The Forgotten Flight: Terrorism, Diplomacy and the Pursuit of Justice

Kindle Edition
24 May
On 19 September 1989, 170 people were killed when French Airlines UTA Flight 772 was destroyed by a suitcase bomb while en route from Chad to Paris. Despite being one of the deadliest acts of terrorism in history, it remained overshadowed by the Lockerbie tragedy that had taken place ten months earlier. Both attacks were carried out at the instruction of Libyan dictator Qaddafi, but while “Lockerbie” became synonymous with international terrorism, UTA 772 became the “forgotten flight”.

As a lawyer, Stuart H. Newberger represented the families of the seven Americans killed in the UTA 772 attack. Now he brings all the pieces together to tell its story for the first time, revealing in riveting prose how French investigators cracked the case and taking us inside the courtroom to witness the litigation against the Libyan state that followed. In the age of globalization, The Forgotten Flight provides a fascinating insight into the pursuit of justice across international borders.

Reviews (31)

Exciting Suspenseful True Story

This beautifully written book reads more like a suspense story or international thriller than a book on diplomacy and justice. Once started I was unable to put it down and read straight through until 2.30 am. It is about the 1989 bombing of a DC 10 Airplane out of Chad which crashed in the middle of the desert on the way to De Gaulle airport killing all 107 persons aboard including the French crew and 7 Americans. French investigators discovered the culprits behind the bombing to be none other than Libya, the same country behind the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 that crashed in Lockerbie Scotland in 1988. Stuart Newberger, the author, represented the families of the 7 Americans killed in the doomed French flight out of Chad.He skillfully recounts the investigation and the exciting trial in US District Court in the District of Columbia leading to a first ever verdict in the United States holding Libya directly liable for an act of terrorism. Mr. Newberger then describes the machinations, politics and diplomacy involved in getting Libya off the terrorism list which included a congressional act dictating that Libya compensate all victims of their terrorism, but at the same time wiped out his and other victims claims and judgments. I wish more people knew about the 1989 bombing of the French flight. It’s tragic that that case got so little publicity compared to the Pan Am case. Mr. Newberger has helped fill the gap with this story. There is so much more to this book. If you are a Francophile as I am you will enjoy the descriptions of the lead French magistrate, Paris and the French courts. I cannot recommend this book enough.

Incredible book, tragic true story

We all know about the Lockerbie tragedy but so few ever heard of this horrible act of Libyan terrorism. It is an incredible and detailed account of the tenacious French investigator, the horrific details of victims and the agony that their families endured and the efforts of the owner of the downed jet who advocated tirelessly on their behalf. It’s amazing that it took so many years to pursue justice when it would have been easier to let the story be buried in the remote desert where the jet went down. It was interesting to read about the complex negotiations between governments and how even some measure of justice is achieved at such a high price. I generally prefer fiction where authors can take license with facts to spin incredible tales but this story is all true and well worth reading, I highy recommend it.

Outstanding story!!

Long before there was al Qaeda or ISIS, Americans were being attacked by state sponsors of terrorism around the globe. Iran, through its proxy, Hezbollah, kidnapped and killed Americans in Lebanon in the 1980s. This was followed by the Libyan bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, that killed 189 Americans. Lockerbie as well as the attacks against the American Embassy and the Marine compound in Beirut in 1983, all received massive publicity around the world but especially in the United States. Sadly, when a French plane, UTA Flight 772 exploded high over a desert in Africa in September 1989, killing 170 including seven Americans, this attack did not garner the same amount of attention in either the US or world press. Having had my own personal experience with Libyan terrorism (Pan Am Flight 103), I was referred to a new book, “The Forgotten Flight: Terrorism, Diplomacy and the Pursuit of Justice” by Stuart Newberger, a Washington based lawyer. He led the legal fight to seek justice for the American victims aboard the French flight. “The Forgotten Flight” documents the quest for justice for those victims. A French judge had been able to convict a number of Libyan officials, in absentia, in Paris, but few were aware of the legal battle in American courts to allow the Libyan regime of the late Muammar Gaddafi to be judged, civilly if not criminally, in an American courtroom. The quest for justice is clearly outlined in this book and allows the reader an insight to the political and economic decisions that nearly derailed the victim’s quest for justice in this case. “The Forgotten Flight” is exceptionally well written and clearly documents what Newberger and his law firm had to go through to obtain justice for the families of the American victims as well as the American owner of the DC 10 that was blown up over the African desert in 1989. The book is fast paced and easy to read. I highly recommend reading this excellent book. Thanks are due to Mr. Newberger and his team for striking back at state sponsored terrorism despite all the obstacles, many placed by our own government. Thanks too for documenting the case in this great book.

