The Freelance Content Marketing Writer: Find your perfect clients, Make tons of money and Build a business you love

Kindle Edition
01 May
Join the ranks of high-earning freelance writers. Earn six figures as a freelance content marketing writer with this comprehensive how-to guide. This book reveals their secrets. Inside is everything you need to know to start or grow a freelance content marketing business. Jennifer shares her proven ideas, step-by-step processes and templates for writers of all career stages. Hundreds of writers (including Jennifer, herself) have used these methods to find high-paying clients, increase their income and create businesses they truly love. You’ll learn how to: • Craft an LOI that’s worth $10k or more • Create a website and LinkedIn profile that brings clients to you • Tap into your experience and skills to find your perfect niches • Write great content that your clients love • Design a business that gives you work-life balance

Reviews (123)

Expertly reveals the secrets & strategies to building a high-income freelance content marketing business

Don’t make the same mistake I did here… Namely, putting off getting this comprehensive guide because I figured I'd already read enough books, e-books, articles and so on about content marketing. Fortunately, I’ve subscribed to JGG’s blog for years and recently, joined her Facebook group. And in both places, I keep seeing professionals and newbies heaping high-praise on her book. So it finally struck me. Yes, I’ve read mucho material on content writing. But the reason I valued Jennifer’s posts so much was for her “in-the-trenches” insights on building a freelance business and getting and retaining clients. So I ordered her “How-To” guide. And my second thoughts were on the nose. First, Jennifer packed a Godzillian amount of specialized knowledge into its 264 content pages. Also—this masterful volume isn’t a clutter of vague advice, swipes from other sources, or cheesy templates easily found online. Nope. Here, Jennifer draws from her vast experience to provide you with the priceless, peerless power to… …find and retain high-paying clients …create captivating content …dramatically boost your income …create a business that you’ll love ...and a heckuva lot more. All without investing in pricey seminars or costly online courses. So do your career a favor and check this book out. With all the proven ideas, processes, and templates it contains, I assure you, you won’t be disappointed.

Step by Step Guide to How You Can Become a Successful Freelance Content Marketing Writer

A fun read and useful guide for a newbie or anyone with professional writing experience who wants to work as a content marketing writer and grow their business. Jennifer shares all kinds of personal experiences (a friend had to help finish an article that was not going well to get her to stop complaining about it - that cracked me up) she went through on her way to earning a six figure income. She doesn't lord her skils and success over the reader but uses the many things she went through to get there as examples for others to learn from. I liked the tough love tone of the book: she sincerely believes that if you have some writing ability and a desire to do the work and become successful you can, and make decent money. And she shows you step by step the work you need to do to get there. From explaining what content marketing is, how it differs from journalism, how to identify a niche, how to find clients, etc. etc. If this is the work you want to do, this is the book for you. To help you further, Jennifer runs an excelelnt Facebook group - "The Freelance Content Marketing Writer" - that is full of awesome folks walking this path, running successful writing business, and sharing information on any and everything related to that goal. Be sure to check it out.

One of the Two Best Books on Running a Freelance Writing Business

Jennifer Goforth Gregory has written one of the two best books on how to make a living as a freelance writer. FYI - the other is Peter Bowerman's "The Well-Fed Writer." In this book, Gregory presents down-to-earth and actionable ideas that anyone can use to build their business. There are no lofty or esoteric ideas here but only techniques that will work if you apply them. The author draws a distinction between writing you do to pay the bills and writing you do for self-fulfillment. She does not say to avoid one or the other but rather than writing to pay the bills helps make it possible for you to try to change the world through your writing. The writing in this book is clear and concise. It was clearly written to communicate ideas and not win a literary prize. That makes the book easy-to-read and extremely useful.

Everything You Need to Know To Make Tons of Money

Gregory has written a gripping, tell-all when it comes to making lots of money as a content marketing writer. She reveals all her strategies, warts and all. Besides that, she tells you exactly how to achieve the success that she has, what her monetary goals are, and to add the best topping of all, she offers everyone who wants one, a free 30-minute call with her to discuss what you want to achieve and how to do it. Gregory is an all-around nice person who wants to help those starting out in this industry and those who’ve encountered some stumbling blocks. If writing content is on your to-do list, this is the manual for you to read over and over again and do the hard work the author suggests. I’m about to go through the book a second time and thoroughly employ Gregory’s recommendations.

Amazing Resource For Any And Every Level Of Writer

Although I'm an experienced writer, I'm just now trying to get into content marketing writing. I had been introduced to Jennifer's blog, and was so excited when I found out that she published a book. It's a quick read, but I found myself going back and reading certain sections over and over, with my highlighter in hand. I'm a beginner in content marketing and found all the information to be a guidebook on the steps I have to take. But it's also geared towards those who have been in the industry for years, giving marketing plans and tips that people of any level can implement for success. More than anything though, she is just an amazing person. She takes phone calls every week from writers, she has an AMAZING and supportive Facebook group, and she's so generous with her time and her knowledge. I'm not seeing results as of yet, but I have no doubt that if I follow her plan it will happen sooner rather than later. If I could give this 10 stars, I would.

Great for both new and experienced freelancers

Oh how I wish I'd had this book when I was starting out. It is packed with practical and super helpful information about how to run a lucrative and fulfilling freelance writing business. Even seasoned freelancers who regularly make 6 figures a year will find plenty in this book to be inspired by--I found myself jotting down a bunch of new things to try as I read. The truth is, I don't even do that much content marketing. Most of the lessons in this book are valid whatever type of freelance writing you do. I'm so glad that Jennifer packaged the excellent content of her blog into this convenient book, and I'd recommend it to any freelance writer interested in improving their business.

I Learned So Much

I've been doing content marketing writing for a few years, and I'm also a longtime reader of the author's blog, so I hesitated to order this book at first. I figured there wouldn't be much new information for me. I was wrong. I learned so much from reading this book and came away with a solid action plan to up my game in marketing my writing services to bigger and better companies and to break into new, better paying niches. I highly recommend this book for newbies and experienced content marketing writers. Great book!

The Go-to Guide for Content Marketing Writers

A fantastic guide for anyone looking to start or grow their freelance writing business. Jennifer's book is chock-full of actionable advice and tactics that walk you step-by-step through the content marketing writer process. From finding and connecting with the right clients, to negotiating rates and project scope, even mindset strategies to "think" like a business owner. Jennifer's personality shines through in the book as she shares many of her biggest triumphs and tragedies throughout her career (which serves to make her story all the more authentic). Really enjoyed this book and I'm already seeing results from implementing some of the strategies she recommends.

