The 48 Laws of Power

Kindle Edition
31 Aug
Amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive, this multi-million-copy New York Times bestseller is the definitive manual for anyone interested in gaining, observing, or defending against ultimate control – from the author of The Laws of Human Nature.

In the book that People magazine proclaimed “beguiling” and “fascinating,” Robert Greene and Joost Elffers have distilled three thousand years of the history of power into 48 essential laws by drawing from the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and Carl Von Clausewitz and also from the lives of figures ranging from Henry Kissinger to P.T. Barnum.
Some laws teach the need for prudence (“Law 1: Never Outshine the Master”), others teach the value of confidence (“Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness”), and many recommend absolute self-preservation (“Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally”). Every law, though, has one thing in common: an interest in total domination. In a bold and arresting two-color package, The 48 Laws of Power is ideal whether your aim is conquest, self-defense, or simply to understand the rules of the game.

Reviews (184)

These rules of power that will get you alone, broke and turn you in to a loser/wanna-be abuser

All ethics, decency, courtesy and fairness falls out of the Golden Rule - "Treat others as you would like to be treated". So the question is what happens when we are all those things, for the best of our ability, but we get treated poorly by a narcissist that abuses our kindness. Do we the embrace the psychology of our abuser and accept that is how the world is and that it was OUR fault for being naive? These rules are the revenge fantasy of a wounded child archetype. They are highly dysfunctional in any healthy community, relationship, friendships of family. If you practice them, you will end up losing the most valuable of friendships and other relationships that would have helped you out the most in life, and keep you in that hell. If you want to be able to recognize psychopathic indicators in others, read up some books on modern psychology that addresses that directly. It is not very hard to recognize such people. I heard this is the most popular book ordered in US prisons. That should tell you something.

DANGER: read at your own risk

there seems to be a lot of love and hate surrounding this book, so if you are curious but unsure, this review should help you decide whether or not to buy the book, and how it will impact you First, to understand the 48 laws of power, you must know two key ideas 1. you CAN NOT escape the power game. thinking you can "not participate" is as foolish as thinking that you could somehow escape gravity or make the sun stand still. Robert Greene explains why in the intro with some excellent examples 2. the 48 laws of power are neither good nor evil; they are just LAWS. If someone pushed a man off a cliff would you blame gravity for for his demise? This is the mindset you must adopt in order to learn a lot from this book. Things I Liked - NEW PARADIGM after reading the 48 laws, you will never see the world the same way again. once you understand some of these laws you will see many underlying currents and motives you did not see before. - INCREASES POWER one of the main reasons to buy the book. you wil become exponentially more powerfull by knowing and understanding these laws -CRYSTAL CLEAR every law is clearly outlined with "transgression" of the law, "observance" of the law, keys to power, and a "reversal" -GREAT STORIES the 48 laws are packed with mindblowing and sometimes humorous stories of people in history practicing these laws. this is helpful as some of the concepts are quite abstract. What I didn't like -RISKY an old proverb says " A man who plays with snakes will eventually be bitten". If you begin to use the 48 Laws improperly, you could get yourself in some dangerous situations, lose friends, piss off a lot a people, and destroy relationships - REQUIRES DISCERNMENT if you you are looking for a highly concrete book that the says "do xyz and you will accomplish vyx" look elsewhere. the Laws require good judgement and and and prospecting nature to practice and apply -NOT FOR EVERYONE If you are aghast at the idea of manipulation and deceit then read with caution. OVERALL: If you want to have more power or a better understanding of why different situations turn out the the way they do, you should definitely read the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene. If you want to be naive, easily manipulated, weak, you should ignore this book and go watch some netfilx. Thanks for reading

Great for dealing with the real world

This book has controversy, but most of it stems from reviewers that believe all people are good inside and unicorns deliver their vegan low fat cappuccino with cream. Well, most people aren't kind, and this book prepared me for reality. It doesn't teach one to be self absorbed or evil or a heretic. It teaches one to stand your ground and to protect yourself from taking unnecessary burden, unfair treatment, and manipulation from corrupt people.

A Book of Evil

This book takes the worst parts of the human mind and drags them down into the abyss. And then thrives there. When you open this book, it's akin to stepping at the edge of the cavern. You don't notice how its stalactite-filled ceiling echo the horrors and the gore and the piss and the vomit of others that came before. Its passages are full of the bodies of good men and women who were caught by the beasts that live there. You know you should turn back after seeing the first mangled corpse, but you're enthralled by the journey. It may come off as exciting. "What harm can it do?" you might think. "There's treasure at the end," you might think. Then you see the first demon of forty-eight. It doesn't do anything. It stands, however, at the centre of the first level. It stares at you, its black eyes full of emptyness. You may grow scared. And you'd be right to. Or, like a fool, you will approach this horned burnt skin creature. It stands tall and appears almost as if it were a part of the cavern itself. Its transparent nature, made to lure you into thinking it does not exist, makes it even more dangerous. And when you are well within its reach, it seizes you with its mighty clawed hand and eats you whole. But something strange happens. You don't die. You fall. And you fall far. When you finally come to, your body, full of pain, and soreness, and that horrible feeling of nausea explodes inside you. As if a piece of your soul was eaten away. It takes you a while before you realise that you are now deeper into the abyss. There's less light. But you still hear some of the comforts of nature. The rushing water into the bodies of aqua. The sound of drops from the stalactites. The distant birds chirping. You would think that what you saw was some illusion. That you slipped and fell. Or that some other thing occurred. A bad lunch; a meal that made you ill. If you were smart, you'd turn around and go home. But most people aren't smart. They keep going. You hear a fox's cry suddenly. You can't believe your ears. A fox? Here? And you follow the sound. When you arrive to where the fox sits, its back to you. You might say, "Oh you poor creature. Are you lost? Do you need any help getting out?" Then it turns. It's not a fox. It's animal in the normal sense. The world around you suddenly grows colder and darker. You may take a step back. But the fox, with red eyes, eyes that are bleeding and putrid and full of maggots, follows you. It's screeching. Loudly. And you cover your ears. But that doesn't help. And when the fox reaches up to you, it lunges at you. And eats its way into your heart. And you black out. When you awaken, the cavern is different. As if you were moved elsewhere. The walls are growing a faint red. Your chest feels like it's on fire. And you can't feel your arm. But it slowly begins to regain its feeling. Then you puke out blackness. It's not a puke like anything you've seen. The human body isn't made to expel something like this. Something is clearly wrong. That was the second demon. You might panic and run. Or you might not. If you were smart, you'd turn around and go home. But most people aren't smart. They keep going. You rub your head, then your arm. You get up to your feet and look around. Things seem hazy. Much darker than before. You're confused. You don't know what you saw. You look around. Maybe try and find a way out. Suddenly you see a light at the end. You decide to follow it. And you spot an old man sitting on a small mound. He had a long flowing white beard, a grand white gown with the names of holy people written and he wore a crown. Much rather, he wore seven crowns made of gold, silver and copper, and each crown was full of diamonds of various colours and shapes. His eyes were gentle. And smiled, like a father does to his child. His presence gave off something warm about it. "Who are you?" You might ask. "I am the last of all that is good. Turn ye back and never return. Ere thou too shalt be consumed," the mysterious fellow said, in a loud and booming voice. You might think the old man mad, others might think the old man illogical, and finally others might say that he's ignorant or outdated or that he can't understand the intricacies of the new world, the modern world. He is a relic of the past, with all those pesky morals and traditions. We can't have morals or traditions in the future. If you heed the advice, you may yet be saved. If you don't, then your soul will slowly be consumed. Until you too are no different than the demons you should rightfully fear. Even if you were not a religious person, it would be obvious to see how unethical this book is. You will become a spawn of evil. And no amount of prayer and church-going will ever be enough. Because you have been done the unforgiveable knowingly. If you wish to learn how to use power for good, then I would recommend Aquinas's De Regno, Vincent of Beauvais's The Education of Noble Children, Cicero's De Officiis, Seneca's De Clementia, and the King's Mirror by anonymous. There are many more on the observation of power and its use in business, but these work. And you don't need to be underhanded in order to do so. The best businessman is the one who can keep his soul intact, and thinks of the good of others. Not himself.


WOW! I was asked to purchase this book for a client. Which I did. I wanted to see what my client was reading, so I ordered the for myself. I read the back cover....I was scared for humanity. Basically it is a "how to" manipulate and not take any responsibility for your own actions. "Don't outshine the master." WHO is the master? Talks about that make YOU reading the book, the tormentor? "Pose as a friend, work as a spy." I get that we should take control and not let people take advantage of us. But this books looks more like a "how to" for wanna be Sociopaths.... They should sell this book with "How to spot a sociopath!"

Should be called " 48 Laws of deceit"

48 laws of power are 48 ways to manipulate people to your will by any and all means necessary. "Create a cult like following" give your disciples rituals to perform and ask them to make sacrifices in your behalf". "When asking for help, appeal to peoples self interest, never their mercy or gratitude". Strike the Shepard and the sheep will scatter. Play dumb, lure people in with kindness and use it against then later. This book will not inspire anything good. The author gives thanks to others for help in the writing, however this is nothing more than a true representation of Law 3 Conceal your intentions, use people.

Required reading

Not everything in here is pretty, good, or pleasant. Then again, this is about power, not about being a "good person", whatever that means. I wish I had read this when I was in my teens. It would have prevented me making a lot of naive mistakes as a young man.

Great read, from start to finish! Thanks, Robert Greene ;)

This is a controversial book, mostly because the average person wishes the world were peaceful, friendly, and not full of chaos and drama... Well, unfortunately, wishes don't make it a reality, and there are people out there who prey on the weak and take advantage of those who are too trusting. The 48 Laws of Power (by Robert Greene) illuminates many ways that those predatory people can gain power over anyone who is not aware of the manipulation and power games they play. And while it may take some practice, study, and a keen eye for detail, anyone can learn to spot these (often subtle) power struggles and often even turn the tables on the enemy at hand! Please, if you are considering reading this book but are 'on the fence' about it because of the people saying negative things about it, just read it! This has become one of my favorite books in a short period of time, and it has given me a new way to perceive the world around me. Robert Greene is a great author, and the way this book is formatted / written makes it educational, entertaining, and compelling, all at the same time. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to every single person in the world, because it is not for the faint of heart; but if you've ever been taken advantage of, shut out of someone's life, lost control of a situation, had someone feign authority over you (successfully), had relationship problems, problems in the workplace, etc, you deserve to give this a read-through at LEAST once. Don't take everything at face-value... and by that I mean don't decapitate anyone for "transgression" of any of the laws, but definitely think about times you have seen these laws at work, and how a grasp on a relevant law from the book could have changed the outcome of that particular scenario. .Long story short, this is an amazing book! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :)

Funny,informative and imminently insightful

No one needs to know how to form a cult. The books explains how, in broad strokes. If that doesn’t prove this book is intended to entertain I don’t know what would. The rest of the stories, they are stories loads of great stories, teach us how to identify predators, defend against them and gain confidence when dealing with any problem people. I wish I’d had this book in college. Just knowing how to undermine clinging leeches would have been worth the price. If you’re afraid the book teaches how to use and abuse you can relax. There isn’t enough detail for that. This book teaches how to identify users and their primary methods and motivations in story format that are laugh out loud funny sometimes and insightful at all times. I recommend it to anyone but particularly people who have trouble dumping takers.

