The Lightning Thief: The Graphic Novel (Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Book 1)

Kindle Edition
01 Jul
You've read the book. You've seen the movie. Now submerge yourself in the thrilling, stunning, and action-packed graphic novel. Mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking out of the pages of twelve-year-old Percy Jackson's textbooks and into his life. And worse, he's angered a few of them. Zeus's master lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect. Now, he and his friends have just ten days to find and return Zeus's stolen property and bring peace to a warring Mount Olympus. Series creator Rick Riordan joins forces with some of the biggest names in the comic book industry to tell the story of a boy who must unravel a treachery more powerful than the gods themselves.

Reviews (216)

Disappointing version of an excellent novel

Our 8 year old loves graphic novels, but this one missed the mark on many levels: (1) it is a highly abridged version of the original novel; (2) the artwork is very dark, with many close ups that make the story feel boxed in and not as epic and large as the original written work; (3) there are some errors in the printing that make the images offset and blurry - it's almost like it was printed from a low-resolution .jpg; and (4) there are very few contextual images (establishing shots) to set the stage for where they are on the adventure - as my 8 yr old said "I can't tell where they are or what they are doing. There are not enough words to describe what is happening so it is confusing. It is too short!" This is supposed to chronicle an epic adventure, and the graphic version does not capture that at all.

Missing Parts, but okay for a lower-level reader.

This does not fully follow the original novel. There are quite a few points of the story missing. It would work okay as a supplement to the regular novel, if a student is reading it for a class. However, it should NOT be used as a replacement for the original novel!

Printing quality problem

The printing quality on many pages is very poor and misaligned causing the graphics to blur. This does not appear to be a style's clearly a printing issue when you looked at the ouline of the speech bubbles...the page on the left is misaligned, the page on the right is not. Very disappointing, my son is very excited for this...otherwise would be exactly what he wanted.

A Great Companion to the Series

I see a lot of complaints that this is NOT the original novel, and I have to say: Of course it isn't. This is more of a companion piece - a cliff notes version; which is not to say that this is a bad thing. It really isn't. I do agree that it's short; yes, it is. But even the original series itself feels short if, like me, you're somebody who really gets into the stories they read. Also, some parts have been left out. Important parts that set up the future books. But This book just gives the reader the incentive (as it should) to then read (or re-read) the novels themselves, and to then fill the missing parts in and for me, it serves that purpose and then some. The main purpose this companion serves for me is the visual aspect. I love the English language and am actually a linguistics genius, but I have always preferred the visual aspect of media and entertainment. However, while I am one of the few who actually enjoyed the film version (to an extent), I wasn't really pleased with some of the aesthetics, and I did not appreciate some of the casting choices either, Annabeth Chase being one of the bigger ones. With that being said, I was actually ecstatic when I learned that there may possibly be a TV adaptation of the series, and I ordered this set to get an idea of the art style behind the characters, and this novel served that purpose beautifully. I will admit that some of the characters look a little more...developed, for their ages, but it's nice to get an idea of where the TV adaptation can go and, for that, I applaud these graphic novels wholeheartedly.

To confusing seems unorganized

OKAY originally I thought my son enjoyed the comic strip book version of this story. He picked the book up twice and never picked it up again. I am sorry I can’t recommend this book to anyone only because after I looked inside and started reading it the book was a bit confusing. I didn’t know which sections to read first. I will be donating this book.

Good for certain things, but not others.

I had hoped that this graphic novel would follow the text version of the story. I wanted to assign it to my students who struggle with reading lengthy chapter books. However, when I previewed the kindle version, I found that many of the chapters were missing, some examples are Aunty Em, Waterworld, the last chapter of the text version of the book. There were also several events that were drawn differently then how they appeared in the book, for example the scenes that feature Percy and Luke. However, this is a great item if you are someone who would like to give your students the option to compare and contrast the text version of the book, graphic novel, and movie.

Read it cover to cover the first day he received ...

Read it cover to cover the first day he received it. We had been reading the novel together but he was reluctant to read the novel by himself. He has been spoiled by graphic novels and their short sentences in my opinion. I am hoping this will be a bridge to getting him interested in the other novels in the series. We are continuing to read the novel together and he loves telling me he knows what will happen next.

Excellence for Reluctant Readers

As a reading teacher, I can say graphic novels are an excellent addition to the full size novel. Through excellent pictures and fewer words, children can more easily understand a novel. The novel being 360 pages long and the graphic novel being 100 pages, children will read the colorful graphic novel and visually see the details in each frame. I highly recommend it for children who do not like to read.