Fantastic tips and advice for beginning writers and those who want to grow their business.

I've already been a huge fan of Jennifer's blog so I've been patiently waiting for this book and it did not disappoint. Even though I've been freelance writing for a few years, I learned quite a few new tips and strategies that I'm really excited to try in my own business. This book is great for both people who are brand new to freelance writing and also those who have some experience but are really looking to level up by increasing their income and finding better clients. I've already recommended this to others.

Keep this at your desk! You'll return to it again and again.

I've been freelancing for two years now, but when I made the leap to full-time, I knew I needed to kick it into high gear. Any money spent at the beginning stages of business is precious. Will I regret this? Will this be another book I skim through, never to pick it up again? No. I have written in the margins, underlined, and earmarked this book. Jennifer generously provides several actionable checklists for gaining clients, growing your income, etc. etc. The book (and her Facebook) group have helped me over and over. It has given me the confidence to gain the clients I have now -- and I don't doubt I'll return to it when I need advice (or real templates!) for raising prices, expanding niches, "firing" clients whose goals don't match mine, and more. Seriously. If you're a freelance writer, buy it.

Expertly reveals the secrets & strategies to building a high-income freelance content marketing business

Don’t make the same mistake I did here… Namely, putting off getting this comprehensive guide because I figured I'd already read enough books, e-books, articles and so on about content marketing. Fortunately, I’ve subscribed to JGG’s blog for years and recently, joined her Facebook group. And in both places, I keep seeing professionals and newbies heaping high-praise on her book. So it finally struck me. Yes, I’ve read mucho material on content writing. But the reason I valued Jennifer’s posts so much was for her “in-the-trenches” insights on building a freelance business and getting and retaining clients. So I ordered her “How-To” guide. And my second thoughts were on the nose. First, Jennifer packed a Godzillian amount of specialized knowledge into its 264 content pages. Also—this masterful volume isn’t a clutter of vague advice, swipes from other sources, or cheesy templates easily found online. Nope. Here, Jennifer draws from her vast experience to provide you with the priceless, peerless power to… …find and retain high-paying clients …create captivating content …dramatically boost your income …create a business that you’ll love ...and a heckuva lot more. All without investing in pricey seminars or costly online courses. So do your career a favor and check this book out. With all the proven ideas, processes, and templates it contains, I assure you, you won’t be disappointed.

Step by Step Guide to How You Can Become a Successful Freelance Content Marketing Writer

A fun read and useful guide for a newbie or anyone with professional writing experience who wants to work as a content marketing writer and grow their business. Jennifer shares all kinds of personal experiences (a friend had to help finish an article that was not going well to get her to stop complaining about it - that cracked me up) she went through on her way to earning a six figure income. She doesn't lord her skils and success over the reader but uses the many things she went through to get there as examples for others to learn from. I liked the tough love tone of the book: she sincerely believes that if you have some writing ability and a desire to do the work and become successful you can, and make decent money. And she shows you step by step the work you need to do to get there. From explaining what content marketing is, how it differs from journalism, how to identify a niche, how to find clients, etc. etc. If this is the work you want to do, this is the book for you. To help you further, Jennifer runs an excelelnt Facebook group - "The Freelance Content Marketing Writer" - that is full of awesome folks walking this path, running successful writing business, and sharing information on any and everything related to that goal. Be sure to check it out.

One of the Two Best Books on Running a Freelance Writing Business

Jennifer Goforth Gregory has written one of the two best books on how to make a living as a freelance writer. FYI - the other is Peter Bowerman's "The Well-Fed Writer." In this book, Gregory presents down-to-earth and actionable ideas that anyone can use to build their business. There are no lofty or esoteric ideas here but only techniques that will work if you apply them. The author draws a distinction between writing you do to pay the bills and writing you do for self-fulfillment. She does not say to avoid one or the other but rather than writing to pay the bills helps make it possible for you to try to change the world through your writing. The writing in this book is clear and concise. It was clearly written to communicate ideas and not win a literary prize. That makes the book easy-to-read and extremely useful.

Everything You Need to Know To Make Tons of Money

Gregory has written a gripping, tell-all when it comes to making lots of money as a content marketing writer. She reveals all her strategies, warts and all. Besides that, she tells you exactly how to achieve the success that she has, what her monetary goals are, and to add the best topping of all, she offers everyone who wants one, a free 30-minute call with her to discuss what you want to achieve and how to do it. Gregory is an all-around nice person who wants to help those starting out in this industry and those who’ve encountered some stumbling blocks. If writing content is on your to-do list, this is the manual for you to read over and over again and do the hard work the author suggests. I’m about to go through the book a second time and thoroughly employ Gregory’s recommendations.

Amazing Resource For Any And Every Level Of Writer

Although I'm an experienced writer, I'm just now trying to get into content marketing writing. I had been introduced to Jennifer's blog, and was so excited when I found out that she published a book. It's a quick read, but I found myself going back and reading certain sections over and over, with my highlighter in hand. I'm a beginner in content marketing and found all the information to be a guidebook on the steps I have to take. But it's also geared towards those who have been in the industry for years, giving marketing plans and tips that people of any level can implement for success. More than anything though, she is just an amazing person. She takes phone calls every week from writers, she has an AMAZING and supportive Facebook group, and she's so generous with her time and her knowledge. I'm not seeing results as of yet, but I have no doubt that if I follow her plan it will happen sooner rather than later. If I could give this 10 stars, I would.

Great for both new and experienced freelancers

Oh how I wish I'd had this book when I was starting out. It is packed with practical and super helpful information about how to run a lucrative and fulfilling freelance writing business. Even seasoned freelancers who regularly make 6 figures a year will find plenty in this book to be inspired by--I found myself jotting down a bunch of new things to try as I read. The truth is, I don't even do that much content marketing. Most of the lessons in this book are valid whatever type of freelance writing you do. I'm so glad that Jennifer packaged the excellent content of her blog into this convenient book, and I'd recommend it to any freelance writer interested in improving their business.

I Learned So Much

I've been doing content marketing writing for a few years, and I'm also a longtime reader of the author's blog, so I hesitated to order this book at first. I figured there wouldn't be much new information for me. I was wrong. I learned so much from reading this book and came away with a solid action plan to up my game in marketing my writing services to bigger and better companies and to break into new, better paying niches. I highly recommend this book for newbies and experienced content marketing writers. Great book!

