Reviews (169)
Resolves a few things from One Fell Sweep
A short story, 4.5 in The Innkeeper Chronicles urban fantasy series, revolving around Dina Demille, an innkeeper and her somewhat sentient inn, Gertrude Hunt, set in Red Deer, Texas. I'd say you could read these stories out of order, but you'll miss some depth as Andrews does refer back to previous stories. My Take The Innkeeper Chronicles are pure fun with a most unlikely premise that keeps me absolutely fascinated. I love the creatures and the crazy customs that Andrews invents for Dina's guests. As for the inn...I wish my house would work this way! Her security is amazing!! There's some spillover tension from events in One Fell Sweep , 3, when Gertrude Hunt was at risk of dying, but it's not so bad...and Andrews doesn't really take advantage of it. Part of the fun is how Dina and Gertrude Hunt repel "boarders" and other unwanted guests, lol. That Peterson really has no idea what he's up against, and I was ROFLMAO. The man is so clueless...can't he hear what he's saying to his niece??? I do gotta wonder what the heck Chatune is. There is warmth as well, for Dina loves taking care of her guests, ensuring no harm comes to them. It's in "Sweep with Me" that Dina learns she is also loved by her staff and permanent guest. Poor Orro and his fascination for that TV cook... He really hasn't a clue no matter how frequently Dina tries to tell him. Oh, yeah, Andrews is so right when Dina states that Earth politicians need to go on a pilgrimage "with the purpose of learning a valuable understanding" to be "worthy of the office". Wouldn't that be a treat for us poor peons!? My niggles include Andrews not being as clear about some of the characters, character names that are too close to each other (namely Qoros and Orros!), and how Dina figures that this last-stand pilgrimage of Qoros' translates to the inn. Oh, sure, I know Andrews is referring to the successes Dina and Gertrude Hunt have had, but the Alamo? A defeat compared to successes? And Qoros doesn't seem to be helped by the end. As for the mechanical side, Andrews is missing a number of articles (grammar) with some punctuation issues as well. The theme is one of home and mercy, both revolving around Dina and using first person protagonist point-of-view from Dina's perspective. It does seem that Adira absorbed Dina's thoughts on mercy. I have to confess it's a solution I hadn't expected...but I do agree with it. Oh, man, oh, man, this sounds like some of my neighbors: "None of you are looking for the truth. You simply like to argue and brawl." "Sweep With Me" does not lack for action OR characters with the pace varying between slow and fast. The prose itself can be convoluted. Try not to worry about it — there isn't anything you can do anyway. In the meantime, that lucky Dina is piling up the favors! The Story That Dina skates close to the rules, and the Assembly has summoned her after events in One Fell Sweep . It's a scary situation with more to pile up on her when a Drífan and a Medamoth both want to stay at the inn. Dina can't deny them, but their stay will be fraught...especially when she knows that Medamoth will want to go for those space chickens!! The Characters The daughter of innkeepers, Dina Demille never thought she’d have her own inn. Beast is her abnormal Shih Tzu with some scary teeth. Helen named the big Maine Coon Olasard, the Ripper of Souls; he was rescued from a pet store. Sean Evans is an über werewolf, an alpha from the destroyed planet Auul, and Dina's live-in lover. Officer Marais has been in the know about Gertrude Hunt since One Fell Sweep . Gertrude Hunt is... ...a somewhat sentient inn which Dina can remake over and over to suit her intergalactic guests. Those guests are a necessity to help keep Gertrude Hunt alive and well. Caldenia ka ret Magren is a permanent guest, a former galactic tyrant (with very sharp teeth) who has a bounty on her head. The egotistical Orro, a Quillonian who looks like a hedgehog, is their Red Cleaver chef. He served his apprenticeship under Chef Adri, another Quillonian. Drífen are... ...almost never seen and very magical. Ruled by an emperor, their world is split up into dryhts (a combination of clan, sect, and magic order which take on the characteristics of what that dryht is dedicated to — beast, landscape, plant, fire, etc. — which are ruled by dryhten (liege lords). Green Mountain is a tree dryht ruled by the liege lord Adira Kline, an American who needs closure. Chatune might be the planet?? on which Green Mountain is located. Zedas is a Drífan and I think he's an Akeraat as well? Sora is the little beast. Liege Adira was a cook in another household. Rudolph Peterson is the most selfish multi-millionaire chairman and CEO of the Peterson Group. Liege Yastreb of the Onyx Sect is an enemy. The koo-ko are... ...essentially, space chickens who love to debate. They are monitored by First Scholar Thek. Medamoth are... ...born hunters with the predatory drive instinctive from birth. And General Who Sinks His Fangs Into The Throat of His Enemy is on a pilgrimage and wants to be a guest at the inn — the general is using the name Qoros for this pilgrimage. Seems he's being groomed to be a colonial governor in a colony embattled with the Hope-Crushing Horde. Ratharr the Vein Ripper is one of the Medamoth Bloody Twelve, the best heroes of the species. The Innkeeper Assembly is... ...a group of prominent innkeepers who maintain the law of the inns. Per the Treaty, Earth is neutral ground where alien visitors have safe haven in the inns. (January 14 is Treaty Stay, a holiday celebrating the signing of the treaty.) Casa Feliz is an inn in Dallas which is run by Brian Rodriguez. His son, Tony, is usually there, although his true role is as an ad-hal, the Assembly's guardian and enforcer of its judgments ( One Fell Sweep ). Baha-char is... ...for lack of a better description, a shopping planet. Dina frequently travels here for spices and other supplies she can't get on Earth. Yep, Sean loves it too. He can find some really great weapons here. Wilmos, a planet-less werewolf, owns a weapons shop here and brokers deals between mercenaries and those who hire them. And the entrance to get to Gertrude Hunt is in the alley by the Saurian merchant who sells underwater lights. It's a nice thing Dina does for Adira. Maud is Dina's older sister who is marrying Arland, a vampire Marshal of House Krahr, on his home planet, Daesyn ( Sweep of the Blade , 4). Helen is Maud's half-vampire, half-human daughter who adores the Marshal. Nexus was a battleground for decades between the Otrokar and the Holy Anocracy (a consortium of vampire Houses). Turan Adin is a legendary commander who fought on Nexus. Tom, works for FedEx, and Elena Laurent, a middle school teacher, are normal neighbors who are divorcing. Margaret is a nosy neighbor who works from home. Garry Keys is a TV cook with whom Orro is fascinated — FIRE! A humanizer is a gadget that attempts to make aliens look more human. Sophie is a genius swordswoman from The Edge series. The Nuan Clan of Merchants are allies and friends of Dina's. The Hope-Crushing Horde are Otrokars who constantly require more land. The Cover and Title The cover is festive in its Treaty Day lanterns hanging from one of the inn's apple trees and that start of a purple sky at the top. A sky with a glowy gradation from that purple to a lighter blue and down into a royal blue. It's a much deeper royal blue in the hooded cloak the blonde Dina is wearing, as she whirls to meet the enemy with her broom in hand. It's a serious Sean behind her in a black turtleneck. All the text is in white starting with the info blurb at the top with the author's name immediately below it. At the bottom, centered over Dina's lower half, is the title. I think the title refers to the choice Dina offers Sean and the gathering in of the inn's guests for the holiday, to "Sweep with Me".
Out of this world!!!!
I swear, each one of these books just keeps getting better and better & better. I have loved everyone of them, & I've spent many nights staying up well past "bed time" to finish, because I just couldn't put the book down. This one was much shorter than the others, but still just as good.
Same solid stuff as the other Innkeeper stories
This was a novella, and it felt shorter than the books of this series, but not to a point where the story it was telling felt unfinished. We have a very... Eclectic group of guests. And Orro himself has several very entertaining moments in this one as well. There is some serious action towards the end, and a bad guy who gets what he deserves at every turn. I always like bad guys getting what the deserve. But there are 2-3 story elements that seemed slightly underdeveloped for me-- different from an unfinished story, but... Still not wholly satisfying. Part and parcel with a novella in an established series, probably. But not my favorite thing, regardless.
Exemplary story, squee!
Listened to the audio version of this book by Graphic Audio. They never disappoint, great sound quality, fabulous voices and I will be listening again. The story by the authors is stupendous and I can only squee at each rendition they deliver. The story has both internal and external conflicts that usually are resolved in a wonderful conclusion. The sub story is woven in and carries through each book along with the existing characters and all the newly introduced characters. I could go through all the exemplary adjectives to assist in a glowing review, however, let me just say to use your best judgment and read/listen for your own enjoyment. Enjoy!
Keep the Innkeeper Chronicles coming!!!
As usual, another winner for the IC. I love seeing Dina’s power, and character develop. It’s great seeing all my favorite characters continue and I love the creativity in developing new aliens. The interactions are great. This story line felt a bit more as a stand alone story since there didn’t seem to be any connection to her parents disappearance and minimal mention of her sister. I can’t even say how many times I’ve read this… this isn’t my first IC rodeo and it won’t be my last. We need book 6!
Love it
Can’t wait for another one in this series. This is the second time I have read this and it was just as good as the first time!
Loved this follow Up Novella and Still Want More
After the amazing grand finale events in One Fell Sweep when the romance thread of the plot seemed to finish, I wanted more. I love the world of the series, the cast of characters, and yes that low hum buzz of a romance for the Innkeeper and the werewolf. So, this novella was welcome. Sweep with Me carries on during the events off world in book four and is part of a series that must be read in order. Dina and Sean nervously anticipate their summoning to the Assembly, but then Tony drops by with the mixed news that instead they have been asked to host an alien guest who will most certainly bring a tricky situation. Sean is so new to his chosen place at Dina's side as an Innkeeper and she is still recovering from the hardship of losing that baby Inn and the rest of the catastrophic events that her confidence in bringing it all off is shaken. They have the big Innkeeper's holiday that means they take in one and all who have not been banned that brings them a few more complications, too. But, each of her friends and most certainly her lover and Gertrude Hunt itself teach Dina that she is not on her own and it can all be done when they work together and she learns to rely on and trust them and herself. Sweep With Me was a lovely after story, but it also felt like a reset for a new series arc because there was tone to it and of course some series plot threads are left dangling. That said, I loved seeing Dina and Sean continue to gel as a couple and a new pair who have very different skills and ways of doing things trying to work together. Orro has his own culinary crisis that was fun and Caldenia and Officer Marais are as entertaining as ever. I need more and can only hope the authors return to the series at some point. Those who have not tried this series and love a mesh of urban fantasy and sci-fi really must give it a go.
The weakest of the innkeeper series. HOPING for ANOTHER VOLUME to resolve loose threads! PLEASE?!
