That's Why You're Here: A Journey From Grief To Metaphysical Awareness

Kindle Edition
09 Jul
A catalyst for change can take many forms. For author, Erin Burrell, that life-altering moment began with a jarring knock at the door. A solemn detective delivered the news that a loved one had died. The grief and heart-splitting loss sent her groping for answers. In her search, she was drawn toward an unexpected path - towards the metaphysical. After reading several books about psychic mediums, Erin wondered if she too might be able to connect with her deceased loved one. 

It was during this time of metaphysical exploration that it was suggested to Erin that she learn the Tarot to expand her own intuitive abilities. The notion took hold, even though she had no knowledge of the Tarot. Erin studied and then took a leap of faith and began to give Tarot readings to the public. It became evident that something bigger was in play. Guided by Spirit, Erin was able to provide comfort to others through the cards. Over time, she noticed a pattern. The people who came to her were going through situations that she had already experienced. In the midst of a read, it would be come clear why someone had been drawn to her. Once their shared experience was discovered, Erin would often say, “That’s why you’re here!”

Never a writer, Erin was surprised when she was suddenly compelled to write about her experiences. The book grew out of the sessions with her clients. Erin’s journey out of grief to metaphysical awareness is unique and a path less taken. Her personal stories of overcoming difficult life challenges are interspersed among her clients’ Tarot readings. “That’s Why You’re Here” is distinctive and inspiring.

Reviews (58)

I LOVED this brave

This book provides a key that may unlock years of repression for many women (and men). The author has taken a risk by sharing her personal experiences, and through her work as a Tarot Reader, Erin Burrell provides tools for healing. I LOVED this brave, and compelling story. Thank you, Erin, for following your heart, and your path.

Powerful and amazing

I bought this book the other day and could not put it down. The author's story moved me to tears and some moments had me laughing out loud. She not only shares her story, but includes vignettes of those she has done Tarot readings for. The author does so to illustrate how her life experiences allow her to empathize and give helpful advice to others. Using her psychic abilities she is able to help people. These vignettes are powerful examples of her skill. I applaud Erin Burrell for having the courage to publish her journey.

Erin Is The Real Deal

Grief takes all of us on a journey, but Erin's is particularly interesting. I found myself nodding along to a lot of her story, finding similarities in my own experiences, and then realizing that that is the whole point of this book! Erin's journey has resulted in her crossing paths and being able to help so many people because of her life story. Not everyone turns their tragedy into triumph, but Erin is a soulful, intuitive, empathic person who is willing to bare her own truth in the hope that it will benefit her readers in any way. I had the pleasure of also meeting Erin in person and - if it's possible - she's even more incredible than you might imagine. A gifted writer, an intuitive empath, a kind and open soul, Erin is the real deal and I've been touched by knowing her - and you will, too.

Very well written & interesting story!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I’ve always been interested in things that deal with the sixth sense. I really liked that Erin decided she wanted to do something, and was brave enough to dive in head-first. She does not write about her experiences as if some magical ability was suddenly bestowed upon her. Instead, she tells the story of how she nurtured her natural intuition through study and practice. The book is very well-written and very candid. I now want a reading! If you are interested in how a normal woman going through trials healed herself through her journey into tarot card reading, you’ll love this book. I enjoyed reading it.

As the reader I often felt like we were having a conversation but in this rare ...

Part memoir; part self help; and part DIY to find a new and improved self; this journey from grief and a candid look at one's past to how to improve on her future, Erin has told her story with candor, humor and a tremendous amount of detail. She was courageous enough to leave a career that offered lots of security to pursue a long held dream to pursue metaphysical awareness through the study of Tarot readings and psychometry. Erin writes with a keen eye for detail and dialogue. As the reader I often felt like we were having a conversation but in this rare instance I was just a listener. And while I admit to being pretty skeptical about metaphysical awareness, her experiences as both a giver and receiver of information have me rethinking my beliefs. This is a "two-fer" read; you get memoir and how to learn to pursue a metaphysical lifestyle. It's a win win.

Loved it!

My husband turned me on to this book and I loved it! What an amazing story, and written by an amazing woman. I was invested in her story from the very beginning, and I learned a lot about myself and this life while reading it. She experienced unimaginable loss, but found a way to pick up and move on that should inspire all of us. Karla Hurd Sacramento, CA 916.765.1090

One of the best books I have ever read!

