The Beast's Beauty (The Beauty and the Beast Book 1)

Kindle Edition
10 Feb
R. Phoenix
“No one will ever look past these scars.”

Once a popular singer, Griffin lost everything to a fire. Society cast him aside when it became clear he was no longer handsome. Sure that no one will ever see beyond the scars that have ruined half of his body, he turns to desperate measures to find companionship.

“How can I do anything but surrender?”

Kidnapped because of his looks, Ryder is delivered to Griffin to become anything his master wants him to be. He is repeatedly forced to choose between humiliation and worse. Each time he obeys Griffin, a piece of him breaks away. Can he truly refuse when every option is worse than the next?

In this psychological drama, two men struggle with their definitions of what society labels beauty as opposed to a beast… and they learn that the true definition of beauty might not be as clear as they’d thought.

Reviews (40)

Great series

It starts out kinda dark and after the first one your almost not sure how you feel about their progress. You start debating with yourself, how the author is gonna pull this off. Then she does. This author is really good about getting into the Chara gets mindsets and letting us experience the weird transformation and odd compromises they're forced into, to have what they want. Loved it. If you haven't read this author before, it has kidnapping and a warning a dubcon but the whole story is about rebuilding Ryder so one day he will love him. So Griffin resists doing anything Rider doesn't want sexually because he doesn't wanna push too far. He wants a partner whether he realizes it or not.

I don't even like puppy play

I don't even like puppy play, but this was good. An interesting mix between horror and a dark Stockholm romance - this was a good read for anyone who enjoys captive books and dark romances. I hope there is a book 2.

Twisted in the best ways

Griffin is twisted and he knows it. He is even somewhat concerned with his twisted behavior, just not enough to stop/change it. Ryder (Toby) is young and snarky (with very good reason) and scared and trying very hard to keep some part of his "self" safe and sane but Griffin is taking him apart piece by piece. I want so much for him to remain intact, for him to keep his soul true and as whole as possible. I also want him to somehow reach Griffin and find a way to be together in a mutual, "healthy" relationship. There is no reason they can't continue puppy play, as long as it is mutual and maybe not 24/7. There is NO erotica in this book, but if there is a 2nd book (I really want another book for this couple), I hope it evolves into a hot, hot erotic relationship. I also hope that when it goes there, that it will eventually be consensual even if it doesn't begin that way.


This is a very unique story, based in a unusual set of circumstances. Griffin is scarred in more ways than physical. Seeing himself as a monster has damaged his perspective. The scars on his skin make him feel unwanted, undesirable, unlovable, unapproachable. He has lost all of the life he knew before. He lives in a world now of before the fire and after the fire. In a life that was completely destroyed in the blink of an eye. He lives in the destruction of the aftermath. His desperation for human interaction drives him into a decision, he may live to regret. Ryder is a young man trying to make it in the world. An innocent bystander, he is shifted into a life that he'll never understand. This story is unlike anything I've ever read before. Captivating, outrageous and unimaginable. I can't wait to see where these two are headed. Yes, Raissa I'm definitely interested in a BOOK #2, PLEASE!!!

Puppy training.

This book had me conflicted from the start, there was no break as the moulding started from the moment Ryder woke up. And as the realisation to what is happening hits him, it also hits the reader. Shaping a man the way Griffin is after, was uncomfortable to read. Mostly because it was not what I had expected. And the way it's written leads you under the skin of the characters. I wanted Ryder to have held on longer at the beginning, not giving up his shirt so quickly. Though he couldn't have known doing that small thing would unravel everything within weeks. Though even as you don't want to, you start feeling for Griffin, because he knows what he's doing is wrong in so many ways as well. And he stops treating Ryder as merely a pet and more as a companion. When I started the book I thought to myself I wouldn't want to read a second one. But by the end, it's changed. I'm curious if Ryder have actually submitted or biding his time. He got a glimpse of fear when there was someone at the door. He won't do things so rash next time. I look forward to the next book.

Puppy Play

Griffin lost the life he was used to when he was burned and scarred. In desperation, he decides that the only way for him to have the perfect companion was to find and take one by force. Ryder – he’s young, beautiful, and scared – kidnapped because he’s attractive, Ryder must figure out how to navigate this new world where Griffin calls all the shots. I was instantly attracted to this book due to it’s dark theme and kinky premise. This story is not for the light of heart, but it’s also not as dark as I thought it would be. There’s also surprising little sex and pet play for a book with such a strong BDSM and kink theme. Overall Rating: 2.75 Stars. The writing is fine, and there’s a lot of character development, but I wished there was much more sex and pet play. When the story finished it felt more incomplete instead of a cliff hanger. I think this book would have been stronger if it was a bit more developed or if this book and second book were combined into one book.

Great story!

