The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country

Hardcover – March 30, 2021
29 Mar
Amanda Gorman’s powerful and historic poem “The Hill We Climb,” read at President Joe Biden’s inauguration, is now available as a collectible gift edition.

“Stunning.” —CNN 
“Dynamic.” —NPR
“Deeply rousing and uplifting.” —Vogue

On January 20, 2021, Amanda Gorman became the sixth and youngest poet to deliver a poetry reading at a presidential inauguration. Taking the stage after the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden, Gorman captivated the nation and brought hope to viewers around the globe. Her poem “The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country” can now be cherished in this special gift edition. Including an enduring foreword by Oprah Winfrey, this keepsake celebrates the promise of America and affirms the power of poetry.

Reviews (98)

A young poet's message to the Nation

This book contains a forward of a few sentences from Oprah Winfrey, and then the poem that Gorman read at Biden's inauguration. It is obviously a very short read, with only a few lines on each page. I appreciate the general sentiment of unity that Ms. Gorman expresses here, and I like the idea of a younger poet being able to provide a voice for the younger generation; as this hasn't happened very often in recent political history. However, much like reading the lyrics to a song that I like, the words on the page just don't feel as powerful as when you hear the author read it in their own, practiced delivery. If you haven't heard it read aloud, it might be worthwhile to try to find a video, because to me it loses some of its gravity in text form. I would assume though, that most people aren't buying this because they think that it is the most amazing poem ever written. This is more of a collector's item, a work that captures the feelings of a specific moment in time. If you simply want to support the poet, or want a physical item to commemorate the event, then this might be worth the price to you.

Amanda Gorman's THE HILL WE CLIMB reminds us where we've come from and what we can do together

There have been challenges we have faced, but where we are now reminds us of what we can do and overcome. Amanda Gorman's poem THE HILL WE CLIMB reminds us of what we have been able to do and what is possible. Delivered in a way that is reflective as well as forward looking, we can see that together there are still great things to achieve---if we allow ourselves to do so. This is the type of message we should remind ourselves of daily. Our best days are not behind us. There is a chance for us to be greater. It all begins with the decision to make it happen.

Finally some light! Captures the Essence of this Great Country

The words by Amanda Gorman go beyond being poetic. They are deep on so many levels that even after reading and hearing it more 25 times, I unravel something new each time. It’s like a gift that never stops giving. Poetic masterpiece!! It sums up our current affairs so beautifully; while things are scary currently, if you look with context and through the eyes and lens of Amanda, there is so much hope!! Keep going America. Some lines just deserve an award by itself... “The nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished” “We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another” “While democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated” “For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it” Amanda is the light in this never ending shade. Thank you, Amanda!

Great Poem -- Dirty cover

I'm writing just to alert Amazon that the two copies I received today came with very dusty covers. Both sides of both books -- covered in dirt. I was able to wipe off some of the dirt with a damp paper towel and will still give them as gifts. I guess it's a warehouse issue. Just a heads up.

Lovely Book but Damaged Product (Updated)

I have been looking forward to receiving this beautiful work of poetry since I ordered it on January 22nd. Today it finally arrived and it came damaged. I’m heartbroken. The words are beautiful but the physical book is not. Saddened to have to return it. Hoping that I can order it again and have it arrive safely. Have been so looking forward to having this true treasure of words in my library. The low rating is a reflection of the product coming to me damaged and not a reflection on the beauty of the book. Update 4/1/2021: I have updated my review. I received my replacement copy already and I am so pleased! It arrived safely with no damage. I will cherish this book for the years to come.


If you heard it on inauguration day it was amazing. Reading and reciting the words gives you chills. Amanda Gorman is Amazing!!. My book just arrive 15 minutes ago and I'm so excited.

Beautiful poem, sticky cover

I’m excited to have this poet’s powerful words in book form. It’s a simple book of a few lines on each blank white page. The cover has some sticky glue-like smears on both the front and back, which are the reason for 4 stars versus 5.

Lovely book, stuck pages

This is a lovely little book. But I was disappointed that some of the pages were stuck together. They tore a bit when I tried to separate them. I had planned to give this as a gift, but I don’t think I can. Still - the poem is incredible!

