The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story of Life for All Ages

Kindle Edition
30 Jun
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf touches children and adults alike, illustrating the delicate balance between life and death. The Fall of Freddie the Leaf is a warm, thought-provoking story about how Freddie and his companion leaves change with the passing seasons and the coming of winter.

Reviews (214)

Beautiful parable for all ages

I read this to my four year old after my father died. We had already discussed the topic of death in a concrete way, that your heart stops beating and you stop breathing. She loved this book and asked to hear it twice. Like a typical four year old, we talked only briefly about death and more about how she likes fall because the wind whipping her dress around makes her look like a superhero. But I like how this book allowed me to introduce some concepts in a gentle way. The only thing I would warn other parents is to avoid associating sleep with death. On the last page Freddie closed his eyes and fell asleep. I read the book first (cried quietly to myself), and decided to just read it to her as “He closed his eyes”. The story still makes sense.

For "Children of All Ages"...a MUST HAVE BOOK FOR THE GENERATIONS!

If I had to pick one book I could not live without, perhaps the Bible first, but this would come in a close second. A true "children's book for all ages", it explains the circle of life so simply, so beautifully, and with such warmth and tenderness. My own version of this book is very old now, having been read over many, many times. I recently got two others, for my children and hopefully, their children. It touches hearts of both young and old with the story of the inquisitive Freddie, a young leaf observing the other leaves as they grow older and eventually fall from the tree. As he asks about what is happening, the explanations are so touching and easily relate to life in general. The photography is stunning and the story will capture the hearts of all those looking for simple, tender explanations into the intricacies of life and death. A must for anyone with children, especially those who have suffered a loss. For me, personally, I think it is as captivating and healing for adults, as well. A perennial favorite, while I am a huge Leo Buscalia fan, I simply adore this book most of all.

Touching, heartfelt and sensitive

As an ordained minister, I've found this to be one of the most creative, sensitive and heart-felt books on the subject of life and death. I literally wept when reading the final page. I've purchased several copies of this book for others.

Delicate and Thoughg Provoking

We purchased The Fall of Freddie the Leaf when our toddler started asking questions about death. The book gently goes through the stage of life in a way that is vaguely relatable to a toddler but will gain more meaning as she grows. It closes out the life cycle in a way that is not dramatic or scary but instead is peaceful and poetic. A must-have for every book collection.

Beautiful way to capture the loss of a loved one

I received this book first from my grandmother and read it to my children to them when she died just as she did with me when my great grandmothers passed away. Recently I purchased this to give to a friend whose little girl has experienced her sisters, great grandmother, and grandfather all passing away this year . It's something that stayed with me and I think it's something everyone needs to read at least once

Great book! But product arrived... Gross

Amazing book I use with my clients (im a psychotherapist)... Except when I got the book the book jacket appeared to be covered in either lotion or vascaline ... Slippery and gross. When I opened the book it appeared to be new buy the jacket and outside was definitely USED : (

A comforting story about change, and the seasons of our lives.

A comforting story about change, and the seasons of our lives. A secular story that deals with the inevitability of death in a kind and thoughtful way. The images inside are lovely photos of trees and leaves from different seasons. It's more text than images, but it works for this story. It was important to me to find a way to discuss death without it being specifically religious. This book fulfills that need for me. It discusses life, death, and change by using the different seasons while still remaining matter-of-fact in a gentle tone. It doesn't really offer any deep answers, and it doesn't pretend to know the meaning of life the universe and anything. But it does offer a comforting story about how death is a part of life (in as far a story about death can be comforting). Even reading this for the first time as an adult I found it quite worthy.

She found great comfort in this book and says that every time ...

Several years ago, I was introduced to this book by a young woman whose mother had died. Neither her mother nor Donna were members of any particular faith/belief community. Donna's mother was only 41 when she died. Donna had no faith based belief in what happens to a person after death. She found great comfort in this book and says that every time she sees a leaf she thinks of her mother. I gave this book to my great grandsons when their great grandfather died, as my grandson and his wife didn't know what to say to their children about the death of their beloved great grandfather. It truly is beneficial to all ages when a loved one dies. You may find it interesting that I am a coordinator/leader of a bereavement group at my church. My material/approach there is totally faith based, while this book is not. Sheila Bickerton

Nice metaphor

I was looking for a book for a child whose parent has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. This book will be ok for that, but might be better for a child with a terminal illness. A nice metaphor. I would use it in a therapy room. Not sure I'd give it as a gift.


Bought this for my 6 year old, after we lost my mother to cancer in 2020. This was my daughter's first loss and it's been difficult for both of us. We read it together and she got it immediately..."This is just like Grandma!". Death and grief are often not talked about or even stigmatized, I think this book helps talk about something that impacts us all!

Beautiful parable for all ages

I read this to my four year old after my father died. We had already discussed the topic of death in a concrete way, that your heart stops beating and you stop breathing. She loved this book and asked to hear it twice. Like a typical four year old, we talked only briefly about death and more about how she likes fall because the wind whipping her dress around makes her look like a superhero. But I like how this book allowed me to introduce some concepts in a gentle way. The only thing I would warn other parents is to avoid associating sleep with death. On the last page Freddie closed his eyes and fell asleep. I read the book first (cried quietly to myself), and decided to just read it to her as “He closed his eyes”. The story still makes sense.

For "Children of All Ages"...a MUST HAVE BOOK FOR THE GENERATIONS!