The Go-to Guide for Content Marketing Writers

A fantastic guide for anyone looking to start or grow their freelance writing business. Jennifer's book is chock-full of actionable advice and tactics that walk you step-by-step through the content marketing writer process. From finding and connecting with the right clients, to negotiating rates and project scope, even mindset strategies to "think" like a business owner. Jennifer's personality shines through in the book as she shares many of her biggest triumphs and tragedies throughout her career (which serves to make her story all the more authentic). Really enjoyed this book and I'm already seeing results from implementing some of the strategies she recommends.

Fantastic tips and advice for beginning writers and those who want to grow their business.

I've already been a huge fan of Jennifer's blog so I've been patiently waiting for this book and it did not disappoint. Even though I've been freelance writing for a few years, I learned quite a few new tips and strategies that I'm really excited to try in my own business. This book is great for both people who are brand new to freelance writing and also those who have some experience but are really looking to level up by increasing their income and finding better clients. I've already recommended this to others.

Keep this at your desk! You'll return to it again and again.

I've been freelancing for two years now, but when I made the leap to full-time, I knew I needed to kick it into high gear. Any money spent at the beginning stages of business is precious. Will I regret this? Will this be another book I skim through, never to pick it up again? No. I have written in the margins, underlined, and earmarked this book. Jennifer generously provides several actionable checklists for gaining clients, growing your income, etc. etc. The book (and her Facebook) group have helped me over and over. It has given me the confidence to gain the clients I have now -- and I don't doubt I'll return to it when I need advice (or real templates!) for raising prices, expanding niches, "firing" clients whose goals don't match mine, and more. Seriously. If you're a freelance writer, buy it.

The nudge that even experienced freelancers need!

As someone who writes business guidebooks and teaches marketing classes for freelance translators, I highly recommend this book! I've been a full-time freelancer for 16 years and needed some new marketing mojo after a few long-term projects wrapped up--Jennifer's book provided it. She has a great combination of mindset tips (how to think more productively and creatively about your business) with do-it-now advice about marketing. I also found her data points very interesting: how many inquiries should you send out before expecting to land a new client, etc. Another helpful feature is Jennifer's *real* examples of her own marketing e-mails and pitches. Definitely give this book a try, regardless of whether you're a newbie or an experienced freelancer!

It's like having a business coach sitting right next to you!

I've been a freelancer for more than a decade and have read a number of books about freelancing (and making tons of money doing it). Many of the books I've read are vague or impractical and often seem more like hype than anything else, so I was hesitant to read this one. But it was recommended to me, so I decided to give it a read. I'm so glad I did. This book is different! Jennifer is genuine about wanting to help fellow freelancers. It comes through in her writing. She doesn't tell you it's easy to make a ton of money, but she tells you it's possible and gives you actionable ways to move forward in your business, no matter what you write about. Anyone in any stage of the freelancing journey can benefit from this thorough and well-written book!

The Bible for Freelance Content Marketing Writers

There is so much information on content marketing writing, but how do you know what you can trust? Jennifer Goforth Gregory is a proven expert in this field, passionately providing content for many years. Her blog has helped many writers define their niche, locate clients, and rapidly build their reputation to have high-value clients coming to them. The book is a collection of tips from an industry leader with a proven track record of success. It is obvious she is a successful writer, and this book gives you insight as to how she's build a successful business. The best thing about the book is that from the first page, it is clear Jennifer is an active successful writer. Her passion for the discipline and desire to help others overflows from the text, and the book is written in a clear, easy-to-understand style. The book collects the best tips from her blog and includes additional content that helps writers at any stage of their freelance careers. This is the best and only resource you need to become a high-earning freelance content marketing writer; I offer my highest recommendation. Cheers, Jennifer on a great book and I'm looking forward to the next one!

Best writing career guide I've ever read

Many reviewers have talked about this as a helpful book about writing, but I think it's even more life-changing than that. As a former academic, I knew next to nothing about the world outside of the university when I first began writing marketing content. The nature of our profession is lonely: it can be hard to find and connect with other freelancers, but this is absolutely essential to success. Not only does Jennifer Goforth Gregory lay out the exact steps she took to become a successful freelance writer, but she is thoughtful and considered about examining what that "success" means to her, and invites her readers to do the same. Writing this book was an incredible act of generosity on Jennifer Goforth Gregory's part--I don't think I would have been able to grow my own business as quickly as I have without this close look "under the hood" of her business. And the community that has grown around this book and Jennifer's blog is even more valuable. There are a lot of books about freelance writing careers out there, and there are even more ways to build a business. There's no single formula for success, no comprehensive guide that covers exactly what *you* need to do. That said, no other book has been more helpful for me, or had a larger amount of immediately actionable advice.

Great information for freelance pros and newbies alike

In her blog post and in professional writers group, Jennifer has always been generous with her time and great advice. Even with more than 20 years under my belt as a freelance writer, I am learning new and valuable information and actionable tips in this book.Changes I made to my freelance writing business on Jennifer's blog advice already helped me land new clients. Content marketing writer isn't what many people think it is (it's not p.r. or copywriting) and Jennifer explains how even strict journalism writers (like my former self) can add or transition to content marketing writing. As with running any business, it's what you put into it and Jennifer makes that clear. She also provides the tools and the insight for those folks who are motivated to build their writing business with content marketing writing.

Must Read for New Freelancers

The author does a great job of covering the good,the bad, and ugly of having you own business and dealing with clients. It has some suggestions for beginners, but is a better read if you are already earning an income from your freelancing business.

A Must-Read, Even if You're Already a Content Marketing Writer

I've been writing content marketing pieces for healthcare clients for 7 years, but Jennifer's book was still incredibly eye-opening to me and gave me the virtual kick in my pants I need to step up my game. She offers highly practical, actionable advice in a manner that makes you feel like you're sitting across the kitchen table from her, having tea (or a glass of wine). Jennifer is one of the best business people in the writing biz, and it's this type of insider knowledge that will bring your own freelance business from meh to great. Few books of this type offer so much bang for the buck.

Write content? Order this book right now.

The Freelance Content Marketing Writer is packed with rock-solid advice and real-world examples. Jennifer Goforth Gregory is generous with her knowledge and gets to the point artfully but quickly. I burned through the book in about a day, tabbing, noting and copying down info that speaks to my particular situation. The sections on setting rates and helping new clients find you are especially helpful. As a recovering sportswriter/copy editor turned certified content marketer, I was pleasantly surprised to see advice given in the context of journalism, as so many journos struggle to make the transition. Burying the lede here, but the big takeaways are these: Work smarter, not harder. Find your focus and get after it. Be flexible but know what you want -- and need -- to find success, however you define it. Whether you’re a newbie, stuck at a certain level or simply want to make more money, get this book in your hands and read it. You’ll be glad you did.

