The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice

Revised Edition
28 Feb
The first yoga text to outline a step-by-step sequence for developing a complete practice according to viniyoga--yoga adapted to the needs of the individual.

ā€¢ A contemporary classic by a world-renowned teacher.

ā€¢ This new edition adds thirty-two poems by Krishnamacharya that capture the essence of his teachings.

Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, who lived to be over 100 years old, was one of the greatest yogis of the modern era. Elements of Krishnamacharya's teaching have become well known around the world through the work of B. K. S. Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, and Indra Devi, who all studied with Krishnamacharya. Krishnamacharya's son T. K. V. Desikachar lived and studied with his father all his life and now teaches the full spectrum of Krishnamacharya's yoga. Desikachar has based his method on Krishnamacharya's fundamental concept of viniyoga, which maintains that practices must be continually adapted to the individual's changing needs to achieve the maximum therapeutic value.

In The Heart of Yoga Desikachar offers a distillation of his father's system as well as his own practical approach, which he describes as "a program for the spine at every level--physical, mental, and spiritual." This is the first yoga text to outline a step-by-step sequence for developing a complete practice according to the age-old principles of yoga. Desikachar discusses all the elements of yoga--poses and counterposes, conscious breathing, meditation, and philosophy--and shows how the yoga student may develop a practice tailored to his or her current state of health, age, occupation, and lifestyle.

This is a revised edition of The Heart of Yoga.

Reviews (184)

Lessons on How to practice Yoga from a master

This is recommended read for our YTT. I like the humility of Desikachar and his kindness that flows in the book. The breath alignment with movement is a very important aspect of Asana practice and one that is sometimes over looked when trying to get in to a posture. I haven't finished the book but will update the review once I am done. I also have the Light of Yoga and The Key Muscles of Yoga to go with this book

Classic and for good reason.

An essential for anyone interested in a deeper understand of yoga. Sublime topics communicated in a down to earth manner from a teacher who chose to embrace his impressive lineage (it not being forced apron him). With so much information coming out about dodgy "gurus", and with so many people virtue signalling with pseudo spiritual trappings, T. K. V. Desikachar is the real deal, primarily because he is not a guru, nor makes claims to be one, but instead is clearly only interested in passing on quality information to the best of his ability. Yoga, much like everything else evolves with time (for positive and negative reasons) but some sources of information are more "future proof" than others, there are some parts of "the heart of yoga" that may be less relevant or even unsuitable for some contemporarily, BUT, in my humble opinion, this book is a must for students... I know I got a lot from it.

A Must for any yogi

A great overview of yogic philosophy with enough thought provoking ideas from real practitioners to pursue a lifetime of correct yogic viewpoint. You also won't need Feurstein's heavy duty dissertation of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras as they are contained in the back of the book in abbreviated format.

Wonderful tool for anyone wishing to deepen their practice, or lead others.

This is a beautiful book, and I can see why it's on so many of the recommended/required reading lists for yoga teacher training. It covers a lot of information, and in a down to earth and accessible way. Especially the section on sequencing. This was very informative for me. Would recommend for anyone who wishes to deepen their practice, or is thinking about leading others in their practice.

and I have to say the illustrations are not the greatest, but the text

I got the kindle version, and I have to say the illustrations are not the greatest, but the text, particularly the introductory text (first 1/3 of the book) are very well-written in clear English. A lot of principles of yoga are explained that teachers in many classes simply don't have time to explain. There is a lot of emphasis on how the breath and the postures work together. This is probably the best explanation I have ever read. One of my teachers has this book with him and he plans his lessons from it.

Interesting reading, and a source for lots of pithy quotes.

In reading this book, I was first taken by the interview at its beginning. I began bookmarking quotes for transfer to my personal noebook (taken to each class), and soon found myself with nearly every other page bookmarked! The quotes available in this book are outstanding. And not just in the interview section. There are many interesting points Desikachar makes in his approach to asana sequencing: the importance of breath, the importance of tailoring the pose (and the sequence) to the individual, the importance of resting before engaging in a counter pose. One of my favorite quotes from this book (attributed to the Mahabharata) is ā€œSpeak the truth which is pleasant. Do not speak unpleasant truths. Do not lie, even if the lies are pleasing to the ear. That is the eternal law, the dharma.ā€ To my mind this is much more practicable to practice than ā€œAlways tell the truthā€. Another is ā€œWe can never experience our real nature if we do not expose ourselves to changeā€. I take this as at once being both a caution in life style, and also in becoming too comfortable in oneā€™s yogic pursuits, including asanas and meditation. Then we get to ā€œThe Yoga Sutra of Patanjaliā€ with Translation and Commentary by T.K.V. Desikachar. ā€œIf you tell a person who cannot find their own house that there is a pot of gold inside, they would be happier had they not had this information. What use is the gold if it cannot be found? It only causes pain. First they must find the house and enter it. Then there are many possibilities.ā€ I take this to mean that everyone must start at the beginningā€¦everyone must find their own house [way, path]. His views on dualism: (3.35 ā€œThe mind, which is subject to change, and the Perceiver, which is not are in proximity but are of distinct and different characters.ā€ as opposed to Reductionism are also presented in this book. This Dualistic approach is softened later ā€œThus the mind serves a dual purpose. It serves the Perceiver by presenting the external to it. It also respects or presents the Perceiver to itself for its own enlightenment.ā€ leaving open the possibility of a more Reductionist interpretation. This section of the book is the one I shall most refer to in future.

