Throughout history, black market goods, weapons, narcotics, and other assets have been transported across borders, within rural and metropolitan areas of every nation. A lucrative business, operated by thousands of sophisticated criminal organizations, is responsible for death, destruction, and ripping apart families and nations. Its reliance is on supply and demand and it operates through a system of carefully designed and deployed clandestine measures throughout the world. Its focal point, Profit!
This book gives you the insight into the dynamic nature of these clandestine operations and how the author identifies, apprehends, and helps lock away Smugglers, even using them to train law enforcement agents throughout the world. The next time you see a headline that a large shipment of narcotics was seized, or a terrorist cell was identified and apprehended on the highways, you'll have the inside track into the work conducted by those who protect the innocent public. It is a guide for civilians, military, intelligence, and law enforcement worldwide in understanding these unique operations.
Reviews (13)
A best seller in the making!
I read this book, cover to cover, in one sitting! If you want a window into the minds of the criminal element operating on our nation’s highways or a window into the mind of one of our nation’s fiercest warriors leading the charge to put these folks in jail, this is the book for you. Equal parts crime drama, autobiography, and thriller, with some well-placed comedic relief, you’ll be on the edge of your seat for the duration of this easy to read literary masterpiece. It makes a great addition to the author’s previous book, Evading Honesty. I’m looking forward to more books by Shawn Pardazi!
I've been a Peace Officer for over 21 years and an interdiction officer for over 10 years. This book provides a factual peak into just how sophisticated and well financed cartels are. As well as the lengths they will go to in order to remain profitable and clandestine. For the seasoned interdiction officer this is a great refresher. If you're interested and looking to get into interdiction, this book will motivate you. If it doesn't, stick to patrol, interdiction is not for you!!
Great Read!!
I sat down and couldn't put it down. Read it through in one sitting. As a 25 year veteran reading this, Shawn did a great job of giving the reader a taste of the world in which we work. Good book for the rookie just starting to the Command Staff level or the civilian who is interested in what we do.
I have taken Smugglers, Inc in person and Evading Honesty online but having the books makes it so much easier to jog my memory on what I have learned! Shawn truly puts his heart into his work and passing on the knowledge he has and it really shows in his continuous different ways of getting the information to those who truly appreciate his teaching!!!
Want to learn from the best? This is your chance!
Shawn has a wealth of knowledge and is blessing you with the opportunity to learn from the best. Highly recommend you reading both this book and Evading Honesty, not necessary to read it before this one, just highly encourage you to read it. Both will not disappoint.
Great read.
The book was creatively written and captured the attention of the reader. It helped you understand how complex the smugglers world is. Additionally, it gave an insight on the challengers officers face when dealing these people and how challenging it is to catch and stop smugglers.
Smugglers Inc
Awesome book!! Worth the money!!! We want more books from Pardazi! Very well executed and put together. Price is right.
required reading for proactive leo
excellent. required reading if you want to get into criminal interdiction or simply want to put bad guys in jail. highly encourage the audio book as well as the last portion is an interview with “JT” that is worth the whole price alone.
Highly Recommended
Great book! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Highly recommended.
Great Read
Great read for the rookie all the way through the veteran.
A best seller in the making!
I read this book, cover to cover, in one sitting! If you want a window into the minds of the criminal element operating on our nation’s highways or a window into the mind of one of our nation’s fiercest warriors leading the charge to put these folks in jail, this is the book for you. Equal parts crime drama, autobiography, and thriller, with some well-placed comedic relief, you’ll be on the edge of your seat for the duration of this easy to read literary masterpiece. It makes a great addition to the author’s previous book, Evading Honesty. I’m looking forward to more books by Shawn Pardazi!
I've been a Peace Officer for over 21 years and an interdiction officer for over 10 years. This book provides a factual peak into just how sophisticated and well financed cartels are. As well as the lengths they will go to in order to remain profitable and clandestine. For the seasoned interdiction officer this is a great refresher. If you're interested and looking to get into interdiction, this book will motivate you. If it doesn't, stick to patrol, interdiction is not for you!!
Great Read!!
I sat down and couldn't put it down. Read it through in one sitting. As a 25 year veteran reading this, Shawn did a great job of giving the reader a taste of the world in which we work. Good book for the rookie just starting to the Command Staff level or the civilian who is interested in what we do.