After reading the start of this story on R. Phoenix's Patreon, I just knew I had to buy it as soon as it came out. This story was fun... well, for me, not for Ryder/Toby. As much as I wanted to hate Griffin, I found that I couldn't. He just wants someone to love him, someone to be his companion, and after his terrible accident, just doesn't see a normal way to do that. Poor Ryder/Toby knows that he wants to avoid any punishments, but hates that he is participating in his humiliation/degradation/decent into whatever Griffin is turning him into. But... he's also finding that he likes the touches, the attention... and that just confuses him. I love this story from the start, and could not put it down until the end. Thankfully R. Phoenix is starting a sequel on her Patreon, and I can't wait to read more about these wonderful characters.

3 stars

To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about this story. I almost gave up a few chapters in because it felt way darker than I was prepared for. But I persevered out of curiosity and I’m at the end and I really don’t know how to feel about this. Dubious consent has always been a show stopper for me. But this one, hadn’t quite reached that point. Griffin has at least some conscience. But the choices he made is also less conscientious than expected. I suppose it’s interesting that while Griffin is clearly not a good guy, the way the authors paint him allows one to sympathise with him, and it gets one thinking doesn’t it? I’m not saying that he’s innocent. Far from it but it’s just really interesting to see the human psyche behind the bad decisions.

Really enjoyed this book! Interesting take on the Beauty and the Beast Story

Before I get to why I love it and recommend it one warning- there is a non-consensual sexual act in the book. If this bothers you don't read it. It is also not a romance. I absolutely loved this book. My heart kinda broke in a few places for both the "bad guy" and the kidnap victim. I dare you to read it and not feel the same way. Desperate situations can cause people to do desperate things. How long would you be able to continually fight against your situation when it seemed helpless and resisting would only make the matter worse? I don't want to give the plot away but lets just say I bet most of us would be like Ryder. This book gives us a "for now" ending and I can't wait to see what comes next!

Totally loved this

just finished The Beast's Beauty and I loved it. R Phoenix you are a genius cause no matter how much my brain said I should hate Griffin for what he was doing with Ryder/Toby my heart would not let me hate him.There is beauty in this beast and I need him to see it The Title so belongs with this book. Such a well written story . It had it The mind games in this for both Griffin and Ryder were brilliant. I for one really want to see the next book. While I'm still not sure if I want to see Ryder turned in to Toby I am very very sure that I want to see where you take this next. So That is a big FAT YES to another book with these two. Cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great series

It starts out kinda dark and after the first one your almost not sure how you feel about their progress. You start debating with yourself, how the author is gonna pull this off. Then she does. This author is really good about getting into the Chara gets mindsets and letting us experience the weird transformation and odd compromises they're forced into, to have what they want. Loved it. If you haven't read this author before, it has kidnapping and a warning a dubcon but the whole story is about rebuilding Ryder so one day he will love him. So Griffin resists doing anything Rider doesn't want sexually because he doesn't wanna push too far. He wants a partner whether he realizes it or not.

I don't even like puppy play

I don't even like puppy play, but this was good. An interesting mix between horror and a dark Stockholm romance - this was a good read for anyone who enjoys captive books and dark romances. I hope there is a book 2.

Twisted in the best ways

Griffin is twisted and he knows it. He is even somewhat concerned with his twisted behavior, just not enough to stop/change it. Ryder (Toby) is young and snarky (with very good reason) and scared and trying very hard to keep some part of his "self" safe and sane but Griffin is taking him apart piece by piece. I want so much for him to remain intact, for him to keep his soul true and as whole as possible. I also want him to somehow reach Griffin and find a way to be together in a mutual, "healthy" relationship. There is no reason they can't continue puppy play, as long as it is mutual and maybe not 24/7. There is NO erotica in this book, but if there is a 2nd book (I really want another book for this couple), I hope it evolves into a hot, hot erotic relationship. I also hope that when it goes there, that it will eventually be consensual even if it doesn't begin that way.


This is a very unique story, based in a unusual set of circumstances. Griffin is scarred in more ways than physical. Seeing himself as a monster has damaged his perspective. The scars on his skin make him feel unwanted, undesirable, unlovable, unapproachable. He has lost all of the life he knew before. He lives in a world now of before the fire and after the fire. In a life that was completely destroyed in the blink of an eye. He lives in the destruction of the aftermath. His desperation for human interaction drives him into a decision, he may live to regret. Ryder is a young man trying to make it in the world. An innocent bystander, he is shifted into a life that he'll never understand. This story is unlike anything I've ever read before. Captivating, outrageous and unimaginable. I can't wait to see where these two are headed. Yes, Raissa I'm definitely interested in a BOOK #2, PLEASE!!!

Puppy training.