Yoga phyosophy put in a blunt, nonpretentious way

Really interesting book. As an aspiring yogi, I am learning a lot of new concepts and different perspectives from this book. I do not see it as an introductory reading but instead as a reunion of relevant concepts and lines of thoughts of yoga that should be read and studied more than once. Please note that I am not yet an expert to judge the quality and accuracy of the content. I am enjoying this book as an additional source of information and exposure to different perspectives on the phylosophy, as I normally approach all my readings on yoga given the diversity of thoughts, schools, and traditions. Overall, I think it's a great reading that offers a lot of interesting information put in a blunt, nonpretentious way. I totally recommend this book for those who are already familiar with yoga and would like to trace a path for personal development through this phylosophy.

Yoga for Everyone!

This book gives an excellent review of the basics of yoga, the tradition, and practical applications of basic techniques to achieve real-world results. The translation of the yoga sutras at the end of the book is my favorite part, as Desikachar is able to convey the essence of the text in a way that is universal to all people, showing us that yoga as a method can be just as easily applied to seeking self-realization as to making us better at our professions and loving our family members. I recommend this book to all beginners, all you middle-aged-ladies who work 40 hours a week have very little time and energy but want gentle exercise that helps restore you, ALL students going through teacher training, philosophy nuts, and anyone who is wondering whether yoga might be able to help them with a problem or weakness in their life but they aren't sure how to approach it. If you are looking for a book that will teach you power yoga, strong vinyasas, tips and tricks for getting into better headstands, or how to do anything with your kundalini, this book does not contain much on those avenues.

I felt some of the concepts and new terms in the second half could have been explained much better for someone who hasn't heard

I had to buy this book for my 200hr RYT training. The first half of the book reads well, but I struggled with the second half. I felt some of the concepts and new terms in the second half could have been explained much better for someone who hasn't heard of the terms before. If you are already familiar with the terms and concepts, then you won't have trouble comprehending it. There is a lot of great information in the book, I just know I need to do some more studying rather than just reading through it.

A must read!

There may not be a better yoga resource out there. This was required reading for the 200 hour teacher training I took recently, and it's obvious why. This book dives deep into the many different aspects of yoga, but is still accessible; it's not overly philosophical. Would highly recommend for anyone who is interested in the history of yoga, is new to your, or to anyone who is looking to deepen their practice. Actually, I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.

Lessons on How to practice Yoga from a master

This is recommended read for our YTT. I like the humility of Desikachar and his kindness that flows in the book. The breath alignment with movement is a very important aspect of Asana practice and one that is sometimes over looked when trying to get in to a posture. I haven't finished the book but will update the review once I am done. I also have the Light of Yoga and The Key Muscles of Yoga to go with this book

Classic and for good reason.

An essential for anyone interested in a deeper understand of yoga. Sublime topics communicated in a down to earth manner from a teacher who chose to embrace his impressive lineage (it not being forced apron him). With so much information coming out about dodgy "gurus", and with so many people virtue signalling with pseudo spiritual trappings, T. K. V. Desikachar is the real deal, primarily because he is not a guru, nor makes claims to be one, but instead is clearly only interested in passing on quality information to the best of his ability. Yoga, much like everything else evolves with time (for positive and negative reasons) but some sources of information are more "future proof" than others, there are some parts of "the heart of yoga" that may be less relevant or even unsuitable for some contemporarily, BUT, in my humble opinion, this book is a must for students... I know I got a lot from it.

A Must for any yogi

A great overview of yogic philosophy with enough thought provoking ideas from real practitioners to pursue a lifetime of correct yogic viewpoint. You also won't need Feurstein's heavy duty dissertation of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras as they are contained in the back of the book in abbreviated format.

Wonderful tool for anyone wishing to deepen their practice, or lead others.

This is a beautiful book, and I can see why it's on so many of the recommended/required reading lists for yoga teacher training. It covers a lot of information, and in a down to earth and accessible way. Especially the section on sequencing. This was very informative for me. Would recommend for anyone who wishes to deepen their practice, or is thinking about leading others in their practice.

and I have to say the illustrations are not the greatest, but the text

I got the kindle version, and I have to say the illustrations are not the greatest, but the text, particularly the introductory text (first 1/3 of the book) are very well-written in clear English. A lot of principles of yoga are explained that teachers in many classes simply don't have time to explain. There is a lot of emphasis on how the breath and the postures work together. This is probably the best explanation I have ever read. One of my teachers has this book with him and he plans his lessons from it.

Interesting reading, and a source for lots of pithy quotes.

