Reviews (211)
Life changing ❤️
I was introduced to this book during yoga class. The instructor made a point of reading excerpts each day at the end of yoga class. The story Chronicles, the author, Mark Nepo’s spiritual, awakening journey home to himself. Learning from the pain of suffering through cancer and learning what it means to be healed. Looking at the world and nature with the all that God intended us to. This book is sheer beauty. I also highly recommend listening to this book on audible because it is read by the author, and listening to his beautiful words come to life with his voice is all inspiring. This book is a very helpful tool to anyone beginning the spiritual, awakening journey.
Just buy it! I’ve given away my personal copies every single time and now it’s hard to come by. The hardcover is tall which is weird. Not the normal shape of a hardcover. I’d still buy the hardcover. The book is magical on every level ✨
A beautiful book!
In The Book of Awakenings, Mark Nepo breaks open the harried existence we call life and folds it into bite-sized nuggets of wisdom that nudge us along toward expansion, a more open mind, a more indulgent spirit, all in service to elevating the soul. Nepo writes like a man who has crossed the desert and made it to the oasis for the revitalizing drink, then decided the oasis was a pretty fine place to be. A poet and philosopher by trade, Nepo is also a cancer survivor. While he fought the disease, life changed, became scary, possibly shorter, but decidedly different. Nepo suddenly saw the world through slow eyes, coming through the trauma more receptive and mature, and ultimately decided to write down his observations which turned out to be a boon for the rest of us. Just like tempered glass needs a little heat to coax it to its super state of existence, Nepo needed a little cancer to get his 3-D priorities right with his Soul. The work comes across as if time is infinite (spoiler alert: it is), so why not settle down and make note of a few things while you can. A calendar book, meaning you can read the day’s entry or you can skip around and read it in any order you like, The Book of Awakenings is not about deadlines, but lifelines. I am reading it slowly, savoring it like I would an expensive box of chocolates, but in orderly fashion, leaving randomness for the second round that I know there will be. You can’t absorb this book through a single read; it’s too rich with its lifetime worth of wisdom crammed into a bit more than 400 pages. The Book of Awakenings is a perfect read for anyone who feels as though they’re muddling through: losing life, losing purpose, losing love, identity, focus, or worse, the malaise has manifested as a dis-ease in the body and there you are, broken, alone, clueless as to how to break the cycle. It’s also perfect for someone with no problems, but many questions. If any of these scenarios sound like yours, I have a suggestion: read The Book of Awakenings. While not a guarantee of success — only you can do that — it will help you find a path in the worst of times. The Book of Awakenings shows you why everything is a blessing, even cancer, and why there is no such thing as curses, only cursed thinking, which with a little work can be changed. Nepo wants you to celebrate life by seeing the good in all things, but don’t misunderstand. This is not a touchy-feely self-help book. Rather, it’s a retreat for the mind and Soul that will provide the self-loving space for the body to follow. It’s hard to imagine a more beautiful book ever having been written. A modern day Rumi, Nepo meets you where you are and turns you from the outside in. You owe it to yourself to follow.
daily meditations
I guess it is a good book, but it was not what I expected. I was thinking I was buying a collection of his poems
Everyday essential
This is the most amazing book- everyone should read it
Everyday, There's a Lesson to be Learned........and I'm learning
I'm not even halfway into this book, and already I've learned a couple of very important life lessons. For one, everyday is a blessing and we should never take life for granted. I've had a lot of days when I didn't care about anything or anyone. I didn't even take the time to appreciate all the good things that surround me. Now I know, if I don't appreciate any of the things I've been blessed with, how will I ever be worthy of more blessings? Another lesson this book has already taught me, is that I can't forward, until I learn to let go of all the unnecessary baggage I'm carrying. I have to forget about all the troubling things in my life that are beyond my control and just focus on improving me. Holding on to baggage is definitely what keeps new blessings from coming into your life, and now I'm aware of that completely. This book is meant to be read on the day to day basis, because each "lesson" is dated. I definitely recommend this book if you're the kind of person looking to be inspired, who's willing to take a few minutes out of their day to learn something important about life. I know I'm not perfect, and some of these lessons I already know, but sometimes, you have to learn about lessons from someone else's point of view, to really understand them, which is definitely helping me, through this book. I'm definitely glad I picked this book up, although I'm still not sure what prompted me to even look at it. Nonetheless, I'm glad I got it, and at a really good price here on Amazon. The local express shipping really comes in handy now, and I'm glad Amazon is offering it. Those of you who take a chance on this book, I think you'll enjoy it. It's not hard to understand at all, just down-to-earth common sense that many of you should and probably will appreciate. Please enjoy!
Special Daily Messages
Well, I feel gifted to have this gem in my hands. I say that because am only on my 4th month of this 365-daily reading rituals, and can sincerely say that it has positively impacted my life. First of all, it's an early-morning motivational piece of advice we keep bringing every single day. It also creates such a positive habit to spend 10 minutes every morning working on something positive/mindful, helping us to set the direction of the day. It's somehow special to have short steps for reflections/meditations/breaths at the end of each daily message in order to complement our daily message. Mark Nepo shares his journey in such a pure and sincere manner, empowering ourselves to be and love who we are. It's a revealing journey, a company to bring wherever we are. It's my first book from him, but I do believe his other books/writings are equally special. I purchased both the kindle and physical versions, so that it's always with me wherever I go. I like the kindle version because we can download the books wherever we are, in all our devices. Besides that, it's easy to find the passages we highlighted and took notes, and even to reread them afterwards. But again, having the physical book is just unique. Finally, as a side note, when I purchased it, I also gifted my good friend with the same book. Although we live in different countries at the moment, I do think of him every day when we both read the passage in our own time. I say that because it can be a unique present to a loved one. Haical
Exquisite writing, wonderful lessons, new edition quality has slipped
Not only do I love Mark Nepo's writing because it is lyrical and beautifully written, but because his life experience is in the writing and the lessons. He uses his own examples and feelings to write the daily lessons and underscores each lesson a beautiful quote and an exercise that involves just sitting with an idea and giving you a hint of direction on how to use what you learn. Not preachy, not distant, but very personal and gently written. His writing is a joy for a lover of exquisite wordsmithing. NOTE: Just purchased the new edition, my 6th or 7th purchase of it to gift. New edition feels cheaper, paper quality not as good. disappointing for someone who likes the physicality of a book. May try to find elsewhere from now on to get an older edition.
Awesome book, best daily reflection book I’ve ever seen
I love this book, the writings are very thought provoking and dynamic. Best daily reflection book I’ve ever seen. It draws from different cultures and belief systems. Other books, I read the topic of the day and forget 5 minutes later, this one sticks with me and I think about the writing all day.
An uplifting daily anecdote for anyone.
My first copy of Mark Nepo's book, The Book of Awakening, was given to me as a gift. Over the past 10 years I have purchased several more copies as gifts.
Life changing ❤️
I was introduced to this book during yoga class. The instructor made a point of reading excerpts each day at the end of yoga class. The story Chronicles, the author, Mark Nepo’s spiritual, awakening journey home to himself. Learning from the pain of suffering through cancer and learning what it means to be healed. Looking at the world and nature with the all that God intended us to. This book is sheer beauty. I also highly recommend listening to this book on audible because it is read by the author, and listening to his beautiful words come to life with his voice is all inspiring. This book is a very helpful tool to anyone beginning the spiritual, awakening journey.
Just buy it! I’ve given away my personal copies every single time and now it’s hard to come by. The hardcover is tall which is weird. Not the normal shape of a hardcover. I’d still buy the hardcover. The book is magical on every level ✨
A beautiful book!
