The Akashic Tarot: A 62-card Deck and Guidebook

Cards ā€“ November 21, 2017
20 Nov

Reviews (193)

Enjoy positive Akashic Force messages in book

This 62 card deck doesn't quite follow the traditional tarot. For example there is no 0/Fool card. The major arcana starts with a 1/Oracle of Delphi card. There are 22 major arcana cards and 4 suits, Roses, Scrolls, Keys, Forces. Each suit has only 2 court cards, a king and queen and 8 numbered cards and each suit has it's own color. The deck is fully illustrated. The artwork looks to be digital compositing and painting. It has a fairy tale/fantasy feel. The deck is matte finished with plain edges. Though they are matte finished they shuffle smoothly and the colors are quite nice. Like other Hay House products the cards are nice quality and the two part storage box is sturdy. I would have liked gilded card edges as it feels smooth in the hand. The book and cards are easy to understand. The included book is substantial with 221 pages. There are some included spreads and meanings for upright and reverse card positions. There is also an Akashic Force message which is basically a positive affirmation or meditation type message. Here is a random example of an Akashic Force message: Close your eyes and step into the energy of the Queen of Roses. Get to know that caring power and gentle temperament. Feel compassion fill you and notice your desire to bring a loving embrace to yourself and the world. A few cards have a special message which is a usage message that adds an extra layer of meaning such as instructing the reader to look for certain things such as where the person in the card is pointing. For those interested there is info on the two artists who worked on the deck, each having the cards the cards they worked on listed in their info section. Overall I am happy with the deck. As I was one of the pre-order purchasers I ordered it sight unseen with no book preview so I am relieved that the deck is quite nice. I uploaded some pictures to help potential buyers make a decision on whether this deck is what you are searching for. As the pictures were taken with my smartphone the colors in particular may not be totally accurate but at least you can get the feel of the deck. At the writing of this review I paid $11.49 for the deck so it was very reasonably priced thus I have to give it 5 stars for price and quality. Enjoy.

Wow x4 Exceptional Fantastic Accurate

I am nearly speechless. I have many many oracle card decks and a few tarot decks. This is the first by Sharon and Sandra that I have ordered. I took a chance on this one without reviews as it was a pre-order. The cards just arrived about 1 to 2 hours ago. Upon opening them I noted the direction Hay House seems to be going with the new decks being Matte Finished. The previous deck I preordered were the gorgeous Sacred Traveler Cards by Denise Linn, they too were a matte finish. When the Akashic Tarot arrived I cleared the shipping package and cards before opening and upon opening the card deck as well. My first impression opening the card box was whoa this guide book is thick. I have a lot of Hay House (HH) decks and this is the thickest that I have come across. I pulled the cards out of the box (also matte finish)cleared them as well with prayer. After clearing the cards I shuffled them two cards immediately jumped so I went on pulled them and flipped them over they were card 22 and card 11 umm wow. Master numbers. Ok so Artwork initially I was not impressed I was thinking what in the smh (shaking my head) HOWEVER I love that in each cards description the artwork/reason is stated and explains the artwork or pictures for each card and looking through the cards a lot of the artwork on the cards is VERY beautiful it was just that 22 and 11 were not cards I would necessarily choose a deck for if going off of the artwork of those two cards. For example as a side note, I immediately felt drawn to Kyle Gray's Oracle Decks because of the artwork and diversity. Ok now the accuracy and messages The Akashic Tarot Deck is 100% accurate. I was completely wowed as if I had a Reading with Teresa Cuputo from Long Island Medium. So accurate I became emotional. The Authors give the Upright and Reverse meanings. I like that. I shuffled the cards upright at first but I felt when I did the second reading that although the cards were upright that I needed to read the reverse meanings which were spot on. I shuffled the cards and mixed them all up in a pile so that the cards would be upright and reversed and pulled for another reading and again they were accurate with upright and reversed. I did different readings not to test the cards but to do different spreads. I hope you find this review and photos helpful and like this deck just as much as I. Be well. May God Be with you. šŸ™šŸ½ Amen

Beautiful and Very Accurate

These cards are not only beautiful but accurate. I am stunned on how clear the energy is coming through with this deck. I have used other decks for may years but the Akashic Tarot is a game changer!. These cards have a very special vibration -very magical to the touch and I find them easy to shuffle and lay them out. Even the messages seem to come through with more succinct clarity and speed. Thank you to Sharon and Sandra for creating these stunning and fortunate cards!

A beautiful deck with great wisdom to impart.

This is a completely original deck. Its both beautiful and very readable. The card backs are really beautiful. The cards stock is solid and sturdy. The images are stunning with simple titles and corresponding numbers. I read cards professionally and find that this deck can be read on its alone, and in conjunction with another deck, can add some wonderful and helpful insights. I will definitely be adding this deck to the few that I read for clients. As to the book, I normally throw the books away that come with a deck. Not the case with this one. It is filled with detailed information; upright and reversed meanings, spreads and a thorough explanation of how the deck was created and the great thing that went into it. Whether you are a seasoned reader or someone how just wants to receive some wisdom for themselves, you will love working with this deck.

The artwork is compelling. The accuracy is uncanny The energy is very powerful

I just received these cards a couple days ago. I spent the past couple days reading the guide book and studying the cards. These card are very profound. I did my first reading and it was spot on. The cards I drew were Autumn, 1 Roses Commitment and 10 The Light of the World.... It was wild because it was this fall where I renewed my commitment to my spiritual journey, which is reflected in the first 2 cards leading to opportunities knocking at my door for me to be a light unto others. I would consider this deck a hybrid deck, a cross between oracle and Tarot. It has a major arcana and minor arcana like normal Tarot but the suits are completely different. No Ace but the number 1 through 8. No 9 or 10 and the courts are only Queen and King. The Majors are different as well. I can see some similarities in some cards. Same with some of the minors. Each card has a name, even in the minors. The energy of this deck is so powerful. They vibrated in my hands. Most decks I can take out of the box and start reading right away. This one I felt I needed to really study and mediate on the deck, read the guide book first. I am looking forward to working closely with these cards. The artwork is compelling. The accuracy is uncanny. My only complaint is that they are difficult to shuffle. The card stock is more than heavy duty. It is really stiff. I am hoping they become more flexible with use.

The images are beautiful and easy to decipher

Received this deck a few days ago! The images are beautiful and easy to decipher. Iā€™m new at this, so was looking for something a little bit more straight forward. What I am learning though, is that you can read as much, or as little into them, as you need! The messages / book that follow the deck is easy to understand and contain great messages. Good quality too. I totally recommend this deck!

Powerful accuracy & clarity!

I pre-ordered this deck because I love the Sandra Anne Taylor "Energy Oracle Deck" and use it the most for my professional readings, so I was delighted to see another deck from her. I also was excited to see a deck that tapped into the Akashic records, as this provides a unique, yet highly valuable energy to work with. When I first received the deck I could feel the energy of the cards before I opened the box, and knew they were special. I love the matte finish and the design on the back side. I cleared the deck and went through each card, one-by-one. The artwork was very detailed and had an etheric quality. I then read through the guidebook and found it to be very informative and appreciated how the card descriptions explained the scenery and illustrations in detail and how you can connect with the images in order to more deeply access and embody the energies coming through... this is a great feature for empaths or those wanting to develop their clairsentient skills! I then did a pyramid spread shown in the book and it was AMAZING how accurate it was! It really lifted my spirits and gave me the clarity I was seeking regarding my situation. I am really excited to practice using this deck more and look forward to sharing it with my clients.

Great card stock, Great new spin on tarot!!

Just got them and I must say I am impressed with the card stock of this deck. I'm surprised they are from Hay House because a lot of their decks are very flimsy nowadays. I love that this deck takes a new spin on the traditional tarot and the artwork is cute and and unconventional compared to tradition. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE the traditional tarot but I have a lot of decks so at this stage I don't want to play "safe" when it comes to structure anymore. I want to see tarot in a new light and new a new way. So if you share the same sentiment as me then go ahead and pick up your deck! I guarantee you'll like it!