I choose to read this book because it really resonated with me in terms of my own life experiences,...and I loved the cover art! I had so many similarities to the author's stories and it really surprised me at how we both looked at things in such a very similar way. I would recommend this beautiful story to anyone and everyone, I came away from it with a better sense of realizing that I needed to do better things for myself no matter how long that road may be.

Insight into the life of a tarot reader!

Really enjoyed the behind the scenes, how it’s done, and the ways she shares her life experiences with others. A fascinating journey!

Wonderful and enlightening read

Knowing the writer from our childhood I am amazed at all she has overcome to become the person she is today. I was inspired by her journey and it makes me feel like I need to strive to become a happier person. The tools she has used may not work for all but it is a starting point. I would recommend this book for all to read. Inspiring

About tarot readings

This book is not what I had expected. I found myself skimming instead of reading. It's good for someone who is into Tarot card readings.

I LOVED this brave

This book provides a key that may unlock years of repression for many women (and men). The author has taken a risk by sharing her personal experiences, and through her work as a Tarot Reader, Erin Burrell provides tools for healing. I LOVED this brave, and compelling story. Thank you, Erin, for following your heart, and your path.

Powerful and amazing

I bought this book the other day and could not put it down. The author's story moved me to tears and some moments had me laughing out loud. She not only shares her story, but includes vignettes of those she has done Tarot readings for. The author does so to illustrate how her life experiences allow her to empathize and give helpful advice to others. Using her psychic abilities she is able to help people. These vignettes are powerful examples of her skill. I applaud Erin Burrell for having the courage to publish her journey.

Erin Is The Real Deal

Grief takes all of us on a journey, but Erin's is particularly interesting. I found myself nodding along to a lot of her story, finding similarities in my own experiences, and then realizing that that is the whole point of this book! Erin's journey has resulted in her crossing paths and being able to help so many people because of her life story. Not everyone turns their tragedy into triumph, but Erin is a soulful, intuitive, empathic person who is willing to bare her own truth in the hope that it will benefit her readers in any way. I had the pleasure of also meeting Erin in person and - if it's possible - she's even more incredible than you might imagine. A gifted writer, an intuitive empath, a kind and open soul, Erin is the real deal and I've been touched by knowing her - and you will, too.

Very well written & interesting story!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I’ve always been interested in things that deal with the sixth sense. I really liked that Erin decided she wanted to do something, and was brave enough to dive in head-first. She does not write about her experiences as if some magical ability was suddenly bestowed upon her. Instead, she tells the story of how she nurtured her natural intuition through study and practice. The book is very well-written and very candid. I now want a reading! If you are interested in how a normal woman going through trials healed herself through her journey into tarot card reading, you’ll love this book. I enjoyed reading it.

As the reader I often felt like we were having a conversation but in this rare ...

Part memoir; part self help; and part DIY to find a new and improved self; this journey from grief and a candid look at one's past to how to improve on her future, Erin has told her story with candor, humor and a tremendous amount of detail. She was courageous enough to leave a career that offered lots of security to pursue a long held dream to pursue metaphysical awareness through the study of Tarot readings and psychometry. Erin writes with a keen eye for detail and dialogue. As the reader I often felt like we were having a conversation but in this rare instance I was just a listener. And while I admit to being pretty skeptical about metaphysical awareness, her experiences as both a giver and receiver of information have me rethinking my beliefs. This is a "two-fer" read; you get memoir and how to learn to pursue a metaphysical lifestyle. It's a win win.

Loved it!

My husband turned me on to this book and I loved it! What an amazing story, and written by an amazing woman. I was invested in her story from the very beginning, and I learned a lot about myself and this life while reading it. She experienced unimaginable loss, but found a way to pick up and move on that should inspire all of us. Karla Hurd Sacramento, CA 916.765.1090

One of the best books I have ever read!

I choose to read this book because it really resonated with me in terms of my own life experiences,...and I loved the cover art! I had so many similarities to the author's stories and it really surprised me at how we both looked at things in such a very similar way. I would recommend this beautiful story to anyone and everyone, I came away from it with a better sense of realizing that I needed to do better things for myself no matter how long that road may be.