In The Book of Awakenings, Mark Nepo breaks open the harried existence we call life and folds it into bite-sized nuggets of wisdom that nudge us along toward expansion, a more open mind, a more indulgent spirit, all in service to elevating the soul. Nepo writes like a man who has crossed the desert and made it to the oasis for the revitalizing drink, then decided the oasis was a pretty fine place to be. A poet and philosopher by trade, Nepo is also a cancer survivor. While he fought the disease, life changed, became scary, possibly shorter, but decidedly different. Nepo suddenly saw the world through slow eyes, coming through the trauma more receptive and mature, and ultimately decided to write down his observations which turned out to be a boon for the rest of us. Just like tempered glass needs a little heat to coax it to its super state of existence, Nepo needed a little cancer to get his 3-D priorities right with his Soul. The work comes across as if time is infinite (spoiler alert: it is), so why not settle down and make note of a few things while you can. A calendar book, meaning you can read the day’s entry or you can skip around and read it in any order you like, The Book of Awakenings is not about deadlines, but lifelines. I am reading it slowly, savoring it like I would an expensive box of chocolates, but in orderly fashion, leaving randomness for the second round that I know there will be. You can’t absorb this book through a single read; it’s too rich with its lifetime worth of wisdom crammed into a bit more than 400 pages. The Book of Awakenings is a perfect read for anyone who feels as though they’re muddling through: losing life, losing purpose, losing love, identity, focus, or worse, the malaise has manifested as a dis-ease in the body and there you are, broken, alone, clueless as to how to break the cycle. It’s also perfect for someone with no problems, but many questions. If any of these scenarios sound like yours, I have a suggestion: read The Book of Awakenings. While not a guarantee of success — only you can do that — it will help you find a path in the worst of times. The Book of Awakenings shows you why everything is a blessing, even cancer, and why there is no such thing as curses, only cursed thinking, which with a little work can be changed. Nepo wants you to celebrate life by seeing the good in all things, but don’t misunderstand. This is not a touchy-feely self-help book. Rather, it’s a retreat for the mind and Soul that will provide the self-loving space for the body to follow. It’s hard to imagine a more beautiful book ever having been written. A modern day Rumi, Nepo meets you where you are and turns you from the outside in. You owe it to yourself to follow.
daily meditations
I guess it is a good book, but it was not what I expected. I was thinking I was buying a collection of his poems
Everyday essential
This is the most amazing book- everyone should read it
Everyday, There's a Lesson to be Learned........and I'm learning
I'm not even halfway into this book, and already I've learned a couple of very important life lessons. For one, everyday is a blessing and we should never take life for granted. I've had a lot of days when I didn't care about anything or anyone. I didn't even take the time to appreciate all the good things that surround me. Now I know, if I don't appreciate any of the things I've been blessed with, how will I ever be worthy of more blessings? Another lesson this book has already taught me, is that I can't forward, until I learn to let go of all the unnecessary baggage I'm carrying. I have to forget about all the troubling things in my life that are beyond my control and just focus on improving me. Holding on to baggage is definitely what keeps new blessings from coming into your life, and now I'm aware of that completely. This book is meant to be read on the day to day basis, because each "lesson" is dated. I definitely recommend this book if you're the kind of person looking to be inspired, who's willing to take a few minutes out of their day to learn something important about life. I know I'm not perfect, and some of these lessons I already know, but sometimes, you have to learn about lessons from someone else's point of view, to really understand them, which is definitely helping me, through this book. I'm definitely glad I picked this book up, although I'm still not sure what prompted me to even look at it. Nonetheless, I'm glad I got it, and at a really good price here on Amazon. The local express shipping really comes in handy now, and I'm glad Amazon is offering it. Those of you who take a chance on this book, I think you'll enjoy it. It's not hard to understand at all, just down-to-earth common sense that many of you should and probably will appreciate. Please enjoy!
Special Daily Messages
Well, I feel gifted to have this gem in my hands. I say that because am only on my 4th month of this 365-daily reading rituals, and can sincerely say that it has positively impacted my life. First of all, it's an early-morning motivational piece of advice we keep bringing every single day. It also creates such a positive habit to spend 10 minutes every morning working on something positive/mindful, helping us to set the direction of the day. It's somehow special to have short steps for reflections/meditations/breaths at the end of each daily message in order to complement our daily message. Mark Nepo shares his journey in such a pure and sincere manner, empowering ourselves to be and love who we are. It's a revealing journey, a company to bring wherever we are. It's my first book from him, but I do believe his other books/writings are equally special. I purchased both the kindle and physical versions, so that it's always with me wherever I go. I like the kindle version because we can download the books wherever we are, in all our devices. Besides that, it's easy to find the passages we highlighted and took notes, and even to reread them afterwards. But again, having the physical book is just unique. Finally, as a side note, when I purchased it, I also gifted my good friend with the same book. Although we live in different countries at the moment, I do think of him every day when we both read the passage in our own time. I say that because it can be a unique present to a loved one. Haical
Exquisite writing, wonderful lessons, new edition quality has slipped
Not only do I love Mark Nepo's writing because it is lyrical and beautifully written, but because his life experience is in the writing and the lessons. He uses his own examples and feelings to write the daily lessons and underscores each lesson a beautiful quote and an exercise that involves just sitting with an idea and giving you a hint of direction on how to use what you learn. Not preachy, not distant, but very personal and gently written. His writing is a joy for a lover of exquisite wordsmithing. NOTE: Just purchased the new edition, my 6th or 7th purchase of it to gift. New edition feels cheaper, paper quality not as good. disappointing for someone who likes the physicality of a book. May try to find elsewhere from now on to get an older edition.
Awesome book, best daily reflection book I’ve ever seen
I love this book, the writings are very thought provoking and dynamic. Best daily reflection book I’ve ever seen. It draws from different cultures and belief systems. Other books, I read the topic of the day and forget 5 minutes later, this one sticks with me and I think about the writing all day.
An uplifting daily anecdote for anyone.
My first copy of Mark Nepo's book, The Book of Awakening, was given to me as a gift. Over the past 10 years I have purchased several more copies as gifts.
A Forever Keepsake
I found a deep well of understanding in Mark Nepo's The Book of Awakening - so profound that if one were to question the existence of a supernatural power - after reading this book - that question would forever be answered. I usually pass on good books to other readers, but I'm going to keep this one within daily reach so I can savor it, take occasional bites from it, and devour it slowly; and when I've gone through all the pages, I'll go back through it again and again over scores of time to find new truths being revealed with every read. A must-have for all searching for wholeness, healing truth, and spirit.....and more - because The Book of Awakening definitely offers more and leads us to believe that we can imagine something beyond our wildest dreams - our truest, best selves ... and then some.
Daily readings are thought provoking!
Initially, was slow, but after that, makes one think. when one goes back to re-read, there is more than you discovered the first time.
The words inspire to live life to the fullest.
Daily reading and read the the following years as a daily read.
Inspirational Daily Messages
I bought this daily reader after it was recommended by a member of my meditation group. We frequently read the inspirational message of the day as a way of beginning our morning meditation sessions. The author has had a reflective life and shares his thoughts in a manner that is very clear to readers. He provokes contemplation and self-examination that leads to growth.
Too many God references, Christianity views not for me.
Just can’t with all the god beliefs references/ quotes/ phases. Many reviews stated this fact too. I wish I looked at the 2star reviews. Just not for me.
Great book to start your morning with
Well-written book with daily thoughts, to make you think about things.
A feel-good read.
I love this book. It was recommended to me while going through some life trials. But I do not think you need to be going through trials to get good from it. Such an enjoyable read. I may miss days or even weeks of reading it but that’s okay, you can just pick it up when you’d like and read the message for that day. I like that it is a book that doesn’t need to be read cover to cover. It’s a book that I see myself enjoying for years to come.
Wonderful wisdom
Bought for the second time. This time as a gift for a friend going through cancer treatment.
The Book of Awakening - three stars
Nepo has a way with poetic prose but that does not give him license to string words together in a disjointed way just to have a daily entry. When you have to read some entries over and over again to try and figure out what he is saying it defeats the purpose of creating a thoughtful meditation.
What a blessing!
I saw this book being carried around by a feisty yoga teacher a few weeks before purchasing it. I had never heard of it before and I had no awareness of it before that moment. The copy she was carrying was torn and dog eared and there were tabs galore sticking out of it, I spoke to me. Something about it called out to me. I listened and I am so happy that I did. This book is a gift! It is so affirming and honest, humbling and raw. Brilliant and kind. It will change you.
Great book BUT Damaged Item
The bk its self it great I have it in ebooks on Kindle. Mark Nepo is Great. BUT after looking over my order I DO believe I bought this bk NEW! This bk is damaged. Disappointed by Amazon.
