The Cattery (M/M contemporary romance)

Kindle Edition
07 Apr

--- Role-playing a cat for six months? You said you’re paying how much? ---

Goran’s mouth has no filter, and it’s losing him job after job. Desperate and a week away from being homeless, he finds an offer online that sounds too good to be true. Spending six months in a mansion by the beach in return for a hundred thousand dollars as long as he sticks to the house rules.

This might be the one job where his unruly mouth doesn’t get in the way. After all, saying the wrong thing is impossible… when you’re role-playing a cat.

Meeting all the other guys at the cattery seems to be the icing on the cake, but the inconvenient truth he dishes out turns out to be too much. Goran makes everyone his enemy, but worst of all, Ollie, the prettiest cat of the bunch, the one who’s been in the cattery the longest, and the one who makes Goran’s heart skip a beat.

Ollie’s big blue eyes hold secrets Goran is intent on cracking, but to do so, he will need to learn to bite his tongue and listen. Too bad the pretty blond ice prince is set on getting Goran kicked out of the cattery for good.


Themes: debt, enemies to lovers, cat-play, Miami, immigrant, billionaire, love triangle, social anxiety, rent boy, backstabbing

Genre: M/M contemporary romance, sugar kink

Length: ~61,000 words (standalone novel)

WARNING: Adult content that might be considered taboo. High heat, strong language, multiple partner scenes. Reader discretion advised.

Reviews (44)

No. Didn't do it for me.

I usually prefer a "lighter" story, but these authors really do "darker" better (even if their dark generally includes a generous helping of humor). I love K.A. Merikan and have read and adored most of their stuff. But this one didn't get me engaged at all really. The strong chemistry between their MC's I'm used to in their other stories wasn't there at all. Only "Matt Powers lives!" is worse than this. No need to continue this story when they have so many other good ones going on!


Waiting for the tails to appear was tortuous. The circumstances were believable, which felt oddly when you discover the cat looking down on you from the back of the sofa and you wonder how it got there.

Dont't think too hard and take the leap!

Before you say that cat play is not your thing, let me tell you that I 've skipped books of some series because there was animal play in them. But I trust K.A.Merikan to take me to new places and stretch my limits. I'm glad I didn't think too hard about it and took the leap, because The Cattery is all about FUN! No mafia, bikers, or blood here. Only kitties! The Cattery is basically a mansion where Luis, the owner, keeps his "cats". He's awkward around people, and he prefers spending time with his kitties, rather than people. He also likes to have sex with them. Goran came to the US from Croatia. He tries to make money to send back home and help the family business. When he replies to Luis' add, he has no idea what it's about. But the owner is a sweet guy and he offers Goran a great deal that could get the business going again. Plus, as a cat, he won't have to talk, and running his mouth is what, usually, gets him in trouble. And let me tell you, Goran can really pull of acting like a sexy kitten. There, he meets Ollie, the prettiest cat of the bunch, and the one who has been the longest in the Cattery. And he falls hard. Ollie was a complex character. At first, he comes off as snob and two-faced but as the story progressed I understood him and his obssession with Luis better. Why didn't he want to leave the Cattery? Was it really his love for Luis that kept him there? Deep down Ollie is just scared and alone. But falling in love with Ollie makes things tricky and can get Goran kicked out of the Cattery. And then what? Where will he find the money he needs? And will he be able to see Ollie again? You 'll have to wait and see. The romance between Goran and Ollie is super sweet and the sex super dirty! But just for once, I really wanted to see Ollie defending his love for Goran instead of throwing him off the bus every time something bad happened. I understood him, but man...he made me so mad. But in the end, Ollie takes the plunge, and that is enough of a redemption for me. The epilogue is a glorious HEA. The kink drives the plot here, it's not just fake paws and kitty ears. There are cat fights, cat bangs, and a ot lof purring and meowing. I didn't expect it, but I loved the world the authors created and the characters in it (except a certain spiteful ginger cat). It made me equal parts of creeped out, fascinated, amused, and turned on. And I loved the banter between the guys when Luis wasn't around, and they got to be like their regular self. I'm very excited for the next books in the series. I'm looking forward to read everyone's story and, hopefuly, Luis' too. Now about Cin....I don't know about that.

What happens when you're in the Cattery...? Well, read to find out!

I will begin my review with this: I love, love, loved the initial scene where Smokey begins his journey to explore a side of himself he never knew existed, teased into being by a man. A man with an inability to relax around men he is attracted to… but no such compunction when they’re his favorite animal, kitty cats. Luis’ character, for all he’s the instigator of this series’ theme, was more the impetus to bring the cats together rather than a vital player in the storyline. I hope that he will be fleshed out more in later books because I think he has a real evolution to be shared. The one character we get a very good insight into is Goran. A temporary immigrant to the United States, I think his European attitude was very refreshing. Americans are so prudish about sex but Goran is willing to try something new and isn’t exactly bashful that sex is a big component of his new “job”. That was highlighted, along with his not-so-great people skills, after his introduction to the other players in the cattery. He’s instantly drawn to one cat for his looks—certainly not for his personality—when he sees Ollie for the first time. It takes a long time to learn what drives Ollie, and we get to seesaw along with him and Goran as they fight and lust and fight… and wonder if there is anything between them that could become love. With their lives wrapped up in the cattery, that seems like it would be simple, but it’s not. There are other players in the game with their own goals, and not everyone is out just to have fun. While this story has a kink element, of course, don’t be afraid to read it if you’re afraid it’s too out there. Sure, these guys meow and have a few props to bring the game to life, but there’s a whole lot of human going on. For me, that was somewhat of a detractor. A lot of what I’ve read in the past involving this type of play falls into a lifestyle choice, and not so much a job description, and it feels more like a visceral reality. That is, however, just my personal taste. And if you need a happy ending, rest assured, you will get it!

