The Founders' Key: The Divine and Natural Connection Between the Declaration and the Constitution and What We Risk by Losing It

Kindle Edition
07 Oct

Today the integrity and unity of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are under attack by the Progressive political movement. And yet, writes Larry P. Arnn:

“The words of the Declaration of Independence ring across the ages. The arrangements of the Constitution have a way of organizing our actions so as to produce certain desirable results, and they have done this more reliably than any governing instrument in the history of man. Connect these arrangements to the beauty of the Declaration and one has something inspiring and commanding.”

From Chapter 2, The Founders’ Key

Dr. Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, reveals this integral unity of the Declaration and the Constitution. Together, they form the pillars upon which the liberties and rights of the American people stand. United, they have guided history’s first self-governing nation, forming our government under certain universal and eternal principles. Unfortunately, the effort to redefine government to reflect “the changing and growing social order” has gone very far toward success. Politicians such as Franklin Roosevelt found ways to condemn and discard the Constitution and to redefine the Declaration to justify government without limit. As a result, both documents have been weakened, their influence diminished, and their meaning obscured—paving the way for the modern administrative state, unaccountable to the will of the people.

The Founders’ Key is a powerful call to rediscover the connection between these two mighty documents, and thereby restore our political faith and revive our free institutions.

Reviews (209)

This should be a must read for everyone in high school

so much good information that at 60+ I wish I had heard so much earlier. Yes I think the move away from really teaching our country history and what is at the heart of how our constitution was derived is something that is not obvious and sadly mostly never really taught. I was a democratic up until a few years ago so I am not a strong conservative person but after reading this I do think there are lots of reasons to stand up for our constitution. It was a brilliant document and most people in the US have no clue.

America's Constitution: Original vs Living

The Founders understood the timeless desires and faults of society. The Declaration and Constitution were specifically created with this in mind to create history's first self-governed, free society. Dr. Arnn makes this clear as he lays out the case for an Original perspective. He also provides an excellent reading list. This book renews faith and hope in America as its journey continues.


This is a good text if you are interested in the truth of history and not the social progressive ideology the liberal philosophy. If you prefer the lies which social progressives propagate that is up to you. For me I would rather have the truth about our history than the fabrications and lies being placed in history books today.

Excellent book. Great background on the founders and the ...

Excellent book. Great background on the founders and the issues they grappled with. However Larry Arnn is a hard core conservative and that shows through. If you are already a conservative you will be right at home. If a liberal, then you may still find the book a good value as Arnn's scholarship is 1st rate. I deducted a star for the shamesless conservative bias, but the book is excellent even so.

this tome is among the best if not the best and the most well written ...

If one has an interest in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, this tome is among the best if not the best and the most well written and constructed manner and presentation. It is based upon objective research and includes footnotes which support statements and conclusions. It is written at a higher level than most Americans have in vocabulary and grammar useage. It is a challenging book which one finds thoughtful prepared and presented. Dr. Arnn defensive and historical arguments counters the notions that the Constitution is outdated and the Declaration of Independence is simply a well written document that is not applicable to modern day situation. It needs to be on your "must read" list.

The Guidebook to America's Founding - A Must Read

Dr. Arnn lays out, quite comprehensively, the meaning and intent of America's founding documents, the vital importance to the Republic that the original precepts of Constitutional Law be adhered to. He also clearly explains the Progressive movement, the damage that it has done to American government and the fate of the American Republic if the Progressive movement continues to grow.

Food for Thought

The author presents a cogent presentation of the connection between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution from the perspective of the founders and framers. This book sadly demonstrates how far America has deviated from the original intent of these principles. The author makes one ponder what our country might look like without the scourge of Progressivism. Finally, the vocabulary may challenge recent graduates of government schools.

Knowledge is power!

I read this book many years ago and went to read it again, the dog chewed it up. Another copy and I'm on my way! Great read in times like these. If we understand these documents, we can have a knowledgable conversation.

It's a great primer for understanding the Constitution of the US

In the present climate of changes happening in the USA, this is a helpful primer to not only understanding the founding documents of the USA, but to understand their merit and meaning as well as understanding the threat under which these two great documents have fallen, from academia to the media and Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry. Included are the texts for Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, plus important selections from the Federalist Papers.

It's time for a recurrance of the liberty protecting principles America was founded upon.

The absolute best book written on the principles which separate America from any other nation!!! The Declaration declared the most profound truths about mankind. For civilized people to live free, government is necessary, a LIMITED government that is. Also the people must be forever dutiful and vigilant in keeping that government in check. The State Legislatures have abdicated their obligatory duty in restraining the federal government; so if your representatives are not championing for a Convention of the States, then VOTE THEM OUT!!!!

