Reviews (33)
A Tense, Intense Episode
Trouble seems to find Walt Asher and this time it found him big time! It seemed at every turn that death seemed imminent for Walt. But each time his resourcefulness and quick action was enough to get him out of danger but that changed soon enough, too soon enough. While there was a familiar cast of characters the were a few new faces and some who were more fully developed in this tome. The story and action were at a break- neck speed with more than enough twists and turns. It kept the reading interesting. Too often Walt and Ilsa were too close to terminal status.
Walt isn't here for your amusement, but he accomplishes it anyway...
Walt Asher scratches my Florida itch EVERY TIME! The last 40 years of noir set in Florida has been some of my favorite fiction to read, and Walt Asher is way up there. Give this a read and give this author his due for having just crazy enough a voice to claim a piece of this genre for his very own.
What a blast!
Walt Asher is officially my new hero. He started out just wanting to do the right thing; that morphed into an all-consuming quest to fix it all. Thank you, Andrew Allan, for deciding to write such thrilling fiction. I can't wait to find out what Walt gets up to next.
What a read
Walt Asher is a hero! A reluctant one but still one of the good guys. These three books are great, edge of your chair reads. I stayed up all night to read the last and now I’m bummed. Thanks for an exciting page-turner.
WOW, what an incredible book. Will keep you guessing from start to finish ish.
This Walt Asher is my first but will not be my last. I have already purchased all of them l can find. GREAT reading that , couldn't put down.
A MUST read series! Awesome read!
Temples, Tempests & Blood - I absolutely love this series! I have so much fun with the escapades, the humor and the characters Walt and DG. While there is plenty of humor, there is darkness and violence, and the baddies are depraved. While you can read this book by itself, I strongly recommend that you start at the beginning or read the previous book at least. This well written series is hard to put down when started and each book builds upon the previous foundation. The pace is always fast and the dialogues are always snappy, witty, scary, etc., but realistic. The characters run the gamut but Walt, DG and Ilse are the center. The descriptions are vivid but never graphic, and certainly places the reader in the spider/fly's position. While managing the lighthearted side of the characters and their lives, Mr. Allan does not shy away from horrible crime subjects. I contacted this author to review his books and I have loved every one so far. Yes, his editing improved immensely since his first book, but I noticed he found a dumb editor/publisher? this time around. 5* Killers, Bikers and Freaks #1 - A well written, action packed suspense novel that needs editing; the mistakes interrupt the flow of the story. The characters and plot are well thought out and believable. The author's writing style reminds me a lot of Jimmy Buffet's and Elmore Leonard. I hope the next book I read by this author will be edited better, he's too good of a writer; he lost a star on this book. I received the book through Instafreebie or some author's website, and later purchased it. 5* Update: I received a new copy December, 2017 and it had been edited. It was just as funny and better the second go round. Sell Shock (#1.5) - Picks up where Killers, Bikers and Freaks left off. A well written, funny, twisting plot with the same lovable characters and more. By the second chapter, you're already LYAO and sucked in for the ride. You can't help it, may as well be a cat needing to satisfy its curiosity. And satisfaction is what you get, until the story ends and you're going, What, it can't be over! You've got to read Killers, Bikers and Freaks first; this is where we meet our fine, funny characters and get hooked on this author's work. Minor editing, but beats the editing of K, B & F, which has been edited as of December, 2017. 5* Bodies, Blades & Rituals #2 – OMGosh! It’s the first sentence and I’m already rolling on the floor LMAO! I love the books by Andrew Allan; you can’t be in a rotten mood when you reading one of his hilarious, action packed, intriguing little yarns. Do yourself a favor and read them in order; it’s the only way to get the full entertainment value of these books. BB&R starts where Sell Shock ends, a few weeks later. Well-written, suspense filled, action packed, with touches of humor; BB&R keeps the reader intrigued. It was difficult to put the book down once I started reading it. We have our continuous cast of characters that keep us cheering and rooting for them. And of course, the bad guys are BAD. The subject of the story is current and is just as horrible as in Roman Times or 600 or even 200 years ago; meaning it’s a dark side of humanity. Like drugs, it’s not only for the lower class, but indulged in by a worse class of people. 5* Walt's Fault - Oh boy, did Walt step on, and in, it big time. DB calls in a favor since Walt owes him. W can't say no, he owes DB. All kinds of things happen in this quickly read, short read. Action packed and intriguing, with the usual dirty characters found in DB's world and a couple of kinks that make everything extremely interesting. The ending was a little too quick. I contacted this author to review his books and he's never disappointed me with one of his stories. 4* I contacted the author to review his books after reading K,B,& F.