Great for Getting Kids to Read But There Is A Lot More To The Story

Basically this is a solid adaptation that would serve well for younger children or to get uninterested kids into reading. Having read the original book, there is a lot more interesting material to be seen. Robert Venditti, the writer who adapted the book for the graphic novel, is a well respected comic book writer. The length limitations though do leave something to be desired. As for the visuals, I would say that they are age appropriate in content, but hardly in a juvenile style. Definitely read the original book, but this adaptation would make for a great addition for a classroom library or primary reading for younger children. Note: Always screen graphic novels for content. This title should be fine for most, but some titles, especially superhero based ones, may have content that could be deemed too violent or mature for young readers. Comics are a great resource, but should be treated like all other forms of entertainment.

This graphic novel felt like more of the movie than the book.

I enjoyed the novel with the same name. It was a more modern Odysseus. However, I never got that feeling while reading the graphic novel. It left out too much information and skimmed a bunch of material; this made me feel like it was more a graphic novel of the movie and not necessarily of the original novel.

Disappointing version of an excellent novel

Our 8 year old loves graphic novels, but this one missed the mark on many levels: (1) it is a highly abridged version of the original novel; (2) the artwork is very dark, with many close ups that make the story feel boxed in and not as epic and large as the original written work; (3) there are some errors in the printing that make the images offset and blurry - it's almost like it was printed from a low-resolution .jpg; and (4) there are very few contextual images (establishing shots) to set the stage for where they are on the adventure - as my 8 yr old said "I can't tell where they are or what they are doing. There are not enough words to describe what is happening so it is confusing. It is too short!" This is supposed to chronicle an epic adventure, and the graphic version does not capture that at all.

Missing Parts, but okay for a lower-level reader.

This does not fully follow the original novel. There are quite a few points of the story missing. It would work okay as a supplement to the regular novel, if a student is reading it for a class. However, it should NOT be used as a replacement for the original novel!

Printing quality problem

The printing quality on many pages is very poor and misaligned causing the graphics to blur. This does not appear to be a style's clearly a printing issue when you looked at the ouline of the speech bubbles...the page on the left is misaligned, the page on the right is not. Very disappointing, my son is very excited for this...otherwise would be exactly what he wanted.

A Great Companion to the Series

I see a lot of complaints that this is NOT the original novel, and I have to say: Of course it isn't. This is more of a companion piece - a cliff notes version; which is not to say that this is a bad thing. It really isn't. I do agree that it's short; yes, it is. But even the original series itself feels short if, like me, you're somebody who really gets into the stories they read. Also, some parts have been left out. Important parts that set up the future books. But This book just gives the reader the incentive (as it should) to then read (or re-read) the novels themselves, and to then fill the missing parts in and for me, it serves that purpose and then some. The main purpose this companion serves for me is the visual aspect. I love the English language and am actually a linguistics genius, but I have always preferred the visual aspect of media and entertainment. However, while I am one of the few who actually enjoyed the film version (to an extent), I wasn't really pleased with some of the aesthetics, and I did not appreciate some of the casting choices either, Annabeth Chase being one of the bigger ones. With that being said, I was actually ecstatic when I learned that there may possibly be a TV adaptation of the series, and I ordered this set to get an idea of the art style behind the characters, and this novel served that purpose beautifully. I will admit that some of the characters look a little more...developed, for their ages, but it's nice to get an idea of where the TV adaptation can go and, for that, I applaud these graphic novels wholeheartedly.

To confusing seems unorganized

OKAY originally I thought my son enjoyed the comic strip book version of this story. He picked the book up twice and never picked it up again. I am sorry I can’t recommend this book to anyone only because after I looked inside and started reading it the book was a bit confusing. I didn’t know which sections to read first. I will be donating this book.

Good for certain things, but not others.

I had hoped that this graphic novel would follow the text version of the story. I wanted to assign it to my students who struggle with reading lengthy chapter books. However, when I previewed the kindle version, I found that many of the chapters were missing, some examples are Aunty Em, Waterworld, the last chapter of the text version of the book. There were also several events that were drawn differently then how they appeared in the book, for example the scenes that feature Percy and Luke. However, this is a great item if you are someone who would like to give your students the option to compare and contrast the text version of the book, graphic novel, and movie.

Read it cover to cover the first day he received ...

Read it cover to cover the first day he received it. We had been reading the novel together but he was reluctant to read the novel by himself. He has been spoiled by graphic novels and their short sentences in my opinion. I am hoping this will be a bridge to getting him interested in the other novels in the series. We are continuing to read the novel together and he loves telling me he knows what will happen next.

Excellence for Reluctant Readers

As a reading teacher, I can say graphic novels are an excellent addition to the full size novel. Through excellent pictures and fewer words, children can more easily understand a novel. The novel being 360 pages long and the graphic novel being 100 pages, children will read the colorful graphic novel and visually see the details in each frame. I highly recommend it for children who do not like to read.