If I had to pick one book I could not live without, perhaps the Bible first, but this would come in a close second. A true "children's book for all ages", it explains the circle of life so simply, so beautifully, and with such warmth and tenderness. My own version of this book is very old now, having been read over many, many times. I recently got two others, for my children and hopefully, their children. It touches hearts of both young and old with the story of the inquisitive Freddie, a young leaf observing the other leaves as they grow older and eventually fall from the tree. As he asks about what is happening, the explanations are so touching and easily relate to life in general. The photography is stunning and the story will capture the hearts of all those looking for simple, tender explanations into the intricacies of life and death. A must for anyone with children, especially those who have suffered a loss. For me, personally, I think it is as captivating and healing for adults, as well. A perennial favorite, while I am a huge Leo Buscalia fan, I simply adore this book most of all.

Touching, heartfelt and sensitive

As an ordained minister, I've found this to be one of the most creative, sensitive and heart-felt books on the subject of life and death. I literally wept when reading the final page. I've purchased several copies of this book for others.

Delicate and Thoughg Provoking

We purchased The Fall of Freddie the Leaf when our toddler started asking questions about death. The book gently goes through the stage of life in a way that is vaguely relatable to a toddler but will gain more meaning as she grows. It closes out the life cycle in a way that is not dramatic or scary but instead is peaceful and poetic. A must-have for every book collection.

Beautiful way to capture the loss of a loved one

I received this book first from my grandmother and read it to my children to them when she died just as she did with me when my great grandmothers passed away. Recently I purchased this to give to a friend whose little girl has experienced her sisters, great grandmother, and grandfather all passing away this year . It's something that stayed with me and I think it's something everyone needs to read at least once

Great book! But product arrived... Gross

Amazing book I use with my clients (im a psychotherapist)... Except when I got the book the book jacket appeared to be covered in either lotion or vascaline ... Slippery and gross. When I opened the book it appeared to be new buy the jacket and outside was definitely USED : (

A comforting story about change, and the seasons of our lives.

A comforting story about change, and the seasons of our lives. A secular story that deals with the inevitability of death in a kind and thoughtful way. The images inside are lovely photos of trees and leaves from different seasons. It's more text than images, but it works for this story. It was important to me to find a way to discuss death without it being specifically religious. This book fulfills that need for me. It discusses life, death, and change by using the different seasons while still remaining matter-of-fact in a gentle tone. It doesn't really offer any deep answers, and it doesn't pretend to know the meaning of life the universe and anything. But it does offer a comforting story about how death is a part of life (in as far a story about death can be comforting). Even reading this for the first time as an adult I found it quite worthy.

She found great comfort in this book and says that every time ...

Several years ago, I was introduced to this book by a young woman whose mother had died. Neither her mother nor Donna were members of any particular faith/belief community. Donna's mother was only 41 when she died. Donna had no faith based belief in what happens to a person after death. She found great comfort in this book and says that every time she sees a leaf she thinks of her mother. I gave this book to my great grandsons when their great grandfather died, as my grandson and his wife didn't know what to say to their children about the death of their beloved great grandfather. It truly is beneficial to all ages when a loved one dies. You may find it interesting that I am a coordinator/leader of a bereavement group at my church. My material/approach there is totally faith based, while this book is not. Sheila Bickerton

Nice metaphor

I was looking for a book for a child whose parent has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. This book will be ok for that, but might be better for a child with a terminal illness. A nice metaphor. I would use it in a therapy room. Not sure I'd give it as a gift.


Bought this for my 6 year old, after we lost my mother to cancer in 2020. This was my daughter's first loss and it's been difficult for both of us. We read it together and she got it immediately..."This is just like Grandma!". Death and grief are often not talked about or even stigmatized, I think this book helps talk about something that impacts us all!

but its a wonderful book for all ages when dealing with death and ...

One of my daycare childrens father passed unexpectedly during the summer and I found myself in a situation that theyve never covered in any training class. Since the other kids knew about it, it was imperative we discuss the subject in a toddler appropriate manner. weve read this book several times, I can barely get through it without choking back tears, but its a wonderful book for all ages when dealing with death and loss.

"it's just about a leaf?"

This is a good book with a good message/ story. However, I was looking for a book to help my 4 year old understand death or help with his grief over losing his great grandfather, now he's afraid mommy will die and leave him. A few times a week he brings up dying. I told him I had a book to help, he was excited. At the end he said "it's just about a leaf?" So maybe it's better for older kids.

A lovely book for children about the cycle of life

I bought this book for my great nephew and my great niece (ages 6 and 3) after my mother - their great grandmother - died last summer to help them. My niece, their mother, who was also very close to her grandmother, really loved reading it as well.

Awesome book that someday we will all need

I was given this book by my Minister when my Father died 14 years ago and it comforted me greatly. My Goddaughter who is 7 just lost her Grandmother so I purchased the book for her as she has lots of questions and fears surrounding this. The book explains cycles of life thru text and pictures of nature and no scariness that children can deal with and understand. I highly recommend this book for anyone struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one. Leo writes so eloquently about this devastating part of all of our life’s journeys. When you or someone you love needs comfort I hope you can find some here.

For children and adults alike . . .

I discovered this book at 31 years of age and it help me deal with my inconsolable grief better than any book I was able to find. To this day I buy it for friends young and old who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. They all love it and have thought enough of it to even tell me they re-gifted it to others suffering on some occasions. As to the folks giving this a bad rating for A) being "depressing" (are you serious? -- it's a book about dealing with GRIEF over death!) B) not constricting itself to your personal religious beliefs (the EMOTION of grief transcends constraints of any faith) C) not being appropriate for an ailing child (sorry -- this book was certainly not written to help your child navigate a serious illness) -- there may be other more personally appropriate books for you somewhere. In the case of this reader, and obviously many others, this book was the necessary balm we were seeking.

