Take (Temptation Series Book 2)

Kindle Edition
06 Jul
Ella Frank
TAKE – verb: to reach for and hold in one’s hands or get into one’s possession, power or control. Logan Mitchell is a man who’s always been more than happy to take what he wants. It’s a philosophy that’s proven lucrative in both his business and personal life, and never was it more apparent than the night he laid eyes on Tate Morrison. After pulling out all the stops and convincing the sexy bartender to give him a try—he’s hooked. Now, Logan finds himself in a predicament that demands more from him than a smart-ass answer and his innate ability to walk away when things get too deep. He has a choice to make, and it’ll force him to do something he’s never done before—take a chance. Tate Morrison knows all about taking a chance. He took the biggest one of his life the night he showed up at Logan’s apartment to explore his unexpected reaction to the man. Ever since then, he’s thought about little else. At first he was convinced his attraction was based solely on his body’s curiosity. But the more time he spends with the silver-tongued lawyer, the more Tate realizes that their physical chemistry is only the beginning. He’s starting to catch a glimpse of what life with Logan would be like, and it’s one full of excitement and satisfaction—a far cry from what he had in the past with his soon to be ex-wife. Each man will face their fears as they begin to understand the true meaning of give and take. Their feelings for one another will be tested, as will their very beliefs. But now that they’ve found love where they least expected it, will they be brave enough to reach out and take it?

Reviews (192)

Taking a chance on love.

The lock that had kept his heart firmly shut away had finally found it's key. I don't even know what I can say about this book that hasn't been said before. All I can think about are the lyrics to Abba's song Take A Chance on me... If you change your mind, I'm the first in line Honey I'm still free Take a chance on me If you need me, let me know, gonna be around If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown Honey I'm still free Take a chance on me Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie If you put me to the test, if you let me try Take is an emotional journey for Logan and Tate, and it was for me as well! Their relationship is put to the test in Take, as Tate deals with the hate coming from his family and Logan is left waiting and wondering. I hate Tate's family, hate them! I understand not everyone is going to be open and accepting, but it just breaks my heart when it is family that turns so ugly. I felt so horrible for Tate, and Logan as well, in this book. Tate is so loving and caring, he didn't deserve the the way his family treated him. And Logan, always so cocky and confident, but his vulnerability really came through more in this book. I loved seeing these two grow, individually and as a couple, throughout this book. They took the time to talk and really open up to each other, more so than in Try. Their bond, even with the what's been thrown at them, is becoming stronger and deeper. I can't wait to see what's in store for them In Trust.

Another 5 Star Read!!

I couldn't tell you how excited I was to get my hands on this baby when it came out, now I'm on my 5th time reading it and still LOVE it just as much as the 1st time, if not MORE! Tate and Logan take us on one hell of a ride. These two will continue their journey and have hurdles to overcome yet, but I have no doubt they will do it all together. Ms. Frank makes sure that we all experience every emotion possible right along with them - happiness, worry, lust, anger, you feel it all on every page. Logan & Tate's relationship has really deepened and developed already, any we're only on book 2, I look forward to seeing what it's gonna be like in the end.


A PSA – If you have not read Try, please do yourself a favor and buy it now. Read and savor it. It’s an amazing book that has legions of loyal readers for that very reason. I’ve eagerly anticipated and coveted a number of new releases from some of my favorite authors this summer. Each of those books is in my wheelhouse – sweet, funny, smart, the occasional mind-eff, but each is a love story just the same. Ella Frank’s Take is no different. I had July 8th circled, starred and highlighted on my calendar – I could not wait to get my hands on this book and just devour it. When we first met Logan in Edible, he was a bit of twit – a pest, who loved nothing more than getting under his brother Cole’s skin and making mischief. Ella Frank has shepherded this gorgeous jack ass of man into someone truly special. Yes, he has an answer for everything and there are times that you are right there with Tate wanting Logan to just shut up. But that’s what makes Logan who he is and there are reasons why he does it. Please don’t get me wrong – I love Logan Mitchell, but I love Tate’s Logan that much more. Tate Morrison is my hero. That is all. Together, Logan and Tate are combustible. In and out of bed, they challenge each other and that creates an amazing dynamic. As a reader, you feel their sexual energy and chemistry – it screams itself off the screen/page. But under all that sexual energy, you feel a genuine level of respect and affection between these two characters – two people in a new relationship that is completely new and uncharted for them both. I want to spend a day in Ella Frank’s head. Not to do anything crazy, but I just want to sit back and enjoy her creative process. How she builds her characters and plot lines. She is one of my favorite authors, I love the sense of foreboding that I get while reading her books – it’s an anxiousness and excitement that leaves me with a book hangover each and every time. That indeed is a gift. When I reviewed Try, I said that it was a book that opened my eyes to the beauty of M/M romance. But with time and having read a few more books in the genre, I believe it’s much more than that. This series transcends labels, genders and genres – it is a love story through and through. It takes the reader on a romantic journey which allows them to view the challenges that a couple experiences at their own hands, as well as by the people around them. But how they respond to those challenges and find the best path is what makes it all work.

Logan and Tate have ruined me

Take picks up shortly after Try leaves off. But do we get the answer we were looking for? Yes and no. Logan and Tate have big decisions to make regarding their relationship, big hard decisions. And these poor guys, they go through the wringer. Tate has to deal with personal issues during the course of this book, he has to decide that if what he has with Logan is worth taking all these risks. Logan has to decide if Tate is worth the risk that he's taking. While it seems like Logan isn't taking as much risk as Tate is, he is. They're both giving up something to have the other-their hearts. Tate and Logan come to the realization that their relationship is more than sexual. It might have started out as a game, as a curiosity, but in the end, it became so much more. However, like everything, just because they know what they want doesn't mean it's easy to get. Besides being hot, this book has feelings, feelings that I called in Try, but wasn't sure we were going to get in this book. After all Tate is stubborn, and while Logan isn't as stubborn, while he spoke his mind, he wasn't sure what to do with the new development. I felt for both of these characters, they had a lot of conflicting emotions they had to deal with. They knew what they wanted, they just didn't know how to and that got to me. Because I knew they were perfect for each other, I wanted them to be together, but I was afraid they wouldn't get it together enough to make it happen. Ella Frank is a tease, but since she wrote Tate that's no surprise. The ending I felt was enough, though I know to some it probably didn't feel that way. I'm glad we get a third book for Logan and Tate, because there is more to the story, I know there is and I am excited. Though I don't know if I can handle seeing them torn apart anymore. They deserve to just be together.


Happy sigh. We are back with Logan and Tate. Both of them are starting to realize that they are moving into something serious, lasting. After being caught kissing Logan by his sister in the first installment Tate prepares to talk to his family about him going from super-straight to dating a man and he knows it won't be easy. He leans on Logan for support. This part of the trilogy focuses more on the story and the baggage each of them come with. In between we have this incredible chemistry between our main characters. Logan tames his inappropriate mouth a tiny bit and he starts to *feel* the connection to Tate. Tate on the other hand is much more aggressive in his pursuit of the passion he has for Logan. The chemistry between our two heroes is not just off the charts, it's nuclear. Logan's dirty mouth is something else but Tate isn't far behind. Geez, he gives as good as he gets. When both have to face their fears they have to prove how strong their connection is. As I said in my last review, Logan, when he makes himself vulnerable, is amazingly beautiful. The emotions ooze off the pages and you just want to grab this brilliant, complicated, multi-layered man and hug him silly. He also shows a lot of wisdom when Tate has to deal with his bigoted family. I have no idea how I will live without having these two in my life any longer. I see a MAJOR book hangover in my near future. This installment was rich with emotions and even though there is a third book after this one there is no cliffy. Don't stop here though, the next one is still worth reading.

a book that you’ll be aching to re-read

Where do I even begin? I read this book in one sitting and has been the only book that I’ve managed to read for the whole week. It's that good!!! You know how sometimes you read and loved a book but you don’t know exactly what to say about it? NOT THIS BOOK!! This is one of those times where I am furiously putting fingers to keys to push you to FREAKING READ IT! I found myself blushing, laughing, rolling my eyes, rejoicing and squee-ing for most of the part. I cannot speak enough about the way these characters are written and the very raw and believable growth we witness from book one. They were so lively and memorable. No doubt Tate Morrison has been the new love of my life. He wants to be uninhibited, fight for the person he now wants to be and just live out of the shadow that was partly created by his twat of an ex-wife….but he’s got so much he’s holding on to. Watching him grow in this book and start to rediscover himself was an exciting journey in itself. For how long? <<-- that we have yet to discover. I have to give it to Logan, too. He still got that sexy confidence going on and I love him for that. He's not perfect at all but he is strong and smart and even though he falters sometimes, he knows exactly who and what he is! I love how he always melt whenever Tate is around. Like they can't seem to get enough of each other and I love the quirky way in which their relationship progresses. And let's not forget about the sexual tension. OH MY GOSH! I could feel my whole body clenching when I would hold my breath during their encounters. I just wanted to pull them out of the book and smash their faces together so they can smooch each other like I used to do with Barbie and Ken. Or Ken and Ken, for that matter. (LMAO). Admit it! I know you want it too! Oh and Cole? I was pretty much salivating all over my book and had to fan myself while reading parts that included him. He’s interesting and not cookie cutter. I wanted MORE of him because what we got to know…he’s an intriguing guy and I have so many picture of drool worthy men in my mind. (Note to self. Read Edible ~ he's there.) I’m going to boldly say that I loved Ella from the tips of my hair down to my toes. I actually think I liked TAKE even better than TRY. I can’t believe I’m saying it but it’s true. She brought the awesomeness and somehow created a story that was never lacking in substance. She pointed out A LOT of things that many people on that same situation could learn from. The amazing characters, the romance, the compelling storyline. It’s all there. While TRY (book one) was more of an introduction of how Logan asked Tate to try, for me in TAKE, Ella did a tremendous job in making Tate's character the shining star. I started to panic when I realized I was nearing the end of this book…grasping for pages that weren’t there. I just wasn’t ready for it to end. I’ll be singing praises of this book for a long time to come, that's for sure! If you're looking for your next favorite read then you might want to bump this one up now! Ella Frank certainly gives you the next best thing to your own craving for a romance story as her writing makes it easy to get lost. Always is a book that you’ll be aching to re-read after you finish. The characters and their journey through love and acceptance are such an adventure you wouldn’t want to miss.

Whoa! Logan and Tate are #Goals

This sexy pair is literally burning up my kindle!!! Their chemistry and intimacy is written so beautifully. What I also love about Tate and Logan’s story is that it is not all love hearts and bells and whistles it’s the very hard and sad truth about what it could take to make and “Out of the box” relationship work. There is a lot of work that goes into it but my goodness the story is breathtaking and I cannot put it down. ❤️❤️

From lust to love an absolute amazing read

Wow!! Take is the sequel for the amazing book Try by Ella Frank, it starts off right where we left off in the end of Try. In this book you get to experience so much more emotions between Logan and Tate . Oh ! We still get that quick wit banter between them both but we also get to experience the growth between both Logan and Tate from hot lust to hot lust to love. Logan who is normally very comfortable in his own skin, and life, is finding it very hard to get a hold of his emotional feelings, where his brother Cole tries to shed some light on to him. Cole is very supportive of Logan and tries to make him get a grip and put his past hurt behind him so he can go and "Take" what is right there waiting for him. We see a different side of Tate also in here and the decisions he has to face with his not so understanding family and even Logan is surprised to say the least on how everything unfolds . There is times in this book you just want to smack some people senseless and then also times when u will be at the edge of your seat feeling their individual pain but Ella wrote this so brilliantly that everything just fits in so smoothly. I'm not going to give away anymore because this book is just so amazing that everyone has to experience the feel of how beautiful it was written. All I can say is Game Night was epic omg you will absolutely love this part sooo much. "Can you sharpen this for me?" "You want me to play with your pencil, Tate?" "Hillarious. The sharpener is right by you . You just have to pick it up and slide it in." So you see we still get to witness all the great banter between Logan and Tate but also how much they grown with each other and how they both help to ease each other's insecurities . "You saying I'm easy?" "No.... I'm guessing you're hard. Really f***ing hard. If you haven't read these great books yet you are missing out on an amazing story. I highly recommend this book, and all I can say is Ella blew us away with this story she is brilliant in all her writing and I cannot wait to read more from Logan and Tate. If I could give it more than 5 stars I would Go grab your copy today!!!

