The Lord God Made Them All (All Creatures Great and Small Book 4)

Kindle Edition
14 Nov
Adventures in the English countryside and beyond with the Yorkshire veterinarian and #1 New York Times–bestselling author of All Creatures Great and Small. When World War II ends and James Herriot returns to his wife and new family in the English countryside, he dreams mostly of Sunday roasts and Yorkshire puddings, but new adventure has a way of tracking him down. Soon Herriot finds himself escorting a large number of sheep on a steamer to Russia, puzzling through the trials of fatherhood, and finding creative ways to earn the trust of suspicious neighbors who rely on him for the wellbeing of their beloved animals. Herriot’s winning humor and self-deprecating humanity shine through every page, and his remarkable storytelling has captivated readers for generations. “This is Herriot at his best,” said the

Reviews (194)

Gentle humor

The All Creatures Great and Small series is a series of books containing short stories about the adventures of a veterinarian from Yorkshire in England. The stories are almost all funny, but in a gentle sort of way. The author is not afraid to poke a bit of fun at himself when it is called for. Just as the previous volume contained some stories about the author’s time training in the RAF during World War II, this one has some of his adventures as an official veterinarian accompanying animals being exported. One is a herd of sheep on a trip to the Soviet Union by sea, and the other some cows on their way to Istanbul on an aircraft with mechanical problems. Also included in this collection are some stories of his children accompanying him on his rounds. This was apparently meant to be the last book in the series, but about ten years later another volume, Every Living Thing was published.

My favorite all-time author, James Herriott!

I have the book in hardback, but I wanted it on my Kindle. I have read this series of books so many times I can't count them. It's like magic to me! It's hard for me to hold a hardback book now, so I'm thankful I have the Kindle. I read every day! James Herriott's books transport me to England and Russia and other places, as well as making me laugh so hard I can barely catch my breath. Never saw the series because I have my own idea of how things look in my mind :-) Hate it when I finish one of his books. I never want them to end.

Bright and Enchanting

My grandmother gave me a gift of his first book when I was a newly wed starting my own family. I loved animals and fell in love with Mr Herriot's book. Grandma knew I lived reading about animals and soon followed with a gift of his second book shortly after publication. With a growing family I never got to read this 3rd book. I am so satisfied now having read the 3 books. The titles of each says it all. They are 3 books of which I have never forgotten their titkes.

All time favorite series

I read this series as a teenager and loved them. I highly recommend them even though there is some coarse language, cases about animal husbandry that can be graphic, and pubs and drinking are the norm in that area. This makes me hesitant to get them for our grandchildren. It is not explicit or in bad taste, just down to earth, real life. I would give them 10 stars if that were available. They are a treasure, hilarious, such amazing people and unforgettable stories. I have read them all several times. Hardly any books are good enough to say that about!

Another Amazing Read!😊

When I am reading a book and I can't wait to get back to it, I know it is adding to my life experience if only in a vicarious way. Thank you Mr Herriot for sharing your experiences and adventures with me and the rest of the world! I am sorry that I am getting close to the end of the series. He is as good an author and note taker as he was a veterinarian. He really was able to relate to the animals as he treated them along with their owners. He was kind, compassionate, and gentle! He was able to share with us the drama and humor of his daily life. I would recommend these books to anyone any pet owner or lover. Get acquainted with another side of pet care!

A tough but well-loved life in Yorkshire

Normally I don’t read fiction, but my wife’s enthusiasm and a visit to The Herriot museum in Thirsk stimulated my interest and the 2021 PBS airing of the new adaptation of “All Creatures Great and Small” sealed the deal. I’m hooked! In a time of political and social incivility, the human decency of the Yorkshire Dales residents and animals is a breath of uplifting fresh air. Though fiction, the stories are clearly influenced by Alf Wight’s - aka James Herriot’s - real life calling.

James Herriot

AKA Alf Whyte. All of his books are amazing and so lovely with the descriptions of the animals and the people of Yorkshire. Forget the current PBS AWFUL interpretation of the original and read the books. I bought all four to replace my old ones that have been read over and over and over. Do yourself a favor and don't leave this earth before experiencing this man's insight and kindness. God Bless Alf Whyte!

Fabulous read, couldn't wait to get back to it each day

How can anyone not love these wonderful stories of Herriot's life as a country vet in England? His writing is crisp and humorous, and he certainly never runs out of interesting and unique people and animals as he travels around the countryside. Too bad there can't be many, many more of these fabulous tales of a country vet's life in the 30's and 40's. Only one of the many interesting facts is how medicine and the treatment of animals evolved over the years.

The Story Gets More Soulful!

I know why these books keep getting five stars ⭐️. They are worth so much more. This one is about the time after the war when he returns to family life and changes in his practice. He also includes surprise adventures woven into the story. It’s really amazing how he accomplishes this. The last three books were well written, but this one is even better. I would explain, but I don’t want to spoil it. Read the book!

want a good laugh?

I listened as Janet read and giggled and laughed while reading. I couLd not imagine what could be so funny. Now reading all four books, I’ve smiled and laughed a lot. Amazingly the life of a country vet is a great look into the world of humans and animals. Do your self a favor. Read and laugh.