These cards are amazingly accurate and even life-changing!

This Tarot Deck is the most compelling and accurate Tarot I have ever worked with! Although this deck, like other Tarot, has the suit format and the major and minor arcana, it reaches new levels of energy and inspiration--Akashic Levels! It actually connects you with the Akashic Records! For this reason this deck's depth and meaning offer amazingly far-reaching information and insight! The application of each card is both personal and profound, and the readings you give yourself and others will astound you! The art is stunningly beautiful and each picture is meaningful on several levels. The specific meanings are explained in the extensive accompanying book, but the pictures make the meanings so clear, it becomes easy to read them even without the guidebook. And the book is extremely informative, offering several layouts for different types of readings, as well as explaining how the cards connect with other cards in the placement of the reading, which is something I've never seen in a guidebook before. Another really special element of this deck is the "Akashic Force" which is explained on each card. This is just a sentence or two that suggests an easy technique or way of looking at things that allows you to tap into that energy of the Akashic Realm. It's wonderful--worth experiencing on a daily basis! I highly recommend these cards. The more you use them, the more you feel connected to the unlimited Akashic information that is always available to guide us in every area of our lives. You'll also feel a deepening connection with helpful and loving spirit through the use of these cards! So don't miss out. These cards are beautiful, inspirational, directive, and accurate beyond belief. I think the messages you get from them could actually change your life!

Beautiful, deep, unique deck.

Very Happy with this purchase! These images are beautiful and I love the messages in the book and how it's organized conceptually. Unique and deep. I have the Energy Oracle and really liked that so I went for this one and I'm glad I did. It adds more variety and clarification to my readings and spot on. First reading made me cry. Lol. In a good way šŸ˜Š

Enjoy positive Akashic Force messages in book

This 62 card deck doesn't quite follow the traditional tarot. For example there is no 0/Fool card. The major arcana starts with a 1/Oracle of Delphi card. There are 22 major arcana cards and 4 suits, Roses, Scrolls, Keys, Forces. Each suit has only 2 court cards, a king and queen and 8 numbered cards and each suit has it's own color. The deck is fully illustrated. The artwork looks to be digital compositing and painting. It has a fairy tale/fantasy feel. The deck is matte finished with plain edges. Though they are matte finished they shuffle smoothly and the colors are quite nice. Like other Hay House products the cards are nice quality and the two part storage box is sturdy. I would have liked gilded card edges as it feels smooth in the hand. The book and cards are easy to understand. The included book is substantial with 221 pages. There are some included spreads and meanings for upright and reverse card positions. There is also an Akashic Force message which is basically a positive affirmation or meditation type message. Here is a random example of an Akashic Force message: Close your eyes and step into the energy of the Queen of Roses. Get to know that caring power and gentle temperament. Feel compassion fill you and notice your desire to bring a loving embrace to yourself and the world. A few cards have a special message which is a usage message that adds an extra layer of meaning such as instructing the reader to look for certain things such as where the person in the card is pointing. For those interested there is info on the two artists who worked on the deck, each having the cards the cards they worked on listed in their info section. Overall I am happy with the deck. As I was one of the pre-order purchasers I ordered it sight unseen with no book preview so I am relieved that the deck is quite nice. I uploaded some pictures to help potential buyers make a decision on whether this deck is what you are searching for. As the pictures were taken with my smartphone the colors in particular may not be totally accurate but at least you can get the feel of the deck. At the writing of this review I paid $11.49 for the deck so it was very reasonably priced thus I have to give it 5 stars for price and quality. Enjoy.

Wow x4 Exceptional Fantastic Accurate

I am nearly speechless. I have many many oracle card decks and a few tarot decks. This is the first by Sharon and Sandra that I have ordered. I took a chance on this one without reviews as it was a pre-order. The cards just arrived about 1 to 2 hours ago. Upon opening them I noted the direction Hay House seems to be going with the new decks being Matte Finished. The previous deck I preordered were the gorgeous Sacred Traveler Cards by Denise Linn, they too were a matte finish. When the Akashic Tarot arrived I cleared the shipping package and cards before opening and upon opening the card deck as well. My first impression opening the card box was whoa this guide book is thick. I have a lot of Hay House (HH) decks and this is the thickest that I have come across. I pulled the cards out of the box (also matte finish)cleared them as well with prayer. After clearing the cards I shuffled them two cards immediately jumped so I went on pulled them and flipped them over they were card 22 and card 11 umm wow. Master numbers. Ok so Artwork initially I was not impressed I was thinking what in the smh (shaking my head) HOWEVER I love that in each cards description the artwork/reason is stated and explains the artwork or pictures for each card and looking through the cards a lot of the artwork on the cards is VERY beautiful it was just that 22 and 11 were not cards I would necessarily choose a deck for if going off of the artwork of those two cards. For example as a side note, I immediately felt drawn to Kyle Gray's Oracle Decks because of the artwork and diversity. Ok now the accuracy and messages The Akashic Tarot Deck is 100% accurate. I was completely wowed as if I had a Reading with Teresa Cuputo from Long Island Medium. So accurate I became emotional. The Authors give the Upright and Reverse meanings. I like that. I shuffled the cards upright at first but I felt when I did the second reading that although the cards were upright that I needed to read the reverse meanings which were spot on. I shuffled the cards and mixed them all up in a pile so that the cards would be upright and reversed and pulled for another reading and again they were accurate with upright and reversed. I did different readings not to test the cards but to do different spreads. I hope you find this review and photos helpful and like this deck just as much as I. Be well. May God Be with you. šŸ™šŸ½ Amen

Beautiful and Very Accurate

These cards are not only beautiful but accurate. I am stunned on how clear the energy is coming through with this deck. I have used other decks for may years but the Akashic Tarot is a game changer!. These cards have a very special vibration -very magical to the touch and I find them easy to shuffle and lay them out. Even the messages seem to come through with more succinct clarity and speed. Thank you to Sharon and Sandra for creating these stunning and fortunate cards!

A beautiful deck with great wisdom to impart.

This is a completely original deck. Its both beautiful and very readable. The card backs are really beautiful. The cards stock is solid and sturdy. The images are stunning with simple titles and corresponding numbers. I read cards professionally and find that this deck can be read on its alone, and in conjunction with another deck, can add some wonderful and helpful insights. I will definitely be adding this deck to the few that I read for clients. As to the book, I normally throw the books away that come with a deck. Not the case with this one. It is filled with detailed information; upright and reversed meanings, spreads and a thorough explanation of how the deck was created and the great thing that went into it. Whether you are a seasoned reader or someone how just wants to receive some wisdom for themselves, you will love working with this deck.

The artwork is compelling. The accuracy is uncanny The energy is very powerful

I just received these cards a couple days ago. I spent the past couple days reading the guide book and studying the cards. These card are very profound. I did my first reading and it was spot on. The cards I drew were Autumn, 1 Roses Commitment and 10 The Light of the World.... It was wild because it was this fall where I renewed my commitment to my spiritual journey, which is reflected in the first 2 cards leading to opportunities knocking at my door for me to be a light unto others. I would consider this deck a hybrid deck, a cross between oracle and Tarot. It has a major arcana and minor arcana like normal Tarot but the suits are completely different. No Ace but the number 1 through 8. No 9 or 10 and the courts are only Queen and King. The Majors are different as well. I can see some similarities in some cards. Same with some of the minors. Each card has a name, even in the minors. The energy of this deck is so powerful. They vibrated in my hands. Most decks I can take out of the box and start reading right away. This one I felt I needed to really study and mediate on the deck, read the guide book first. I am looking forward to working closely with these cards. The artwork is compelling. The accuracy is uncanny. My only complaint is that they are difficult to shuffle. The card stock is more than heavy duty. It is really stiff. I am hoping they become more flexible with use.

The images are beautiful and easy to decipher

Received this deck a few days ago! The images are beautiful and easy to decipher. Iā€™m new at this, so was looking for something a little bit more straight forward. What I am learning though, is that you can read as much, or as little into them, as you need! The messages / book that follow the deck is easy to understand and contain great messages. Good quality too. I totally recommend this deck!