Great story for people that lost a friend or family member

This is a fantastic story that can help one heal from losing someone close. We gave this book to a friend after she lost her husband in an accident, she read it to the whole family when they gathered for their family time together to remember him. She loved the book as did her sons and daughters.

Great Book

I first read this book when I got it for my daughter about 35 or so years ago. "I" had a had time reading it then with her. It is a great book for any child 4 years and up. I remembered this book and got it for a child in the neighborhood who lost a relative. This should be required reading for children of any age.

This has been a good book to open a conversation with my 6 year ...

This has been a good book to open a conversation with my 6 year old about death. He has a lot of questions and this book is gentle but matter of fact about what happens. He finds leaves out on the ground and says "There's Freddie!"

A perfect gift for a child who's lost a loved one

Bought this book upon rocommendation from a friend (who had received it when he was a child after his sister passed away) for another friend whose husband had recently passed (they have two young children). I read through it after it arrived and thought it was very poignant, well written, and comforting. It made me cry because it is just so sweet and meaningful. My friend says that she and her children love it too and that they want to read through it with her nearly every night. I will always keep this book in mind for anyone with children experiencing the death of a loved one.

Simple yet profound little book

I love this simple profound little book. I just lost my mom and I needed this to remind me about the seasons of life. Leo Buscaglia is still reaching out and teaching past his time here on earth. I am going to send this to my family members with small children.

Helpful book to read to kids.

I first received this book after my parents died and my kids were young. That was 28 years ago. I now buy it for anyone with kids experiencing a loss. Just a simple story that has always brought me comfort.

Timeless story of life and death for all ages

Freddy, a maple leaf, is born in the spring, and grows to know his fellow leaves and his surroundings. Although leaves superficially look the same, he learns and appreciates the subtle differences between himself and each other leaf. He admires a larger leaf, Daniel. Daniel has a deeper understanding of life and death. He helps Freddie understand each of his phases of life. Finally, Daniel explains death and letting go. The book uses the gentle, concrete metaphor of the annual changes in leaves on a tree to help anyone appreciate the different phases of life. Each leaf leaves the tree differently: some drift down quietly, and others fiercely resist the tug of the wind. This shows how each person approaches death differently. Freddy resists until he is withered and brown, the last leaf on the branch. Finally he lets go and experiences a sense of peace. Although the leaves, die each year, they are part of the tree which lives on, although even it has a finite life. the book discusses the interconnecedness of life and death. however, it does not take a stand on the specifics of a life after death. This would help children of a wide range of ages appreciate not only death, but also the different phases of life. Each time Freddy the leaf changes with the seasons, it is puzzling but he learns its value. He sees how the tree and the leaves have purpose. this helps one see that life has purposes that may not be immediately obvious. This book is also moving for adults who may be experiencing a life transition. I recommend that anyone, of any age take this book and read it under a tree.

Wonderful book! Helped us SO much.

We purchased this book to help break the news to our nine year old son that a close family member would be passing soon from cancer. I was honestly petrified of telling him and this book made it so. much. easier. The book discusses the stages of life in a way that kids can understand. The terminology that the book uses makes continuing a conversation specific to your particular situation very easy. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who needs that extra help explaining such a difficult subject to a child.

Have to buy the 5th book elsewhere :-(

This Is a great book which I would like to give to every member of my family as we face the death of papa. But unfortunately Amazon is only letting us buy four copies. Please advise. I purchased three copies at first and now it will only let me buy one more. I really need two more. But I guess family of the five will be left out. Nope, the book is too good. I guess I will purchase it from Barnes & Noble.

Tender story

Leo Buscalgia is a wonderful speaker and writer! This book that handles a very delicate subject is wonderfully written in a gentle way and a easy way for children to understand. Adults and children alike will appreciate this book.

Life's Purpose

This is a delightfully written tale of life for all ages. Whether you are dealing with a child, an adult, or yourself who has lost a loved one, this little book will give you great comfort. We all have a purpose in life, and this story explains the true meaning. I often give this book to family members and friends along with sympathy cards to help with their loss. It will cause you to examine your own purpose in life as well. As an elementary teacher, this book served as a spin off for some very interesting lessons about nature and the environment.

Requested NEW and received USED

If I am willing to pay full price for a NEW book I expect to receive a NEW book. I was charged for used book, but that is not the point. The book has handwritten note to someone as it was previously given as a gift (very sweet). It's just wasn't what I expected to receive. The content of the book is wonderful and I hope it helps my granddaughter 8 and 9 when the time comes as they have a terminal grandmother.

Long and wordy.

Very wordy book. It’s written in long paragraphs that as an adult I didn’t even want to read. Beautiful message but took forever with the length of the writing to get to. I can’t imagine a kid being able to sit through this.

Cycle of Life

Explains the cycle of life in children terms. Handles the deaths of a love one with deepest sympathies and has religious slant.

Greatly comforting

The best book I know about death for anyone from a child to an old person. Greatly comforting. I buy them over and over again to give to people who have lost someone. A treasure.

Sharing a classic book with my kids

This was a favorite book of mine growing up and I could’t find it in the book store so I bought it online. The kids love it and I love sharing it with them!

everyone should own a copy

Suitable for everyone from 6 to 106, used it as my eulogy for my best friend a couple of weeks ago than gave it to her grandson who has 4 kids between 10 to 17. Wish there were more than 5 stars possible

Nice book

I got this for my children when my dad was sick. I read it to them after he died. It helped me explain death. It made me feel better, too.

