Shadow Athame (The Oddities Emporium Book 1)

Kindle Edition
08 Jan
When a human shop owner is given a ritual knife containing the spirit of a powerful witch, darkness emerges from the shadows and threatens to lay Charleston to waste to get it. Jakob Mercer owns The Oddities Emporium, a shop filled with the strange and macabre. He knows that his artifacts aren't all harmless. When a stranger gives him an athame that contains the soul of a powerful local witch, he realizes that it will take his entire arsenal of not-so-harmless curiosities to keep his enemies from destroying him and the city to get it.

Reviews (97)

Lollipops and curiosity shops

I am a passionate fan of Kimbra Swain and Urban fantasy in general. Everything she writes is so well written, this book is no exception. Jakob has to be one of the most unique characters written to date. He doesn’t fit any true “niche.” His character qualities aren’t blown out of proportion, he is utterly and completely human in all the best ways, so much so that you swear you could pass him on the streets. But being human doesn’t mean he is without skill set, or defenseless in a magical world. This story is TRUE URBAN FANTASY. The settings feel like you are walking through the streets with them. The feel is almost the same as authors like Richard Kadrey or Jim Butcher, but of course with Kimbra Swain’s unique and personal touch. Her arc is flawless, her characters are real and tangible and WHOLE. The oddities and artifacts are amazing! And the lord and rituals behind it all are AMAZING! I love the characters, I love the story- I seriously am so invested and I couldn’t get enough. This may be my favorite start to a series Kimbra has ever written. Magic And Mayhem is the name of the game. I laughed, I was on the edge of my seat, And I absolutely can’t wait to see what Jakob, Tempest, Gordy and the gang get into next. What oddity will he procure ? How will a human in a magical world overcome in the face of evil? This is a five out of five star read and may be one of the best reads of 2021. What a way to start the new year. I am ready for more

Don't Forget the Gloves

Shadow Athame by Kimbra Swain is the first book of a new series, Oddities Emporium. When I first heard about this book, I was intrigued with the premise of the main character and its’ setting. It features a human shop keeper of oddities, magical and frightening artifacts. The story centers on Jakob Mercer who obtains a dangerous knife that he never accepted. He finds help in a friend, a lollipop-sucking witch named Tempest, whose name defines her personality, and his best friend, Gordy, who is a worthless warlock. Among these characters and others, the storyline pulls you in as you follow the drama of this knife. A knife that leaves a magical impression on Jakob. Swain weaves a fun tale that is interesting and easy to read. You don’t feel like you are buried in plot darkness or convoluted characters that only confuses the reader. It’s a tale of supernatural set in Charleston, rich in history and depth, which is filled with quirky characters, including a cat named Chester. I look forward to where Kimbra Swain will take the reader in this intriguing world in the Oddities Emporium.

Get ready, this one won't let you go!

It's hard to put into words how wonderful and different this book is. Yes, it's urban fantasy; we've got a great setting in modern day Charleston, SC and a line up of witches, warlocks, and a wide range of magical artefacts, and the main character is 100% human, but it's so much more. Every character is fully fleshed out; they all could easily be the protagonist of their own stories. The interactions among them are perfectly entertaining, full of tension, humor, and the story just sucks you into a new world seamlessly. The Oddities Emporium quickly becomes a setting you want to visit. Any fan of urban fantasy will love this book!


If you are expecting something like Fairy Tales of A Trailer Park Queen et al, this is not it. If you are expecting Kimbra Swain’s unique voice and beautiful writing, step right up. This new series is truly SPECTACULAR. It has magic, witches, warlocks, crystals, stones, spells, gods, mythology and all that fun wonderful stuff we get in fantasy novels. However, it’s also about friendship, duty and family. All of this is intermixed with the best banter and the most interesting adventures available for reading today. I highly recommend this and can’t wait for the next book!

Better than expected

The premise of the oddities emporium intrigued me, kinda like a mini scale Warehouse 13 - filled with dangerous magical artifacts. And of course the nefarious power hungry folks who want to possess, use and abuse said artifacts. Jakob is a big whiney, but the story was interesting. The other cast of characters was eclectic and set the stage for what could be a series of entertaining adventures.