This should be a must read for everyone in high school

so much good information that at 60+ I wish I had heard so much earlier. Yes I think the move away from really teaching our country history and what is at the heart of how our constitution was derived is something that is not obvious and sadly mostly never really taught. I was a democratic up until a few years ago so I am not a strong conservative person but after reading this I do think there are lots of reasons to stand up for our constitution. It was a brilliant document and most people in the US have no clue.

America's Constitution: Original vs Living

The Founders understood the timeless desires and faults of society. The Declaration and Constitution were specifically created with this in mind to create history's first self-governed, free society. Dr. Arnn makes this clear as he lays out the case for an Original perspective. He also provides an excellent reading list. This book renews faith and hope in America as its journey continues.


This is a good text if you are interested in the truth of history and not the social progressive ideology the liberal philosophy. If you prefer the lies which social progressives propagate that is up to you. For me I would rather have the truth about our history than the fabrications and lies being placed in history books today.

Excellent book. Great background on the founders and the ...

Excellent book. Great background on the founders and the issues they grappled with. However Larry Arnn is a hard core conservative and that shows through. If you are already a conservative you will be right at home. If a liberal, then you may still find the book a good value as Arnn's scholarship is 1st rate. I deducted a star for the shamesless conservative bias, but the book is excellent even so.

this tome is among the best if not the best and the most well written ...

If one has an interest in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, this tome is among the best if not the best and the most well written and constructed manner and presentation. It is based upon objective research and includes footnotes which support statements and conclusions. It is written at a higher level than most Americans have in vocabulary and grammar useage. It is a challenging book which one finds thoughtful prepared and presented. Dr. Arnn defensive and historical arguments counters the notions that the Constitution is outdated and the Declaration of Independence is simply a well written document that is not applicable to modern day situation. It needs to be on your "must read" list.

The Guidebook to America's Founding - A Must Read

Dr. Arnn lays out, quite comprehensively, the meaning and intent of America's founding documents, the vital importance to the Republic that the original precepts of Constitutional Law be adhered to. He also clearly explains the Progressive movement, the damage that it has done to American government and the fate of the American Republic if the Progressive movement continues to grow.

Food for Thought

The author presents a cogent presentation of the connection between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution from the perspective of the founders and framers. This book sadly demonstrates how far America has deviated from the original intent of these principles. The author makes one ponder what our country might look like without the scourge of Progressivism. Finally, the vocabulary may challenge recent graduates of government schools.

Knowledge is power!

I read this book many years ago and went to read it again, the dog chewed it up. Another copy and I'm on my way! Great read in times like these. If we understand these documents, we can have a knowledgable conversation.

It's a great primer for understanding the Constitution of the US

In the present climate of changes happening in the USA, this is a helpful primer to not only understanding the founding documents of the USA, but to understand their merit and meaning as well as understanding the threat under which these two great documents have fallen, from academia to the media and Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry. Included are the texts for Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, plus important selections from the Federalist Papers.

It's time for a recurrance of the liberty protecting principles America was founded upon.

The absolute best book written on the principles which separate America from any other nation!!! The Declaration declared the most profound truths about mankind. For civilized people to live free, government is necessary, a LIMITED government that is. Also the people must be forever dutiful and vigilant in keeping that government in check. The State Legislatures have abdicated their obligatory duty in restraining the federal government; so if your representatives are not championing for a Convention of the States, then VOTE THEM OUT!!!!

Understanding the Genius and Inspiration of our Founders

Dr. Arne is incredibly insightful into the Founders of our country. In his discussion included here about the "works of art" that are the Constitution and the Declaration of Indepence, he explained how hard it is to make any work of art. Dr. Arne presents a heartfelt description of Michaelangelo and his work, the inspired nature of his art, and the many sacrifices he endured to bring that art forth. This analysis creates a firm understanding for us of our founders and their revolutionary mission. This book is a must read.

The only thing that disappointed me was that there could have been more examples ...

Overall a very informative book. The only thing that disappointed me was that there could have been more examples and detail in Arnn's explanation of what the Founders meant. I really liked how he hooked the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are linked not contradictory documents that some scholars claim. This book should be included in US History classes.

Dr. Arnn adroitly renders principles of liberty's plain. Everys,

Everyone should read this book. Dr. Arn lays out the principles and liberties gurtong our rights and rights and property. Our Republic depends on understanding these ideas.

Perfection next step ready for these foundational documents.

Excellent introduction to the connection between the Declaration and the Constitution, why they need to be interpreted that way, and what's at stake if we don't.

Excellent writing enjoyed reading this

Excellent writing enjoyed reading this. Covers the connections between the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. This is fundamental to what our country was meant to be. Wonderful for learning how our Federal Government should be operating. Makes you think about how to vote in the future.