A wonderful lesson book.

I actually bought this book after our pastor used it for his sermon for our Totenfest Sunday where we honor and remember those in our church and community who have died in the past year. Very meaningful.

Lived up to the recommendation I received

Another book to help young kids start to understand the death of a loved one. Recommended by a co-worker, this book was well liked by my 4 & 6 yr old grandkids.


Leo B. was my mother's favorite psychologist. So, it was a no brainer to get my daughter this book when she died. Though it is a bit advanced for a 2 year old, I'm still glad I got it. My daughter loved the pictures of the leaves and I know we will read this many times as the years go by. As for me, I cried when I read it. It is a beautiful way to explain life, death, and our purpose while avoiding the religious lessons that many of us like to handle differently.

A must read for all ages

I was introduced to this at a funeral 20+ years ago and now give a copy with every sympathy card I send. Each time I read it I get something different from it.

7 year old loves it

My sons recently lost a loved one. This book was recommended to me by a friend. My 7 year old asks for this book. It provides him a route to ask complex questions.

Helpful understanding

Fantastic read, very heart warming! I would recommend this book for all ages. Definitely want to read more of his books!

Not appropriate for young children

This is a very abstract concept and the parable is not easy to connect to a conversation with a young child about death. More appropriate for ages 8+.

My favorit book of all time!

This book has held a special place in my heart since the first time I read it as a child. It is the most charismatic and comforting way that I have ever heard death explained and I feel it is a book that spans across all ages. If you have lost a loved one recently or even in the past and are having trouble coming to terms with it or explaining the process of death to a child this book is a MUST read and I would recommend you order multiple copies because you are going to want to give them as gifts, loan them out to your loved ones, and still keep one near by at home - you can not read this book too many times!

Fantastic book for young ones experiencing a loss

My daughter was given this book 14 years ago when her nursing home friend passed away suddenly. It helped her tremendously (she was 6). I bought 2 for my cousins young children when my uncle passed away. The kids range from 3 yrs to 11 yrs old. It’s an amazing book for children dealing with loss.

A Small Book For Elder People, Too

My mother is 85 years of age. She has so many medical issues that she now feels that her time here on earth is coming to an end. Like every human being, she is confused about these feelings. I decided that the message in the book might help her and so I gave it to her as a present this last Christmas. I translated each page (from Italian to English) and pasted it above the English version. I used a bigger font to make it easier on her sight. My mother fell in love with the conversations between Freddie and Daniel. She tells me that she re-reads it almost every other day. Now she asks me deeper questions based on the theme of the book. It makes me happy. My only criticism of the book is that not all the photgraphs are really pertient to the written section. I think that hand drawnings or paintings would have the message much more colorfully vivid and meaningful.

This is a very good story for young children dealing with loss.

I bought this for my young grandchildren who may be soon facing the loss of a grandparent and a great grandparent in the near future. It was recommended to me by a friend who is a retired elementary school principal and she said they used it a lot in their school for children death. The message is fairly subtle, but there, and I love they way it handles the subject of death as a process of letting go. Very good book in my opinion. Useful prep and after loss.

Most helpful tool for children to understand the cycle of life.

This book was given to our family for my oldest son (then 3yrs)as we had many family members and pets die within a few months. My son asked who would be next to die? Grandma, me or even himself. This book was extremely helpful in explaining the cycle of life for all living things in a way he could understand. That was almost 30 yrs ago. Now I have a friend who's daughter is dying of cancer and she has 3 children under 8 yrs of age. I remembered this book given to our family years ago and knew it would be a big help for my friend and her family during this traumatic time in their lives. I highly recomend this book to anyone dealing with trauma, death, and grief.

Great book to use when faced with the loss of a loved one!

This is a simple, yet complex story about a leaf moving through the stages of life. It depicts death as the next stage of life, removing some of the fear surrounding it. I used this book with my class of 5th grade students on the day they found out their classmate and friend had lost his 3-month battle with cancer. It was helpful for all of us, but it definitely bring out emotions!

Awesome book for all!

Always luved this book! Great way to look at death...


good introduction to life and death, a little old for 3

Great and therapeutic

Great book that explains the cycle of life using that of a tree leaf. Kids love it and those going through the loss of a loved one have asked for it over and over. I highly recommend it.


This book was given to me when I was a child when my parents were both terminally ill. Found that is also on the wish list of the Children's Hospital in San Antonio Texas. That should tell you something right there. I think this book would even be good for adults.

a story of life

I often give this book to people who have recently experienced the passing of a family member. I cry every time I read it~ tears of sorrow mixed with the sweet memory of my father and other loved ones lost. very simple yet powerful -- lots of pictures, something you can read to children.

That death is natural

Great book for preparing kids to understand death and how nature works.

A sweet, sweet story!

Most definitely a story for all ages. This little book is filled with the lesson of how to live life. I like it so much that I have it displayed on my bookcase. Whenever I feel life overwhelming me, I pick it up and read it all over again and gain a new lesson each time. A book of promise and hope. So inspiring!

Perfect book to help explain death & dying.

Growing up, my parents used the book to help me understand the death of my Great Grandmother. Earlier this year I had purchased this to explain the same to my kids. Its a very good way to explain the circle of life to young kids.

I was widowed at 41...

And I read this book four months after my husband died.I was going to my best friend's daughter's funeral because she had died during childbirth. Someone in the car had this book and I read it, I felt peace immediately. I can't count how many times I have bought this book for myself but ended up giving it to someone in need. I would keep two or three on hand and still gave them away. Finally someone gave ME a copy, and they wrote in it so that I had my own copy and I wouldn't give this one away. That made it even more special. A book that perfectly explains life from the cradle to the grave, sensitive and calmly.