In reading this book, I was first taken by the interview at its beginning. I began bookmarking quotes for transfer to my personal noebook (taken to each class), and soon found myself with nearly every other page bookmarked! The quotes available in this book are outstanding. And not just in the interview section. There are many interesting points Desikachar makes in his approach to asana sequencing: the importance of breath, the importance of tailoring the pose (and the sequence) to the individual, the importance of resting before engaging in a counter pose. One of my favorite quotes from this book (attributed to the Mahabharata) is ā€œSpeak the truth which is pleasant. Do not speak unpleasant truths. Do not lie, even if the lies are pleasing to the ear. That is the eternal law, the dharma.ā€ To my mind this is much more practicable to practice than ā€œAlways tell the truthā€. Another is ā€œWe can never experience our real nature if we do not expose ourselves to changeā€. I take this as at once being both a caution in life style, and also in becoming too comfortable in oneā€™s yogic pursuits, including asanas and meditation. Then we get to ā€œThe Yoga Sutra of Patanjaliā€ with Translation and Commentary by T.K.V. Desikachar. ā€œIf you tell a person who cannot find their own house that there is a pot of gold inside, they would be happier had they not had this information. What use is the gold if it cannot be found? It only causes pain. First they must find the house and enter it. Then there are many possibilities.ā€ I take this to mean that everyone must start at the beginningā€¦everyone must find their own house [way, path]. His views on dualism: (3.35 ā€œThe mind, which is subject to change, and the Perceiver, which is not are in proximity but are of distinct and different characters.ā€ as opposed to Reductionism are also presented in this book. This Dualistic approach is softened later ā€œThus the mind serves a dual purpose. It serves the Perceiver by presenting the external to it. It also respects or presents the Perceiver to itself for its own enlightenment.ā€ leaving open the possibility of a more Reductionist interpretation. This section of the book is the one I shall most refer to in future.

Yoga phyosophy put in a blunt, nonpretentious way

Really interesting book. As an aspiring yogi, I am learning a lot of new concepts and different perspectives from this book. I do not see it as an introductory reading but instead as a reunion of relevant concepts and lines of thoughts of yoga that should be read and studied more than once. Please note that I am not yet an expert to judge the quality and accuracy of the content. I am enjoying this book as an additional source of information and exposure to different perspectives on the phylosophy, as I normally approach all my readings on yoga given the diversity of thoughts, schools, and traditions. Overall, I think it's a great reading that offers a lot of interesting information put in a blunt, nonpretentious way. I totally recommend this book for those who are already familiar with yoga and would like to trace a path for personal development through this phylosophy.

Yoga for Everyone!

This book gives an excellent review of the basics of yoga, the tradition, and practical applications of basic techniques to achieve real-world results. The translation of the yoga sutras at the end of the book is my favorite part, as Desikachar is able to convey the essence of the text in a way that is universal to all people, showing us that yoga as a method can be just as easily applied to seeking self-realization as to making us better at our professions and loving our family members. I recommend this book to all beginners, all you middle-aged-ladies who work 40 hours a week have very little time and energy but want gentle exercise that helps restore you, ALL students going through teacher training, philosophy nuts, and anyone who is wondering whether yoga might be able to help them with a problem or weakness in their life but they aren't sure how to approach it. If you are looking for a book that will teach you power yoga, strong vinyasas, tips and tricks for getting into better headstands, or how to do anything with your kundalini, this book does not contain much on those avenues.

I felt some of the concepts and new terms in the second half could have been explained much better for someone who hasn't heard

I had to buy this book for my 200hr RYT training. The first half of the book reads well, but I struggled with the second half. I felt some of the concepts and new terms in the second half could have been explained much better for someone who hasn't heard of the terms before. If you are already familiar with the terms and concepts, then you won't have trouble comprehending it. There is a lot of great information in the book, I just know I need to do some more studying rather than just reading through it.

A must read!

There may not be a better yoga resource out there. This was required reading for the 200 hour teacher training I took recently, and it's obvious why. This book dives deep into the many different aspects of yoga, but is still accessible; it's not overly philosophical. Would highly recommend for anyone who is interested in the history of yoga, is new to your, or to anyone who is looking to deepen their practice. Actually, I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.

For anyone looking to get more out of their yoga ...

For anyone looking to get more out of their yoga practice than the physical aspects, this book introduces yoga philosophy and the concepts that lead to mental and spiritual well-being.

Read this FIRST before you read the sutras!

Iā€™ve been a yogi for almost a decade and been teaching it for coming on 3 years. This book rocked my world! Everybody tells us yogis to read Patanjaliā€™s Sutra but I think you should read this first. Itā€™s a great introduction to everything yoga and then at the end you get a real world translation of the sutras. From a guy that learned them through a lineage of yogiā€™s instead of scholarly translations.

Invaluable - wish I'd had this thirty years ago

I wish I'd had this book thirty years ago when I first started yoga. The discussion of dynamic and static poses, and using dynamic poses to move into static poses is excellent, as is the discussion of modifying poses and variations of breathing. The book is eminently readable and it's true that this is the kind of book you use every day to improve your own practice. AMENDMENT: I wrote the review above several years ago, but have decided it doesn't really cover some important parts of the book, so it's time for an amendment. I keep going back to this book, and recently I realized I hadn't included one of my favorite aspects of the book in the review. What I found most surprising about the book is the ideal that you can change the way you breathe through specific asanas. Probably because I can be annoyingly literal at times, I had always adhered to the breathing sequences I'd learned from my two primary teachers. Turns out, you can use different breathing patterns for a single asana! Imagine my surprise. It's impossible to exxagerate how important this book is to any serious or even semi-serious student of Yoga. Read it now and get years of benefit.


Set aside time and be ready to absorb a lot of info before you pick this one up. There is a great detail of information. At times I had to set the book down and regroup, but never for too long or I'd feel like I was hanging on the edge of a cliff. This book covers the basics and beyond of yoga drawing from classical texts. My favorite part is the translated sutras / commentary. Key information that helped me take my practice to a new level. Nicely written and organized. The use of language really has of way of being direct and full of life. Almost as if my own inner guide relays sacred and personal information meant for me and others who are on a journey. Every time I review a chapter or passage, I feel like the information this go around is totally new. The Heart of Yoga is sure to be a classic.