Well worth reading/listening to

Dr. Larry Arnn makes a well reasoned case for the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The more I learn of Founding Principles the more I am impressed by them as being the safest way to secure Liberty for ourselves and future generations. #LearnFoundingPrinciples

Profound and Needed for this Hour

This book will give all that are interested a deeper understanding of what the Founders gave us in a Constitutional Republic and why we need to fight for those principles.

Constitutional Values Made Easy To Understand:

As Dr. Arnn always does, he perfectly explains the genius, wisdom and intent of the Founders and how we have strayed so far from our original form of government. He explains this in an easy-to-understand format that anyone can understand. It's the perfect introduction to the study of our Constitution and other founding documents.

This is an excellent discussion of the Declaration of Independence and the US ...

This is an excellent discussion of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. The two documents form the rationale and hopes for the American experiment in reublician government.. This should be required reading for all civics classes


Excellent discussion of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the thinking of our government's founders. Would recommend it to anyone curious or concerned about our government.

Know the Foundation of Liberty

In the tumult of current affairs in our country this short treatise clarified my thinking about why the founding fathers struggled so intensely to establish a bedrock for a new kind of government focused on personal rights and liberty.

It was as eye opening as I had hoped it ...

It was as eye opening as I had hoped it would be. The inclusion of Federalist Papers was especially helpful in understanding the underlying principles used to formulate our constitution. Wish more people in our educational systems would do the same for their students and our future voters.

Its nice to be able to read a book by a ...

Its nice to be able to read a book by a college president who believes in the Constitution. I wish that the typical college president would be in the Dr. Arnn mold. After observing the academic brown shirts at Berkeley, Claremont McKenna, and Middlebury. I realize that this is a pipe dream.

The Founder's Key Unlocks the Constitution

The Constitution is a remarkable document in its own right, but Larry Arnn makes a critical observation. The Constitution on its own is insufficient to communicate the complete essence of the Founder's own understanding of the great experiment which they had formally undertaken in 1776. To paraphrase, as remarkable as the Constitution is, it is incomplete without the Declaration of Independence. If the Constitution is the by-laws of the new Republic, the Declaration, with it's acknowledgement of unalienable Rights from a Creator, is the mission, or the Vision statement. Our Republic needs both.

good book

good book

The Founders' Key is a treasure.

Everything published at Hillsdale college is thorough in their research, honest, trustworthy. I am so glad I discovered them and recommend them to all my friends.

Must read for a true accounting of America's founding

This book is so well researched and written it was a pleasure to read. My 13-14-16 grandsons all read it and were sometimes delighted to discover thongs about our country's founding they didn’t learn in school.

eternal yet new.

Larry Arn writes a masterful account of our Constitution and the flawed men who created it. This document, almost semi-sacred, tells us our rights are not "state or ruler" created, but from the Creator. One of the best passages Arn writes comes from historian Joseph Ellis who states in chapter three, that; "the Constitution is conservative and the Declaration is liberal." This book is an important read for those constitutional students who now see this document, which like the Bible has a literal translation. In this time of change, and the progressive ideology which has developed over the past century, this book is very important. The movement is subtle to change the Constitution and make it a "living" document. The truth is set in stone and cannot be changed. Humankinds heart is corrupt and likes to make our failings (i.e. sins) palatable. Arn's first chapter's heading is perfect, "Eternal, Yet New."

The crucial links in our country's character

Dr. Arn bring scholarship and insight together to clarify the cohesive philosophical and theological relationship between our country's foundational documents. Our national identity is at risk due to our failure to educate both natural born and naturalized citizens about the character of our nation.

The Founders' Key

It was an engrossing book about the Founding documents of America. I found the insight into natural stimulating.

Read this work and enjoy!

Dr. Arn is an awesome source of early American history, but not only early American history, but of the ideas behind the thoughts/efforts of the Founders. Sadly, such information is not part iof the basic exposure of school student today. Too bad.


I did not want to do a review, but it seemed to be the only way to close the app.

Should be required reading

Should be required reading for anyone graduating from High School in the US! Dr. Arnn has a truly extraordinary grasp of the meaning of our Nation's founding documents, and the equally fine ability to communicate that meaning to others!

We the people NEED to continue educating our youth about ...

We the people NEED to continue educating our youth about the value of the Constitution. for the sake of protecting and not allowing those who are greedy about power and money to slowly take them away...

Required American History Reading

Excellent work describing the brilliance of the founding fathers, and the uniqueness of our form of government. Should be required reading in American History classes

A history lover's must- read!

Excellent work. Well researched. A must read for all who are grateful for our founding fathers and their insight about our blessings from a loving Maker.