Logan & Tate - Stunningly Beautiful

Ella, thank you for creating the two most beautiful men I've ever had the pleasure to know. Note that I said the two most beautiful, not two of the most beautiful. Over the years there have been m/m couples I have adored that were special enough to be on my favorite list however Logan & Tate go far beyond that and believe me, that was not easy to do because there are some really amazing ones. No one, and I mean no one, can hold a candle to Logan &Tate. You absolutely had me hooked with TRY and TAKE was no different. Logan & Tate have stolen my heart, wrapped it up in chains, added a lock and hold the only key. I can never get enough. More often then not in a series, when the first book is perfection, the second book doesn't live up to the first. Not the case here. While TAKE is certainly as hot as TRY, it held that emotional element, that was hinted at in TRY, and kicked it up to a new level. I have always loved hot love scenes but when you add the extra element by bringing emotions into the mix it doesn't get any better. But it doesn't work if you don't feel them. Gawd, do you feel them. To see the struggle Logan & Tate went through had me on an emotional roller coaster that squeezed my heart one minute, broke it the next then filled it with sunshine. And some of the words spoken to each other. OMG! Beautiful. Tate. I couldn't be more proud. To have the courage to explore new feelings and to stand up for those feelings in the face of losing everything he holds dear, his family, was heart wrenching. I loved him all the more. But what made me love him even more, just when I didn't think I could, he didn't make Logan hide. He put his love for Logan out there and to hell with everyone else. He made Logan feel worthy. Logan. Sigh. I simple adore this man. Tough, smart mouth Logan. I knew he had a heart of gold under that tough, I don't give a s*** exterior. And what a DREAM he is. I so freaking loved seeing him vulnerable but not in a weak way and how he was willing to tear down his walls for Tate. It was swoon worthy to see his love for Tate. Gawd, it was beautiful. Every scene between Logan & Tate you could feel how deeply they love one another. Never have two alpha males been hotter. I loved the kisses on the cheek, the intwined hands, the gentle touch to the face, the hickey! Sometimes the gentlest of touches are the hottest because of the emotion behind them. And this is going to sound funny but I just love the way they always say each other's name. Tate?, Logan?. And let's not forget how possessive each of them are of the other. These two don't want anyone touching the other, literally. Cole was a sweetheart in TAKE. Through all the s*** that Cole and Logan give each other, I found it so touching how they are always there for each other and have each other's backs. Cole was definitely the big brother here. The scene where Cole went looking for Logan was so sweet. I loved how Cole was worried about Logan's hands and the hug. Damn, that hug said it all between these two. Also loved how Rachel took Tate under her wing. I can't sit here and tell you how many times I've read TAKE already. I've lost count. But for anyone sitting on the fence, don't. You have to read this series in order so do yourself a huge favor and go buy TRY and follow it up with TAKE. I don't know how I'm possibly going to wait until 2015 for book #3. Slowly go out of my mind, no doubt. My wish list for the final book: I have to see my two guys get married. PLEASE ELLA!!!!! I would love to see an epilogue since both book 1 and 2 end so abruptly. No quick ending please. The cherry on top of the cake? An intimate, sensual, wedding night, maybe at the cabin, unlike anything we've ever seen, where their souls and love for one another are laid bare. DAMN, I can just picture it now.(less)

Loved every single minute! Every bit as great as the first one!

This is the 2nd book & picks up where Try left off. It is Just as great as the first one. I cannot wait to see what happens in the 3rd book in July. Both guys get better, and to top it off even more of my Exquisite characters get brought in. YAY! However, you do not have to read The Exquisite Series to read this book but it will enhance your attachment to it. Just read Exquisite first or there will be spoilers in this book. Not to give anything away but I appreciated that this author made them face real life consequences of others actions and not all problems were solved in a one hour episode. She seem to really understand some of the struggles non-traditional couples face. Logan is still a smart-ass but cute as hell. Tate is still not just taking his crap but shoveling right back to him which I loved. Logan couldn’t help the slight twitch of his lips at the last comment. “I’m not trying to piss you off.”“Well, congratulations. You’re succeeding anyway.” These two fighting is one of the cutest but when they get along and tease each other they are irresistible. “What about game night this Friday?”“Game night?”“Yeah. Cole and Rachel are having game night with the family and need two extra people. She invited us.” “So? Will you come? It’s just a few people.”Tate thought about it for a minute and then nodded. “Sure. What kind of games are we talking here?”“Hell if I know. But if the Twister mat comes out, I’m getting the out of there.”“No s***,”Tate laughed. This book the sex is still off the charts hot and the writing is still amazing. Loved all the characters so much they will always be amongy favotites. So all i have left to say is just WOW. Now give me that 3rd book!

Taking a chance on love.

The lock that had kept his heart firmly shut away had finally found it's key. I don't even know what I can say about this book that hasn't been said before. All I can think about are the lyrics to Abba's song Take A Chance on me... If you change your mind, I'm the first in line Honey I'm still free Take a chance on me If you need me, let me know, gonna be around If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown Honey I'm still free Take a chance on me Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie If you put me to the test, if you let me try Take is an emotional journey for Logan and Tate, and it was for me as well! Their relationship is put to the test in Take, as Tate deals with the hate coming from his family and Logan is left waiting and wondering. I hate Tate's family, hate them! I understand not everyone is going to be open and accepting, but it just breaks my heart when it is family that turns so ugly. I felt so horrible for Tate, and Logan as well, in this book. Tate is so loving and caring, he didn't deserve the the way his family treated him. And Logan, always so cocky and confident, but his vulnerability really came through more in this book. I loved seeing these two grow, individually and as a couple, throughout this book. They took the time to talk and really open up to each other, more so than in Try. Their bond, even with the what's been thrown at them, is becoming stronger and deeper. I can't wait to see what's in store for them In Trust.

Another 5 Star Read!!

I couldn't tell you how excited I was to get my hands on this baby when it came out, now I'm on my 5th time reading it and still LOVE it just as much as the 1st time, if not MORE! Tate and Logan take us on one hell of a ride. These two will continue their journey and have hurdles to overcome yet, but I have no doubt they will do it all together. Ms. Frank makes sure that we all experience every emotion possible right along with them - happiness, worry, lust, anger, you feel it all on every page. Logan & Tate's relationship has really deepened and developed already, any we're only on book 2, I look forward to seeing what it's gonna be like in the end.


A PSA – If you have not read Try, please do yourself a favor and buy it now. Read and savor it. It’s an amazing book that has legions of loyal readers for that very reason. I’ve eagerly anticipated and coveted a number of new releases from some of my favorite authors this summer. Each of those books is in my wheelhouse – sweet, funny, smart, the occasional mind-eff, but each is a love story just the same. Ella Frank’s Take is no different. I had July 8th circled, starred and highlighted on my calendar – I could not wait to get my hands on this book and just devour it. When we first met Logan in Edible, he was a bit of twit – a pest, who loved nothing more than getting under his brother Cole’s skin and making mischief. Ella Frank has shepherded this gorgeous jack ass of man into someone truly special. Yes, he has an answer for everything and there are times that you are right there with Tate wanting Logan to just shut up. But that’s what makes Logan who he is and there are reasons why he does it. Please don’t get me wrong – I love Logan Mitchell, but I love Tate’s Logan that much more. Tate Morrison is my hero. That is all. Together, Logan and Tate are combustible. In and out of bed, they challenge each other and that creates an amazing dynamic. As a reader, you feel their sexual energy and chemistry – it screams itself off the screen/page. But under all that sexual energy, you feel a genuine level of respect and affection between these two characters – two people in a new relationship that is completely new and uncharted for them both. I want to spend a day in Ella Frank’s head. Not to do anything crazy, but I just want to sit back and enjoy her creative process. How she builds her characters and plot lines. She is one of my favorite authors, I love the sense of foreboding that I get while reading her books – it’s an anxiousness and excitement that leaves me with a book hangover each and every time. That indeed is a gift. When I reviewed Try, I said that it was a book that opened my eyes to the beauty of M/M romance. But with time and having read a few more books in the genre, I believe it’s much more than that. This series transcends labels, genders and genres – it is a love story through and through. It takes the reader on a romantic journey which allows them to view the challenges that a couple experiences at their own hands, as well as by the people around them. But how they respond to those challenges and find the best path is what makes it all work.

Logan and Tate have ruined me

Take picks up shortly after Try leaves off. But do we get the answer we were looking for? Yes and no. Logan and Tate have big decisions to make regarding their relationship, big hard decisions. And these poor guys, they go through the wringer. Tate has to deal with personal issues during the course of this book, he has to decide that if what he has with Logan is worth taking all these risks. Logan has to decide if Tate is worth the risk that he's taking. While it seems like Logan isn't taking as much risk as Tate is, he is. They're both giving up something to have the other-their hearts. Tate and Logan come to the realization that their relationship is more than sexual. It might have started out as a game, as a curiosity, but in the end, it became so much more. However, like everything, just because they know what they want doesn't mean it's easy to get. Besides being hot, this book has feelings, feelings that I called in Try, but wasn't sure we were going to get in this book. After all Tate is stubborn, and while Logan isn't as stubborn, while he spoke his mind, he wasn't sure what to do with the new development. I felt for both of these characters, they had a lot of conflicting emotions they had to deal with. They knew what they wanted, they just didn't know how to and that got to me. Because I knew they were perfect for each other, I wanted them to be together, but I was afraid they wouldn't get it together enough to make it happen. Ella Frank is a tease, but since she wrote Tate that's no surprise. The ending I felt was enough, though I know to some it probably didn't feel that way. I'm glad we get a third book for Logan and Tate, because there is more to the story, I know there is and I am excited. Though I don't know if I can handle seeing them torn apart anymore. They deserve to just be together.


Happy sigh. We are back with Logan and Tate. Both of them are starting to realize that they are moving into something serious, lasting. After being caught kissing Logan by his sister in the first installment Tate prepares to talk to his family about him going from super-straight to dating a man and he knows it won't be easy. He leans on Logan for support. This part of the trilogy focuses more on the story and the baggage each of them come with. In between we have this incredible chemistry between our main characters. Logan tames his inappropriate mouth a tiny bit and he starts to *feel* the connection to Tate. Tate on the other hand is much more aggressive in his pursuit of the passion he has for Logan. The chemistry between our two heroes is not just off the charts, it's nuclear. Logan's dirty mouth is something else but Tate isn't far behind. Geez, he gives as good as he gets. When both have to face their fears they have to prove how strong their connection is. As I said in my last review, Logan, when he makes himself vulnerable, is amazingly beautiful. The emotions ooze off the pages and you just want to grab this brilliant, complicated, multi-layered man and hug him silly. He also shows a lot of wisdom when Tate has to deal with his bigoted family. I have no idea how I will live without having these two in my life any longer. I see a MAJOR book hangover in my near future. This installment was rich with emotions and even though there is a third book after this one there is no cliffy. Don't stop here though, the next one is still worth reading.

a book that you’ll be aching to re-read

Where do I even begin? I read this book in one sitting and has been the only book that I’ve managed to read for the whole week. It's that good!!! You know how sometimes you read and loved a book but you don’t know exactly what to say about it? NOT THIS BOOK!! This is one of those times where I am furiously putting fingers to keys to push you to FREAKING READ IT! I found myself blushing, laughing, rolling my eyes, rejoicing and squee-ing for most of the part. I cannot speak enough about the way these characters are written and the very raw and believable growth we witness from book one. They were so lively and memorable. No doubt Tate Morrison has been the new love of my life. He wants to be uninhibited, fight for the person he now wants to be and just live out of the shadow that was partly created by his twat of an ex-wife….but he’s got so much he’s holding on to. Watching him grow in this book and start to rediscover himself was an exciting journey in itself. For how long? <<-- that we have yet to discover. I have to give it to Logan, too. He still got that sexy confidence going on and I love him for that. He's not perfect at all but he is strong and smart and even though he falters sometimes, he knows exactly who and what he is! I love how he always melt whenever Tate is around. Like they can't seem to get enough of each other and I love the quirky way in which their relationship progresses. And let's not forget about the sexual tension. OH MY GOSH! I could feel my whole body clenching when I would hold my breath during their encounters. I just wanted to pull them out of the book and smash their faces together so they can smooch each other like I used to do with Barbie and Ken. Or Ken and Ken, for that matter. (LMAO). Admit it! I know you want it too! Oh and Cole? I was pretty much salivating all over my book and had to fan myself while reading parts that included him. He’s interesting and not cookie cutter. I wanted MORE of him because what we got to know…he’s an intriguing guy and I have so many picture of drool worthy men in my mind. (Note to self. Read Edible ~ he's there.) I’m going to boldly say that I loved Ella from the tips of my hair down to my toes. I actually think I liked TAKE even better than TRY. I can’t believe I’m saying it but it’s true. She brought the awesomeness and somehow created a story that was never lacking in substance. She pointed out A LOT of things that many people on that same situation could learn from. The amazing characters, the romance, the compelling storyline. It’s all there. While TRY (book one) was more of an introduction of how Logan asked Tate to try, for me in TAKE, Ella did a tremendous job in making Tate's character the shining star. I started to panic when I realized I was nearing the end of this book…grasping for pages that weren’t there. I just wasn’t ready for it to end. I’ll be singing praises of this book for a long time to come, that's for sure! If you're looking for your next favorite read then you might want to bump this one up now! Ella Frank certainly gives you the next best thing to your own craving for a romance story as her writing makes it easy to get lost. Always is a book that you’ll be aching to re-read after you finish. The characters and their journey through love and acceptance are such an adventure you wouldn’t want to miss.