This book had me conflicted from the start, there was no break as the moulding started from the moment Ryder woke up. And as the realisation to what is happening hits him, it also hits the reader. Shaping a man the way Griffin is after, was uncomfortable to read. Mostly because it was not what I had expected. And the way it's written leads you under the skin of the characters. I wanted Ryder to have held on longer at the beginning, not giving up his shirt so quickly. Though he couldn't have known doing that small thing would unravel everything within weeks. Though even as you don't want to, you start feeling for Griffin, because he knows what he's doing is wrong in so many ways as well. And he stops treating Ryder as merely a pet and more as a companion. When I started the book I thought to myself I wouldn't want to read a second one. But by the end, it's changed. I'm curious if Ryder have actually submitted or biding his time. He got a glimpse of fear when there was someone at the door. He won't do things so rash next time. I look forward to the next book.

Puppy Play

Griffin lost the life he was used to when he was burned and scarred. In desperation, he decides that the only way for him to have the perfect companion was to find and take one by force. Ryder – he’s young, beautiful, and scared – kidnapped because he’s attractive, Ryder must figure out how to navigate this new world where Griffin calls all the shots. I was instantly attracted to this book due to it’s dark theme and kinky premise. This story is not for the light of heart, but it’s also not as dark as I thought it would be. There’s also surprising little sex and pet play for a book with such a strong BDSM and kink theme. Overall Rating: 2.75 Stars. The writing is fine, and there’s a lot of character development, but I wished there was much more sex and pet play. When the story finished it felt more incomplete instead of a cliff hanger. I think this book would have been stronger if it was a bit more developed or if this book and second book were combined into one book.

Great story!

After reading the start of this story on R. Phoenix's Patreon, I just knew I had to buy it as soon as it came out. This story was fun... well, for me, not for Ryder/Toby. As much as I wanted to hate Griffin, I found that I couldn't. He just wants someone to love him, someone to be his companion, and after his terrible accident, just doesn't see a normal way to do that. Poor Ryder/Toby knows that he wants to avoid any punishments, but hates that he is participating in his humiliation/degradation/decent into whatever Griffin is turning him into. But... he's also finding that he likes the touches, the attention... and that just confuses him. I love this story from the start, and could not put it down until the end. Thankfully R. Phoenix is starting a sequel on her Patreon, and I can't wait to read more about these wonderful characters.

3 stars

To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about this story. I almost gave up a few chapters in because it felt way darker than I was prepared for. But I persevered out of curiosity and I’m at the end and I really don’t know how to feel about this. Dubious consent has always been a show stopper for me. But this one, hadn’t quite reached that point. Griffin has at least some conscience. But the choices he made is also less conscientious than expected. I suppose it’s interesting that while Griffin is clearly not a good guy, the way the authors paint him allows one to sympathise with him, and it gets one thinking doesn’t it? I’m not saying that he’s innocent. Far from it but it’s just really interesting to see the human psyche behind the bad decisions.

Really enjoyed this book! Interesting take on the Beauty and the Beast Story

Before I get to why I love it and recommend it one warning- there is a non-consensual sexual act in the book. If this bothers you don't read it. It is also not a romance. I absolutely loved this book. My heart kinda broke in a few places for both the "bad guy" and the kidnap victim. I dare you to read it and not feel the same way. Desperate situations can cause people to do desperate things. How long would you be able to continually fight against your situation when it seemed helpless and resisting would only make the matter worse? I don't want to give the plot away but lets just say I bet most of us would be like Ryder. This book gives us a "for now" ending and I can't wait to see what comes next!

Totally loved this

just finished The Beast's Beauty and I loved it. R Phoenix you are a genius cause no matter how much my brain said I should hate Griffin for what he was doing with Ryder/Toby my heart would not let me hate him.There is beauty in this beast and I need him to see it The Title so belongs with this book. Such a well written story . It had it The mind games in this for both Griffin and Ryder were brilliant. I for one really want to see the next book. While I'm still not sure if I want to see Ryder turned in to Toby I am very very sure that I want to see where you take this next. So That is a big FAT YES to another book with these two. Cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was so good.

This was so good. I loved Ryder’s defiance so much. This two made me smile so much. I had a wonderful time reading it. One of the things that I liked about it was that I have no idea what to expect. I loved the writing and I loved the emotions coming from the characters, most of all from Ryder who was my favorite. I hope there will be a future for them because I was felt wanting so much more. It might not be suitable for every reader. It contain humiliation and puppy play, the last one a particular problem to me and yet it didn’t make me enjoy the book any less. Definitely recommended.

Intense But Beautiful

Wow...This has to be one of the best books I've read this year along with book 2.....Ryder/Toby is in for a really tough time with Griffin....The author kind of makes you love/hate Griff...How he treats Ryder is appalling but you also know why he's doing it and you feel sorry for him..But poor Ryder just wants to go home..He really doesn't seem to fit with being Griff's pup....An amazing read and one I know i'll be re-reading x

Toby who?