The 1 2 3 of an EXCELLENT book!

This very cogently written book far exceeded my initial expectations! First and foremost this is a well written, very easy to understand volume in a subject area, American Civics, that would normally be expected to send the reader deep into sleep approaching a coma state! Second, I must say it's a wonderful, highly educational read! Third, IF it were up to me -- it would be required reading for every senior in high school and then again in college!

Since civics is no longer taught in most public schools ...

Since civics is no longer taught in most public schools, everyone needs to read this to understand how our country is supposed to work.

Great read

Excellent explanation of how our Constitution was written to protect our freedom's. It makes you understand the great links our Founders went through to give us our individual rights.

Simply put: it is so important for our students ...

Simply put: it is so important for our students to again be schooled on the history of our country and the founding documents. All they get these days is left wing indoctrination.

Must Read!

For all those who believe in authorial intent. This book give you the context for understanding the Constitution.

The Founders key links together the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

Excellent for understanding the meanings and purposes of our country's founding documents. While they are often portrayed as separate and independent, the Founders' Key points out that they were both the products of a long ongoing discussion between our founding fathers of what governance should NOT be (in the Declaration of Independence, where it lists the crimes of King George III) and what it SHOULD be (as defined by the Constitution). The links between the two documents can be seen even more strongly by reviewing contemporaneous ones developed by the same people or close collaborators thereof, such as the Virginia Declaration of Rights, Virginia's 1776 Constitution, and the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution. The Declaration of Independence was a call to throw off a repressive government and establish a new one, where free men govern themselves. While the first answer to that call, the Articles of Confederation, was flawed, the experience of our Founding Fathers in observing both its operation and that of the governments of the 13 colonies put them in a special position -- possibly unique in all time -- to watch 14 experiments in governance in action. On the basis of what they observed, they proposed, in the form of our Constitution, a new structure for governance that kept the good things observed while correcting the flaws.

Five Stars

Great read

Five Stars

Dr, Arnn is most knowledgeable.

Written for the Monks

Interesting and informative, but too wordy and written for the academic community. Most points could have been made in 1/10th the drawn out puff of brainy words and sentences.

Five Stars

This is a great book showing the inexplicable connection between the "Declaration of Independence" and the "Constitution"

Easy but in-depth

Thank you Dr. Arnn for a book that gets to the “heart” of our foundation. This is very much appreciated.

Four Stars

Good Book

Five Stars

A test for understanding the founding fathers of the United States.

Essential Foundational Reading

Essential Foundational Reading

Great introduction to the Declaration and Constitution

Great introduction to the Declaration and Constitution. I was pleased to read Dr. Arnn's book. How far we have strayed from the founders in our view of the role of government.

Five Stars

It ought to be in schools and taught today.

Five Stars

Excellent. Lives up to the exceptional quality Larry Arnn always provides.

Larry Ann makes great arguments in a practical manner

Dr. Larry Ann makes great arguments in a practical manner. Educational and a good read.

Five Stars

We must take this back into our schools and universities. We ae losing it!!!

informative reading

very good informative reading

Excellent and informative that the insight these men had

Excellent and informative that the insight these men had,should be a must read in high school and colleges and universities,to keep the freedom we have in this country which can be so easily lost by the uninformed electorate

Five Stars

Read everything you can by Arnn

Five Stars

Excellent book. I'm learning so much.

Everyone Should Read

Should be used in every classroom.

Five Stars

Everyon American should read this

Five Stars

Very interesting book and a good read.

Five Stars

Got it. Haven't read it yet

Very Intelligent Read

For intelligent, thoughtful people who are skeptical of America'a greatness and reject Judeo Christian values...but only those who are truly intelligent and thoughtful.

Must read

Everyone should read this

A must read to understand the founding principles of the Untold States

If you want to truly understand the correlation of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence as it applies to our right and liberties. this book is a must read.

A must read for Americans.

Outstanding, every American should read this book!!

Five Stars

Very good

Five Stars

I loved this book.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Great educational tool. Rather enjoyed it.

A nuat read!!

Everyone should get an understanding of our founding father's views.

This work should be a manditory text in every high school across our great land.

If I'm a Christian, I sould know the Bible. If I'm an American, I should know the declaration and constitution. This work should be a manditory text in every high school across our great land.

Five Stars

Dr. Arnn is a consistent Constitutionalist that is a valuable source for historical FACTS.

Should be required reading for everyone!

An interesting perspective on the link between the constitution and the decleration.

Good book

A challenging read, a great perspective

Five Stars

We need more educational material like this in our schools instead of common core crap!

