The Endless Forest: A Novel (Wilderness Book 6)

Kindle Edition
14 Dec
A rich, passionate, multilayered portrayal of family strength and endurance from bestselling author Sara Donati
In the spring of 1824, in the remote village of Paradise on the New York frontier, Nathaniel and Elizabeth Bonner celebrate a glorious reunion as their children return from far-off places: Lily and her husband from Italy, and Martha Kirby, the Bonners’ ward, from Manhattan. In the peace that follows a devastating flood, childhood friends Martha and Daniel, Lily’s twin brother, suddenly begin to see each other in a new light. But their growing bond is threatened when Martha’s estranged mother arrives back in Paradise. Jemima Southern is a dangerous schemer who has destroyed more than one family, and her anger touches everyone, as do her secrets. Has Jemima come to claim her daughter—or does she have other, darker motives? Whatever transpires, Martha, Daniel, and all the Bonners must stand united against the threats to both heart and home.

Reviews (170)

The Wilderness series

This series is excellent, I have just finished the final book. My only complaint is that it was the last book. Instead of the editorials which summarized the lives of the characters I would have preferred more novels of their lives. This is really a compliment of the author's skill as a story teller. Her character development is in depth. It draws a reader into the story and makes one want more. The time period which this series covers is that of our countries great development,expansion and change. So many major issues are covered in this books. There are written honestly and show the good and the bad of society and individuals. I recommend you read, enjoy and learn !

..nature ain't got no interest in playing fair. (Curiosity Freeman)

Oh! I love how this final installment begins. Sitting by the fire with Curiosity talking to us as big as you please. I just LOVE it! Obviously this was a book of closure. Discovering where everyone has been, and all the Bonner family (and various "wards") whom have been away etc. coming home to Paradise to heal and mend or just to renew. New marriages...more births...and of course inevitable deaths. The continuing drama with Jemima Southern, natural disasters, secrets and murder mysteries. This final story sums up the Saga nicely although I still had unanswered questions about Ethan Middleton. (how did Jemima come to her information?) It was so hard to let Nathaniel, the Bonner men and these strong women go. I became so emotionally invested with this Saga..(but of course!) and I love them all... I wanted to start the whole series over again as soon as I finished. But Mr. James A. Michener sums up my feelings perfectly when he wrote: - - "When I approach the closing pages of a great novel, a feeling of profound regret comes over me, for I realize I am about to sever a relationship with characters I have grown to love. And to abandon a corner of the world in which I have spent rewarding weeks, months and even years, for I read slowly and carefully. I feel, when the pages dwindle, as if something good were being stolen from me, something precious that would not be replaced. You may laugh at what I say next, but when I realize how few pages are left I ration myself, only so many each day, and when the final one looms, and I close the book, I stare at the back map for many minutes, aware that something precious has touched my life." - - James Michener Thank you Ms. Donati for a fabulous, heart warming Saga!

Quite a Let Down for the Last Book in this Series - Suggestion: Skip the Epilogue

I purchased the first two books in this series about two years ago. I read "Into the Wilderness" and enjoyed it but didn't read "Dawn on a Distant Shore" until last week and then decided I must re-read the first book before I tackled the complete series. So, during the past week, I have completed the series and must say that some of the primary characters in these novels are great and you just want to keep reading because the people have become so real to you. Throughout the series, some questions are never completely answered - at least not to my satisfaction. There are often scenes that are simply looked back upon with very little detail about the happenings. This book does answer a few of the questions, yet it was still quite a let-down. So much time was spent on Jemima Wilde and the concerns of the Bonner Family related to her evil nature that it came close to ruining the book for me. Couldn't the author have had Nathaniel push her over a cliff or something? I would have preferred learning a little bit about what made Ethan tick - the series never explored his character in depth, except for his penchant for building. Or, how about some details about Gabriel and his romance with Annie? Or even, some romantic interludes between Hannah and sexy Ben. Basically zilch, zero, nada! Even letting Lily up off her couch might have helped this book along. Yes, some loose ends were tied up and it was great to have the joy of Daniel's and Martha's relationship detailed. Additionally, Birdie was a great little character and so much fun, she deserves a series all her own. I agree with some other reviewers who thought the epilogue as it was written was a wrong move. I would have been happier thinking about all the Bonners (or, if you prefer - "Bonner's" as they were so often referred to when used in the plural sense - wrong! Someone needed additional assistance in editing through much of this series) as they were at the end of the book, without an epilogue that shows when and where many of the characters died. Suggestion: if you read the book, skip the epilogue.

A Fitting Ending

With The Endless Forest, Sara Donati’s sweeping saga of the Bonner family comes to a close, and what a magnificent ending it is! The story that began in Paradise, New York with Into the Wilderness comes full circle as Nathaniel and Elizabeth’s children return to their mountain home in 1824 to raise their families and face the past and the future. This final book in the series settles old scores and ties up loose threads while giving us fevered action and romance in the bargain. Opening with a springtime flood that manages to devastate Paradise both physically and spiritually, The Endless Forest brings daughter Lily home in hopes of beginning her own family. Her twin Daniel, still affected by his disabling accident years earlier, keeps to himself until the arrival of young Martha Kirby sparks a reawakening. When town nemesis (and Martha’s mother) Jemima Kuick returns, old wounds resurface that force the hand of not just Daniel and Martha, but also other Bonners and townspeople. Jemima’s still out for blood, and the family must draw together in order to keep what’s rightfully theirs. All the characters we’ve grown to know and love are present: Nathaniel and Elizabeth, now grandparents, are still lovingly guiding their families; Hannah, Luke, and Gabriel are raising children along with their spouses; and Curiosity is still dispensing advice. Most delightful is the presence of Birdie, youngest child of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, who manages to insert herself in the thick of things and always has an opinion to share. Donati supplies us with an epilogue that lets us know what happens next in the lives of the Bonner clan. I will miss these stories, and yet I find that Donati has given this saga a most gratifying finale. Highly recommended. Thank you to the Historical Novel Society for providing a copy of this novel for review.

Outstanding Series

Up until now, Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series has been my favorite. However I feel that Sara Donati has at least equaled, if not surpassed Ms. Gabaldon with this Wilderness series. Ms. Donati has the ability to make us care about the characters in her stories, a most important trait in a truly great writer. We followed Nathaniel and Elizabeth through a time in American history that doesn't always get the hype it deserves. We saw in them the ability of the human spirit to survive even under seemingly impossible conditions. In Hannah we saw the plight of an intelligent woman caught between two worlds. In Curiosity we found the wisdom of the ages and the loyalty of a true friend, who's support withstood everything. Each character was real. Some pulled on my heart strings, while others made me want to commit murder! At the end of the sixth book, knowing it was the last in the series, I actually felt a sense of loss. In most ways I do appreciate that Ms. Donati wrote a very unique epilogue and let us know what happened to the people we had come to know so intimately. On the other hand, because she did "wrap it up" I know that she has ended the series, and I can't find comfort in hoping that she will write more.

Loved the book, HATED the epilogue

Now this is more like it! After giving a less than stellar review on the previous installment "Queen Of Swords" I was thrilled to see that Donati was back on track with this final novel in the series. "The Endless Forest" was evocative of the first novel in the series "Into the Wilderness" which is still the best novel in the series by far. What did I love about "The Endless Forest"? I loved that we were back in the woods of upstate New York and that we were back amongst all the characters we have come to care about. I loved that there was a lot more of Elizabeth and Nathaniel than we've had recently and found that I actually liked Hannah, Daniel, and Lily more than I did in previous novels--though I had come to like Hannah in the last novel. It was nice seeing all the families settle and grow. I enjoyed the story of Daniel and Martha which was in many ways similar to that of Nathaniel and Elizabeth in the first book. It was wonderful to have the warmth and emotion back after the sterile previous novel. I felt like this was Donati again and that I was back in the series I had come to love. It was nice to see Elizabeth and Nathaniel surrounded by their children and their grandchildren, to see the fruition of their amazing love story. No, there was not a lot of the adventure and mayhem of the previous novels but I didn't feel that was a negative because we got a lot of the familial relationships that have been missing. The reason I gave this book a 4 star instead of a 5 star was the awful, awful epilogue. HATED the epilogue and wish, wish, wish I had not read it! I thought I would read an enjoyable epilogue of what happened to the characters over the next few years. Instead I got death after death, tragedy after tragedy. Why? What was the point? There was no reason to just kill these people off one after the other. To anyone who loves these characters I would recommend not bothering with the epilogue. I sure wish I hadn't.