Fantastic book

This book goes into great detail about the UTA flight and the world around it, the terrorists, diplomacy, and the US justice system. The account of how the terrorists were discovered - the Libyans - is astounding, and in itself is worth the read. I could not put this book down until I finished. Hollywood should make this into a film and keep it true to form.

This book is really very well written and you can follow this terrible story easily

I bought this book mainly because the captain of flight UTA 772 was a friend of mine while we were growing up in the Caribbean, This book is really very well written and you can follow this terrible story easily. A master piece in 2 ways the way it is written and the way Stuart Newberger fought for the truth and to be able to bring the terrorists to justice. Hope this book can be translated in French. It will sell very well.


Interesting story, but would be best suited for a lawyer.

Engaging and informative-

As a lawyer, it was an eye opening book, a story about terrorism, law, battle of east and west, politics and Justice.

Great book

Really explains well the facts of this case and how it was solved. Can be read in a few sessions.

Death of innocents.

A legal mind tells an accurate history of a horrifying event.

Excellent Supplier

Excellent supplier. Accurate description of product and delivery. BTW a great read also.

Exciting Suspenseful True Story

This beautifully written book reads more like a suspense story or international thriller than a book on diplomacy and justice. Once started I was unable to put it down and read straight through until 2.30 am. It is about the 1989 bombing of a DC 10 Airplane out of Chad which crashed in the middle of the desert on the way to De Gaulle airport killing all 107 persons aboard including the French crew and 7 Americans. French investigators discovered the culprits behind the bombing to be none other than Libya, the same country behind the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 that crashed in Lockerbie Scotland in 1988. Stuart Newberger, the author, represented the families of the 7 Americans killed in the doomed French flight out of Chad.He skillfully recounts the investigation and the exciting trial in US District Court in the District of Columbia leading to a first ever verdict in the United States holding Libya directly liable for an act of terrorism. Mr. Newberger then describes the machinations, politics and diplomacy involved in getting Libya off the terrorism list which included a congressional act dictating that Libya compensate all victims of their terrorism, but at the same time wiped out his and other victims claims and judgments. I wish more people knew about the 1989 bombing of the French flight. It’s tragic that that case got so little publicity compared to the Pan Am case. Mr. Newberger has helped fill the gap with this story. There is so much more to this book. If you are a Francophile as I am you will enjoy the descriptions of the lead French magistrate, Paris and the French courts. I cannot recommend this book enough.

Incredible book, tragic true story

We all know about the Lockerbie tragedy but so few ever heard of this horrible act of Libyan terrorism. It is an incredible and detailed account of the tenacious French investigator, the horrific details of victims and the agony that their families endured and the efforts of the owner of the downed jet who advocated tirelessly on their behalf. It’s amazing that it took so many years to pursue justice when it would have been easier to let the story be buried in the remote desert where the jet went down. It was interesting to read about the complex negotiations between governments and how even some measure of justice is achieved at such a high price. I generally prefer fiction where authors can take license with facts to spin incredible tales but this story is all true and well worth reading, I highy recommend it.

Outstanding story!!

Long before there was al Qaeda or ISIS, Americans were being attacked by state sponsors of terrorism around the globe. Iran, through its proxy, Hezbollah, kidnapped and killed Americans in Lebanon in the 1980s. This was followed by the Libyan bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, that killed 189 Americans. Lockerbie as well as the attacks against the American Embassy and the Marine compound in Beirut in 1983, all received massive publicity around the world but especially in the United States. Sadly, when a French plane, UTA Flight 772 exploded high over a desert in Africa in September 1989, killing 170 including seven Americans, this attack did not garner the same amount of attention in either the US or world press. Having had my own personal experience with Libyan terrorism (Pan Am Flight 103), I was referred to a new book, “The Forgotten Flight: Terrorism, Diplomacy and the Pursuit of Justice” by Stuart Newberger, a Washington based lawyer. He led the legal fight to seek justice for the American victims aboard the French flight. “The Forgotten Flight” documents the quest for justice for those victims. A French judge had been able to convict a number of Libyan officials, in absentia, in Paris, but few were aware of the legal battle in American courts to allow the Libyan regime of the late Muammar Gaddafi to be judged, civilly if not criminally, in an American courtroom. The quest for justice is clearly outlined in this book and allows the reader an insight to the political and economic decisions that nearly derailed the victim’s quest for justice in this case. “The Forgotten Flight” is exceptionally well written and clearly documents what Newberger and his law firm had to go through to obtain justice for the families of the American victims as well as the American owner of the DC 10 that was blown up over the African desert in 1989. The book is fast paced and easy to read. I highly recommend reading this excellent book. Thanks are due to Mr. Newberger and his team for striking back at state sponsored terrorism despite all the obstacles, many placed by our own government. Thanks too for documenting the case in this great book.