Tells how and why America is exceptional

Though relatively brief, furnishes a full context for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that explains how and why they are inter-related. To the careful and thoughtful reader, it also explains the ultimate source of good government and thus reveals what threatens it the most. Hint, it is within each citizen.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to all Americans

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to all Americans. It is brilliantly and carefully written. No longer taught in our schools, the truth must be boldly proclaimed.

Five Stars

Very informative on our nations founding principles and roots.

A must read!

A must read for everyone who wants to be called an American! Very well researched and written!

Love it!

I'm on about 17% into the book, but am loving it so far. I love Dr. Ann's writings. He makes it so easy to understand.

Five Stars

Good read. Super infor.

The Founder's Key by Larry Arnn

This book is long overdue. Simply and clearly it lays out the origin and strengths of America's self-governing society; the Founder's aspirations for a collaborative society based on individual liberty and equality of opportunity. The principles of freedom and justice on which the United States of America was built are exceptional, their application a boon to all of mankind. Remarkably these principles are under attack by our nation's own social progressives, their utopian dream being to transform the United States into a nation ruled by administrative decree. Our social progressives would replace representative democracy with an Administrative State in which a progressive elite, rather that the people themselves, determine the best ways for the individual to pursue happiness. They envision a nation of accepting subjects rather than self-actualizing citizens. Arnn, having laid out the Founders' handiwork, states that "...Because the principles that our country serves, and the institutions by which it serves them, have a beauty hardly matched in all history, they sound a call that all can answer. In their attraction and in our response is the hope for a free people. That is the Founders' key." This reader was left with a renewed commitment to answer the call, persuaded that the principles underlying self-government actually do possess the power to overcome progessive utopianism.



Five Stars

good read

Five Stars

just the polemic I was hoping for

Understanding The Judeo-Christian Foundation of The USA

Every natural born citizen and every immigrant seeking to take advantage of the most desirable governmental environment in the world needs to understand the "why" and "what" of the federalist structure that has allowed the United States of America to become the acknowledged beacon of freedom. This book provides a core knowledge of the fundamentals of our style of government and that knowledge should be mandatory for both supporters and critics of our constitutional form of government. Sadly few students and fewer immigrants have even the most basic understanding of our form of government and of comparative optional structures. This book can solve that deficiency.

God Bless America and Our Founders

Love Pres Dr Arnn and Hillsdale College! Great book and I took ALL 17 FREE/Donation Online Courses @HConlineCourses. I learned so much more than in High School about our awesome Founders and the Constitution. Did You know every single Founder openly said Slavery was Evil and that Thomas Jefferson as Gov of VA tried to outlaw Slavery? Did You know VA donated the Northwest Territories to the USA that became the States of OH, IL, IN, MI, & WI? I visited many Founders grave sights and homes in the past two years because I'm in complete awe. Madison is right up there with Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin and Hamilton. PTL and GBA.

Five Stars

Very satisfied and a lot cheaper. Thank you.

Five Stars

Well written. Read it if interest is US history which should be for all citizens.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Haven't read it yet.

If you like to refresh yourself with our history of the founding ...

If you like to refresh yourself with our history of the founding fathers this is a good place to start. It gives you a better understanding of our founders wisdom and debates in the politics of the day which is also reflective of todays politics and who we are as a nation. Mr. Arnn is also the President of Hilesdale college. They offer free courses over the internet if you would like to dig deeper in our history and why and how our system of government works.

Informative and interesting

In my opinion towards what I have read So far, I would award it 5 stars Excellent and engaging Bravo and thank you

Five Stars

Excellent book!!!

Five Stars

Great read!

Having completed the Hillsdale College Constitution 101 course, I ...

Having completed the Hillsdale College Constitution 101 course, I was able to follow the text of the book. However, the average lay person may have a hard time following along. Simplify the prose.

Five Stars

Arrived in good order

Five Stars

EXCELLENT!!! Highly recommend!

Five Stars

If you love liberty and freedom, you must read this book.

Five Stars

Required read for an American!

Excellent book! This book should be mandatory reading for ...

Excellent book! This book should be mandatory reading for every high school student in America.

Five Stars

Great 👍

A great intro to the Constitution

Just finished a free online course called "Introduction to the Constitution" by Professor Larry P. Arnn at Hillsdale College. After finishing and enjoying this course I decided to read the professors book "The Founders Key". This book makes the "Declaration of Independence" and the Constitution come alive. After the course and this book I have a much better understanding how important our Founding Fathers are. There is much talk these days of how are Founding Fathers are no longer relevant. Before agreeing with that conclusion, I would hope you would read this book and get a true understanding of these matters. This is a well written and highly informative book on the starting of this great country.

