The Love Dare

Paperback – September 28, 2008
27 Sep
Unconditional love is eagerly promised at weddings, but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the home. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

The Love Dare
, as featured in the popular new movie Fireproof (from the makers of Facing the Giants), is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It’s time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage. Take the dare!

Reviews (175)


This book is fanatasic it did help a bit with our marriage and after a 6 year separation we are back together. I do highly recommend watching fire proof first to get the mistakes that caleb makes when doing this and what to possibly expect from your spouse. Do not expect a miracle over night. It takes time effort and faith and a better relationship with God.

Not a quick fix for your marriage

I bought this for a friend of mine whose marriage was on jagged rocks. The ideas and intentions are good, but the 2 guys I sent this to, quickly found that it doesn't work as well as it did for the author. If I remember correctly, the author began changing his behaviors and did these things, pretty much out of nowhere, and by keeping to this book, his wife changed her attitude also, their marriage turned around, and became Christ-centered. But it was very different for both my friends. They each received the book with joy, began keeping to it, but their wives were both skeptical and didn't receive their actions positively. Today, neither of them are married any longer to the woman they bought it for. So don't look at this book as an easy fix for your marriage or your relationship with your wife. Instead, use it WITH other means (get involved together with a church group, pray together, read the Bible (separately and together), Christian marriage counseling, join a group at church that's going through the book together, etc.). Jesus needs to be the center of the marriage as a whole, and both of your lives.

Must Read for Men

For any husband or man in a serious relationship, this book can really change the course of your partnership for the better! When my wife and I watched "Fireproof" I thought it was going to be just another corny Christian movie but I was shocked at how good it was that I immediately bought this book. It's really changed my perspective and shown me how to love my wife harder and with action so that she not only knows I love her but she sees it and feels it through action! Side-note: The leather edition here feels great in your hands and looks great compared to a standard paperback. It's also subtle so that she won't be able to easily see your "handbook" for the next 40 days. Men, read this book. For yourselves. For your wife. For your marriage. I promise you won't be disappointed. Be prepared and ready to commit! The Love Dare is not easy and without follow through it's worthless. 100% Recommend. It's a necessity!

Beautiful book, poor packaging.

The book is great. I own the kindle version already but wanted this beautiful print version too. Unfortunately it arrived straight out of the package with sticky spots all over it!! It was difficult to clean but got it eventually. Just gross. But don't let that stop you from reading this... it's a life changer.

Very Awesome Book! Try it before giving up on your marriage!

I love the Love Dare book. It gave me a new perspective on my own marriage. I had a copy given to me over a year ago and went through it. And I gave a copy to my brother and sister in law who’s marriage was struggling. I gave my sister in law my copy and bought one for my brother in law. I bought this copy for a friend my husband works with who was struggling. This guy’s wife got saved when they were reading some of the Bible verses in it. I now have another copy for myself as well that I need to get started on soon.

Open your Soul to The Love Dare

I’m a individual and couples counselor. I’m giving this to my pre engagement and marriage couples. This is wonderful information , just because they use quotes from the Bible doesn’t mean anyone is trying to put their religion on you. I’m not a Christian or any type of religion person but I do believe in a higher power Thy Holy Spirit. We all are spirits that needs to be led to the right spirit to have a healthy long lasting relationship either in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, engagement relationship and or a marriage. You must read this with an open heart and mind. It took time to get our hearts and minds the way it is , so it will take time to heal our hearts and minds. First we must know who we are as an individual then we will truly understand the person we are loving in a relationship . He-Man💜♾💜


I've done many of these "dares" before I had even heard of this book. They really do work wonders in a marriage. When I got the book I was surprised, it's absolutely beautiful. I bought a used copy, which was in very good condition, but if there wasn't one available I would definitely pay full price new. It's worth it.

It is truly a God send.

After watching Fireproof, which I strongly recommend. I decided I wanted to give the Love Dare day by day challenge a shot in my marriage. It has been so helpful, we've learned so much about what God intended for a husband and wife. Those titles, roles, are a different hat I've never worn. We were just winging it without a clue in the world of what it actually meant to be a husband and a wife. Getting married is the easy part. Staying married... well that's another story. But, if it were easy everybody could make it last. Take the challenge, it will give you a new perspective.

The Love Dare

The Love Dare is a 40 day devotions to help you truely understand what unconditional love is ,acording to the Bible. I have truely enjoyed growing as a christian through these past 40 days . I have become a calmer person and for the fist time in months or even years I feel at peace . I have even noticed a difference in my husband too & he is not doing the devotion. I gave my sister-in -law a copy of Fireproof the book and The Love Dare for her birthday. She had watched the movie the week befor and was over joyed to get both books. I feel all 3 things go together,Fire Proof the movie ,Fire proof the book and the Love Dare . I must tell you Do Not read the LOVE DARE unless you want something realy great to happen in you life. It will not be a easy walk, but it will be a worth every step . For some it will be easyer than for others, just hang in there and let God work with you .Because He will change you life,for the better. I feel everyone who wants to change their Marrage and personal life should have all 3. The movie is great ,but the book goes even deeper in to the lives of Calbe and his wife as the surch for the trueth and away to save their broken marrage.

The Love Dare

By Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick (B&H Publishing Group, 2008) This book was featured in the popular movie, Fireproof, and centers around improving marriages by working on the core structure of couples, their hearts. The authors have modeled this book as a 40-day guided devotional adventure, aimed at teaching the reader and their partner how to love God and each other the right way, and how to put unimportant nuisances aside. Each day's reading includes a Bible verse, a principle statement, a dare to be performed that day, room to write your thoughts, and a check box to evaluate progress. The daily dares work to bring the relationship back together and to show the other person in the relationship that you love, care, and value them. With this book's reputation, in combination with the Fireproof movie, these can change marriages and eliminate even the idea of divorce in crumbling relationships; this is a must read for couples.


This book is fanatasic it did help a bit with our marriage and after a 6 year separation we are back together. I do highly recommend watching fire proof first to get the mistakes that caleb makes when doing this and what to possibly expect from your spouse. Do not expect a miracle over night. It takes time effort and faith and a better relationship with God.

Not a quick fix for your marriage

I bought this for a friend of mine whose marriage was on jagged rocks. The ideas and intentions are good, but the 2 guys I sent this to, quickly found that it doesn't work as well as it did for the author. If I remember correctly, the author began changing his behaviors and did these things, pretty much out of nowhere, and by keeping to this book, his wife changed her attitude also, their marriage turned around, and became Christ-centered. But it was very different for both my friends. They each received the book with joy, began keeping to it, but their wives were both skeptical and didn't receive their actions positively. Today, neither of them are married any longer to the woman they bought it for. So don't look at this book as an easy fix for your marriage or your relationship with your wife. Instead, use it WITH other means (get involved together with a church group, pray together, read the Bible (separately and together), Christian marriage counseling, join a group at church that's going through the book together, etc.). Jesus needs to be the center of the marriage as a whole, and both of your lives.

Must Read for Men

For any husband or man in a serious relationship, this book can really change the course of your partnership for the better! When my wife and I watched "Fireproof" I thought it was going to be just another corny Christian movie but I was shocked at how good it was that I immediately bought this book. It's really changed my perspective and shown me how to love my wife harder and with action so that she not only knows I love her but she sees it and feels it through action! Side-note: The leather edition here feels great in your hands and looks great compared to a standard paperback. It's also subtle so that she won't be able to easily see your "handbook" for the next 40 days. Men, read this book. For yourselves. For your wife. For your marriage. I promise you won't be disappointed. Be prepared and ready to commit! The Love Dare is not easy and without follow through it's worthless. 100% Recommend. It's a necessity!

