Sweet Fall (Sweet Home Series Book 3)

Kindle Edition
25 Aug
From the USA Today Best Selling Sweet Home Series, comes Sweet Fall; a tale of heartache, beating the odds and finding strength in the most unlikeliest of places.

We all have secrets.

Secrets well buried.

Until we find the one soul who makes the burden of such secrets just that little bit easier to bear.

Lexington "Lexi" Hart is a senior at the University of Alabama. Surrounded by her best friends, her loving family and having fulfilled her life-long dream of making the Crimson Tide cheer squad, everything is going exactly as she always dreamed it would. But beneath her happy exterior, demons lurk, threatening to jeopardize everything Lexi has worked to achieve.

When events in her life become too much to cope with, Lexi finds herself spiraling down into the realm of her biggest fear. Lexi falls hard, victim once again to the only thing that can destroy her and, on the way, finds herself falling straight into the dangerous tattooed arms of a guy from the wrong side of the tracks.

Austin Carillo, starting Wide Receiver for the Alabama Crimson Tide, must get picked in this year's NFL draft. He needs it. His brothers need it. Most importantly, his mother desperately needs it. Brought up in a world where the poor are forgotten, the sick are left to fend for themselves and no hero miraculously appears to pull you out of hell, Austin had no other choice but to make a living on the wrong side of the law—until football offered Austin the break to get his life back on track.

But when a family tragedy drags him back into the clutches of the gang he believed he had left far behind, Austin finds himself falling. Falling back into criminal ways and falling deep into a suffocating darkness. Until a troubled yet kindred spirit stumbles across his path, where Austin quickly finds he is falling for a young woman—a young woman who might just have the power to save him from his worst enemy: himself.

Can two troubled souls find a lasting peace together? Or will they finally succumb to the demons threatening to destroy them?

New Adult/Contemporary Romance novel—contains adult content, sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 17 and up.


Reviews (201)

Everyone needs to read this book.

Wow. This book was heartbreaking. I loved Lexi so much in Sweet Home and I was absolutely shocked to learn what was underneath all the goth makeup and fun loving attitude. It just goes to show how you truly never know what a person struggles with and one comment has the power to unleash the darkest of demons. Austin was everything Lexi needed and I do think she needed him. Truly truly needed him. Because it takes a beautiful soul to be able to see another broken beautiful soul and Austin was the very definition of that. I’m in awe of him. Knowing that Tillie dealt with this disorder made it even harder for me to read. This book was raw and rough and painful. Her writing spoke of the hardest truths of the life of someone who lives with this disorder. Tillie writes mainly dark romance but even in her contemporary novels she covers the harshest of subjects, the most raw topics. This was one of the most beautifully tragic books I’ve ever read. I feel like I need to take a yoga class after reading this book, get back to my center and all that stuff. My heart hurts for the people who deal with this every day. The clutches of perfection are so deep and in this world, it’s even harder. I loved this book. My respect for Tillie Cole only heightened after reading his and she owned me before I read this. Now? I’m pretty sure I’d take a bullet for this woman. Read this book. Everyone should.

Omg! What an amazing emotional roller coaster ride!

First and foremost, I want to thank the author, Tillie Cole, for bringing to life such a beautiful piece of work. I’m so glad I read the foreword to get an understanding of what lay ahead in this novel. How completely unselfish, strong and brave to expose your soul and personal experiences like that. It will be a very long time - if ever - before I can be unaffected by the tragic beauty of your words. I love a series like Sweet Home, that creates a community of people who genuinely care about each other and you know whose life journeys will continue to overlap. It is simply precious. Austin and Lexi are characters that you can’t help but embrace. Two people from completely ends of the spectrum who bond over their respective hardships, loss and tragedy. The book neither romanticises nor trivialises the seriousness of anorexia or gang life. Instead, it highlights the gravity of being caught in circumstances that seem hopeless at times and beyond redemption. For those, like me, who have no real understanding of how both these situations affect the heart and soul, this book will provide the blueprint to reaching a sense of empathy that is life changing. I’m truly grateful for the insight Sweet Fall has afforded me.

Such a moving story dedicated to all the underdogs of the world

Lexi- A beautiful goth pixie that is hiding in plain sight! She wears the tears of a clown! Lexi is dealing with a secret that could end her life. She is certain that know one notices not cares enough to see the real Lexi I underneath all the war paint! That is until she meets Austin! Austin- An Italian gang member, white trash football player from the wrong side of the tracks! He is the ticket out of the horrible life for his family. Sometimes the pressure is too much. When his problems come too close to his other life Austin stars to fall! He does not expect a little pixie of a girl to be the one to save him! Together they work and they manage to have a sweet fall before they crash into their problems! Can Lexi and Austin overcome their problems to savor the sweetest reward in love? I loved this book!It was worth all the 🌟🌟🌟🌟's Review by @bookluvr964. Follow me on Twitter!

6 STARS - Each book in this series is better than the last. HOW is that even possible???

“We all have secrets. Secrets well buried. Until we find the one soul who makes the burden of such secrets just that little bit easier to bear.” “It’s funny. I used to look up at the stars and feel so small and unimportant. But I’ve come to realize that the only thing that can ever make you feel alive and important is the one person who takes you for you.” When I began this series a few days ago, I was totally unprepared for what I was getting into. This series has been recommended to me many, many times by both bloggers and readers alike. Everyone raving about what a an amazing series it is, and although I was late to kickoff, I have now found myself at the end of the third book, the second book in the series actually, and emotionally I feel worn, wrung out and my heart still aches a bit. Rome and Molly’s story was very intense and powerful, very emotional and heartfelt. Of and then I decided to read the next book immediately, probably not the smartest move I ever made, but now I wouldn’t change a thing. Sweet Fall is Lexi and Austin’s story and I wasn’t clever enough to read the blurb first, I just dove in head first feeling excited for yet another book in a series that had totally been owning me thus far. I opened the book and read the first pages and that was enough to tell me, that this book was going to be intense in a whole new way. When an author shares pieces of themselves in a story no matter how small, it is always magical, but when they pour their most intimate experiences and struggles into a story it becomes something else. More real, more personal, more affecting. Knowing where Tillie Cole was going to go and what she would have to re-live in order to create this story had my heart aching before I had even began the reading the actual story… “If I had a type, he would be it. But I didn’t date and from what I’d heard, neither did he.” Lexi and Austin were introduced to us in Sweet Home, and we saw even more of them in Sweet Rome, but we didn’t know very much about them other than they were members of the core group, close friends with both Molly and Rome, Cass, Ally and JD. We knew that Austin was a phenomenal football player, a wide receiver aiming to land on NFL Draft just as Rome had, he has a reputation, two brothers, a sick Momma, and that Rome was one of the only people that knew about his childhood and the life he ultimately left behind to attend UA. Molly is a young woman who on the outside appears, happy, perky, peppy and easy going despite her emo clothes and makeup. She is also a member of the UA cheerleading squad, a position that she has wanted to hold since she started going to school here 3 years ago. What we learn in Sweet Fall is that we didn’t know much at all, Lexi and Austin have so much going on in their lives that no one else knows about. Both of them are only showing others what they want them to see. They are both wearing masks. Austin is struggling with guilt and obligation, feeling like he has abandoned his family in many ways and Lexi is struggling to hold onto her recovery, but losing the battle daily. Recovery from what? I’m not going into that, but I will say this, it is something that in one way or another has affected most women at one point in their life. The disease is terrifically brutal. Lexi and Austin’s story is going to hold you in its very firm grasp from the moment you begin until you’ve absorbed every last word. Their relationship is complicated and it seems doomed from the very start, but it’s also a relationship that you find yourself rooting for, even when it seems impossible. Tillie Cole didn’t just write a story with this book, she called on some very powerful emotions and revisited what I’m sure had to be a very hard time in her life in order to give us this book, I cannot imagine what that must have been like for her, but saying that it is incredibly brave, is just a massive understatement. I felt every ounce of the sadness, conflict, and struggle, but I also felt the courage, the determination and in the end the peace that came once the story was finally winding to a close. “I don’t need to look up at the stars to feel inferior, Austin. All I have to do is open my eyes and look at myself in the mirror.” “So you see, Pix, I have scars too. It’s just mine are on the outside where everyone can see.” The story is not for the faint of heart, it goes to some dark places at times, and what plagues these characters along the way is not resolved easily. Sweet Fall is astonishing; it’s a vivid story that will have your emotions running all over the place. I shed more tears over the course of this book, then I’m sure is normal or socially acceptable but the story is just so intense that it was impossible to not become lost in it. I had to constantly remind myself that it wasn’t real time and time again. When I finally finished it, I was left grinning ear to ear, like a total loon, and my heart felt healed. I felt overjoyed for Lexi and Austin. I am so proud of how far they had come from where they had started and how much they had grown and overcome to get to their own very special happily ever after. “Why the war paint, Pix? Because I can't stand the girl underneath.... "Why the tattoos ?" Because I can't bear seeing the scars of my past.” Sweet Fall is overwhelmingly emotional and powerful; it might also be the best book I’ve read by Tillie Cole to date. That’s saying a lot because I have read all of the Hades Hangmen books and I loved those as well. Something about this book though resonated with on a much deeper level. That connection and those overwhelming feelings we have only when we experience a truly great book is why we all read isn’t it? This book reminded me all over again of why I started my blog, why I now read and review, and why it is truly an honor to spend hours wrapped up in the stories that will never leave our hearts or minds. “But I’m lost without you. I can’t breathe without you. Without you here, all I can do is fall…”

Not what I expected..

Let me say a few words before the review. This can be read as a stand-alone. This book has very emotional dark themes and may cause triggers to some. Read the blurb, heed the warnings. This book wasn't at all what I expected. When you read Sweet Home it's pretty much a bright love story, not reading the blurb to this and just jumping in, boy, did I get a shock. We have Lexi, she's suffering demons inside her that so many people suffer from in silence. Anorexia nervosa, it's a dangerous life long disease. Lexi, thinks she's doing well on her road to recovery so she starts taking back her life. Along the way, that voice in her head is just getting louder and louder. We meet Lexi in book one, but didn't really hear or see much from her, now you find out why ... she didn't want to be seen. She couldn't hide behind the make-up and clothes if she was in the spot light. Then we have Carillo, he has a long, dark, and seedy past. He has a mother dying from ALS, a brother second in command (for one of the most dangerous gangs), a gang he (Cadillo) barely escaped from, and is also trying to keep his younger brother out of the gang. He was also in book one as Rome's best friend. We also didn't get to know much about him then either. He was trying to keep out of the light to hide what all he was doing when that dark past started to lure him back in with the excuse of family. While returning from an appointment, Lexi, witnesses something that could ruin the lives of some very dangerous people who don't like to have any witness alive to risk their downfall, can Carillo keep her safe? Is it worth the cost to go against his family/gang? So if you thought you had angst in book one, think again. While Lexi and Carillo try to keep themselves from falling back into the dark abyss of their past, they have to find away to keep each other in the light. The only thing I didn't like about this book that I struggled with was his nickname for Lexi, Pix. I was so close to quoting after it being used 233 times. The story was strong enough to keep me going, but that Pix, was almost my braking point. I would recommend this book/series. At the time of this review four books are out. Onto book four.

Sweet Fall will have you falling for Austin

Reviewed for I'm A Sweet And Sassy Book Whore Sweet Fall, like the previous two books deals with some tough and dark issues. One of these issues the author wrote a personal note before the beginning of the book, it made for an even more emotional read because this was something she herself has battled. I will not say what I am referring to because I want you to read about it for yourself. I know I have had friends who have also battled this, luckily not to this extreme like Lexi, but enough that we were all worried. Austin and Lexi’s relationship is so filled with darkness, pain, heartbreak and loss. Austin is trying his hardest to keep his mother, who is suffering from ALS, proud of him and as pain free as possible in her last days. He has a gangbanger past, one that most look down on him for. All they see is the tattoos, the signs of his violence. What they don’t see is the son who loves his mother, his older brother and his younger brother so much that he risks his own happiness to take care of his mom. He wasn’t expecting a dark little gothic pixie like cheerleader to be the one who adds some light into his world. To the world Lexi is happy, the cheerleader, the gothic girl. When Lexi looks at herself, all she sees are imperfections. She hides what she is doing from everyone, and even though Austin knows about her past he doesn’t know that she is succumbing once more to her demons. Lexi sees Austin for more than what he lets the world to see, she trusts him to not destroy her, she loves him even when most would run away. Sweet Fall had me in tears more than once. My heart broke, my stomach was in knots, and I think that every teenage girl should read this. Whether they are skinny, overweight, or in between. I used to be the skinny girl the one who couldn’t put on weight, now I could lose a few pounds thanks to my two beautiful children, but I am not overweight. I hate that this society has placed such a huge value on looks, that it causes beautiful girl to believe that if they just lose another five pounds that they will be perfect, or that if you are a bigger girl you are not beautiful when in fact beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Tillie Cole took a chance when sharing a piece of herself in Sweet Fall, and it was a chance that I am happy she took because it not only sheds light on this disease but also reminds us what we can lose when we go too far on one direction.

Absolutely Amazing!!!

This book completely wrecked me but I loved every single second of it!! It's been a while since I have read a book that grabbed me from the very first word and made me feel every single one of them. I knew this was going to be an emotional read and even though I thought I prepared myself....I didn't!! I think what really sticks with me is that it was a personal issue for Tillie that she really went thru. I'm not sure how much of Lexi's issue was really Tillie's but either way it completely broke me. I just wanted to reach thru my kindle and hug them both. Let them both know that they are beautiful no matter what size, shape or color!! Austin was going thru his own personal issues at home but even still the connection between him and Lexi was heartbreaking and beautiful. My heart broke for him and the problems he faced with his family. How much can one person take?? And just when you think life for Austin can't get any more worse....it does. That last 25% percent of the book completely wrecked me!! My heart and emotions were a mess!! When Lexi is ready to give in and give up will Austin be the one to pull her back in and show her she is worth so much more? Will they finally answer each others question? "Why the war paint, Pix?" "Why the tattoos?" That journal entry he wrote for Lexi was absolutely beautiful. As heartbreaking as some events went this is still one of my top favorite reads!! This whole series is amazing!! It's been a few days since I finished Sweet Fall and it is still with me. I can't get Austin and Lexi out of my head. Tillie Cole, you are an amazing writer and I can't wait to read more from you in the future!! I highly recommend this series to everyone!! If you haven't yet read them, you are truly missing out!!


