think okay here we go now they are gonna finally get it right, show their true feelings for each other and live happily ever after. She is attached to the children, they are attached to her, the baby mama's aren't really an issue, the other chicks (other than Tracee's annoying ass) were not an issue and it's going down they are going to be the it couple and make this thing work.......but NOOOOOOOOOO they still can't get it right. Issac finally confesses his feelings and what does Kenny do she heads for the border running away and leaving a debris of broken hearts by her decision even after learning the sacrifice Issac made for her which was the cause of their earlier separation. Kenny not only broke Issac's heart but she broke mines too with this decision. But I am a sucker for torture so of course I moved on to book 3 in my feelings and all.

Young Lord

Double Thank You Love Belvin!!!

This book ! Book 2

I have no words. I am blown backwards. Speechless. I loved it. I am about to start book 3 like NOW!

Five Stars

Love all of the women's work. My favorite author.


I am OFFICIALLY a fan. I'm addicted to these characters, their story, and the author. Give me MORE please and make it HOT!!! I'm only disappointed I'm done.

Five Stars

Love Belvin just become my favourite author of all time. I will never love another!


Amazing!!!!! I LOVE this author, and the brokenness and humanity that she is able to depict in characters is beyond AWESOME! GREAT book, re-reading it now. So worth the wait!!!!!

I vave read all books Love Belvin, I actually daydream to it

I vave read all books Love Belvin, I actually daydream to it, I don't want them to ever end keep them coming please, great read

Emotional roller coaster ride

Love is a master at her craft. As with all of her series, this series will take you through every emotion known to man and a few more you didn't even know you had. Love Belvin has a way of penning a story that reaches her audience so well you feel like you're in the story and personally know the characters. This story was everything right and everything wrong. Of course you're rooting for Kennedi and Isaak to be together but why do they have to make it so hard?!?!? Ugh Talk about 2 people that did not know how to communicate and did a lot of assuming about each other's feelings. Well you know what they say about make an ass of yourself and in a lot of ways they did. Kennedi needs hooked on phonics. How in the hell does she not know that he wants her when he say "I need you"...I wanted to reach through the Kindle and slap her little air headed tail. And my heart bleeds for Isaak. Poor Isaak trying to protect his little heart because he has nobody. The trip to them being together and not together and together....maybe was awesome and exciting and heart breaking and COME ON ALREADY but I LOVED every minute of it. I can say you get a better look at both of them and grow to love them. And the kids....OMG I love all of them. Love Belvin crafted those children and you can visualize them and see their likeness to their parents just from reading their antics. So happy to see Joy progressing. I wish this story ended on a happier note but then again it wouldn't be the low of love now would it?!?! What I can say is this story is a MUST READ. You will fall in and out of love with these characters and their story but you will root for them and feel everything they feel. That's how awesome Love Belvin is with a pen, typewriter, computer....whatever it is she uses.

Love will never disappoint you

Love will never disappoint you.

Five Stars

Very well written!! 📖📘

Six stars worthy

If I could have given more stars I would have. I love Love Belvin's work, she will definitely take you on an emotional journey through the characters in her books. I love the way the story builds I could not put this book down until the end. I love characters I can't get out my head. This will be a long month wait for the final book. I guess I'll start my re-read. I discover so much more the second time around.

Five Stars

Great Read!


I stumbled across Love Belvin a few years back and since then I have read and Loved all of her work. This series Wayward Love, has me feeling some kind of way. Kennedi and Isaak's love has going way to the left and I so looking forward to their love coming back. It was full of surprises with just enough of suspense with very developed characters. Way to go LB

Five Stars

Love's characters are always the best!

Five Stars

Loved everything about it!!!!


Awesome read Where do I begin to express the love I have for this book. The second book was well written and kept me on the edge of my seat all day. I had a dislike for Issac in the first book but could understand where he was coming from in this book. The second book I think I like him the most just to see him grow up a bit was refreshing. Now Kennedi needs to come correct in book number 3. She also matured in some in book 2 . I love how their paths took on another journey and Love did her thing with the art of writing that journey. This is a must read series it has so many dynamics to what relationships go through on a regular basis. I love both characters at this point and can't wait for book 3 just to see how Love brings this all together for her fans. If you want to a good read and really want to connect with the characters this is the book for you. Anxiously waiting book 3


It just doesn't get any better than Love Belvin!! This series is EVERYTHING! Nothing but the truth. Blessings on you Love!

My Heart Goes Out To Issy!!

Why do I feel like I'm the one that got broken up with? My mind is blown right now and I have a lot thoughts running through my mind behind this book! First, let me say this book was fire from beginning to end!! I have re-read some parts because I just can't believe all that transpired! I mean there were no slow parts (to me). Secondly, Issy and Sunset..this friendship that blossomed into a deep love was in the making the day they met at Willy P! Although I understood his issues with her handling his kids, I mean who else was going to nurture them they way she did and what I liked about Kenny's involvement it wasn't to impress Issy. Like she said in the first book, she saw a need and met their needs. But Kenny was very naive to say the least. Issy never had to wonder what she was thinking, because she told him everything without realizing she was doing it! Like when she told him she'd been on a date with Bryant, but he didn't kiss like how Issy kissed her. And to me, the reason Issy kissed her with so much passion is because he was already in love with her! Call it denial or oblivious, but it was there the first time she went to visit, and by time she lost her virginity they were both in love, I knew that then. As much as they thought that their "arrangement" was simply to get her past her virginity, they both were falling deeper in love with one another. You could tell by their arguments, they were more intense and so full of emotion! Lastly, my heart went out to Issy, I feel so bad for him. It seemed like as soon as he finally came to terms that he was in love with Kenny and that he could never love another, things were took a turn. I didn't like the way she did the kids, but as a woman I understand her need to get away from it all and step back, but you don't do that to the kids especially when the explanation that to come from Issy and not her! I really loathe the idea that she is "pretending" to be all happy in a new relationship! One thing I know, is when you're used to man handling your body in a way, replacements never do the trick! Hence, the kissing remark! I sure didn't like the way it ended! I thought Issy got the short end of it all! But it sure does make for a good 3rd book and I pray that they both get out of their own way and let the love guide that they have for one another guide them back to each other and stop pretending to be moving on with other people!!

