Talk and Work It Out (Learning to Get Along®)

Kindle Edition
15 Dec
What’s the best way to solve problems between people? By talking them over and working them out. It’s never too soon for children to learn the process of peaceful conflict resolution. This book distills it into clear, simple language and supporting illustrations. Children learn to calm themselves, state the problem, listen, think of solutions, try one, evaluate results, and even agree to disagree when a solution isn’t possible. Includes skill-building games and role plays for adults to use with children.

Reviews (95)

Best book series for toddlers!!!

We have really enjoyed this whole line of books. We have an only child (4 yrs) and as he is preparing for Kindergarten, wanted to make sure that he was getting the basics of how to express his emotions with other kids, since he is so used to expressing them with mostly adults around our family. So I bought a few of these, and we've enjoyed them so much that I bought the whole set.We read one of them every night along with several other story time books before bed. We can talk about the situations in the books, and relate parts of the books to situations that he is currently going through in Pre-K. Having said that, it's not that we did not know how to teach our child manners... these books were also a way for us parents to get better ideas on how to discuss these situations with our 4 year old in a way that he can relate to. If the teacher lets us know that he was not sharing very well that day, we have a small discussing about the situation and then we read the "How to Share With Others" book before we go to bed. This in turn puts our son's mind at ease, and helps him better explain his feeling earlier on in the day and gives him ideas on ways that he can handle the situation next time it happens. Quite simply, they help us communicate better as a family... and honestly, sometimes show us parents ways that we need to handle our own situations as well. Excellent series of books! I would recommend them to any parents of 2-6 year olds!

Visualized feelings

I like how this story visualizes emotions, ideas and how to deal with it in life scenarios, Also I liked the discussion at the end with more ideas to engrave new ethics and skills

Great Character-Building Book For Young Children/Classrooms

Great resource book for teaching character -building. I teach 4s & 5s and teaching social development/problem-solving skills is always a part of my curriculum. In my earlier years of teaching, all of the resources I found for helping teach those skills was above their learning level. Now, years later, Cheri J. Meiners has hit the nail on the head! These are exactly the books I was looking for years ago! The children can relate to the stories and there are questions att he end for the teacher to use with the children. There is also more info in the back like additional books that can be read, vocabulary words, websites, etc. If you want to build character, help develop problem-solving skills and foster social skills in your classroom, then this series of books is for you and your classroom.

Kid Friendly Social Lessons

Kids are told "no" in so many ways, and how *not* to behave. This book, and series, provides a proactive and positive approach to common social problems kids face, and provides ideas but opportunities for dialogue between kids and between kids and adults. Having a kiddo who has difficulties with how to react in negative social situations, these books have been very helpful to initiate the "what should I do" and "what can I do when" dialogues.

This book is great. It allows the child to understand how they ...

This book is great. It allows the child to understand how they can work out problems with people. My son loves to follow along and discuss how he could work out a problem he has had with his friend. This book allowed my son to see that it is okay to disagree with someone and how to talk about something instead of yelling, hitting, kicking, and hurting someone. We notices a huge change in our sons behavior after reading this book and a few other emotion books.

Great for social skills training

I use this with children in therapy sessions and they are very responsive/engaged/enjoy learning the skills in a comfortable and encouraging manner

Great series!

I love this series for teaching life skills to children in a fun and non-confrontational way. My boys enjoy our time reading these books and I enjoy the dialogue we have together as we read through it. I will pause after each page and give them a chance to discuss what we just read. They always have more to add to the page or questions about why we do something like this, etc. If nothing else, it's worth it just for the way it opens us all up to talking about these important issues without anyone feeling like they are singled out. The illustrations are also very well done.

This is more like a 3

This is more like a 3.5 star. I bought this for my 1st grade, 6 year old. The book was not helpful because it seems to be more for 3-4 year olds and not the age range advertised. I'm only keeping it because I have a toddler and this may be helpful for him in another year.

Work it out peacefully

Bought this book for my 3 year old twins. Also make my then 5 and 8 year olds listen to me read it. It has a good message in it about working things out peacefully. I would recommend it for any preschool, play-date group, or family. It uses a lot of our family mottos for getting along.

bought it for my husband

I have to be honest, I bought this book mostly for my husband than my soon to be 4 years old. My husband read this book to our son and I am sure he got the message. My almost 4 years Old not so sure but will get it in a few years. Nice book explains how to talk it out and express your feelings.