Not only helped my kid, but it helped the adults too!

This book was recommended by hospice to explain death to a grade school age child. It is so beautifully written, that it not only helped my 10 year old daughter (who lost two grandparents in 6 months time), but it helped me and my husband as well. This probably won't work for a really young child - like 2 or 3, but it is probably appropriate for age 6+. Death is such a hard thing to explain to a child (even adults can't understand it), but this book explains it as beautifully as possible. To give you a summary of its main thought, life is compared to the seasons. We pass from summer to spring without fear, so why be frightened from the natural progression of fall to winter.


A classic for a person of any age to open a conversation or contemplate the circle of life. A must add for families.

My son loved this book.

Not sure if he really understood the whole story of death and dying but my young son loved this book.

"As he fell, he saw the whole tree for the first time."

How I wish this for myself, to see the whole thing for the first time. This is a lovely book that actually appeals to me for myself as well as for the children around me. I have lost a daughter, and this story is a thoughtful way to allow discussions about her death. She has four nephews, and sometimes it is difficult to start the conversations around the fear of dying. A book that prompts sharing is always treasured.

So moving, so beautiful, so universal, so Leo

Dr. Leo wasn't known as a great Buddhist teacher, but in this short work, he shares his deep understanding of the Buddha's core teachings of impermanence and interdependence. One doesn't have to be a Buddhist to appreciate this unforgettable book.

Classic book for dealing with death

An old, traditional book helping all of us deal with loss, death & grief! Highly recommended for everyone, and especially for children.

This is a great gift to help someone cope with a loss

This is a great gift to help someone cope with a loss. I have sent this several times, and it really helps people deal with their grief.

Great message

Great message for any season.

This is a wonderful book and terrific tool to teach children about the ...

This is a wonderful book and terrific tool to teach children about the life cycle. The very last page, the author wrote a wonderful the book and read it from cover to cover.

Hard topic, soft words

My granddaughter was recently upset by the death of an insect in her pre-school classroom, so I bought this to give to my daughter/son-in-law to read to her when they see fit. I read it first, of course, and found it a gentle and subtle way to discuss life, dying, and death with very young children. Well written with lovely illustrations, completely non-threatening.

A story of life for all ages

This is one of my all-time favorite books, and I have given more copies as gifts than I could count. Perfect for all ages, and can be read and understood on many different levels.

What a very simple thing (natural death) is I highly recommend this book to EVERYONE!

The very, very best book explaining death to a child and Yes!, it has helped me and I'm 81 years old ...

Thumbs up for this book.

My boys and I enjoyed reading this book. We are dealing with a loss so this book is something we can relate to.

The Fall of Freddie.

A great book about life and death. I read this to my 5yr old son tonight and I was weeping towards the end. This book was beautifully written and with care for young children. It really is a book for all ages. I wasn't expecting to get all choked up reading it to him but I couldn't help it. My son was asking a lot about death lately and this book put it very eloquently. High recommend.


A beautifully written story to help teach about changes and death. It touches the heart. I Absolutely recommend this book.

Excellent and super quick service

A good book for explaining death to children.



Gentle way to embrace loss

Great for a family experiencing a loss. I read it to grandchildren when their grandpa had cancer.

Great book

Great book helps explain passing of your loved one. Someone bought this for my son 26 years ago when my parents died. Since then we buy it for family and friends kids when there is a death in the family. We have gotten this for all ages 7 and younger.

Love this little book.

I purchased this book for my daughter about 20 yrs ago when my father passed away. I just purchased it again for my grandson because my husband passed away. I do believe in God and this book is great. I also believe that it would be good for any religion and non believers as it is based on the life of a leaf.

Never fear another season of life

This book explains the cycle of life...whether you are 6 or 60...absolutely beautiful !

Poignant, beautifully written

Poignant, beautifully written and relatable to all ages. Be forewarned, have your tissues handy.

beautiful, kind

beautiful, kind , sensitive way of talking about death with children. I buy this book over and over again.

Very helpful way in looking at the loss of someone. Especially for children

Easy read for children


Good book for all ages, young and old alike. Came in perfect condition.

Lovely story about the path of life and death

I was recommended this book after I was floundering how to talk to my little one about the loss of my Great Aunt. I read it and it was very sweet and easy to read. Simple and matter-of-fact. A positive book about the reality of life and death, and our journeys. Well written and nice illustrations.

I love this book

I love this book! My 80 year old mother has just begun working in the Hospice setting and this is to be a gift to her in her work and also for her personal use as my father recently passed away. She loves Leo and I know she will love this book. It arrived in the time frame promised and in very good condition. Thank you!

Five Stars

Great book. I'm a hospice chaplain and I've used this book for adults and children.

Great book

Lost my father and purchased this for my kids and myself. Very sweet story of the circle of life.

A touching book about life and loss.

I read it and it simply tells the story of when you lose someone to their dying without saying the word. We've sent copies to a number of people who have suddenly lost someone and they said it really helped to explain the feelings you get. This helped kids and adults as well.

Life Cycle--birth-death

A good way for all generations to express the life cycle of birth, life, death in a natural way. Using nature is a wonderful way to help us deal with death at any age.

Great book! I cry every time I read it.

Anytime someone passes away I buy a copy of this book for their loved ones. It's such a beautiful story and I think during times of death you're often at a loss for what to say and sometimes a card just won't do it. I highly recommend this book to help celebrate life and help someone understand death. I think it's great for people of all ages.