Great for Getting Kids to Read But There Is A Lot More To The Story

Basically this is a solid adaptation that would serve well for younger children or to get uninterested kids into reading. Having read the original book, there is a lot more interesting material to be seen. Robert Venditti, the writer who adapted the book for the graphic novel, is a well respected comic book writer. The length limitations though do leave something to be desired. As for the visuals, I would say that they are age appropriate in content, but hardly in a juvenile style. Definitely read the original book, but this adaptation would make for a great addition for a classroom library or primary reading for younger children. Note: Always screen graphic novels for content. This title should be fine for most, but some titles, especially superhero based ones, may have content that could be deemed too violent or mature for young readers. Comics are a great resource, but should be treated like all other forms of entertainment.

This graphic novel felt like more of the movie than the book.

I enjoyed the novel with the same name. It was a more modern Odysseus. However, I never got that feeling while reading the graphic novel. It left out too much information and skimmed a bunch of material; this made me feel like it was more a graphic novel of the movie and not necessarily of the original novel.

Not really the novel

I purchased this graphic version for my classroom. I was hoping it would be a nice alternative for my struggling readers. However, this graphic version leaves out important scenes. For example, the scene with Medusa is not in this version at all! I am very disappointed that this book is said to be a version of The Lightning Thief. It should at least say "abridged." The Percy Jackson series is fantastic and my students love to read all the books. This graphic novel does the series a disservice.

So good

The book is so good. I have read the actual story without animations and love them both. Although some of the pictures were a little weird and dissent really make sense they still fought the story to life. It had the right amount of explanation and story line while still telling the entire story. I was so happy with the novel and finished it in one day. The only improvement should be the price because I did finish it so quick I would have liked it to be cheaper.

NOT A FULL BOOK. comic book only

BUYER BEWARE! This edition is NOT the full paperback. It is more of a comic style book. The actual book is over 400 pages and this item is only 100+. You will be disappointed if you think you are buying an actual book.

Modern mythology.

I must be too old or my imagination is in park. It was far-fetched. Yes, it was fiction and associated with mythology, but not enjoyable to me.


I really love the Percy Jackson series and it was so cool to see it in graphic novel form! I can’t wait to see what happens next!!

Great adaptation

Loved this! I love GN because they usually stay truer to the source material. There were a couple scenes/lines that I wish were still in this version but overall it was great!

My grandson, the reader, was thrilled to get ...

My grandson, the reader, was thrilled to get this as a gift. He's very into graphic novels and is a huge Rick Riordan fan. It came quickly, as promised and was sent right out to California, where my grandson eagerly awaited it as part of his birthday package. I'm sure by now he's read it more than once and introduced his younger brother to the joys of reading, especially when there are pictures to explain the text.

Loved it!

I love the book so I decided to get the graphic novel too. I enjoyed the illustrations and felt that it was well-done. I donated it to the school library in my town to hopefully encourage more reading. I love Rick Riordan's books, so I highly recommend it!

A good graphic novel for young and early teen youths. Lots of action and great illustrations.

I have been reading quite a few graphic novels lately and I picked up this one (The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan, adapted by Robert Wenditti, Art by Attila Futaki and color by Jose Villarrubia) at a bargain price on Amazon. This novel is about “Mythological monsters and the Gods of Mount Olympus.” This 128 page book is clearly written for youngsters and early teens. Nevertheless, I found it to be an interesting and exciting read. It has the kind of action youngsters and teens will love. The story centers on kids who are half human and half Gods. There are sword fights, weird creatures, drama and adventure. I can see how young people would love this series that combines ancient Greek mythology and the actions of modern youths who find themselves in numerous precarious situations. My only real complaint is with all the talented people involved in creating this unique graphic novel tale, no one thought of putting page numbers in this book? I have seen very few no page number graphic novels and I never fail to be amazed how any publisher could disregard this important part of any book. The only reason I know how many pages there are in this book is I counted the pages. In any case, I did like this graphic novel even though it is aimed at young people rather than adults. A fun read. Rating: 4 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: The Samurai Soul: An old warrior’s poetic tribute).

The best ever

Your books are amazing and when I heard that their were graphic novels I had to read them and it's nervy as good as the book without pictures so yha you're the best athour ever!