Best book series for toddlers!!!

We have really enjoyed this whole line of books. We have an only child (4 yrs) and as he is preparing for Kindergarten, wanted to make sure that he was getting the basics of how to express his emotions with other kids, since he is so used to expressing them with mostly adults around our family. So I bought a few of these, and we've enjoyed them so much that I bought the whole set.We read one of them every night along with several other story time books before bed. We can talk about the situations in the books, and relate parts of the books to situations that he is currently going through in Pre-K. Having said that, it's not that we did not know how to teach our child manners... these books were also a way for us parents to get better ideas on how to discuss these situations with our 4 year old in a way that he can relate to. If the teacher lets us know that he was not sharing very well that day, we have a small discussing about the situation and then we read the "How to Share With Others" book before we go to bed. This in turn puts our son's mind at ease, and helps him better explain his feeling earlier on in the day and gives him ideas on ways that he can handle the situation next time it happens. Quite simply, they help us communicate better as a family... and honestly, sometimes show us parents ways that we need to handle our own situations as well. Excellent series of books! I would recommend them to any parents of 2-6 year olds!

Visualized feelings

I like how this story visualizes emotions, ideas and how to deal with it in life scenarios, Also I liked the discussion at the end with more ideas to engrave new ethics and skills

Great Character-Building Book For Young Children/Classrooms

Great resource book for teaching character -building. I teach 4s & 5s and teaching social development/problem-solving skills is always a part of my curriculum. In my earlier years of teaching, all of the resources I found for helping teach those skills was above their learning level. Now, years later, Cheri J. Meiners has hit the nail on the head! These are exactly the books I was looking for years ago! The children can relate to the stories and there are questions att he end for the teacher to use with the children. There is also more info in the back like additional books that can be read, vocabulary words, websites, etc. If you want to build character, help develop problem-solving skills and foster social skills in your classroom, then this series of books is for you and your classroom.

Kid Friendly Social Lessons

Kids are told "no" in so many ways, and how *not* to behave. This book, and series, provides a proactive and positive approach to common social problems kids face, and provides ideas but opportunities for dialogue between kids and between kids and adults. Having a kiddo who has difficulties with how to react in negative social situations, these books have been very helpful to initiate the "what should I do" and "what can I do when" dialogues.

This book is great. It allows the child to understand how they ...

This book is great. It allows the child to understand how they can work out problems with people. My son loves to follow along and discuss how he could work out a problem he has had with his friend. This book allowed my son to see that it is okay to disagree with someone and how to talk about something instead of yelling, hitting, kicking, and hurting someone. We notices a huge change in our sons behavior after reading this book and a few other emotion books.

Great for social skills training

I use this with children in therapy sessions and they are very responsive/engaged/enjoy learning the skills in a comfortable and encouraging manner

Great series!

I love this series for teaching life skills to children in a fun and non-confrontational way. My boys enjoy our time reading these books and I enjoy the dialogue we have together as we read through it. I will pause after each page and give them a chance to discuss what we just read. They always have more to add to the page or questions about why we do something like this, etc. If nothing else, it's worth it just for the way it opens us all up to talking about these important issues without anyone feeling like they are singled out. The illustrations are also very well done.

This is more like a 3

This is more like a 3.5 star. I bought this for my 1st grade, 6 year old. The book was not helpful because it seems to be more for 3-4 year olds and not the age range advertised. I'm only keeping it because I have a toddler and this may be helpful for him in another year.

Work it out peacefully

Bought this book for my 3 year old twins. Also make my then 5 and 8 year olds listen to me read it. It has a good message in it about working things out peacefully. I would recommend it for any preschool, play-date group, or family. It uses a lot of our family mottos for getting along.

bought it for my husband

I have to be honest, I bought this book mostly for my husband than my soon to be 4 years old. My husband read this book to our son and I am sure he got the message. My almost 4 years Old not so sure but will get it in a few years. Nice book explains how to talk it out and express your feelings.