Amazing poem, terrible publishing

I’m very disappointed in the publishing of this book. While the cover is beautiful, and the words amazing, the publisher did nothing to celebrate the beauty and impact of the words. The pages are thin and the font tiny. Someone typed the words in 10pt. Times New Roman, and called it a day. The words, written with bold, beautiful impact, are lost on the page. The aesthetics are terrible. I bought 3 of these to give as gifts and am so disappointed. I’m returning them and waiting for the next print in hopes they improve the visuals.

was expecting some photos or illustrations - something to go with the poem

I absolutely love the inaugural poem, and I love what I know of Ms. Goerman. However, this is just a book with a few lines of her amazing poem on each page. That is it. Nothing else. I really thought there would be something added to enhance it as a book - illustrations, photos of her speaking, more history on her, people's reactions to her, anything at all. If you just wanted a printed book of the poem - this is perfect. If you were hoping for something a little more, you might be just as happy printing off the poem at home.

A young poet's message to the Nation

This book contains a forward of a few sentences from Oprah Winfrey, and then the poem that Gorman read at Biden's inauguration. It is obviously a very short read, with only a few lines on each page. I appreciate the general sentiment of unity that Ms. Gorman expresses here, and I like the idea of a younger poet being able to provide a voice for the younger generation; as this hasn't happened very often in recent political history. However, much like reading the lyrics to a song that I like, the words on the page just don't feel as powerful as when you hear the author read it in their own, practiced delivery. If you haven't heard it read aloud, it might be worthwhile to try to find a video, because to me it loses some of its gravity in text form. I would assume though, that most people aren't buying this because they think that it is the most amazing poem ever written. This is more of a collector's item, a work that captures the feelings of a specific moment in time. If you simply want to support the poet, or want a physical item to commemorate the event, then this might be worth the price to you.

Amanda Gorman's THE HILL WE CLIMB reminds us where we've come from and what we can do together

There have been challenges we have faced, but where we are now reminds us of what we can do and overcome. Amanda Gorman's poem THE HILL WE CLIMB reminds us of what we have been able to do and what is possible. Delivered in a way that is reflective as well as forward looking, we can see that together there are still great things to achieve---if we allow ourselves to do so. This is the type of message we should remind ourselves of daily. Our best days are not behind us. There is a chance for us to be greater. It all begins with the decision to make it happen.

Finally some light! Captures the Essence of this Great Country

The words by Amanda Gorman go beyond being poetic. They are deep on so many levels that even after reading and hearing it more 25 times, I unravel something new each time. It’s like a gift that never stops giving. Poetic masterpiece!! It sums up our current affairs so beautifully; while things are scary currently, if you look with context and through the eyes and lens of Amanda, there is so much hope!! Keep going America. Some lines just deserve an award by itself... “The nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished” “We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another” “While democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated” “For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it” Amanda is the light in this never ending shade. Thank you, Amanda!

Great Poem -- Dirty cover

I'm writing just to alert Amazon that the two copies I received today came with very dusty covers. Both sides of both books -- covered in dirt. I was able to wipe off some of the dirt with a damp paper towel and will still give them as gifts. I guess it's a warehouse issue. Just a heads up.

Lovely Book but Damaged Product (Updated)

I have been looking forward to receiving this beautiful work of poetry since I ordered it on January 22nd. Today it finally arrived and it came damaged. I’m heartbroken. The words are beautiful but the physical book is not. Saddened to have to return it. Hoping that I can order it again and have it arrive safely. Have been so looking forward to having this true treasure of words in my library. The low rating is a reflection of the product coming to me damaged and not a reflection on the beauty of the book. Update 4/1/2021: I have updated my review. I received my replacement copy already and I am so pleased! It arrived safely with no damage. I will cherish this book for the years to come.


If you heard it on inauguration day it was amazing. Reading and reciting the words gives you chills. Amanda Gorman is Amazing!!. My book just arrive 15 minutes ago and I'm so excited.

Beautiful poem, sticky cover

I’m excited to have this poet’s powerful words in book form. It’s a simple book of a few lines on each blank white page. The cover has some sticky glue-like smears on both the front and back, which are the reason for 4 stars versus 5.

Lovely book, stuck pages

This is a lovely little book. But I was disappointed that some of the pages were stuck together. They tore a bit when I tried to separate them. I had planned to give this as a gift, but I don’t think I can. Still - the poem is incredible!