Beautiful book, poor packaging.

The book is great. I own the kindle version already but wanted this beautiful print version too. Unfortunately it arrived straight out of the package with sticky spots all over it!! It was difficult to clean but got it eventually. Just gross. But don't let that stop you from reading this... it's a life changer.

Very Awesome Book! Try it before giving up on your marriage!

I love the Love Dare book. It gave me a new perspective on my own marriage. I had a copy given to me over a year ago and went through it. And I gave a copy to my brother and sister in law who’s marriage was struggling. I gave my sister in law my copy and bought one for my brother in law. I bought this copy for a friend my husband works with who was struggling. This guy’s wife got saved when they were reading some of the Bible verses in it. I now have another copy for myself as well that I need to get started on soon.

Open your Soul to The Love Dare

I’m a individual and couples counselor. I’m giving this to my pre engagement and marriage couples. This is wonderful information , just because they use quotes from the Bible doesn’t mean anyone is trying to put their religion on you. I’m not a Christian or any type of religion person but I do believe in a higher power Thy Holy Spirit. We all are spirits that needs to be led to the right spirit to have a healthy long lasting relationship either in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, engagement relationship and or a marriage. You must read this with an open heart and mind. It took time to get our hearts and minds the way it is , so it will take time to heal our hearts and minds. First we must know who we are as an individual then we will truly understand the person we are loving in a relationship . He-Man💜♾💜


I've done many of these "dares" before I had even heard of this book. They really do work wonders in a marriage. When I got the book I was surprised, it's absolutely beautiful. I bought a used copy, which was in very good condition, but if there wasn't one available I would definitely pay full price new. It's worth it.

It is truly a God send.

After watching Fireproof, which I strongly recommend. I decided I wanted to give the Love Dare day by day challenge a shot in my marriage. It has been so helpful, we've learned so much about what God intended for a husband and wife. Those titles, roles, are a different hat I've never worn. We were just winging it without a clue in the world of what it actually meant to be a husband and a wife. Getting married is the easy part. Staying married... well that's another story. But, if it were easy everybody could make it last. Take the challenge, it will give you a new perspective.

The Love Dare

The Love Dare is a 40 day devotions to help you truely understand what unconditional love is ,acording to the Bible. I have truely enjoyed growing as a christian through these past 40 days . I have become a calmer person and for the fist time in months or even years I feel at peace . I have even noticed a difference in my husband too & he is not doing the devotion. I gave my sister-in -law a copy of Fireproof the book and The Love Dare for her birthday. She had watched the movie the week befor and was over joyed to get both books. I feel all 3 things go together,Fire Proof the movie ,Fire proof the book and the Love Dare . I must tell you Do Not read the LOVE DARE unless you want something realy great to happen in you life. It will not be a easy walk, but it will be a worth every step . For some it will be easyer than for others, just hang in there and let God work with you .Because He will change you life,for the better. I feel everyone who wants to change their Marrage and personal life should have all 3. The movie is great ,but the book goes even deeper in to the lives of Calbe and his wife as the surch for the trueth and away to save their broken marrage.

The Love Dare

By Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick (B&H Publishing Group, 2008) This book was featured in the popular movie, Fireproof, and centers around improving marriages by working on the core structure of couples, their hearts. The authors have modeled this book as a 40-day guided devotional adventure, aimed at teaching the reader and their partner how to love God and each other the right way, and how to put unimportant nuisances aside. Each day's reading includes a Bible verse, a principle statement, a dare to be performed that day, room to write your thoughts, and a check box to evaluate progress. The daily dares work to bring the relationship back together and to show the other person in the relationship that you love, care, and value them. With this book's reputation, in combination with the Fireproof movie, these can change marriages and eliminate even the idea of divorce in crumbling relationships; this is a must read for couples.

Best Book for Relationships

I purchased this book for my husband for Valentine's Day. We had been on two separate Islands for more than 9 months. Things had really gotten bad, I thought we were over. I started praying for the both of us and this was his answer. We had a great time on Valentine day, and afterwards we had a great discussion. My husband is not a communicator at all, so I knew this was only Gods work. Then I played the movie "Fireproof". After the movie my husband stated he wanting to do the 40 days, without me saying anything (again Gods work). I then gave him the book "Love Dare" as his real Valentine's present. We are now close to the end of the 40 days and our relationship has improved a lot. My husband has even asked if we can renew our vows next year to celebrate starting a new in our relationship. I highly recommend this book if you're trying to find a way to have your husband/ wife build/ rebuild a real relationship with God, so their life is a true reflection of god. Having God in your life first , makes marriage much easier.

Very infomative and helpful for self and relationships

I am finding this book to be very helpful for myself, but also for examining current and past relationships. The program is remarkable. I am a very spiritual person and I truly believe this book would help any relationship. It teaches you how to let go of hurt/pain by focusing on the needs of others instead of yourself. Truly a book of service in small steps toward finding greater love for others. Even if you are not a couple (since I realize not all spouses want to do this type of program) it is very helpful to read on your own. It gave me a greater insight into myself, my weaknesses and how to approach them in a more openminded godlike sense. I am giving this book as gifts to my adult children for Christmas this year. What better gift than something to strengthen a marriage. I only have one thing I would change if it was re-written. I would quote actual scriptures and not the living bible type which have mans opinion written into them. I like to read scripture and decipher it for myself. An excellent book. Very worth reading/studying.

Valid for EVERY marriage & relationship

Even we benefited at 60-something & in second marriages. "The Love Dare" guides in any marriage relationship, regardless of the fire currently needing tending. It may not take the place of a marriage counselor for a severely struggling couple, but it's a start. If you have no known problems, thank God for the blessing. Do the dare anyhow, and enjoy the assurance and knowledge of what is working and what may or may not be ahead in the future for you and your mate. It takes just minutes a day to start. BEWARE, it is like a snowball (or should I say, FIREBALL). The more dares you dare to activate with your spouse, the more time you'll likely want to spend doing them. And the more time you'll be enjoying talking with and sacrificing for your loved one. Only time will tell how large a percentage of "saved relationships" will result from "The Love Dare." You don't have to watch "Fireproof", the movie, to use this book. But the movie is 5-star also. GET THIS BOOK. Is your spouse worth it? Mine is!

Precious. Life changing. Worth every penny.

Changed my life. I learned the true meaning of love and in the biblical lasting sense. I read it in my first year of marriage and survived 9 more because of what I learned from this. We can’t change someone else but I have no regrets in the effort I put in because I learned real love. It has become a part of who I am. Life changing. Easy to read. Worth every penny. So precious. Highly recommend.


Thank you to the men who wrote this book for taking the time to prayerfully and thoughtfully put these love dares together! Several times already, I have stopped right in the middle of working on this book and asked the Lord to bless these men and all who were involved with the movie "Fireproof". This is an awesome combination to bring marriage ministry into the churches who aren't sure where to start. I appreciate this work for the effect it is having on our couples and on my marriage personally! Our small group is "Daring to Love" at this time and it is great. Couples are testifying of their breakthroughs and how there is more peace in their home and relationships. PTL! Personally, my husband and I have been transformed by the powerful word of God as we practice this love everyday. Love Dare is a book I will go through over and over. When the forty days are up with my husband, I will use it towards others in my life, including my grown children, as applicable. Even the "special dinner night" dare could be used towards one of my single friends and her children. Then I will begin the forty days over again with my husband. "Love works no harm" so it will never hurt to do this book the rest of my life if I choose to do so. My husband and I are so focused on receiving God's unconditional love into our lives and then giving it back to each other that it is amazing how many arguments we have avoided. We are receiving another level of healing in our relationship from the concepts in this book and it feels good!

