The Book of the Fang (Vesik 17)

Kindle Edition
24 Aug
Eric Asher

A vampire lord. A hidden coin. Ghosts from the past are coming for Sam.

With help from Zola, Cizin, and Vicky, Sam works to track down her old vampire lord, Vassili. While he’s been on the run for years, the team has uncovered clues of his whereabouts.

The hunt takes them down the trail of an old Civil War raid where restless spirits stir. But not even the threat of the dark-touched will stop Sam from finding the last coin. Damian risked everything to save her, and no force on earth is powerful enough to prevent her from returning the favor—even if it costs her humanity.

Reviews (102)

Giggles and intrigue

I know I say this every time I read these novellas, but I love the side stories and the extra story lines with our supporting characters. The Fang refers to the vampire aspect of the Vesik series. We get to track down a fearsome old foe who I honestly thought was long gone, only to find out he is simply well hidden. He definitely gets a 10 out of 10 for his hiddey hole. We also find out how interconnected he is to so many of our characters throughout the ages. I do feel like we get to visit the more comical side of the Vesik world just for a bit. Something that has been a little more muted since Damien has been missing from front and center. I mean ancient vampires learning to take an Uber? Not to mention all the one liners about Franks famous fire jerky (“That garbage has more fires than the Burning Lands..."). A water witch that ends up with slobber inside her form. Asher always does a nice job mixing the dramatic with comedy but this one definitely had me giggling. The other thing I have been riveted by is how each of these novellas seem to have new and interesting creatures in them. I do hope the nigh behind gets to visit us again. It just seems too interesting to just leave in a single side story. Getting closer to the end of the longest cliffhanger ever. I honestly can't decide which side the ending is going to come down to.

Vesik 17

So, you came back for another one of my amazing reviews, I see! Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on your excellent taste in reviewers. Anywho, Book 17. Yeah, I just finished it & it. Was. Amazing!! These characters have such life & depth to them, that to not throw your money at the screen immediately & purchase every single one of the books in the Vesik series, is to deprive yourself of such awesomeness, as to bring about the end of the world! Seriously, Eric R. Asher can do no wrong, except to stop writing, which would cause the very Gods of the Blue Spider Monkeys to rise up & devour our very plane of existence! So, in short, go buy the books & then read them!

Vampires suck.

The penultimate story in the "Book of" series of the Vesik saga. This time the Vampires are featured along with other familiar characters and story development. Sam and the others are close to completing the steps to either save Damian or doom all of humanity. As if things aren't bad enough an old nemesis resurfaces and must be faced. Can Sam push past her desire for revenge to do the right thing? Can the group finish the quest set before them before time is up? The series is quickly winding up to a conclusion and you can't tell where Mr. Asher will take us next, but it's bound to be an enjoyable non-stop reading ride!

Eric R. Asher knows all the tricks to keep you on the edge of your seat.

You can almost hear the dramatic music playing in the background leading you up to the point where something is going to reach out and grab you. Then you slowly relax, when you see some kind of amazing discovery in front of you. Your heart and breathing slow as you are checking things out; and then BAM! Out of no where he has your heart leaping up into your throat AGAIN!!!! The Book of the Fang is definitely emotion and action packed! There are so many characters packed into this book, you don't want to skip it! I was given this book as an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC). I am voluntarily giving this review. After reading it, I prepurchased this book and received it on August 24, 2020.

Two thumbs up!

As with all the Vesik series, the energy starts on the first page and never stops. So many paranormal series are all the same, but with the Vesik series it is the characters that make me keep reading. Characters everyone can identify with…fae, vampire, human who is just going with the flow, mermaids, dragons, ghosts and ghost parrots, werewolves, mages, gods…and you will fall in love with them. I always enjoy tagging along with this sarcastic band of misfits while they try to save the world and cause “minimal” damage along the way.

Sam and Vicki kicking butt together

Not sure I need to say more than that. It was great to catch up with the vampire pit and follow them on an adventure. This is the last step before the end game, and Eric delivers by diving deeper in to this world of fantasy creatures. I really enjoy how the story weaves in and out of the allies as they fight on different fronts. The end of this book feels like the deep breath before the plunge. Looking so forward to the last book in the Books of the Dead and what is sure to be an epic battle.

treasures untold

Sam now chases Vassilli who holds the final coin for releasing Damien. the longstanding blood feud between the Pit and the ancient vampire will come to a head with the dark still chasing and Luna still eating cheeseballs. Eric has heightened the emotions immensely. adding a new and fantastic creature makes it even better. he has brought us to a place where there are many crossroads and we can only folks one. the others are but 'what if's'.

I'm a sucker for vampires.

This series just gets better and better. I love the dive into each person and their history in each book. It's great getting back story but it makes me crave more! Mr Asher could write these characters forever (I hope!) because of the history. Some of these characters are hundreds or thousands of years old. Imagine all the shenanigans they could get up to! Hopefully Mr Asher can.

Sam’s up

In the quest to save her brother Necromancer Damian Vesik, Sam is going after a lost coin that will help free him from the gravemakers he is trapped in. She’ll have to track down and confront the old leader of her vampire pit to confront him and obtain the coin after his deep betrayal of her and all her friends. Another great addition to the Vesik series. Definitely a must read.

The final lap is here

All the fighting, bleeding and chasing shadows are over. One more book and this whole enormous mess comes to a conclusion. Hopefully, it is a positive one, but you can never tell with Nude and his balls.