You will not be disappointed. Says it all

GAVE 30 copies away since first published.You will not be disappointed.Says it all.

Helped generations of children

This book helped me get through a really tough loss as a 9 year old. I have given it has a gift to each child I know who has lost someone suddenly. It really helped me gain perspective that there is a bigger plan. We are all part of something much bigger.

Life's passages

I LOVE this book. My husband died recently and this simple book offered gentle comfort


My daughter was given this book when she was 6 yrs. old. A dear family member died suddenly and she was very sad. She is now a grown and married woman (age 22) and requested this book one day...She lost her beloved grandfather to cancer in Nov. 08. She was very happy to have this once again. A touching way of explaining death to children to young to really understand.

Arrived quickly and as expected. Tying to introduce young ...

Arrived quickly and as expected. Tying to introduce young ones to the concept of death after the passing of a family member.

Soft way to introduce young children to the cycles of life

Definitely written in a manner that explains life and death cycles in a manner that a young mind can comprehend. As loved family members and sometimes pets pass on many questions are forthcoming from little minds. This book assists in answering their questions. Highly recommend.

book as described and packed well, shipped quickly

This book is good to introduce the topics of aging and death to young kids. Not overly emotional and matter of fact about how all things age and pass away.



... this book with a family that recently lost a loved one- read through it before I shared it- brought ...

shared this book with a family that recently lost a loved one- read through it before I shared it- brought back memories of using this to help my son when his grandmother passed.

A very anxious leaf

The main character was very anxious about dying and he was the last one out of all his friends left on the tree. Too scary for younger kids who might be scared of death.

good addition.

bought this book for the hospice library.... good addition.


A good story from the leaf's side.

The Fall of Freddie The Leaf

This book arrived in emaculate condition and timely. It is a timeless treasure for helping children understand the life cycle and the dying process in a manner that is non frightening. It is a good way to stimulate a conversation with children that are needing to cope with someone or something close to them dying.

Great book

Wonderful book to help your Little’s cope with death

I liked the book's approach to death and wanted it immediately ...

Heard this read at a funeral for a dear friend who had been a kindergarten teacher. I liked the book's approach to death and wanted it immediately for my library of precious books for my grandchildren. It arrived quickly and as promised. Thank you!!!

Easy to read and understand

Book collection

LOVE the message this book sends

I have given this book to about 33 families. I was a hospice nurse and read it to patients and gave it to many people. I lost 2 children one day and a friend of my daughter gave it to my daughter. (1993) We,LOVE the message this book sends. Over the yrs the price has gone from 9 $9.95-15.95, I think it's because I've bought so many they keep raising the

I love the "message without the sermon" flavor.....

We all will die, but not all of us are willing to believe in the concocted "life after death" experiences that every religion in every society has developed to help us cope with our reluctance to accept death and its finality. This book is great for teaching children about life, purpose, and death without smothering the lesson with religious jargon and terrifying messages of a one-shot deal to avoid the fiery pit of hell... This is a worthy read for anyone.

Easy and satisfactory purchase

Easy and satisfactory purchase. This is one of my favorite stories and I like to give it to people who've lost a loved one.

A great book to help children understand the cycle of life

A great book to help children understand the cycle of life. Thanks for having it available when we needed it most. Recommend to grandparents to have a couple of books like this on hand.

Using nature to teach youngsters about death is a healthy ...

Using nature to teach youngsters about death is a healthy attitude. All living things die. And you can help a child know that death is not the end. It is simply a change. It can help grown ups too.

The Fall of Freddie the Leaf

My husband is terminally ill with cancer and I bought this book to read to our young grandchildren. It's one of the most beautiful, touching stories I've ever read and I would recommend it as a good place to begin discussions about death with young children. The book takes a harsh reality and makes it soft and understandable.

well written story about the circle of life

i liked this book and still do; however, my grandkids kind of looked at me like i was crazy when i showed it to them. i suspect children are more comfortable associating death with the concepts of God and heaven.

Awesome little book about grief

Awesome little book about grief. Written originally for children but touches the heart in a good way for all ages.

A Memorial Keepsake

I have given this meaningful book many times. It touched me when a Nurse read this book to a group of people including myself when I had lost my father and others who had recently lost a loved one. The nurse was from the Visiting Nurses Assoc. in Connecticut . It made me understand the real meaning of life, illness and death and a new life all over again. I recommend this book for people of any ages to understand the true meaning of life. I will continue to give this wonderful book in the future.

Great classic

Great story those sad and a gentle and good lesson in giving children the ability in coping with the understanding of death.

I love Leo Buscaglia and this book

I love Leo Buscaglia and this book!!! I keep a couple copies in my gift closet and give to all my friends who have lost a pet, a friend or a family member. This story is so special everyone should own it as well as many other Leo books. Buy It! Read It!! Give it!!

Fabulous story that will stay in your heart for decades!

Fabulous book to teach the cycle of life and death. Beautiful nature photography helps tell the story of how Freddie the Leaf learns about the seasons of the year as he also learns about the seasons of life. Should be a staple in every household for when a loved one passes away.

Great book.

This is perhaps one of the best little books for the youngster experiencing grief or loss. Written by the late Leo Buscaglia, it simply and clearly states the issue of life and loss. I keep buying copies as I give away what I have, often.

A wonderful, helpful story for all ages

A family friend gave me this book over 10 years ago when my father suddenly passed away. While no book could possibly heal the pain or close the void that my father's death left in my life, I was able to find some comfort in this timeless story. Ten years later, I still pull it out once in awhile, and it makes me smile. I have given copies to many friends over the years who have lost loved ones. I hope it can bring comfort to you or your loved ones.