SWEET FALL is one of the most hauntingly beautiful, emotional, heart wrenching novels I've ever read. The star-crossed romance between ex-gang banger turned Crimson Tide line backer Austin Carillo and Lexie "Pix" Hart, a teeny tiny Goth cheerleader hiding a devastating secret, is just overflowing with feels! Austin and Lexie’s union started off rocky and tumultuous (and okay, a bit scary at times!) but it evolved into a tenderhearted, INSPIRING, touching love story about overcoming crippling fear and finding true beauty from within. These two college kids loved each other fiercely, unconditionally, despite how damaged they were in the inside. No matter what hardship they faced (and believe me there were many!), they were always, without fail, there to catch one another when they fell. To support and accept one another, flaws and all. There is so much bittersweet angst and heartbreak in this book it became nearly unbearable at times, but the author depicts these characters’ emotional journey with such tenderness, insight and grace that you are riveted. Enthralled. In short, this four-hanky tearjerker is just so darn addictive that you literally Cannot. Stop. Reading. I adored Molly and Rome's romance so much in SWEET HOME and thought NOTHING the author wrote could top that, but somehow she did with Austin and Lexie's torturous, yet sweetly tender romance about two lost souls who find a lifeline in one another. To put it quite simply, Tillie Cole took this book to an entirely different level of greatness. Clearly the disorder that Lexie struggled with is near and dear to her heart, and it showed, for Ms. Cole poured so much gutwrenching emotion into each and every riveting, disturbing, guttural moment in Lexie's harrowing journey. The scenes exploring her anorexia were so gritty and raw, so unflinchingly real, that you were equal parts fascinated and horrified. As a reader I found myself feeling such an overpowering sense of protectiveness towards this gentle-hearted, fragile, broken young woman who had so much to offer the world but tried to camouflage her true damaged self beneath her war paint and fake cheery smile. But Austin always saw her as “his Pix”—the most beautiful, special girl in the world—and did everything in his power to help her see herself through his adoring eyes. As for Austin...ah, sweet, brooding, misunderstood Austin. The Italian tattooed bad boy from the trailer park who also hid his true self from the world. For beneath his tough, intimidating facade, he had an achingly lonely heart and yearned for comfort and hope and salvation. And he eventually found that in his true and forever soulmate, Lexie…the last girl on earth that he ever expected to be worthy of. My heart just throbbed for Austin! He struggled so hard to do right by his family, to set a new course for his life, to not fall prey to the sins of the past. But it seemed every step forward he took, it was two huge steps back. That poor boy just did not catch a break! His scenes with his frail, beloved Mamma just gutted me. Watching him standing by helplessly as she slowly succumbed to a terminal illness and slipped further and further away each day was so horribly cruel, but it showed the sheer power of a son's loving devotion toward his Mamma. Their scenes together were so rife with feeling, and utter hopeless desolation, that you just wanted to hug them both and never let go. To somehow take the pain way. Frankly, there were moments that were so agonizing that I didn’t know if I could keep reading. But I did. Of course I did. How could I not? Austin’s relationships with his other brothers, Axel and Levi, were both fascinating and heartbreaking in entirely different ways. One was steeped in volatility and simmering resentment; the other gruffly affectionate, fiercely protective, almost paternal in nature. But there was never a doubt that the bond between the Carillo brothers was ultimately unbreakable. (SWEET FALL sets the stage for Axel and Levi’s own books, which I know will be incredibly powerful as well.) And the bromance between Romeo and Austin was nothing short of breathtaking. We all should be lucky enough to have a big-hearted star quarterback like Romeo in our corner! Ultimately, SWEET FALL is one of those books that changes you after your read it. Makes you hold your loved ones a little closer, cherish each and every precious moment you have together. Appreciate life for in all its big, beautiful, messy glory. A “perfectly imperfect” romance with epic feels…SWEET FALL celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and will make you fall irrevocably in love.

4.5 stars!! A heavy and emotional NA romance...better have the tissues ready!

Whatever expectations I had, I didn’t count on this book being so gutwrenchingly emotional. This book made me lose my marbles and break down and ugly cry…definitely one of the more heavy and dark NA romances I’ve read this year. The characters were yanking at my heartstrings right from the beginning, and little by little, the emotion built up until it exploded in the last 20% of the book and basically nuked my heart. Thanks Tillie Cole ;) But I’m getting ahead of myself again. Back to the beginning… On the outside, Lexi Hart is a perfect college student who seems to have it all: loving family, supportive friends, and a spot on the cheer squad. But underneath, every day is a struggle for her and she’s barely keeping up. Unknown to most, Lexi is anorexic. Her body image worries and thoughts hurt her deeper than any blade could and ashamed of herself, she concocts a mask to hide behind when she’s with friends. Only alone, can she be her true self. Only alone, can she be free to give into her anorexic temptations. Austin Carillo has a boatload of problems, all invisible to most. Coming from a poor and unstable home life with a sick mother and two brothers to look after, Austin sees football as his only way out of his shithole life. But it isn’t enough and with gang problems giving him trouble, Austin is cornered between pursuing his football dream and living like a lowlife like he’s perceived to be, all in the name of providing for his family. Austin and Lexi’s romance seemed improbable at the beginning because they were so different. Aside from their circle of friends knowing each other, there is literally no overlap that should’ve happened between them so the fact that their romance did happen was totally unexpected and made it all the more intriguing. Perhaps it was because they were both broken and felt like they were shouldering the world that they had this deep, intense connection, but whatever the reason they’re able to let down their guard and be open with each other. Reading about these characters individually and what they had to go through with all the problems in their lives gave my heart a big squeeze, but that was nothing compared to the scenes where they were a couple. “Why the war paint, Pix?” “Why the tattoos?” I’m not even going to sugarcoat it – I felt overwhelmed. Reading about Lexi’s anorexia hurt, like in my chest kinda hurt, and it was all portrayed in such a raw and gritty manner I couldn’t help but be moved. Reading about Austin’s poor home life, his very real and heartbreaking struggle to keep his family together while trying so hard to make his football dream come true…all of that combined was a lot to process and emotionally digest down. And as mentioned before, all of this culminated and completely exploded in the last 20% of the book, leaving me a sobbing mess. But at the same time, I didn’t fully love the romance part. I mean, it was very clear to me that these two characters belonged and complemented each other perfectly, but because there was just SO much going on – Lexi’s illness, Austin’s home life – plus tons of external conflict ranging from gang business to side character drama, I felt like the actual romance wasn’t given enough attention, hence I had to deduct half a star. Regardless, this is a book that is guaranteed to make you FEEL and ultimately, that’s what I was looking for when I decided to read this book so overall, this one’s a winner for me! Sweet Fall is a NA romance standalone and the 3rd book in the Sweet Home series. It can be read without reading the first two books and the events in this book run parallel to those in the first one, Sweet Home.


4.5 Stars F****n' A this book was sad. Truthfully Lexi and Austin had no business pursuing a relationship. Lexi and Austin were so damaged. This is one of those stories that the couple really needed therapy. But for the sake of romance you have to believe these two people could really heal each other and get better. I cried through most of this book. Between Lexi’s problems and Austin’s interaction with his mother it was painful. Honestly that is why I am rating it a little higher because it gave me the serious feels. I can’t speak too much about Lexi’s anorexia because I have never dealt with it. But according to the author she has, so I believe the way she wrote Lexi was from the heart, and it was so painful to read. Lexi just broke my heart and I was scared for her throughout the story. The only reason I didn’t 5 star this was because of some of the choices Austin made. I really had a hard time with him and his pride. I get not asking for help but when it comes to family and life and death, and legal help is offered to you and you refuse, well that is harder for me to stomach. I was frustrated with his choices regarding Lexi because of the damage he could inflict on her. His mother saw her issue and warned him that he couldn’t give his love and take it back. She knew it would damage Lexi even more than she already was. Again you have to believe in love conquering all. On the other side of Austin he was such a good person deep down he just kept making bad choices. The scenes of him caring for his mother just gutted me. I seriously disliked Axel but I am glad he made the choice he did in the end. Sweet Fall was a really good read I am glad I continued on with the series as I really didn’t like Rome and Molly’s story.

Everyone needs to read this book.

Wow. This book was heartbreaking. I loved Lexi so much in Sweet Home and I was absolutely shocked to learn what was underneath all the goth makeup and fun loving attitude. It just goes to show how you truly never know what a person struggles with and one comment has the power to unleash the darkest of demons. Austin was everything Lexi needed and I do think she needed him. Truly truly needed him. Because it takes a beautiful soul to be able to see another broken beautiful soul and Austin was the very definition of that. I’m in awe of him. Knowing that Tillie dealt with this disorder made it even harder for me to read. This book was raw and rough and painful. Her writing spoke of the hardest truths of the life of someone who lives with this disorder. Tillie writes mainly dark romance but even in her contemporary novels she covers the harshest of subjects, the most raw topics. This was one of the most beautifully tragic books I’ve ever read. I feel like I need to take a yoga class after reading this book, get back to my center and all that stuff. My heart hurts for the people who deal with this every day. The clutches of perfection are so deep and in this world, it’s even harder. I loved this book. My respect for Tillie Cole only heightened after reading his and she owned me before I read this. Now? I’m pretty sure I’d take a bullet for this woman. Read this book. Everyone should.

Omg! What an amazing emotional roller coaster ride!

First and foremost, I want to thank the author, Tillie Cole, for bringing to life such a beautiful piece of work. I’m so glad I read the foreword to get an understanding of what lay ahead in this novel. How completely unselfish, strong and brave to expose your soul and personal experiences like that. It will be a very long time - if ever - before I can be unaffected by the tragic beauty of your words. I love a series like Sweet Home, that creates a community of people who genuinely care about each other and you know whose life journeys will continue to overlap. It is simply precious. Austin and Lexi are characters that you can’t help but embrace. Two people from completely ends of the spectrum who bond over their respective hardships, loss and tragedy. The book neither romanticises nor trivialises the seriousness of anorexia or gang life. Instead, it highlights the gravity of being caught in circumstances that seem hopeless at times and beyond redemption. For those, like me, who have no real understanding of how both these situations affect the heart and soul, this book will provide the blueprint to reaching a sense of empathy that is life changing. I’m truly grateful for the insight Sweet Fall has afforded me.

Such a moving story dedicated to all the underdogs of the world

Lexi- A beautiful goth pixie that is hiding in plain sight! She wears the tears of a clown! Lexi is dealing with a secret that could end her life. She is certain that know one notices not cares enough to see the real Lexi I underneath all the war paint! That is until she meets Austin! Austin- An Italian gang member, white trash football player from the wrong side of the tracks! He is the ticket out of the horrible life for his family. Sometimes the pressure is too much. When his problems come too close to his other life Austin stars to fall! He does not expect a little pixie of a girl to be the one to save him! Together they work and they manage to have a sweet fall before they crash into their problems! Can Lexi and Austin overcome their problems to savor the sweetest reward in love? I loved this book!It was worth all the 🌟🌟🌟🌟's Review by @bookluvr964. Follow me on Twitter!

6 STARS - Each book in this series is better than the last. HOW is that even possible???

“We all have secrets. Secrets well buried. Until we find the one soul who makes the burden of such secrets just that little bit easier to bear.” “It’s funny. I used to look up at the stars and feel so small and unimportant. But I’ve come to realize that the only thing that can ever make you feel alive and important is the one person who takes you for you.” When I began this series a few days ago, I was totally unprepared for what I was getting into. This series has been recommended to me many, many times by both bloggers and readers alike. Everyone raving about what a an amazing series it is, and although I was late to kickoff, I have now found myself at the end of the third book, the second book in the series actually, and emotionally I feel worn, wrung out and my heart still aches a bit. Rome and Molly’s story was very intense and powerful, very emotional and heartfelt. Of and then I decided to read the next book immediately, probably not the smartest move I ever made, but now I wouldn’t change a thing. Sweet Fall is Lexi and Austin’s story and I wasn’t clever enough to read the blurb first, I just dove in head first feeling excited for yet another book in a series that had totally been owning me thus far. I opened the book and read the first pages and that was enough to tell me, that this book was going to be intense in a whole new way. When an author shares pieces of themselves in a story no matter how small, it is always magical, but when they pour their most intimate experiences and struggles into a story it becomes something else. More real, more personal, more affecting. Knowing where Tillie Cole was going to go and what she would have to re-live in order to create this story had my heart aching before I had even began the reading the actual story… “If I had a type, he would be it. But I didn’t date and from what I’d heard, neither did he.” Lexi and Austin were introduced to us in Sweet Home, and we saw even more of them in Sweet Rome, but we didn’t know very much about them other than they were members of the core group, close friends with both Molly and Rome, Cass, Ally and JD. We knew that Austin was a phenomenal football player, a wide receiver aiming to land on NFL Draft just as Rome had, he has a reputation, two brothers, a sick Momma, and that Rome was one of the only people that knew about his childhood and the life he ultimately left behind to attend UA. Molly is a young woman who on the outside appears, happy, perky, peppy and easy going despite her emo clothes and makeup. She is also a member of the UA cheerleading squad, a position that she has wanted to hold since she started going to school here 3 years ago. What we learn in Sweet Fall is that we didn’t know much at all, Lexi and Austin have so much going on in their lives that no one else knows about. Both of them are only showing others what they want them to see. They are both wearing masks. Austin is struggling with guilt and obligation, feeling like he has abandoned his family in many ways and Lexi is struggling to hold onto her recovery, but losing the battle daily. Recovery from what? I’m not going into that, but I will say this, it is something that in one way or another has affected most women at one point in their life. The disease is terrifically brutal. Lexi and Austin’s story is going to hold you in its very firm grasp from the moment you begin until you’ve absorbed every last word. Their relationship is complicated and it seems doomed from the very start, but it’s also a relationship that you find yourself rooting for, even when it seems impossible. Tillie Cole didn’t just write a story with this book, she called on some very powerful emotions and revisited what I’m sure had to be a very hard time in her life in order to give us this book, I cannot imagine what that must have been like for her, but saying that it is incredibly brave, is just a massive understatement. I felt every ounce of the sadness, conflict, and struggle, but I also felt the courage, the determination and in the end the peace that came once the story was finally winding to a close. “I don’t need to look up at the stars to feel inferior, Austin. All I have to do is open my eyes and look at myself in the mirror.” “So you see, Pix, I have scars too. It’s just mine are on the outside where everyone can see.” The story is not for the faint of heart, it goes to some dark places at times, and what plagues these characters along the way is not resolved easily. Sweet Fall is astonishing; it’s a vivid story that will have your emotions running all over the place. I shed more tears over the course of this book, then I’m sure is normal or socially acceptable but the story is just so intense that it was impossible to not become lost in it. I had to constantly remind myself that it wasn’t real time and time again. When I finally finished it, I was left grinning ear to ear, like a total loon, and my heart felt healed. I felt overjoyed for Lexi and Austin. I am so proud of how far they had come from where they had started and how much they had grown and overcome to get to their own very special happily ever after. “Why the war paint, Pix? Because I can't stand the girl underneath.... "Why the tattoos ?" Because I can't bear seeing the scars of my past.” Sweet Fall is overwhelmingly emotional and powerful; it might also be the best book I’ve read by Tillie Cole to date. That’s saying a lot because I have read all of the Hades Hangmen books and I loved those as well. Something about this book though resonated with on a much deeper level. That connection and those overwhelming feelings we have only when we experience a truly great book is why we all read isn’t it? This book reminded me all over again of why I started my blog, why I now read and review, and why it is truly an honor to spend hours wrapped up in the stories that will never leave our hearts or minds. “But I’m lost without you. I can’t breathe without you. Without you here, all I can do is fall…”

Not what I expected..

Let me say a few words before the review. This can be read as a stand-alone. This book has very emotional dark themes and may cause triggers to some. Read the blurb, heed the warnings. This book wasn't at all what I expected. When you read Sweet Home it's pretty much a bright love story, not reading the blurb to this and just jumping in, boy, did I get a shock. We have Lexi, she's suffering demons inside her that so many people suffer from in silence. Anorexia nervosa, it's a dangerous life long disease. Lexi, thinks she's doing well on her road to recovery so she starts taking back her life. Along the way, that voice in her head is just getting louder and louder. We meet Lexi in book one, but didn't really hear or see much from her, now you find out why ... she didn't want to be seen. She couldn't hide behind the make-up and clothes if she was in the spot light. Then we have Carillo, he has a long, dark, and seedy past. He has a mother dying from ALS, a brother second in command (for one of the most dangerous gangs), a gang he (Cadillo) barely escaped from, and is also trying to keep his younger brother out of the gang. He was also in book one as Rome's best friend. We also didn't get to know much about him then either. He was trying to keep out of the light to hide what all he was doing when that dark past started to lure him back in with the excuse of family. While returning from an appointment, Lexi, witnesses something that could ruin the lives of some very dangerous people who don't like to have any witness alive to risk their downfall, can Carillo keep her safe? Is it worth the cost to go against his family/gang? So if you thought you had angst in book one, think again. While Lexi and Carillo try to keep themselves from falling back into the dark abyss of their past, they have to find away to keep each other in the light. The only thing I didn't like about this book that I struggled with was his nickname for Lexi, Pix. I was so close to quoting after it being used 233 times. The story was strong enough to keep me going, but that Pix, was almost my braking point. I would recommend this book/series. At the time of this review four books are out. Onto book four.