Inspirational book that can be picked up and read on the whim. And you will not miss a beat.
As I was in my yoga class, one day my teacher was closing the class by reading from Mark Nepo's book. This book is written for each day of the year. So you can read it randomly. Just open on today's date and read inspirational short writing that can lead you through the day. I immediately decided to purchase a book for my own use. Can you guess what day I opened first - yes I opened the page for my birthday. There are writings in the book that are more powerful and inspiring than the one allocated fo rmy borthday, bit I have decided I enjoy it anyway. So now that I am yoga teacher myself, I turn the random page and read it to my students at the end of their shavasana.
Rocking my world...in a good way.
I don't often take the time to rate a book I have read. But, this one has rocked my world. After having been a Christian most of my life (even got "paid" to be one, working for a ministry for 20 years =), my spirituality shifted. I no longer am a Christian but I still long to fill that spiritual side of myself. So, for the past few years I have searched for a book that would really feed my soul. I have no idea what Mark Nepo's religious beliefs are. I think it may be intentional that he doesn't say. Maybe he, like me, is drawn to many spiritual truths and believes all can hold beauty and value. All I know is everyday his writing touches me, makes me think and slows me down for a few minutes to read and meditate on the mediation suggestions after each reading. I call this book my "non christian my utmost for his highest". If you have a Christian background, you will know what I am referring to! If you like me have been searching for something to feed your soul...this may be your book!
Profound, meaningful and life changing
Mark Nepo is an inspiration. This books daily readings don’t have to be read in order, and are touching on the deepest level. It’s a must have for each human!
Great for morning reflecting
This book is ideal for morning/daily reflections. I found almost every entry to be enlightening and applicable.
A year's worth of meditation suggestions
This author speaks in riddles, but riddles that we can understand. His poetry or quote before each chapter, is a unique way of writing a book and I commend him for being so brave to write it this way. You can really feel his passion in every word and his brush with death has really changed his perception on life. The only reason it did not get five stars from me is because the book didn't have much about the awakening process, which is what I was expecting from the title. Also, it is just not possible to read through the book and do every meditation technique that the author suggests. Nevertheless, this is an elegantly written book that will have me attempting a new meditation technique every day of the week.
I knew they were in good hands. A simple way to stay grounded while ...
My first copy of Mark Nepo's "The Book of Awakening" was a gift. I have gifted several since myself. It's full of "AHA" moments, a daily journey into the depth of one's soul. When I travel I may forget my undies but never my book. It's MY time each morning, going within and doing the exercises at the end of each daily reading. By the end of each year (simply start on the date it was received) beginning again each message makes even more sense. I have used a daily reading when I am a speaker. The day I read the message for June 26th to an audience nine people thanked me the next Sunday while lovingly holding their books and smiling. I knew they were in good hands. A simple way to stay grounded while digging deep beneath the surface of our own being. Thanks Mark
Perfect book
This book is amazing, the author even more so. The book is written in digestible sections, short enough to mean something to the reader. The insight the cancer survivor author has about the day to day life of being mindful is incredibly insightful. This book does reference a god, but it doesn't force religion, instead the author incorporated the spiritual beliefs of religions all over the world. An amazing book to help you understand that the life we have is precious and every moment should be enjoyed.
Simply lovely!
My original copy is dog-eared and highlighted...and tons of sticky notes marking pages. Not a day fails that I don't get some inspiration from the daily readings. It also comes with me to every yoga and meditation class I teach...I can always find something right on point to share. I am always asked at the end of class about the readings and I have recommended the book to many. I have also gifted several copies to friends and family.
Incredible daybook!
Borrowed this book from the library and found it such a lovely way to start the day that I had to have a copy. Very nearly every entry has something that reminds me, personally, of core spiritual realities. Not only is he connected to some basic, centering truths, but his poetic gifts profoundly inform his prose; there is a nearly endless procession of marvelous metaphors/stories. And each day has a brief, related meditative suggestion, though I admit I am more likely to read them thoughtfully than to actually "do" them. I begin the day in a more balanced way when I take a few minutes to "connect with Mark."
Lovely book but not for everyone.
Difficult to rate this type of book. It's a sort of self-help type of book. There's a reading for every day of the year analysing some emotional aspect of life. Some days you'll find the readings more relevant to your own personal situation than others. Some of the reading are quite deep and require slow and thoughtful reading. Depending on your particular circumstances / mood on any given day a reading may really speak to you or you may get very little from it. This is a lovely book and for me most of the time I get something from the readings. We are all very different and this is a very personal type of book so impossible really to recommend to someone you don't know well.
May or may not be to your taste.
Well written. Just not my cup of tea!
Yes, worth it, over and over again.
I have read this book for many years. Yes, you read that correctly. First, I was inspired. Now I see the layers of insight when I reread Mark Nepo's words. I appreciate having concise essays within the day book format and the quotes at the beginning of each have reminded me of, or introduced me to, great leaders and authors, of whom now I've read more. I'm often encouraged to look at situations in a new way and this book has truly "awakened" my spirit on many a still morning to move on into the day and evening. I received this book as a gift originally and have since bought and given it many times.
One of my favorites
One of my favorite daily readers. Thought provoking and great for discussion topics. I
Nourishment for Your Heart & Soul
This review is long overdue, for Mark Nepo’s “Book of Awakening” has been a gift, soothing balm and teacher in my life. He is a soulful, gentle and wide spiritual teacher. I’ve given this book to everyone I know and love. You, dear soul, will find it to be nourishment for your heart and soul! 🙏🏼
Best book for 2020
I rarely write reviews especially for books, but this book is a must for everyone. It’s helped me a lot with heartache and the author is so inspiring and optimistic. His words bring me daily peace.
Insightful and meditative
Nepo's reputation is outstanding. His writing is deep and thoughtful and pertains to all facets of living as a human being in an imperfect world. I liked the book so much I purchased another copy for a friend. A rich way to begin my day.
Great book great packing arrived soon
I have heard about this great book and finally ordered me two copies... one. For me one for my fav doctor friend! Arrived so fast and great packaging ❤️ Love it. Thank you
This book is a great book to read when starting your day as well ...
This book is a great book to read when starting your day as well as before falling asleep! It is well written super easy to read. This author has the power to give you a new perspective on life to appreciate yourself and all living beings that sorround you. Life is short, and we only get one, everything that lives has a purpose. Always love yourself and learn from your mistakes. I would recommend this book to everyone and anyone. This is the kind of book I would read over and over and over. It's got way too many stories to read back on. This inspiring book would make an awesome gift.
Insightful but not a smooth read
I enjoy reading self help books a lot, I find this one not such a smooth reading
I read it almost every morning! I have shared the passages with other friends as they seem more fitting for them. It’s a great little thing to add to my positivity upon waking.
It is ok
I guess it is ok. Read it for few weeks then just didn’t care. Probably it is just me, i just didn’t connect with it.
Useful for Self Reflection
Absolutely love this book. I have incorporated this into my daily routine. It’s thought provoking and helps with self reflection and inner growth.
Excellent writing and daily reading that makes you think..
I love this book. Mark has a way with words and his daily writings are really affecting. They make you think and I always meditate afterwards for a bit and think about what he has said. Gotten me through a few days where I needed it and now I have a daily habit of reading it in the morning. This is so wonderful.
A Must have!!! My bible.
Enlightening and fluid movement that is inspiring, peaceful, reflective, genuine and full of gratitude. I look so forward to opening this book. If I get behind by a week I always catch right up to get my "fix" of healthy minded balance. The author, Mark Nepo, is a gem and I cannot thank him enough for lifting me out of bed in the mornings and reading his poetry with my morning coffee. His expressions are so gentle, yet profound. I highly recommend every bit of this book for those that need inspiration and those that are also filled with gratitude. I reflect on a refreshing component each time I read. I have purchased this book for good friends and they all adore.