I recommend this book highly for anyone who wants to up their freelance content marketing writing game

I am also a freelance content marketing writer and I know Jennifer, but this is a sincere review. This book is packed full of excellent, very useful information and actionable tips and I recommend it highly. Jennifer knows the freelance content marketing writing world well and is extremely generous with her knowledge. It's not full of theory, but practical approaches and is like taking a master course in how to be a high-earning, successful content marketing writer (except better, because it's all in one book and a good read, too). I don't know how you could read this book and not improve your business. Highly recommended.

Jennifer is a MASTER of this business!

Jennifer wrote this book out her generosity of spirit and amazing knowledge as a high-income content writer. She makes it seem easy to reach her level because it is...if you're willing to put on work. But she provides you all the steps to launch, run and maintain profitability in your business. Everything from letters of introduction to contracts gets covered here. She's made the mistakes and gone through the tough start-up period and this book is her way of helping you overcome those challenges. This is a must-read book for anyone who intends to succeed in this business.

A Blueprint for Success

There's not much I can say that hasn't already been said in the previous reviews. I am completely new to the field of freelance writing, and this book has given me the blueprint and confidence to start writing! From the great advice (including the author sharing her past mistakes and what she learned from them) to the actionable items listed to start creating your business, this book is a gold mine for anyone interested in content marketing. I also appreciate the author's attitude of openly sharing, creating trusting a community of writers.

Everything you need to know!

This book is chock full of useful information and implementable strategies. It gives you a clear path for how to find clients, how to set your rates, how to market yourself, and how to get paid what you're worth. This book has given me all the information I'll need to start out as a freelance content marketing writer--and strategically build my reputation and start earning more. I'm planning to read this book again a year from now as a refresher--I can tell that it will be useful again once I have started to gain traction. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is starting out as a freelance content marketing writer! It seems like it would also be useful for experienced freelance writers as well, but I currently have no authority to speak on the subject. I'll circle back in a year.

You'll read this book and refer back to it over and over again.

This is the business-building book every freelancer needs to read. It’s a practical guide for building a lucrative and sustainable writing business. I have spent a lot of time trying to develop my writing business and find clients. This book showed me where to make changes to improve my results. Jennifer’s real-life examples make this an interesting and informative read. She explains what content marketing is, how to find a niche, and how to find clients. No fluff here. The book is filled with real actionable advice to inspire you to be focused and successful. It’s a book to read and refer to over and over again as you build and run your writing business.

Solid advice that you can put into practice right away - and see results!

There's no fluff in this book - it's jam packed with useful tips, practical exercises, templates, and insider knowledge. The day after finishing, I put one of her strategies to work and was able to increase my income with a low-paying client. For writers more familiar with journalism and copywriting, it will help you understand what's different about content marketing so you can position yourself and deliver what businesses want. It's not just about being a freelance writer - it's about being a freelance content marketing writer. That's what makes the information so valuable to me. If you're feeling unsure about how to start or grow your freelance writing business, this book is an absolute must! Be sure to join the Facebook group too - a deep source of knowledge.

The marketing guide for writers that I wish I'd had when I was first starting out!

This is the marketing guide I wish that I'd had when I was just getting started as a freelance content marketing writer. It provides extremely clear and well thought out advice, step by step, for marketing your business and landing more work. It's accessible for experienced and new freelancers alike, and it provides just the sort of no-nonsense yet empathetic guidance you need. If you absolutely love your writing work but feel stymied when it comes to figuring out how best to grow your business, this is the guide for you. It demystifies what might otherwise seem like a complex process and is very adaptable to your specific goals. The author has also created an excellent Facebook group by the same name that I cannot recommend highly enough. Between this book and the supportive, insightful exchanges I've found in the group, I'm genuinely excited to ramp up my marketing game in 2019—and now I know just how I'm going to do it, too.

Required reading for writers who want $$$

I’m already swamped with new work, and I’m only halfway through the book. Jennifer’s approach is straightforward with a clear outline of steps to take that will get you plenty of new projects that pay very well. I learned more from Jennifer’s book (and blog and FB group) than my expensive master’s program. Now I’m using her advice to earn enough money to pay off those pesky student loans (while working whenever, wherever).

This book is all you need to start your career as a writer

I made my living as a freelance writer for years. While I'm no longer writing full time I did want a single book to recommend someone who wants to get paid for content development in today's market. "The Freelance Content Marketing Writer" by Jennifer Goforth is short, powerful, and comprehensive. If you're willing to do the work, this book gives you the precious knowledge that only an expert can impart. It could literally shave years off the difference between the job you have now and your future as a freelance writer making a good living.

useful information to help any determined freelancer expand his or ...

This book is packed with practical, useful information to help any determined freelancer expand his or her base of content-marketing clientele. I did not realize the extent to which I was already doing the sort of work Ms. Goforth Gregory describes -- and that I can find a lot more of it with the right strategies. I highly recommend the book to freelancers who view writing not as a side gig but a primary income source.

The definitive reference for how to build a career as a marketing content writer

This book is chockablock with information and advice, and every sentence reverberates with her lovely personality. A well-respected leader in content marketing, Jennifer shares in this book every tip, tactic and secret to starting, building and maintaining a lucrative freelance writing business. She should know - Jennifer is one of the most successful content marketing writers in America. If you’re interested in starting a freelance writing business or taking your current writing career to the next level, you must buy this book.

A Must Read for Freelance Writers

I've read a lot of books and blogs on freelance writing and this accessible guide is one of the best resources I'ver ever found. Most authors speak in generalities, but Jennifer Goforth Gregory supplies specific techniques, resources, and figures that empower the reader. If you want to begin a writing business or build an existing one, this easy-to-read book is packed with valuable, actionable advice. Highly recommended.

So helpful for all writers!

Thanks so much for creating this wonderful masterpiece, Jennifer! I was able to use your templates to build my own pitches. I'm so lucky I came across this book. I hope you write more books, and we'd be totally willing to buy them. What sets this book apart from others is that it's very anecdotal and true to life. It's not showing you "proven techniques" - it's teaching you to create your OWN pitches and formats. Jennifer will show her own, so you can be inspired and craft YOUR own. Thank you!

Great advice here!