Had my Doubts, but she Made me Want More. Dark Read at Times.

Kenny and Isaak are back. Still trying to figure out what they are and who they're trying to be to each other. Kenny is still clueless at times, but becomes a bit selfish to me. Isaak seems to know what she is to him, but Kenny is so dark and brooding near the end, and understandingly so. She faces heartache, but the manner in which she dealt with it was sort of selfish and could cost them each other. Isaak was dealing with the same heartache as Kenny, but he took it and she didn't. Anyway, this book is filled with revealing sides to his relationship with Tracee's ignorant self. It appears she's in love with him and he gives her way too much leeway. As Isaak is flourishing their relationship appears to flourish and then his past and tragedy strike, causing her to reevaluate her life and Isaak. In the end Isaak focuses in his seeds and career. The book ends with the next book coming in March. This book is dark at times. You will want to smack Kenny because she's playing games and her games cost them both something precious. Pros: Well written Kenny and Isaak have chemistry The children bring more life to the story Story about the heart, and two people who love each other but are not truly seeing each other. Angst. Cons Kenny made her own bed by being sneaky and that hurt them and the kids better

I know I am in the minority here. I normally like Love Belvin's books. I love the last series but I don't like this one. I struggle with the first book and honestly I can't get into the second book. The characters just don't seem normal to me. Kennedi, takes care of Issaks kids, she picks them up, they stay at her home, her parents treat them like grand kids is just too far fetched for me. It's not real life and not normal, Issaks has all these babies momma's and they just let Kennedi have their kids. I have tried to look past this and really to me this story is just dragging. I have literally skipped pages just to get through this story and at this point have just stop reading it. I am sure eventually I will get back to it, I am thankful this is a kindle free book because I would be upset if I paid for it. The parts with Kennedi and Issak are great and wish there was more of that and less of the other stuff. This is my opinion as I can see from the reviews lot of others love this series.

An Unavoidable Accident!

I hate that I love that I hated the progression of Isaak and Kennedi's relationship. It was like experiencing an accident that you know is about to happen and all you can do is brace yourself for the impact and hope that you are causing the least amount of pain as possible. They are like an unavoidable accident! The thing is, I like them as individuals, but together, they just weren't mature enough to handle it. Isaak is dealing with emotional immaturity, his parents and loved ones just didn't ensure that Isaak had the tools to grow from a child into an adult that didn't need undoing. He needs lots of undoing. And Kennedi has the opposite problem... she was so sheltered that real life experiences to her are all shades of roses and sunshine and that makes her reckless in her decision making. Too much or too little of anything can have the same effect. Isaak and Kennedi need to find their "just right" equation. This story ended in a way where is going to take some soul building, truth telling and being able to deal with outside forces for these two to recover. But I'm still sticking to my guns here, I actually don't want Kennedi and Isaak together, because although unintentional, they're causing more pain to each other. Like an accident, it's hard to watch!

Agony...... Not really but man LOVE B!!!

Love Belvin knows exactly what she's doing to me with this 2nd installment of Wayward Love. I usually don't write my review until the second read (if a book's not good enough for a 2nd read, it probably won't get a review) but I had to go ahead and get my thoughts out. This book will keep you on your toes baby. I'm pretty good at predicting things but not in this installment. I mean the title tells us that things will get rocky but man, I didn't expect this much drama. Issy and Kenni really love each other but so much is standing in their way. Oh and who knew Trinka was so insightful... I'm so ready for my happy ending. I don't know how much more these 2 characters can take. If you haven't read book 1, get it. You will fall in love from the 1st chapter and become a Wayward Love addict too. Come on Love... can't wait for book 3. 💚💚💚


Belvin.. girl you sure have a way with words. Reading this book is like floating off into another word. It’s unreal, feels of extraterrestrial beings. Makes you want to feel something so powerful. It’s so much pull into a whole different direction. Sometimes I didn’t understand. Sometimes I understood too much. Isaak, baby you have so much going on. To be so young, lord. Kenny, you took on SO much responsibility.. to be so young. I’m 24 and can’t imagine dealing with the load Kenny took on. All in the name of love and even more. This book is leaving my speechless. Ready to dive in to the finale of the series. I have no clue what to expect but I know Belvin will not disappoint me.

apologetically uncommon

I started reading this series 2 three days ago. My timing was kind of warrented because all i wanted to do was have me time, soak in tub by candlelight with a good book. Now, im kinda pissed that ive allowed these 2 books to have take me completely away from everything i need to do, but I cant stop. This author is skilled. When I say unapologetically uncommon, I mean that it is very uncommon for me to get caught up in the now common hood/urban fiction that displayed by now in this day and age. I assumed wrong from the first chapter. Once i passed book one, i wished that i could apologize to the author for my misguidedness. Im now prepared to loose myself in book 3. Back to my tub To the Author: Thanks, this journey is awesome. Lets see how kenny and issy get in their own way. Still Im hopefull they'll get it together. They are both so complicated and nieve to love.

The ups and downs of reading series...