Amazing poem, terrible publishing

I’m very disappointed in the publishing of this book. While the cover is beautiful, and the words amazing, the publisher did nothing to celebrate the beauty and impact of the words. The pages are thin and the font tiny. Someone typed the words in 10pt. Times New Roman, and called it a day. The words, written with bold, beautiful impact, are lost on the page. The aesthetics are terrible. I bought 3 of these to give as gifts and am so disappointed. I’m returning them and waiting for the next print in hopes they improve the visuals.

was expecting some photos or illustrations - something to go with the poem

I absolutely love the inaugural poem, and I love what I know of Ms. Goerman. However, this is just a book with a few lines of her amazing poem on each page. That is it. Nothing else. I really thought there would be something added to enhance it as a book - illustrations, photos of her speaking, more history on her, people's reactions to her, anything at all. If you just wanted a printed book of the poem - this is perfect. If you were hoping for something a little more, you might be just as happy printing off the poem at home.

Worth supporting this historic poem and poet.

As another reviewer mentioned the poem is beautiful, but it just doesn't have that power behind it as it does when listening to Amanda recite it! I purchased this to support her, black poets, and I felt this was a historical poem that I'd love to show my kids one day in the far future. All those boxes are now checked. However, I pre-ordered it the day she announced it going on sale. I paid the $17 bucks. It's now $10- far more reasonable for what you get. I was hopeful it'd have another poem or two of hers (it doesn't). Or perhaps illustrations -from perhaps another black artist- (it doesn't). It's just a few sentences on a few plain white pages. The book size is small and adorable with a beautiful cover- that is displayed in my display glass cabinet. Happy to have supported this book and poet and recommend you do the same- despite it's simplicity of the actual book.

Don't buy this book from here

I gave a 3 star for poem and the price. The book arrived banged up and the last page is torn. So, if you're looking to give this beautiful poem as a gift, buy elsewhere. I bought it for a gift, but now will keep if for myself. I love Amanda Gorman and her poem. I don't love how the warehouse handled this book.

So inspiring!

As soon as I received this today I read it cover to cover. Her words give me such hope. Hearing her recite The Hill We Climb on Inauguration Day was the perfect antidote to the last 4 years.

Hopeful and Beautiful ❤️

This poem written and performed for the Inauguration of Joe Biden is a ray of sunshine for my heart! It is so beautiful, so full of hope, and I can NOT wait to see what else Amanda Gorman has in store for us! It’s a healing balm for the collective soul of America 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Wise words have been spoken.

The book is short and sweet but oh so powerful in words!

Cover/Presentation - Poor Quality

A Beautifully written and delivered Inauguration Poem by this Wonderful Young Woman deserves a better presentation than the one given with this first publication. I bought this to add to my Beautiful African-American library and I was terribly disappointed. I also bought it as a gift for a few friends and now regret not waiting to see the final product before placing additional orders. It was cheaply done and a poor representation of this Outstanding Artist and Inauguration Memory. Please recall this product and improve the Quality -- Amanda Gorman and her fans deserve so much better.

Beautiful Words get me All the time

Hardcover for durability, it will last a long time, definitely a keepsake item and perfect as a Gift.

The Hill we Climb gives me hope for our world

I purchased this book as a reminder and encapsulation of the amazing poem Ms. Gorman wrote and then delivered in the most incredible reading during the 2021 presidential inauguration. Her words, her nuanced delivery of them in perfect cadence, and the hope for the future have indelibly marked history. I love being able to refer to the poem in a book of her own creation.

Wonderful Book!!!

I saw the reading at the inaugural of President Biden and had to read it! So when it became available I had to have it! Plus to have Oprah write a review was so wonderful. I shall always cherish this book! Thank you!!!


As soon as I saw this was being printed I pre-ordered it on Amazon. It JUST arrived and it’s beautiful. A tiny slim hard copy of the poem that stirred my soul on Inauguration Day. The cover is a lovely matte yellow & the poem is written in paragraphs across 18 pages. A beautiful piece of art & history.

Beautiful cover and words

The cover is beautiful as well as the words and how I want to give it a 5 for those 2 things I just can’t. The font on the pages are too small and the pages are thin. The publisher could have made the book with bigger font added more color detail to the small design on the page and used a different type of paper it’s really thin.

Wonderful voice

Still amazing! Brings tears to my eyes & hope to my heart. I can’t wait for her other books to be released!