Giggles and intrigue

I know I say this every time I read these novellas, but I love the side stories and the extra story lines with our supporting characters. The Fang refers to the vampire aspect of the Vesik series. We get to track down a fearsome old foe who I honestly thought was long gone, only to find out he is simply well hidden. He definitely gets a 10 out of 10 for his hiddey hole. We also find out how interconnected he is to so many of our characters throughout the ages. I do feel like we get to visit the more comical side of the Vesik world just for a bit. Something that has been a little more muted since Damien has been missing from front and center. I mean ancient vampires learning to take an Uber? Not to mention all the one liners about Franks famous fire jerky (“That garbage has more fires than the Burning Lands..."). A water witch that ends up with slobber inside her form. Asher always does a nice job mixing the dramatic with comedy but this one definitely had me giggling. The other thing I have been riveted by is how each of these novellas seem to have new and interesting creatures in them. I do hope the nigh behind gets to visit us again. It just seems too interesting to just leave in a single side story. Getting closer to the end of the longest cliffhanger ever. I honestly can't decide which side the ending is going to come down to.

Vesik 17

So, you came back for another one of my amazing reviews, I see! Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on your excellent taste in reviewers. Anywho, Book 17. Yeah, I just finished it & it. Was. Amazing!! These characters have such life & depth to them, that to not throw your money at the screen immediately & purchase every single one of the books in the Vesik series, is to deprive yourself of such awesomeness, as to bring about the end of the world! Seriously, Eric R. Asher can do no wrong, except to stop writing, which would cause the very Gods of the Blue Spider Monkeys to rise up & devour our very plane of existence! So, in short, go buy the books & then read them!

Vampires suck.

The penultimate story in the "Book of" series of the Vesik saga. This time the Vampires are featured along with other familiar characters and story development. Sam and the others are close to completing the steps to either save Damian or doom all of humanity. As if things aren't bad enough an old nemesis resurfaces and must be faced. Can Sam push past her desire for revenge to do the right thing? Can the group finish the quest set before them before time is up? The series is quickly winding up to a conclusion and you can't tell where Mr. Asher will take us next, but it's bound to be an enjoyable non-stop reading ride!

Eric R. Asher knows all the tricks to keep you on the edge of your seat.

You can almost hear the dramatic music playing in the background leading you up to the point where something is going to reach out and grab you. Then you slowly relax, when you see some kind of amazing discovery in front of you. Your heart and breathing slow as you are checking things out; and then BAM! Out of no where he has your heart leaping up into your throat AGAIN!!!! The Book of the Fang is definitely emotion and action packed! There are so many characters packed into this book, you don't want to skip it! I was given this book as an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC). I am voluntarily giving this review. After reading it, I prepurchased this book and received it on August 24, 2020.

Two thumbs up!

As with all the Vesik series, the energy starts on the first page and never stops. So many paranormal series are all the same, but with the Vesik series it is the characters that make me keep reading. Characters everyone can identify with…fae, vampire, human who is just going with the flow, mermaids, dragons, ghosts and ghost parrots, werewolves, mages, gods…and you will fall in love with them. I always enjoy tagging along with this sarcastic band of misfits while they try to save the world and cause “minimal” damage along the way.

Sam and Vicki kicking butt together

Not sure I need to say more than that. It was great to catch up with the vampire pit and follow them on an adventure. This is the last step before the end game, and Eric delivers by diving deeper in to this world of fantasy creatures. I really enjoy how the story weaves in and out of the allies as they fight on different fronts. The end of this book feels like the deep breath before the plunge. Looking so forward to the last book in the Books of the Dead and what is sure to be an epic battle.

treasures untold

Sam now chases Vassilli who holds the final coin for releasing Damien. the longstanding blood feud between the Pit and the ancient vampire will come to a head with the dark still chasing and Luna still eating cheeseballs. Eric has heightened the emotions immensely. adding a new and fantastic creature makes it even better. he has brought us to a place where there are many crossroads and we can only folks one. the others are but 'what if's'.

I'm a sucker for vampires.

This series just gets better and better. I love the dive into each person and their history in each book. It's great getting back story but it makes me crave more! Mr Asher could write these characters forever (I hope!) because of the history. Some of these characters are hundreds or thousands of years old. Imagine all the shenanigans they could get up to! Hopefully Mr Asher can.

Sam’s up

In the quest to save her brother Necromancer Damian Vesik, Sam is going after a lost coin that will help free him from the gravemakers he is trapped in. She’ll have to track down and confront the old leader of her vampire pit to confront him and obtain the coin after his deep betrayal of her and all her friends. Another great addition to the Vesik series. Definitely a must read.

The final lap is here

All the fighting, bleeding and chasing shadows are over. One more book and this whole enormous mess comes to a conclusion. Hopefully, it is a positive one, but you can never tell with Nude and his balls.

Giggles and intrigue

I know I say this every time I read these novellas, but I love the side stories and the extra story lines with our supporting characters. The Fang refers to the vampire aspect of the Vesik series. We get to track down a fearsome old foe who I honestly thought was long gone, only to find out he is simply well hidden. He definitely gets a 10 out of 10 for his hiddey hole. We also find out how interconnected he is to so many of our characters throughout the ages. I do feel like we get to visit the more comical side of the Vesik world just for a bit. Something that has been a little more muted since Damien has been missing from front and center. I mean ancient vampires learning to take an Uber? Not to mention all the one liners about Franks famous fire jerky (“That garbage has more fires than the Burning Lands..."). A water witch that ends up with slobber inside her form. Asher always does a nice job mixing the dramatic with comedy but this one definitely had me giggling. The other thing I have been riveted by is how each of these novellas seem to have new and interesting creatures in them. I do hope the nigh behind gets to visit us again. It just seems too interesting to just leave in a single side story. Getting closer to the end of the longest cliffhanger ever. I honestly can't decide which side the ending is going to come down to.