First, I am a big fan of the whole innkeeper series. So fun, plots that keep you reading, fun fun moments between characters that stick in your mind like pictures, fun characters like Orro the overdramatic red star chef. This one (5th in the series) was the weakest but still enjoyable. My favorite so far was probably the fourth, (which surprised me because it wasn't even set in the inn, but it featured Dina's amazing sister holding her own in vampire territory, so great). Anyway, the main reason I write this review is to say I really hope to see the writers put forth another book (or several more, yes please!) in this series. Because I really want to find out what happened to Dina and Maud's parents, and what has Klaus, their brother been doing, and what is it about this magic that Maud and her daughter possess that attracts a particular monster (can't remember the name of them right now). All these mysteries still unanswered -- I would love to learn more about them. Besides, don't we have a wedding to plan??? Maud and her vampire--I really want to see that. The easily offended Vampires, with all their formal customs. The way Arland backs his bride consistently, so hot. I want to see (read) it badly. Thanks for a great series, and I hope for more of it.
Page Turner!
Very exciting a real page turner finished at no time
I Love Coming Home to Gertrude Hunt
Reading a new Ilona Andrew’s novel/novella is like slipping into a nice warm bath with a nice glass of wine. I know that it is going to go smoothly and I can relax in the knowledge that I’m going to enjoy the story and feel better on the other side of it. Welcome to Treaty Day, the Innkeepers holiday where Three Travelers will come and can not be turned away from the Inn. It could also be the start of a good joke A warrior, a sage and a pilgrim walk into an Inn…we however get a fun holiday story Ilona Andrews style. ***“Excellent. Life gives us precious few opportunities to put our best foot forward, so when a chance to shine presents itself, one should always take it.” Caldenia grinned, baring inhumanely sharp teeth. “Besides, it’s been almost two weeks since anyone was brutally murdered. Things were getting a bit dull. We wouldn’t want to die of boredom, would we?”*** Dina and Sean are setting up house, well Inn to be exact and recovering after saving everyone in the last book. She was hoping for some down time but it seems like her Inn is about to host some of the strangest beings to ever stay at Gertrude Hunt and that is saying something. There is the seriousness of the business with a grand being called The Mountain, the hilarity of debating chickens and a new creature we haven’t seen before in the books that wants to tour The Alamo. It is a great time to be at Gertrude Hunt. Added to that Orro’s quest to make something not delicious and an obsession with a particular cooking show. All I know if that Bobby Flay beware, I think Orro is coming for you next and I’m sure he can take you down in any house. ***“Then you will bring this Grand Burger to me and I shall make it. You will taste it and you will weep, for it will be the best Grand Burger to ever grace a human mouth.”*** Treat yourself to something wonderful post holiday and go for a short stay at Gertrude Hunt. You will thank me for it.
Resolves a few things from One Fell Sweep
A short story, 4.5 in The Innkeeper Chronicles urban fantasy series, revolving around Dina Demille, an innkeeper and her somewhat sentient inn, Gertrude Hunt, set in Red Deer, Texas. I'd say you could read these stories out of order, but you'll miss some depth as Andrews does refer back to previous stories. My Take The Innkeeper Chronicles are pure fun with a most unlikely premise that keeps me absolutely fascinated. I love the creatures and the crazy customs that Andrews invents for Dina's guests. As for the inn...I wish my house would work this way! Her security is amazing!! There's some spillover tension from events in One Fell Sweep , 3, when Gertrude Hunt was at risk of dying, but it's not so bad...and Andrews doesn't really take advantage of it. Part of the fun is how Dina and Gertrude Hunt repel "boarders" and other unwanted guests, lol. That Peterson really has no idea what he's up against, and I was ROFLMAO. The man is so clueless...can't he hear what he's saying to his niece??? I do gotta wonder what the heck Chatune is. There is warmth as well, for Dina loves taking care of her guests, ensuring no harm comes to them. It's in "Sweep with Me" that Dina learns she is also loved by her staff and permanent guest. Poor Orro and his fascination for that TV cook... He really hasn't a clue no matter how frequently Dina tries to tell him. Oh, yeah, Andrews is so right when Dina states that Earth politicians need to go on a pilgrimage "with the purpose of learning a valuable understanding" to be "worthy of the office". Wouldn't that be a treat for us poor peons!? My niggles include Andrews not being as clear about some of the characters, character names that are too close to each other (namely Qoros and Orros!), and how Dina figures that this last-stand pilgrimage of Qoros' translates to the inn. Oh, sure, I know Andrews is referring to the successes Dina and Gertrude Hunt have had, but the Alamo? A defeat compared to successes? And Qoros doesn't seem to be helped by the end. As for the mechanical side, Andrews is missing a number of articles (grammar) with some punctuation issues as well. The theme is one of home and mercy, both revolving around Dina and using first person protagonist point-of-view from Dina's perspective. It does seem that Adira absorbed Dina's thoughts on mercy. I have to confess it's a solution I hadn't expected...but I do agree with it. Oh, man, oh, man, this sounds like some of my neighbors: "None of you are looking for the truth. You simply like to argue and brawl." "Sweep With Me" does not lack for action OR characters with the pace varying between slow and fast. The prose itself can be convoluted. Try not to worry about it — there isn't anything you can do anyway. In the meantime, that lucky Dina is piling up the favors! The Story That Dina skates close to the rules, and the Assembly has summoned her after events in One Fell Sweep . It's a scary situation with more to pile up on her when a Drífan and a Medamoth both want to stay at the inn. Dina can't deny them, but their stay will be fraught...especially when she knows that Medamoth will want to go for those space chickens!! The Characters The daughter of innkeepers, Dina Demille never thought she’d have her own inn. Beast is her abnormal Shih Tzu with some scary teeth. Helen named the big Maine Coon Olasard, the Ripper of Souls; he was rescued from a pet store. Sean Evans is an über werewolf, an alpha from the destroyed planet Auul, and Dina's live-in lover. Officer Marais has been in the know about Gertrude Hunt since One Fell Sweep . Gertrude Hunt is... ...a somewhat sentient inn which Dina can remake over and over to suit her intergalactic guests. Those guests are a necessity to help keep Gertrude Hunt alive and well. Caldenia ka ret Magren is a permanent guest, a former galactic tyrant (with very sharp teeth) who has a bounty on her head. The egotistical Orro, a Quillonian who looks like a hedgehog, is their Red Cleaver chef. He served his apprenticeship under Chef Adri, another Quillonian. Drífen are... ...almost never seen and very magical. Ruled by an emperor, their world is split up into dryhts (a combination of clan, sect, and magic order which take on the characteristics of what that dryht is dedicated to — beast, landscape, plant, fire, etc. — which are ruled by dryhten (liege lords). Green Mountain is a tree dryht ruled by the liege lord Adira Kline, an American who needs closure. Chatune might be the planet?? on which Green Mountain is located. Zedas is a Drífan and I think he's an Akeraat as well? Sora is the little beast. Liege Adira was a cook in another household. Rudolph Peterson is the most selfish multi-millionaire chairman and CEO of the Peterson Group. Liege Yastreb of the Onyx Sect is an enemy. The koo-ko are... ...essentially, space chickens who love to debate. They are monitored by First Scholar Thek. Medamoth are... ...born hunters with the predatory drive instinctive from birth. And General Who Sinks His Fangs Into The Throat of His Enemy is on a pilgrimage and wants to be a guest at the inn — the general is using the name Qoros for this pilgrimage. Seems he's being groomed to be a colonial governor in a colony embattled with the Hope-Crushing Horde. Ratharr the Vein Ripper is one of the Medamoth Bloody Twelve, the best heroes of the species. The Innkeeper Assembly is... ...a group of prominent innkeepers who maintain the law of the inns. Per the Treaty, Earth is neutral ground where alien visitors have safe haven in the inns. (January 14 is Treaty Stay, a holiday celebrating the signing of the treaty.) Casa Feliz is an inn in Dallas which is run by Brian Rodriguez. His son, Tony, is usually there, although his true role is as an ad-hal, the Assembly's guardian and enforcer of its judgments ( One Fell Sweep ). Baha-char is... ...for lack of a better description, a shopping planet. Dina frequently travels here for spices and other supplies she can't get on Earth. Yep, Sean loves it too. He can find some really great weapons here. Wilmos, a planet-less werewolf, owns a weapons shop here and brokers deals between mercenaries and those who hire them. And the entrance to get to Gertrude Hunt is in the alley by the Saurian merchant who sells underwater lights. It's a nice thing Dina does for Adira. Maud is Dina's older sister who is marrying Arland, a vampire Marshal of House Krahr, on his home planet, Daesyn ( Sweep of the Blade , 4). Helen is Maud's half-vampire, half-human daughter who adores the Marshal. Nexus was a battleground for decades between the Otrokar and the Holy Anocracy (a consortium of vampire Houses). Turan Adin is a legendary commander who fought on Nexus. Tom, works for FedEx, and Elena Laurent, a middle school teacher, are normal neighbors who are divorcing. Margaret is a nosy neighbor who works from home. Garry Keys is a TV cook with whom Orro is fascinated — FIRE! A humanizer is a gadget that attempts to make aliens look more human. Sophie is a genius swordswoman from The Edge series. The Nuan Clan of Merchants are allies and friends of Dina's. The Hope-Crushing Horde are Otrokars who constantly require more land. The Cover and Title The cover is festive in its Treaty Day lanterns hanging from one of the inn's apple trees and that start of a purple sky at the top. A sky with a glowy gradation from that purple to a lighter blue and down into a royal blue. It's a much deeper royal blue in the hooded cloak the blonde Dina is wearing, as she whirls to meet the enemy with her broom in hand. It's a serious Sean behind her in a black turtleneck. All the text is in white starting with the info blurb at the top with the author's name immediately below it. At the bottom, centered over Dina's lower half, is the title. I think the title refers to the choice Dina offers Sean and the gathering in of the inn's guests for the holiday, to "Sweep with Me".
Out of this world!!!!
I swear, each one of these books just keeps getting better and better & better. I have loved everyone of them, & I've spent many nights staying up well past "bed time" to finish, because I just couldn't put the book down. This one was much shorter than the others, but still just as good.
Same solid stuff as the other Innkeeper stories
This was a novella, and it felt shorter than the books of this series, but not to a point where the story it was telling felt unfinished. We have a very... Eclectic group of guests. And Orro himself has several very entertaining moments in this one as well. There is some serious action towards the end, and a bad guy who gets what he deserves at every turn. I always like bad guys getting what the deserve. But there are 2-3 story elements that seemed slightly underdeveloped for me-- different from an unfinished story, but... Still not wholly satisfying. Part and parcel with a novella in an established series, probably. But not my favorite thing, regardless.
Exemplary story, squee!
Listened to the audio version of this book by Graphic Audio. They never disappoint, great sound quality, fabulous voices and I will be listening again. The story by the authors is stupendous and I can only squee at each rendition they deliver. The story has both internal and external conflicts that usually are resolved in a wonderful conclusion. The sub story is woven in and carries through each book along with the existing characters and all the newly introduced characters. I could go through all the exemplary adjectives to assist in a glowing review, however, let me just say to use your best judgment and read/listen for your own enjoyment. Enjoy!