I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in getting started as a content marketer or who wants to take their career to the next level. It’s a quick read but packed with excellent advice and examples

The book to buy for writing professionals

I have been a professional writer for more than 30 years and I can tell you that this is THE book to buy for anybody looking to break into content marketing or wanting to level up their existing business. Jennifer is extremely generous with her knowledge and this book contains actionable plans and templates. I recommend this book to all my clients and colleagues.

A must-read for all freelancers

I've been freelancing for almost 14 years and I still learned a lot from this book. I used it to turbocharge my marketing and am already seeing results. Most of my work is not in content writing, but the tactics here are the same and super helpful. Highly recommend.

Amazing Advice - Specific and Prescriptive!

This book was such an incredible resource for me getting my freelance biz started. It gave very specific, actionable advice in an easy-to-read way. I finished the book with an actual plan and some great advice - which is FAR more than I'd have at this point without the book. A colleague recommended it and it's the best advice I've gotten yet as I start this new journey!! THANK YOU to the author!

Great information to build or grow your freelance business!

As a longtime reader of Jennifer’s blog (and a fellow ASJA member) I’ve been looking forward to her book for months. Now all the advice I referred to on the blog postings is at my fingertips plus new ideas. If you want to break into the field or — like me — grow your business, this is the book you need!

Great, specific advice and tips

This marvelous book has become my writing-business bible. Jennifer knows content marketing writing inside out, and she knows how to run her business. She doesn't generalize here. You will find so many great, specific tips, and your business will benefit from the time spent with this book.

The bridge between just a writer and a successful one

If you know how to write, this book will land you on a great career path. The key is to follow through step by step. Don’t get overwhelmed and don’t rush to finish it. If you digest it slowly enough to get all the juice, you will thank the author for life.

Useful, entertaining, and well written

I've been following Jennifer's blog for about two years (If you have not done it, do it now). I'm receiving useful information for my freelance work. So when I knew she'd written a book, I assumed that I already knew its content. I was wrong! I'm sure that information is on her blog, but reading it in an organized way is different. And interesting. A caveat: If you're judicious and follow Jennifer's advice, it'll take you a little while to read the book. Why? Because (I'm sure) you'll have to make changes on your website, on your LinkedIn account, and in general, on the strategies, you use to get clients.

Read it cover-to-cover

Excellent book for anyone hoping to start their freelance journey.

Learn from the Best!

This book is so well organized and overflowing with practical and ingenious advice on boosting your content branding career. Everything from how to write letters of introduction that land clients and gigs, to figuring out your niches, finding the right clients, networking , writing, revising--and setting high fees and getting them!

Great info for newbies and oldies

So I've been freelancing for four years. Checked out Jennifer GG's book and, man, what I didn't know. I thought I'd learned so much in a short time. She's learned more and she's so so generous with her advice. Get the book no matter what stage you're in in your freelance career.

An absolute must read for freelancers

Jennifer Goforth Gregory is one of the top names in the content marketing world today, and her blog and work with organizations such as ASJA have helped hundreds, maybe thousands, of writers. In this book, she's compiled her best tips for growth and succeeding as a six figure writer. I give her - and this book - my highest recommendation.

This is the BIBLE for freelance content marketing!

I’m starting out in freelance writing and I’m so glad I ran into this book early in my endeavor. Like all the other reviews are saying, it’s jam-packed with strategies and actionable steps, and reasons and stories of WHY they work. Jennifer has a lot of experience and gives lots of stories so we can learn from her mistakes. This is my go-to bible for freelance writing.

Awesome book with lots of valuable info

This book offers lots of practical and actionable information for freelancers. It is easy to read, full of fun personal stories about freelancing ups amd downs as well as dos and donts, tips for making more money, and more. My only wish is that I would have had this book three years ago when I first started my business!

Loved this book- read it and highlighted many parts of ...

Loved this book- read it and highlighted many parts of it. I've been a long time journalist looking to transition into more (better paid) content marketing writing. Jennifer's book taught me to do things that would normally go against the grain as a journalist- like contact media agencies with a LOI and NOT send story ideas. I followed her advice, contacted a few agencies and voila, got some responses. Her book also helped me reset my thinking of how I price my work and how to get the best rates. Highly recommend this book!

Helpful for Content Writers

As a content writer, I learned a lot reading this book. There are practical ideas that can be quickly tested. Reading it inspired me to raise my rates!

open and honest

Some of the hallmarks of this book are its friendly tone, it's open and honest discussions of money and negotiation, and its generosity with advice. I have been a freelancer for 12 years, but after reading this book, I felt much better prepared to move forward my business and develop a solid plan of action. I highly recommend it!

Excellent resource

Detailed, logical, and clear information on starting and running a content writing business. This book is more than worth it.

Excellent resource filled with insightful tips to build your business and boost your income

This book is a fabulous resource for content marketing writers, and any writers, from beginner to advanced. The book is packed with actionable tips, advice, and anecdotes from her own writing career. You'll learn best practices and why they're best practices. You'll easily earn back the cost of the book 10x or even 100x. I'm about due to reread my copy.

Excellent advice

Exceeded my expectations. The content was well focused, providing concrete examples about what works and what doesn't. I didn't expect how warm and genuine Jennifer was in talking about her own experiences including the miscalculations and mistakes as well as the successes. Well worth reading.

Changed the way I approach my business

This book was a game changer for me. Amazing strategies for building your freelance writing career that I continue to use in my everyday prospecting efforts. It's an easy read with many ah-ha moments throughout. A must read for any freelance writer looking to build his or her business.

Practical And Relevant

This is a pretty focused and well-tailored handbook with tips and processes to help manage or start a freelance writing business that is handled and managed like a business.

I absolutely loved all the information here

This book is great for beginners and very well organized. I also enjoy the discussion in the Facebook group. Thank you Jenn.

My freelance bible

I left my job to pursue freelance writing, and it left my head spinning. Jennifer’s book is so detailed and practical. I feel much more confident, and have already booked clients since reading this book. Thanks Jennifer!!

This book helped me grow my writing/editing/content marketing business

This book is so incredibly helpful, jam-packed with solid tips on building a profitable business writing for clients of all kinds. I've been a writer/editor for 15 years, but this book taught me business and sales strategies that have helped me grow my business and make (a lot more) money. I recommend it to all of my friends who are leaving the magazine world and have no idea what's next. Grateful!

The best book about the writing business I've read in years... no, ever!