Powerful accuracy & clarity!

I pre-ordered this deck because I love the Sandra Anne Taylor "Energy Oracle Deck" and use it the most for my professional readings, so I was delighted to see another deck from her. I also was excited to see a deck that tapped into the Akashic records, as this provides a unique, yet highly valuable energy to work with. When I first received the deck I could feel the energy of the cards before I opened the box, and knew they were special. I love the matte finish and the design on the back side. I cleared the deck and went through each card, one-by-one. The artwork was very detailed and had an etheric quality. I then read through the guidebook and found it to be very informative and appreciated how the card descriptions explained the scenery and illustrations in detail and how you can connect with the images in order to more deeply access and embody the energies coming through... this is a great feature for empaths or those wanting to develop their clairsentient skills! I then did a pyramid spread shown in the book and it was AMAZING how accurate it was! It really lifted my spirits and gave me the clarity I was seeking regarding my situation. I am really excited to practice using this deck more and look forward to sharing it with my clients.

Great card stock, Great new spin on tarot!!

Just got them and I must say I am impressed with the card stock of this deck. I'm surprised they are from Hay House because a lot of their decks are very flimsy nowadays. I love that this deck takes a new spin on the traditional tarot and the artwork is cute and and unconventional compared to tradition. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE the traditional tarot but I have a lot of decks so at this stage I don't want to play "safe" when it comes to structure anymore. I want to see tarot in a new light and new a new way. So if you share the same sentiment as me then go ahead and pick up your deck! I guarantee you'll like it!

These cards are amazingly accurate and even life-changing!

This Tarot Deck is the most compelling and accurate Tarot I have ever worked with! Although this deck, like other Tarot, has the suit format and the major and minor arcana, it reaches new levels of energy and inspiration--Akashic Levels! It actually connects you with the Akashic Records! For this reason this deck's depth and meaning offer amazingly far-reaching information and insight! The application of each card is both personal and profound, and the readings you give yourself and others will astound you! The art is stunningly beautiful and each picture is meaningful on several levels. The specific meanings are explained in the extensive accompanying book, but the pictures make the meanings so clear, it becomes easy to read them even without the guidebook. And the book is extremely informative, offering several layouts for different types of readings, as well as explaining how the cards connect with other cards in the placement of the reading, which is something I've never seen in a guidebook before. Another really special element of this deck is the "Akashic Force" which is explained on each card. This is just a sentence or two that suggests an easy technique or way of looking at things that allows you to tap into that energy of the Akashic Realm. It's wonderful--worth experiencing on a daily basis! I highly recommend these cards. The more you use them, the more you feel connected to the unlimited Akashic information that is always available to guide us in every area of our lives. You'll also feel a deepening connection with helpful and loving spirit through the use of these cards! So don't miss out. These cards are beautiful, inspirational, directive, and accurate beyond belief. I think the messages you get from them could actually change your life!

Beautiful, deep, unique deck.

Very Happy with this purchase! These images are beautiful and I love the messages in the book and how it's organized conceptually. Unique and deep. I have the Energy Oracle and really liked that so I went for this one and I'm glad I did. It adds more variety and clarification to my readings and spot on. First reading made me cry. Lol. In a good way šŸ˜Š

Powerful deck, challenging for aging eyes

Sandra Anne Taylor's Oracle Energy Deck has been my go to deck for almost two years and I am very attached to it. I decided to give the Akashic Tarot a try because I am such a fan of Sharon and Sandra, and I find their new deck to be very energetically accurate and insightful as well. It isn't a traditional tarot deck, I appreciate that they stayed with the message they were trying to share without forcing it into a prescribed format. With that said, there is a major arcana of 22 cards and four suits of ten cards; 8 pips and a queen and king. You shouldn't expect to find that each major arcana card correlates directly to the traditional tarot though there are many similarities. As others have noted, the deck comes with a substantial booklet with very small print. My aging eyes struggle with some of the detailed work on the cards. The images require a great deal of optical focus, they are not as clear as the Oracle Energy deck, and the dreamlike sense of the images and muted colors for me demands more contemplation on my own and less literal interpretation of images that I struggle to discern. Overall, a good addition to my collection, and a deck I am using regularly.

Deep, insightful guidance

Like a lot of people, I have gotten into tarot and oracle cards lately. Of all the decks I have purchased, this is the one that has given me by far the most insightful, most helpful, most "actionable" guidance I have received. The cards don't always tell me what I WANT to hear, but they always, always tell me what I NEED to hear. The deck contains both "major arcana" that pertain to issues of "Spirit, the inner soul, the Higher Self and the Divine Source," and "minor arcana" that address "events, feelings, activities and relationships in the personal world." Four suits of Roses, Scrolls, Keys and Forces deal, respectively, with issues of the heart and relationships, the mind and thoughts/expression/communication, wealth/career/achievement/power, and energy/consciousness and Natural Law. I particularly like the fact that the cards have both upright and reversed meaningsā€”and the upright meanings aren't necessarily positive, while the reversed aren't necessarily negative. Let me give you an example: the "Two Worlds" card shows an image of a beautiful but tired-looking woman standing in a home with a fireplace and a spinning wheel, at which she has been working. Her window looks out on a Buddhist monastery high in the mountains behind her home. The basic meaning of the card is that "there is a conflict in your life between what the outer world requires of you and how your own Spirit directs you." Reversed, however, it means that you have found a way to integrate the two, and have released the tension between them. This kind of thing allows for real complexity in readings. By the way, I have also purchased the matching phone app ($7.99). I have found that, for me, the easiest way to use the deck is to open the app, sit quietly, think about what I am asking, and then simply pick the first card that comes up. (That way, I don't have to worry about whether I have picked the "right" card or not. I simply let God/the Universe/Spirit/Whatever-You-Want-to-Call-It do the work for me.) Often, I find I feel a need to pull three or four cards in a row. Then, I pull those cards from the physical deck, read the guidebook, lay the cards out in front of me and meditate on the story they are telling me. The technique hasn't failed me yet. Whether they have told me what I wanted to hear or not, the cards have always ended up showing me exactly what was going on in my life, and providing me with helpful guidance on what steps to take next. Klingler and Taylor were clearly channeling profound levels of spiritual inspiration when they created this deck, and I am deeply grateful to them.

Very high vibration deck, it will resonate with you!

I've been on an intense spiritual journey since 3/15 (awakened twin flame). I had intended to buy another set of card decks by Sonia Choquette, but instead for some reason ordered this. Obviously, I was supposed to have these cards. I had not even taken the cellophane off of the box and the vibration from it was seriously strong and just really uncanny. I know nothing about card reading or tarot, but apparently, I am going to. I read some of the book/manual and before I put them away, I did a one card pull and it was me (Adsum) sitting there doing my reading/research as usual, with angelic beings and others from the spirit world and my relatives...all supporting me. I was moved to tears for a long while. Today, I did a one card pull for my day (reverse iridescent moon if I remember that right), and as the book suggested, I meditated on it with intention, as part of my morning meditation, and my meditation was totally different, deeper, hard to describe, but I'm thinking some part of me was hanging in the Akashic halls getting an akashic download. This will become part of my spiritual routine and I'm very very happy to have encountered them. If the information on this deck and the reviews resonate with you, you should definitely get it! Many blessings on your journey!

A standout among oracle decks!