Gentle humor

The All Creatures Great and Small series is a series of books containing short stories about the adventures of a veterinarian from Yorkshire in England. The stories are almost all funny, but in a gentle sort of way. The author is not afraid to poke a bit of fun at himself when it is called for. Just as the previous volume contained some stories about the author’s time training in the RAF during World War II, this one has some of his adventures as an official veterinarian accompanying animals being exported. One is a herd of sheep on a trip to the Soviet Union by sea, and the other some cows on their way to Istanbul on an aircraft with mechanical problems. Also included in this collection are some stories of his children accompanying him on his rounds. This was apparently meant to be the last book in the series, but about ten years later another volume, Every Living Thing was published.

My favorite all-time author, James Herriott!

I have the book in hardback, but I wanted it on my Kindle. I have read this series of books so many times I can't count them. It's like magic to me! It's hard for me to hold a hardback book now, so I'm thankful I have the Kindle. I read every day! James Herriott's books transport me to England and Russia and other places, as well as making me laugh so hard I can barely catch my breath. Never saw the series because I have my own idea of how things look in my mind :-) Hate it when I finish one of his books. I never want them to end.

Bright and Enchanting

My grandmother gave me a gift of his first book when I was a newly wed starting my own family. I loved animals and fell in love with Mr Herriot's book. Grandma knew I lived reading about animals and soon followed with a gift of his second book shortly after publication. With a growing family I never got to read this 3rd book. I am so satisfied now having read the 3 books. The titles of each says it all. They are 3 books of which I have never forgotten their titkes.

All time favorite series

I read this series as a teenager and loved them. I highly recommend them even though there is some coarse language, cases about animal husbandry that can be graphic, and pubs and drinking are the norm in that area. This makes me hesitant to get them for our grandchildren. It is not explicit or in bad taste, just down to earth, real life. I would give them 10 stars if that were available. They are a treasure, hilarious, such amazing people and unforgettable stories. I have read them all several times. Hardly any books are good enough to say that about!

Another Amazing Read!😊

When I am reading a book and I can't wait to get back to it, I know it is adding to my life experience if only in a vicarious way. Thank you Mr Herriot for sharing your experiences and adventures with me and the rest of the world! I am sorry that I am getting close to the end of the series. He is as good an author and note taker as he was a veterinarian. He really was able to relate to the animals as he treated them along with their owners. He was kind, compassionate, and gentle! He was able to share with us the drama and humor of his daily life. I would recommend these books to anyone any pet owner or lover. Get acquainted with another side of pet care!

A tough but well-loved life in Yorkshire

Normally I don’t read fiction, but my wife’s enthusiasm and a visit to The Herriot museum in Thirsk stimulated my interest and the 2021 PBS airing of the new adaptation of “All Creatures Great and Small” sealed the deal. I’m hooked! In a time of political and social incivility, the human decency of the Yorkshire Dales residents and animals is a breath of uplifting fresh air. Though fiction, the stories are clearly influenced by Alf Wight’s - aka James Herriot’s - real life calling.

James Herriot

AKA Alf Whyte. All of his books are amazing and so lovely with the descriptions of the animals and the people of Yorkshire. Forget the current PBS AWFUL interpretation of the original and read the books. I bought all four to replace my old ones that have been read over and over and over. Do yourself a favor and don't leave this earth before experiencing this man's insight and kindness. God Bless Alf Whyte!

Fabulous read, couldn't wait to get back to it each day

How can anyone not love these wonderful stories of Herriot's life as a country vet in England? His writing is crisp and humorous, and he certainly never runs out of interesting and unique people and animals as he travels around the countryside. Too bad there can't be many, many more of these fabulous tales of a country vet's life in the 30's and 40's. Only one of the many interesting facts is how medicine and the treatment of animals evolved over the years.

The Story Gets More Soulful!

I know why these books keep getting five stars ⭐️. They are worth so much more. This one is about the time after the war when he returns to family life and changes in his practice. He also includes surprise adventures woven into the story. It’s really amazing how he accomplishes this. The last three books were well written, but this one is even better. I would explain, but I don’t want to spoil it. Read the book!

want a good laugh?

I listened as Janet read and giggled and laughed while reading. I couLd not imagine what could be so funny. Now reading all four books, I’ve smiled and laughed a lot. Amazingly the life of a country vet is a great look into the world of humans and animals. Do your self a favor. Read and laugh.

Delightful stories of the life of a Yorkshire Country Vet in postwar Britain

The Lord God Made Them All is the fourth book in the semi-fictional memoir series written by James Herriot (1916-1995) The title is taken from a verse in Cecil Francis Alexander's hymn "All Things Bright and Beautiful." It is a joy to read and will invoke laughter, tears and smiles as you follow Herriot on his arduous rounds to the various farms in the Yorkshire dells. This volume also deals with Dr. Herriot's trip on a Danish steamer transporting a large heard of valuable sheep to the Soviet Union. Along the way we laugh with him as he enjoys good rich Danish food, suffers through sea squalls and makes sure the sheep are safe and sound. I found interesting his discussion on education with a group of Russian schoolteacher. He also visited Stettin in Poland with 800 pigs. In this book we travel with the good vet on his rounds with his children James and Rosie. He grew up to be a vet while Rosie became a human medical doctor! Funny stories deal with his attempts to use A.I. with a feisty young bull, a crippled man and his faithful dog, the tragic story of Amber the dog and many others which will keep you entertained and enlightened about the hard life of veterinary surgery over seventy years ago. Herriot reports on the many advances that have been made to his trade by medical science. We also enjoy the company of Herriot's good hearted partners in practice the brothers Siegfried and his fun loving younger brother Tristan.! Herriot country is a warm place for a cold night; the touch of a brisk breeze in the Yorkshire dells and an oasis for the weary spirit. God bless James Herriot. May we all love animals and threat them with the respect and care the Lord wishes us to have for his creatures!