Keep the Innkeeper Chronicles coming!!!
As usual, another winner for the IC. I love seeing Dina’s power, and character develop. It’s great seeing all my favorite characters continue and I love the creativity in developing new aliens. The interactions are great. This story line felt a bit more as a stand alone story since there didn’t seem to be any connection to her parents disappearance and minimal mention of her sister. I can’t even say how many times I’ve read this… this isn’t my first IC rodeo and it won’t be my last. We need book 6!
Love it
Can’t wait for another one in this series. This is the second time I have read this and it was just as good as the first time!
Loved this follow Up Novella and Still Want More
After the amazing grand finale events in One Fell Sweep when the romance thread of the plot seemed to finish, I wanted more. I love the world of the series, the cast of characters, and yes that low hum buzz of a romance for the Innkeeper and the werewolf. So, this novella was welcome. Sweep with Me carries on during the events off world in book four and is part of a series that must be read in order. Dina and Sean nervously anticipate their summoning to the Assembly, but then Tony drops by with the mixed news that instead they have been asked to host an alien guest who will most certainly bring a tricky situation. Sean is so new to his chosen place at Dina's side as an Innkeeper and she is still recovering from the hardship of losing that baby Inn and the rest of the catastrophic events that her confidence in bringing it all off is shaken. They have the big Innkeeper's holiday that means they take in one and all who have not been banned that brings them a few more complications, too. But, each of her friends and most certainly her lover and Gertrude Hunt itself teach Dina that she is not on her own and it can all be done when they work together and she learns to rely on and trust them and herself. Sweep With Me was a lovely after story, but it also felt like a reset for a new series arc because there was tone to it and of course some series plot threads are left dangling. That said, I loved seeing Dina and Sean continue to gel as a couple and a new pair who have very different skills and ways of doing things trying to work together. Orro has his own culinary crisis that was fun and Caldenia and Officer Marais are as entertaining as ever. I need more and can only hope the authors return to the series at some point. Those who have not tried this series and love a mesh of urban fantasy and sci-fi really must give it a go.
The weakest of the innkeeper series. HOPING for ANOTHER VOLUME to resolve loose threads! PLEASE?!
First, I am a big fan of the whole innkeeper series. So fun, plots that keep you reading, fun fun moments between characters that stick in your mind like pictures, fun characters like Orro the overdramatic red star chef. This one (5th in the series) was the weakest but still enjoyable. My favorite so far was probably the fourth, (which surprised me because it wasn't even set in the inn, but it featured Dina's amazing sister holding her own in vampire territory, so great). Anyway, the main reason I write this review is to say I really hope to see the writers put forth another book (or several more, yes please!) in this series. Because I really want to find out what happened to Dina and Maud's parents, and what has Klaus, their brother been doing, and what is it about this magic that Maud and her daughter possess that attracts a particular monster (can't remember the name of them right now). All these mysteries still unanswered -- I would love to learn more about them. Besides, don't we have a wedding to plan??? Maud and her vampire--I really want to see that. The easily offended Vampires, with all their formal customs. The way Arland backs his bride consistently, so hot. I want to see (read) it badly. Thanks for a great series, and I hope for more of it.
Page Turner!
Very exciting a real page turner finished at no time
I Love Coming Home to Gertrude Hunt
Reading a new Ilona Andrew’s novel/novella is like slipping into a nice warm bath with a nice glass of wine. I know that it is going to go smoothly and I can relax in the knowledge that I’m going to enjoy the story and feel better on the other side of it. Welcome to Treaty Day, the Innkeepers holiday where Three Travelers will come and can not be turned away from the Inn. It could also be the start of a good joke A warrior, a sage and a pilgrim walk into an Inn…we however get a fun holiday story Ilona Andrews style. ***“Excellent. Life gives us precious few opportunities to put our best foot forward, so when a chance to shine presents itself, one should always take it.” Caldenia grinned, baring inhumanely sharp teeth. “Besides, it’s been almost two weeks since anyone was brutally murdered. Things were getting a bit dull. We wouldn’t want to die of boredom, would we?”*** Dina and Sean are setting up house, well Inn to be exact and recovering after saving everyone in the last book. She was hoping for some down time but it seems like her Inn is about to host some of the strangest beings to ever stay at Gertrude Hunt and that is saying something. There is the seriousness of the business with a grand being called The Mountain, the hilarity of debating chickens and a new creature we haven’t seen before in the books that wants to tour The Alamo. It is a great time to be at Gertrude Hunt. Added to that Orro’s quest to make something not delicious and an obsession with a particular cooking show. All I know if that Bobby Flay beware, I think Orro is coming for you next and I’m sure he can take you down in any house. ***“Then you will bring this Grand Burger to me and I shall make it. You will taste it and you will weep, for it will be the best Grand Burger to ever grace a human mouth.”*** Treat yourself to something wonderful post holiday and go for a short stay at Gertrude Hunt. You will thank me for it.
Love this series!
Series Info/Source: This is the fifth book/novella in the Innkeeper Chronicles. I purchased this for Kindle Story (5/5): This is hands down my favorite series that the Andrews write. This story was in keeping with the rest of the series, which is to say that it is AMAZING! The story is back in Gertrude Hunt as Dina and Sean work together to host a variety of difficult aliens on Gertrude Hunt’s premises. Characters (5/5): I love the characters in this series and continue to love new ones that are introduced. The lovable, intriguing and engaging characters are definitely a high point of this series. Setting (5/5): I absolutely adore Gertrude Hunt and enjoy any story set within her premises. The extended worlds built outside of Earth are always fascinating and so well done in this series. Writing Style (5/5): This was incredibly well written and easy to read. The story is full of creative ideas, humor, action, and amazing new aliens. This is just a perfect blend of elements that makes for a highly entertaining read! Summary (5/5): Overall I loved this addition to the Innkeeper Chronicles, I love this series even more than the Kate Daniels series and hope Andrews decides to continue on with it for a long, long time. I would recommend reading previous books in the series before this one. I would recommend this series to people who enjoy urban fantasy with a sci-fi bent to it and a lot of humor.
I didn’t know what to expect from this one. Love Dina & Sean working together with Gertrude Hunt. That is wonderful! But these guests were something else! The chickens!!! OMG! I just can’t. But overall a good read and I look forward to the next book in this series.
Another great addition to the series!!
Every winter Innkeepers celebrate their own holiday, Treaty Stay, which honors the ancient treaty that united the inns and established the rules to protect them, their guests, and Earth. Dina has her hands full this holiday though with dangerous guests. This novella takes place shortly after the third book, One Fell Sweep. I am so glad we get more of Dina and Sean again!. Dina is struggling to deal with the trauma of the seeding dying and it is affecting her ability to connect with Gertrude Hunt. She has to juggle dangerous guests, the holiday, and learn to cope with that trauma. I love how the guests helped her in small ways to get back to normal. They may be guests, some permanent, but they have become Dina’s new family. I love that we get Dina and Sean learning to work together to run the inn and take care of the guest. They both have different approaches but they work well together. Their different strengths make them a great team and they will be prepared for almost anything. I loved the new aliens in this one. The Drífan were fascinating and very deadly, the koo-ko were hilariously smart chickens, and the Medamoth sounded fascinating and I wish we had learned more about them. But my favorite part was Orro! He has been my favorite since he was introduced and I love him. He needs his own cooking show! I love this world and the unique aliens within it. I really hope we get another book because I can’t get enough of this story.
They only get better
This series has truly only gotten better with each entry. As a team the Andrews' must constantly encourage and strive for ever better partnership. From Kate Daniels, The Edge, the Baylor sisters, Iron Covenant, Ryder and Innkeeper their craftsmanship shines, improves, entertains, then draws you into a completely immersive experience. Each offering is a delight and as a lifelong bibliophile that is high praise indeed.
A good read.
3.5 stars. Not as good as others from this (these) author(s). I wasn't as compelled, intrigued or connected as all the other books. Still, a good story well told.
One of the best fantasy series
Ilona Andrews remains one of my favorite author (well a team). The Innkeeper Chronicles is one the best fantasy series out there and this installation does not disappoint. Highly recommended.
Favorite series
Please please keep writing this series. This series is just magical no pun intended and they just get better and better. With the exception of the last book about Maud, this series is my favorite. I’m late to reading them. Like years late and maybe it was just the kind of book I needed during the pandemic. But these books spoke to me. They soothed something I didn’t realize needed soothing. The story line and world building is top notch. The action and the story line and suspense of a typical Ilona Andrews is there as well but there’s so much more. It’s a character study. You watch the characters grow and find their home and their people and their purpose all while being connected to a house with feelings. There are very bad people but good triumphs and for the right reasons. So much of the storylines while fantastic in nature I could relate to in our current society. . It’s like little house on the prairie went sci-fi. The 3rd book was almost epic. The story is so engrossing it’s like watching the best movie or binge watching a tv series that you never want to end. I can’t believe this started as a serial on the authors blog as this is some of the authors finest work. I wish these were full length novels and I pray that more people discover these books so the author will continue to write them. Please write more and while I love the secondary characters their charm is by being secondary characters. Please continue Dina and Sean’s storyline.
I’ve read the Innkeeper Chronicles series and without giving anything away I will say I fell in love with the characters. Enjoyed the creativity of other worlds. But with all the books I needed more information. There is a lot missing. I did not give less stars because the story is there in all the books, they’re just lacking. I feel the series ended short there are more stories to be told especially the one about the parents. It saddens me to say I wish I hadn’t started the series. Ilona Andrews is one of my favorite authors. She makes her characters feel real. She pulls you in and you feel apart of the book. The story ends, you feel sad it’s over but know you’ll read it again in the future. Not the Innkeeper Chronicles I will not read again unless the story is finished. I do not recommend.
As usual, great
As usual, this writing team delivers. The Innkeeper series is as enjoyable on the 4th read thru as it was on the first. The only complaint? Where is book number 6!!!!!
An okay installment
SWEEP WITH ME is the fourth installment of the Innkeeper Chronicles and yet another installment of the adventures of Getrude Hunt Bed and Breakfast's magical mistress. She's settled down with Sean the werewolf and is trying to recover after nearly dying in the previous book that starred her. Now she's got yet another problematic guest that no one else will take on the planet Earth. This is a bit disappointing as I was hoping we'd get some more insight into her search for her missing parents. It's an okay book but feels somewhat inconsequential. Just my .02.
A Reading the Paranormal Review
I sincerely adore Dina and Sean and their dedication to their guests. Sean might be new to the Innkeeper gig, but he knows what it's like to protect and defend against overwhelming odds and my *heart eyes* are strong for them as a couple. But this isn't just about Dina and Sean getting snuggly. There are also a couple of dangerous warriors and a gaggle of philosophers. One of those dangerous warriors is looking to close out a chapter of her life (for reasons that have nothing to do with what she wants) and the other is looking to start a new path in theirs. To say this group is varied in both customs and desired outcomes is putting things mildly. That said, Gertrude Hunt, Dina, and Sean excel at finding solutions to seemingly impossible problems. They might be worn out from their last fight, but the inn is always open and they do what they have to do. It's a big, bad, dangerous universe and the Innkeepers welcome all who agree to abide by the inn's rules. Love this world and these characters and the utter insanity they end up in the middle of time and time again. -Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Great series. Loved it but incomplete story arc.
