The Lemurian Starchild Oracle: Divine Guidance for the New Paradigm

Kindle Edition
21 Jul
This beautiful Deck of 88 inspired Oracle Cards and a 340 page book, steeped in Lemurian starry wisdom, ancient remembrance and transcendental insight, aims to assist those who resonate with the Global Mass Awakening phenomenon. The Lemurian memories and energies, which have been coming to the forefront in the last few years, offer a powerful heart-opening Template to guide the conscious creators of the New Earth. These clear energies support us as we both 'ground' our inner Starchild and equally, as we rise upward to open multidimensional gates for our communion with our Higher Levels, and Ascended and Angelic beings. The message is clear “Within you and everyone, is a Lemurian Starchild, who carries all the sacred codes and abilities you were originally created with. This is truly your most natural self, and it is arising again.” The conditioning of the old paradigm acted like a veil, covering our clear sight of Unity and Truth, our divine gifts and inner knowings. Now the veil is dissolving, Heaven on Earth is returning and we are being invited to embody our Light, to let go of the old paradigm and to co-create in alignment with our Birthrights. Lemuria was the great civilization of the Heart, it was the Garden of Eden, before the fall of man into separation consciousness. We are returning to Eden now dear ones and before us is a doorway beyond which, if we choose to enter, is a life of joyful communing, in peace with the Earth and all of her inhabitants, in both the physical and subtle realms. Once awakened, our inner Lemurian Starchild guides us as we return to our pure state of Divine embodiment. With our clear sight restored, we can recognize the distortions that have prevailed on Earth for far too long. We can stay focused on the Light in our Hearts, and on Being and expressing the light.

Reviews (61)

Come home to your past life in lemuria

These cards were part of my spiritual awakening. They definitely have galactic activations, and beautiful words and memories of Lemuria ❤️ The cards speak of our connection to the universe and stars. We are all galactic. My favorite deck!

We both love it!

Beautiful pictures, big book, totally worth the price, but big to shuffle, could use a little better quality card stock for durability but otherwise it’s amazing.

A more right-brained connection

This deck definitely has its own unique way of communicating. The first time I used this deck, I was confused because the cards came up didn't logically make any kind of linear connection to the circumstances that I was experiencing at that time, but I could feel that energetically the deck was giving me what I needed. So, I decided to trust that even if I didn't understand the relationship that was present I was being provided with what I needed and I continued in that way every day. After about a week, I began to start seeing the connection with these cards and my life. From what I can tell, this deck works through forms of communication that are different from the linear communication and thinking systems that most of us use day to day in the world, and learning to use this deck gradually attunes you to that process telepathically/energetically as needed. I'm pretty sure that's why some reviewers say they can't understand the book from this deck; they haven't attuned to the way the deck communicates or aren't opening to the energy. Working with this deck in an open receptive way on a regular basis literally changes the way you think and process information. In that way it's very unique. I find that I often draw the same card(s) several days in a row until my consciousness shifts and then I begin attracting a different pattern of cards. I love these cards! I work with them every evening. The art on the cards is incredible and abstract enough that it stimulates intuitive reading. The cards are foiled. The cards are rather large and a bit challenging to shuffle even when turned sideways. The cardstock is matte which is nice, but thin and easy to accidentally damage. I have already accidentally bent one of the cards and it is permanently marked. I use the cards every day regardless though. I find the book to be very informative and I love all of the interactive elements. I wish there was a voice recording for all the meditations. I had to record them myself so that I'm not trying to read and meditate at the same time. Overall, this deck is definitely worth the money and I totally recommend it as long as you are willing to open yourself up to the transformation process.

Beautiful deck

This is a beautiful and gentle oracle that tells you what you need to know. I have found the accuracy of the pills to be spot on and extremely loving like a warm hug even when it’s something I have refused to see. I definitely recommend this deck for your collection.


THE BOOK ALONE IS WORTH THE PRICE. . .I have not wanted. needed nor purchased another "oracle" deck since These arrived. . .If an oracle deck was being given away for free, I'd still not want nor need for another. TREAT YOUR SELF: YOU WILL FIND *THIS SET* IS FAR MORE THAN WHAT YOU'VE BEEN SEEEKING IN ALL THE OTHER DECKS YOU'VE PURCHASED-COMBINED.