Fantastic book

This book goes into great detail about the UTA flight and the world around it, the terrorists, diplomacy, and the US justice system. The account of how the terrorists were discovered - the Libyans - is astounding, and in itself is worth the read. I could not put this book down until I finished. Hollywood should make this into a film and keep it true to form.

This book is really very well written and you can follow this terrible story easily

I bought this book mainly because the captain of flight UTA 772 was a friend of mine while we were growing up in the Caribbean, This book is really very well written and you can follow this terrible story easily. A master piece in 2 ways the way it is written and the way Stuart Newberger fought for the truth and to be able to bring the terrorists to justice. Hope this book can be translated in French. It will sell very well.


Interesting story, but would be best suited for a lawyer.

Engaging and informative-

As a lawyer, it was an eye opening book, a story about terrorism, law, battle of east and west, politics and Justice.

Great book

Really explains well the facts of this case and how it was solved. Can be read in a few sessions.

Death of innocents.

A legal mind tells an accurate history of a horrifying event.

Excellent Supplier

Excellent supplier. Accurate description of product and delivery. BTW a great read also.

in-depth look at a forgotten tragedy

In September 1989, French Airlines UTA Flight 772 was destroyed due to a suitcase bomb, killing all 170 people on board. This became known as the "forgotten flight" because despite it being one of the deadliest terror attacks in history, the world's attention was mainly focused on the Lockerbie bombing tragedy that happened 10 months earlier. Both attacks were encouraged by the Libyan government. This book follows the lawyer for the families of the seven American victims of Flight 772, as he attempts to bring justice by holding the Libyan government responsible for this senseless tragedy. This was a fascinating look at a piece of history that has often been overlooked. What I enjoyed most about the book is that it followed not just Flight 772 but also the other state-sponsored terror attacks that occurred around that time period. These events being discussed in depth really put into context the political climate at the time and the ramifications. Some of the things that happened decades ago have been actually popped up in the news recently. The strength of this book is the first half or so where the facts and history are laid out for the reader. When the lawyer becomes a part of the storyline due to his representing the American families of Flight 772, is when the story starts to drag on. I also found myself wondering why the final amount awarded by the FCSC was never disclosed other than vague terms when monetary damages was previously a huge part of the story by the author. Overall though, this is a good look at history and I would definitely recommend this book. I received a free copy of the book from the Early Reviewers program at LibraryThing. All views expressed are my honest opinions.

Never Forget

A book is out there from Stuart H Newberger, who’s an international lawyer who represented victims of the terrorist plot hatched by Colonel Gaddafi that brought down French Airlines Flight 772. His book The Forgotten Flight: Terrorism, Diplomacy and the Pursuit of Justice tells the riveting story of how he fought for justice for seven of the 170 people killed in one of the deadliest acts of terrorism in history. This real-life legal battle asks how we can bring leaders of sovereign nations to account for their crimes. Stuart Newberger details how French investigators slowly and methodically developed and cracked the case. It takes us inside the courtroom to witness the arduous process of suing the country of Libyan. In this age of world conductivity and globalization, The Forgotten Flight provides a fascinating look into the pursuit of justice when it is across international borders. This legal thriller is a very detailed account of one part of the war on terror and how lawyers skilled in this part of the international legal arena can and will make the difference. If you say you’re interested in how to bring down terrorists other than bombing them then tracing the clues of the money, people and weapons used are here in this book. The rule of law must prevail in domestic and international terrorism and our struggle is to find and maintain that legal balance.

Terrorists and International Intrigue!