An innkeeper with an almost?/complete symbiosis with a magical inn. The characters from werewolves to vampires and so many more travel to the inn and let the adventures begin! It says only 5 books. The ongoing thread of her parents and their inn vanishing disappeared after the 3rd book leaving the series unfinished/incomplete. Thus, 4 stars perhaps even 3 due to the incompleteness of the story arc. Each individual book is 5 stars, but overall down rated because of the above issue.
Dina and Sean celebrate Treaty Stay
Dina and Sean celebrate their first Treaty Stay in the novella Sweep With Me. Treaty Stay is the Innkeepers' own special holiday marking the signing of the treaty designating Earth as neutral territory and open to galactic travelers of all species. No alien is turned away at this time, no matter how dangerous to other guests it might be. And, of course, the primary obligation of all Innkeepers is to protect their alien guests at all costs, especially from each other and from other aliens. All the while making sure no one on Earth is the wiser. (The mundanes must never guess that Gertrude Hunt is anything other than just another ordinary bed & breakfast establishment.) What I enjoy most about the Innkeeper series is the delightful variety of the alien guests! The inn is never full because Dina can magically create as many individually designed guest rooms as needed. As a child of Innkeeper parents, Dina is familiar with many galactic species' customs and habits. That is, with what various galactic aliens need from Inns and Innkeepers. But sometimes the notes left by previous Innkeepers are sparse indeed and Dina has to depend on her wits & her Innkeeper magic when dealing with galactic guests about which little is known. Highly recommended for longtime Innkeeper Chronicles fans and for all urban fantasy fans!
I love loved this series. The characters are well developed and fun to live with. These stories have kept me glued to the books till I have finished the books so far. More More I say Please
Decent entry, but lacks depth
Like all the Innkeeper Chronicles, this one hits that sweet spot for wholesome romance and place-centered urban fantasy that you can't get anywhere else. Getting to see Sean & Dina together in a mature relationship is a great thing, and I was glad to see it. That said, the plot felt... lacking, even for a novella. We're told that it's Treaty Day, which forces Dina to accept a number of guests she normally wouldn't but beyond that and some aesthetic, it doesn't affect anything. We have alien chicken philosophers (have to give Andrews points for creative aliens as always) and a monstrous predator but... everything is contained. Minor mishaps occur and are easily handled. Dina really has no affect here, particularly in the case of the main guest. And that's the major issue with the story: the main character might as well not be there. She's not really integral to the main conflict except as a barrier; her *personal* conflict is resolved in a *single phone call*; and anything of real interest seems to happen off-screen. I still enjoyed the story since I love the setting (and the couples!) but this was seriously lacking depth compared to the other stories in the series (and saying it's a novella doesn't work: plenty of novellas provide depth by focusing the plot.)
Amazing addition
Loved this book. I love this universe and characters. I enjoy seeing the new species that we are introduced to. I hope we get to see more of them! Great read!
More Innkeeper, please
This was satisfying as it solidified Dina and Sean's relationship. But there is so much more in this series that could happen. This is a series that I reread when I need something to ease anxiety and spark my mind. There are so many truths hidden in the Ilona Andrews books but I especially like this series as it relates to the polarizing thinking in the US today. A reminder that our values are all different yet have commonalities despite our hair, skin color, size, quills, four arms, or six eyes.
Excellent Continuation
This novella is shorter than Andrews usual fare. It's about a week in time of Dina and her value as an innkeeper along with Sean solidifying his position. They've been tested and proven. So more guests arrive around Treaty Stay, an important holiday, where no one can be turned away. Once more the inn called Gertrude Hunt most prove she is up to the task. Her rating is at stake. All the inn's regulars take part and a good chunk of page space is for their stories. There's enough to give them depth and I will say no matter how long it takes to put out a book in this series, the characters are well remembered. Even the odd new divorce case of the 'neighbors' which her grace is avidly watching. The humor was subtle and well placed. The diverse universe of odd races that do drop inn . . . Arguing chickens and their crowned referee. Such a well done novella and excellent addition to the series. - Dan's Wife
Super Cute and Funny Novella (110 pages) - this counts as entry 4.5 or 5 in the series
This is a bite size, and very tasty, little snack of a novella. Although the ebook edition indicates it's 146 pages, be aware the actual story is only about 110 pages of that. The rest is a preview of another Ilona Andrews book. That being said, as long as you go in knowing you're only getting about 110 pages of goodness - this was SO ENJOYABLE. This follows almost directly after the conclusion of Sweep of the Blade (book 4). Dina and the Gertrude Hunt will be celebrating Treaty Stay, a holiday central to the Inns and Innkeepers. During Treaty Stay, a guest cannot be turned away unless they have been previously banned by an Innkeeper. Of course, in predictable fashion, certain parties want to take advantage of this little quirk of the law and custom. Guests, new and old, are at the Gertrude Hunt and their foibles make for a comedic treat of a novella. I definitely enjoyed this read and just wished it had lasted a little longer! I can't wait for the next installment of this series.
I rarely purchase short stories
Because I hate getting involved or re-involved with the characters and the World and then....it ends. Way too soon. Then I'm left high and dry until the next full book. But I enjoy this series well enough that almost as soon as I finished "Sweep of the Blade", I broke down and purchased this novella. And although (as typical with me) when I finished (too soon) I was irritated with the short length, I still enjoyed it. So, you may wonder--why do I subject myself to the irritation that I always experience with any short story when I'm fully aware of my bias against them? Because this series entertains me. The fantastic magical Inn and the intriguing characters (alien and human), always leaves me looking forward to the next book. I will mention that I expected more detail on Dina's recovery. And I'll again mention that I truly dislike short books. And please can the Authors write these books faster?
Sweep with Me
**MINOR SPOILERS** This book is part of the Innkeeper Chronicles world created by the author. It probably can be read as a standalone but I recommend reading the series in order. It is also fairly short and, while you do not have to know the characters, I think you would appreciate them more if you have read the earlier stories. The author has a depth of detail in her writing that makes the story robust. The dialogue is realistic and adds to the story. The main characters were given positive and negative aspects to their characters making them interesting. The supporting characters are interesting as well. Though it is a novella, the author gives the story depth and has a couple of story lines. All of them are interesting. This author is an auto-buy for me and I highly recommend this author.
No matter how long or short, I will forever keep buying this series.
"It’s been almost two weeks since anyone was brutally murdered. Things were getting a bit dull. We wouldn’t want to die of boredom, would we?" Every winter, Innkeepers look forward to celebrating their own special holiday, which commemorates the ancient treaty that united the very first Inns and established the rules that protect them, their intergalactic guests, and the very unaware/oblivious people of [planet] Earth. By tradition, the Innkeepers welcomed three guests: a warrior, a sage, and a pilgrim, but during the holiday, Innkeepers must open their doors to anyone who seeks lodging. Anyone. All Dina hopes is that the guests and conduct themselves in a polite manner. But what’s a holiday without at least one disaster? "They are chickens." "Technically they’re not even avian." "Dina, we’re going to host sixty-one space chickens." As always, the Innkeeper Chronicles delivers such a delightful mix of outrageously creative comedy and serious drama. Like hosting space chickens. Or Orro having an existential crises over not being able to recreate a fast-food quarter pounder. No matter how long or short, I will forever keep buying this series.
The best series ever
Is Ilona Andrews even capable of writing a bad book? I don't think so. And I would know, I've read all of them. Innkeeper Chronicles is by far my favorite and though this book is a short, sweet novella, it packs a BIG punch! Their ability to capture female heroines that are strong, yet feminine, smart, yet flawed and badass as hell, I mean no one does it better. They blend sci-fi, urban fantasy, romance, comedy, and adventure seamlessly. I stayed up last night and forced my husband to listen to an amazing scene that brought me to tears and he was impressed as hell and this isn't even his favorite genre. No one writes descriptions more poignantly or with as much beautiful detail. You will fall in love with every character and wish you were alien enough to check in to Gertrude Hunt. You will want to try Orro's muffins and be part of the loveable family that has been created here. I don't know how they do it, their creativity and imagination puts mine to shame. Seriously, buy this book and all of their others, you won't be disappointed.
Everything that they write is great
The only frustrating thing about thing about Ilona Andrews is that I've read all their books and have to wait for the next one. There is romance but romance is not the focal point, there is magic, there is adventure, there is mystery, there is war. The innkeeper series in particular keeps getting better and better. Often fantasy series are focused on one issue: coming of age, knowledge or world building or religion et cetera Ilona Andrews writes books that have all of these things and fresh innovative stories as well.
Never tire of this storyline
I am never happier than when I'm catching up with my favorite innkeeper. This will always be one of my go to stories. So happy to have a new installment!
Freaking awesome. Without foul language or filthy phrases, the story has been told by a Mater of tales. Ilona, this is your first book series that I have read but it won't be my last!! Thank you.
a great novela
I love the innkeeper universe so much. They are comfort books that get reread or listened to often. This was a great look into the inn and I loved every moment of it.
Love this series
This was a great one! I love the growth of the Inn and all the different aliens and their cultures. I look forward to the next!
Amazing Beyond Words!
Absolutely so crazy in love with Sweep with Me.💕 Another amazing beyond word novella by Ilona Andrews. Loved the humor and everything else! I got such a kick out of the many descriptive words referred to a Drífan liege of Green Mountain, the Honored Guest; "My mistress, who is without equal, she whose heart beats with the power of the mountains waterfall, she who is resolute like the sun, elegant like the moon, unyielding like living stone, yet versatile like a stream of pure water dashing about the rocks, she who kills enemies by the thousands, she who shelters her friends, who is feared by warriors, respected by scholars, beloved by her drytht, and recognized by the Emperor, sends you her greetings." The novella was even better than the quote above. The battle scene was unparalleled. I'd love to watch the novella on screen! So visually rich and captivating! The entire story was filled with my favorite scenes. Wish I could have rated it 10 or more stars!
Short but good
This story focuses on Dina. The last book was about her sister and I enjoyed the transition back to her perspective. In this story Dina is trying to recover from everything that took place in book 3. It is a rather short story but it adds to the story line, has mild character growth, and deepens existing relationships with established characters. I will definitely read another book if the authors choose to write one. This book has no cliffhangers and wraps up all but one or two plot lines. I have always enjoyed this series. I find the characters appealing and relatable. The world building is on point and fun. It my experience reading novels it is really easy to mess up stir that mix science, fantasy and romance. I enjoy this series because there is a cohesive narrative that blends all the genres. In short, this series draws you in and allow you to really envision the fantastical.