As always these books are wonderful. I look forward to reading them every night. Each book from James Herriot is a pleasure. As a lover of books and animals you can’t go wrong with one of his memoirs.

Good strong writer.

A collection of very good short story's. James writes about wonderful, strong interesting people second time I have read this series enjoyed better the 2nd time both were fun.

I love this author more with each book I read.

I love this author more with each book I read. This is a truly great series that is at times funny, at other times sad, at other times suspenseful, and always ALWAYS interesting. In this fourth book of the series I was happy to get some stories of his children when they were little. My admiration is great for anyone who takes who delves into the career of being a veterinarian.

Quick read, wonderful stories, all time classic

These books have always been my favorite, from the time I was a teen. All Creatures Great & Small is still the only book that will leave my laughing to the point of tears - and though the following books are also interesting, that is the all time favorite.


I bought this book as a gift, having already read it a couple of times myself. James Herriot is a thoroughly amusing author and keeps me chuckling to myself throughout the book. The seller shipped this out immediately and it arrived in great condition. Thank you!

Always a treat

If only Herriot had written twenty books. Each a gem by itself but as a collection it would be a delight to read over and over.

Love this series

The stories are heart warming and funny. It’s been a pleasure to read the aloud to my daughter over the past few years.

bedtime read- great stories

I love all of James Herriot’s books. This one is one of my favorites. The chapters are short and very heart warming

James Herriot is amazing

What a wonderful book all 4 were amazing. You feel like you are out on his calls with James. Great book

Excellent series

I have truly enjoyed reading these books written by James Herriot. I highly recommend them.

Still wonderful books.

I've been re-reading this after many years, having lost my original copy.. A+, of course, as millions have agreed. Quite apart from the excellence of the writing and the often strange stories taken from the author's veterinary experiences - what a likeable personality this Dr Wight ("James Herriot") was!

Great Book

I love these books...They are feel good books, especially for animal lovers.

Great classic

I have read this book more than once. Thoroughly enjoyed it again. Great relaxing reading. On to the next one...

A nightly does of calm reading

Spending an afternoon or evening immersed in Herriot's tranquil world helps me remember fondly the wonderful Summers I spent on my uncle's farm. I am reminded again how lucky I have been to have this rural experience in an otherwise chaotic and fast paced world.

Another wonderful book

James Harriot books are just wonderful . I never get tired of reading them. Such great writing. He makes you laugh at his hard work. They are all brilliant!

Another great James Herriot book!

Good vet stories interwoven in family life stories. Second time through this series, and I still laughed and cried throughout it. If you love animals or people you will love these books!

Love his books

I have read the series several times. They just take me away. Such wonderful description. Such sweet and funny stories. Can’t recommend them highly enough. Oh, and totally clean books!

A Genuine Delight

Each story brings a sense of warmth and serenity that only picturing the English countryside can bring. What a genuine love of animals and people this gentle veterinarian had! And what a blessing to makes his rounds with him through his beautiful words.

A wonderful bedtime read.

I am sorry I finished the book. Just a simple well written story of a country vet. I love it!

Refreshingly inspiring

I've read, I believe four of his books and have gone through so many great emotions while doing so; the best being laughter. Some of the best books I've ever read.

Another wonderful book by James Herriot - including commentary about the author

A wonderful read! Full of humor and reflections of days gone by. If you liked the TV series or book titled "All Creatures Great and Small", you would definitely enjoy this book, as it is one of the sequels! Follow the author, a veterinarian, as he deals with Yorkshire farmers and the hilarious and sometimes touching experiences of his practice and personal life.

Highly recommend

I wish I was a gifted writer to adequately explain how much I enjoyed reading these books. The descriptions of the characters and the beautiful clarity of settings quickly captured my attention. At times I laughed out loud and then later would be deeply touched by the simple love shared. Reading these stories made me happy. What a great gift!

An intricate look at the life of a country veterinarian

I absolutely love his books. They cover all sorts of anecdotes about his experiences with the animals he has to treat, with the farmers he has to deal with, with his boss who sometimes chides him but is often forgetful himself. For example in one book he takes his 3 year old daughter along and since to reach some farms several gates need to be opened, this little girl opens the gates for him and I can just picture that whole scene of a proud little girl and of course, a proud father as well. While often the anecdotes seem simple, I just cannot get enough of them. This gets often intersperses with the love for the beauty of the dales in Yorkshire, England.

another great herriot book

As in the first 3, james herriot seems like an old friend. His descriptions of the Scottish countryside make it seem like one is with him.

Another book to enjoy

This one had me sad in a couple of stories, but for the most part an interesting read. A good one.