Pure Garbage!

Some of the worst advice I've ever read. Threw it in the trash. It's the kind of crap Hitler probably lived by. No thank you. I care more about my fellow man than that.

These rules of power that will get you alone, broke and turn you in to a loser/wanna-be abuser

All ethics, decency, courtesy and fairness falls out of the Golden Rule - "Treat others as you would like to be treated". So the question is what happens when we are all those things, for the best of our ability, but we get treated poorly by a narcissist that abuses our kindness. Do we the embrace the psychology of our abuser and accept that is how the world is and that it was OUR fault for being naive? These rules are the revenge fantasy of a wounded child archetype. They are highly dysfunctional in any healthy community, relationship, friendships of family. If you practice them, you will end up losing the most valuable of friendships and other relationships that would have helped you out the most in life, and keep you in that hell. If you want to be able to recognize psychopathic indicators in others, read up some books on modern psychology that addresses that directly. It is not very hard to recognize such people. I heard this is the most popular book ordered in US prisons. That should tell you something.

DANGER: read at your own risk

there seems to be a lot of love and hate surrounding this book, so if you are curious but unsure, this review should help you decide whether or not to buy the book, and how it will impact you First, to understand the 48 laws of power, you must know two key ideas 1. you CAN NOT escape the power game. thinking you can "not participate" is as foolish as thinking that you could somehow escape gravity or make the sun stand still. Robert Greene explains why in the intro with some excellent examples 2. the 48 laws of power are neither good nor evil; they are just LAWS. If someone pushed a man off a cliff would you blame gravity for for his demise? This is the mindset you must adopt in order to learn a lot from this book. Things I Liked - NEW PARADIGM after reading the 48 laws, you will never see the world the same way again. once you understand some of these laws you will see many underlying currents and motives you did not see before. - INCREASES POWER one of the main reasons to buy the book. you wil become exponentially more powerfull by knowing and understanding these laws -CRYSTAL CLEAR every law is clearly outlined with "transgression" of the law, "observance" of the law, keys to power, and a "reversal" -GREAT STORIES the 48 laws are packed with mindblowing and sometimes humorous stories of people in history practicing these laws. this is helpful as some of the concepts are quite abstract. What I didn't like -RISKY an old proverb says " A man who plays with snakes will eventually be bitten". If you begin to use the 48 Laws improperly, you could get yourself in some dangerous situations, lose friends, piss off a lot a people, and destroy relationships - REQUIRES DISCERNMENT if you you are looking for a highly concrete book that the says "do xyz and you will accomplish vyx" look elsewhere. the Laws require good judgement and and and prospecting nature to practice and apply -NOT FOR EVERYONE If you are aghast at the idea of manipulation and deceit then read with caution. OVERALL: If you want to have more power or a better understanding of why different situations turn out the the way they do, you should definitely read the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene. If you want to be naive, easily manipulated, weak, you should ignore this book and go watch some netfilx. Thanks for reading

Great for dealing with the real world

This book has controversy, but most of it stems from reviewers that believe all people are good inside and unicorns deliver their vegan low fat cappuccino with cream. Well, most people aren't kind, and this book prepared me for reality. It doesn't teach one to be self absorbed or evil or a heretic. It teaches one to stand your ground and to protect yourself from taking unnecessary burden, unfair treatment, and manipulation from corrupt people.

A Book of Evil

This book takes the worst parts of the human mind and drags them down into the abyss. And then thrives there. When you open this book, it's akin to stepping at the edge of the cavern. You don't notice how its stalactite-filled ceiling echo the horrors and the gore and the piss and the vomit of others that came before. Its passages are full of the bodies of good men and women who were caught by the beasts that live there. You know you should turn back after seeing the first mangled corpse, but you're enthralled by the journey. It may come off as exciting. "What harm can it do?" you might think. "There's treasure at the end," you might think. Then you see the first demon of forty-eight. It doesn't do anything. It stands, however, at the centre of the first level. It stares at you, its black eyes full of emptyness. You may grow scared. And you'd be right to. Or, like a fool, you will approach this horned burnt skin creature. It stands tall and appears almost as if it were a part of the cavern itself. Its transparent nature, made to lure you into thinking it does not exist, makes it even more dangerous. And when you are well within its reach, it seizes you with its mighty clawed hand and eats you whole. But something strange happens. You don't die. You fall. And you fall far. When you finally come to, your body, full of pain, and soreness, and that horrible feeling of nausea explodes inside you. As if a piece of your soul was eaten away. It takes you a while before you realise that you are now deeper into the abyss. There's less light. But you still hear some of the comforts of nature. The rushing water into the bodies of aqua. The sound of drops from the stalactites. The distant birds chirping. You would think that what you saw was some illusion. That you slipped and fell. Or that some other thing occurred. A bad lunch; a meal that made you ill. If you were smart, you'd turn around and go home. But most people aren't smart. They keep going. You hear a fox's cry suddenly. You can't believe your ears. A fox? Here? And you follow the sound. When you arrive to where the fox sits, its back to you. You might say, "Oh you poor creature. Are you lost? Do you need any help getting out?" Then it turns. It's not a fox. It's animal in the normal sense. The world around you suddenly grows colder and darker. You may take a step back. But the fox, with red eyes, eyes that are bleeding and putrid and full of maggots, follows you. It's screeching. Loudly. And you cover your ears. But that doesn't help. And when the fox reaches up to you, it lunges at you. And eats its way into your heart. And you black out. When you awaken, the cavern is different. As if you were moved elsewhere. The walls are growing a faint red. Your chest feels like it's on fire. And you can't feel your arm. But it slowly begins to regain its feeling. Then you puke out blackness. It's not a puke like anything you've seen. The human body isn't made to expel something like this. Something is clearly wrong. That was the second demon. You might panic and run. Or you might not. If you were smart, you'd turn around and go home. But most people aren't smart. They keep going. You rub your head, then your arm. You get up to your feet and look around. Things seem hazy. Much darker than before. You're confused. You don't know what you saw. You look around. Maybe try and find a way out. Suddenly you see a light at the end. You decide to follow it. And you spot an old man sitting on a small mound. He had a long flowing white beard, a grand white gown with the names of holy people written and he wore a crown. Much rather, he wore seven crowns made of gold, silver and copper, and each crown was full of diamonds of various colours and shapes. His eyes were gentle. And smiled, like a father does to his child. His presence gave off something warm about it. "Who are you?" You might ask. "I am the last of all that is good. Turn ye back and never return. Ere thou too shalt be consumed," the mysterious fellow said, in a loud and booming voice. You might think the old man mad, others might think the old man illogical, and finally others might say that he's ignorant or outdated or that he can't understand the intricacies of the new world, the modern world. He is a relic of the past, with all those pesky morals and traditions. We can't have morals or traditions in the future. If you heed the advice, you may yet be saved. If you don't, then your soul will slowly be consumed. Until you too are no different than the demons you should rightfully fear. Even if you were not a religious person, it would be obvious to see how unethical this book is. You will become a spawn of evil. And no amount of prayer and church-going will ever be enough. Because you have been done the unforgiveable knowingly. If you wish to learn how to use power for good, then I would recommend Aquinas's De Regno, Vincent of Beauvais's The Education of Noble Children, Cicero's De Officiis, Seneca's De Clementia, and the King's Mirror by anonymous. There are many more on the observation of power and its use in business, but these work. And you don't need to be underhanded in order to do so. The best businessman is the one who can keep his soul intact, and thinks of the good of others. Not himself.


WOW! I was asked to purchase this book for a client. Which I did. I wanted to see what my client was reading, so I ordered the for myself. I read the back cover....I was scared for humanity. Basically it is a "how to" manipulate and not take any responsibility for your own actions. "Don't outshine the master." WHO is the master? Talks about that make YOU reading the book, the tormentor? "Pose as a friend, work as a spy." I get that we should take control and not let people take advantage of us. But this books looks more like a "how to" for wanna be Sociopaths.... They should sell this book with "How to spot a sociopath!"

Should be called " 48 Laws of deceit"

48 laws of power are 48 ways to manipulate people to your will by any and all means necessary. "Create a cult like following" give your disciples rituals to perform and ask them to make sacrifices in your behalf". "When asking for help, appeal to peoples self interest, never their mercy or gratitude". Strike the Shepard and the sheep will scatter. Play dumb, lure people in with kindness and use it against then later. This book will not inspire anything good. The author gives thanks to others for help in the writing, however this is nothing more than a true representation of Law 3 Conceal your intentions, use people.

Required reading

Not everything in here is pretty, good, or pleasant. Then again, this is about power, not about being a "good person", whatever that means. I wish I had read this when I was in my teens. It would have prevented me making a lot of naive mistakes as a young man.

Great read, from start to finish! Thanks, Robert Greene ;)

This is a controversial book, mostly because the average person wishes the world were peaceful, friendly, and not full of chaos and drama... Well, unfortunately, wishes don't make it a reality, and there are people out there who prey on the weak and take advantage of those who are too trusting. The 48 Laws of Power (by Robert Greene) illuminates many ways that those predatory people can gain power over anyone who is not aware of the manipulation and power games they play. And while it may take some practice, study, and a keen eye for detail, anyone can learn to spot these (often subtle) power struggles and often even turn the tables on the enemy at hand! Please, if you are considering reading this book but are 'on the fence' about it because of the people saying negative things about it, just read it! This has become one of my favorite books in a short period of time, and it has given me a new way to perceive the world around me. Robert Greene is a great author, and the way this book is formatted / written makes it educational, entertaining, and compelling, all at the same time. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to every single person in the world, because it is not for the faint of heart; but if you've ever been taken advantage of, shut out of someone's life, lost control of a situation, had someone feign authority over you (successfully), had relationship problems, problems in the workplace, etc, you deserve to give this a read-through at LEAST once. Don't take everything at face-value... and by that I mean don't decapitate anyone for "transgression" of any of the laws, but definitely think about times you have seen these laws at work, and how a grasp on a relevant law from the book could have changed the outcome of that particular scenario. .Long story short, this is an amazing book! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :)

Funny,informative and imminently insightful

No one needs to know how to form a cult. The books explains how, in broad strokes. If that doesn’t prove this book is intended to entertain I don’t know what would. The rest of the stories, they are stories loads of great stories, teach us how to identify predators, defend against them and gain confidence when dealing with any problem people. I wish I’d had this book in college. Just knowing how to undermine clinging leeches would have been worth the price. If you’re afraid the book teaches how to use and abuse you can relax. There isn’t enough detail for that. This book teaches how to identify users and their primary methods and motivations in story format that are laugh out loud funny sometimes and insightful at all times. I recommend it to anyone but particularly people who have trouble dumping takers.

Pure Garbage!

Some of the worst advice I've ever read. Threw it in the trash. It's the kind of crap Hitler probably lived by. No thank you. I care more about my fellow man than that.

A Manual for Narcissism.