Whoa! Logan and Tate are #Goals

This sexy pair is literally burning up my kindle!!! Their chemistry and intimacy is written so beautifully. What I also love about Tate and Logan’s story is that it is not all love hearts and bells and whistles it’s the very hard and sad truth about what it could take to make and “Out of the box” relationship work. There is a lot of work that goes into it but my goodness the story is breathtaking and I cannot put it down. ❤️❤️

From lust to love an absolute amazing read

Wow!! Take is the sequel for the amazing book Try by Ella Frank, it starts off right where we left off in the end of Try. In this book you get to experience so much more emotions between Logan and Tate . Oh ! We still get that quick wit banter between them both but we also get to experience the growth between both Logan and Tate from hot lust to hot lust to love. Logan who is normally very comfortable in his own skin, and life, is finding it very hard to get a hold of his emotional feelings, where his brother Cole tries to shed some light on to him. Cole is very supportive of Logan and tries to make him get a grip and put his past hurt behind him so he can go and "Take" what is right there waiting for him. We see a different side of Tate also in here and the decisions he has to face with his not so understanding family and even Logan is surprised to say the least on how everything unfolds . There is times in this book you just want to smack some people senseless and then also times when u will be at the edge of your seat feeling their individual pain but Ella wrote this so brilliantly that everything just fits in so smoothly. I'm not going to give away anymore because this book is just so amazing that everyone has to experience the feel of how beautiful it was written. All I can say is Game Night was epic omg you will absolutely love this part sooo much. "Can you sharpen this for me?" "You want me to play with your pencil, Tate?" "Hillarious. The sharpener is right by you . You just have to pick it up and slide it in." So you see we still get to witness all the great banter between Logan and Tate but also how much they grown with each other and how they both help to ease each other's insecurities . "You saying I'm easy?" "No.... I'm guessing you're hard. Really f***ing hard. If you haven't read these great books yet you are missing out on an amazing story. I highly recommend this book, and all I can say is Ella blew us away with this story she is brilliant in all her writing and I cannot wait to read more from Logan and Tate. If I could give it more than 5 stars I would Go grab your copy today!!!

Logan & Tate - Stunningly Beautiful

Ella, thank you for creating the two most beautiful men I've ever had the pleasure to know. Note that I said the two most beautiful, not two of the most beautiful. Over the years there have been m/m couples I have adored that were special enough to be on my favorite list however Logan & Tate go far beyond that and believe me, that was not easy to do because there are some really amazing ones. No one, and I mean no one, can hold a candle to Logan &Tate. You absolutely had me hooked with TRY and TAKE was no different. Logan & Tate have stolen my heart, wrapped it up in chains, added a lock and hold the only key. I can never get enough. More often then not in a series, when the first book is perfection, the second book doesn't live up to the first. Not the case here. While TAKE is certainly as hot as TRY, it held that emotional element, that was hinted at in TRY, and kicked it up to a new level. I have always loved hot love scenes but when you add the extra element by bringing emotions into the mix it doesn't get any better. But it doesn't work if you don't feel them. Gawd, do you feel them. To see the struggle Logan & Tate went through had me on an emotional roller coaster that squeezed my heart one minute, broke it the next then filled it with sunshine. And some of the words spoken to each other. OMG! Beautiful. Tate. I couldn't be more proud. To have the courage to explore new feelings and to stand up for those feelings in the face of losing everything he holds dear, his family, was heart wrenching. I loved him all the more. But what made me love him even more, just when I didn't think I could, he didn't make Logan hide. He put his love for Logan out there and to hell with everyone else. He made Logan feel worthy. Logan. Sigh. I simple adore this man. Tough, smart mouth Logan. I knew he had a heart of gold under that tough, I don't give a s*** exterior. And what a DREAM he is. I so freaking loved seeing him vulnerable but not in a weak way and how he was willing to tear down his walls for Tate. It was swoon worthy to see his love for Tate. Gawd, it was beautiful. Every scene between Logan & Tate you could feel how deeply they love one another. Never have two alpha males been hotter. I loved the kisses on the cheek, the intwined hands, the gentle touch to the face, the hickey! Sometimes the gentlest of touches are the hottest because of the emotion behind them. And this is going to sound funny but I just love the way they always say each other's name. Tate?, Logan?. And let's not forget how possessive each of them are of the other. These two don't want anyone touching the other, literally. Cole was a sweetheart in TAKE. Through all the s*** that Cole and Logan give each other, I found it so touching how they are always there for each other and have each other's backs. Cole was definitely the big brother here. The scene where Cole went looking for Logan was so sweet. I loved how Cole was worried about Logan's hands and the hug. Damn, that hug said it all between these two. Also loved how Rachel took Tate under her wing. I can't sit here and tell you how many times I've read TAKE already. I've lost count. But for anyone sitting on the fence, don't. You have to read this series in order so do yourself a huge favor and go buy TRY and follow it up with TAKE. I don't know how I'm possibly going to wait until 2015 for book #3. Slowly go out of my mind, no doubt. My wish list for the final book: I have to see my two guys get married. PLEASE ELLA!!!!! I would love to see an epilogue since both book 1 and 2 end so abruptly. No quick ending please. The cherry on top of the cake? An intimate, sensual, wedding night, maybe at the cabin, unlike anything we've ever seen, where their souls and love for one another are laid bare. DAMN, I can just picture it now.(less)

Loved every single minute! Every bit as great as the first one!

This is the 2nd book & picks up where Try left off. It is Just as great as the first one. I cannot wait to see what happens in the 3rd book in July. Both guys get better, and to top it off even more of my Exquisite characters get brought in. YAY! However, you do not have to read The Exquisite Series to read this book but it will enhance your attachment to it. Just read Exquisite first or there will be spoilers in this book. Not to give anything away but I appreciated that this author made them face real life consequences of others actions and not all problems were solved in a one hour episode. She seem to really understand some of the struggles non-traditional couples face. Logan is still a smart-ass but cute as hell. Tate is still not just taking his crap but shoveling right back to him which I loved. Logan couldn’t help the slight twitch of his lips at the last comment. “I’m not trying to piss you off.”“Well, congratulations. You’re succeeding anyway.” These two fighting is one of the cutest but when they get along and tease each other they are irresistible. “What about game night this Friday?”“Game night?”“Yeah. Cole and Rachel are having game night with the family and need two extra people. She invited us.” “So? Will you come? It’s just a few people.”Tate thought about it for a minute and then nodded. “Sure. What kind of games are we talking here?”“Hell if I know. But if the Twister mat comes out, I’m getting the out of there.”“No s***,”Tate laughed. This book the sex is still off the charts hot and the writing is still amazing. Loved all the characters so much they will always be amongy favotites. So all i have left to say is just WOW. Now give me that 3rd book!

Love Logan and Tate

Ella Frank certainly knows how to get our attention. From the moment she gave us Tate and Logan in TRY, we have become obsessed with needing more. They have become a permanent fixture in the lives of many all over the world. They have become real people, an amazing couple that we, the readers, need to know more about. We need to know if they are going to make it as a couple, stick together through life’s daily struggles. We all want the same thing as we cross our fingers and hold our breath and proceed to drown in TAKE. The months leading up to this newest release have only given us more time to read and re-read, discuss and debate, everything Tate and Logan. I’m sure everyone is familiar with movies or a TV show where it doesn’t matter how many times you watch it, how many re-runs you have recorded, it only gets better each time. You find more and more details you missed the first few times around. That is TRY and TAKE, they are the movies we love so much, the re-runs that only get better each time. Tate and Logan are a part of us. They are embedded in our hearts and minds. We will stand by them, laugh with them, hold our breaths for them, and jump up and down (sometimes in elation, sometimes in fury) as they figure out their journey and where it all leads. When we closed the pages on TRY, Tate and Logan, were trying this relationship thing out. Tate had been married, of course, and we know how that worked out, but Logan has never really had a relationship. One that he discussed openly anyhow. He had someone close in college but it was only an illusion. It was one-sided and I think it is safe to say that it damaged Logan, badly. He has never faced it head-on, nor has he ever discussed it with anyone, until Tate. That is all I’m going to say on that because I don’t want to leave a spoiler accidentally and you will learn more about those earlier years as you read TAKE. Tate and Logan want to try, they each are surprised just how quickly an attachment has formed, this bond that they both seem to have for the other. They realize their feelings are getting stronger, possibly even leaning towards the “L” word but, for right now, they don’t want to think about it. They want to live in the moment, enjoy each other, go on dates and be a real couple. Dates are another new experience for Logan, one that he is having a little trouble grasping. Tate is going to hold him accountable, however, and they may just see that date night will be something they thoroughly enjoy. Going out as a couple, seen together in public, may seem like another stumbling block. Tate needs to tell his family first before they take on the public, and people realize what it means. Tate wants to confront his family, tell them about Logan, and what he means to him. He wants so desperately for his family to meet his boyfriend and most of all accept him, like him, and overall, just is happy for them. It’s not going to be that easy seeing as how Tate’s family is still under his ex-wife’s spell. It certainly doesn’t help that the ex is best friends with Tate’s sister and she seems to get the jump on everything first before Tate can even explain. Logan goes to game night with his family, something he didn’t even know existed until recently, and he takes Tate along. Surprisingly, they both have a great time, Tate is accepted with open arms, which surprises him somewhat but he will take it. The green-eyed monster shows up with Logan, which kind of knocks him back a bit because he wasn’t aware that he was jealous over Tate. It’s a pretty funny evening, a lot of laughs, usually at the expense of someone else, a lot of talk and just plain fun. Connections are formed and Tate is thrilled with the outcome. Now, he is hoping with everything he has that his family will be the same experience for Logan. Unfortunately, it is not going to be a cut and dry situation. Insults will be thrown, accusations will be made, tempers will flair and the most hurtful moment will be when Tate alienates himself against Logan. Will they be able to work through this set back, together, or will it push them further apart? They each have doubts, they each have concerns, but one thing they have never questioned is the chemistry they have together. It is like a magnetic field that has attached itself to them guaranteeing if they are in eyesight of each other, they need to touch, kiss, even snuggling and cuddling is something they need, surprising both of them. Their sex life is explosive, they thrive off the other, and they are never closer than when they are joined in bed. Regardless if giving or receiving, they are incredible together. Their pull is so strong, that when they break apart, you will feel it as well. At that moment, you will realize you have been holding your breath for several seconds because you are now gasping to get in some air the same as Logan and Tate are gasping to come back down from the euphoria that, for a moment in time, had every single one of us in its clutches. As they struggle with this new development of Tate’s family, will Logan ever fully put his trust in Tate and tell him all of his deep, dark secrets? Will Tate stick it out with Logan, for better or worse, and walk away from his family? You will get your answers as you read TAKE, but as you get some answers here, you will realize you have a few more questions that need answered as well. TAKE is everything I could have hoped for and more. Ella Frank took Tate and Logan so much further in their journey, giving us an inside seat to watch as they figure out what is best for them. We see them both grow as characters, as adults, and as partners in a relationship. While there is some angst they experience, they understand and you as the reader will understand, that even though some of these problems come flying in from left field, they will only continue to be stronger not only as a couple but as a person. The story is mostly centered on Tate and Logan, which is fine by me, but there will be moments when you get a more in-depth look at friends and family, some you will hate and some you will love for the strength and support they offer freely. I’m sure there may be a few people, not many, I wouldn’t think, that has not had the time yet to read this series. However, if you are out there and have not succumbed to the Logan and Tate merry-go-round, I can only ask “Why the heck not?” Go, run, don’t even worry about passing go and collecting $200, just hit one-click, it’s very simple and easy and you will be so glad you did not wait another minute. It is that good!!! Thank you Ella for another amazing edition to the Temptation Series and I know I am surrounded by hundreds of others who are more than thrilled there will be another book before we see the end to the stunning, captivating, mind-melting force that is Logan and Tate. It may be the last book, coming up, but they will never be out of our hearts or minds.