Enjoying the book at 50 plus

I'm enjoying "The Love Dare." We are going through each day reading and following the steps. Even though we are 50 plus, it gives us daily reminders of things we may have taken for granted. I must say we are both enjoying the book.

The Love Dare

I first purchased this book for my Kindle. After starting to read it, I was so moved by the content that I purchased the soft leather edition so I could formally take the challenge. The book gives you a different aspect of your marriage relationship to think about each day, and then follows up with a dare for you to perform. Therre is a box to check each day when you complete the dare, and an area for journal entry so you can write about what you did each day and the reactions you got and how you met the challenge. This dare works for husbands and/or wives. It's NOT a present to give your spouse to IMPROVE THEMSELVES, but a journey for you to be a better mate and rediscover the love in your marriage. Anyone who seriously wants to improve their relationship with their mate and/or become a better spouse will be touched and guided by this book!

Perfect and spot on

This is fricken amazing. I love the movie and every detail about the movie. I truely been wanting this book for years now and finally found a good one. The leather cover is perfect. I even ordered one for my best friend to try and help his marriage out now

A Simple Plan to Improve Your Marriage

ARE YOU IRRELEVANT IN YOUR MARRIAGE, OR DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A REAL MAN? Give it TEN MINUTES, and then read more. The strength of the book is its prescriptive yet simple approach. I consider myself intelligent, but I must admit that the book opened my eyes to how I was treating (or not treating) my spouse. The first few chapters focus on patience and kindness. Another focuses on manners (or for the less sophisticated, not being rude). You can learn more in 10 minutes by reading this book than you will by attending a marriage counselor, because the book is so straightforward. Think about the great things that you may have read in your life (e.g., the Constitution, the Ten Commandments, etc.). You'll see that an economy of words and basic instruction go a long way. I am a 43-year-old man, and I think that most men in our society have lost their way. We have become focused on video games, Fantasy Football, our "caves" that we build in our basements, and porn. And for some reason, society and women accept this, even if they long for more. I believe that men should be strong, smart, and kind. They must provide, protect, and teach. They must walk the walk. This book will show you how. IF YOU ARE A WOMAN, I think you'll learn just as much; men have a lot to learn, but marriage is a two-way street (three, actually, if you believe that your marriage should be centered around God). THE BOOK IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE; but it will improve your odds tremendously.


This book is not for wimps. Unless you are serious about allowing Jesus Christ the LORD to humble and strengthen YOU in marriage, do not make this purchase. It is scripturally based and doctrinally correct. The purpose of the book is to allow Jesus Christ the LORD to minister to YOU while in a difficult marriage. The book offers no guarantees for a turn around in marriage. What it does offer is an opportunity for YOU to be spiritually enriched in your walk in a broken relationship. Some dares are easy. Some are painfully/emotionally difficult. I applaud anyone who dares to take the dare. Currently, I am struggling emotionally to finish the 40 days (which will take w-a-y more than 40 days for me). But, I made the commitment and by the grace and strength of Jesus Christ the LORD, I will matter how long it takes.

It 'll change your life

If you are looking to raise your relationship then get this book

A Love Journey!

THE LOVE DARE is an anointed journey to unconditional love - for your mate, your family, yourself, and your Lord! Filled with godly wisdom and divine intervention, THE LOVE DARE increases your faith and renews your spirit. This book exceeded my expectations with the daily challenges. The dares are not always simple, but the results are always uplifting and enligtening. Some days are easier than others, but there is a life-changing message in every dare. Before the journey is over, you will gain profound revelation that enables you to love the Lord, others, and yourself unconditionally. Get THE LOVE DARE! Be patient and enjoy the ride... it may take more than 40 days. Remember... the race is given to the one who endures to the end. Hang in there...forever!

A great help for any marriage

What an amazing book based on the movie "Fireprrof." This book gives the essentials of what so many couples forget after many years of marriage. It's not about just "being in love." A strong marriage is based on a mutual understanding of each others needs and desires. It come from selflessly giving oneself to the person that you ahve committed the rest of your life to. As a pastor I have watched this book transform other marriages other than my own and even been convicted that I had gotten off of the important topics that need to be focused on. I believe that what others may view as a novelty to the movie (this book) could end up changing your marriage, your life. Not becasue you are trying so hard to change your spouse, but becasue you may realize that it is YOU , the reader, that needs to change.

Great idea

This is not a book you buy in digital format. It takes away from the whole exercise of doing each dare and documenting the results. I downloaded to my kindle, liked the idea and approach and promptly bought the paper copy. The book itself is beautiful. It's a Christian book with complete references to the bible. I did not buy this because I am Christian. I bought this because it doesn't matter what religion you are, the ideas about what love is, are applicable no matter what religion you are. I am starting the Love Dare because whether times are good or times are bad, focusing and dedicating time to one of the most important relationships in your life is most definitely worthwhile.

Love takes work

If you are having problems in your marriage this is the movie to see this is the book to read look for the set you will not regret it


Bought with CD -- Should be read by anyone in a relationship, I have given as gifts to newlyweds. And, of course, Kirk Cameron has once again brought to viewers a movie that should not be missed! Thank you Kirk Cameron! You are a true Christian Hero.

Great book for couples

My husband and I absolutely loved this book. We were able to grow together more than we had before. I recommend buying this book if you want to grow into a deeper relationship with your spouse.

Great customer service

**UPDATE: 6/21/18 - The website has been fixed and I was able to take the evaluation. The publisher is also sending a free copy of the love dare for parents for the trouble. Great customer service! 6/19/18: The link advertised online and in the book to take the love dare marriage test is not working. Contacted them via phone and FB and it has apparently been down for a while. The IT team at the BH publishing group claims there is too much traffic for the site to handle. Who publishes a best selling book and doesn't secure appropriate web hosting for supplements that seem an integral part of the process!? The managers of the Love Dare FB page also couldn't give any clue as to when it would be available again nor any alternatives to use in the meantime. If they notify me soon that it is in working order, I will update. Disappointed.

Great common sense and practical advice

How often do you find yourself having the same argument or what feels like the same disagreement with your significant other and you wonder why do we always end up here? Reading this book helped me to realize that in order to see change you have to be the change in your relationship. You've got to admit to yourself that you aren't perfect and that you aren't always right. Sometimes being a loving husband or wife means that you must make compromises even if it's difficult. Loving someone means loving all of them, warts and all which is how God loves all of His children. You begin to realize reading this book and performing the dares that it is hard work loving someone unconditionally and you begin to see how often you look for shortcomings and things to irritate you that your loved one does and how easy it is to overlook all the good and wonderful things they bring to the table. I recommend this book to couples who need help but also for couples who want to become closer and who want to learn to love the complete person. I can't say enough about the insight this book has given me into my own thoughts and actions and how they affect the daily interactions I have with my loved one. It has opened my eyes and with God's strength I hope to continue to use the principles and messages from the book to keep a positive, loving atmosphere for our relationship to grow in.