Just Beautiful

I have given this heart warming book to many friends & relatives that have lost a loved one over the years. When there are no words to say, this book says it all.

Freddie the Leaf

Explaining life-and-death to children is a challenge. In this gentle, beautifully illustrated book, Buscaglia tells a story which explains, questions, and wonders about what happens when a loved one dies.

Would recommend that an adult read this to children so they can have their discussion afterwards.

Excellent way to explain circle of life to young children.


This book is a lovely story, both for the young, and for adults. It is a very touching story about seasons, and death. I gave this book to my daughter when she was young. Each of my grand children own this beautiful book. This book is a real treasure.

Five Stars

Time honored grief book understood by children and sofiscated enough for adults.

Five Stars

Excellent story that explains loss and death in a way a young child can understand.

Excellent book for children and even adults to assist in ...

Excellent book for children and even adults to assist in dealing and understanding grief and loss. I am a therapist and use it with little ones the most.


After some recent "death anxiety" issues, I hit the internet in search of some books/wisdom to help me along. This book, although simple, was truly amazing and I will treasure it always. I highly recommend reading it :) I actually saw a video of this on youtube but had to have the hard copy in hand for times when I may need to refresh my spirit.

Recommended to me by more then one social worker

Have purchased this book before to help children dealing with grief. Recommended to me by more then one social worker.


Leo Buscaglia gave us so much! This book is a wonderful way to teach the loss of loved ones. I presented this at our Palliative Care Month Tea and had our Palliative Care Nurse read this aloud. Very well done.

Very sweet story about life and death and change.

I got this book to read to my son after my mother in law passed away. It is a very sweet story about life and death, but it almost made me cry while I was reading it to my then six yr old.

A must have when explaining death to a child

Best book to explain death to a child. Very easy to understand and relatable


Perfect book for teaching young kids about dying and death.

A Favorite

I was exposed to this book as a student and have always had at least one copy in my home since then, one for my use and one on hand to help others through grief. It's a wonderful book and I would recommend it to anybody struggling in times of grief.

Great for grieving children and their parents

As a hospice nurse for many years I found this book helpful for terminal patients and their families. When a recent death occurred in our family I again turned to this lovely book for the grandchildren. It is timeless and good for us all in time of loss. Laurel Cohen Baird

Makes a great book to share when someone dear is gone

Trying to explain death to children is a tough thing to do but this book explains it very well . Makes a great book to share when someone dear is gone .

A Lovely Story

The Fall of Freddie the Leaf is a lovely little story that I've read to my children (currently ages 5 and 3) a few times already. It is a great conversation starter regarding personal beliefs about the meaning of life and what happens when we die.

I like it, but too old for toddlers.

I had ordered this book based on a recommendation for a book that could bring out a little conversation about life and death with a 2 1/2 year old whose Grandpa had just died. To advanced for this age but will keep it for the future.

Five Stars

Good answers for kids who wonder and want to understand.

This book is a very sweet and gentle way to talk about loss and grief ...

This book is a very sweet and gentle way to talk about loss and grief with young kiddos. I appreciated the storyline and care taken in writing it.

I read this book to the little ones at my ...

I read this book to the little ones at my church during the children's sermon on All Saints Day as we remembered those who died in the last year. I had multiple adults come up to me and tell me that it was equally meaningful to them.

Love the book

Love the book! It does a clear and simple explanation of life and death for children to understand. I gave one to each of my children and their families!

This is a great book for all ages and very well illustrated I bought two of them one for a gift and one for the house.

I would definitely recommend this book, we recently lost our 10 year old golden retriever, this book helped in explaining to our 5 year old what happened to his best pal...

Dieing described for a 5-90 yr old

Leo Busgaglia spelling may be off...describes life in the season of a tree...leaves come and go and life WILL go on...and new leaves will come in the right season...beautiful story to explain death.

Five Stars

A children's classic that is good for us all.

A timeless classic

Shared with a friend to use with her daughter. No overt religious teaching here, but a very good way to begin the discussion of life and death with a child who is asking questions.

Five Stars

Magical..... Every child should have had this story read to them....


I bought this to give to child after loosing her grandpa. It came with the cover ripped and looks used

Five Stars

All the above were perfect.

Five Stars

A beautiful story about death and new life - very suitable for children.

A masterpiece

Exactly what I expected from anything that Buscaglia would write. Illustrations were works of art. Prose was beautiful. I have never been disappointed with any of his works and this is no exception.

An old friend comes to the rescue.

Freddie the Leaf is a classic. I used this book more than thirty years ago to explain the death of a friend to my young son. Once again, I found this book helpful to explain the life & death cycle to a young child.

Five Stars

It's agreat book expiaining the cycle of life in a very gentle way

This book has been a staple and guidance for any ...

This book has been a staple and guidance for any de eased member of my family and friends through the last fourth years! It presents the message clearly and lovingly and has been used by priests at funeral masses!

Explains our purpose

I heard this read at a funeral and came home and ordered a copy for my family. Lovely book.

An excellent book. I brings a feeling of comfort with ...

An excellent book. I brings a feeling of comfort with the loss of a loved one for adults and children alike. Leo Buscaglia a very prolific writer.

Freddie the leaf

When my daughter's father passed my husband the president of the hospital told me to get this book it's funny before I even got to finish the book she had already knew her father had passed was it helpful in me breaking the news to her ?maybe it was

Book about loss

This book is more appropriate in cases of an older person's dealth. I was looking for one to explain the dealth of a child.