The good things about reading a series is that you have something to look forward to next, the bad thing... waiting! I was going to wait until the end of the month to read this one so I could read the last two back to back but who was I kidding. I truly enjoy reading LB books because the writing is truly phenomenal. You really do have a gift with words. Even if I am not a fan of what's going on in the book, the writing captivates and sucks you in. In this book Kennedi and Isaak just can't seem to get it together. I found myself getting aggravated and was like would you two just sit down and have real discussion already...but then I remembered it's a book and these are fictional characters. They both suffer with self-doubt, and immaturity with each other and in turn bring others into their mess. I thought the interaction between the Isaak's children and Kennedi was still odd but understood it. A couple of twists in this story that I did not see coming, but it was altogether a very good and well written book. I am patiently waiting to see how they work out their connection.

another Jewel dropped!!!!

First word that comes to mind is WOW! I am in total shock and awe at Love’s ability to pull me in every single time she writes something. The emotions are so vivid it makes you feel as if you’re experiencing them write along with the characters of the book. Man, this book had it all; lots of drama and ups and downs for Sunset and Isaak. I was so glad that Kennedi stood up for herself and did what she needed to do to find her peace. I don’t agree with everything she did, but I’m hoping she gets it together soon. Isaak’s revolution is great and I love the growth in him. The supporting characters in this book are crazy but makes for lots of great drama. As always I say that with Love Belvin you’re going to get more than just a bubble gum romance. Her writing is phanominal, and until next month I’ll just be here impatiently waiting!!!

New fan

I’ve read some of the reviews about this story being drawn out and unrealistic. My rating for this series is based on its relatability to real relationships. Nothing and no one is perfect. There is no straight shot to success and happiness with anything in life. Everyone is Zig zagging their way to their own happy endings and this is what I love about this series. Love Belvin could’ve easily summed this story up in a one book deal with a cheesy fairytale ending. I love watching Kenny and Issy grow and discover themselves. I mean, who really wants and actually gets a perfect love story? Where’s the authenticity in that? 5 stars in my eyes. I’m just on the edge of my seat excited to read the ending!

Kennedi and Isaak!!!!!

I love this book. Kennedi and Isaak "Issy", were made for each other. I love how their friendship was developed and how no matter what stage of their life they were in, their bond was still there. I grew frustrated with Kennedi and here involvement with his children. At first, ok she kind of got taken advantage of, but when you need a nanny for kids that aren't yours and you and the father are not in a relationship things are bound to go bad. I don't fault her for loving them and doing what she could to help, but these BM never seemed to appreciate her in anyway and they both knew she was not with Isaak. Now, when they finally got it on, I was pumping my fist in the air because Kennedi brought the pain and she laid him out with her "corny ass". I love love this book and look forward TO THE RIGHT OF LOVE!!!

Friend, Lovers and so much more

Whew! Love takes readers on an an emotional roller coaster with book Two. We know Kennedi and Isaak love each other. They have way to much passion between them to be only “best friends”. They haven’t figured out that what they are feeling is love. Love pulls back so many layers on both Kennedi and Isaaks life. The end of Book Two is exactly why I wait until Love complete a series is finished before I dig in. As soon as I read the last page, I downloaded book 3 for the conclusion.

Love will prevail!!!

After reading book 2, I am hopeful that the love between these two will win!! I felt every emotion in this book. That's the secret ingredient to Love's writing; it makes you FEEL all of the raw emotions of the characters. I cried so hard at the end, my husband thought something bad happened. There were some intense conversations, very intense!! All the ups and downs that they went through in "The Low of Love" will only make them stronger in book 3, and least that's what I hope. The most baffling part of it all is that the only thing they have to do is simply talk to each other, like a real deep, emotional, confessional type conversation where they relay their fears, their insecurities, secrets, etc. So many times during the book, Love will give you their thoughts and where they talk themselves out of revealing their truths. When they realize that, that is what's missing, I think their relationship will be stronger than ever. I hope it happens sooner than later!! Once again, great job Love Belvin. You outdid yourself with this one!!!


I don't even know where to start. Love Belvin your writing OMG I'm speechless. The way you write these characters I feel like they are real people. Now that I got that out on to the review so was a little annoyed that it is taking these two so long to get it together. However, I really appreciate the journey. Kennedi is spoiled and a little hard to take at times but she loves Isaac. For all the talking and communicating she likes to do you would thing she would just talk to him about her feelings but again it`s a journey which is why I couldn't stop reading until I finished in one sitting. Isaac he is so clueless at times as far as his feeling but again its a journey. I am annoyed with Kennedi's godmother because I feel like a part of the way she is is because of Celeste so Kennedi should take her advice with a grain of salt. I do feel bad for the kids but she had to do what she had to do to maintain her sanity. I can't wait read the final installment.

I'm invested!

First off, I've never wrote a book review before but felt compelled to do so at this time. Love, I've read all of your books and this is the best series yet. I actually read book 1 twice! Something about Isaak and his swag intrigued me. Book 2 took me on an emotional roller coaster. I just don't understand why these two can't get it together, especially Kennedi. I mean what more does Isaak have to do and say? He said he's never loved any one else more, he said that in their time apart he hadn't slept with anyone else, which speaks volumes considering his industry. He asked her to stay in Cali with him. I mean what more does she need to hear? I found myself getting pissed at her. I was hoping that she found out about what he did in Book 1 that brought him and Tracy together. B/c Tracy is getting on my nerves too. It's weird because in Book 1 she insisted on Isaak reaching out to Kennedi. Yet in this book, it's just a shocker that he's in love with her. How can she and everyone else in this book not take notice to it. Their love seems pretty obvious to me. Even her parents, so you think he's doing all of that because he's her big sister? Come on now! Even though these are characters in a book, I can even see the way Isaak gazes at Kennedi lol!! Listen I'm invested in this story and relationship and can't wait for Book 3! Keep doing your thang Love!