Vesik 17

So, you came back for another one of my amazing reviews, I see! Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on your excellent taste in reviewers. Anywho, Book 17. Yeah, I just finished it & it. Was. Amazing!! These characters have such life & depth to them, that to not throw your money at the screen immediately & purchase every single one of the books in the Vesik series, is to deprive yourself of such awesomeness, as to bring about the end of the world! Seriously, Eric R. Asher can do no wrong, except to stop writing, which would cause the very Gods of the Blue Spider Monkeys to rise up & devour our very plane of existence! So, in short, go buy the books & then read them!

Vampires suck.

The penultimate story in the "Book of" series of the Vesik saga. This time the Vampires are featured along with other familiar characters and story development. Sam and the others are close to completing the steps to either save Damian or doom all of humanity. As if things aren't bad enough an old nemesis resurfaces and must be faced. Can Sam push past her desire for revenge to do the right thing? Can the group finish the quest set before them before time is up? The series is quickly winding up to a conclusion and you can't tell where Mr. Asher will take us next, but it's bound to be an enjoyable non-stop reading ride!

Eric R. Asher knows all the tricks to keep you on the edge of your seat.

You can almost hear the dramatic music playing in the background leading you up to the point where something is going to reach out and grab you. Then you slowly relax, when you see some kind of amazing discovery in front of you. Your heart and breathing slow as you are checking things out; and then BAM! Out of no where he has your heart leaping up into your throat AGAIN!!!! The Book of the Fang is definitely emotion and action packed! There are so many characters packed into this book, you don't want to skip it! I was given this book as an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC). I am voluntarily giving this review. After reading it, I prepurchased this book and received it on August 24, 2020.

Two thumbs up!

As with all the Vesik series, the energy starts on the first page and never stops. So many paranormal series are all the same, but with the Vesik series it is the characters that make me keep reading. Characters everyone can identify with…fae, vampire, human who is just going with the flow, mermaids, dragons, ghosts and ghost parrots, werewolves, mages, gods…and you will fall in love with them. I always enjoy tagging along with this sarcastic band of misfits while they try to save the world and cause “minimal” damage along the way.

Sam and Vicki kicking butt together

Not sure I need to say more than that. It was great to catch up with the vampire pit and follow them on an adventure. This is the last step before the end game, and Eric delivers by diving deeper in to this world of fantasy creatures. I really enjoy how the story weaves in and out of the allies as they fight on different fronts. The end of this book feels like the deep breath before the plunge. Looking so forward to the last book in the Books of the Dead and what is sure to be an epic battle.

treasures untold

Sam now chases Vassilli who holds the final coin for releasing Damien. the longstanding blood feud between the Pit and the ancient vampire will come to a head with the dark still chasing and Luna still eating cheeseballs. Eric has heightened the emotions immensely. adding a new and fantastic creature makes it even better. he has brought us to a place where there are many crossroads and we can only folks one. the others are but 'what if's'.

I'm a sucker for vampires.

This series just gets better and better. I love the dive into each person and their history in each book. It's great getting back story but it makes me crave more! Mr Asher could write these characters forever (I hope!) because of the history. Some of these characters are hundreds or thousands of years old. Imagine all the shenanigans they could get up to! Hopefully Mr Asher can.

Sam’s up

In the quest to save her brother Necromancer Damian Vesik, Sam is going after a lost coin that will help free him from the gravemakers he is trapped in. She’ll have to track down and confront the old leader of her vampire pit to confront him and obtain the coin after his deep betrayal of her and all her friends. Another great addition to the Vesik series. Definitely a must read.

The final lap is here

All the fighting, bleeding and chasing shadows are over. One more book and this whole enormous mess comes to a conclusion. Hopefully, it is a positive one, but you can never tell with Nude and his balls.

Giggles and intrigue

I know I say this every time I read these novellas, but I love the side stories and the extra story lines with our supporting characters. The Fang refers to the vampire aspect of the Vesik series. We get to track down a fearsome old foe who I honestly thought was long gone, only to find out he is simply well hidden. He definitely gets a 10 out of 10 for his hiddey hole. We also find out how interconnected he is to so many of our characters throughout the ages. I do feel like we get to visit the more comical side of the Vesik world just for a bit. Something that has been a little more muted since Damien has been missing from front and center. I mean ancient vampires learning to take an Uber? Not to mention all the one liners about Franks famous fire jerky (“That garbage has more fires than the Burning Lands..."). A water witch that ends up with slobber inside her form. Asher always does a nice job mixing the dramatic with comedy but this one definitely had me giggling. The other thing I have been riveted by is how each of these novellas seem to have new and interesting creatures in them. I do hope the nigh behind gets to visit us again. It just seems too interesting to just leave in a single side story. Getting closer to the end of the longest cliffhanger ever. I honestly can't decide which side the ending is going to come down to.

Vesik 17

So, you came back for another one of my amazing reviews, I see! Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on your excellent taste in reviewers. Anywho, Book 17. Yeah, I just finished it & it. Was. Amazing!! These characters have such life & depth to them, that to not throw your money at the screen immediately & purchase every single one of the books in the Vesik series, is to deprive yourself of such awesomeness, as to bring about the end of the world! Seriously, Eric R. Asher can do no wrong, except to stop writing, which would cause the very Gods of the Blue Spider Monkeys to rise up & devour our very plane of existence! So, in short, go buy the books & then read them!

Vampires suck.

The penultimate story in the "Book of" series of the Vesik saga. This time the Vampires are featured along with other familiar characters and story development. Sam and the others are close to completing the steps to either save Damian or doom all of humanity. As if things aren't bad enough an old nemesis resurfaces and must be faced. Can Sam push past her desire for revenge to do the right thing? Can the group finish the quest set before them before time is up? The series is quickly winding up to a conclusion and you can't tell where Mr. Asher will take us next, but it's bound to be an enjoyable non-stop reading ride!