Loved this book!

While this book is not as dark as what they normally write I found it to be just as amazing as all their other titles. I am a huge fan of these two ladies and they never let me down with their unique writing. I suggest always approaching their books with an open mind but I feel like this one would be a good starting point for anyone looking for a little kink in their reading without being overwhelmed. The love between Goran and Ollie developed well and as a whole felt organic. It wasn't insta love or unbelievable, but I could still feel a real connection between the two characters. I will also say that between this book and the Boys and Guns series I can no longer pass a bottle of olive oil without giggling to myself! The conflict in this book wasn't over the top and was believable. I look forward to more books in this series and if you like this book I recommend their other series The copper horse which features pony play (animal role play) in a more in depth way. All in all this is a smooth transition into open minded, slightly off the beaten path reading I truly feel anybody can enjoy.

Drama, Jealousy and Smoking Hot Men!

When I first saw the title for this book it peaked my interest. Actually, the fact that these authors were writing another book peaked my interest. There is nothing yet that I haven’t loved from them, so really it didn’t matter what it was called I was going to pick it up and read it. I’ll be honest though, I was a little nervous since this book is about cat play and I’ve never read a book before with any kind of animal play. I really didn’t know what to expect, thought for sure I would just be creeped out and even though I love these authors, I half expected it to be the first time I wouldn’t like something they wrote because animal play isn’t my thing. Well let me tell you, these authors have a way of totally taking me out of my comfort zone and putting me in a situation where I not only embraced what I was reading but dare I say even turned on with how the story unfolded. Maybe because the cat play wasn’t as extensive as I thought it was going to be but I really wasn’t uncomfortable. I actually really enjoyed this story. This story brings us Goran, a man with no filter. He doesn’t mix words and speaks his mind. Basically he’s brutally honest, and talks before he thinks. You’ll get a good sense of his personality from the very beginning. I honestly burst out laughing the second he opened up his mouth because I could totally see myself saying the same kinds of things. He’s not a push over and definitely doesn’t back down when he knows he’s right. So anyways his mouth gets him into trouble and he finds himself unemployed and needing money quick. This ends up bringing him into contact with Luis and a very strange job offer. Luis has a hard time dealing with people. The only way he can handle any kind of personal interactions is through role play. He loves cats and wants a cat he can sleep with. So what’s better than having one cat? 5 cats… Being that he’s rich beyond belief, he creates this world where men go and live in his mansion and pretend to be cats while in his presence. He has 3 main rules the men in his Cattery have to follow. No leaving property. No communication with anyone outside the house and no exclusive relationships. They are allowed to have a boyfriend if they want within the house but their relationship must be open. They play the part and after a period of time being that they followed all the rules they get paid. Sounds easy enough right? Until it’s not And that’s about all I’m going to tell you about the story. I will say this. I really loved these characters. I loved meeting all the men in the Cattery. Some were more entertaining than others. If you read the blurb then you do know there’ll be some drama. There is a romance that brews within the Cattery and this book does have its fair share of drama, jealousy and yes smoking hot sex scenes. I really loved this story a lot more than I expected I would. I really hope at some point we really get to know more about Luis since we really only get to see glimpses of him as well as getting everyone else’s story. I really can’t wait for the next book in this series.

A Furry Would

3.5 stars I'm on the fence about my feelings for this book. On one hand, I loved the entire pet play project in this story and Luis. On the other hand, I didn't enjoy Goran & Ollie one bit. Ugh, I'm kinda disappointed in myself by that. Goran confused me alot, and I do understand all his reasons for doing this, but the one thing I didn't like is his "need" for Ollie. I know it's not far, trust me I'm working it out with myself. Goran is easy person to get. He puts it out from about him being rude at times, and being to blunt about things. He describes his self in a way that you would want to stay away from in my opinion. At times though, I understand Goran better then everyone in the book. He's not ever trying to get over on people, he's only trying to fix a problem that he created. He comes to the US for job opportunities, and therein lies his first problem, the job that was promised isn't there. I liked that he didn't give up and did what he had to do. Meeting Luis for this sketchy opportunity was hilarious to me. Being in Goran's head was funny. I would have been thinking the same exact thing. I've recently read a pet play book, and was intrigued. I loved the entire subject of The Cattery. It was something I was picturing in my mind. I really liked Luis as a character, and there we meet the other Cats. Oh my goodness. I love Clove & Bounce. We met Cin, and Ollie. Besides the romance that blossoms inside the Cattery, the relationships these guys have are all different. They all come from different backgrounds and are there for different reasons. Ollie is a difficult character for me to enjoy. He is completely stuck in his head most of the story. I couldn't understand his actions at all. I don't actually think I warmed up to him at all. I'm happy he was able to put himself first, and I'm super happy that Goran was able to look pass his actions. By the end I was able to see growth between both guys. I'm glad that they are each living for themselves and taking care of one another. I really enjoyed the lighter side of the Merikans, and glad to see the versatility from this duo. I hope we can see Luis, or Clove in the future. Those two definitely stood out to me. The Cattery is definitely a different kind of romance, but it was good enough for me.

it was fun, there was drama and the claws definitely came ...