Good but incomplete

Good art and got my kids to read but skips some important scenes in the book

Good book

I got this for my 10 year old. She enjoyed it and read through it in one day. She did think it left some important stuff out when compared to the book she is currently reading.

still missing some events

Some events is missing like the medusa's part. If you haven't read the book this might be a little confusing because of the events that are missing such as the part where they encountered the furies on bus. The furies in the bus are mentioned but it's not in there. They also have a short cut( to accommodate the page limit[i think])like the nereid part which shows up once. It 's also missing the waterpark part when Ares gave them a mini quest. Over all they really hit the main elements of the book...and still better than the movie


bought for my great grandson he enjoyed it very much thank you

Good read!

I use this graphic novel for the ESL students in my high school English class. It allows them to follow along with the plot of the full novel and expand their reading comprehension skills.

Perfect for your Percy Jackson fan

A gift for my granddaughter who had read all the books 3 or 4 times. She loved the graphic novel version

Great omics but read the books first!

These graphic novels are great but I definitely would suggest reading the books first. Its understandable since the graphic novels would be huge if they did put everything in them.

Great Book!

I love this book, It's a great read.

It's okay

It's okay but a lot was cut out

Good addition

Addition to school library

Pretty good adaptation. Definite worth it for fans.

I always love seeing my favorite books and characters drawn and put down on paper. It gives a real view of how others or the author himself pictured his creations. I don't wish to spoil anything for future readers of this graphic novel. So I won't. Just keep in mind that some parts have been tweaked making it a lot shorter. If you've seen any movie or graphic novel based off a pretty much know what to expect.

Great Series!

We watched the movie after reading books with 10 year old grandson. Thank you to his GSP teacher for introducing this series.

Great video

Great product and received in a timely manner


The adaptation of this book really isn’t that good, it skips major plot points and there is little to no character development. The art style is ok at best, it’s really out of proportion and it’s very rough and unrealistic. This graphic novel is almost as bad as the train wreck of the movie

... with edges frayed and the corners of the binding dirty from being read

I ordered a new book but received a used one with edges frayed and the corners of the binding dirty from being read.



excellent condition

excellent condition

Great book for a preteen with reading disabilities.

We have a preteen with reading disabilities, so the graphic novel is perfect to keep them engaged.



Finally something different

Bought for my grandson, trying to get him reading other books. He really liked this one.

Great adaptation

This really is done very well. I wanted to see this, the movie, and read the book. Just like the movie, this graphic novel is missing some scenes from the book so I couldn't really give it five stars because of that, but it was great to see things closer to the way the book describes unlike the liberties taken in the movie. It's great though and worth the money.

to help my struggling readers. I think graphic novels are great!

to help my struggling readers. I think graphic novels are great!

Really good comic

My little sister loves this book. Its her favorite series and she absolutely loves it. Great quality and a great read. 10/10

Great book

I loved this book even though I bought it buy mistake. I was looking for the text book of this book. I loved this book and gave it four stars because it was just a little bit confusing because unlike the original book it doesn't walk you through detail by detail. I definitely recommend that you buy this book.

not entire story

leaves out key parts of the book

They really enjoy

But these for my 5th graders for my classroom library. They really enjoy them


I love the novel so this book was great I read all the books by Rick Riordin so now I I’m reading the graphic novels and there great.


I ordered this book for my son specifically because the picture showed the original cover produced and not one of the updated covers for when the movie was to release. I'm very disappointed the product was not represented as it should have been in the picture.

Great for Reluctant Readers!

Great re-telling of the Lightning Thief. Very close to the original story. Graphic novels like this are great for reluctant readers. I will always prefer the novel, but this is a fun read that won't disappoint Percy Jackson fans! I love how the story had mythology set in modern times.

Not pleased with what I paid for

I received the product I ordered and on time. But the book was bound upside down and the comic book pages were not printed properly causing some of the script to be missing. Not pleased with what I paid for.

I love graphic novels but this one ...

I love Percy Jackson so I'm sad to give this graphic novel only 3 stars . I wasn't too happy with this book though . It left out some of the best parts in my opinion . It was like reading the back of the book but with a spoiler at the end . The art was pretty good , it was definitely the high light of the book . I would recommend this book to any Percy Jackson fan looking to expand their collection . If you haven't Percy Jackson before this please don't judge a book by its graphic novel !


Action suspense greek mythology and FUN are the genres. I also recommend rest of the series and the red pyramid(I haven’t read any other books by Rick Riordan except the red pyramid and all the other Percy Jackson books)

Nice addition to the series

Greatly enjoyed by my young friend. He has all the books in the series and was "over the moon" to add the graphic novels of the books to his library.

a 12 year old girls view

whoever thought it would be a fabulous idea to make the Percy Jackson series into a graphic novel was a genius, but, they left out a few of the parts we all remember, like the part where annabeth and Percy are on the zoo truck and they have a heart to heart talk. I loved the book just as much as I loved the Carter Kane graphic novel though. Rick riordan Is my favorite author.