Stones and Shadowed Steel

Welcome to Charleston and the new incredible world of Jakob Mercer and his Oddities Emporium. You get witches, warlocks, ghosts, talking cats, intrigue, murder and hard choices. The characters are nuanced, relatable (as much as them having magic), and thoroughly enjoyable. Come in, enjoy a cup of sweet tea, browse the wares and watch out what you touch.

An interesting start ...

But it feels rushed. It is like a mash of first book ideas chucked into this one. The references to previous adventures and lack of character development leave some holes I hope will be filled in soonest.

What fun!

What happens when a young man takes over the running of his parents oddities emporium? Magic friends, magic! The most delightful characters, the most wicked villains and weird little goodies that you know will show up again. Kimbra has opened up a whole new fantastic world! Enjoy!

Fantastic new series

Solid characters, great storyline and the right touch of humor and sexual tension. Jakob and Co. utterly shine in this new offering from Kimbra Swain. He's a completely human character in a slightly magical world who runs a quirky oddities shop, is involved with witches and warlocks, has a wonderfully off-balance mother, and oh yeah - a sarcastic talking cat! I highly recommend this one!

Good read

I enjoyed the book. I empathise with Jacob I some ways. While i don't have an emporium like him I understand what he feels with, to an extent but without the magical aspect. I liked the book and the characters and can't wait to read the next one.

Lollipops and curiosity shops

I am a passionate fan of Kimbra Swain and Urban fantasy in general. Everything she writes is so well written, this book is no exception. Jakob has to be one of the most unique characters written to date. He doesn’t fit any true “niche.” His character qualities aren’t blown out of proportion, he is utterly and completely human in all the best ways, so much so that you swear you could pass him on the streets. But being human doesn’t mean he is without skill set, or defenseless in a magical world. This story is TRUE URBAN FANTASY. The settings feel like you are walking through the streets with them. The feel is almost the same as authors like Richard Kadrey or Jim Butcher, but of course with Kimbra Swain’s unique and personal touch. Her arc is flawless, her characters are real and tangible and WHOLE. The oddities and artifacts are amazing! And the lord and rituals behind it all are AMAZING! I love the characters, I love the story- I seriously am so invested and I couldn’t get enough. This may be my favorite start to a series Kimbra has ever written. Magic And Mayhem is the name of the game. I laughed, I was on the edge of my seat, And I absolutely can’t wait to see what Jakob, Tempest, Gordy and the gang get into next. What oddity will he procure ? How will a human in a magical world overcome in the face of evil? This is a five out of five star read and may be one of the best reads of 2021. What a way to start the new year. I am ready for more

Don't Forget the Gloves

Shadow Athame by Kimbra Swain is the first book of a new series, Oddities Emporium. When I first heard about this book, I was intrigued with the premise of the main character and its’ setting. It features a human shop keeper of oddities, magical and frightening artifacts. The story centers on Jakob Mercer who obtains a dangerous knife that he never accepted. He finds help in a friend, a lollipop-sucking witch named Tempest, whose name defines her personality, and his best friend, Gordy, who is a worthless warlock. Among these characters and others, the storyline pulls you in as you follow the drama of this knife. A knife that leaves a magical impression on Jakob. Swain weaves a fun tale that is interesting and easy to read. You don’t feel like you are buried in plot darkness or convoluted characters that only confuses the reader. It’s a tale of supernatural set in Charleston, rich in history and depth, which is filled with quirky characters, including a cat named Chester. I look forward to where Kimbra Swain will take the reader in this intriguing world in the Oddities Emporium.

Get ready, this one won't let you go!

It's hard to put into words how wonderful and different this book is. Yes, it's urban fantasy; we've got a great setting in modern day Charleston, SC and a line up of witches, warlocks, and a wide range of magical artefacts, and the main character is 100% human, but it's so much more. Every character is fully fleshed out; they all could easily be the protagonist of their own stories. The interactions among them are perfectly entertaining, full of tension, humor, and the story just sucks you into a new world seamlessly. The Oddities Emporium quickly becomes a setting you want to visit. Any fan of urban fantasy will love this book!