This great book is packed with useful, practical advice. I can recommend it to any writer who wants to grow their business. I'm sure very experienced content marketing writers will get some new ideas from the book as well. Not unimportantly, Jennifer also writes in a personal, fun way.

A must read!

Jen is an excellent writer and covers everything you need to know to get your writing business going! Reading her book is like sitting down to chat with her over coffee.

A road map to success

This book lays out effective strategies that a writer from any niche can follow. It's an overwhelming and solitary prospect--going freelance--and guidance like this is necessary for success and peace of mind.

Great read

Tons of useful, practical information with clear action plans. A must read for anyone thinking about getting into this type of writing.

Very helpful and just the boost my business needed!

Jennifer has a lot of the information on her blog (so check it out if you haven't already), but this book puts it all together in a wonderful guide. It's been incredibly helpful for my freelance business already and I constantly go back and reference the information. It's not filled with fluff - just actionable steps that can help grow your business. I definitely recommend this book to anyone serious about content marketing!

Just buy it!!

Jennifer has filled this book with tons of wisdom, how-to's, tips, tricks, prompts to get you thinking, plans, advice, encouragement and inspiration - I'd give it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ if I could!

Great book for an introduction to freelance content marketing.

Gregory's book has helped me have an understanding of Content Marketing for the freelance writer. She makes everyone welcome to the field. The book is full of information I could apply easily to my work.

timely how-to for content writers

Jennifer Goforth Gregory packs a lot of experience and practical tips into a timely how-to for content writers

What a great book!

By far the most comprehensive book I've read about freelance writing. Loved every minute of it!

The methods she outlines work

If you are willing to do the work that Gregory advises, and follow the processes she outlines, you are likely to increase what you are earning as a freelancer. It's that simple.

All freelancer writers should read this

Jennifer is the real deal. I rarely ever write reviews but in the short time I’ve had this book, I’ve already began to see the world of writing differently. She also is helpful and engages with people on her online forum. Her help is second to none.


Helped me really propel my freelancing career into something sustainable! Thanks Jennifer.

Every freelancer needs this book.

I've been a full-time freelance writer for two years and this book was a wealth of information. I find myself referencing it daily for tips about how to market myself. Jennifer knows her stuff!

A great resource for any freelance writer-expert or novice

I've read this book a few times now and refer to it often. I find Jennifer's advice practical and inspirational at the same time!

The perfect step-by-step guide to create a successful freelance writing business

I have known Jennifer for a few years and have always been a bit in awe of how prolific she is as a content marketing writer. I've been a freelance content marketing writer for about five years, and have found success in it. Yet, no matter how many times I see Jennifer present at conferences, or how many of her blog posts I read, or how many in-person conversations I have with her, I always gain great concrete, how-to tips I can implement immediately. This book is no different. It takes the best of her blog and expands it, creating a game plan for how you can expand your business, gain more clients, charge more money and be successful—however you define success. I plowed through this book in about five days, taking notes and using it to update my current marketing plan. I recommend it for every freelance writer, no matter if you are new to the business or have been writing for 20+ years.

A must-have book for freelancers

Jennifer is my favorite thought leader in the area of content marketing and freelance writing, and her book contains an MBA-degree worthy amount of wisdom and knowledge. Whether you're just starting out or are an experienced writer wanting to reach the next level in your business, you will find everything you need in this book. Everything. One of my favorite parts is that her voice comes through so authentically, and you'll feel like you're chatting with a good friend as you learn. The advice Jennifer shares has added tens of thousands of dollars to my business, and if you apply her principles, you'll have the ability to do so, too.

Straight forward practical advice for growing your freelance writing business

This book is loaded with practical advice that any freelance writer can use to grow their business. Gregory shares her experience building a six-figure content marketing business, including her triumphs as well as the mistakes she learned from along the way. The result is a useful guide for writers, answering questions we all have but might be too afraid to ask - or unsure of who can answer. The book expands on the free advice she's shared on her blog for the past five years, where she's chronicled everything from how to identify your niches to finding potential clients to negotiating rates. This book is for any content marketing writer who desperately want to gain more control over the types of writing work they do, what kinds of clients they work with, as well as when, where, and how much they work.

Incredible Resource!

I was expecting a typical self-published book filled with typos and rehashed advice from a million other blog posts but every chapter of Jennifer’s book was filled with clear, actionable advice that made me feel like I really could re-start my freelancing career, and avoid many of the pitfalls that tend to come with this kind of work. I don’t know Jennifer, and I just stumbled across her book while trying to figure out if freelancing was a viable option for me, but I wish I could give her six stars because this book has so much great advice in it — highly recommended.

Absolutely excellent

I've been a writer-for-hire my entire career and really thought I knew it all. Nope. If anyone does, it's Jennifer Goforth Gregory. This book is so informative. It showed me new-to-me ways to increase my business. And it does that in an organized, easy-to-understand manner. It is beyond generous of the author to share her knowledge this way. I benefitted so much that I have purchased or recommended this book to many seasoned and newbie professional writers. It's invaluable.

The best kind of hand-holding even for experienced freelancers

Looking to kickstart a freelance career in content marketing? Start here. Looking to find new clients? Start here. Looking to figure out how to balance journalism and content marketing writing? Start here. It's not just that Jennifer shares her expertise in these pages; it's that she breaks down every process into bite-sized chunks you can actually work on now. There's none of the rah-rah "you can do it" mush without actual ways to show HOW you can do it. This is what I appreciate the most: the book is straightforward and authentic just like its author (yes, we're colleagues). And Jennifer's candor about her limitations makes her successes that much more spectacular. She holds your hand and shows you how you can get there. Highly recommend this book both for beginners and pros.

Indispensable guidebook for content market writers.

I’ve been a freelance writer for over 30 years and came across this book while looking for ways to expand and reinvent my career. Of the dozens of books I’ve read about freelancing, this is one of the few that provides clear, actionable advice that people at all levels of the craft can use. The author is honest and forthcoming in telling how she achieved success (and engaging besides). She’s also incredibly generous in sharing the how-tos (and, equally important, the how-not-tos). Many authors of books like this are really trying to sell a course or consulting service or some other product, so they hold back “the good stuff” and give just a taste of their technique and advice. Jennifer Goforth Gregory serves up the whole meal, including dessert in the form of handy bullet lists of steps for writers at various levels to use as they implement the techniques. I read this in the Kindle edition because I thought I might glean a tip or two from it. I’m buying the paperback version so I can reread it, mark it up, and keep it close at hand as a guidebook for the next stage of my writing career. J. Ungvarsky

A must-read

As a journalist and content writer for over 15 years, I wondered what I might get out of Jennifer’s new book. I was already making a great living. And like so many writing books, maybe this would be another ho hum book telling me to write what I know! Nope! This book is like a college semester of advice for the content writer. My copy is folded and covered in sticky notes of the incredible tips and ideas Jennifer offers —everything from increasing your income to perfecting your LOI. This is a must-read if you’re doing content. I’ve already upped my LOI game, revamped my Linked-In and am working on my personalized marketing plans. Thanks, Jennifer!