Fun Start to the series - love the mythology

This was my first Percy Jackson book. It had a similar formula to Harry Potter (and many other heroic children coming of age books) but with a fun mythology underpinning. Perfect for a smart eight year old who loves to read along with a 46 year old who still likes to think of himself as in his early teens.

Review of Graphic Novel - The Lighning Thief

If your child likes comic books, he/she will love this. At our house we've read all the Rick Reardon books, so once you've read the full novel, the illustrated comic just doesn't pack the same punch.

Good book

My daughter like this book



Still not accurate

The book, much like the movies, leaves out key events and changes story details. I recommend you just read the book. It’s so much better anyway.

Great book

It was a little off from the original book but still good. I recommend it to everyone of all ages.

Missing some big parts

It was pretty good but left out a lot of big events. I felt like it jumped a lot in the story as it skipped parts, like fighting Medusa, playing fetch with Cerberus, etc.


This is an entertaining book, the art work, can be off at times. The end is really good, the book keeps the excitement going! You should really buy this book, if you're gonna read this, read the novel first. IT IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's fun for ages from 8 to however old you are! GOT TO GET THIS BOOK!!!

Love It!!

I just got the Graphic Novel today and I love it!! I can't wait to crack it open later. I hope to be able to get all of them even The Kane Chronicles ones as well. I recommend everyone read this. The Percy Jackson series and The Kane Chronicles are great for young readers.

Four Stars

No comment

A great twist on an already great story

Most stories do not lend themselves to being converted from text to graphic format however this story was well done And the artists captured the essence of the story perfectly. As the first book in a trilogy I look forward to conversion of the rest of the series.

and possibly even better.

I started out reading these books to my elementary age child and now we've finished every book with Percy Jackson and gang in it. Shame they screwed up the movies so badly as this is truly the next Harry Potter, and possibly even better.

Perfect for Reluctant Readers

I purchased this book for a reluctant reader. He is into superheroes and I wanted to get him interested in Greek Mythology. The fact that there is a movie he can watch after he reads the book is an added bonus.

Great for ESL students, Level 1 or 2

Fantastic for adult ESL students who are learning to infer meaning from texts! The pictures help provide context! My class loved it!

Loved it

So fun I loved the book it is amazing. I totally recommen it to all those percy jackson fans you will love it.

Very nice book

Good story, mi son liked it very much.


This book is the best. I mean the whole series is the best though like sea of monsters ans last olypeyn

Stepping stone

I bought this for my 8 year old son. The book really captured his imagination. He has gone on to read several of the full novels and has become interested in Greek and Roman mythology. Your milage may vary, but this turned out to be a great present.

Five Stars

The story is excellent better than the movie! Very satisfied! A Hoggwarts must have!

Five Stars

Love it!


This is a great book to share with kids of all ages. It exposes the inner workings of a kid's mind and lets the parents know that if you do a good job in the first place, you've got nothing to worry about.

Really nice quality book.

My grandson is reading this series of books and has really enjoyed this companion graphic novel.

Percy Jackson

It is a very awesome book about Percy Jackson and how he is pushed into a quest and succeeds like a pro

Five Stars

I love to read graphic novels and this is one of the really good ones!

my grandson

i brought this book for my 11 year old grandson and he loved it, we then ordered other books by this author. Jayden took the book to the pool and was reading during the breaks. i will be a repeat buyer for this series.

So so

Good book but it cut way to much out of the original story that was basically part of the whole plot of the series

Five Stars

good purchase


Best book ever a great story of the rock go John Cena and lets go aj styels I love wwe.

Percy Jackson!

I have been a follower of Rick ever since he made The Lightning Thief. He's my favorite author. But when I found out that there are Graphic novels out, I was pretty excited. I'm a huge comic nerd. So I bought this right away. And the moment I bought it, I enjoyed it! It's fun to read, and the characters really are like in the books.

Five Stars

Thank you!!

Five Stars

Nine year old daughter and loyal Potter fan loved it! Although she read it in one night.

Not the same as the book.

Excellent artwork. This makes third version of the story. If you want one faithful to the book, this is NOT it. Many liberties taken, most are not improvements to the story.

I bo

I bought this book wrongly and I would like to cancel the purchase. How can I Do?

My son Like it.

My 7 y/o son loved this movie so I bought the graphic novel for him which he read in a couple days. Not as long as I thought it would be but all in all I like it and he loved it. Waiting on the novels next. Fast shipping too for APO at Christmas time! Big plus for that too.

Five Stars

Almost completely true to the original novel.

graphic novel for my reluctant reader

who says reluctant readers cannot get a slice of literature?! There's a whole new genre of graphic novels coming out of which I heartily approve - this one being one of them!