This story was definitely something different, it was fun, there was drama and the claws definitely came out. The cat play is weirdly not uncomfortable at all, it was interesting and kinda fun actually. Goran, I love him! He was a great guy, I didn't mind his mouth. I thought he was very honest and had a huge heart. Ollie was kinda petty in the beginning but I understood why. He's been pretending to be a cat for a big part of two years, he has lived in a bubble with no internet or contact with the outside world besides Luis and The different guys that come to the cattery every 6 months. He feels alone in a full house and Luis is all he thinks he has in the world. In the end, Goran and Ollie got their HEA and I was delighted with their story. I will definitely read the next book in this series, I wanna know the other stories. Not Cinnamon's though, that two-faced bastard. I NEED Luis's story!

More then cat play.....

4.25 Stars!! I will never look at cats the same again! The Cattery by KA Merikan is like nothing I have ever read before. I am so glad I took a chance with it. Dare I say, cat play is fun, kinky and UNIQUE... I never expected to love this book as much as I did. It is written in such a smart and entertaining way. Nothing feels perverse or immoral. Although, it does have some wildly kinky scenes that I won't soon forget! Meow! There is more to it then just the Cattery and role playing... You will get your kinky fill of collars, furry ears, purring and cat play, as well as, hot kitty sex throughout. But there is also betrayal, friendships, revelations and romance. When down on his luck Goran comes across a rather interesting and hard to resist job offer, he jumps at the chance. Seems simple enough, act like a cat and live with other "cats" for 6 months in a mansion. All expenses paid. Hmmmm... How hard could that be? It's a last resort for Goran because his big, fat, unfiltered mouth, always gets him in trouble and fired! Now he desperately needs this job... Here is were this aberrant story gets so good! Luis is the peculiar owner of The Cattery... He is awkward with humans, so he rather be surrounded and sleep with his "cats." Besides having a cat fettish, he is rather sweet, kind and generous. There are 5 other guys at The Cattery. All with very different, bold personalities. Yes, all having sex with each other, making this one fun ride. I loved getting to know them all. Can Goran keep his mouth shut and just enjoy being a Cat? Of course not! Adjusting to life in the cattery is definitely different then anything he has experienced and is proving to be a challenge. Having a crush on one of the prettiest yet most overbearing cats, isn't helping at all. Ollie is one complicated character. He has his own issues that he keeps buried deep inside. To know him is to love him! (This is where the story heats up.) His & Goran's relationship is down right bitchy and tumultuous... Between the cat fights and fun, a real story and romance develops. The further you get in and the more you get to know the know the guys, the deeper your heart will be invested. It's not all cat play. Ultimately it's a beautiful love story that you will devour.

Good story, bad ending

I could figure out how the story was going to wrap up when I had 5% left and then it just... did SPOILERS. I guess it fits that Goran said he always makes bad impulsive choices, but what were they thinking saying they'd be exclusive with 2-3 months left in the contract. Goran was honest with himself from the beginning that he was a prostitute. He thought he could get away with "no" for the rest of the time he was there? It made for an unsatisfactory rushed ending after good character development and environment up to that point.

No. Didn't do it for me.

I usually prefer a "lighter" story, but these authors really do "darker" better (even if their dark generally includes a generous helping of humor). I love K.A. Merikan and have read and adored most of their stuff. But this one didn't get me engaged at all really. The strong chemistry between their MC's I'm used to in their other stories wasn't there at all. Only "Matt Powers lives!" is worse than this. No need to continue this story when they have so many other good ones going on!


Waiting for the tails to appear was tortuous. The circumstances were believable, which felt oddly when you discover the cat looking down on you from the back of the sofa and you wonder how it got there.

Dont't think too hard and take the leap!

Before you say that cat play is not your thing, let me tell you that I 've skipped books of some series because there was animal play in them. But I trust K.A.Merikan to take me to new places and stretch my limits. I'm glad I didn't think too hard about it and took the leap, because The Cattery is all about FUN! No mafia, bikers, or blood here. Only kitties! The Cattery is basically a mansion where Luis, the owner, keeps his "cats". He's awkward around people, and he prefers spending time with his kitties, rather than people. He also likes to have sex with them. Goran came to the US from Croatia. He tries to make money to send back home and help the family business. When he replies to Luis' add, he has no idea what it's about. But the owner is a sweet guy and he offers Goran a great deal that could get the business going again. Plus, as a cat, he won't have to talk, and running his mouth is what, usually, gets him in trouble. And let me tell you, Goran can really pull of acting like a sexy kitten. There, he meets Ollie, the prettiest cat of the bunch, and the one who has been the longest in the Cattery. And he falls hard. Ollie was a complex character. At first, he comes off as snob and two-faced but as the story progressed I understood him and his obssession with Luis better. Why didn't he want to leave the Cattery? Was it really his love for Luis that kept him there? Deep down Ollie is just scared and alone. But falling in love with Ollie makes things tricky and can get Goran kicked out of the Cattery. And then what? Where will he find the money he needs? And will he be able to see Ollie again? You 'll have to wait and see. The romance between Goran and Ollie is super sweet and the sex super dirty! But just for once, I really wanted to see Ollie defending his love for Goran instead of throwing him off the bus every time something bad happened. I understood him, but man...he made me so mad. But in the end, Ollie takes the plunge, and that is enough of a redemption for me. The epilogue is a glorious HEA. The kink drives the plot here, it's not just fake paws and kitty ears. There are cat fights, cat bangs, and a ot lof purring and meowing. I didn't expect it, but I loved the world the authors created and the characters in it (except a certain spiteful ginger cat). It made me equal parts of creeped out, fascinated, amused, and turned on. And I loved the banter between the guys when Luis wasn't around, and they got to be like their regular self. I'm very excited for the next books in the series. I'm looking forward to read everyone's story and, hopefuly, Luis' too. Now about Cin....I don't know about that.