No one writes M/m like Ella Frank! TAKE is Perfection!

I’d like to start by thanking GGR-Reveiw Blog for having me as a guest reviewer on this wonderful read! I’ve been reading the M/m Genre now for a few years, and it instantly became the go to genre for me. TAKE by Ella Frank is Book #2 in the Temptation Series, and you definitely have to read book #1 TRY first before reading TAKE. This story will start off exactly where Try left off. With the smart mouthed, hot as heck Attorney Logan Mitchell, waking up in the sexy not so straight bartender Tate Morrison’s bedroom. After spending a relationship changing night together, Logan realizes that this thing with Tate is something he wants to try, telling him... “Call your mother. Tell her there’ll be an extra person on Sunday.” This scene had me grinning from the very beginning. As in TRY, with TAKE you get a glimpse into a couple’s new relationship. I really enjoy the set up of this series, with both books being only a few weeks long in time period. It really gives the reader an intimate account of the characters emotions, and for me, made the reading experience so much more enjoyable than a drawn out story that spans years. One of the many aspects of these books I adore! The first book was a fun, flirty, sexy, beginning look of a couple just meeting, and possibly falling for each other. With TAKE, emotions and the families of Tate and Logan will take center stage. For me, the struggles they both went through were written wonderfully, and were some of the most poignant scenes I’ve ever read. I could really see the layers peeling away in both characters, and loved watching them grow as individuals, and as a couple. Both main characters will have to navigate their way through some heavy issues. Tate since realizing his attraction to Logan, will have to deal with his very Catholic family, and telling them that he is attracted to, and sleeping with a man. He also has to deal with the fallout of his ex-wife Diana finding out, which leads to some great scenes with Logan smart mouth! Tate will wrestle with finding his true self, and what it is that makes him happy. As a reader, I was really moved, and fully engaged in Tate’s struggles. His internal reminders that he is happy, and that he is attracted to a man, had me convinced that Tate was really finding out who he is regardless of what anyone thinks, and to stay true to himself. Logan on the other hand, will fight to keep demons from his past from popping up, and ruining his chance at happiness. He will struggle with the decision of putting it all out there, and giving his heart away, all while fearing the past may repeat itself. I love that TAKE really opens Logan’s walls up, and forces him to confide all his secrets. It leaves him as very vulnerable, and that comes across beautifully to the reader. Those scenes are among my favorite. The biggest draw for me with these two, is their witty, sexy banter. Logan’s quick tongue, and Tate’s ability to give it right back to him. It’s what makes their chemistry explosive for me! It’s also what leads into the absolute hottest sex scenes I’ve ever read in any genre! I think readers will really appreciate Ms. Frank’s attention to detail in this department! The sex in this book is scorching HOT, and not overdone. I love seeing Tate take more control with his sexual needs in TAKE. He so hot, and irresistible when telling Logan what he wants! I can’t say enough things about this book and series. Ella Frank’s portrayal of these two sexy men exploring this new relationship, in my opinion was flawless. Logan was my favorite in TRY. But, the struggles that Tate went through in this book to find his happiness, had my heart. I’ve already reread this book a couple times, as with all of Ella’s stories, it never gets old! These two characters together = Pure Perfection! The ending of TAKE is awesome, setting up readers for Book #3 (Title & Date not yet released) That’s right Tate and Logan fans, there WILL be a book three! I’ve introduced many friends into this wonderful genre with TRY & TAKE, now they are hooked! Love seeing more female readers appreciate the amazing stories that M/m books tell! Love is Love, and thanks to wonderful authors like Ella Frank, more readers are seeing how beautiful it is! Thanks again to GGR-Review! They are awesome!! Favorite Quotes (I could be here all day, but narrowed down to a few) “I want to know where you are when you aren’t with me, and I’ll wish I’m there.” “Put your hands on the glass, Mr. Mitchell.” (shower scene HAWT!!!) “It was because I wanted you so much. I needed space to be able to think. Because around you, all I want to do is fall without thought.” “I don’t think so. Tonight it’s my turn, and I’ve been thinking about it all day.” (after some cheeky banter about Tate on his motorcycle. I love that they swtich, for them it’s perfect!) “As Tate pressed his forehead against Logan’s, he likened it to a religious experience. Logan had fundamentally changed him, made him see the light—Or the f-ing stars—and there was no way he could ever be unchanged.”

Ridiculously happy for Logan and Tate!

When author Ella Frank released Try I wondered if she could write M/M as well as she'd written everything else I had read and without a doubt that answer was yes. In Take she goes just a little bit further because as the relationship between Logan and Tate really heats up, the gloves come off and we begin to find out so much more about these complex men. Logan was no doubt the aggressor in the first book yet we see a very different side of him as we find out he's got some scary skeletons in his closet that have left him scarred. He's vulnerable and the deeper he falls for Tate the more his anxiety ratchets up. I really loved seeing him not so confident, a little in over his head, and jealous because those are three things I never thought I'd see in Logan. Tate also surprised me because he had no problem taking the lead with Logan and in fact he seemed to rather enjoy it. That's not to say he didn't love it when Logan went all alpha cave man on his a$$ but there's no doubt being in charge was something he enjoyed. Logan has no problems being out with Tate but Tate is still trying to wrap his brain about how quickly his life has changed and how much he feels for Logan. First off, I was thrilled to see the whole gang from the Exquisite series that truly made this book extra special. But, when things with Tate's family come to a head problems arise and I'll admit I was a little disappointed in their behavior in the aftermath. I had hoped they had figured out the whole communication thing but again they are two men, so there you go. I'm not going to lie there is a lot of $ex in this book; some sweet, some hot, some almost mean but all of it from love. Yes, these two have fallen head over heels for each other and even though it throws them both they actually do manage to share their feelings along with a whole bunch of other secrets along the way realizing why yes, communication can be good. Seriously though, I can't say enough good things about this book and yes she does leave us again with a HFN ending but I have no doubt where these two are headed and I couldn't be happier for Logan and Tate, they both deserve the love they've found together and I can't wait to see where it takes them next!

OMG, this series just keeps getting better and better and hotter and hotter!

I am sure glad that I waited for all three books in this series to be released because if I would have had to wait in between books I would have gone mad! In book 2 of this series we encounter more of Ms. Frank's brilliant writing. She has continued building and building this story and Tate is faced with some hard decisions and then once he makes those decisions he is faced with some very hard, unexpected consequences and reactions that are hurtful and leave him broken and second guessing himself. He really has to do some soul searching. With this series being my first m/m romance I was not sure how I would feel about it, but let me tell you, this is one of the hottest romances I have read in quite some time. Ms. Frank can certainly write a jaw-dropping, hot-as-hell love scene! She does such an amazing job at it that all you know is that it's about 2 people that are in love with each other and their desire and affection is through the roof! So much so that she almost has your toes curling just reading it! There are definitely moments that anger you, excite you, astound you and even make you cry. OMG, the "feels" that Ms. Frank bring out in me throughout this book are all the things it takes to have a 5 star book! Definitely can't get to book 3 fast enough!

5 'I Need An Extra Fire Extinguisher' Stars!

Take pics up pretty much where Try leaves off. Logan and Tate have worked through some stuff and they are exploring their fledgling relationship. Anyone that has read Try knows that they didn't spend much time actually getting to know one another during that book. They know their sexual chemistry is off the charts hot, Logan knows that Tate doesn't like mushrooms or anchovies and that Tate is going through a divorce and that his family is conservative and religious. Tate knows that Logan hasn't been in a relationship since college and that it ended very badly. He also knows that Logan likes variety in his sexual partners, at least before Tate. Neither of them really know what to expect out of their new relationship. So, Take was nothing short of amazing. It doesn't take place over a long period of time, but a whole lot happens here. These guys have so much to lose if things go wrong, but so much to gain if they go right. So, the question is, can they put aside their fears and take what they both want? We meet Tate's family and I can unequivocally say that I don't like them. At all. We also get to meet some of Rachel's family and they rock, so that's a good thing. Tate and Logan also do manage to spend some time actually talking and getting to know one another. Really. But don't worry, they're never too far from sex when they are together and, wow, are they hot together. I cannot wait for the third book in this series. And, just like I did with this one, I will schedule time to reread Try and Take! It's a hard life (well, for Logan & Tate, definitely!). Oh, also, the dedication was so sweet. Love Logan & Tate

Please, Take the time to get to know Logan and Tate! You will love them

I absolutely love this couple, and I was not disappointed at all with the second edition to their story! Ella really delved into Logan and Tate's growth as a couple and their individual trials and tribulations that played a big part in their relationship. Logan had some past demons to overcome so that he could trust and embrace a real partnership with Tate; his was able to show his honesty and expose his vulnerability to break free of the barriers that were holding his heart captive. He laid it all out for Tate, and I was so, so proud of him. Cole is the perfect supportive and loving big brother, and he is always there when Logan needs him the most. Tate, my sweet, precious Tate, my heart literally broke for him during the Family Sunday Brunch from Hell; I was so disappointed in his families response to his openness and vulnerability that my heart is still truly heavy and hurting for him. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, I was giddy with extreme joy at the Game night exchange with the amazing ensemble of all our couples since Exquisite; Shelly was quite the match for our feisty and ever charming Logan, what a hoot! And Ella, who knew that you have such a wicked sense of humor?!! I was on the floor howling at the exchanges between Logan and Diana, I loved it! And the ending, Oh My God!!! I am still wearing a stupid grin on my face! I can hardly wait to see how this all plays out. Please I pray that the Morrison's see the error of their ways, and make things right with Tate and Logan. I really, really want to see Chris sweat and suffer just a bit, OK maybe a lot, lol! Thank you Ella for this wonderful journey with my favorite guys!


**If you've not first read TRY you need to do so before jumping into TAKE** I was so glad to see that Logan and Tate's story picked right up where it stopped in TRY, making it easy to get sucked right back in as if I'd not stopped reading their story months ago. While there is a lot of hot, steamy sex between these two, you also get a more in depth look into the emotional inner struggles that not only Tate is trying to overcome, but you also get to see a side of Logan that will make your heart ache for each of them in different manners. On a lighter side, it was so awesome to see Tate become more and more comfortable at taking just what he wanted. GAME-NIGHT has to be one of the most hilarious and heart warming scenes in this book, the way Cole and Rachel's extended family were so accepting of Tate making Logan see just how much he truly cared made my heart smile, while the sexual innuendo's made for some great laughs and a lightness that I think was needed. "Sorry, Blondie, I'm done playing for your team at this time." ~Logan My heart shattered and I couldn't help but cry for Tate when he was faced with his family's cruel and heartless reactions to him coming out. I wanted to punch Diana, Jill and Mrs.Morrison for treating him with such disrespect. While that was very hard to read, I am so glad that that the reactions weren't sugar coated and kept realistic, that I have to applaud Ella for writing it with such grace. Logan and his last words before walking out of the Morrison house was EPIC! Finally hearing why Logan was so dismissive of dating and being in a relationship completely made his battles that much more easier to understand and his character even more admirable. He not only was trying to protect himself, but he shows on many occasions that he's also trying to protect Tate. "You are special. So f*cking special." ~Tate At the end of this book, I had to keep myself from screaming with joy, Logan sure does know how to make an exit! While I am sure there will be more hurdles for these two, I have not doubt that standing side by side these two can and will weather it all. "Take.Your.Hand.Off.Him" ~ Logan Ella Frank absolutely blew me away once again and I can not wait for the next installment of Mr.Mitchell & Tate's story. I only wish that it was allowed to give more then 5 stars! Love is Love!

Incredibly Satisfying.... With Logan were their any doubts?