Entertaining yet deeply disappointing
There are many excellent story lines coming out of the previous two books in this series. This book explores none of them. Where those books left us with promises of adventures and hints to the resolution of the question at the start of this series, "What happened to Dina's parents and their Inn?" this book didn't even mention it. Instead we got a inveterate predator guest who was no more than window dressing, chickens that were more window dressing, a final resolution to the major conflict that was, for want of a better term, mostly irrelevant to the overall arcs of the series and, oh yeah, a last paragraph happy ending. ... This is especially disappointing in that this series is the first I picked up once I finally had the time and attention span after work to relax and read for fun. I immensely enjoyed the characters and stories and have read them a few times. If this is the end of the series, it has truly died on a sour note.
Magical Awesomesauce
This series has such a great blend of action, drama, romance, and humanity in a magical world. I can't put it down when I start. I want a magic inn!
Would've received higher stars...
Yet, it is like ilona was totally distracted (by another series perhaps? Like the preview added onto this one? (Whch i am happy for! Due to the title AND the cover, i have been AVOIDING the Hidden Series! (It's like a Harlequin cover! Shameful,! Plus the story bites never did speak of the Hidden jewel beneath the based-on-sex cover (s) (i would STILL love Kate IMMENSELY, even WITHOUT the romantic parts! (Like Derek, her Daughter, her best friend, the current Beast Lord...etc and don't forget a series based on Angela? & Her husband! The Boudas! PLEASE?! 😊) Anyway, upset with this book NOT pretaining to the cliff hanger IN the previous one! Putting that aside (which is HARD mind you!), this book ALSO does not tie up the loose ends, as the previous ones! Terrible ending to the Ko-Koos, glad to see her boyfriend acquire a good friend, the cook's storyline is handled appropriately, along with the Green Mountain (would love a spin-off of this too! (ilona needs at least 2 more copies of themselves, to give the Iron Mage series, the Other Kate Daniels spinoffs (ya'll have created universes! You NEED HELP! Definitely more time! (Famous Author collaboration time?) AND the Innkeeper series, its justice! Or i am afraid my new love, the Innkeeper Series, will fail like The Edge Series has! Please do not do that! I beg of you! I would prefer to be left to my imagination than the Injustice, this RUSHED addition to the Innkeeper Series! 😭😥
What a fun story!
I love the story concept and characters! This book just unfolds as you turn the page, an effortless read. I was up past bedtime to finish and loved every minute.
Great Holiday Novella!
I started by reading this as the free serial offered on the IA website, and then purchased the book. The authors described this as a light hearted, not very deep holiday novella in the Innkeeper World. What I really loved about this story is that it allows the characters to show their reactions, feelings, healing process from the events in the previous Innkeeper installment set at Gertrude Hunt. It's nice to feel that even with a home full of aliens, they care about each other as a family and have to process their trauma and the violence of defending that home (from intergalactic assassins!) ....I loved it. Relationships grow, a cool meet up happens, and we learn that there are some limits to Dina's magic in that she has something to overcome after the previous shock. And, I love the mysterious cat. Ossalard, Ripper of Souls. It's a great story that uplifts ... a nice visit to the Inn!!!
Look upon simple but pure magic of storytelling. So far this series of books have be a joy to read. To set and escape to new worlds and people are the height of storytelling.
Your books are a weave of both masculine and feminine minds. They cross on the things both hold as a great time. Release of your self from reality is the object of pleasure reading. Thank you for hours of relaxation
A fun and sweet visit to my favorite Inn
The Innkeeper Chronicles have become one of my favorite series by this author. And getting a novella to tide me over was just the right thing last night. Dina and Sean have my heart, as well as all the rest of the Inn's occupants. I'm pleasantly surprised by how well Sean fits into Dina's and the Inn's day to day operations. He is like a missing piece for Dina and gives her the love and support she has been missing. I can never get enough of the Inn and its occupants and Dina's compassion in regards to everyone's wellbeing. Overall the novella was the perfect balance between storyline, action, and dialogues between favorite characters. I loved it all. It was way too short, but I don't think this is something new for anyone that loves this series. All that is left is for me to re-read the series until the next book arrives.
Dina has a huge job ahead of her with her new guests but with the help of her werewolf boyfriend they are definitely a match for their newest arrivals. Great read, highly entertaining.
Another fantastic addition to the Innkeeper Chronicles!
The Innkeeper Chronicles is such a unique and wonderful series, a mix of fantasy and science fiction, with the usual immersive worldbuilding and careful character development. The stories about Dina, the smart, compassionate, and powerful Innkeeper; her sentient, dimension-spanning Inn; and the guests who come with their problems and mysteries are fascinating, action-packed, and emotionally satisfying. This installment is shorter than the other books, but just as interesting and well-written as its novel-length counterparts. To get the most out of the Innkeeper books, you should definitely read them in order, as each book builds upon the prior installments. I am a big fan of Ilona Andrews work--I own everything written by the authors and have never been disappointed. Ilona Andrews quality of writing is such a high bar that it's difficult for me to find other books I want to read, especially in similar genres.
It was short but exciting and lots of fun
I really enjoyed this novella. It showed more of the day to day concerns that Dina faces as an Innkeeper (handling of staff issues, problems with troublesome guests, in this case potentially murderous) while interspersed with more personal issues. I loved that Sean is becoming more involved in his role as part of an Innkeeper couple and commits to it daily through his actions and solutions to situations that arise. I loved the Orro sections because it gives the reader more of an idea of his background and what drives him. I wish this book (novella) was longer but given the amount of content Ilona Andrews produces each year I was grateful it was able to be included in the list of published items. I hope she will have enough time and inspiration for the next instalment to be the longer.
I love this book!
Wow, the author once again writes a fabulous, can't put it down book, filled with oh so interesting, unusual and often dangerous alien beings! If you haven't read this series, trust me get them all and read from #1 to this one. You will not regret it. Although you can read this alone, the others help with understanding context and also really bring all the characters to life. You will get hooked on Dina running her unusual bed and breakfast for visitors from other galaxies, her hedgehog like Red Cleaver Chef, her hot alpha werewolf boyfriend Sean - I could go on and on. I have already read this book twice and will read it again - yes, it is that good. And I just hope the author will write more about Dina, Sean, Orro and Gertrude Hunt Bed and Breakfast Inn!
Just a taste, but a wonderful one!
Even though Sweep With Me is a novella, I got a real feeling of where Dina is at since the last novel featuring she, Sean, and Gertrude Hunt. Still struggling with the loss of the seedling Inn, Dina is trying to regain her strength and learn to co-partner with Sean in their new relationship. Ilona Andrews does a great job of giving us a full length story in a short form novella and I felt totally satisfied when I ended this novel. I love it when new species drop in to Gertrude Hunt and this world expands and grows. Hopefully Ilona Andrews has many more stories to tell in this series because I’m not done watching these characters grow and evolve in their relationships.
Such an Entertaining Story…
I love the Innkeeper stories! Ilona Andrews (waving hello to Gordon and Ilona!) have created a unique, fascinating world of Intergalactic Inns right under our very noses, with fascinating interstellar guests and weighty conflicts to solve. Everything about these tales is fun, exciting and delightful. I recommend each one of them!
Short but intense with Magic, Battles and Intergalactic Travelers
Treaty Day is a three day holiday that celebrates the intergalactic peace treaty designating Earth as neutral territory. A Hands off safe zone where Travelers from other planets and species can come to Earth and stay in special Inns dedicated to these off world travelers, Sanctuary. On Treaty Day, no guests can be turned away unless already banned from an Inn. This is why Inn Gertrude Hunt could not refuse a species of magic from an area where planets themselves wouldn't let anyone inside unless they, the planet itself, not the people's of that planet, wanted them. This is The shortest of the Innkeeper Series. It has no continuity to the cliffhanger that preceded this book in book four. Those two reasons are why the four star rating.
I love this world
And I am sad everytime I leave the story behind. A great addition to the Innkeeper Series, a slice of life that I really want more of.
Perfect Interlude
It goes without saying that I am a fan of the writing team of Ilona Andrews. I am particularly fond of the Innkeeper series. This, most recent installment, is a terrific addition to the world building and the development of the characters. I adore the relationship between Dina and Sean. It's very balanced and healthy. They operate within there strengths as individuals and together as a team. Each recognizes the flaws they carry but it is recognition with acceptance. Wonderful stuff. As always, I very much enjoy the humor that is woven throughout the story. I would recommend beginning with the first book if you are new to the series. This novella can and will stand in its own so enjoy.
Back To Dina & Her Troublesome Guests
I said [elsewhere] that "Ilona Andrews rarely disappoints", but this is one of their minor books, and not nearly as good as Book 4, _Sweep of the Blade_ which focused on Dina's sister Maude. Here we are back at Dina's Texas inn, a semi-sentient lifeform in house shape which functions as a Simakian "Way Station" for the galactic crossroads that is Earth. As usual, Dina has troublesome guests. This time it's a flock of philosophical space-chickens, who make their finer debating points with hand grenades, the ruler of a bloody off-planet magical nation, Earth-born and come home to deal, conclusively, with her family issues and deadly General who needs to know how Dina's werewolf lover (now formally an Innkeeper himself) managed to make peace with the Hope-Crushing Horde. To make matters worse, Dina is off her game: Her bond with the Inn is shaky after recent events, and the Inkeeper Council has a lot of pointed questions upcoming about the questionable events that keep transpiring in her domain. It's a good enough setup, but the denouements were off here, comparable to those of a few books ago where all the protagonists got together for a psychic "Kumbuyah" session. Well, OK, not as bad as that one, but still the resolutions were a bit weak. As I said, minor Andrews, which is still not to be sniffed at.
Always interesting
And imaginitive. Surprisingly, I liked book 4 more so I put 1 less star here. overall, great series, different. Obviously, there must be more or the sister has her own series. Which was the strange thing about book 4; it was it's own story.
Utterly, completely, intelligently charming.
This is the 5th of the Innkeeper Series, and like its predecessors, it is marvelous. I'm a retired librarian with over 50 years experience reading science fiction and fantasy, and this series is one of my top five favorites ever. This particular entry is as full an experience as any of the novels and carries itself with the same intelligence and grace.* 50 years of reading has given me the opportunity to play many roles, to envision many worlds, but were I allowed to pick how I would be reborn, I would wish to be an innkeeper. *When you find yourself underlining passages because they are insightful and memorable, and help you understand yourself and others, you know you are reading a novel that has transcended its competition. The brainpower behind these novels is exceptional.
Where is Renee?
I have enjoyed everything that this couple has written. The story was a good "check-in" at the inn. I know this book is shorter than the first 3 and that was a bit of a bummer, but my biggest disappointment was the lack of Ms. Raudman. I understand that Maude's book would be done with another narrator (just as I get why Hidden Legacy's narrator changed). But this was back with Dina and Sean. Ms.Raudman IS Dina! Please bring her back! (Maybe have her re-record this book? Just a thought.)