What happens when you're in the Cattery...? Well, read to find out!

I will begin my review with this: I love, love, loved the initial scene where Smokey begins his journey to explore a side of himself he never knew existed, teased into being by a man. A man with an inability to relax around men he is attracted to… but no such compunction when they’re his favorite animal, kitty cats. Luis’ character, for all he’s the instigator of this series’ theme, was more the impetus to bring the cats together rather than a vital player in the storyline. I hope that he will be fleshed out more in later books because I think he has a real evolution to be shared. The one character we get a very good insight into is Goran. A temporary immigrant to the United States, I think his European attitude was very refreshing. Americans are so prudish about sex but Goran is willing to try something new and isn’t exactly bashful that sex is a big component of his new “job”. That was highlighted, along with his not-so-great people skills, after his introduction to the other players in the cattery. He’s instantly drawn to one cat for his looks—certainly not for his personality—when he sees Ollie for the first time. It takes a long time to learn what drives Ollie, and we get to seesaw along with him and Goran as they fight and lust and fight… and wonder if there is anything between them that could become love. With their lives wrapped up in the cattery, that seems like it would be simple, but it’s not. There are other players in the game with their own goals, and not everyone is out just to have fun. While this story has a kink element, of course, don’t be afraid to read it if you’re afraid it’s too out there. Sure, these guys meow and have a few props to bring the game to life, but there’s a whole lot of human going on. For me, that was somewhat of a detractor. A lot of what I’ve read in the past involving this type of play falls into a lifestyle choice, and not so much a job description, and it feels more like a visceral reality. That is, however, just my personal taste. And if you need a happy ending, rest assured, you will get it!

Loved this book!

While this book is not as dark as what they normally write I found it to be just as amazing as all their other titles. I am a huge fan of these two ladies and they never let me down with their unique writing. I suggest always approaching their books with an open mind but I feel like this one would be a good starting point for anyone looking for a little kink in their reading without being overwhelmed. The love between Goran and Ollie developed well and as a whole felt organic. It wasn't insta love or unbelievable, but I could still feel a real connection between the two characters. I will also say that between this book and the Boys and Guns series I can no longer pass a bottle of olive oil without giggling to myself! The conflict in this book wasn't over the top and was believable. I look forward to more books in this series and if you like this book I recommend their other series The copper horse which features pony play (animal role play) in a more in depth way. All in all this is a smooth transition into open minded, slightly off the beaten path reading I truly feel anybody can enjoy.

Drama, Jealousy and Smoking Hot Men!

When I first saw the title for this book it peaked my interest. Actually, the fact that these authors were writing another book peaked my interest. There is nothing yet that I haven’t loved from them, so really it didn’t matter what it was called I was going to pick it up and read it. I’ll be honest though, I was a little nervous since this book is about cat play and I’ve never read a book before with any kind of animal play. I really didn’t know what to expect, thought for sure I would just be creeped out and even though I love these authors, I half expected it to be the first time I wouldn’t like something they wrote because animal play isn’t my thing. Well let me tell you, these authors have a way of totally taking me out of my comfort zone and putting me in a situation where I not only embraced what I was reading but dare I say even turned on with how the story unfolded. Maybe because the cat play wasn’t as extensive as I thought it was going to be but I really wasn’t uncomfortable. I actually really enjoyed this story. This story brings us Goran, a man with no filter. He doesn’t mix words and speaks his mind. Basically he’s brutally honest, and talks before he thinks. You’ll get a good sense of his personality from the very beginning. I honestly burst out laughing the second he opened up his mouth because I could totally see myself saying the same kinds of things. He’s not a push over and definitely doesn’t back down when he knows he’s right. So anyways his mouth gets him into trouble and he finds himself unemployed and needing money quick. This ends up bringing him into contact with Luis and a very strange job offer. Luis has a hard time dealing with people. The only way he can handle any kind of personal interactions is through role play. He loves cats and wants a cat he can sleep with. So what’s better than having one cat? 5 cats… Being that he’s rich beyond belief, he creates this world where men go and live in his mansion and pretend to be cats while in his presence. He has 3 main rules the men in his Cattery have to follow. No leaving property. No communication with anyone outside the house and no exclusive relationships. They are allowed to have a boyfriend if they want within the house but their relationship must be open. They play the part and after a period of time being that they followed all the rules they get paid. Sounds easy enough right? Until it’s not And that’s about all I’m going to tell you about the story. I will say this. I really loved these characters. I loved meeting all the men in the Cattery. Some were more entertaining than others. If you read the blurb then you do know there’ll be some drama. There is a romance that brews within the Cattery and this book does have its fair share of drama, jealousy and yes smoking hot sex scenes. I really loved this story a lot more than I expected I would. I really hope at some point we really get to know more about Luis since we really only get to see glimpses of him as well as getting everyone else’s story. I really can’t wait for the next book in this series.