The two stars I am giving this book is because it DID teach me how power hungry people behave and what manipulation tactics they use. So, this book is invaluable in that it clearly lays down for people who have been on the receiving end of bullies, narcissistic people and manipulators, exactly what tactics they are using. So, while this will disturb you to the core, please read it if you been taken advantage of people like these in the past. For Self Defense and Awareness Purposes solely. Now that I have said that, this is a highly disturbing read. Yes, many power hungry people do behave this way. Yes, this is the REALITY of how people and institutions around the world manipulate and push people with less people around. But the author seems to be condoning them. I was deeply disturbed by this book and the author's "voice." If they meant this as an impartial study of reality (sad and depressing as that is), that is NOT how this comes across at all. In fact, I think a lot of the people who will be attracted to this book will be power hungry, narcissistic or outright narcissists. And this book is a manual that will help them hurt other people. And the rest who stumble across this book will probably be disgusted by it and shrink back. But to those, I say: Read this book as self defense. I am not sure what exactly the author intended by writing this book but we can use it to defend ourselves against predators. The next time you come across someone at work or at home whose power moves you just don't understand, look at this book. They are probably using one of these tactics that normal, decent people (which I think most, or at least, many people are) just don't use. This is truly a manual for how to become a narcissist.

Felt dirty for reading

Book is immoral and certainly not something you would want to aspire to

I am Powerful!!!

This book teaches you about your "Power" and how to recognize it in everything you do, especially your profession. It teaches you humility and humbleness and how powerful that is when it's applied. I have two other books in this series and am in the process of reading them all. This particular book does not need to be read cover to cover. You can read on the "48 Laws" as they interest you, not only as the book is written.

Unless you plan to be a politician or time travel back to the 17th century, don't bother.

I've tried to read this book for almost 4 months now, have restarted it twice after losing interest entirely and it feels like a chore to read. It's like the author read Art of War, took something hallucinogenic and then went to writing. Perhaps in politics some of this may apply. But if you implement even half of what this book advises, you will succeed only in becoming a psychopath and push everyone around you away. Any time I've been seen reading this book and people ask what it's about, I have no idea what to tell them. Despite reading and re-reading and re-analyzing the first 19 "laws" I cannot understand why this book makes lists with so many great ones that you might actually get something from. There seems to be a culture in literature of garbage like this where people pretend to "get it" and that laws of ancient wisdom involving trust and decepit and military tactics somehow improve their life working 9-5 in an office, sitting on a computer all day. I personally have gained nothing from this book in spite of spending probably an accumulative 20 hours reading it thus far. This book will now make a very short list of mine, a list of books I absolutely could not get through and wound up discarding: -Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It -The 48 Laws of Power

Guide to Survive Dog-Eat-Dog Corporate America

This book is a must for anyone working for the corporate leviathans of our age. The scholarly research for this book is immense and impressive. It contains more non-fiction anecdotes from over thousands of years of human history than any book I have ever read. I graduated college in engineering in1996 right as the treasonous two decade plus mass movement of plants and entire industries began in earnest to China and Mexico. As millions of American jobs have been lost, dwindling work forces have been fighting like junkyard dogs over scarce resources. I was naive and tended to believe the best in people as I was born and raised in a small and relatively isolated enclave in Southern Appalachia. The last 24 years of Hard Knocks has made me a different person. I have been betrayed, knifed in the back, shut out by cliques, blind-sided publicity, etc. Nobody is after me in particular but absolutely EVERYONE is looking out after number one and don’t care who goes down in the process. Humanity has not changed over the millennia! I have unwittingly learned some of this book’s techniques over the years and have been a survivor of many mass layoffs that were inflicted on the workforce (during times of record profits I might add in case you might want to argue the business necessity of the firings). I am not using this book as a climb to the top as the upper echelons are much less secure and overrated than many tend to believe. Being a manager in a giant global conglomerate is like being the head football coach of a team where you control nearly nothing yet have all the responsibility for success or failure. This book teaches survival. I reject that these principles are amoral. They are true reality. The folks who are pretend religious with Jesus coffee mugs and Bibles on their desks will put a thousand working families on the street if that’s what it takes to get their own personal bonus for the year. That’s just the way it is. Take what you need from this book and sweep the rest under the table. Use the principles according to your needs, organizational structure, market conditions, and personal strengths. I wish I had this book when I graduated college but would not have paid attention to it. I was full of optimism and Pollyanna positive thinking. The harsh reality of how the world works has set in and this book is a nightly reader for me as a result.

No thanks

I’m always looking for solid career advice but I tossed this one after a few chapters. There is a high creep factor and the book left me feeling slimy. A person can achieve a high level of business success without lowering themselves to this level.

Good for a Hearty Laugh, not as a “Power Guide”

While this book is a useful compilation of historical stories, it dangerously also poses as a modern manual for human behavior - a task at which it abysmally fails. We have the book on our coffee table and open it any time we need a good laugh. Anyone looking to understand human behavior, power dynamics and network effects would be better off reading books based on research and modern science, since we no longer live in the dark ages. Adam Grant and Brenee Brown are good starting points.

Hate this book

Hate this book. Came highly recommended. But it is vile and cutthroat. Save us all from people who use this. Very negative view of people and the world. Maybe a good book for politicians, people with no conscience, or the devil?

One Star

This reminds me of something a "pick up artist" would write... very manipulative advice.

Favorite book (after the Bible)

This book is filled with cunning strategies and easily adoptive techniques. I can't apply all of them to my daily life (Jesus wouldn't have it), but for the most part, this is the tool I use to stay ahead of the curve...


I purchased this book as it was on my 16-year-old nephew's Christmas wish list. I'm guessing he heard about it in school or something; however, once it arrived my husband and I started reading little bits and were truly appalled at what we were reading. This book speaks to how to manipulate the world and walk all over people to gain power and get what you want. I was so surprised at the rave reviews I saw on this.... but this book is DISTURBING! I returned it and will explain my reasoning to my nephew. I would absolutely not recommend this as a gift for anyone you actually care about... I still can't believe some people think and live this way. So sad.

It's A Doggy Dog World, Will You Fall Behind Or Thrive In It?

Many of us are told growing up that the world is a utopian place and to adjust our behaviors accordingly. We told to "treat others how you want to be treated", "turn the other cheek", "everything happens for a reason and works out in the end" and "pardise awaits us after we die". Most people realize that this view of the world, especially once they leave the nest, is in fact false. There is suffering and death occurring on scales at the moment that are beyond human comprehension (nature has a 99% extinction rate). People are, and quite willing, to hurt and use you for their own ends. And that if you expect to get anywhere in the world you have todo more than work hard and be kind, you must hustle, be lucky and sometimes use and push people aside. Robert Greene in "The 48 Laws of Power" is first and foremost making you aware of the way the world is. Not as we want it to be but as it is. He goes through 48 "laws", which are really just techniques/actions, that people use to protect themselves, advance their own interest and "gain power". Each chapter starts with short description of the law and then proceeds to detail the law through accompanying stories and reasoning. Overall I feel the author has created an absolute masterpiece. He's engaging, articulate, funny and smart in his writing. Personally once I really got into the book I couldn't put it down. I found myself reflecting back on my own experiences, those close to me and society at large and I saw people utilizing the laws all the time (whether they know they are is a different story). I was also suprised, in a good way, at just how diverse and applicable they were to so many different areas of your everyday life. The only real downsides I found with the book is that it is long (probably unnecessarily so) and a bit depressing (since the laws can and often are used for evil). But that's a complaint about human nature, not the authors fault. So what is the real purpose of the book, what do people take away from and use it for? Well the laws are really just like a diverse tool kit to be used at different times in your life. So first and foremost it's about awareness and protecting yourself. Even if you don't use the laws, or at least don't intend to use them in a bad way, other people will try to use them on you and you can adequately defend and protect yourself. As they say "a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" to any problem/conflict. Second it's about using them to advance your own interests. And this where the negative reviews are entirely unwarranted. Any weapon or tool, such as a car, is not itself good or evil. Only the person wielding it is. So you can use them for good or evil. And at the end of the day really is their anything wrong with protecting and advancing you own interests (if they are noble)? The answer is no and if you want to do anything meaningful in life you must both defend and attack. Another thing, for those still hesitant on reading the book, is this. In recovery from any major problem there is typically five steps people go through (whether they know they are going through them or not). They are "Denial", "Anger", "Bargaining", "Depression" & "Acceptance". This is what you will likely go through with this book. At first you'll "deny" the laws, you'll become "angry" as you see that they are in fact true and be utilizing people (how awful they are for doing so), you will start to use them for yourself and see results ("Bargaining"), "depressed" as you come to terms that they really work and used for evil in some cases (why does it have to be this way) and lastly you'll "accept" that this is just how the world works and your better of knowing about them and using them for both defense and offense. Do you want to be a victum the rest of your life and be used, abused and hurt and left behind? Or do you want to Man (or Woman) Up to the world so you can survive and thrive in it? The answer is obvious. I have seen people, including myself, get used, abused and hurt (in some cases ending in death) because they were unaware of these laws or refused to let go of the utopian/disney view of the world. Grow up or get left behind. As Saint Paul said "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.". I would recommend you check out Greene's other books in particular "The 33 Stratgies of War" and the "The 50th Law" (with 50 Cent). The help complete your personal technique arsenal for effective defense and offense. My last piece of advise is to follow the unwritten "49th law" which is "to not talk about the laws of power". It is to your advatge for others not to know this stuff as they will often use it agaist you or they will resent you because they may think your using it on them. (This is the real motivation behind a lot of the negative reviews, they don't want you to know them because they put themselves at a disadvantage). I would only educate perhaps your children and a long term significant other as you want them to be protected and thrive as well. However if you can be sure you safe from harm you may want to pass it on (as someone likely did to you since your reading this review). But again be wary, when so many other people suck it makes it easier for you to stand out. As they say a good magacian never revels their secrets.

Laws that are Chock Full of Contradictions

48 Laws of Power is a classic snake oil book. It claims to have Laws, but each chapter points out the swathes of exceptions to each Law. Furthermore, the laws blatantly contradict one another. The result is a book full of anecdotes attempting to prove contradictory rules. The book instructs the reader to be a cutthroat, emotionless, calculating manipulator to succeed. I will not argue with that conclusion, but it is not the only path in life. For fun, here are some of the 48 laws that contradict one another: Law 6 - Court attention at all cost ("all attention is good attention") Law 5 - So much depends on reputation - Guard it with your life -------- So he advises to bang pots and pans together, but to avoid getting a bad reputation. Great. Law 7 - Get others to do work for you, and always take the credit Law 11 - Learn to keep people dependent on you -------- In other words, sometimes you should make people do all the work, and sometimes you should garner a reputation for doing all the work and being reliable. Great advice. Law 4 - Always say less than necessary (to appear smart by letting people imagine you know more) Law 46 - Never appear to perfect ----------- So you should pretend to be omniscient but not perfectly omniscient Law 34 - Be royal in your own fashion: act like a king to be treated like one Law 38 - Think as you like but behave like others ----------- Unless everyone is a king, this is plainly absurd. Before you buy this book for laughs, keep in mind that if you follow these rules, smart people around you that read similar concepts as a defensive measure (like myself) will immediately write you off as a sociopath that is not worth connecting with, befriending, or respecting. Power is not the only value in the social marketplace.