Mark Nepo reminds us to see beyond concepts to the deeper nature of our lives found in each moment. Absolutely recommend
Filled with peaceful pearls of wisdom
This book is filled with loving, beautiful, peaceful, life affirming pearls of wisdom by Mark Nepo. I had this book in my cart for several months but just recently purchased it. I am glad I did. As I go through chemo therapy I open and read from it every day. It helps me stay centered and helps put things in perspective. Someday, I hope to get where Mr. Nepo is in his self discovery. I know this book will help. Keep it by your nightstand.
Gift from Heaven
Through beautiful and inspiring daily readings, in the form of mediations, Mark Nepo, surprises us with an invitation to come along for a discovery journey of our inner Self; that Spirit that resides within but paradoxically is foreign to most. In addition, we gradually begin to open our hearts and soul to the beauty that surrounds us and to accept with gratitude our individual here and now. We all share a common thread... the "divine" that is within us and that usually gets buried and muted by the outside world that surrounds us with all of its material demands. I look forward to my daily "awakening" pause and consider his writing an inspiration from God and therefore a gift from heaven. Thank you.
Provocative & Inspiring
I first discovered this book when one of my yoga teachers read a passage from it during class. As I inhaled and exhaled, listening to the author's advice on how to survive a storm like a gull - by flying through it - I was greeted with a profound sense of peace. Such is the experience with every daily passage in The Book of Awakening. Whether you're feeling elated or despondent, anxious or exhausted, something in Nepo's writing will speak to you, changing your perspective on your world and yourself for the better. I've given this book as a gift on multiple occasions, to very different personalities, and am always thrilled to see how positively everyone responds to the author's message. Easily one of my favorite books of all time.
Soul Satisfying
I know I will return to this book often and gift it often. Mark - your words are so authentic and eloquent.
Daily in depth reminders of living life!
Each day there is a story that everyone can see themselves, with a kernal of knowledge that will turn that seed into a flowering life. I recommend this as a gift to those you love as well..I have used it for years, over and over. Such a perfect reminder how one can live life to your highest potential. MauiJOY
Everyone Needs A Copy
I have bought this book a number of times and also giving it as a gift. My husband and I read it daily, it never gets old. I love the insights, that it is thought provoking and something I can share with others
Great way to start the day!
I start each day with this book and find it calming, honest, inspiring and thought-provoking. A part of my morning routine I look forward to each day. Very happy to have it and will read it again and again.
I reccomend this book to anyone who is struggling with relationships and self esteem.
I have only been reading this book for about a week, but so far it has been on point! I find the passages very relatable and helpful. I bought it for the journaling group that I signed up for with my therapist. In a short time, it has helped me get through a crisis. I reccommend it to anyone who is struggling with relationships and self esteem.
Gifted Writer Adds Inspiration to Every Day
Our spiritual leader kept reading quotes from this book on meditation retreats, so I had to buy it. It is arranged in a way to have a reading for every day of the year. It has become a staple for my husband and me in our daily readings to nourish our minds and hearts. Mark's way with words is truly wonderful and the subject matter is often thought-provoking and worthy of discussion if you have the good fortune to have a partner who also resonates to this kind of enrichment in your lives. I gave in and bought it in hard cover and put it on my Kindle, as well, to save the weight when we travel.
Nothing new here unless you're new to this sort of daily spiritual reflective daily-reader
There are some pithy items here and there in this book, and if you're totally new to this sort of reading, it might be very good and useful, I'm sure. However, over the years I've read/used many of these sorts of "daily readers" ---some religious, some spiritual, some 12-step oriented --- and I feel that this one does not offer anything new or useful to me. So I'll give it a middle-of-the road 3-stars.
Life changing - beautiful book
Adds beautiful meaning to the normalcies of day to day life. Great coffee table book - flip to today's date!
This is by far and away the best daily meditation book I have ever read
This is by far and away the best daily meditation book I have ever read. Mark Nepo is a master at humility, tenderness of soul, and the bravery of living through cancer to seeing...to the other side. I read this book and it inspires me to live in the now...ness of my experiences. Like Finding Nemo, Finding Nepo gives me clarity of heart and courage to love...even in the darkest nights of my soul. I am a HUGE FAN. I buy for all my friends. Oprah you are soooo right!!!!! Mark is a brilliant and very talented poet as well. Reduced to Joy, 7,000 ways to Listen...Find Nepo for yourself. Best gift you could give...YOU.
Accurate book description!
Thrilled that description was so accurate. Shipped and arrived quickly. Very impressed with this company.
The Best Book EVER
I have read and reread this book many times. It's a daily read to focus on what is important in my life told in Mark Nepo's amazing poetic way. I can't even remember how many gifts of this book I have given to friends and they all love it too. I'm ordering more today because it's the best gift I can give to those I care about and love.
Addictive, in a good way
My teacher at coaching school gave me this book in 2006. For more that 4,380 days my day has started with Mark Nepo's daily passage, read from this battered paperback on my bathroom vanity. . As a career and life coach, I've given this book to at least 150 people, plus everyone of my friends and family. All the other praise you see is valid. I'll never stop reading and appreciating this amazing work.
Made my day!
This book was suggested by a friend, and I use it for my morning meditation. It arrived quickly, in great condition, and even contained a handwritten note! Thank you, Peter, you made my day a little brighter!
Inspirational book
The Book of Awakening is a daily meditative reader that is very thought provoking. Many of the reflections underscore an important aspect about our self, especially in relation to our physical and spirtual bodies. I would highly recommend it. Susan
Makes you think and feel about your life.
One of my sister's suggested this book. I love my copy. It is a day by day read or to just look through daily. I purchased one for one of our other sisters! Excellent book. Great gift!
... very reassuring to me that I am a lot like others in what I grapple with and how I ...
this is one of those books that you can never finish reading I keep going back and rereading chapters that are significant to me at different times I It is very moving to me and I appreciate the authors sharing of his knowledge and personal history I am getting a lot of informantion and peace of mind in reading it but mostly It is very reassuring to me that I am a lot like others in what I grapple with and how I get in my own way most of the time I recommend this book for anyone wanting more spirituality in their life ...
I find this book such a great way to approach each coming day
I find this book such a great way to approach each coming day. Some daily messages/meditations resonate with me more that others, but all have something to offer. Also I think even the ones that seem to have less to say to me at this time may very well have more to say to me next year when I'm going through it again. The impact is the meeting of what the passage is saying with where I am in my life at that moment.
Melinda Gates Recommendation
He has some points but wouldn't be my favorite books. It's a daily journal of affirmations and things to think about.
A great way to start your day off right
Bought because my therapist recommended it. Really resonated with me so I bought another for my daughter and now we do a daily devotional and coffee together over the phone. What a blessing.
It’s ok
For me I didn’t care for it. I expected to read a book not what seemed like a diary. I just expected something different.
Daily devotional - a happy place
I ordered this daily devotional for both myself and my sister, as we are both going through major life changes now. It is a beautiful way to start the day and it gives you an exercise each day to focus your awareness and be thankful for each day. We enjoy sharing thoughts around the topics most days. The product arrived as quickly as promised. Received 4 stars instead of 5 because some days the exercises seem a bit too far into the clouds. But I just adjust it down to a more realistic picture and I still enjoy the thoughts and the book.
Could Not Live Without This
I heard of this book on the Oprah Show and decided it might be a good thing to read a little something everyday to help live life. And to my utter surprise this has been such a wonderful gift to my life. I could not spend a day without this wise and knowledgeable advice. It brings me back to the REAL world and what is really important. I have sent several friends and family copies and they could not thank me enough. You will be so pleased with this book. It is a short daily message that is so packed with wonderful life messages that we all need to remember to grow spiritually. And yet is is such a down to earth read.
Non secular wisdom for today's living
My third year of reading Nepo's Awakening. For two years I read it on the day to day pattern as it is written. Now I'm opening it at random and reading without structure. It's thought provoking either way, every single time. Nepo's touch is light, no blame no games. It's a gift I give to special friends.
Really calming and inspiring.
Wasn't sure how i was going to feel about this... was worried it would be corny or too short or whatever else. Totally pleasantly surprised! I don't listen to it all the time, every couple weeks I'll pop it into my laptop and listen for a while. It really is soo beautiful and inspirational. Really great for a sensitive person like myself who finds themselves easily shaken up by life's events and misfortunes. I'm 22 for reference, but i think this could be an awesome gift for anyone even in high school or much older than myself, it's very universal.