Back to where it began

The last book in the Wilderness series in on par with the others, and a welcome return to Paradise after a jaunt in New Orleans in the previous book. It was nice to be back with familiar characters; just like catching up with old friends. Most of the "big action" actually happens toward the beginning of the book, while the rest of the book explores a sweet romance for Daniel Bonner. The ending isn't exactly climactic a la a battle or a kidnapping like the previous books, but you are left with a contented feeling for the Bonners and their extended family. Minor Spoilers: * * * The Epilogue features newspaper clippings that reveal the fates of several of the characters, which is actually quite a cold and heartbreaking way to learn--but that's life, and it goes on and on with generational loves and struggles passing by.

A wonderful conclusion to a wonderful series

I was afraid I wouldn't like this book so I put it off for a long time. I'm a little disappointed I waited so long because this book was fantastic. The stories seemed so real and you really started to feel like you were part of the Bonner clan. I have been a fan of this series since the beginning. Originally, I wanted to read the first book simply because Donati paid homage to Diana Gabaldon by mentioning Claire Fraser and young Ian Murray, from the Outlander series, in passing. As a huge Outlander fan, it was quite the thrill to see their names in another author's story. Diana Gabaldon also recommended this book. So I read Into the Wilderness. I became hooked. In the first book, you meet Elizabeth Middleton who believes she is to remain a spinster. Because of this she decides to move from England to Paradise, New York where her father still lives. Upon arrival she meet's Nathaniel Bonner, a backwoodsmen. The attraction between them is undeniable despite Elizabeth's continuing efforts to do so. Everything comes to a head when her father decides to gift her with the land the Bonner's rent, and believe to be rightfully theirs, to Elizabeth for her marriage to another man she has no intention of marrying. So Nathaniel and Elizabeth elope and their love story begins. There are six books in total that span their lives and their children's lives. My favorites are Jennet and Luke, Simon and Lily, and now Martha and Daniel. This book was wonderful; one of the best books I've read in a while. I really equate this series with the Outlander series because both are excellent. Now, I know some of you might be thinking or don't even know that this series is basically a follow up to the movie The Last of the Mochians which is nothing like the book. Some people won't even consider it because of that but I'll tell you; because it starts from Cora and Hawkeye's child's adulthood and continues you can forgive it and love the series for what it is, a wonderfully written story about a family in 18th and 19th century rural New York. This book was particularly wonderful. I love the first book and the one where Simon and Lily fall in love, though for the life of me I can't remember which one contained that story and now this one is very much in a tie with the first book. Daniel and Martha's story mimics Daniel's parents, Elizabeth and Nathaniel. Martha and Daniel's love story grows quickly and yet it feels so real and plausible. The characters are fun and enjoyable and we meet the youngest Bonner Birdie who takes full responsibility for the matchmaking of Daniel and Martha. All of Donati's characters really come to life and leave you wanting just a little more time in Paradise. Donati did a fantastic job and I loved every minute though I must say if you read this book, have tissues handy for the epilogue.

Bonners Continue to be Beautiful - Love Them All!

Thank you Sara - this is a 6 STAR!!!! So many "last books" are "forced". Not The Endless Forest - I loved this book. I absolutely loved this book - I loved Daniel and Martha - Sara takes us into the core of their relationship, as she does with others - But Daniel and Martha had shades of Nathaniel and Elizabeth and I loved them almost as much (I say "almost" - Nathaniel and Elizabeth are amazing). Jemima comes back with full force and wreaks her havoc....I wish, wish there really were men willing to expose their emotions enough and love as much as the Bonners do. They are (just like Outlander's Jamie & Claire and Roger and Brianna and Ian) people I would love and be honored to know. - I thought the entire book was excellent - marvelous conclusion to an exceptional saga. All these little dramas and conclusions for the entire family, interwoven beautifully. Would have liked to have gotten to know Gabriel and Annie a bit more - and we never get enough Luke either...but overall beautifully done. I've read this series three times. And listened to it as well (Audible - so worth it!). The narrator may seem wrong to begin with but you love her after you give her a chance - she grows into the part(s) very, very well. While lighter reading than the Outlander Saga (which I love and treasure as much by the way) and often ill-compared to it, I find Into The Wilderness Saga very beautiful and worthy in it's own right. It moves a bit faster and has characters that resonate as strongly as Jamie and Claire, just in different ways. Donati and Gabaldon make history come alive for me - some say "oh, the love story and the intimacy are not needed" or "I could do without the sex". I beg to differ! It is never gratuitous with either of these authors, it is real and vital to these characters - people made history, people are intricately woven into every step of the process and to pretend that they don't have lives and families and drama that affected that history is crazy! It is all intermingled. Love and Intimacy is just as real as violence and intrigue - I believe some people choose to exist in a vacuum, I certainly don't. Intimacy is part of life and made you and me - and the way Donati and Gabaldon weave intimacy and great love into their story is a great gift from God in my estimation - it always sustains my hope that people will take down their barriers and their pride and allow their feelings and that great Love to come into their lives. It is a powerful, beautiful and marvelous gift. My only critique of The Endless Forest is we still don't get enough Elizabeth and Nathaniel which I never tire of. But, Daniel and Martha make up for it. Love her conclusions (and yet remain greedy for more) Thank you Sara for this wonderful, wonderful saga! (PS If you choose to write another story/Epilogue of the Bonners - you will have readers!!!! I promise you!)

Great Series

This was the perfect ending to the Wilderness series. Well written, tied up all plots. I dreaded and welcomed the finale. I have been part of the Bonner family from the beginning and felt like they should always be in my life. I certainly binge read these books. Never did that before. Anyone that likes adventure and history and strong women and men should love these books.

The Wilderness series

This series is excellent, I have just finished the final book. My only complaint is that it was the last book. Instead of the editorials which summarized the lives of the characters I would have preferred more novels of their lives. This is really a compliment of the author's skill as a story teller. Her character development is in depth. It draws a reader into the story and makes one want more. The time period which this series covers is that of our countries great development,expansion and change. So many major issues are covered in this books. There are written honestly and show the good and the bad of society and individuals. I recommend you read, enjoy and learn !

..nature ain't got no interest in playing fair. (Curiosity Freeman)

Oh! I love how this final installment begins. Sitting by the fire with Curiosity talking to us as big as you please. I just LOVE it! Obviously this was a book of closure. Discovering where everyone has been, and all the Bonner family (and various "wards") whom have been away etc. coming home to Paradise to heal and mend or just to renew. New marriages...more births...and of course inevitable deaths. The continuing drama with Jemima Southern, natural disasters, secrets and murder mysteries. This final story sums up the Saga nicely although I still had unanswered questions about Ethan Middleton. (how did Jemima come to her information?) It was so hard to let Nathaniel, the Bonner men and these strong women go. I became so emotionally invested with this Saga..(but of course!) and I love them all... I wanted to start the whole series over again as soon as I finished. But Mr. James A. Michener sums up my feelings perfectly when he wrote: - - "When I approach the closing pages of a great novel, a feeling of profound regret comes over me, for I realize I am about to sever a relationship with characters I have grown to love. And to abandon a corner of the world in which I have spent rewarding weeks, months and even years, for I read slowly and carefully. I feel, when the pages dwindle, as if something good were being stolen from me, something precious that would not be replaced. You may laugh at what I say next, but when I realize how few pages are left I ration myself, only so many each day, and when the final one looms, and I close the book, I stare at the back map for many minutes, aware that something precious has touched my life." - - James Michener Thank you Ms. Donati for a fabulous, heart warming Saga!