The usefulness of oracle decks lies in the fact that the good ones offer us immediate access to our own intuitive perceptions and processes. By this criterion, the Klingler-Taylor Akashic Tarot is a GREAT oracle deck ā€” as well as a unique one. If youā€™re looking for an easy and enjoyable method for tapping into insights available beyond the range of chronic self-limiting thought, this is definitely the deck for you. The creators of these beautiful oracle cards have structured them along the lines of standard Tarot decks, with four suits, major and minor Arcana, and court cards, but there the similarity ends. The authors have visualized four entirely new minor suits, new major Arcana, and new court cards, now depicting angelic as well as human beings. The messages underlying the illustrations have been radiantly realized by the gorgeous art, which adds yet more layers of meaning to the explicit and implicit intentions encompassed by each card. The eloquent little handbook that accompanies the cards outlines three different levels of perception by which their meanings can be discovered and suggests several different layouts that will supply additional information through context and contiguity. But all these options are suggestions only. The best way to use these cards is the way that works for you ā€” and that may be as simple as asking what you need to know, seeing what card jumps out of the deck, and then contemplating the story it tells you. In addition, the handbook offers interpretations for each card, both upright and reversed, and even suggests when it might make sense to pull another. You have lots of options. I ordered four decks to give as birthday and Christmas gifts, and it is already clear that I will be ordering more. At the first birthday celebration, after cake and ice cream, five of us, ranging in age from mid-20s to mid-80s, sat at the kitchen table, pulling cards, reading from the handbook, and launching into spirited conversations over each message that continued at full throttle for nearly four hours. That session unleashed a lot of energy, a lot of very trenchant insight, and a lot of fun. This deck is a terrific tool, alight with intelligence and filled with empowering opportunities. Youā€™re gonna love it!


This is a stunning deck of cards for divination. Although named as a "tarot", this deck is of another order. A superior one. Its contents are very, very deep - in the sense that it requires a lot of previous esoteric (mystical) knowledge from the user, the very reader who will "read " the cards. The images are absolutely beautiful, a mix of "touched" photos, paintings, collages, pictorial arrangements - that convey great symbols. They are evocative. They are poetic, and elaborately-made. When I am studying some cards I get a feeling that I am looking through an open movie screen, and I can almost visit the place shown... I am amazed. I'm very very much happy with this acquisition. I am still practising. I guess it will be particularly good in the hands of those who have a connection with the Ascended Masters and Theosophy in general. Remember: it is profound. Not recommended for superficial people.

Favorite hayhouse deck by far

This is a beautiful deck I am very pleased. Card stock is nice although one of the card backs came slightly damaged. Typically I am not a huge fan of hayhouse decks but this one spoke to me and I'm glad I bought it. The images are captivating and pure. The book has a very positive perspective as is typical of hayhouse but does so with useful insight. I also appreciate the balance of male and female energy as hayhouse has a tendency to be overly feminine. Overall great job on the deck.


Iā€™m insanely new to terrot like my first reading was with this deck. The energy from the cards stays in the room itā€™s such a positive deck. My husband and I have done several readings with it just this weekend for us and friends. Weā€™re going through a rough time and these cards are almost like a meditative deck it gives you force options like what you need to do to meditate on each card which is extremely helpful. Iā€™m new to the psychic thing and I did a reading for a friend my husbandā€™s been doing this for years and he said the reading I give my friend was spot on even though Iā€™d never done that before. This deck is so positive the only complaint I have is I have little hands and itā€™s so hard to shuffle this deck. The books words are small but not unreadable their as big as the card deck so you can keep the cards and the book together. My husband was really scheptical about this deck. He kept moving it out of the amazon cart and I told him to give it a chance and we did and he loves this deck. It gives warnings but itā€™s answers youā€™ve already known youā€™ve just forgotten they donā€™t tell the future but they do give options that you can take. This deck is amazing. Please make a smaller version of it though so I can give it a good shuffle. My husband has giant hands and he even said itā€™s hard for him to shuffle the cards are huge! But itā€™s nice. They feel amazing and I would totally buy the same deck of cards that are the smaller version thanks. The cards are made out of really thick cardstalk almost like cardboard. So they should last us and our children when we have some a long time. Thanks for a great family airlume.

Special Deck

I absolutely LOVED my Tarot deck! The meanings and Spiritual Journey you go on is so much deeper than a regular 78 cards tarot. Ms. Klinger and Ms.Taylor truly created something special for the ages. The card stock is wonderful. Initially I was a bit worried,I thought they were rather large for my hands and while a Matte feel is nice, for card shuffling,it can be burdensome as they stick together more than glossy cards.But it wasnt a problem with these at all once I started. The Guidebook was nice,thick and informed and contained Reversals,something I always do and is very appreciated. My only problem was with the Delivery with Books Deposit.I ordered my deck May 23rd and it wasnt shipped until May 27th.And that was only after I complained. And I still didn't get my deck until June 9th. I am usually a patient person but that 2 week delivery almost killed me,lol

Genuinely Divine!

I adore these cards. They 'hum' with the most wonderful energy, and I am so thrilled - and amazed - with their accuracy. I love how much detail is presented on each card, and that the same care for detail has been shared in the guidebook descriptions. I especially appreciate the inclusion of meanings for both upright and reversed. I find them beautiful to look at and to hold - I like the clean finish on the cards and the weight seems perfect to me - not too thick so as to make shuffling awkward, but sturdier than some others I've seen in the past, that don't stand the test of time and frequent use and tend to split easily. Some of the cards depict scenes that are more 'modern' and I quite like this aspect. As with the nature of The Akashic Records ("all human events, thoughts, words, emotions") I love the inclusion of variety in this deck that encompasses imagery of 'other worldliness' of angelic or mystical energies, such as 'The Queen of Forces', which depicts a beautiful woman standing on a body of water, with both the sun and moon in her command - as well as cards with imagery of 'this world' , such as '1 of Scrolls - On Track', which shows a man in a suit at a train station. All wonderful visions that convey so much by holding the honesty of the human experience, from the seemingly regular to the Divine, and to me, that is all part of the power that these cards possess as a set. I've used them everyday since I received them, and I just continue to love and appreciate them more and more.

Beautiful and elegant

Fabulous! I have several kinds of tarot but this is my first Akashic deck. The cards are beautifully illustrated. The cards are high quality paper as wellā€”thick and seem like theyā€™ll last for many years. My only complaint is that they are so thick they tend to stick together, and itā€™s hard to tell if you have a couple stuck together (which happens a lot). I assume thatā€™ll stop as theyā€™re used more and broken in. Thereā€™s an entire book enclosed on how to do spreads and what the cards all mean. Itā€™s a great deck for beginners because the spreads can be simple and the cards are super explanatory...personally I find these easier to read than standard tarot. Def rec if you want to try reading, or want a break from the usual tarot...these do not disappoint!!

A little disappointed

I was very excited to get this deck but Iā€™m a little disappointed. The guidebook is really difficult for me to read because of the size of the book and the extremely small print. Iā€™m having to use my magnifying app to read it which is hard because the pages have to be held wide open. For me personally I would prefer larger cards and guidebook. I would say the artwork is very substandard in comparison with other decks I own and I agree with the other reviewer who said the artwork on the cards is nothing like the picture on the box. Itā€™s a little deceiving. I have many oracle and tarot decks and I wanted this one because it uses the Akashic Records to access information so I will work with it a while and see if itā€™s accurate before I make a final judgement but so far Iā€™m not impressed.

Mixed Feelings but Good Solid Readings

I thought the artwork on the cards would all look like the cover of the box - beautiful and enlarged without borders, so I was disappointed to discover that they picked pretty much one of the only few nice-looking cards to attract interest. Although I recognize it's good artwork, I felt disappointed because they failed to inspire me right off the bat, like other decks. The artwork follows more classical styles which my grandmother or mother would like. And I thought the pictures would be enlarged and fill the entire card without all these borders within borders. I thought about returning this deck or even donating but decided to give it a try. The reversal-friendly cardback design is nice and the size and quality of the cards is good. I thought they would be hard to shuffle but was pleasantly surprised at how flexible they were compared to other stiffer cards. I usually spend time to bond with my cards and exchange energy, but decided to give it a test run by doing a reading on something light. I was again surprised to experience a resonation. Since that initial run, I've done some more and have been given wondrous accuracy. Therefore my initial 2 star rating of this deck is now a 4 (I'd add a half star if I could). I still feel the artwork lacks a certain something and the unappealing borders could be done away with to make the card pop. In the end, It feels good to have this atypical Tarot deck in my collection. So, thanks!

