The Christmas Fix

Kindle Edition
30 Nov
Lucy Score

She’ll save Christmas just to spite him…

There’s only one thing standing in the way of Cat King saving a small town’s Christmas festival: Grumpy town manager Noah Yates.

Single dad Noah takes his responsibilities seriously. When a late season hurricane turns Merry, Connecticut, into a disaster, he’s left scrambling to pick up the pieces of the town he loves.

At least, until home renovation expert and smoking hot reality TV star Catalina King arrives with a camera crew and a budget big enough to put the town back together again. But Noah doesn’t want a celebrity diva capitalizing on their tragedy or filling his daughter’s head with visions of glitz and glam.

Blonde bombshell Cat is used to being underestimated, but Noah has an uncanny knack for getting under her skin. They can’t be in a room together without rubbing each other the wrong way…except that time in the dark alley where the rubbing was just right. Can these enemies work together to pull off a Christmas miracle or will their fighting leave them both on the naughty list?

Author’s Note: These enemies-to-lovers deliver the holiday feels with a dirty-talking hero, ballsy blonde who never backs down, steamy hot break-the-dining-room-table sexy times, and a small town that still believes in the magic of Christmas.

Reviews (176)

The mamma jamma is a Must-Read

Cat King is the most kick-a$$ heroine ever! I loved her in Mr. Fixer Upper and was so happy that she got her own book. This book is a stand-alone so Mr. Fixer Upper doesn't have to be read before diving into this one. Catalina is smart, competent, successful, and beautiful. She may have a few too many irons in the fire, but then again, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. She doesn't do long-term relationships because she is moving around most of the year for her home improvement show, and that is pretty awesome. Who says a female has to desire a relationship or marriage. Noah.... oh.... Noah.... The townspeople of Merry refer to him as Mr. No, with good reason. He is divorced, the father of Sara, and town manager. Noah is not big on the idea of Cat and her crew swooping in and making a mockery of his town after a hurricane hit and nearly devastated Merry. Cat, after seeing a house that she had already remodeled for a family once, be standing in water wasn't going to take "No" for an answer. Y'all the chemistry between these two is electric! The scenes where they argue are so hot the desire between Cat and Noah is almost tangible! Yep, this one may get you all hot and bothered, and then have you melting into a little puddle because Lucy couldn't just have Noah be a flat undeveloped character. Nope, she had to go and make him loveable. Mr. No wasn't just born playing it safe. It is something he learned from childhood. The Christmas fix has heart, heat, and sass wrapped in one heck of a Christmas story with a sexy cover as the bow on top. Merry Christmas to us!

Fun-filled and Fabulous Read!

The Christmas Fix is an enemies to lovers story with heat, emotion, humor, and Christmas magic! Lucy Score writes characters with depth, complexity, and humanity. Catalina "Cat" King is the type of heroine that I aspire to be in real life. I love her confidence, self awareness, determination, philanthropic nature, and giving heart. I also love that she gives no "funks" about how people try to put her in a box. She doesn't fit in a box and she uses any underestimation of her capabilities to her advantage. Noah Yates is a responsible, reliable, hard working, and protective father. As the town of Merry's City Manager he assesses risk, helps to manage expenses, and generally guards the well being of the town and its people. Cat and Noah both want to help the town of Merry recover from hurricane damage, but Noah doesn't trust Cat's motivation. This sets up some epic encounters between Cat and Noah. The banter between these two is clever, sarcastic, and fun. The chemistry is palpable and intoxicating. There is a slow burn feel that fuels the anticipation. The resulting sexual blaze was more than worth the build up! I am almost ashamed to admit it but....this is my first Lucy Score read. I have heard amazing things about her books, but I just hadn't gotten around to reading one yet. I am so glad that I read this story and I can't wait to devour the rest of her books! The Christmas Fix is sexy, swoony, emotional, and fun! The characters are phenomenal. Lucy Score's writing is thoughtful, invigorating, charismatic, and gratifying. An absolute must read!

Mamma Jamma

Big ol' YASS YASS for this book. I just finished it last night, and I stayed up way to late doing it. This is the story Lucy Score didn't plan to write, but how could she not? The previous tale, about her twin Gunner King, was delightful, but in my opinion, humble as it is, this one surpasses it. This is an enemy to lovers trope, surrounded by a cast of amazing characters that includes a small town in Connecticut that has been ravaged by a late season storm. Merry's claim to fame is its Christmas Festival, and they are both literally and figuratively drowning in mud, financial ruin, and sadness, until Cat King steps up with her reality fix-it program energy, a whole lot of volunteers, and a determination to prove city manager Noah Yates wrong about her. "Mr. No" is a control freak, a single dad, and a fellow with a lot of baggage, but he loves Merry with a depth that shows he feels a sense of possession and protection for the place and people. He gradually comes to understand that Cat has adopted them, too, and once they see each other's humanity, and he recognizes her role in saving him after the storm... sparks fly, and things really light up. I kind of figured out the end before it happened, but it was a lovely gesture handled well, even if I was gnawing on my cuticles for a bit as the story wound down. Do pick up this book, and Mr. Fixer Upper, her brother's story. They make a great duet. Language, intimate scenes, lots of humor.

The mamma jamma of all Christmas romances! Cat King is amazing!

If you’ve read Mr. Fixer Upper (and if you haven’t, what on earth are you waiting for?!?!), you probably already love Cat King. I know I did. As soon as I finished Mr. Fixer Upper, I had a list of characters I was hoping for more from. Cat was at the top. She was so full of life. She worked hard and played just as hard. She stood up for what she believed in. She was a great friend and loved her family dearly. How much more could you ask for in a character? I loved Cat King. So, Lucy Score is fantastic. She heard the outcry of her fans and the whispers (okay, it’s Cat...they were probably shouts) from Cat, and The Christmas Fix was born. Okay, I’m not positive exactly how this happened, but this is how I like to imagine it. Either way, Lucy gave us The Christmas Fix, an amazing enemies-to-lovers Christmas story, and it is perfect. I thought I loved Cat King before, but now I am completely enamored. I am in awe of this woman. Everything I liked about her before is magnified by a million, but there is also this other side to her that we didn’t get to see in Mr. Fixer Upper. This side that loves so hard, cares so deeply, and turns to mush only at the most perfect of moments. She is a complete and total rockstar. She still stands up for women’s rights, works herself harder than anyone else, and enjoys having a good time, but watching her fall in love is truly something special. And Noah, oh Noah. Noah may seem like a complete jerk in the beginning (remember, this is enemies-to-lovers, and I already loved Cat), but there is just something about him. He is so noble. Even when he is completely wrong, he has good intentions. He is a good, sensible guy who loves his daughter and his town. He wants to protect both from anything that could harm them. Unfortunately, he believes Cat King falls into that category. However, Cat being Cat is determined to prove him wrong. As the story unfolds, you fall further and further in love with Noah. I absolutely love these two together. The balance they found with one another was incredible. Noah needs Cat to bring him out of his shell and really live. He needs her to show him what fun really is. And Noah is the stability and steadfast support Cat needs in her crazy life. And the chemistry, oh my goodness the chemistry. These two are completely off the charts. Their banter is fantastic. Cat says what she thinks and doesn’t hold back which causes (and/or ends) some fantastic arguments. And their love is even more explosive than their hate. While you have to wait for them to get there, it is completely worth it! The tension builds until it boils over in perfection. What more could you want, right? Well, in true Lucy Score fashion, this book brings all the feels. The town of Merry really becomes a character of its own with the wonderful people and traditions it holds dear. Watching the town come together in this time of need is amazing. The residents are unique and wonderful. The way they support one another is heartwarming. The way they take in Cat and her crew is extraordinary. I seriously want to move there...who wouldn’t? This book was beautifully written. The symbolism is subtle and truly amazing, the characters are so real and complex, and seriously all the feels are there without it being over the top. There are very few authors that can include humor, love, witty banter, and so much emotion in the same book naturally, but this book truly has it all. I can’t recommend it enough. What are you still doing here? Put your time to good use and one click now! This is a book you don’t want to miss!

Lucy has done it again!

I anxiously await each of Lucy’s books. Cat and Noah’s story was one i couldn’t wait to start reading! Written around recent weather events and returning to the town of Merry made the story so much more “real” for me. Noah-the town manager wants nothing to do with Cat’s reality construction show coming back to town to repair the house they featured last season for a family the audience loved, but realizes the help is going to be a long time coming with all the other communities neeeding storm assistance. Time is something Merry doesn’t have-their primary source of income is the Christmas festival Cat has promised to have up and running in time for Merry to avoid financial ruin. Meanwhile the sexual tension between Cat and Noah continues to build while Noah comes to grips with saving his town! Holiday magic kicks in for Merry and the town manager while Cat begins making her dream become a resality. The home fires are lit and inferno between Cat and Noah assures Merry recovers from the storm and Merry’s population increases. Here’s hoping we get to see inside more of this town’s residents! This is a cant be beat book that can be read alone or in combination with Mr. Fixer Upper-the book where we first met the citizens of Merry.

Home is Where the Heart is💖💕

Catalina King does some creative juggling and arrives in Noah's town to help rebuild. He initially does not want Cat's help because he assumes that she's only doing it for TV ratings and taking advantage of his community. Cat is not to be deterred though. She has her heart set on doing the renovations, making Christmas happen, getting the residents back on their feet and in their homes after being devastated by a hurricane. 👏Give Cat King a prize for not throat-punching Noah because he deserves it on several occasions! Everyone kept saying how gorgeous he is (even her mother😂) and how much heat is between them, but I would not have been upset at all if Cat's posse would have let her dump a pitcher of beer 🍺 over his head to cool him off a bit! He really tried to stick to his guns and insists on distrusting her. My goodness! But when Noah finally sees Cat for who she truly is, he really lets go and gives in to the attraction. I'll be darn if he doesn't let the sexy, and dirty talking side come out to play!! Cat, who always seems to be in control, starts to relinquish some of it over to Noah. What do we get? Muy caliente!🔥🔥 But then Cat also comes to a better understanding about Noah, the way he grew up, and why he's always been so cautious. I love Cat's wittiness, her carefree spirit, her brains--she is one amazing woman! Noah 's smart, kind, caring, and tends to carry the problems of his community upon his shoulders. Cat and Noah together are like dynamite and a quiet storm, all at the same time. Noah shows Cat that she's not alone, and Cat shows Noah how to let loose and have some fun! They really balance each other out. This is one of the best Christmas-themed stories I have ever read. The secondary characters are also wonderful. Noah's daughter is so adorable, smart, and just as witty as Cat. Noah's connection to this town and Christmas is humbling; Cat's little engraved gift for him at the reveal is absolutely beautiful and tear-jerking. The story truly had the spirit of the season!! 🎄Loved it! **NOTE: The Bonus Epilogue turned me into a sniveling mess! So beautiful and endearing and just . . . perfect!

Awesome story!!! I need more stars to give it!!!

First let me say that Lucy Score is in my top 3 of always-buy, can’t-one-click-fast-enough authors. I’m always excited when I see a new book from her. Now for full disclosure, I’m NOT a fan of Christmas. So while I was so very excited for a Lucy Score book, a small part of me was “uuugghhhh…a Christmas book”. After reading this book I must confess…it’s so good that it put this Grinch in the Christmas Spirit with Cat and Noah’s story. This is such a sweet, heartwarming, sexy story. Noah is a single dad who is trying to put his town back together after a hurricane comes through and floods most of it. That’s not the only bad news, but there’s no way he can get the city up and running in time for their Christmas Festival which generates a significant amount of money for the town and for its citizens. Cat is a star of a home improvement show that has visited the town before and is devastated by news of the destruction. She’s determined to rebuild Merry, CT in time for the Christmas Festival. Noah is careful, serious, and against change and risk. Cat is determined, kind, independent, and a force to be reckoned with. When they butt heads the sparks fly and the chemistry is hot! Not only do you get great characters with Cat and Noah and a great story, you get amazing supporting characters that you want to know more about. Lucy does such an incredible job of drawing you into the town and the community. You wish you knew EVERYONE’S story. Saying that, this is a sequel to Mr. Fixer Upper, but you absolutely, positively, do not need to read that book before this one. This is a true standalone. You get to revisit some of the characters, but you aren’t missing any important information. If you haven’t read Mr. Fixer Upper, this book will only want to make you go back and read it. What am I talking about?!?!?! Once you read one of Lucy Score’s books you will want to go back and read ALL OF THEM!!! I cannot recommend this book enough or this author enough. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars. So go right now…do not pass go…do not collect $200…get this book and immediately put it as your next book in your TBR list! You will not be disappointed!

I have read every book by Lucy Score and this is another MUST READ

As I write this there are only five star reviews of this book and I am happily going to add my name to the list with another! I waited and waited for this book and had I not had an important work function on release day, I would have taken a vacation day to read it starting at midnight. Although this is a stand-alone, I encourage everyone to also read Mr. Fixer Upper which the story of Cat and her hot and handy brother, Gannon, and how he met his now wife, Paige. I loved it so much that I am one of the hundreds of Lucy fans who begged her to write a sequel, Cat’s story, and she more than met my expectations with the Christmas Fix! I loved everything about the book. Cat is such a role model and is hard not to admire and love. I really only like to read books where I can identify with the heroine or female lead and Cat encompassed everything I strive to be…she’s independent, strong, giving, compassionate, generous, witty, talented, hard working, and family oriented. You can’t help but love her and want to be her friend! When she went to Merry, CT, to help the flood victims with her construction crew, she met Noah, the obstinate albeit sexy, strong, and also smart and giving town manager, I felt their connection right away. I really like enemies to friends to lovers and this is what this book is about. They both had misconceptions about one another, and by spending time together they were able to let down their walls and begin a relationship. Of course there is angst…she is a reality TV star and had no plans of settling down until Noah made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. I really liked the relationship with Noah and his daughter, and how easily Cat fit into their lives. I loved that the book was about Christmas, and also empowering women to learn trades and learn business skills. I have worked in vocational education for the past 28 years and this has been my mantra. I really liked the epilogue into the future as many books today just end abruptly. I also liked the bonus “engagement” chapter, but would really prefer it to be included in the book (as an update). Lucy Score is a one-click author for me!