If you are expecting something like Fairy Tales of A Trailer Park Queen et al, this is not it. If you are expecting Kimbra Swain’s unique voice and beautiful writing, step right up. This new series is truly SPECTACULAR. It has magic, witches, warlocks, crystals, stones, spells, gods, mythology and all that fun wonderful stuff we get in fantasy novels. However, it’s also about friendship, duty and family. All of this is intermixed with the best banter and the most interesting adventures available for reading today. I highly recommend this and can’t wait for the next book!

Better than expected

The premise of the oddities emporium intrigued me, kinda like a mini scale Warehouse 13 - filled with dangerous magical artifacts. And of course the nefarious power hungry folks who want to possess, use and abuse said artifacts. Jakob is a big whiney, but the story was interesting. The other cast of characters was eclectic and set the stage for what could be a series of entertaining adventures.

Stones and Shadowed Steel

Welcome to Charleston and the new incredible world of Jakob Mercer and his Oddities Emporium. You get witches, warlocks, ghosts, talking cats, intrigue, murder and hard choices. The characters are nuanced, relatable (as much as them having magic), and thoroughly enjoyable. Come in, enjoy a cup of sweet tea, browse the wares and watch out what you touch.

An interesting start ...

But it feels rushed. It is like a mash of first book ideas chucked into this one. The references to previous adventures and lack of character development leave some holes I hope will be filled in soonest.

What fun!

What happens when a young man takes over the running of his parents oddities emporium? Magic friends, magic! The most delightful characters, the most wicked villains and weird little goodies that you know will show up again. Kimbra has opened up a whole new fantastic world! Enjoy!

Fantastic new series

Solid characters, great storyline and the right touch of humor and sexual tension. Jakob and Co. utterly shine in this new offering from Kimbra Swain. He's a completely human character in a slightly magical world who runs a quirky oddities shop, is involved with witches and warlocks, has a wonderfully off-balance mother, and oh yeah - a sarcastic talking cat! I highly recommend this one!

Good read

I enjoyed the book. I empathise with Jacob I some ways. While i don't have an emporium like him I understand what he feels with, to an extent but without the magical aspect. I liked the book and the characters and can't wait to read the next one.

Really enjoy this world.

Having lived in Charleston area at one point, I definitely can see this series happening.I enjoyed the prequel that set the stage for this story. I enjoyed the friendship and working through the misunderstandings to save the area as they know it.

Another fantastic read from Kimbra Swain

Jakob Mercer is a simple human, but has powerful friends and extensive knowledge of the "magical" community. When a cursed athame comes into his possession Jakob will find there is more to him than he ever imagined. Fantastic reading

Great story line!

I am looking forward to seeing where this story line goes so will be reading more. It was very unique and there was always action along with twists band turns to keep up with.

Good Reading

I liked this book. It can take you to the places of witches and warlock and all their fantasies. Try it and I think you'll like it too.

Great adventure!

If you’re looking for a great read with lots of action and adventure... this is it! Unique and intriguing characters and awesome storyline! I can’t wait to read more!

Over to quick 😊

Fun read and love the characters that she’s building so far. I got so caught up reading I couldn’t believe when it ended! It seemed like no time had passed at all

Totally awesome

I can't encourage other readers enough to give this a whirl. Excellent characters, storyline, action, and intrigue. I wait eagerly for the next installment.

So good

Am so enjoying all the characters in her books she really brings them to life and the story lines keep you guessing

Fantastic new tale

Jakob, as a human amongst those that are truly not, holds his own. It remains to be seen what he makes of his blessing/curse.


My daughter Jolene recommended this go me, she also introduced me to Kimbra's books! I love the humor, thrills and and chills. I keep rereading all the books I do have, need to get caught up with all the series, can't quit reading,stay up way to late, because I want to know what happens next, lol. Keep up the wonderful writing, you have a gift that keeps us on the edge of our seats!

A great new series

This is a fun new series by Kimbra was a fun read and kept me wanting more.