Eric R. Asher knows all the tricks to keep you on the edge of your seat.

You can almost hear the dramatic music playing in the background leading you up to the point where something is going to reach out and grab you. Then you slowly relax, when you see some kind of amazing discovery in front of you. Your heart and breathing slow as you are checking things out; and then BAM! Out of no where he has your heart leaping up into your throat AGAIN!!!! The Book of the Fang is definitely emotion and action packed! There are so many characters packed into this book, you don't want to skip it! I was given this book as an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC). I am voluntarily giving this review. After reading it, I prepurchased this book and received it on August 24, 2020.

Two thumbs up!

As with all the Vesik series, the energy starts on the first page and never stops. So many paranormal series are all the same, but with the Vesik series it is the characters that make me keep reading. Characters everyone can identify with…fae, vampire, human who is just going with the flow, mermaids, dragons, ghosts and ghost parrots, werewolves, mages, gods…and you will fall in love with them. I always enjoy tagging along with this sarcastic band of misfits while they try to save the world and cause “minimal” damage along the way.

Sam and Vicki kicking butt together

Not sure I need to say more than that. It was great to catch up with the vampire pit and follow them on an adventure. This is the last step before the end game, and Eric delivers by diving deeper in to this world of fantasy creatures. I really enjoy how the story weaves in and out of the allies as they fight on different fronts. The end of this book feels like the deep breath before the plunge. Looking so forward to the last book in the Books of the Dead and what is sure to be an epic battle.

treasures untold

Sam now chases Vassilli who holds the final coin for releasing Damien. the longstanding blood feud between the Pit and the ancient vampire will come to a head with the dark still chasing and Luna still eating cheeseballs. Eric has heightened the emotions immensely. adding a new and fantastic creature makes it even better. he has brought us to a place where there are many crossroads and we can only folks one. the others are but 'what if's'.

I'm a sucker for vampires.

This series just gets better and better. I love the dive into each person and their history in each book. It's great getting back story but it makes me crave more! Mr Asher could write these characters forever (I hope!) because of the history. Some of these characters are hundreds or thousands of years old. Imagine all the shenanigans they could get up to! Hopefully Mr Asher can.

Sam’s up

In the quest to save her brother Necromancer Damian Vesik, Sam is going after a lost coin that will help free him from the gravemakers he is trapped in. She’ll have to track down and confront the old leader of her vampire pit to confront him and obtain the coin after his deep betrayal of her and all her friends. Another great addition to the Vesik series. Definitely a must read.

The final lap is here

All the fighting, bleeding and chasing shadows are over. One more book and this whole enormous mess comes to a conclusion. Hopefully, it is a positive one, but you can never tell with Nude and his balls.

Giggles and intrigue

I know I say this every time I read these novellas, but I love the side stories and the extra story lines with our supporting characters. The Fang refers to the vampire aspect of the Vesik series. We get to track down a fearsome old foe who I honestly thought was long gone, only to find out he is simply well hidden. He definitely gets a 10 out of 10 for his hiddey hole. We also find out how interconnected he is to so many of our characters throughout the ages. I do feel like we get to visit the more comical side of the Vesik world just for a bit. Something that has been a little more muted since Damien has been missing from front and center. I mean ancient vampires learning to take an Uber? Not to mention all the one liners about Franks famous fire jerky (“That garbage has more fires than the Burning Lands..."). A water witch that ends up with slobber inside her form. Asher always does a nice job mixing the dramatic with comedy but this one definitely had me giggling. The other thing I have been riveted by is how each of these novellas seem to have new and interesting creatures in them. I do hope the nigh behind gets to visit us again. It just seems too interesting to just leave in a single side story. Getting closer to the end of the longest cliffhanger ever. I honestly can't decide which side the ending is going to come down to.

Vesik 17

So, you came back for another one of my amazing reviews, I see! Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on your excellent taste in reviewers. Anywho, Book 17. Yeah, I just finished it & it. Was. Amazing!! These characters have such life & depth to them, that to not throw your money at the screen immediately & purchase every single one of the books in the Vesik series, is to deprive yourself of such awesomeness, as to bring about the end of the world! Seriously, Eric R. Asher can do no wrong, except to stop writing, which would cause the very Gods of the Blue Spider Monkeys to rise up & devour our very plane of existence! So, in short, go buy the books & then read them!

Vampires suck.

The penultimate story in the "Book of" series of the Vesik saga. This time the Vampires are featured along with other familiar characters and story development. Sam and the others are close to completing the steps to either save Damian or doom all of humanity. As if things aren't bad enough an old nemesis resurfaces and must be faced. Can Sam push past her desire for revenge to do the right thing? Can the group finish the quest set before them before time is up? The series is quickly winding up to a conclusion and you can't tell where Mr. Asher will take us next, but it's bound to be an enjoyable non-stop reading ride!

Eric R. Asher knows all the tricks to keep you on the edge of your seat.

You can almost hear the dramatic music playing in the background leading you up to the point where something is going to reach out and grab you. Then you slowly relax, when you see some kind of amazing discovery in front of you. Your heart and breathing slow as you are checking things out; and then BAM! Out of no where he has your heart leaping up into your throat AGAIN!!!! The Book of the Fang is definitely emotion and action packed! There are so many characters packed into this book, you don't want to skip it! I was given this book as an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC). I am voluntarily giving this review. After reading it, I prepurchased this book and received it on August 24, 2020.

Two thumbs up!