Another Innkeeper adventure
The Innkeeper series is a most unusual fantasy series. The Inns which are magical constructs with the ability to essentially become one with keepers are fascinating. Add the fact that the Inns are crossroads and allow access to many other worlds and the resulting stories are most compelling. The stories focus on one particular family and the lives and adventures of each member. The underlying premise, the parents and their Inn disappeared without any clues or reason. The latest entry is a story of Dina, her were wolf lover and a meeting at the Inn. There is humor ,really scary !monsters, great battles and more. These books should be read in order.
Short and sweet and full of Dina's Awesomeness
I warned them that small children would mistake Orro for Hagrid, which Sean found amusing. In case you forgot – as if that was possible – the ending of One Fell Sweep was bittersweet. Yes, Dina survived the low blow of the inn seed, but, Gertrude Inn, Dina herself and Sean were left recovering from the ordeal, and in a bit of a pickle with the Assembly. Well, this book was the BRILLIANT AND AMAZING resolution of it. Dina is sweet and clever and if needed be, ruthless and powerful. And I am totally in love with this series. No matter how short the book is, it fills us and it’s all kinds of awesome. Plus, the bonus preview of Emerald Blaze doesn’t hurt either.
Love this series
I love this series. There is a good mixture and characters well defined.
Love itļ
Every book these authors write is just good. I love this series in particular and was beyond happy to see another book be released. I love the world in this series and its vast range of characters from quirky and adorable to violent and complex personalities. Sean and Dina makes a strong team and thier relationship is a beautiful one. They look after each other and respect each others strengths and weaknesses. I loved the plot in this book the most. It was interesting and I truly cared about certain guest in the inn. The ones from the mountains were fascinating and it is almost a story on it's own. This is a great read with a great plot and strong characters that jump out of the pages.
Would buy and read absolutely anything this author publishes - one of my all time favorite writers
I'm a long time die hard Ilona and Gordon fan. Kate Daniels is one of my all time favorite heroines and I love the Innkeeper books. I've enjoyed every character from Gertrude Hunt Inn, especially Dana, Orro, Maud and Arland. For at least a decade, Ilona Andrews' writing has cheered me when I was feeling down or anxious, kept me occupied through hurricanes, blizzards, head colds, and sprained ankles. I would happily, eagerly buy anything that Andrews' writes. I have read and re-read the Kate Daniels, Legacy and Clean Sweep books many times -- they are among the few authors in my "keep forever and read again in future" file.
Another solid book from the duo
It seems so strange that it's been more than ten years since I picked up my first Ilona Andrews book, but I fell in love with their ability to write well-written books with characters that make you easily laugh and cry. This novella is another perfect example in their Clean Sweep/ Dina & Sean series. While it can stand on it's own, you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't read the previous four books since some of the events that happened in those books are referenced in this book. But I do love the characters they feel real to me like they could exist and wouldn't it be fascinating if they did. 😀
Love This Series
Unfortunately, this was a novella, and it just wasn’t long enough to satisfy my Innkeeper Chronicles hunger, but nevertheless, I devoured it with great delight. The traditional Treaty Stay holiday is upon them, and Dina and Sean are expecting unusual guests, which will be a challenge but of course this pair is up for it. Of course there are problems to be solved, guests to take care of and outsiders to keep out of the inn, all while Dina is still recovering from the devestating events in Sweep of the Blade and Sean is getting used to being an innkeeper. I love this series and I can’t wait for the next story, which can’t come soon enough.
I've read this 50 times.
I think. Who knows? Who cares? All that matters... Is I must wait for my next fix of this wonderful universe... Le sigh.....😭😭😭😭
House Andrews delivers another fantastic story!!
House Andrews (title replaces the AuthorLords per their request) has done another wonderful addition to the Sweep series. They bring you into their worlds regardless of which world it is! They develop the secondary characters so well that you feel as if you were a resident of Gertrude Hunt. Orro is probably my favorite in this series, I adore him. This story is a stand alone HOWEVER you need to read the series to get a better understanding of everyone. This story takes place after One Fell Sweep (book 3 in the Sweep series) and runs the same time as the majority of Sweep of the Blade (book 4 in the Sweep series). Can't wait to be invited back to Gertrude Hunt!! Thanks House Andrews!!
The stacks
My mother in law, a fellow bibliophile, will from time to time hand me a very large stack of books. The most recent being a large stack of books exclusively from Ilona Andrews. For me these books are a "light" read and I devoured them within two or three days. They are all now a permanent part of my collection to reread on a rainy day by the window with a cat, hot chocolate and a fuzzy blanket. These are adventures worth reliving.
Fantastic Book!
I absolutely love this series and look forward to more books. I found this book a little too short and while the price reflected this, it wasn't enough to make me give a 5 star rating. This book contains great alien races that are well fleshed out, and wonderful scenes that draw you in. I really liked the intelligent Koo-Ko's and their use of the inn as a place for a debate. If you want a good book series, you can't go wrong with Ilona Andrews, this writing team is one of the best out there. I hope to see more of the Inn Keeper series and was more than willing to pre-order this book.
Team Ilona Andrews Never Fails To Delight
I would happily read as many Innkeeper Chronicles as this author team would write. Each is such delicious blend of surprising magic, extraordinary conflict, and characters I now consider old friends. This novella celebrates an Innkeeper Holiday with the usual quirky guests, who can’t help but cause trouble in the most original ways. As hosts, Dina and Sean, use their unusual talents to stay ahead of the danger, but when it comes to the umwelcome fiends, it’s the magic of the heart that always always wins the day.
Rut row
This seemed to be a rushed book without the spark or interesting plot the previous books had. Very disappointing to end here on the series as it currently stands. Even the end is bad. It just ends and I feel like there should have been better explanations and I was really taken aback that the “SN” engraved collar on the cat was not really even discussed. Kinda weird. Even the relationship btw the two MCs was dull and uninteresting. Total Bummer.
Love these
I love the Innkeeper series. I'm not sure how to categorize these stories, but they are fascinating, bringing beings from far flung galaxies into the Inn and watching their conflicts play out in spectacular and often moving ways. The recurring characters are each endearing in their own way and are just as interesting as the guests. There is a gentle humor that runs through the stories that I really enjoy. This book brought to a close a thread that has run through several recent stories about a seeming conflict between the Inn and the council that oversees all Inns and Innkeepers and that was most welcome. Great book.
strong characters and plot
The characters are all unique and appealing. Very interesting and consistent universe which draws you and makes you care about the characters. The author uses English correctly and her descriptions make you feel as if you are present with the characters in every scene. My pet peeve with current writers is their lack of correct grammar, which, in otherwise great stories, always jars me out of the storyline and into a moment of pique. This has never occurred in the Innkeepr Chronicles (all of which I have read and reread) and I greatly appreciate it. I hope everyone buys this and loves it as much as I do.
Somehow calming
Dina manages to be the calm amidst the storm. This is an unusual and good series by the authors and is sci-if leaning rather than strictly paranormal. The action is an exciting mix of magic and physical combat. The characters are complex with a touch of humor and they come from all over the universes. The ending is satisfying with no cliffhanger. Read them all!
Can't wait till the next installment! This is a great addition! Get the series!
I have all the inn keeper books and I just love them. This is yet another great addition to the series. I have a lot of their other collections if not all of them as well. This is some of the best Sci-Fi fantasy I have read, captivating, suspense, occasional humor and always imaginative. I love this series so much I occasionally re-read it to refresh my self even though I have almost a perfect recall its that much fun. I've read a few thousand books inn the past 4 years (get that: inn ?) And the team of Ilona Andrews are spectacular.
Great action filled gem. Read it in one sitting.
I think it’s pretty much mandatory to read the Innkeeper books before this one. That said, this was just lovely. The Innkeeper myths is really engrossing and I find that the magic is completely believable. I loved the prior Maud story but my heart is at Gertrude Hunt. These books always feel like more. Cheerful ending.
So much fun to be had!
All I can say is pure contented happiness! Unfortunately it was over to fast, sigh, so I read it again...lol! I was so happy with this book and I love the family at the Inn! They compliment each other so well and I eagerly await the next book in any of the author’s series! Though I will admit to starting at book 1 to the most recently released, just in case I missed something! I’m happily addicted to these authors and how they put you in the story and you feel heartbroken to have to leave at the end of the book! Thank you so much for sharing your incredible talent with us!
Packs a punch for such a short novella. Loved it!
Sweep with Me is a novella in the Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews This was a fun novella. The Andrews team packed, so much into this short story. I loved seeing Diana and Sean again. Dina is upset, sad, and worried about something big, but the Inn is never quiet and some big things happened that take her mind off of all those worries. In the end Diana takes care of all her guests in true Innkeeper fashion and solidifies her standing with the Innkeeper Assembly. Sweep with Me packs a punch. There is no shortage of creativity, action, emotions, and fun! Rated: 4.5 Stars
Joyfully fun comfort read
The Innkeeper Chronicles is my very favorite comfort-read series, and this novella (set after the events of Book 3) is just a perfect slice of everything I love about the series as a whole: the fantastic characters, the humor, the incredible imagination, the sheer fun and sense of adventure mingled with the beautifully domestic and genuinely heartfelt emotional core... *happy sigh* It just made me really happy. :) PS: I don't think this story would stand alone - you really would need to read the first three books first - but what a great excuse to read those books! I love them SO much.
A great shorter visit to the Inn
A slightly shorter entry in the Innkeeper series, with no strong ties to the overarching series plot. WIth that said, it was a wonderful visit back to the Inn. I really enjoyed seeing Dina and Sean continue to work out what it means to have Sean join Dina in Innkeeping. I enjoyed being introduced to more alien species and seeing the mayhem that results, even when they're on their best behavior. There were some funny moments, some touching moments, a nice action scene. Overall, just a really enjoyable book.
Love this series!
The different series by Ilona Andrews are my favorite in any genre. You can read and re-read them, and they never get old. Love it!!
A Novella, not a full book
I have loved the Innkeeper series, and waited anxiously for this new book. So I didn’t look at the page count, but it is a third the length of the previous books and candidly felt a little rushed as a result. I would’ve liked more about Sean and Dina, or more of how the Inn was getting to full strength with all of the new guests. I did get lots of info about the new alien and their confusing political system, and the writing was still great, just a lot less than I realized when I hit buy.
Absolutely amazing
Ilona Andrews writes with amusing wit, a creative sound, and they create astounding worlds with real-people characters and development. The innkeeper world's of alien ideals bring a vast array of hues into their already colorful creations.
Great series -- need more!!!
I really like this series A LOT! It's original, interesting, and I enjoy all the characters and crazy new species. It's a great concept. I'm sure hoping the author will write more of them! Lots more! Forget all those other series you are writing, we need more Innkeeper books! :-)
Happiness in book form
This story takes place shortly after the events of One Fell Sweep. Several new alien guests arrive at the Inn, presenting new and unexpected challenges for Dina, Sean, and even Orro. Mayhem and hilarity ensues. This was a delightful read that kept me laughing and smiling until the end. There is so much beauty and magic in Dina’s world, along with incredibly hilarious scenes. And at the heart of it all, there is Dina and Sean. It's wonderful to see their relationship grow and develop as they become innkeepers together. I treasure every book in this series and hope there will be more stories from the Inn.