Dare to know real love

This book is a new and special Christian piece, providing several "musts" for Christian couples to know and keep on their journey. The "dares", a rather trite word for what this book offers, are well-written and important, the Scripture vital, and the questions valid and helpful. The book is both an encouraging comfort and a coaching tool for both husband and wife, offering practicing wisdom for issues from rekindling deep core love to daily ways of respecting your spouse. As with almost every man-made tool, it has its flaws. For one thing, a few people have described this book as formulaic, and it can certainly be misused this way. One of the reasons is the initial definition of love the authors give; in the introduction, they say "love is a choice, not just a feeling." Later on, they say, "remember, love is a decision, not a feeling." Firstly, there needs to be a distinction here: love is both an action and a feeling. As an ACTION, it's a choice. And as a feeling? The feeling of love can be influenced, but FALLING in love is not a choice. Many marriages end not because couples "fall out of love", but because they were never in love to begin with; often, they either married based on "spark" and romantic emotional floods which don't stand the test of time or they figured that since they were both good loving Christians, they'd make a good pair and love would just follow; it doesn't work that way, in either scenario. Couples DO make the choice to keep their love active, but there needs to be love there to begin with, the unique love that only husbands and wives are meant to have. If a couple isn't in love at the outset and making a life-long commitment to keep that love thriving, the marriage will inevitably fail, whether through divorce or dying emotions. I've got a secret for you, if you don't know already: the couple in "Fireproof" saved their marriage because 1) they were in love to begin with and designed by God to be together, 2) because they learned from God not to let their commitment go astray based on shallow feelings and 3) because they learned to CHOOSE to show that love to each other. They never "fell out of love", but drifted apart and got scared. They chose to rekindle feelings, but the feelings WERE there to begin with; love IS a feeling as well as an action. If it wasn't, this book and the marriage it exhorts would be nothing other than a formula: empty, calculated, dry and dead, a smartly dressed carcass. If you take this book the wrong way, it will seem formulaic and empty, just a checklist for staying married and therefore being a "good Christian". The fact is that marriage without feeling is like religion instead of faith: going through the motions with no passion, no holy connection, nothing real. We choose to show God love by obeying Him, yes, but there's got to be feeling in there, the fire and passion of a heart in love with God. Even this love, however, is different from falling in love, which is not controllable. Marriages CAN be saved by choice, yes; love HAS to be shown as a chosen action, yes, but there's got to be feeling as well; if the couple wasn't in love at the outset, they'll most likely end up unhappy and no book will fix two hearts that were never meant to mesh in harmony for a lifetime. What I think, in a nutshell, is that if a couple was truly in love, truly matched by God at the time of marriage, then they can choose and cause for love to come back again later in the marriage (should it lessen or fade). If they were NOT in love and well-matched at the time of marriage, however, they'll probably never be and cannot CHOOSE to be or cause themselves to be. I just don't want people who made the mistake of marrying the wrong person and living in literally dead marriages to feel that they have to stay in such a situation and/or can magically fix it by doing all the right things. (I DO, however, feel that divorce should be avoided with all possible means. Marriage is serious, and you never know; perhaps the couple who married based on less than they should have were meant to be together after all). The danger of this misconception of love and marriage is compounded by the fact that one reviewer described "Fireproof" as being "about a man who saves his marriage by completing a character-testing, 40-day list of "dares" suggested to him by his father". What, are you kidding?? Kirk Cameron didn't save his marriage by filling out a Christian checklist; he saved it by remembering that he loved his wife, what loving really means, and showing her, scared and lonely as she was, that he still loved her and wouldn't leave her! There's nothing unfeeling about what he did; he chose every action, yes, and his actions ultimately reflected the feelings he'd buried deep inside out of fear and selfishness. In the beginning, he did them out of grumpiness and a hope of avoiding the ugliness of divorce; halfway through however, he was doing it out of real love, an amazing deepening of the love he'd felt for his wife before and the kind God always meant for them to have together when He first joined their hearts and their hands. I hope I've explained myself clearly here. I do recommend this book, 100%. It's important for every person, however, to know the conditions of their marriage, their hearts, and what they'll need before diving deeply into a marriage guidebook. Happy reading!

don't start too late

I've read a lot of books on love and marriage, and this is one of the better ones. I still like "Staying in Love for a Lifetime" better though. This book is more a "save your marriage" book than a "start it off right" or "improve it" type of book, and has a lot of good advice to offer. My only caution would be don't wait until your spouse is already filing for divorce, as you MIGHT be too late by then to win them back. If things are going downhill, though, I would think this book would help. I bought it for a friend, and it's still too soon to tell. Will update.

Love Dare Audio Book is a great resource for working through Rocky parts of your marriage.

The Love Dare Audio book has been very helpful so far in my relationship. It uses bible based principles to help teach you to react better when your relationship gets a little bumpy.

Great looking book inside and out

I recommend this book to any married couple! This book came fast and arrived beautifully! love the leather like feel. cant wait to try the love dare!

This is a wonderful and spiritual way to reconnect with your partner

This is a wonderful and spiritual way to reconnect with your partner. I tried this book by myself the first time and things did seem to change some. But the downfall was that I was not consistent. Now we are doing the dare together and it is wonderful.

Great book

I have this book on Audible as well, and have watched Fireproof, which is based around this book. I decided to buy it because I figured it may be easier to follow than the audio book, and I wanted the book to write my notes in. It came slightly worn, but I ordered mine used, so that was to be expected. Still great quality! I can't wait to get started!

The Love Dare

This book is an awesome day by day plan to help enhance a marriage that is already great, or to help a hurting marriage. The suggestions are ones that help the reader to truly focus on their other half, to be other-centered, while bringing glory to the Lord. The biblical passages and challenges are great for encouraging the reader to focus on God's true design for marriage. This is a 40 day challenge to strengthen any marital relationship and it correspondes with the movie's the book the husband used to get his focus more on his wife's needs and God's glory in the movie.

I Dare You to Purchase The Love Dare!

My husband and I LOVE this book! Even though we have a great relationship, this book was still helpful. Some days it made us laugh. Other days it made us cry. It addresses many real issues that couples often ignore or procrastinate about addressing because it makes them uncomfortable to discuss certain topics. I highly recommend this book. I also recommend the Fireproof movie. Just think, this book was only a fiction part of the movie but so many people called to request a copy that they had to write the book. God is so magnificent. This "accidental" book has been a blessing to the writers and to the world. I thank God daily that he led us to The Love Dare. Dr. Angela Isom Author of Quitters Never Win & Winners Never Quit

Dare to be excellent in your relationship!

I have read this book and believe in what it says completely. So completely that when a friend was about to get divorced, I purchased it for him...and it absolutely made a positive difference in his marriage. Later, I purchased the book for a couple about to get married (always good to start on the right track). I'm also suggesting it for people who have been happily married a long time because, not only will they appreciate its truths, they'll probably also find some tidbits of good advice they just might want to follow.

a how-to guide for people who don't have a clue on making strong marriages

For those who have lost their way on the marital road or those seeking to rekindle the passion, this book is worth every penny. It is a real how-to guide on how we should treat our spouses -especially for a generation that came from divorces, single-parent households and dysfunctional homes. It teaches you practical, biblically sound behaviors for marriage and just decent things to demonstrate your love. I found it inspiring enough to share with other couple.

This book is about love, 40day dare

I bought this to book to help save my relationship because it is worth fighting for (or should I say Loving for). "The truth is, love is a decision and not just a feeling. It is selfless, sacrificial, and transformational. And when love is truly demonstrated as it was intended, your relationship is much more likely to change for the better. "

Married for Life

This book is excellent for any marriage....good or husband and I have recently been struggling in our marriage with communication, understanding one another and trying to live in a "happy" marriage. This book has changed our relationship and will make a huge difference if you both commit to read the book and follow the dares. If your marriage is struggling and you are ready to give up give this book a try before you will be the best thing you ever did. If this book were required for couples before they could divorce, it would change everything.