Wonderful as always

What a great book! These true stories of an English veterinarian are so entertaining. First you smile and then you cry and always you want to read the next chapter. I strongly suggest you also read the other 3 books of the series since they are just as outstanding.

Vet. Story

Another of the author's great collections of stories about his vet practice in England. His tales are always cunning and he tells them so well. His books are slashed enjoyable and easy to read.

Veterinarian Tales

I LOVE THIS CHARACTER and the series! The tales shared are so entertaining!! Good clean fun!!

Journey to a more innocent time.

Having spend a significant amount of time in the UK, it is like letters from home.

Very Enjoyable

I love watching The Yorkshire Vet on Acorn TV. Mr. Herriott's stories are most excellent.

Great book of rapidly changing times.

Always a good read and lets you know what life was like on the English dales 3/4 century ago up to half a century ago. People being people. He uses good language descriptions of the time, places and people, poignant and humorous, insightful into the thinking of those he deals with as well as his self.

Love all his books

I read these books in High School and they never get old. James Herriot was one of a kind. When you read his books, you don't even see the words, you are there in that little town of Darrowby, England. You will laugh quite often, just wonderful books!

One of my favorite authors.

Read the whole series in order if you can. There are some typeset issues but don't let it get in the way of a great read.

Nothing written by James Herriot fails to entertain, amuse ...

Nothing written by James Herriot fails to entertain, amuse, or amplify our feelings of warmth for our animal friends and pets. I cannot get enough of this author, and reread all his books every few years. So endearing!

More in the life of the Yorkshire vet to enjoy his family, patients, and life.

I read the first 3 books (should say devoured! ) when I was a young girl. I desperately wanted to be a veterinarian! Sadly, that never hapoened. But was able to live vicariously through his books. Imagine my surprise when I found out he had written more!

another great book

i have always loved reading herriot's books, they make you feel so good. i think it's wonderful that he got the job he really loved. it made him so sweet and gentle. this book takes you more into his life and not so much into all the animals. it's the only book that you did not cry.

A fine addition to the Herriot series.

The first three books in the All Creatures Great and Small have come to feel like old friends, and I'm very glad to continue the friendship with The Lord God Made Them All.

We love James Herriot

We love James Herriot! My husband has read the whole series out loud to the children. You can see the stories as Mr. Herriot talks about laying on the floor of a barn to deliver a calf or how he gets kicked in the leg or how he struggles with not having good medicine to help the animals. You laugh at the crazy antics he gets into and cry over the deaths of beloved pets. Such good books! I highly recommend all of James Herriot's books!

Beautiful stories about people and animals

Very interesting how the author came from war and sees the advances in veterinary medicine how he needs to learn and cope with more "Technology" in vet medicine, and how he keeps his values on doing his best, helping people with their animals, that some times are like friends and very good company to people.

I read this series in 1972-1973. Effected my life ...

I read this series in 1972-1973. Effected my life very positively. I am passing these on to the current new generation. I believe it will have a positive effect.

"The Lord God Made Them All"

Wonderful vignettes of the life of a veterinarian in the Yorkshire hills and dales! Very atmospheric, humorous, compassionate, and wonderfully descriptive of people, animals, and older veterinary procedures, not to mention challenges that boggle the mind!

Thank Heaven

I am enjoying it thoroughly! A vet's experiences are priceless and since I did milk 40 head of cows for a short time, I had some experiences too. It really helps if you are familiar with a farm but you certainly don't have to be. I love the English humor.

intelligent and just good fun

I have read and re-read this series many times over. James Herriot is hilarious, self-deprecating, interesting, intelligent and just good fun.

If you want tears of joy this will give them to you

If you want tears of joy this will give them to you. Best Book Ever!! Great item! I always buy everything from amazon. Best Price Products and shipping anywhere-go Prime it pays for itself a hundred times over!!

Great Storyteller

Great storyteller.

Harriet at his best

You just have love this book if you were a fan of the TV series. Well written and filled with the lore of an English vet making his way into a new world following WWII,


I can't say enough about the James Herriot books. Through a very stressful time in my life, years ago, I know these books about this gentle and sweet vet and his collection of animals and warm stories, pulled me through. I used to turn to them when I had terrible stress in my life and I could totally relax. I now keep several of them in my Kindle just to have something warm and comfortable to turn to anytime. Beautiful stories, beautifully written, lovingly written. Everyone can enjoy these warm, fulfilling, uplifting adventures of a country vet.

James Herriot does NOT disappoint! He writes eloquently with heart and an understanding ...

James Herriot does NOT disappoint! He writes eloquently with heart and an understanding of Yorkshire that is heartwarming, poignant and beautiful.

VEry Good Read

I have always loved books by James Herriot.

And thank the Lord for Wight/Herriot!

What a wonderful gentle read. These books bring back life's humane side and reminds us of our role here. Thank you.

Five Stars

I bought this because I loved the predecessors and this didn't disappoint. My only critisizim is it's too short!

A great Re-Read

Recently I started watching the BBC series. This caused me to revisit the original works. They are as good as they were 15-20 years ago when I first read them.

Must read classic.

Humor at its best. Written with warmth and insight into the lives of the people of Yorkshire and their animals. A classic must read.