Perfect Holiday Read

I've been looking forward to this story since I finished reading Mr. Fixer Upper and The Christmas Fix more than delivered. This is the story of Catalina (Cat) King, Gannon's fun loving twin sister, and Noah Yates, city manager and uber serious single dad. Noah finds it difficult to trust a reality TV star to help rebuild his town after a devastating storm; he remembers her as the reckless celebrity who caused havoc and broke a guy's nose. Noah fears her influence on his daughter and that she's taking advantage of his town's misfortune for ratings. What he doesn't realize is that there is much more to Cat than meets the eye. Sure, Catalina loves to have fun but she's also extremely determined and genuinely cares for those she helps. Initially our leads seemingly cannot stand to be around one another, but it's easy to detect the very obvious attraction between these two. In time they decide to give in to said attraction while trying to keep their undefined situation under wraps from Noah's preteen daughter and the town. Noah must deal with his past demons and Cat must get over her "I love to live my life free of commitments" and her "I only have time for my career" motto. There are a few hiccups along the road to true love, but nothing too painful. It's lovely to see these two get over their stubbornness and discover that sometimes you can have it all. The epilogue was absolutely lovely. Also as a big bonus, and to be expected (hello, twins!), we get to see a lot of Gannon and Paige and baby Gabby! This Christmas Fix was the perfect holiday love story and a definite must read.

The Christmas Fix 🎄

Lucy Score gives us Cat’s story in this stand alone novel; we met Catalina King in Mr. Fixer Upper. She is Gannon King’s Twin sister. Cat is a construction worker and reality TV star. As the star of the show, Cat goes to locations and renovates homes for families that need some help. The story begins with a hurricane about to hit the town of Merry Connecticut. Merry is a town where Cat was before for her TV show and she is friends with the family her show helped. The hurricane devistates the low lying parts of town and after going toe to toe with Noah Yates, the city manager, Cat and crew arrive to renovate the town of Merry in the weeks prior to Christmas. Merry is a Christmas themed town that has a Christmas festival every year that draws a large amount of people to town. Noah as the city manager is protective of the Citizens of Merry, and wants no parts of Cat and her TV anywhere near Merry. He is a divorced father of Sara, his 12 year old daughter. This is a true enemies to lover story, and I loved this story. Cat is an awesome heroine; she is confident, strong and determined. She knows what she wants and never gives up her goal. Noah is very conservative, and as we learn more about his back story it becomes clear why he is very conservative. Noah and Cat have the slow burn going, but when they finally come together it’s combustible! I loved this story and Lucy Score never fails to give us a great novel with wonderful secondary characters; I laughed, I cried, I cursed 🤣! Lucy Score is one bad momma jamma! ARC review.

The mamma jamma is a Must-Read

Cat King is the most kick-a$$ heroine ever! I loved her in Mr. Fixer Upper and was so happy that she got her own book. This book is a stand-alone so Mr. Fixer Upper doesn't have to be read before diving into this one. Catalina is smart, competent, successful, and beautiful. She may have a few too many irons in the fire, but then again, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. She doesn't do long-term relationships because she is moving around most of the year for her home improvement show, and that is pretty awesome. Who says a female has to desire a relationship or marriage. Noah.... oh.... Noah.... The townspeople of Merry refer to him as Mr. No, with good reason. He is divorced, the father of Sara, and town manager. Noah is not big on the idea of Cat and her crew swooping in and making a mockery of his town after a hurricane hit and nearly devastated Merry. Cat, after seeing a house that she had already remodeled for a family once, be standing in water wasn't going to take "No" for an answer. Y'all the chemistry between these two is electric! The scenes where they argue are so hot the desire between Cat and Noah is almost tangible! Yep, this one may get you all hot and bothered, and then have you melting into a little puddle because Lucy couldn't just have Noah be a flat undeveloped character. Nope, she had to go and make him loveable. Mr. No wasn't just born playing it safe. It is something he learned from childhood. The Christmas fix has heart, heat, and sass wrapped in one heck of a Christmas story with a sexy cover as the bow on top. Merry Christmas to us!

Fun-filled and Fabulous Read!

The Christmas Fix is an enemies to lovers story with heat, emotion, humor, and Christmas magic! Lucy Score writes characters with depth, complexity, and humanity. Catalina "Cat" King is the type of heroine that I aspire to be in real life. I love her confidence, self awareness, determination, philanthropic nature, and giving heart. I also love that she gives no "funks" about how people try to put her in a box. She doesn't fit in a box and she uses any underestimation of her capabilities to her advantage. Noah Yates is a responsible, reliable, hard working, and protective father. As the town of Merry's City Manager he assesses risk, helps to manage expenses, and generally guards the well being of the town and its people. Cat and Noah both want to help the town of Merry recover from hurricane damage, but Noah doesn't trust Cat's motivation. This sets up some epic encounters between Cat and Noah. The banter between these two is clever, sarcastic, and fun. The chemistry is palpable and intoxicating. There is a slow burn feel that fuels the anticipation. The resulting sexual blaze was more than worth the build up! I am almost ashamed to admit it but....this is my first Lucy Score read. I have heard amazing things about her books, but I just hadn't gotten around to reading one yet. I am so glad that I read this story and I can't wait to devour the rest of her books! The Christmas Fix is sexy, swoony, emotional, and fun! The characters are phenomenal. Lucy Score's writing is thoughtful, invigorating, charismatic, and gratifying. An absolute must read!

Mamma Jamma

Big ol' YASS YASS for this book. I just finished it last night, and I stayed up way to late doing it. This is the story Lucy Score didn't plan to write, but how could she not? The previous tale, about her twin Gunner King, was delightful, but in my opinion, humble as it is, this one surpasses it. This is an enemy to lovers trope, surrounded by a cast of amazing characters that includes a small town in Connecticut that has been ravaged by a late season storm. Merry's claim to fame is its Christmas Festival, and they are both literally and figuratively drowning in mud, financial ruin, and sadness, until Cat King steps up with her reality fix-it program energy, a whole lot of volunteers, and a determination to prove city manager Noah Yates wrong about her. "Mr. No" is a control freak, a single dad, and a fellow with a lot of baggage, but he loves Merry with a depth that shows he feels a sense of possession and protection for the place and people. He gradually comes to understand that Cat has adopted them, too, and once they see each other's humanity, and he recognizes her role in saving him after the storm... sparks fly, and things really light up. I kind of figured out the end before it happened, but it was a lovely gesture handled well, even if I was gnawing on my cuticles for a bit as the story wound down. Do pick up this book, and Mr. Fixer Upper, her brother's story. They make a great duet. Language, intimate scenes, lots of humor.

The mamma jamma of all Christmas romances! Cat King is amazing!

If you’ve read Mr. Fixer Upper (and if you haven’t, what on earth are you waiting for?!?!), you probably already love Cat King. I know I did. As soon as I finished Mr. Fixer Upper, I had a list of characters I was hoping for more from. Cat was at the top. She was so full of life. She worked hard and played just as hard. She stood up for what she believed in. She was a great friend and loved her family dearly. How much more could you ask for in a character? I loved Cat King. So, Lucy Score is fantastic. She heard the outcry of her fans and the whispers (okay, it’s Cat...they were probably shouts) from Cat, and The Christmas Fix was born. Okay, I’m not positive exactly how this happened, but this is how I like to imagine it. Either way, Lucy gave us The Christmas Fix, an amazing enemies-to-lovers Christmas story, and it is perfect. I thought I loved Cat King before, but now I am completely enamored. I am in awe of this woman. Everything I liked about her before is magnified by a million, but there is also this other side to her that we didn’t get to see in Mr. Fixer Upper. This side that loves so hard, cares so deeply, and turns to mush only at the most perfect of moments. She is a complete and total rockstar. She still stands up for women’s rights, works herself harder than anyone else, and enjoys having a good time, but watching her fall in love is truly something special. And Noah, oh Noah. Noah may seem like a complete jerk in the beginning (remember, this is enemies-to-lovers, and I already loved Cat), but there is just something about him. He is so noble. Even when he is completely wrong, he has good intentions. He is a good, sensible guy who loves his daughter and his town. He wants to protect both from anything that could harm them. Unfortunately, he believes Cat King falls into that category. However, Cat being Cat is determined to prove him wrong. As the story unfolds, you fall further and further in love with Noah. I absolutely love these two together. The balance they found with one another was incredible. Noah needs Cat to bring him out of his shell and really live. He needs her to show him what fun really is. And Noah is the stability and steadfast support Cat needs in her crazy life. And the chemistry, oh my goodness the chemistry. These two are completely off the charts. Their banter is fantastic. Cat says what she thinks and doesn’t hold back which causes (and/or ends) some fantastic arguments. And their love is even more explosive than their hate. While you have to wait for them to get there, it is completely worth it! The tension builds until it boils over in perfection. What more could you want, right? Well, in true Lucy Score fashion, this book brings all the feels. The town of Merry really becomes a character of its own with the wonderful people and traditions it holds dear. Watching the town come together in this time of need is amazing. The residents are unique and wonderful. The way they support one another is heartwarming. The way they take in Cat and her crew is extraordinary. I seriously want to move there...who wouldn’t? This book was beautifully written. The symbolism is subtle and truly amazing, the characters are so real and complex, and seriously all the feels are there without it being over the top. There are very few authors that can include humor, love, witty banter, and so much emotion in the same book naturally, but this book truly has it all. I can’t recommend it enough. What are you still doing here? Put your time to good use and one click now! This is a book you don’t want to miss!

Lucy has done it again!

I anxiously await each of Lucy’s books. Cat and Noah’s story was one i couldn’t wait to start reading! Written around recent weather events and returning to the town of Merry made the story so much more “real” for me. Noah-the town manager wants nothing to do with Cat’s reality construction show coming back to town to repair the house they featured last season for a family the audience loved, but realizes the help is going to be a long time coming with all the other communities neeeding storm assistance. Time is something Merry doesn’t have-their primary source of income is the Christmas festival Cat has promised to have up and running in time for Merry to avoid financial ruin. Meanwhile the sexual tension between Cat and Noah continues to build while Noah comes to grips with saving his town! Holiday magic kicks in for Merry and the town manager while Cat begins making her dream become a resality. The home fires are lit and inferno between Cat and Noah assures Merry recovers from the storm and Merry’s population increases. Here’s hoping we get to see inside more of this town’s residents! This is a cant be beat book that can be read alone or in combination with Mr. Fixer Upper-the book where we first met the citizens of Merry.

Home is Where the Heart is💖💕

Catalina King does some creative juggling and arrives in Noah's town to help rebuild. He initially does not want Cat's help because he assumes that she's only doing it for TV ratings and taking advantage of his community. Cat is not to be deterred though. She has her heart set on doing the renovations, making Christmas happen, getting the residents back on their feet and in their homes after being devastated by a hurricane. 👏Give Cat King a prize for not throat-punching Noah because he deserves it on several occasions! Everyone kept saying how gorgeous he is (even her mother😂) and how much heat is between them, but I would not have been upset at all if Cat's posse would have let her dump a pitcher of beer 🍺 over his head to cool him off a bit! He really tried to stick to his guns and insists on distrusting her. My goodness! But when Noah finally sees Cat for who she truly is, he really lets go and gives in to the attraction. I'll be darn if he doesn't let the sexy, and dirty talking side come out to play!! Cat, who always seems to be in control, starts to relinquish some of it over to Noah. What do we get? Muy caliente!🔥🔥 But then Cat also comes to a better understanding about Noah, the way he grew up, and why he's always been so cautious. I love Cat's wittiness, her carefree spirit, her brains--she is one amazing woman! Noah 's smart, kind, caring, and tends to carry the problems of his community upon his shoulders. Cat and Noah together are like dynamite and a quiet storm, all at the same time. Noah shows Cat that she's not alone, and Cat shows Noah how to let loose and have some fun! They really balance each other out. This is one of the best Christmas-themed stories I have ever read. The secondary characters are also wonderful. Noah's daughter is so adorable, smart, and just as witty as Cat. Noah's connection to this town and Christmas is humbling; Cat's little engraved gift for him at the reveal is absolutely beautiful and tear-jerking. The story truly had the spirit of the season!! 🎄Loved it! **NOTE: The Bonus Epilogue turned me into a sniveling mess! So beautiful and endearing and just . . . perfect!

Awesome story!!! I need more stars to give it!!!

First let me say that Lucy Score is in my top 3 of always-buy, can’t-one-click-fast-enough authors. I’m always excited when I see a new book from her. Now for full disclosure, I’m NOT a fan of Christmas. So while I was so very excited for a Lucy Score book, a small part of me was “uuugghhhh…a Christmas book”. After reading this book I must confess…it’s so good that it put this Grinch in the Christmas Spirit with Cat and Noah’s story. This is such a sweet, heartwarming, sexy story. Noah is a single dad who is trying to put his town back together after a hurricane comes through and floods most of it. That’s not the only bad news, but there’s no way he can get the city up and running in time for their Christmas Festival which generates a significant amount of money for the town and for its citizens. Cat is a star of a home improvement show that has visited the town before and is devastated by news of the destruction. She’s determined to rebuild Merry, CT in time for the Christmas Festival. Noah is careful, serious, and against change and risk. Cat is determined, kind, independent, and a force to be reckoned with. When they butt heads the sparks fly and the chemistry is hot! Not only do you get great characters with Cat and Noah and a great story, you get amazing supporting characters that you want to know more about. Lucy does such an incredible job of drawing you into the town and the community. You wish you knew EVERYONE’S story. Saying that, this is a sequel to Mr. Fixer Upper, but you absolutely, positively, do not need to read that book before this one. This is a true standalone. You get to revisit some of the characters, but you aren’t missing any important information. If you haven’t read Mr. Fixer Upper, this book will only want to make you go back and read it. What am I talking about?!?!?! Once you read one of Lucy Score’s books you will want to go back and read ALL OF THEM!!! I cannot recommend this book enough or this author enough. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars. So go right now…do not pass go…do not collect $200…get this book and immediately put it as your next book in your TBR list! You will not be disappointed!

I have read every book by Lucy Score and this is another MUST READ

As I write this there are only five star reviews of this book and I am happily going to add my name to the list with another! I waited and waited for this book and had I not had an important work function on release day, I would have taken a vacation day to read it starting at midnight. Although this is a stand-alone, I encourage everyone to also read Mr. Fixer Upper which the story of Cat and her hot and handy brother, Gannon, and how he met his now wife, Paige. I loved it so much that I am one of the hundreds of Lucy fans who begged her to write a sequel, Cat’s story, and she more than met my expectations with the Christmas Fix! I loved everything about the book. Cat is such a role model and is hard not to admire and love. I really only like to read books where I can identify with the heroine or female lead and Cat encompassed everything I strive to be…she’s independent, strong, giving, compassionate, generous, witty, talented, hard working, and family oriented. You can’t help but love her and want to be her friend! When she went to Merry, CT, to help the flood victims with her construction crew, she met Noah, the obstinate albeit sexy, strong, and also smart and giving town manager, I felt their connection right away. I really like enemies to friends to lovers and this is what this book is about. They both had misconceptions about one another, and by spending time together they were able to let down their walls and begin a relationship. Of course there is angst…she is a reality TV star and had no plans of settling down until Noah made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. I really liked the relationship with Noah and his daughter, and how easily Cat fit into their lives. I loved that the book was about Christmas, and also empowering women to learn trades and learn business skills. I have worked in vocational education for the past 28 years and this has been my mantra. I really liked the epilogue into the future as many books today just end abruptly. I also liked the bonus “engagement” chapter, but would really prefer it to be included in the book (as an update). Lucy Score is a one-click author for me!