Poetry book

Perfect packaging


Beautiful words to inspire young and old. A beautiful read-aloud for students of all ages. Perfect for all classrooms. A must for the classroom library.

Mini book for max price

I love the writing, which is why I ordered 2 copies of this book (1 as a gift for my daughter). However, I was disappointed when I received the book and it was not a full size book. For $30+ dollars, so had hoped for a better quality package/print.

Amazon fail Gorman win

Zero stars for amazon quality control. The jacket is torn and has black marks all over it. The poem however is lovely. I'm so impressed by this young woman and can't wait to see what she does next!

Sublime poetry about real world challenges, address with elegance and Joy

This is such a beautiful gift and commemorative of the inauguration, I sent one to a few family members and it was quickly delivered, though in my confusion I reported on, as delivered to wrong address and it was not, I hope the seller reads this Everyone should have a copy of this book

Crap print job

Horrible print and binding. Looks like made at home

Dirty beat up cover

This book is perfect in content. It came carefully packaged in its very own well cushioned box. As many other reviewers have mentioned, these volumes are being mistreated somewhere before packing. Cover is dirty and ratty looking. If you care about the cover, buy it from another source.

I'll keep you posted, I ordered 3 as gifts...

Loving this Inspiration young woman, I was so excited to share her book, I ordered 3 as gifts. After reading the reviews that several had dirty covers or stuck pages, I hope they'll arrive in good condition. For now, I'll give it five stars. I'll keep you posted...

Amazing poem, crappy binding

I absolutely love this poem and all that it means. What a historically important piece of literature. Amanda Gorman does an amazing job inspiring hope. That being said, the actual construction of the book is poor. The pages are not well binded and I fear they will fall out if it's handled too much.

Beautiful poem, messed up cover.

Like others, the outer cover is in poor condition. It’s looks like someone smeared greasy hands on the cover, but it feels like a film of something that was wet and dried down. I’m very disappointed. I don’t want to remove stars because I don’t want anyone assuming it’s a rating of the contents.


These words are some of the most uplifting words I have ever heard. What an amazing young woman. I wholeheartedly hope she will put more of her poetry in print. I look forward to reading more by Amanda Gorman in the future.



Inspiring and beautiful

Her words so moved the world and me on the Inauguration of President Joseph Biden. I just had to have her written words to dwell upon and pray! Such a moving Poem. Bravo Ms. Amanda Gorman

Mixed feelings

I love the poem and certainly wanted something commemorative. I am disappointed that I ended purchasing an item manufactured in China, especially something tied to the presidential inauguration.

Great book

It’s wonderful, I’m so happy to receive it. Also the book is much like Ms. Gorman at the inauguration, tiny and full of great prose. It’s yellow with cute blue and red details and it’s a great nod to her outfit!

Words of challenge and hope

These were the word desperately needed by all of us on the cold January day they were read. May their deepest meanind penetrate our national life and grow in our hearts.


What an incredible inspiration Amanda is, to a young generals to the world. I’m proud I preordered this book. Our bedtime story rotation just got a serious upgrade.




Ms. Gorman's poem is truly amazing and inspirational! What a beautiful keepsake to remind us of Joe Biden's inauguration and the promise of our country.

Words for World Peace!!!

Embracing the words in the book can united all nations, cultures, languages ,religions and forward thinking human beings into one world of loving kind.

Book jacket was soiled.

I love the book. I wanted it as a collector’s item. There were two smudges on the front jacket and shiny smudge on back . I was very disappointed.

Simply Lovely...

Absolutely beautiful poetry. I love Amanda Gorman's poetry! Very powerful words. She is a brilliant, positive change in a world of chaos!

What An Awesome poet, with a truly Amazing piece of art!!!!

This young lady is a very Amazing and insightful poet! Reading her work takes me back to the day where I sat in awe, mesmerized just listening to her speak life, unity, & positivity!

Climbing the Hill.

I’m so proud of this little SISTER. I saw her at the Inauguration and had to purchase The Hill We Climb. You Go Girl.

Inspirational and beautiful

In print her voice becomes our voices. My child even loves it and it has become a favorite. Thank you for sharing your light.

just the one poem

Although this poem is amazing.... I had thought that the book would be a collection of several Amanda Gorman poems. It is just the inaugural one. Disappointed.