All Creatures Great and Small Series

Awesome book!! This is about the third time I have read this series and I love them every time. I also watched the TV series. Fantastic books and a Great story teller.

An excellent combination of stories from the ever amusing Herriot

An excellent combination of stories from the ever amusing Herriot. I have loved every one of his books & this one is no exception!

Five Stars

A great James Herriot book, love his writing style and wonder animal stories.

The Lord God Made Them All by James Herriot

Another wonderful book by the famous country vet. If you like animals, you will love this book and all the others in the series.

Another good book

As usual I enjoyed yet another James Herriot book. His books are entertaining and emotional - very enjoyable reading.

Five Stars

Wonderful book and series!! Recommend them all!!

Finishing the series

I read all of the Herriot books years ago, but when I saw these on Kindle I had to have them again. I am enjoying them again as I did the first time.

Five Stars

All of the Herriot books are well written and enjoyable

Comfort Reading

As with all the wonderful recollections of James Herriot, this one is a real "comfort read." I loved it. If you enjoy a sweet, humorous, thoughtful and engaging read, this book is for you.


Raised on a farm as a child, I grew up loving animals---so really could relate. Enjoyed!

Five Stars

Love the series

Five Stars

a charming book with delightful characters - enjoyed it as I have his other books

Fun series

Great read. These are for my grandkids

If you love animals, you will want to read and reread Herriot's books.

This is one of 4 books in a series. There are not many books that I have kept to read over and over during a long life, but Herriot's are among them. They are full of humor, with occasional pathos. There is a lot of Yorkshire dialect that could be off-putting in the beginning, but you can generally guess what people mean and if you keep reading, you will become familiar with it. The books would lose a lot of their flavor if everything had been put into standard English. This is the Kindle edition, which I have not read yet, so I can't vouch for the quality of the reproduction.

Five Stars

Enjoyed throughly

Best series ever. Bought a set for my 10 year old and she love them.

Best series ever. Bought a set for my 10 year old and she love them.

Loved it

This is the 3rd or 4th time I am reading this series of books and each time I enjoy them even more than the time before.

Another Excellent "All Creatures..." Book

Very enjoyable sequel to books 1-3. These cozy books are comfort reads than I keep coming back to.


I think the books are fantastic. I found myself going to bed at 10:30 and finally turning out the light at 4:30!!

Five Stars

Lovely as always.

Five Stars


I loved this book the first several times I read it

I loved this book the first several times I read it, and it is still just as good. I laugh and cry while reading about James Herriot's adventures. I love the piano recital, it is a particularly funny chapter. Altogether a good read.

Heart Warming

Love the book. Such a great read. You can almost see the places talked about and the action going on!

love all his stories

Will put a tear in your eye or a smile on your face all his stories!

i love the personalization

Mr. Herriot does an excellent job of keeping you involved with his life. I truly enjoy his writing. If you love the country life and animals, then this is the book to read.

The Lord God DID Make Them All

James Herriot was wise enough to give credit to the Lord God for His creation. This is a wonderful book that I have enjoyed over and over again.

Excellent read!

I have been reading and re-reading these books since the 1970's I love em!

Another funny, profoundly moving book by James Herriot

Another funny, profoundly moving book by James Herriot. Beautifully written and a must-read for those who love animals and are entertained by human foibles!

Five Stars

I love this whole series. This doesn't disappoint.

Five Stars

My niece loved this book.

Five Stars

I love reading about his experiences.

Herriot does it again!

Love the characters and the fun stories.

Five Stars

My favorite book series at the moment, I wish there were more than 5!

Five Stars

Enjoyed his description of his life as a veteranian.

Five Stars

Just great books!

Five Stars

I am very pleased with my books. They are everything I expected. I can't wait to begin reading them,

The Lord God Made Them All by James Herriot

The books written by James Herriot are timeless. The stories are wonderful, full of character, color, love and wisdom. I read all his books over 25 years ago. I happened to see something about him and I decided to read them again. They are better the 2nd time around if that is possible. Books for all ages.

Five Stars

Absolutely wonderf ul stories.

loved it.

Just as good as the previous books. Now on to "Every Living Thing." We've started watching the old bbc television series also.


I have been a fan of the audio books for several years. They are great "de-stressers". This year my husband has begun to listen and feels the simplicity of the stories and the relationships are uplifting. It is as if we were returning to the ways of our parents and the times when integrity was essential for one to live comfortably in one's own skin. The writing is superb and the narration captivating. The language is reflective of the times. Cursing was never used toward the public but intimate to one's own private expression. While the moral antidotes are refreshing, this would be a caution for children. There are audio stories directed for children specifically, however. PBShop US was the vendor. We did have some difficulty with their delivery. but did receive the product in good condition and quiet satisfactory on the second attempt.

Really enjoy all of James Herriot's books

Well told stories of veterinary practice during that time period, the clients he dealt with, and the personalities of his patients. It was fun to laugh and shed a tear with him throughout all of his books.

Five Stars

Love all James Herriot's books! Great stories!

Five Stars

If you never read the James Herriot's books its time to start reading because they are amazing

Five Stars

Great collection of stories! A life lessom in every one!