Sweet Fall will have you falling for Austin

Reviewed for I'm A Sweet And Sassy Book Whore Sweet Fall, like the previous two books deals with some tough and dark issues. One of these issues the author wrote a personal note before the beginning of the book, it made for an even more emotional read because this was something she herself has battled. I will not say what I am referring to because I want you to read about it for yourself. I know I have had friends who have also battled this, luckily not to this extreme like Lexi, but enough that we were all worried. Austin and Lexi’s relationship is so filled with darkness, pain, heartbreak and loss. Austin is trying his hardest to keep his mother, who is suffering from ALS, proud of him and as pain free as possible in her last days. He has a gangbanger past, one that most look down on him for. All they see is the tattoos, the signs of his violence. What they don’t see is the son who loves his mother, his older brother and his younger brother so much that he risks his own happiness to take care of his mom. He wasn’t expecting a dark little gothic pixie like cheerleader to be the one who adds some light into his world. To the world Lexi is happy, the cheerleader, the gothic girl. When Lexi looks at herself, all she sees are imperfections. She hides what she is doing from everyone, and even though Austin knows about her past he doesn’t know that she is succumbing once more to her demons. Lexi sees Austin for more than what he lets the world to see, she trusts him to not destroy her, she loves him even when most would run away. Sweet Fall had me in tears more than once. My heart broke, my stomach was in knots, and I think that every teenage girl should read this. Whether they are skinny, overweight, or in between. I used to be the skinny girl the one who couldn’t put on weight, now I could lose a few pounds thanks to my two beautiful children, but I am not overweight. I hate that this society has placed such a huge value on looks, that it causes beautiful girl to believe that if they just lose another five pounds that they will be perfect, or that if you are a bigger girl you are not beautiful when in fact beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Tillie Cole took a chance when sharing a piece of herself in Sweet Fall, and it was a chance that I am happy she took because it not only sheds light on this disease but also reminds us what we can lose when we go too far on one direction.

Absolutely Amazing!!!

This book completely wrecked me but I loved every single second of it!! It's been a while since I have read a book that grabbed me from the very first word and made me feel every single one of them. I knew this was going to be an emotional read and even though I thought I prepared myself....I didn't!! I think what really sticks with me is that it was a personal issue for Tillie that she really went thru. I'm not sure how much of Lexi's issue was really Tillie's but either way it completely broke me. I just wanted to reach thru my kindle and hug them both. Let them both know that they are beautiful no matter what size, shape or color!! Austin was going thru his own personal issues at home but even still the connection between him and Lexi was heartbreaking and beautiful. My heart broke for him and the problems he faced with his family. How much can one person take?? And just when you think life for Austin can't get any more worse....it does. That last 25% percent of the book completely wrecked me!! My heart and emotions were a mess!! When Lexi is ready to give in and give up will Austin be the one to pull her back in and show her she is worth so much more? Will they finally answer each others question? "Why the war paint, Pix?" "Why the tattoos?" That journal entry he wrote for Lexi was absolutely beautiful. As heartbreaking as some events went this is still one of my top favorite reads!! This whole series is amazing!! It's been a few days since I finished Sweet Fall and it is still with me. I can't get Austin and Lexi out of my head. Tillie Cole, you are an amazing writer and I can't wait to read more from you in the future!! I highly recommend this series to everyone!! If you haven't yet read them, you are truly missing out!!


SWEET FALL is one of the most hauntingly beautiful, emotional, heart wrenching novels I've ever read. The star-crossed romance between ex-gang banger turned Crimson Tide line backer Austin Carillo and Lexie "Pix" Hart, a teeny tiny Goth cheerleader hiding a devastating secret, is just overflowing with feels! Austin and Lexie’s union started off rocky and tumultuous (and okay, a bit scary at times!) but it evolved into a tenderhearted, INSPIRING, touching love story about overcoming crippling fear and finding true beauty from within. These two college kids loved each other fiercely, unconditionally, despite how damaged they were in the inside. No matter what hardship they faced (and believe me there were many!), they were always, without fail, there to catch one another when they fell. To support and accept one another, flaws and all. There is so much bittersweet angst and heartbreak in this book it became nearly unbearable at times, but the author depicts these characters’ emotional journey with such tenderness, insight and grace that you are riveted. Enthralled. In short, this four-hanky tearjerker is just so darn addictive that you literally Cannot. Stop. Reading. I adored Molly and Rome's romance so much in SWEET HOME and thought NOTHING the author wrote could top that, but somehow she did with Austin and Lexie's torturous, yet sweetly tender romance about two lost souls who find a lifeline in one another. To put it quite simply, Tillie Cole took this book to an entirely different level of greatness. Clearly the disorder that Lexie struggled with is near and dear to her heart, and it showed, for Ms. Cole poured so much gutwrenching emotion into each and every riveting, disturbing, guttural moment in Lexie's harrowing journey. The scenes exploring her anorexia were so gritty and raw, so unflinchingly real, that you were equal parts fascinated and horrified. As a reader I found myself feeling such an overpowering sense of protectiveness towards this gentle-hearted, fragile, broken young woman who had so much to offer the world but tried to camouflage her true damaged self beneath her war paint and fake cheery smile. But Austin always saw her as “his Pix”—the most beautiful, special girl in the world—and did everything in his power to help her see herself through his adoring eyes. As for Austin...ah, sweet, brooding, misunderstood Austin. The Italian tattooed bad boy from the trailer park who also hid his true self from the world. For beneath his tough, intimidating facade, he had an achingly lonely heart and yearned for comfort and hope and salvation. And he eventually found that in his true and forever soulmate, Lexie…the last girl on earth that he ever expected to be worthy of. My heart just throbbed for Austin! He struggled so hard to do right by his family, to set a new course for his life, to not fall prey to the sins of the past. But it seemed every step forward he took, it was two huge steps back. That poor boy just did not catch a break! His scenes with his frail, beloved Mamma just gutted me. Watching him standing by helplessly as she slowly succumbed to a terminal illness and slipped further and further away each day was so horribly cruel, but it showed the sheer power of a son's loving devotion toward his Mamma. Their scenes together were so rife with feeling, and utter hopeless desolation, that you just wanted to hug them both and never let go. To somehow take the pain way. Frankly, there were moments that were so agonizing that I didn’t know if I could keep reading. But I did. Of course I did. How could I not? Austin’s relationships with his other brothers, Axel and Levi, were both fascinating and heartbreaking in entirely different ways. One was steeped in volatility and simmering resentment; the other gruffly affectionate, fiercely protective, almost paternal in nature. But there was never a doubt that the bond between the Carillo brothers was ultimately unbreakable. (SWEET FALL sets the stage for Axel and Levi’s own books, which I know will be incredibly powerful as well.) And the bromance between Romeo and Austin was nothing short of breathtaking. We all should be lucky enough to have a big-hearted star quarterback like Romeo in our corner! Ultimately, SWEET FALL is one of those books that changes you after your read it. Makes you hold your loved ones a little closer, cherish each and every precious moment you have together. Appreciate life for in all its big, beautiful, messy glory. A “perfectly imperfect” romance with epic feels…SWEET FALL celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and will make you fall irrevocably in love.

4.5 stars!! A heavy and emotional NA romance...better have the tissues ready!

Whatever expectations I had, I didn’t count on this book being so gutwrenchingly emotional. This book made me lose my marbles and break down and ugly cry…definitely one of the more heavy and dark NA romances I’ve read this year. The characters were yanking at my heartstrings right from the beginning, and little by little, the emotion built up until it exploded in the last 20% of the book and basically nuked my heart. Thanks Tillie Cole ;) But I’m getting ahead of myself again. Back to the beginning… On the outside, Lexi Hart is a perfect college student who seems to have it all: loving family, supportive friends, and a spot on the cheer squad. But underneath, every day is a struggle for her and she’s barely keeping up. Unknown to most, Lexi is anorexic. Her body image worries and thoughts hurt her deeper than any blade could and ashamed of herself, she concocts a mask to hide behind when she’s with friends. Only alone, can she be her true self. Only alone, can she be free to give into her anorexic temptations. Austin Carillo has a boatload of problems, all invisible to most. Coming from a poor and unstable home life with a sick mother and two brothers to look after, Austin sees football as his only way out of his shithole life. But it isn’t enough and with gang problems giving him trouble, Austin is cornered between pursuing his football dream and living like a lowlife like he’s perceived to be, all in the name of providing for his family. Austin and Lexi’s romance seemed improbable at the beginning because they were so different. Aside from their circle of friends knowing each other, there is literally no overlap that should’ve happened between them so the fact that their romance did happen was totally unexpected and made it all the more intriguing. Perhaps it was because they were both broken and felt like they were shouldering the world that they had this deep, intense connection, but whatever the reason they’re able to let down their guard and be open with each other. Reading about these characters individually and what they had to go through with all the problems in their lives gave my heart a big squeeze, but that was nothing compared to the scenes where they were a couple. “Why the war paint, Pix?” “Why the tattoos?” I’m not even going to sugarcoat it – I felt overwhelmed. Reading about Lexi’s anorexia hurt, like in my chest kinda hurt, and it was all portrayed in such a raw and gritty manner I couldn’t help but be moved. Reading about Austin’s poor home life, his very real and heartbreaking struggle to keep his family together while trying so hard to make his football dream come true…all of that combined was a lot to process and emotionally digest down. And as mentioned before, all of this culminated and completely exploded in the last 20% of the book, leaving me a sobbing mess. But at the same time, I didn’t fully love the romance part. I mean, it was very clear to me that these two characters belonged and complemented each other perfectly, but because there was just SO much going on – Lexi’s illness, Austin’s home life – plus tons of external conflict ranging from gang business to side character drama, I felt like the actual romance wasn’t given enough attention, hence I had to deduct half a star. Regardless, this is a book that is guaranteed to make you FEEL and ultimately, that’s what I was looking for when I decided to read this book so overall, this one’s a winner for me! Sweet Fall is a NA romance standalone and the 3rd book in the Sweet Home series. It can be read without reading the first two books and the events in this book run parallel to those in the first one, Sweet Home.


4.5 Stars F****n' A this book was sad. Truthfully Lexi and Austin had no business pursuing a relationship. Lexi and Austin were so damaged. This is one of those stories that the couple really needed therapy. But for the sake of romance you have to believe these two people could really heal each other and get better. I cried through most of this book. Between Lexi’s problems and Austin’s interaction with his mother it was painful. Honestly that is why I am rating it a little higher because it gave me the serious feels. I can’t speak too much about Lexi’s anorexia because I have never dealt with it. But according to the author she has, so I believe the way she wrote Lexi was from the heart, and it was so painful to read. Lexi just broke my heart and I was scared for her throughout the story. The only reason I didn’t 5 star this was because of some of the choices Austin made. I really had a hard time with him and his pride. I get not asking for help but when it comes to family and life and death, and legal help is offered to you and you refuse, well that is harder for me to stomach. I was frustrated with his choices regarding Lexi because of the damage he could inflict on her. His mother saw her issue and warned him that he couldn’t give his love and take it back. She knew it would damage Lexi even more than she already was. Again you have to believe in love conquering all. On the other side of Austin he was such a good person deep down he just kept making bad choices. The scenes of him caring for his mother just gutted me. I seriously disliked Axel but I am glad he made the choice he did in the end. Sweet Fall was a really good read I am glad I continued on with the series as I really didn’t like Rome and Molly’s story.

When you have no other choice, you will do anything to save the ones you love the most.

Austin Carillo, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks. His older brother is in a gang and deals in drugs. His younger brother is on the cusp of either following the same path as the eldest one or following the path the Austin is trying to carve out for himself. Austin has the potential to be drafted into the NFL and pull his family out of the trailer park, into a life their mother dreams for them. His mother is terminally ill and the cost of her medication falls on her three sons. The oldest son, Axel, is covering it at the moment with dirty money but desperate times call for desperate measures. Austin is a reserved guy, he doesn’t share his private life with anyone. Even his best mate Rome isn’t privy to the depth of what is going on at home. Lexi Hart’s path crosses with Austin, they have friends in common but what neither of them realise is that they have more in common than that. Lexi covers her problems with heavy make up and dark clothing, a gothic looking pixie. None of her friends know that she harbours a secret, something that she battles with every day. ‘As I stared at the painted girl in the mirror, tears filled my eyes at the truth of the eyesore before me. I wasn’t worthy. I was severely lacking.’ - Lexi Austin & Lexi are drawn to each other, like a moth to a flame. They see something in each other that has them opening up and confiding in each other. As Austin struggles with his home life, Lexi is falling deeper into a dark hole that she may not be able to burrow out of. ‘You’re no burden to me Pix. You’re safe in my arms, where you belong.’ Austin Austin’s life begins to crumble around him and he has to take measures he never wanted to again. When you have no other choice, you will do anything to save the ones you love the most.

Sweet Fall brings the feels

"Breathe deep. Be strong. Be brave. And if you fall, look up to the stars and reach for their glittering lights. You are meant to stand tall with the rest of the world. You are not damaged… You are beautiful." Even the dedication is beautiful. Tillie Cole has definitely succeeded in bringing two very different worlds together to create the emotional, and at times heartbreaking, story of Lexi and Austin. Lexington Hart is the Goth chick cheerleader. Appearing bubbly in spite of her Goth-like appearance she is hiding behind a mask of insecurity and self doubt that flares in the form of anorexia. Austin Carillo is the bad boy football player. The tatted up former gang member that is being pulled in too many directions; family, football, and now the cheerleader that witnessed his brother dealing snow on campus. Between their game connection, their friends and then a chance encounter at the local hospital, circumstances throw Lexi and Austin together over and over. Still hiding behind their masks, they tiptoe into a relationship but complication after complication keep bringing them down. I can't spoil anything so I have to stop. Just know that I love this series and Austin and Lexi gave me the serious feels. You can't help but to love this odd couple and your heart will ache for them.

I didn't have enough cry-baby tissue. EXCELLENT BOOK

I have read the first two books of this series. I waited awhile to read this third book, why I do not have a clue. This book was outstanding. The first two books were great and I did so enjoy them. BUT, my reading friends, this book was written like it came from each character in the book. MS Cole has a talent that will amaze you. All her books are unique and they will take you to the"top level" of reading greatness. YES, SHE IS THAT GOOD!!! I will advise her to get some better editing. The editing was so disappointing when you are reading a book this good. The flow of the book and the story itself was amazing. The description of the characters and the H/ H was outstanding. I liked how she used Italian in her book. (Very thankful for the translation too). The intimacy of the sex in the book was intense and HOT HOT!!! I wish I could say more, but then we would get into " spoiler" territory, and I don't do spoilers. If I could this book would get a rating of 8.5. The only thing that takes away from the book is the editing. So my book friends, I am encouraging you to get this book. You will enjoy it more if you start at the beginning of the series. I'm excited about the next book. I am sure I will love it too. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BOOK AND THE SERIES. HAPPY READING MY BOOK FRIENDS....

Make You Feel My Love.

This is the third book in the `Sweet' series and I did not like this one as much as `Sweet Home' and `Sweet Rome'. Don't get me wrong it was a fine story- just I felt more connected to Rome and Molly as opposed to Lexi and Austin, but I liked them enough to breeze through their story in a few hours. Lexi and Austin both battle their own demons- in reality, demons of their own making. Yeah, yeah you can blame society, your lot in life, and the lack of choice sometimes, but here they make choices that alter their entire, fragile worlds and you can identify with them at certain points- just it gets a little slow sometimes with the back and forth that occurs. I mean I get the reasons that the author goes this way- to add to the emotional build ups and create the free fall that always happened after and the essential `awe man my life is *^$# without you' moment. This is the new adult format and where some authors take it too long, Cole does not and for that she gets 4 out of stars (I am feeling generous today) Lexi deals with real issues and I found that I understood what she struggled with and why so many young girls fall into this pattern. Cole does make an excellent argument for choice throughout the story and this plays well with the destructive behaviors of both characters. While Lexi struggles with herself, Austin struggles with being who he should be and who he cannot let go of. I do not want to give too much away- but the struggle of obligation/family/violence/escape is dealt with well. There are a few slowdowns for me, which is why there is no 5/5 rating. Lexi and Austin are unexpected and sweet together- and they represent young love well: the ability to find yourself- your courage, your beauty, your strength- because someone else sees it even at your worst. Overall: 3.5/5 Moderate levels of language, violence, sexuality, drug/alcohol use. High level of talk about mental disease.