Start of a great new series! Loved every single part of this new book. Can't wait for the next one. Thanks Kimbra!!!


Loved it

Awesome New Series!

Shadow Athame was great! Kimbra Swain has a way of telling a story that has you always wanting more! Can’t wait for book 2 to see what comes Jakob’s way next!!

Get to the _____ point

His so called friends don’t tell him anything they should and try to keep him in the dark about things they shouldn’t. He’s a whiny idiot who knows he’s got powerful stuff but doesn’t really try to protect it or understand it. He gets a powerful item that gives him power and he’s whining because he had to use it to stop the problem he could have stopped at the start if his friends had been honest. The story had great potential and was let down by the main character being weak and his friends not being friends.

What a magical world!

I'm starting to sound like a broken record. THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING!!! How does Kimbra Swain do it?!?! Create worlds and characters that make you feel like you're right there. She sucks you in, and when its over, you feel a bit of whiplash, as you crash back into reality. Jakob Mercer is an ordinary human, and its a breath of fresh air to read about a human in a magical world. There is so much happening, with all the characters, and you feel so invested in all of them. The Oddities store is so much fun to learn about. You're getting so much from every direction and aaaah! I can't even begin to put into words how much I love everything about Shadow Athame. You have to read it to understand, and I so so so recommend that you do.

thoroughly enjoyable book

If you've never read a book by Author Swain before, this is a wonderful introduction! This book is a standalone book not connected with the rest of her writing. In other words, it can be a gateway read to the rest of her work and not dependent on any of it. Following shop owner Jakob Mercer, this first book in a (hopefully many book series) has great action, plotting, and character interactions. Jakob might be normal, but his store and his cat aren't. Add in a candy-loving witch and a warlock best buddy and there is adventure, sass, and fun to be had as Jakob works to reclaim some of his stolen merchandise. UF with attitude and a fun fast read.

Squee for Tweed!

Who would have ever thought that a sarcastic human man in tweed would turn out to be one of my new favorite characters? Well Ms Kimbra Swain must have had an idea when she wrote him! From Tempest and that Lollipop that isn’t to Gordy and the bumbling manner he does everything to the Cat Chester we get a whole new cast of Character. We meet a whole new world that jumps off the page grabs us up and begs us to come play. We have a human man just wanting to live his life, trying to dodge his meddling mother that I’m sure so many can relate to. The witch, the warlock and, the anthem that can rule them all if given the opportunity. There is wit, sarcasm, sas, style, and humor. A must read for anyone!

Great new series!

I’ve read a few books by this author, and I’ve loved every one of them. I saw this new series, and it looked really intriguing. I dived it, and it didn’t take very long to get invested in the story. This author has such an amazing way of painting a picture with words. Jakob is an interesting character and so are the secondary characters. At first, I admit that it took me a little bit to like some of them. However, at the end, I was fully invested in everyone, and I was ready to get the next one. If you like fun, well-written urban fantasy with an interesting premise, give this series a try. Recommend.

Fun new world to dive into

Kimbra Swain always creates characters that you want to get to know. Jakob Mercer, proprietor of the Oddities Emporium in Charleston, S.C. is the latest. Mild-mannered and inquisitive, Jakob accidentally finds himself in the center of a power-grab between local witches and warlocks. While the characters and plot are intriguing, Swain's editorial choices still need some work. Most of the time the fragments don't hinder comprehension and overall enjoyment, but a few paragraphs need a serious overhaul.

A pleasant surprise

I have to confess when I read the prequel, Glasswing, I wasn't sure this would be my cup of tea, but as stated, I was pleasantly surprised by how much the story captivated me. Jakob wasn't my normal type of MC but I came to appreciate him and the dynamic he had with each of the secondary characters. I love the sass of Tempest and the back and forth "tension" between them. I almost thought this story would be a chore but I'm very grateful to have been completely wrong!


Once again Kimbra transports us into the world that lives in her head. This time, we’re transported to Charleston SC where Jakob, Chester, Gordy, and Tempest all reside. Kimbra weaves the words so well you can almost smell the tweed from Jakob’s ensembles & Tempest’s ever present Lolly. If you’re a Kimbra fan jump right in. If you’re a paranormal fan in general, come on in. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

A very fun read!