As with all the Vesik series, the energy starts on the first page and never stops. So many paranormal series are all the same, but with the Vesik series it is the characters that make me keep reading. Characters everyone can identify with…fae, vampire, human who is just going with the flow, mermaids, dragons, ghosts and ghost parrots, werewolves, mages, gods…and you will fall in love with them. I always enjoy tagging along with this sarcastic band of misfits while they try to save the world and cause “minimal” damage along the way.

Sam and Vicki kicking butt together

Not sure I need to say more than that. It was great to catch up with the vampire pit and follow them on an adventure. This is the last step before the end game, and Eric delivers by diving deeper in to this world of fantasy creatures. I really enjoy how the story weaves in and out of the allies as they fight on different fronts. The end of this book feels like the deep breath before the plunge. Looking so forward to the last book in the Books of the Dead and what is sure to be an epic battle.

treasures untold

Sam now chases Vassilli who holds the final coin for releasing Damien. the longstanding blood feud between the Pit and the ancient vampire will come to a head with the dark still chasing and Luna still eating cheeseballs. Eric has heightened the emotions immensely. adding a new and fantastic creature makes it even better. he has brought us to a place where there are many crossroads and we can only folks one. the others are but 'what if's'.

I'm a sucker for vampires.

This series just gets better and better. I love the dive into each person and their history in each book. It's great getting back story but it makes me crave more! Mr Asher could write these characters forever (I hope!) because of the history. Some of these characters are hundreds or thousands of years old. Imagine all the shenanigans they could get up to! Hopefully Mr Asher can.

Sam’s up

In the quest to save her brother Necromancer Damian Vesik, Sam is going after a lost coin that will help free him from the gravemakers he is trapped in. She’ll have to track down and confront the old leader of her vampire pit to confront him and obtain the coin after his deep betrayal of her and all her friends. Another great addition to the Vesik series. Definitely a must read.

The final lap is here

All the fighting, bleeding and chasing shadows are over. One more book and this whole enormous mess comes to a conclusion. Hopefully, it is a positive one, but you can never tell with Nude and his balls.

Hang on for a wild ride!

Sam, Dominic and Vik are seriously bad ass. Only one book to go to the end of this story arc and the stakes are high. Hang on for another extreme ride.

Fantastic build to the finish

Being it is the next to last installment of the Books of The Dead arc, you might think this was a set up for the big finale - and it is - but it more than stands on its own. Sam remains her fiery self but now also needs to deal with her understandable blood/revenge lust but also keep her eye on the bigger prize - saving her brother and the world. I have absolutely loved this entire run and this installment is no exception.

Great story.

I liked the continuity of the story as it was one of my fav's.

Good read

This book made up for the last book 16.

Just about to the end.

Can't wait for the next one.

What a ride, full of action and emotion!

Coming down to the wire! One more book before we see how all the hard work and heartache of these allies pays off. So much action and hold your breath moments. One emotional read after another, I can only imagine the roller coaster of emotion we'll ride in the last book. I'm anxious and worried for all our friends. I can't say that I'm ready for it at all. All I can do is trust that the author wouldn't have put this family of friends through so much to have it NOT work out for the best...but, who will be lost along the way? It's been so amazing seeing where Asher has taken these characters, to see how they've grown. I've never known a cast of characters that deserves peace as much as these do. I'm caught between being excited to see how it ends and sad at the thought of it ending at all. Job well done on Asher's part. Looking forward to seeing where he leads us next.

Fangs for the memories...

_The Book of the Fang_ is the the 17th book in the Vesik series and the next to last of _The Books of the Dead_. The quest to save the necromancer, Damian Vesik, and reunite the disparate elements of the Titan, Gaia continues as does the war with Gwynn ap Nudd. The search for the last coin needed for the ritual falls to Damian's vampiric sister, Sam and her allies. The cael was last in the possession of Vassily, Sam's former vampire lord and traitor to his pit. The chase leads them down a trail of Civil War sites and into conflict with the Mad King's forces. As always, Asher tells a good story with all the right elements -great characterization, solid plot, exciting action and deep emotions. So, I truly enjoyed this part of the tale, but for some reason, it didn't connect with me as much as other recent entries in the series. Maybe, it was the fact that Sam and the vampires had seen a lot of play in other books, and I was missing the novelty of learning about other characters. Maybe it is just an inexplicable personal peccadillo. Whatever the case, don't let it deter anymore from reading this story!

Read out of order; still great!

Ok, I have a confession to make: I read this book after the 18th one. I just couldn’t wait to find out how this was going to end. I can back to fill in the gaps (my own for skipping over this). Even after reading the other one, it was good to see Vicky as part of the action. She is one of my favorites, and I was glad to see more of her. Anyway, I confess to not feeling as much heart-pounding waiting to see what happens because I cheated and read the other. LOL! However, the author still drew me in like he always does with this great writing, wonderful characters who feel like family. I can’t wait to read more! Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

17 down....1 to go!

The tale is finally coming to a close, the question is, how will Vesik's band of friends come together to finish the story? Vesik's sister, Sam, and the members of her pit have been on a mission to find their former leader. Now that they've located him, will HE have the missing link to freeing Vesik? Again, Eric has put together a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering IF they can find the lost artifacts, and IF they can get there in time to rescue Damien. Excited for the last of the series to be here in a few weeks, but totally bummed that the ride is almost over.

Now what?

This was truly "The Book of the Fang." No others really involved, but so many interesting implications on this journey. What was sought was found, but at what cost? That remains to be seen. There will be a cost. In all of these books there has been a cost. But will it be worth it? I'd like to think yes. This book gave a glimpse into some curious history that I'd like to know more about - so much to still be discovered. And also I appreciated a little touch of urban legends. That was awesome. Can't wait for the next one in the series.