Perfect Holiday Read

I've been looking forward to this story since I finished reading Mr. Fixer Upper and The Christmas Fix more than delivered. This is the story of Catalina (Cat) King, Gannon's fun loving twin sister, and Noah Yates, city manager and uber serious single dad. Noah finds it difficult to trust a reality TV star to help rebuild his town after a devastating storm; he remembers her as the reckless celebrity who caused havoc and broke a guy's nose. Noah fears her influence on his daughter and that she's taking advantage of his town's misfortune for ratings. What he doesn't realize is that there is much more to Cat than meets the eye. Sure, Catalina loves to have fun but she's also extremely determined and genuinely cares for those she helps. Initially our leads seemingly cannot stand to be around one another, but it's easy to detect the very obvious attraction between these two. In time they decide to give in to said attraction while trying to keep their undefined situation under wraps from Noah's preteen daughter and the town. Noah must deal with his past demons and Cat must get over her "I love to live my life free of commitments" and her "I only have time for my career" motto. There are a few hiccups along the road to true love, but nothing too painful. It's lovely to see these two get over their stubbornness and discover that sometimes you can have it all. The epilogue was absolutely lovely. Also as a big bonus, and to be expected (hello, twins!), we get to see a lot of Gannon and Paige and baby Gabby! This Christmas Fix was the perfect holiday love story and a definite must read.

The Christmas Fix 🎄

Lucy Score gives us Cat’s story in this stand alone novel; we met Catalina King in Mr. Fixer Upper. She is Gannon King’s Twin sister. Cat is a construction worker and reality TV star. As the star of the show, Cat goes to locations and renovates homes for families that need some help. The story begins with a hurricane about to hit the town of Merry Connecticut. Merry is a town where Cat was before for her TV show and she is friends with the family her show helped. The hurricane devistates the low lying parts of town and after going toe to toe with Noah Yates, the city manager, Cat and crew arrive to renovate the town of Merry in the weeks prior to Christmas. Merry is a Christmas themed town that has a Christmas festival every year that draws a large amount of people to town. Noah as the city manager is protective of the Citizens of Merry, and wants no parts of Cat and her TV anywhere near Merry. He is a divorced father of Sara, his 12 year old daughter. This is a true enemies to lover story, and I loved this story. Cat is an awesome heroine; she is confident, strong and determined. She knows what she wants and never gives up her goal. Noah is very conservative, and as we learn more about his back story it becomes clear why he is very conservative. Noah and Cat have the slow burn going, but when they finally come together it’s combustible! I loved this story and Lucy Score never fails to give us a great novel with wonderful secondary characters; I laughed, I cried, I cursed 🤣! Lucy Score is one bad momma jamma! ARC review.

The title says all in this one

As always if you are not reading a Lucy Score book you are missing one amazing story. That is exactly what The Christmas Fix is AMAZING! If you love enemies to lovers then you need Cat and Noah in your library now! Noah Yates is a divorced father, city manager and the man known as Mr. No. He lives in the small town of Merry, Connecticut that has just experienced a hurricane right before their tourist season with no extra funds to recover in time for Merry's annual Christmas Festival. That is until Catalina King comes in to save the towns festival and its people. Cat is one head strong, single bad mammajamma and celebrity from her renovation show and clothing line. Noah thinks Cat just wants to use her show and camera to victimize his people and flooded town for ratings while she sits around and adds to her celebrity. Well Cat is way more then just a pretty face and this so called flashy lifestyle Noah thinks she devours her little celebrity life in all day. Cat has zero patience for anyone that wants to underestimate her and won't take no from Mr. No for an answer! Watch out now because Noah will learn the more negative he treats Cat in saving his town the more fuel he pours on the fire of Catalina King This is a sequel to Mr. Fixer Upper but can be read as a standalone filled with small town love, laughter, rollercoaster emotions and one of the most sexiest sex scenes I have read in awhile. Just one click it and read it already!

What a heart felt Christmas story

The book had all the feelings that you except with a Christmas story plus all deep down character connections I crave and always get from Lucy Score. I am not afraid to say I cried happy and sad tears too many times to count in this one but of course it was so worth the incredible journey it took me on. I didn’t realize this book is intended to come after Mr Fixer Upper but it didn’t take me long to remember Gannon and Paige’s Story. I loved that they had a big role in this one too. I heard this sorry wasn’t really planned and how wonderful it turned out to be. If your not on the Lucy Score wagon yet please jump on quick you don’t know what your missing.

Get into the Christmas Spirit!

I was having some trouble getting into the Christmas spirit this year. Then I started to read The Christmas Fix and some snow was lightly falling outside .... that will do it! Lucy brings us Cat King's story with a new cast of characters that are certain to capture your heart. I love how strong yet feminine Cat is in her role as leading lady. This is definitely an enemies-to-lovers style book, and by the time our lead characters get around to figuring it all out you will be cheering them on loudly. Lucy - thank you for writing these excellent stories. You make me want to move into one of your small towns and never leave! This book can be read as a standalone, but there are several cameos from Mr. Fixer Upper and you will love catching up with those beloved characters. Next, we just need to convince Lucy to give poor Drake Mackenrowe his own book! As always, I thoroughly enjoyed Lucy's writing. I was provided an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. However, I also want to support this author's work so I have also purchased a copy for my own library.

Love Noah and Cat!

This is a great easy and enjoyable book with characters that I liked. Noah and Cat are both strong in personality and their jobs but personal life is lacking for both of them even though Cat is very happy with her life. Cat has come to Merry to rebuild it after a hurricane has destroyed much of the town with the flooding. She has promised to have the town rebuilt by the time of the Christmas festival held every year and brings in a lot of money to the local economy. Noah is the town manager who doubts she can do it plus thinks her motive is to just make money and use the town and its citizens to do it. The relationship between the two in the beginning is very negative and they barely can tolerate each other. But as all love/hate relationships start...they end up in love. Cat has her priorities for her career and life and that doesn't include staying in one town and a relationship. Noah has lived his whole life in Merry and the town means everything to him. Throw in a cast of characters that are all loveable, humor and a few twist and you have a great story. Love this author and recommend this book.

Will Cat fix Christmas for Mr. No?

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book and I also bought it because anything by Lucy Score is a keeper. Amazing. Wonderful. Superlative. I can't say enough about her books; this one included. We met Catalina King in The Fixer-Upper, where she and her twin Gannon were introduced as reality TV celebrities with a home renovation show with a heart. Gannon married their production assistant Paige and went back into the family construction business, King Construction. Catalina stayed with reality tv, choosing homeowners with stories in need, fixing up their homes, but doing it with a feeling of community and friendship. This year, about 8 weeks before Christmas, the town of Merry, Connecticut is hit hard by a hurricane. Catalina had fixed up a home for the Hai family there a couple years earlier, remained friends with them, and visited with them yearly. She called them before the storm knowing if the river rose that their house would be terribly affected so she wanted them to know she would fix it. When Cat found out Merry's annual Christmas festival, which brought in nearly all the town's annual tourist revenue would not be able to be held because of the storm, she wanted to fix Merry and give them, through her show, and also donations, and advertising dollars, all the money that the town would have normally raised. The town's handsome, sexy, serious city manager, Noah Yates, put the kabosh on that from the get-go, not wanting some uncaring reality TV glamour hog using his town's tragedy to make herself look good. Get the picture? Cat had an enemy she never met!! Sparks were flying before she got to town! They also flew when the 2 met! An interesting situation. What was going to happen? Fireworks for sure! Delightful story as only Lucy Score can produce. I guarantee you will enjoy it!!

Another hit

This book was so much fun to read. The characters are well developed and the town in which the story takes place is somewhere I would be thrilled to live in. I loved the non-traditional role of the female main character and enjoyed following the development of the relationship between of the lead characters. I didn't realize that I should have read Mr. Fix Upper first but, no worries. I'll read it next. I'm still a relatively new fan of Lucy Score and have completely fallen in love with her writing style. I definitely recommend this book to anyone else who enjoys smiling a lot while reading a really good romance.

The Christmas Fix…Scrooge Meets A Naughty Christmas Angel

Catalina “Cat” King, sister of Gannon King (Mr. Fixer Upper), reality TV star and a devoted believer in all things Christmas wants to play Santa Claus to the small town of Merry, Connecticut. Noah Yates, town manager, who is not a fan of the holiday, is the Scrooge to her Santa Claus. So when Cat decides to bring her TV show crew and rebuild the town after a hurricane, Noah is determined to stop her from commercializing his town. After all, he is charged with the town’s welfare and in addition is a divorced father with an impressionable young daughter. He doesn’t need some high maintenance, opinionated, diva who looks like a naughty Christmas angel invading Merry as he deals with the destruction and an ongoing budget crisis. What’s a determined girl like Cat to do…except just spread lots of Christmas cheer and turn Noah from “Bah Humbug” to the jolly, old elf himself! From the first meeting, Cat and Noah are at odds. He sees her as interfering and inserting herself without regard for his town and she thinks he is just being unreasonable. She simply wants to help rebuild the small community and to help the townspeople overcome tragedy. However, Christmas may have a new tradition as fireworks erupt between these two strong willed, opinionated personalities. Of course, with the fireworks, comes scorching attraction, sexy scenes, and a story about getting past preconceived feelings and what the holiday can really mean. Ms. Score has crafted a wonderful new book that can be read as a standalone or even better…start with Mr. Fixer Upper where Cat King’s brother finds his own true love. The Christmas Fix is heartwarming, funny, and sexy…a great choice as the holidays approach for those of us who want a little added Christmas cheer!

The Christmas Fix

The Christmas Fix is steamy, sweet and down right funny. Cat and Noah make sparks fly whenever they are together, whether they are fighting, flirting or testing out the dining room table. I absolutely adored Cat. She is confident, sassy and yet so sweet. She is a tireless worker, wanting to bring Christmas back to Merry after a devastating hurricane. She refuses to take no for an answer. I loved Noah after getting to know him and understanding his back story. He is known as Mr. No so of course he and Cat get off on the wrong foot. Their attraction can't be denied and soon they become friends and lovers. This book is so good. We get to see Paige and Gannon from Mr. Fixer Upper and meet a new group of fascinating secondary characters. Excellent!

Heartfelt love story - Great read!

I am completely in love with Cat's story. Cat is a high powered woman who not only stars in her realty show, but really has her hands in everything about the show. She is now wanting to do so much more with her life and she has no time for relationships. Noah lives in Merry and doesn't want Cat's group to come back and help clean up the after math of the storm that has left the town under water. He doesn't want the town to be under a microscope. He resents everything about Cat and her show. When these two meet, sparks fly. There is perfect enemies to lovers chemistry between Cat and Noah. As they dip their toe into a one night stand, they quickly understand that one night won't be enough for either of them. This book is well written with a lot of details about the characters and the town. We get to see Gannon and Paige from the first book where we met Cat. I loved seeing her whole family back for her story. This is a tight knit family that I adored. Noah's family, although a little unconventional, is just as important to the story. The town of Merry is very tight knit and nothing get by anyone. I loved his strength and love for his daughter and his town. All Noah has to do is convince Cat that sometimes we don't always know what we want even when it's right there to take. Loved this story!

Sweet and Sexy!

This was an amazing read! Lucy had done it again, a book that feels real and touches your heart. That tree reveal had me tearing up! I love Christmas Romances and this one delivers on every level. Small town vibes with memorable characters, a natural disaster that seems like it will ruin everything, a grumpy city manager with a sad history, a sweet celebrity looking to save the town despite him, and an amazing Christmas reveal to remember. If you're looking for an excellent Christmas read to put you in the holiday mood and make your heart feel full, pick this one up. You won't regret it!

A charming and spicy read about a small town and people learning to love

I liked the town and the interesting characters. The story is mostly upbeat and focuses on a reality star with a big heart who wants to help a small town through difficult times. Her love interest is divorced and has a great relationship with his ex. I found myself wanting to know the backstory on their marriage, since they seem so supportive of each other. The man's adolescent daughter and her friend are fun and smart. He gains insight into his daughter and learns about himself in the process. It's a heart warming story with plenty of spicy scenes!


It takes a very special author to make me love an enemies to lovers story. Lucy Score is that author. Instead of hating one or both of the main characters, I loved them both with a fiery passion. The reader is given so many beautiful glimpses into the hearts and souls of both of the main characters I truly was smitten with both of them. There are so many emotional moments for Cat and Noah, independently and together I wouldn’t even know where to start to explain. Their story is one of the best I’ve ever read. That rare couple that is strong and successful individually, but together they set the world on fire. Nobody writes small town like Lucy Score, and the town of Merry and their holiday spirit will have you jingling those Christmas bells! A complete town full of wild and wonderful characters, along with a crazy film crew for a reality television show will have you laughing out loud. Adorable small children, and a guest appearance by grumpy Gannon King completes the gang’s all here vibe. I loved every minute of this book. Perfect follow up to Mr. Fixer Upper!

Loved it!

I was so shocked to read at the end of this book that Lucy Score was not going to write Cat King's book. I am so glad that she took her reader's suggestions to heart and gave them what they wanted! You first meet Cat in Mr. Fixer Upper, and if you are like me, you will like her immediately. Lucy has a talent for writing fierce, independent,intelligent, no nonsense women and this heroine continues that tradition. Then there is the hero. Mr. No. City manager Noah is so buttoned up but will have you swooning so hard. I loved them together so much. I particularly love the boys night chapter and the conversations with the word "funk", it had me giggling so hard! This was another exceptional read from one of my favorite authors!

Best Grand Gesture Ever

Cat King is the most outspoken reality TV home show hostess around. And she's not just a pretty face either, she can actually work along side the best of them in the business of fixer uppers. Noah Yates is a small town administrator who lives to serve his community to the best of his ability with all his heart. These two meet under the worst of circumstances with each trying to do right by Noah's hometown. In the end we get a sweet, heartwarming holiday story that I will be enjoying every Christmas. Lucy Score knows how to write small town rom-com and this book proves she can also tackle holiday mayhem. A must read and reread!


I loved everything about this book!!! It was a wonderfully sexy, sweet, cute, heartwarming read!!! I love all of Lucy Score's books but somehow missed reading this one..... I thought I had read them all!! What a nice treat it was for me to come across it at Christmas time for the first time!!!😁 I highly recommend it. It hits all the right notes and left me smiling and not wanting to leave the town of Merry and the !people who live there!!!!