Walt Asher to the Rescue
Temples, Tempests & Blood is by far the best Walt Asher book yet. I have read them all from beginning to end and once I started it was almost impossible to put them down. I rated it 5 stars because they don't allow a 10 star rating. It is that good!! Walt Ashers single man war against the Kith is about to come to an end or he will die in the process. The only problem is he has No Backup, No Support and no real idea how it will go down. He is basically playing it by ear. His best friend and his wife have gone into hiding, at his request, for her own good. His friend is to ensure that she was safe at all times. The protective custody so to speak was because of his last major battle with the Kith. However, he manages to drag them smack dab in the middle of this battle anyhow. Walt is the Most Wanted man in Florida not only by the Kith but also by any law enforcement agency, because of the Kith frame job. In this book you will find biker clubs of the past, bad cops, bad women and a lot of Kith members that are only interested in Maximum Freedom. For the Kith that means anything goes, no rules, no laws and no one to answer to. They want to make their own country to fulfill this desire. By whatever means necessary. To include executing the governor and replacing him with a Kith replacement. There is a lot of gunplay, violence and of course with a book like this a lot of blood thirsty suspense and action. I thought this was going to be the end of the Walt Asher series but am told there is another book to be released soon. I can hardly wait. Walt, DG his Biker friend and his wife are all BAD A_ _ ed! The entire Walt Asher series is well worth the time to read. They are best read in order but could possibly be read as stand alone books.
Great escapism
Writing as Stewie Haslam Temples, Tempests, and Blood is the third book in the Trilogy covering the adventures of sometime informercial guru Walt Asher and his crusade against the cult “Kith” organization. This time the plot has Walt on the run after being accused of murder in Palm Beach, two small town cops in central Florida, and even the governor. His best friend DG and even his wife have abandoned him, so he is all alone to fight the cult and clear his name. The plot twists in this story keep you guessing all the way through, although there were clues to the ending throughout the book. Without giving away too much, suffice it to say that without an ally working behind the scenes, Walt was definitely screwed. Andrew Allen is a great writer of pure escapism. As with the other two books, Walt gets into more unbelievable scrapes than any one man could imagine. His escapes are the source for action hero movies. I could not keep from thinking that this was like a John Wick movie. The characters again are well developed especially DG, and Ilsa. I was glad to see her character re-emerging as she was kind of left out of the second book. This book can be read as a stand alone but it is highly recommended that Allen’s other Walt Asher books be read first to get the full picture of the amazing crazy life this “super hero” leads.
Walt gets into more trouble than ever, and now his wife and his friends are refusing to help
Walt Asher isn't on the lam for just one, or even two murders (that he didn't commit); he's on the lam for three! And he only committed one of the ones he's accused—and the only one the cops think he really didn't do is the only one (of these three) that he did. But you would have to read the book; I couldn't possibly explain what happened. I mean, I was right there and yet I can't say I'm exactly what happened. (And please don't buy into the notion I was hiding under the carpet! It's a vicious lie and I'll never forgive my mother if she's the one who tattled.) Fortunately, nobody knows how many people Walt really did kill or he'd be on death row and this book would be banned. But there were a LOT of people who died helping him or just by being near him. And despite his best intentions, he did kill some people, even killing some in cold blood. This is my favorite Walt novel; Allan has outdone his previously exceptional novels, bringing more villans; some on-the-fence good guys & gals—all woven with considerable depth and effectively woven into the narrative. He has also taken care to carefully develop the characters and even the scenarios—even those that are not key actors or critical scenarios.
Can't Get Enough Walt Asher
This book was FANTASTIC! I just can't get enough of Walt Asher! Never a spoiler in any of my reviews! This book is chock full of excitement, thrills, and suspense and has you questioning if anyone will do the right thing. Walt is framed, in a bad way, buy this book so you can see how he manages to salvage himself! Characters that will entertain without fail and give you just what you expect in a thriller series. You don't have to read this series in order, but it's totally helpful if you do, just so you learn the characters and how things progress to where they are today. However, it is not necessary to catch on in this book and will not keep you from one second of first-class reading! It will make you want to go back and read the others though if you haven't already! Love Walt Asher, love this author, and I know you will too! I received and read a complimentary copy and here is my unsolicited review!