Powerful readings!

I have a lot of tarot decks at this point and this one has bubbled up to the top of my list. The messages I have gotten from these readings have been powerful and very insightful. This deck has 62 cards and a Guidebook. The suits are Scrolls, Forces, Roses and Keys. One of the intentions of this deck is to help you to access the Hall of Records or Akashic records; each description in the guidebook includes a visualization for this. The Ascended Masters work is felt here. This deck helps lift you from your mortal tangles!

nice cards

If you are not familiar with the Akashic Records theory, then read a lot before using these. They are not the classic tarot oracle, you must be familiar with the concept (I would advise that) not a great quality but not bad either, just a medium level card, I like large shiny, colorful, bright, and these are dull.

I absolutely love these!

I absolutely love these!! They are more oracle than tarot, but an oracle with a twist! They are very very accurate and the detail that went into these are without a doubt felt. I love how the cards feel in my hands. And last and final thing....the pictures, words, etc speak volumes to you as a reader way before you pick up the book for interpretation!

A tool for understanding yourself clearly and taking positive action in your life.

I find this deck to be an incredibly insightful tool for looking into the deeper workings of my own life. Using the deck on a regular basis has guided me to realizations in navigating life and understanding myself more clearly. Plus, if you follow Sharon Anne Klingler on Facebook she offers a weekly group lesson/reading for free on the different types of reading and how to use the cards. Group Lesson/readings are usually on Thursdays at noon. I pull the cards she uses in the lesson, follow along and make notes, then later I meditate on the cards after the lesson. The great thing is that if you can't view it live you can always look for it later and even go back and review it again and again. Sharon is an empowering teacher. This card deck is a winner! Do the work and use the guidance to take positive action in your life.

Another wonderful gift to the world

I have worked with at least 10 tarot decks in my life. Part of what distinguishes this deck from others is its reference to the Akashic records as well as its emphasis on energy. This deck does not correlate to the usual classifications of swords, cups, wands and disks; it has an integrity of its own that brings in a spiritual element in a different way than any other deck I have seen before. Another feature that I especially appreciate is that at the end of the write up on each card, there is an offering of an experiential exercise to assist in deepening into the meaning and energy of the message personally. Well done Sheri and Sandra! Another wonderful gift to the world!

Awesome Deck

I am an Akashic record consultant and I love this deck. I decided the first time I used it that it would be for my personal use only. I've gifted it to others and they felt it was just for them. as well The artwork is extremely detailed which I love from a reading perspective. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about the thicker stock some of the new decks are using. It does make them more difficult to handle. Sometimes hard to pick just 1 card during a shuffle and also cards do not fall out as easily.

It's A Foot TIngler!!

I have just now opened the box and as I was looking over the cards, I noticed my feet were tingling. Hmm..!! Cards are of thick stock, images are beautiful. I haven't worked with the cards yet, but because I'm a book lover, my favorite card is #2 The Akashic Library.. I wish I could step inside the image and peruse all those lovely books!! :-) I also like The Scribe...scribbling away with his feather quill.. I had this tarot on my wish list and pre-order status, so I didn't really bother to read any reviews before purchasing. As time goes on, I'll add a P.S. to this review to report on my experiences.

I like this deck, the art is beautiful!

I find the cards a little confusing compared to traditional tarot. I've been it a chance though. I like the artwork. I'm going to have to really use them quite a bit to get a good feel. Personally having to go back to the book so much trying to remember what it corresponds with in the traditional tarot is a little bit a pain to me, but that's just me. I find that if I read them just intuitively they are much easier to work with but I'm just so used to the standard tarot that I like to also know on others as well. As far as being Akashic? Not really too sure why they are calling them that.

Amazing! I bought these cards for myself and from ...

Amazing! I bought these cards for myself and from my first reading I have continued to be blown away by the accuracy of the information given. I have shared these cards with my sister and she too has been gifted with accurate information pertaining to her life. I highly recommend this deck!

Beautiful deck

Stunning. I was drawn to this deck and purchased (actually, I've already known Sandra Anne Taylor's work and read a number of her books). The art work is gorgeous; it speaks to me. I've done several readings for myself as well as clients. It's been accurate, and insightful. As other reviewers mention, you need to make sure that this deck has its own system and does not follow a traditional Tarot system (such as the Rider-Waite-Smith, etc.). But I don't mind at all. I am using this deck, in addition to the Traditional Tarot or as an Oracle deck. This works for me. I am very happy to work with this deck!

Beautiful Deck, but torn card

Disappointingly I just barely opened the deck. I had seen the deck before so I knew it was a good one but wasn't expecting of the cards to be damaged and torn rendering the deck useless, obviously a packaging issue. It was passed my return to so I can not exchange so I don't know if it would have been remedied or not which is my fault for waiting to open it.

Great deck but font in guidebook much too small

Great deck but I can't read the guidebook very well. I am still in the early stages of using it and so far it's a lovely deck, great illustrations and the additional message from the "akashic force" is a nice bonus. The issue I have is that the font in the guidebook is just to small for me to read comfortably. Even with glasses and good lighting I find myself squinting to read the messages. Is there anywhere else you have the messages of the guidebook for those having this issue? That would be great.

Not stunned

I donā€™t like the artwork on these, and I donā€™t feel like their messages are very useful or helpful. They just want you to connect with nature and magic. Which I agree, but thatā€™s all that they saying every single card, thereā€™s nature and magic around us, connect to it. Embrace it, understand it. And the artwork is just mediocre thereā€™s nothing compelling about it. Iā€™m just really disappointed, because when I saw Akashi Tarot and the reviews I thought that it would be stunning. Iā€™m not stunned.

Fantastic Deck

I am really enjoying using this enlightened deck. It's different than other oracle decks, this one really goes into the akashic records. The images are clear and beautiful and the card stock is quality. I love these sister, Sandra Anne Taylor and Sharon Klingler, they are the most delightful people, so really anything they do, you can't go wrong.

A Great Legacy for the Authors/Artists and a Gift to Us All

These cards are transcendent, fascinating, and beautiful. They are contemporary, yet contain elements ā€˜out of time,ā€™ creating an ageless palette. No, this is not your ā€˜standardā€™ Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Authors Sharon Anne Klingler and Sandra Anne Taylor have gone FURTHER back in Tarot history for inspiration and guidance in creating this outstanding deck. Also considered are global/multicultural elements. Twenty-Two Major Arcana and forty Minor Arcana (in suits of ā€˜scrolls,ā€™ ā€˜roses,ā€™ ā€˜forces,ā€™ and ā€˜keysā€™) make up this deck. Scrolls represent ā€˜the world of mindā€™; Roses ā€“ ā€˜relationshipsā€™; Forces ā€“ ā€˜energy, consciousness and natural lawā€™; and Keys ā€“ ā€˜values.ā€™ I opened the deck after an initial prayer, then slowly viewed each card. Many brought chills; some a tear to my eye. The artists are Cheri Polk and Emiliano Villani. Many cards are stunning. A number have photographic-like detail, yet, when taken as a complete scene, are ā€˜looseā€™ enough to let individualized interpretation ā€˜come through.ā€™ The Archangel cards, ā€˜Divine Physician,ā€™ ā€˜Ark of the Covenant,ā€™ ā€˜Initiation & The Count St. Germaine,ā€™ King and Queen of Scrolls, 2 of Keys (many of ā€˜The Keysā€™ cards), the whole ā€˜Forcesā€™ suit . . . there are so many standouts. Then there is the guidebook . . . reading it was like taking one of Sharonā€™s or Sandraā€™s courses. It is excellent; and well beyond being simply a reference for this specific deck. It was a substantial, unexpected bonus ā€“ much more extensive than the booklets that accompany every other Tarot deck Iā€™ve purchased or looked at, with historical references, and esoteric terms clearly explained, as well as the outlining of multiple techniques. I am so pleased with this offering, and plan to purchase additional copies as gifts.

Love this different nuances of the cards and look forward ...