Sweet Fall is such an emotional read

4.5 Heartbreaking Stars Wow! This is story is so much different then the other books in the series. Sweet Fall is such an emotional read, their stories broke my heart. Lexi Hart is a senior cheerleader for the University of Alabama, and Austin Carillo is the star wide receiver - sounds like the perfect college life, right? This is the perfect story of things not being as they seem. Lexi may be a varsity cheerleader, but that doesn’t change fact that she battles with an eating disorder. While Austin is the star on the field he is barely surviving off the field with his family's gang relation and dying mother. This story blew me away and broke my heart! I had no idea the internal battle and thoughts of someone with an eating disorder. Now, I will say this Tillie Cole does state that these are not everyone’s thoughts and she isn’t a doctor. Okay, back on track. My point being until you have lived that life you can’t imagine what they go through. I have had friends with eating disorders, watched Lifetime movies, and read about them, but I have never really thought about the constant battle they face. I am so glad Ms. Cole was brave enough to write about this, it definitely makes me more sympathetic and caution of the possible signs. The story of Austin’s struggles was just as heart breaking and beautiful. Struggling with knowing what is right, but what you have to do for survival. I loved how Austin was with his mother, brothers and Lexi. Since this story is told in dual POV you are able to grasp the challenges and heartbreak both characters feel. If I could go back in time, I would find you. I would search the world to seek you out and make you fall in love with me once more. I loved this story, and highly recommend!

Heavy yet sweet

Don’t let the fact that Sweet Fall is a sports romance set on a college campus deceive you. This isn’t a New Adult romantic comedy – at all. It deals with some heavy subject matter, but it still manages to be… well… sweet. Lexi and Austin are two college seniors who are each living inauthentic lives. To their friends, Lexi is the perky emo cheerleader, and Austin is the strong NFL-bound football player. In reality, they both wear masks to protect their insecurities, fears, and dark secrets. Their friendship gets off to a rocky start when they meet, but soon they recognize a kindred spirit with concealed pain. Safe from judgments, they begin to let their masks slip around each other. The book is well written and quite thought provoking. Outward appearances can be so deceiving. How well do we really know what goes on inside someone’s life? I won’t delve into the secrets both characters are hiding, but Sweet Fall is very eye opening in its frank examination of stigmatized social issues. While the romance between Lexi and Austin is featured heavily, it’s the social issues and the importance of family that are the focal points of the story. Sweet Fall is a continuation of the Sweet Home series and although it can be read as a standalone, it is more meaningful if you read Sweet Home first.

Explains my gripe about bk 1

My gripe from bk 1 was about always talking about the heavy friend loving food and not mentioning any issues with the cheerleader's character having food issues. Well I wrote too soon. While I give 3 stars, I give the writing for that character 4. She's definitely written from the heart of the author and I learned from Lexie's journey about the disease. Just very well done. But I was not a fan of the overall story. I didn't find it believable that a mother with ALS, with 3 children, would be too proud to accept help from another child she helped raise if it helped keep her boys out of a gang that sold drugs, tattooed their face, and threatened their life daily to make $ to provide her with pain meds. Since she came from a good family and was an aspiring opera singer in her youth, I couldn't see her as hard. Especially since she wanted them out of the gang. If that could have been tweaked believable it would have been a good story.

Breathtakingly Beautiful

First I’d like to say thank you to Tillie Cole for sharing a part of yourself with your readers. I felt more connected to the story because of it. This was a beautiful story and could not but it down. My heart went out to Lexi for her disease and her struggles to get it under control and live with it, but not let it brag her back down. It’s just like being an alcoholic, you’re never cured you just learn to control it instead of it controlling you. But my heat actually ached for Austin. The poor guy couldn’t catch a break . With his troubles between his gang and his brother, and then the illness of his poor mother. I don’t know I just felt so sad for him. This was really good. Highly recommend.

Sweet Fall to my bed crying my eyes out.

Oh my eyes. This book had me crying every other page. The Carillo boys with their momma killed me. Austin Carillo managed the impossible. He was released from a gang so he could attend the University of Alabama on scholarship and play football. But his older brother, Axel, is thoroughly embedded in the gang in order to take care of their dying mother. But Axel dealing on campus is making trouble for Austin. Lexi cheers for the Tide. She's a flyer because of her slight frame. She's supposedly on the road to recovery from Anorexia but college life is pushing all of her triggers. Austin is attracted to the pixie goth girl but the two didn't have a great first introduction when Lexi witnessed something she shouldn't have. There were a few things I didn't like. I wish Austin swallowed his pride and let his friend, Rome, help him pay for his mother's medicine. That's not an offer you turn down. Plus, I just didn't get how Lexi's friends let her lose so much weight without interfering. But I suppose if someone wants to hide it bad enough they can. Otherwise, this book was a real winner. An emotional ride. I'm diving right into Sweet Hope.


The story Sweet Fall, written by the amazing Tillie Cole, was absolutely beautiful. I enjoyed every moment of this story. I especially loved knowing that it was going to have a happy ending. Austin and Lexi both have broken pasts from their childhoods, that continue to follow them even in their young adult lives. They both on their own try to fight their demons and have to try to fight their pasts. They soon learn however, that they are stronger together rather than apart. Lexi has never been with a man before. Never been in love, never been kissed. But when she's with Austin, he's everything that she has every wanted. Austin has been with women before but he's never been in love. Never cared for a woman. He's never given himself completely to a woman. But he realizes that with Lexi, she's everything he needs and has ever wanted. At one point they come to think that they both have too much baggage and they can't have a typical relationship. Thankfully they later realize they cannot be without the other one. They are stronger together than apart. He needs her and she needs him. I loved that this is not your typical love story that everyone seems to be writing. Austin is dirt poor and covered in tattoos. Lexi has been fighting a serious illness every day since she was sixteen years old. This story was amazing. This was a story hope and finding your soulmate. I gave this book five stars because the author did such an amazing job. I highly recommend this book. This story held my attention and I was a little sad when it was over. Tillie Cole is one of my favorite authors and this book was highly anticipated. She did not disappoint. I'm telling you, this is a great story. You will not be disappointed.

Why the war paint? Why the tattoos? We all hide behind facades..but who can see through them??

I am late to the show, but these Sweet Home books by Tillie Cole are amazing! I'm not always a NA genre reader, but she has me. Hook, line and sinker. All of these series of standalones takes place in Alabama and centers around the Tide football team and it's members. This book is Lexi and Austin's story. The "dark, emo, waif cheerleader" and the tattooed, trailer trash, troubled receiver of the Alabama Tide take center stage and the pain and tears that will come from this story is heartbreaking. It's real and haunting and oh so tragic. Lexi is someone that writes to a friend by way of a diary that has passed from a similar disease to hers. It breaks me each and every time she puts her stats on the pages. Then there is Austin who has shed his past for the sake of his family to become a star at Alabama. But his past haunts him and brings up things he has to fall back into. Combining their pain and the way they go to protect each other is what makes this story real, raw, haunting and filled with tears on each page. Body image, College image, Protecting family, the way we have to be portrayed to protect one's around us. "She concealed her tears but shared her smiles." This is a trigger book and this is a book that will stay with you. Mama Carillo (Austin's mama) has some major poignant roles in this book and sees everything for what it's worth. She may not be able to take care of herself, but she opened everyone's eyes to what was going on around them. Now they have to decide where they are going with their future. Amazing book that broke me and touched me. Wow. Just wow.

Beautiful Story!

This can be read as a standalone. This was my first Tillie Cole book that I read. Sweet Fall is a beautiful yet heart wrenching novel that touches on many of life’s struggles. (Some that are rarely spoken of). Lexi is a senior and “peppy” cheerleader at the University of Alabama. She is quiet, dark, beautiful, and hiding a secret, something she has been struggling with for years. Austin is a starting wide receiver for the football team. He is dark, handsome and hiding a secret too – his past. With Lexi’s disorder taking control of her and Austin’s past plaguing his future, these two might realize that they need each other – more than they will ever know. I was hooked into this story! Lexi appears to be a normal woman who is succeeding in life but there is always more than meets the eyes. As I was reading on, Lexi’s disorder started to consume her and It consumed me as a reader. It is absolutely heart breaking and (honestly) hard to understand but Tillie Cole did such a great job of writing/showing it. It really made it easier for me to follow especially since I have no experience with this disorder. Austin’s past with gangs and drugs is also a difficult situation. He values his family and loves his bed-ridden, sick mother so much. His struggles are just as extreme as Lexi’s. Both of them together are perfect. Their chemistry as first lacked but once they start to get to know each other and break down walls, I couldn’t stop rooting for them! I highly recommend this novel! Check it out!


“It’s funny. I used to look up at the stars and feel so small and unimportant. But I’ve come to realize that the only thing that can ever make you feel alive and important is the one person who takes you for you." What an amazing quote to really drive home the meaning behind Lexington Hart and Austin Carillo's story. Two characters from opposite worlds with tragic backgrounds defining them. They wear facades for all to see while secretly knowing their personal truths. From everyone in their lives...they hide... "Why the tattoo's Austin?" A single question posed to a roughneck "Heighter's for life" man. A football superstar trying to make a life for his famiglia. He is hard and strong, yet vulnerable and so good hearted. He is different from the norm around 'Bama football, a freak perhaps. "Why the war paint Pix?" A petite girl with a good heart and terrible self image. She lives everyday in constant battle with a voice inside her head telling her she is not good enough. Conscious of every aspect of her body, she is slowly losing her fight to "live" healthy. What an unlikey pairing of couples...what a perfectly imperfect love story of epic proportions! In a strong emotional tale, Lexi and Austin find that when true love exists, the façade slips and only the inner beauty is seen. There is a push to be better, to do better...a true NEED for one another. In the face of violence, fear, and even death...there is true beauty in strength. For me this book is profound! It is going right up to the top of my 2014 favorite list! Tillie Cole wrote Lexi's struggle with such honesty and raw emotion that I found myself wiping away tears as I read her innermost thoughts. As for Austin...I find myself a bit speechless when it comes to his character. His loyalty to his friends and family is unmatched, his love and sacrifice for his mother is moving, and the fight for his Pix is amazing. Thank you Tillie Cole for this truth...If one person struggling to accept their image can grasp onto the hope this inspires then you have surpassed so much more than writing a successful book!

Just Sweet Enough

Being from the South and a huge college football girl, I have totally fallen in love wit this series. The guys and ladies in this series are all very well written and real. I thought I couldn't possible love characters more than Molly and Rome, but I just fell head over heels for Lexi and Austin. Their love story is beautiful and unfolds slowly. Each has their own private battle and secrets destroying them from the inside. I applaud Tillie Cole for using her own private experiences to give Lexi such a crucial authenticity. I would applaud and cry for Lexi with every small victory and following decline in her fight to overcome. The unbelievable power of words and the devastation they cause is all too real, especially for young women. While some may feel Austin's story may be reaching, I was very drawn in by it. These young men, boys really, that we see give such heart to play sports come from various backgrounds. Often the reason they excel at sports is because it is their only option to having a better life. Austin's character fights to get away from his horrific past but cannot find a way to completely sever ties, without turning his back on his family. I just have to mention this story became one of my favorites because of the playlist. If you have never heard Coldplay's "Sky Full of Stars" you need to immediately. To me, this song is just a beautiful way to say I love you to someone who may be struggling with self worth. Kudos to the author for using it; it's one of my favorites!

Sometimes you have to fight very hard to make your dreams come true.

Before I start my review I want to say ‘thank you’ to the writer Tillie Cole for writing this emotional (and for her personal) story. It couldn’t be easy to write this, to share this with the world but she did it and through this story I have the feeling that I understand this eat-disorder a little bit more. So thank you! After reading and loving ‘Sweet home’ (the first book of this series) I couldn’t wait to read ‘Sweet fall’ the next story in this series. We already met Lexington ‘Lexi’ Hart and Austin Carillo in the first book ‘Sweet home’ of this series. Being the best friends of Molly and Romeo, we saw them a lot in the first book but after reading their story in ‘Sweet fall’ I realize now that we only saw a small part of them in the first book. There is a lot hidden under the surface. She did it! Lexington ‘Lexi’ Hart is a senior at the University of Alabama and she’s a cheerleader of the Crimson Tide cheer squad! Something that she didn’t believe possible a few years back but she has work hard to make it possible and she made it! But Lexi is no fool, she knows that she has to be careful. Because she’s knows that it can all change in a second. But for now everything is going fine. Austin Carillo is also living his big dream. He’s a starting Wide Receiver for the Alabama Crimson Tide. Being born on the wrong side of the track, Austin never though he would make it so far but he did thanks to his talent for playing football and his best friend Rome. Now, the next big step is to get picked in this year’s NFL draft. He’s almost there, he just has to stay on the right pad and then he can save his family from poverty. But just like it happens many times, life has a way to bring someone back to reality and this also happens to Austin. Because the sad truth is that his mother doesn’t has a couple of months left. She’s very sick and she needs medication now. Austin’s two brothers are doing what they can to provide for this but the bills are piling up. They need more money and they need it now! Although Lexi and Austin know each other through their friends Molly and Rome, they didn’t talk much with each other. But then one night changes everything and nothing will ever be the same again for the both of them. After that one night they meet each other again and again in different circumstances. They talk to each other and get to know each other more and more. And the more they get to know each other, the more they realize that they’re both hiding a lot of things. Things that not even their best friends know about. Things that could destroy them and their future. A future that they fought so hard for but that could be destroyed by a whisper, by a word. Austin and Lexi never dreamt that they would find love with each other but sometimes love isn’t enough, sometimes life forces you to make hard decisions. And that’s just what Austin has to do, to help his mother he has to go back on a path that he never though he had to take again, a path away from Lex and football, not knowing that in taking that path Lexi will fall from her path too. Will Austin find his way back on time to save Lexi or will he lose everything? Just like with ‘Sweet home’ Tillie Cole got my attention for the start and she hold it throughout the story. It was emotional at times but I loved it just as much as ‘Sweet home’ if not more! I found Lex and Austin perfect for each other and loved both very much. Although they’re both from different worlds, they have one thing in common, they’re both different from the people around them and I loved that about them. I liked the fact that the story was told from both their POV’s, I loved it that I knew what was happening in both their lives and heads. I can’t wait to read more of this series!


Never have I cried so much throughout a book in my life. Sweet Fall is one of those rare, beautiful, heart wrenching love stories that will literally leave you breathless after every page. After reading I was left with a sense of hope, with a sense of belonging, and with a sense of just being grateful for being alive. Grateful for Tillie Cole for writing this amazing story that gripped my heart and didn't let ago until the very end. Sweet Fall focuses around Austin Carillo and Lexington Hart, two beloved secondary characters from book 1. This book by far was my favorite in the series. Tillie Cole is brilliant at writing raw, real, gritty, and emotionally filled stories and this one was no exception. She managed to write about a personal moment in her life and make it shine so beautiful. There were moments I had to stop and get myself together because the Heroine’s inner struggles were so touching. Lexi, has suffered from an eating disorder since she was sixteen. Now a senior, she’s living her dream and she once again goes back to doing what she loves; cheerleading. But Lexi hides her true self under “the war paint” and dark clothes. For she struggles to find inner beauty. Deep down she’s broken, feels ugly, fat, and unworthy. Being back on the cheer squad is bringing back that ominous voice inside her head that torments her and threatens to pull her back into the darkness. Austin, he’s the boy from the wrong side of the track. He grew up in a trailer park and was introduced to the gang life at a young age, and he’s managed to make it out. But he stills bears the scars underneath the tattoos. With his mama sick, Austin faces some hard choices. Ones that he must make in order to provide for his brothers. For family is everything. At first, Austin and Lexi’s story is strained, but soon these souls connect and find solace in one another. These are two characters that are broken. Taking that ride inside their heads gave me a better understanding of who they really are. It was especially rough reading Lexi’s POV. Even in her moments of weakness, I found her to be the strongest person ever. I was touched and I fell in love, not only with them, but other secondary characters (Axel and Levi) who I’m hoping both get a book *sigh*. This is truly a must read book and a true gem. I need this baby signed. Thank you Tillie Cole for your brilliance and telling such an amazing and personal story. You have become one my favorite authors this year.

Another Amazing Story!!!