Your Spirit and Soul will connect with this beautiful oracle deck.

Never ever have I felt such emotion with recieving an oracle deck. I have had many over the last few years. I typically get a couof decks one deck for the purpose of my Divine Feminine and another for my Divine Masculine. After I have "outgrown" a deck I usually gift the old deck to a friend who I always felt guided to gift them to. Since I have recieved many decks I always felt a connection with them until the moment these arrived. I felt this deck was going to be special. I could instantly feel the energy of this deck through the packaging. Upon opening the package and when I reached my hand in to grab them I felt this energy which reminded me of the feeling when I a crystal finds me and I hold the crystal for the first time. There was this instant bond with a brush of emotion as if I was being reunited with a long lost friend or loved one. As I pulled the deck out of the package and at first glance at the front of the oracle deck box something inside of me knew that with this deck I was going to be able to connect and communicate with my Starseed Family in ways that would speak to me with such clairity. As I looked at the cover I held them close to my heart and I began to weep tears of such love. I have never experienced this other oracle decks before and I knew this deck was the deck that has been awaiting for me to give them a permanent spot and home. This deck is a must have if you are one who is connected to the Cosmos and Universe with an understanding that we as humans are hear for the soul purpose to spread love wherever we go regardless of the triumphs and struggles we have had. This deck is worth the money spent and this deck will speak to your Spirit and Soul on a deep level like how they spoke to me. Thank you for creating this deck for after the first reading I gave myself I don't feel so alone and I recieved such comfort from the reading. This deck by far is my #1 and above all others.

I love these beautiful cards 💖

These cards are so beautiful and energetic. I just love them 💖 Thank you 🌹

Wonderful and beautiful

Beautiful and Powerful Cards

These are such beautifully illustrated cards. The images are powerful and the cards are of good stock. It will take me some time to understand the 10 categories for the New Paradigm, but I look forward to learning and working with this deck.

The deck to help transform your consciousness

I think I can safely say this is my favorite Oracle deck in the world. Since owning it, i have hardly thought of buying any other! It may not give me advice on exact choices to make. But it teaches me to raise my perspective and vibration to the higher consciousness of Lemuria. One of the reasons I bought it, is because sometimes I need help knowing what perspective to take. And not only are each of these cards an amazing, magical beauty of artwork....taking you back to the mystical feeling of your origins, and immersing you in those spiritual truths. But they each come with a quite detailed channeled message from Lemuria. And they always leave me feeling quite content and uplifted!♡ No matter how I was feeling about a situation. There is not a better Oracle set I could reccomend to you. The price is not even worth worrying about because once you have it, you will feel like you are the one receiving the gift. :-)

Come home to your past life in lemuria

These cards were part of my spiritual awakening. They definitely have galactic activations, and beautiful words and memories of Lemuria ❤️ The cards speak of our connection to the universe and stars. We are all galactic. My favorite deck!

We both love it!

Beautiful pictures, big book, totally worth the price, but big to shuffle, could use a little better quality card stock for durability but otherwise it’s amazing.

A more right-brained connection

This deck definitely has its own unique way of communicating. The first time I used this deck, I was confused because the cards came up didn't logically make any kind of linear connection to the circumstances that I was experiencing at that time, but I could feel that energetically the deck was giving me what I needed. So, I decided to trust that even if I didn't understand the relationship that was present I was being provided with what I needed and I continued in that way every day. After about a week, I began to start seeing the connection with these cards and my life. From what I can tell, this deck works through forms of communication that are different from the linear communication and thinking systems that most of us use day to day in the world, and learning to use this deck gradually attunes you to that process telepathically/energetically as needed. I'm pretty sure that's why some reviewers say they can't understand the book from this deck; they haven't attuned to the way the deck communicates or aren't opening to the energy. Working with this deck in an open receptive way on a regular basis literally changes the way you think and process information. In that way it's very unique. I find that I often draw the same card(s) several days in a row until my consciousness shifts and then I begin attracting a different pattern of cards. I love these cards! I work with them every evening. The art on the cards is incredible and abstract enough that it stimulates intuitive reading. The cards are foiled. The cards are rather large and a bit challenging to shuffle even when turned sideways. The cardstock is matte which is nice, but thin and easy to accidentally damage. I have already accidentally bent one of the cards and it is permanently marked. I use the cards every day regardless though. I find the book to be very informative and I love all of the interactive elements. I wish there was a voice recording for all the meditations. I had to record them myself so that I'm not trying to read and meditate at the same time. Overall, this deck is definitely worth the money and I totally recommend it as long as you are willing to open yourself up to the transformation process.