I am interested in getting teacher training sometime in the future but was interested in learning a little bit more about yoga in the meantime. This book gave so much information and explain things very well. I love learning about the history also.

Great book on yoga for a Western Sensibility

This is the best text on Yoga that I have read thus far in my journey. That might change but for now this book contains everything thing I've wanted to know or questioned about the practice. It is well written, easy to read and digest. I find this book much more accessible than other yogic texts.

One of the best books in yoga

The son of Sri T. Krisnamacharya explained about yoga in very easy way to understand, based on his experience with his father and during his life time teaching. Wonderful and informative book. Recommended for yoga practitioners and yoga teachers.

Its like a book within a book

This book is the real deal. It has everything about Yoga from beginner and advanced postures, meditation techniques, deep Hindu philosophy and wisdom, and even the origina yoga sutra with commentary in the back of the book. Its like a book within a book! Ive been searching for the right Yoga book, and although many books had a varying degree of these aspects, I finally can say I found THE comprehensive Yoga guide with all the physical, intellectual and spiritual aspects of Yoga fully fleshed out. Beginners and adepts will enjoy the many insights of this book.

dense, not an easy read but...'s considered by many to be an authoritative text, i'm a beginner at yoga, i just walked into a studio and signed up for beginner's classes, but once i started, i wanted to do some reading about what i'd gotten into, having never read anything about yoga, and as you can see from a cursory search of amazon, there are 100s of books written about the subject, so i asked some of the instructors and this book was one of the ones that was recommended. To me, this isn't a read-from-cover-to-cover book, but just open it anywhere and read a little.

Desikacher blends so beautifully a clear understanding of the yoga path with the ...

It is our required book for Yoga Teacher Training, and my go to book every year. Desikacher blends so beautifully a clear understanding of the yoga path with the power of the heart to assist you along the way. He understands the wholeness of the practice of yoga and helps others to bring a balance to the practice. It is through the heart that we can be self loving which is needed by many of us as our culture trains us well for the way of forcing, achieving and doing. This book is a treasure


I found the first third of the book to be profound in establishing a Yoga practice making sense of the various postures. The remainder of the book details the author's Yoga reflections. Some will see these as a helpful starting point and others will challenge them while establishing their own Yoga philosophy.

A Book for Everyone

The Heart of Yoga is easy to read and understand. He gives real life examples when explaining things. The book dose not force the yogi way onto you. It explains all the Origins or yoga. It goes in to depth about asanas, breathing practices, about 8 limbs of yoga, and much more. I haven't started my YTT yet, but I feel that this book has changed me. If you practice yoga and want to deepen your practice this is what you need to read. I recomend this book for everyone! The book was in great condition when I received. It is a great size and very durable for a paper back.

Five Stars

This book is the prerequisite for anyone beginning a physical yoga practice as well as yoga meditation.

Amazing text!

An AMAZING book for anyone wanting to know more about yoga. It takes classic literature (sutras of Patanjalli) and the philosophy of the yoga practice and makes it so clear and easy for anyone to understand, even us "westerners". I would recommend it to anyone!

Good Books Generate More Questions

This provides a wonderful resource that may be read multiple times with each reading yielding something new to ponder. It also complements other sources on the yoga sutras with practical recommendations for tailoring practice to an individual. Perhaps not for a beginner unless studying with a teacher or an experienced yoga practitioner.

The real deal

This book goes right to the heart of the origins of yoga and it's benefits. No new age mumbo jumbo. No flaky mysticism.

Inspirational šŸ™šŸ¼

Yogi in training. This book is a must if you are on the path of being a yogi. So inspirational and educational šŸ™šŸ¼

An important work about Yoga, to be sure. ...

An important work about Yoga, to be sure. Definitely one for the collection for any serious student of Yoga. This is about the REAL Yoga, and not just about asanas.

The philosophy part is the best.

Required reading for yoga teacher training. Well written, includes Yoga Sutras. The philosophy part is the best.

A Perfect Start to Learning Yoga

This is a great starting point for those who want to experience more than exercise from their Yoga practice. Desikachar divides this book into two sections: an easy-to-read prelude to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Sutras themselves. The Sutras are presented in their original and beautiful Sanscript script, in a transliteration, and in an understandable translation, followed by a discussion of each Sutra. The first half of the text presents many of the ideas of Patanjali so simply that the reader is unaware that he or she is learning some important Yoga ideas. Unlike many translators, Desikachar presents and discusses the Sutras clearly and understandably. This is an essential text for those wanting to get more from Yoga than flexible joints.

Good overview of yoga for the beginner

Most Americans think of yoga as just the physical poses. Once they get interested in the philosophy, they have a tendency to get silly about it - believing any old thing as long as it's weird and New Age-y and feel good. This book by contrast is written by a real yogi, famous in the world of yoga. It's not really so much of a "how-to" book although there is some instruction, it's more of an intro to yoga. I found it easy to read, enjoyable and informative. There is a complete translation of Patanjali's yoga sutra at the back of the book. i guess the only reason why I would not give this book 5 stars is that the title is a little misleading. I don't think a person could make a personal practice of yoga merely by reading this book. I would suggest taking a few classes at an ashram or a gym or a studio - just to get clear on the alignment, before going rogue. For a person with some prior experience, you could create a personal practice after learning the basics of sequencing and breath work from this book

More thatn just stretching and exercise

This book exceded expectations. It is a very down to earth approach to yoga as more than just exercise.