A Furry Would

3.5 stars I'm on the fence about my feelings for this book. On one hand, I loved the entire pet play project in this story and Luis. On the other hand, I didn't enjoy Goran & Ollie one bit. Ugh, I'm kinda disappointed in myself by that. Goran confused me alot, and I do understand all his reasons for doing this, but the one thing I didn't like is his "need" for Ollie. I know it's not far, trust me I'm working it out with myself. Goran is easy person to get. He puts it out from about him being rude at times, and being to blunt about things. He describes his self in a way that you would want to stay away from in my opinion. At times though, I understand Goran better then everyone in the book. He's not ever trying to get over on people, he's only trying to fix a problem that he created. He comes to the US for job opportunities, and therein lies his first problem, the job that was promised isn't there. I liked that he didn't give up and did what he had to do. Meeting Luis for this sketchy opportunity was hilarious to me. Being in Goran's head was funny. I would have been thinking the same exact thing. I've recently read a pet play book, and was intrigued. I loved the entire subject of The Cattery. It was something I was picturing in my mind. I really liked Luis as a character, and there we meet the other Cats. Oh my goodness. I love Clove & Bounce. We met Cin, and Ollie. Besides the romance that blossoms inside the Cattery, the relationships these guys have are all different. They all come from different backgrounds and are there for different reasons. Ollie is a difficult character for me to enjoy. He is completely stuck in his head most of the story. I couldn't understand his actions at all. I don't actually think I warmed up to him at all. I'm happy he was able to put himself first, and I'm super happy that Goran was able to look pass his actions. By the end I was able to see growth between both guys. I'm glad that they are each living for themselves and taking care of one another. I really enjoyed the lighter side of the Merikans, and glad to see the versatility from this duo. I hope we can see Luis, or Clove in the future. Those two definitely stood out to me. The Cattery is definitely a different kind of romance, but it was good enough for me.

it was fun, there was drama and the claws definitely came ...

This story was definitely something different, it was fun, there was drama and the claws definitely came out. The cat play is weirdly not uncomfortable at all, it was interesting and kinda fun actually. Goran, I love him! He was a great guy, I didn't mind his mouth. I thought he was very honest and had a huge heart. Ollie was kinda petty in the beginning but I understood why. He's been pretending to be a cat for a big part of two years, he has lived in a bubble with no internet or contact with the outside world besides Luis and The different guys that come to the cattery every 6 months. He feels alone in a full house and Luis is all he thinks he has in the world. In the end, Goran and Ollie got their HEA and I was delighted with their story. I will definitely read the next book in this series, I wanna know the other stories. Not Cinnamon's though, that two-faced bastard. I NEED Luis's story!

More then cat play.....

4.25 Stars!! I will never look at cats the same again! The Cattery by KA Merikan is like nothing I have ever read before. I am so glad I took a chance with it. Dare I say, cat play is fun, kinky and UNIQUE... I never expected to love this book as much as I did. It is written in such a smart and entertaining way. Nothing feels perverse or immoral. Although, it does have some wildly kinky scenes that I won't soon forget! Meow! There is more to it then just the Cattery and role playing... You will get your kinky fill of collars, furry ears, purring and cat play, as well as, hot kitty sex throughout. But there is also betrayal, friendships, revelations and romance. When down on his luck Goran comes across a rather interesting and hard to resist job offer, he jumps at the chance. Seems simple enough, act like a cat and live with other "cats" for 6 months in a mansion. All expenses paid. Hmmmm... How hard could that be? It's a last resort for Goran because his big, fat, unfiltered mouth, always gets him in trouble and fired! Now he desperately needs this job... Here is were this aberrant story gets so good! Luis is the peculiar owner of The Cattery... He is awkward with humans, so he rather be surrounded and sleep with his "cats." Besides having a cat fettish, he is rather sweet, kind and generous. There are 5 other guys at The Cattery. All with very different, bold personalities. Yes, all having sex with each other, making this one fun ride. I loved getting to know them all. Can Goran keep his mouth shut and just enjoy being a Cat? Of course not! Adjusting to life in the cattery is definitely different then anything he has experienced and is proving to be a challenge. Having a crush on one of the prettiest yet most overbearing cats, isn't helping at all. Ollie is one complicated character. He has his own issues that he keeps buried deep inside. To know him is to love him! (This is where the story heats up.) His & Goran's relationship is down right bitchy and tumultuous... Between the cat fights and fun, a real story and romance develops. The further you get in and the more you get to know the know the guys, the deeper your heart will be invested. It's not all cat play. Ultimately it's a beautiful love story that you will devour.

Good story, bad ending

I could figure out how the story was going to wrap up when I had 5% left and then it just... did SPOILERS. I guess it fits that Goran said he always makes bad impulsive choices, but what were they thinking saying they'd be exclusive with 2-3 months left in the contract. Goran was honest with himself from the beginning that he was a prostitute. He thought he could get away with "no" for the rest of the time he was there? It made for an unsatisfactory rushed ending after good character development and environment up to that point.

Sweet little romance

K. A. Merikan always has the ability to go a little beyond the comfortable limits of any reader, they tend to provide raw, elegant, uncomfortable, stories. In this scenario, role playing is usually a recurring theme in their books, already been covered in The Copper Horse, Stung, or Crazy Kinky Dirty Love. With different levels of intensity in the depth of the particular kink, the stories always have a huge erotic charge and they go with full force, putting everything into it 100%, without soften it or overshadow its aspects. In the case of The Cattery, the cat-play is part of the context and what triggers the action, so it is not decorative, but the sexual encounters are slightly sweeter and more romantic centered than in their other books, because the story requires it. The Merikans are bold and risky authors when creating. They write what they want and not what the market wants to publish. And that is where they are able to take the reader beyond the comfortable zone, playing with moral limits.. This is a Sweet Little romance, spiced with a particular kink about cat role playing. But it is also a book that *bothers*, in some way, because the sexual encounters in the context of the particular kink arouse pleasure in the reader. It is very easy to be seduced by the detailed descriptions of each meeting, by the senses put into action, and the beautiful surroundings. Erotic, but sweet and warm at the same time. It is not unpleasant, but you are subjected to situations that may cause some embarrassment. And that is the talent of the wonder duo 100 points for the cover. The artwork is beautiful, the color scheme and the photography. And it should be highlighted because covers are usually disastrous in the m/m genre. Nobody seems to care about it. So, if you don't know the authors, go check their library. They have some amazing stories, a little different from the books that are usually offered in the genre.