This was a very fun read, and I enjoyed it. The writing was very good, the plot original and well developed, and the characters sympathetic and interesting. I sometimes find Kimbra Swain's writing to be just too previous, too predictable, and too full of unnecessary gratuitous sex, but did not encounter that in this book. I enjoyed it very much.

Can't wait for more!

This is an excellent new series from Kimbra. Like all of Kimbra's boom that I have read, the characters are fleshed out so well. You can't help but like or hate so many of them. The concept of Jakob the shop owner collecting and protecting magical items is a great concept and allows for so many great stories! I can't wait to read more.

The beginning of a new adventure

Kimbra weaves words together to create an exciting new world in Charleston, SC filled with witches, warlocks, magic and mundane curiosities, plus a sprinkling of fae magic (much to Jakob's skepticism). The descriptions and way the characters speak and relate to each other provides a clear picture of them and their relationship with each other. The sarcasm, talking cat and confectionery wand compliment the series drama. I can't wait until book two!

Fun new read by Kimbra

Such a wonderful fun read for the start of a hopefully long new series! Jakob is so ordinary that it’s amazing. Ordinary in an extraordinary world full of adventure, sass, lollipops, and that cat... wonderful! I can’t wait to see what our human gets up to next with his witch and warlock best friends

Kinda disappointed

I have read so many of Kimbra's books and normally, they grab me right from the start. This one did not do that. I am hoping that in time the characters will be more jelled. These characters were not very likable to the reader and at times seemed very shaky! I do hope to see if the story line grows and perhaps some back story on these folks should be done! Sorry, Kimbra! Just didn't grab me. 😪

Great book!

As usual Kimbra has created an amazing story! Jakob Mercer is turning out to be quite the interesting character. Being from SC myself it was nice to read a story focused here including all the intrigue and history surrounding Charleston. Can’t wait to read the rest of the books when available.

Beware the lollipop

A nice change of pace in the urban fantasy offerings. A human on the edges of the supernatural world of Charleston, Jakob Mercer finds himself pulled further and further into the magical side of society. The girl, the best friend, and the cranky cat will keep you- and Jakob- on your toes.

Fantastic new series!

You're going to love this new series! The characters are fantastic. Jakob is a human in a world full of different. The descriptions of the store and items make you feel like you are there. The plot will suck you in and keep you guessing. I can't wait for more!

Love It, Must Read!

Welcome to world of Jakob Mercer and his Oddities Emporium. You get witches, warlocks, ghosts, sarcastic talking cats, murder,intrigue and hard choices. The characters are nuanced, relatable and magical and so very enjoyable. Step in and browse the wares but be wary of what you touch. You'll enjoy your time in Charleston!, SC

Excellent new series!

Kimbra Swain has the ability to wrap readers into the worlds she creates, and this new series surpassed my expectations! There is a level of depth to her characters that allows you to feel as though you truly know them. This story brought out a wide range of emotions as we learn about Jakob and those close to him. This was a well written detailed story and I eagerly await the next book.

Kimbra NEVER Disappoints

Love this new series by Kimbra. It's characters are so rich and compelling! I have never been disappointed by any of her series and this one certianly met my high expectations! Give it a read, I don't want to spoil anything so will just leave it at that!


This first novel in a new series by Kimbra Swain does NOT disappoint! Jakob runs an oddities store with a few items more magical than odd. The cast of characters are diverse and extremely entertaining. I can't wait for the next adventure!

Great new series

This first book in a new series by one of my favorite authors was so much fun. Kimbra Swain has amazing characters and keeps her books interesting and fun. Loved this story and I'm looking forward to the next.

Another great series!

This was such an interesting start of another new series by Kimbra! I really like that the main character is human, but he’s surrounded by magical things he has sworn to protect. I can’t wait for the next book to be released.

Fun new story

This is the beginning of what hopefully will be a fun filled series. So far this is trying to stay away from the infamous trailer park and its off to a good start. I'm hoping we get more time with the cat.

I can’t wait for more of this!