Most excellent. Trade Required reading for any serious practitioner of ...

Most excellent. Trade Required reading for any serious practitioner of yoga. Simply brilliant, authentic and uplifting.

Great for yogis and non-yogis alike!

In addition to being a great resource for yoga teachers and students alike it has been a great book for life. I purchased this book for a 200 hour yoga teacher training.

Best Yoga book ever

This is a serious best book about Yoga (practice and philosophy). Staring with interviews and descriptions of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.. itā€™s just amazing book for all who loves yoga!

Great read and reread for someone interested in yoga

This is a great book. It is my second time reading. I feel like I found more in it to hold onto the second time in the first. This is Desikachar's thoughts about yoga - physical as well as spiritual and mental practice. I also get just as much from his commentary on the Sutra's near the end as I do from the Sutra's themselves.

Great book ... not great Kindle edition

This is a great book. I have both the paperback and the kindle edition (I got the Kindle edition because I moved overseas and wanted to have a copy with me). The book introduces the foundation of yoga philosophy and is a great starting point for yoga students who want to learn how to continue their yoga practice off the mat. My only problem is that in the kindle edition many of the letters for the Sanskirt words are not rendered. There seems to be no clear reason why. In some instances a word appears but other sections of the book the one or two of the letters my be missing. For me it is annoying, but I am reading this book for the third time, so I know which letters are missing. For first time readers, I recommend the paperback copy unless you really must by the Kindle edition.

Good book

Bought it for YTT not much to say, good book

Excellent book

The best book of yoga i have read ever. The book provides information about asanas, pranayamas, bandhas, etc., that is very interesting in the practice of yoga, especially if you want to get a deeply underatanding of yoga.

Good gift

Gifted it. The recipient seemed happy.

Love this

Love this book. It really helped me dive deeper into my practice and fully understand why and the purpose of doing the practice

A beautifully written book with a lot of yogic insight and ...

A beautifully written book with a lot of yogic insight and wisdom. This is a must read for every westerner who thinks they understand yoga. It is more than a physical practice and there is a lot to be learned!

A must read for any yoga enthusiast

A must read book for anyone interested in yoga. Most teachers teach the mechanics of yoga but not the deep principles behind it. This explains them beautifully. Highly recommended.

Good Read

Very well written & easy to follow the history of yoga as opposed to a lot of other yoga books I've dabbled with.

This is really about Desikachar's Father, who in many ...

This is really about Desikachar's Father, who in many 'ways' is the Grandfather of Yoga that has come to the West and the rest of the World. A 'must' have for any Yogi's Library.

Received on time.

Looking forward to reading this book !

Good buy

Very detailed and clear

Best book on yoga philosophy and practice

This is one of my favorite books on classical yoga philosophy and practice. I am undergoing yoga teacher certification and this book is a required text, along with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Iyengar's Light on Yoga, and many others. Desikachar writes in such an approachable style that it makes learning about the somewhat esoteric concepts of yoga and the 8-limbed path quite clear and easy to apply to modern life. Other texts relay the same information, but in a way that necessitates a bit of interpretation and reflection on what it could mean for you today, as opposed to how the great teachers used the teachings centuries ago. The book is comprehensive and engaging, covering everything from an explanation of the classical teachings through Patanjali's 8-limbed path (the actual sutras and an interpretation are also included in at the end of the book) to pranayama, meditation, structuring an asana practice, and philosophical discussins of the importance and uses of the teachings in our daily life. Not just for formal students! I would highly recommend this book for anyone interested in learning more about the yoga path and lifestyle. In fact, I think every person could benefit from reading this book.

Timeless Classic

A classic that is timeless for all students of yoga.

Great read! However

Great read! However, the binding came un-glued causing about half the pages to hang loose, so I have it held together with a large clasp. Makes it difficult while reading, but I think the content is well worth the minor inconvenience. A must read for any yogi!

Great read

This book sucks you right in! I love it!

not what I'd expected

This is partialy a story of how one man found his way to yoga. And it has some very basic practice recommendations for practicioner - always good whether a beginner or experienced. These I appreciated. Thought there would be more, and in this case, it might be the Kindle format limited my experience with the book

Great book to read as a beginner or any level in your yoga journey.

Great book very informative.



Amazing book. I've been practicing yoga for about 1

Amazing book. I've been practicing yoga for about 1.5 years. This is the perfect first book to take my practice to the next level and really dive into the ideas of yoga

Yogi development

A great read for any yogiā€™s looking to take their practice to the next level. Great for yoga teacher training!

Great book to rƩ-learning how to breathe.

Important book to re-learning how to breathe and how to include in your yoga šŸ§˜ā™€ļø poses.

The best book on a personal yoga practice.

This book is how I got started into having my own personal yoga practice. I had done yoga off and on for five years, but always felt like there was something missing. This book showed me the importance of having my own personal yoga practice. I have developed my own yoga practice since buying this book and even decided to become a teacher. This book changed my life.

Five Stars

Very educational and well written. I feel that my yoga practice improved with the knowledge I gained from reading.

Wonderful information

Great story and great insight into the Yoga Sutras.

Interests a person.