Insight into the life of a tarot reader!

Really enjoyed the behind the scenes, how it’s done, and the ways she shares her life experiences with others. A fascinating journey!

Wonderful and enlightening read

Knowing the writer from our childhood I am amazed at all she has overcome to become the person she is today. I was inspired by her journey and it makes me feel like I need to strive to become a happier person. The tools she has used may not work for all but it is a starting point. I would recommend this book for all to read. Inspiring

About tarot readings

This book is not what I had expected. I found myself skimming instead of reading. It's good for someone who is into Tarot card readings.

Stirring and positive

This is the story of a woman who has lived through adversity and challenges and has found her way to be of service to others facing similar life passages. The tales she shares of grief draw at the heart-strings yet are delivered with levity. The author of this book is a wonderful example of someone living a well-examined life.

Excellent story

I usually prefer nonfiction, and this one satisfied me well! I was captivated by the story and the subject matter. I am not a versed writer but I thought the book was well written. I admire the author's courage and candor in sharing such personal experiences and beliefs. I am grateful that my friend, Ed, suggested this book to me. David Markham

Life - It's all in the journey.

The author takes you on a journey of resilience and rebirth. A search in finding her true self through self reflection, heartache and humor. She finds herself in the most unexpected circumstances that lead to the most surprising path and connections.

Amazing book!

This book is a well written piece of art. At least that’s what I thought after reading this amazing book. The author thoroughly explains and each chapter has something that keeps you motivated to continue reading. I absolutely enjoyed each and every chapter of the book. I definitely recommend this book! Elena


This book read as if the writer was talking to me. I found it intriguing

A Skeptic Converted

I'd always been skeptical of psychics and tarot readers and all that "talk to the dead" stuff I'd seen in movies and on television. So when I started reading this book, I expected to find my skepticism reinforced . . . turns out I was wrong. Erin Burrell's story about how she came to be a tarot reader strips away all the mumbo-jumbo associated with the psychic world, and reveals it to be a talent/skill that can be cultivated and perfected--if the person involved is willing to put in the work necessary. It's also clear from Erin's story that it's essential to be OPEN: open to yourself, open to criticism from doubters like me, open to the emotions and pain of others, and open to that mysterious and misunderstood pipeline from our here-and-now world to that other world of the Spirit or Afterlife or Great Beyond, or whatever you want to call it. Erin's own painful personal story is skillfully woven into the stories of her clients. As I read, I sensed there must be something, some unseen power, that brought these two people together. It seemed Erin's journey had been designed to prepare her to be with that client, at that place and moment, so she could give them what they needed. This was not mumbo-jumbo, it was something much more powerful and meaningful. Erin's story-telling is confident, well-written, and a pleasure to read. I finished the book with an entirely revised appreciation for the psychic world.

An inspiring story of staying open and following guidance to see what you have to learn.

From the prologue, sharing her husband’s death, to the end of the story’s first page, “The psychic and spiritual worlds reached out with long sinewy fingers,…” the story hooked me in. I could not not read it. I completed it in one sitting. In a compelling, almost haunting voice, Erin shares several coincidences that occurred in rapid succession, and led her to her first reading by a psychic medium, something she had never considered before. Erin’s journey leads us through her discovery that she’s highly intuitive—perhaps “psychic”—as she’s drawn into this new, yet somehow familiar, metaphysical world. Her story is one of staying open and listening to spirit. Allowing yourself to follow spirit guidance to see what you have to learn. While this is Erin’s journey, I felt the process of her journey could apply to many people who go through a grieving experience to discover a new life open up to them. I read this story soon after my mother’s death, which, like with Erin, led (is leading) me through many changes. An inspiring story.

Skillful style and words that resonate

I recently received a tarot reading from Erin at The Healing Arts Festival in Sacramento and also purchased this book. There were several readers at the festival, but Erin was the only one to whom I was drawn. What she had to say resonated with me and where I am in my life. I looked forward to reading her book and was not disappointed. She has an easy writing style, and I appreciated the way in which she weaved together her personal story, crossing back and forth between different stages of her life, and the stories of those for whom she has read. She opens herself up to allow you to understand her journey and how she often relates to the people sitting before her. This is definitely worth the read.