Giggles and intrigue

I know I say this every time I read these novellas, but I love the side stories and the extra story lines with our supporting characters. The Fang refers to the vampire aspect of the Vesik series. We get to track down a fearsome old foe who I honestly thought was long gone, only to find out he is simply well hidden. He definitely gets a 10 out of 10 for his hiddey hole. We also find out how interconnected he is to so many of our characters throughout the ages. I do feel like we get to visit the more comical side of the Vesik world just for a bit. Something that has been a little more muted since Damien has been missing from front and center. I mean ancient vampires learning to take an Uber? Not to mention all the one liners about Franks famous fire jerky (“That garbage has more fires than the Burning Lands..."). A water witch that ends up with slobber inside her form. Asher always does a nice job mixing the dramatic with comedy but this one definitely had me giggling. The other thing I have been riveted by is how each of these novellas seem to have new and interesting creatures in them. I do hope the nigh behind gets to visit us again. It just seems too interesting to just leave in a single side story. Getting closer to the end of the longest cliffhanger ever. I honestly can't decide which side the ending is going to come down to.

Vesik 17

So, you came back for another one of my amazing reviews, I see! Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on your excellent taste in reviewers. Anywho, Book 17. Yeah, I just finished it & it. Was. Amazing!! These characters have such life & depth to them, that to not throw your money at the screen immediately & purchase every single one of the books in the Vesik series, is to deprive yourself of such awesomeness, as to bring about the end of the world! Seriously, Eric R. Asher can do no wrong, except to stop writing, which would cause the very Gods of the Blue Spider Monkeys to rise up & devour our very plane of existence! So, in short, go buy the books & then read them!

Vampires suck.

The penultimate story in the "Book of" series of the Vesik saga. This time the Vampires are featured along with other familiar characters and story development. Sam and the others are close to completing the steps to either save Damian or doom all of humanity. As if things aren't bad enough an old nemesis resurfaces and must be faced. Can Sam push past her desire for revenge to do the right thing? Can the group finish the quest set before them before time is up? The series is quickly winding up to a conclusion and you can't tell where Mr. Asher will take us next, but it's bound to be an enjoyable non-stop reading ride!

Eric R. Asher knows all the tricks to keep you on the edge of your seat.

You can almost hear the dramatic music playing in the background leading you up to the point where something is going to reach out and grab you. Then you slowly relax, when you see some kind of amazing discovery in front of you. Your heart and breathing slow as you are checking things out; and then BAM! Out of no where he has your heart leaping up into your throat AGAIN!!!! The Book of the Fang is definitely emotion and action packed! There are so many characters packed into this book, you don't want to skip it! I was given this book as an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC). I am voluntarily giving this review. After reading it, I prepurchased this book and received it on August 24, 2020.

Two thumbs up!

As with all the Vesik series, the energy starts on the first page and never stops. So many paranormal series are all the same, but with the Vesik series it is the characters that make me keep reading. Characters everyone can identify with…fae, vampire, human who is just going with the flow, mermaids, dragons, ghosts and ghost parrots, werewolves, mages, gods…and you will fall in love with them. I always enjoy tagging along with this sarcastic band of misfits while they try to save the world and cause “minimal” damage along the way.

Sam and Vicki kicking butt together

Not sure I need to say more than that. It was great to catch up with the vampire pit and follow them on an adventure. This is the last step before the end game, and Eric delivers by diving deeper in to this world of fantasy creatures. I really enjoy how the story weaves in and out of the allies as they fight on different fronts. The end of this book feels like the deep breath before the plunge. Looking so forward to the last book in the Books of the Dead and what is sure to be an epic battle.

treasures untold

Sam now chases Vassilli who holds the final coin for releasing Damien. the longstanding blood feud between the Pit and the ancient vampire will come to a head with the dark still chasing and Luna still eating cheeseballs. Eric has heightened the emotions immensely. adding a new and fantastic creature makes it even better. he has brought us to a place where there are many crossroads and we can only folks one. the others are but 'what if's'.

I'm a sucker for vampires.

This series just gets better and better. I love the dive into each person and their history in each book. It's great getting back story but it makes me crave more! Mr Asher could write these characters forever (I hope!) because of the history. Some of these characters are hundreds or thousands of years old. Imagine all the shenanigans they could get up to! Hopefully Mr Asher can.

Sam’s up

In the quest to save her brother Necromancer Damian Vesik, Sam is going after a lost coin that will help free him from the gravemakers he is trapped in. She’ll have to track down and confront the old leader of her vampire pit to confront him and obtain the coin after his deep betrayal of her and all her friends. Another great addition to the Vesik series. Definitely a must read.

The final lap is here

All the fighting, bleeding and chasing shadows are over. One more book and this whole enormous mess comes to a conclusion. Hopefully, it is a positive one, but you can never tell with Nude and his balls.

Finding Out Things You Didn't Know Before

Vesik #17 Book of the Fang Book of the dead #9 What you didn’t know about Vassili, the old Vampire lord, you will now. But, will Samantha be able to figure things out in time for it to be of help? Zola, Vicki and the rest need one more coin to help Damian. They think Vassilli has it. But he’s been gone a long time now. In order to find him they must traverse a strange path and some eery land. With everyones help Samantha thinks they can do it. Is she wrong? Read it and find out!!

Sam's Turn

This is a quick read and an excellent book and series. If you're familiar with the series of course this is book that focuses on Sam and her view of what is happening at this point in the series. I recommend you start with book one if you're new to the series, as you will be a little lost if you start with this book.


At just over 80 pages, Sam's installment in the side quests in the Vesik world packs a punch. Her plan is to get her brother back and she will crush anything standing in her way. An absolutely brilliant addition to the series. *I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book*

Don't get in Sam's way!