Great book for a reader that wants to know Yoga inside out. Initially got this book as a gift for my wife but I also ended up reading this and found it very interesting.Was completely engrossed reading the book and finished reading it in a couple of days.

An introduction to the yoga practice without equal

I found this book to be an invaluable source of relevant material as i begin a yoga practice with an accredited yoga instructor. The book does contains The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali but the book by Sri Swami Satchidananda is far superior in its clarity. This book is highly recommended for its thorough discussion of the yoga practice leading to a pursuit of excellence in the yoga practice including the spiritual aspect as well.

Good book

I got a lot from this book but very religious

EXCellent book on Yoga Philosophy from a Master

This is one of the best yoga books I have read. The author knows so much, having been raised by a yoga master as well. I like the philosophy of small classes where the instructor can really pay attention to where each student is and their particular physical body. It is written in a readable style. Definitely recommend it.

A Yoga must

Was in great condition. A Yoga must

Excellent book on the theory of Yoga

Excellent book on the theory of Yoga. This book is very easy to understand and complete. This book is better than most other books on the theory of Yoga.

Truly Inspirational!

Truly Inspirational! I absolutely love this book! I'm reading it slowly for a second time and will likely read it a tenth. I have been a practicing yoga student for years, but this book has really opened my mind to a more complete understanding of yoga. It seems that many books get lost in the mechanics of poses or treat it purely as a way to get great abs. In contrast this book emphasizes a steady, safe and incremental path to learning yoga. It embraces all forms of practice and is refreshingly absent of persuasion towards any style. It discusses the importance of having a good teacher and learning techniques at the appropriate time and in the correct way. It covers all the branches of yoga and discusses the importance of ancient texts. It brings clarity to the purpose of yoga and how the mind, body and breath function together. And it is a wonderful window into another place and time into the lives of Desikachar and Krishnamacharya... a glimpse directly into the fountain of yoga. This book is perfect for anyone looking to deepen and expand their understanding of yoga.



Beyond Yoga Class at Your Gym

Super information about the philosophy of yoga, not only how to use posters but also how to God the brodest benefits of yoga by leveraging its philosophical teachings. Great respect to the author for an excellent an thoughtful book!

A classic yoga manual

A beautiful book full of excellent advice for your own practice, as well as for those who wish to teach. It is very specific with examples and space for notes. There is also a helpful pronunciation guide in the appendix.

Five Stars

Lovely reading, I feel his compromise!!!

Four Stars

Itā€™s a very good guide to understanding yoga

The Heart of Yoga, T.K.V Desikachar

This is a good book to own, especially if you already own a few yoga books. This book is very informative and many yogic terms and philosophies are explained clearly. In the very first chapter Patanjali's Yoga Sutras are mentioned. Chapter three discusses breathing. Chapters four and five are about asana practice (counterposes, resting between asanas, how do you practice asana, how fast, how to adjust your breathing as you practice, etc). There are sequences in this book, but you will not see a description how to practice a particular asana on its own, there is no list of the common asanas, because the book introduces you to yoga in general and from the point of view of the Yoga Sutras. (The Sutras are included in the book, as well as "thirty-two poems by Krishnamacharya that capture the essence of his teachings", as mentioned on publisher's website, ( You will see many black and white photographs of Krishnamacharya and the author, performing asanas or pranayama. All of the asana seguences are drawn images. There are separate chapters on Pranayama and Bandhas. In general, this is a great book for someone who enjoys reading more about yogic phisiology and philosophy, who loves Sanskrit (the book mentions many yogic terms in Sanskrit) and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This is a thorough book on yoga and it gives a reader an understanding of what yoga is really about.

fantastic book. goes over the "basics" in helpful detail

fantastic book. goes over the "basics" in helpful detail. great for learning the meaning of many Sanskrit words used in yoga practice as well as deeper meanings of their origins and uses in practice.

Good condition

Amazing book

THE guide for yoga!

If you are interested in learning yoga for yourself or becoming a teacher, this is the perfect guide. I am re-reading it after having read it for my yoga teacher training and the ideas presented are fantastic and useful. The book is organized in a very easy-to-follow manner that makes it simple to build a yoga practice for yourself or a class.

So much information

Loved this book as an avid yogi and aspiring teacher. Has great inspiration on how to get motivated to begin your practice

good read for one's yoga practice

As described; good book


This book is very helpful is explaining what each exercise is good for and how to tailor it to your own needs and health issues. It also has Sanskrit translations of the terms and great pictures. It details how true yogis approach these exercises.


Great read

Best first book

One of the best books for beginner yogis. I would suggest this as a first book!

My favorite

My favorite yoga book

A yogi's perspective

Just as the title says, "The Heart of Yoga" delves into the yoga philosophy and what yoga really means and what it means to practice yoga and why you would want to develop a personal practice. This book is inspirational and will bring you closer to your yoga practice. I highly recommend this book for any serious yoga student.

Really good book covering the basics of a Yoga practice

Very good book covering the basics, this is not a book of asanas, but about the philosophy and how to build a practice. Really good book for those who are starting to take yoga seriousy as a philosophy. I would recommed to others, esp if you want to deepen your practice.

A Classic

This book has been a go-to for my personal practice and helped me understand the philosophy behind yoga. It is a required text in my yoga teacher trainings. The inclusion of the Yoga Sutras and commentary by Desikachar are a huge plus.