A great book for any relationship. For a marriage in trouble? A God send. For a healthy marriage? It can only make it stronger.

Good quality book nice binding

Bought this book for my wife after she was told about it by a friend. I've been instructed to read it after she is done with it. So guys, here's the skinny on's a relationship book so if your wife asks for it and you order it (or it just shows up after she orders it) be ready to have it passed to you when she's done. Hey, the little things we do to make em happy! Sometimes we need all the help we can get. Buy the book.

Take "The Love Dare!"

I got this book because my wife and I saw the movie, "Fireproof." At first, I thought it would be some hastily-thrown-together fluff to take advantage of the movie's story line. Not so. This is a real self-study program, a scripture-based tuneup, not just for marriage but for life. If you are serious about improving your own approach to the two most important relationships in your life (with God and with your spouse), get this book and do the exercises. Take them seriously, and make the commitments, and I promise you great blessings. After my wife began to notice a change in me, I confessed that I was taking the "Love Dare." A couple of weeks later, I found out she had gotten her own copy and was also taking the dare. This has been a tremendous blessing in our marriage. Thanks to the authors, and thanks to Heavenly Father.

Got here fast

The leather look makes it look expensive

Fantastic applications for all relationships

I purchased this book after seeing the movie Fireproof in large part due to curiosity. What I discovered is that it is a fantastic resource even for marriages that are good. Love Dare is written is such an enjoyable easy to read format I found it almost like reading a novel rather than a "self help" type of book. It was also a bonus to find that the thoughts & ideas can be applied to make any relationship even better! The thoughts in this book made me really look at my day to day communication with my friends and loved ones. Best of all, it was actually FUN to try to apply the principals! I not only enjoyed trying the ideas, I was amazed at the almost instant ripple effect it had. I felt better about treating others with the love I felt for them, and it was evident that they responded in kind and started applying some of it to others they have a relationship with! Love the book. New twist on thing we probably know but it motivates to want to do them!

Every couple should have a copy.

Very rich leather look. Wonderful message for couples: Love is a verb. Work on it.

Worth every dollar 🥰🥰

Best thing that ever happened to my life and marriage was this book


It’s been a lot of fun going through this together with my spouse. It’s brought back a closeness we both had lost somewhat as life happens. I would definitely recommend it if you want to invest in l your marriage and reinvigorate why you fell in love in the first place.

A must for couples

Great challenge for any married couple. It’s fun to do this without your spouse knowing that you’re actually going through the challenge whilst you’re doing the things for them.

Easy, good daily read

Great book! Simple read. Everyone should have it

Do the Dare

Hands down this is one of the best books I've read. I received one from my church, waited several months until my wife "forgot" about it. And then she got love dared. When I began the dare I thought it was just going to be 40 days of gimicky stuff to make my wife smile every now and then. After all I didn't have a marriage that was on the rocks. But, it is so much more. This isn't just some "improve your marraige in 40 steps program". It challenges YOU to do things for yourself. It challenges YOU to re-connect (or improve your connection) with God. So if you've read this far; you're probably wondering, "if I received this book how am I writing a review". Because I believe in The Love Dare so strongly I bought the book for two people who I felt needed it. And I'll keep buying more!

40-Day Commitment

Got this book for a friend and decided to purchase one for myself. It's a 40-day journal, based on Bible scripture, for couples who would like to develop, improve, reform, re-vitalize a loving relationship. I found that following the 40-day journal requires commitment and discipline - which I'm sad to say I failed miserably after first 5 days. Still, it's a wonderful instructional guide which I highly recommend. It makes a nice reference book - even if you don't do all 40 dares.

great content

This book is a must have for any library. One would think that most of this is common sense, but in this day and age, we need reminded daily. Gives new perspective on "how" we should love each other. I would recommend this book for anyone in a relationship...married or not.

Love it

I love it .. enjoy reading it and learn a lot

Just Do It

If you are reading this review, you may be at a trying time. You deserve to invest in your marriage. Just do it.

harder than it seems

The book gives the reader daily challenges to show their spouse their love. It starts off by requesting that the reader does not say anything negative to their spouse. It is not as easy as it sounds. I had a desire to tell my spouse what lane to be in, poor guy. I did not tell him how to drive, and I am sure he appreciated it! The book helps me by opening my understanding. It helps me to know how to be the person that God tells to treat others as I would like to be treated.

Love is Daring!!

This book is nothing short of amazing, revealing, and God inspired. I am still working my way through it, but God has been working miracles in me first and foremost. I am so appreciative of this experience to love on my spouse and allow God to use me. I also purchased copies as gifts for others which have been a blessing in their lives from their testimonies. The amazing thing about this book is that it can be used by any married couple, whether they are extremely happy or going through some difficult times in their marriage. It doesn't matter because the various steps in the book only reveal how one can be happier or began to find happiness in their marriage. As a final thought, it takes an open mind and heart to make it through this book, and only the person truly willing to open up and allow this to happen can really see the benefits manifest in their marriage. My prayer is that marriages be healed, delivered and set free to be truly happy and God-filled after reading this book.


Wish my husband was open to doing this but couldn't get him to participate but it was a great help to me on my part

A Life-changing Book

Like so many others, I had heard of the "Love Dare" book by watching the movie, "Fireproof." I ordered copies for all of our fathers on Father's Day. At least 20% of the men said "I have planned to get this book because I heard so much about it." It is a 40 day manual of practical items every man can do for his wife to let her know she is loved (Women can use it for their husbands). In good marriages, many of the ideas are already practiced, but the reminders are solid. If your marriage is struggling a bit, you definitely want to try this.

Every couple should read!!

I think every couple should read this, whether engaged (would make a GREAT wedding gift) happily married or on the verge of losing your marriage. Helps you remember to put into practice how to really LOVE your spouse. I have already recommended it to many friends. After a slight hiccup of hurt in my own marriage (14years) it was a saving grace and a reminder that ultimately, God is the only One you can always 100% rely on. The unfortunate truth that people have a sinful nature and will, at some point, let you down is a little easier to swallow knowing God loves unconditionally. Now, I make it a point to try and practice that same "AGAPE" love.

Four Stars

It's a good book if there are problems in relationship. Some good ideas to draw closer.

This book will change your marriage for the better!

We are working through this Love Dare book and let me tell you, it's amazing. Every single married couple should have this book and reference it often. It truly is Godly wisdom and maintenance for your marriage. Love it!! As far as the condition, we bought the leather bound version and it is absolutely beautiful. We're so pleased with the quality and will be using this book every year for many years to come!!!

This is an excellent daily study companion

This is an excellent daily study companion. My Girlfriend and I highly recommend this study for individuals that are serious about marriage and putting God first in there relationship.

The Love Dare

Great read especially for couples

It really works!

Amazing! Works! Must purchased!


Very nice binding and cover. Good quality

Love the Love Dare book!

I very much have enjoyed reading "The Love Dare" and participating in the dares. I have learned many things about real love, marriage, and my husband as well as myself. This book has really opened up my mind and heart to the idea that love is a choice... an act. Already, (I'm only on day 9) participating in the dares and reading the book has renewed my mind, heart, and changed how my husband and I relate to one another. I highly recommend this book to all married couples. If you are considering divorce or are unhappy in your marriage, this is the book for you. I also love "The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie OMartian. I have enjoyed this book so much, I am incorporating the daily dares into my blog. :) [..] Great book!