Yes this book was everything I expected it to be and more. I felt connected to Tate and Logan more so than in the last book where I gave this genre a "Try". I saw things in a different light. Although I did so when I read Try but, I felt it deeper in Take. Here we have Tate and Logan struggling with taking their relation ship to the next level.... for Tat it is coming out to his family and dealing with the possibility of rejection from the people that should love him unconditionally. For Logan it is the risk of putting his heart on the line and having it trampled like it was the first time he tried a relationship and wanting to go public with it. All along the lovers deal with the outside trying to tear them apart, afraid that it will all be to much. Ella has done a fantastic job of showing their relationship at a deeper level making her readers feel the pain of loss and sorrow of rejection. Yes, she makes this book HOT, so hot I don't recommend reading this in public because you will definitely need to change frequently, appropriate places? In the tub!!! But aside from this book being sexy as hell it is about Logan and Tate and their love and all the obstacles they have to face to be together and be accepted for who they are as a couple. It shouldn't be that difficult... but Logan and Tate what they have will bow your mind away and I can't wait to continue reading how much more they grow together in their new found status in the public eye. Ella I am eternally grateful that I gave your first book a "Try" because they "Take" my breath away.

I love Logan & Tate!!!!

This truly is a beautiful love story, told in a way that you can't help but feel like a huge part of the journey. Logan and Tate have to be two of my favourite book characters and will forever have a place in my heart. In this instalment I loved that we got to see a soft and vulnerable side to Logan, and a stronger and more determined side to Tate. Their personalities really do compliment each other, in fact, the two couldn't be more perfect for one another. "The lock that had kept his heart firmly shut away had finally found its key." Logan and Tate grow from strength to strength in this story, taking what they needed from each other. And they faced their demons head on, pushing through the obstacle placed in their path (and there are many) with a determination to be admired. I don't want to say too much (because you really need to read this!) but I have to say that Tate's family and his ex? I hated them and their narrow mindedness! Broke my heart! I absolutely adored the scenes where the rest of the Exquisite series gang were involved. I really love all the characters that Ella conjures up and it was great to have them back again! And lastly - HOLY HOTNESS - this book is so damn sexy! HIGHLY recommend this series!


The Chemistry between these two guys is so Freaking Ridiculously Off the Charts HOT and Amazing. You will fall in love with them the further their story goes along. I'm sure there will be some people who disagree, but I feel like this could be a real life story, Their relationship and struggles and everything they go through is just so believable to me. I fall in love with them even more every time I read and listen to these books. Shannon Gunn nails the narration for Tate and Logan. He is all I hear when I think of these guys, I just hear his gruff and Sexy as hell voice. Love his narration for all of these books.

5 sexy stars

I fell in lust with Tate & Logan in Try but after reading Take, I am IN LOVE!!! Take begins immediately after the events at the end of Try. Tate has finally come to grips with the fact that he is 'with' Logan and now he needs to find a way to tell his very religious family. Logan has his 'battles' too, he deals with his fear of relationships. We learn what it's like for Tate to cope with his family's reaction to his news. Logan and Tate venture out as a couple and are invited to Game Night with Cole and Rachel's friends/family. Logan tells Tate about his past with Chris and they both have to deal with Tate's soon-to-be ex-wife, Diana. The book DOES end with a bit of a cliffy but that just makes me love it even more!! ***** POV ... third person stand alone or series... Book 2 of the Temptations Series ** recommend you read Try FIRST** would I recommend it ... YES did it give me a book hangover... YES would I read it again... YES

A must read

This book probably has content that some people would find offensive. I don't. I like that Ella took the initiative to write a book that tells a unconventional love story. As humans, we sometimes, view something different as offensive. That is our problem. Yes, this book is about two men who fall in love. Ella starts this story with the first book Try, which I also read. I liked that one so much I bought this one too. We all need to think outside the box when we think about who we can fall in love with. It doesn't have to be a man and a woman. I think we all become so uptight about the conventional pairing of a human to human. When Tate's parents disown him because of his choice to love Logan, I just wanted to march right over there and ask them how they can be so narrow minded. This happens in the best of families. Read this, yes there is lots of sex, but look at it as two people committing to each other just like normal. I gave this book five stars and hope Ella Frank writes another similar to this one.


Try was my first M/M book and I thought it was great but this 2nd book in the series is even better. There are no words to describe how wonderful Logan and Tate are both together as a couple and as individuals. A beautiful relationship develops in this 2nd installment and both men had to face up to their fears and deal with the fallout when they both realised they wanted to be a permanent part of each others lives. The writing as usual was perfect. It had me on the edge of my seat at times, had me upset for Logan when Tate needed space, had me mad as hell when Tate's parents turned their back on him and had me smiling and grinning like a crazy person when Logan and Tate got hot and heavy with each other. I also loved that the other characters from her Exquisite Series make an appearance for Game Night. That was a really nice touch. There is no release date or even a name for the 3rd book, but I will be stalking because I cannot wait for more of these 2.

Totally amazing!!

Totally amazing!!!! The first book Try blew me away and I was so happy I had been recommended it by a friend. As I was nearing the end of book one I went and downloaded this second book straight away so that I could continue the story instantly I am that hooked on it. The story that develops in this book had me gripped and just as captivated as it had in the first book! The scenes are descriptive and impassioned, well thought out and flow fluidly. 100% a total 5* read from this author. I am absolutely thrilled to see that Ms Frank has a third book in the process and due out early next year. I am keeping a watchful eye out for pre-order link announcements as I shall most definitely be one of the ones clicking that. I really wanted to cry at the end of this book because I just hope that book 3 will be released sooner rather than later lol I can't wait to see where the journey Logan and Tate are on takes them :)

In love! Book #2 in the series builds on the ...

In love! Book #2 in the series builds on the relationship between Tate and Logan. The attraction turns in to more than either of them anticipated. Some unintentional hints follow... Now when they prepare to move forward by facing Logan's past and Tate's family, the two become much stronger. This feels like a realistic accounting of adjusting to finding yourself in uncommon territory in a relationship, and unfortunately dealing with pain that might result when others are judgmental jerks. And also trying to face past relationship demons so you can move forward with someone you love. These two are truly learning to love each other and communicate and support each other. It just felt right to me. And DAMN are these two HOT!!!!! 😃 sizzling 😃 I loved every minute of this series so far. So worth reading it's crazy. I was SO upset when I finished - I can't wait for the next one. Please hurray!!! 😃😃

oh my, my, my!!!

This second book had me hooked from page 1! The roller coaster of emotions that I felt throughout this book had me reeling to the last page. I kept thinking ok, this is the last obstacle, no this is the last one, until I saw THE END!!!!! And oh my God the end, how quickly it came. I am not going to spoil it for those of you who have not read this book yet, but I will forewarn you to be prepared for anything and everything. This book to me, is about the ups and downs of a non traditional relationship. About acceptance of yourself, your family, and your friends. All of which get weeded out throughout this book. There were times I laughed, I cried, and times I almost threw my kindle against the wall. Needless to say, we need book 3 like yesterday!!! This is one of those reads that will stay with you forever!! I highly recommend this series and guarantee you will fall in love with Tate and Logan like I did!! GO- one click now!!!

I’m obsessed!

I can’t get enough of these two! I’m totally obsessed with this series! Logan and Tate are everything! I’m looking forward to what happens next! Do yourself a favor and read this series ASAP! One of, if not the best MM romance stories I’ve read. 🔥🥵❤️


Logan thought that he could just have Tate for one night, but he was wrong. He's willing to drop his playboy ways in order to prove to him that they belong together and even some double dating. They are happy, but when Tate's family finds out about his new boyfriend and what happens next crushes him. Due to some heartbreaking news, Tate is in a bad place. He can either continue to try with Logan, or let others tell him what to do with his life. Book 2 in the Temptation Series was even better than the first. Tate and Logan definitely go thorough the ringer in this one. Tate hears some disheartening news and he has to make a decision. Logan's past also came back to haunt him. I loved this installment and can't wait for the next! Five stars

I love reading there realtionship grow!!

I did not think I could love these men as a couple any more after reading TRY.Boy was I wrong.I want nothing more but a very happy ending for both.Tate went through hell in this book.His family were just aweful hateful people.i felt so damn bad for him.Logan was there though.Tateeeded a break ( thinking time) and although that break just about killed Logan he did give space.The writing here is so well written you can see how both men TRY AND TAKE there relationship to the next level.When they admitted they loved each other,it was beautiful.Im so excited to read the next book.I hope Tate's family try to understand his love for Logan.I have a bad feeling Chris is going to be a problem in the next book.There love is very strong for each other as well as there desire to be together.They just need to remember they are a couple who need each other and truly belong together.

This book is about taking risks and taking a chance at love.

Book 2 in the Temptation series has Logan and Tate overcoming prejudices cast at their relationship. This book is about taking risks and taking a chance at love. This book deals with the MCs dealing with real life as they forge forward with a relationship. Tate learns that his family isn't as open as he hoped but he finds a loving and accepting family in Logan's family. Tate struggles after his family shuns him and needs time to decompress which irks Logan to no end. Logan is miserable without him. It's not all morose however, these two heat up the pages with every sexual encounter and in the lulls you find yourself cheering for Tate to take hold, take a chance and take his happiness with Logan.

Absolutely Freaking Fantastic Follow-Up!!!!!!!

This book was so wonderful. It was a perfect continuation in a smoking hot but beautiful love story. This book not only has smoking hot sex but an actual great storyline which is sadly lacking in todays kindle selection. I hate that we have to wait again for a third installment but I am so excited that we get a third installment. I can't wait to continue their story. I was hoping Chris would come back and Tate could give him a little run for his money. I think Ella should continue their story a lot longer. They need to deal with Chris and maybe down the road marriage or wanting a baby with a third?? Anything should be possible. Love Love this story and author. You wont be disappointed if you read this series. Sad now that I have finished the book. This is the best m/m story I have ever read, hands down!!!!!

If I Were Tate's Sister ...

If I Were Tate's Sister ... I guess there wouldn't be much of a story. Ella Frank, I love your characters. Logan & Tate take a moment to find out more about each other as people, not just smokin' hot lovers. The author's descriptions leave little to the imagination ... in a good way. I think everyone deserves to have someone look at them the same way Logan & Tate look at each other. Not in love with the Audible narrator.

Great Series

I am sad to leave these two characters. I love them. Theirs is a complicated love. We get to see why Logan is the way that he is. Their love grows in this book, but Logan and Tate have to step out of their comfort zones. The sex is still hot and there is a lot of it. I kind of wished that they would connect on some level other than sexually, but hey it worked. Their continued story is beautiful and I loved it. BUT I absolutely hated Tate's family! OMG, I don't think I've ever dislike any book characters so much. I think or at least I hope there will be another book to continue their story because this one just kind of stopped mid conversation. I read the last page about 8 times. lol I didn't want it to end. Check out this series, it's a good one.

This was the PERFECT follow up to Try

AH-MA-ZING! This was the PERFECT follow up to Try, and I just LOVED THIS from start to finish. I love Tate and Logan and how ridiculously, hot they are together, but in this one, it also becomes clear how PERFECT they are for each other. Both are headstrong and both have their own conflicts, but they are totally End Game in this and are just all in. I enjoyed getting to delve more into Logan's character, he really got some depth in this, and has come so far from the douchey type of character he was at the start of the first book. And Tate? UG TATE. Love him. LOVE HIM. And my heart broke for him with how his family reacted.

Loved this book

Loved this book. But, must read the first one...then this. I hope the author continues this story...and don't get carried away by making them into a threesome or foursome as some authors do.//// Certainly don't want them to split up...Problems I can see, but problems are solved when people love each other....Real love isn't something you turn off after a couple of years...and that applies to men as much as it does women. Men are too often viewed and displayed as the lead character in this story, cold hearted, buzzing like a bee from flower to flower...it's to the point that people don't expect, love, and commitment from men...they aren't capable of it and they definitely don't want it. I don't agree with that...

HOT read

When I first started reading the first one. Try, I fell in love with Logan and Tate and with this one, I fell even more. I love this story and their romance so much. It really is a great read and so worth the read! You can't but help to fall for these characters. But one thing I really hate in this world and what showed it in the story, is how people and yes family too can treat people like they don't deserve to be happy and don't have the right to love whoever they love. I really hate ignorant hatred people like that and it hurts even more when people like that are related. My point is that whether you are gay, straight or lesbienne, you should love the one you love, no matter what people say or think!

Things people don't usually think about

I've never given a thought about how hard it would be to come out as a gay person. Not only to the world in general, but to those closest to you. I personally don't care if a person is straight or gay, so its not something I've consciously thought about. In Take, we get an idea how excruciatingly difficult this must be, especially if those closest to you can't accept it. Do you deny who you are and who you love to make them happy? Beyond this book containing some extremely hot love scenes, it opened my eyes to the struggles the some people in gay community endure to this day. This book made me laugh, it made me cry. It other words it made me feel...exactly what an excellent book should.