The Christmas Fix

The story of a tv star and a humble small town official is fast paced but for me there was so much graphic sex that I felt uncomfortable and didn't get the delight of the humor normally found in a Lucy Score book. The plot was excellent and the characters were memorable but I skipped through a heck of a lot of pages due to all the graphic sex. If that's your thing, you'll love this book.

Misconceptions and Mischief...

Let's be clear. I want Noah for Christmas. Got that, Santa? I loved this book! Cat is my kind of woman - strong, no harm but take no crap. Noah suffers from the weight of his perceptions. Watching these two meet in the middle, and save Christmas and a community, is pure delight. There are MANY laugh out loud moments here, as well. I'm a Grinch, and this makes me almost wanna have a holiday. Go forth and read! :)

Better than a Hallmark Movie

For my first taste of what Lucy Score writes, I'm a fan. The Christmas Fix was everything I would want in a Christmas Halmark movie, but with a less predictable plot and the addition of on-screen sexy times. I love Cat King and her bold, confident self. Noah and his straight-laced self creates the perfect make counterpoint. Will definitely be reading Gannon and Paige's story as well as other Lucy Score titles.

Exceedingly great!

I was book hang over and needed something good to snap out of it. Damn if I'm not hang over again and even worse than before. Cat and Noah's story was epic!! Loved every minute of it. Cat is, hands down, Lucy's best character to date. And that includes Frankie, her newest heroine. This book was moving on a whole new level, and I actually adore Lucy Score even more right now. I love how her books revolve around loyalty, friendship, family, love and commitment. These are great themes, and her way of writing them is beyond amazing.

Great Christmas story

This is a wonderful follow up book for Mr Fixer Upper. Cat is such a great character. She’s a woman working in a man’s world. She intimidates a lot of men. She’s one of my favorite heroines. She’s a wonderful mix of girly and take charge to get things done. Single dad Noah is such a rule follower that he needs some Cat in his life. I really love a hero that is mild mannered out of the bedtoom, and then take charge in it. I love that Noah is a dirty talker. Such a fun read. Highly recommend. You also get to see Gannon again. Swoon.

Keep the tissues handy

Love Noah. He is Cat’s perfect nemesis! I read the Fixer Upper and I love this second story. I started reading this and things sounded familiar. So I went back to The Fixer Upper and got the main characters names. Then I plugged Gannon into the search bar....SUCCESS! I love this story. Be prepared you will cry happy tears at the end!

The Christmas Fix!

Catalina heart was so big that she had to fix the town of Merry after the flood. Noah was opposed to her coming to town and he felt like she was doing it for ratings for her TV show. He found out he misjudged her and her motives. Their relationship was a surprise to both of them. Great holiday story.

Amazing book

If you haven’t read a book by Lucy Score, this would be a wonderful book to start with. You can expect to laugh a lot and to cry a little and to be thoroughly entertained. In this book Cat and Noah are completely believable as a couple. I’m sure you will love Lucy’s books as much as I do. Enjoy!!

Not enough stars!!!!!

You have GOT to read this book! The first Lucy Score book I read was Me Fixer Upper, which was about the twin brother of Cat, the heroine in this book. I got hooked on her smart, funny, sarcastic and romantic style. There is so much to enjoy in this book, but the best is the strong, smart and unapologetic Cat who learns (while trying to teach Noah a lesson for underestimating her) that it's OK to lean sometimes and if you give a little, you might just get it all!

Love Lucy Score books

I love holiday stories and I love Lucy Score books! When you put both of them together it is my perfect Christmas! I have been wanting Cat’s story since her twin brother Gannon’s book. And boy did this author give us her story. You learned so much about her and so much about Noah and the town of Merry. This read was fun, emotionally fulfilling, steamy and sexy! The perfect read for a cozy night by the fire. Just have some water handy, you might need to cool down!

Great book to get you in the Christmas spirit!

Sweet book bringing two together in Merry, Connecticut. Now I wanna decorate for the holiday. Cat & Noah are a delightful couple that started out a little hate-ey then the realization was made to how hot they were together. Not just physical chemistry..the ooey gooey stuff too.

Cat and Noah

Cat is determined to save the town of Merry after it is ravaged by a hurricane. Noah is the City Manager and he's determined to keep Cat's reality tv show out of his town. This story is unbelievably heart warming and full of feels. Lucy Score did an amazing job telling the story of two distinctive different people who can only find love with each other.

Brilliant holiday love story!

Another winner by Lucy Score! Cat, introduced in Score’s Fixer Upper, is smart, hardworking, capable, and focused. Too many romances feature wish-washy heroines, but Cat needs no one’s saving (Score writes strong females, period). The balance of Noah and Cat, as well as characters we love from the previous book, make this fresh yet memorable, like all great series. The holiday aspect isn’t schmaltzy, and each character shines. Go get it!

Swoon worthy holiday single dad romance

This swoon worthy single dad romance begs to be a Hallmark holiday film... or maybe Netflix, because this one packs heat. Noah and Cat have an enemies to lovers story that's funny at times, and always sort of sweet. It's a fixer up lover/reality TV dream book. This is the first Lucy Score book I've read, and I'll be reading more.


The Christmas Fix was a heartwarming enemies to lovers story. I loved that Cat didn’t let Mr. No Noah stand in her way of helping a town she believed in. Cat looked deeper into Noah and saw his true inner issues and helped him to be a better man, father and leader. I also loved getting to catch back up with Gannon and Paige. This book was another Lucy Score success!

A Perfect Holiday Story!

Lucy does it again with the sweetest book to get you in the holiday spirit. Cat and Noah are precious (and totally hot) together even when they want to kill each other. This book proves that family, friends and community are what’s important!

Fun, Sexy, mixed with rebuilding a storm wrecked town is quite the challenge

Strong female who can do anything a guy can only better meets a town that captures her heart and a man who understands her need to achieve. Loved when they each notice the little sweet actions that show someone you know them and love them. Sexy and sweet I fell in love with a rich menagerie of characters. Well written, couldn’t wait to pick it back up each time I had a minute. Letting people know you love and support them while exploring new adventures was central to this book. Loved Cat’s zest for life she brings to Practical, serious Noah and his life.

I want to visit Merry

First this was a hard book to keep reading after just having been through, and still struggling along, Hurricane Michael. Many Kleenex were used reading this story. It was well written and thought out. Loved Cat, Noah, Sara and the rest of the characters. The story flowed, the characters progressed and there were many laugh out loud experiences. Hope you take the chance to enjoy this book as much as I did.

Like reading a Hallmark Channel Movie! (In a GOOD way)

I always love Lucy's stories, and her holiday ones hit me in the feels. Cat and Noah's story made me tear up frequently. The small town, the heartbreak of the disaster, the beauty of the saved festival, it was all a punch in the feels.

Love finds you when you least expect it, enemies to friends

Cat King is a multi tasker; come to save the town of Merry and find unexpected love with Noah Yates all by Christmas. I love a good book that delivers a happily ever after, and Lucy Score definitely does that with this story. Favorite line in book that sums it up for me is when Noah tells Cat , "You're the color in a gray day."

Fabulous Storytelling

Another winning storyline from this talented author and another set of characters I adore. This story was so well written and I hated that it had to end. The two main characters were exceptionally well-written with lots of love and laughter and so much romance that the pages sizzled, I loved it. Definitely a five-star rating and one of this author's best storylines.


Oh my Cat King is something else. I love her fire and heart. She knows what is needed. Until she gets around Noah. He wants to keep his town safe from her claws. Together they are what Merry needs. Together.

Good holiday read

I was looking for a light, fun read for the holidays and this hit the spot! Thanks! I literally live in a Christmas town in Michigan named Frankenmuth. Great place to visit in the winter.

A must read for the holidays!

This was such a great story. If you read and enjoyed Mr. Fixer Upper you will totally love this book. Cat is what every woman wants to be, self assured, wildly talented and hot. I can’t say enough about how much I love her character. If you are looking for something to get you in the Christmas spirit you need to read this book.

Loved it

What a great book. I loved how they connected. She didn't say anything to him and he finally figured it out. I loved how they thought nobody knew about them. Great book


This story put a sparkle in my Christmas this year - and that wasn't easy to do!! I love this town and these amazing characters and would love to find my own Merry!

Christmas with Cat & Noah will put you in the holiday spirit!

Lucy Score has done it again with The Christmas Fix! Another 5 star, amazing book! Cat & Noah are the definitions of couple goals! I loved every second of their book! It was funny, heartwarming, laugh-out-loud funny, yet steamy when needed!

Awesome Story

What a great story, I didn't want it to end. Cat can do anything she sets her mind too but falling for Merry's Town Manager was not in her plans.

O’ Christmas Tree

I really enjoyed The Christmas Fix. It was a cute holiday read. I loved the enemies to lovers plot for Noah and Cat. Lucy never disappoints me with her books!

Took awhile to get into it...

It was ok... took me awhile to read it because I felt many of the chapter were repetitive and I got bored. However, it does pick up towards the end.


Wonderful Christmas story!! I Loved Cat and Noah. Lucy Score is a great storyteller! If you read Mr. Fixer Upper you need to read The Christmas Fix. Funny, sexy, wonderful story!

Love these books!

These books are amazing- even if you leave out the hot and heavy parts!! The story line, characters and events are so engaging!!! Can’t put these books down!!!

So sweet

Loved, loved, loved it. If course. Noah and Cat were perfect bickering, high sexual tension adversaries to lovers. It had to happen. If not, I would have gone nuts. A perfect story with a perfect ending. Love you Lucy! KEEP BRINGING EM!!!

Great follow up and holiday fun

Well crafted enemies to lovers. MCs fit their roles perfectly and were still likeable. Funny. Feelings. Fantastic. I highly recommend.

Entertaining read!!

Enjoyable book. It's fun learning about Cat more and the appearances of Paige and Gannon (plus Gabby) are delightful!

Witty, sexy and heartwarming!

Witty, sexy and heartwarming! A fabulous enemies-to-lovers confection of all the best feels. And HOT. Oh so hot. Might be my favorite Lucy book, and they're all really truly wonderful. Couldn't recommend it higher.


Super cute, but I felt the story was a little lacking this time around. It was still very enjoyable, though.

Had to keep my interest then by Chapter 12-14 you ...

Had to keep my interest then by Chapter 12-14 you could feel the buildup. This is only the second of Ms Score’s books that I have read. I have four more ina series to go.

4.7 Stars

Great story. Excellent characters, with personalities so developed you can actually picture them all. Catalina is very vivid and bright you just know she is going to change Bush's life for the better!!


I absolutely love this story. You are my favorite writer. I wish that this book was even longer. Cat and Noah's story was so good. I'm so glad she got her happy ending.

Shopping for more

LOVED IT!!! Intelligent, kind, hella sexy, and fiesty lead female with a straight-laced undercover freak guy. Enjoyed the build-up (took a while). Was even better than the previous book about the twin brother. This was a fantastic read. Now, I'm shopping for more.

Loved it!

Love all of Lucy’s books and definitely loved Cat and Noah’s story. I Can’t wait to read the bonus book.

Great read!!

Lucy Score is such a talented writer! Love her characters, plots, action, sexy times, relationships and emotion! Super job! Highly recommend all of her books!

I love Cat and Noah

Oh! This is beautiful love story. It is a mess, just like life can be to any of us. And the sex... wow! Awesome! Another 5-stars for Lucy Score. She doesn’t disappoint!

Loved it!

Beautiful holiday story with all the feels! If you love funny, amazing and steamy reads, you definitely want to read this one!


Love her books! They are fast paced, humorous and have happy endings! I always look forward to reading her books!

Lucy “Scores” again!

This book is the sequel to another fun book, Mr. Fixer Upper. I enjoyed this one even more. I thought the character of Noah was one of her more developed characters and I loved how his childhood was brought into how it affected his adult life. Well done!

So worth the read!!

Such a good book. Read in 2 days! So easy to get entangled in Lucy's books and the characters she creates!! Onto the next one ❤

It just keeps getting better.

Lucy Score has great stories to tell One of my favorite authors now. I am sure you will love her too.

... thought it would not be possible to do one better on Mr

I thought it would not be possible to do one better on Mr. Fixer Upper but this was equally good. Lucy Score is definitely amongst my best romance novelists list. Loving her books and lapping 'em up.


This book had it all. Romance, drama, stubborn, strong characters with passion and depth. I laughed, cried, really ugly cried and smiled all the way through this loving Christmas tale.

Four Stars

good read

Five Stars

Very light & easy reading. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Love her books.

Have only just discovered her books and cannot wait to read all her books. Character are real and have depth. Story line is refreshing.

Worthy of my time

I would recommend this book especially if you read the first of the series. It started off slow but then I couldn't put it down.


LOVE! I could not put the book down once I started reading. Love the characters, love the town and need more!

Awesome read!

Thia book was hard to put down. A great mix of romance and humor! My first book from Lucy and a fan for life.

On Lucy...

Cat and Josh are like water and oil but if you shake it up enough it blends perfectly together. Throw in some spice, Sarah, and you have the best dressing, family ever. Merry Christmas.

Cute holiday romance

Good storyline. A little predictable but sweet. I would recommend if you are looking for a quick read with well developed characters.

Hard to Read

I wanted to like this book. Cat is a phenomenal character. However, by the end of the book the author has shown 1 solitary scene of Noah, the male protagonist, doing literally anything to show that he cares about Cat. One. In the entire book. At which point they each say they love each other, the end. Meanwhile, Cat has spent the entire novel proving herself over and over and over to Noah. In fact, for the first 40% Noah verbally abuses Cat and takes specific steps to berate her work after she saved his life and is working to save his town. Shortly after the 40% mark, he begrudgingly gives her a half-hearted weak “apology” when two men spend nearly an entire chapter convincing him that Cat doesn’t deserve Noah’s constant vitriol. What finally motivates the “apology” is that for the duration of the book he has supported the person who sexually assaulted her and blamed her for her own assault. Even the man who assaulted her apologized before Noah manages to eek out a “sorry”. He calls her the ugliest of names and maligns her both personally and professionally in every possible way, but decides that he wants to make out with her. The author has Cat jump at the opportunity to have sex with Noah after he says “sorry or whatever”, perpetuating the myth that nonstop verbal abuse is just sexy flirtation. This continues on through the 60% point. At the 3/4 mark, Noah and Cat are in a sexual relationship, but Noah treats Cat like a dirty, shameful secret and tells her to her face that he does not like or respect her because she is having sex with him. The remainder of the book is Cat apologising to Noah for leaving after he humiliated her, working to make his life better, and rearranging her entire life so he gets everything that he wants.

A wonderful holiday tale filled with hope and heart.