The Inspiring Lives of Man and Animals

THE Ability of the author to reveal the oneness of humans and their pets. THE COMPASSION OF OR TO THE OTHER.

Five Stars

A very enjoyable read.

Five Stars

Wonderful book

Five Stars

Great stories of country life no matter what side of the ocean you are

Book is missing pages

I purchased four books by James Herriot through Amazon. One of the books, The Lord God Made Them All, is missing pages 119-150 and 183-246. In place of those pages are parts of the book, The Hundred-Year Marathon, pages 113-144 and 178-240. Because it is the final book in the series and I was only reading short portions every night I did not discover the missing pages within the one month return period. How do I exchange this copy for one that has all of the correct pages?

Five Stars

I loved this book

Five Stars

This series is wonderful.

the lord god made them all

very funny and interesting writer james herriot is my favorite author I wish he was still alive today. thats all folks.

amazing james herriot

a wonderful read the writing is simple and apt it transports u to a different world, a book u can read again and again

Still a great read!

I read this book and the other three in the series years ago. After purchasing a beautifully illustrated version for my granddaughter I reread them all. Still love them (aside from a few terms that were common at the time but are not OK or appropriate now—or ever.)

If You Don't Mind RFID / Inventory Stickers Permanently Adhered to Front of Your Book

I received my book promptly, but was disappointed and aghast the seller had affixed an RFID / inventory tracking sticker to the front cover / dust jacket. The sticker cannot be removed without tearing the dust jacket and is permanently affixed to the dust jacket. This book had a higher price point due to it being a "collector" item and in "newer condition". The permanent addition of the sticker and the inability to remove it totally devalues the product and was highly disappointing. Why would a book seller do such a thing. :-(

A classic favorite

I’ve read and reread all the Herriot books, and now know something of the author’s biography. The narrative is excellent - linked sketches that reveal his love of the people, the land, and the work of a country vet. The author’s gift is that he sees the individual - the specific person, animal, place - and brings each to life. This is not just a gift of narration; it’s a gift of insight.

Great stories


Outstanding as usual

James Herriot had a gift to draw the reader right into his world from the first page and keep him/her there to the last. His stories are filled with humor, compassion and tolerance, qualities this world needs desperately at the moment. I love every one of his books and recommend you begin with the first and read to the last.

Beware of this publisher.

I received the book; however, correct cover but an entirely different book inside by an author who writes political biography. Beware of this publisher.

A wonderful book to relax and enjoy yourself with.

If you love animals, are a dog or cat person this book will make you feel the special relationship that exists not only between their owners but the vets that you take your animal too.

Love all in series

I have read most of his books over the years. Laughing in one chapter and crying in another. Incredibly heartwarming and uplifting. What a wonderful outlook on all creatures whether human or animal!!

Good book

The book was delivered on time and shipping was fast. The book is in good condition, I was a little disappointed there was no dust cover but the book is used so the dust cover was probably not in good condition. All in all the book is very nice and I can’t wait to start reading it.

Same rating as "Every Living Thing" and the others in the series...a classic!

I first read J. Alfred Wight's books as a preteen in the 70's, and have re-read them many times since. I have purchased them for friends more times than I can count. I own them in print version, and now also have them on my Kindle. The James Herriot series is a heart-warming, nostalgic, and often hilarious walk through pre-and- post-war Yorkshire farmland. Wight's characters and his own personality come alive through his simple-yet-skillful recounting of a profession in constant evolution. He brings back to life an era that has long since passed, and his gentle, unassuming intelligence and humanity illuminate every anecdote. The series is pure joy for animal lovers and historians alike; one I often go back to after a hard day in order to fall asleep with a smile. I also highly recommend the biography of J. Alfred Wight that was written by his son Jim: "The Real James Herriot, a Memoir of my Father".

"Only" Fourth Best

All Creatures Great and Small is Herriot's best book and in my opinion one of the best books ever written. His next two books aren't quite as good and The Lord God Made Them All is my fourth favorite but it still deserves 5 stars. I love all four of these books.

Another captivating story

James Herriot remains a favorite writer! Love his books! The Lord God Made Them All left me wishing there were more stories from the pen of James Herriot!

Wonderful addition to my James Herriot collection

If you like animals and enjoy humorous character portrayals, the writing of James Herriot is for you. The audio versions of

A must read work.

I would give this book ten stars. The characterizations are so lifelike you wish you could know them personally. The hills, moors and country folk come alive on the page.

A wonderful series of stories.

This is the fifth book that I have read in the All Creatures Great and Small series. The writing style and the stories of his experiences make them so easy to read and so hard to put down.

Five Stars

I loved all these books!

Engrossing narrative.

Although I was aware of James Herriot's series of books about his life as a country veterinarian in the north of England, I had never read any of the series. This book was offered to me at no cost and I found it to be fascinating to the point where I intend to read all of Dr. Herriot's other books in the series. Very well written!

Defective Printing

Like other reviewers have said, this book is defective. Many chapters are missing, and chapters from other unrelated books are inserted in their place. I bought this book as a Christmas present, but by the time the recipient read the book the return window had expired.

Love James Herriot!