Quite a Let Down for the Last Book in this Series - Suggestion: Skip the Epilogue

I purchased the first two books in this series about two years ago. I read "Into the Wilderness" and enjoyed it but didn't read "Dawn on a Distant Shore" until last week and then decided I must re-read the first book before I tackled the complete series. So, during the past week, I have completed the series and must say that some of the primary characters in these novels are great and you just want to keep reading because the people have become so real to you. Throughout the series, some questions are never completely answered - at least not to my satisfaction. There are often scenes that are simply looked back upon with very little detail about the happenings. This book does answer a few of the questions, yet it was still quite a let-down. So much time was spent on Jemima Wilde and the concerns of the Bonner Family related to her evil nature that it came close to ruining the book for me. Couldn't the author have had Nathaniel push her over a cliff or something? I would have preferred learning a little bit about what made Ethan tick - the series never explored his character in depth, except for his penchant for building. Or, how about some details about Gabriel and his romance with Annie? Or even, some romantic interludes between Hannah and sexy Ben. Basically zilch, zero, nada! Even letting Lily up off her couch might have helped this book along. Yes, some loose ends were tied up and it was great to have the joy of Daniel's and Martha's relationship detailed. Additionally, Birdie was a great little character and so much fun, she deserves a series all her own. I agree with some other reviewers who thought the epilogue as it was written was a wrong move. I would have been happier thinking about all the Bonners (or, if you prefer - "Bonner's" as they were so often referred to when used in the plural sense - wrong! Someone needed additional assistance in editing through much of this series) as they were at the end of the book, without an epilogue that shows when and where many of the characters died. Suggestion: if you read the book, skip the epilogue.

A Fitting Ending

With The Endless Forest, Sara Donati’s sweeping saga of the Bonner family comes to a close, and what a magnificent ending it is! The story that began in Paradise, New York with Into the Wilderness comes full circle as Nathaniel and Elizabeth’s children return to their mountain home in 1824 to raise their families and face the past and the future. This final book in the series settles old scores and ties up loose threads while giving us fevered action and romance in the bargain. Opening with a springtime flood that manages to devastate Paradise both physically and spiritually, The Endless Forest brings daughter Lily home in hopes of beginning her own family. Her twin Daniel, still affected by his disabling accident years earlier, keeps to himself until the arrival of young Martha Kirby sparks a reawakening. When town nemesis (and Martha’s mother) Jemima Kuick returns, old wounds resurface that force the hand of not just Daniel and Martha, but also other Bonners and townspeople. Jemima’s still out for blood, and the family must draw together in order to keep what’s rightfully theirs. All the characters we’ve grown to know and love are present: Nathaniel and Elizabeth, now grandparents, are still lovingly guiding their families; Hannah, Luke, and Gabriel are raising children along with their spouses; and Curiosity is still dispensing advice. Most delightful is the presence of Birdie, youngest child of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, who manages to insert herself in the thick of things and always has an opinion to share. Donati supplies us with an epilogue that lets us know what happens next in the lives of the Bonner clan. I will miss these stories, and yet I find that Donati has given this saga a most gratifying finale. Highly recommended. Thank you to the Historical Novel Society for providing a copy of this novel for review.

Outstanding Series

Up until now, Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series has been my favorite. However I feel that Sara Donati has at least equaled, if not surpassed Ms. Gabaldon with this Wilderness series. Ms. Donati has the ability to make us care about the characters in her stories, a most important trait in a truly great writer. We followed Nathaniel and Elizabeth through a time in American history that doesn't always get the hype it deserves. We saw in them the ability of the human spirit to survive even under seemingly impossible conditions. In Hannah we saw the plight of an intelligent woman caught between two worlds. In Curiosity we found the wisdom of the ages and the loyalty of a true friend, who's support withstood everything. Each character was real. Some pulled on my heart strings, while others made me want to commit murder! At the end of the sixth book, knowing it was the last in the series, I actually felt a sense of loss. In most ways I do appreciate that Ms. Donati wrote a very unique epilogue and let us know what happened to the people we had come to know so intimately. On the other hand, because she did "wrap it up" I know that she has ended the series, and I can't find comfort in hoping that she will write more.

Loved the book, HATED the epilogue

Now this is more like it! After giving a less than stellar review on the previous installment "Queen Of Swords" I was thrilled to see that Donati was back on track with this final novel in the series. "The Endless Forest" was evocative of the first novel in the series "Into the Wilderness" which is still the best novel in the series by far. What did I love about "The Endless Forest"? I loved that we were back in the woods of upstate New York and that we were back amongst all the characters we have come to care about. I loved that there was a lot more of Elizabeth and Nathaniel than we've had recently and found that I actually liked Hannah, Daniel, and Lily more than I did in previous novels--though I had come to like Hannah in the last novel. It was nice seeing all the families settle and grow. I enjoyed the story of Daniel and Martha which was in many ways similar to that of Nathaniel and Elizabeth in the first book. It was wonderful to have the warmth and emotion back after the sterile previous novel. I felt like this was Donati again and that I was back in the series I had come to love. It was nice to see Elizabeth and Nathaniel surrounded by their children and their grandchildren, to see the fruition of their amazing love story. No, there was not a lot of the adventure and mayhem of the previous novels but I didn't feel that was a negative because we got a lot of the familial relationships that have been missing. The reason I gave this book a 4 star instead of a 5 star was the awful, awful epilogue. HATED the epilogue and wish, wish, wish I had not read it! I thought I would read an enjoyable epilogue of what happened to the characters over the next few years. Instead I got death after death, tragedy after tragedy. Why? What was the point? There was no reason to just kill these people off one after the other. To anyone who loves these characters I would recommend not bothering with the epilogue. I sure wish I hadn't.

Back to where it began

The last book in the Wilderness series in on par with the others, and a welcome return to Paradise after a jaunt in New Orleans in the previous book. It was nice to be back with familiar characters; just like catching up with old friends. Most of the "big action" actually happens toward the beginning of the book, while the rest of the book explores a sweet romance for Daniel Bonner. The ending isn't exactly climactic a la a battle or a kidnapping like the previous books, but you are left with a contented feeling for the Bonners and their extended family. Minor Spoilers: * * * The Epilogue features newspaper clippings that reveal the fates of several of the characters, which is actually quite a cold and heartbreaking way to learn--but that's life, and it goes on and on with generational loves and struggles passing by.

A wonderful conclusion to a wonderful series

I was afraid I wouldn't like this book so I put it off for a long time. I'm a little disappointed I waited so long because this book was fantastic. The stories seemed so real and you really started to feel like you were part of the Bonner clan. I have been a fan of this series since the beginning. Originally, I wanted to read the first book simply because Donati paid homage to Diana Gabaldon by mentioning Claire Fraser and young Ian Murray, from the Outlander series, in passing. As a huge Outlander fan, it was quite the thrill to see their names in another author's story. Diana Gabaldon also recommended this book. So I read Into the Wilderness. I became hooked. In the first book, you meet Elizabeth Middleton who believes she is to remain a spinster. Because of this she decides to move from England to Paradise, New York where her father still lives. Upon arrival she meet's Nathaniel Bonner, a backwoodsmen. The attraction between them is undeniable despite Elizabeth's continuing efforts to do so. Everything comes to a head when her father decides to gift her with the land the Bonner's rent, and believe to be rightfully theirs, to Elizabeth for her marriage to another man she has no intention of marrying. So Nathaniel and Elizabeth elope and their love story begins. There are six books in total that span their lives and their children's lives. My favorites are Jennet and Luke, Simon and Lily, and now Martha and Daniel. This book was wonderful; one of the best books I've read in a while. I really equate this series with the Outlander series because both are excellent. Now, I know some of you might be thinking or don't even know that this series is basically a follow up to the movie The Last of the Mochians which is nothing like the book. Some people won't even consider it because of that but I'll tell you; because it starts from Cora and Hawkeye's child's adulthood and continues you can forgive it and love the series for what it is, a wonderfully written story about a family in 18th and 19th century rural New York. This book was particularly wonderful. I love the first book and the one where Simon and Lily fall in love, though for the life of me I can't remember which one contained that story and now this one is very much in a tie with the first book. Daniel and Martha's story mimics Daniel's parents, Elizabeth and Nathaniel. Martha and Daniel's love story grows quickly and yet it feels so real and plausible. The characters are fun and enjoyable and we meet the youngest Bonner Birdie who takes full responsibility for the matchmaking of Daniel and Martha. All of Donati's characters really come to life and leave you wanting just a little more time in Paradise. Donati did a fantastic job and I loved every minute though I must say if you read this book, have tissues handy for the epilogue.

Bonners Continue to be Beautiful - Love Them All!