Beautifully written. Poignant.
This is an excellent, poignant, beautifully written book. I got it from a friend at first, then bought another for a friend. Particularly good for daily meditation. Many references to nature-- trees, water, birds-- and references to life after battling cancer.
This book is very nice. It's thought provoking
This book is very nice. It's thought provoking, gives you ideas for living an awakened life. Mr. Nepo used all kinds of life experiences and little stories and I found myself reading more than one a day. It's formatted by dates and months so you can read a story a day if you wish, but there's so much good stuff I keep reading a lot more! I think it's a great read.
Book of Strained Metaphors
There are moments of great insight mixed with really strained metaphors. I think a strong editor would have allowed for a better book. I find myself rolling my eyes at how spun out they get. It's nice to have a daily meditation. I agree with another reviewer for pointing out the religious undertones. I would also add he's a cancer survivor so he talks about his illness as well. Just to be noted for others.
Pages keep falling out from binding
This book has fallen apart within the first week of getting it . Started with a just a page and i thought whatever I’ll just deal. But now there’s like 30 pages that have completely come out of the binding. Frustrating and so sad because I absolutely love this book. The actual reading material itself is 5stars. But the construction of the book is 1star. So just be warned...you may be holding your book together while reading your daily affirmation.
Must Have.
Just get this.
This book was recommended to me by a friend. I love it. I put aside 15-20 minutes every morning to read and ingest Mark's writing and his message. I love how he phrases and how deep I feel his message. He truly hits my emotional sense of worth and truth. I recommend his book to all my friends and I even call some and read the message for that day. I have also ordered and received another of his books and I read from that every day. I truly believe that he and I have lived a parallel life. I gave it a 5 star rating but I would have given a 10. Truly remarkable.
Love this book!
This is one of my favorite books of all time. The insight and the daily thoughts are beautiful. I buy this all the time for friends and loved ones. This is a gem.
Awakening Every Day
Reading The Book of Awakening every morning is like finding a soul mate every day. It helps me focus on what is important in having a good life. It helps me stay in the present. It has given me some insights and answers that have helped me tremendously with my own awakening. Mark Nepo is a fabulous writer. His prose makes me connect with his stories and experiences. Every day he is helping me get through my grief. Finding this book in the last four months was perfect timing in my life. I love the book so much, I bought it for me two best friends.
A beautiful gift for yourself or a loved one. Dated daily essays to ponder along with daily exercises to strengthen those spiritual muscles. I'm admittedly a biased huge fan of Mark's writing. I've never bought a daybook before and didn't realise that's what this was when I purchased it. If I'd known I might have missed out on a treasure. It is structured with dates but there is no year so this book can be read and re-read year after year and I'm sure each read will reveal another level of wisdom. If you're on the fence about making this purchase, I'm sure you won't be sorry if you decide yes, and there's no reason to wait until the beginning of a year to buy it.
Very uplifting
This book is full of great ideas and perspectives. It helps me start my day in a positive way by helping me meditate and reflect. There is a short for entry for each day and then the book asks you to reflect on the topic. It only takes 5-10 minutes and has improved my positivity and spirituality.
wow, very nice
i have been a (badly) practicing buddhist for many years, and i cannot seem to find a teacher for my practice, so i am always looking for new information to use. i only just received this book, and read the 1st several entries. i was put off at 1st by the division into days. but then i realized that didnt matter, it isnt like you need to take a full year to read something. but i can if i want to or need to. it is well-written, the information is fresh and nice and helpful. so far, that is all i can say. i am sure i will be able to say so much more in 6 months.
My morning ritual
I read each daily mediation every morning and soak in the message. It's become a ritual with my coffee and a way to set my day with positivity and intention. Big guide for practicing gratitude, I won't even look at my iphone until I read this because I want me day started off right!
Mark Nepo is a great writer, very insightful.
A daily read to start the day. I've already ordered a second one for a friend and recommended it to others.
Beautifully written
Love this book already!
daily doses of wisdom
Amazingly almost each day delivers a new wisdom, understanding or teaching. I have found great value in this book, so much so that I have already purchased more as gifts. Mark Nepo speaks directly to your soul and it would be worth your while to listen. Each day's reading seems to hit right upon something I was grappling with and then makes sense of it for me. I have never been a "affirmation" fan, however, with this book I look forward to receiving my daily dose of enlightenment. Will be of great value for years to come as we are all part of the ongoing too-human condition and will continue to have questions and doubts. Very grounding.
Gifted a friend
Great day-by-day book
I love this book. I've read it day by day for years. Now I'm sharing it with a friend.
Eacd day is a new beginning
Each day I start with my reading of 3 books: The Devotional Bible by Max Lucado, New Beginnings...Walking With Christ Daily, and Awakenings by Mark Nepo. The ability to center my being for what lies ahead is strengthed through the reading of these 3 books. Mark's poetic exploration of who we are in the world we live in is filled with a clarity and beauty beyond any other work I have read. He is honest, humble, and encouraging. I am grateful to have his words each morning. God gives us a gift through Mark's writing that encourages us to enjoy His present and His presence :)!
Nepo is a poet who has been through what most of us of a certain age have been through--failed relationships, illness, disappointments, as well as joy and success. His take on all these things is inspiring, and I use the book as intended--as a daily reading to start my day. Some of the entries are worthwhile and uplifting and insightful, others less so. Overall, the book is a welcome addition to my library of books to sustain the spirit.
One of my favorite books that I read again and again
Wonderful and full of insights that are ever-deepening as I evolve. Highly recommend for anyone with a spiritual practice, even if you're just starting it.
Hands Down My Favorite Daily Read
It is difficult to explain how wonderful this book is. Over the years I have had many inspirational books with daily readings, but none has been as powerful as this one. There has not been a day when I have been unmoved by Nepo's observations. He has a unique way to touch the heart, to open the eyes. Mark Nepo is a gift. I read a few pages of a friend's copy and loved it so much, I had to have my own. Since then, I have purchased several as gifts. I think everyone needs this book.
It Makes You Think
This book has many original insights about life which get you think about it in a fresh and aware way. It's great to read a short essay for the day, which is followed by questions. I love to underline and write in the book as I think about how it applies to my experience. It's obvious the author has thought about life, spirituality, and what matters a lot. It jolts you out of unaware or routine thoughts. It will be fun to read over and over each year as you grow, absorb and apply the lessons.
Fantastic Book for short daily inspiration!
My favorite daily guide! Gave these books to daughters, mom and friend! They love it!
I have given dozens of these books of Awakening to friends & Family over the years and can only express deep gratitude for the b
I can only say that this book will uplift and enrich your life. I have given dozens of these books of Awakening to friends & Family over the years and can only express deep gratitude for the balanced views of heart & mind integration that keep these fresh inspirations as a daily read & reminder to enjoy every golden moment of life! Many Thanks to kindred Spirit Mark Nepo for his wonderful touching human wonder bundles to stimulate Joy!
This is a beautiful, thought and emotion provoking start to every day!
This book is absolutely PHENOMENAL. It was brought to my attention last year, and I have not yet made it through an entire year of the readings. However, I can hardly WAIT each day for the next day's meditation. So grateful for this author and his words of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration. My favorite day to day reading EVER.
Read it every day.
Food for thought. A great source of inspiration and guidance. But Amazon won't let me start reading again this 1st day of the New Year until I write a review. The book us great. Being held hostage to write a review isn't. Happy New Year and Brave New World.
awesome book
This is the kind of book I will read and re-read for years to come. Each time I read it, something I need to hear or think of is there. Mark Nepo is not only an insightful writer but a poetic one also. I find myself often commenting, "How did he think to say that in that way?" The reader can tell the Nepo has dealt with his own struggles and feels a connection with his readers. This is a great book to give as a gift too. It is spiritual without being "too religiously" written in a way that can sometimes turn people away from the message of grace.
good read
good read
Wonderful way to start your day
Glad I did not listen to the negative reviews, because this book is like a GPS to get in touch with your inner self. It's not preachy, no particular religious bend, just a wonderful soothing and understandable guide. If anybody objects to an occasional mention of his survival of cancer then they lack empathy - because thru his pain he reached such understanding of the human mind and what it is capable of. A wonderful read and I ordered another copy for a friend, who also loves it and reads it every morning to start her day like I do.