Solid Gold

I'm a kindergarten teacher and I love all of Cheri Meiners' social emotional skills books. Right to the point, clear illustrations, perfect language. These life/relationship skills are complex and important for all ages, but the text and illustrations in her books are accessible to young children.

I highly recommend them.

I bought several of these books for my 4 yr. old grandson who is in preschool full time. He had delayed speech and is socially immature. His mom frequently read them at night to him per his request, and they have opened up a dialogue with his parents about how to solve social issues. The books have really helped him to apply what he has learned from them at preschool. I highly recommend them.

Role modeling at home is the best way to communicate these values

Role modeling at home is the best way to communicate these values, but the book gave me an added resource for how to explain to my son on getting along with others.

Excellent book

I have two children, a seven year old boy diagnosed with aspergers, and a four year old boy. I picked it up primarily for my older son. There is something about the flow of ideas in this book which is very engaging. I found this myself and both of my sons were taken in by it too. The language is clear and logical and quite simply makes a lot of sense. I think this is an excellent book for children such as my older son who need the kind of reasoning used in the book to be layed out logically and explicitly for them.

Very useful for my autistic child, and just as useful for my typical child

Text is short, easy to understand, pictures vibrant and relatable, and perfect to use as a social story for my six-year-old autistic child. At the end of the book, there ideas that parents can use to help their child brainstorm and role play.

Would recommend for young children

This is a great book for parents, teachers and professionals who work with kids, to help kids learn how to work out conflict with each other. Conflict resolution is a skill that children need to learn and this book helps explain the process of working out disagreements with friends and classmates. Good for preschoolers and early elementary school kids.

It's Not Easy!

I work in Restorative Justice and this book was so reflective of values I believe in and try to live. After reading it to my grandson, he took it from my hands and threw it on the ground, saying, "It doesn't work." I think we have more to talk about.

Informational Text

Small group... good book..Im a teacher so it served its purpose,, its more a teachable moment than a story line. Not a narrative a informational text!

Good book with language that toddlers can understand and interesting ...

Good book with language that toddlers can understand and interesting images. The lessons are important, but I like reading it more than my toddler does!

Happy I bought this book for my 3 and 5 ...

Happy I bought this book for my 3 and 5 year olds! They request it as a nighttime story at least once a week, and I see them looking at it on their own time.

I bought several in the series

I bought this book and others in the series because I have an 8 year old struggling in school (and out) socially. He likes them and he likes to read them to his siblings. It gives us opportunities to talk about situations (even when he is not in trouble).

We use this book as a social story

We currently are using this book series as a social stories for a child on the autism spectrum. These books have helped him to understand what is expected of him in the school setting. We read these book routinely, to help him maintain the appropriate behaviors.

Great life lessons

My daughter has had some problems adjusting to kindergarten as she was never in daycare. This book is helpful in teaching her other tools for dealing with classmates and how to react in unpleasant situations. She is able to read it herself and its not just mommy telling her to be nice and share.

I have found that my typically developing children also love the books and we reference them quite a bit

I have a son who is diagnosed autism spectrum disorder & he loves these books. They explain the world and social situations I. A way that he can understand. I have found that my typically developing children also love the books and we reference them quite a bit.

So simply and intentionally written AND our 4 year old ...

So simply and intentionally written AND our 4 year old likes the stories, understands the lessons and even applies the concepts! Five stars for practical and effective parenting help!

Love the Learning to get along series

Perfect for that magical toddler age (3-5)

Social story for older Elem. kids.

This book is written for older students, ages 8 - 12. Nice way to teach social negotiations.

Great story to share with the day care children who ...

Great story to share with the day care children who are able to communicate but choose to use their hands to solve their sharing issues.

I have a kindergartner that is adjusting to his new ...

I have a kindergartner that is adjusting to his new school these REALLY helped. He asks questions- it sparks a new way to talk about -following rules, sharing —etc. Must buy


The book explains Concepts in simple understandable language for children.

Great books, we have several

Very easy for child to see from pictures and wording is simple and concise for a young child to understand when you are reading it. When my daughter learns to read, I am sure she will get even more from the books.

Easy to read

This is an easy to read book about getting along. It has practical suggestions to help young children understand the concept. It's great for teaching the skills. It includes suggestions for activities to help children really learn and practice the skill.