Glasswing (prequel) was an amazing story so I couldn’t wait for more! The story twisted in a way I didn’t expect that kept me reading. These characters are so unique and lovable and flawed, thus relatable.

Welcome to the Oddities World

A great first full-length novel for the series. It’s a different feel than Kimbra’s other stories, but still the same great character development and vivid imagery I expected from her. I can’t wait to see how Jakob, Tempest, and Gordy progress and the messes they get themselves into in the future!!!

Super new series

Another amazing series from the incomparable Kimbra Swain. You need to set aside to finish this if you start it. The story just pulls you in and you will not want to leave until you finish.

Worth the wait!

So happy that Kimbra has added a new series! I really liked this book and look forward to more! Just need to practice patience, I wonder if there is stone for that???

Kimbra knocked it out of the park!

Once again Kimbra Swain wrote another great book. I look forward to diving deeper into this new world. Jacob and Tempest have amazing chemistry that I can’t wait to see come to fruition. Gordy is alright too. I sense him having his own adventures at some point

Great story!

Jakob Mercer is a wonderful addition to the world created by Kimbra Swain! I can't wait to see what is in store for Jakob & his crew in the coming books!

Wasn't good

Bad world building, I just couldn't get into it


Kimbra Swain has done it again. A must read and an enjoyable one. Travel down the lane of Magick artifacts with Jakob and friends.

Amazing book a must read!

I swear it is so good I can see a whole series being absolutely Fantastic has all the right elements! You won’t regret it!


It was sooooo worth the wait. Emotional rollercoaster and ........ Well you just have to read to find out. Can't wait for the next adventure. Before reading this on you should check out Glasswing: An Oddities Emporium Prequel. The chemistry in this one does not disappoint.

Don't start this book at night!

I stayed up all night reading this book and didn't want to put it down! I'm so excited for the next one!


I loved this book. Read it in one day. Love the characters. I will definitely be reading the next one.

Great story

Great story, fun characters, recommended read. Jacob is great and I look forward to the next story.

Amazing as always

Kimbra never disappoints! This book of full of twists and turns. A definite must read for everyone. Thanks Kimbra for another great read!!!!

A Fantastic Start

With book one in the Oddities Emporium, Kimbra Swain has once again proven to be an amazing storyteller. Jakob along with the rest of the cast will have you reading until the wee hours of the night.

Kimbra did it again’

I’ve read Kimbra Swains Trailerverse books and have loved everyone but I was drawn into the World of The Oddities Emporium. Jakob and his friends are relatable and full of grit. Chester the cat is a comedian and the ghost woman, heartbreaking. I can’t wait for Book Two!

Welcome to the world of the Oddities Emporium

Kimbra Swain never fails. Weaving new worlds seemingly out of the ether, her characters are believable, highly relatable and her story telling is nothing short of magical.

Read it!

So good! A unique story/new type of character.

Excellent work by Kimbra Swain

This book was highly entertaining, well written, and left me very interested in what comes next. I expect a lot from her work and I was not disappointed. I highly recommend it!

Awesome new story

There's a few times you get into a book from the first chapter. It's even more fun when you're asking the author for a t-shirt design with a line from the second chapter!! This is that kind of book. I love these new characters, they are quirky, fun and relatable. I can't wait for the t-shirt and the next book!! You'll have to find the quote yourself.


This was Amazing. I recommend this to anyone who loves the supernatural fantasy side of books and it takes you to another time and place with out trying to love it .

Great New Series

Love the new characters. Interesting story. Can't wait for the next one. Im sure the next will be even better

Great first story!

Great tale bringing Jacob’s saga. Love the blessings vs curses aspect of the book... the power of something, sometimes, is only the power you give it... Can hardly wait for more from Jacob and his talking cat.

Really, really, REALLY loved it

If I haven’t made it clear I really enjoyed this story! It has it all. Drama, sexual angst, good guys / bad guys, good over evil, snark, Magic and a message. I can’t wait for the next story. I went to the suggested website and found an additional three case files. It’s like getting an extra dessert!