I don't know if I've ever fallen in love with a couple the way I have Logan and Tate. The relationship between these two characters has been amazing. Once you start reading you just can't stop. The chemistry they have almost short circuited the Kindle and did I mention explosive and extremely HOT!!! I mean I've read a lot of scenes in my time but did I say they were magnificently HOT!!! This story is so well developed, interesting and written you can't help but wish these two lived in your neighborhood so you could run into them. This story starts in the book TRY, and continues from there. I personally can't wait for the next one! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK AND THIS AFFORDABLE SERIES!!!

A great continuation to the series

I fell hard and fast for Logan and Tate in Try and was dying for more. I really loved the slow progression of their relationship in Try and couldn't wait to see where they would go in Take. I think they compliment each other so beautifully. Each of them is pretty dynamic on his own but together they just explode off the page. And speaking of explosive - the sex between these two is off the charts. They are so hot for each other I thought my Kindle was going to melt. Absolutely loved the shower scene. Whew! I need a fan! But Take isn't all sex and love, there are some challenges to face. Tate has been outed to his family and Logan's past may come back to haunt him.

A love story SO good you kinda (wink wink) forget about the sex.....One click-you won't regret it. Make sure you have Try first.

OMG. Where to start. These two books are amazing. Have read Try several times waiting for Take. Got Take as soon as it was released-NOT disappointed. Have you ever read an erotic book that had HOT HOT HOT steamy sex and then ACTUALLY had those sex scenes fade into the background because the characters and their banter stole your heart and breath?! I didn't either until this series. A well written love story, and certainly a peek at the difficulties faced by any couple that is "not the normal". You won't be disappointed-the banter between Logan and Tate is off the charts-and I can only say that I have been staring at that photo for months! A one click for sure!

This is one hot and steamy read...be ready

Take continues where Try left off with Logan and Tate trying to make their relationship work. And try they do. Each trying to fulfill each other and their own needs. I loved the vulnerability of Logan. While he is brash and bold on the outside, he is a man that loves hard and deep. He found this balance with Tate. I'm glad Tate found his voice in this book. He wasn't a pushover and demanded what he wanted. Along with the angst of dealing with a new relationship, this book also had some of the HOTTEST sex scenes written. I loved the book and I'm hoping for more from Tate and Logan.

Outstanding Follow-Up To TRY!

This book was outstanding and left me wanting more.....in a good way :) I was expecting there to be things left undone as I knew there is to be a follow-up to it. But I gotta say, Ella left me very satisfied where she left off. It was Perfect!! I was blown away months ago by Try and had been eagerly awaiting Tate and Logan's story to continue. Their love has evolved into a beautiful, trusting relationship and their intimate scenes melted my brain. The angst and drama were top notch and I love where Ella takes us. Can't wait for the next book, thank you Ella Frank for these two beautiful men and your wonderful storytelling.

One word...AMAZING!!

I have been anxiously waiting for this second book in the series and Ella Frank did not disappoint. This book was amazing. I went through so many emotions while I read this book....laughter, heart break, anger, hurt, hope, happiness. This book has it all. The writing is fantastic. I couldn't put it down until I finished it and it was worth the one hour of sleep I got before heading to work. If you haven't read Try and Take you are missing out on some of the best books I have ever read. I cannot wait for the third book in this series and I will be stalking this author for the rest of my life!! Congratulations on another wonderful book Ella Frank. You are amazing.


I love this series so much! The drama, the cute moments, how neither one of them back down. The smut is also incredible of course, but it's way more than that.

Jaw Dropping

Ok I need More stars, 5 is not enough. I love, love Logan and Tate including Logan family. I even liked Robbie pain in the ass but like his pop ups. Tate's family breaks my heart (I don't want to give any spoilers) This series pulls you in from page one and never I mean never let's go. I have read over 1200 stories and this is my 2nd favorite book behind Always. If am stranded on an island I want this series along with food , water an oh God Tate and Logan to fan me because I'll be in a lot of heat. People run and buy this book you will not be disappointed

Officially Obsessed!

I am officially obsessed with Logan and Tate. And I have never been obsessed with any characters, male or female, in the thousands of books I've read throughout the years. Ella Frank made me feel like I was actually there during their entire journey and I don't want it to end. I could feel the love and chemistry between these two guys, it was hot, hot, hot! What an amazing writer. I've only read one other M/M book and Try and Take beat the pants off that one (no pun intended)! I do hope this series continues and their relationship grows stronger and stronger. What beautiful men to be obsessed with!

Lock and key.

I was given a ARC in exchange for my honest review. Take leaves off from where Try left off. It's time to meet Tate's folks and see if they will be willing to accept Logan and Tate or not. And it didn't go very smoothly at all. Tate decides to give them time. From that point on we are catapulted into this epic romance that is Tate and Logan. They seduce every feeling out of you. Now that they're actually trying to have an actual relationship and not just sex they start to get to know one another and things they never knew about each other. Basic relationship protocols. They start going out on actual dates, museum, dancing, game night ( which was one of the best parts of the book might I add ) the story was phenomenal. Ten times better than Try was and so much hotter. The boys stepped up their sex-game. Throughout the book Logan struggles with his past and his insecurities and his feelings for Tate. Is he enough for Tate? with Tates family disowning him is he enough for Tate? or will Tate just break his heart? and of course there is Tate. He is falling for Logan and he has his own insecurities. Is he enough for Logan, will Logan run at the slightess sign of trouble?is Logan worth giving up his family for? the two have many obstacles in front of them. Tate's parents, Diana, an ex from Logans past and their future. Will love concur all or will the relationship come to a stand-still? you will have to read to find out. But let me tell you this, it was phenomenal and if I could give it more than 5 stars I would. It was pure amazingness and it will leave you with your heart filled. These two characters are amazing and we could learn a thing or two from them. So proud of them both, especially Tate. 100 times better than Try. You will all LOVE IT as much as I do. PS- I cannot wait for the third book and I loved Cole, Rachel and the rest of the gang. I hope we get another game night and more from these characters. AMAZING. amusing and so funny. I cannot wait until I can re-read this book over and over and over. Have I mentioned how amazing it was? "You can't walk away from me any more than I can from you." "You know what I need? I need you to eat dinner with me so I can tell you what happened and then suck my d*** like you promised. Is that okay with you?" "Hell if I know. But if the Twister mat comes out, I'm getting the f*** out of there." "I wanted to make your meal easier to access." "Excuse me. I got off an elevator. You were getting off on him." "Don't you know? I'm already yours." "I've never been happier when you caught me." "I can't ever remember feeling this way. And no one is going to tell me it's wrong. No one." "Let's not get carried, Cinderella. It wasn't your ball." "There's a hint of sweet with a full helping of stubborn and dirty as f***." "I will never be prouder than I will be tonight with you."


I like to read standalone books, not duets nor trilogies. Because usually, the second book dissapoint me. But this book is, if I may say so, even better than the first one. I adore both Logan and Tate and I'm so glad I'm reading this series. Ella is an amazing author.

Absolutely loved Take.

Although I'm an avid reader, I read but rarely write reviews. But I'm making an exception with Take. Take exceeded the "sophomore" challenge to surpass the high bar Ella set with Try. We, artistically challenged readers, are a fickle lot. We take for granted the creativity needed to write a really great book. We are selfish in our wants and needs. We want a great book and we want it NOW. And are merciless when we don't get that. Well, in my opinion, Take gave me everything I was looking for. Try was all about the pursuit, but Take is all about what the heck to do with it now that you tried it. I loved the emotions Ella made you feel in Take, and unless you are made of stone, you'll feel them right along with Logan and Tate. And I absolutely love her ability to write the dynamics between her characters so you feel the chemistry between them. And I'm thrilled there will be a 3rd book. I'm fine with the cliff hanger because that means one more book about the guys. And honestly, who wouldn't want that.

God, this series!!

No words. The story is fabulous, but it’s the real and authentic dialogue that make this author one of my favorites. Okay the sexy stuff is pretty amazing, too.

Clear your schedule to read this book!

This was an amazing follow up to TRY. Logan and Tate being a relationship that is not easy and the emotion on both sides is heart aching fabulous. Sweet Jesus, Logan is one hot man. I am on Team Logan forever. Wow. Ella Frank knows how to write a character that leaves you breathless, yeah, I know cliche but so true. Tate is pretty damn hot in this book too. I loved this book and cannot wait for the third book in this series. You will not want to put this book down and it will be hard to.

Please, let the story continue because this is getting better and better.

Take picks up where Try left off so you have to read it to understand this one. You must read them in order. Once again, Ella Frank left me completely speechless. She wrote the perfect twist and turn kind of story with the right amount of drama, hotness and funny. Logan is Logan and Tate…. Oh poor Tate!! Please, let the story continue because this is getting better and better. I give it 5 stars and it’s one of my picks until now.

Absolutely brilliant and very addictive

This is the continuing story of Logan and Tate and once again Ella Frank has lifted the levels with this one. We learn more about their back stories and fall more in love with them. State's family are simply cruel - how can they not love their son?? I just wanted to punch all of them. The best part: Games Night at Cole's place. Everyone should have a brother like him - lucky Logan. Ella Frank has pulled me in yet again - thank you Another 5***** for you!!!!

Romance, Great Wit and Sensual

I love Logan and his wit that makes you laugh out loud. Logan and Tate continue their ongoing romance that never disappoints to make this a great read entwined into a really perfect story line. Start with book 1. So worth it! My only complaint is why can I not find guys that are hetero to be so hot.

Beautiful series

Entire series is amazing. Just trying to figure out how to buy & download the audiobook at this point...which you apparently can’t do if you’ve paid for the Kindle edition...ugh

Love is Love!

Love is love. This book is pure perfection that signifies Beautiful Love between these two amazing men. Ella Frank did a superb job bringing these characters to life and making us readers fall incredibly hard for the boys! No spoilers here friends, all I will say is that if you haven't tried reading from the m/m genre yet, let 'Try" be your first one. Make "Take" your second choice. Well written with raw emotion that pulls at your heart and believe me, once you TRY, you will love it forever.

Great Second in the Series

I got hooked on Logan and Tate in the Audible book - "Try" by Ella Frank. After listening to their sizzling hot romance and sex scenes on my way to and from work, I knew I had to get the follow-up book in the series and I was certainly not disappointed. Her characters are so real and she makes you fall in love with them, even the ones whom you first want to hate. I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone, but believe me ... you will NOT be disappointed.


Ok, if it was possible to spontaneously combust from reading a book I'd be one crispy critter. Tate and Logan are amazing, witty and sexy as hell!!! I love the way the story grew at a fast but not unbelievable pace. The vulnerability and trust that these two share is remarkable. The author did a great job hitting on hard issues like past disappointments and public disapproval. Love is not always easy, but if it's right, it's worth it! Thanks again Ella, can't wait till the next one!

Soooo good!!

OMG!! I l love it I love how this one just picked right backed up. OMG I'm so in love with Logan and Tate I didn't think I could, love them more but I do. Not at all happy with Tate's family I can't believe they could hurt him like that. But I loved how Logan told them all off. I want that ex wife of Tate's to die a slow and painful death. So now I'm left with this hole in my heart, waiting for the next book. Thank you Ella Frank for yet again another beautiful story.

80% thru and then the horrible 100% done with both stories

I read both Try and Take in one day, and for the first time ever, I was checking my progress throughout the book, becoming more and more despondent when I saw I was 50% thru, 80% thru and then the horrible 100% done with both stories. It's also the first time ever that I wanted to start re-reading a series IMMEDIATELY after finishing it!! A week later and I'm still thinking about Logan and Tate and desperately wanting more. Next book in the series isn't out till 2015 :(

Wonderful continuation

The second book of the series continues straight on from Try as we explore the developing relationship between Tate and and Logan. I loved seeing how the two of them grew closer, even when faced with challenges because of others not accepting their relationship. I also enjoyed reading the changes that came about in both men, the character development well written, story compelling to read. Wonderful continuation.