The Forgotten Flight by Stuart H. Newberger Nonfiction that reads like a finely-toned novel! Terrorists and international intrigue! It’s highly unusual for a book about a lawsuit—and a civil case no less—to be exciting, fresh and engaging. This case stretched out for years about an event that occurred halfway around the world and over thirty years ago. Attorney Newberger weaves a compelling tale about the crash of French Airlines UTA Flight 772 in the African desert, destroyed by a suitcase bomb while en route to Paris, laying out the incredible investigation that traced the bomb to the highest levels of the Libyan government. With a narrative style that rivals that of the best page-turners, Newberger tells the story of The Forgotten Flight, forgotten because it happened three years after the globally infamous destruction of Pan Am Flight 73 over Lockerbie, Scotland. The author’s crisp prose never bogs down with excessive “legalese” jargon. He follows the fascinating trail forged by a French magistrate to unravel the mystery of a brutal state-sponsored act of terrorism. But there was no resolution in sight for the families of the victims who died on that Forgotten Flight. Until Stewart Newberger got involved. In a self-effacing manner, he follows the steps taken to lay the blame—and the responsibility—for this travesty at the feet of the villains who laid out the plot. Toiling against all odds, he succeeds in producing an unexpected result for his deserving clients, until a stunning diplomatic twist occurs that… But to find that out, you’ll have to read this terrific book!

Fascinating Read

As an attorney, I enjoy reading law-related books. This true story had me turning the pages! I even read it twice! Growing up in the 80s, I vaguely remember the Lockerbie bombing. I had no idea there was another, similar terrorist attack months later. Mr. Newberger brings this story to light in this book, and through his diligent representation he was able to achieve some semblance of justice for the families of the forgotten flight. Even if you're not a lawyer, you will find this true story to be a fascinating read. I highly recommend it.

When law and politics entangle

I still remember UTA 772, but only in recent days I came across this book. In my opinion, it is an outstanding and excellent report about a tragedy, which, unfortunately, became a "playball" in international politics. The author, a well-known lawyer, straightened that out in all details. This book is not only important for lawyers, but also a must-read for those individuals who follow world events with an open and critical mind.

I highly recommend it.

Gripping story that had me on the edge of my seat. It was fascinating. I highly recommend it.

A great read by one of Washington’s most consequential lawyers.

Teriffic read! Stu Newberger is, like the story of the plane that went down, under the press radar screen because he does not make a habit of apppearing on tv, but he is one of Washington’s premier and most consequential lawyers. I highly recommend this book. Ron Karp, Esq.


Fascinating, authoritative, well-written account of a horrific act of terrorism that is not very well known. Super insight into international law. Highly recommended.

Author Stu Newberger has done a fantastic job of capturing the essence of the 20-year search ...

Author Stu Newberger has done a fantastic job of capturing the essence of the 20-year search for justice and truth!

Outstanding book! A must-read!

Lawyers often get a bad rap. This book proves there are exceptions... Having been drawn into an unspeakable (and largely unknown) tragedy, the author details an incredibly compelling, complex story that I could not put down. Stu Newburger effectively takes a laborious, years-long process and condenses it into an entertaining, even gripping, narrative that is easily followed. This book describes how Newburger and his team achieved what multiple governments failed to do. Throughout the process, Newburger highlights the critical contributions of the many participants that allowed this story to come together. This book clearly illustrates how politics and justice can work both for and against one another. It is a chilling reminder that even when you do everything right and follow the rules, our system of government allows those in power to change the end game. More than anything, it proves that competent, dedicated lawyers are essential for the effective administration of justice...even when the system fails us. Regardless of the outcome, lawyers like Newburger that posses skill, perseverance and compassion can be nothing short of heroic. I highly recommend this book.

Flight 772 UTA French Airlines crash over the Sahara on a flight from Brazzaville via N'Djamena to ParisCDG

This is an excellently researched and written book with fascinating detail and discoveries of intrigue. As a management airline employee working In West Africa from 1975 to 1984 in such places as Lagos, Kano, Monrovia, Abidjan, Dakar, Freetown, Lome, Accra, Douala, Libreville I often flew UTA (Union de Transport Aeriens) a French independent airline with reliable and good service and I always felt safe. Unfortunately this crash due to terrorist bomb was devastating for the airline and those that lost loved ones in this terrible atrocity. The airline never really recovered and was taken over a few years later by Air France.Stuart H Newberger has painstakingly put together the story of the true battle to find justice for the perbretrators of this terrible murder, and remembered the victims and the wonderful courageous airline UTA which flew thousands and thousands of passengers over many years in comfort and safety to West and Central Africa. Thanks to the Author UT772 and it's tragic victims they will never be forgotten. An essential read.

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