Thank you Sara - this is a 6 STAR!!!! So many "last books" are "forced". Not The Endless Forest - I loved this book. I absolutely loved this book - I loved Daniel and Martha - Sara takes us into the core of their relationship, as she does with others - But Daniel and Martha had shades of Nathaniel and Elizabeth and I loved them almost as much (I say "almost" - Nathaniel and Elizabeth are amazing). Jemima comes back with full force and wreaks her havoc....I wish, wish there really were men willing to expose their emotions enough and love as much as the Bonners do. They are (just like Outlander's Jamie & Claire and Roger and Brianna and Ian) people I would love and be honored to know. - I thought the entire book was excellent - marvelous conclusion to an exceptional saga. All these little dramas and conclusions for the entire family, interwoven beautifully. Would have liked to have gotten to know Gabriel and Annie a bit more - and we never get enough Luke either...but overall beautifully done. I've read this series three times. And listened to it as well (Audible - so worth it!). The narrator may seem wrong to begin with but you love her after you give her a chance - she grows into the part(s) very, very well. While lighter reading than the Outlander Saga (which I love and treasure as much by the way) and often ill-compared to it, I find Into The Wilderness Saga very beautiful and worthy in it's own right. It moves a bit faster and has characters that resonate as strongly as Jamie and Claire, just in different ways. Donati and Gabaldon make history come alive for me - some say "oh, the love story and the intimacy are not needed" or "I could do without the sex". I beg to differ! It is never gratuitous with either of these authors, it is real and vital to these characters - people made history, people are intricately woven into every step of the process and to pretend that they don't have lives and families and drama that affected that history is crazy! It is all intermingled. Love and Intimacy is just as real as violence and intrigue - I believe some people choose to exist in a vacuum, I certainly don't. Intimacy is part of life and made you and me - and the way Donati and Gabaldon weave intimacy and great love into their story is a great gift from God in my estimation - it always sustains my hope that people will take down their barriers and their pride and allow their feelings and that great Love to come into their lives. It is a powerful, beautiful and marvelous gift. My only critique of The Endless Forest is we still don't get enough Elizabeth and Nathaniel which I never tire of. But, Daniel and Martha make up for it. Love her conclusions (and yet remain greedy for more) Thank you Sara for this wonderful, wonderful saga! (PS If you choose to write another story/Epilogue of the Bonners - you will have readers!!!! I promise you!)

Great Series

This was the perfect ending to the Wilderness series. Well written, tied up all plots. I dreaded and welcomed the finale. I have been part of the Bonner family from the beginning and felt like they should always be in my life. I certainly binge read these books. Never did that before. Anyone that likes adventure and history and strong women and men should love these books.

I'm going to miss the Bonners!

What a fantastic series!! So sorry it had to end, but sooner or later I needed to get some sleep. I can't stay up until the wee hours checking on the Bonners forever. This was a satisfying conclusion to the saga. As much as I liked it, I would have preferred to have a little more of the characters I'd grown to love from the prior series. This may have been because I didn't care much for Elizabeth and Nathaniel's youngest daughter, Birdie ---and there was a lot of Birdie in this book.

The Bonner family has come full circle

The last installment of the story of the Bonner family was an emotional and satisfying conclusion to this wonderful series. It opens with a prologue narrated by one of my favorite characters and just gets better. It is 1823 and we are brought up to date on what has happened with Elizabeth and Nathaniel Bonner and their children, spouses and grandchildren since the last book, which ended in 1815. As with any large family, there are joys, problems, challenges and sorrows. Overseeing all this is Elizabeth, Nathaniel, and of course, Curiosity. The youngest Bonner, Birdie, is a delight to read. She reminds me a little of Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird. The only adult Bonner offspring not married is Daniel, who tends to keep to himself because of a painful war wound that has not healed. Martha Wilde has returned to Paradise with problems of her own, but it is not long before Daniel takes a new interest in his surroundings, namely Martha. When Martha's mother, Jemima, comes back to Paradise and wants to see Martha, the Bonners "circle the wagons" for her. Jemima left Paradise under a cloud of suspicion and animosity. She also left her daughter and step-daughter, Callie, behind. Callie is also beset by problems. Problems that effect her relationship with just about everyone, but especially her stepsister. The root of these problems is Jemima, Martha's mother. There were also times of joy and amusement, like the Bonner family Sunday dinners, Birdie's take on events happening to her family and her endurance of the little people. Nicholas. I especially enjoyed the description of the Mohawk dances, first with the men and then with the men and women. I felt this was a book of closure, not only for the series, but for Martha, Callie and Jemima. All of these women were marked by life's circumstances and it was how they handled these circumstances that determined their fate and their legacies. The closure continued with the epilogue, which brought tears to my eyes at certain points. This was a wonderful ending to a wonderful series.

A magnificent end to the series

I have truly loved this series and the final book was really wonderful. I wept, WEPT reading the epilogue. I kept reasoning with myself that these are not real people....but Sara has made them come to life for me and they will be forever in my heart as dear the tears flowed! The epilogue was very moving and sad and hopeful. Thank you Sara for writing these books!!!


Absolutely brilliant series of books. From the time I picked up book 1 I couldn’t put them down. I love the Bonner family and whilst reading I actually feel I am living their lives with them. What a great way to end your book 6 through newspaper articles. Now I’m at a total loss of what could ever take the place of In the Wilderness series ! Maybe I’ll just re read them .

A wonderful saga

This is the sixth and final book of the series, so today I say farewell to Paradise and all the friends I came to know and love. If you like historical fiction, I highly recommend this series as a look into early American history

Holds you captive!

I was hesitant to begin this series as I had just finished the Outlander Series and wasn't sure I could get that involved so quickly into such a different story. The first book was comfortable and calm as the storyline begin so I continued to read. By the second book I was so involved in the lives of these new people and their life story I was no longer comparing it to any other historical romance. I was captivated by the characters and their stories. By the time I began the last book, the "Endless Forest" I was sorry for it to end. It did end however, and felt complete. Thank you Sara Donati!

Great end to this very interesting series.

I have enjoyed the entire wilderness series of books which were written by Sara Donati. Although this is fiction, it includes many historical facts that make it more entrancing. Loved the book and look forward to reading the Gilded Hour.

Many thanks for a wonderful series.

I wanted to take this opportunity, within a few minutes of finishing the series, to thank Rosina Lippi for many hours of entertainment, as she wove these stories into tales that I just could not put down. I loved the series so much, each character so intricately created and described... I feel that I knew the families and wanted more with the ending of each book. Many, many thanks for your terrific series. I look forward to reading more of your work. If there were more books in this series, I'd have them waiting to be read. So sad to see it end, but thankful that I stumbled upon the first book, which described the area of the country that my husband had spent his childhood growing up in. I have shared the series with friends, and each one has gone on to read the series. Excellent reads! Thank you!

I feel like one of the Bonner's

First, I have sorely neglected my chores, spending all my time reading these stories! I just finished the last one, and I am now composed enough to write my review. I don't know, or remember, if or the last time I cried so bad at the end of a book. The realism and the way it hit me of the deaths of some of these characters, just tore at me! The author writes wonderfully, and I sincerely hope that her family is as wonderful as the Bonners - what a joy! I did have a somewhat difficult time getting the last books in order; I am a Kindle reader and so the published dates are not available, which are in a paper book. Amazon could provide lists for this, and thank you to the author for providing in her included remarks. Read this series!!!!

wonderful series

This whole series was wonderful. The historical time period is one not often acknowledged and even though the author addresses her creative perogitave it helped me understand the War of 1812 better. That is only a part of the series. The region she places her story in ,northern New York, enriches the wildness that is gradually being tamed by the families of the period. One family in particular,the Bonners. Ms. Donati lets go of the characters in a way that I too could let go of them. It's not easy when you have watched a family come through so much. Ms.Donati, thank you.

and gives a good look into the life of very early settlers in ...

There are a greats many characters in this book, since Elizabeth's family has grown considerably after the first book in this series, so the family tree at the front it very helpful. As always, Ms. Donati fully develops her characters and they are portrayed realistically with warmth and gentle humor. The plot line is well-developed as well, and gives a good look into the life of very early settlers in North America.

Amazing life

The conclusion of Elizabeth and Nathaniel's story was both satisfying and hear wrenching. It engaged the reader in an epic struggle of good and evil where in the end the happy ending was tinged with some regrets.

Following a family through thick and thin - they will capture you and not let you go!

This series of books is mesmeri!! I am a devoted mystery reader by famous writers. These books are captivating and I highly recommend them - in order from 1 - 6!

Adventurous family saga

Immediately enjoyed the adventures on the edge of the the wilderness, along with a love story. As the family grows and the characters develop I felt I knew each. I could not put the books down and felt completely immersed in the family saga and enjoyed the setting and the seasons, described beautifully.