This was an amazing story of two broken souls just trying to make it to tomorrow. This was a very emotional read. I could never imagine having to live with what Lexi was living with every single day. To feel that way about yourself, just unimaginable. This book opened my eyes to what people with this disease deal with on a daily basis. I will truly never look at it the same. Austin was being pulled in so many different directions. My brain went crazy trying to grip all that he was going through. He was such a sweet, nurturing soul under his armor. I loved the questions "why all the war paint", "why all the tattoos". And I loved the answers. This story broke my heart at certain parts, but it also lightened it at others. Lexi and Austin were made for each other. They saw each other's hearts and souls. They saw each other for their true selves, and that is why they were able to heal the other. Axel, I'm still on the fence with my feelings for him. I get he did what he did to help his family, but I don't think he thought the consequences of his choices would have such a negative effect on those he said he loved. Levi, what a great character. He just melted my heart. Lexi and his relationship was so sweet. I can not not mention Austin, Levi, and Axels mamma. She was so sweet, and loved her boys so very much. She saw and knew everything. She was so wise when it came to Lexi. She was the only other person that was able to see through to Lexi and Austins souls. This was such a raw, emotional, devastating, yet tender story. I have yet to read a book by Tillie Cole that I have not loved. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

Sweet Fall

3.5-4 stars. Lexi and Austin were introduced in Sweet Home and Sweet Rome. Lexi is close friends with Molly and now cheerleader while Austin is Rome's best friend and wide receiver for the college football team. Lexi isn't like all of the other cheerleaders and Austin isn't like all of the other football players. They appear to be opposites of one another, too, but as it turns out, they both have deep secrets and act out a role everyday in front of other people, hiding their true selves. Lexi grew up in a privileged household full of love, but she constantly struggles with loving herself. The inner voice inside of her is always talking, taking her further and further away from who she really needs to be. Austin comes from the trailer parks and his mother is very sick. His 2 brothers take care of his mother and Austin really needs to be recruited by the NFL to get out of that life, which includes drugs and gangs. Unfortunately, Austin's brother Axel starts to bring some of Austin's home life onto campus, putting Austin at risk of losing his scholarship and future pro career. Lexi happens to witness some of this and that's where Austin and Lexi's lives begin to intertwine. Austin was really mean to Lexi initially, mostly to protect himself and his brothers. Lexi, who feels the weight of the world against her, still had a certain strength about her. Her inner torment ate her up, literally. For anyone who has battled self image, Lexi is relatable in that regard, on the more extreme end. Austin has some major issues to tackle with his family and his mom, he has to make some really tough decisions. In his heart, he wants to do what is right, but with so much against him, he can't always do what his heart says. Desperate for money to give his mother proper medical treatment, Austin has to make several compromises that war within him. Through all of this, Lexi and Austin forge a friendship that becomes so much more because they are each other's light in the darkness. Once Austin wasn't being a total jerk to Lexi, he was actually incredibly gentle and understanding of her limits. Their romance is nothing like Rome and Molly's, but rather, tinged with a lot of deep issues that were life-endangering. I never got attached to either Lexi or Austin the way I did with Molly and Rome so it was hard for me to truly connect with what they were dealing with. The writing was still on par with Tillie Cole's usual depth and emotions, it just didn't stick me like it has with her other books. Regardless, Lexi and Austin were perfect for each other in their imperfect world.

It really is a Sweet Fall :)

Sweet Fall is an engaging story about two people who fall in love despite their circumstances. Austin Carillo is a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks trying to make it into the NFL Draft to save his family and himself. Lexington “Lexi” Hart is a fun, bubbly, goth cheerleader, or at least that’s what her friends think. In reality, she is in her own world, trying to stave off the demons that haunt her endlessly. Tillie wove a beautiful story for us, a story of heartbreak, love, and triumph over personal issues. Her other novels in her Sweet Home series are good, but not as “real” or as relatable as her newest novel in the series is. There are, of course, flaws in this book, like the overpowering “Bama Boy” characteristic that she has bestowed upon SOME, not all, male characters in the book. There are a few inconsistencies in the book, a few plot holes (personally the timeline is a little off for me), but the big picture is still amazing. Yes there are some cracks in the stained glass beauty she has given us, but the cracks don’t detract majorly from the overall beauty of the artwork. She truly is a great author, and this is my favorite book of hers (that I’ve read). I found Lexi easy to relate to, in that she can’t see beauty in herself — let’s be honest that is something almost every girl suffers from thanks to the media and their endless airbrushing techniques — but she charges on in spite of her insecurities and ends up making a difference in not just Austin’s life, but in the lives of those around both him and her. It is a feat that only the strongest of us can achieve. Austin’s character can be a little overpowering, but I found his character to be endearing and sweet for the majority of the novel. Both characters had flaws, and both powered on despite them. The realism of the issues portrayed in the novel makes the book all the more lovable.


Wow, if Sweet Home crushed my heart, then Sweet Fall just gutted me. I knew going in, it was obviously going to be an emotional read after having read Sweet Home, but wow.... I adored everything about this book. I've know alot about what happened with Lexi, keeping spoiler free so those that don't know what happens stay spoiler free, but I think it's mentioned... Anywho, I've had some background knowledge about it, but reading a book with a character experiencing it?! Wow, my heart seriously shattered. I adored Austin and Lexi to pieces. Please don't make me choose my favorite right now- I love both Rome and Austin just as much as the other but all for different reasons mostly. I can't get over this book and honestly? Probably won't ever. This has already made it to my top reads of 2016 and this was only book 2 of MANY this year and I have A LONG time to read others. But without a doubt, I know it will make the list come end of year. Loved!

My Favorite Of The Series....Love Austin & Lexi....

This is such a great series ~ cannot get enough of these characters. I love Rome and Molly but I'm CRAZY over Austin and Lexi. He calls her Pix *sigh* This is definitely my favorite of the series. There is just something about their story that captured me instantly and I never wanted it to end. Oh...the last couple chapters and then the epilogue just about did me in. Soooo Good!!! If I already hadn't loved this story ~ I would have just from the ending alone. I felt bad for Austin for the hand he was dealt in life as well as for his brothers and especially for his poor mom. But what really got me was Lexi's story. It opened my eyes to a disease that I never really gave much thought to before. It was so hard to read her struggle through it. I don't think that I ever wanted a character to get their HEA as much as I did Lexi. I LOVED how Austin and Lexi found a home in each other and brought Levi along. :) Just a great book and definitely one of my favorite reads. Looking forward to Sweet Hope. Belle's Book Bag Top Pick!!

Have a box of tissue on hand!!

I really like Tillie Cole's writing. It makes me stop and think. Now I read a lot. I can't really defind or quantify it for you but just know that it is a lot. So a book that gives me a book hangover for a couple of days is a rare book indeed. I love Molly and Rome. I cannot deny this. As I started reading Austin and Lexi (aka Pix) book I was worried that I would not have the same connection with them. To be honest I did not. Not even close. I liked that in the begining of the book Austin was a jerk and I did not want to like him. Why would anyone want that? Well as I chatted with a fellow book nut tonight we decided that often charcters in books do not face real issues. Oh there may be some sort of agnst for them to fight through but it usually is easily solved, often with the guy saving the girl. In Austin you have someone whose family is fighting a fight that most of us are not aware of really going on. They are not only struggling with life and death on the streets but life and death of the glue that holds their family together, their mom. Lexi - here is a girl that has the perfect life, why she is in a sorority, and is a cheerleader for one of the most widely known college football teams. To get on the team is no easy feat. You have to have skill, and lets be honest look the part. Lexi fits, but at the same time presents herself as a goth girl. But underneath all the war paint she is terrified to look in the mirror. She is anorexic and while I have a completely different side of this story in my life it all boils down to Body Dysmorphic Disorder. It is hell to look in the mirror and cut down the things you see. Most of us live our lives doing exactly that. Austin hides his scars behind the tattoos, Lexi behind her war paint. Its so easy to identify with these characters. I loved the path that Ms Cole took us down and I cannot wait for the next Sweet book to come out -- I have my ideas on who Ally marries.. I found a quote once and I said it many times in my head to Lexi as she fought her demons, I wanted to just hug her - I hope we all remember it -- "I am my own biggest critic. Before anyone has criticized me, I have already criticized myself. But for the rest of the life I am going to be with me and I don't want to spend my life with someone who is always so critical. So I am going to stop being my own critic. Its high time I accept all the good things about me." C JoyBell C. (This is by far one of the hardest quotes to live by!!) I recommend this book to you. Take with you an open mind and a pure heart and you will find the absolute beauty within. Bravo Tillie Cole, Bravo.

My heart is so full after this sweet fall!

What a precious, heart wrenching, heart warming read. This is my fifth journey with Tillie, and by far the most emotionally charged, with a darker edge to it, more so than her earlier works (although, to me It Ain't Me Baby was also a gut wrenching read). But what made this one different, is that from the onset with author's Forward, we knew that this journey would be personal, real and based on her truth; that, along with the strength of our H/h made this personal for me as well. It put everything about the plot and the characters on a different level, because it felt real; as the reader, I could literally feel their joy and pain, their hope and loss, their triumphs and tragedies, and most important their faith and their love. It was palpable and tangible, I wanted Austin and Lexington to have the world and all it's beauty, as they both are so beautiful in their own unique and amazing way. I love that this story was a parallel journey right along with Rome and Molly's; who would have thought that Aust and Pix's were going through so much turmoil on the periphery of Sweet Home/Sweet Rome. My heart was truly so full for Aust's Mom and little brother Lev; and how serendipitous that all the current awareness with ALS and the ice bucket challenge is going on as this book is released. Pix, sweet, beautiful Pix; her inner voice was truly frightening and enlightening, as it gave me a whole new perspective of what millions of people suffer through with anorexia. Tillie did an amazing job with this book, and she should be proud of her accomplishment with the awareness and spotlight this story places on two important and debilitating conditions. This will stay with me,as it provided me with a new sensitivity to these issues. Tillie, thank you for the strength and vulnerability that was required to complete this story; it is humbly received and appreciated. Many blessing to you and to anyone fighting that inner voice. You too are BEAUTIFUL.

The Sweetest Fall

I was anticipating the release of Sweet Fall. Knowing how well written and captivating Sweet Home and Sweet Rome were, I just knew this book would be just as spellbinding. I knew I'd love this book and Austin Carillo and Lexi Hart together. I knew the dynamic between the two would be magical. And I just knew it would be a roller coaster ride of emotions. I just didn't think Austin could top Romeo Prince. Wrong, wrong, WRONG! Rome still has a special place in my heart, but Austin Carillo has captured it completely. Devastating. Dark. Passionate. Heart warming. Poetic. Sweet Fall is all that and so, so much more! From the very beginning you are entranced in the worlds of Lexi and Austin. They are dark and scary and lonely, but once they find each other it is magic and light and passion and understanding. They are the other half of the other's soul. Soul mates. Eternally bound together through their struggles and demons, healed by each other's love. Lexi's demons are real. Haunting her day and night. Trying to consume her and drag her down. She fights the demons as best as she can, but they always seem to overtake her one way or another. Despite her demons, she is sweet, compassionate, loving, and just what Austin needs. Austin is scary, dark, tatted, and muscled...but that's just the outside. Inside he is sweet, compassionate, poetic, and holds so much love. He and Lexi really are one in the same, that's why they're perfection together. The darkest of issues are brought up throughout the book, but there's a lightness, a beautiful quality to the entire book thanks to Tillie Cole's impeccable writing. Her words are poignant, beautiful, amazing. She has outdone herself yet again. Making us fall, the Sweet Fall.

LOVED this book!

With the mixed POV's of Austin and Lexi's story, especially since it was going on in the background of Molly & Rome's story. Both of Austin and Lexi's broken pasts are so tragically amazing, as hard as they have been they have made them they people they are. After their paths cross that night, then being thrown together as they belong to the same group of friends they fight the pull to one another; however, there's something there that can not be avoided. They both seem like what the other needs to help fix the demons that haunt them, but at the same time are what can cause the other to fall down the rabbit hole with no chance of coming back up. The way Lexi battles her demon's, but at the same time successfully hides the battle & downward spiral from her friends is shocking. Especially that they all don't notice it more and believe her lies, when Austin sees right through it all. Also, Austin with his family is heart breaking. I too fell more in love with Lexi when she reached out for Austin's little brother and how he then also became protective of her too.


The first book has nothing on Sweet Fall. Because the first book was so lovey dovey, and cliche, I was not expecting the emotions I felt when reading this. Austin and Lexi have secrets. Secrets that bring them down, secrets that take them away from their friends, from people who love them. Austin's mother has ALS. She's had it for the past 7 years, and she's coming to her last stages. It's a real struggle to read about this. The ALS description they have on their website has nothing on what I read in this book. I guess you would have to experience through someone else's eyes to really see the horrible disease. Austin has been doing everything he can to get money, and stay in school, but his other family members have other plans, which just makes everything harder for him. Lexi has a disorder, anorexia. I never really knew how horrible this was. I've always wondered how one could get so low, like couldn't they just stop? No that is not the case. I get an in depth view of how much of a struggle it is for Lexi everyday. Just when you think Austin or Lexi has it worst than another, some s*** comes up and the scale is balanced again. This book definetly came as a shocker to me, I was really not expecting this. Tillie Cole's book are getting much better, and really hits you in the feels. as for the ALS thing, I know the ice bucket challenge is really popular right now, but rather than pour a bucket of water over your head you could donate to this website [...].... It's much more effective for the foundation.

Heart Fulfilling

Tillie Cole is just freaking amazing. I am really not good with writing reviews - I just know what I like and what stays with me. Her writing stays with me. I remember her stories and the feelings she leaves me with. ALWAYS. I was intrigued with her personal statement at the beginning of the book. It should have prepared me for the book but I don't know if anything could prepare me. She did something similar in her book It Ain't Me, Babe and that information gave meaning to me throughout the book and even now when I think about the book. Sweet Home and Sweet Rome are some of my favorite books and this book was just as good. There are some books that you can read and the author seems to write so much "filler" that the reader tends to skim over parts but this author never does this. I actually felt Lexi's struggle like I was inside her and my heart was hurting so bad. The same could be said for Austin's struggle and pain. Their story is so pure. I loved that their story wasn't rushed because that would not do them justice. I will read whatever Tillie Cole writes because she is a caring and gifted author. Thank you.

one that touches your soul!

Don't really know how to start but I will start off by saying I loved this book from beginning until end. To say it's good is an understatement! Such an amazing heartfelt story that just gripped you. Very heartbreaking to read at times but a story that just needs to be told 'cuz somewhere out in the world, someone is struggling with the same thing. I had tears in my eyes and although I have never been where Lexi has been, it was emotional to read 'cuz I really can relate to what she was feeling! Loved Lexi and Austin together, the way they found each other and just the way they understood each other. Such a loving romance. This book is a must read and it just teaches you once again that life isn't easy, everyone has their own struggle but somehow somewhere someone can come into your life and try to make you whole. Definitely more than 5 stars for me!

Love Austin and Lexi.

Since I started this series, I knew I had to keep going and I’m so glad I did. We met Lexi and Austin in the previous books and if anyone deserved a happy ending, it would be these two. Lexi and Austin were both tortured souls who were brought together and just made the perfect couple to balance each other out. Lexi had struggled with an eating disorder and hid herself behind makeup and black hair. Austin struggled with his brothers who were in a gang and selling drugs to help keep their mom alive. As her disease gets worse and his family is put in danger, they both realize they need each other’s strength to get through their struggles. This book really pulled at my heart because they were both so broken but they were exactly what the other one needed. Both of their stories broke my heart and it wasn’t easy for either of them but it was definitely worth their struggles by the end. I’m loving this series!

Lexington Hart is this happy cheerleader who seems to have it all

Lexington Hart is this happy cheerleader who seems to have it all... including a dark secret. Austin Carrillo is an ex-gang member who plays college football for the Crimson Tide... Austin and Lexi get to know one another through secret meeting and keeping secrets. That's how they fall for one another and as secrets are revealed the struggles become all too real. I really loved Austin's dark demeanor to Lexi's "Pix" emo style. I cried towards that ending but i really loved how Lexi pulled through with the help of Austin and her friends. Their ending was truly inspiring.

Loved most of it..

I really enjoyed the first book in this series and this one had some elements that I really liked but others that I didn't. What I did like: Lexi's condition. It was an eye-opener to read about the struggles people with this disorder go through. I can't imagine dealing with it every minute of every day for the rest of your life and, truthfully, don't think I'd be strong enough to do it. My hat is off to the author for addressing such a difficult subject that she has personal knowledge of. What I didn't like: Austin! What a dumb-a**!!! Seriously, he would risk his younger brother being killed in a gang war rather than borrow money from his BFF who has more money than he knows what to do with? Austin would risk flushing his whole life down the toilet and go to prison rather than accept money his friend willingly offers? That boy needs his mama to give him a slap upside the head!!! Other than Austin, this was a great book. Wonderful writing, awesome character development and a hea everyone will love.