Five Stars

Arrived quickly and in condition expected

Soft Propaganda

I think the author takes advantage of the ignorance of the reader. I am surprised by the number of very positive reviews. I have to believe that the appeal of this book is to a very specific audience that has very little knowledge of actual American history. So, let me make a few points: The primary purpose of this book is an effort to link the Declaration of Independence to the US Constitution. I have to as why? It seems to me it is an effort to transfer a perceived Christian Divine Providence from the Declaration to what could be considered a "Godless Constitution." The goal is to make each document unchangeable sacred documents. It in trying to link these two documents together the author completely forgets about the Articles of Confederation. Of most interest is the use of the term "Nature and Nature's God." The author quickly moves this phrase into the theistic world of God (a male) as justification for divine providence. This effort totally ignores the Deist writings of many authors that contributed to the thinking of our founder. How can the author talk about English history and ignore the writings of Locke and Rousseau or even our own Thomas Paine. This book is an attack upon progressive liberal democracy. It is an effort to make the Constitution a divine unchangeable document. The effort forgets that at the Constitutions ratification it started with ten amendments.

Five Stars

Excellent book. Perceptive, fun to read, and full of correct principles.

Five Stars

excellent and informative


A must read to help get this country back on track, Trump can't do it for us. It's WE THE PEOPLE!!!

Five Stars

Great book

Pinnacle of Choice, Understanding the Birthright in the Balance

I've just begun reading Larry Arnn's excellent book & am very much drawn in with his writing & presentation. Whence cometh our Rights? by man, government or the Divine? Our Founding Fathers had a firm position & belief though not overly overt in their declarations. Men of varying faiths & beliefs, but respectful not to tread upon others their understandings. They clearly believed that man is sovereign, answerable to God (or nature's god) & not the whims of government. Natural law is enduring & ne'er destroyed however convoluted & corrupt this man made 'law' (which I deem 'whims') change faster & faster all the time & it's time we behold the Birthright we were bestowed before it's lost & darkness & misery becomes the lot of the rest of our lives & our posterity until the evil yoke may be removed again by much bloodshed. Let us not squander such a marvelous gift & hope.

interesting and informative

Very good book!

Five Stars

Great book, a must to have!

Five Stars

enjoyable and informative

Five Stars

Excellent and engaging

Five Stars

Still reading the book. Thank you.

Required Civics Lesson on a Constitutional Republic

Highly recommended for everyone from High School to those being misinformed by our universities, to those of us senior citizens tired of hearing the drumbeat of the 'IGNORANT AND GULLIBLE" US electorate.

Five Stars


A Must Read for History Buffs

Well written, very informative factual historical text describing the inner workings of the Founding Fathers

Comfort or disturbing

It is comforting to know that what was written over 250 years ago is so relevant today . It is even more disturbing to see that TRUTH is being trampled upon today .

Arnn's Hit

Superbly done book is better reading from a paperback than off a device. Either way, Larry hits it out of the park..js

I highly recommend this read to any and everyone wanting a working ...

As a retired Pastor of 34 years, and a former homeschooler, I found this apology for our Nation's Constitution unbeatable. Dr. Arnn is masterful in presenting the absolute need of this most important Document which serves as our Nation's Governing foundation. I highly recommend this read to any and everyone wanting a working knowledge in the necessity of our valued Constitution.

Amazing book.

A concise and beautiful recitation of what the Constitution and Declaration of Independence means. This needs to be studied by al, citizens.

Five Stars

Good read!

It's too bad this is no longer taught in government schools

When I was a youth, we were taught the facts behind our declaration and the constitution that later stemmed from it. As the author does, we were taught that our founders established a representative government with limited and separate powers. If I could be king for a day I would provide every American with this scholarly and passionate work. As Dr Franklin was asked outside constitution hall by a woman; "well doctor, are we a monarchy or a republic"? His response; "we are republic madame, if you can keep it". In recent years it's been kind of wobbling.

The connection between Declaration and Constitution

I learned a great deal about the connection between the two documents that is not taught in school. Knowing the connection helps understand the meaning and once again shows the brilliance of our founding fathers. This book should be on the reading list for all public school students.

A must for any student of our founding principles

Inspiring and insightful explanation of our important foundational documents. Well written, clear and concise.

Four Stars

Enjoyed the read, but parts were a bit too philosophical for me.


Well Written. Excellent!

Five Stars

Very good and received in a timely manner to my kindle.

Five Stars

Best ever on how our faith and history are woven together.

This is a dynamic book! It reveals the founders' ...

This is a dynamic book! It reveals the founders' thinking on many issues that are not understood today. The founders came to their decisions through reading many classic political manuscripts and their own robust debates. This book chronicles the process that resulted in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Five Stars

Excellent resource.

Clicked too fast.

I did not plan on ordering the Kindle version because I don't have a Kindle. Unfortunately, I clicked too quickly. If you want to, give this to someone else. It's worthless to me.