If you're looking to forfeit your soul....

Mark 8:36 asks "What good is it to gain the whole world if you forfeit your soul?" Keep that in the forefront of your mind as you read this book. Otherwise, you risk taking it too seriously.

Unlawful laws? A good book for bad people?

Almost like a certain biblical tree, this highly popular book impresses me as almost akin to the “Book of Good and Evil,” maybe even a close cousin to Machiavelli’s “The Prince.” As I read through this 452-page collection of 48 power laws, I personally rated them into the following categories (one law was split): Good (27%), Bad (30%), and Ugly (43%, which could go either way to follow the crowd). As far as archetypes, one could translate this split into a good George Washington, a bad Hitler, and maybe a run-of-the-mill, somewhat unprincipled modern politician. Also, some of the laws looking to be Bad on the surface appear to be just Ugly, given that the examples of the law subsequently provided soften the apparent top-level advice to do harm. And some laws seem to contradict other laws, leaving one wondering which ones to follow. Yes, these strategies are said to work to accrue power, but to what end? Are you trying to build up a positive world for everyone, or raise yourself up while destroying it and hoping you’re dead and gone before it comes crashing down upon you and everyone else? As you may recall, Machiavelli’s “The Prince” is one of the first works of modern political philosophy, purporting to share “the truth” rather than ideals. The term “Machiavellian” is now viewed as a pejorative. However, if one recalls George Washington's words, he frequently used the word “interest” to determine how people and peoples (nations) are motivated. Indeed, even Machiavelli urged princes to construct compelling arguments. Thus, power is always and ultimately about persuasion, whether convincing others to work with you or to explain to adversaries the consequences if they do not. Addressing “interest” then is frequently just a “carrot and/or stick” proposition. However, on the positive side about the book’s negative side, at least it helps one with Good character learn about what Bad characters might try! Therefore, all in all, I highly recommend even Good guys take a tasteful bite of this good/evil book! Of possible interest:

Don’t Get Suckered

I must admit, I am a little embarrassed of having bought this book. After the first 11 “Laws” it has become clear to me that I was suckered. The very idea that there could be 48 “Laws of Power” is really laughable if you think about it. But, still, one might hope to get something profound out of it. This work could far more appropriately be labeled “How to Be The Biggest Jerk in Any Room” or maybe “48 Fairy Tales of Power.” The authenticity of the stories presented I find very suspect. They often read to me as loose collections of facts strung carefully together in a manner advantageous to the author. There are no footnotes indicating any sources to investigate. There are quotes from Sun Tzu and such that I am reasonably sure are perfectly legitimate. But to pull concepts together in this manner strikes me now as disingenuous to say the least. If it is true that this book was banned in several prisons, that likely isn’t because of any ‘secret’ or ‘utterly profound’ insights. It is probably because some of the inmates might actually believe this garbage and get themselves or others killed. There may be scattered insights here and there into human psychology depending on your background. And there may be some value in reading this just for entertainment. But please do not buy this book thinking that it is academically legitimate in much any sense.

I could not believe what this book is teaching.

I don't like those Laws. They don't make any sense to me. They teach how to lie, tell what your superior wants. I could not believe this book has so many stars. So after reading three laws, I gave up reading the rest of the book.

Hard Pass

I read only a few pages and I was instantly turned off from the book. It talked about taking advantage of people, using people, manipulating people and making enemies... all things that I don’t believe in. I couldn’t bare to read anymore.

great information/ tools that you can put to use immediately ...

great information/ tools that you can put to use immediately even as you read the book. So helpful in making me hold my posture with people no matter who I am dealing with and how to act/ talk with forsight, to not order this and read this book would be of a disservice to you and your future healthy you. If you are a young man who wants to go into business or become a great employee this book is will help you get all that you want sooner and easier you can't go to school and learn these things and you have to know all this to successfully thrive in life like those that you might admire. I wish I had this information at a much younger age I would have avoided obsticles that I didnt have to hit head on! Order now!!


We live in a strange world. There are psychopaths, sociopaths and power hungry folks out there. How can you stay away from these types of people in your daily walks in life. When you are going to have a surgery or procedure, the doctors explain what it entails, risks, advantages, disadvantages, recovery and such. It is up to you to decide whether to proceed with the surgery or not. It's your choice to learn from these different personalities or avoid them. It's your choice to work with leaders who are toxic, allowing them to exert their power over you, victimizing you and ruining your life and career, or quit. Reading this book served as an informed consent for me to know the truth, and deciding what to do about it. Thank you Robert Greene for this book.

48 laws of power

Some of it is interesting, but our lives believe in the Bible An even tho this can be interesting, my heart An life could not get behind being out so deceitful. We feel blessed in life An Jesus works for us. Just an honest opinion.

48 pieces of shattered glass

I have no idea why this book would sell, or get good reviews. The book has no logic coherence (rules contradicting each other), no equilibrium (rules that will not work if everyone does it), and no moral anchor (success = living in constant hatred and anxiety?). Yes, I know reality can be cruel. No, I am not a saint. Still, I believe we will all be better off if we help (not stab) each other.

the ultimate POWER is knowledge

I struggled whether to give this book 3 or 4 stars but ultimately I enjoyed the stories and history lessons but was annoyed by all the authors interruptions with side notes and comments and interpretations. I think the stories and histories in the book were strong enough on their own and didn't really require so many interjections. I know this is a book about POWER and it's a part of human life and interactions among humans but the author paints a rather negative and depressing picture about humanity. Surely there are other emotions and qualities that we posses and that motivate us besides this lust for POWER and the need to deceive and if we are to believe the author all our motives and desires are tied to this need, lust for POWER. I would maintain that the human condition is much more complex than that and there is an influx of motivations and emotions that are in play in all of us and that POWER and the need or desire for POWER is only one of many. Many of the historical examples depict murder, lies, deceit, robbery, criminal acts, etc. Again, this is part of humanities history and surely there is much to be learned from this history. But would I want to model my life after any of these people? Probably not. Doesn't it mean i'm in denial about my so called need for POWER? I don't know...maybe? To me the ultimate POWER is knowledge. Learning. And learning not just from books or school but from life. I don't want to make it seem like I hated the book because I certainly didn't. I learned a lot. But if I compare it to the other book I read by Robert Green, Mastery, in my opinion the former was much better!

Makes sense of The Politics.

Puts politics in the work place into perspective. It is not for everyone but if you choose to ignore the understanding of these laws, your ignorance will only allow for you to be easily manipulated; feeling helpless. Not a fan of every Law but it the book isn't called 48 Laws of being a good person. Although I may not exercise every law, the understanding of the some laws allows me to defend against manipulation.

I brought it as a mind stimulating book

My husband loves it. He's currently incarcerated.

Wasn't as impressed as I thought I'd be

I bought this after years of toying with it. I have had his book Seduction for a number of years and that was also not quote what I thought. Robert Greene honestly seems Like.. Frued in a way, he seems to understand psychology from an interesting perspective, but a very jaded one as well. ALL of his books aren't about learning to politic, or get along, or figure out how to win, the are more about learning to how play people, destroy your opponent and divert attention from your mistakes onto others's, there are some nuggets here and there, like law #35 when negotiating always give two options that you win either way.. never give one win and one loss option - I like that.. but then there are so many twisted ones in here.. honestly, he seems.. kind of cukoo. So I guess it depends on where you are in your evolution. To me this was kind of a waste of money.

Very long

Even though I greatly enjoyed reading this book I felt that this book was nothing more than an expansion of "The Prince". From the style to the underlying concepts, it really felt like I was reading a modern day version of Machiavelli's classic. Other than that I felt that he over embellished on most of his so called "laws". Personally I felt that this book was way to long. He provided way to many thorough explanations where they weren't needed. If he trimmed out all of his over explanations and embellishments he probably could have summed up his 48 laws in less than 200 pages and would still have been able to get his arguments across.


Very disappointed in this says to not hold fast to old rules and culture issues and yet 90% of his writing is from his Classics college classes of historical figures from 5,000 years ago...Maybe it was loved 20 years ago when this book was then a best seller, but today everyone, especially me is looking for modern heroes and relationships to today’s issues and problems...again very disappointing...

It is a dog eat dog world out there and this book sort of help you navigate through the maze :)

This is an interesting read and I enjoyed it. This book is not for everyone and I can understand the one star reviews. However, it is the world we live in unfortunately and sometimes one must behave in a manner that others find detestable to get ahead. I will buy again if needed.

So Far so Good - Helps Understand the Techniques Used by the Controlling

This book has caused quite a stir it seems. First, if you're worried it's a guide on how to be a sociopath, well, it's not. BUT, this book does go over various ways to come out on top in situations that involve a balance of power, and it is very blunt about how to do just that (to some extent). Most of these laws require practice to use effectively - noone's going to pick up this book and BOOM - next Machiavelli. Also important to note is that the laws themselves are neither moral nor immoral. They can be used to do good and bad things, to harm or to protect others, etc. On that same note, I wouldn't want an actual narcissist/sociopath to EVER get their hands on a book like this. I wouldn't brag about the knowledge in this book openly, and I'd only share its contents with close friends and family. Best to not have something like this in the hands of the abusive and the controlling. I really enjoy the format of the book. Each law tends to go like this: Judgement - synopsis of the law Transgression - historical story of someone who failed to follow the law Observance - historical story of someone who successfully followed the law Keys to Power - Greene goes on to explain in more detail about the law and its usage Reversal - exceptions to the law Both Transgressions and Observances have an interpretation of them in which Greene (author) gives his input about the stories. There are also little quotes/stories written in red on the side of the pages, which I personally didn't care for much. Everything in the book's format allows the reader to continually see the law in use, which makes it easier to remember, along with the use of stories to really aide memory retention. I personally have read and took detailed/concise notes on laws 1-13 so far, and plan on finishing them all chronologically, but you don't need to read the book in this manner. This book teaches many important lessons on how to deal with people in so many different ways. Even if you couldn't apply every law efficiently, just knowing the techniques of those who may want to harm you gives you quite an advantage. If anything, this book should be read by altruistic/loving/caring individuals, much more so than the selfish/abusive. They'd all benefit being much more aware of the potential ill will others bear. Of course, around decent, caring, and loving people, most of these laws are completely unnecessary.

Scary book because it hits close to home.

This book is scary, because it provides the blueprints for sociopaths to gain control, influence, and power. It is useful for those of us who aren't sociopaths to be able to spot the manipulation techniques used against us. Wish I would have read this in college before starting a career, so that maybe I wouldn't have been so blind-sided by actions of others.


This was an interesting read but if you are looking to implement this in your life be cautious. The author even warns, 'Too much respect for other people’s wisdom will make you depreciate your own. Be brutal with the past, especially your own, and have no respect for the philosophies that are foisted on you from outside.'