A wonderful message

A beautiful message for children and adults alike. I read the book aloud to a group of people while illustrating the life of a leaf in a quilting project. Absolutely not a dry eye in the audience.

Great book on death & dying for the child in all of us.

When my daughter was young, her father was dying so we read this book over and over. To this day we both feel this is a great book to help with the subject of death & dying.


Prompt, as Stated, Pleased Outstanding gentle book to read with a child of any age. It was a real convenience to be able to purchase this item on line. Thank you.

Freddie is fabulous

Lovely book for a sensitive subject. It explains the circle of life simply and is reassuring information on the subject of death

This is a wonderful book about life and death for people of all ...

This is a wonderful book about life and death for people of all ages...we had a family death and I got this for the families of the relative who died.

Relating death to life naturally.

This is a particularly good thing to read young folks when there is a death of somebody close to them. I feel that it helps connect life and death in a natural way that they can understand.

Every person who has lost a loved one should read this book

Every person who has lost a loved one should read this book. This is a wonderful book for children who are in grief.

Five Stars

An excellent story that helps any person, especially children, comprehend the death of a loved one.

This book is precious.

Has been a favorite for many years as a gift to friends who've lost loved ones.

The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story for All Ages

I have used this book in counseling for many years and find that it spans all age groups. It puts the life cycles of all living things into a natural perspective.

Definitely recommend

This is a great book. I work in hospice and this has helped a lot of families. I have my own copy and also purchased a copy for my siblings.

Great book for a hard time

I have used this book on several occasions to help children work through loss of a beloved person or pet. A hopeful take on the realities of life.

An amazing book to explain loss

An amazing book to explain loss, and even to read with a loved one who is dying. Good for kids and adults alike!

One of the best

Since it was first written, this has been the best book for helping children come to grips with death. Leo Buscalgia was a wonderful and gentle soul and that certainly shines through in this book.

Quiet wisdom for all ages.

I have revisited this book over the years. It's a beautiful explanation of the cycles of life and death, our connectedness and purpose, for people of any age. It has universal appeal.

Excellent way to introduce difficult subject to young children.

Heard story at church, so I bought for grandchildren. Parents really liked book. Wonderful way to introduce subject of death.

item in perfect condition

consolation over a loss.

Helps with grief

This is an excellent book for children and adults who have lost an important person or pet.

Gave as a Gift

Was helpful during a very difficult time for a family with a 6 and 3 year old who lost their grandfather unexpectedly

Five Stars

Great way to explain life and death to young ones.

explanation of a painful subject.

A thoughtful, lovely, explanation of a painful subject.

Five Stars

Gift to a grieving loved one

Grief book for kids

I really like this book-I am a therapist and have used this book with many kids-from very young to older-all seem to like be engaged with it.

A priest read this at my infant son's funeral 22 ...

A priest read this at my infant son's funeral 22 years ago.It has been a part of healing and eventually the celebration of his life. I bought this copy for a 7 year old who recently lost her father.

Amazing. Pure greatness.

A wonderful book for a difficult time.

a great explaination of passing to the othr side

What a great book to explain a loved one's passing.

Great book

Great book to help kids understand death

and I am still simply amazed on how quickly it arrived

I still can't get over just how quickly my order was delivered. WOW! I live a very rural area here in Central Washington state, and I am still simply amazed on how quickly it arrived. Your setting the standards and expectations pretty high!!!!!! Thanks

Two friends recently lost their husbands and I loaned this ...

Two friends recently lost their husbands and I loaned this book to them. A gentle way to express the cycle of life.

Excellent book to help explain loss of a loved one

I had been looking for a book that would help children understand what happens when a loved one dies. Not only is this the best book for doing so ...but it is helpful for adults as well.

Five Stars

Wonderful book for all ages, especially young children dealing with the death of a loved one.

Perfect for the purpose

I purchased this book to donate to the children's department of the local public library in memory of a remarkable 8-month-old baby who passed away without ever coming home from the hospital. Her 2-year-old sister and great-grandmother are frequent visitors to the library and I thought that this book would help the baby's sister better understand where her baby sister had gone. It was perfect for the purpose.

This is a wonderful book for adults and children who has lost someone ...

This is a wonderful book for adults and children who has lost someone close to them in death. I always give this as a gift.

I love this book

I love this book. This book was given to my neice when she lost her mother. I always wanted it for the classroom for our children.

Five Stars

Great books. I always admired Leo Buscaglia. Great soul. Thanks

Five Stars

Very appropriate book for a child to understand death.

A great story to prepare children for life's turns.

This is a reat story to help children learn about life and death in an easy and beautiful way. Very sweet and nice.

I felt like Freddie

So unique. We are Freddie! Buy the book and see.

My favorite book.

Love this book!

Great Value, and A Great

Great Value , and A Great Seller

Five Stars

One of my favorite books. Lovely and for all ages.

Five Stars

Such a good book for children dealing with death in a family.

Five Stars


Spitiual comfort for children of all ages.

I give this book to eveyone in my world who has had a loved one cross over to the Spirit side of life. It gives hope and great comfort.

My favorite book for children and adults on dying process

Excellent presentation on the natural process of dying as explained to children; good for adults as well. Book came in Excellent condition; I will use this book in my job as an educator and highly recommend it. The distributor was efficient and I will use them again.

Four Stars

love the story but book was not in too good of shape

... for all to read when you have lost a loved one.

A book for all to read when you have lost a loved one.

And the perfect way to explain death to children

Charming. And the perfect way to explain death to children.

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