My heart! 💔

I’ve waited a lifetime to finally read part 2 and I’m so mad at myself for waiting this long to feel all of this emotions that soared off of each page. I got lost in this book so many times because I was on a rollercoaster with these characters. I wanted to cry, fight, scream, declare my love and it all came down to me feeling a heartbreak like never before with a book I’ve read! Now I have to go read part 3 and find out how The Right of Love ends because I need my heart rejuvenated from this gut-wrenching, teeth pulling, heart shattering end! 💔

Issy Loves Sunset

I have read this book twice and the second read was as if it was my first time picking it up. I understand Kennedi, she was not given the tools she needed to grow and be able to deal with emotional issues. She was sheltered and that sheltering has lead to her making some very unfortunate decisions. Now Isaak is a very complex man yet you can see the simplicity in him. They are dancing around the pressing issues and finding ways to sugarcoat them until they explode in their face rather than dealing with them head on. I wish Ezra would make a guest appearance. I hope they are able to have a real discussion about their feelings in Book Three or we will have a Category 5 storm on our hands which would lead to a Book 4!!


I need a moment to gather my thoughts after reading this. Okay here goes. This story is intense, dramatic, tender, loving, sometimes violent, all consuming and I am totally obsessed! I started on the first book a couple days ago and I have not stopped reading! The end of this one left me emotionally drained but anxious for the conclusion. I am almost scared of what this couple will go through next. But I am trusting Love Melvin to get me through it! Bring it Love!


Man it took me a couple days to be able to right this. This was a great follow up to the left of love. Baby the was just what the title said LOW. These to are so crazy. I loved it and hated that it ended. I can't wait for the next book. Love really pulled out all the stops for this book. I was not ready for all the twist and turns and jumps and flips. With each book she grows a little more she gives just a little more. This book is proof of that artist development. This book had me ready to throw my laptop some where because that's how caught up in the story I was.. She set the pace with the first book and man did she follow through. Now it's like how will these two characters make it back from this mess they got themselves in.

I have never been more sad..

To reach a 100%. Bruhhhhh this book is a masterpiece. Each page gives you emotions. Boo to Kennedi for switching it up on them innocent kids though. That was not cute. My favorite Raina would never. But the vunerability these two faced was so raw and moving. When you stop playing games and lay your cards on the table you can't run from the inevitable. I don't like how Sunset is dense and fair weather. Prime example on why you should not shelter your kids! All in all a phenomenal tale. I am about to stalk amazon for part 3. And love girl I feel free to squeeze out a part 4 girl. Even though I read this via kindle unlimited girl you deserve all one clicks for your masterpieces. I am about to go change this review to VERIFIED.

Low of love!

What is love? How do you get there? Why can't we skip all the lows to get to the highs? Because we have to take these steps, learning experiences, those moments of feelings we have yet to understand and appreciate them. All I can say is love can hurt so bad And feel so good! Isaak and Kennedi continue to learn these things in the most difficult, complicated, and beautiful way. Their love is intense and scary. We learn a lot about the other characters also. I could go on and on but this is one of those stories that capture you from the very beginning. You have a front row seat to witness that low love and feel the emotions this story gives. I love this 2nd book even more! Can't wait to get "High on Love"! Love Belvin you bad chick!

Mixed emotions... In a good way

As a reader I know I tend to get caught up in the story and the characters.. I get so invested and with Love she makes it so easy to do that and at the same time force me to look at myself in reality (she's that deep).. The story of these two individuals who love one another but are afraid to love one another other without being hurt and fighting out side battles of their relationship while being best friends.. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions and thoughts.. I don't want it to end but at the same time I want them to just "get it" I've been on the Love Belvin books for about a month.. She's that good I've read everything she's wrote thus fair.. I love how she mentally challenges my thinking when reading and look forward to more from her.. Another one I'm saying "riding till the wheels fall off"

The Low

Just finished and not sure how I feel. We got t deeper with Kenny and Isaac but what heartbreak. So many times I wanted slap Kenny and other times shake Isaac. But their love for each other (although they can't express it) was very strong. I still can't imagine any woman and her family going as far as Kenny's did with Isaac 's children but it made for good read. The supporting characters definitely add to it. Kenny's Dad and Tracy are something else ( not necessarily good either), Belly and Lisa made me laugh. Can't understand the whole Bryant thing (since he is still hung up on his ex) and how Kenny handles the kids, but guess it will all play out in book 3. I hope we get right side of love.

Simply amazing

Simply amazing! Love Belvin is a rockstar of the literary world! This book has me so emotional it has me feeling high but at the same time feeling low. I love Isaak point blank period he is the man! Kenny is such a special girl with a big heart. They both seem to suffer the same insecurities in regards to each other if only they can get out of their own heads. Now it some characters that aint helping the situation Tracee, Willy, and Shameeka I hope they get dealt with in book 3. This book is so awesome 5 stars isnt enough! I can't wait till March! I highly recommend this book you can't go wrong with this book! Love Belvin thank you for sharing your gift!

Love Belvin is the truth!!!

Love Belvin is the truth. Her talent is unmatched and she never disappoints. This is the first series that I'm on the ride for in real time and man am I an emotional wreck!!! These characters are so real you can feel their pain, you ache for them to get it right, you pray for their happy ending while you enjoy their journey. Sunset and Issy's unconventional relationship drew me in during book 1 and with book 2 I experienced the high of their connection while I dreaded witnessing the low I just knew was coming. Love warned us but I thought I was a G... Turns out I'm not, by the end I lost sleep reading for 10 hours straight and had to pull myself out of my poor little feelings while I try to make it until March. Thank you Love Belvin for once again sharing your gift with us. I loved it from start to finish, heartache and all....