Five Stars

Fundamental reading for yoga therapy

Five Stars

A wonderfully informative book that reads very easily. Basics on asanas and pranayama

Great book!!

Great book--every page has so much wisdom. Would recommend for all people to read, even those who are not pursuing yoga teacher training like I am

Excellent book and highly recommended

I liked the depth the book covers. It is possible to learn a lot about yoga, many things were stunning for me. And to see a man doing asanas till a very high age, that's inspiring:-) I would give ten stars if that was possible;-)

Four Stars

Quite informative book on Yoga

Buy it you wont regret it

One of the best books on Yoga I have ever read. Combined with not only amazing details about how yoga actually works but also so many tips on how to start your Yoga practice or take it to the next level. I recommend this books to everyone from the novice to the seasoned yogi.

The Heart of Yoga

Great book for adding meaning to practice. I'm a beginner and this book is deepening my understanding of what I'm doing, it not only guides me through asanas and breathing, but it helps me understand the how and why of practice.

Great info

I am doing yoga teacher training an this book has lots of great information!

Wonderful book to deepen your yoga practice

Wonderful book to deepen your yoga practice. I read this on my own and am re-reading for a Yoga Teacher Training program I am in. Love it.

In the middle of the book now

I bought this for teacher training. Some of the examples are confusing. The definitions for terms are too short and not applied broadly enough. But, it gives a basic understanding. More research is needed to fully grasp what the author is trying to convey.

There is a reason this book is a favorite for yoga instructors and students alike

There is a reason this book is a favorite for yoga instructors and students alike. Great introduction to yoga beyond the mat as well as a wonderful guide to developing your own individual practice. Totally recommend this book to everyone.

Five Stars

Excited about this book

I love it, help me a lot

I love it, help me a lot, with tips, and information why and how to build a very effective practice

Loved this

This book is amazing. It teaches you about yoga as a way of life rather than a physical practice. There is a really good balance between asanas, breathing, alignment and yogic philosophy. I would definitely recommend it

I learned a lot

Awesome book

Five Stars

Good book

even for a beginner like me!

Very helpful insights regarding yoga, even for a beginner like me!

Like this book a lot!

I can really hear T. K. V. Desikachar when I'm reading this book. You can tell he wrote it to satisfy his desire to teach.

great book so far

This book was recommended to me and I am only a few chapters in but can tell I will be rereading and referring to this book again.

Very good book detailing yogic philosophy.

Good reference on yogic philosophy. For practical use.

Five Stars

Best yoga book I've read

Book I was looking for

Most of the books on Yoga talk about postures (asanas) but they will never tell you the essentials of them. It becomes difficult to ascertain in the flood of so many asanas which one should one do, why and how. This book focuses on the basic fundamentals of Yoga and makes sure to make you understand that asanas are just one part of Yoga ans it's much more than you imagined before. That way you become comfortable to join the journey.

Read this one first!

Recommend for all yogi beginners!

Five Stars

From the first chapter you are completely captivated. Life changing book.

Thorough overview

This is a great book for new and experienced students/teachers of yoga. It offers a wealth of information that may get missed in a traditional yoga teacher training and is written in a warm and encouraging style. One of my favorite yoga books.

Five Stars

Amazing book

Five Stars

A very helpful book on the history

Five Stars

a really great read for all levels of yogi's

Very helpful

Enjoyed this. Helpful to those wanting to start their own regular practice. Appendices with glossary and sequences wer especially helpful.

Five Stars

#inyogawetrust this book is necessary for the roots of yoga.

Well put and easy to follow


One of my favorite resources for yoga philosophy.

Great over view of Hatha yoga. Bought it for teacher training and I refer to it often, especially when studying the sutras.

A beautifully written text

This is wonderful text about the origins of one of the great yoga teachers in the last century. It is well written and has great pictures to illustrate the text.


Well written. Insightful. Resonates

A good book for you practice at home..

I like this book, it has been helpful with deepening my understandings of yoga and also with understanding other yoga texts that i have been reading. It is a great book to help with developing your personal yoga practice and has things in it to help develop your own sequence, good introductory stuff about yogic breathing and it is pretty straightforward and easy to read and understand.

Five Stars

One of the best books around, should be in your library

I simply love this book

I simply love this book! There is a "key" for Sanskrit which I needed. The information will help deepen your practice and application to life.

Great book

Very informative and enlightening, easy read and on a basic level.... Never read above my head... Chapters were not to long so I never got bored reading....

don't know

It was in excellent condition

Five Stars

Really great!

Five Stars

Well written.

Yoga Practitioner Staple

In my first Yoga Teacher Training, this was the textbook. It stays with me for reference on my kindle now.

A must.

Simply a must for all teachers. This is the foundation of my Teacher Training.

Five Stars

Excellent book for beginners or advance students of yoga.

Used As Textbook

This book, The Heart of Yoga... has been very helpful for weekly learning purposes for RYT 200 yoga teacher training.

Wonderful book

The modest Desikachar is perhaps the leading living authority on yoga, especially the vinyasa styles popular in the west. This book, which is partly a homage to his father, is full of excellent information for experienced yogis. In this text he gently reminds the reader that yoga is " the practice of self-realisation.."

Excellent product and Great service,

Excellent product

When i ordered the book I chosed a used one...but it looks like new and it's a very good book!!

When i ordered the book I chosed a used one...but it looks like new and it's a very good book!! happy!!

A "Bible" for any studying Yogi.