Rating Review Rollout: (1) Attention Keeper: 3 (2) Digging deep in Character Development: 2 (3) Edit to Perfection!: 4 (4) Feeling the Words: 3 (5) Give me more please factor: 3 (6) Going with the Flow of the Story: 3 (7) Grammar Police: 4 (8) It's all about the Chemistry, baby: 3 (9) Love connection: N/A (10) Plot Worthy: 2 (11) Show me Entertainment: 3 (12) The Writing speaks for itself: 4 Total Rating: 3.1 out of 5 😕

I need more

I knew I was going to love this book just by the premise. It was interesting and while not necessarily new, it sounded different. Griffin and Ryder are two characters who are different sides of the same coin. Neither of them really know what's going to happen from one day to the next and that keeps everything exciting and the reader engaged. I need more because watching Ryder break and learn to be Toby was just the beginning. There's so much more to explore with these two characters.

Really liked it!

I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading this one. I knew it would be dark but how dark? It is definately dark though not too bad. I get why Griffin would like a companion, I'm just not sure why he feels it has to be a puppy. So that was the only thing that confused me. Overall I really liked this one though. It was well written, it was dark and it satisfied my need to read something 'different'.

O M G ... More, more, more!!!!

At the conclusion of the story, the author asks the question, “Do you want to see another book with these two?” Hell, yes!!! I was reading and watching the page count the whole time, knowing I was nearing the end but wanting to know more about the dynamic of this couple. This is a psychological drama that sucks you in, holds you breathless and tilts you over the cliff’s edge.


This is one hell of a fantastic, fascinating, wicked, engrossing, compelling, dark, kinky, gripping, gritty, keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat-biting-your-nails, and totally awesome thriller. Filled with mind games, humiliation, and more shades of grey than you can shake a stick at, I can guarantee you won't know which way is up by the time you reach the end of this book.

💥💫💥💫💥4 The Beast's Pup Stars💫💥💫💥💫

This was definitely out of my comfort zone, but I felt the author did a good job with the storyline. Psychological angst is hard to make believable, but I felt the varying emotions from Griffin and Ryder. I will check out the sequel to see how it all plays out!

Angtsy yet sweet

Beautifully done. Griffin is a character you truly want to hate, yet there was something there, that meant I just couldn't. His wants, and desires make him so incredibly real. Ryder is beautiful, the way he bends and his emotions are truly breathtaking. I genuinely cannot wait for more.

Twisted mind games

In this case, the Stockholm syndrome is very plausible. Griffin isn't a one-dimensional villain, he's perhaps more complex than the young man he's kidnapped - and it's hard to hate him, no matter what he does. The ending might seem a bit abrupt, but I hope there will be a sequel!

Captivating story

I enjoyed this take on a classic tale so very much that I was unable to put the book down. I read the entire story in 1 day, the writing is amazing, psychological development for both characters is captivating and I can't wait to read what happens next with Griffin and Ryder.

A must read

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but this isn't a tale about your typical beast. Tragedy can make a man do desperate things to find companionship, and that is what happens here. These two have started on an almost sweet yet tantalizing new way of life, and I'm excited to see what comes next.

Fell short for me

I did enjoy the book and did find parts amusing, the emotional side did not work for me. Super slow burn and the characters just didn't seem to click for me. I will read the second book just released. I usually enjoy reading the Authors stories.

Pretty dark

This book was kind of dark it’s a slow burner and serious Stockholm syndrome. But in a way I can’t help but feel bad for both ryder and griffin. Hope to read book 2 now.

I need more!

So wonderfully f*d up Wow. Toby/Ryder breaking little by little was beautiful and the care griffin gave him was also. Griffins sadness and despair and self hatred was so strong and I cannot wait to see him healed by Toby from the inside.

Good author, interesting, recommend this one.

R. Phoenix has an uncanny way of giving you a story you didn't even know you wanted to read until you do and then leaves you wanting more. Yes I hope there is a book 2.

Awesome read

I really liked the two characters and how the story unfolds, slow but unrelenting, and perfectly written. It was an awesome read and I hope there's a continuation soon.

Pure non-con

Another thoughtful exploration of Stockholm Syndrome from R. Phoenix. Makes you wonder how much the same techniques are used daily by work, friends, family. Ends at a good pause point , not quite an end so hoping for the rest of the story.

What a rush!

This book was a psychological experience. Poor Ryder/Toby was being held against his will. Do you fight or do you give in to the torture? I loved it and can't wait for more!

Great intro to this author!

I don't typically care for puppy play, but I love what Raissa has done with it. I can't wait for the next book, to see what Toby's master will do next!

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