The most evil book I have read to date

This is the kind of book that make the world a horrible place. I am shocked at how penguin even published it. A manual on how to be evil. All the copies should be burnt and amazon should most certainly ban it from its stores

Despite the criticism I really like this book and learned a lot from it you just have to be open

This was a book that I’ve heard things about for years, a lot of them positive and then a lot of the negative depending on the person typically. Some said that it was about mind control and using people but just from some of the chapters I’ve read I don’t really see that I can see where they feel that way about certain laws but others are very real and it’s just hard reality to swallow for some people. Law 10 was one that really resonated with me in the situation I was currently going through at the moment with a person who is miserable and literally it was Word for Word what the person did and acted like. And the repercussions that I was suffering from a completely true so I highly recommend the book despite the controversy obviously take what you read with a grain of salt some of the things are Pretty dark but that doesn’t mean you have to follow it that way or you can interpret it differently.

This book is for sharks or anyone forced to swim with them

Whether you are a narcissist or sociopath looking to perfect your game, or just a decent human being trying to survive in a world of narcissists and sociopaths, everyone can benefit from studying the 48 laws. Some of the advice is controversial, and often even contradictory. For example, you are encouraged to protect your reputation at all costs, because once it's gone, there is no getting it back. But, in the very next chapter, the reader is told that there is no such thing as bad publicity, and it is sometimes good to invite scandal. I took off a star because I the book needs to be updated to address issues like social media and cancel culture. The author points out that we are all playing this game. People can piously claim that they are opting out, but in fact they are just losing. As distasteful as that is, I can't disagree with him.

Essential reading

I give this book to millennials who have been raised in our school system to think everyone in the world should be kind, gentle and loving. They're not. Naivete won't get you anywhere and harsh bullying is just as useless. A crafty understanding of human nature and a healthy touch of Machiavellian cynicism however will prevent you from being one of those deer in the headlights losers who can't quite understand why they were just rolled over. This book takes one from callow youth to sharp grown up. Essential reading.

Surprised to find people using these rules have been all around me the entire time

I found this book super interesting. I've always been able to pick up on key behaviors of others that just seemed off. Disingenuous comes to mind first. Watching people, who were clearly intelligent act as though they were inferior to others, especially management. I've also noticed others who don't utilize that practice. Taking every opportunity to show up management. The end result is always the same, the one who appeared less intelligent and allowed his supervisor to shine always gets the leg up. That's just rule one! While reading this book, you'll be shocked by how much of this was going on around you. Whether you choose to practice any of these rules in your own life is entirely up to you. Even if you choose not to you'll defiantly learn what to look out for when it comes to those around you. I think that's the best take away- helpful in learning who you can trust and who will burn you if given the opportunity.

Eminently useful, even for those who want to do good

An uncanny and straightforward analysis of the ways of the world and how to navigate them to bring about the most fortuitous conclusion. As a sociology major in my school days, this book perfectly captures the essence of the sociological imagination described by C. Wright Mills: no individual has power except when we comprehend our position in society, where it is heading, and how we can join with others in shaping that trajectory. That said, many if not most of these laws can easily be used for manipulation and deceit, and some may be inherently inconsistent with honesty and fairness. For those who reject machiavellianism and seek to be loved rather than feared, this book will nonetheless help the reader identify where and how underhanded people work and can take measures to hinder their progress, if not stop them outright. The game of power is one we all must play, whether we choose to or not (much like "the game"). What we do with power and how we share it determines the outcome.

Great Strategies On How To Navigate Life

I'm halfway through the book. If you choose to follow the rules with people you interact with on a daily basis, then just remember, it's lonely at the top. I'm using this book in order to not repeat history; To be able to detect and avoid certain people in life. You're able to use this book for good personal gain and not malicious intent. It all depends on how you view it and your purpose for reading it.

Best Self Help Read🥰

A must read for all Divine Feminine Goddesses and Empaths. I recommend that you have access to a "website" while reading so you can find out about the "rest" of the story. For instance, the Bible tells of Cryus the Great who helped the children of Israel rebuild the temple (I think this story in the bible is a metaphor) but did you know a Woman Queen Warrior defeated Cyrus of the Babylonian empire, which the book The Secret speaks. Her name Tomyris and she was of Iranian descent. Divine Feminine's and those of us who don't understand how the Game of Life is played need to get this book. I especially recommend this book for young woman whether you plan to be a work at home mother or business entrepreneur, either way it will help you avoid the pitfalls in life or help you when you fall into the pit with your eyes wide open how to recover and get out. Great read. Thank you, FREQUENCYPHOENIX555 for recommending this book. 😇🙏💖

A bunch of anecdotes

I was disappointed in the writing style in this book. It's very disjointed and rife with anecdotal excerpts from other works. There is very little original content. Also, the Kindle has numerous type setting and spelling errors.

Don't buy

Over simplistic garbage, a rip off, save your money.

Returned book because letters fonts too small

I returned this book because the lettering where too small and required effort to read due to the size of fonts.

A Must Read!

The legendary reputation of this book needs no explanation. This book teaches you 48 different laws of power. Each law is explained in great detail and Robert Greene even gives real life stories from history to prove how effective each law is. You can either learn the 48 Laws from this book in order to dominate others or you can learn the 48 Laws so that nobody dominates you. Choose how you’ll use this powerful information wisely!

JP New Jersey

A very intense book, chock full of information to help anyone wishing to understand and improve themselves. Through understanding the "hows and whys" of what makes us who we are, and how we can better understand ourselves and each other. Through this book, we can learn to temper our actions toward each other, and create better relationships. This book requires deep reading and deep thinking.

This is a book about how to be a terrible person in order to get ahead in life

This is a book about how to be a terrible person in order to get ahead in life. If thats the kind of person you want to be then read it. But it I could not even get half way through the book before throwing it in revulsion at what it suggests you do to get ahead in life. Basically lie cheat do whatever you have to do in order to get what you want no matter who you hurt.

Contradictory. Wordy. Not terribly Informative.

Meh. The author spends a lot of time saying things like "Never do X, because it'll embarass you. [two chapters later] You should do X, because it'll set you apart." Okay, great. You've advised me to do and don't do the exact same thing. Sure, life is complicated, and sometimes you should do X and sometimes you shouldn't. You should pee when you're in front of the toilet and you really need to. You should not pee when shaking hands with Obama. I get it. So how about devoting significant portions of the book to these contextual situations where one rule might violate another? Also, it seems to spend a thousand words covering a topic that only needs about 200. Overall, the book leaves me wondering why I purchased it. Is there a Cliff's Notes version?

Mixed feelings about the book

As a victim of manipulation, I would like to warn people this book needs trigger alerting. Also this book holds a very rigid and unipolar approach to what power is. Power can hold different meanings to different people. Here it is all about getting what YOU WANT while creating wreckage and muck that you leave others to cleanup for you. A narcissistic approach, although I did see they tried to tell people that you should not use these techniques in your own nest and with your own people.

Use it not as a weapon, but as a shield

Neither good, neither bad. Kinda disgusting to read :/ but at the same time, it is very helpful to learn manipulative behavior of Psychopaths. And be ready for action/protection of your boundaries.

A masterpiece. Loved the whole book

I don't know why anyone would rate this book less than 3 stars The only reason I can think of is that those people are afraid to face the world as it is and prefer to cover the sun with one finger This book is crafted with the best real stories from history greatest triumphant leaders and common people This book is what I would call a real 'self help book' giving great advice on mostly how to be aware of the wolves out there that want to take advantage of you, even your most loved ones. But also you might be able to practice the laws yourself, not abusing of course, because like it says in the introduction the game of power is very tricky. Moreover, this book is nothing like the rubbish offered in other kinds of self help books like 'wishful thinking' and new religions

Shocking, appalling, and highly entertaining!

If you enjoy history, psychology, sociology and the dynamics of relationships you'll love this book. Greene's work has the focus of Machiavelli's, The Prince, but is written in a voice similar to Dale Carnegie's, How to Win Friends and Influence People. There's lots of practical advice with loads of examples to help everyone from the aspiring tyrant to the school teacher to the middle manager to the parent. If you can get past the promotion of power (which I suspect is satirical like Machiavelli) there's much really good advice here to keep from being taken advantage of by people in power over you or those below you trying to pull themselves up at your expense. So, read it, but don't take the admonition to power too seriously.

A framework to handle power.

This book helps provide a framework for the power moves I see in my personal and professional life. Using this framework, you are able to recognize power moves at play and counter quickly. On the offensive, you can harness these tactics to be more successful in your interactions with others. Love this book and look forward to reading more from Robert Greene.

Bastante contenido de valor

Robert Greene enfoca y usa como ejemplo a estafadores o personas viles, sin embargo, cada una de las leyes del poder si tienen una aplicación útil. Me explico, para Robert lo importante es obtener poder, sin embargo, es un poder insostenible considerando los engaños, la hipocresía, entre otros. Cuando sumas todas las recomendaciones te das cuenta que el verdadero poder está en transformar nuestro carácter para desarrollar comportamientos reales y no fingidos. En ese sentido, si se puede desarrollar poder con cada una de las leyes de tal forma que sea sostenible y duradero. Aunque la aplicación más evidente es a nivel empresarial, considero que es útil para todas nuestras áreas de vida.

Still Reading

As a socially inept individual with social skills that leave much to be desired this book helps such individuals navigate the social realm. Whether it be the office, your classroom, or other social circles; this book makes you take a hard look at yourself and drives you to fix your flaws and work on your strengths.

Book for General Life

I can honestly say this book changed my outlook on life. I think this is a good read for anyone and at any point in their lives. Greene outlines his 48 rules and backs them with interesting historical anecdotes. Sometimes, when I feel like something is not going as well in my life as t should, I refer back to this book to see which rule can be improved upon. The book is designed for just that, review and improvement. Cannot stress enough how important this book is to me.

Good book!

This book has laws based on authors who have used “cold power” in the past such as Machiavelli, Mao Tse Tung, and other authors. It’s overall a great book whose laws you can apply in every aspect of life; however, some laws may be a little too “machiavellic” and I think would end up hurting you more than benefiting you in the long run.

Important Read

This should be required reading for anyone who needs to deal with people in their profession (almost everyone). Some say it's evil, but in the end it's all in how you use it right? If you're scared it'll make you a bad person it won't. If you're already a bad person, well, remember your good old friend from the Amazon review section before you take over the world. Anyways, it really is a good, necessary read that will do nothing but help you navigate our society. Plus there's LOTS of history lessons for those into that.

Humanity sucks, use them to win, this book is a godsend.

I live by this book IDC how evil it makes me. The world isn't rainbows and fairies. It's corrupt and everyone is out for themselves. So might as well take that lead and take your power no matter what because no one else is going to give that to you, they'd much rather take your power than give you a sliver. Humanity is rotten. So use it to your advantage like everyone else does and get ahead by whatever means necessary. Don't forget the humans around you would take everything you have if it meant they had some power so, screw humanity and step on heads and go succeed by any means necessary. Period.

The power of boredom...

Wanted to read about power, instead I learned about deep boredom. Tidious. Presumptuous. Evil. Repetitive. Unethical. Self oriented. Don't, just don't.

The audio book is amazing!

This was an amazing book for both business and strategy. It gave many historical examples for which each law applied and did it in such a way the law was also relevant to modern times. This is an excellent book for anyone who is trying to get a grasp on the business world. Rich Poe did the narration for this on audible and he was excellent. His voiced possessed a serious tone that excentuated the material being read and eleveated it to sound urgent and important. He did an excellent job!