That's Why You're Here

I met Erin at the Healing Arts Festival in Sacramento. For a very fair price, she blessed me with a tarot card reading and her book. I am new to tarot and readings, but have felt a pull to experience it. Once I met Erin, I knew that I had met a real intuitive with heart and I instantly felt comfortable and safe with her. The reading she did for me was very insightful and spot on. I was instantly drawn in by the title of the book, ‘That’s Why You’re Here’. Anyone who has been on a journey of awakening and self-discovery hopes to figure out just that: “Why am I here?” From the first few pages, I was riveted by the book, and finished it over two evenings. Erin is a talented and captivating writer, who shares her story with honesty and a bit of humor. In the book, she weaves her personal story in with the anecdotes of just a few of the many people who have received a reading from her. I could identify with all the ‘sitters’ she described, reminding me that despite our differences, we are all one; we are all connected. I also identified with her recollections of receiving ‘hints’ from the universe once she began following her intuition. Noticing repeating numbers, receiving timely messages from the radio or a billboard, and learning to trust that subtle sense of ‘knowing’, it was reassuring to me, and also a joy to read. In her book, Erin pulls back the curtain and gives us an honest and unflinching look into her life and what it’s really like to be a tarot card reader. I highly recommend this book.

Growing Out of the Shadows of Alcoholic Parents

I have seen alcoholism treated as humor in movies and sexual abuse treated as an incidental part of a story but this book takes the reader down a path of word pictures that paint the horrible effect both have on a child who grows through teen years counting on the joys of having loving parents who simply cannot and do not perform as loving parents due to being lost in the grip of debilitating alcohol consumption. Yet in spite of these formidable negatives the author shares memories of the good times she had when her parents were actually being parents. Overlaid with this background the author probes her spiritual nature seeking meaning in tarot reading and psychometry with budding skills that gradually give her expertise to help others and in that act of sharing help herself. This book is easy to read but at times is emotionally draining, an experience not to be avoided in order to grasp the full meaning of having to fight one’s way to blossoming into a healthy productive human being.

Healing from family dysfunction and alcoholism

Erin does a remarkable job at describing her crazy upbringing, which so many of us have, and how all of her experiences in life have helped her help others through her empathic abilities while using tarot cards. She gives clear, intriguing life challenging descriptions which makes the book a page-turner. It was refreshing for me to read a book I enjoyed to the end while taking a break from having to read boring college text books. So glad you wrote this memoir, Erin!

Beautiful inside and out

Not my usual reading fare, a metaphysical memoir, but I bought it and read it because the cover caught my eye. In this case, I was able to judge a book by its cover. I couldn’t put it down. Read it cover to cover in two days. Well written, interesting, compelling. Good job Erin!

Quick Read.

I bought this book from Erin after traveling quite a distance for a reading. It is a very quick read packed with personal experiences and connected readings she has given. I too believe there are no coincidences and wouldn’t know until after my reading my son’s dad had taken his life that day. I’m grateful to have met Erin, had a reading and to purchase this book. There is so much within the book that speaks to me on a very intimate level and I find myself wanting to explore my own personal journey of growth, awareness and healing. I’m absolutely confident this book and meeting Erin has brought me to the next fork in the road. If you have the slightest interest in Tarot or perhaps are just struggling on your own journey, I think you would enjoy this book.

Great read

Every reading that I have received came from someone I felt an instant connection with and this happened with Erin as well. After our reading she gifted me with her compelling book, “That’s Why You Are Here” because she had felt I might resonate with it. She did not know I had lost my husband as well and after reading her story I was amazed at her strength and resilience to find her joy in helping people through Tarot, despite all the naysayers, to follow her own calling. This book helped me see that we can all go through hell but find joy in time, by honoring ourselves and to know why we are here. Great book!


Before listening to this book my thoughts on the metaphysical were "... that's too out there for me..." This book is an eye opener. A thought provoking narrative of the metaphysical. Not only do I want to go get a reading from Erin Burrell, I feel like this is one of those books that one can keep going back to... this is so well written, I felt like I was pulled into the author world and was living her experience with her. I don't know how best to explain it. But she is so expressive that it creates an actual visual... I wish this book could be a movie or a series I would love to go on this journey with her. Read it the author will make a believer out of you.... I would totally buy another book from this author. I would also go for a card reading from this author.