Temptation at it's Finest

I am totally hooked on Ella Franks Temptation series! I am not one who usually reads m/m romance, but I have to admit I love this series and would love to read more by Frank! Great storyline, great supporting characters, and the internal struggles the characters go through are spot on and believable. Ella also take a very hard subject and writes about it in a compassionate yet believable manner. Great series, cannot wait for book 3

Tate and Logan..Amazing love story

Loved it, loved it, loved it, this series just get better, I couldn't get enough of Tate and Logan, I have fallen in love with these 2 men, the story was beautifully done, the sex was hot, damn I needed a fan next to me ;-) This book is about love, bigotry, acceptance, about relationships and how these 2 men evolved..You see 2 stubborn beautiful alpha male growing with each other..I highly recommend this amazing series and enjoy the life of Tate and Logan <3

Take Review

Loved this. It had all the great elements of the first book (incredibly hot) but this one took it a step further. It made it more emotional, more sweet and heartbreaking. The world felt more real now and you can't help but love Tate and Logan even more. Their struggles and strength made them even more lovable and cemented this as a true love story. I can't wait to read more of their story! If you love the first one, then this is an absolute MUST! Well done Ella.


This series is my first M/M read, but I keep forgetting that because the characters are so amazing I never even think of gender. Ella Frank is so talented! I love how pure and sweet this romance is. L & T's feelings for each other are so consistent and sincere. The steam is off the charts hot and sweet at the same time. This series has jumped into my top five. I'll probably be stalking EF until the third book comes out!

Wanting, Needing and finding LOVE!!

There is loving someone and there is needing that someone. Logan and Tate show their love and need for each other, through past hurts, Tate's family disowning him and Logan' trust issues, they melt and consume each other in every way. I could not wait to get the 2nd book and there was no disappointment just a sense of OMG, this book could not get any hotter. Ella Frank is an amazing storyteller, I cannot wait for Book 3.


Wow...I didn't think I could love Logan any more but boy was I wrong. His vulnerability and strength in this book was so endearing you cannot help but fall further in love with him. And seeing Tate grow and come to terms with their relationship is just fantastic. Wanna know the best part of the book? The absolute last paragraph! Ella's writing again is amazing as she has produced another must read!!

The Boys Got Hotter

Ella Frank took it up a notch. Logan and Tate are becoming two of the hottest men around. The emotions you feel, ranging from one extreme to other has the reader on the edge of their seat. You feel Tate's pain when his parents turn their back on him, just because he fell in love. You feel Logan's fear and you can't help but fall in love with him more. But the past has a way to resurface and his name is Chris Walker.

Hell Yeah!

I was melting throughout this whole book. Tate and Logan are sexy and explosive. the way Tates family treat him made me so angry. how could they do.that to him....it's reprehensible! they no the deserve total happiness with each other. as I read the end of this book I literally said out loud "hell yeah!" it was fun checking in on the other characters from earlier books. they all cracked me up at "game night".


OMG this book is HOTTTTTT. I couldnt put it down. I absolutely fell in love with Tate and Logan all over again. I love that you get to see a different side to Logan besides the hot cocky man, you get to see his loving vulnerable side. This book has it all, and of course a ton of hottttt sex. This book is a definite panty changer. No one write m/m better than Ella Frank. This book is a definite must read.

Logan and Tate are spoil hot!!

Love this second installment...Logan has some commitment issues..and Tate has his very stunned family to deal with!! This novel handles the the issues so well and goes thru the highs and lows of being a formally straight man finding the love of his life is a very handsome gay man. The lovin' is HOT and the arguments are understandably tense...Take the chance...Read this Book!!!

let the HOTNESS continue!!!!!!!

"Because around you, all I want to do is fall without thought." Logan and Tate's story continues in book 2 of the series......and their hotness only gets HOTTER!!! It's great reading the journey that these two alpha men take in understanding and accepting their feelings. I love their teasing and (smartass) banter with each other. Can't wait for book 3!!!!

A Super 5 Stars for this series!

I have only read one or two M/M romances before this and wasn't too impressed. Not so the case with this series. I was 150% captivated from the beginning. To be honest, I was expecting a sex book with some story thrown in as framework. What I got was a story of two people falling in love and all the issues that go along with it. I loved seeing the layers of Logan and Tate being exposed as their story progressed. Can't wait for Trust!

This series keeps getting better!

Somebody find me a 12-step program because I am seriously addicted to this series. ARCs be damned. They’re going to have to wait. It only took me three days to read the first two books and I will start the final one, Trust, as soon as I finish writing this review. Take deals with the consequences of Tate and Logan entering into a committed relationship, as each man is forced to face his fears. I criticized Try for not allowing enough time for the characters to get to know each other. This book more than makes up for it, and in hindsight I believe it was part of Ella Frank’s through line to give the characters room to develop. There’s still A LOT of hot, dirty sex in this book. Although I found one of the repeated ... um… sexual acts rather oogie – Is that even a real word? – it may not bother some. Take is erotica at its very best: quality writing and, yes, graphic sex, but built around a strong storyline and complex characters. The book is wonderfully plotted and expertly paced. Holy crap on a cracker! The cliffhanger ending had my jaw dropping. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Amazing !!!!

I honestly did not think I could fall more in love with Logan and Tate...but let me say I am blown away by the emotions I am feeling after reading Take... this book not only has SMOKING hot moments but the LOVE you feel for both men throughout this entire book is not something any other author has been able to accomplish. I highly suggest reading both books Try and Take....you will not be disappointed.. A huge thanks to Ella Frank for all your hard work and sharing this story with all of us...


This was such a great read. I can’t wait to read the next installment. Tate is such a great catch.


This continues on the amazing love between a lawyer and a "straight" bartender. Follow along to see what other trouble these two men can get into and see if they can overcome some very serious obstacles that could ultimately bring everything crashing down around them. Well written and very very steamy. Caution might need a dry pair of panties.

Favorite series ever

The “Temptation” series by Ella Frank is simply one of the best ever. I have read and/or listened to the series a number of times and find something new to enjoy each time. She expresses the vulnerability of new relationships perfectly in book two. Enjoy!

great continuation

For me, anything by Ella Frank is a must read. When I read the summary for Try, I was hesitant because I wasn't a fan of M/M romances. Try knocked me off my feet, it is THAT GOOD. It's beyond good, it's phenomenal. Take continues the story of Logan and Tate with just as much oomph. There are no negatives to this novel. I'll continue to read anything she writes.


I can't describe how much I loved this and the previous book, Try. All I can say is that they are so worth the price (a steal, really), including the audio book versions (Shannon Gunn) does an incredible job. Logan and Tate, one of the best pairings in any romance, period. But don't take my word for it, just ...... 'Try' and 'Take' a chance😀


it's been a while since I read Try... I forgot how much I liked Logan and Tate... well, after Take, I am in love with these two.... they have, by far, the best chemistry. Logan is perfect!!! he's funny, charming, arrogant... the story is so well written ... it pulls you in and makes you feel part the story... I hope there's more to come of Logan & Tate

Greatest read yet

Can't stop talking about this series so sad I'm almost done with it. Ella writes so wonderfully. I feel as if these two characters are real and these are the stories they told her themselves. Love her and what she writes definitely a must read for anyone.

This book is HOT!! 10+ stars!!

Ella, I don't know how you do it, but these two books, Try and Take were off the charts HOT and FABULOUS!! I can't get enough of Tate and Logan. I could not put this book down, I read it into the night/morning to finish. Just WOW!! Can't wait for the 3rd book, 2015 can't get here soon enough :) Well done Ella Frank, your writing style is amazing!

Love this series!!!

Cannot get enough of Logan & Tate's story, ella Frank has captured the intensity & sexiness of these two characters, I cannot put each book down, love her books!! A must read

Even better

I was so happy I tried book one and I'm even happier I tried book 2 and I can't wait for book 3! Once again you can't wait yo see what happens next. Through all their ups and downs they persevere and truly connect on the deepest level. Logan and Tate are meant to be and come together beautifully. When is book 3 coming out?! :) .


It seemed like forever until this book came out and it was so worth the wait! Thank you for the fantastic continuation of Logan and Tate's story. I can't wait for the rest of their story. Hopefully it's very, VERY soon because I want to see Chris get what is coming to him and Logan and Tate to get their happy ever after!!! Thank you, Ella Frank, for an absolute rollercoaster of a book!

5 fantastic stars

Wow! Just WOW! I have been waiting (not so patiently) I might add to the 2nd book. 1st one is Try about these two beautiful, sexy, charismatic, and did I say sexy. Holy hell. Logan is HOT, and powerful but thankfully not perfect. Tate is fantastic and honest and sincere and yummy. Please do yourself a favor and buy these two books.

Hotness times two!!!!

I really loved the story of Tate and Logan!!! I had never read a m/m book before and was surprised I enjoyed it so much!! They were two hot guys who fell in love unexpectedly!! It was funny, sad, romantic, and very hot!!! I hope there is more to their story!! Highly recommend this and will definitely read more books like this!!

These guys don't just make each other fall in love with each other

You can read this heart twisting tease of a book as a standalone and you won't be lost. But you'd be missing essential feelings getting deeper. Even in yourself. These guys don't just make each other fall in love with each other. They make you fall, too.

Heart wrenching

The series keeps getting better and better!! Logan and Tate are so hot together. The story is realistic. You really get caught up in the drama of the characters. So hot and sexy. Make sure you read Try before this one to get the entire backstory and context.

Amazing book

Just when I thought these books couldn't get any better, they do. These books are so well written and so addicting, I can't read them fast enough. Everyone needs to read these books.

and I LOVED them both

TAKEN!!!!! A piece of my heart has been Taken by Ella Frank!!!! I had never read anything by this author until I read Try and Take...and I LOVED them both!!!! This book was a GREAT sequel to Try!!!! I LOVE Logan and Tate's story and looking forward to reading more!!! This is a GREAT read!!!!!

Oh Holy Hell...(heavy sigh)

The story of Logan and Tate continues in these pages and is by far one of THE best books. Ella Frank has become one of those writers for me that I can't wait to read everything they have written. Take did not disappoint in any way. I loved Try and with Take I am just floored. Wonderful job Ms. Frank.


How could you love Logan & Tate anymore?? Powerful & Moving!! Ella Frank brings out the best in these guys and you can't help but to fall in love and want them as real life friends! This story is not only HOT, but it packs a punch with real life issues of acceptance and love!! Please, let there be more!

Logan and Tate….sexy hot man love….

Ella Frank has done it again…. Tate and Logan are so hot. Did not this book could be any better than Try but it was… Loved Cole and Rachel and their friends…Cannot wait to see what happens next….beautifully written…and the sex was even better than in Try… You will need a cold shower...


This is a great continuation of Ella Frank's "Try"! I loved this book. I loved the neat GQ lawyer falls for the rough bartender! I'm hoping there is a third book to this series because it ends kind of abruptly and I really want to see more of Logan and Tate's relationship develop!


Another absolutely amazing book in the Temptation series! I've been anticipating this book for 8 months and it was soooooo worth the wait Logan and Tate are incendiary hot. I hope Ella Frank doesn't make us wait another 8 months for the next book

Continuation of wonderful

The next chapter in the saga of Logan and Tate just leaves a person breathless! Loved it!!

Read This Book!!!

Take is EVERYTHING! You must, must, MUST read this. I know everyone that read Try will read this. However, if you have not experienced the journey that is Logan & Tate, you are sincerely missing out on something amazingly special. This series more than lives up to the hype. Logan & Tate ARE the hype! I won't go into a plot summary but just know I had to make myself read this slowly. I could have EASILY finished it Tuesday night but I didn't want it to be over. As it stands I will be re-reading both books consistently until the 3rd is released sometime next year.


Ella Frank writes dual points of view seamlessly. I love Logan and Tate. They stole my heart in Try, and I don't want it back. I want to be with them through every journey they embark. I never knew I would enjoy m/m books, but I tried Try and have never been happier. Perfection!

Love them

I enjoyed the continuation of Tate and Logan's love story. TRY, to me, was more Tate's story, and TAKE was Logan's. I love the way they found ways to compromise, face their fears, and grow in their relationship. I LOVED game night...Tate, Logan, Cole, Mason, Josh. Yay!!!

Love Heals

Logan has had some serious problems with one particular man. Now he's met Tate and all things look so much better. But will Tate's family issues and Logan's past spell doom to their new relationship? Or will love save them both? A great story.


I love Logan and Tate!! This was a great second book around these to hot men!! My heart ached for Tate and what he had to deal with around his family and love that these two were able to work through things and come out stronger! I can't wait for the next book!