Great book!
Lovely book to pick up every now and then. Great read, especially if you teach yoga and want to set an intention for the class. I love the size and feel of the book too. Highly Recommended! I even got my friend a copy.
A True Gift
An amazing daily gift to yourself.
My new Bible
Each article in this book guides me in ways that I have not been guided before. The words are living words and as I read I connect with them. I maybe encountering an area of confusion or darkness in my day, and when I pick up the book and read a section relating to a similar experience, lo and behold, I find I am guided. I can now observe the self-same area of confusion, but this time, in a different way. The guided meditations work. As I said, these are living words, and they trans-form. Thank you very much for an excellent piece of work. This book is one of my very special guiding lights.
Best book ever!!
The Book of Awakening: Having the life you want by being present in the life you have, is the best book I have ever purchased. I also bought a copy for a friend who recently lost her son. The messages have empowered us both and have guided us on a fantastic journey to being present in the world today and allows us to let go of the pain of yesterday and be here and present in today. If everyone would purchase this book AND practice the lessons and meditations each and every day...it is my belief with practice and dedication the world would be a much better place to live in.
the writing made me well up because it was perfect for how I was feeling that day
My yoga instructor reads snippets of this book during shavasana. More than once, the writing made me well up because it was perfect for how I was feeling that day. So I bought the book and have been reading it daily. I love the format, as a daily reader that provides me with just the right about of insight for my day. It's changing my daily walk.
Enlightenment Abounds!
The best book I have purchased in YEARS!
Well worth the daily devotion
This is a book I give as a gift to all of the people in my life I care about. Nepo takes us on a journey to see the world through new eyes. This is especially a good source for those who are beginning to use meditation as a daily practice in their lives. I keep it in stock on my shelf and constantly hand it to someone who I feel will benefit from the daily devotions. My own copy is worn, stained and filled with sticky notes, just like my life.
Most profound book I've ever read
Mark Nepo changed my life with his approach of daily affirmations. Each day you read this book, it's amazing how meditative it is. I found myself relating parts of my day back to what Mark recommended as the lesson for that day. Filled with heartfelt commentary and applicable wisdom for practicing meditation every day.
Powerful, touching, beautiful book.
This book is so spot on, so beautifully written and shared from the heart and soul. I am so happy a friend told me about it. I find great peace, serenity, insight and love reading this book each night.
Fantastic Book
I love this book I recommend it for any cancer survivors or anyone going through something rough! It is a page by page inspirational journal that you actually read the page you are on. It is written by a cancer survivor. It refocuses your attention on what you can control rather than what may currently be out of your control.
Deep Soul Retrievals
I love the deep soul that is reflected in the profound poems of Mark Nepo! I also bought Mark Nepo's book for a dear friend's birthday
Meditative and Honest
I have purchased this book more than once because I give it away to friends. I also have a digital copy so I can read it anytime. The daily entries and self work inspire me. I often read more than one per day. Wherever I open the book, it seems to have relavance for my life. A meditative and honest book. I highly recommend it.
Daily guide to start the day
A friend gave me this book as a thank you for spending a few nights with me in an unexpected flight problem. I love it, each day I can read something that is "just right" for that day and it takes a moment of my time. She gave it to me because she loves it so and she and I are on the same "wave length" in life. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a daily reading.
Heartfelt thank you to Mark Nepo
This book has been a staple to grounding my soul and bringing perspective, peace and reason to life. I recommend it to everyone and am deeply grateful for the wisdom shared as it has enriched my experience on earth tremendously. Thank you Mark Nepo, you are a grande gift to this planet.
So happy I ordered this book!
I bought this book for my galfriends, myself, and my daughter. We are all impressed and learning from it. Mark Nepo's writing style is calming and magical. Some of the dailies are more profound than others. They are all thought-provoking and have prompted discussions. I just love the book and have learned so much in just the 29 days I've been reading it. Look forward to it everyday and ALWAYS feel a sense of peace after the meditation. I rarely write reviews, but I think this book is truly valuable (in my humble opinion) and want others to know this. Thank you, Mr. Nepo!
This book is an amazing gem. Filled with powerful and beautiful writings that ...
Wow! Where to begin! This book is an amazing gem. Filled with powerful and beautiful writings that stir the soul and wake the sleeping wisdom within. This man speaks my language, but much more eloquently than I am capable of. I know this book will be in my life for many years to come. Don't miss the opportunity to dig deep into your own healing and growth through his powerful words.
Life at it's most beautiful
This is one of my favorite books - EVER. I read it with warmth and joy and it never ceases to fill me with simplicity, happiness and comfort because it is so real. I would be so honored to meet this man, who can pull back the skin and share his soul, thereby touching the universal soul in all of us. It is a very special book, and one I will always treasure, with little bits of wisdom and enlightenment about true presence and all that we gain from it. I highly recommend it and it has become one of my favorite gifts!
A book to slow down. A book that holds your heart with love. A book that eases the mind. Thank you
Absolutely the Best book I've ever read
This book is without a doubt one of the best books I've ever read. It's a daily devotional book, however, I've read through the entire year, and I'm on my second read through right now. Mark Nepo writes so eloquently that one day at a time is not enough...I had to read more. Each page is filled with enlightenment, awakenings & feelings that I can relate to fully. I would highly recommend this book to anyone & have! I purchased 10 books so I could give to family & friends. LOVE this book!!
Absolutely love this book
Absolutely love this book. Mark Nepo is one of my favorite authors - he definitely has the knack for writing. I have made it a part of my morning ritual to read the message for the day and it has made a difference in how I look at the way my day unfolds. Great book to give as a gift!
A Great Reminder to Live in the Moment
This is the second time that I am reading this precious book. The first time, I was new to New Thought and this book was rich with teachings on how to live each moment even through and especially through challenging times. Now, reading it for the second time, I get to see how far I have come in the last 12 years in learning to be just who I am and this book now serves as a reminder as well as a way for me to go deeper into my experience of life. A truly thoughtful and joyful daily read.
My new daily reading and meditation book. Love it!!!
Superb Self-Help
This book was a gift to me and I love it so much,I sent it to two close friends. Mark Nepo is a poet,a very spiritual person and a very soothing purveyor of very important material Having problems shaking some very bad and hurtful memories? Having problems with achieving and holding onto self-confidence? Having problems coping with the Spiritual and/or Emotional part of you? Trying to achieve peace somehow,somewhere ? Wanting to lead a more fulfilling life? This book,I believe,holds your answers. Stick with it,and I believe,you will achieve a magical joy!
A very special book
This book serves as a great daily companion to assist you in living your life to the fullest potential. It’s the type of book where it’s many messages will stick with you for a lifetime
I believe very much in the "Living in the Now" philosophy and have enjoyed several books on the subject. But this one just didn't work for me. While the essays are short, easily read in two or three minutes, they usually left me with a "meh" feeling. Each essay is followed by a few suggestions for meditative contemplation, but after reading, I did not feel particularly compelled to engage in them. Perhaps the rather poetic style put me off, as I am not a lover of poetry. For a book like this, though, reviews are rather worthless, as it is a matter of personal appeal that varies widely from one reader to the next. The best way to decide if you want to buy it is to find a few excerpts; if one or two work for you, the rest probably will too, and ditto for the opposite.
This book is a perfect fit!
I use this book every morning for my meditation. It has been wonderful for me, offering much introspective contemplation. I instruct yoga & meditation classes. I often use this wonderful book in my classes. In fact one of my students received this book as a gift, loved it so much she gifted me with a copy & this purchase is for my good friend. Thank you Mark for sharing your adventure which has positively impacted so many lives, helping us live through ours!
Great book
My friend loved it :)
Helpful Thoughts...
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book...actually it is on my nightstand and I am reading a chapter every few days. I love the practices. I wanted this book to help me grow and relax and develop more of my potential. I wanted it to ease my mind with easy relaxing practices and it is really doing that. I read it at night and again in the morning and practice the exercises. They are not difficult but they are showing me more of myself.