Novella with a punch
I'm a huge fan of the Hidden Legacy series but this one is another favorite of Andrews. The environment and characters are very well written. I can actually visualize them. Dina and Sean are working together as innkeeper now. Dina and the inn are still recovering from Dina's loss from the baby inn. There's a new villain attacking them that will be handled. I can't wait for the next book.
Ilona Andrews continues to delight in this short story
The innkeeper series continues to be one of those stories I look forward to just to see what imaginative races exist and will visit the inn! We get some real winners with this one. I love the koo-ko. At the same time, you get a holiday story that has the heart touching pieces while getting to check in on the lives of our favorites. It was so wonderful to see how Dina, Sean, Orro were doing. Yet for all this seems like a lighter story, they still manage to squeeze in some important plot points for the characters! An excellent short read
Sigh...a perfect little novella.
You get a little taste of everything that's wonderful about the Innkeeper universe in this book. Sometimes novellas leave me dissatisfied. The length is not quite enough to develop and flesh out a good plot and bring it to a satisfactory ending. But this one was just right. As usual for Ilona the writing was superb, the plot interesting and the characters intriguing. This is the only author where I can say the quality of every book is consistently excellent. And yes, I've read every book, multiple times. So enjoy! And Happy Treaty Stay Day!
Can a book be too wonderful?
I believe more than 5 stars is overkill. I will make an exception to this belief. This story is 5 stars plus many more. As with all the Ilona Andrews series, the Innkeeper Chronicles and this novella stand out from just about any other urban fantasy, paranormal, or sci-fi book written. I have read it twice now and I received it late last night. Amazing imagination and perfect detailing of worlds and, and. . . . It hits every mark of excellence.
Big fan
The Ilona Andrews writing team is way up on my list of favorite authors, and i will read anything they put out. That said, the Innkeeper series is one of my favorites among their many offerings. Be sure to read from book one, but every book in the series is a delight. Characters you would love to meet, and a house...well, read the books.
Slow start but worth the effort to finish
All things considered I actually would give this book 4.5 stars. My reasoning is, while I know we shouldn't compare books in the series, that this book started off much slower than others in the series. I think the reason for this was that this book required so much explanation of the background of characters and details from other books in the series. But once you got pass that first quarter of the book the rest of the went so fast I found myself up way pass my pre-quarantine bedtime.
Protect your guests.
I have to admit that the whole innkeeper series is one of my favorites. I love the characters and the humor all through these books. The odd takes on vampires, werewolves, and other monsters really make the stories. The stories make brutal war, mass destruction, incredible weapons, evil creatures, and great philosophical discussions of good verses evil fun. This latest addition to the series is very well done. A great chef trying to make a double cheese burger! A really nasty real estate tycoon. Romance between our innkeeper and her werewolf. Liked it a lot!
This is the Best
This is the best book I have ever read! This is not a stand alone. Trust me, the series is worth the read and you will enjoy this book much better if you know what is going on. The world building is the best in the business. They also write an exceptional cast of characters that are crazy and funny. I love Sean and Dina. They are a great couple. This is a highly enjoyable read and also a lot lighter than some of the other Innkeeper books. The lightness was deeply appreciated. I do love the entire series and hope they never have to end it.
Another fantastical stay at the Inn!
This is a wonderful addition to the world of the Innkeepers created by Ilona Andrews authors. It is a novella so it is short but packed with everything I love about this series. Galactic adventures right in your neighborhood in that large odd house down the street. Always a fascinating story and strong characters, human and many other planetary species. Each culture represented is filled with it's own history, traditions, political intricacies, and belief systems. And of course there is always battle action as necessary. It would be best to start with book 1 but this book is a little gem 💎.
Just another day of being an intergallact inn....
Too quick of a read, but I knew it is a novella going in. Fun, Andrews team at its best with descriptions of battles and soft human emotions, they blend them so well. This is not a standalone if you haven't read any of the previous books, there has been so much world building and character development you wouldn't enjoy and appreciate this morsel for what it's worth. Love being back at Gertrude Hunt for a short stay with Dina, Sean and especially in this book, Orros. Already waiting for the next adventure of this group.
The innkeeper continues to sweep the competition!
I read a lot-too much according to my family and friends. Started seriously at 8yr and haven't stopped since, historical fiction at 1st, then I discovered science fiction. Just about every type you can imagine. In this series, the author(s) has the talent of putting together a completely alien world inside the completely everyday earth melding the 2 with outstanding skill and prose. The author(s) know how to write. It's a joy to read (and reread). There's nothing overpowering about the words, but the craftsmanship, the story. oh it's irresistible.
84% is the book, the rest is other stuff
I have really enjoyed this series. The various creatures, worlds, action, etc. have captured my interest. However, almost 1/5 of a book I paid for was an advertisement for another book. I would rather a hint of the next book in this series or nothing.
Love the Innkeeper series!!
Must read for anyone who likes magic, sci fi, urban fantasy with a touch of romance. If you haven’t discovered Ilona Andrew you have missed out.
Novella (therefore simple). Lovely as always.
A heartwarming, simple story for a quick hallmark HEA fix. After what felt like the marathons of the previous books (the ups the downs, the tensions and the resolutions — all to totally worth the trip), this was hot cocoa on a winter night. Comforting. Simple. One thread of story and well done as usual.
Ilona Andrew's writing style knocks it outta the park every time.
Too hard of a jump between Maud’s story and her sister’s. Story felt rushed and not quite complete. Good but not as much fun as the other books.
Short but enough
It's amazing how much skilled authors can put in such a short novella, there are emotions, humour, action and it's balanced. I love how this universe isn't really nice and sugary sweet happy endings are not a thing, really bad things happen but there is always the light at the end of the tunnel, it's not all dark and depressing. And this story also isn't just a heartwarming winter story but it leaves you feeling festive, calm and hopeful.
The Andrews are masters of the short novel: this book is fully developed despite its short length. It's book 5 in the Innkeeper series, which is perhaps their most complicated series (although they never write simple books). They handle the complications deftly, much like Dina herself. We get an emotional plot, fantastic secondary characters who amply display their quirkiness (oh Orro!), and considerable humor. The fundamental decency of the MCs grounds the story in a very satisfying way. This is Ilona Andrews at the top of their game.
LOVE this series
I love this series, and the world and the magic and really everything about it and I look forward to more to come. Main annoying thing is that the last 16٪ of the book is just a sneak peek at some other series that isn't nearly as awesome as this one. Which led to the ending feeling very abrupt, good novella though happy to get more content focused on Dina.
My favorite series!
I freakin' love this husband/wife team- they build some amazing worlds! This is one of my favorite series and I am hoping they continue to write some more along this line. I've read most of their books at least three times and each time I always discover something new. Fabulous works guys- keep it up!!
This is the Innkeeper we know and love
This is the Innkeeper Chronicles I fell in love with. While I mostly liked Maud's book it was not what drew me to the series. Sweep with Me, however, is just what I needed to wash away my disappointment! I don't think I can gush enough to properly get across how much I like it. In fact I started re-reading it the moment I finished it! Sean as Innkeeper, Orro, Caldenia... oh there were so many great things about this book. Hmm... maybe I need a rd re-read?
Not the best one
Space chickens? Very short book? Why did the cat's name tag not get mentioned? The characters seemed a little off and as if the authors felt pressure to get the book out so they rushed it. I can't even believe the same authors wrote this. I'm basing my rating on this book alone and not in comparison with the other books(it would get a 2 star rating if that were the case).
Love love love
I have reread her books so often that I feel as if I know the words by heart! Love Ilona Andrews
Too short
That’s the only reason it got four stars instead of five I wanted more it seemed like it was just barely getting good when the authors quit on me it just ended damn more more more if I could I would duplicate clone or speed up these two authors so they can write faster I love their books cannot get enough of them try any of their series you won’t be disappointed love you guys
Fantastic Series
I loved this short book. I got a glimpse of Sean and Dina's love. I saw Orro melt down (so funny). I saw the beautiful Caldania be Caldania, the way only she can do. This series has me on the seat of my pants. I've been shocked (and i'm never shocked in books), i've laughed so hard i've worried a few people. (Their loss for not being readers). Very few books bring me to real tears of sadness and back to laughter. Thank you for another lovely installment.
Excellent series
Who can forget the violent philosophical space chicken picture! The disillusioned hedgehog cook at the cooking show? Also enjoyed girls' day out shopping on another planet and more. Harassing ninjas of a nasty millionaire fun too.
Brilliant sci fi adventure with a heart
I originally read the Innkeeper series on the Andrews's blog as a serial. I adore this series more with every reread. Ilona Andrews has woven fantastic world building, loveable characters, humorous banter, romance, friendship, heartache, and weird, believable aliens into a truly phemonenal series.
Wonderful novella
This was a wonderful novella. Such vivid imagery, and whom else but the incomparable Ilona Andrews would give us believable space chickens? It was a pleasure to catch up with Dina and Sean again, and finally get to ‘see’ Orro’s room. Too short, of course, we always want more, but a satisfying ending. The teaser at the end for Emerald Blaze however was just cruel... now we have to wait months! Hopefully we’ll get to see more in the Innkeepers universe soon as well.
More! More!
The problem with good authors and short stories/ novellas is that even if it was the length of "War and Peace" it would still be too short! And may I say, as owner and caretaker to a flock of chickens, I shall probably start calling them "Koo-ko". I am already thinking how nice it would be to own some of Dina's cages! (Read the book. You'll understand. Schools should be equipped as well!) Write faster, you two! We want MORE! 💖
Gertrude Hunt is marvellous
Wish I had a Gertrude Hunt Home. Dina is just a knowledgeable, bright, friendly, caring young Innkeeper. Sean a handsome wolf in human clothing. The other members of the household are characters in their own way. I've often wondered if "Trouble" is Dina's middle name or if trouble just seems to find her. The guests at the Inn are often amusing. You've got to read this book you will not be disappointed. Great job. Thank you.
Friendship, love, and aliens
I enjoy all of the innkeeper stories because while crazy things are happening there is also compassion, and understanding. Everyone has their own goals and with with respect we can work past our differences. And without respect, well things don't go your way. At the same time you can giggle at philosophical pink chickens, and commiserate with the giant hedgehog chef that learns that just because you see it on television that doesn't make it true. And it ends with love and hope for the future.
Series keeps getting better
Fullest, most action packed short story I’ve ever seen. An excellent addition to the Innkeeper franchise, we get to share in the first January 14 (!) Treaty Stay holiday since Sean moved into the Inn with Dina. This is only a few weeks after One Fell Sweep, at about the same time Maud and Helen are seeing Arland’s world in Sweep of the Blade. I’m even more impressed that the finished book was very close to the installments posted on the author website. What a treat! Recommend!