6th book

It was so delightful to spend time in all 6 of the Wilderness series. It was especially nice to have carried us to the end of the Bonners’ lives. Thank you for the journey during a dire time in our country.



Good novel!!

I loved this book! The characters came alive & I felt as if they were my friends & neighbors. The end was a bit overwhelming, written in newspaper articles over a span of over 15 years. I felt as though I lost a great many friends, quickly! I don't reread many books, but I will probably wait a few years & read the whole series again!

I really like this author.

I love the Outlander series of books and this series is the closest I have read to it. I enjoyed reading the whole series.

I wish I could have been there and known these amazing characters!

I have read all in this series several times. I have been reading books for 50 years, and I can tell you this story and the characters will stay with me forever. You wish that you could have been there and known these people and hope that the author will keep on writing and expanding the story of there descendants. The best books ever!

Fantastic Reads

As with any great series, I am sad to see it end. As the Outlander series, I have so enjoyed the story you have told. I especially liked the end which accounted for everyone in the end, while telling us a little more into the future of how our characters fared. The writing was exceptional, the storytelling wonderful and all the characters were so well developed. Can only hoped to find another series so captivating.

Love this series!

By the time I started reading this last book in the series I was hooked and felt I knew each and every character personally. The books are long and detailed but that's what makes them so appealing. It's like watching a movie in slow motion so you have time to capture every detail in each scene. It was hard to come to the end of the book, like saying goodbye to an old friend you will never see again. There were a few characters with loose ends at the very end but for the most part the author did a great job of ending the book and the series.

One of my favorite series draws to an end with Endless Forest by Sara Donati

ENDLESS FOREST written by Sara Donati ends the saga of the Bonner family and the series that started with INTO THE WIlDERNESS. The series opens in the 1790's and runs to a conclusion (in the ENDLESS FOREST)in the 1840's. The story takes place in colonial New York north of Albany at the edge of the endless forest. Through all the trials and tribulations of the Bonner family and friends you will travel a number of places, including Scotland, Canada, "the west", Florida, New Orleans and more. When they go off to war, as some of them must, you will go along with them too, and return back home with them battered and bruised and sometimes worse to nurse your wounds in the comfort of their family, the Bonners and the villagers of Paradise. The Endless Forest opens with a natural disaster that throws the village of Parasdise into turmoil, and that begins the story. Often through Birdies (the youngest of Elizabeth and Nathaniel Bonner) eye you learn of the goings on with Daniel, Martha, Callie, Ethan and others. Jemima returns to wreak her havoc; Curisoity so wise and strong is still there to lend a hand when necessary; and the Little People are there to give us a glimpse of the generations to come and put a smile on our face. Through it all Elizabeth and Nathaniel remain the backbone of the family. Marriages, rebuilding, the orchard, a court hearing, births and deaths............all part of this wonderful conclusion to one of the best books series on the market. The author, Ms. Donati, finished this wonderful book and outstanding series with one of the best epilougues I've had the privledge of reading. If you are a fan of her books, you will be sad to see it come to an end but oh so thrilled to have been a part of it.

Best. Series. Ever.

I had the terrible flu and was housebound for quite a while. Those wonderful marvelous books kept my mind occupied and my heart satisfied. I can’t wait to to read the sequel to The Golden Hours. Dear Sara, you are a marvelous writer!

Hate to have a good series come to an end, especially this way!

I enjoyed reading every one of the books in this series except this one. The Endless Forest did not have the exciting adventures the the others did. It read more like a mystery novel to me. I so wanted to read about sailing to a new place or struggling to travel through a exciting forest. The mystic American indian side seems to have been dropped. Would have enjoyed more of Hannah in this book. This book is all about ending this series. I wish it had spent more time revisiting the relationships that were so interesting in the other books. It contained too little about the two most intriguing characters, Elizabeth and Nathaniel Bonner. I would have rather read about the older Elisabeth(Boots) and Nathaniel in the cave behind the waterfall again than Daniel and Martha. That would have been more interesting and sentimental. Eventually everyone dies and the younger generation goes on. I already knew that.

My opinion of Into The Wilderness series and the latest The Endless Forest.

I loved this series, the characters were so well developed and the story was captivating. I cried when it ended, like the passing of a friend. I recommend this series by Sara Donati to everyone. I know I shall be rereading The Endless Forest and the other Into the Wilderness series several times over the coming years. I love Curiosity Freeman, Nathaniel Bonner and Elizabeth "Boots" Bonner his wife, their family and the other inhabitants of Paradise and Lake in the Clouds.

and thoroughly enjoy the read

Have have read all of the Wilderness Series, this is book 6, and thoroughly enjoy the read. Start with Into the Wilderness thought so you get all the characters and background. Started the series after I finished the Outlander books on a recommendation and was not disappointed. Good story that moves along quickly. Definitely would read again


I was at a loss after I finished the Outlander series, so glad I came upon this series!!

Sad to see it end

I will never forget years ago, standing in Barnes and Noble trying to decide whether to buy the paperback of "Into The Wilderness" or "Outlander" to take with me on vacation. After reading the liner notes and finding it was rather a continuation of "Last of the Mohicans", I bought "Into the Wilderness" (being a huge fan of the Daniel Day-Lewis movie version of the story). I have never regretted the decision to get that book (and thankfully later, buying all the "Outlander" books as well). I fell in love with the book and the characters; even the "bad" ones. Whenever I picked up that book to read it, I was in the story, lost in the 18th century and it always seemed a shock when I looked up from the book to find myself in the 20th century. I was so excited when the second novel came out, and then the third, fourth, fifth and sadly, the sixth and last. All good things come to an end of course, but this has been a great, great journey through history, albeit with fictional families. The author's writing was exceptional as were her characters. I am very happy with this story of Nathaniel and Elizabeth's children, all grown up; especially Daniel and Martha's story. I know some reviewers were somewhat unhappy with the Epilogue, but it least it gave some closure to the characters. It was hard to read some of the obituaries, but they couldn't live forever. I am sad to see it end, knowing I'll hear no more of the Bonners, Savards, Ballentynes or Middletons, but as I said, it was a great journey!


The last book of the series and as great as the first one was. I really don't want this story to finish! I highly recommend reading the preseding books in the series but if not you can safely pick up this book and pick up the story. Wonderful and interesting characters, this author makes you feel like you know them personally.

Sad to see it end

I have waited for this installment of the Into the Wilderness Series for what seems like forever. When I began reading it, it was like visiting old friends. I am truly sad to see the series come to an end. I have loved this series from the beginning when I picked up Into the Wilderness on a whim not sure if I would really like it; but wanted to give a new author (to me) a try. When I looked at it some time after getting it, I pulled it off the shelf with some trepidation. I have always enjoyed John Jakes and was afraid I would be disappointed in this series. How wrong I was! I was hooked from the first chapter. I couldn't stop reading it. And even though I would wait for the next book to come out, I never had any problem picking up where Sara Donati left off with the previous book. I am going to miss reading about the Bonners and their children and the village of Paradise. I truly hope to discover more books written by this amazing author! And even though I did cry when reading the epilouge and seeing what happened to members of the Bonner clan, I was satisfied that another book was not needed. Thank you Sara Donati for writting such a beautiful series about life in the wilderness of New York State! I loved every page of every book.

last book ended my enchantment

I absolutely loved this series of books...first in a long time to be so endearing. Loved the characters. I would give every single book in the series a 5star except this last one and would have this one, too, except for the epilogue. I felt the epilogue was not only unnecessary, but left me wishing I had never read it. It really ruined the book for me, made an upbeat series into a depressing afterthought....not how I would have liked to have left the series in my mind.

The Wilderness Series is a treat to read and reread

I have enjoyed it so much, when I finished book 6 I turned around and started all over again with book one. If you believe in the equality of all people you will feel right at home with the sentiments expressed in these books. It took a while to get us from the early eighteen hundreds to get as close as we are today. I hope it will not take another 200 years to really get there. I the meantime Sarah Donatis books are an entertaining and thought provoking. Enjoy

Im sorry the story is over.

This is the last book in the Wilderness series. What a fantastical journey it has been. Love, life, hardships, and joy and let's not leave out adventures!!! I have laughed and cried through all 6 books but the ending of this book hit me like a hammer... Sara, hun you could have left the obits out. I would have loved for everyone to just lived happily ever after. Closure sucks sometimes. Thankyou for this story it was a hell of a read!! loved it!!