Can I just shout it once again how much I love Lucy Score? Last year she wowed me with several of her books, this one popped up in an ad and I clicked on it and then proceeded to devour it one yummy bite at a time. Normally I’m not a huge fan of enemies to lovers romances, but this one worked and worked well. These two prove there’s a very thin line between love and hate and learning to move past those first assumptions can sometimes lead you to the best thing in your life. In some ways I am very much like Noah, the hero in this story, I am not a fan of reality television and the overinflated fake hosts and I do tend to tread carefully going into things, but I was not a fan of his at the beginning of this story and how horrible he was to Cat and how he refused to listen to her plan for saving his town and their Christmas Festival. Catalina (Cat) is determined to help the little town of Merry, Connecticut after they are hit with a Category 2 hurricane and historic flooding. Having spent time there helping a family a few years back rebuild their home and their life, she fell in love with the town and the people with the exception of Noah the city manager. The verbal sparring, the instant chemistry, and the passion they both feel for the town all leads to a slow burn romance that was dripping with sexual tension and emotion. Add in the secondary characters that provided so many words of wisdom, help, and nudges in the right direction especially Noah’s daughter Sara and you have a must read holiday story. The Christmas Fix was packed with complex characters, intelligent dialog, humor, and emotion; in addition it was simply a wonderful holiday tale filled with hope and heart.

It Happened One Christmas

I’m a sucker for Lucy. She takes a story, any story and works her magic with the words, plot and emotions. Cat King & Noah Yates are an unlikely pair. She was one half of a home renovation reality duo with her twin brother Gannon. Gannon found love with their assistant director Paige and is now a full time husband/father and managing owner of the family construction business, leaving Catalina (Cat) to go it solo. She has built an impressive resume and business portfolio on her own. When a hurricane hits the small town of Merry, CT devastating it and the home of a family the King’s previously helped, Cat becomes a one woman bulldozer. She works her contacts and uses her charm making a plan to restore Merry in time for Christmas. No one says no to Cat. Noah is Merry’s city manager, comptroller, approves spending and budgeting for the operational needs. He does not approve of Cat and her reality show plans to restore their damaged homes and souls. Noah is a divorced dad with a 12 yr old girl named Sara. He is a responsible, dependable, workaholic who has forgotten how to have fun. Cat brings the crew, designs, sponsors and the budget to Merry. She pushes Noah every step and he pushes her right back. She also teaches him how to open up and live again, laugh and be silly. Their atypical courtship is filled with fun flirty stolen moments and loads of steamy ones too. Cat left her heart in Merry and Noah was there to catch it, keeping them both safe. 💞🥰💋

My newest Favorite!!

I have an odd obsession with Christmas stories from November 1st to December 31st - this was one of my favorite so far this year!! I loved the characters, the location, the plot and the overall vibe of the story! Cat is a reality show fixer upper who is drawn to the town of Merry after a hurricane destroys most of the town...she meets the town manager Noah who dislikes her instantly...or does he? Cat has no plans to stay in one place and Noah has no plans to leave...but the chemistry between them ensures that something is going to have to change. I loved the author's banter between the character's, the way she described the town, the rebuild and the love between all of the characters. This was such a feel good book, not just because of the HEA, but because it made the reader laugh, feel like they were a part of the town and most of all made the reader forget about their lives while they lived in the town of Merry, CT. I will be reading more by this author in the future! A must read and a must read now! Add this to your TBR list - you won't be sorry!

So good!!!

The town of Merry Connecticut has experienced hurricanes Veronica's wrath. There is massive flooding on top of other damage. Catalina King has been to this town before doing a makeover television show.This was part of her business King's construction that she owns with her brother Gannon. She has a special relationship with the family whose house she remodeled. She knows their home is right by the river that has flooded. She knows they need her help. She goes there and rents a boat and driver. She spends hours rescuing people from their flooded homes. She even saves the life of the city manager but they don't know each other yet. Cat needs permission from the city manager named Noah Yates to be allowed to makeover the town for them. Which means televising a lot of what they do for her TV series. Noah is very much against this. He feels his town will be taken advantage of. Watching them knock heads is so much fun. Noah's12 year old daughter Sara is a big fan of Cat's and helps convince her dad. Highly entertaining hot story that you won't want to put down.

A great story to start the holiday season!

This charming and delightful tale Cat and Noah is peopled with smalltown magic and the calming presence of family and co-workers! This my first Lucy Score read and I loved it! Mr "No" was a brat who jumped to hasty generalization, but Cat goddess that she was, got her way (fortunately)! Catalina was superwoman! Strong, proud, efficient and amazing at what she did! Being a successful woman in building projects and reality tv is inspiring to me, but I was keenly aware of the exhaustion inherent in having to be the glue holding the big picture in focus! After enjoying the snarky banter between reluctant Noah and steamroller Cat, the next stage of attraction was fun and surprising! When young Sara reveals to her dad, that everyone knew they were seeing each other (not so well hidden......small town) the storyline leap from the pages! A wonderful novel of people coming together to restore a flood damaged small town, with Christmas magic and miracles pulling the dream back together for the holiday celebrations! Just delightful!

Lots to like but not the hero

Great female lead, great plot, but could not get into the hero of this book. His descriptions contradict each other - at first he’s described as not that good looking but then through the rest of the book he’s apparently insanely hot. He’s a jerk for the first half of the book but then a great guy in the second. I just couldn’t get why Cat would fall for him when she’s surrounded by men who show much more character and are more interesting. This book isn’t the high quality many of other Lucy Score’s books are - though maybe it wouldn’t have been as disappointing coming from a more average author.

Even better than Mr Fixer

Yes, this book is a keeper and one I would certainly recommend to others. Personally, I felt like there were a few big flaws in Mr Fixer (the first book to this duo) - most notably the length - too long, and the unrealistic barrier between love interests. This book had none of those problems, and read beautifully because of it. The Christmas Fix is a full length holiday novel with awesome characters. Cat is a vivacious, smart and talented realty TV fixer personality who loves Merry- a New England town, and wants to help fix it up as a tv special before the Christmas season. She encounters difficulties in the form of the City manager, Noah, aka Mr. No. Their slow build from hate to grudging respect to something more is fun to follow. And all secondary characters have their own unique voices- each adding flavor to the sweet Christmas story.

It was a good read

I love most of Lucy Score's books, but I wasnt a huge fan of this one. It does start off pretty slow because it introduces both hero and heroine separately for a while. Once they meet there is quite a lot of fighting between the two. It isnt bad, its often funny. The characters are pretty great too. What dropped a star was the scene where all the woman went for a spa day and the men stayed back and had drinks, it was a funny scene really BUT all the guys got super drunk and they were all also watching the baby....thats not really ok. But what i didnt like about the book (and this may be a spoiler so maybe dont read on) was she was planning to leave because she wanted to build a school 'somewhere,' she didnt know where yet, why wouldnt it be the obvious choice to build in his town? Why did that take so long to figure out??

Can I give a book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️?

Here’s the thing. I almost didn’t read this book because it’s a holiday story. Now, I like Christmas, but holiday books are usually too sappy and schmaltz-y or the author adds some magical element to the story that feels forced. Unless it’s Christmas Eve or I’m in the mood for a Hallmark movie, it usually doesn’t appeal to me. I’m glad I took a chance on this book. Super realistic and genuine. And, bonus, anytime there was a misunderstanding or hurt feelings, the main characters talked it out quickly like actual real-life people! There wasn’t weeks/months/years of angst and misery perpetuated by a misunderstanding! This is a book set around the holidays that doesn’t feel like a holiday book. Sooooo, I know I’m 3 years late to the party, but I’d love to see a book with Drake as the main character. 🙏🏻

Best way to get into the Christmas spirit!

This book was begged for by Lucy’s readers the minute we finished Fixer Upper with Gannon and Paige. Catalina or Cat was such a strong secondary character that we HAD to know what happened to her!! Cat is a strong and independent woman. She’s had to be to get her show Kings of Construction to where it is AND to be able to produce it along with her side projects. She loves her life exactly the way it is and isn’t ready for anything to change. Until the small town of Merry is blind sided by a hurricane. Merry holds a soft spot in Cat’s heart from filming her show there previously helping a family get back on their feet and restoring their home. Now that home and the rest of Merry is under water and their annual Christmas festival has been washed away. Cat to the rescue literally and figuratively. She heads in on the tail end of the hurricane to rescue people AND gets the network to sign off on a Christmas special about rebuilding Merry and their festival. Her only roadblock? Mr. No or Noah Merry’s city manager who doesn’t think Cat has Merry’s best interests at heart and is only out for publicity. The sparks fly in this enemies to lovers story and along the way you will need a cold shower and find yourself in the Christmas spirit! If you love home makeover shows then this book is a must read! I loved how Cat was determined to make the festival and rebuild a success even if it was just to rub Noah’s face in it. Will Cat get it all done? Will Noah see who Cat really is?? Read it and find out. 😉 Bonus is seeing some of our favorites back from fixer Upper and getting updates on what is happening with them. I loved this book. I laughed (I always laugh with Lucy’s books) and I cried. I might have snorted LOUDLY at several scenes. Good thing my husband was working graveyard!! Read it!!


The perfect holiday feel good story with an enemies to lovers twist. Lucy Score delivers another fantastic story under the backdrop of a reality TV renovation show. This is the story of Catalina King. The vivacious, beautiful home renovation savant & her mister, Noah Yates, a refined city manager. Now, they don't really like each other very much at first. But when a natural disaster hits Noah's small town of Merry, nothing is going to keep Cat away. Noah hates the idea of Cat coming to his town. He feels like she's going to expose his sleepy little Connecticut community & Cat has to convince him that she's only there to help. And therein lies the battle between (soon-to-be) lovers. The tension that builds with the insistence that they are both right makes for some great scenes. Noah is a stickler, a by the book sort of man and Cat spends her time dreaming of ways to rub his nose in her genius. It makes for a super fun and addicting story. I absolutely loved the holiday spirit this story embodies. It's about lifting up your fellow man and having a strong sense of community. It's about life's little curveballs and discovering a part of yourself you didn't even realize existed. I really loved Cat King and her crazy ways. She's extremely self-assured and takes on her life with a sense of wanderlust. It was fun reading about a strong, successful woman. And Noah Yates is very familiar. Honestly, he reminds me of my husband! Very logical, thorough, wants to do the right thing. It was enjoyable seeing Cat take him out of his comfort zone and open up his world. Another amazing story from Lucy Score that I highly recommend this holiday season.

Second in the series didn’t disappoint!

I loved this story! It was a great second book and did Cat justice! Noah and Cat were an easy couple to love. The drama in the story ended perfectly with low angst. (Kept the characters true to themselves, while also providing the readers with a complete HEA.) Overall, I loved Merry, it’s people, and it’s story. Another great Lucy Score title! Must read Mr Fixer Upper first. (To be able to truly enjoy Cat and the supporting characters.)

Loved Noah and Cat's romance

I picked up The Christmas Fix on a whim. I didn’t know the author, so a new to me discovery is always worth the time. And I’m addicted to Christmas Romance year round so it seemed the perfect light hearted romance to fill my weekly need for something Christmas-y. I was pleasantly surprised when I found so much more in Noah and Cat’s story – and now I have another author to catch up with their back list of books. So, all in all it was a pretty successful whim. A hurricane devestated parts of the small town of Merry, leaving lives, businesses and the annual Christmas Festival in chaos. Cat and her reality TV renovation crew had been to Merry before and when she heard the news, learned that the home they’d worked on in the past was in danger again she set out to help the town, and her friends. Their Christmas Festival was a vital part of Merry’s economy boosting local businesses profits well into the coming year, now these people, this town is in dire straits and Cat has the perfect solution… if she can get the dense, stubborn, idiotic town manager to listen to reason. Noah is the perfect Mr. No – but Cat has ways around any obstacle and she’s not above using every single one of those ways. Let’s be brutally frank, Noah was an absolute jerk to Cat during a large part of their story. There were hints as to why, but I wasn’t really prepared for the emotional backwash when those reasons were revealed. He is completely unrealistic in his determination to see Cat and her crew in a bad light, even when the exact opposite is staring him right in the face. I think, in many ways, that single-minded stubbornness just made me want to dig deeper into Noah to figure out why he was acting this way. Even he was admitting he was being a jerk. That barrier that Noah put up and the one that Cat erected simply made their fall all that much sweeter. The Christmas Fix is full of unique, interesting secondary characters. If you’ve read the connecting story, Mr. Fixer Upper, then you’ll be reunited with Gannon and Paige again – and for me, their part in this story just made me want to go back and read how they got together as well. And, I have to admit that I’m really hoping that Drake gets his time in the spotlight at some point. If you’re looking for a story that will grab your attention, give you some classic laugh out loud moments, steamy and sexy in all the right places, and perhaps empty half a tissue box as well then have I got a story for you. The Christmas Fix was everything I love about Romance and it has definitely given me another author to follow. I read this title through my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Amazing, yet again Ms Score!

A strong woman whose idea made her a star and saved her family's construction business, who continues on to be an amazing reality rehab/ construction star, as well as looks every bit like a star with her beauty, Jimmy Choo's, and designer clothing when not in construction clothing... A man with childhood scars whose entire life is wrapped around being a good steward for his town that gave him hope , as well as a terrific father, who's is just a little bit resentful of reality television... Oh and he is definitely not... With that combination, Ms Score has given a Christmas book you simply cannot put down. Laughter till tears run out of your eyes, a almost teen who suddenly is growing up who tells them how it really is, and yes the entire town much for sneaking around, and with that incredible run on sentence... Read This Book! You'll not regret it! Completely enthralling and entertaining as only a Ms Score book can be! Karen

Catalina King and Noah Yates

We met Catalina in the story of how her twin brother and his wife got together, now we get her story. Catalina helped a family fix their home. Then, a hurricane sent massive flooding into that small town. The house was destroyed alling with the rest of the town. The network wanted a Christmas special. Cat decided to give them one they'd never forget. But she didn't count on falling for the town manager. Noah has a town to take care of and not a lot of time or money to do it. Christmas and their towns annual festival are crucial for the budget of the community. Can he afford to NOT to let Cat and her cameras come help their town? Great story. Lots of steam.

Perfect holiday read

This was the perfect holiday read. Small towns, love, family, and Christmas ties this book into a neat boat after a little roller coaster ride. The town of Merry was hit with natural disaster of flood waters from a storm. This little Christmas town was roughly two months from the season it’s known for and faced with no festival and a grim holiday season until celebrity Cat wants to come help this town again when they are in dire need. Too bad the town manager Noah is Mr. No. Cat isn’t one to give up. She gets her network approval, pushes Noah hard, her family bounds together, sponsors come in waves, and love a completed project are finished in time for Christmas.