Was given this book for free from inked rainbow reads for an honest review

I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by this book. From the description I was skeptical about reading it because it almost sounds like it is a little to far fetched on the kinky side but once I started reading it, I could not put the book down. Yes it was a kinky fetish that Luis has with having guys act as a cat for him but am also it is more than that for Luis. I believe that Luis is truly a lonely man that is looking for something that he has yet to find in just one individual. I believe that with him having people act as a cat he is able to interact with them without all the drama that can go into actual relationship and I believe that is what he is looking for. Luis in my opinion is actually a really sweet man and he cares for the people that are in his cattery. And if I had to guess I think that he did start to fall a little for Goran. Goran is this outspoken person who says what is ever on his mind. He has that problem where his mouth speaks before his brain can catch up with what he is going to say. So he is constantly getting into trouble. I think that intentionally when he joined the cattery it was about mainly the money and a chance at some fun but when he met Ollie it became so much more. Ollie is the one it took a while for me to get an accurate read on. I believe that Ollie has become complacent with being in the cattery for two years and he has made himself believe he was in love with Luis. I think he realizes something is missing and that answer lies within him leaving the cattery but he is scared. He is scared of the unknown and he is scared to trust. All in all this book in my opinion is more of a love story then it is a kink/fetish story. I truly enjoyed reading it and cannot wait for another one in the series to come out. Was given this book by inked rainbow reads for an honest review.

4 *here kitty kitty* stars.

The Cattery is a bit off the beaten path, for me. Pet play is not anywhere near my kink, but KA Merikan managed to make it fun, anyway. And The Cattery is a light-hearted book, too, when compared to the authors usual fare. Plus, no one dies. Luis is the owner of The Cattery (and not an MC, just so we're clear). He's an eccentric rich guy who is not in the market for a partner. He says he's awkward with people and finds comfort and relaxation in cat-play. He houses 5 young men in his cattery and in exchange for 6 months of service, each "cat" will receive $100K, as long as they don't break the rules and get 3 strikes. Luis gives his cats room and board (and pet names) in a luxurious seaside mansion, gourmet food and takes care of their every need. He has some rules, though, that he is very very strict with: 1) no leaving property 2) no internet or communication with the outside 3) no exclusive relationships Easy, right? It's supposed to be a fun and relaxing place, after all. Well, introducing Goran into the mix of cats had some unintended consequences. Goran - very unintentionally - tends to cause trouble because he says exactly what he thinks. There's no pretense with him at all. At first, he thinks that he will be accepted into the mix and he's looking forward to sampling the other cats, especially Ollie, who looks like an angel to Goran. But words happen and he feels unwelcome, as usual. Ollie (real name, Oliver) has been at the cattery for the longest -- two years. He's young and scared of the outside world, and he wishes to forget what brought him to the cattery in the first place. He fancies himself in love with Luis, but he quite enjoys the other cats, as well. As long as he gets preferential treatment from Luis, that is. When Goran is added to the mix, Ollie is immediately attracted, but Goran's blunt nature has Ollie conspiring to get Goran tossed out. As I'm sure you can guess, there is a fair amount of pettiness among the cats (cats are jerks, afterall). And Ollie isn't even the worst -- that award would go to Cin (Cinnamon), who was pretty back-stabby throughout the book. Ollie was just scared of losing his only refuge, so he tended to take the coward's way out of any action that Luis might not like. And then we have Bounce, who would actually make a better puppy, and Clove, who gained my respect with a single conversation. We don't learn a whole lot about them, but at least they don't seem too catty. By the end of the book, I understood Oliver a lot more than I did at the beginning, but I still think he has a ways to go to make up for hurting Goran and throwing him under the bus, repeatedly. And the epilogue shows that Oliver is willing to make the efforts. And we find out the depths of Goran's loyalty and honor. He doesn't make excuses for anything. He owns his mistakes and is honest about who and what he wants. As I mentioned in the beginning, The Cattery was a very different read for me, but I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to getting stories for the other kitties, as well as (I hope) Luis. I have a feeling that this series will prove interesting, indeed. --------- I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of The Cattery.

4.5 Furry Stars

I will read just about any topic yet I wasn't sure about this book when I realized what it was about. I should have known the ladies would knock it out of the park for me as usual! Goran is honest to a fault and can't help but fall for Ollie immediately. Ollie is sensitive and scared. My opinion of him changed about 4 times throughout this book. He annoyed me at first. Then as Goran and Ollie (Gollie) started connecting I found him adorable. He really had a problem standing up for anyone but himself. He needed a spanking badly a few times but came around in the end and finally did what he should have been doing all along. There is hot sex and a tender love story all wrapped up in cat ears, collars and velvet paws with claws. It was purrfect! I really liked most of the characters in this book and look forward to reading more about the other boys I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Just can't get enough

Well the Merikan team has done it again! I don't think I've picked up one of their books and not loved it but this story is adorable. I admit it is a lot lighter than what I'm used to for them but I still couldn't get enough. My favorite character had to be Gordan, he was so obliviously up front about everything. It was refreshing because I really like characters with their flaws and he had some! Believe it or not but Clove was my second favorite, he was a pretty mutual character and so easy going. I really hope he is in the next book because that is one kitty I want to see again. The character I loved to hate was Cin. I mean he was so two faced but cute. I think he has a quiet a bit of past to get over. I'm kind of hoping to see how Cin will be forced to submit to a big puppy! Speaking of puppies, that is obviously what Luis needs. He just needs to be forced past that comfort zone of his! Overall great story ladies! I'm looking forward to book 2!