5 Stars because there arent more LOL

My breath was caught in my throat last night upon finishing this story. This story , (because it is so much more than a book) I will not put this story in a box. I love the descriptive importance of this book. No stone was left unturned. No character was without backstory These characters are well developed and real to me. I almost got no sleep last night going thru the motions with Issy and Sunset. The pace was perfect for this book. The story flowed and picked up where we left off with the last. Now I want to lay hands on trace. I am anxious to here what her story is and how it intertwines with Isaak. I love Love and this story was perfect for me. I loved the hint of ratchetness but nothing overboard. I appreciate the main characters not being your typical big booty girl meets rich drug dealer.

Love Belvin never fails to deliver!

Belvin never fails to get me emotionally invested. If you're like me and never take more than a day to read her novels, I suggest waiting closer to March to read it because you will surely be waiting in angst! Belvin always seems to capture the ups and downs of falling in love and not only do the characters fall in love but you end up falling in love with the characters as you follow them through their different stages of life. It has all the qualities I absolutely love in a romance novel with passion being the key. Steamy scenes that not only make you want to be with your special someone but really make you feel all the feels of the characters. I personally love both Isaak and Kennedi and I think their friendship is what makes this love so explosive. Another favorite, from my absolute favorite author. Congrats Love!

STUCK In The World of Issy and Sunset

I don't know how I stumbled across this series but I am SO THANKFUL I did. My only regret is I didn't wait until the release of Book 3 to start this series because it is PHENOMENAL! Love Belvin you are GIFTED! I haven't read a book that had me so emotionally invested in a long time! You truly captivated me with your writing style providing the right amount of detail to make me feel like I was riding along with Sunset and Issy. You truly took the time to research and develop so many intricate attributes that made this series a rollercoaster for the characters and readers. With that being said: Book 2 left me stunned, frustrated, and hurt. Why you leave us like that Love Belvin? And we have to wait an entire month *tears* Im so over Kenny right now and my heart hurts for Issy. Kenny KNOWS she doesn't really want to be with Benny, Bryan, Bambi or whatever his name is, her heart belongs to Issy as his belongs to her. I hope they get it together in the beginning of book 3 because I cant take the pressure of their stubbornness. However, Kenny does have some growing up to do BUT my wish is it happens on the ride to the airport and she turns around and they go elope and the issues they face in book 3 are from other things that they conquer together. *Deep sigh* Standing ovation Love Belvin! You've gained a new fan. And if you need a beta-reader for book 3: I volunteer as tribute! (Tapped into my inner corny Kennedy for that one)

Beautiful....not much else needed!

What a delightful follow-up to the first book. The characters have grown so much deeper yet retain those traits that make them so loveable. Who knew white-girl Kenny could fight? Thank you Ms. Belvin from turning your main characters into cliche. So many authors make the mistake of equating strong emotions to lack of control, whether it's love or intimacy or wants. It's easy to spot the laziness in such writings. No one would ever be accusing you of that! Your generosity to others are also noted in your not so subtle shout outs - must be nice to have you as a friend. Thanks for keeping to the time you say your follow-up will be released - much appreciate as an avid follower of your work. Cheers!

Love Belvin

The Low of Love. Let me first start off by saying, I've read ALL of Love's books and I've never been disappointed in ANY PROJECT, she's written. Ok, this book was funny, edgy, and so damn emotional. I wanted to struggle both characters, and Love them at the same time. The love they have for one another, but to both blinded to see it was crazy. I loved the little people, but those damn baby mommas gotta go, and Kenya dad....he's a PIECE of work. I hope they get it together, Because, they need each other. Another BANGING hit Love!!!! Is it March first yet??😂😩😂😩😂😞👀👀

Man I so don't know about this one🙍🙎 issylovessunset#....

This was a strong roller coaster ride. I skipped some pages but at the end, I couldn't stop from reading it, got annoyed, got exited, then angry then simply speechless and still not understanding nothing. I truly did not get why did Kennedi leave? Why she did all of this hoopla, came back but left again... Man I truly hope the finale will be better.

I'll never love another!

I'll never love another!!! I love kennedi and Issak. Many times I was like can y'all just talk to one another. Y'all actions definetly prove y'all love one another. Just talk. Kennedi waited til tragedy happen to reveal her true feelings to issy and issy never said anything at all. I didn't think it was right for Kenny to just detach herself from the kids after you made a big deal about being in their lives but I guess it forced issy to do better with his kids so I'm conflicted on that I can't wait til part 3 cause I know issy is going to get his sunset.

My goshh!

This book had me rendered speechless. I was so lost in the LUST and LOVE. This book was so touching and had me so Captivated and wrapped up in this love story, that I don't quite know what I wanna say about this book. This is a MUST READ! The suspense will drive you bonkers. These are the best books I've read this year. If you haven't started reading yet, what are you waiting for? #ready for part 3. I love when I come across a book as well written as this one and the first one; lets me know I'm not dealing with a rookie! Kudos! I'm in love with these characters

Isaak, baby!!

I loved, loved, loved this book! Isaak and Kenny are growing and finding their way. Kenny, however, was doing too much. Did not see her trying to what she did. But I guess love will make you do stupid things. Can't wait until the next book. Love, as usual, you are talented writer. OMG, your words flow so well that I felt as though I was seeing a movie instead of reading a book! Great book! Well done lady, you are awesome! Oh and that mention of Azmir and Rayna got me doing a re-visit to them while I'm patiently waiting for the next book!

Love 102

What can I say other than job very well done. This book is so well written the characters come alive and sit down in your living room. Round II for Kenny and Issak is off the chain. Tracee must go... I've never wanted to hit a character so bad in my life. Issak has achieved great success of a musician and Kenni is still trying to figure out what to do with her life, until Isaak's children are thrust her way. I felt so much frustration with Isaac ... but I can't wait to see what Love does the next go around.


Love Belvin does it again in part 2 of this amazing love story between Isaak and Kennedi. With Issak's music career taking off and Kennedi ready to take the next step towards her sexual experience, these two college friends realize they are becoming more to each other than expected. Part 2 deals with more emotions and how the main characters are growing and developing in their next chapter of life all while trying to figure out will they still have their friendship while becoming intimate with each other. Amazing story can't wait to read part 3.