Wow! It's an eye opener..

What we're reading in this book is exactly what we're seeing before our very eyes regarding politicians, the music and entertainment business, religion, families (especially when there is Will involved), corporate, the #MetooMovement, reality TV, and at our very own places where we work. I have no intention of following these types of behaviors which are advocated in this book. According to the author, this probably means, i'll die, homeless, without friends, no makeup, broke, bald, and disenchanted - Just like Nicola Tesla! When someone tells you to use "Honesty as a tool for deception" - then why even bother to use the word "Honesty"? Just say, "Be a compulsive lying, manipulative, cold-blooded narcissist like our very own #45 (Trump and his administration), and you'll be wealthy." Granted, the only people whom you'll call "friends" will basically be parasites, saboteurs, or con-artists, just like yourself! This makes for entertaining, intimate evenings with people you SHOULD enjoy being around. You won't be happy, you have no one you can trust, no one can trust you, and any one who comes near you will probably have a concealed container of pepper spray, or weapon handy - just in case. This is a world, i can't stomach on most days, folks. But it's real and surrounds us every single moment of our lives. Millions of people are fighting for the chance being a "courtier". Many of them just for the chance to eat the crumbs from their tables and brag about it. People want to be seen, heard, revered, feared, and still come off as a "class act", or even worse? They demand respect, even when they have none for themselves. But acording to the author? In order to "look" as if you have class, you have to act like something someone dragged from the depths of a compost pile to make it all happen. The author, has a point, and certainly does not hold back on the examples. He did a great job with his research, and bringing his points home to the reader. I'm just grateful, that i grew to have instincts later in life to just stay away from these types of people. The last thing i want to do when i go out to dinner with someone whom i call a friend, is have to deal with an individual who's been "scripted" by the writer of the Hunger Games. I would like to HAVE dinner, not BE the dinner. I, for one, like to sleep at night. But if i had to lay with the author or people of that type of mentality, i'd have to sleep with both eyes open.. Great book, if you want to learn the "mentality" of the power hungry, status seeking, ambitious, manipulative, parasitic types. If you don't want to read the book? Keep watching the news. Especially the politicians. It's just as informative, as well as entertaining. But even worse, today's news is going to be someone's example for the next "Power" book.

Hard to apply in many ways

The history was interesting, how to apply it I feel is harder and to some degree I don't know that I would wait to. I don't think I wold recommend it.

Understand Power or Be Controlled

This is an excellent study of how power is used. I really liked the format. You can either read it cover to cover or pick out the laws that apply to your situation. There are many laws that I would never engage in myself but it's good to know them so that you can see when they're being used against you. It will surprise you how often that happens in social transactions that you normally wouldn't give much thought to. The other thing I liked about this book is how the author used snippets from the literary world in the margins of the book that pertained to the law being explored. This was a novel approach to make the points he was trying to make.

Intriguing concepts from a brilliant writer

I bought this book 2 years into my supervisor/management career. At the time I felt it was a bit dark and snarky, then picked up a John Maxwell book shortly after. Yet I've found myself drawn to this book again and again in the 11 years I've owned it. I have the physical book because I love the format, the red text and stories in the margins. I have the Kindle version for when I need to strategize on the go after encountering a new personality. You can't escape this game... Even if you're not trying to get ahead, you're a pawn in someone else's strategy. This book is an amazing tool for putting it all together.

A concise list of Strategies

I can only fault this book for using some of the references multiples times; however that helps one understand how real these strategies are. I could not help but read these laws and recall when others have used the said laws against me in my personal and American politics. This book is brutal and eye-opening, but I believe many can benefit from reading. Just realize this may change your perception of the people you interact with within your time on this earth.


Not the type of person I want to be

Great Concepts

I enjoyed this book at times however it lost my interest at certain points. I must say it was very informational and historical which made it interesting on a conceptual level. I don’t know much about the author but it was well written and helpful.

An interesting study in sociology, history, and psychology.

Book arrived in pristine condition. I do not normally read self-help books, and did not recognize this as one of them, but found it an interesting book, nonetheless. It appears to be an academic study of sociology and psychology relating to the study of power dynamics throughout history. Included are historical examples of observances and transgressions of each respective "law," as well as parables, quotes, and other notes. While and after reading this, it is easy to view the world through the lens of power dynamics, and to find examples of these "laws" both in my own life and in modern history. A little dry at times and often cynical, it pulls no punches and makes its points clearly and without confusion.

Power to finish

Great read, great concepts, exactly what I expect from the legendary author, Robert Greene. I liked the book but what a very long read, almost textbook like. I enjoyed it but could not wait to finish. FYI - fun quote, “Too much respect for other people’s wisdom will make you depreciate your own.”

Very thought-provoking, harsh, honest, HILARIOUS!

A colleague told me that she reads this book every year. I've heard great things about it for years now. I got it in the mail this morning. I'm just flipping through the book at the moment, but I've found some of it to be funny, harsh, and thought-provoking. It's keeping me engaged, so I'll give it a 4.5

Know yourself and seek to know others

In reading the 48 laws of power, I found myself reflecting on times when I had not observed them. Prior to reading this book I found many points in my life where I had been frustrated by how my dealings with other people had not gone as I would have liked. Now in hindsight I have a greater ability to understand why things played out the way they did. This book is not a "how to" guide. It's a window into how people behave, valuable insight into the human psyche. I really enjoyed it and would highly recommend!

A must-read!

As with Carnegie’s “How to Win friends and influence people” I have to lament not reading this treasure trobe of everyday wisdom earlier. And I have to say, this must be every politician’s handbook. I loved the hystorical examples and the power play analyses, especially when familiar stories, characters and their actions gain new meaning through the connections penned by author. I saw some have reviewed this book and called it evil. I fail to see how practical knowledge of this kind can be evil. You won’t read this and become a villain. But you will read this and and be able to spot the villain. If there’s one thing I didn’t like it’s the intertwining of laws and stories/fables/short passages in red. They were a constant distraction, contextual true, but I would have prefferd them place at the end of chapters rather than inbetween paragraphs. Looking forward to War, Mastery & Seduction.

A must-have colossal piece of work

I bought this book because I am working on an English adaptation of Cardinal Jules Mazarin Breviarium Politicorum (to be published soon), a classic of the "power literature" in. the late 1600s. The 48 Laws of Power is a must-have colossal piece of work. It combines case studies throughout the ages, lessons, anecdotes, and recommendations. Its layout is an example of clarity and effectiveness. It will remain a classic in the "power literature."


Great buy! I actually absolutely love this. The timing was perfect and condition was perfect and on my way to read one of my favorite personal and professional development books. I opened it and read the first 5 pages and was sooooooo excited and trying reading the whole thing in one sitting.


An interesting read but most of this is not practical and would be considered un-ethical.

wow...just wow

I called this book, the wise ancient man. It is full of wisdom, it teaches good ways to handle life circumstances that come our way as a leader. I can't put it down. it is very thick, the print format is small. You will not regret buying it.

Must read for people willing to learn.

If you are a person that consistently gets the bad deal in deals, relationships or just about anything. You need to read this book. Don’t listen to the other reviews condemning this book. You don’t have to follow this book to a T. Just wake up and use the knowledge. This is the perfect balance with Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence people. My only regret about this book is not having it when in was younger. Would of saved a lot of unnecessary heart ache.

Classic Robert Greene

Han fei tzu was I believe the founder of the legalistic school of ancient Chinese philosophy. This book very much is written in the spirit of han fei tzu. Nicoli machevelli was very far from the ruthlessness of han fei tzu. Robert Greene does a intellectual incarnation of these writers. Enjoy.

Donald trump’s bible

This is a study of power. Not an instruction manual (unless you are a villain seeking ultimate domination... like Donald Trump). If you want to understand his manipulations, read this. Brilliantly researched and written, a book that will remain relevant for many generations to come.

How to defeat evil and bring true self improvement

Read this book. This is the most realistic book I’ve ever read. I’ve read countless of self-help books before I read a book like this. I’m pretty sure Robert Greene did the same. It will make you aware of what the evil is up to. When you know what the evil is up to, you can most definitely defeat the evil every time. That is true power and self-improvement.

The truth we may not want to know

Growing up we are taught to get good grades, work hard, etc, and you will move up. That's the lie. It's really these 48 laws that matter IF you want to advance in an organization. ALL organizations are political even if you don't see it or want to see it. This is a book about getting ahead in a political world. This is a book about advancing in corporate or government politics. I don't really care for these types of books or "playing the game," but if you want to advance in the game, this is the road-map. After working 15 years in a government bureaucracy, I can vouch that these 48 laws are 100% true. It took me many years to realize these were the only rules that matter matter in organizations and it is disappointing news for idealistic people. The book is fantastic information even if you choose not to participate in the game. My only criticism is some of the dated stories used to support the laws can get boring at times. It's hard to relate our modern reality to times of the past, even if they completely apply.

A must read

If you are into self-help and motivational books and want one that's informative and entertaining this is hard to beat. The stories used in each chapter help you understand each rule (or law) in an interesting and entertaining way. A friend gave me mine and this is one I bought as a gift, passing on the knowledge to someone else. I already plan to buy more for friends as it really is a great book.

Great for Non-Readers

As someone that doesn't spend much time reading in my free time, The 48 Laws of Power has been a refreshing wake-up call to what I have been missing. The content is digestible and intriguing, to say the least. Each chapter is broken up into a couple anecdotes, usually an observance of the law and a transgression of the law, which are followed by brief explanations. The last part of the chapter is a reversal of the law, addressing special cases where the law shouldn't be followed or could be followed incorrectly. I highly recommend this book!

Fast and good delivery, great book

Decided I needed to read more, and I’ve always had an interest in social sciences and the like, this is one of the books I decided to purchase in order to satisfy both. The book came about 4 days after ordering, which was much quicker than expected, especially since it was over the weekend. The book was used, and upon flipping through the pages is very clear, a few folds or imprints in a few pages, but the condition is still exquisite. It came wrapped in a plastic wrap that was ripped, but did not affect its quality. Overall, delivery was great, as well as the packaging. As for the book itself, you probably know what you’re getting into just from the title. I just got it today so I have not read it, but if you are looking for an instructional book or a sort of social philosophy on power (mine being the latter), than this book will do fine, if not amazingly. However, just know that if you plan on following all of these “laws” that you may not be the best person. Power is a strange social construct and should only be sought or used if it is for good, otherwise you’re probably not a good person. Hope this helped, and I may update after reading the book. :)

These laws are legally binding so use at your discretion

I can understand the back and forth behind le the book but I think it depends on what the reader does with these laws... some may use it to understand those around them, gain power or just understand it more... I’ll be a few laws had me questioning my morals but once broken down I understood why it was added. As everyone had said Use at YOUR OWN RISK.

The 48 laws of power

Great book to read to understand the nature of things that happen in life. I would recommend it to others who want to expand their knowledge.