Five Stars

the kids love this and I like that it teaches them conflict resolution skills

Good, not one of the best in the series

I love this series of books. This one isn't one of my favorite because the concepts are a bit tough for the preschool age that I am reading to. I do think my kids are learning something from the book though so it is definitely effective. Check out Share And Take Turns. That one is REALLY wonderful.

great books. My 5 year old asks contently to ...

great books.My 5 year old asks contently to read them.just got some more

Great book with wonderful ideas to teach children how to communicate effectively when they face conflicts with others.

This book is clear and simple. It teaches children how to communicate with others in a positive way when there is a conflict. It gives wonderful ideas that are easy to understand. I highly recommend it.

Five Stars

Bought for my autistic grandson Loves it

Therapy material

Working as a children's therapist, I look for items to use in bibliotherapy, so I ordered this to address the sibling rivalry that exists between some of my clients. I've already put it to use.

Not as great

When ordering the book, I anticipated something different, a book that describes a situation and how the kid deals with it (similar to role playing). I found, our kids respond well to that sort of teaching. This book however, is more an enumeration of things one can do "I can do this...." and "I can do that...". I personnally found it a bit boring, and it didn't seem to reach out to the reader.

a great book for kids

I love this book for the simple language. The book has examples of things to say and of things to think about when faced with the problem of not getting what you want. It is a good book to read over and over again.


Thank you

Five Stars

really liked this book

Five Stars

nice story and lesson

I wanted the books to have a better story line

I wanted the books to have a better story line , and something better written. This book did not capture the interest of my 5 year old. And to provide more concrete solutions not " what could I have done instead" - this may be more appropriate for older children

Five Stars

Great value!

love it!

my kids really respond and appreciate these books! They seem to be internalizing the messages and i love reading these to them!!

wonderful product

the book is in great condition bright colorful pages and easy helpful tips to help parents explain to there children how to deal with this problem

Great books for kids

I would recommend the book. I like the pictures n easy reading. This author has great titles. Nice for bedtime stories.


This is a must if you have kids or work with kids. Simple but has great information and strategies to help teach new social skills.

probably good for age 6 and

A little advanced for my 3 and 4 year old, probably good for age 6 and up

Five Stars

Written really well with great graphics. We love this style of actions to do guidelines.

Five Stars

Kids listen to this believe it or not. It works

Great Book

Very pleased with the purchase. The message was properly conveyed and easy to understand. Would recommend this book to others.

Simple and Effective

This book has useful, effective social problem solving advice and is presented in a simple way, easily understood by children.

Five Stars

Excellent product will buy again.

Five Stars

These books are genius!

Five Stars

Great for teaching skills to kids!

Five Stars

Very good book !!!

Five Stars

Great book!

Five Stars

Great book. very age appropriate!!

Five Stars

good book!

3 Stars

Kindle lay out doesn't work well. Info good-vocab a bit high for K-5.

Five Stars

Everything was perfect!

Easy read!

The student's enjoyed this book. It jumped around a bit, but easily used as a resource for character building.

Could've been more specific

I really hoped to use this story to give ideas to some of my students on how to handle conflict. I wound up making up a story as to why they were arguing over the ball because the book itself is so basic and lacks creativity. I love the illustrations and it does open up the floor for conversation for the kids to add their own creativity.

Jumping the snark (for the toddler/ pre-k crowd)

I got this for my 3 yo so we could explore ways of talking to people (each other, family and friends) and work on tone (who knew toddlers could dish snark so early?). She responds to the pictures, where some of the kids look like her and her friends at daycare. I like that there is just the right amount of text, not too didactic, and there are great opportunities for her to imagine what the kids might be saying to each other. She really could identify with the scenes depicted - the illustrations are thoughtful and pleasing. Great opportunity to tackle potentially tough topics, like learning how to share and how to respect other people. Best line: getting along can be more important that getting your way all the time.