It was worth the wait. I am going through so many emotions right now. The next installment will heal me. Love Belvin is a very talented writer. I am going to bed at 3 a.m and I have to get up at 6 a.m I just could not put the book down. I started panicking when I realized I was reaching the end. I didn't want it to be finished because that means it is the start of the 1 month wait. Good thing February is a short month. I would definitely without a doubt recommend all her books. I especially liked the shout out to Christina Jones and Loves improbable possibility. Until next book. Peace and Love


They are by far my favorite Love Belvin couple. No egotistical arrogance (there is arrogance but not like the rest) im fully engulfed in the story. I know how they end up because im reading out of order lol but i dont have disdain for Isaak like i did Ezra. Im not annoyed with him like I was Ragee. And finally the man isnt chasing the woman for his own selfish reasons. This one is definitely my favorite. Idk whats next though because I dont have any interest in reading about stenton rogers soooo i guess ill find another author but Love is amazing for this one right here. My first 5 star read of hers. Bravo

March 2017

This book was everything I expected it to be! I am just at lost for words on how amazing of a writer Love Belvin is. The stories are flawless and with every new page you fall deeper and deeper into the characters. Loving them one minute and hating them the next. Last book I was team Kennedi all the way. This book makes me love Young Lord like crazy! Flawed characters are the best characters! Thank you for my weekend read! 😍❤

10 star

Thank you for sharing your talents with the world to read. Usually by book 2 it starts to go down hill with some authors. But with you I never want this series to end. It's soooooo deep!! Like Romeo & Juliet deep. Lol this is my 1st series or read from this author. You can now count me as one of your readers. Now I'm going read all your other books. I didn't want to put this book down. It's been so long since I stayed up all night reading. Oh & the books are so lengthy.

Love and Other Things

Its clear that Kennedi and Isaak have an explosive relationship. Kennedi loves so deeply that her strong convictions are barely palpable. Isaak is so mixed up about his feelings for Kennedi, his denial of his love isn't fooling anyone. Having Kennedi so involved in his kids world was almost unsettling to a point. The fact that the two baby's momma's were so trifling made the situation even worse on the kids. Kennedi's naïve ways at times made me want to shake her. In the end, I expected her to finally have a meltdown and just give up. Her visit after the tragedy with his band mate gave me hope... Kennedi and Isaak are meant to be together...

Emotional Overload

So many emotions they both had me screaming Ar them!! Issy/ Lord about them his true feelings for Kenni/Sunset! Yet they Trusted one another they still operate NOT like Best friends/ Lovers! Just LOVE each every can see and telling them both that they see it. Yet kept being in denial. Ugh!!!😫😫

Emotional roller coaster.

Aww man, I'm sadden. I'm rooting for them. I want them to get it together. So many times they each poured their hearts out, but it seems like the other person wasn't really hearing until it was to late. Not to give to much away but the "love baby" just took the cake. I wasn't expecting that at all. They both need each other and his 3kids need her and her family. So much is left unsaid. I'm keeping hope alive and waiting on book 3. I know they can get it right but WITH each other.

Soooooo emotional

I mean, my emotions were all over the dang place from book 2 of this series. Kenny and Young Lord have come full circle now and things are way more complicated than one could imagine. Oh and now I know who Tracee and Lisa are I still ain't feelin Tracee. Sad about Kenny's parents and my heart is bleeding for these kids suffering the loss of her. All this has got to be leading leading up to an explosive conclusion in book three. As with almost all of Love Belvin's series (Waiting to Breath is still my least favorite) I am loving it and this series I am highly recommending.

Emotional rollercoaster!

I must say that this series so far is extremely heavy. The raw emotions Love was able to portray in this book between Isaak and Kenny seemed so real. I cried for them. I got frustrated with them. I rooted for them. It was impossible to not feel the chemistry...the yearning in them for each other. I held my breath through the whole book and didn't realize it until the end. I hope they realize that the kind of love they have isn't a curse but a gift. Raw love like that... Unconditional, uninhibited love like that doesn't happen often. What they share was definitely written in the stars. Thanks Love for this crazy emotional rollercoaster of a ride. Now please hurry and give me more!!!!!

Emotional Rollercoaster

Geesh Louis... kept trying to stop, prolong. Cus I got a hella of a wait til March. These two mane...smh So gonna start with the kids. They had me cracking up Martin be knowing...he to funny and Shiya antic were to hilarious. So glad Joy improvements. Throught them kids that was Love. Now not giving nothing away this is movie ready honey. As mad as I got , happy and corny movie tears, crush heartbroken tear, fist pumping in the air, and the God damn!! moments. We got to get u put on!!!! The wait is also ready stressing a G...

I'm crying right now....

Love Belvin, you put me in a head space with this one right here. I'm rooting for these two to get it together. The last 10% of this book has made me a forever fan of your work. This is my all time favorite couple because they are "real". I said Kennedi was good people in The Left of Love, BUT Isaak just won me over! I read 2-3 books weekly, and I've only ever left 3 reviews. 2 of the 3 are Love Belvin reviews. You did make me love you! ~Kathryn

Hot Damn !! By george Ms Belvin you have accomplished your mission of 'Making Me Love U!!!

I have been up for a day and a half . Taking cat naps or putting it on audio when I got drowsy. 'Lord' is the Man!! Kenni's innocence was sweet, but Lord turned her Out!! Soo….. good !!! I'm going to sleep until next month, and hopefully when I wake up the last installment will be here. Oh yeah the heat that was missing on book 1 is ten fold in this installment!!! Can anybody say sizzle!!