3.5*. Always an education from these ladies. Love, love, love how their wacky, symbiotic brain works!

I'm a beta reader for the authors, and so am pretty used to them coming up with the weird and wonderful, horrifying, scary and sexy. This threw me, as it wasn't as weird as I'd expected, and was in fact quite a sweet read, though I am not sure I understood the concept of Luis's desire to be the 'owner' of a cattery made up of males behaving like felines. I did like the imagery of cat paw gloves and cats' ears, and would actually consider getting a pair... In a weird way, it was romantic, as Goran/Smokey and Oliver/Ollie clearly had a thing for each other from the moment they met. I liked that both were pretty guarded initially, started to trust each other and then quite naturally, realistically, started to question if they could trust each other - and the other 'cats' - and so, some angst was introduced into the tale. I wasn't too keen on the idea of ménages, but accepted that that was a given, given the tale, but again, the ladies surprised me by not making it sordid. There weren't too many instances of ménage scenes, and there were not as many sex scenes as expected, and those that were there, seemed to have an emotional connection, however loose/not powerful, at the heart of it. To me, that took what could have been a bit sordid if not done with the right mix of ingredients, to something rather tender. At the end, I was happy to see the leads living the start of their HEA, but it left me wondering about Luis, yet not so much the other 'cats', which whom/which I'd not had so much of a connection. Luis seemed genuinely sweet and to be searching for something, and had a strange innocence, vulnerability and naivete about him, but that didn't make him a weird character, simply one whose mind, I (and poss my psyche nurse hubster) might want to get into. Hopefully we'll see more of him in a future tale. This was an unexpected, not-quite-as-the-blurb-would-have-you-believe sweetie of a tale.

... a preconceived ideas on what this story would be like. I decided to give it a shot

I had a lot a preconceived ideas on what this story would be like. I decided to give it a shot, I also got an ARC for an honest review. The writing is sharp and smart. The story had a slow build for the romance which I liked. This is not insta love, insta lust yes. This story has actual story and still a good deal of heat. Now if you hate any sexy times between anyone other than the MCs, take a breath and read this anyway, all of the sex is appropriate to the storyline. I didn't love the MCc at first but I learned to like them and their friends and by the end I was emotionally invested. I read a lot, I can honestly say I have not come across a story like this so thanks.

Can't wait for the sequel!

I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I wasn’t entirely sure if this book was for me but I volunteered to read and review The Cattery by K.A. Merikan because I love their Gun ‘n Boys and Sex & Mayhem book series. I am so glad that I did because I really enjoyed this book! Goran is in the US short-term from Croatia to try to earn money to help his parents recover financially because his outspokenness caused a major customer service issue at the family hotel. He is struggling in the US as well, losing every job he is able to get because of his mouth. He sees an advertisement for a mysterious position “for young, single, gay man with a passion for theater and acting” that he feels is too good to be true but he decides to pursue it anyway. At the interview he meets Luis, the handsome man who placed the advertisement, who explains that what he expects from Goran is to role play as a cat at Luis’ command. The luxurious accommodations and promise of a huge pay out after 6 months is too much to walk away from for Goran, who agrees to be Luis’ newest addition. Goran meets Ollie, who is also a part of Luis’ cattery. There is an attraction between the two initially but they are quickly at odds because of something Goran says about the arrangement. It’s Goran against the group but eventually the boys are all at odds for a variety of reasons. There are a few starts & stops between Goran & Ollie, some because of simple misunderstandings, some because Ollie is struggling with the concept of life outside of the cattery. This being a K.A. Merikan book, super hot sexy scenes are to be expected and they for sure deliver on this with The Cattery. When Luis rings the bell to signal cat time you can expect some smoking group action, and the scenes between Ollie & Goran were super sexy as well. It’s an over-the-top story but I loved it. This is the first in a series and I look forward to reading the follow-up!

Feline foibles and fierceness on multiple levels

An imaginative and somewhat novel take on male/male romance, this story not only includes a nice trip into pet-play, kitty kink but also succeeds as a short, romantic story exploring interpersonal and relationship conflicts. The humans adopted the finicky feline personalities of their pet kitty personalities, yielding several levels of parallels that lovers of cats and cat-like behavior might particularly enjoy. 3.5 stars for my personal enjoyment (I'm a dog person, now if somebody wrote a Puppy Den story, I would be all over it) 4.5 stars for the creativity (the behavior reminded me of all of the with whom cats I have lived) Rounding out to 4 stars overall

A trip

One of the oddest books I've read in a while. Even so, it was refreshing and very entertaining. My only gripe is that the ending felt very rushed with no call back to the cattery or any of it's friends.

Loved it!

I've read a lot of books but I've never read anything with car play in it and was a little worried going into it that it'd be weird. I shouldn't of been surprised given how much I love all the other books I've read by K.a. Merikan. The Cattery was definitely a very sweet book but if you've read any of K.a.'s other books you won't be disappointed because it's not at all a cheesy book but a kinky book that has a sweet and beautiful love story.

Not for me.

First let me start by saying that I have never read a book that has animal role play and its safe to say I will never read one again. The only reason I gave this one a try was that the reviews stated kink but sweet so I figured why not. Well it didn't work for me and was almost a DNF. Although the sex was hot, I would have probably preferred it as just an erotic novel instead of trying to be a romance. With all the bickering and sex with others I never felt any connections between Ollie and Goran.