Beautiful deck

This is a beautiful and gentle oracle that tells you what you need to know. I have found the accuracy of the pills to be spot on and extremely loving like a warm hug even when it’s something I have refused to see. I definitely recommend this deck for your collection.


THE BOOK ALONE IS WORTH THE PRICE. . .I have not wanted. needed nor purchased another "oracle" deck since These arrived. . .If an oracle deck was being given away for free, I'd still not want nor need for another. TREAT YOUR SELF: YOU WILL FIND *THIS SET* IS FAR MORE THAN WHAT YOU'VE BEEN SEEEKING IN ALL THE OTHER DECKS YOU'VE PURCHASED-COMBINED.

Your Spirit and Soul will connect with this beautiful oracle deck.

Never ever have I felt such emotion with recieving an oracle deck. I have had many over the last few years. I typically get a couof decks one deck for the purpose of my Divine Feminine and another for my Divine Masculine. After I have "outgrown" a deck I usually gift the old deck to a friend who I always felt guided to gift them to. Since I have recieved many decks I always felt a connection with them until the moment these arrived. I felt this deck was going to be special. I could instantly feel the energy of this deck through the packaging. Upon opening the package and when I reached my hand in to grab them I felt this energy which reminded me of the feeling when I a crystal finds me and I hold the crystal for the first time. There was this instant bond with a brush of emotion as if I was being reunited with a long lost friend or loved one. As I pulled the deck out of the package and at first glance at the front of the oracle deck box something inside of me knew that with this deck I was going to be able to connect and communicate with my Starseed Family in ways that would speak to me with such clairity. As I looked at the cover I held them close to my heart and I began to weep tears of such love. I have never experienced this other oracle decks before and I knew this deck was the deck that has been awaiting for me to give them a permanent spot and home. This deck is a must have if you are one who is connected to the Cosmos and Universe with an understanding that we as humans are hear for the soul purpose to spread love wherever we go regardless of the triumphs and struggles we have had. This deck is worth the money spent and this deck will speak to your Spirit and Soul on a deep level like how they spoke to me. Thank you for creating this deck for after the first reading I gave myself I don't feel so alone and I recieved such comfort from the reading. This deck by far is my #1 and above all others.

I love these beautiful cards 💖

These cards are so beautiful and energetic. I just love them 💖 Thank you 🌹

Wonderful and beautiful

Beautiful and Powerful Cards

These are such beautifully illustrated cards. The images are powerful and the cards are of good stock. It will take me some time to understand the 10 categories for the New Paradigm, but I look forward to learning and working with this deck.

The deck to help transform your consciousness

I think I can safely say this is my favorite Oracle deck in the world. Since owning it, i have hardly thought of buying any other! It may not give me advice on exact choices to make. But it teaches me to raise my perspective and vibration to the higher consciousness of Lemuria. One of the reasons I bought it, is because sometimes I need help knowing what perspective to take. And not only are each of these cards an amazing, magical beauty of artwork....taking you back to the mystical feeling of your origins, and immersing you in those spiritual truths. But they each come with a quite detailed channeled message from Lemuria. And they always leave me feeling quite content and uplifted!♡ No matter how I was feeling about a situation. There is not a better Oracle set I could reccomend to you. The price is not even worth worrying about because once you have it, you will feel like you are the one receiving the gift. :-)

Fabulous Deck!

This is an absolutely gorgeous deck! Each of the 88 card images is insightful and beautiful, and the 340-page booklet is informative and interesting. This deck set really speaks to me... everything about it resonates beauty and love. The colors, the words, the symbols... I'll be spending a lot of time with this amazing intuitive tool. Even if you don't know much about Starseeds or Lemuria, this deck provides loving insights and aid into the self and the soul. As someone who has used many many decks, this is easily a favorite. I highly recommend this deck!!! You won't be disappointed.