Be wary of the power of the Book

It takes the right mind to read this book and what it’s about, given to the wrong person and he will use it for bad but give it to a wise mind and the possibilities will be endless when an Aquarius visionary gets ahold of the physical aspects of the world

Lots of good advice

Good book to dip in and out of. You can skip around as much as you want. If you like reading about famous figures in history you will like this book because the entire book is examples of how great leaders or persons with other extraordinary people skills applied the themes described. Conveys an appreciation of why such people rose to such heights.

Important read

Wish I would have read this before o started my career or working serious jobs. It’s a good balance for those of us who always try to do and say what we think is right at a detriment to our lives regarding things that don’t matter. A good balance and guide for path to leadership. For those who are already not good people I see this book making them worse.

How to be a narcissistic & callous manipulator 101

While many of the rules are helpful, so many others are clearly problematic: use selective honesty to disarm your victim and pull one over on them; never do the work yourself, but always take credit, etc. etc. If you want to end up powerful at the expense of humanity, then this is the book for you. :)

Worldy wisdom vs Heavenly Treasures.

Was looking for a book that can assist me in my journey through life but this just taught me to value and honor the teachings written in the bible (Old and New Testament).

Good read. But don't tell anyone you've read it.

Careful who you let know you have read this. People start getting paranoid and conspiracy theories start flying out the wood work. People start acting like twikers. It is a very informative book and if it's used decently you can go far as a moral goal oriented person. Use it like it they implore you too. You won't be a live to enjoy the view after all the people you stepped on to get there. Lol

Dark but powerful

This book is dark after reading it you can understand why it’s banned in some places you can manipulate anyone to do anything you wish and it’s almost the base and working up to becoming one of the most power-hungry people you can imagine

side stories

i dont see how this is any kind of ground breaking information. mostly about basic human manipulation. however, i really do enjoy all of the anecdotes and fables put in to try to serve the point they are trying to make. it is a good collection of short stories and fables. worth the read for that.

In order to exercise power, you must first understand it

While controlling and dominating people and situations should not be an end in itself, in this day and age, you need all the help you can get. This book will show you the way to get out from under the manipulative thumbs of more unscrupulous others, be they unwanted sales calls, domineering neighbors, whatever.

Awesome Stuff

Learned about this book watching Luke Cage. What an amazing book. I have learned so much, mostly about myself. The book makes its points using historical references, demonstrating the observance of each law and exceptions to each. You will not regret this purchase.

The best book I have ever read

I have read over 100 books on sales, business, and self help. This is my favorite. The amount of knowledge and value this book provides is unbelievable. Even if you do not plan on following the rules it is important that you at least understand them and can determine when other people are using them. At the end of the book you are left asking yourself "Am I a better or worse person after reading this". The author Robert Greene is the first to admit that if you view these laws as gospel and follow all of the laws to the full extreme you are borderline psychopathic. It is the reader's job to take these laws, learn from them, and use them in a positive way without negatively impacting your relationships with the people in your life.

Extremely disappointing

I will be returning this book. My 15 year old son heard people sharing about this book on TicToc. I read through the titles of the chapters and a few passages and can say I was truly disturbed. It is basically a book to teach someone how to become a narcissist. This book would be extremely confusing to most teens and would leave them feeling cynical about their world. I am beyond saddened that this book is a best seller and that a book such as this exists.

Good Read

Excellent book. One it arrived in excellent condition. Two, regarding its content - I tend to use the right side of my brain more then my left. The book gave me perspective I hadn’t considered. Or perhaps I had and hearing someone else say it validated as the book uses historical facts to defend each law of power. If you are a righty like me, and would like to become more intouch with your right I recommend it. Too much if any one type of thinking can provoke us to be radical, always healthy to keep an open mind and consider the opposition. Also, don’t read ahead! ;-)

Social Politics Crash Course

As a introvert, I have a hard time picking up on social queues and playing the social political game. I found this book to be very helpful in that regard. Would recommend.

Not for everyone

This book was meant for people with good hearts who want to “boss up”. Unfortunately this book can be used for evil by evil people. I would say, be cautious when reading


I am 15 years old, but I loved this book. It was full of intresting facts about history. It also gives a vary clear view of what power looks like, and how to twist it to your needs. It also paints a picture of how dangerous it is as well.

When trash and scumbags rule the world, only more trash and scumbags will be born

This is a great book if you want to have the Armor of Knowledge equipped in your head. Certain laws contradict each other but the whole point is to use them when the need arises. There's 48 laws while during my lifetime, I will have countless encounters with people I prefer to avoid. Not just the workplace but school and real life I see not just stupid people but deceiving, narcissistic, and self-absorbed who want to shove your views down your throat. You can get respond back and crush their spirit (Law 15) or leave them alone for the insects that they are (Law 36). This book may be looked as manipulative but the people who have used these laws have their names carved onto History. And as a result, the Author has broken down their actions of the past and turned them into a guide on how to help and instruct the reader on how to master himself or herself and take on the world. But then again this is how certain trash and scumbags are born. Genghis Khan, Count Victor Lustig, Yellow Kid Weil, King Henry (don't know which one), Mao Zedong (He lowkey uses this Man a lot). I'm giving this 4 stars outta 5 because there's some laws I wouldn't use. Maybe because I'm a nice guy but I prefer not to have ghosts from the past haunting my behind. The IRS can do that.

This is an wonderful book to read.

I'm using this book for recreational purposes.

Used to help strengthen my emotion regulation and combat power plays

I have had number of these power plays pulled on me so reading this I got to think through how to combat those gross abuses of power. It was the table of contents that sold me on buying this book. Entries I read were very useful, though I had a very targeted intent. I had been trying to figure out how to talk less and work on some of my emotional regulation for which some of the entires provided good first step advice.

One of my favorite books.

If you could mix The Art of War and The Prince, with some War and Peace mixed in, you'd end up with something like The 48 Laws of Power. I listened to this book on Audible originally but so enjoyed it that I bought a paperback copy as a gift for my cousin, then for my best friend, another Audible edition for another friend (who's listening to it for his second time now) then finally finding a hardcover for myself. The author names each law, gives an overview, and then gives examples throughout history of how these laws were applied correctly (and incorrectly). It's incredibly well-presented, and engaging all the way through. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If someone were to follow every one of these laws to a T, they'd probably be adopted by the Kims or something, but I don't think that is the intention here. Ultimately that comes down to you, the reader. With this book, you can see exactly they methods that others may use to keep you down, or hinder your opportunities while advancing their own interests. Many laws can safely be applied without putting others down to better yourself. Once again, that's up to you. Great book no matter how you cut it.

A Fantastic Gift for Children and Grandchildren ...

2014-05-30 ... I discovered the "48 Laws of Power" (48LP) about 15 years ago when it was first published. A little background on why I was "blown-away" by this book. First, I'm a history guy (who enjoys a well-written account). Second, I'm a professional (Senior Mechanical Engineer) working in an office environment. Third, during the first two decades of that career I witnessed (as do we all) the typical variations of Machevellian blood-letting in the office, as the "Bad Guys" decimated their way to the top of the corporate ladder. Indeed, I was at least once or twice the unwitting "pawn" in their plans, and my ignorance of their genuinely "evil ways" caused me and my family financial harm. So I accidently discover (and purchase) 48LP, just on a whim. I was astounded !!! I read about 4 chapters a night, often (almost) literally falling-out of my reading chair. For every "law" that Robert Greene expounded on, I recalled event after event where I had seen it happen in my own career. Great "office politics" mysteries were finally understood. I immediately purchased four (4) hard-back versions for my children (then in their teens); the books were safely put-away, and then (10 years later) given to each of my kids as they entered the professional workforce in their twenties. They've actually appreciated the knowledge and wisdom Robert Greene writes about. Do your children and grandchildren a big favor -- protect them (armed with exceptional knowledge) from the Machevellian "office criminals" that they'll encounter in their own furures.

The inside game

This book will change your life. The way you use it is up to you. The techniques, tactics and strategies in the book are not immoral, they are amoral. The tactics are neither good nor evil, but the nature of power means they will increase your capacity for either. More importantly, it will allow you to recognize these tactics when people use or prepare to use them against you. You'll be able to see their next move, predict how they will react when you counter their check. Being a victim in the game of life will be a lot less likely for you after reading this book. Beyond that, you will understand politics in an entirely new way. You'll start to see the moves the powerful make with a sharper perspective because you'll have the inside game.

Accurate and Enthralling

The reviews on whether this book is moral or not aren't relevant: Greene makes excellent use of historical examples in proving each law, and history is based on facts rather than morals. Each law has been historically demonstrated, and a plethora of laws are plainly visible in the world today. A fantastic read on the different manifestations of power, how those have come to pass in history, and how you can usurp them (to a degree) for your own purposes. It spurred me to buy three other Greene books. Highly recommend, at the very least so you can become aware of how power manifests itself.

Valuable life lessons for my teenage son

I wish I had found this book years ago as a parent, but somehow my 17 year old son came across it and read it and enjoyed it. Authors use of stories about historical figures to describe concepts helps to keep readers interest. It sparked many a conservation between me and my son. I liked it because it helped my son to understand many of the things I I have tried to teach him as he was growing up. It has helped look at and deal with people in a more sophisticated and mature way. In fact, he has has tells me he has been more successful using concepts when playing video games that involve complex social interactions. I am given serious thought on buying more copies to give to my two other sons as a book they can keep their entire lives.

Great Book

Not even done reading it yet but I enjoy it so much already. A lot of the points that are reviewed are thoughts I've already thought of but they review the point with real life examples in history and elaborate on the points. This book is not about how to be manipulative but more about the teachings of manipulation so you can be more aware in your life.

Skepticism to Believer

I was a little worried to read this book after people claiming it would turn me into a manipulative person or even a sociopath. But I was hooked from the preface. Never have I read a book like this and taken notes...until I read the 48 Laws of Power. I read 2 laws a night and I looked forward to reading it everynight for a month. Honestly, I wished it was longer. I thought this was fantastic! 100/5!!!

Work in Business? You need this book.

Excellent insight on real events and the consequences or reward of each person's actions. Excellent read for anyone who wants to "survive" in the corporate world. Recommended!


Where do I begin? I can't you'll just have to buy and read you won't be disappointed!!

Book content aside, my was delivered in poor condition

No corner is unscathed. All corners look like they have been banged up. There are even corners on the exterior where the white of the paper is showing. The worst offense of the condition of this book is that the back bottom corner has been damaged enough that you can see the binding of the book. While all this is superficial damage, it does not feel good to receive a "new" book that you have to hold with extra care.

Typos. Typos. Typos.

Typos everywhere. Even on the cover. Someone please do a new edition and hire an editor with command of the English language.

I could write A LOT of great things about this book

I could write A LOT of great things about this book, but I'll just keep it simple: Wether you think you're interested in power or not, you have to read this book. Because from the moment you begin to read it, you'll (a) have your mind blow and (b) begin to truly understand what motivates people. Some of the rules will seem natural to you (i.e. Don't bite the hand that feeds), but others are far more eloquent. If you learn these lessons - truly learn them - you will avoid countless problems, and will come out the winner in a power struggle. Hands down.