That's why I read this book

If you are a believer in destiny, in grace, or that there are no coincidences, this book is for you. The author did an excellent job of weaving in her experience as a tarot card reader with her life's experience that brought her there. With every reading she goes back and shows what life circumstance brought her to be able to help the person before her. I liked the format of the present then jumping back into her past, learning more and more about her. I didn't want to put the book down and I have great respect for any author willing to genuinely put themselves out there like she did. If you ever doubted that everything happens for a reason, this book will give you faith in trusting that it does. You don't have to be into Tarot to love this book, just human connection.

Don’t be afraid of the journey.

I received this book from my youngest son after the death of my oldest son. Grief takes us all on a journey. No journey is the same and yet we all experience similar feelings. Traveling through Erin’s journey with her allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and begin the slow process of healing. Sometimes it’s the spiritual pain that needs the most time. Walk your’s not how fast you move but that you continue to move. Thank you son for catching me when I fell. Thank you Erin for moving me forward.

An inspiring story and woman.

I got the book at an expo, along with a reading. This woman is the real deal. She writes that she tends to attract people who share experiences she has also had. That was true of me. We both had lost a loved one due to suicide. A message came through from my brother during the psychometry as she held a picture, something I needed to hear. And it was verified by other information she got. She doesn't call herself a medium, but she definitely connects to spirit.

Encouraging and Generous

Encouraging and generous, Erin’s memoir, That’s Why You’re Here A Journey from Grief to Metaphysical Awareness brings us ‘round to find hope and peace. From a young life peppered with neglect and abuse to the terrifying loss of her husband to suicide, Erin shares the how – what – when and where of her journey to discover why - At some point or another, we all ask that question of our lives. Whether gripped by grief, fear, hopelessness, confusion, working through a time of recovery and re-creation, or maybe just curiosity, we wonder, ‘What is the point?’ Erin explains how Tarot helps open up honest communication, the first step to understanding.

So powerful!

Loved this book!! Of course, I'm totally biased because I'm in it. :) Even though I knew the basic premise, I had to put the book down on the first page to take a moment so I could continue reading, it's so powerful! Such down-to-earth sharing, just like she is, from her "regular" life to her life of intuitive awareness and synchronicity. I have so enjoyed being a part of it. She has shared so many great stories about just the right people being brought to her table for deeper healing, or maybe just being exposed to the possibilities. Like me, her own personal true stories could seem to be fiction, but they really happen. Highly recommended!

Connecting through the pages

I just happened to pass by our local neighborhood bookstore and found a section dedicated to Local Authors in the Sacramento area. The beautiful cover and title of the book caught my attention and was a easy purchase for me. The story is very much appreciated and full of truth, honesty and numerous lessons to be learned as well. Interesting and fascinating at the same time how Erin didn't come into the Tarot Card Reading community until later on in her life with a natural and ease of transformation. The book was a page turner and each time I had to take a break from reading I was excited to return to the beautiful book and complete the story!!

Path to Peace

The author of That's Why You're Here openly shares her most vulnerable life experiences. This quick paced book takes you on one woman's journey from traumatizing childhood events to dysfunctional adult relationships and the tragedy of the untimely loss of a spouse. Her discovery of spirituality and the path that has led to the healing of her heart and soul she now shares with others. A must read for everyone walking through the difficult journey of being human.

Perfect Timing . . .

Wow I read this book recently and loved it. The author writes beautifully and shares stories that are easily relatable. It truly felt like I was having a conversation face-to-face with her, every word I can hear her. And about the message: on point. In a time of despair, reflection, and looking for answers or at least a direction I was drawn to this book. It made me realize that maybe a dysfunction family is typical and I'm not alone. And more importantly, it gave me hope for the future that awaits me. I am truly grateful for having come across this book.

Learning to be open to your heart and follow your dreams captures Erin's journey through life.

Erin's poignant true story captivated me through her many struggles to follow her spirit as it spoke to her in ways she never expected. As her story unfolds, it is hard to imagine how she survived to reach this point in her life where she is open to the messages she receives and shares with others. I knew nothing about "metaphysical awareness" when I began reading. Her journey shows an amazing opening of the spirit world that I never understood or cared to know about. I am richly blessed through reading That's Why You're Here.