Follow Sam as she kick's butt and doesn't bother with taking names, as she works on getting her brother back! Eric Asher's next installment in the Vesik Series builds again on this wonderful story/series. His writing keeps finding new twists and turns with awesome action and character development.

Wow, Eric. Just wow!

And the chase is on for Vasili! The question becomes is he as truly evil as they thought or did he become a bit misguided along the way? Does it matter? Just get the coin! Amazing book, if you like the series this is a must read!

Bad ass

A vampire with a lovely soul, that is a pure bad ass! Sam can take and give with the best, worst of them. Sam goes after a needed object to save her trapped brother. With many a fiend in the way.

Next to the last book... Book of the Fang

This novella is the next to the last book in the Vesik series. This does not disappoint, it's all that you expect from a Vesik book, full of excitement and plenty of snark. The Book of the Fang focuses on Sam and her search for Vassili and the last coin to save her brother. Of course there's Luna and her cheese balls. It's almost near the end...


Wow I wondered if the author would be able to keep up the intensity of the storyline with the quick releases and I have to say each one is better than the last. I can’t wait to see where the next book takes us.

I would not want to piss off Sam

It all comes down to locating Vassilli and getting the cale. Samantha is absolutely vicious in her march to save Damien. Another white knuckle installment from Asher. I cannot wait for the final installment.

I love this series!

Revenge or her brother? Its up to Sam as she hunts for the piece they need to save Damien.

Giggles and intrigue

I know I say this every time I read these novellas, but I love the side stories and the extra story lines with our supporting characters. The Fang refers to the vampire aspect of the Vesik series. We get to track down a fearsome old foe who I honestly thought was long gone, only to find out he is simply well hidden. He definitely gets a 10 out of 10 for his hiddey hole. We also find out how interconnected he is to so many of our characters throughout the ages. I do feel like we get to visit the more comical side of the Vesik world just for a bit. Something that has been a little more muted since Damien has been missing from front and center. I mean ancient vampires learning to take an Uber? Not to mention all the one liners about Franks famous fire jerky (“That garbage has more fires than the Burning Lands..."). A water witch that ends up with slobber inside her form. Asher always does a nice job mixing the dramatic with comedy but this one definitely had me giggling. The other thing I have been riveted by is how each of these novellas seem to have new and interesting creatures in them. I do hope the nigh behind gets to visit us again. It just seems too interesting to just leave in a single side story. Getting closer to the end of the longest cliffhanger ever. I honestly can't decide which side the ending is going to come down to.

Vesik 17

So, you came back for another one of my amazing reviews, I see! Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on your excellent taste in reviewers. Anywho, Book 17. Yeah, I just finished it & it. Was. Amazing!! These characters have such life & depth to them, that to not throw your money at the screen immediately & purchase every single one of the books in the Vesik series, is to deprive yourself of such awesomeness, as to bring about the end of the world! Seriously, Eric R. Asher can do no wrong, except to stop writing, which would cause the very Gods of the Blue Spider Monkeys to rise up & devour our very plane of existence! So, in short, go buy the books & then read them!

Vampires suck.

The penultimate story in the "Book of" series of the Vesik saga. This time the Vampires are featured along with other familiar characters and story development. Sam and the others are close to completing the steps to either save Damian or doom all of humanity. As if things aren't bad enough an old nemesis resurfaces and must be faced. Can Sam push past her desire for revenge to do the right thing? Can the group finish the quest set before them before time is up? The series is quickly winding up to a conclusion and you can't tell where Mr. Asher will take us next, but it's bound to be an enjoyable non-stop reading ride!

Eric R. Asher knows all the tricks to keep you on the edge of your seat.

You can almost hear the dramatic music playing in the background leading you up to the point where something is going to reach out and grab you. Then you slowly relax, when you see some kind of amazing discovery in front of you. Your heart and breathing slow as you are checking things out; and then BAM! Out of no where he has your heart leaping up into your throat AGAIN!!!! The Book of the Fang is definitely emotion and action packed! There are so many characters packed into this book, you don't want to skip it! I was given this book as an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC). I am voluntarily giving this review. After reading it, I prepurchased this book and received it on August 24, 2020.

Two thumbs up!

As with all the Vesik series, the energy starts on the first page and never stops. So many paranormal series are all the same, but with the Vesik series it is the characters that make me keep reading. Characters everyone can identify with…fae, vampire, human who is just going with the flow, mermaids, dragons, ghosts and ghost parrots, werewolves, mages, gods…and you will fall in love with them. I always enjoy tagging along with this sarcastic band of misfits while they try to save the world and cause “minimal” damage along the way.

Sam and Vicki kicking butt together

Not sure I need to say more than that. It was great to catch up with the vampire pit and follow them on an adventure. This is the last step before the end game, and Eric delivers by diving deeper in to this world of fantasy creatures. I really enjoy how the story weaves in and out of the allies as they fight on different fronts. The end of this book feels like the deep breath before the plunge. Looking so forward to the last book in the Books of the Dead and what is sure to be an epic battle.

treasures untold

Sam now chases Vassilli who holds the final coin for releasing Damien. the longstanding blood feud between the Pit and the ancient vampire will come to a head with the dark still chasing and Luna still eating cheeseballs. Eric has heightened the emotions immensely. adding a new and fantastic creature makes it even better. he has brought us to a place where there are many crossroads and we can only folks one. the others are but 'what if's'.

I'm a sucker for vampires.

This series just gets better and better. I love the dive into each person and their history in each book. It's great getting back story but it makes me crave more! Mr Asher could write these characters forever (I hope!) because of the history. Some of these characters are hundreds or thousands of years old. Imagine all the shenanigans they could get up to! Hopefully Mr Asher can.