Five Stars

A must to understanding the founders view

Five Stars


Five Stars

Very good...

Required Reading

Given that abstract and romanticized ideas of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution that exist within our Country and are taught in our schools this book should be required reading for all high school students as part of their US History curriculum. Mr. Arnn's excellent book reconnects these two documents and the continuity between them. He dispels the myth that they are somehow at odds with one another. Readers of this book will come away with a deeper understanding of both documents as well as the founding principles of our Nation and their timelessness.

Please read

Great read. A must read for every American.

Clearly a Five-Star book

An excellent book that does exactly what it says: Helps Discover the Divine and Natural Connection between the Declaration and Constitution and What We Risk by Losing It. Very well-reasoned and informative. I've used it in teaching classes on the founding principles of our nation and how they relate to our citizenship today, along with other primary and secondary source documents from the Founding Era (1760 - 1805) and after. The original hard back (2012) lacks an index. The 2013 paperback is different only by the inclusion of an index. Originally having read the book in 2012, I began using it in adult and teen classes in 2015 (attendees purchasing the book at cost).

Five Stars

So far it is interesting

Love it

This is a great book to help you understand our Founders. It is well written and gives great insight into our country at its beginning. The author is very knowledgeable and writes in a way that is interesting and educational. This is a great resource for anyone wanting to know more about our founders. I utilize customer reviews heavily when I am trying to decide on a purchase and consider reviews a valuable tool for us as consumers to make informed choices as to where we spend our money. Sometimes I will come back and give more information should I notice new things along the way. When looking at reviews I do take into consideration personal preference that may not reflect the product itself. I will do my best to acknowledge when something in my review is personal preference as opposed to something about the product itself. If you find my review helpful please click the helpful icon at the bottom.

Five Stars

This is a book every true patriot should read

Five Stars

Awesome book.

The Founders' Key

Excellent educational source and an easy read.

Five Stars

Dr. Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, has history in his blood.

Five Stars

Can't recommend enough

Five Stars

excelent book!

A Great Read!

A great book describing how our country came to be. Wish all the liberals would read it.

Five Stars

worth reading. makes you think.

Five Stars

Every young American should read this book to gain an understanding of our principles

Five Stars

This book was well worth the read, providing insight into the founder's thoughts.

Since most Americans do not know what was left to them and why, should be required reading from age 2 in pictures till you die.

Greatest little book hits the ten penny nail like a sledge hammer

Five Stars

Great read.

Five Stars


Founders Key

Incredible book...Very easy to read...A must for anyone studying the founder's and what THEY thought about the american experiment and it's meaning for the future.

The Founders' Key

Reading it now, and so far, I like it and the style. Good stuff and makes you think. Imagine that, having to think!

Excellent Defense of the Founder's Wisdom

Excellent explanation of why the Constitution is not a "living" document but a permanent set of rules based on nature and God's laws. These laws are eternal, just as human nature does not change. Progressives believe in a utopia where the best and brightest can define what is good for the rest of us. The Founders set up a system of checks and balances to limit the power of government. Progressives, since Wilson, along with FDR, LBJ, and BHO, think the Constitution is something to get around or completely ignore. The progressive movement is responsible for our economic stagnation and the Eurofication of America.

Great read

Statrs out good and captivates your attention but half way through it becomes cumbersome and wordy . yet it is readable and enlightening.

... the thought processes of the visionary founders of these great documents. The reflections of these great documents and ...

Larry Arnn describes so well the qualities of the Declaration and Constitution and the thought processes of the visionary founders of these great documents. The reflections of these great documents and how these founding principles are distorted today by the media and the liberal ideology. You learn more about what is truly the "common good", real equality, and pure representative government, not overloaded administrative government (agencies without our control) today. Should be a necessary read for all immigrants applying for citizenship..

Well written and precise knowledge of the critical connection between ...

Well written and precise knowledge of the critical connection between the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution which codifies and protects our Divine and unalienable rights.

Hard to find such good scholarship today

With the skewing of truth by the govt dominated schools, its refreshing to get sensible truth and philosophy all in one package. Dr Arnn heads one of the few colleges that takes no Fed funds so they are free to call a spade a dirt digger.

Sould be required reading!!!!

Every college should reqire an indepth study of the US Costitution. This book could serve as a study guide. Great readng. It helped me better understand the nature of the men who wrote it. They were godly men with a deep understanding of freedom.

Good, but.....

I consider myself to be reasonably astute, but reading 200 year old "legalese" was particularly vexing. I would have appreciated more "translation". It did cause me to look more closely at these historical documents

Mandatory reading

I found this to be a very enlightening and insightful read. This should be mandatory reading for anyone wanting to get a feel of what our founding fathers were thinking when they penned our country's design.