Don't let the Cats Fool You

I had no idea where this book would take me. I never read a book about animal play. But, I can honestly say I really, really enjoyed this book. It was different and very much intriguing. Yes, I would read another one. I know if it was the way K.A Merikan wrote the story or what but if the book can keep my interest the way “The Cattery” did I down to read more. I loved this book and finished it in one setting. While it’s a bit different, I never felt like the characters were doing anything wrong. It was a nice change, I want to read more. If you are in to enemy to love book this is the book for you. Don’t let the cat play get in the way. I have this book 4 cat fighting stars. Great job K.A Merikan!!!. Bring on more.

This is really just a love story

I didn't know what to expect when I started this story. I was confused at first about the whole "cat" thing and then the story became more about the personalities of the men involved and I was able to get into the story more. Luis seemed like a lost soul who couldn't connect emotionally when another human and used the "cat" pretense to bond with people. Ollie's story is the true gem of the book.

Loved it !

My new favorite kink - kitty play. Who knew ? I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I'm loving the kitty play and this had it in a while new way ! And lots of it. Loved the whole story.

Surprisingly FUN!

Just read this and I loved it. Kitty Play!! LOL. The author takes what sounds like a ridiculous premise and makes it work. It's funny, sweet and sexy. There's some lite kink, some romance, some healing of broken souls and a happily ever after.The author promises to tell us the stories of the other members of Luis's Cattery in subsequent books. I can't wait!


I throughly enjoyed this book. The cat play was truly unique and intriguing. The bonds they share and emotions that unravel was beautiful.

Where are more cattery books?

Loved it, but was really, really, really looking for resolution for the other cats and Luis. It is a series idea that was set up so beautifully and more books. Sad!

I kinda thought this would be like those. I was pleasantly surprised

WOW! I've read a couple puppy play books before, I kinda thought this would be like those. I was pleasantly surprised. This book had such an element of safe kinky romance, that I couldn't put it down. It was great, I loved all the characters, even the nasty bitchy one. I kinda want my own human kitty now. Thanks ladies for another great story.

Kinkiest Idea Ever

I'm glad that I stuck with this since it improved after Oliver and Goran had their meeting in the cat tree. I just couldn't get past the whole idea of Luis setting up a cattery and agreed that he needed professional help. I guess it's a form of submission that I'll never relate to.

Good Kitty!

This was so different than any pet play book I've ever read. It is also very different from the other K.A. Merikan books. That being said, I loved it. Don't let the pet play put you off! It is very well written and was a fun read. I highly recommend it!

Another steamy fun read

This duo does it again with its crazy and hot fun romp which ends up being surprisingly sweet in the end

Role-playing a moggy for 6 months within an idyllic mansion full of hotties?......

.......I can think of worse jobs!! When I’d heard these ladies were penning another pet-play series, I was overjoyed, as they have it down to a fine art as far as I’m concerned. However, like the blurb alludes, this particular kink is all very sweet and fluffy (npi) and although decadent and debauched at times, there also remains a feeling of innocence to the whole set-up here. Unlike that of KAMs magnificent TCH series, this is far less likely to cause an aneurysm to those who aren’t up for anything that intense or hardcore. Having said that, if you’ve never read any pet-play before, this book is still an eye-opener and educational to say the least – which is another thing I love and admire about these authors. As I expected, the pet-play here fascinated the hell out of me and had me so transfixed to my Kindle that I read it straight through with minimal breaks, in fact the only teensy quibble I had going in was my usual lack of interest in ménage or group sex scenes, with my main concern being it’ll take centre stage and detract from the “romance” between the MCs. However, I’ve come to fully rely on my instincts where these authors are concerned and just knew that wouldn’t be a problem. Don’t get me wrong, the “cat-time” all 5 of the guys and their Master Luis indulged in was sinfully hot, but it definitely didn’t overwhelm the story. In fact, as much as I loved the sweet and tentative romance between Goran/Smokey and Oliver/Ollie, imo this books brightest star was Oliver, and him truly finding out who he was and where he was going with his life was what truly captivated me. Having been shunned by his wealthy family regarding his sexuality, the poor lad was just so lost and confused, which resulted in him role-playing a kitty for over 2 years with no intention of ever leaving and re-entering the real world. His dawning realisation that he would never be more to his Master than a treasured pet and that his life had no direction therefore, was really pretty heartbreaking. However, Goran entering The Cattery and offering Oliver a chance at a life with him on the outside, not to mention what a hero the guy was, taking the strikes and the fall for Ollie several times was just so sweet and romantic, how could Oliver not fall in love with him? This was yet another spectacular read and I can’t wait to hear more from all the inhabitants of The Cattery, as I thought all the boys had their own very distinctive voices and I’m positive all have very unique stories to tell about their lives prior to entering the mansion. And of course Cin, who is undeniably one of the cattiest characters I’ve read to date, provides endless speculation of what exactly his game is? Now having said that, I can’t deny my particular fixation with the Master of the house - it’s like you ladies can read my (dirty) mind! Yep, handsome, hunky and hot AND a cat lover (almost literally in his case) to boot, Luis is quite the enigma and there’s a sh*t ton of questions needing answered where he’s concerned. What’s happened in his past that he’s given up on human relationships? And why the sudden interest in getting a puppy? Oh, I seriously cannot wait for the next book in this sexy but very sweet series.

Different from the rest

K.A. Merikan does come up with some real knockout stories, and this is certainly one of them. Ollie is an extremely rich man who adores cats. He posts an add asking for males who would like to try something different for six months. Goren is almost broke and has just lost another job, due to the fact that his mouth has no filter and he ends up offending customers he answers Ollies add thinking he has nothing to loose. The job entails acting like a cat when Ollie rings a bell. This story was strange, but really good at the same time

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