An Inspiring and Refreshingly Honest Story

This author touched me with her honest and genuine sharing of her story. It was inspiring reading about how she developed her intuition and spiritual awareness after so much travail. I recommend this book to anyone experiencing grief or loss or who is simply seeking spiritual development and awareness.

From darkness to light, an inspiring story

This book illuminates how it's possible for someone to live through painful, tragic events and transform the negative energy into enlightenment. The author shares stories from her past to help others find a path to recovery. Through her psychic readings, she shows how it's possible to move past the hurt and truly feel connected with the universe, your own spirituality, and loved ones on a deeper level. Before reading the book, I had no knowledge of the Tarot, but now I'm curious to learn how it (and other "seeing" practices) might help me move beyond my own challenges to a more positive perspective.

Honest, insightful and compelling!

I really enjoyed the author’s writing style and her honesty in sharing her personal story and how it brought her to where she is today, helping others. Her true calling. I have never had a tarot card reading before, but have scheduled one with Erin and am looking forward to meeting her in person and hearing any messages she has for me!

Understanding Taken from Another Dimension

A lively, surprising tale of one woman's strong desire for understanding that eclipsed any hesitation to move forward after loss. Her words connected me to that longing in all of us - that ache that reminds us that opening up, being willing to move ahead is often the only way back to our Original Self. Whatever your loss, you'll resonate with Erin's drive for wholeness and purpose. She's a woman on fire!

I couldn't put it down.

I am so glad I read this book. The author handles difficult topics with humor and grace, all the while showing us there's so much more to life when we open ourselves to the metaphysical. Her firsthand accounts are fascinating, and her interactions with her Tarot clients are moving, and often funny! If you've ever been curious about how to get in touch with your sixth-sense, have struggled with addiction or depression, or like good writing, you should read this ASAP.

Inspiring true story

An unflinching look at a young girl's life growing up in an abusive and alcoholic family. As an adult, through divine guidance and her free will she finds a path to healing and helping others. To Erin, thank you for the tarot reading. You helped me to start moving again in small steps. I now see a way to get unstuck. You have a true gift. Diana

Page turner

I couldn’t put the book down!!! I have always been interested in tarot and psychic mediums and am now ready for a reading from Erin after enjoying her book/memoir. Her journey is amazing and really makes u think about ur own life. Loved the book and can’t wait to meet her at the end of the month!

Honestly Fascinating!!!

This book is very well written and is a quick read. The personal stories draw you in and keep you wanting more. The author is very open and inviting. Through the use of the tarot cards Erin demonstrates how she is able to use her intuitive spirit and life lessons to guide and help others. Found the topic fascinating and wanting more.

This is a heartwarming easy to read book.

This book tells a journey of how Erin lived through the pain and suffering in her life, and with her gift of intuition and clairvoyance has followed her path to a place of wisdom. The book is an easy to read heartwarming story. From experience I can tell you Erin is truly gifted.

Very genuine and honest memoir of one's remarkable journey to ...

Very genuine and honest memoir of one's remarkable journey to find truth and light in her life. Erin was able to tell her story in a sincere and straightforward manner. One cannot help but cheer her on as she continues on toward, not only her true calling, but in helping others find theirs.

Erin shares her life's journey with complete honesty, forgiveness, acceptance, and love.

The essence of this inspiring story is simply stated in one of my favorite hymns. "When we tell our story from deep inside And we listen with a loving mind, And we hear the voices in each other's words, Then our heart is in a holy place,"

We are all here for a purpose.

Everyone has their own journey and its refreshing to know that we can and do survive and move on. Erin writes from her heart about experiences that I was able to relate to and realize I'm not alone. I am looking forward to her next book.

These words Will help Open you’re mind,& heart

Love this book.. I had a chance to meet Erin, at an Expo. She did my tarot card reading... not only insightful ~ but pretty Spot On ! The books great ; “Nothing Happens, By Chance “ I went to her table..... For A Reason

Not a reader but thoroughly enjoyed this engaging book

I received this book as a gift. I found Erin's story to be very interesting, insightful and well written. I could totally relate to some of the personal experiences she shared.

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