Donati is a wonderful writer, by mixing history

I finished all the wilderness series by Sara Donati. I can't explain how I felt when I was done. I wanted to read more of her stories about Nathaniel, Elizabeth and their family, but knew if she did write more it would be too much. Ms. Donati is a wonderful writer, by mixing history, fiction and romance into a series of books she created a women's delight for summer romance. I truly appreciate her writing stills. Thank you.

I have loved this series far too much

I am not ready to be done with the Bonners and their friends and family. I have loved this series far too much. The characters are amazing and bold and the concentration on each different character makes the entire story more fulfilling. The end was brilliant, sad and happy. I am just on love. If there was a way to have continued this story I would have continued right on buying and reading. Thank you for this glimpse into our early history and the lives of these beloved characters!!!!!!!!

the last in a family saga

I enjoyed the book, though was saddened to know many years had passed between this one and the last, though there was plenty of drama in a one year of the life of this incredibly versatile and balanced family I enjoyed the details of what life was like on the edge of the wilderness in the early 1800's. Sorry that it's now over, and enjoyed that loose ends we're tied off with the use of newspaper reports over many years at the end

I would have enjoyed more story by the author rather all the conversational ...

I must be the exception in reading this book. I would have enjoyed more story by the author rather all the conversational one liners between The characters. The book seemed slow and I started skipping through the pages just to finish it. I loved the other books maybe because of the description of the developing characters and adventures.

Mixed feelings, but satisfied

While this last book in the series got some negative reviews, I found it satisfying for tying up the loose ends. I didn't like how wimpy Elizabeth had been portrayed in the last 3 novels in this series. I felt, the author could have included more detail and extended this series into a couple more books, but she seemed to be weary of the story. I was disappointed; at the same time, it was good for me to get closure on the story.

Well written! as Sara Donati shows incredible skill weaving ...

Well written! as Sara Donati shows incredible skill weaving a story and characters with consistent quality throughout the whole series.

I Loved It

This book follows the Wilderness Series and ties up all the loose ends. All the Bonners are settled down and raising their own families. Most of the trials and tribulations are in the past and now the troubles are more garden variety of life. Now old age is the villain. The series covers more than forty years so time has taken a toll. I still say it is my favorite series in historical fiction and I give Sara Donati praise for her sense of detail.

The Endless Forest

I have been a fan of Sara Donati since I read "Into the Wilderness" but then I really do like a good saga that has a few volumes. I have followed Elizabeth and Nathaniel Bonner through their life; lived with them, laughed with them and been through all their misfortunes with them. To me they were real characters. "The Endless Forest" is the last in the series and once again I was intrigued with the characters. This book perhaps deals more with the Bonner family and the events that happen to them; which in itself is interesting. Sara Donati has a way with words and all her characters seem to be living people. To me this book is perfect in the way it finishes; it deals with several problems that have haunted the family over the years, successfully solving them. The village of Paradise and all its inhabitants will stay with me for a very long time; a very good read.

A wonderful ending

The rating should be 4.5 but not an option on this device. The book had to take in all the previous novels to be a good final book. Well done I especially like how the last chapter was written.


If you love OUTLANDER you’ll love Sara Donati!

The Best Series in a long time

This book tied up nicely all the loose ends from the previous f books in the series. When I finished reading I felt like I lost good friends. Wonderful series, worth every minute spent reading, sorry to have it end.

Excellent series-a must read

I felt like I truly knew the characters which were beautifully brought to life in print. This last book wrapped up the lives of the characters in a wonderful way. Can't wait to read more of her books.

Best in the series

I enjoyed all of the books in this series, but this was by far and away the best. I loved the relationship between Daniel and Martha. I was happy to read about all of the Bonner clan. the reintroduction of Jemima was an excellent addition to add tension to the story. That said, this is not a stand alone novel. one needs to read the prior books to fully understand and appreciate this final installment. Well done! I will miss the Bonners'!

The Wilderness Series by Sara Donati

I am not going to review each of these books separately. I would give the entire Wilderness Series 6. By the time you read this one, you feel as though you know the Bonner family so well that they become part of your life. I would highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys historical fiction and loves a saga. I was disappointed when it had to end and wished it could have gone on even more. Sara Donati did a wonderful job of bringing all of the characters to life.

Wonderful series! These books are well written for adults

Wonderful series! These books are well written for adults, but don't require too much critical thinking. I get tired of books like America's First Daughter which was good, but made me tired to read. These books kept me entertained and engaged without tiring me out.

In for an adventure of early America.

Have loved the whole series. They become like long lost family and you can't wait to see what happens next. One of my favorite authors as far as this series goes, quite similar writing to Diana Gabaldon, who is my favorite, and found out by accident.

the end of an excellent series

I have Sara Donati's series numerous times. It is an excellent historical fiction in the genre of The Last of the Mohicans meets Jane Austen's many characters. The books need to be read in order and I want to thank Ms. Donati for wonderful work.i even traveled to upstate New York and visited Johnstown and Glen Falls, the general locale of this series. Highly recommend.


The conclusion to the Bonner story and wonderfully satisfying. Loved the series! I consumed all six books, romance and adventure abounds! Again, wonderful books!

A satisfying End

This is, in short, a well-rounded conclusion, of the Bonner family saga. Worth it, for those that have read the entire series up to this point. There's plenty of everything that one has come to expect from this series and so much more, all of which concludes with a satisfying end.

Hard to see the Bonner family's story end.

I cried when I read the obituaries that close out this book. It was an appropriate way to wind up this series and the lives of the characters we have loved so much. I cried especially when I read the one for Curiosity Freeman.

The end of a beautiful series...

This series is by far one of my favorite series ever. I discovered "Into the Wilderness" in 2009 while I was shoping for used books at a Goodwill store. I picked the book up and the cover captured my attention. I took the book home and placed it on my book shelf. A few months later I was looking through my "to read" pile of books and decided on "Into the Wilderness" I couldn't put it down. I read the whole book and then looked up "Sara Donati" on Amazon to see if she had written any other books and discovered that it was a series and quickly ordered the rest of the books up to "The Queen of Swords." I raced through all the books and wanted more. I found out that this book "The Endless Forest" was scheduled to be released in January 2010 and was to be the last book. While reading this book I felt sad the entire way through because I knew that this was it. I felt like I was saying goodbye to old friends. "The Endless Forest" did not disapoint, and next to "Into the Wilderness" this is my second favorite book in the series!

Fabulous Series

I have read this series twice and loved, loved, loved it. The characters grew as you read this saga. The story was entwined with history and asyou read the whole u could feel yourself happily pulled along. Pathos, love, heartache all wrapped together. A must read for historians and romance lovers

A great author

I love all of Sarah Donati's books. She writes a lot like Diana Gabaldon. They are friends. If you have not read one of the earlier books I suggest starting with the first one because the story continues in each book, much like the Outland series. Enjoy!

A good final book to end an enjoyable series

Very pleasant read and nice tidying-up of details. I don't agree with some of the reviews here was time for some of the main characters to pass on. That's life, right? It would really make it boring and take away from the experience of getting to know the characters through the whole series if they just lived on, happily content, forever. If you have read the series, I believe you too will enjoy the book. Not so much adventure as in the previous books but, all good things come to an end and I didn't feel it detracted from the story lines to wrap things up.

It been a fun ride!

I love this series. Hope it continues and does not become monotonous

Enchanting, enthralling, relentlessly readable

I was recommended this book by my local library and I have not done anything that cannot be put off doing since the moment I opened Into the Wilderness until the closing notes of Endless Forest! I have unabashedly carried my kindle every waking minute and fallen asleep nightly w with it by my side. The characters are inspiring and are voices of American history through their deeds and emotions. The romance is superb, the sex episodes true to life of undeniable raw human lust and tri e love. A delicious mental feast o f a banquet of American pioneering spirit human drive and brotherly love

Into the wilderness

Great book, but be sure to get the other books which follow...story goes on and on

a very good ending to a wonderful book series

the final book so it would seem to the into the wilderness series. elizabeth bonner has been a fantastic role to follow. miss donati has the abilty to keep my attention for 5 books now and her characters are so well played. i had hoped this would not be her last book on the bonner family, but all good things come to and end. she is a great storyteller and i look foward to future reads by her.