Great read

This book is Phenomenal. You might not become a powerful figure by reading this, but it will definitely give you a better handle on how politics, and people really work and think. Each law has an example taken from history, sometimes when the law was followed, when it was transgressed, and sometimes both. These stories are often hilarious, clever, and sometimes you really just have to put the book down and reflect of how amazing some events in history truly were. Each chapter is short, great to read in one go, also a great bathroom reader as well. Would definitely recommend to anyone who's interested in what really drives people as to better understand how to better accomplish one's own goals.

very informative

I do not agree with alot of the ideas shared in this book because I believe any form of planning against others is the highest form of disrespect but I like to get incite into how others think so I can know to be careful.

Get The Abridged Version

Too much useless fluff, pointless stories and anecdotes. The abridged version get right to the meat of the laws.

Very important.

Everyone needs to read this book. Just don’t take it entirely to heart.

Very interesting read

This is a very interesting book. It has many fascinating historical stories. Some may feel that some of the laws are not applicable to their lives. That may be true but it is still helpful to be aware of the laws. Knowledge is power, especially if that knowledge is awareness of the laws of power. This book is cited in

Must read!

Classic book. Incredibly important read for anyone who wants to understand power and power play dynamics in any area of life, among countries, within corporate America, in your own relationships. Echoing all 5-star reviews!

Educates the mind.

Took me awhile to finish but got it to read during my early stages of brain damage. Good book to make you think and wonder of current events and why it is that certain people think or act the way that they do.

Workplace Survival Strategies...

Workplace Survival Strategies, that could be another appropriate title for this book. I work alongside a toxic coworker. I needed ideas on a good defense and this book was recommended to me by my brother. This book has allowed me to keep my sanity because I can minimize the impact of a coworker that chooses to make the work environment unbearable for someone like me who lets his work speak for his worth.

Awesome. Painfully true and extremely enlightening

WOW. Awesome. Painfully true and extremely enlightening. The best 'self help' book thus far and believe me I've read a many of them lol. At first I was skeptical about this book but this is by far the BEST life lesson I have learned thus far. Please don't misunderstand I'm all about/for peace and love, etc. etc. but if you live on this universe, you're going to need these laws for the people who aren't for/about peace and love.

Five Stars

Great book to understand why people do the things they do and how you counter

48 laws of a total sociopath.

Horrible. This book should be how to be a sociopathic jerk. The behavior this book encourages is nothing short of cruel, nasty and everything that is horrible about people. I would not encourage this.

Interesting & Powerful, But Also Shows How Greedy Humanity Can Be

A lengthy read that is worth the time investment if you are interested in tactics involving government, negotiations, fiances, and more. However, make sure the laws do not override your judgment in areas involving romance and friendships. The author describes various events in history that demonstrate the law, but also includes a rebuttal for not using said law. Overall a fascinating read that kept my interest by using stories to show how each principle is used.

Worth Every Penny

With in the first few pages you will be enlightened and want to start implementing what you are learning. Just the pretext and headings of each chapter is empowering. If you struggle with how to get what you want or what you deserve in life, this book is defiantly for you!

Interesting reading

Condensing the attainment of power into 48 laws is a tough undertaking. It make interesting reading at times, but tends to be repetitive in certain instances making it a long read and not as fluid as it should. One can find reasons for each law mentioned and shape it according to one's thesis. But the way way it was achieved here make it all seemed plausible making it an interesting read.

Use it carefully, it can change you as a person and change your values.

I had it recommended from tiktok. I believe it is a powerful book but please be careful to not fall too deep and don’t use it too much. It can really absorb you and change good values to bad. I use to learn how to know if someone is manipulating me. Please use it for good deeds.

Pretty good?

Jeez, kinda about how to manipulate people, so that's a turnoff. However, the book does give SOME solid advice I have successfully employed that has helped a naive/earnest/open person such as myself express a bit more gravitas and be a more effective leader.

No book empty box

Thanks Amazon for the empty box. Was looking forward to reading the book

Incredible book; full of rich history

This book has incredible history references and the chapter's Power topic. Prior to reading this book, I did not have any interest in history but after completing this book, I have a list of conquerors and leaders of our history to read about! A great compilation of many different eras and how Power is leveraged to attain the end goal.

Arrived in used condition

My book arrived looking like a return. Dog eared and not in new condition. But it will read the same despite the condition issues.

Good book but too abusive

The book focuses on the concept of control, but it’s too abusive with its power. Again, it’s a decent book, but there must be a better way to power people and yourself at the same time.

One of my top 10 Books...and moving up!

I read an average of 3 to 4 books per month...every month...and of the thousands that I have read..this condensed blend of psychology, history, and order is a significant solution for depression! In the words of Yoda "Named must your fear be...before banish it you can!" This book helps you to define the game of power;to know when and how you will be,or are currently being manipulated, in the struggle for power. Many say that depression is a lack of might find it here. Some of the chapters are distubing...unsettling even, as the meaning remains like a pebble in your shoe, to motivate reflection and change. Well done. I received a new Kindle recently...this was the first book I purchased for it...and undoubtedly the best. I know that it's available on CD now...I'd like to see Amazon offer a combo price for download (Audio and Kindle book).

5 Stars

Wow. Books like this is why I love books. You learn so much and it helps you step your game up and become a better person. Great book.

Modern Version of Machiavelli

The best way to read this book is as a modern version of Machiavelli's The Prince. Machiavelli was not advocating the ethos or ethics of what he was recommending; he was describing a brutally pragmatic and realistic approach to gaining and retaining political power. Greene writes in much the sane way; this is not a book about ethics, it is a book about gaining and retaining power, regardless of position. It also serves as a useful guide to things that people will do to you to gain power over you; it is important to understand these techniques to defend against them, even if you don't use them to gain power over others.

Was it a Man?

Whomever wrote this; we need an eye to eye talk; cause the information shared is ridiculousness, in certain areas! Was it a "Man"? No sexism intended! 😳☺️ I am still skimming through this book. It did show up in, GREAT SHAPE! Thanks...

Well written. I listened to this book on audible ...

Well written. I listened to this book on audible and then purchased it in paperback. The history lessons are so vivid and enjoyable. Although I don't believe that life is a game to be played.

No regrets.

This book is excellent. I enjoyed reading it and will probably read it again. The format doesn't allow it to get boring, because there are so many anecdotes. Will recommend to anyone looking to get ahead.

Amazing book

One you can read again and again

Understand the concepts dont try to implement you will destroy yourself

This is no doubt one of the best books I've read along with Greene's Art of Seduction, but truth be told it ends there its just a good read, more than the content, if you look at the perspective that Greene employs, its actually very grim, it makes it seem like every one out there is using each other, you also have to use the people around you to survive. Now that is really destructive, like covey says "our perceptive governs the way we see, and how we see governs the way we behave", I read this book several years back and I can guarantee you, if you try to employ these means you wont be able to trust anybody and nobody will trust you either, if fact you'll become extremely suspicious of everyone's motives, things get complicated. How I would suggest you read this book is, read it for fun, these laws and their stories are very admirable but also understand them and ask a lot of questions as in "why does this work?", "could I have used this in the past", and once you're done with it, forget the law, just dont even think of it. Your mind is so beautiful, if you truly and deeply understand something, at the right time in your life, your mind will furnish you with it. So just understand it the content, enjoy his perspective and don't get sucked into it. And remember always in life, what you give is what you get.

Welcome to the REAL World

The 48 Laws of Power breaks down HOW the Power Game works in Society by 48 principles then it goes into real historical examples of people who used those principles to success and power and examples of people who disregarded those principles and the failure that followed. It is an amoral NOT immoral look at Power Games throughout history and as Machiavelli's "Prince" a look into that world. It's action packed and hard to put down. It's practical and gut level. It's where reading that book that You look into Your own life and begin to compare and see Your own successes and failures comparing them to those principle that it hits hard. If nothing else it give a look into the shadowy world of the Global Elites and HOW they ALL operate in their own games in High Society and being aware gives You a safeguard in life to know the users and power game freaks out there. Another Must Read.

LOVE this book!

One of my ALL time favorite books. I’ve purchased this book twice as someone “borrowed” my first one and never gave it back. I was watching Power “Ghost” and reminded me to order another one for my personal library. Glad I did. It came extremely fast. Sooner than expected.

Guide to a truly sad self centered life

Straight into the round filing cabinet!

I love this book

I love this book. This is something that Niccolo Machiavelli would've loved. This book taught me everything on how to gain power.

Book came damaged as if it was used...

book came damaged cover came folded pages were folded it was dirty I ordered this book brand new I did not order it used and it came as if it looked like it was used for a long time not happy with my purchase a great book but not clean not new

Manifesting Power

Awesome , awesome read ... if you want to feel powerful and hold power maneuvering thru life, Please please purchase. It’s just lengthy being that he’s descriptive about each point ... some people need heavy descriptions though... nonetheless, awesome read ...

The stories are priceless

Robert Greene makes a lot of claims in this book but backs them up really nicely. Not only did I learn a lot about people but I learned a ton of history! The stories in this book are what makes it so great! The principles taught are essential to understanding the behavior of those around you and if nothing else, help you defend against people who are power seekers and manipulators.

It's huge, get the hard cover to preserve the cover!

Haven't read the book yet, but just receiving it I REGRET not getting the hard cover. This book is HUGE and I am annoyed at the thought of creases on the cover. Lol oh well. Excited to read! The noon came in double bagged, no dents or bends or anything of that sort.

Life lessons

A great read, practical elements to aid in the navigation of life. Enjoyed the marrying of history which highlights that nothing under the Sun is new.

I recommend this book to all my friends and family if ...

This is one of the most interesting books I ever read. The information is very practical and logical. I recommend this book to all my friends and family if they catch me reading it.

A classic on human behavior

48 concepts of lying, cheating, and misusing other human beings. Even if you don't plan and behaving this way you should know what others are doing.

A lot of Useful Knowledge

This book was recommended a good friend of mine who is a successful business man. He recommended this book to me for how to deal with people in the business world.

Good Read

I really like this book, a lot of interesting content. But, I think it could be condensed a bit. For those who don’t have time or patience just YouTube the animated cliffs notes version of the book, it’s no longer than 10 minutes, and covers everything for the most part.

Worth the read!

Excellent! There a thousand reviews out there that will tell you this book, like others written by Greene, are how-to books on being a sociopath. In reality, this book will open your eyes to the crafty ways of the powerful people in our lives. Not only can you guard against these tactics, you can implement a few of your own.

Good to know

It’s sad the world is full of these methods. Read this to be aware of the things people use to manipulate and don’t do likewise.


Good read

How to Harness Your Inner Power

I chose to buy this book off Amazon due to the fact that it was no longer sold at my current school's bookstore. For anyone who wants to up their social standing, is studying psychology and/or sociology, or anyone who wants to harness their inner power more, THIS IS THE BOOK. I enjoy how it gives historical references that are relevant even to the times we are in in addition to giving explanations on the side such as info behind historical figures and the like. While some of the laws may seem too harsh (such as crushing your enemies totally) or frankly impossible, for some people, I still recommend reading about it to have a better understanding of it. All in all, an excellent read.

Put a stamp on wisdom.

Purchased for my 25yr old son. He loves it! He was taught well by me and his grandad. Therefore he is headstrong; this book compliments what he has already acquired.

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