Value Super Bomb

I thoroughly enjoyed reading through this book. Jennifer provides actionable tips and strategies that you can apply to your business in the moment. Jennifer's "business mindset" is valuable insight that a lot of content marketing professionals overlook. There is no fluff in this book, just tried and true best practices. In a profession where most advice is prefaced with "that depends," it is refreshing to see concrete steps to building a successful writing business. Jennifer's readability is an plus to this value laden content piece.

I firmly believe that all freelancers should consider purchasing this book and have recommended it to other writers

After working with Jennifer and connecting with her on a professional level, I was excited to see she had finally written a book. I firmly believe that all freelancers should consider purchasing this book and have recommended it to other writers. Jennifer is not only very knowledgeable on how to build a freelance writing career but she generously supports others attempting to do so with transparent advice about what works and what doesn't. This is hard to find. Through reading this book, you will gain a new vision about what is possible in your writing career and also a clear and practical path to achieving it. Thanks, Jennifer, for all your work on this resource and for being so kind as to share it with the world!

Actionable steps to move your content marketing writing career forward

Jennifer is a bit of a celebrity in the content marketing world. She has a blog with really helpful advise. And, she's very down to earth in her writing so her writing is not boring. Jennifer runs a Facebook group where she shares freely of her time and experience. And, her book is great too! It has concrete steps for tackling a bunch of challenges that freelance content marketing writers need to face. It's a great book to read cover to cover and also a great reference book to have on hand.

MUST-HAVE book for content marketing writers

If you want to be a content marketing writer, this is the one book you MUST buy. Jennifer Goforth Gregory really knows her stuff and she's been writing an incredible blog for many years, and generously sharing her wisdom and hard-earned success. Now, she distills all of that information into this book. The Freelance Content Marketing Writer will inspire you, inform you, and surely boost your writing success.

The book is already paying off with assignments!

I’m an experienced freelance content marketing writer and devoted reader of Jennifer’s blog so I didn’t expect to learn much new information from this book. I was so wrong. The book is fabulous! Jennifer has written the ultimate guide to kicking butt with content marketing. I’ve highlighted and dog-eared several pages and made a marketing to do list based on the suggestions Jennifer provided for finding new work. My revamped LOI has already netted me an awesome new client. No matter where you are in your writing career, this book should absolutely be the basis for your business plan!

The Straight Scoop on How to Move Your Freelance Writing Career Forward

This book gives you the straight scoop on how to be successful (as you define it) as a freelance content marketing writer. So many writers fail because they don’t know where to place their energy when starting out or building their business. Jennifer gives you detailed information on what you need to do to identify and reach potential clients and grow your client base. She also places a premium on you doing you—being authentic in your interests and abilities and finding the clients that you will work best with. Whether you are just starting out or looking to grow your business, this book will provide invaluable, actionable tips that will move your freelance writing career forward.

An exceptional resource

This book will tell you everything you need to know about setting up, running, and prospering with your own content marketing writing business. Quite simply, it is one of the best books on this topic that I have ever read. Jennifer's charm, candor, clarity and truth-telling are on vivid display on every page. I was genuinely sorry when I came to the end of the book and delighted to have it on my desk as a manual for making changes in my own career. I can't praise this book or the author enough. Thank you, Jennifer.

This will become your go-to content marketing writer bible

Jennifer's super-power is turning any writer's skills and expertise into a long list of potential markets to explore. Seriously, no matter what you write about, she can find you 50 places to pitch. Always generous on her blog with writers of all levels, here she outlines step-by-step ways to expand your client base, improve your branding and boost your bottom line. This book is a must-have for writers wanting to break into content marketing, and ones who are already there but seeking to reach the next level.

Essential to Starting a Freelance Business

This book is an essential read for anyone looking to start or build their freelance content writing business. Goforth Godfrey writes in a way that is clear, simple and easy to follow. Starting your own business may feel completely daunting, but this book helps you feel it's not only doable, but you could reach great success. She takes it step by step and having read this book, I feel like I have saved myself years of mistakes and setbacks. I know this book will be a companion as I continue my own freelance journey.

It works!

This book has been invaluable to me. I had worked as a freelance writer for several years, and was looking to break into content marketing and increase my income. Jennifer Goforth Gregory lays out exactly how to do that -- and in a relatable, friendly voice. Once I got out of my own way (I was seriously procrastinating) and followed her steps, I landed 3 new clients within a month, and significantly increased my income. I highly recommend this book!

Advice to help freelance content marketing writers (even those already making $$$) up their game.

The Freelance Content Marketing Writer by Jennifer Goforth Gregory is the real deal. She’s sold her content marketing services to major brands like Samsung, Verizon, IBM, and American Express and she’s willing to teach you how to do the same thing in this comprehensive and down-to-earth manual. She shares hyper-specific tips and action plans that allow the reader to embrace the concepts immediately in his/her own freelance writing business. Buy this book. You won’t be disappointed.


The advice in this book is absolute gold whether you're just starting out or have been at the freelancing game for a while. Jennifer gives you actual practical steps to scale your business, find clients, and start making more money--each chapter ends with clear, actionable steps that are based on the advice she discussed in the chapter. Seriously, it's worth the money. I've spent over $900 on a writing course that didn't give me as much help and direction as this book has. As my business grows, I keep finding myself going back to this book for Jennifer's advice at each stage. She's got this stuff figured out!

Extremely Helpful

I loved this book. One of the more useful writing guides I have read - and I have read a few. It's brim-full of tips, strategies and practical exercises about how to make good money from freelance content writing. JGG's encouraging can-do approach has really made me feel like I can do it.

Practical guide for new freelancers

This is a straightforward, clear guide for anyone interested in breaking into freelance writing. It’s very practical and an easy read. Would recommend if you’re considering a career in freelance content marketing writing.


I'm a longtime writer and found this book easy to read, interesting, and full of useful tips. It should be required reading for every content marketer.