Break Out the Tissues! This One's a Tearjerker!

This is the closing novel in the Wilderness series by Sara Donati. This novel ends the saga of Nathaniel & Elizabeth and tells the final stories of the early 1800s NY frontier couple and each of their children. I'm so sad, I have truly enjoyed this series (2nd favorite ever after the Outlander series!) and I am looking forward to more of Sara Donati's work in the future.

Beautiful series.

I've read this series many times. She is a excellent author. I wanted hardback copies so I bought them all again.

The Endless Forest by Donati.

This is the most outstanding series I have ever read. I have reread and I have the author is unbelievable. My sister is now starting to read it. Absolutely fantastic.

This was a good read, and tied up all the knots

This was a good read, and tied up all the knots. I found the Epilogue very sad as all my favourite characters grew old and died.....I was especially sad when Nathaniel died, halfway down the list, and Jemima, after all the build up, was a bit of a fizzer. Maybe I would have preferred her hissing and spitting to the bitter end!

Good finale

Although I didn't want it to end, this ending was well done. It has been awhile since I read the previous books and I feel like going back to them.

A Great Series

This is the sixth and final book in this series and it was every bit as good as the others. It's sad to see the series end, but she does a wonderful job with the ending. I'm excited that she has a new book , she's a terrific storyteller.

I shall miss the Bonner family

I have read and loved each novel in the series. Yes, the first five were action packed and exciting. "The Endless Forest" took me home with the Bonners. I felt I could sit on the porch and spend the day chatting and sewing with Curiosity, Elizabeth, well, if you know the story, you know the family. I absolutely adored Daniel. This is the first time I have read a novel and felt I was there, rather than wishing I was there. You can almost smell the damp forest earth and taste the strawberries warmed by the sun. I love it, and am sorry to know there will not be another, but how could there be? This final chapter is exquisite. Thank you for the adventure, Ms Donati.

I have loved reading the adventures of Nathaniel & Elizabeth Bonner

I have loved reading the adventures of Nathaniel & Elizabeth Bonner. Can't wait to get my hands on 'The Gilded Hour' to continue the adventures later in the 19th century. Anyone who loves a well-written saga and enjoys the ride of historical fiction, will appreciate the details Sara includes in her characters and their circumstances.

Five Stars

Great book

It can't be the end.

I want to read more! Sara Donati's Wilderness Series is by far the best I've read. Every character came to life, so much so I find myself dreaming of them. Tears are still running down my face as I finish reading the obituaries of Daniel and Elizabeth. Sara Donati has a wonderful gift. I look forward to her next series. Perhaps with Birdie as her lead character.

wonderful, beautifully written series

i first read sara donati's the gilded hour and, thirsty to read more by her, began her wilderness series....a family saga starting in ny state beginning in the late 18th century. what a story...over 4000 pages i think. wonderful.


Worthy of any and all historical novels especially series. It's been a long time since I have actually cried reading a book. Well done . I wish it didn't have to end

The Endless Forest

I have not read this book yet - Sara Donati's books should be read in sequence, i.e. Into the Wilderness, Dawn on a Distant Shore, Lake in the Clouds, Fire Along the Shore, Queen of Swords and The Endless Forest is the last of the series. Into the Wilderness was breathtaking, so absorbing and such passion. I made constant references to the map in the beginning of each book and the list of characters very helpful - these should not be ignored. Sars Donati writes in such detail that one can easily imagine being in the forests, the smells and the way of life and the hardships endured - so that I could thoroughly immerse myself in the beauty of the wilderness and transport myself back in time to life as it was in the 1800's. Take time to read these books, savour every word that is written.

Great series

I thoroughly enjoyed this series. The characters seem so real that at the end I bawled like a baby saying good bye to friends of great character,strength and humor. This series is one of very few that transport you to another time and place. The characters are so well drawn that I had to remind myself that it was fiction and not based on someone's ancestors.

Adventurous, engaging and uplifting series.

This series has everything I yearn for in fiction: relatable characters, strong women, historical accuracy, heavy doses of natural settings and enough heartache and romance to keep the reader engaged and optimistic even through moments of despair.

is a fitting conclusion to this great series. If you are interested in early American ...

This last book in the Wilderness series, is a fitting conclusion to this great series. If you are interested in early American history, lives and culture, these are perfect. I loved all the books, knew the characters, their way of life and the beginnings of America.

Good historical fiction

I loved the portrayal of the characters and the times in which they lived. The story moved along, though sometimes slowly, with details that made me have so much affection for all the personalities. There were many characters in the story and I would have liked a larger family tree than the one provided. I will look for other books by this author.

Best of the Series

The only sad thing about this book was it was the last of the series. at the end of the book she gave a little information of what happened to the characters and that was very nice. I did not sleep throughout this book until I finished it. It was definitely the best, but I loved the whole series.

Loved reading this series. At this time I can say she is my 2nd favorite author.

Loved reading this series. At this time I can say she is my 2nd favorite author. I highly recommend reading the Wilderness Series. You must read them in order.

Sad that it's over

Ms. Donati has indeed written a saga that I am really sad to see end. Although the story wasn't as adventurous due to all of the main characters having settled down- it was really satisfying to finally know what happened to certain characters. I have been following their lives since Into the Wilderness. I still have questions *smile* What happened to Will and Amanda, Peter, Wee Iona, Giselle Summerfield LaCouer (sp), and the Earl of Carryk? I guess we will never know. I will also admit to the ending bringing tears to my eyes. It was like losing personal friends. Kudos Ms. Donati.

the entire series was riveting

I loved this book as much as all of the others in the series. The characters were developed perfectly and the stories had twists and turns that kept the stories exciting. I wish there were more books in the series, but it did end in such a wonderful and unique way. Perfect read for anyone who loves historical fiction.

Reliable vendor

Book arrived a few days after my order was placed and was in Good condition as the shipper had stated. I am very satisfied.

Five Stars

Sara Donati Wilderness Series #6 book

but the lead character is a strong woman and I love the historical and outdoor settings

I am a huge fan of the Outlander series, and this was written in a similar style. Not a time travel book, but the lead character is a strong woman and I love the historical and outdoor settings. Well done!

The endless forest

All six of these books are strong wonderful stories. A must read series. I am sad I am done with them. Sara Donati ranks right up there with Dianna Gabldon. Each of these ladies have strong, fun characters. A must read. I think I will start over with book one, Into the Wilderness.

The whole series is worth reading. The first book ...

The whole series is worth reading. The first book started out a little predictable but, halfway through the story line was more interesting. The rest of the books were very interesting historically, fictionally, and character wise.

Best of the series!

This series is well written and captivating. Generational fiction is always interesting as history is intertwined with the story. I especially enjoyed this generations' resolutions to past issues as well as new one. The series ended neatly yet I felt the story goes on.

A Beautiful Ending

This was a wonderful ending to this generation of Bonners. I had a hard time putting this book down. You can't help but get caught up in the love, laughter and romance.

The Endless Forest

Again, absolutely fantastic. I am looking forward to her sequel to The Gilded Hour to come out.

Go Into The Wilderness with a great series!

I came late to the party for this series of books and it served me well since I could read the complete series 1-6 without waiting the requisite time for a new publication. I heartily recommend this entire series to other as a period piece of extraordinary depth and breadth. Elizabeth and Nathaniel carry the weight of the adventure but then, without becoming tedious or repetitive, characters continue to develop and enchant. The family connections and secrets, both obvious and subterranean, are revealed at just the right moment for an 'Aha' moment as well as the 'I did not see that coming' moments. The struggles are earthy and the villains are complex. Read it and enjoy! MPS in Texas


I have now completed this series of books and am quite disappointed that it's done! I'm sure I will be ordering more are I learn anot more?

Endless Forest

I am very pleased with the whole series of the Endless Forest.I was so pleased with the ending of it. At least I am not still waiting for the end and all the cliff hangers in "Outlander".I am already on my 3rd. read of the Wildrness series.There are a lot of similareties of each of these series. Still I am loving every one of them, and just waiting patiently for the end novel of "Outander".I myself feel that the "Wilderness" series would be easier to make a movie of, as it is not quite as full of descriptions. Also there is more of the parts of the characters instead of wars etc.Just my thoughts. Hope this helps anyone interested in the Novel. Jeanne

Five Stars

Awesome book from the well written Wilderness series.