Sam’s up

In the quest to save her brother Necromancer Damian Vesik, Sam is going after a lost coin that will help free him from the gravemakers he is trapped in. She’ll have to track down and confront the old leader of her vampire pit to confront him and obtain the coin after his deep betrayal of her and all her friends. Another great addition to the Vesik series. Definitely a must read.

The final lap is here

All the fighting, bleeding and chasing shadows are over. One more book and this whole enormous mess comes to a conclusion. Hopefully, it is a positive one, but you can never tell with Nude and his balls.


Good to see the Pit and Sam involved in detail. Most enjoyable story ans exciting.

Love this one!

Vesik's vampire sister is one of my favourite characters and this episode really lives up to it - getting so close to the climax now!

Giggles and intrigue

I know I say this every time I read these novellas, but I love the side stories and the extra story lines with our supporting characters. The Fang refers to the vampire aspect of the Vesik series. We get to track down a fearsome old foe who I honestly thought was long gone, only to find out he is simply well hidden. He definitely gets a 10 out of 10 for his hiddey hole. We also find out how interconnected he is to so many of our characters throughout the ages. I do feel like we get to visit the more comical side of the Vesik world just for a bit. Something that has been a little more muted since Damien has been missing from front and center. I mean ancient vampires learning to take an Uber? Not to mention all the one liners about Franks famous fire jerky (“That garbage has more fires than the Burning Lands..."). A water witch that ends up with slobber inside her form. Asher always does a nice job mixing the dramatic with comedy but this one definitely had me giggling. The other thing I have been riveted by is how each of these novellas seem to have new and interesting creatures in them. I do hope the nigh behind gets to visit us again. It just seems too interesting to just leave in a single side story. Getting closer to the end of the longest cliffhanger ever. I honestly can't decide which side the ending is going to come down to.

Vesik 17

So, you came back for another one of my amazing reviews, I see! Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on your excellent taste in reviewers. Anywho, Book 17. Yeah, I just finished it & it. Was. Amazing!! These characters have such life & depth to them, that to not throw your money at the screen immediately & purchase every single one of the books in the Vesik series, is to deprive yourself of such awesomeness, as to bring about the end of the world! Seriously, Eric R. Asher can do no wrong, except to stop writing, which would cause the very Gods of the Blue Spider Monkeys to rise up & devour our very plane of existence! So, in short, go buy the books & then read them!

Vampires suck.

The penultimate story in the "Book of" series of the Vesik saga. This time the Vampires are featured along with other familiar characters and story development. Sam and the others are close to completing the steps to either save Damian or doom all of humanity. As if things aren't bad enough an old nemesis resurfaces and must be faced. Can Sam push past her desire for revenge to do the right thing? Can the group finish the quest set before them before time is up? The series is quickly winding up to a conclusion and you can't tell where Mr. Asher will take us next, but it's bound to be an enjoyable non-stop reading ride!

Eric R. Asher knows all the tricks to keep you on the edge of your seat.

You can almost hear the dramatic music playing in the background leading you up to the point where something is going to reach out and grab you. Then you slowly relax, when you see some kind of amazing discovery in front of you. Your heart and breathing slow as you are checking things out; and then BAM! Out of no where he has your heart leaping up into your throat AGAIN!!!! The Book of the Fang is definitely emotion and action packed! There are so many characters packed into this book, you don't want to skip it! I was given this book as an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC). I am voluntarily giving this review. After reading it, I prepurchased this book and received it on August 24, 2020.

Two thumbs up!

As with all the Vesik series, the energy starts on the first page and never stops. So many paranormal series are all the same, but with the Vesik series it is the characters that make me keep reading. Characters everyone can identify with…fae, vampire, human who is just going with the flow, mermaids, dragons, ghosts and ghost parrots, werewolves, mages, gods…and you will fall in love with them. I always enjoy tagging along with this sarcastic band of misfits while they try to save the world and cause “minimal” damage along the way.

Sam and Vicki kicking butt together

Not sure I need to say more than that. It was great to catch up with the vampire pit and follow them on an adventure. This is the last step before the end game, and Eric delivers by diving deeper in to this world of fantasy creatures. I really enjoy how the story weaves in and out of the allies as they fight on different fronts. The end of this book feels like the deep breath before the plunge. Looking so forward to the last book in the Books of the Dead and what is sure to be an epic battle.

treasures untold

Sam now chases Vassilli who holds the final coin for releasing Damien. the longstanding blood feud between the Pit and the ancient vampire will come to a head with the dark still chasing and Luna still eating cheeseballs. Eric has heightened the emotions immensely. adding a new and fantastic creature makes it even better. he has brought us to a place where there are many crossroads and we can only folks one. the others are but 'what if's'.

I'm a sucker for vampires.

This series just gets better and better. I love the dive into each person and their history in each book. It's great getting back story but it makes me crave more! Mr Asher could write these characters forever (I hope!) because of the history. Some of these characters are hundreds or thousands of years old. Imagine all the shenanigans they could get up to! Hopefully Mr Asher can.

Sam’s up

In the quest to save her brother Necromancer Damian Vesik, Sam is going after a lost coin that will help free him from the gravemakers he is trapped in. She’ll have to track down and confront the old leader of her vampire pit to confront him and obtain the coin after his deep betrayal of her and all her friends. Another great addition to the Vesik series. Definitely a must read.

The final lap is here

All the fighting, bleeding and chasing shadows are over. One more book and this whole enormous mess comes to a conclusion. Hopefully, it is a positive one, but you can never tell with Nude and his balls.

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