So very powerful !

This book is just beyond words ! Author Tillie Cole truly outdid herself with this one. The struggle of not only how Lexi was affected by her disorder, but how her friends were also affected by it was just moving. The situations and scenarios were just so deep and moving that I was in tears basically the whole book. The love that Austin had for Lexi and the patience and dedication he had to her while dealing with this very real illness was a testament of True Love. Just an incredible read ! Love it love it love it !!

Can love conquer life's difficulties or be its bridge?

This was a touching and emotional book to read because of the monumental life issues of Lexi (Pix) and Austin. Although this is a romance, majority of the book focuses on their difficulties in their respective lives. Their love grows, but it is not strong enough to quell the adversities in their lives till tragic events occur. By the end, you are gutted and are desperately seeking a HEA. Reading the inner thoughts and feelings of Lexi gutted me. It made aware how fragile one's self image could be. This is part of a series, although you don't need to read the others to follow along, but I highly recommend it because the story lines are just as good as this one. If you are looking for lots of hot steamy sex scenes, you will not find it here, but instead you will find a fantastic story of two people who find in one another hope and love to live and become a home. Although I felt Austin conversing in Italian throughout the book was romantic enough for me. Read this book!

5 amazingly heartbreaking stars

This book was tough read at some points, but it was also an eye opener. The disease Lexington is dealing with can be a silent but deadly one. Her years as a cheerleading and a bully at school helped ignite this ugly process. Lexi has been living a lie of fake smiles and bubbly personality. Under her makeup lies a girl full of disgust and heartbreak. She tried everything to fly under the radar as normal. Well normal as it can be...that is until she meets Austin. Austin is a Italian boy who was, what people like to call it, born on the wrong side of the tracks. He is a football player trying to make it to the draft to make his mama proud and help his family financially. Coming from a rough upbringing Austin believes that everything happens for a reason. Can these two come together and heal each other or will they only break each other?


WOW - JUST WOW!!! I loved the first 2 books of this series so heart felt and realistic. This book was way out there, I especially like to read books where the author has actually incorporated part of themselves into the plot. There were parts of this book that were very difficult for me to read due to the subject matter but reality is not always roses and butterflies so I kept reading - with lots and lots of tissues. This is one of those books that will stay with me for a long time, if not forever. I have a new found respect for people with this disorder. I cannot imagine living in a world like Lexi did. Tillie not only had one heart wrenching story but OMG - Austin's story was concurrently heartbreaking. The intracacy and entertwining stories of both of these broken people is pure genius. Ms. Cole is one of my favorite authors. I look forward to reading more of her works.

beautifully written touching story

This book touched my heart. It is definitely a five star book. It is the story of young college love of two scarred people from different walks of life. One is a young football player raised as a gang member and the other a cheerleader who has long struggled with her self image issues. It is the tale of their struggles through college and the issues that surround their lives. There is a happy ending but you will laugh and cry along their journey. I definitely recommend this book. I also recommend reading the other two books in the series prior to this one called sweet home about Rome and Molly. We meet them again in this book. This book can be read as a standalone though. You do not need the other two books to understand this one. One click and enjoy. I read this book in one day.

True to the heart

I have fallen in love with this series. Ms. Cole knows how to capture the human condition on the pages of her books. As a reader, you can't help but invest in the characters and their struggles. It's really hard to put them down and get on with your life. This is one of those tales that grips you where it hurts and holds on until the last page. Outs never a happily ever after. It's a happy life with struggles ever after. You don't get a knight in shining armor or super woman. You get real people that are broken but find a way to fill each other's cracks. By the end my heart is soaring. It makes it difficult to pick up your next book. This one is as good as Rome's and Molly's story. This is Austin (gang banger) and Lexi (eating disorder) story. I shed tears over them. At times it seemed all hope was lost but they find each other. It's rocky, beautiful, scary and hopeful. Truly a labor of love. The author is brave and beautiful. Thank you for sharing this story with us.

Just a beautiful story

This was a hard book to read but not in a bad way. This book touched on some real delicate things and it made me really think about what people really deal with and how they cope. Lexie is a beautiful girl but doesn't know it. She sees herself in a totally different way than what everyone else sees her as. Then there's Austin who sees him different than what Lexie sees his is and them together make different kind of couple with all their baggage but it seems to work for them. They have their ups and down but they realize they can get through anything as long as they do it together. I can't wait to see what's next in this series of books. Hope you enjoy this book as much as I did! Happy reading!!

Excellent emotional read!

I really enjoyed such an amazing well written book! I feel identified with this story because I have struggled with my weight all my life and I had a period of my life with bulimia! The progression of the heroes relationship is amazing and believable! I hope it serves for inspiration to others so they can learn to love themselves with flaws and all, in the end each person is unique and perfect for its soul mate.

Absolutely Loved It

I loved, loved, loved Lexi and Austin. This book gave me so many feelings that I can't even explain them. I sobbed like I've never sobbed before at the death scene. It brought so many memories of my moms passing last September that I just lost it. Even though she didn't have the same illness, watching her fading and finally passing was just devastating. Lexi and Austin healed each other and I just loved their story. Tillie Cole, please keep doing what your doing and writing these fantastic books. You have a fan for life!

A tragically beautiful story of unconditional love

This was, by far, the most hauntingly beautiful story I have ever read. I fell deep for both Austin and Lexi. To not just read, but feel everything they felt. To cry when they cried, to smile when they smiled, to laugh when they laughed, to feel unconditional love through and through. They might have been 'broken', but like two pieces of a puzzle they fit perfectly together and made each other's broken world whole. I will forever remember this story for the rest of my life. I will remember the strength that these characters had, even with the terrible hands they had been dealt in life. I will remember how through it all, they found their way to each other and made each other strong, and most importantly how they went on to live a life full of love and passion despite the demons continuing to lurk in the recesses of their minds. They had each other through and through, unconditional love and support from each other and their friends. Their famiglia.

so freaking awesome!!!

Just simply amaze balls. Honestly I didn't think anything would compare to Rome and Molly but you know what they say when you assume anything. Lexi and Austin were fan freaking-tabloid. I've read a lot of books lately and although they were good books they weren't ones I had to finish as soon as I stared but this book I couldn't put down I had no desire to accomplish anything other than finishing it. Gosh the issues they had talk about broken and to see these two men's one another when I wasn't sure it was even possible is just so freaking wonderful. I could go on and on with all the happiness I am feeling right now but the book wasn't always happy. It was heart breaking and nerve racking. I just wanted to take them all and wrap em up and protect them however I could. *sigh* it was just so beautiful!!!!

Sweet Perfection

I just finished rereading this book and still find it impossibly hard to put in words just how beautiful this story, this series is. The writing, the storyline, the characters... it's just everything! Some hard subjects are touched on in this book, but it's done so incredibly well. It was real and raw and though fiction, it was completely relatable. I am in awe of Tillie Cole's writing.

Powerful and emotional .. who would've thought...

Wow! This is a very powerfully emotional book! Anorexia is still being battled amongst young women and men all over the world. We read the facts but we don't know the struggles that come with it. Reading this gave one insight as to how it affects someone. I never realized how big an issue anorexia was till I read this. I loved this book and the drama but I wouldn't wish on my least favorite person to go through a bell such as anorexia. Lexington suffered tremendously emotionally and mentally. As for Austin, he was dealing with both his mom's illness and the bad stuff and football. I'm glad they made it through everything and even though Lexington isn't 100 percent cured she's well on her way to being the bright beautiful woman I can imagine her to be. So 5 stars is definitely the rating this book gets. It's got heart.

Great story, poor editing

I love the Sweet Home series! The stories are amazing in my opinion. This book focused on Austin and Lexi. The depth that Tillie Cole wrote with was beautiful. Focusing on such harsh realities is difficult, but the author did it beautifully. If I had any complaint about this and any of Tillie Cole's books is that you can find a lot of grammar errors that shouldn't be over looked by beta or editor. The errors don't take away from the story itself, but it is frustrating that such an accomplished author would have so many noticeable mistakes throughout her manuscript. All in all, great story but needs edited better. I gave the book 5 stars because I loved the story, I didn't want to take away a star because of editing issues.


Let me start by saying I have loved everything that Tillie Cole has written. The love between Rome and Molly was truly one of the best I have read in fiction, but Sweet Fall left me absolutely breathless. That is really the only word I can use to describe what I felt when reading this book. I was awash in emotion from start to finish. Tillie obviously imparted a great deal of her own angst in this book, in particular into the character of Lexi. First I must commend her on her incredible strength and honesty. Second, because it comes from the heart the truth of this book really slaps you in the face, the heart and the soul. The love between Austin and Lexi was stunning and I loved that throughout their tribulations the love they had for one another was never denied. A truly breathtaking, extraordinary read.

It was amazing! These two broken souls found peace within each ...

I don't even know where to start with this book. It was amazing! These two broken souls found peace within each other. This was beautiful and heartbreaking. It was so hard to read how hard Lexie was on herself, it is very common but so hard. I felt my heart breaking for her every time she doubted her self worth. Austin was just what she needed. Lexie was just what he needed too. Someone to show them how much they matter and how beatiful they were. Inside and out. The ending was so sad I was crying. I felt so many emotions throughout this story. Love, hurt, sadness, and peace. I felt what Lexie and Austin were feeling and thats all because of the amazing writing of Tillie Cole.

Worthy Resource for the Mental Health Field

Very well written, and very significant topic. As a resident counselor in the mental health field, this story was not only poignant, but also very informative and helpful, as I work with numerous teenagers who currently suffer from eating disorders, and others who are in recovery. Personifying the "voice" of anorexia is very effective when facilitating recovery. If that voice is its own entity, it provides something "tangible" to combat. The voices of anxiety, depression, self-doubt, low self-esteem, etc., also have the same MO. They are basically abductors who brainwash their victims. Identifying and recognizing the toxicity of these irrational, distorted thoughts implanted into the minds of the victims, aids in the process of reframing them into rational, affirming thoughts and feelings about oneself.

Best book of 2014. Period. Deserves 100 stars.

Where do I start...this book was plain AMAZING...I have no words. I am speechless. I have never ever felt so many emotions..shed so many tears reading a book. Lexi and Austin were just so beautiful together, two broken souls and his love for her..was just so breathtaking. Her struggle just touched my heart because we all know someone in our lives who has had to fight the same battle, it could be our own selves..that voice telling us lies, convincing us of lies. Lies that destroy our happiness. I will not give anything away because EVERYONE MUST EXPERIENCE THIS BOOK. Breathtaking, flawless, exeptional writing...this BOOK HAS IT ALL. I absolutley love Tillie Cole and HAVE LOVED EVERY SINGLE BOOK she has written. 100 stars in my book.

Hauntingly Beautiful

Wow. That was an emotional rollercoaster. Both of our MC's are damaged. They are scarred and we get to see them living with the after math of receiving those wounds. Our dark Italian football god is very bad boy. I'm talking gangs and drugs dark. Our gothic cheerleader is twisted and hiding so much pain. I felt for Lexi so much in this book. I think as women we can all relate to the need to be perfect. I ached with her and for her. This is a story about hurt and loss. About rising above and choosing to walk in the light and to live. You are gonna love this book.

Holy Moly!! Before reading get your wine and tissues ready!!

I Flove Tillies Sweet Series!! I am a Bamaboys fan girl!! This read was a very sensitive one. Tillie wrote not only from her heart but from everything guts included!! This is a very heartfelt story. I cried and cried and cried!!! She had me my heart hurting for her characters. I can tell this was a very hard story to tell but she did and wow!! An amazing story! I had to take a break every so often to pull in my emotions it's that good!! When I meet Tillie I will embrace her for at least 5 mins. She is an amazing writer!! Again this is a must read!!

Learned a lot!

Thanks Tillie for sharing a part of your experience with Lexi's story. At times, I wanted to stop reading because her anorexia was too painful, but I'm sure glad that Austin was there to help her get on the right track. I'm glad I got to a part of the journey for Austin and Pix to see that they are both beautiful inside and out!


I first discovered Tillie Cole, when I read Sweet Rome. Sweet fall is the story of Austin Carillo and Lexi Hart. This story tackles the topic of eating disorders and gang violence with delicacy and care. Ms. Cole does an amazing job bringing to life how friends, family, and loved ones are impacted when those they care about our dealing with difficult and challenging situations. Ms. Cole has written this story to run within the same timeline as Sweet Rome. However both our stand alone novels. This story touches on all emotions. It will make you smile, laugh, cheer, scream and cry. One last thing as a huge Alabama Crimson Tide fan-girl - just one more reason to LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!!!

4.5 Stars

Okay, so I wanted to get one good read in before I had to get busy with school this semester, but man I was not expecting it to be such an emotionally heavy book. Lexi and Austin's story will definitely stick with you. These two battered souls put my anxiety through the ringer, but made for a great story. The dialogue was sometimes cheesy, but sweet, the plot was well written and original, and the chemistry between the main characters was good. My issue lies, as it often does, with the epilogue! I mean come on Tillie. I needed more! That aside, I definitely recommend this series and hope there is more to come.

Loved loved loved it!

Loved this book. So glad the mental illness of anorexia was deeply addressed in this book. So many girls and women suffer from this horrible illness and most don't have a wonderful man to bring them through the turmoil and havoc this illness creates, not only with the victim but with everyone around her. The book was a fast read because again, you can't put one of Tillie Cole's stories down. It is very emotional and heart breaking at times but as I love, it does have a HEA.

Tillie Cole is the master of my soul and a wizard with words

Shocked in to silence. I am an emotional mess. I just had a magical experience. I felt things for words that I never knew was possible. Tillie Cole is not a human. She can't be. How can she write a book that wrapped itself around every fiber of my being? How can I even move on from this heartache? Tillie Cole is my happily ever after. She is pure amazing brilliance in a beautiful package. She gives feels that turn the words on the paper into magical art. Tillie Cole owns every part of my soul. Austin and Lexi own my tears and my HEA.

This book cut me deep..on so many levels

I had never had the pleasure of reading one of Tillie Cole's books and now I'll never miss another.. This book was so deep it cut like a knife, for her to lay everything out about a struggle that was so real to her made this book a walk in the characters shoes. I felt every hurt, every ache, I cried when there were sad times, I had fear when there was fear..we all have our struggles, we all have that inner voice..Some are luckier than others to beat the voice..Some are not..This book was the best Love story,not only between lovers, but family, and loving friends...💟💟 Thank u Tillie 💗💗

A True Masterpiece!

Wow just Wow! I laughed, I cried and fell in love with Austin and Lexi's story. It is a book that deals with a serious topic but is written so masterfully! Tillie Cole took this storyline and completely submerges you into Austin and Lexi's lives and let's you feel the pain, regret and loss that is woven in their story and brings you through the darkness to the love and redemption that marks their journey. I highly recommend this entire series and I am very much looking forward to the next book! Well done Tillie Cole! Thank you for the beautiful heartfelt story!


I loved a lot about this story which was a completely different kind of book from 1 and 2. This was a love story that covered family, friends and self. Rough hard problems dictated the lives of these the college kids that they were desperate to overcome. Beyond the usual angst of college, gangs, death, eating disorder, drugs and more try to destroy these people but family and friends pull together to get them through. I loved the uniqueness of each character along the way and look forward to meeting the next challenge in Bama!

Sweet Fall

Wow! is how I shall begin. This book is amazing. What a beautiful emotional journey. I love both Austin and Lexi so much......What beautiful and tender souls you created. I also very much enjoy continuing to know about past major and minor characters. You fit their stories into the timeline so well. Most of all I would like to thank Mrs. Cole for sharing a story so personal to herself, what a gift you've given us. I look so forward to additional Sweet Home stories but I must at least note more Eternally North book(s) would be greatly appreciated as well. Again, thank you so much for sharing! Most Sincerely, rainne97

Let yourself fall ...