I would recommend this book to everyone who would like to learn about what "Yoga" is. I feel it should be a required read for all Western Medical students as well as all students of "Yoga".

Interesting, easy to follow

I've been enjoying yoga for almost 3 years and loved the history introduce by this book, the pictures, and learning more about yoga philosophy; easy to read and understand for beginners; I would definitely recommend this book!

Five Stars

Enjoyed this book

required reading for my yoga class

this book was very helpful when i was doing my teacher training for yoga. very helpful and useful for yoga practice

I love this book!

I have only gotten about half of the way through this book but I have already learned so much! So many different aspects of my practice have changed and I have this book to thank. If you are looking to deepen your practice and are interested in all the pieces of yoga (not just the asana part) then I recommend this book! :)

Viniyoga Yoga

Excellent view of Vini Yoga from the spiritual elements As well as the physical

Five Stars

The best book ever

One of the best books on yoga

Full of insight, this book explains yoga a la Pantajali, in language that makes it relevant to your everyday life. It's awesome, and I will keep coming back to it.


class text book. Good book

Four Stars

wife liked it


Highly recommended compendium. Very comprehensive including poses, breathing, philosophy, question-and-answers, and an interpretation of the sutras. A must for the serious yoga practitioner.

beautiful elucidation of the yogic path

Desikachar breaks down that which is very complex and detailed into a comprehensible text that Westerners can use. I found it to be a good place to start. He covers the Eight Limbs of Yoga, the Yoga Sutras; he details the various qualities of mind, the nine obstacles, and how, in this modern day, we can frame the ancient texts in a practical way to "refine what we have into gold". I'll be rereading this book more than a few times before I'm ready for anything denser.

good info

I liked the autobiographical nature of the book. I read it for a training at Kripalu, teaching yoga to seniors.

Five Stars

Good quality.

Five Stars

Awesome!!!!!! trailblazer into to amazing journey!!1

Five Stars

Easy to read. One of my favorite books from my RYT 200 hour program.

Great Book - Very informative

Purchased this book for my yoga teacher training but often refer back to it now as a teacher. I really enjoyed this book and keep it handy. I have gone back and begun to re-read it again.

Authoritative but not intimidating

I'm new to yoga beyond asana, and this book explained the foundations and history of integrated yoga practice as well as how to create a personal practice. Experienced practitioners could find this a useful reference as well. Easy to read but full of insight.

Great Explanation of Yoga

As someone new to the world of yoga, I found this book to be an excellent introduction to the concepts and framework of yoga. I love reading the sutras at the end of the book and hearing this ancient wisdom speak to me in the present tense.

It's a great, very valuable work by Master Desikachar

It's a great, very valuable work by Master Desikachar! I teach yoga for years, yet I am so grateful for this book! It gives a different outlook that enriched my own personal practice and gave me a key to be even more of help to my students! Thank you!

Five Stars

Great book!

easy to understand and very useful for me

Well written, easy to understand and very useful for me!!

Nice book to learn about the philosophy of yoga

I bought this book because my friend strongly recommended it to me. It is a great book if you are a beginner in Yoga. It explains the basic philosophy of Yoga and deepens my understanding of it. I have found the practice sets at the end of the book particularly helpful. In addition, it teaches you about counterposes and breathing techniques which you don't usually learn in class. The book is thick but easy to carry. You can read it on a trip.

I have read many, many, many books on ...

I have read many, many, many books on yoga the last 40 years, and the Heart of Yoga is right there near the top of my list! Kenny Rowlett

Five Stars

all good

A very special book

An insightful, warm, educated and beautifully written book. TKV Desikachar is inspiring; and as a yoga student this book will be an eternal and excellent resource for me.

beautifully written

So much clarity in the words. So thoughtfully written. This is a must have for everyone:). I will be re- reading this book:).

Favorite of the must reads

Favorite of the must reads. Desiccator gives permission to immerse and yet do so at a rate and depth that you can stay present in.

The only Yoga book you need.

Excellent book. Easy to read and understand. This book is a must have if want to go deeper into your practice.

Desikachar brings grace and allowance to all with his graceful ...

Desikachar brings grace and allowance to all with his graceful and methodical explanation that demystifies the practice to new and seasoned practitioners . He lives on eternally -

Five Stars

Really good teachings.

Five Stars

Great read

Five Stars


Five Stars

Best book ever on Yoga.

Wonderful Resource

This book is truly a complete and comprehensive resource for anyone looking to enter into a teaching program or anyone simply looking to deepen or develop their own personal practice.

A Wonderful Intro to Yoga

This book is a wonderful intro to yoga - I was introduced to it by my personal yoga teacher and shared with my class yoga instructor. He loved it as well.

Five Stars

great book that dives into so many aspects of yoga.

Five Stars

Beautiful read.

sweet book. Explains the yoga sutras well in an ...

A simple, sweet book. Explains the yoga sutras well in an easy to understand way. Good for a beginner just getting into the theory behind yoga!

Wonderful Yoga book!

Wonderful in depth Yoga book. This was required reading in my 200 hr yoga teacher training class. I learned a great deal and it was easy to understand the concepts. Highly recommended!

Great Book on Yoga,

I was blown away. This book was recommended to me by a yoga teacher and I love it. More about the basic philosophy and practice of yoga than a diagram of poses. There is Outstanding info just on the nature of teaching and learning. LOVE IT

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