Good, nourishing words on these pages
I love this book. It’s refreshing and soothing, with thoughtful messages for every day that are beautifully delivered.
This is a must read!!!
The Book of Awakening was so much more than I expected. I had been struggling with some issues in my life that I couldn't seem to let go. Through the daily lessons in this amazing book, not only did I learn how to deal with the issues, I learned things about myself, and in turn learned how to face the world with a whole new appreciation for myself, others and the joy of just "being." Mark Nepo did an amazing job of showing me how to find the wonder in all things.
Makes you put life in perspective.
I love this book. Mark makes you think about life in a way that puts eveything in a different perspective. He makes you see how your view on situations can change your day for the better. Once you learn to look at your day and situations differently you begin to enjoy more and realize what a gift every day is. He has a short story and meditation for every day of the year. Read this every day and it will help start your day on a positive note.
Mark Nepo is the best
Love Mark Nepo! Have gifted this book to several people who have loved it.
Highly recommended
I have this in paperback and kindle. I refer to it all the time and read a passage to my kids before bed which they look forward to. It always is good for Inspiration to share in yoga class and with friends who like to talk about the things that matter.
... from the library and thought it would be a wonderful daily guide to morning meditation and purchased a copy ...
i first got this from the library and thought it would be a wonderful daily guide to morning meditation and purchased a copy for myself. I am amazed at how often the topic for the day is just what I need and I have an immediate sense of synchrony with my life. I don't always use the author's meditation exactly but I savor the time I spend thinking about the topic.
Mark Nepo is an amazing and gifted author who has done his own inner ...
Mark Nepo is an amazing and gifted author who has done his own inner work and lived his own life with practice and awareness every step of the way. I have bought this book for countless friends and first heard about it from a friend ofinr who is an acupuncturist and keeps this book in the lobby of her office. I find wisdom with each day and you will, too. Highly recommended! ^_^
it is such a great way to ground
I have given this book to countless people. it is such a great way to ground. It is a simple thought-provoking message daily. Everyone loves receiving it. I received it first as a gift 3 years ago it is still part of my daily practice.
Life Changing.
Life Changing. I don't know what else to say. Loved it so much I bought one as a gift. And even though it was March I include the matching calendar, which is a joy all it's own.
Juicy Self Discovery in a Book
Beautiful, helping me to move into my self care and personal power. Combining this with journaling, meditation, and essential oils to raise my vibe . @exist_brightly to connect
Excellent daily reflections and meditations.
An excellent daily reading and reflection. I almost always find something that is useful. Nepo seems to have an insight to the universal issues that touch all of us. I highly recommend it for anyone who is wanting personal growth and a gentle, thought provoking daily message.
Important Book for Life.
One of the most important books that will come into your life. Well thought and the introspective of life is by far one of the most enlightening works out there for people who are thirsty for it.
A gift for eac day of the year
I have this book and ordered a copy for my daughter, who loves it. Each day has an inspirational and practical message that reminds us of what really is important. This is a great book for anyone who is struggles with illness and or pain be it emotional or physical.
Worth reading
Helpful and enjoy reading a passages every day
... the stories are interesting but overall this book is pretty dumb with a lot of advice like
Some of the stories are interesting but overall this book is pretty dumb with a lot of advice like: "Sit quietly and envision x, y, z. Ponder it. Relate it to your life." Deep, very deep dude. Think of something in your life that is like a rock with someone pouring water over it. Ponder the water. Ponder the rock. Think about how they relate to a situation in your life. I didn't get a whole lot from that kind of dribble and I am pretty annoyed at Oprah for talking this up and tricking me into buying it. Seriously lowers my respect for Oprah. I thought she was semi intelligent. But no matter. I am leaving this book in my community laundry mat. Maybe someone else will appreciate it more than I do. But I seriously doubt it.
GREAT book
This book is 100% worth buying. I am amazed every day by it and it really has helped me. I had insomnia and I believe THIS book helped me find my way and rid my negative energy. 11/10 recommend.
Everyone needs to read this amazing book
It doesn't matter your age, how many bad or good experiences you have in your life, we will all feel small and vulnerable if we face the possibility of death, our last chance to do what we never did before, our last chance to love and forgive ourselves, our last chance to live life without fear. Thank you Mark Nepo for sharing with us your most intimate thoughts, life for me will never be the same.
Seeking clarity
Very motivational
Don't know
This book is wonderful, I cannot count the number of times I've read this book. It is magical and nourishment to the soul. I feel so free and alive each new day. Mark thank you. To be here and to realize for the first time,that you never left is beautiful. Namaste.
Fantastic book...I read a passage each morning when I wake and it puts me in a great frame of mind!
Excellent. Look forward to reading the daily text as ...
Excellent. Look forward to reading the daily text as a part of my daily routine. It inspires me, centers me, and is filled with so much wisdom and love it is often very moving and stays with me through out my whole day. Highly recommended it, and plan to give copies as presents as I want to share something so special.
Daily reflections
I'm only a few months into this book which gives a reading/reflection for each calendar day of the year but have found the daily notes to be insightful and useful. The readings are followed by exercises/meditations on each day's topic. I enjoy it with my first cup of coffee of the day!
I recommend this book
I originally purchased these books to give as Christmas Presents to two very close friends. My friends loved the book so much, they purchased it for me! This book offers short ,thoughtful, insightful and sometimes revelating daily readings that can change the fabric of your day. I recommend this book to anyone actively engaged in seeking to live every day increasing their capacity to see, hear, and listen more deeply and with greater compassion for one and all...
Beautiful - Peaceful - Spiritual
This little book is one of the most beautiful parts of my day! Each morning, with my cup of coffee, I curl up in my favorite corner of the couch for a few moments of some quiet time with Mark Nepo. I have read many spiritual books and this is by far my favorite book! I highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to start their day (or end their day) with a beautiful poet.
A beautiful, non denominational, daily meditation guide.
This book helped me focus and find peace while going through a painful divorce. I read it mainly on days I was struggling. I put it down for about six months and came back to it last month. Since I was past the initial turmoil of the divorce, the book seemed to speak to a different life stage I was encountering. I liked this book so much, I ordered a copy for my Mother.
A classic
My yoga teacher reads us a quote from this during Shavasana. I'm not a fan of daily devotionals and self-help books. They often feel too much like homework. This little gem always seems to be right on time. While it doesn't solve my problems, it lets me know I'm not alone in how I feel.
A Must Read
I am truly enjoying this book and will keep it forever. Mark Nepo has a way of taking you to a place within yourself that you need to be aware of. The passages in this book inspire me continually, their meaning is deep and profound. This book has helped me through difficult times, but has also reminded me of the necessary practice of mindfulness and the interconnectedness of all beings. I really cannot say enough about this book. A must have.
Beautiful Gift
Mark is a gift to us all. So many beautiful lessons to be learned, highly recommend!
This book has become apart of my daily self-care ritual!
I could write a long review but I'll just say this book is amazing. I use it daily and it is apart of my daily ritual for self-care. You need this book!
Inspirational! A book for all!
I chose to give this book a 5 star rating because it kept me turning the pages. It has provided me with insight, stories and comfort. Since I started to read this book I have shared many of its pages, stories and sayings with family, friends and co-workers of all faiths and walks of life. It is a precious gem that I will read again and again!
I have read this book daily for several years as ...
I have read this book daily for several years as a daily practice. Mark Nepo truly has a gift of inspiration, reflection and creativity . He captures your curiosity and mirrors my inner thoughts. I have shared this book with only my closes friends as a gift .
Great book on life
I’m working my way through the chapters but I’m amazed at how the book relates to me and my journey
Poetic Inspiration
Keep this book by your bedside, and it will be a source of daily inspiration for years. The Book of Awakening has passages for each day of the year. While I do not always read daily, I have found that I am returning to the book with some regularity year after year. I have purchased a copy for a friend, and believe it makes a beautiful gift for those special people in your life.