I usually only buy Doreen Virtue cards, but something about this deck spoke to me. I have used it several times since I received it and it has been spot on. Love this different nuances of the cards and look forward to many more readings from them.

Connection, inspiration, accuracy, understanding

I have many cards and have been reading Tarot and Oracle cards for many years. These have a profound connection and I am so happy that I read the reviews and bought them. Their uniqueness is imho unmatched and have stirred in me a new sight that has forever changed me. I am so excited to study and learn each new avenue they take me. Karmic, Angels, numerology, zodiac/astrology, tarot and so much more... so accurate, I cannot say enough good things! They are for the serious readers and those seeking higher wisdom. Be blessedā¤

Crazy accurate & powerful. My new favorite deck!

Wow, wow, wow - I am absolutely loving this deck. Itā€™s so accurate, direct, but also gentle. Iā€™ve just had one of the most amazing self-readings with this deck - I felt incredibly energized afterwards. Take your time with this and really open yourself up to its own energy. This is now my favorite deck.

I'd buy this again if I had to.

This is a fantastic deck and the imagery is beautiful as well. Read the guide book before you start using the deck. I have to say from the very first time I held the deck in my hands I felt connected to it. The cards are very very insightful and been very helpful and accurate in all of my readings thus far. This one is a YES!!!

Powerful, Quality Oracle Deck with Informative Book

Quality, heavy card stock. Powerful oracle deck with informative book, well beyond any tarot deck. I own several decks of tarot and oracle but this is, by far, my favorite. Nothing else like it.

Better than I expected!

In all honesty, I didn't expect so much depth in this Cards Deck, or better yet, I didn't know what to expect...Pleasently surprised by this fabulous Deck. Both Sharon Anne Klingler and Sandra Anne Taylor did a great job creating this Deck. Great quality cards and nice matt finish to it.

The cardsā€™ meanings, both on the surface and through the layers, are clear from the start.

I have several decks, including oracle cards, as well as decks in digital form (iPhone and iPad apps), all of which I enjoy to some degree. This deck has become my favorite, right from the start. The way the cards are drawn along with their explanations, makes the individual and the whole, nearly instantly understood, even to the details. This deck gives me the deep readings I thought only the Rider-Waite deck could provide. The RW deck has been the one I went to when I wanted communing with God, and I will still use it this way. This new deck, though, will be my workhorse cards for whatā€™s up with life. When in pre-reading meditation, I ask my guides to inject their insights, and the nuances within the cards are clear, easy to understand. I really love these cards. My heartfelt thanks to the creators and their spirit aides.

Opens the Akashic Records, great deck

This is a very different and very interesting deck. It isn't a traditional rider-waite deck, as far as traditional tarot goes, but an older system. It relies heavily on the Akashic Records, and all the information comes through the cards. It is a whole different system and Is very accurate. I own all sandra's decks. This is more intense and in depth but that is needed sometimes to help.

These cards do seem to resonate with me I was ...

These cards do seem to resonate with me I was shocked by what they were telling me that was a continuation of my own Tara deck. I don't care for the artwork .. it appears 'fake' cut and paste. The book is too small for the information it carries ; while the cards are large. I don't mind the stock they are printed on at this moment. I will continue to use them along with my other decks. I'm a novice and the cards seem to be in point .

It's a very positive deck

I like this deck, but for when I can't handle stronger, negative energies. I have to read the description for these cards because they're not alined with my current knowledge and I can't intuitively understand them yet. But I like them...

My go to deck for accurate readings

I own a ton of decks... a ton. This is my go to deck when I need a deep reading with lots of accurate insight. It has beautiful images and good card stock (satin matte)

I love these cards.

I love this deck! The cardstock, the book, the interpretations. I've had some of my best reads and my abilities have gotten quite a boost when using these cards. The art is very much like a photo with computer graphics on them. But I perceive the imagery as well thought out and relative to the card definitions.

These cards are amazing. I love them and use them often

These cards are amazing. I love them and use them often. The pictures are stunning, and the companion book provides lovely words of wisdom and guidance. I highly recommend adding these cards to your tarot repertoire, and if they are your first set, they are a great introduction to the Akashic records. I read cards as part of my healing business and my clients enjoy this deck as well. Have fun with them, and many blessings!

Nice but so so quality

Quality is not that fantastic. I just got them already a few cards got small side tears on the long sides and one card actually just bent right in 1/2.


HELLO ALL, Over the years I've collected and loved on many different decks. When purchasing one whether at a shop, a bookstore or on-line, I've ONLY considered how it felt to ME. Of course I read the customer reviews because I'm truly hoping that everyone gets what they might need or desire. THIS DECK has come at a very pivotal time in my life and the life of the universe. I felt an INSTANT connection to the very very purposeful GREAT HALL of RECORDS and decided that I need a more visual tool with some very different options. THESE babies do NOT disappoint. Gorgeous in style, meaning and texture, they have delivered a SPOT ON message to me every day. I honestly can't say enough about them. They are inspirational and thought provoking. Bravo and I would HIGHLY recommend them!


Finally found my deck of cards that speak to my soul. The detail in images are amazing, they went over & beyond with the details within the images! Quality is amazing. The amount of information in the guide book is amazing, they took an extreme amount of time channeling these messages and give you the upright, reversed, and general meanings. These are Matte and high quality card stock.

Lovely Inspirational Oracle Deck

A Beautiful Inspirational Deck. Please note though, I've had 2 people who know Tarot confirm to me this is an Oracle Deck not a traditional tarot deck. I actually like this even better for this reason, but it is not a Tarot deck.

The full deal with this deck, accuracy, beauty, and detail. Love it!

Amazing and detailed images, accurate, and divinely connected deck. Immediately as I began using this deck it was highly accurate, and spot on for readings. What I love most is the layers of image detail in the art of each card. This deck only gets better and better as I work with it. My only true less than positive thing I could share- the cards are very thick, therefore it takes quite a bit of use to break in the cards.

I cannot say enough about how amazing this deck of cards is

I cannot say enough about how amazing this deck of cards is. This is my second deck of cards, so I am very new at this. However, I cannot believe how accurate and informative these have been. I mean seriously! Goosebumps! You can tell that someone with a lot of wisdom, research, and love and light went into the making of this deck of cards. I also appreciate the large and informative guidebook that comes with it. I have learned so much already. Thank you for making this accessible to me.

Wonderfully Detailed Deck

I bought these as a gift for my best friend who is a seasoned reader. This deck has become one of her favorites and a go to for in depth readings.

Buy it!!!! Astounding

This deck is amazing!! Iā€™m astounded at its accuracy. It picks up the current situation extremely well and is incredibly accurate with future predictions (which can change) but wow!!! Absolutely amazed.

Kipper Meets Tarot

I love the fact this deck reminds me of Kipper cards but have major and minor arcana suits. These suits are custom to this deck which is another plus for me. The only issue I have is the art is not as sharp and as an intuitive reader I like to be able to see everything in detail.

Best Cards Ever.

Honestly, I've been doing tarot for a year and these cards are far the best I've ever had. I feel like I'm actually speaking to a psychic while using these cards. It's a more direct and accurate read. Tarot is cards that work extremely well with people who have an actual psychic ability to assist them with precise readings. These cards are for ANYONE šŸ™Œ no matter what level of tarot reading you're on.

Five Stars

Love, Love Love these cards!! They are accurate like almost no other deck I use.

Outstanding deck of tarot

I love the look of the cards. The pictures are detailed and wonderful to look at. The best thing is that they are uncannily on the money and thought provoking. I have had many decks of tarot cards and this one is the best yet! LOve!

This is going to be one of my favorite decks!

I collect mainly Oracles, but have a variety of Tarot ones. Am really cherishing this deck and the energy it exudes through each card. I also own the Energy Oracle from Sandra Anne Taylor, the co-author and I use that deck often. This is a Tarot inspired deck and although it is different to the Energy Oracle deck...It seems very tuned-in as well.