This came up as a suggestion on my Kindle for only 10 bucks so I bought it. I was not ready to invest in the price of the cards. It’s a little awkward to use on a Kindle, but after months of doing so I have finally took the plunge and anxiously awaiting my deck to arrive on Monday. I can’t wait to get my hands on them! I love all the knowledge they contain beyond just an Oracle interpretation

It comes with a book

I love the art and the gold trim on the cards they are wonderfully made. They are good quality, and and very on point. Im soo happy that i got them, they were recommended by a girl who does free youtube readings. They are a little pricey but most well made decks are. Totally worth it.

My favorite oracle deck !

This deck is amazing. If you are looking to heal or help others heal this is it. Full of meditations and affirmations. The artwork is beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful

I saw this card deck randomly when I was searching for oracle decks to recommend to a friend. When I saw it, it really called to me, and I bought it. The book that has explanations for the cards should be a book in itself! It is so beautiful, so uplifting. Each card is a way to work on yourself and to be more in a state of joy and higher vibration. I think I will use this deck to work on myself for a long time, before doing any readings for others.

The only oracle you need 🐬

I felt very connected to this deck , before buying it prompting me to connect with lemuria and Atlantis then I received signs of dolphins above ^ 🙂 i feel this deck transcends the way we read and connect with the cards . This for me is the perfect deck ! I have over 30 decks and this is by far my favorite . Thank you Leanne and Michiel for bringing together this beautiful work of art 🦋🙏🏽💙🌎🐬

Absolutely amazing oracle!

This oracle is one of the most beautiful and informative decks I have come across. They feel so unique in your hands and have a natural flow. You can tell that so much love and thought went into making this oracle. Thank you so much!!

Beautiful, Powerful

Rate an oracle card is not a simple product review. You either connect or not. I did connect to it and Im loving it. The cards are beautiful, the book is lenghty detailed. The cards are big - well bigger than my tarot cards - took my a bit time to shuffle it successfully. Once you receive and open, you need to loosen up the cards, start 1 by 1, flip them together - they are new and pressed and kind of sticking together. Anyway the 1 by 1 gives you opportunity to feel the cards. But after a bit they are smoothly moving.

One of the most beautiful and gentle decks I own

Oh my, you get quite the positive surprise when you open the package. I had intuited this deck was for me through the Amazon app. These cards are very beautiful and the descriptions and interpretations are absolutely amazing. I would certainly rebuy if I lost them.

Best deck! Loving it!

I wish I could give 100 stars! This deck is out of this world!!! I can’t even describe how amazing it is! It is worth the money! I just ordered it for my best friend as well since it is truly incredible! The cards are beautiful and the explanation in the book is very detailed.

Worth while purchase!!!

In love! I saw these cards advertised in an article and had an energetic response so knew I had to get them. The do not disappoint. I pulled one the day a friend died and the card was stepping Stones -you are now moving to the next phase of your ascention. The images contain activating energy and the words are deeply meaningful. The cards have a gold edge which just made me happy. Love love love.

Great Deck Set! So much information!

The deck has a positive energy feeling to it. Beautiful art work also. The messages are deeply moving and have been spot on for me. I highly recommend this deck! Great service!

Must have for anyone on the acension journey and lightworkers. So happy with this purchase. 🤍🌈🌟

Guidance and Readings


Incredible deck! I felt called to buy these cards and now that I have them, I know these cards were destined for me. Every reading I’ve done since I got them had been dead on.


I got the online/ kindle version instead of spending $50 for a physical deck. I’m glad I did because I’m not sure I resonate as much with this deck as I do others. My answers have been hard to understand and maybe that’s just me, but it’s very pretty art.

These are AMAZING

I waited and put off buying these - don't! The cards have energy like I have never felt in a deck, ever. First question I asked gave me a sentence answer. Holy. Moly. Don't let the price put you off these are fabulous 🌈

So beautiful!

This deck is so beautiful and the quality is wonderful. The guidebook is filled with so much information. So happy with my purchase. The oracle arrived in perfect condition.