Austin & Lexi's story wasn't quite what I'd expected, in that it was really tough to get into. I'm not sure why, but I just really struggled with the first 6 or 7 chapters. I set it aside & read a couple other books until Austin & Lexi called to me again, and when I picked it back up, I didn't want to put it down until I was finished! This is a story of two broken ppl putting each other back together again. It's painful - harsh - beautiful - intriguing - and in the end, it's a story that is worth reading. I just want to give both Lexi & Austin big hugs. I can't, so I'll give them to you - *HUGS* - & tell you to pick up this book & give it a read. And let yourself fall. : )

Beyond beautiful

I literally have no words to describe how beautiful Sweet Fall is. Sweet Home was gorgeous and had darkness but Sweet Fall was just beyond. I struggle with so much as well and Lexi felt like a piece of my heart. I cried along with her and felt her pain and fears...But I also felt her joy and her triumph. Sweet Fall can be a difficult read emotionally but there is so much light at the end the tunnel for Austin & Lexi. Sometimes the best happy endings are the perfectly imperfect ones. And this novel is definitely perfectly imperfect and Tillie Cole's best work to date. She shared a piece of her heart with all of us and it was beyond beautiful!

Bella storia

This story was so beautiful, I truly loved it Tillie. Thank you for sharing and opening up to us readers/fans. I now have a better understanding of the struggle. My heart was so moved through Austin and Lexi's Sweet Fall, it really touched me personally and as a fan of the romance genre. This is the third Sweet Home series book that I simply adored as well as the others. And I cannot wait to read more of your beautiful creations.

The Best of the Series

This is the 3rd book in the Sweet Home series but can easily be read as a standalone. While Sweet Home was good, this book dealt with much heavier and darker issues. Austin is struggling to free himself from his life of poverty and the stranglehold of gang life. Lexi is living with an eating disorder. Her daily struggles, her fights with her inner voice that threatens to draw her back in, are poignantly written. These two tortured souls find each other and slowly reveal parts of themselves that they have never shared with anyone else. I cried through half of this book, it was just that good.


Unlike the author, I am not good at writing down what I want to say--just read any of the book that Tillie written and you will experience all the emotions that make us human. Guaranty you will laugh and cry and cry..specially this book. The characters are so realistic and their life challenges are heartbreaking. I never had any idea that anorexia was that consuming. The culture we live have this idea what a perfect should look like but keep in mind that is only the outside, what matter most is what we think of ourselves. Stay positive and keep this mantra "you do not have to be perfect, life would be boring if everyone was perfect, it's what makes us humans."

Beautifully written love story!

I seriously hope Tillie Cole never stops writing! I love her books! Austin and Lexi's story was way more than I ever expected! My heart broke for these two and I had a good cry several times reading this book. This story is beautifully written and touches on two horrible issues. Austin was nothing like I expected him to be and I fell a little bit in love with him. I love this series and can't wait for the next one. I would love to read Levi and Axe's stories I hope maybe she will write them in the future. This book is a bit darker then Sweet Home but there is just no words for how much I loved it! Well done Ms. Cole!

Tillie Cole, yea you. YOU ARE AMAZING!

This book was absolutely phenomenal! I couldn't put it down. I loved every single thing written in this one. Austin, what to say about him... He is such a unique person and he had to do what he had to do for his family. It may not have been the right way, but it needed to be done. Lexi was truly heart breakingly wonderful. Mrs. Cole thank you so much for delving into something that is so taboo but is such a real thing for girls and women. I did cry my eyes out but it was so worth it. Thank you so much for this wonderful read! Can't wait for Axel's book. I know that it is going to be another long night.


I'm so glad his book was written. It was dark and beautiful. Tillie Cole told a beautiful story of love and find your true self. It took a very brave person to share an experience like that. In this book, we see the love story between Lexie and Austin. They are both in a dark place. Lexie is struggling with anorexia and Austin with his obligations to his family. We see how they come together and complete each other. Taking away the pain from their struggles. It is an intense ride through this story and worth the journey.

Two imperfect souls who become more for each other

This book was heartbreaking. For everything that Lexi was dealing with was just so hard for me to read. It takes a long time for a person to finally escape such thoughts. Poor Austin trying to make something for himself as a football player but at the same time trying to keep his younger brother alive and wanting his mom not to suffer anymore from her disease. This book is gut wrenching. Toward the end you will be crying because your heart will feel for Austin and Lexi. You want everyone to be happy but you can only do so much before you or someone you love breaks down. i

Devastatingly Beautiful!

That's exactly what this book was, devastatingly beautiful. If you thought Rome and Molly's story was an epic journey, well hold on to your heart's and break out the tissues, because Austin and Lexington ( Lexi ) have a story that is sure to get all your emotions flowing.. This book deals with some very real issues and could cause triggers in some readers, but it was so beautifully written you just can't pass on reading it!! The Sweet Home Series just keeps getting better and better..

Beautifully broken.

Wow, Austin and Lexi. Where do you even start with this beautifully broken pair? This book has so many feels. I cried several times as I devoured the pages. The inner battle each of them were facing was so beautifully captured and delivered.

One of the best books this year!!!!

First of all I want to say congrats on Sweet Fall release once again. I don't usually write reviews about books because every person have a way to see and feel about things... Anyway, I loved this book so much, it was everything I hoped for and more. Its been a while since a book just blow me away, this book sure did, this series keep getting better and better. The wait was so worth it! There was a moment I felt that I wasn't going to finish reading because I cried so much... I know many ppl can relate to Lexi's situation and I'm so happy you're (Tillie) so brave and choose to share your experience through this wonderful character. I read a lot and haven't get my heart so touched since I read "Patch Up", this book (SF) sure made it to my top list. I loved Rome and Molly's story but Austin and Lexi are my favorites so far because they were so damage and yet they still found hope, freedom and love within each other. This book gives hope to ppl that it is struggling out there. So I just want to thank the wonderful Tillie Cole from the bottom of my heart for such a beautiful and wonderful story, you're a very skilled writer and I'm pretty sure that even though I don't personally know you, you have a heart of gold! I hope you keep rocking our world with your wonderful books. I can't wait to read Ally's story but I must say I have my fingers crossed so we get Axe and Levi's stories as well. I'm greedy like that and I'm not ready for the SWEET series to finish! I would like to recommend this book to everyone out there looking for a heartwarming story with a powerful meaning, with lovely characters. This book is just way to AWESOME and I wish there were 10 stars so I could rate this book higher, yes is that good!! There is many great authors out there and many enjoyable books but there's only few that can just blow your mind away and have such a powerful impact in the reader in such a way that one can actually understand and feel for those struggling out there and realize the beauty in simple things and how fragile we actually are. Once again thank you for your MAGNIFICENT work Tillie!!! <3 <3 <3 <3


5+ stars! Perfection! No words can describe how much I loved this book or how good this book was. Both characters have their past and secrets. They save each other. It was very emotional at several occasions. It wasn’t an easy read, but it was worth it! There was a slow build-up and I generally dislike that, but not in this book. A must read, just like the other books in this series! I applaud the author for writing about something so personal, that couldn’t have been easy for her.

Love and Hope

I don't even know where to begin with this book. I felt so much emotion from this book and was very pleasantly surprised. Lexi is a girl with a past. She has a disease that controls her. She hides it from everyone around her, especially her parents and best friends. Yet, there is one person who is able to get through to her. Austin Carillo, a hot shot football player, who is hiding a secret of his own. Austin and Lexi are able to fight their pasts together to heal. I LOVED this book. I don't usually get very emotional with books, but this one made me look like a crazy person. I cried so hard at one point that my own children were asking me what was wrong. Tillie Cole wrote from the heart and it was completely evident.

So gut wrenching

This was such an emotional one.....you always think you have it bad but there is always someone who has it worse.....no matter what the struggle always fight for it.....Austin proves that Italians are just as stubborn and bullheaded as Mexicans....always trying to take to much on and never ask for help....This story teaches us that love is what you fight for and fight for those you love......Tillie Thank you for the tears and thank you for sharing your story I am so glad you are here to do it.....

Omg so beautiful and inspiring

Mrs Cole I give you five stars for this book but it is not enough because the story and the struggle between Austin and lexi was so emotional I'm still teary eyed. I mean the struggle lexi went through with her illness and they way you capture the struggle was beyond amazing and the struggle Austin with his mom and his brothers and there issues was well written beyond anything the fact that I enjoyed Rome and Molly story but the way you wrote this book was speechless so tillie I give you two thumbs up

Lovely heart filled story

This story will make you worry, fry, and smile. Very well written. I will tell you that this book will touch very real scenarios of living poor and joining a gang and trying to be perfect until your suffering from severe anorexia. Austin ppl see tattoos and piercings and see bad boy. Well actually he is just trying to survive. Lexington ppl see perky goth girl but that is just a mask. You will get to know the real lexi and Austin in this book and I promise you won't be sorry.

Must Read

One of my favorite books and definitely the best of the series! This book addresses some really difficult and intense issues in a compassionate way. I loved how it was told from both main character's perspectives - alternating throughout the book. Both characters were really endearing in their own way. Overall it was heartwarming, eye opening and will stay with you long after you have finished reading it.

Highly recommend - the love story was amazing!

Was a great book and highly recommend it. It was also very hard for me to read. I struggled with Lexi's personal thoughts many times and felt my heart breaking for her and others dealing with what she was going through. I am glad I read this book because the story and the characters were amazing and book 4 is out of this world good, but I can admit it took me the longest to read due to the amount of times I had to put it down to clear my head.

simply beautiful

This book was simply beautiful. It broke your heart and put it back together in a beautiful way. It dealt with very difficult and personal issues with complete grace and honesty. I love all Tillie Cole's books; I could read them over and over. However, this book absolutely blew me away. Bravo Tillie Cole. BEST BOOK YET. I respect you so much for the heart you out into this book. It shines through. Thank you for sharing it. Now, oh Austin. I LOVE YOU!! And I love Lexi to. Completely different reasons of course. =) One Click this book. You won't regret it!


I loved this book! Austin and Lexi's story was so emotional and so touching! Two people brought together by the most unlikely events, two souls who are completely made for each other and finding the rock and strength they need from each other! Lexi's story is simply amazing and brings to the reader, how deadly the disease of anorexia can become to someone suffering from this disease. Don't miss out on reading this book! Thanks, Tille Cole, for this amazing story!!

Heartbreakingly beautiful.

The feels in this book are indescribable. I was up, down and sideways. My heart utterly broke for both Austin and Lexi but the way they picked each other up and made each other better was just about perfect.

Why the War Paint?

This book is super magical and wonderful. The hero is not the typical rough tattooed guy but you have to read it to get that. I want to be friends with Lexi. Her story is so hard and yet wonderful - can you survive yourself? Can you survive the image of perfection you decided somewhere along the way . . . Hugs Tillie. Another book that tugged at my heart & made me realize we all battle perfection.

Liked it better than the first

I liked Sweet Home, skipped Sweet Rome because I thought it might be too similar to the latter, and went straight for book three. What made this book so strong was how the author pulled from her life experiences to tell the story of Austin and Lexington. While I liked Sweet Home, I really really liked Sweet Fall, and the author did a great job integrating this storyline so it working on a simultaneous timeline as Sweet Home. If you're looking for a quick read with substance, character development, and romance, I think you'll enjoy this book a lot. It's a romance novel, no doubt about it, and it is explicit, but it isn't heavy handed, and not overly done.

WOW! is all I can say

A must read!! Don't read all the comments that give the story away... just grab this book and be prepared to get completely immersed in it. I'ts a beautiful story with so much heart, pain and happiness as well. Tillie really openened my eyes to the struggle that girls like Lexi go through and delivered in making you feel the insecurities and thoughts that can go through your mind when you don't feel "perfect". Just beautiful!!

I really like Tillie Cole

I was impressed with the first two books in this series, and this one did not disappoint. Reads well as a stand alone. This story was based on two difficult struggles a young person could go through, gangs and anorexia. But this doesn't read like a "woe is me, life is too hard" type book. Here you read about two people, with the help of friends, support each other and develop a relationship that is loving and positive. Nicely done.

Such a powerful read

Although I have not experienced the issue that Lexi has, the way Tillie wrote her, as mentioned in her Prologue, was so profound. I felt as if I was there, really feeling her moments of distress and panic. In addition, Austin was a good match for Lexi. I kinda want to learn Italian now! Thank you Ms. Cole...for baring your soul and writing from deep within yourself. That took courage and I admire you for that.

This series just keeps getting better and better

This series just keeps getting better and better. This story was so heart breaking, emotional, sweet, incredibly moving and stayed with me for days. Both characters had battles to fight and having each other to conquer the demons made them stronger and persevere. Just a beautiful story and looking forward to the next in the series.


Speechless!! I have read reviews on other books that says" this book will really make you cry" etc and for me it never did, as great as the book was..But this book, I could not stop the tears, of Joy, of sadness, of heartbreak. It is my favourite out of the series by far!! Don't get me wrong, I still love Rome and Molly, but The struggles Austin and Lexi went through was mind blowing & admirable.. It's worth more than the stars available. You could feel so much true and raw emotion from the author. Don't pass the opportunity to read this one..you will regret it!!! I almost did..

Such a sweet fall this was

This was such a sweet fall but at the same time filled with torment. Austin and Lexi both have their own demons. You know that saying, “one step forward, three steps back” that was what this felt like. These two just couldn’t catch a break. Story is one that you can’t help but fall in love with.


This book was powerful. Two broken people finding healing with each other, even through a relapse on both their parts. I loved both of them, at times I wanted to slap both of them, and they both broke my heart at times. I cannot wait to see what comes next, I know the next book is Ally and we got a hint at the end of Sweet Rome from Romeo that her husband was someone he was surprised by, it's looking exciting!

Thank you!!

I haven't been so touched, unwound, or shaken by a book in a long time. I'm so grateful you wrote this story from your own experiences. I wish for so many of us that "the voice" wasn't a daily occurrence. Looks like my therapist and I have more to discuss! Lol

Wouldn't change a thing!

I loved this book. I loved it because unlike other novels of the same genre I actually cared for the characters in this story. The author has an amazing grasp on what her characters are feeling and she expressed each of them so clearly it was as If I felt everything they experienced first hand. It has just the right amount of romance (but you can never have too much in my opinion!) And you can tell the main characters truly love each other. I don't normally write reviews but this book deserves it. If you want a good emotional, triumphant, happy ending love story filled with sexy ass Football players; then this book is for you!


Wow this series gets better and better I cried, I laughed and I learned so much. Great read and great insight into a diseases that I had know knowledge of. There love story was difficult but so worth it. Great book

Tear jerker...

I loved Austin and Lexi's story. A rollercoaster of emotions. Make sure you have a box of Kleenex handy...you will need it. Sweet Home and Sweet Rome were amazing but this story was utterly beautiful/broken. The issues in this book couldn't be more real...Love the way the story was told. It felt like I was living it as I was reading it. Well done.

Very hard read

This book is filled with so much angst. It is a very hard read. Lexi dealing with her demons telling her she is fat and Austin with his demons. Two broken people becoming one and whole. Austin has had a really hard life and thought himself worthless. Lexi strives to be perfect even it risks her life.

Really enjoyed this book

Really enjoyed this book. I think at some stage in life most people find them self falling subject to society's pressure to look perfect. Tillie personally caputured this in her main character Lexi. The heart breaking struggles she finds herself in while battling the demons that are inside her hard can be hard. But with love anything is possible.

WOW loved it

I could hardly put this down. This is a must read book and series!!! OMG I just love Cass she is hilarious. This was an amazing book and looking forward to Ally story. I want to say "stay strong Tillie and anyone else with this disease" in this book! Everyone, and I mean, everyone has 'flaws' (fingers quote in the air), that is not what defines a person. A must read!

Heartbreaking Love

This book is by far my favorite.... so much heart and soul in poured into this book... Wonderful story and told beautifully.

Deeply moving

This book had such an emotional pull over me. I was deeply moved by all of the serious issues presented in this book. There was no sugar coating things that happen in life but the way these characters handled their issues and circumstances was amazing. This story will stick with me for many years to come. Well done, Tillie Cole, and thank you for sharing such a personal story with us.

What a beautiful story

Wow...this book touched me in so many ways. The hardships and struggles of Austin and his family and the oh so broken Lexi. One thing I must say from a bit of experience, anorexia is a terrible disease and the way Tillie Cole described it in this story is very real. I've been there and can say that this book really touched my heart. Great love story!!!