Difficult to handle

These cards are really lovely and was excited to work with them. The only downside is that they are huge. I have pretty large hands, but am not easily able to shuffle these these cards. Hopefully they be easier to work with as they get used more.

Accurate and Interesting Pictorials

I love the accuracy and explanations of each pictorial rendering. It is not easy to see each object on the cards and I find that I rely mostly on the book for interpretation - this is unsatisfying and results in the 4 star rating.

So accurate

This deck is changing my life. It's so accurate, calls to me often, and has helped immensely with guidance that's been SO USEFUL. I own about 20 decks, and this is BY FAR my favorite.

Deck with Insight

I love this deck. I have lots of decks and have gotten rid of lots of decks. This deck is spot on and the cards are beautiful and not a pain to read. I had thought it might not work before getting it but it is very good and so far right everytime. Makes me think about choices I make too. that is good in a deck or a reading

Informative and Accurate

The book is small but does contain a lot of information, especially if you read it all and not just the interpretations. The cards are large and thick with good color. I personally don't shuffle for reversals but there are interpretations for them included as well as upright cards. There is also a guided visualization with each card.

Highly Recommend

These cards are amazing and yes they helped me to connect to spirit and my Akashic Record. I am very thankful.

Beautiful cards

Some of the cards stuck together, so I had to go through the deck and get a little fine powder in between the cards so they would all slide smoothly. Of course that is probably a good thing since it gets some personal energy imprint with me and all the cards. Other than that I love them, Great Energy!

Love this deck

Love this deck! Connected right away, very accurate readings. The guide book goes into a lot of information on the deck then into the meanings. The cards are thinner and with a matte finish.....beautiful.

An excellent addition to my collection!

WOW!! I had full trust in ordering these cards because of my wonderful experience with Sandra Ann Taylor's "Energy Oracle Cards". I was moved to contact her to tell her how much I loved them. And now these! Deeply profound and so very accurate, I am again moved to leave my positive feedback. Still amazed at the accuracy. Thank you ladies for bringing forth these beautiful messages!

What a Connection!

These cards are absolutely beautiful! I felt so connected to them when I opened the box. Itā€™s as if they spoke to me. The pictures are gorgeous. I love reading with them.

Beautiful Deck and Straight Forward Results!!

This deck is really beautiful. The energy surrounding the deck is inviting. Only thing I would say, is that I donā€™t think this is for beginners and you really have to analyze the scenery in the pictures to understand how it relates to your circumstances or questions. I do believe the cards drawn are not by mistake, so keep practicing and interrupting the best you can!!

... different from the traditional tarot decks and are both beautiful to look at and use

These cards are very different from the traditional tarot decks and are both beautiful to look at and use. The knowledge and understanding behind the creation is wonderful.

Accuracy 100%

I absolutely love this deck! The quality of the cards is sturdy, the art work peace evoking. The messages are accurate and extremely clear. I do read from the book with this deck, but only for details. I've loved teaching my clients about the Akashic Records. Most don't know anything about them!

First setā€” recommended

I bought these cars because my friend had a death, and after she gave me a reading I just felt a connection with them. I have my own set of oracle cards but I wanted something a little bit more like these cards. And they are perfect! Are use the book to learn more about them and I use them for meetings when I want a more in-depth explanation or a little bit more from the universe. Highly recommend as a first set Tarot card set.


Iā€™ve had this for awhile but just now getting around to reading the guidebook, which is very helpful. Canā€™t wait to start doing readings.

Surprising and praying

I have been cured with this card deck whenever I asked I wanted to ask my question to my higherself. I experienced many surprising moments with this deck. It will guide to comfort mind.

I love their work and I wholeheartedly recommend these cards

These are VERY accurate cards. They help me gain clarity in my decision making. All of their products are genuine and accurate. I love their work and I wholeheartedly recommend these cards.

Beautiful deck!!

This deck is absolutely beautiful!! I started working with it the first night and the connection was instant. I was able to give general readings that really resonated with my folks.

Beautifully created with intricately detailed artwork

Beautifully created with intricately detailed artwork. Easy to work with either intuitively reading or in conjunction with the guidebook. One of the more detailed guidebooks Iā€™ve worked with. Extremely accurate and applicable. This decknhas quickly become one of my favorites.

These sisters know their stuff.

Absolutely LOVE this deck! High quality, beautiful art, and excellent guidance. These sisters know their stuff. You will not be disappointed in your purchase.

Beautiful deck and messages. Great quality cards.

This deck is absolutely beautiful and the messages are even more beautiful. I am very happy with my purchase.


Most accurate; and breathtaking experience ever, which i have gave clients, friends and myself. Very impactful and I feel these cards really speak to ones soul. A must buy!

The Akashic Tarot Deck and Guidebook

These are beautiful cards which give the tarot a lovely, artful look. It's a large deck of 62 cards and the book is nicely done. I love these cards.

62 pieces of art in a box and each card taps your psychic power.

So, I wanted to use these cards for a while before I reviewed them and they are everything I hoped for. Of course they are beautiful, but it is their energy that impresses me; I feel that they actually lift my intuition. You don't even need to be an accomplished reader -- these cards almost read themselves. The accompanying guide book is a great help! I love the mini process described in the book for each card to help you tap the power of the Akashic forces. This deck has become my favorite tarot.

I love these so much I bought a set for a ...

So on target!!! I love these so much I bought a set for a gift for a friend. This particular set of cards is by the twin psychic sisters Sharon Klingler & Susan Taylor - I have read their books and the cards are a hit!!! Nice addition to my collection.

Favorite deck EVER!!!

This was my first tarot deck and itā€™s incredible!! The product itself is very sturdy, Iā€™ve used them heavily for a year now! If youā€™re a beginner I wouldnā€™t recommend unless you like a challenge, but Iā€™ve gotten nothing but 100% spot on results. I became a tarot reader because of this deck and itā€™s a tool I would encourage everyone to use!!

Just do it!

Super accurate!

not what I expected

I got this but when I saw the deck it was more of an oracle than a tarot but good artwork though.

Learning from your past lives.

These cards are so beautiful and very colorful. My plan is to use them for myself and friends.

The artwork is gorgeous!

I was drawn to these cards as the creators were teaching a Master Class through Hay House. They used them to demonstration and I knew I had to order them! I am very glad I did <3

These cards are beautiful, the images are striking

These cards are beautiful, the images are striking; the stock is sturdy and the whole thing is put together professionally. I find these cards to be very accurate. Thanks for a great product!

Amazing, beautiful deck

I have wanted this deck forever and I'm not sorry. It has amazing energy and just call to me. I can't wait to use them.

Absolutely no regrets a must have!

So beautiful and high quality card stock. The book is excellent! A must have

This is quickly becoming my favorite deck. Very rich imagery and guide book

This is quickly becoming my favorite deck. Very rich imagery and guide book. I've found the readings to be powerful and nuanced.

Not for me

This are a little complicated my least fav of all my decks I just donā€™t click with them.

Love the meaning behind the cards

I love these cards and the meaning behind each card. You can tell a lot of effort went into these cards not genetic at all.

Terrible Card Stock But Like the Cards

I have recently went on a deck buying spree and most decks use low quality card stock. Can barely read the card meanings in the book, I like the art work and card meaning but over all low quaility.

powerful Deck

This deck is no joke. If you connect with this deck get it! Read the directions as it's a bit different from the usual tarot deck, but the readings i've been getting when I'm guided to use it have great depth. Thank you.

Have to have it!

I absolutely love šŸ’˜ this deck! Have to have it!

I did not like the illustrations

A very subjective comment: I did not like the illustrations. They are not ugly, of course. They just don't inspire me.

A beautiful deck!

So accurate! A beautiful deck!


I love these cards. Very accurate and insightful

Stunningly beautiful and Amazingly accurate

Never, have i seen such beauty in a deck of cards such as these. Sharon Anne Klinger put her foot into making this deck of cards to say the least as they're coming off as "Royal Elite Tarot Cards. " shipping was on time or early, can't remember but wasn't late at all. I'm honored to have this deck as apart of my collection.