Noah and Cat, will they get along, fight, love or run from each other, read this one to find out.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader copy of this book. This is a MUST READ, absolutely great, wonderful, romantic story that will touch your soul and you won't be able to get enough. Cat and her brother have a reality show that has millions of people in awe of the two of them. However, Cat does her own thing now and is juggling so many balls in the air she can hardly breathe but when she learns that the town of Merry is hit hard by torrential rains and storms that have caused the small community to pretty much drown, she takes herself there to help out. The city manager, Noah, is having a hard time trying to get the mess cleaned up but then comes Cat who wants to run over Noah and do it her way. Noah is not happy and tells Cat what he thinks of her little project and doesn't want his town to be the focus of a reality show that benefits only Cat or so he thought. Do you think he changes his mind, will he let her do what she wants and if so, what will come of it. Will Noah somehow break through Cat's walls and take her heart captive and if so will she run, come and find out in this incredibly delightful story that will take your heart captive too.

Small towns bring big love

I was immediately drawn into this book after finishing the predecessor, “Mr. Fixer Upper”. That was a hard act to follow, which you’ll know if you read my previous review. This book was a lot more condensed, since the leads didn’t have the established relationship of Gannon and Paige. But boy did they get to know each other in a sexy way! As a Texan with friends and family in Houston, I was touched by the author’s homage to the victims and rescuers of Hurricane Harvey. That was a moving touch and I appreciated how it related to the love story. Noah was a great male lead to fall for, being the town’s Mr. No. I enjoyed his relationship with his daughter (being raised by a single dad who took a decade longer to remarry than my mom) and the amicable divorce. Too often divorces are shown as nasty and vindictive. Though I would have liked more backstory on the reason for the divorce. Cat, was Cat. She’s the ultra feminist with a heart of gold. The food cravings were a nice touch, but I held off one star because she was a little TOO much. I can totally see why Noah fell and needed her, but she is a force of nature. The sex: it’s hot, dirty language and big feelings. You won’t be disappointed there!

It you loved Mr. Fixer-upper you are going to love the mamajamba Cat King story.

Can not say enough about this author. If you're not reading all her books 📚, you are missing out! This is a story of an amazingly beautiful and intelligent, independent, woman with a big heart. She is a role model for young women and gives back to a town she fell in love with. Noah, is a man who grew up in a family, that was unstable and wants nothing but the best for his daughter and the town he loves and wants to protect. He's over protective, controlling and in need of having some fun for a change. Cat, makes it her mission to prove him wrong, as he has the wrong idea of why she is there. He doesn't trust, that she wants tho help his town get back on its feet. He doesn't trust, that she would be a great role model for his daughter. She also, makes it her mission to help him come out of his shell and have some fun. A great story of a community coming together after a devastating flood that is going to cost them there lively hood not to mention the homes that are in need I'd repair. A truly inspiring story of faith, hope and love.

Romantic and steamy and a great HEA

This was a great book to read any time of year. I loved Cat and Noah. I love how they first met even though he didn't realize it until a very good ways into the book. This is way better than any Hallmark movie. It wasn't cheesy and had some pretty hot scenes with a leading man who hit the gym regularly. On a side note, I'm not sure why Cat continue to have workouts when she was working 18+ hours a day that included a lot of manual labor. That's a much better way to get a great body. I would have preferred the book be first person but it was still great and it was at least dual point of view and switched with the chapters instead of randomly back and forth. I love Cat's brother's book, too!

Noah Is My New Favorite!

Ok so I loved The Christmas Fix! This is Gannon’s twin sister Cat’s story. It’s an enemies to friends to lovers slash small town romance! We all know Lucy’s the queen of small town romances so I already knew to expect greatness but wow this story was so much more! Cat is more than just a pretty face and she plans to prove that to Noah, the sexy city manager of Merry. After a devastating flood leaves the city of Merry in ruins, Cat has plans to make this the biggest and best Christmas they’ve ever had. But, Noah ‘Mr. No’ Yates is the one obstacle standing in her way. The two eventually come to an agreement to be civil but beneath all that hate was lust waiting to be unleashed. When it unleashed you are left jaw dropped at the kindle melting hotness that is those two together. That Noah!?? OMG, I was NOT expecting the nerdy buttoned up man to be sooo darn filthy but I LOVED EVERY MINUTE!! He’s definitely my new favorite man from Lucy Score! I received a copy from the author and am voluntarily leaving an honest and unbiased review.

5 star must-read rom-com that is brimming with heart and soul!!

Oh how I loved The Christmas Fix! After meeting Cat in Mr. Fixer Upper, I couldn't wait for her story! She's sassy, brash, funny, independent, demands attention and is the life of the party. She's the girl you want to be best friends with because you just KNOW she's going to not only be a ball of fun but she'll be eternally loyal to you and always have your back. She doesn't like being told "no" and if she is, she'll set out to prove you wrong every single time! She's the star of her own reno show and wants to help out the town of Merry after a devastating hurricane destroys much of the town. Enter Noah, the city manager known as the man who always says "no". He believes that Cat is only out to boost her image and will exploit his town for ratings. When these two meet, the sparks are ridiculously strong. They butt heads at every turn which sets the stage for this perfect enemies-to-lovers romance. The Christmas Fix is a standalone story however I highly recommend reading Mr. Fixer Upper first since there are definite spoilers in The Christmas Fix. The amazing Lucy Score weaves her magic and gives readers the same quirky and loveable characters we've come to love and expect from her. Readers will fall head over heels for "adorkable" Noah and his eccentric townsfolk. Cat, Gannon, Paige and the rest of the crew from Mr. Fixer Upper are the icing on the cake in this fun, hilarious, beautiful and emotional story. Don't miss this 5 star rom-com that is brimming with heart and soul. It's a definite must-read!

You Go Cat

Lucy Score continues to give us wonderful romances that are funny, sweet, sexy, and a little bit deeper than you'd expect. Basically she continues to be a go-to author without fail. I admit I wasn't a huge fan of Noah immediately. He seemed a bit uptight and narrow-minded, i.e. his way was the only way. Slowly he grew on me which probably correlated with his improved relationship with Cat. He was at times sexy, demanding, confused, and in over his head with Cat. But I loved him at the end because he was open to Cat and open to the changes and growth of a relationship with a woman has it together. He was sweet when he asked Gannon, Cat's brother, what to do about Cat because he had no clue. Cat was a breath of fresh air. A strong heroine who was comfortable in her skin and unapologetic about who or what she wanted yet managed to do it without being a raging witch. I love a man who can build things with his own hands but reading about Cat who held her own against men in a male dominated profession I felt like getting my pom poms out. Instead of You Go Glen Coco, You Go Cat!!!! She didn't let Noah pigeon hole her and she wasn't afraid to engage with him. Sometimes I think that engagement was more fun than anything but the banter and sparks was true Lucy Score. I love an angsty book as much as anybody else but sometimes there's something to be said for a romance that's easy to read and more than anything enjoyable. Highly recommend.

This story is a Christmas gift that keeps on giving...

Catalina King is a smart, driven woman who happens to be the queen of construction reality shows. She's beautiful, hardworking, and a a pain in Noah Yates' behind. Noah is the city manager for Merry, Connecticut, a town that has taken a hard hit from a late fall hurricane. Noah is not about to let some television personality turn his town's disaster into reality TV ratings, even though she's promising the annual Merry Christmas Festival can be saved. Lucy always delivers stories full of characters who are realistic, lovable, and often quirky. This story is no exception. Cat King is no perfect woman. She can be brash and irritating, but she's also deeply loyal and dedicated to her mission. Noah is no less dedicated to the people of Merry, but he's earned the nickname "Mr. No." Right from the beginning, these two are like oil and water, grating on each others' nerves and struggling to find common ground. As with all Lucy Score books, you probably shouldn't read this at work or anywhere you don't want to be caught laughing or crying, because you will do both as you read it. Quick pace, entertaining (as always) secondary characters, and a we get to spend more time with Gannon and Paige from "Mr. Fixer Upper." Lucy makes us wait for the good stuff, too, but the steamy scenes are definitely worth the wait. There is NOTHING not to love about The Christmas Fix. Give yourself an early holiday present and buy the book!

A Very Merry Christmas!!

Cat and Noah are amazing. Cat is a fierce, independent and loyal person who fights for what is right. Noah is strong, loyal and sexy as all get out who is co-parenting to raise his daughter. Cat wants to fix Noah’s town, Merry, Connecticut, but Noah feels that he has to protect Merry from the circus of a reality tv show. As Cat works on repairing the homes, park and Christmas spirit she unwittingly begins to heal Noah’s heart. Cat gives many gifts back to the citizens of Merry, CT, but her greatest gift was hope and love. One of Noah's gifts to Cat are the stability and love she didn’t realize she even wanted until she met Noah. The Christmas Fix will give you all the feels. The Christmas Fix is an AMAZING read and I highly recommend everyone read this book. Lucy Score does a phenomenal job of guiding us through the thoughts and feelings of every character in all her books. You will NOT be disappointed or left wanting when you read this book!!

Cat and Noah Rock!

Amazingly written! Lucy Score does it again. This story is so good. It gave me all the feels. Cat, Gannon' s sister from Mr fixer upper, gets her own story. This is a enemy to lovers happy ending. Cat wants to help the town of Merry, after a terrible storm but she has to deal with the a$$hat city manager who doesn't like her from day one. Noah takes care of Merry and is very hesitant to have any outsiders come in and take advantage of their town. Noah is a rules man and Cat lives in the moment. Cat and Noah fight and banter throughout the story and you can feel the tension coming through every word. I love Cat and her strong independent female persona. Noah is a stickler for the rules but in the bedroom he is an animal. The sexual chemistry and heat between Cat and Noah had me fanning myself throughout the super sexy sex scenes. I can't express enough how wonderful this story is. It is a must read and is on my top 10 books to read of 2017. ❤❤❤❤❤

Cat finally gets her story...and what a story it is!

I am so glad that Cat got her own story!! Cat is devastated to learn that a hurricane is about to hit the town of Merry. She fell in love with the town after helping a family fix their home. So what does she do? She rushes down to help and she comes up with the best idea to get this town back together by Christmas...which just happens to be this towns biggest tourist season. Noah is the town manager and he isn't about to let some Reality TV star show up and mess with his town and his citizens. Oh what a fight he has on his hands. But that doesn't stop him from noticing how attractive Cat is! Little by little Noah starts to see Cat for the kind and generous person she is but how can they make a life work? He has ties to this town, not to mention a daughter. Cat has her TV life and her school that she wants to get up and running. First let me say how much I love that Cat is a take charge kind of girl. She isn't going to take crap from anyone and she knows how to get what she wants. We need more heroines like this. I just loved this story and I am so glad that they got their it is time to see Derek get his HEA!! *I voluntarily received an advanced reader copy*

Love Cat’s story!

Catalina King is a reality TV star who is the epitome of a modern woman—sexy, sophisticated, and driven. When a hurricane devastates the town of Merry, Cat sweeps in to save their annual Christmas festival, despite the opposition of the very conservative, quite staid city manager, Noah Yates. Their fiery relationship develops between scathing remarks and inescapable chemistry that leads inevitably to a red hot affair. I’m so happy that Gannon King’s (Mr. Fixer Upper) sister Cat got her own story. It was great to revisit those characters as well as read Cat and Noah’s love.

Each new book of Lucy's becomes my favorite

I have enjoyed all of Lucy's books, but this is one of my favorites. As I was reading it, I knew it would be a book I would read over and over again, even when it's not Christmastime. I love books about single dads getting a second chance at love, and I absolutely adored Noah, even at the beginning when he was being a grumpy jerk to Cat. I truly love how wrong Noah was about her! I don’t read a lot of Enemies-to-Lovers, and the buildup between them was fantastic. When they finally got together, it was absolutely combustible. But Lucy's books are about more than just Sexy Times. She makes me laugh out loud while I have tears in my eyes from the touching moment I'd just read. Her books are about relationships, and people evolving and growing, learning about themselves and each other. I like that we got to see beloved characters like Gannon and Paige, living out their happily ever after. I felt like there was such a big gap between the end of the final chapter, and the epilogue. I would love to see a follow up book, so we can see what went on during those ensuing years. I don't know what Lucy's got up her sleeve next, but I know I will read it and perhaps it will become my new favorite!

This will be your new favorite author if you like humor, stories that are a little bit steamy, and all around a good read.

This turned out to be the first of six Lucy Score books I’ve read since December. My fear is that she can’t write fast enough to keep up with my reading. I have even changed my bedtime to an hour earlier so I can absorb more of the words she has written and get to sleep on time. Well, that did not work because I still read beyond my bedtime.This particular book really hit home with me. I’m not only an avid HGTV follower but survived Hurricane Harvey here in Houston. I could envision the scenes of devastation in this book because I saw them play out in person. The author’s writing style and development of characters and plots are fascinating. I love the humor and find myself laughing out loud. You’ll find some truly hilarious situations and banter amongst the characters.

Kings of Christmas!!!!!!!!! Holy Hotness this book is amazing!

**See Trigger Warning** Christmas Fix is the reader requested second book to Mr. Fixer upper. It is a standalone book about Catalina (Cat) King the twin sister of our Hero Gannon King from Mr. Fixer upper. It takes place a few years after Mr. Fixer upper, so we do get a little peak at what Gannon and Paige are up to now! Merry Connecticut is pounded by a Hurricane and a good percentage of the town is damaged. Kings of construction (Cat’s renovation show very similar to extreme makeover home addition) had done an episode in Merry a few years earlier to help a family who was in a bad accident that left them out of work and almost lost their home. That same home got badly flooded during the Hurricane just like much of the town. Cat proposes a Christmas special to be filmed in Merry she get the green light from production but hits a brick wall by the name of Noah Yates or Mr. NO. Noah is the sexy, slightly nerdy, very serious town manager who want’s absolutely nothing to do with turning his towns tragedy into a reality TV circus. What he doesn’t know is that not only is Cat gorgeous, feisty, cunning and crazy smart but she also cares deeply for this town and only wants to help. Noah doubting her ability to have the town ready for it’s big Christmas festival only fuels her desire to prove him wrong and rub his face in it! In this sexy, exciting enemies-to-lovers there is lots of witty banter between our Hero and Heroine. A ton of steamy anticipation leading up to their super-HOT sexytime! I loved this book, Noah is my new Book boyfriend but I would be happy to share cause he is the best! I will definitely be adding this to my repeat reading list! Lucy Score is an incredibly vivid writer and draws your emotions out. This book is sweet, funny, and a real tear jerker. The plot is set at a great pace and this is probably her most well written sexual tension and fire between two characters. I will probably be reading it again later this month! Trigger Warning: I live on the Northeast side of Houston we like all over South East Texas got hit hard by Hurricane Harvey which was Lucy Scores inspiration for this book. If you were affected in anyway by any of the Hurricanes that have hit Porta Rico, South East United States and the Caribbean the book is vividly written and will trigger an emotional response. I have family and friends who have lost everything, and I don’t think I will ever be the same. The first five chapters really brought me back to that emotional state and memories of fear, pain and loss from Hurricane Harvey. I had family and friends plucked from flood waters and that fear and anxiety of not knowing what has happened to your family came back in a flood of emotion. I personally found it very cathartic, but some may not be ready to read that, so I wanted to post this raw and honest trigger warning. I promise you will truly enjoy this book for what it is but Lucy Score did an incredible job writing about the emotional, physical and mental effects a devastating Hurricane can have on a community and some readers could become emotional distraught by this.