As I just finished this book, my mouth is wide open. Thinking really, um no she didn't, but really. Love Belvin, you have an amazing gift and as you continue to share with us, you leave us speechless. Issy & Sunset are kids, however experiencing their growth and maturity has truly been a journey. Their arrows of love, pain, joy to name a few emotions are bouncing all over the place but I get it. So looking forward to the finale. God bless you, keep flowing & keep doing YOU!

So Good

I am so loving Isaak & Kennedi! They have been through so much together. I was definitely shocked about Kennedi getting pregnant, I didn't think she would have done that on purpose. This book is so emotional towards the end both Isaak and Kennedi had me crying for them. But I loved every minute of this story. I finally realized how Isaak, Tracee, and Lisa became friends. Isaak is my hero! I am so glad I waited to read all 3 books once they were all out, because I wouldn't have been able to wait so long between books. Wonderful job Love!


Of course i read it all in one sitting... of course I regret not spreading it out... of course it was amazing. I alwayssss fall in love with the Characters in Love's books! I enjoyed reading about the kids the most. To know that the 3rd book will be the last (in true Love Fashion) both excites and saddens me lol, again I get attached to all of her characters, I even feel my heart swell up a little when she mentions my Fam from the previous books lol! And shout out to the love that Love showed C.Jones! I know the next going to be soooooo good and I really can't wait.

Getting to the good part

This book was definitely better than the first. I love their story but the back and forth wore me out. So much unnecessary complexity. I'm ready for these two to get their ish together. I love Love Belvins depth in creating the characters and their storyline but I hate that she starts every scene randomly in the middle. It's very confusing and takes to much time tryna figure out what's going on. Great series overall tho.



Mind blowing

This book is amazing! It is so well written and you can connect with each character based on how descriptive Love gets throughout this series! I mean from Issy and Kenny down to the children and baby mothers you love the characters. This love story pulls at your heart and I was so emotional as the storyline played out. I really can't wait for the last installment. So grateful I found this series!!!

Awesome 5 Star Read

You know what Ms. Love Belvin.....YOU DID THAT!!! Girl you did an absolutely awesome job with this book. The connection between Izzy and Sunset could truly be felt. It leaped off the pages of this book and I found myself getting up in this whirlwind of all things Isaak and Kenny. The connection, the chemistry, the passion and the intensity of their love was just.....DAYUM! Wow, you truly have a way with words and have definitely gained a new fan of your work. I can't wait to read the 3rd book next month. #TeamLOVE

Pulling you in

The majestic feeling of love throughout every page of this book was engulfing. The forever pulling of the heart, the fear of being completely and utterly wrapped in a love you've never experienced with another, wanting to give but cant or don't because of fear..... Is heartbreakingly devastating. This Low Love journey is so beautiful, yet painful at the same time. BEAUTIFULLY heartbreaking.


This series is phenomenal these characters kenedi and isaak. Got me going through all type of emotions and i loooove it.I laughed I cried i was angry oooh chile. I cant wait for the finale cause these two and the rest of the supporting characters have me on ten and a1/2. I love your work ms. Belvin every last one of your book now ima be stalking your fb page till the release LOL !!! But totally serious.


Part 2 is definitely better than Part 1(and it didn’t take me as long to read). I only wanted to read Part 2(although I said I wasn’t) because I wanted to know if Kennedi and Isaak became an item; this didn’t play out as I expected:-(


And another one. I really enjoyed this. Isaak and Kennedi.....I don't know what to say. I wish they would just be together and stop worrying about other people. Broke my heart the things they are going through...the baby...and the end when she left😭😭


Relationships — there is so much depth too this storyline. I have never cried over the emotions of characters in a book. Really I’ve read so many books of this type. This author is presenting and weaving these relationships like no other. I got to grieve book 2 before I can read book 3. Readers can appreciate not ending this story in book 2. Thank you.

Love them

I absolutely love the roller coaster ride of Isaak and Kennedi. I am rooting for them. I felt like I lost a piece of me when they lost a piece of them. Love Belvin you have a gift for painting a picture. Your pen is mighty!


There were so many things that pulled on my heartstrings. I couldn’t get enough of Isaak and Kennedi. I hope they get it together. The love between them is there and everyone else sees it. Can’t wait to read the next part.

I am so in my feelings...

Love has a talent to draw her readers into the characters lives, as if you living right there with them as they go through their issues, happy up and scary lows. This book right here had me in my feelings because I could actually feel every heartbeat, see every tear fall, hear every breath taken. Issac actually let us in in this book and Kennedi broke down....I loved it! This book was wide open, raw, and took me on an emotional Rollercoaster! Sheesh....need Book 3 like now!

Lord & Kennedi 2

Oh wow, the suspense from part one carried right over to part two. This book was very emotional & held my interest from cover to cover. I was actually mad if I had to stop to come back Love Belvin has a great writing style that makes you feel the characters & the scenes throughout the entire book. No matter what, im still team Isaak & Kennedi! Another great job, just waiting on part 3!!!

I'm emotionally involved...

This book..this dang series has my emotions going up and down and every which way. One minute I'm mad at Kennedi, the next I'm mad at Isaack. One minute I'm #teamisaack, the next I'm all let him go! This is better than the first book because now we think know the characters. However, Love Belvin's characters are so comp!ex, they will always surprise you. Yeah, get this book.

True Cliffhanger

Oh My Goodness! Please don't let Issak loose his Sunset. He has had so much loss in his young life. If he looses her with everything else he stands to loose right now he will probably never recover. Hence, he may go back to being the young thug. Everyone deserves a break sometimes, even Supreme and Guap's Can't wait for The Right of Love (Book 3)

I Just Want Them to be Together

In the first book, I told myself I wasn't going to be interested, but I kept reading and now I'm about to get the 3rd book in the series. You will not be able to get away from the story of Isaak and Kennedi. I wanted to be a therapist between them so all misunderstandings could be squashed, but it's all neccessary because they're still young. I rather then mess up now than later. Great series so far!!!