Great companion piece to the book

Great companion piece to the book. It does leave out parts of the source material, but that is expected when converting to a different medium.

Very easy to follow

Very good book.

The Lightening Their - Graphic Novel

Wanted to get my 11 year old autistic son into a series but his comprehension needs assistance - couldn't have asked for a better graphic novel. He reads and sees the pictures and is enjoying the book do much because the pictures are helping complete his comprehension of what he is reading. Awesome book - looking forward to starting the next one soon!!


This graphic novel is good. But it is a bit different from the book. So I'd recommend you read it but don't expect it to be exactly the same. It's still good.


The book was very fun to read. I recommend it to everyone who read the regular book even if you don't really like comics. I recommend reading the book on the iPad free kindle application because in the iPad application the pictures aren't black and white and if you double tap on a picture you can see the talking bubble and the picture better.

This book was for my 9year old for school. ...

This book was for my 9year old for school..she loves it so much that she end up reading the whole series. .

Five Stars

Purchased as a Christmas gift for my grandson, it finished his book collection.

the visuals are beautiful and the content is appropriate for a middle-school aged ...

I got this as a gift for my little brother, the visuals are beautiful and the content is appropriate for a middle-school aged boy.


My nine year old son will love this Christmas gift. He greatly enjoys reading mythology and the Percy Jackson series. I know he will have fun with the comic/graphic novel format.

Five Stars

Love this saga

The Lightning Thief Graphic Novel

I read this book for a Young Adult literature class that I was in. I had struggled through the book, finding it very boring. So for a class project that I did on Rick Riordan, I decided to compare the book to this graphic novel. I found this graphic novel to be much interesting! The writing in the book was too simplistic and boring for me, but the graphic novel helped the story to move along faster, and it was interesting to compare the two formats. I would recommend this for struggling readers or students who just don't like to read. It's a wonderful story about a young boy overcoming obstacles - both natural (Dyslexia, ADHD, etc) and unnatural (Gods and Goddesses).

Three Stars

I didn't love this nearly as much as the actual books.



Five Stars

My 8 year old is addicted to Percy Jackson's novels.

Loved it

Such a great read. I'm a grandma and I couldn't put it down. My grandson told me to read it, and I'm glad I did.

Five Stars

Gift for kid who loved it Thanks

Awesome movie cool special-effects great storyline.

I bought this for my 10-year-old and my 12-year-old and I watched it with them and I enjoyed it.

Five Stars

Grandson loves it.

Five Stars

Great book... Kids struggling to read, this is a great way to get them excited.

Five Stars



This is a great introduction to the percy jackson books! Especially for the boys that are intimidated by the length of the first chapter book.

Great idea!

I'm trying to get my 8-year-old grandson into reading more, and I think this may do the trick!

He loved it!!

Our 12-year-old nephew was thrilled with his very first "graphic novel". I would buy the entire series. I recommend it highly.

Truly entertaining

I usually am not one for comic books. But this fun book shows you how rick riordan imagined it. It's very fascinating (if you read the real book first)

Three Stars

Keep in mind that this is a graphic novel so it is heavily edited. My mistake.


This book was awesome enough in novel form. Then the graphic novel comes along! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to be living the life of a half blood The only bad part was that they left out the part where Percy, Grover and Annabeth end up in Medusa's lair.

Amazing book

My son thought it would be better if it told more of the story and was longer.

My Grandaughter loves this series.

I got these books for my granddaughter, who is an avid fan of the Percy Jackson series. She gives them all a thumbs up.

You will enjoy the Graphic Novel and you'll appreciate how the characters ...

When I first ordered thie graphic novel I wasn't expecting much. I was only really interested in seeing how artist potrayed the characters. It was well done Percy Jackson fans will not be dissapointed. I have collected comics throughout my teen and young adult age so if yoou ask me would I have preffered different artists, one that I have been more familiar with I wouold tell you yes, but for what it's worth I was not dissapointed. You will enjoy the Graphic Novel and you'll appreciate how the characters came to art and the way it was directed. Good job team.

Percy Jackson and the lighting theif

Percy Jackson and the lighting thief is a very good book because it has very good details and also a very good action and magical powers that are so cool!!!!!!!

Great graphic novel

My 8 & 9 yr olds love this book! It's a bit easier than the full novel & graphic novels are definitely in with the kids since the wimpy kid books gained popularity.

Five Stars

Just as expected.

Five Stars

Didn't was for my daughter's project


My grandaughter actually loved this book. After reading it twice she had to rent the movie and watch it. Great, great great.....

Awesome book!

Love all of Percy Jackson books. This book is written like a comic book, so it is a little different. Fun to read and great pictures! Fast shipping!