Incredible wow

Omg where do I begin !! Tillie is an amazing writer and I must say that Sweet Fall stole my heart . So far the best in the series it crushed me to pieces . Two damaged souls lean on each other to come back to the light . Amazing five star read heart breaking and so loving ..

Words can't express how much I love this book!!

***sigh**** Another masterpiece from an amazing author!! I can't really find the right words to express how much I absolutely fell in love with this book! The raw emotion of seeing the dark of Lexi and Austin's lives will hold me forever! They both hid themselves and in the end needed each other to free themselves. What a fantastic read and I will gladly keep my spot as Tillie's #1 fan!!


I've read all of Tillie Cole books now, and as much as I love Molly and Romeo story, this novel with Austin and Lexi touched me at a deeper level! Austin was raw, passionate, dedicated to doing the right thing for his family (stupidly sometimes).......Coles writing is fluid and easy and her characters are very interesting

Another stunning read from Tillie Cole!

Yet another stunningly written book by Tillie Cole! Lexi and Austin's story is so emotional and their love true and pure. This is a definite five star read!

Tillie Cole does it yet again

There is a reason that Tillie Cole has quickly become one of my top authors of all time.Her writing, it's like magic on a page. This book was no exception. This read, it was absolutely amazing. An epic read. The raw emotion in this book was both heart warming and soul breaking. It was beautiful, and tragic, and I loved every minute of it. Can't wait for the next book!!


The more I read into the series the more I liked it


What an amazing story, it was very captivating. All the emotions of pain and happiness, the struggles took my breath away. Lexi and Austin had very deep struggles but their love conquered all. 💖

... not into teenage or young adult reads but I love this author's previous book that I read so I ...

I'm really not into teenage or young adult reads but I love this author's previous book that I read so I decided to give it a go. I always enjoy a story that deals with real issues and realities. It was frustrating and sad at times but a good read.

Love this book

Love this book. I have read the whole series of the brothers. I love how they love and stand by each other thru all of the life trial that they have to go thru to get their happiness. It is all about family and these brothers really show what happens when a family stays together no matter what.


Tillie thank u so much for sharing this beautiful heartfelt story..I know that a lot of people can relate to it and u have truly made this story into one of the best reads of 2014. Love Austin and Lexi. I read this in one setting I could not put it down. Can't wait to see who is next. Thanks again reading your books have been a pleasure. I give it four stars .buy it now if u haven't done so already..trust me it will have u in tears and on love all at once.

I Fell..HARD!

What a rollercoaster ride! Grab a box of tissues and prepare to give yourself over to this book. Nothing will prepare for the way you fall for Austin and Lexi. Their story is painfully beautiful! Have so much more to say but not a fan of spoilers!!!! One-click this one now......

4.5 *

This one hit me right square in the feels. I'm still wiping away the tears. The MC were so imperfect with their closely guarded secrets, but somehow they just clicked. They could see past the others facade when no one else could. Reading their journey just felt so personal. Perhaps some of that was due to what was shared by Ms. Cole in the author's note, huge props to her for sharing such personal information.

Another great one.

I have never cried so much while reading a book. Beautifully written. I am speechless, WOW! I am so looking forward to another one. I really don't want this series to end. I'm not ready to say goodbye. So I'm hoping there will be a book 5, with a what's happening now. Please????? Read these books you will love them.

I love Tillie Cole and this book has it all

I love Tillie Cole and this book has it all. I absolutely love Austin and Lexi! This book shows you that true love will always win. Grab a box of tissues before you start to read it because you will need it.

Another great book by Tillie Cole!

This book, just like all the others, is phenomenal! I am truly OBSESSED with Tillie Cole and her ability to pull at my heart strings. Not only does she bring the characters to life, she makes them a part of your life. After reading a book by her, you will truly feel for the characters, as if they really exist. She is so good at bringing emotion out through the pages of a book, it is unreal. I love every book written by Tillie Cole. There is not a thing I would change. I really enjoyed Lexi and Austin's story!


Okay I LOVED this frickin book!!! I've never cried so much while reading a story in my life .. Not only was it well-written, but it was also beautifully tragic .. I've only recently gotten into Tillie Cole, but I'm happy with the decision to purchase her books.. MUST READ!!!

so raw yet so beautiful

What a heartbreaking tragic story filled with individual struggles that you would not wish upon your worst enemy. This story fills you with such hope that love really can overcome anything. The only downside for me is that I would have liked an update 3 years on to how Romeo & Molly were doing.

Loved it.R.A

It's a must read. I loved the book and I also hope it helps someone with the disease. I had that problem at 16 but at the time I didn't know what it was but I have to say when you thinking you have no control the disease make you feel in control . The author did a great job of butting it into words.

A bit slow in places.

I was a little disappointed with this book after reading Sweet Rome. The characters almost had a story that ran prarlel to each other. It was very deep and a little bit heavy for me. Although maybe that is because I had a similar disorder in my adolescence.

Love this Series!

Freaking Beautiful Book!!! Austin and Lexi. Tillie Cole has done it again! I didn't think a book could get better after Sweet Home, but I'm actually wondering to myself if this one was better! Their story is so raw and real. Loved this!

Five huge stars!!!!

HOLY. WOW. It was fantastic! I absolutely love-love-love-loved this book. This was not an easy read.Both main characters are amazing. They are damaged, broken and perfectly imperfect.This was emotional heartbreaking story but so worth reading. This is one of those books that breaks your heart but is so worth reading!

Auto buy author


One of the most memorable books of the year

I can't even begin to express who deeply this book affected me and what it meant to me for her to write this book. I truly think this is Ms. Cole's best book yet and in my opinion one of the most memorable books I've read all year. This book wasn't what I expected, it was so much better so I highly recommend buying this book. Warning! Grab some tissues cause there'll be a lot of tears but it ends beautifully. :)


Really heart-wrenching, beautiful story with imperfect people, who are trully beautiful and good, despite s***ty situations. Great story, highly recommended!

Hot Italian boy I'm sold!!

Okay when I read Sweet Home I was in love with the characters, the group fit so well together! I loved Molls and Rome story I didn't think it could get better. Well Tillie Cole you did it again I love bad boy Austin he is a hot Italian boy, from the wrong side of the tracks and has the biggest heart ! And Lexi damn!! Her story touched me like no other the demons she faces is scary. Way to go! Can't wait to see who you write about next, hoping for ally story :)

5 Stars!

Loved it! The seriousness behind Austin and Lexi's love may open the eyes of some readers. Definitely two people who needed the love and support of one another.

For the first time, having read thousands of books ...

For the first time, having read thousands of books, I woke in the middle of the night with tears pouring down my cheeks. This heart wrenching story has opened my eyes to the struggle I have seen but never understood. Thank you Tillie!

10 Stars! Austin and Lexi!

This is one of the best books. Tillie Cole is a good author! I've read three of her books now and I have not once been disappointed! The author bared her soul in a sense in this book and I have a great respect for that. O would give this book 10 stars if I could! Well done!


What a amazing love story, I cried and felt so sad just thinking about what some people go through in life with this particular disorder, the writing was on point, Tillie Cole is a great author one of my favorites, I so recommend this series.

I have no words!!

I am seriously blown away by Tillie Cole's words. She is amazing! This book came straight from her heart and it shows. Austin and Lexi's story really tugs at your heart. I love when an author makes you stop and think about things and that is what she does. I can't say it enough it's just AMAZING!!!

A Must Read

Tillie Cole has given us a breathtakingly beautiful, emotionally charged book that I was unable to put down. This couple finds so much strength in each other but on their own have such secretive inner struggles that survival alone may not be attainable. So many thanks to Tillie Cole for putting her heart and soul in these characters and sharing herself with us.

Cole with another winner!

Couldn't put it down. Made me cry more than once, but the HEA was so worth it. Happy that the guy wasn't just another formulaic dark, brooding bad boy. Also talked about something most people don't like to think about. TD Cole for the W! Can't wait for the next one.

I loved this...

I loved this story. I laughed, cried, and fell more in love with this series. I've read them out of order so, I'm reading this one last. My only regret is that I can't see these characters with my own eyes. They are all beautiful. xo

Love it!!!

Sweet Fall is amazing!! It's heart breaking and so beautiful. Both Lexi and Austin broke my heart. I love them both so much. I was dying to read Austin and Lexi's story when I first read Sweet Home and now I know why... It is everything. I highly recommend the Sweet Home series.

Four Stars

Love the whole series. Great way to get lost for a few hours and really enjoy these characters.

Love Austin & Lexi

Such a great story. So emotional and sweet. It bring to light a disease faced by many but rarely discussed. Yes this is a stand alone but I really loved being kept in the loop with the other characters in the series. I am excited for all of Tillie's work. She is great.

So many FEELS!!!

This book brought out so many different feelings for me. I could relate to Lexi on a personal level. I am so glad she found the love of her life in Austin. Two broken souls became one. Amazing read!!! You will not be disappointed.

Another important message to be told!

Another great message that was told perfectly in this story. Thank you Tillie Cole for telling these stories even though they make my emotions all over the place!

Loved it

I loved this story. It was heart breaking in so many ways. Austin and Lexi's story of tragedy and finding your way out of the hell so many live in. Well done! Must read the fourth about Ally

Fantastic story!

Fantastic story!! Grab a box of tissues and this book and enjoy. You'll be so happy you did. It's a great NA book with characters that will steal your heart from the very first page. I definitely recommend it.

Absolutely amazing

We're. What an emotional book. I just felt for these two broken souls. Lexi and Austin have been through so much, and go through much worse. Their story will make you cry. Like ugly cry. My eyes are swollen and my heart feels for these two. Such an amazing book.

Ti Amo

I loved this story of the emo and the boy from the wrong side of the tracks falling hard for each other. The journey of both had me often times in ugly tears. Heart breaking and then mending at the love between the two!

This book is absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful. Definitely worth the read

This story was so much more than I thought it would be. Lexi and Austin were both dealing with situations that were extremely difficult. This book is absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful. Definitely worth the read. Happy reading!

it was so good to revisit these characters

it was so good to revisit these characters. I automatically bought this book because i loved the first two books in this series. Simply amazing. Hopefully your next books will be as good. I did not like the one off books you had in the middle of this series.

Loved it

There are not words for how much I loved this book. I loved Austin and Lexi, I did not want the book to end. Great story, written beautifully. A must read. My favorite book of the series so far.

I really love Tillie's books because they are not all butterflies and ...

Seriously this book moved me, it was so heartbreaking and the struggles this couple went through were so real. I really love Tillie's books because they are not all butterflies and flowers. They are real, gritty, and keep you on the edge of your seats... Now if only she would give us more a hint to who Ally ends up with.....

This will pull on all your heartstrings

Austin and Lexi were both beautifully broken. It was an unlikely match but was the only right one. They both had demons to fight and only together could they survive them. I loved this book and can't tell you how much I recommend it.


Two very desperate young people. Fighting imagined and very real demons. So very bittersweet. But true love always wins. Even when the fight is for your life.

Beautiful Fall 😘

I really enjoyed Austin's and Lexi's story. We also learned a little bit more about their back ground which I feel is a really hard topic to jump into but so common these days. I loved it! Can't wait to start the next book📖

Love this beautifully broken couple

What a heartbreaking story both Austin and Lexi have. Tille Cole tells this couple's story of struggles and trying to belong perfecty. Love this series and this beautifully broken couple.

WOW!!!!! read it... but keep tissues at hand.

Wow!!! Good lord this book had me crying through almost the whole thing. I couldn't put it down. Loved it. I really appreciate that she dug deep and created a book that was very delicate and sensitive for her. Loved the relationship between both Led and Aust wooow!! Best book I've read this summer.

Holy cow!!!!

I never taught I would say this, BUT I MAY like Pix and Austin's story more then Rome and Molly's...... you will totally understand when you read this! Just.... HAH Read it!!!!


Wow! This truly was one of the best books I have read! Austin and Lexi, a very unlikely pair, but both are broken and able to find the pieces in each other. Beautiful story


This story was beautiful. And heartbreaking at the same time. So wonderfully written to give a true understanding of the real life struggles that Lexi faced with her illness.

No words

I don't even know what to really say... This book has given me a hangover for sure. It's beautiful, tragic, amazing and wonderful all at the same time. At 90% I kept putting it down, because I didn't want it to end. This is a one click buy!!!!


I loved this book. I think this is one of the best books I have read. I cried like a baby. It was gut wrenching. I can relate to what both characters endured. I'm so glad I read this book. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

4.5 stars...

This book wow... Had a bit of everything... It had love, loss, family, friends, true love, heart break... I really enjoyed this read! It had an amazing epilogue!

Book 3

Wonderful, sweet, sad. I loved it. It's was sweetly sad. I got teary eyed several time while reading this book. I'm ready for who is next

Sweet Fall

I really liked the first book in this series but just found this one too heavy and full on! I was hoping for something more lighter. - apart from the heavy issues it was good!

Great !!!

I wish I could give this book more stars. I absolutely loved it from beginning to end. Get out the Kleenex you are going to need them!! Deep, emotional story you won't be able to.put down. I definitely recommend this book.

Worthy of your time

First book gets you hooked and want to read more, there story is different but interesting by itself and lead up to Sweet Hope!

Loved it!

Austin from the wrong side of the tracks but oh so yummy! I loved this series! Austin and Lexi were meant for each other! pick it up you won't be disappointed

Heart breakingly beautiful

What a whirlwind of a story. Touching on some heavy duty topics. Beautifully written. It will stay with me for some time. This is one of my new favorites.


Love love love this book! The characters come to life and you find yourself right beside them along for the ride. Really did not want their story to end but hopefully we will see more from them in other books.


Such a beautiful story.. and also so heartbreaking at the same time.. thank you for sharing this with us ...


Tillie Cole had a wonderful book. I read all 4 in one week I couldn't put it down. A must read series


This is an amazing series. The author has done a fantastic job with character development. What a magical story. Loved reading every word.

She's done it again!

Wow it's been month's since I lose myself in an amazing book. This book is full of emotions and a total rollercoaster. Best one of the series in my opinion. Lexi and Austin have an amazing love story, I laughed, I cried and couldn't put the book down. Applause for you Mrs. Tillie Cole, great job. Please keep your novels coming.


What a heartbreaking, heartfelt, wonderful story. This is truly a great read. Austin and Lexi have so many obstacles and yet they find each other. LOVED IT!!!!

Love this writer!!

It has been so long since emotion conveyed through a book brought me to tears! I usually go for things a little steamier than this but I can't even put into words how well Tillie Cole captures the internal struggles and conveys it so well it feels like I experienced it along with Austin and Lexington.! Must Read!

A Must Read!

I thought Sweet Home made me cry. This book took it to a whole new level. Tillie did an amazing job with these characters. I am absolutely in love with Austin Carillo & Lexi "Pix" Hart is my hero.

5 star swoon worthy!! One click it NOW!!

Loved this book!! Loved the whole series! Tillie did not disappoint!!!! Had me at very beginning! I don't do spoilers. Only review 5 star worthy books!! And this was a great one!!!

Well done Tillie Cole!!!

This was a great book that dealt with real problems. I loved all the characters and can't wait to see if she will be writing another book in this series! Enjoy!!

4.5 stars!

Cole never disappoints! Another great book of love and healing and survival. Loved seeing characters from previous books and seeing where Lexie and her footballer ended up.

Sweet Fall

I am lost for words. Wow this book drew so much emotions out of me I don't even know where to begin. Thank you so much Mrs Cole for such a wonderful book. It was not only captivating but truly and emotional ride.

Great story

I really enjoyed reading Austin and Lexi's story. This was another great addition to an already fantastic series, I can't wait to read the next one!

One Click This Now!

This was such a wonderful story and really stands alone in the genre. What a beautiful tale of love and the struggle we will go through to hold on to that love, even with a death grip on it. Buy this now!

Sweet Fall(Sweet Home Series Book 3)

Lexi was sweet girl that love Austin and he loved her he was one of the good guys that cares what happened to the person.He was poor and knew how hard it was.this is amazing love story.Thank you Ruby Miller

so much love!

4+ stars! It's a very emotional read. This author has a talent with creating diverse characters that make you feel a multitude of things. So many battles, so much love!

Five Stars

Wow... It started off iffy, but, as it progressed, I was all in and touched. Just, wow...

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