A Tense, Intense Episode
Trouble seems to find Walt Asher and this time it found him big time! It seemed at every turn that death seemed imminent for Walt. But each time his resourcefulness and quick action was enough to get him out of danger but that changed soon enough, too soon enough. While there was a familiar cast of characters the were a few new faces and some who were more fully developed in this tome. The story and action were at a break- neck speed with more than enough twists and turns. It kept the reading interesting. Too often Walt and Ilsa were too close to terminal status.
Walt isn't here for your amusement, but he accomplishes it anyway...
Walt Asher scratches my Florida itch EVERY TIME! The last 40 years of noir set in Florida has been some of my favorite fiction to read, and Walt Asher is way up there. Give this a read and give this author his due for having just crazy enough a voice to claim a piece of this genre for his very own.
What a blast!
Walt Asher is officially my new hero. He started out just wanting to do the right thing; that morphed into an all-consuming quest to fix it all. Thank you, Andrew Allan, for deciding to write such thrilling fiction. I can't wait to find out what Walt gets up to next.
What a read
Walt Asher is a hero! A reluctant one but still one of the good guys. These three books are great, edge of your chair reads. I stayed up all night to read the last and now I’m bummed. Thanks for an exciting page-turner.
WOW, what an incredible book. Will keep you guessing from start to finish ish.
This Walt Asher is my first but will not be my last. I have already purchased all of them l can find. GREAT reading that , couldn't put down.
A MUST read series! Awesome read!
Temples, Tempests & Blood - I absolutely love this series! I have so much fun with the escapades, the humor and the characters Walt and DG. While there is plenty of humor, there is darkness and violence, and the baddies are depraved. While you can read this book by itself, I strongly recommend that you start at the beginning or read the previous book at least. This well written series is hard to put down when started and each book builds upon the previous foundation. The pace is always fast and the dialogues are always snappy, witty, scary, etc., but realistic. The characters run the gamut but Walt, DG and Ilse are the center. The descriptions are vivid but never graphic, and certainly places the reader in the spider/fly's position. While managing the lighthearted side of the characters and their lives, Mr. Allan does not shy away from horrible crime subjects. I contacted this author to review his books and I have loved every one so far. Yes, his editing improved immensely since his first book, but I noticed he found a dumb editor/publisher? this time around. 5* Killers, Bikers and Freaks #1 - A well written, action packed suspense novel that needs editing; the mistakes interrupt the flow of the story. The characters and plot are well thought out and believable. The author's writing style reminds me a lot of Jimmy Buffet's and Elmore Leonard. I hope the next book I read by this author will be edited better, he's too good of a writer; he lost a star on this book. I received the book through Instafreebie or some author's website, and later purchased it. 5* Update: I received a new copy December, 2017 and it had been edited. It was just as funny and better the second go round. Sell Shock (#1.5) - Picks up where Killers, Bikers and Freaks left off. A well written, funny, twisting plot with the same lovable characters and more. By the second chapter, you're already LYAO and sucked in for the ride. You can't help it, may as well be a cat needing to satisfy its curiosity. And satisfaction is what you get, until the story ends and you're going, What, it can't be over! You've got to read Killers, Bikers and Freaks first; this is where we meet our fine, funny characters and get hooked on this author's work. Minor editing, but beats the editing of K, B & F, which has been edited as of December, 2017. 5* Bodies, Blades & Rituals #2 – OMGosh! It’s the first sentence and I’m already rolling on the floor LMAO! I love the books by Andrew Allan; you can’t be in a rotten mood when you reading one of his hilarious, action packed, intriguing little yarns. Do yourself a favor and read them in order; it’s the only way to get the full entertainment value of these books. BB&R starts where Sell Shock ends, a few weeks later. Well-written, suspense filled, action packed, with touches of humor; BB&R keeps the reader intrigued. It was difficult to put the book down once I started reading it. We have our continuous cast of characters that keep us cheering and rooting for them. And of course, the bad guys are BAD. The subject of the story is current and is just as horrible as in Roman Times or 600 or even 200 years ago; meaning it’s a dark side of humanity. Like drugs, it’s not only for the lower class, but indulged in by a worse class of people. 5* Walt's Fault - Oh boy, did Walt step on, and in, it big time. DB calls in a favor since Walt owes him. W can't say no, he owes DB. All kinds of things happen in this quickly read, short read. Action packed and intriguing, with the usual dirty characters found in DB's world and a couple of kinks that make everything extremely interesting. The ending was a little too quick. I contacted this author to review his books and he's never disappointed me with one of his stories. 4* I contacted the author to review his books after reading K,B,& F.