Intro book

Who's got a need for tweed? Really enjoyed this intro into the oddities universe and the snippets about what's in the Emporium.

Satisfaction guarantweed!

Take a human, his 2 best friends. A witch and a warlock, who don't get along. Mix in a dark athame that has a power everyone will fight or kill for. And what do you get? The Oddities Emporium. Owned by one Jakob Mercer. A perfectly good human, who has a knack for sensing magic in its varied forms. Jakob dresses the part for his store, tweed and a little more tweed. When a beautiful stranger walks in with a wooden box, Jakob's gut instinct tells him to stay away from whatever it holds. A distraction occurs and suddenly he has the dark feeling box and its contents. And a pile of money. Hmmmm. Break-ins, attempts to steal the athame, by his friends and foe alike. All lead Jakob into a dark suspenseful and dangerous adventure. Buy the book and join him on this trip. You won't regret it.

Interesting read

Definitely an interesting story. I can’t wait to see what adventure they get into next. Will read the next one for sure.

Great book

Great start to a new series. Looking forward to book 2. Read Glasswing if you want more understanding of the past chapter and characters. Good author. Highly suggest her other book series.


Kimbra Swain once again creates a world a story within our world, like no other. This woman’s mind is awesomely amazing!

Always guarantweed

A new series by a great story teller that has a "simple" human involved with the supernatural. Good start for the series.

An Amazing New Series from a Master Storyteller

Welcome to the world of Jakob Mercer and the Oddities Emporium. A rich new world of the supernatural and paranormal. A great start to a new year, a must read for sure.

Amazing read

The characters draw you in from page one. Jakob and crew are very interesting characters, and I can not wait to read more of their adventures. Also I adore Chester!

Oddities galore and characters to match.

Enjoyable read. The characters are well written, and I want to cheer them on. There is an open line for the enemy and that will be interesting to watch. Looking forward to more from this crew of the Imporium.

Love it!!

I love this new series from Kimbra Swain. It's completely different than the other series that I've read of hers but Jakob and friends seem to attract trouble with a capital T. I'm looking forward to more of this Oddities Emporium series.

So worth the read!

Love this new series Kimbra has created! I love each of the oddities and curiosities Jakob procures for the store and the stories and mysteries that go along with them. Kimbra has found some unique items to showcase as seen in Glasswing, the prequel to this book, and she's added to that collection here. I can't wait to see what mischief and trouble Jakob, Tempest, and the crew get up to next. And that cat!! LOL!

Great start to a new series!

Jacob has a very interesting business, family and friends. Getting to know everyone has been a ride so far. Jacob's mother is hilarious! Can't wait for more oddities to come into the store and learn about them and about the people in Jakob's life.

A Reluctant Hero

Mr.Mercer took over his parents store that he had grown up in and learned to love and respect. He loves the store and he has friends that are witches, warlocks, white magic welder and a crystal welder. He has a lot to learn! Great ready with engaging characters and a great story. It is like you are sitting in his store as the action occurs. Enjoy I did.

Tweed has never been so powerful

Jakob Mercer has recently taken over the Oddities Emporium, since his mother retired. He thought he knew what he was getting into from his years of traveling to acquire oddities. Wow was he wrong. Jakob is a fun character and cares deeply about the shop, his friends and being a good person. Tempest is a witch with a bit of baggage , very dynamic character. Oddities Emporium Shadow Athame is a fantastic urban fantasy series. Lots of adventure, secrets, magic, good and bad, plus some hilarity throughout. Very well written Kimbra just keeps upping her writing game to new levels. Very enjoyable read.


I fell in love with Kimbras writing after discovering her tales of a trailerpark series' ..... I admit that I'd probably read a copy of her grocery list & be content but she just keeps making all these worlds & characters that are so **chefs kiss** perfect & by perfect I mean relatable .. I know she's probably going to break my heart again but I can't help myself 😍 "Hi, my names Nina & I am a Kimbra Swain addict"

Start of a new series!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! A non-superpowered protagonist in a supernatural world, Jakob Mercer uses brains & cunning to evade/escape trouble. Kimbra Swain has, yet again, delivered a fantastic read!

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