Love James Herriot! Got the whole set. Haven't read all but so far great read-aloud even for younger kids if you skip over the few graphic parts or words - he was a real vet treating animals with real problems and body parts after all. Chapters are short enough to read on their own though some characters of course reappear. Some descriptions or events may seem too unbelievably hilarious to be true, but no matter - a delightful read nevertheless.

Great Bois with delightful humor!

James Herriot was an excellent writer. I enjoyed his humorous tales & was saddened to learn of his death. His books are great, delightful additions to your library & as gifts, they have been received by many of my friends who tell me how much they enjoy reading them.

A humane veterinarian

I've love this series. James Herriot (aka Alf Wight) liked animals AND people which is rare in anyone, even a vet. The stories are hopeful, wise, kind and the dialogue reads as though you're standing with the characters he creates on his page. I read Herriot when I need to be reminded that there is goodness in the human race and that we too , are a species worth helping.

Review of The Lord God made them all

I read this series of books years ago. Funny, light hearted, with characters from real life experiences. I purchased the Kindle version so that I coukd keep the books and also re-read and enjoy again.

Please read the series

Wonderful stories about Yorkshire ,it’s people and a devoted veterinarian who loves what he does and deeply cares for the animals.

Warm and wonderful

This is a very enjoyable read. Had some very funny moments. I like how each chapter is a stand alone story.

Another great read

I’ve enjoyed all of books in the series and am already looking forward to the next All Creatures story. I’ve not been disappointed

Heartwarming stories

Her riot is a good dad and a great Vet. His descriptions bring it all to life. Loved this book!

Another great collection of stories by Herriot

This is another fine book by James Herriot. It's entertaining and easy to read. He describes situations he gets himself into with warmth, humor and wisdom. Since each chapter is a story, there is no problem reading it over a long period time. Satisfying.

Chapters missing

Chapters 14-16, 20-28 were missing. They had been replaced by pages from a "The Hundred-Year Marathon," a very dull non-fiction publication. About 1/2 of the book I ordered was missing. Very poor publishing.

James Herriot

James Herriot is my favorite author and this book is just as good as the previous ones. His descriptive narrative makes you feel like your right there with him, and his humor makes me laugh out loud. I lived on a dairy farm and served in the military so I can relate to a lot of his stories. If you have never read any of James Herroit's books you should, they are a compilation of short stories, so you can read a complete story in a few minutes and then put it down until your ready for another. Received the book promptly and in good condition.

Herriot is the BEST.

Short intertwined stories of a veterinary practice in the 30's in rural Scotland . Many are heartwarming, many more are hilarious. Don't miss this series, very hard to put down!

Arrived in good condition

This was a gift for a family member so idk if the book is any good but she loved it

loved this book

James Herriot never disappoints me except when the book ends. I just want it to keep going. It’s a breath of fresh air.

Absolutely wonderful reading

I would go to my Mother's many years ago every Saturday evening at 7:00 p.m. and we would watch "All Creatures Great and Small" on the TV. It was a highlight of our week as we lived in the country ourselves in the good ole USA of course. How we could relate to the animals. Mother has since passed away but in her most cherished books was "The Best of James Herriott" which I have re-read. "The Lord God Made Them All" was just a wonderful read, as well as the memoir by James Wight, the son of the real James Herriott. I wish there was some way to send congratulations to the son for writing the memoir. I surely have appreciated everything James Herriott ever wrote and the movie and television series as well. Thanks a million.

Well, it IS a James Herriot book...!

Great book! Just wish he could have written more...if you liked any of the other books, you'll love this one as well. SOOO glad these classics are all availablke for Kindle. The only complaint I have with any of the Kindle book downloads is once in awhile you'll see misspellings...not sure if it's a glitch or if there's just such a demand for kindle versions of our faves that the poor souls who have to do the data entry miss a few here and there...still the storeis make up for it!

Great book 📕!!

Great book 📕!!It’s in a series based on a true story that made my husband cry!!

Herriot is a master story teller

Herriot has a magical ability to transport the reader into his world. You can feel the Sun on your face, the chill wind blowing through your hair, and smell the barnyard aroma. He transports you from the rough wrestling of a calving on the cobble floor to his comfy chair by the fire drinking a whiskey. In the end you have shared his life and are much better for it.

Half the book is missing

The book begins Herriot at page 247. Pages 1-246 are about China foreign policy. So, unreadable.

wonderful, sweet book

I am rereading James Herriot's books after many years. They are just as wonderful as they were the first time. The anecdotes are always charming and funny. I did learn something in this book about the POWS after the second world war that I would never have guessed at. Dr. Herriot's adventures overseas are wonderful as well. His books are so well written that you can read them over and over and get great pleasure from them.

book was missing pages 182 thru 246 and printed with another book

Book was missing pages 182-246 and printed with pages from another book instead

Besides the excellent animal stories

I have read all the James Herriot books and have found every one of them to be completely charming. Besides the excellent animal stories, not all of which are happy but depict nature as it is, his books present a very realistic depiction of life in pre- and post-WWII and during the war in Yorkshire, England. His characters, both human and animal, are uniformly. This and Herriot's other books are a treasure!


I have read all the books by James Herriot. I could read them over and over. Never get tired of all the books and stories. His story telling makes you feel like you are there too. The series should be on the reading list for children. The my would really enjoy them.

James Herrior's "The Lord God Made Them All."