Absolute perfection ❤️

The literary decedent of Maya Angelou. I get goosebumps all over again with every read. Can't wait to see what this talented young woman does next!

Great new author of poetry & I preordered it the day it became avaiable

It is a piece of our History as read during President Biden & Vice President, Kamala Harris we're swarm into office!

Soul Stirring!!

Incredibly Stunning!!! I’m a voracious reader but not of poetry. This is more than a poem to me. It is an anthem!

Hopefully the Vision of this Poem Becomes Reality

A fine poem for the inauguration and beyond. Well worth having as a book. I definitely enjoyed rereading it.

I really enjoyed how the writing explain the different situations of the world, how the past coincides with the future. Also it has a general audience it speaks to. I would recommend this book for the secondary students, for the college students, and all individuals that are not properly informed. I chose this rating because it speaks volume.

The book also gives other poets the courage to put their thoughts in writing, and the dream of becoming something larger is possible.

What’s happening with the cover?

Received my much awaited for book from Amanda Gorman, love the size and content of the volume but the condition of the book is a concern. Not sure who is packaging and distributing these but both my copies were dusty and the covers were marked. The actual book and pages were in perfect condition, so I guess the old adage “you can’t judge a book by its cover” absolutely applies here.

Well Done-

So pleased with the book...A perfect gift ..a poem from the gifted.. ..yes I bought 2 for now...

Words that Save the Day

As you turn each page you are relieved to find hope, salvation, promise that our country can turn itself around. Amanda is a bright young star who will shine far into the future. Our grandchildren should have a copy to remember there are ways to believe something can be fixed when people turn hard, cruel, power grabbing, relentlessly greedy.

Beautiful and powerful

I plan on reading this several times a year and I fervently wish everyone would. It is so very powerful.


This young poet is wise beyond her years. It will be nice to follow her progress and see where her talent takes her.

What a treasure!

Reading Amanda Gorman's powerful poem lifts my heart and instills a sense of determination and courage to forge a beautiful future. I hope the whole world can see it, as well as be it!!!


Words cannot express how feel every time I read this poem. I bought this to keep in my family for many many years to come.

History Wrapped Beautifully

Most powerful read I have had in decades. The book further memorializes my witness to the history made on January 20, 2021.

My thoughts

My thoughts but someone else's words. I am impressed.

Perfect for gift giving

Just lovely and the perfect gift I was looking for!


So inspired! I really truly love Amanda Gorman. 💕

Lovely Book

This is a beautiful poem and way to remember.

Inspirational Poem

Small book but it’s inspiring.

Beautiful poem

Amanda Goreman is so talented. This poem is a wonderful addition to my literary collection.


Great little book


Beautiful book, beautiful poetry.

We climb together

I cried to think about how much this means to our country in this moment

A powerful little book

This is an amazing book that everyone should own and read for the wisdom and love that comes from her words are amazingly great especially for someone her age

Beautiful little book

I read through the short book as soon as it arrived. It's beautifully written and inspirational, and takes me back to inauguration day. Very pleased with this purchase.

Amazing Poet. Book came dirty.

Giving the Poem 5 stars because Amanda Gorman is incredible. I give Amazon 0 stars. The book arrived dirty. The cover was also sticky. Packaging involved the book being in a box bigger than the book itself. The book had no protection.

Poweful poem

Powerful poem

Great Book!

Great Book!


Lovely poem!

History being made


The Hill to climb

Much needed National spiritual renewal.

The Best Poem!

The best poem I have read or heard in a very long time!!

Typo on page 27

Such a special keepsake! However, there is a typo on page 27. It should read: “We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the West!” Instead, it reads: “We will rise from the gold-limned hills of the West.”

High price per word but an historic must-have

Those of us who witnessed the poet’s recitation of this work at the Biden inauguration in 2021 watched the birth of a modern classic. This poem will be studied for years, and deservedly so.


OMG, simple, elegant


Excellent poem!!!

Poor manufacturing

Great read

Your coffee table needs this!

I really enjoyed how they turned this iconic poem into a book. It’s the perfect coffee table book!

Great poem, poor book construction.

Poem is beautiful. Amanda Gorman is fantastic. Quality of physical book is poor. Dust jacket paper is wrinkled and peeling. Spine glue for pages is poorly manufactured and constructed.

Be the light

Beautiful poem. Some pages were not put together well.

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