A fun enemies to lovers tale

What a fun read! Two headstrong people butt heads as they work to save the town of Merry after flooding. Cat is a great female lead. She’s strong, gutsy, driven, and beautiful. Her take no prisoners attitude works for her most of the time, though she’s met a worthy adversary in Noah. She just wants to save this town, and can’t understand why the insufferable city manager is standing in her way. Noah is a cautious man who feels a deep responsibility to the town of Merry. He is also not happy to have a reality tv star take over his town for ratings. He can’t see the effort Cat is putting into restoring his town. It was fun to watch as they chipped away they layers of animosity away to eventually discover intense passion. They both can tell what they have is special, but their situation is temporary. Read along to watch them finally pull their heads out of their backsides.

Opposites attract or Opposites combust!

Enemies to lovers, opposites attract...oh yeah! Noah and Catalina "Cat" are a perfect match. Cat was full of spunk, independent and confident, yet the kindest and most caring girl. Noah is the City Manager of Merry, Conn and known as "Mr. No". I kept picturing the gorgeous Clark Kent and waiting for him to change to Superman. Sooner or later they get together and combust deliciously over and over again! Noah's daughter Sarah was so cute. She was adorable and hilarious. She made me laugh on numerous occasions and was fantastic doing her adult impressions. I very much wanted to jump in my car and drive to Merry, Conn. I loved meeting all the town folk and saw myself as a future Mrs. Pringle. I also loved visiting with Cat's family and loved seeing Gannon & Paige again. I always wanted Drake to have his own story and this time I added Henry who was a fantastic personal assistant. Oh my gosh, I could go on and on. It was a wonderful love story especially fit for Christmas and made me love the holidays even more. Thank you Ms. Lucy. I received an advance copy of this book and I am voluntarily writing this review.

I'm perfect for you. I'm what you're looking for.

I have started and stopped writing this review so many times now because I keep hoping that adequate words will somehow flow from my brain to my fingers and onto the page. It hasn’t happened yet and I am disappointed in myself and with my inability to convey how unbelievably amazing this book is. I don’t know how I can continue to be surprised each time Lucy Score outdoes herself. And she *does* outdo herself. Time after time. She is an artist, and words are her medium. For this is no mere holiday story. This is a story of how there is good in humanity. Of how communities still band together in times of tragedy. Of how people can overcome their pasts, their gender, the stereotypes that are applied to them, and achieve whatever they put their minds to. And it’s also a tale of hate that turns to love, of a romance beyond beautiful, and of Christmas miracles that are apparent in every day life. Noah Yates is the city manager in Merry, Connecticut. His town has been ravaged by a late season hurricane and the holiday events that the town depends on for revenue needs to be canceled. So much damage, houses are flooded, businesses are ruined and the town’s park and Christmas decorations are ruined. The burden falls on Noah to inform the town. But Catalina King won’t let it happen. She has friends in this town. She has pull with her home renovation network. And her show is ready to pull off a Christmas miracle. She just has to get approval from Mr. No himself. Noah wants no part of this prissy, reality TV star in his already hurting town. But he may be in for a surprise. Cat King is BAD ASS. There is no other way to say it. And what a refreshing detail. I’ve definitely read romance novels with strong, independent heroines. But Cat is more than that. She is determined, dedicated, and driven. And she is utterly capable- of demolishing rotted drywall, of organizing a crew of workers, of drumming up funding, rallying the townspeople, figuring out how to make people feel needed, appreciated and important and damn if she doesn’t do it all (and I mean ALL) while looking phenomenal. And when a startling piece of information comes to light, Noah has no option but to start to acknowledge just how amazing she really is. Noah may be Mr. No, but his past plays a significant role in that. You will not be able to help yourself from tearing up when you learn about what Merry’s city manager has lived through. And even Cat will have to admit that she may have judged her nemesis a bit harshly. As the two spend time together, working side by side to restore Merry to its holiday glory, they start to realize that perhaps the opinions they formed from judging each other based on stereotypes have proven to be incorrect. This book has more than its share of sweet moments that will tug at your heartstrings, and it has quite a few unbelievably hot scenes that may leave you fanning yourself. But, as I said, although at first glance it appears to be a simple holiday romance, just as Noah and Cat were proven wrong after they judged a book by its cover, do not let yourself be fooled that that is all there is to *this* book. There are layers upon layers. Ms. Score weaves those all-important themes throughout the story. And if you finish the story without being in awe of our heroine, without feeling compassion towards our hero, and without shedding a tear for the community that came together and pulled off a Christmas miracle, then you should probably go get checked out.

I wish I could give more the 5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Christmas Fix I’ve been a fan of Lucy Score for awhile now and she hasn’t disappointed me. This new book is a sequel of Mr. Fixer Upper, so if you read Gannon and Paige’s story, get ready for Cat’s story now. If you didn’t read Mr. Fixer Upper, it won’t ruin much for you. This book is a funny enemy-to-lovers story. Noah is serious single father trying to rebuild his town after some natural disasters and Cat wants to help him but he’s a little dubious of her methods. Their interactions are hilarious and when they are together sparks enough to create a fire happens often. The story flows is perfect. There’s details and circumstances around the book and everything fits beautifully to an awesome ending. There’s no way you’re not shedding a tear or two while reading this book. Its another five stars from me!

Fixed their town and hearts

I freaking loved this Christmas romance! I loved the slow-burn of this enemies-to-lovers, small town, single-dad holiday romance! The characters were absolutely wonderful and the storyline was perfect! I love a strong heroine and Cat was exactly that! Noah is a "no" man in his city manager position, but not so much once they made it to the bedroom! This can easily be read as a standalone, but Paige and Gannon's story, Mr. Fixer Upper does introduce some of the characters in this!

Merry is so merry and bright!

I couldn't wait for Cat's story after reading Mr. Fixer-Upper. Of course, Lucy delivered yet again! I love a smart, sassy, independent woman, but what got me about Cat was her work ethic and generosity. She doesn't do what she does for the recognition or fame. She just quietly goes about making people's lives a little better. And Noah. What a man! I appreciated how he knew when to let Cat be in control and when to show her she could let go and lean on someone else. I loved his daughter and all of the supporting characters that make the town of Merry real and precious. It's the small town that Lucy does better than anyone (read her Blue Moon books if you haven't!), and Merry sparkles with love and good cheer. I laughed at poor Gannon trying to avoid his sister's love life like a good big brother, and getting a glimpse of the daughter he and Paige share is extra sweet too. If you want a feel good Christmas story full of laughter, love, and the right amount of sexy thrown in, grab this book right now!

Un-put-downable! A true Christmas Miracle!

This book took me by surprise! It was 'unputdownable'! I stayed up all night reading it until I forced myself to set it down! I enjoyed the sassy back and forth between Cat and Noah, and their slow burn got so hot it was scorching! IThis book took me by surprise! It was 'unputdownable'! I stayed up all night reading it until I forced myself to set it down! I enjoyed the sassy back and forth between Cat and Noah, and their slow burn got so hot it was scorching! Cat is such a strong, determined and relatable heroine. I really love the way the story developed and the supporting characters are so enjoyable and make sense throughout the story. I became an instant fan and highly recommend this book and look forward to reading more of Lucy Score's books!! really love the way the story developed and the supporting characters are so enjoyable and make sense throughout the story. I became an instant fan and highly recommend this book and look forward to reading more of Lucy Score's books!!


I loved Cat in Mr Fixer Upper but OMG, in this book, I’m pretty much obsessed with her!! This book, where to start?? I’m a huge sucker for enemies to lovers stories. All the fighting and sniping usually explode into insane passion and I couldn’t stop reading to see where Cat and Noah would end up. When a hurricane hits a town that Kings of Construction had done a renovation project, Cat heads up to see what she can do to help. Cat King is total hero, both the day after the hurricane and the weeks leading up to Christmas. Noah always assesses risk, says no to pretty much everything, and is a pretty uptight stick in the mud. But the sparks between him and Cat and the man underneath are beyond hot. This book is worth every minute of sleep I lost so I could finish it in one sitting. I laughed a lot, cried some, and completely fell in love with all of these characters. I hope there’s more for the Kings Construction crew!!

Perfect festive romance

As usual Lucy Score has produced a fantastic romance. There's nothing to critique in this almost perfect festive romance. All the elements for a feel good Christmas story has been covered. A disaster, a town pulling together, a cast of really good, kind people and an extremely happy ending 💜😘 I shouldn't need to persuade you to buy this book, it should be an automatic 1-click for all fans of romance. Cat and Noah are a brilliant couple. They are slightly older and world weary. Both don't feel as though they're in place to embrace a grand romance. Noah is a single father with a heavy work responsibility. Cat is still in the thick of her starring role in a successful home improvement show. She has no time to include a man in her long term plans. Luckily for us, fate has no time for excuses. When the fall comes it is total and complete. This book made me smile and sigh, as all the very best romances should.

Christmas Canoodling

I loved it! Really, I wanted to know what happened after Gannon left the show and Cat was on her own. She is an amazingly strong willed character that I cannot imagine was willing to not have her story written. Finding Noah Yates to be her foil was spectacular! He seemed to be her opposite and yet in so many ways they were similar. You cannot go wrong picking up a Lucy Score book! She writes the kind of romance that always feels like a pick me up. Her books make you happy. 😊

I really Love a hot Nerd!

Lucy wrote another really fun romp, with Cat, a lovely hellion of a girl and a very stubborn, sweet, hot nerd. I love a story where people have divorced but still have love for each other and can put their child first. Noah does very well being happy for his ex-wife, and our girl drags him back to love. Fun romp, and though it is Christmas story, I enjoyed it in July! Nice twists, and as usual some nice steamy sex. And we get to see Gannon and Paige living a lovely life.

Cat is the real hero of this book!

I just found Lucy Score a couple week's ago and have been binge reading all of her books. I am huge fan. I absolutely love Cat! She is gorgeous and she knows her way around a construction site at all levels. She is strong, independent and an all around goddess. She has such a huge heart and uses her celebrity status to help others while enjoying the perks it affords her. I never understood why Noah was so negative towards her from the get go. It still didn't make sense after he makes his confession to her. He was a next level douche for far too long in the book but at least Cat proved him wrong at every turn. He'll never be one of my favorite hero's but Cat is so awesome, I still loved the book.

She is smart, funny

Cat King is not to be underestimated. She is smart, funny, and probably knows more about construction and design than most men. After reading about her twin brother Gannon in Mr. Fixer Upper, I was excited to find out Cat would be getting her own book. The town of Merry has survived a terrible hurricane and flooding. Cat and her reality show construction crew had visited Merry previously and she remained close with the family. She wants to help the town, but first she's got to convince town manager Noah. Their verbal sparring was hilarious, and despite the fact that they don't get along one bit you will find yourself rooting for them from the beginning. I have found that Lucy Score's books are full of humor and witty dialogue, but also heartfelt story lines and wonderful main characters with big hearts. If you have read and liked any of her books, you will love The Christmas Fix! Thank you to the author for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I couldn't put it down

I totally cried at the ending it was so good. Noah and Cat but heads in the beginning due to Cat always having to be in control and Noah doesn't want to get hurt. The sparks coming from these 2 could start a fire. Noah finally kisses Cat in the heat of the moment the next day they try to pretend it didn't happen but that doesn't work. Finally they give in & sneak around thinking no one knows until they are confronted by Noah's 12 year daughter. Cat realizes that Merry is home and she loves Noah. She works like crazy to give Noah a Christmas hell he'll never forget.

Amazing, fun and brilliant!

Amazing, fun and brilliant! After reading Mr. Fixer Upper, I was hoping and begging Lucy for Cat’s story and boy did she deliver! This story will warm your heart and touch you in ways that we all wish so many Americans would, and just in time for Christmas. The chemistry between Cat and Noah is off the charts, it is spunky, sassy and fun. Cat’s personality is one in a million while Noah’s is genuine, sweet and a bit cocky! What is not to love. We also get the chance to visit with some of our friends and family from the other book. I don’t think you have to read both, but why wouldn’t you they are amazing! Lucy knocks our socks off with another 5-star book! Can’t wait to see what is next!

Only ok for me

I struggled with this book a lot. I'm a big Lucy Score fan and I liked Mr Fixer Upper. I just couldn't find love for Cat and Noah. Cat was a wrecking ball I couldn't get behind and Noah was a control freak trying to do it all. Both came off more obnoxious than charming. Oh well, can't win em all.


Wow! Another great book by the one and only Lucy Score! She never disappoints….EVER! The Christmas Fix is emotional, swoon-worthy, and fun! The characters are outstanding, as always! Lucy Score's storytelling is heartwarming. I love that her stories are not one-dimensional. There is so much more than just a love story going on in this book and it is an ABSOLUTE MUST READ! Noah and Cat have some epic encounters….Can you say HOT HOT HOT? This is one more to add to your must reads by Lucy Score…make sure you read “Mr. Fixer Upper” first (although not a must, it’s nice to see the characters that we loved from that book be a big part of this book too- again another aspect of Lucy’s books that I love). Oh, and the Bonus Epilogue…what a tease! I so wanted MORE MORE MORE! She keeps me on the hook….and I love her for it!

Love love love the Kings!!!

What a fun Christmas book. I love that Lucy took a group of characters a d a world that we just wanted more of and created a fun and amazing Christmas story from those characters. This book was just enough angst, tension, yearning, and falling hard but trying not to. You couldn’t ask for more from an enemies to lovers story. Lucy is the best at writing hate to in love. You will not be disappointed with this book and I actually think you will miss out if you don’t read The Christmas fix.


I don’t remember if it was Cat or Paige’s bff who helped Paige see she didn’t have to chose between a career and love, but kinda funny they were both so similar in that aspect. Why do people end up with those so similar to their sisters/moms? lol. Anyways, Noah was the perfect match for Cat. And I DIED at his daughter intervening, sneaky little thing. Such a cute little holiday story. Not sure if I was supposed to wait until fall to read it, a little Christmas during the summer never hurt anyone.

Another Masterful Romance Story by Lucy Score!