This book is awesome. I'm a Percy Jackson fan so I've read all of the books but it doesn't include EVERYTHING, in case your expecting a lot of details. Good book.

Graphic novel

Awesome graphic novel for my lil bro, he needed to read something while i was busy doing hw. sure would let other lil kids read it.

Five Stars

Nephews love reading it!

Five Stars

Daughter loves the book

No complaint though because when my sister was complaining and saying she didn't like it my brother saw it and loved

My sister bought this item because she thought it was the book version of 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief' but it's a comic book. No complaint though because when my sister was complaining and saying she didn't like it my brother saw it and loved .

I love it!

PJ Fan! I love it!

Five Stars

Great book my kid loves it.


I love the fact that I actually leaning about Greek mythology as I read a great book I would recommend this book to ALL my friends


It was very enjoyable but I didn't like how there were parts of the original book skipped. I wasn't totally impressed.

Good except some of my favorite things didn't show up

I love the percy jackson books but some of my favorite parts from the book didn't end up overall very good

Great Book, left out my favorite part

I really like the way that this book was put together. The only thing that I would have liked to change is that it left out my favorite part( the encounter with Medusa). Otherwise, I highly recommend this book( especially if you like action,mystery, humour, and godly servings of fun).

Five Stars

Great graphic novel for all ages!

Percy Jackson FTW

I love Percy Jackson and I'm extremely glad they are coming out with a graphic novel series. I can't wait to get the second one.

Five Stars

My kids like it.

Five Stars

Will buy as needed for kids school quick service also

Percy jackson

It was as good as the first one I think that they should bring out more of those books and pit more

A bit "adult"

I enjoyed this graphic novel version but it will be a while before I let my son read it. Also many parts from the book were cut and some added depth and background for the series. Not sure how much I'd understand if I hadn't read the book first.

Five Stars

great gift

Getting 9 yr. old to read

I bought this for my 9 yr. old grandson, in hopes of getting him to read a book this summer instead of playing video games all the time. He really liked it and wants to read the others in the series. (He's still playing video games though!)

I loved

I loved this book. I like the Percy Jackson series and Graphic novels, so this book is a perfect book for me. Any fan of Greek mythology and graphic novels will enjoy this book.⚡⚡⚡

Love it

My 9 year old son loves the books and the graphic novels.

Five Stars

This is a great book, will continue to read the next book

Five Stars



Well I hated the book because there was barely any diolog and. That Luke was not the same person as in the book

My 9 year old likes it

Well drawn book with lots of movement and adventure. Would recommend it as a 4-star because the drawings are not exactly like the movie; lots of differences. (this is my son's language - his review!)

kids love graphic novels

I bought this as a present and loved it because it was a big hit with my 13 year old nephew. He owns the regular book but wanted the graphic novel also

It’s good!!

Just like the actual book!

... this to my cousin for a present and she loved it!

Gave this to my cousin for a present and she loved it!

Five Stars

good buy

Nice Addition to the series

After reading the series, this is a great addition to tie in with the original book series. Can't wait for the next one.


It was okay. I liked it but it did leave something to be desired. The art work was okay but some points it seemed messy and not all that thought out. There were some parts from the book left out that I would have liked to see like the battle scene on the bus and Medusa.


I found this good and all, however it left out a few parts that, in my option were a bit important. I do realize that turning the book into a graphic novel not everything can be kept. Overall it was good

it was still awesome.

Even though it didn't really follow the real book, it was still awesome.

Daughter loved the book

The price was excellent and it arrived when it said it would. My daughter loves the graphic novel would certainly tell others that enjoy comic books/graphic novels to purchase.

Percy Jackson Hits The Movies

It is a great graphic novel. I read the books saw the movies read almost every single book by Rick Riordan. And this is a complete extra of the book and you can see what the people look like

Percy Jackson Graphic Novel

My 10 yr old has read all the Rick Riordan books, several times over. He can't get enough mythology. He began reading right away after he opened it for christmas instead of opening what was left. I like that it is hard cover; soft covers get "loved too much" in our house.

Do NOT buy this trash

This game sucks where is it’s 3D effects


Great read it completes my collection well! So fantastic! LOVE IT! Great condition, its a must have for your percy jackson book collection!

Percy Jackson

I love this book really much and I think you should read it. And Check out the rest of the series

The book is fine except I needed an actual text book for my ...

This book is in comic strip style. The book is fine except I needed an actual text book for my grand daughter.

I LOVE this book!