Thank you.

I love everything about this oracle. Thank you 🙏🏻

Highly recommend

I absolutely love this card deck. The artwork is beautiful and the cards are quality material. The guidebook is very detailed and is a healing resource that accompanies each card. This is one of my favorite decks!

Message received ❤️

It's gorgeous. I love the gilding. The message is amazing. Overall I love it.

They are so beautiful

I love the deck they are so beautiful i was drawn to them, thank you so much.


I am a Spiritual Intuitive and use Oracle Cards for several types of readings. These are just incredible! So beautiful, I love how the book is broken up in sections, I love the exercises in the book, I adore the artwork and I love how the messages resonate so well. Thank you for such a wonderful deck! Much love


Amazing. High Energy. The accuracy is incredible even though it is in a digital format. A lot of work was put into this oracle. Will be ordering the actual deck.


I love this deck, the colors, photos and book are so beautiful, serene and truly inspiring. You can feel the love of this deck, I know the creators put so much detail and love into it. I love using these cards, they feel like home. Thank you for creating this!

Beautiful cards

This is a magnificent deck! I haven't even worked with it & I see its beauty & light. What a great achievement the creators accomplished with these cards!

Nice, but box had already been opened!!!

I just received my deck and I am extremely disappointed. The deck is absolutely beautiful, but there was no shrink wrap and was already opened. I would not have purchased this deck if it was an already opened deck. Also, the box is damaged and I have taped it up to keep it from completely ripping. 🙁🙁🙁🙁

Very nice

Very nice oracle. Thank you very much.

Beautiful deck

These cards are beautiful!!!!

Amazing and beautiful 🐋

I connect with Lemuria and Pleiadians so I love these cards. I just did the 10 card spread and the messages are amazing and revealing.

Powerful reads

Beautiful cards, very easy to use and powerful

It’s a beautiful deck

Love this deck from kindle it’s a beautiful deck

Beautiful Art

Beautiful art , 88 cards nice gilded edges , thank you

Great oracle

Nice item! The guidebook is clear. It is a great choice for Reader.

Not what I expected.....

Timely and Beautiful Cards

When doing any reading during these special times, these cards will truly offer a deep meaning and gorgeous images. I love them. My first 3 cards drawn were Resolution--for the theme of the year, Storm for the focus, and Inner Child Attunement for the next step.


This, my friends, is the oracle deck par excellence. It is an oracle deck and so much more. First of all, there are an incredible 88 cards here-- I think it's the most cards of any deck I own. Second, they are drop-dead gorgeous. The artwork is incredible, the colors just so uplifting, very unique. Then there's the book. The book is more like a spiritual guide. It just emanates love. It includes so much more than just "card meanings." If you buy yourself one new deck this year, let it be this one. Worth every cent.

Great energy!

Great energy to the deck, which is larger than expected. Artwork is beautiful!

I love the cards

haven't used them yet, but I love them. Thank you

Not for me

I did not connect at all to these cards. Which is a shame because I was so excited about receiving them. The cards themselves are of high quality and the images beautiful, it's the book I had problems with. The messages are just so confusing and go many different directions on one card that I was so put off with the whole deck because of it. It was really hard to get accurate readings or just readings that made sense at all. The authors use so many fancy words and woo woo wording/descriptions that it was hard to read and understand (even though I would call myself a spiritual (non religious) person and a believer of stuff like this). Most of the card meanings where story like descriptions that made no sense and gave no advice, or the little advice that they would give, they would not explain how to do it and just expected the reader to know already (like how to cut energetic cords). I prefer cards with practical advice and guidance that one could use in their day to day life or answers to their questions. Alana Fairchild oracle decks are the best in both spiritual meaning, and practical advice that's easy to read and understand.

LOVE this set

This card set is so awesome! The cards are big in size, the deck has so many cards and the book is detailed and fantastic. The number of cards is a little intimidating when you first start, but the book outlines each card so well, it didn't take long to get comfortable. It took a little practice to set the cards all out visibly, but the deck is amazing. Highly recommend spending the money.

Purely Phenomenal

If you are contemplating this desk; bring it home. It sounds trite, but there are not adequate words to describe the beauty and truth.

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