Excellent book for basic social skills concepts, helpful with Autism high functioning

All of the books in this series by this author are great for teaching kids much needed social skills. As a mom and former teacher, I highly recommend these books, and this one is one of my favorites. Good pictures illustrate feelings, and good starting point to talk with kids about how they feel so they can reconize their feelings and start to seperate feelings from appropraite actions. THe facial expressions illustrated in the book offer a good example to teach kids to identify how others feel. I would like to see her follow up with more scripted books for those on the Autism spectrum like my son who literally needed story books made up for him to memorize what to say in social situations like indroductions and later to express feelings. These books certainly helped him a lot. She does a great job saying "I can" phrases on how to handle situations, like "I can say how I feel. I can ask for what I want." and "I can help chose a plan that is good for both of us....Sometimes it is hard to find an answer everyone likes. I can still show respect." It helps teach the child to honor their feelings and the feelings of others while working toward a fair solution. My typically developing kids also enjoy these books. A lot of adults could benefit from learning from these books. :) More specifics would be good, such as I can show respect by...., but this book is a great foundation.

One Star

Doesn't give practical advice on what to do in specific situations.

Used for Whole Class Lesson as a School Psychologist

I used this book with a first grade class that was having difficulty applying problem solving techniques to their peer relationships. In the back of the book, there are questions to accompany all of the story pages. These were great to engage the kids the whole time that I was reading the story. To finish, we made bookmarks with the problem solving steps from the book.

Five Stars

Arrived in excellent condition.


This is a great book to teach children about getting along & nowadays teaching children to get along is so important. I purchased the book as a gift & the truth is I really bought this book hoping the parent's reading the book might learn something; it is hard to teach something you don't know yourself.

Review of Children's Books

The products arrived in a timely manner and they were exactly what I wanted. In fact, some other people liked them so much that they wanted to order this series of books. (They were Christmas presents.)

very helpful

fast shipment. book as descvribed. very good book to have- helps structure discussions w kids.

Gets the point across

Its not one of their best in the series, but it does help visualize the concepts. My son is speech delayed, so too many words can put him off a bit. But he is learning from it, sometimes i simplify it a little. love the series though. be polite a really good one - as well as work thru anger. I like most the visual aspect of the books and different children

These books work!

These books have made such a difference!! Could not recommend them enough we saw behaviour changes within a few days. Designed for kids and works with early learning concepts at school too.

Good book

This definitely makes your child think about situations more.

Great lesson is taught.

Great book. My grandson loves it.

Four Stars

It's ok, not alot of reading, would not buy again

Five Stars


Great for key stage 1

This is a great book for helping kids to learn peaceful and co-operative ways of resolving conflicts. Too often they become frustrated and overwhelmed by feelings which they don't know how to name or control. This book shows how to understand and think about the problem, how to try and understand the other persons point of view and how to talk things through, it makes the point that by doing all these things, not only will everyone be happier because the outcome is better but there is also the added bonus of having more fun and friends to play with which is more important than getting your own way all the time. The text and pictures are simple and the situations used in the story are ones which all small children can relate to. My 6 year old really likes this book and finds it fun as well as helpful, he can read a lot of it by himself and also likes to look at it on his own from time to time. He told me that very often he doesn't know what to do in these situations and seems relieved to have a book which gives him some help and guidance. There are lots of good games/questions at the back of the book which have prompted lots of discussion about various situations he has found himself in and how he might handle similar ones next time. Definately a useful book to have to help any young child feel comfortable and confident in sorting out the many conflicts and disagreements that arise between small children.

Nice book

This book has helped my children talk through arguments rather than shouting at each other when they argue about a toy or similar. It's not hugely engaging so they don't pick it out as a bed time story book, hence only four stars, but when they argue we can get the book out as a gentle reminder on how to behave better.

A must-have for parents of little ones

The books on this collection by Cheri Meiners are wonderful. They discuss simple problems which small children of pre-school and young school age face, including how to learn to listen, to share, to care about others, to follow the rules, amongst many others. The books are written in simple language and richly illustrated, so young ones learning to read will benefit from the content as well as the opportunity to practice their reading. A must-have for parents!

Not bad

I didn't like this one as much as the others it went on a bit and it wasn't aclear message as some of the other books

really good for talking about emotions

My daughter loves these books, really good for talking about emotions, and learning how to deal with others with respect. A little American but I just swap some of the words.

Excellent books

These books are fantastic. Purchased for my son who has ASD but the school has now started using them for all children.

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