Walt Asher to the Rescue
Temples, Tempests & Blood is by far the best Walt Asher book yet. I have read them all from beginning to end and once I started it was almost impossible to put them down. I rated it 5 stars because they don't allow a 10 star rating. It is that good!! Walt Ashers single man war against the Kith is about to come to an end or he will die in the process. The only problem is he has No Backup, No Support and no real idea how it will go down. He is basically playing it by ear. His best friend and his wife have gone into hiding, at his request, for her own good. His friend is to ensure that she was safe at all times. The protective custody so to speak was because of his last major battle with the Kith. However, he manages to drag them smack dab in the middle of this battle anyhow. Walt is the Most Wanted man in Florida not only by the Kith but also by any law enforcement agency, because of the Kith frame job. In this book you will find biker clubs of the past, bad cops, bad women and a lot of Kith members that are only interested in Maximum Freedom. For the Kith that means anything goes, no rules, no laws and no one to answer to. They want to make their own country to fulfill this desire. By whatever means necessary. To include executing the governor and replacing him with a Kith replacement. There is a lot of gunplay, violence and of course with a book like this a lot of blood thirsty suspense and action. I thought this was going to be the end of the Walt Asher series but am told there is another book to be released soon. I can hardly wait. Walt, DG his Biker friend and his wife are all BAD A_ _ ed! The entire Walt Asher series is well worth the time to read. They are best read in order but could possibly be read as stand alone books.
Great escapism
Writing as Stewie Haslam Temples, Tempests, and Blood is the third book in the Trilogy covering the adventures of sometime informercial guru Walt Asher and his crusade against the cult “Kith” organization. This time the plot has Walt on the run after being accused of murder in Palm Beach, two small town cops in central Florida, and even the governor. His best friend DG and even his wife have abandoned him, so he is all alone to fight the cult and clear his name. The plot twists in this story keep you guessing all the way through, although there were clues to the ending throughout the book. Without giving away too much, suffice it to say that without an ally working behind the scenes, Walt was definitely screwed. Andrew Allen is a great writer of pure escapism. As with the other two books, Walt gets into more unbelievable scrapes than any one man could imagine. His escapes are the source for action hero movies. I could not keep from thinking that this was like a John Wick movie. The characters again are well developed especially DG, and Ilsa. I was glad to see her character re-emerging as she was kind of left out of the second book. This book can be read as a stand alone but it is highly recommended that Allen’s other Walt Asher books be read first to get the full picture of the amazing crazy life this “super hero” leads.
Walt gets into more trouble than ever, and now his wife and his friends are refusing to help
Walt Asher isn't on the lam for just one, or even two murders (that he didn't commit); he's on the lam for three! And he only committed one of the ones he's accused—and the only one the cops think he really didn't do is the only one (of these three) that he did. But you would have to read the book; I couldn't possibly explain what happened. I mean, I was right there and yet I can't say I'm exactly what happened. (And please don't buy into the notion I was hiding under the carpet! It's a vicious lie and I'll never forgive my mother if she's the one who tattled.) Fortunately, nobody knows how many people Walt really did kill or he'd be on death row and this book would be banned. But there were a LOT of people who died helping him or just by being near him. And despite his best intentions, he did kill some people, even killing some in cold blood. This is my favorite Walt novel; Allan has outdone his previously exceptional novels, bringing more villans; some on-the-fence good guys & gals—all woven with considerable depth and effectively woven into the narrative. He has also taken care to carefully develop the characters and even the scenarios—even those that are not key actors or critical scenarios.
Can't Get Enough Walt Asher
This book was FANTASTIC! I just can't get enough of Walt Asher! Never a spoiler in any of my reviews! This book is chock full of excitement, thrills, and suspense and has you questioning if anyone will do the right thing. Walt is framed, in a bad way, buy this book so you can see how he manages to salvage himself! Characters that will entertain without fail and give you just what you expect in a thriller series. You don't have to read this series in order, but it's totally helpful if you do, just so you learn the characters and how things progress to where they are today. However, it is not necessary to catch on in this book and will not keep you from one second of first-class reading! It will make you want to go back and read the others though if you haven't already! Love Walt Asher, love this author, and I know you will too! I received and read a complimentary copy and here is my unsolicited review!