An everyday reminder of what is important
I have a number of books that I refer to for contemplation and when a dear friend sent me this book I immediately loved it and added it to my "go to" collection. Mark Nepo is very insightful and has a poetic and loving way of portraying the many aspects of human thoughts and behavior. He hits the mark (no pun intended) over and over for me. I have already given his book to another dear friend and downloaded it to my Kindle.
Excellent read! Havent been able to make a habit ...
Excellent read! Havent been able to make a habit of reading one passage daily but every passage I have read so far is inspiring and great! Makes an excellent coffee table book or a personal reference / self help kind of book. Highly recommended!
Un-ending joys
I will enjoy this daily reader for years to come. The deep, beautifully written passages contain lessons too rich to be fully adopted in a single reading. The meditations so glorious they beg to be repeated. I'm sure these pages have blessed me and will continue to.
This is a beautiful book. For those of us who don't have ...
This is a beautiful book. For those of us who don't have time to dedicate to a 20/min/day or more meditation practice I think this is the next best thing. Every daily entry has a short meditation to help get you centered for your day and/or clarity on the issue at hand. You won't be disappointed!
Thought provoking and insightful. At certain times it's as if day by day he wrote this while watching my present day activities, struggles and triumphs, unfold.
Love it
I wasn't aware it was a daily read but I have read it cover to cover and reread it for the day. I also like the index in the back
The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have
Extremely well written, almost as if an enligheded poet decided to write a how to book on the meaning of life that ordinary people can understand. This is a must read book for anyone trying answer the questions, why me, why now or what does all this mean? If you have ever been in search of yourself, or your higher self, this book will put you on the path. But you have to do the work.
Can't recommend it enough!! It is wonderful!
This book was a gift to me and I have since gifted it to 4 others.Daily readings set the tone for a better day. It is inspiring,energizing, yet calming, and enlightening! I often use it as a resource when planning my yoga classes, but I also share excerpts in notes to friends when they are challenged with life. Mark Nepo opens his heart and pours out words that cleanse and refresh like water for a thirsty soul.
Very insightful book
Love this book! Helps put things in perspective.
Wonderful Uplifting Book
I have had this book for years and continue to give it as a gift. I start my day with a reading. Very thought provoking, well written and inspiring.
Fabulous book!!
Love this book. It’s a key to self insight and acceptance of the world around you.
I don't want to put it down.
I haven't read to much of this book yet but I am already inspired. Like most mindfulness books it's a mix of short stories and proverbs. It also offers helpful tips for meditation and exercises you can do alone or with a partner at the end of every section. I would recommend this book for sure.
Mark Nepo is an amazing writer and shares his life lessons with a story ...
I read this book every day. Mark Nepo is an amazing writer and shares his life lessons with a story that frequently relates to what I'm going through. If you're looking for something that will guide you daily through your year I think you'll really enjoy the messages Mark shares.
A book to live by......
Life gives me challenges, hurdles I have to get over. I turn to this book for guidance, for strength and to help to me continue on this journey called "life." These pages filled with TRUTH, calm me, the words enter into my being and soothe my soul. I cherish this book, and believe anyone who picks it up and begins to read and respond to Mark's words will feel the same way as I do!
Must read
It’s an amazing book. The words in the book lets you pause for a moment and see your inner transformation journey.
Reading now
Reading it now.
Mark Nepo's poetic writing goes straight to the soul
Such a beautiful book. I love starting or ending my day with Mark Nepo's reflections. His poetic writing goes straight to the soul. This is a gem of a book I am so glad to have discovered. Since starting to read it daily a few months ago, I have probably given away a dozen copies as gifts - and will continue to do so.
I love and cherish this book! I find meaning and uplifting messages in every day's reading. I'm not an overly spiritual person but going through a terrible time when I came across this decided to check it out. I can't count how many of the days I have opened this book to read my daily affirmation/meditation and found great comfort and lessons. Absolutely perfect for someone going through a rough patch in life....
walking the spiritual path with practical feet
Mark Nepo has a way of connecting with what I have experienced in life but have not been able to find words to express. His writing and his wisdom go deep and connect on a soul level. He is amazing and this book never fails, each day, to impart some wisdom that I can take into the world in a concrete way. This book truly helps me to walk the mystical path with practical feet.
but mostly I love the way his book opens my heart and my ...
Mark Nepo is with me every morning because of the daily ways he encourages me in the Book of Awakenings to look within, to center, to breath and to believe. His ideas and suggestions are profound and fresh to me. Sometimes he can get a little too deep, but mostly I love the way his book opens my heart and my eyes. Love it.
Filled with exquisite attention to words selected with great care, delicately arranged in a prose that leaves ...
Mark Nepo captures the heart's soul unlike any other before him. Filled with exquisite attention to words selected with great care, delicately arranged in a prose that leaves one nestled comfortably inside one-self enjoying life's full spectrum - searching for more.
Thought for the Day
Inspirational thoughts for the day that I've been reading before I go to sleep for several years, each year dog earring pages that resonate with me. Always thought provoking.
A new way in
To all who set foot on a spiritual journey (and who among us has not?) Mark will surprise you with words, stories, thoughts and suggestions that have never entered your heart before. Although my own journey is one of many starts, stops, and years, I have learned to be still and go deep within. Mark's words meet me there then propel me. This book will never sit on my shelf.
This is my favorite way to start my day.
I love this book. It is a collection of 365 daily stories that really shed some peace and contemplation on the day. I bought it originally in paperback which I shlepped back and forth to wherever every day. Now I have it in the kindle edition and it is easier to take with me and not so heavy. Definitely a great read if you are following a spiritual journey.
A delicious book that inspires me daily
I love these words of wisdom from Mark Nepo. He offers not only daily guidance and insights into life, but also meditations for each one. It never fails that his words land a direct hit when I need it most.
Great way to start the day
Beautifully written with touching stories, insights, poetry and meditations. A favorite for several of my closest friends and family. I purchased this one as a gift and it was a hit. He sometimes calls me and reads passages that were particularly meaningful to him.
This book for me is amazing I need to help in my Christian walk because ...
This book for me is amazing I need to help in my Christian walk because sometimes Christianity tries to put you in a box in this book lets me be a Christian and a universe that excepts all people
Amazing buy
Daily meditation. Beautiful coffee table book and love the daily readings.
A Must
This is by far the best daily reader I have ever read. I am so grateful a friend recommended this to me. So far each daily read has left me with a sense of "WOW!" His writing is deeply profound and the messages go straight to my heart. He also includes a short meditation after each read which carry the message even further. You will be amazed...I love this book!
Buy The Hardcover Version
A friend shared this with me as part of her morning meditation practice. This book has deep cutting insights and spiritually awakening messages with small actions to take each day to help them live in my life. Simply fabulous. It's part of my morning routine now. And buy the hardcover version. It has a nice built in book mark.
Once you start to read you daily mediation it becomes part of you. Your desire to know yourself and be true to yourself. Own all the hurt and flying emotions that come along with it. Become more aware of what life and hardships that come along the way. Be ready and start that walk that will make you become whole again. Open yourself to all the good and bad that life brings. Learn from it.
No wonder Oprah gave this as one of her "Favorite Things"!!
This book is becoming a study group for my friends! We are sharing the impact of holding our Intention on the profound wisdom for each day. Every day I open the book and read what is written for that particular day and it is changing all our lives for the better!! We take responsibility for our beliefs, thoughts and actions and CHOOSE consciously where our attention is throughout the day, this book is such an amazing tool for transformation!
Heart opening.
Wonderful daily reminder of how to live a full life
This book is amazing
I love this book. The daily message with meditation practice has brought me so much peace. Would recommend if you are looking for a new way to examine an old world.
Starting the New Year
The New Year arrived and I was searching for the perfect book to put my mind in the present. As a woman I prided myself on multi tasking, and I was good at it. I could cook dinner, do the the laundry and help with homework. And then I had a thought, I am not present in any of it. This book will help you pause on subjects you have not thought of it awhile.
We have purchased 15 copies as gifts we love it so much
This book greets our family each morning. Our original copy is falling apart from use. Know who ever uses it as a guide each day with be filled with the renewed hope that our family has found. We have purchased 15 copies as gifts we love it so much. Dwight Avis and Judith Stover