The love dare

My husband and I loved working through this book. Great book, fast shipping, great price, and item was just as described.


Dont wait until its too late to get this book and work the process

AWESOME book, GREAT for any marriage

This book is awesome!!!!!!! My husband and I have a pretty good marriage I would say and it still made a huge difference in our marriage for both of us! If you want a resource that you can actually easily apply in your life and reap huge lifetime rewards, this is it! We bought 8 copies just to pass out to any married couples. I will be giving this to every newlywed I meet! And for the person who reviewed it saying the dares were not the same as seen in the movie Fireproof, they're crazy, the dares are the same!

Sound advice

This book has given me an opportunity to think differently and to optimistically view how to bring hope and a new depth to our marriage.

Works if you keep faith.

If she would've read it. Great book for a failing Christian marriage.

I dare you to try it too!

This is the best book ever. Definitely a must have for any couple, or any person! If you follow the steps in this book you will have a much more amazing relationship with everyone! It helps any relationship! It is not counseling, it is more of a way to change you to be a better person in my opinion, it helps to bring out the love!!! My absolute favorite book of all time!


Great book

Love Dare- Marriage Blessing

This book has truly been a blessing to me and my husband. My husband put it this way, "It's like you and your spouse have a mutual friend and they are on the outside looking in at your relationship and giving you advice. This book really makes you think more from your spouse's perspective and stops you from looking at your perspective only." I personally have really enjoyed this book. I can see changes in both my spouse and myself. I look at things from both perspectives now.

Great Book....

I recommend this book for those who are struggling in their marriage and who wish to be in love again with their husband/wife. This book is ideal and is written from a Christian standpoint. Any marriage can be saved if the partners are willing to persevere with patience and love. I purchased this book as a gift and hope that the reader will experience lifelong happiness from following it's recommendations for a happy marriage.

Great book

Great book

Must have for relationships/ or marriages

I love this book.. For any relationship that is going through troubling times, or challenges.. I advice you to take the LOVE DARE ☺️

Liked it!

This book gives you a lot of ideas to jump start a better marriage. The key is learning to put you parner before yourself and watch the transformation in your won't happen right away; have endurance. Such happiness comes from learning to put our own motives aside for others! It's a struggle at first and sometimes for awhile, but if your persistant with it and accompany with prayer amazing things happen.



I recommend this to anyone with marital problems

If you finish the whole thing it really works. It helps build strong marriages but you have to stick with it even when you are done. I recommend this to anyone with marital problems.

For a Marriage Book, this one is helpful. Worth the investment.

Prettier than I thought, great gift. I LOVE this book, personally. Deep and actually helpful.


I highly recommend this book!

LUV IT!!!!

I luv first off the condition the book came in it looked brand new.... The book is amazing me n my husband look foward to reading it daily,,the dares are interesting fun,n make u closer to ur partner its like rekindling the fire that faded ... Its brought us closer and we now talk about things rather than argue. I luv how it gives u verses from the bible to reference what the topic is about .... This is a 40 day dare ,,I just purchased the yearly devotional n im looking forward to getting closer to my husband .....i DARE YOU TO GET THIS BOOK !!!!!

Worth reading even if you have a good marriage

What a great book. I am very fortunate to have a very good marriage. But everyone can use some improvement. My husband and I both try to apply some of the love dares not only to our marriage but to other areas in our lives. Some of the dares can help improve your relationship with your children. If a person does not grow from reading this book in one way or another they can only blame themselves.

This is a great book. I will be using it again very ...

I have purchased this book twice because the first time I gave it to my friend who was about to cheat on her husband. Even as a refresher. This is a great book. I will be using it again very soon for the 40 days before my wedding.

Everyone needs this book

My partners parents bought this book to help mend their marriage and as I was flipping through it last time we stayed at their house, I decided I needed to buy it. I'm not very religious, I'm not a big talker who likes to discuss my feelings but this book helped me do that. Coming from a couple who have only been together 3 yrs and have never had any problems, this book was just something fun to do that brought us a lot closer. It made us talk about things and think about things we never thought to before. The daily dares encouraged us to do things that we never put any effort into before. Its a great book for any couple. My boyfriends parents did struggle with it a bit, they had gotten to a point where they were no longer willing to work on the things the book was daring them to (patience with each other, showing kindness to each other) but even still the book has opened their eyes to what the other needs and has given them little daily tips of how to move forward and work on it. Just a great book, I plan on getting it for my parents, my sister, my boss..

Great read. Gives biblical marriage advice

Great read. Gives biblical marriage advice. I highly recommend this for new marriages as well as those that have been married for a long time.


I say it's okay because I just couldn't get into it. I guess maybe I bought it prematurely, meaning that I should have given 'us' more time to work together on our own instead of jumping into this. We worked through things and are good. I'm sure others would benefit from it, it just wasn't for me, never even showed it to him.

A good companion

If you've seen the movie "Fireproof," the book is an excellent companion to it. Following the methods it contains gives you a new way to view your interactions with the world, not simply the person you plan to spend you life with. I'd recommend the book to anyone exploring a new relationship because the techniques you'll develop will certainly help you to appreciate one another in a more tangible manner, but I'd also recommend it to anyone who struggles with how they view themselves. It's taken me on a fascinating trip through my own heart and taught me a great deal about who I am at heart and where I let myself down. You can not only learn to love others better and more fully...but yourself.

Was written in towards front part of the book.

I have not given this book yet to my hubby. I am giving it to him on Fathers Day. He is an atheist so not sure how life changing this book is going to be for us. Wanted to note for sellers: Please take the time to thumb through your material you are selling on here. So what you are claiming about the specific product is truthful. This book was written in towards the very front of this book. But listed as (NEVER WRITTEN IN)other than that, I have no other issues.

beautiful read

I'm still reading this book; it is a challenge as at this time, my mate is not sure if he wants to maintain our commitment. With that being said, the daily dares of giving and catering to him are a struggle for me. There are times when I take a few days off then pick the book back up. I'm trusting that by the end of this book, God will make it clear to me whether or not I'm fighting a losing battle; or our love deserves and will sustain another try. The book in itself is beautiful and very well written. I would recommend it to any individual or couple who equally are willing to try and save their relationship.

Love Dare

Fireproof Your Marriage (the DVD) was suggested by a friend. My husband and I watched it. I was intrigued by the Love Dare program and ordered 2 books-one for each of us. Although I'm doing the Love Dares and my husband hasn't started, I already feel better about our marriage. Our marriage had kinks in it, but was not in crisis. I'd recommened it to any married couple whether struggling or not.

Good book

Good book



Take it seriously and it will change your life

I just love this book. Through a time where things have been busy at home just spending 5 minutes in the morning reading this book everyday and following the love dares for each day (in secret) has really changed me and how I interact with my wife. She still doesn't know that I even have this book. You know things where great between us before I started this challenge, but now it is even better. Just the tip of not saying anything negative to your spouse can really change the outcome of a day. Read through it and take it seriously and it will change your life and help you gain focus on what is important in your marriage.

Excellent Book!

My husband and I (married 2 years) have enjoyed this book. It has been a wonderful blessing in our lives to connect each evening. It provides great discussion points to show our love for one another. I enjoyed it so much, I've bought copies for my best friend and sister-in-law. We probably will buy more for our friends, marriage is just to precious and we should all support one another in long healthy marriages :-)

So good!

Highly recommend to everyone! We have so much to learn and be when it comes to love.

Nice quality. Great as a gift, too!

Just as described, and received on time!

Effective Marriage Savior!