Back to Gertrude Hunt in Texas after a sojourn on Daesyn, home planet of House Krahr.
A sweet amuse-bouche from Team Ilona Andrews after “Sweep of the Blade,” Lady Maud’s high-spirited adventures with Arland, Lord Marshal of House Krahr. This little novella is an enjoyable stay with Dina and Sean at Gertrude Hunt. As usual, the characters are wonderfully drawn, and I always marvel at what Dina and Gertrude Hunt can create.
Amazing read will NOT disappoint you
Absolutely wonderful as always! I read the rough draft of the story and I love all of the changes added to the story. It was so much fun to read and I can't wait to continue reading about their adventures. I hope to see mor of Arland, Maud, and Helen as well as how their brother and Oslard come into the story. Please continue writing this series, it is one of my favorite aside from the Kate Daniel's stories.
Another book in my all time favorite series
My only hope is that icons Andrew's will continue to write for this series and perhaps at a faster rate. I am forced to re-read each book over and over waiting for the next installment.
Dina gets to try out life with Sean
After the attack on the inn, we finally get to see Sean share the innkeeper role with Dina. They end up hosting some philosophical chickens, a hunter, and a foreign dignitary from a powerful world that has some connection to someone on Earth. The resolution startled me, but it was great, and I’m looking forward to the next in the series!
Love the Inn Keeper series
The Innkeeper Chronicles are one of my favorite series. Dina’s ability to handle the inevitable drama and problems at Gertrude Hunt is always entertaining and engrossing.
Another great Innkeeper novella
The Innkeeper series keeps on getting better and better. My only regret with this book is that it was not longer! That said, it is amazing how much world building, action, and character growth the author gets into this book. If you have not read any of the Innkeeper series, I suggest you start from the beginning. If you have been reading and enjoying them, you will love this next book in the series.
Lodge everything by Ilona Andrews! Everything! The only problem is i can't get enough and I read the books too fast. I want more!! I love this series. The unique storyline and the characters. Dina is awesome and I love that Sean is a part of it.
Innkeeper Woes.
An intergalactic innkeeper's life is not for the faint hearted but it sure keeps things interesting. What a wonderful addtion to the Innkeeper series! It has everything we've come to expect from the great writing team, (Ilona and Gordon,) that is IA. Great imaginative storytelling, with wonderful, fully realized characters that leave you totally immersed in their world, and, when you've read the last word, sighing because it's over too soon. Bravo again on another great story!
Another fun installment in this series
I’ve enjoyed this series. It’s an inventive bit of world building with interesting characters. This book payed extra attention to the cook, Quillon. I think I got that right. I look forward to the next book in this series and wonder if there some gems I might be missing in some of the Ilona Andrews books I’ve yet to read.
Thank you so much for writing this book (and series)! My daughter and I are addicted to this series and go through a bit of a mourning period after each book is read lol! This story gave us more of Dina and Sean's world with a punch. <3 we are anxiously awaiting the next installment. Just brilliant! I had to listen to The Immigrant Song at a certain part of the story... you know when! ;-)
“FIRE!” Yeah, you’ll have to read it to get it ;}
As always, love my dips in the pool with Ilona Andrews. Sweeps is another favorite series and it was nice touching base with Gertrude Hunt and the team again. It was a novella and thus shorter, but it didn’t feel lazy or shallow to me at all - in fact, I was pleased that it really did feel like a solid little book, which hasn’t always been the case with shorts. Go for it.
Sweep with Me by Ilona Andrews
The latest installment into the Innkeeper Chronicles offers readers a short entertaining adventure back into this interstellar world of mystical beds and breakfasts that offers readers action, mystery, romance and humor. Our protagonists, Dina and Sean, along with the rest of their makeshift family, continue to evolve and grow beyond the boundaries of the world they inhibit, gifting us the promise of much more to come.I can't wait for the next installment.
I do not know and can not comprehend how Ilona Andrews speaks to me through these books. There is NO other author where I cherish almost EVERY book written. I impatiently wait on each book in each series, all the while...I attempt to satiate my need for filling my head with great stories... Only to continue to read other author's books that don't measure up. What good did I do to deserve finding such a duo?....
I Swear if this gets any better I won't be able to Stand IT!!
If you haven't read the Innkeeper series ...Boy are you missing out! Any of these books will stand alone, but I have enjoyed the whole series so far, and this Novella is no different. The only problem with any of Ilona Andrews books is they have an ending! I could read these books over and over and never get tired! Loved this book! Love the Series!
I love the authors!
This one was a great novella in the Innkeeper series. I love the characters at Gertrude Hunt.
Wonderful but too brief a visit
The Innkeeper Chronicles have captured me since word one and this book was no different. My only complaint, and it's a big one, is that it was entirely too short. This story could have easily been drawn out to a longer book. My only consolations are that I'm anxiously awaiting the next book and about to start another of Ilona Andrews' series. I'm pretty sure the Innkeeper Series will remain my undisputed favorite. Happy Reading!!
More sweeping!
I started writing something about this book and realized it might be a spoiler. I'm so hooked into this series, I can't stand to wait for the next one!!! I have ideas about what might happen. I'm always wrong because their writing is so much better than mine. So, read it. You'll be mildly surprised, not in a bad way, and will be even more anxious for the nexk book!!!
Always read this arthur!
Never miss an opportunity to own and read any book by this arthur! The Innkeeper Chronicles is my favorite. If you see a book with Ilona Andrews as the writer, get it! She and her husband create incredible stories with fascinating characters, and fantastic adventures. These books are on my keeper shelf, must have books! Don't miss any of their novels!
Another fun romp in the Innkeeper world
I have enjoyed all of the Innkeeper books. This novella was no exception. The Treaty Stay tradition was an interesting new twist and the Gertrude Hunt had an inn full of interesting guests.
Good but short
The story was good with great character development. I enjoyed the read. However, I would have like for the book to described as a 'NOVELLA'. It was so short that the amount of content was very very disappointing.
Favorite series right now!!!!
I can't give enough praise to this series. I just wish the authors would write faster!!! This is one of the most original stories in this genre. Andrews builds a creative world where there is always more magic to explore. I love the different "aliens" that are introduced, complete with description and backstory. The concept of the Inns is so fun and I expect many more adventures in the future!!!
Jeez. I feel like a junkie.we all know this was a teaser. However, damn if I can’t admit to the adrenaline that comes with a fantastically told short story. Dina and Sean? On my wishlist of love. Watching Orro? Yeah baby it’s all FIRE! As always, waiting on pins and needles. Dammit. What has Klaus found out? and Sebastian? What’s going on??? I really need to know!!
Love this series
I absolutely love this series and the way it is written. I am addicted to these characters and my only issue is that this story wasn't long enough to feed my cravings. These books are such a creative twist to fantasy that you could almost believe that there truly are galactic bed and breakfasts catering to an unseen world. I simply can't say enough about how much I enjoy these books
No one liners here
I greatly dislike criticizing the works of any author. It takes a lot of time, effort, and sacrifice to create a good story. I consider the writing team of Ilona Andrews to be master storytellers. This story is very good. But, it isn't magnificent, which is their usual level performance.
Never disappointing!!
If Ilona Andrews ever stops writing, I'm not sure what I'll do without them! This may be my favorite series of theirs, and that's saying something because they're all spectacular. I just love the inn so much. The writing is never in question with this duo, I'm always anxious to see how they'll continue the story and I am never left wanting.
The Amazing House Andrews strikes again
Continuing the Innkeeper stories, Sweep With Me is a novella, with Dina and Sean, some new characters, some of the old favorites (Caldenia, Orro, Marais), and the Andrews' usual stellar writing and characterization. If you've loved the first Innkeeper books, you will also love this one. If only the Andrews could find a way to clone themselves so they could write twice as many books a year!
The book was a super. The audiobook was the pits.
I loved the book the adventure I experience while reading. I waited and waited for the audiobook received it and hated it. The voice was all wrong. It was a voice without strength and convection. What made the writers think it was a good fit for there writing style. This is the only item I have been displeasure with from this outstanding writing team.
A feel good story
Dina and holidays don’t seem to mix. The arrival of Treaty Stay promises to bring in a new year of interesting guests and burgeoning powers for our lovely innkeeper. With the Assembly demanding an audience and guests demanding a referee its no wonder a nice bubble bath and a shopping trip are in order. Dive in to this novella and enjoy a homecoming. You’re always welcome at Gertrude Hunt.
Love this series!
Another great addition too the Innkeeper Chronicles! My only complaint was that I needed much much more lol. The actual story ends at about 85% and then there was part of another book added. That's not my favorite thing to have happen. Regardless! The book was every bit as engaging as the previous ones. And I love to watch love in bloom ;-) Eagerly anticipating the next!
Amazing as airways
I haven't read a series by Ilona Andrews that I don't love. This is probably my favorite of them all and I always eagerly await the next book in the series.
Ilona Andrews is one of the best. And, this book is one of the best in this series. Read it twice.
First of all, the husband and wife team of Ilona Andrews is one of my top favorites. I loved their Kate Daniels series the most. But, the Innkeeper series, which this is a part of, is also a great read. I enjoyed this book so much as soon as I finished it I just went back to the beginning and read it again, lol.
A nice entry in the series but short!
This series, like most Ilona Andrews books, are wonderful yet I have to take away one star due to the brevity of the book... 140 pages barely whet my appetite! Please give me at least 250 to 300 pages before you publish or else advertise as a novella...
Sweep with Me
Amazing! I am so glad I love Andrews wrote another innkeeper with Dina and Sean. I love reading about the others but Dina is the first. It was so nice to read about her again.
Awesome as always
As usual, a great continuation of the Innkeeper series. The stories always leave you wanting more from this particular world and characters.
Love the whole series
The perfect blend of humor, action, science fiction, and romance to make a well rounded story. Highly recommend the whole series.
Sweet little story of our favorite Innkeeper
Never a dull moment for Dina! So much happens in this little story, that it feels like a full novel! Somehow the authors manage to bring everything together and tie it all up in less than 150 pages. A nice escape to Red Deer Texas!
Always entertaining but too short
I enjoyed this book but it felt more like a short story than an installment in a series. I felt like it was just getting interesting when it ended. I hope the next book is a bit more filling.
Adore this series
Cant wait for the next one! So well written, funny and well plotted. Hoping for Klaus next or a return to Maud and Arland.
Entertaining as always
The innkeeper chronicles are my favorite series. I have gifted the 1st book in the series several times and have read it about 3 times. I love the world it’s set in and always find the stories entertaining. I love the humor in the stories (the space chickens being one of my favorite) very amusing. I can’t wait for the next one!
A short stay at the Inn
We join Dina at the Gertrude Hunt In, shortly after the end of the previous book. This time she is faced with warring ‘space chickens’, a murderous general, a powerful dryfen, and a troubled chef.