Aslf tfdvb ggdcvh. Fbgdz bhhrvn hj fnj. Huff hj gbhjjjbb hfcgvbh jyfbhfed hjjgrd ghyrxfh ytdhnv htdfhk . Hhghhjb hhhrgn OMG!

great book and awesome series

Love this series would recommend to any kid or adult who is in to Greek Mythology

an awesome book

This book is very awesome Percy Jackson totally rules big time it is also very inspiring and encourages you to set high goals.

gift for kids

Both readers and the non readers seem to not want to put this book down, great gift idea and what kid wants a book? Boys and girls like it equally.

A parent's review.

ok book, from a parent's perspective. It does keep the reader's attention and it's entertaining. The storytelling is not the best, I didn't like the dark visuals, and the flow across the pages is not always clear. As a parent (who enjoys graphic novels), i give it three stars. But my teen son Loves it. Five stars from him.


This was pretty good, but it should have more scenes from the book. Like when the scorpion stung percy. Luke never ran away in the book.

Three Stars

Too short for me

Five Stars

Different from the original book but it still good

This Book Rox!!!!!

I love reading graphic novels and I love the Percy Jackson series. This Book combines it all in one. Everyone who likes Percy Jackson should read this book!!!!!

Percabeth believer

I loved the graphic novel. The only problem I had with it was that the guy skipped some of the best parts. The part with the the three furies was one that really wanted to see in the novel, but oh well. Other than that i loved it.

Best book ever written

I love the normal books but this was a lot better. Percy Jackson should be in every school in the world

Its alright

Its missing somethings from the book but its okay.... 4 STARS from me I gotta give it credit the pictures look great

enjoyed the read

My grandson is reading this series and got me hooked. It is a good read for kids and adults, lots of adventure and action.


Love the book cannot stop reading the series over and over, it didn't completely stay in line with the book and it skipped some parts but over all it was a great preview of the real thing


Gives a visual on the books I love to read. Great for both young and old viewers. Looking forward to reading more!

Cool book

I wish it could be more like the real book. Good boook. Funny and clever. Good characters. I like it.

This is really good book i love it a lot

This is really good book i love it a lot. I can read this book 100 times without getting bored

Percy Jackson and the lightning thief

The best part of this book is that Percy Jackson fights Ares and wins. I'm happy that Percy Jackson doesn't die. From,kindle


A great graphic novel but lacking some key parts like medusa dying or in the lotus hotel how percy talked to the guy from the 70s.

My daughter loves it!

My daughter's sixth grade class is reading this book and she asked for the graphic novel to help her along with the story. It is exactly as she thought it would be and enjoys reading it! Thanks!

I'm satisfied

Now I've just got to wait a couple weeks till the Blood of Olympus,it's not to bad( Inside:_rocks back and forth_ needs more Percy and the others ) soon yes soon


Goes perfectly well with the original book. Definitely worth the cost. Perfect for Percy Jackson fans and any one else who wants to read it. A must have.


Best book ever shorter version of the lightning thief but got all the important details it was an amazing book

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Lightning Thief

This was a gift for my Grandson. He is reading the whole series and likes the books very much and I will probably be purchasing more of them.

Five Stars


Vocab a little difficult

Vocabulary a little advanced for early elementary school. I thought my granddaughter would like the part about the gods, but it's more like the names were appropriated for the authors characters, and the result was "gods" who were unrecognizable. Not faulting the author's poetic license here.


Really awesome, it had good pictures. I also liked the picture of the camp. You should really read it.👍 best book ever


This was so awsome!!!!!!!!! I am a huge fan of the books-all 3 series, so I decided to try the comic books out. Let me tell you, they were awesome!!!!

good condition

My 5 year old is becoming more interested in books and this was a great introduction for him to the Percy Jackson book series.


It was so super duper awesome and the pictures were funny an Greta it was a good book yep yep


It's a very nice book. recommended for kids. comic book.boys might like this book more than girls.I'm a little too old for this book


This was a good book although leaving some details. I got a little mad that they ended the book differently as the regular book did itself. But overall I liked it.

Great Book

This book is in addition to the series of books for our Grandson, It is a great book to add for him.

Five Stars

This is an exciting bookIt is a page turner.

A little cheasy

The book was great but Percy looked a little, well weird.... And Annabeth looked a little chunkyer... still great thought

Four Stars

I like the book 📚

Omg soooooooooo good!!

I love it! The only thing is I got a little confused with the panels. I wish these would come faster!!!!!!

Freaking awesome!

This has pretty good pictures, although Percy, Annabeth, and Grover should look different. This is very good for beginning readers.

Best book ever

I love the other version as well. It leaves out a couple of parts that were pretty important though. I still love it. Mr. Riordan is my favorite author.

Percy Jackson and the olympians the lightning thief the graphic novel

Was a very good book and followed the original book. I wish they had all if them already in the graphic novels.

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