Because around you, all I want to do is fall without thought

I already loved Try but Take took it to another level. It was everything I expected, wanted and so much more. All I can say is wow wow wow. What a great job ms. Frank! I can't wait for the next one, just can't get enough of Logan & Tate! One of my favorite series!

ALWAYS Amazing!

Ella Frank! You did it again! AMAZING! You brought Logan and Tate to life in Try, Now you showed us What is was like to see them Take the next step in their journey! thanks for letting me ride along with the boys! Great book, highly recommended! A must read!

Love it

Love this whole series, one of the only connected romance series I can find. The 2nd book is just as amazing and ive already reread the series twice

Take (Temptation Series) is a really good book.

I highly recommend this book. You will not be able to put it down. It is a continuance of hot, steamy romantic scenes from the first book "Try" and just gets better with each series. Another keeper that I will read over again and again.

Love Tate and Logan!

Wow!!! Amazing, I love this series so much! Tate and Logan have run into so many obstacles to make this relationship work,but they are so amazing together! I absolutely love Logan's filthy mouth!! This is a steaming hot must read!!!

Very good

This book has everything that makes a story not just good, but great. A solid story, laugh out loud funny, and hot, passionate sex. Most importantly the author writes well enough to make you feel what the characters are feeling. Very few books can pull off all these elements well. Well worth the wait and a great value. Would pay more for such a great book that I'll read again, but glad I didn't have to. Can't wait for what comes next.

Wow .. 5 stars

5 stars .. excellent storyline. Great dialogue. Complex enjoyable characters. Hot sexy and deliciously erotic action. This second book installment was amazing and I highly highly recommend it. Charo


This is one of those books I couldn't wait to come out. I read Try months ago and I patiently waited for Take. It was so worth the wait. Loved this book. Now I am afraid to find out how long I have to wait for book 3. Highly recommend.

Please tell me this isn't the end...

I was excited to start the second book about Logan and Tate. I enjoyed both of their journeys as they learned to accept their relationship. I am hoping there is another book as it seems like there could be more to their story.

I love it just as much as the first. :)

What can I say about Ella Frank. a. The best b. Brilliant c. Superb d. Wonderful All the above. I can't get enough of her writing, she leaves breathless and always ...always wanting more.

So Much Hotness

Wow. The contents of this book really does the cover justice. So much chemistry between Logan and Tate, and each has so much hotness. Lots of dirty talk, and who knew Logan could also be sweet. Yeah, cannot wait for Book 3.

You will not be disappointed,You'll love this book!

I usually don't write reviews but I loved this book. I really liked Try but Take just melted my heart. I absolutely LOVE Tate and Logan, I can't express this enough. You can really feel the emotions the characters went through and the love these two have for one another. It's simply a great book. I personally can't not wait until the next book to be released. Ella Frank is a wonderful and awesome writer.

I loved seeing their relationship progress in Take

I'm not going to get tired of Logan and Tate!! I loved seeing their relationship progress in Take. Tate's ex and his family made me want to slap them constantly.


Logan and Tate just get hotter and hotter. This couple is absolutely amazing. Their cheeks hot and their feelings are raw and real as the face challenges of being a gay couple. I loved it

I thought Try was good, and it is

Wow just wow. I thought Try was good, and it is. But Take is great. This author's writing is wonderful and made the characters really shine. Can't say enough about the author. She has become a top favorite.

You must Try and be Taken

What can I say! Amazing, sizzling Tate and Logan they are great! I'm not going to repeat what others had written so well praising how good Temptation Series is. You must Try and be Taken. Waiting for book 3.

So hot!!

I absolutely fell in love with Tate & Logan in Try! I fell even harder for them in Take! I can't wait to see what the next book of this series is going to bring for these steamy, dreamy, and sexy men!

Hot and sweet

I really enjoyed both Try and Take. It was nice to see the evolution of the relationship between Logan and Tate between the two books. The ending was a bit abrupt for me, but nothing was really lingering. And did I mention HOT?!? Holy cow!!

Love Logan and Tate

Ella Frank is an amazing authour. i completely enjoyed this book. ive never been more entertained or engrossed in a book. i will reread this series a few times and probably buy it in paper as well

Excellent continuation

Loved the first installment, the second did not disappoint. Loved that it was not the usual, everything works out, everyone comes round...Would read again.

Love these guys!

Another winner from Ella. And a great read. My only complaint is my edition didn't have a table of contents to be able to go to chapters. But nothing could take away from either the Try or Take books.

Simply Fantastic!

Liked it better than Try. Story full if emotion, vulnerability, love...and the sex! Logan is my favorite ever! Can't wait for more.

Omg!! Cliffhanger!!!

Ella Frank, you are so wonderfully frustrating!!! I'm so in love with this series and waiting for the next installment is going to be torture!!!! I know it'll be worth the wait though!!


WOW just WOW From the start you pick up right where you leave the first book. This is one of the best books I have ever read and I can not wait for the 3rd book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Swoon Worthy!!

I didn't think that I could love Tate and Logan more than I did in Try but Ella Frank found a way. In Try, it was Logan that made us all swoon with his charm and determination to get what he wanted but Tate really showed his true personality during Take. The evolving relationship between these gorgeous men is just lovely and I wished the book would never end. <3

just gets better

Take continues where Try ended. I really enjoyed this novel. The emotions between Logan and Tate were real. My heart breaks for the pair as they discover love. Fabulous series!

I loved this book

I loved this book. I loved the emotional journey of these men. Great continuation of Tate & Logan's story & I am eagerly awaiting the final piece of their beautiful love story.


DAMNNNNNNNN!!!!!! Please revisit these two dynamic guys in another hot and breathtakingly awesome story. Explosive is the word that comes to mind when I re-read the many scenes.


Great characters. Tate and Logan make you swoon and then weep cause they are both gay. So good together, you cheer for their love story and overcoming all the obstacles.

the continuation of hot...

Logan and Tate are the true sex fantasy of any women. Their story draws you in and you can't put it down making you want to know what is around the corner for them..

Love Conquers All

Loved the beginning of Tate and Logan's love story and now the second installment made me want more. Can't wait to see what happens next! Kathy Tucson,AZ


I love how Tate and Logan connect. They make me think of my husband and myself. I had to choose him over my family until they came around. I hope Tate's family does.


even though this is not my normal read and i dint mean to buy the first book but i did and im glad i did cause i have fallen in love with tate and logans story and i cant wait for the rest of there story


Love the story. But sad to that Tate's family had to be like that. Happy that Logan was able to open up to Tate. Can't wait to read the next chapter of there lives!

Ella Frank you did it again!!!

OMG...the second installment of the temptation series was HOT!!! I love these two...Logan and Tate will make you swoon. I can't wait for the third book.

keeps on getting better

Book 2 in the Temptation series, and like any sophomore romance novel, the smut is very much there (jeez, the stamina needed alone to keep up with these two is slightly nauseating) but that aside, I enjoyed the depth that the novel went with - the book made the transition that while Tate and Logan are very much a physical couple, that they can be of substance as well, and also work on understanding that their attraction and status as a couple goes beyond the physicality of their relationship. While I don’t think they got the chance to really work on their issues in regards to how they really do work as a couple along with other mundane issues, the real star of the show is the captivating writing style of Ella Frank. More then the characters, it’s her ability to keep engrossed even in a novel where you would think the plot would take a backseat to the smut.


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! what a follow up to TRY~ Scorching HOT read. Great continued storyline. Adore Logan & Tate. More PLEASE~ Steaming hot cover~


I couldn't wait for this book to come out. I wasn't disappointed. The story was very good. The sex was HOT. I can't wait for their story to continue.


Ella's writing is off the charts, yet again. I'm secretly praying for this to be a ten volume series because I can't imagine ever getting enough Tate and Logan. Their chemistry is off the charts as their love continues to blossom despite all the challenges... love this series!

Steamy Hot!

Ms. Frank you owe me a new kindle as Tate and Logan have burned mine up!!! I can't wait to read the finally!

get ready for this one

At first I wasn't sure if I would like this because it's not my typical read but let me tell you it was fantastic not to mention too hot.


A great sequel. They are so good together! One of my favorite couples. They work hard to be together and we get to enjoy the ride!



As awesome as Try...

This book was just as awesome as Try, maybe even hotter when it come to the sex scenes. Can't wait for the next one....


Ella and Brooke are my favorite authors. I can never get enough if their books and I always want more!!!


Love both of the lead characters. Both sexy and fun and lovable. Story was great, full of passion and love. Love their love story.

Liking this series.

I seem to have become involved with Logan and Tate. Can't wait for the next book....and the next ...and....you get it.


I love that the commitment phobe Logan falls so hard for Tate. It was heartbreakingly sweet and the sex was off the charts hot! Ella never fails to disappoint!!


What more needs to be said? ;) Try was/is one of my favorite books and Take makes this one of my favorite sequels.

great book

I have been enjoying this series about Logan and Tate. The only frustrating part is waiting for the next installment.

Loved it!!!!

This is my first review, all I can say is when I'm done with a book and am continually thinking about it afterwards....that is a great book to me!!!! The writing was excellent!! I can't wait for the next book! 2015 is too long to have to wait!!!

Five Stars

Love Love this series

Sexy sequel

This sequel was such a great conclusion to Logan and Tate's story. If you loved Try, you will really love Take.

10 stars!!!

Freaking amazing! Hot! I love Tate and Logan so much. I love this series beyond words. Love. Love. Love. Love!

Superb Story

Just remarkable--a story full of conflict, of course, but superbly worked out in the end--you knew it would work itself out, but HOW was wonderful.

awesome! more!

Wow. I really enjoyed the first book and this one is even better. Hope there is a third. Quickly a third,.

Take - Another Great Read from Ella Frank!

Take is book two in Ella Frank’s Temptation series, it is a continuation of Logan and Tate’s journey. In this book you get to see Tate try and convince Logan that he is worth it, and boy is he!! Ella again takes us into the minds of these two very powerful and gorgeous men. Give it a read after you have read book 1 (Try) you wont be disappointed.


These two are just panty droppin hot and sexy and funny and frustrating and sooooooo in love. Thanks for another great read.

I liked the relationship building too

So so hot! I liked the relationship building too! Can't wait for the next installment.

Five Stars


Emotional rollercoaster

The first book in this series was awesome. This book was an incredible and emotional rollercoaster. I cried, got the chills, laughed and hoped for their relationship. I hope the series does not end here

... read a book by Ella Frank that I haven't loved! The third book cannot come soon enough

I have not read a book by Ella Frank that I haven't loved! The third book cannot come soon enough!!!

emotional and excellent love story

Well written, emotional and excellent love story. What else can you hope for ?

Loved It!!

Amazing!! This book was not a disappointment! Just as good as Try. I love the relationship between Logan and Tate and how it evolves throughout this book.I am looking forward to seeing what is next for these 2 hot alpha males!


I LOVE Logan and Tate's story... I can't wait to read more!! I waited so long for this book , but it was well worth the wait! Just Breathtaking!!!

Wow - keeps getting better

The 2nd book was as good as the first and now I can't wait for the next one. Really enjoyed Logan and Tate's story!

Good lord these two get me all kinds of worked ...

Good lord these two get me all kinds of worked up. Love them dearly and I'm hoping for a third go round.

I really love this guys I'll miss them

Danm! I'm so depressed, I didn't want it to end...ever!!!! I really love this guys I'll miss them. Can't wait for the third book.

Five Stars

Love this series. I liked the characters

If you enjoy M/M, you will love Logan and Tate

I'm not much for writing reviews, but this book..WOW! If you enjoy M/M, you will love Logan and Tate.

Loved the return of Logan & Tate

This book was so worth the wait. I loved every moment!!! Logan and Tate both have things they are working through. So many emotions and so many great times. This is the perfect mix of love, sexiness, cockiness and humour. Loved every minute and can't wait for more. Must read. So many stars

Just as hot as the first!

Great follow up! Can't wait to read the final book!

This is a great, engaging series - Tate & Logan - WOW

This is a great, engaging series - Tate & Logan - WOW! I'm on the third book now & I'm hoping their story continues!!

Hotter than Hotlanta....

Hurry 2015. I hope we're speaking January/February latest

(I usually don't make a comment like that but you will agree

This book drew me in totally. The last sentence makes it worth the read. (I usually don't make a comment like that but you will agree. Enough said.). Text me if you think so too. 218-368-6649

Hot and steamy!

I really love Logan and Tate and can't wait for more!!!!!

first time reading this kind of book

Love this book

Five Stars

Loved the book waiting for the next book.

Five Stars

very satisfied

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