Wow! What a great enemies to lovers story! I love how Cat and Noah go from completely hating each other to loving each other so deeply, and so completely. I cannot thank Lucy enough for writing this story. We all fell in love with Cat in Mr. Fixer Upper, the book about her twin brother Gannon. I loved that Gannon, Paige and the whole King family was in this book too. Cat is such an incredible, strong woman. I loved that she fell for a guy that was so responsible - especially considering Cat likes to play hard from time to time! I loved the bond that Cat formed with Noah's daughter, Sara. And I loved how Sara was so insightful into her father and Cat's romance! Punched you right in the gut when she sat them down to talk with them about having a relationship! Kids are so intuitive!!!! I loved this story. I loved catching up with the whole King family and I loved that Cat got her happily ever after!

Love, passion and angst! Awesome book ❤️

Have you ever had a book that you couldn’t wait to read. Then when it goes live, your anxiety level to read it is so high that you know when you start you can’t stop, this was the book for me! I have been waiting to read about the man who thinks he could tame Cat King since Lucy Score’s last book Mr. Fixer Upper. Well, she finally met her match with Noah Yates! Cat returns to a town (where she and her brother did a reality television renovation for a family) after a disastrous flood threatens to ruin the town’s profitable Christmas celebration. Noah is the town’s Mayor and doesn’t approve of Cat’s return after she had a bar brawl with a local man during her last visit . Noah’s a recently divorced dad who’s impressionable teenage daughter loves Cat. When they meet to negotiate to how save the town, it doesn’t go so well for Cat but Cat is a woman who always gets what she wants. She doesn’t realize that Noah is exactly what she needs and vice versa. Noah and Cat are a mixture of angst, passion, stubbornness and love! What a great book!

Loved this book!

I loved this book! Lucy Score is one of my favorite authors and for good reason--she's once again written a story that has snappy dialogue, compelling characters, sizzling sexual tension and an intriguing story line. Cat is an empowered heroine. Noah is smart, nerd-sexy and a wonderful father. Their connection is real and based on growing mutual respect and admiration (after a period of sexy enemies-to-lovers banter). Their desire to do good for their communities is amazing. There is real conflict, but no drama, and families are presented realistically. The town of Merry shines, and this book is holiday-themed but not cheesy--instead, it's warm, bright and absolutely delightful. I cried at the end because it was such a true ending for these two characters and I had fallen absolutely in love with them.

Not your typical Romance Christmas Story! It's even better!

I am a huge fan of all this Christmas, especially romance stories that happen at Christmas. SO when I heard that my FAVORITE author was going to be writing a story involving a bad-ass women and a stable yet sexy single dad AND it was involved Christmas, I was beyond excited. And let me tell you, LUCY SCORE DELIVERED. It was heart warming, yet surprising and had me both laughing and crying! There were scenes that made me blush and scenes that made me want to pack up my car and find the town of Merry. Yet another killer work of art from Lucy, and a definite keeper for my shelf AND a new holiday book to add to my reading list I read every Christmas season. Although, lets be honest, this book is amazing for my year round list! I voluntarily read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.

Loved this book! Don't miss it!

If you love HGTV you will love this next book about one of the King twins! Catalina King is coming back to Merry after it is devastated by a hurricane unless the city manager, Noah Yates, has anything to say about it. The two clash over everything until Noah realizes his first impression of Cat is not accurate and her true personality shines through. As the two pretend they aren’t together, the whole town roots for them to find their way to forever! Not only are the townspeople awesome, but learning even more about Cat’s and Noah’s families made the book extra special. Another new favorite book for me to re-read over and over again by Lucy Score!

A Christmas Story that is fun, emotional and sexy!

Another great one from one of the best. Could not wait to read The Christmas Fix if only my kindle didn't stop working, UGH!!! Finally I received my new one and was able to finish. I love how Gannon sister Catalina "Cat" is big on Christmas and of course you have to have a Scrooge "Noah" for Christmas but he such a hunk. So when Cat wants to bring her reality show to the small town of Merry, Connecticut. Noah puts his foot down or tries to. Well I don't want to give much away or tell you how they all have a happy ending. Just know that their is a lot of fighting, name calling, sexually tension, and of course love. I would recommend this book to all the romance lovers out there. I received this book for my personal review and I would say it's a must read!

Merry Christmas!

Another score for Mrs Score! Hang the mistletoe and deck the halls! This story is all about the giving of the season. Hallmark meets late night Cinemax. Cat and Noah are sparks from the beginning but it isn't all snowflakes and twinkle lights. But along the way, with some help from a mistletoe welding elf and several drinks, they figure out what that burn is really about. Loved it! Great story for the season or even if you want Christmas in July!

Omg... seriously Cat and Noah are perfect

Omg... seriously Cat and Noah are perfect. I love them. This was such a great book. I am all about Lucy’s small town stories, they’re the best. And this one was up there with the rest. Cat is awesome so spunky/sarcastic and perfect. Noah... Mr. No... so dramatic/sad and troubled. They were perfect for each other and Sara... she had the best personality to be Noah’s daughter. Henry, Gannon, Paige, Drake, Jasper, Mellody, April, etc were all hilarious. This book made me laugh and made me cry. The town of Merry is amazing and I love all the old characters that were brought back. I wondering now though.. will Drake get a book?!?

A fun romance that will light up your Christmas spirit.

Lucy Score does it again. A story that fills you with laughter and all the right feels. Not only does this book give you a fun romance, but it throws in just enough of the Christmas spirit to put you in the mood for hot cocoa, Christmas carols and decorating the tree. Cat and Noah keep you interested in their story all the way until the end and leave you wanting more. There is enough love and laughter in this story to have you asking Santa for a Noah of your own under the tree on Christmas morning. If you’re looking for a fun, feel good story for the holidays, this is the book for you.

Just. So. Awesome!

A lovely heart warming story of someone who is completely misunderstood. The story is a continuation of the previous book with the drop dead gorgeous Gannon. It's nice to see the previous characters in the story as well. I particularly enjoyed seeing character term flourish throughout the story into better versions of themselves. Isn't that what Christmas is all about? Overall this books was a fantastic Christmas chill out read. It's Summer where I am so it's nice to lose myself in a white Christmas for a change. I highly recommend this amazing book! 5 stars from me!

Christmas has come early with this treat of a book from Lucy score

Merry is devastated after the storms wipe out and destroy the town. Noah is the one having to tell the residents there will be no Christmas dpfestival this year. How can there be with so much damage ? Then in rolls Cat with her film crew and reality show to give the town a make over. Trouble is trouble with a capital T hit Merry the last time Cat came to town. Her presence near enough caused a riot. So Noel is less than welcoming .... This is a funny , well written, sexy romance , is a Christmas treat for any time of the year. If you love Lucy score you are going to want to read this book.

I love being a KU member where I can find new ...

4.5 Stars This is my first Lucy Score book and it will definitely not be my last! I love being a KU member where I can find new reads and new authors, so she will definitely be in my reading radar. If you're looking for an enemies-to-lovers, rom/com, holiday book, well look no further and just read The Christmas Fix. It features an independent, smart, creative contractor and she's a female, and her name is Cat. Then you have the stoic, dependable and reliable City Manager, Noah, oh and a single dad. He doesn't want nor need a "reality show" start causing a ruckus in his beautiful town of Christmas, CT. Lots of insults and sexy banter between Cat and Noah. Can Cat bring back the best Christmas Festival that Noah has always remembered? Can Cat settle down? Well you have to find out for yourself.

Be happy in Merry

The book I have been waiting for!! Cat won’t let no one get in her way even the town manager Noah. When the town of Merry is hit by a late season hurricane Cat wants to help but Noah is in the way. Judging her without knowing the real her. Noah loves his town and isn’t going to let a TV celebrity come in and fix it up for ratings. The town needs the help. I love the banter between Cat and Noah. They have a love hate relationship and fight the spark that is dying to be set free. The rest of the crew and town is awesome. This is a laugh out loud book that will want to keep reading and hoping for more books in the series. 5 stars of awesomeness. I received a advanced copy for a voluntary honest review by Author.

I Loved this Book so Hard!

I loved this book so hard. It is a phenomenal follow-up to Mr. Fixer Upper (Cat’s brother Gannon’s book) and it has everything. Heart, heat, humor, family, community, and Lucy’s trademark dialogue and scenes with children that will steal your heart and make you laugh at the same time! There are endless funny and heartwarming scenes in this book. This book had hands down one of the steamiest love scenes I have ever read. When they come together, it is explosive! It is a perfect holiday book with an epic HEA – Lucy delivers the feels right up to the very last page!


I must of rolled my eyes a hundred times.... How many times can you use the word diabolical geez SMH.... I get that ur a feminist it’s in both books clearly.... If it wasn’t for women nobody in this book would have a great life lmao get over ur self!!!!!!!

More the merrier

Cat has been a happy career woman, enjoying her home renovation reality show. When a couple she’d become friends with on a previous show had their house flood she went to help. Looking at the devastation, she proposed doing a series of episodes on helping the town recover. The town was for it, Noah, the city manager wasn’t. This enemies to lovers book is a treat.

Get Your Christmas Fix Here!

Reading The Christmas Fix is one of the best ways to get into the Holiday spirit. The story is sexy, smart, and funny, and the characters are fantastic. Tough as nails Catalina King wants to save the town of Merry (such a wonderful name) after a terrible flood. Town Manager, Noah Yates, wants Cat and her reality TV show cameras to stay out of his town. This is one of the better enemies to lovers stories; I enjoyed the banter. There’s just something about the heat that comes from a good hate “gathering” if you know what I mean. You can read the Christmas Fix as a standalone, but you’re missing out if you don’t pick up Mr Fixer Upper. Amazing holiday read!

3 1/2 stars

I really loved Paige and Gannon's story but Cat and Noah didn't quite do it for me. It was good, sweet, but i never fully got the chemistry and, as I despise Hallmark movies, I guess I shouldn't be disappointed I found this book kinda cheesy. The characters were good, storyline solid, just not my thing. But if you like Hallmark Christmas you'll love this

A girl with a kickass toolbelt finds love

I think when I was younger I wanted a life like Cat's. Where I was fiercely independent and lived my life by my own terms. Breaking the mild states early for her and it is girls like that, that pave the way for change. Noah wants to new permanently stable because of his childhood. Completely understandable. Their chemistry is of the charts, with their personalities flipping with the loss of clothes. Great story. I definitely have enjoyed every Lucy Score book I've come across.

Warm your heart!

Lucy Score has done it again with an awesome feel-good story with some of our favorite characters from Mr Fixer Upper (another awesome read). This time the story is about Cat who is determined to bring Christmas to the small town of Merry. She just has one person standing in her way.... Oooo the feels! Thanks, Lucy, for a great Christmas read!

Reality TV star vs Stuffy City Manager

You can't go wrong with a Lucy Score book, five stars everytime. Cat King comes riding in to save the day for the hurricane ravaged town of Merry in time for Christmas. The problem starts right off the bat when the Mayor, Noah, declines the offer. How persuasive can one home Improvement reality star be? Snappy dialogue, fantastic characters, steamy sex, and then pair those up with fabulous story lines. Perfection!


I really enjoyed this book! Car King is an amazingly strong multitasking heroine!!! We all wish we could be her. Noah Yates is Me No to the town. As a city manager and survivor of a gambling alcoholic father is only knows responsibility and hard work. He sees Cat as a reality queen of manipulation. He doesn't want her anywhere near his town after the Hurricane. This book is so well written. It is full of steamy sex scenes (not erotica) and warmth and heart. I was sad it had to end. Sigh. Also as a side note Cat's brothers story should be read first (Mr. Fixer Upper) but they can be read as a standalone too.

Great Book!

Loved Cat’s story! It was a little slow at the beginning for me but quickly picked up and had me hooked! I really loved Noah’s characters. There was just something about him that you had to love! Sparks were definitely flying with these two and I totally loved it! You always feel so connected with Lucy’s characters, like you really do know them. She is an awesome author and just keeps getting better and better! I recommend Lucy to everyone. Her books just make you feel good!! **I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book**


I loved Cat from Mr. Fixer Upper and it was great to see most of the characters from that story in this one. Noah is so likable and you grow to love him. It was fun to see him and Cat argue. So many fun scenes, but one I loved was the spa day and the guys had Gabby. Love Lucy Score and her sense of humor. I enjoyed the bonus scene too.

Holiday Rom-Com Must have of the season!

Lucy Score does it again with this Christmas Rom-Com. We are reintroduced to Cat, the sister of Gannon from Mr. Fixer Upper, as she comes to rescue Christmas for a flood ruined Merry despite the scrooginess of mayor, Noah Yates. This was a fun light read while getting ready for the holiday season and I LOVED hearing updates on the whole King family and seeing such a strong woman heroine in Cat. I wish I knew Cat in real life, as a character she is so driven both for herself and such a strong cheerleader for empowering women. Will Cat meet the deadline? Will Noah see the good that she can do for both his town and his life?

Loved it!!

I absolutely loved this story!!! One of the best enemies to lovers romances that I have ever read!! I adored Cat - she was a strong, independent woman who didn't put up with other's crap. Especially Noah's. He definitely judged a book by it's cover and didn't give Cat much of a chance to show him who she really was. Once they started working together to help rebuild Merry, CT.....sparks flew and it was inevitable that they were going to get together. So much chemistry and passion between them......I just loved them!! Overall, this was such a sweet and heartwarming story - perfect for this time of the year!!

Loved It!

Cat King is a very beautiful reality tv star. She is very talented in the building world as well. So when a hurricane hits a town she has been to for a show and distroys a lot of it she jumps into action to save the town and Christmas. All that is standing in her way is Mr. NOah the city manager. This book is a very sweet small town romance.

What a cute book

This was a great follow up to Gannon and Pages story. We all wanted to see his twin sister fall in love and , even better it is with a guy like Noah. Who says responsible is boring.? They don't know anything. Cat and Noah are in denial but they finally come to their senses in this misguided enemies to lovers story.

Another winner

I'm a real Christmas lover so this book was perfect for me. I have loved this whole series and am really sorry to see it end. But, that means I get to start another one. I have loved Cat and was happy she got her own story. Such a strong woman! She works hard, plays hard, and loves even harder. Such a beautiful story, I cried at the ending. You have to read this!!

The Christmas Fix

Having lived through Katrina in New Orleans, it was kind of an interesting story. A little out of reality, but never the less a good "feel good" story. Sometimes i wish not all the kids were too smart, too kind, too beautiful and well behaved. Not all elderly people are short and fat, and not all young people are skinny and beautiful. But the book was a sweet read - and you don't get a heart attack before it ends.

Fun read for the holidays

I did enjoy the book. The characters had great chemistry. The description of the flood scenes brought back memories of past hurricanes and it was spot on. I could have done with out the ridiculous sex scenes, but I just skip over that. You don't need them. The story and romance between the two were great by themselves.

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