My all time favorite series of animal and human books, All creatures great and small, all things bright and beautiful, all things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all. They contain charming stories of a country vet practice and the animals and their owners he encounters. I can read these books over and over again and I am not a vet. Classic books any animal lover would appreciate.

The story-teller’s perspective was sensitive and delightfully funny and/or observant of life in general

I wass engaged instantly, and I don’t even hang out with animals! The story-teller’s perspective was sensitive and delightfully funny and/or observant of life in general. His descriptions of the countryside, people, traveling, and politics over the span of his vet practice is worth every word!

Our relationships with animals show much about our true nature.

A lovely collection of stories about some very colorful characters and the travails of their livestock and beloved pets.

For animal lovers

Good story of trials and tribulations of vet in England around WW2. I would recommend all the books by James Herriot.

Wonderful stories!

James Herriot was a master story teller. This addition of the trilogy features stories from his career after WWII, as well as heart warming tales of his children as they grew up and accompanied him on his daily rounds. I fell in love with the Yorkshire dales all over again.

Animal love and laughter......

i love this series. makes it easy to relax while doing simple house choirs when everyone else is asleep, fun to imagine the places they talk about and the animals and the people they help. So many life lessons in these stories just sliped in there neat and tidy in a fun relaxing way. I must to enjoy for the family this series.

Most enjoyable read

I have read several James Herriot books and given many as gifts to children, elderly, ill, grieving, friends,etc. and all have enjoyed the humor, joy, sadness, his love of nature, family,and fellow man which James Herriot communicates in his writings. One simply feels good after reading his books.

Very interesting and humorous!

I loved this book! So down to earth and funny too in the situations he gets into. Will definitely read the rest of his books.

I love the series of books

I love the series of books, and the BBC TV production series, I've checked out all 4 of the series on BCDs from the library multiple times to listen in the car -- back and forth from work or just around town . I'm so glad I was able to find all 4 of the series to own. More Yay!!!!

A must for animal lovers

My son who, was a voracious reader at 7, recommended this writer to me. He was right. I find myself relating parts of the stories to my wife (also an animal lover). I would recommend it to anyone who has had a dog, a cat, a horse, etc. The book is filled with hope and joy.



Required reading

Always good. Always worth your time

Another winner

Jim Herriot never ceases entertain me. With his wit and wisdom, I enjoy every story he shares. Another winner indeed.

Awesome books

For animal lovers

Another great read

Like all books from this author, this book was a wonderful book to read. Reading a James Herriot book just makes me feel good. I am always sorry when the book comes to an end.

A nice finish to the series

I loved All Creatures Great and Small and have enjoyed the ongoing stories of James Herriot. This last volume was not as strong in story as the earlier works but put a nice finish to his life as a vet in Yorkshire. Still worth reading.

Love James Herriot

Animals too-Who could not? I have been a fan of James Herriot ever since I read his first novel on

No Adequate Superlatives

The Lord God Made Them All picks up where All Things Wise and Wonderful left off and completes the original storyline begun with All Creatures Great and Small. At 9 cds (11.5 hrs), this volume is a little shorter than the first 3, which were 12, 12, and 11 cds, but the quality of the stories is exactly the same as the first 3 volumes. Christpher Timothy does his normal wonderful job of reading. There are frequent flashbacks to Herriot's experiences in WWII, but if you have ever heard any of the first 3 volumes, you will be familiar with this style of story telling. I make 2 or 3 long car trips every year and these 4 volumes are wonderful to listen to. Altogether, the 4 volumes are 45.5 hours long. Since I listen to them for about 6 hours each day, it takes me about 2 years to get through all of them. I find that on that schedule, I've forgotten the details of the stories and can enjoy them as much as I did the first time I heard them. There are no superlatives to adequately expess how much I enjoy listening to these 4 volumes of James Herriot stories.

Better than comfort food!

Warm and fuzzy, better than comfort food. James Herriott's novels always make the reader feel like they are there with him in Yorkshire, climbing the dales and smelling the farm smells, meeting the fascinating characters that were a part of his life. Always recommended highly


I completely enjoy all the works of james Herriot. His style of writing is most enjoyable and it mixes humor with knowledge as very few can. If you love animals he is absolute must read. You will gain knowledge and be entertained at the same time. Sadly he has passed away and we will miss his witty and wonderful works of art.


James Herriot has a special place on my bookshelf and in my heart. Love all of his stories.

Another great book in the Herriot series.

Another great book in the Herriot series.

Highly recommended

This is one of the best series I have ever read. I envy anyone who's cracking open the cover for the first time.

We need books like this.

Don't get me wrong -- the "Great and Small" books will never be on any Great Books list. But there is a place for well written books that assure us life is good, that there are good people.

Pages missing beginning p. 240

Unreadable -- at page 240 a section of another book is bound into the text. We ordered it twice, same thing both copies and by the time we arrived at p. 240 the first time the return window closed. Bogus.

Love this book!!

Love love love this whole series! I cant say enough about it. i have enjoyed reading and re-reading this series for several years and there is just nothing like it. Great stories of a Vets life in the olden days of england. Colorful descriptions and comedic and gripping writting. I would suggest this book for anyone looking for a chuckle or aspiring veterinarians... like me!!

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