Valuable and intelligent advice for content marketing writing professionals

Jennifer is generous with her advice and very smart about her approach. As a freelancer, her suggestions and direction on how to better market myself and my writing products are incredibly insightful and valuable, and gives me renewed hope as I look for the best way to match my talents to the work that's out there. I highly recommend this book to content writers of all levels.

Very enlightening

Jennifer's book helped me understand where I was coming up short when it came to advancing my freelance writing career. I appreciate her realistic insights, especially from someone in the same niche.

Actionable advice you can bank on

Where really to begin? This book has been my bible since I was laid off from a staff reporter job last year. In six months, I've learned to: - Land new clients with targeted LOIs - Negotiate for more money - Craft a winning proposal to land work on a retainer, rather than on a per-project basis Cannot recommend this book enough! Money well spent!

Love this book!

I have been following Jennifer's blog for a couple of years, and I was really excited to read her book. This book did not disappoint! She outlines how freelance writers can build a business that is tailored to them. It includes steps on building your business, tips on negotiating, focusing on a niche, etc. As a fairly new writer, this book is very inspirational to me, and I will refer to it for years to come.

The best advice for earning real money as a writer in 2018

I purchased this book after signing up for Jennifer Goforth Gregory's email newsletter and taking some inspiring or actionable nugget away from each one. I really enjoy books on business and professional development, and this one has been the most useful I've read in ages. Some of the most important things I've learned in this book include how to define my niches as a writer and the nitty-gritty of what an effective marketing blitz looks like. I would highly recommend this book for freelance writers looking to learn how to live it up to their true earning potential.

Step by Step Success

The marketing business offers great opportunities for savvy content writers, but learning the nuts and bolts can be confusing. Fortunately, Jennifer is well-qualified and graciously willing to share her experiences and steps to success in an easy to read and understand playbook. Read the book - do (and keep doing) what she says. It's really that simple.

An invaluable resource for content writers

I feel incredibly lucky that I found this book as I was starting my freelance writing business. I can’t recommend it highly enough. Jennifer gives practical, actionable advice that can be applied immediately. This book is an invaluable resource for all content writers, regardless of where you are in your freelance career.

Loved it

I needed a book to read to get me started and motivated on my writing. Looking forward to implement the suggestions and ideas. Going to follow her on Twitter and her blog.

Very helpful info for journalists and writers who want to learn content marketing

I dabbled in content marketing writing over the years but this book is a wonderful guide that walks you through the steps to take in order for your business to reach next-level success and income. I've recommended this book to a few students who've come through my online course.

Turbo charged my freelance writing career

As a freelance writer for 16 years, I bought this book after having a REALLY slow April and May – like “had to put groceries on the credit card” slow. The book inspired me to do a huge marketing push and target my niche and I’m so pleased to say I’m bringing in 5x the business (and income!) as a result. I have two young kids who are home a lot so I’m not even working more than 25 hours a week, which is key to making this all work. For all those in the midst of a slow period, read this book, hang in there and stay persistent!

Great advice for expanding your business

Lots of detailed info on how to find new clients and help them find you! I've recommended this book to several other freelancer friends who are interested in growing their business.

An immensely helpful and useful work, even for the seasoned freelance content writer

The author is explicit about where to go about getting work, and how to sustain your freelance business.

All freelance writers need to read this book

Whether you're a beginner or experienced freelance writer, you will gain valuable insight into how to start and grow your business. I highly recommend it.

Worth Every Penny

I've been following Jennifer's blog for a while and was delighted to learn she was publishing her great advice in book form. This is a solid, practical, up-to-date guide that empowers freelancers to succeed in today's competitive marketplace. As the author says herself, this guidebook won't do you much good if you just skim it and plunk it on the shelf. It's a book that is designed to be used, not just read. It includes business-building ideas in almost every chapter, plus several marketing plans for freelancers at different stages of their careers. I think the book will be most useful for mid-career writers who have some experience under their belts and are looking to grow their income. But newbies and seasoned pros will find plenty of helpful information, too. As someone who's near the beginning of my freelance journey, I found many ideas that I could use right away to build my business. Jennifer doesn't offer unrealistic promises or quick-and-easy formulas--just clear guidance and action steps, delivered in a warm and encouraging style. I'm older than she is, but she feels like a big sister telling me, "C'mon! You've got this. Here's how you do it." I recommend this book to any freelance content writer who wants to take their career to the next level.

Helpful Marketing Advice

Jennifer's book gave me plenty of actionable and valuable advice that I implemented right away. After one day of following her advice, I got a lead from a marketing agency. Thanks, Jennifer!

I can't say enough good things about this book including the inclusion of action/business ...

Jennifer so generously shared all of her knowledge about how she has built a content marketing business from the ground up. The book is a gem and a goldmine of information for everyone from aspiring writers to seasoned content marketing writers looking to sharpen their game. I can't say enough good things about this book including the inclusion of action/business building steps at the end of each section which is an amazing resource to get you off the couch and get building a writing business that will be very rewarding! In addition, I was lucky enough to have the pleasure of speaking with Jennifer on a one on one coaching call. A kinder, more generous and helpful person coulnd't have been on the other end of the line. If you have come across this book, don't hesitate, hit that buy button now and watch your life change for the better!

This book genuinely changed the way I do business

I have been searching for this exact book as I make the transition from journalist to content writer, and now I'm carrying it around with me everywhere as I build my new website and reach out to new clients. Genuinely transformative, and when I reached out to Jennifer to tell her so, she even scheduled a free Skype consultation with me, which fired me up even further to get my business in gear. Can't recommend highly enough, even for a UK reader. Down-to-earth tone, specific practical tips, exactly what I needed.

Essential advice for any freelance writer

I was recommended this book when I started my freelance career. Since then, I've recommended it to every new freelancer I coach. It helps freelance writers think more strategically and run their careers as a business. The information about how to choose a profitable niche and how to market your services are the most helpful, in my opinion. The accompanying Facebook group is an ongoing source of inspiration, support and advice.

Probably the best book out there for the Freelancer/Digital Nomad!!!

This is a fantastic book without any fluff. It's a "how to" blueprint highlighting the specific actions to follow, rather than generalisations. It's clearly written by someone who knows what they're doing. After getting it on KindleUnlimited, I bought the paperback.

Practical, sensible and workable guidance for success.

Practical hands-on manual that offers genuine advice and workable methods. Inspirational! Jennifer shows what it takes to build a successful 6-figure content writing business. She doesn't pretend it's easy, but does explain how it's possible. Go-to read!

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