Five Stars

Great Book

Five Stars

Completely satisfied.

should read this wonderful and educational book for a clearer understanding of both ...

More people especially politicians, should read this wonderful and educational book for a clearer understanding of both the Declaration and Constitution, and their relationship to each other. Our Country is obviously getting further away from the Constitution as the law of the land and is using a socialist view of making laws.

A good read

A good read.

Knowledge is Growth and Growth is Living

Knowing something (more) about our history is always good to know when we are repeating mistakes, even though I have no power to do anything about it.

Excellent Analysis of the Declaration and the Constitution

Dr. Arnn's writing style is concise, compact, and clear. Stong arguments are put forth that show the constitution was written to secure the principles of liberty and justice under the law described in the declaration.,

As advertised

As advertised

Accurate History

Very accurate to history. Should be read in public schools. Truthful account about early days of country & how it was founded.

The Foundeders' Key: Philips' opinion.

This an exellent book for my continuing personal education. Mr. Arnn is easy to read and the book will recive better care in my library than I have done over the years for other . An exellent writer and read able book.

Must-read for all Americans

Excellent book..I purchased the electronic version as the first document for my Kindle, and have found both the book, and reading it on the Kindle, very satisfying.

Unique treatment of an interesting topic

This book is a brief review, as the title suggests, of the Declaration and the Constitution. Though brief, Arnn offers some unique insights into the essence of American government as it was originally conceived. Included are key supporting documents from the founding era. I would recommend it as collateral reading for a beginning course in civics.

Five Stars

Read it...

Four Stars

Very good...Dry and made me sleepy but still good and worth reading

The Founders Key

I have read half of the book (i'm a slow reader), and there is so much information in this book that I had no clue. Noone in the public school system teach us enough of the Constitution and the Declaration, and more importantly, the background of both these invaluable documents. This book is an eye opener. I'm glad I found out about it. I pray to GOD we do not lose the Constitution, ever.

Great book to read

Thank you for writing this book :) I will enjoy reading this gem of a book when I finish my current read.

Essential reading!

Manditory reading for americans. Essential for understanding the Founders and the founnding of this greatest of nations. Too bad they don't have this one in the public classroooms.

Great read!

Great read of which every American should take advantage! If you are interested in the constitution and how it affects your life...this is a read for you!

Five Stars

must read

Read this book!

A great explanation of the connection between the Declaration of Independance and the Constitution. An important read for any lover of the founding.

The Founders' Key refreshing study of American History

It is rare today to have history presented understanding the context of the times in which it was occurring. Very educational!

Five Stars

Thoughtful volume.

Five Stars

Thought provocative as only Dr Arnn can do. Thank you.

Five Stars

as advertised

Five Stars

great job

Bought as a gift

bought as a gift for another-can't wait to borrow it.The quality was accurately described and i am very pleased with this purchase

Five Stars

Great History, well written

The Founders' Key: The Divine and Natural Connection Between the...

One of the books was rated in good condition but had a mar and some of the early pages had marks of water damage.

Emotional presentation

I hoped this book would at least begin with a copy of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. It is essentially a sentimental love letter to the author's readers about how he loves and reveres the founding documents of the country, and therefore they should be protected and defended as sacred documents. I would have gotten a lot more out of the book if it had been more academic in nature with supporting facts. Instead it reads as an opinion rather than detailed information. These documents were not handed down from Mount Sinai, as were the Ten Commandments. Our forefathers hammered them out amid much discussion and division, eventually coming to a compromise. We do these wise men no justice at all unless we acknowledge the culture and times in which they wrote the Declaration and the Constitution. If the documents are to be protected, we need to know specifically and practically why.

Five Stars

item as described. would buy from again

Five Stars

Great book.

It's one of the best books that is written about the constitution and the ...

It's one of the best books that is written about the constitution and the way the people the wrote it lived.

Two Stars

Hard to get into.

This book is not a casual read. It is not a Happy Meal. It is a gourmet meal for the serious learner.

There are many types of books and styles needed to read them. Some books are like a McDonald's Happy Meal: you go thru the Drive-Thru; get your meal, and pull off to the side to rapidly consume it. Others are like the $100 12-course meal which is to be taken slowly and enjoying every morsel. Dr. Arnn's book is definitely the latter. You must savior each sentence, phrase, and work. It requires at times going back over a sentence, phrase or word. This is a book that is meant to study and not to hurry through by speed reading. It requires thought and reflection which is why there are some negative review. I have watched numerous videos of Dr. Arnn and this book reads as he lectures and leads small group discussions. Do not buy this as casual reading. Buy it to study, think, and learn more about the meaning of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution.

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