This is a fabulous tool to use to get a marriage back on track. I bought it for a friend and cannot wait to see the results!

The Love Dare

The Love Dare is what the movie Fireproof is based on. Warning! It is a challenge! Do you dare to take it? Though the dare may be challenging at times, the rewards are greater. You learn a lot about yourself through this book. It says it is a 40 day journey but I am taking one day at a time and getting it down before I take the next step in the journey. It's worth going slow through. I highly recommend this book.

Got this for a friend

Show the love

It will save your marriage

Great quality but the best is whats inside


It really helps you to focus more on your marriage.

A must buy for anyone trying to make a relationship work

Originally I bought the book for my husband to practice on me, because in my opinion he needed to be a little more loving. After a while I opened the book and started practicing it myself just to see if it works and I am glad I did. Reading this book was exciting and it changed my attitude.

Awesome Dare

Best book to help you see the faults in your relationship and to improve them with the help of God. I used this when my husband and I were going through hard times and it seemed to help. A year has passed and my husband and I are doing great and decided to read the book and do the dares all over again. :)

Love the movie and love the whole idea ....

This whole love dare thing is not only for marriages that are on the brink of splitting up but just to help ignite those feelings you had when you first got married. It helps give you ideas to bring back those feelings of Cherishing your spouse and doing those little things that don't take much but mean a lot. Very Very Very highly recommended not only for some but for all married couples.

Counselors, get this book!!

Amazing! For several years I've been counseling men who's marriages are in disarray. But nothing I've been able to tell them is even nearly as good as the wonderful examples of self-less love in this book. It's daily love-deeds can make all the difference. And the wonderful part about The Love Dare is that during the 40-day walk, the Word of God and the Holy Spirit will change a man's heart. That's what it's all about. Our Lord gave us men The Love Dare right here..."Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church, and gave Himself for her." Gave Himself for her! That is the issue! We have only been thinking about the big ME, while Christ wants us to lay down our life for her. I have begun to challenge "my men" in this way "If you will promise to do the Love Dare, and faithfully report to me about how you are doing, then I will buy the book for you."

If you buy it apply it

Love this book lots of helpful advice things you should already know but forgot

Read it

It’s a book, read it

Best 40 days you could ever do for yourself!

Bought for my husband, after 7 years of marriage you get comfortable with each other. This really helped bring back a spark we were missing. Hubby isn't one to journal or read and he found it easy to do. I love the changes I saw in him, not only for our marriage but also as a leader in his job as a manager.



Great reference for couples!

I have started reading this book, and I am very pleased that I own it! I have started the Love Dare up to Day 6 so far. My marriage is not in shambles, but I just want to take steps to constantly practive love. They say a good relationship always takes work. Sometimes in today's society, we get so caught up with life, that we tend to be selfish. This book shows you ways to be unselfish & re-teaches you the things you probably used to do in the beginning of your relationship. Love is patient, and this book really shows you that. But with effort, I think you will see results. God bless!

The good and the bad

Great book with so many great ideas, but don’t be surprised if you complete the challenge and realize you and your spouse are done

Great Book

Fantastic book to help bring your marriage closer.

This is a great little book!

I wasn't super keen on the movie "Fireproof." This book, however is really great! The material in it is excellent. I bought a couple of extra ones to give away. I really enjoyed reading it and got a lot out of it! I'll probably keep reviewing some days I need to work on.

wonderful gift for newly weds, or even old married people

This is a book (along with movie) that will strengthen any marriage if the couple honestly want to do God's will. it is most wonderful for newly weds. i used it as a wedding gift and was told it is the best gift they recieved. I plan to purchase many more. the product arrived in time, was perfectly new, was just what I hoped for. Thank you so much

A Must Have For Any Marriage or Courtship!!

What an amazing book. Anyome seeking advice before marriage about how to stay happy in a marriage or those who are married but are stuck in a routine rut and don't know what to do should read this book. Our relationships and the people we are close with deserve our best. If you have any concerns about your relationships or even yourself and want to make things better... read this book and apply it to your life!

Very helpful book!

This book is great! I intend to buy it to give as gifts to my grown children. The author makes so much sense. This book is not a book based on emotion, but you will find yourself emotional, especially when you realize the mistakes you made as parents and what could have been done to make things better, had you known. I wish this book had been around 30 years ago.

The Love Dare - a must read for any married person

This book is fabulous! I actually already have a copy and purchased 2 as a wedding gift. I wrote on the card that this book will improve any marriage, whether it's a good one or if it needs a little work. I honestly believe that! I have noticed a huge difference in my marriage while following this book. It's not always easy to keep up with a dare a day, but it is minimal reading (3 pages or so)per dare which helps to fit in busy schedules. This book just really gets you thinking about your spouse and making them feel special. In my experience, it's very rewarding because I'm focusing on how I can make my marriage it's best and it is motivating to my spouse. He notices the effort and wants to reciprocate, and he has no idea I'm even reading this book or what the book is about.

Divorce prevention book

A very amazing book that helps prevent divorce!!!!!!


This book is certainly a challenge. I suppose no one with a good marriage would be reading it anyway, so if you in a marriage that is not working, this book will certainly move you towards not only some challenging activities but also some very challenging concepts. I do recommend it though. It is not easy, but it is worthwhile.

Thank you

Prefect book for every relationship

take the challange, worth the journey

in the beginning of the book it says its a challenge, it wasn't kidding. i must admit the first few days were pretty good, made you think. later on as you get deeper into it it will get hard, but when you reach the end of the book the journey is well worth it. one of the BEST books i purchased period. im buying this book as a gift to a few of my closest friends and family members. this gift needs to be shared.

Keeping God first and following the dares.

I haven't finished this book yet, but I am about half way through. The suggestions and biblical foundations of this book are great. And even if I don't see a change in my husband yet, there has been a change in me. I'm going to see it through to the end and keep following the daily dares. Keeping God as head of my marriage, even if it's only up to me and Him.

marriage restoration tool

This is a great tool if you are not having problems and if you are. This book takes you on a journey to make your marriage fire proof or divorce proof. It should be used after you have seen the movie fire proof with kirk cameron. But if you cant get the movie you will still understand and be able to do the book. This is a book that calls for action...this is you at work in your marriage.

A great building tool

By trying to follow what this book says it will not make you the best partner in the world, but its a good start. But this book does a great job of just trying to get you to the point where you are thinking of the other person, and where you are trying to find ways to serve them. I have not completed the book. I have been trying very hard that if I fail one of the days to not move on to the next until I have went a complete day with doing the entire days thought. Marraige has and will continue to be a journey.

Love this. It was recommended to me from a ...

Love this. It was recommended to me from a friend while me and my then boyfriend were going through a very very rough patch. We both did this and learned how to communicate better. 5 years later we are happily married with a beautiful baby girl!

Five Stars

The book was great. Didn't help with the wife. Still didn't care and divorced me.

A good read

This book was a great read. I found a lot of helpful stuff in here, whether you are in a healthy relationship or are looking to change things to make your relationship better.

Love Dare

I bought this book and saw the movie. My husband and I were having problems, and I had hoped the book or the movie would help us get back together, but it did not. The movie was very good, as well as the book. But as I'm sure you know, you can't count on a book to pull a marriage back together. But I do recommend the book.

Great for couples

This book my fiance wanted us to do together. Ofcourse there is a movie you can see (as did she) and also the "love dare" book. We both tackled this book together and learned some new things ourselves. Would recommend for any couple looking to better their relationship and understandings.

Great help!