Read All Six

Read all Six If you enjoy historical fiction with many actual historical facts, read these books.

Great book! I have enjoyed the whole series

Great book! I have enjoyed the whole series!

tied with a bow

***SPOILERS*** Some reviewers have mentioned that the end of the series was a let down. I disagree. I'm satisfied that the series is ended and that all the story lines are complete. Some writers (Diana Gabaldon) don't know how to conclude their character stories and we wait endlessly for the next installment. Donati gave us a good story with a beginning, middle and end all in a timely manner (timely being the key here). Thanks for a great story and look forward to checking out your next book.

Brilliant. sad it ended. Incredible

One of my favorite series of all. Incredible books...all of them. Loved so much. Will treasure them always. Thank you

great read of the frontier and wonderful love story

This series of books I have read more than one time but who is counting I get lost in this time period and the wonderful life and adventure of this couple and come crashing down when time to say good bye. Thanks so much to Sara Donati for this series. I waited two years for the last book drove the book store crazy and wasn't disappointed except it was the end.

Four Stars


Great reading

Great finishing novel to the series loved all the characters and there live stories. What a difficult live people lived in that era.

Wonderful Book

I'm very sad this is the last book of the series. I've enjoyed every one of the books about the Bonners. They jumped out of the pages so you could imagine how they all looked and how they lived. I'm sure I'll read them all again

Very good read.

Darn it, this one made me cry. Very good series. A must-read. Sara is a great author. Thank you for your time.

The Endless Forest Concluded

I am sad to leave these friends..Sara Donati created interesting characters and brought them together "In the Wilderness". The Lake in the Clouds setting had a dreamlike quality that was mesmerizing. I highly recommend this series....SSK

the endless Forest is a book you don't want to put down

I loved this series of books. They were so interesting that I wanted to read all the time. The story is so interesting that it lures you forward. I'm sad it has ended.

Great series, ok ending

Love this whole series. Could have been a bit more development at the end.

Loved it!

Excellent read. I read all six in order and am sad I've reached the end. It is stupid that these reviews require a certain amount of words!!!

Another great read...

The last book of the Wilderness series. Hated to see it end, just a wonderful story! Sara Donati is a fantastic story teller.

The best series I have read

After buying the first book of the series, I had to have the remaining 5. I love the author's writing style and loved the history lesson of the times and places covered. What an amazing story of the lives and times of the Scott/Bonners!

Historically fiction

A wonderful saga of a family woven with history, insight, love, caring and drama. Keeps you reading right to the very end.



Great purchasing experience

Everything perfect! Thank you!

I started the series at book 4 and then read ...

I started the series at book 4 and then read 5 and 6. Very engaging series! Not sure if I want to go back and read 1/2/3, hmmmmmm.......

What a great series

I loved this Wilderness series. The Endless Forest was a great culmination of the entire series. I learned so much about the Mohawk Indians and how they survived in the Endless Forest. Sara Donati's writings are so descriptive. A real page turner.....

Five Stars

Amazing could not put it down..Have loved the whole series

Another great book

As I come to the end of this six book odessey I am both sorry and glad to have gotten to know all of the characters so ably developed by the author. You will be rewarded by reading all of her works.

Five Stars

The whole series is the best I have ever read. Hate that I am on the last book. Ray

Five Stars

Great story, I had to read the whole series!

I especially liked the way the author ends the book by letting ...

I especially liked the way the author ends the book by letting her readers find out about her main characters. we have followed their lives thru all the books and it completes the stories.

Five Stars

Sara Do ati is a wonderful writer. Love the entire Wilderness series.

Five Stars

Love this series a great read if you like the Outlander series.

great book to end the series

Loved this series! Some compare Sara Donati to Diana Gabaldon, however, I would say she was only inspired by another great author. What a great series, I am sad it ended!

Five Stars

I really enjoyed the series. The characters and storyline held my interest and I didn't want it to end.

Five Stars


Satisfying Conclusion to my favorite Novels

I came across Into the Wilderness years ago, and have now lost count how many times I have read it. I loved all the novels that came after and The Endless Forest is certainly no exception. It contains all the strong characters, adventure, family strength, struggle, and romance that I love so much about this series. I think it is a very fitting conclusion, and was very teary to "read" goodbye to all my favorite characters. Thank you very much Mrs. Rosina Lippi for these beautiful novels they have given me my most enjoyed reading experience and I will continue to read and reread them for many years to come.

Five Stars


Great read- I will miss the Bonners!

Well written with well developed characters- a great story - I will miss reading about these people and their wonderful adventures- I am glad for the closure the ending provided.

You too will get lost in the Endless Forest

Must, Must read the entire series. You will get lost in the story and not be able to put any of the books down until you come to the end and then you won't be able to wait to get started on the next book in the series. This series is at the top of my all time favorites. Thank you Dawn

I read all the Wilderness books

This series is well-written and all of the books are page turners! I enjoyed learning some history while diving into characters, action and romance.


I have read the entire series and loved every book. It reminds me why I love reading In the first place. The characters are beautiful, honest, your imagination goes wild but the love and affection also the emotions u get from reading it is truly beautiful. I want more 🤗

Information about our country in days gone by.

Enjoyed reading the book

Best of a great series.

Well-written book embodies endless history research and weaves many tales into an enjoyable saga. Characters are well-rounded, plot is complex and intriguing, and I wish there were more and more of this series.

Great series from Sara Donati

This volume is the last of six volume of the Bonner family. I loved the whole series. I read all of them over a period of five months. Could not wait to start each one. I highly recommend this series.

"The Endless Forest" by Sara Donati, Kindle edition

How often when you finish reading a book or a series do you think, "I wonder what happened next?" "The Endless Forest" addresses this problem. Although it has its own storyline, with plenty of drama and human interest, such as a devastating flood and the return of everyone's least favourite character, it also attends to the `ever after' factor, right down to the obits. The nice characters find true love and/or happiness; the nasty one gets her just desserts, and it all makes a very satisfactory ending to a brilliant saga. For me the fact that I had the opportunity to read all six books one after the other on my kindle was a real bonus. No more waiting for the library to bring them to me. Amazon has a great system for supplying us with our favourite books.

Donati rules again :D

Once again, Ms Donati hits a home run. It would be a little hard to follow I think, if I hadn't read the first books, but like a few other authors, I'm attached to these characters and don't want the series to end

Didn't want it to end

An excellent way to wrap up the series. Couldn't put it down.

Sara Donati does it again!

This entire series is an excellent trip into a world that was very different from ours. A close-knit family, suspense, danger and a touch of history wrapped between covers. Recommend the entire series to others.

Five Stars

My favorite historical series.This is the final volumn and concludes the story with loving details.

Five Stars

Loved the series, this was the last of them. arrived promptly I good condition.

Great Book

I would hope that anyone reading this book has alread read the ones that came before. Such a good story and great carecters. I wish there would be moreon this story line, but this one is supposed to be the last one. I would recomend this book to anyone who likes this type of stories. I intend to re-read the whole series.

Lovely ending to a great series!

This maybe my favorite of the series after the first of course! The story had plenty of love and wrapped everything up so nicely! I love how the series gives each Bonner character time to shine. This book focuses a lot on Daniel, Birdy, and Lily. But mostly on Daniel and it was wonderfully heart warming. SPOILER ALERT: the epilogue leaves you pretty broken up!

Sorry to see this story end.

Great family story. Was historically very accurate. I will miss the Bonner family. I recommend this book to any one who loves historical fiction.

Five Stars

absolutely loved it I'm sad it is the last in the series

Five Stars

I could not put this book down.

Sorry to see this series end!! - Worth reading all the books.

This is the last book in the series written by Sara Donati. I have enjoyed them all, and will be sad to say good bye to the characters. :-) Very good story, very well written.

What a story

very good story. I hate it to be over. then end had me in tears. I will miss all of the characters in this series. Guess I will have to re-read them again. Great story!!

Wonderful tale! The characters will stay with me for a long time.

I loved this whole series...the kind of story and the wealth of characters that hold interest and keep you wanting more.

This is sorta like "Gone With the Wind

This is sorta like "Gone With the Wind," and "A Town Like Alice," and "The Count of Monte Cristo." It, with the series, will have to be read again.

A Series that I Adored

I adore this entire series. I prefer it to the Outlander series.


I love this Wilderness Series by Sara Donati and discovered it by accident on I actually read the last one first and then found the others and have read them all.

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