Suspense from Start to Finish
This is probably the best of the series as Walt sets out to fight the kith without any help. The book begins with Walt's arrest for a murder he didn't commit, and continues as the police take him to a desolate beach instead of the jail. For the balance of the book he is on the run while trying to protect his friends and lover. The kith are extremely powerful and seem to control all the people in positions of power. This is the kind of book you cannot set down as your pulse pounds in your throat for page after page. DG abandons Walt to protect himself, but ends up being forced to help. If you enjoyed the earlier books in this series, this is the one to read.
Nonstop action awaits you
This is another great Walt Asher novel. Each book is a stand alone novel but it is definitely helpful if you have read them in sequence just to get to know the players. As usual, this is a wild ride as Walt battles his enemy, “the Kith”. The plot is filled with twists and turns and numerous surprises. The characters are well developed and believable and the writing is tight and easy to read. This book is a lot of fun and I definitely recommend it. I received a copy as an ARC and am glad to have had the opportunity to read it and express my honest opinion.
That title - it’s so true - great action crime book
Another good ripping action book, same locations, same cast of jumbled accidental hero’s plus one. It almost seems normal as Walt Asher finds he’s on the run from the Law, his wife has dumped him and DG - well - he is no help. Walt crashes cars, wrecks hideouts, pounds on a few folks, dodges numerous bullets and people die, Walt learns many Kith secrets and resolves numerous problems (from earlier books) but will he survive? This book seems shorter than the others, it is a stand alone story but I feel it is best enjoyed by reading the earlier books. Recommended reading if you like action and crime.
Fast paced intriguing murder mystery
This is not your average cult. Walt Asher tries to take down the biggest, baddest, most ruthless cult ever seen in the US. And in the midst of a hurricane, no less. But can one man do it alone? Who can he trust — that is not already under cult control? Will he survive? Can he acquire the proof he needs to show that he did not murder the governor? So many twists and turns! Fast paced action all around the state of Florida. Warning — language and death descriptions not for faint of heart
Ordinary Guy Super-hero
I just love our hero, Walt Asher. He is an unassuming television script writer who definitely has a black cloud following him everywhere. Like a superhero, he defeats a group of evil villains at every turn and has incredible luck. This book had way too much cerebral meanderings in my view with Walt thinking and thinking about what was going to happen or could happen, but it is still a 5+ star read. I received an advance copy of this book but this is my honest and heartfelt review.
A Bang-up Conclusion
I always wonder about books in a series if the next one is as good as the last. Especially with the ending of a storyline. This one was all that and a bag of Doritos. This set of characters will live on forever in the thriller genre and Andrew Allan can be proud of a work well done. Fast-paced, original, totally enjoyable. I was so happy to get an advanced reader's copy. And this is my honest opinion.
A Realistic Read
This was a fast paced excellent read. The main character, Walt, was in trouble with an organized group he called the Kith. To make matters worse he was pursued by the police for murders the Kith framed him for. Between Walt's wife, Ilysa and his friend, DG, helping him - he was worried about their safety. An excellent read that captured many of areas in Florida.
Cancel your plans till the book is complete
Make sure you have your snacks and a drink within arms reach when you sit down to read, you won’t be putting this book down till your forced to. Love this series. Action packed stories with characters you care about. Books can be read as stand alone ,or in order, which is my personal preference, insuring you get all the facts in order.
Walt has been reincarnated into a real badass!
This 3rd book in the Walt Asher series is non-stop action. Not a page went by that didn’t have the type of suspense and action you get from reading this series. Cannot wait for the next one in this series or in a new series that Andrew Allan comes up with!
Great book
So, book three in the series and I think it’s a humdinger. Action and suspense all the way to an ending you just cannot see coming. Talk about dedication, it’s not in it. Roll on book four. Highly recommended.
It's a scary world when every way you turn someone is trying lock you up or kill you!
Another fast paced, page turner..couldn't put it down..just when you think it's all over for Walt..something happens..weather it's his buddy DG to the rescue or some other fluke & he's back on top to fight another day!!
The end for the Kith?
So can Walt manage to end the evil Kith once and for all? Read this book and find out, be ready for action some humour and falls. I received an arc copy of this book.
a great read
this is my first book of the walt asher series. I love the action and living in Florida i have been to several locations and can see the action unfold as I read every page.