This book helps me look at situations from both point of views. It has made me realize some arguments are really pointless. I have a good marriage but I feel this has helped my marriage become stronger. I do not follow the dares perfectly but I do use them and the advice for guidance. I would recommend this book just to read even it you do not want to follow the journey. It helps me understand my flaws and how to improve.It is sometimes easier to blame the spouse for problems in marriage instead of taking full ownership. I think if everyone would try to live by the advice in this book marriages would be so much stronger.

Easy, wonderful read

It gives you a great plan, and step by step method of how to show love to your spouse. My wife would ask why I did things, and sometimes i would say the book told me I should do it, and other times it was just me wanting to show my love, which was a nice side effect from the readings.

The Love Dare

I had ordered the book before I went to see the movie Fireproof because I love to read; I am reading the book now but I am not writing in it because I am planning on passing it on to a friend that is having marriage problems. My husband and I have been married 25 years and have a great marriage but the book has some many good thoughts. Great book

The Love Dare

Great book which inspired the movie Fireproof. Challenging book which if followed can really transform a marriage. Would recommend it for those who want to enrich their relationships and live out a life motivated by a love that is totally unselfish.

Excellent insight

Book was recommended by a former pastor to a bunch of men. I opted in. The author has a good grasp on reality between husband and wife and between people in general. His section involving forgiveness is incredibly on target. Recommend it to anyone and everyone.

... I started to read it and it's probably an excellent book, but I just didn't find a place ...

I couldn't "get into it" I probably wasn't in the right frame of mind when I started to read it and it's probably an excellent book, but I just didn't find a place to get a good footing that would cause me to keep reading.

Love Help

A great read and challenge for those in the thick of it all within their marriage

Powerful book that requires a commitment to complete. Worth it.

Great book for anyone willing to take a soul-searching spiritual journey for the real thing. We have lost the real meaning of love and how it has kept couples and families together through the best and worst of circumstances. WARNING: This is the real deal, unconditional agape Love. It is likely this study may reveal to you a painfull realization that you have not really Loved someone or that you yourself have not really been Loved. No excuses, no "irreconcilable differences", no "we've grown apart." Just Agape. Love Never Fails.

Great book

I had seen this dare done in Fireproof but wasn't sure what it really entailed as only a couple of the dates were presented in the movie. One of my friends told me it was available in book form so my boyfriend and I who are planning on getting married decided to do the dares together. It has helped strengthen our relationship immensely. I highly recommend it for people looking for a way to make your relationship stronger and help appreciate your better half by looking at them through different eyes

I know they will love them because I

I bought this book and the movie Fireproof for friends that were getting married. I know they will love them because I did

So far, so good

I am only on day 12 but as it stands, I love this book. Some of the dares can be difficult because my Sailor and I are not living together. I've found that it has made me a better person, therefore a better spouse as well. It's worth giving a try whether your relationship is on the rocks, or even if it's perfect! You will learn about yourself, your partner and about love in general. If this doesn't make your marriage stronger, I don't know what will.

Changed the way I love my family and my faith

This book completely transformed the way I show love and appreciation to EVERYONE in my life: my boyfriend, my family and even my dog! Most importantly, it strengthened my connection to Christ, reinvigorating the way I show Him love and appreciation for his unconditional love for me! I have already gifted this book to one couple, and expect I will gift it to many more, strong and struggling alike!


This book is a must read for anyone thinking about, or currently in a marriage relationship. I had no idea how this would change my perspective of what I was bringing to the relationship!!! Read this BEFORE you get married - try it'll be amazed!


I bought two copies of this for my brother and his wife because she has decided on divorcing. I am hopeful that along with the Fireproof movie that if there is anything in either of them to try, that this will be of benefit to them. Very hopeful, standing by...

The Love Dare.

My husband and I have this book and loved it. We thought that a couple we know would also benefit from the lesson in this book. I have recommended it to several people at my church and some have bought it and say they love it. My husband and I have also started the Love Dare, Day by day for one year. We are also enjoying it.


This is not an easy book, but marriage is not easy either. But no matter where you are in your marriage, it's worth doing - even if you have to start from day one all over again...and again...and again....keep going, don't give up!!

Great book

My husband and I are going through a rough patch in our marriage. I saw the movie Fireproof several years ago, and after doing a google search on ways to improve your marriage, I came across this book. I said, what the heck, it's worth a try. So far, so good. These past couple of days we have really been working on the "dares" in the book, and we both are happy and content. I highly suggest taking the Love Dare. I believe in God, but am not super religious, but I will say, this book is very inspiring.

Nice Book, but don't expect results

This book is a good idea if your marriage is on solid ground or simply needs a spark. I used it to save my marriage, but was unsuccessful. I applaud people who make the effort through these 40 days, but it really takes two people interested/committed to working for a good marriage. If you are doing this book alone, you can easily end up in a one-sided relationship and endure a considerable amount of emotional pain. The book itself is good, and particularly well thought out.

The Love Dare

Item arrived on time and in excellent shape. I have actually completed the book twice and it has helped me tremendously in my overall life, not just my love life.

Fantastic Book

Great daily devotional! I read this about six months into my marriage, and kept a journal as I went through. This book illuminated a lot of my weaknesses as a husband, and gave me really practical ways to love my wife well. I have bought this book for five of my friends that were married recently.

Every marriage is worth this!

Terrific book for any stage of a marriage!

With God All Is Possible

If you can get someone to read this book it can/will change their life. I really enjoyed the concept and I'm glad that it was written. It's one superior self help book.

Must have for marriages

This is a wonderful book (workbook). I would highly recommend it for any couples - whether married or not, but probably best for married couples. Regardless of where you are in your marriage, it is very helpful - but especially if there are problems.

Met expectations

Great value!

Great book

As a pastor I use this book quite often in my marriage counseling. It is very helpful in helping husbands fall back in love with their wife. Although I never given the book to a wife, by the husband using the book it has rekindled love in the wife. I highly recommend it.

Very Difficult at Times

Any guy thinking of passing on reading this book because of preconceived ideas, you should think again. The "dares" in this book actually helped me see deeper issues in myself. Doing them proved even more difficult because my wife wants out but I don't. Regardless, God is after my heart through this process as well as her's.

Full of goodness for any (and every) relationship you've got...

I'm about 1/2 way through reading this book. So far, it's just full of goodness. It's not the kind of book that tells you something you don't know (probably). What the book does do is help you get your heart right. It enhances your perspective. It points you in the right direction. This is a great book for marriage, but it's also an outstanding guide for literally any relationship you have. Love, work, friends, neighbors, etc. If you read this book, it will help you. Thinking through the exercises as you read the book will bring you closer to Jesus. For less than $10, the fact that you can get ALL that out of this book makes it an unbelievable bargain. Enjoy. JQ

Five Stars

Made me sad but could be very helpful to some.


I saw the movie years back, but after hitting a rough spot in my marriage i decided to take the Dare. Made me step out of my comfort zone to be selfless towards my husband. To this day he has no clue i was doing so because of this book. the journal helped me to vent, judge myself and pray for my marriage in areas i didnt know to pray for. I still use the tips/suggestions to improve me for my marriage. it's not about improving my mate, but start with me. Thank you Stephen Kendrick for writting this.

Great book!

Very helpful and practical insights. Works great to help healthy marriages as well. I have recommended this book to many people already.

great book! great movie!

i saw the movie "fireproof" twice and still love it! i had wanted to see if the book was real and it is, so i ordered it. i glimpsed through it but have not done "the dare" yet. i am happy to accept the dare, and look forward to it changing my life!

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