Five Stars

Great gift

This one has become my favorite

Unbelievable deck. This one has become my favorite

Very Nice Cards

I am very pleased with these cards


By far one of my favorite decks

Great addition

Bought for a friend and she absolutely loves them. Now I have to get me a deck since she brags on them all the time. :) A lot different than regular tarot but very informative and spot on from what she says.

Empowering message with each reading!

I love how these cards read!

Five Stars

These cards are beautiful and a great addition to my collection.

Beautifully Illustrated Tarot Deck

Lovely deck of cards, very detailed artwork. This is a good deck for anyone, whether they are a seasoned pro or a newbie to the Tarot.

Love this deck!

This deck is accurate and has a positive energy to it. I use it all the time alone, or in a combination deck reading.

These cards are just beautiful, and the accuracy is astonishing

The shipment arrived prior to delivery. These cards are just beautiful, and the accuracy is astonishing! In addition, the bonuses that were offered were a very nice surprise!

If you're wondering, just get them.

This deck appeared in my life exactly when I needed it. And, the colors are beautiful!

Great set

Pretty nice set and pairs very well with other decks.

Lovely Cards.

Delivered as described.

I love these cards!

I really love these cards! They resonate with my energy really well. They are a wonderful size as well.


AMAZING! ACCURATE & BEAUTIFUL. I just have to repeat what others say , cause it is true.... Each card has a meditation that u can do in order to get in touch with the Akashic force revealed by the card. Usefull!

but is a very pretty deck as far as the art work goes

Nothing outstanding..but is a very pretty deck as far as the art work goes..Same as other tarot decks nothing different.

If I could give the Akashic Tarot Card Deck a ...

If I could give the Akashic Tarot Card Deck a 10 star rating, I would. In all of my years of using cards, I have never had a deck resonate so completely with me. They are of such a high vibrational energy and their messages are filled with poignant wisdom and guidance specific to my journey - every single time I use them. I'm grateful to have found this deck!

Must have

Beautiful deck

Love this deck

Love this deck

I like it!!!

The card stock is a little eh but Iā€™m still happy with the deck. Itā€™s a different in the way they tell you to ā€œunlockā€ it. Worth having.

Love these cards and the style

Love these cards and the style, these are meaningful and I highly recommend them to those interested in the Akashic teachings.

Not only are these cards very beautiful and intelligently versed with words loaded with wisdom and ...

Not only are these cards very beautiful and intelligently versed with words loaded with wisdom and encouragement, they resonate with me more perfectly than most decks I own. I love them so much, I'm purchasing several more decks to share with friends and colleagues. Thanks Sharon Klinger & Sandra Taylor for such a creative, inspiring, and unlimited source of Akashic wisdom!

Really good buy.

Very happy with them. I was surprised to see that they didnā€™t have the swords āš”ļø suit. Still love them though. Book is organized, detailed explanation of each card and awesome tips to help lay them out to read them. Love the table of contents, help a lot.

Impressive. besides the art work and the detailed book ...

Impressive. besides the art work and the detailed book with meanings, instructions and a bunch of helpful how to's. I'm honored to have this deck. Thank you.


Alot of cool information

great depth to the cards

Liked them so much I bought a deck for a friend.

Five Stars


... learning this deck but I think the artwork is great and the book that explains each card is very ...

I am still learning this deck but I think the artwork is great and the book that explains each card is very helpful and insightful!

Great deck

I am still trying to get used to this deck. Love the imagery!

Great illustrations

I love the deck

Beautiful and Sturdy

The illustrations are lovely. I really enjoy using them.

I love them

So beautiful and unique

Perfect Oracle cards for Akashic record

Amazingly accurate divination oracles. Beautiful pictures that tell the story.

Five Stars

Cards came in good new condition and good time! Would reorder and recommend!Love the cards!

I love these cards!

This is my first experience using Tarot cards and I selected this set because of my interest in the Akashic Records. I was not disappointed.

I've had these cards for two days now and I ...

I've had these cards for two days now and I have to say they do get you in touch with the Akashic records very fast and spot on.

Me encanto

Excelente material, Fuerte y grueso. Su libro guĆ­a contiene el significado mas unas meditaciones.

I was sceptical at first since I love the traditional tarot

I was sceptical at first since I love the traditional tarot, but the art work and the energy in the Akashic Tarot deck are remarkable. I've been working with this deck for a few months now. I find the readings and the insights truly inspiring. Highly recommend it.

Big, stiff cards. Great book included.

I have man-sized hands, and I'm having a hard time trying to shuffle these. They're extremely stiff and very large, akin to the Thoth deck, and I'm not sure how I'm going to do readings when I can't shuffle them properly. I guess I'll just have to mix them up on a table-top, not shuffle the usual way. The artwork is awesome and the book (not booklet) that comes with the deck is amazingly big. So far, from what I've read, it really resonates with me. I've recently discovered the Illuminati and this deck, with the Akashic Record, reflects their ways quite well, as I understand them. IMO, the Akashic Record idea was created by the Illuminati. I AM looking forward to learning way more about the deck, it's just at this point in time it's going to be rather burdensome to learn a good way to shuffle it properly.


very well done. Inspired!

Akashic tarot

Card stock is too thick so they're difficult to shuffle

Honesty in it's purest form

I initially was a bit put off by this deck but after figuring out HOW to use this deck effectively, this is my go-to deck when I need honesty in a reading. Definitely recommend this deck!

Love this deck

This deck read me to filth when i got it and cleansed. Its not traditional so dont look for exact answers like a tarot reader. This is better for intuitives.


Amazing product and the inclided manual is great and very informative. Knowledge seekers must have!

Love the pictures on them reminds me of another time ...

Quit a different type of tarot. Love the pictures on them reminds me of another time and place.

Perfect deck for me!

Love love love them!!


Recieved the same item I ordered twice instead the second Well looks like it showed up today

Easy to learn, lots of fun

Love the Authors of these cards. These twin Sisters are the real deal. And really nice people too

Quality Of card stock wasnā€™t there šŸ™

Cards stock was peeling at the edge ;( There thick but started peelingšŸ˜‘

Great deck!

Love it!

Good product.

Beautiful cards. Still learning how to use them. One of these days.

Very pleased with this purchase

Arrived on time. Item,exactly as described and exactly what I expected. Very pleased with this purchase. Thank you!!!

Excellent everything, artwork

This deck resonates with me. Excellent everything, artwork, messages and weight of the cards.

This is exactly what I was looking for


Five Stars

Very Happy with the Cards, learning how to use,

So easy to understand! Book is wonderful!

This is my personal fav! I love this deck and art is beautiful!

I just got them and I drew a card reversed ...

I just got them and I drew a card reversed and it was right on... I'm impressed with the powers that be ....

Gives a bit different insight.

Unusual, but interesting.

Great quality oracle deck

Interesting deck to work with. Great quality cards.

Beautiful deck

Beautiful deck.

Five Stars

beautiful deck, well done !

The book gives good tips on what to be aware of that the ...

Read the book before you do a spread. The book gives good tips on what to be aware of that the cards are more subtle about.

Five Stars

I love the artwork, excellent tool to use and quite accurate.

Four Stars

very good!

These are wonderful cards.

These are wonderful cards. Beautiful imagery and interpretation.

Fast Shipping

Fast Shipping. Item as Described.

Love these cards!

Great quality & nice art.

Love it!

Beautiful cards and easy reading.

Five Stars

great cards

Five Stars


Easy to use them

Love pics

Fantastic cards

Beautiful cards each speak a thounds words.

Great cards! Amazing readings!

I'm having so much fun with these card! The readings are amazingly right on! I think they are unique and beautiful.

A real portal.

It's my go to deck. Well made with good card stock. Alive and very much accurate. Beautifully designed. Sandra and Sharon did a great job. Well done..

They are beautiful and inspiring

They are beautiful and inspiring. The guidebook that comes with the cards has over 200 pages that go into detail for each card.

Five Stars

very nice, thank you

Five Stars

This deck is brilliant!

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