I just have to say read this book!!!

If you've come to the comment section to see if the book is worth reading; let me be the first to say it is!! I literally cannot understand how Love Belvin kept me glued to this book, hour after hour. I wanted to start the new CCJ novel but dang I'm going to have to wait a while for my blood pressure to return to normal because Issy and his Sunset was an emotional rollercoaster lol. Kennedi's parents, the kids, Issy's children's mothers, Celeste, that damn Tracee oh my goodness I would not even know where to begin with an actual "review". Definitely a book to read more than once.

Patiently waiting for part 3.... well patience is not my best characteristic

I thought I wrote this but JUST IN CASE.... Loving the progression of this story but hating it at the same time. It's frustrating when 2 people who obviously love each other can't figure it out and so the saga continues.... I love the way the story ended... unexpected that she'd come to him and leave him panting for her. I almost thought I'd have to jump in the book and swing on him but.... Want to know what I'm talking about, you gotta pick it up. Love never disappoints.

Undeniably Addicting!

I could've read this book in 1-2 days tops. However, I took my time to prolong the moments with these characters, get engrossed in their lives and try to savour the journey with Issy & Sunset. Isaak definitely redeemed himself in this installment and Kennedi took two steps backwards. Isaak opened up more and I enjoyed seeing that side of him. Love Belvin takes you on an emotional ride with Issy & Sunset, but one you will enjoy. Patiently waiting for March.

I'll never love another..

Omg love! You came harder in this book. Every emotion there is was shown throughout this book. I just want to know will sunset ever come back? Because ain't no other girl for Young Lord. Those two been loving each other since Willy P days. But this book lordt they been through every possible obstacle. I was happy Kenny grew a back bone but sad it affected the kids. Hoping sunset comes back to lord. I love them 😍😍😍

If it isn't love...

So I've read and re-read and three-read (yes I made that up) the second installment of the Wayward Love trilogy (really it's a "thrill-ogy"). So what happens when young love grows up? The depth of emotions and attachment Isaak and Kennedi discover in each other are almost unbearable. Love Belvin once again takes you to a place of self discovery through these two in a way that leaves you panting for the next installment.

Friends and Lovers

Kennedi finally gets why they're arrangement wouldn't work she had enough. Izzy finally opened up about his heart belonging to Kenny. The kids are whole my heart cries out too. They lost there stability however it's forcing Isaac to actually be a father. Love's an amazing, intelligent storyteller, one of the best can't for part three. MUST READ!

I feel like I'm caught in a spiders web....

Like a moth to a flame.... Have you ever read a book where you laugh when the characters laughed? Cried with them, for them? Hurt because they are hurting? Yeah, this series is like that. Still trying to understand how she does it! Love Belvin has me so caught up! I feel like I'm stuck in limbo! Ugh!!! Dam you Love and that intricate mind of yours!

Where do I start......

Every single time I read one of Miss Love's books I'm in awe. Not only is her writing on point her imagination is as well. The characters are so real I honestly get lost in them. Kenny and Lord's love is unconditional but misunderstood. They both don't know the beginning nor the end of their situationship' and I'm patiently waiting for book 3 to find out, how it will play out. Thanks Love for keeping me distracted with your novels lol #Keepemcoming


come on love you killing me i am up all night crying AGAIN!!!! I love Sunset and Issy!!!! i am determined to finish this series tonight the torment!!!! Beautifully written 👏 ❤ 👌 💖

What a feeling to be loved

I heavily anticipated this follow-up to this book. it was everything that I hoped for and more. I am so in love with these characters as I am with all of your characters in all of your books. Hands down my favorite author. I just want to nurture Isaak and tap into his shell. Such a mysterious creature. Can't wait for book 3. Ugh. Why so long.

Just read the book for the 2nd time 😩💔

Love Belvin... this is one of the best books you have written. These characters are my family and I pulling for them. Isaak has developed into a great father and most of all he opened his heart to give and receive love. Kenndi is worth that love. She deserves to be with him, she is the key to his Family. Can't wait for book 3.

Never am I disappointed

Man I've been book drunk these last two days trying to hurry up and finish reading while pacing myself because I know I'm gonna have to wait for the conclusion. When I say I am never disappointed I'm never disappointed. Man I love Issack he's what manhood is personified to me he has his flaws but he shows the ones he loves by actions instead of words. I guess Kenny doesn't know he's love language but she's trying. Man I love these characters and I can not wait until March for the conclusion.


Lawd why can’t Kenny and Issy get it together they both think they are not right for the other when in fact they are. Man this up and down is stressful but I so love to read it.

I'm on an emo-tional rolla-costaa

The way my emotions took over in this book. The way life brought this pair together then ripped them apart. I got annoyed, was drained, I laughed, I shed a thug tear 😂, I got angry, but most of all I fell in love with this couple. Love does it again. But I expected nothing less. Got me in here needing some mauve and Vivian Greene. Can't wait for part 3

OMG Part 2

I have read all of Love's books but this series and this installment is my favorite. I cried like a baby at the end I'm so invested in Isaak and Kenny. I love how LoveB set the stage for the friendship in Part 1 don't get me wrong but the reconciliation, the tension sexual and otherwise. THE KIDS, the fight, the losses were so beautifully set up and written. I also love Joy as a parent of a child with special needs. I can't wait to see how it concludes. Great job :)


I can always count on an amazing ride when I read her books. You can't put her in a box every book is different. For this reason I will always be a fan. This second book held so much emotion. Man but the the back and forth and animalistic pull from Kenny and Issy was undesirable. This is one emotional roller-coaster I didn't want to stop. Can't wait for part 3

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